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V O L . X I X . M a S O N , M I C H I G a N , T H U R S D a Y

V O L . X I X . M a S O N , M I C H I G a N , T H U R S D a Y



LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS. .Sec notice in our business local col• Death of Mrs. Fred Walton. Wllilnniston Won. umn ol' note lost. Hdltli C'lai'ii Hasley was born in Tile ball gaiiio between jrasoii and Lima township, \Va.s'litciia\v county. AVIIIiiiinsldii at the liiill park last •Sliui'ilV jMciOliuii liiis olglil, biilii'fliji's. liavo thatcolicb upholstered at the Dec, lOiih, lSli2, and lived there until '.riiesdiiy iiftcriiddii tbdi'oiigbly demon Mason ,l<'iiriiitiire Co. ' Itepiibliciiii coiiilhy cdnvcilUiiil Lu- 1800 when she iiiovcd witli her piii'eiits striited th(,l I'iiet that oui' teain was iiiru'i'ijw. A, miicli-welcomcd rain and lots ol' to Aiireliiis township, tills eotiiit,y. delleieiit ill team woric and batting. it was recoiveci last it'riday. She was an exceedingly brigiit young ',1,'liere was a t'aii'-siziid crowd pi'escnt Pay You Tlllcc ii liiiUi Oo Ul l;lil! AllllJl'iCllil lady and at 10 years of age began to witness tlie giinie, in wiilcli our li^iiiiiKli'y. • I Next .Saturday is Held day at Ijcslic. leaching .school, having tiiiigh t .several boys were fairly outplayed. .Somo of You will A. 1. iiiii'bcr lilis iiKivilil bis slriiiiroi' ilallddii ascensidii and iiaracbuto drop, terms In this eouiity and two ycai's in the playing on eacli .side was sharp bull gaine, etc, etc To 1-cacl This. Next IKJI'.SCS U) LliL' Ijiiiisiii'' hi';ici<. j\nssouri. and lively, and then agixidly itumbor Oil .Ian, iSth, ISS.'l, slic Vvas inarrlcd df cri'di's were made. 'I.'lie team wiirk find il (iilr lilisiiK^ss I'lCiii col- iJon't I'di'get the lawn social at .lames St.'i; iiol.iw! IMerrlck's ,l''ridiiy, .inly 27tli. Crciiin lid h'red AVall,(in at the home of her df tli(^ visitors was excellent, liidi- IIIIIII ln'ildf'd 'lloi'o'.sa lliirgaiii. the largest and best se• and cake served. All invited. nidllier in Aiirelius, 'I'lio yoiingenii- vidiially. some df the lidiiie players did ^rasoii Sliiiclay scliiidls are pliinniiig pie lived on tlic AValtdii iKiiuestead lii well, wliile dtliers who usually plav SATURDAY lOatdii liiipids will have a iiall tdiir- lected stock of I'or Mi(;ir iiiiiiiial (-'.vcursinii In Oraiid Aiireliils I'di' three years and then gddd ball had au "oil'" day. Get tlie iiiiiiieitli Aug. 27 to .'!(). Tliree prizes L(.'fl),'o. moved to Missdiiri, where tliey re• team together and practice, this is tlie dl' $100, .$50 and $20 will be given. mained one year, lletiirniiig tn Mieli- diily way to becdtiie iii'ollcieiit. .Some Is the liist d;iy we sell tiioso loc 0. 11. Jliill will .sell dii .Sal.iirdiiy of tlie sjiectatdrs "ruasted" the visit• Austin lllair, Ariciilgaii's wiir gdvcr- igaii, tbey .settled at Hiitou Kapids ing iiiiipire, tills was uiicalled I'lir, Socles 4 pair for 25c. ite.vl,iiiiibrolliis ri)r$l.ir), assorl.od nor, issiM'ioiisly ill at ills lidine in .lack- and lived there I'liiir yeiirs, then oii(,i uiiiplres iii'i! duly human at best and Wc Jiavc just received the bcsfc liiiiicllos. * son. Mr. Illiiir i.s in his 77th year. anil diie-hiilf yeai'siit.SLdekhridge. In are liable to errors (if jiidgiiiciit same 1). H. iJiiniuld lias iiiovi'd bis sbick Milrcli, bSO-l.they itidvetl to this city and J5I.00 Tcalcettic ever made. VVc In tlio city. We are 'I'lle V'eiio party are having a legal as others. If yon must tiive vent to 111'wind mills, pliiiips, clc., Mi i bp .•\iiiei'- engaged in tlie'gi'ocery biisiiiess,' tussle In .liistici' l,''ei'giis()ii's court over vdiir feelings pour yolir wrath iipoii sell tlicni .ill sizes, 75c each. lMl'S, AValtdii has been sick I'or near• lieadquarters for ii.:ilii I Idiiso biirii. the owiiei'sliip nl' au orgiiii valued at the lidiiie iiniplro. lie doii'tcare. liorit You can ljuy Mason's i quartr ly live weeks with a eoiniillcathin of i*.i:rh AVilcd.v lias tibLaiiicd a sil.ua- $iiO. ciiiiglit, the lirst two innings and .Sliiirp Fruit Cans Tor 5c each, ,ind Jclly diseiis(;s, the last being lyiiliii-malariiil took lleii(l(lrs(iirs phiee the last two Mdii ill lliil Ciliciniliil'i iidiiic dl' rcl'ii.tfi'. fever, after (mdiii'lng iiitenst; siill'eriiig Bananas and I lis wib' will idiil bliii in il slidi'i, lime. Speciiil sale dl';!0 iiicli dress goods, innings, l-'olldwlng is the score : Tumijlcrs 29c a dozen. Ikst Gait all new gdoils anil all sliaded will be site (lied last Tuesdiiy afternodu at Rubbers 5c a dozen. cdntiliued I'dr one week longer at G. I'diir o'clock, li'inicrai services will W.M'STO.V. It. MASON-. it, o, Mrs. A. AV. i'arkliiirsL was si-riekmi .Slimmer Corsets 42c each. wiLli paralysis lilsl, iMiiilday iiigllli illitl II, Hi Is. be held at the residence tliisiift(,'rii(i(iii ('. iCri'iili,.|, ilh .'I l'i'iil|,,:ib I 1 ill, three d'clock. cdiidiieteri by JJcv. G. Diirl'i'ii, |i I Midiriitii.cr II .| Call and .see tis ne.xt Saturdajr ranges. liils lieeii ill a erlLiciii euiuiilidii ever Yesterdiiy I'dreiiddii .liistice .Sijiiiei's l.uvcr, cf 'J .Mills, lb I sliire. n. Chase. iSllo .inined tlie M. I'l. chtu'cli Ciirr, 111 :i Oliirk.tr (1 nt the lai'g-cst and lightest stoi'C iir iiiiii'rli;d Geo. \V. Hi'dwii. .Ir., of this at, 12 years (if age and wa.s also a iiieiii- .Moolii, 2I1 0 Wi)r(li'n,2li I Lowest living DricGS. (Id 1,0 Aiiii,''s over AleCrd.sseii's [Inig city and Miss llattie, M. Gratriek df liei'df the Liidy Jilaccubees. 'Tliisur- l.iiiiKl'nnI, If 1 l.iisi'iihy, I .'I the city. Wi'liiiiiiiston. A, Kri'iili'l,!: lliMiiici'siiii, I'l' 11 quality considered. sloi'i', best barbel' west, id' New A'tirk. dei' will attend the fiiileriil lii a body liawliiy, .ss II \'aiiilcn:iiiik, ss,. ..0 (Jiliekailfl ea.sy shaves. Three I'liairs, Miss Heiia A'aii Dc'iisen lias obtained and cdudiict tlic sei'vlces ill, the grave. Ail'pli Ivrciili'l, rf. I DoiiKla.ss, (,' II Yolii's Knspccl.l'iilly, 'i'ry hini. 2!)l,r The Macciiliees will alsd iil,l,end in a asituiltidii iiiTlldilipson ..^k Van ihireu's •fiiliil.,., ~ (l bdily. ....i;i •I'oliil Ford's Bazaar. Rugene j'ai'siill, px-wardeii oC I he .job printing dlllce at Lansing. ,Sbc be• .s'(,'(ii;i.: i;v I.v\t,V(:s, gan Tiiesdiiy. Mrs. Walton was a most excellent I rill ill lidiise df cdrrecUnii. was apiidiiit- 1 2 il .| 5 11 7 s 1, (1 Ills (lid posiiJdii as posl.dllice iii- wll'i; and inotber iiiid was iliiicli eil- II 1 I II 1 I 2 Lust .Sunday *vliilo .swimming in U'illliiiiisliiti 1 II II I II I spei'ldr last wi.'ck. deared tti her family. ,Slie lodked on •I I) AVild Gddse lake near .Stdckbrldgo .M.-iMin II FORD& KIRBY. (lie brigiit, side of life and eii.jdyed liv• Prosecutinfr Attorne.v Gardner's CASH GROCER. Mii.sdii horses are begiiiiiiiiir Id iiidve Daniel AVilson, aged 21. was seized ing. Slie.wiisa thorough business wo• Senn-annual RaiJort. ailing sdine. Llist 'I'liesriay iiidi'iiiiig with cramps and di'dwiied. man ami (vas a great bclp-male to her flreeiiwddd and (Ireeiiciips were driven liiisbaiid. During Iter resi(i(!iice here J'i'dseciltiiig Attorney Gai'diler b BUSINIiSS DIRECTORY. The Odd I'olldws df Ingham and .just ediiipleted the eompiliitidii of hi miles b(>i,l,er than i!;2.S. .liick'Sdii counties will picnic at I'leas- she lias iiiade many fi'liMuls and ac i|tialiitiiiic(!S by her good nature and 'senii-iiiiiiiiiil ri^jKirt to tlie AlXtirney Ldi'd Cliiitdii's mile in i;:ili) in the aiit lake August 8tli. Mcmliers and PHYSICIANS. piciisiiill, Wii}'s. .She ieiives a liiisbiiiid, tleiK'i'ill. cdVering the perldd frdm.liiii rri'd-rtu'-all ti'dt at Detniit last week I'liiiiilies and friends are invited to iit- nary ,1 td .lime ;iO, bSlM, lileliislve. Tin teiid. twd sdiis, a mother iiiid sisters to ^IIAS. li. .1 1';M\IN.s, IPMnirdpalli rhysli'lall. liiiil;es liiiii l,be eliaiiulidll l^ekliiig (li report sbdws that while but few high (J imli-ii in Xi-al- Uldck. IliislilfiMHi We.sl- mourn tlieir loss, but tliey can rest as• We want your Maphi slrccl. .Masiiii, iMli-ll. the world. Me will liiM'c a riv;il in The liidiistriiil News and Fireside is sured (if haviiig the .syiiipatby i crimes iirc ('dnimitted in this coiiiit.i A'/.(lie. Hyi.' aiiil lhe iiiiiiit.'of il new paper iMililisli(>d at cdiiddleiico of many friends. l,llere Is au iibiiiKlaiico iif pi'dseciitldii I! DAKi.N', i)isi-iisi-s 111' Wiiliirii, fur ml nor dITiuices. hiiii- .Spc-cl;illii'S. 'lllli'>! ill l"'''''!'iicc, iic.-ir Ldst, liisli .S'lltiirdiiy al'teriidoii be• Webbei'ville. Jiiiiboiitsix mniitiis it ia|i|lsli;liiin;li,liaiisvllli', .'Mli-li. •Jliiillp. will lie News td the liiilustrial(ists) The iiuiiiber df cases comiilenced tween Masdii and the residence of .A. .Ii.'i'onie H. Ldomis of Alaieddii has C. .Sanders in Veviiy, a hiiggy 'lodt that tills 1,1'ii'esidc liiis gone lip the Hue. bdtli Circuit iind .liisticecourts duriii. TMI. KilA.VK 'I'lKI.M.A.'^. Miysh'lJiii a.i" ,-''i"'- had a rei.ssiic of pension. the six months covered by the report U (-I'liii. (illliMiiivcfWelih^; \Vh tiiiailsUiiUl- 'I'lit; llmler is retitiested to leave at H. .1. Cady and Gcnrge li'rost of Lan• InKSliii'i'- CiilLsal illnlit aiismiroil fl-oili idlte. Go to the American Liiiiiidi'y on was O-IO, Of the 5.'il cases wliicli have tills dlllce. sing had tbeir barns destroyed by lire Ash street and be iiiado clean. *1 been iiroscciited, l!M have resulted ii ,1. orooViNIl, I'liysicliln anil Siifpioii, (!eori,'(' AViiiaiis, sdii of ex-noveriior last'I'liiii'sdiiy. They wero set on lire VVc will ])ay the cash for it. ' Ulllini III I'arUlial'sl Mmk, itusiclL-iua coiivicLloii, .'17 In it('(iuil,tiil and OIK nil iMIll .sli-iM'l, Ma.snii, Mh'li. \Viiiiliis and bis fatlKir's private siiere- by children playing witli iiiatebcs. Ai'ii .1. li'enn of this city and Tlios. case has been nolle prri.ssed, Tlirc tarydiiriilK bis term (lrolllce, is ini tin Kuril llros.'slaiigliter house was alsn Maim of Lansing luivc been granted liersdiis were discbarged (111 piiyinciif IL\ti'a fine butter brings ATTORNEYS. rdiid representing tiicnarland iMackin- burned that night. rcLssiies of pension. of costs, -15 wero discharged 011 exiiiiii LdSh Co. dl' lldweil. an extra fine price. !•• UdVINil. Aldinlcy lit l.aw, I'ltfklitifsL '.riicd. MeClili'e df Liuisiiig says last The W. C. T. U. invito all mothers to nation and 10 escnped arrest for wlioni warranl/S were issued. C. hlock. Jila.siiii, Mr.U. (J. 11. Osbdriic, pi'oprictor iil' the 'Thursday was the lidttest day since the meeting held at Mrs. G. C. Moody rink, Diinsi'ille, will IL'M'O a harvesl bSSI. Me lias looked up records and tomorrow iifteriioon at three d'ehick'. Two pei'.sdns were prosecuted for K HANimit^. AMiiriii'y anil diiiiiisiiliii'al pilrl,y tin Kriday evening, .Aug. 10. knows. At 11(1011 dii tilllt day tliedlll- assiinlt, -15 for ii.ssiiiilt and battei'y, CHERRIES, , law. Oltoi in lliii llnlliiiiKloii lilucK, iil> Lord Clinton, tlie winner of the free- slali-.sG , .'Ma.siiii, .Mli-ll. iMiisif, liy h'reilei'ick's (irilbestra. Hill ciai thermoiiieter of the state board df fur bastiirdy, 2 I'or biirglury, 10 for cnn i'lO cents', including lioi'se I'are. health rogistcred OSiii tliosliiide. The for-all-trot at Detroit last wcclc, is en• spii'iicy, I fdi' carrying concealed l\i. OIOIMIXSs'S,, AlloriK.'y aliil Ciiilnsi-iin- at tered at tlic ediniiig rnee mnctiug We want too bushels of ii-iMiviir l''iiriiii:i's' liaiil;. Mason. tilermoinetei' at tbatollice iskciitdeiid weapons, 1 I'or prostitution, I I'or A. I.llW. OIlll'IMlVl' Dr. II. .S. ilunipbrey dta'aijiies 1:011 in the shade. Lausing. criminal libel, 1 I'or cruelty to Cherries picked with the sitierabii^ space in the' DKiMiioitA'i' this T. 1HUMANS1 KM A NS. . Aluinii'y and Ciailisidin-al Law. .Idliii Callahaii, .Ir., has been ap• mills, I I'or disobeying 11 siibpiena, 10!) stems on, for whicli we week—an entire plige- Hii sure and Greenbacks lias another in the list. Ollli'i- iiviT l-'ii-sl Slain anil SiUiiiits haul;. pointed day (iperator at .K'onsingtdii fill' disorderly conduct, 58 I'o:'driiiikeii MasonL , .Mii-li. Moiii-y t(i loan iili K"'"! si'i.-iil-ily, read it. ills iiextvisit oeciii'S Tllilr.s- C'diinferl'eil. a b;ty iiliire sired liy him, will pay C.Tsli, statidU iieai' Cliicago. Tills is an im• ncss, 0!) for drunkenness and disorder .1. liOOl), Alliirlii'v 111 l.aw.. , Ollluc Willi day, Aug. 2(1, at Aniei'ican iloiise. Willi tlte 2:.'l;'i trot at I<'i'aiikiin, Da., ly coiidiict, for vagrancy, 0 I'or trii .liily-ltli. Site wdii in sti'iiiglit liciits, portant posi tion. O . .liiilKijdf I'nihalc, .'^lasiiM, i\la'li. iincy, 5 for nnn-sujiport, I! I'or keepiii. A. .1. iieiiiiett has sold bis (Ivc-year- time 2::i2}, 2:;!0, 2:;i2IK On .luly iltli There will be services in the Brcs- dhl Greenliiicks gillding to Giui. 11. A. lioiisc of ill-l'aine, 4 I'or soiling tobaccn HARDWARE. Keiid was sei'dild iu tlie 2:;i7 trot at liyteriiin cliiircli next Sunday morning td minors, 0 for sliinder, 11 I'or nialii Alger of Deti'dit ('or .'?.i00. Gen. Alger l<'il,clibiii'g. Mass. He took iUv, second at the usual hour, eoiidiicted liy the ions iii.jiiry to pi'opcrty, 5 I'or embezzle •WJTOII & HAVMONI). diiiiluls ill (li'liui'lti purchased him td drive (idubht witli li(!iit in 2;:i:i,l- and was second the next 'vV iianhval-e, I'alnis, Oils and l'ariiu'i'.s Siiii- A'oling renplc's Sdciety of Christian meat, 0 i'or violation of the liijiiorlaw plies, Mailt slrccl. i'Masiiii. Grand Ledge, recently piircbased df three lieats. .h]ndciivor. A. 1. Harber. 2 for violation of the game laws, and 7 for simple liit'ceiiy, .Eleven scarcli CASH GROCERS. REAL ESTATE AGENT. I!()b. MiU'tin of iiighaiii was in the Wiisliington Bccinan, a wealtliy pio- The Ingham County Har A.ssoeiatioii city last .Saturday, became lighting neer of Waterloo, .Jack.snn coiiiity, is warrants were issued. i,.OAHTICiii.lN. i.niin.Oiilli!dloll. Insurlimie has been (irganizcd 'at Laiisiiig with driinkand insisted ii|inii a row. llewas dead, j\lr, Beemau is ii l)rotlicrdf the Notice to Teachers, C. iiiul lield iCslalt! HI-HULT. (Illliai iiVL-f .-Mi'S. the I'dllowiiigtillleers: I'residiMit, Ildii. arnssted liy Mai'slial Ball and liiikcn to late Geo. Beemau of AVilliamston and tiiiapiiiaa's .Miilittiiry W"d^ •Mas"". .Mie". .S. IJ. l\ilb(uiriie; vice president, .Itidge , but not befdi'e lierecelved a block is well known in tills county where A regular examination of tcacliers OHN' DUNSIiACK, ll^ai Kslale and Loan iM. 1). Cliatterloii; socretary-ti'eiisui'er, eye. ileb. was taken before .lustice he bad large property interests. will be bold at Jfasnn, August 2 and AKt'liI, Main •'it., sutilli iif |KI.SIIII11UU Ma.sun.Harri s K. Thoiiias. .Siiiiiers late in the artcriioon, pleaded cominciicing promptly at nine o'clocl J a, m. Exiiminations given in all 'I'wd soiled (loves from Leslicwero guilty, was lined ,$5.25 wliicli be iiaid L. D. Wliltncy,iitiirinerliviiigsoiitli- INSURANCE. and depai'Icd Dausvillcwiird. east of Leslie, was thrown from a load grades, AV. AV. AVPIKICS, arrested in this city last Tiio.sday 20w2 Commi.ss loner. A. liAltNUS. NolaiT and Conveyancer. I.oltn. evening upon ii warrant I'or being of wheat last week AVedtiesday by the in rcsiioiise to a (]\io.ry propounded horses backing suddenly, aud his hip J . lii.siiniiiiiiiiilid IMlli'i-'lion AHIMII. loriiadd drunk and disorderly. Deputy Sberilf by Editor Craiupton of the Mduroe Stockbridge races next week AVed n.stifaniii; a sin'clldly. Olllfuat rusnlenoe, .Mason. was fractured. Being well along in nesday, Tliiiitsdiiy, and Eriday. 1 lodge caiiio flown after tlieiii tlie Democrat, .Attorney General Liiis lias years, tiie accident will disable liim AltMKUS' MUTtrAl. Filtiv INSUliANOI': following morning. IIled an (ipiiiidii to tlicclTcct that coun• fdi' luaiiy months if not for life. Last Friday twins wcigiiing iS lbs Cninpaiiy of itifrliitni cniiiily. .Safe.s , i.'lira|i- ty clerks have no right to suppress esFt and liii.si. Korlitrol-tiialnni wl-ile loO. 1'. jMd- Mr. and i\li's. II. L. Hcndci'son ai'c ind nine niiiiccs were born to Sir. and lor, soi'i-iillii'y^ Mason. J!. .1. UiiHelt. inv.sidLMit, the recipients of a bciiutiful picture niiirriage licenses. The Democrat man Last li'ridiiy after supper tlic Jlasnn Mrs. E. H. Synder of Aiirelius. Masdii. un JMI'S. A. A. I'^llisof Itiiiia. It is had been denied tlie iiriviie.ge of cojiy- and Liinsing Ijiill tcaiiis played a si.v- iiig tlie list of inarriiigc licenses I'or Tlic camp meeting at Eaton Hapids white ami black iiorscs in pastel, is the iiiniiiggaiue.dll tlie ncwgrounds. 'The OENTIST. publicatidn from week to wcek.-Liin- score was 18 to nine in favor of Lan• |.jegi ns tt idiiy. ,Uai 1 roads gi vc liiil f I'are wdi'lc iif jMr.s. I'JIlis aiul isfraiiicil in an sing.Iniirniil. to tlKwc living within 50 inilcsand two- Olliecoviii'l'.fown elegant frame of tnodei'ii style. sing. The Iiiittcries were Morrissey 1.;. iii.:N'i)i'-;i!snx,n.o.s. and iCunkleinaii and Lasenby and thirds to all others. C ililyl (V iiini;-year-old daiigiitur of Ciias. .1. , Bros.'shoo sloro. Masiitt. Ijiinsiiig lias selected the plans for .Sharp. 'The Lansing's were' hard Straiigof Laiisiiig was k'i 1 led by the cars Huron Boy, winner of the 2:27 trot •r new city building, it will be K,o. liitlei's. Our boys pliiyed it good giiiiic ; , Liinsing last year, is in training at iiiaiics(|iie style, will be hiOxiX) feet •It Olivet last Sattii'day. Tlic little (llie was visiting witli liei'iiiotlicr, was if tliey wore defeated. the Lansing driving jiiirk. Me is en j^IGHICANfTENTm 'ill diiiieiisidiis and Hi:") I'oet td the liigli tercd in the 2:20stakc at Grand llapids est point on the tower. The cost of playing near the Griiiid Trunk truck .lames Tliorbiirii and .lohn Spencer " The li'iugara Falls Eoute." the building will be •$l."in,0()0, double aiul attempted to cro.ss In front ufa started from .1. N.Tliorbtiru's barn last AVm. li. Boweii of Lansing has SOtlTllWAlill. the amount of the bonds vdtcd. fast train when she was struck and Monday I'ot'ciioon witli a ]iairoriioi'ses been granted a patent on a thrashing Mason . !);2,'', lt.lll. ;i:18 p,lil. in::iO p,in. burled 50 feet. Her mother ran out and the meat rack to go into tbc couii machine, .lames F. McRlroy of tlie Jackson .. 1(1:'.','; •1IIK lli'.'O '.riic executive cdintiiittee iif the l''iir to lier little daughter, but life was ex• try after a steer, the iior.ses became same cit;y it patent on apparatus for tinct, li'iinenil tiie I'dllowiiig Ttie.s- frigiiteued and ran away before they , r,;:jnp.iii. 11:110 |i,lil. 7:10 a.m. iiiers'J^liitiiiil lire iiisiiraiice c(iiii])aiiy iieiiting Ciii's. Oliieauo iiieL at .Secretary Jiliiier's dllico las diiy forenoon at 10 o'clock. got out of tlie alley. The men were Deli'oit . tl-.lD 11,111. tl;ir> p,lil. "iiriii.itt. fSatiii'fliiy. An ii-sscssineiibnf two luilli t,lii'iiwn dir the rack, Spencer had both .Did you see AV. E. Howard walking on il dolliir, the same ns last year, was Mrs. M. A. .Sweet was iiiiirried to bones In his left arm broke just above in his stocking fcct to get liis rii.ssot St. Tiloiiias.... . iir.'ii p.ni. iiiifl |i,iii. i:!:,^ p.m. levied. This will raise aijout $!).,')00. l.siiiicBenncttiit 1 lainblirg, Livingston the wrist while Tliorbiirii was badly shoo out of tile mud l;ist evening'? Is what the Hies tliiiik when tiio.yr Nias!. Kitlls... , ,'i;lSil,ltt, 5:18 .| :22 p.iii 'The alTaii'sof tiie (;oiiipiiiiy are in lli'st couiitv, last evening. Mr. Hennett is cut about the face. 'The ruck was left 'The senior editor of tlie News asks us step oil iislieet of our Tanglcfooli class shape. a brotlier ofMi'.s. .Sweet's Ili'St husband. in the alley, tho horses jumping the the question. Fly Paiier, but they have no tiina. .VOIITIIWAIIII, Mer future lionie will be at .South Mason ri:2-lt,tii, ll:rifla,in, 5:110 p.m. fence in front of S. AV. Hammond's AVitlianyiimountofdiplitcria to con• tn meditate when tbey partake o2'' Last 'Piiui'.sday aftei'iioon wliiledriiw- Lyon, while her danglitcr Allic will resulciicc, where one of tlicni became ourl'oisdiied Ely l:\iper and waka hansiii),' 5:11! 12:12 5:55 continnc to live hero. iMr.s. Sweet tend with, bi'CiilxS in tiic vital parts iiig wheat, ,/oseph Haire, a biicliekn tangled up in the harness, fell down up to (Ind tlieiii.'^olves dead. ,I.I'OB" Owosso (i::)7 At', 1:0(1 7:11 has been a resident of Miisoii I'or inany of her stone crnslieraiid trouble aliout about (i.'i years old, who lives near and was Ciiught. Side at a.m. l)l„ 2:'20p,in, Leslie fell from tho load, break• years where siichiismany warm friends her new city hidl Lansing's cup is JiayCliy.. S:m .I:il5 p,ttl, iU'Jn ing his neck. It is supposed lie who will unite witli the .DKMOCUAT in Soiifebody who wants to explain what full to overdo wing. Gladwin,, 7:00 7:00 had asunsti'okc, which caused liis fall. extending congratulations. tliecditoriil "we"signilics,.says it lias Hush .r. Shearer, for 11 years ii Lan• li.'CS p,m. Mackinaw 7;.'i0p.iii. The coroner's .jury before ,1 iistiec Litiii- a viiric(,y of mcaniiig.s, varies to suit, sing business man, died last i^Ionday Longyear Bros*. bard returned a verdict to tluit cll'cct .Some people think tliat they luive 0. W. ltiJ(inLi.;s, a very tough tiiiie of it, but the follow• the circumstances, ii'or an example: morning of tubei'Ciilosis of the bowels ,|.-. 1), .STA XTO.V, fiiMi. Pass, & Ticket AKI. the next morning, "AVlicn you read that "we expect our Ticket Ancnt, IMlisoli, Chicago, ing complaint, clipped from a Tennes• and liver complaint, aged -15 ycai's. lieunion of the Ingham County Sol• see paper, downs tlieni all: "AVe iire wife home today," "wc" refers to the Fiiiiei'iil services were held yesterday BUSINESS LOCALS. diers' and .Sailors' A.ssnci;ition Tuesday mad. D—n the people! How can editor in chief; when i fcis'''wciii' c a lit• afternoon at two o'clock. Real Estate Transfers. tle late with ourwork,"ltincludestlie and AVcdncsday, August 28 and 20, they expect us out here twelve miles A trusty prisoner widked away from r.ost! The following transfers liavc beon iSli-l. Hon. W.'W. Hoot, cliicf iiiai'- from a i-aiiroad, twcnty-tlvc from the whole ollice foi'cc, even tothe devil Somcivlici'o In tlie townsliip nt llmi korlilll wiUiin ocoi'dcd in the olllcc of the Rogi.stcr and the towel; in "wc are haying a the .Tacksoii prison last Monday after• slial; Capt. .1. .S. AVihson of Leslie, rivci', millions of miles Crom Hoiivcii, noon. AVitli scvenil others lie was the past Uvn weeks, a note aiiiotmllm; to S;w.73t t Deeds I'or Ingham county, i'or tiic ixiom," the town is meant; "we re• against Milo llttiikcr, dalcii .iimu 1.';, isnt. Itamr A.Crossinan of Daiisville, and 1''. M. about two miles from the devil, and working on the street and when the cck ending .Inly 21, where consid- otie iliuis tills note It will lie rufrai'dcd as no Kooili Bond, a.ssistiiint niarsliiils; E. Culver jiboiit 200yards from a whisicy shop, ceived over 700.000 immigrants last keeper's eye was tui'ncd tlie other way liy the plirtlcs. ijowl Mm.vriV Airi'is.. nxtion is $;i00 or over: and S. D. Ncely, finance committee. to get out it live newspaperV—Ex. year," and it iinlmccs the nation; hut he walked down an idley and disap• braham and l,tieiit(la A. McCrcei-y to Tlic IC. 0. '1,\ M. band and Longyear's •'we" iiave bog cholera in our midst," peared .so oil'ectUiUly that a ,$50 reward Uere'H 11 ltnr;;aln I .lost'ph McCi'cofy, w If. olsw'4 ot see- Drum Corps will furnish iniisic. Last i<"'ridity n igli t two iittciiipts were only means the niiiii who takes the pa• could not discover lilni. Vacant lot In l.an.sliii;, iior.SDiial proiiertyaa*. tion :i5, l.aitsitti,' 88,''iO made to wreck trains ou the Grand per and docs not pay I'or It, is very ill— cash to exeliitnKO for Miisoli pi-oporty. allies M, Peak, otal, lo Dayton 1', Whit- 30W-I C. ,1. CiiAiiMW, l.ansiiigsi Intf, sw '4 ot sw ]4 II! see, I and iiw K ot An editor works IKJiii- days per yciir 'Trunk I'oad near the Agricnltui'iil Ex. •Victor H. Lowe assistant in thesec- nw y, of sec, 12, Onondaga 2,000 to get out (ifty-two issues of a paper; College. Ties were placed across the retary's olllce at the Agricultural Col• allies .T. Raird to .losejih U. l.owse, piu't» Lovliiii AVariier Wits born in Living• DlHSolulion iif PartnorHblp. lots, lilnek 1, hiiiislil^' l,0()O tliiit's labor. Once in a while some• track to deriiil the westbound passen• ston county. N. Y., Jlarch 7,1810. In lege and W. D. Grossbeck, I'oi'cinan of MASO.V, MIC Inly i7,]a»&. Mary li. Towiiswid to .lames W. itiiii Kit-. body pays for a year's subscription; ger train, u I'reiglit engine threw the May, 1832, she was married to Asalicl the iron shops at the same institution, Ry miitaal consent lite ilnaot Wi'lKhtS r.eamep tie 1!. I'lemliit', w of mv % ot sec. 27, that's capitid; and once in ii wliile tics oil the ti'uck, they were ngitin BiUdwin and came direct to Michigiin, have secured better positions. Mr. has (lissolvcd pitrttiersliiii. Mr. Kcainer wlA •Alnicdon :i,200 placed on the ti'iick but the operator continue the business, pay and eoUcct all debDi.' AnBolica Slioriiiiiii to Kate Tiekner, lot li, some son of 11 gun of a dead bent takes settling in AViishtenawcounty. Eort}'- Lowe as entomologist to the Geneva at Trowbridge had been informed i^y experiment statloii in New York at a Uospectriilly, block 8, Mason l,200 the paper I'or a year or two and vanish• one years ago last spring they moved 1''. A. Wuiou'i.'k David V. Dwiglit, by adniliiisli'atoi', to es witiiout paying for it; tliut's an- tlie freight crew and cleurcd thera to Ingham county, which has been her salary of $l,000,iind Mr. Grossbeck as an A. I. BEAMKB^ Marnarett Crowley, lot :i, iiiock :), Wood• arcliy; but later on .justice will ovcr- away. "Tlireo men have been arrested employe in the patent ollicc at AVasli- I Chitak tlio people ot Mason and vicinity fdn worm & Dwiylit'.s add, l.csllti 300 homo ever since. Mrs. Baldwin died tuke the lust named creature, I'ortherc by Lansing oHlccrs, who they think ington. Both gentlemen Icftlast week their patrnnaijo In the past and liopo for a <»BI* Pranklln D. Simons to Uotlorlck C. Wiilto, at five o'clock on the afternoon of-Tuly tlntinnco ot the same. Will enileiivor to pleaso*, Iota .Ki, .17 and -18, Kiidlowood I'ark add, is a pliice where he will get his deserts; :irc the wreckers. 18 at the home of a .son in Kalkaska -for their new homes. lianslni; c,w that's horrible.—Ex. 2»W3 A. I. IlKAMBItt .C.'iai'les W, Chirk to Catlierino Anderson, The DicMOCUAT wishes to thank Supt. county. Tier remains were brought Grin Lamson, tlie Lansing drayman For vine Furnituro, , I MLS 5 ami 7, blojk I«, I'ark I'lace, I,im- Attorney Genontl Ellis lias decided, Pitttengill I'or it copy of the auniial re• here the followingEriday nighton the Who several weeks ago dealt b,Tggage , sitlK BOO late train. Euncral services were held Oaimt I'.h.'aritovu'Bh. Wliiiain A, Tlioiiipsoii to Caroline llcck, 1 n resiionse to an i iiq n I ry from tho statepor t of tiic superintendent of public master Robert Fulton of the Lake lot 2, block I'Jij, l.ansliiK 5,D00 trciisurei', that mercliants who go instruction. It makes ii book of 412 at the Baptist cliurch Saturday fore• Shore railroad, a severe blow across tho All kIndH of LntldorH, Window Soroonit., , Edwavd W, Siilirrow to A, Frederick Mot- about the country in wagons exchang• inges and is full of good reading and noon at eleven o'elock conducted by abdomen with adray stake, was bound And Screen Doors ii'indo and tor sale by O. B- Iter, lot 2, block 1, Townseiid's stib, Laii- Rev. E. H. Brockwiiy and her body in• Osboru, on West street, Mason. 24tr. ing goods fi'om thcirstore for farm pro• nt'orination for'those interested in ovor to the Circuit Court for trial by sini; 2,03T terred by her husband who died four .raincs W, Kloiniii),' to Jlary K. 'X'uwiisentI, duce, come under section ]203of How• educational work. It contains ;t full years ago. Mrs. Baldwin was the moth• .Tustico Lesher last S.iturday on a JnokaonStdnoDraln Tllo part lots !i ami 10, block iii. Mason 3,500 ell's statutes, which provides that no report of tlicStatc teachers' association er of eight children, live of whom are charge of assault with intent to do And Sewer Pipe o( all sizes on hand nnd forttile B. L. EosJSCiiANCii:, Ecgistcr. mcrchiintshall peddle or employ others for 181)3, biographical sketches and living. Three of her sons were in the groat bodily harm less than the crime by .T.W.OnAriN, Edcn,Mltlfa. to peddle goods not his own manufac• photographs of all,the past superin• wiir of the llebelllnn at the same time. of murder. Lamson gave bail of $;IOO ture, without a license. For a single tendents, reports of county commis- For neuril0OO,OII0 jriKIii. arm lorn oil liy gottlng it tiinglocl in disap|)ourod from ills homo in a Chi• SENATORS IN DANGER. WRITES OF THE TARIFF. INGHAM COUNTY DEMOCBilT. cago subupl) six months ago, has boon tho machhiei'V, on .I'higlohart's fapin Contnil niiirlcot, at I\llnii«iii)iillH, Jln.stroyiid. discovered, l.'anitska loft homo with- north of AVinchoslor, Ohio, A small roll Text of Prnsldont Clovobintr» lotto* Minnoaiiolis sDccuil: Tho Central oiil wiirning, and his htmily and frionils portion of tlio llosh was al.so torn fpoia lo Cliiilriiuin Wilson. Market, occupying nn cntiro block of seni'chod for him iinaviiilingly iinUl liis shoulder. Ho is in a cpilicnl cou- SUGAR SCANDAL MAY POSSIBLY Following is Uio loiter written by ground between Socoiul ami 'L'hlrd tho story of the explosion povoa od tho dition. LEAD TO ARRESTS. Prosiflout Clovohind to ChalrmaaV''il" MASON, MXOJUr. fact that tho young man was onlistod uvomics nortli, and Sixth and Soventh Jliiiifi; iiy a Blob. sirools, was totally destroyoil by lire, itl Biittoi'y 1'', Gnitod Stales Army. Asa son. The lottor was undur date of Wooflvillo ('.roxus) special; A mob .luly 2, nnd was a private communica• logothor with sovoriil sniall dwolliiigs result of'tho piols, I-'anuskii's battory Throq rromlnoiit StntoBmon Said to nnvo illld 11 lii-opy stable, Tl:o to'iil loss WILS porniiuiontlv localod ill Ft. Shori- of thiPly ui'incd mon oveppowopod tho tion, to tho publication of which tho jailor hui'o and broko doivn tho ,jall I'urjurnd Tbuiii.solvuB in tho Kocont In- DOINGS OF THE DAY. will bo in lli'o iioighbofhood of •'ftiilO,- dii'ii, noiir hero, his homo. A touch of Prosidont only gave his consout re- romanco is added lo tho stoi'y liy tho flooi's. Tho mob wont to tho coll vostlirutlon—Talk of Orluilniil rrcxioou- 000, 'I'ho tmii'kot houso was a thi'oe- ooutly; slopy bpick striiclitpo, Tho eaiiso I'oport Hint f'amiskii will shortly bo whoro Williiim G'pillllli was coiillnod tloii iiiul Kxponnro. of tho lii'o is unknown, hut niai'i'iod to an ohl-timo schoolmate. and took him out. Ppocooding to tho K.'CEOOTIVB JlANBION, 'WAHHINa'rON, July 2, i SUMMARY OF THE NEWS OF THE' il wiis discovurud in the Soiilhei'ii fiicUlo wiitop tank thoy To tho Hon. Wllllum Ij, '^Vllson; It IJIiln't Woi'lt. liaiigod lino shot him. Ono of tho shots Hnttiir llomb .'Mi-y Hurst. MY DEAR Bui — Tho iiuilulnty that a WEEK. coupt about !l o'eloek, -'\ti iihii'in It is roportod horo, on what is snid Gai'fiold Wilkinson,a M-ycnr-oiil boy Ib'od into his body noiiply out his npm contorenoo will bo ordotod butwojn thfl quickly followed by ii sueoiid uml tliipil two housea of OonKress tor tho pur. Illld ill II lew miimtos by ii gonoriil living Ihirlooii miles south of Wichitii, oil'. Aboitt a wook ago Gpillllh us- to bo good authority, says a AVasliing- saultod it littlo gipl. ton cori'ospondont, that, dospito tho P08U of iidjuslliiK dimronoi'B on the aub. VoilMldn nil the I'aiilnindle Near r;rlllltli, iihipm, but the linilding was doomua iviis., Wits shot iind iiislniilly killed hv Joot of tiirllT lOKlBlallon niukoH It also oor- denials ot spoculntion and tho sworn rJliio - riiii.ii Kiiliiil mill iMuiiy Inlnnicl — bcfoi'o a stPeiim of wiitor was liirncd his Oi'olhci', Willie, ii hoy II yoai's of Sevrn iMoii KIlluil. tftln that you will bo ngala oallod upon to do on tho llitim.'s, iiiid i.i'u lli'oinoii Miriiod ago. 'J.'lio cii'emiistuiices iii'o soinowliat Btalomonts of Sonntors who had boon liiird Borvloe In tho ouuso of turllT loforin. My Noii-IIiildiiiMts' lliinsnH ISIowii Up ny An accifloiil, resulting ill tho death Dvimiiiii.ii 111, Diinlim-, I'li,—Diirliij; Unix their iiltoiitioii to the bnildiiigs across peciiliap. Giii'liold has booti poiuling cuilGd buforo tho investigating oom- public life baa boon so oluaoly rolutod tn tin iihoiit bullet |ii'oof shields iiivctilod and of suvon mon, occnrreil iitFortsmoutli, fiubjoot, Ibiivo HO loiined for Its iioooinpllsli- bmy-A (illlll JMIII ISiii'iiiiil, tliostt'out, Noiu' wlici'u thu llrosliirted mittoo, it would bo proven that in slooil iMallioson's livery sltiblu nnd rccontly losteil in Got'inmiy. .Ilo coii- linglanfl. A''.i'l'iiiily .Houso bout, hav• nioiit, and X have ao often pr.nulHod Its roallitiv. ing a crow of sovoii trained wrockors throo iusliincos at lonst Hpocitliilion tlon to luy follow aouutryinon as a roHUlt ol hoi'o it gi'Oiit diiiigur momii'od cliiiloil to make ono liko them nnd luiv- had boon ongagod in, and that tho lliolr trust and uonlldenau Iu tlio Uomoucatlg KlI.LI'il) A.M) IKJItr. not only tho (ipciiion, Inii viiliiiihio imj completetl it, he put it on anfl on board, was oiigiigod in blowing up throo Senators roforrod to had boon parly, I liopu no oxouso Is iieeesaury for my pi'opopty its well, liiiiiiudhttuly ad• iiskod his bi'othop to IIPO a shotat hiiii. the wreck of tho yacht Aziilia, in the ciirncHt uppoal to you that iu this orlsla you ,Siieii Is tlin lidsiiil. <>r II Uiiillsiiiii on tliii joining tho stiililc was a huge rosoi- 'Tlio liltlo lipolhcp did so, tho bullet Solent, as it was dangerous to imvigii- guilty of perjury. strenuously luHlst upon jiiirty houoaty uud riiiilinntllc. voir liolniigimi' lo ilio Alinnoiiiiolis Giis lonotpaling llio shield nnd iiiorced tho lioii. Ill somo mmlner which will An intopostlng story is going tho Kood faith, and u aturily iidtiorenoo to Homo. Oiiic|iiiiiii,i siiGciiil; Tliupo wiis ii JjiglitConiDiiiiy, in which wits stored joy's lioiii't, Thu shield wits iniido out iiovop bu known, ii dynamito ciirlpiflgo rounds—It story so slartling in its do- emtio prliiclplUH, 1 bellovo tlieso ivro abso- linitil-oiiil ijollisioii Oil tliu (Jluvu!iiiiil| lii;,'l)UI),OIIO feel of illiliiiiiintiiig gils. 'Po of a eolVoo sack, nnd lillcil with scpups exploded, killing I lO sovon men and tiiils that it is ahriost past boliof. It is laluy iioooHHury iiondltloiis totbo oontluuatlon Uiiieiiiiiiit,!, Cliiuiifi'o itiiil SI, Louis l\'itil- keep tho lliimos from ruiiehiiig this of barbed wit'o nnd wool, '.I.'ho iicci- shallofiiig tho lioat. said thoro Is a man in \A'n,siiinglon who of Dcniocratlo cxiHteuuo, poitd III, (ii'illiMl's siitlioii, liflooii iiiilos was tho iin/iii'iloiis unilorliiking of a duiil di'ovo thu molhupof tho boys i»- has ill bis possession the oi'iginiil loanuotrld inyaolt ot; tho foolInK that tliiii A r.iilloi' I.nis (ill. oonfcronco will proaeiit tliu boHt II not tbii from tills i;il,y, TIIPIMJ wupu Icillotl itiid liii'!,'u dotiielimeiit of thu lire ile)iiirt- saiio. brokoi''s contract wlioronpon ono of only liopu ot ti'uo Oomocriiuy, Indloatlout ton liljiipuil.' Tliu o.vppuss I'poni Chi- Bv a hoilop explosion in Hie saw mill tho Soiiiitoi'B—11 ppomiiioiit Olio at that point tu Its notion iiH tho rolluiieo of thusuwlia muiit, Thu lii'uiiioii did thoir work It l.oiilm Llku Will'. oiiyo wits Oil titiio, bllt llio SI, of Wliilo it Co., liftcon luiius wost of —contrajtert to buy sugar wUon doslro tlioi,'Ouiiluo fniitlou of Doiiiooriitio ef• wull, and iiltlioiigh tlio iiitunso fort, tho fiillllhncut of Doiiiooi'iitio jiIudKOH. Louis u.\[ii'us.s, wliii'.li piiiis lifti.iun huat sul Iiro to tliu ciiliolii of lliu Shiiiighiii Bpceial: The report tliiit ll.olcmi, y\i'k,, on thu Ai'kmi.siis Mid- it was down to .S.''', just befoi'O its phe- aud tho rodciiiptlou of lloniociratlo pi'oniiHoa tniiiiites iiliuifl of till! Cliiciigii iiiooiii- building, thu Iiro was ku|)t from Will' hits boon ducliiicd butwouii Cliiiin Imiil iiailwiiy, Williiun Williams, tho noraonal riso. It is said tlmt iiitorost- to tho pooplo, 'ro rooonello (Itlfui'onooa in th« iiiL'-tt'iiiii. Wits nil lioiip litlo. At llpii- mill .iiipaii is not yot conlli'mod, but eiigitioup, wiiskillcil outright, Chai'los od persons "short" on sugar, ami who dctalld oompvlflod In the llxod itud woll-delluci] the liiu'lily iiilhiiiimablu iiiatui'iiil witli- lIuoBol pvlnolplo win nut lie llio solo taok ol lillis II. liL;-|it eiigiiiu wiis pliiiiiing ilnwn iii, iN'oxl" lo thu livury stiililo townril Cliinn is iipuparing fop wtii'. Lhlop and Olini'lus Simmons, liiliopci's, had b.'Gii "s(]iieozod" in the iirueoss of tho 01)11 roioiino. Inn nu ItHooms lo mo Its iiioiu- lliu MPiivi',1 liiiiik ill liiiipifo of llliyiiiuup the Sovoiilli sti'iiut siilu worn suvuriil 'Thu ('liiiieso iii'u blocking tho wore so liadly injiipcd that thoy will iiiani]]iilaliiig thu murkot, oi' beciiiiso berti will also havo In (iiiai),'i) tho ipiostlou IliiPt. Mo fiip^-ol liisordoi's, .K'lKiwiiig Hiiiiill fraiiiu ilwulliiic's mill a tuiiuiiiuiit iioi'thopn imssiigu of thu 'A'any flio, 'l.'lio mill was oiiltu a liirgu cslali- thoy did not havo tho "iiisiflo tip," had wliollier Doiiioorallo prlnulpluH tliuinaolvuj aro lo bo siivod or iihiindoiied. tliu ,Sl, l.oiiis uxpposs Wits littu, bo row wliieli, willi thu gruiilur poi'tioii of '.I'su Kiiiiig, tliu gpuat I'ivor of Cliinii, iishniciil illlll WHS coiiiph;toly wrecked, lost an Immoiiso iiraoiinl of iiionoy, and piilluil oiititiKl Wits iiiut liy Iho I'liiciiyo jiieoiiiiiig vussols iii'o thus comiiellod ])iii'ts being blown II distiiueo ot half ii had dolorminoii so broak tho sugar tiiuir I'onluiits, wuru ilustroyuil, 'riiero IK no oxouso for iiilHlukiiu; or inlsiip- oxppu.ss, lliipt will lliu, iipuliiilily willi- Whilu cluiipiiig nil thu wrock after to )Ktss iiearor thu AVoosiiiig foi'ls, mile, schodiilo at all hir/.nrds, preliendinn the I'oclUn; and tlio tompor of 1119 (iiil- lining iijili) 111 lull how III' iiiiiilu lliu lliu liPu .Myi'uii (.!. Miiluy, a linuiiiiiii '.I'clogrnphic eonimiinieiilloii with Ariiu'clilBt I'lols, 'The most intcrosting p.'ii't ot tho riiiik aud llio of tho lloiiionriioy, Thoy ara iiiistiilir ill oi'ilei's, llhs lii'i.'iiiiiii, fi'iiiili uiiipk/yud hv thu Hriisli I'lloctrio Light i.'ekiii has been stopjiud on nccoiint story is tho way in wbiuli thoy intend diiwncast uiidor tho asHCrllon tlmt thoir party oft-hcllood, ,lii|imi bus uhiiplopod all .Homo special: .Tho I'oiiolo \omano falls In ability to iiinnaj;u lliCKovoiiiuioiic, and 'J'liyiop of Iniliiiimpiilis, wits liilluil Ciiiiipi'iiiy, eiiinu in uiintiiel with ii Iivo lo sot this scho'diilu iisldo. It is by no thoy iiru iipin'oliciisivo that lliidr oltoi'ts to oiiti'iglit. lis wuiu also (Jhiiflus ShuP- wiru illlll died while boitigtiikon to the the Mitsui Jhissiiii Compiiiiy's sliips, in slates that the iiutiiot'itios iiPu in po.s- brln(! iihoat liirtll roforiii may fall, hut tboy sussioii of tho proofs ot an other jirocoss than by tho iirrosl ot a iiiiiii anil iiiiotlu'p li'iiiiip, will) wui'o bospiliil, addition to tho sixluoii alpuiuiy chiif- oortaiii Sonator on a uhargo of pop- nro iiiiioli iiir.io (lowiiuast anil npprohouHlve iu stuitliiig It phlu. TliiM'u iipu tun I'U- toi'cii fpom tlio Wiisen K'liisliit Coiii- Anitt'uliist ]ilot dipouted against thoir fiiar tlmt Domoorallo pi'liietiilcs iiiny ba i:OI,l,lN(i I.N KlClU'iS. Premier Crispi of Italy; Prost- .iiiry, III a criminal nvso of tliis kind, Hiii'roiidored. In tliese olroiiinstiiiicos tboy iioi'luii iiijiii'uil, iiiiiiu rutiilly oxi'u|)t j.iiiiy. ,liipiin hits prohibited the do- It is said, stock brokor.' would bo com- ciinunt do othorwiso lliiui to look with oonll- J'liigincui' iliii'i. piti'tiu'o of tliu Viison stuiimoi's. doitt Cnriiot, of h't-aiieo: .'Vlo.vaii- deuco to yon and tlioie wlio with you hava I)(!.spi.i'iidiii...i liiil) Mm \V<.||.'i-l''iirclb(!r Star to Old Clory'n that this should be aeiioi'dud to niir pouplo and uxplodu, Kxuiiuiiii'iil I'Uiis liigii. Illlll I'aeiliu iiiussuiigei'who WIIS killed pross train i\o, 7 on tho Big Poiir road litiic. our iiiiinufiiuliirei's as soon iis Die Doineeriitic 11 yeiti' ago, by train poliln.'rs, had iloiil. <;ap.sl'/.(Hl. pni'ty was Invested with the power to deter- Olio mile west ot iMuiieie, Ind,, wi luliio the liiillT policy of iho eoiincry, Tho ehiii'gu (if the u.\'|ii'uss ciir. .Ilu wits Port Angulus (Wnsh.) special: Tn By a tow slrokos of liis jicn Grovor Wiiiils II l''ij;IH, mitdo by wedging 11 heavy plunk in Clovolnnfl iivido oporiilivu tho bill party bus iioiv that pnwer. Wo nre an certain mado a prisonup anil Hiu viihiiiOlus in it di'owtiiiii^' iiceiilont neap liui'u .1. T.i. switiih frog, A. coLpluof ironworkers to-diiy us wo Imvo ever been of ilie ureal bouo- Sliiiiighiii spouiiil: ft is gi.'iioi'itlly t liu cap WUI'U soi'tuii ovur by the poliliers. .Idliusuii, August Nelson, mifl .lohii which provides for the admission o( llt Ihiit woiilil aeeriie lo tlio eonntry from tho discovoPed iiiul removed the obstruc' GUih to tho Union us 11 Statu, By tho Iniinciiratliin of thi.s polley, niut iiiithliii; hiis /loliuvi.'il liui'u that .litpiiii ilous not do- '.I'lio iiiiioiiiit tiilcuii is not known. 'I'liu Dippold lost tliuir livus, '.I'bu thruo lions just buforo thu express urrivod sii'oit pauiliu sultlutiiuiit of thu (.'opoiiii loft in il lishiim' bout for Dimgoiicss conditions of iidmissioii this, o;ir forty- oeeiii'iod tn releiwe lis iruin oiir oblliratlou to I'oliliups Hull fpoiii tliu train aiul wuru Tliu liiatlup hits lioun Icupt n scci'ot. li'.th Stiito, will liiivu full ]iowcrs ol Beciire this advaiitii'/u to our peoplo. It ilispiilu, .\s uviiluliro of this, atluii- spit, four miles oust of the city, Night ti'nck wiiU'hmon iii'oat work on must be admitted lhat 110 liirllf iiiea nro suun ill the iiiiionrl^illt lo mount horses Htiilohood iijioii tho coninioncemont ol can iioooi'd with Ociiiooratln prluclptoH tioii is riUluil tu lliu I'nut thittnssiion iis mill stiii't iioi'tli. .Ali'uiiiiy a possu is in '.Pliuip hoiil eiipsi/.ud in view ot pooplu all lines of this coiiipmiy now. oiiu ilillii'iilty is ovui'i.'oiiiu, .liipiiii iiii- on the heacli who heard Lhou' ci'ios tho noxt session of Cono-poss—Hint is, uud pi'omlaoH to Iioar 11 eeiiuiue Demiioriitio IHirsiiit. sho is to send no iicppusonlntivos or biul^e tlmt dues not provide for free raw ma- iiiuiliiitulv I'li'isus itnolhui', Tliu liitust for help, but linving no lioiits liroko Ills A'oek, toi'lals. in tlio.ie ulreuiiistnnees It may well iittiliiiiu of lliu K'iiig of (..'oi'ua in lliu Si. Louis spueiiil: fJunural Ah'iiiiigur could I'ciiilup no iissislaiiue. Hosoniiig Sonittoi's lo tho pre-i.'iit (.'oiigro.-s, e.vultu our wondei'tlmt Dcmoei'iils nro willluK upl.-is is sniiposuii (lliu to t^liiini's ilu- Siiiipsoti, of tliu Wulls-Kitpgo hlxpt'ess piii'lies .sliipteil out soon iiflopuiipils, Ohiiplostoii (AV, Vii,) spocinl: .loh Utah, with an nrun of ,S.|,.|7ii square to dopiirt from this, tho most Deniooi'iitie of Coiiipmiy, slalus that delayed I'uiiill- Thomas and Fdgap Poling qiiappelcfl all tarilf pidiietplea, mill tlmt tho liieoiisistent uiiluil inunsiii'us lo lipliohl liup clititii Lo height tiiilus uiist of this point Nolsoii milos, had in LSI). 11 po)iuliition of 207,- abBUritltyot sueh a propimed depiirlurc shiiuld siipi'i'iiKtuy uvui' thu t'lii'uitii puiiiiisiilii, tiiiieus on iiecoiint of the I'liiii'Oail slrlke was seen on thu upturned holtoin ot it and fotlght on thu stoiimoi' .Lyda, com 000, which wns grenlop than that ot bo eiiipbiis|-/.oil by the sunire.stlon lhat the wool liupui'ts I hill I'l'iiiiuu mill Iviissiii will iiiiiy have iiiiiilu thu paid at Hud l''oi'k-a iioiil "iiiii fuut from sliopo tpying to |iiid- ing to (Jhiu'loslim fponi Ilpowiislown oitliop Duliiwaro, Moiitiiiiii, Iiiiilio, of the farmer be put 011 the free Hat nnd tho viiliiiililo onu for tlio I'oiibei'.s, as prus- Poling struck '.I'liomits on tho nock prolcotlou of tarilf tiixiitloii be phiroil around siipjiui't ,liiiiaii imiiiiisl Chiiiii iii'o ppo- dlo to the boiich. (.)n iiorccivliig thu Noi'th Dakota. .Susndii or Wyoming. the Iron ore nnd ooal of coriiorutlon.'jiindciiplt- iioiiiiuuil iibsoliituly gpoiliulluss. unt slilpinuiils aro liirti'e. I'O.seuiiig piiPly hospi'iiiig into tho Witter with his list, breaking his nock, wliicli Utah is tlividod iiito twonly couiitios, alliitn. How can we fiioc thu people after lu- ami was ilpownod bol'oro llioip oycs. caused his death. SiUt Lako City is th'o (iiipitiiraiul Ini'gost IIUIKIIIK ill Hueli outrai."'ous dlsoriinlnationa DliN'.S lil'il'dlt'l'. aud violations of prlnc p'e'i' It is iiiilleappur- 'I'wo iiin .'I rni'lsli. city. Utah is dividoil into two pints ent that tlila riucsllon ul' free raw nialerlulH Uudly Snililrd. by tho VVidisiileb mountiiins, 'Phu Two mon wero kiiluil, one fntiilly iii- liiisliinss Walllni; on 'I'lirilV I.npfishitInn, Old Snliliitrs lloiiot'oil, docs not. iKlinit of it.dliiiitiiient on iiuy middio A tpiiclion ongino, owned by AV. Tl wost part boloii.gs to Ihu groat basin, Rronnd, sluoo their snbjeelloii to any rate of , jiii'uil, tun hoiisus vahieil ill '^Iti,- >ViJfi.m (incm'liiliil.ioM ilin'n JitiiroiisiMi .Moiiiils of honor hiiv'o boon awarded AVintoi's and operated by him in con its watoi's linviiig no onliot to tnrltT taxation, (,'rciit orHondl, Isiilllfo violative i-.^ boll ilosli'oyuil, ami iinioli hoiisohold Diiriii;; I IH* Wriik. to tho followingiiioinbci's of tho voliin- noclion with ii lliPeshlng machine, ox tho ocean, whilo tho oast part is of Douioeriitiu prlnelple aud Doiiioeratle fjood pi'opui'ty uoiisiiiiiuil liy Ihiiuus in a lii'u U. 0. Dim A Co.'s Hcview says: Tho faith. tcup slopining piii'ty ill Vicksbiipg, plodod iioar Logansport, Ind., dangop- drained by tho Coloi'ud.i Kivor of tho that oia'iii'i'uit on Van llorti Struct, in oll'uets of tliu two gpuiil strikus liiivo I hopo that you will not conalder it Intru- l.-..i2; .liispcr N. Noplh, private, D, oiisly scalding tlu'co inuii. Two ot the AVost. Tills rivor is tormod by tho Hlvo if 1 niiy Nuiiiotliiui; 111 relation to iiuothor thu lioiii'l of thu r>oliuiiiiiiii (loloiiy, not yut uiitirely wopn olV, and meiiii- .Koni'th V'ii'giniii VolitntcoPs, now in victims will pi'oljiibly rucovop. junction ot Hio (Jranil iiiidUi'oon, and Bubjoct whioli oftii haidly fail to be trouble- i.'liiciigo. .Miiritx. Arkii illld IVitnk cJi- wliilo thu disiigi'oumeiit botivoon tho Bomo to the oont'oroneo. 1 refer to tho ad.luflt- DIuomingfliilo, Wis,; Chiirlos W, iiiin- flows southwest into A riicoiui. AVost of /,uk iii'u dead, after iittuiiipts lo savo two houses of Cungruss hits iiiiidu larilV iiieut of tiirlir taxation on auum'. Under out lliu, iiriviilo, A, (Jiio .Ifiiiiilrod and Six- liiu'iioil Id Duiilli. tho AA'iihsatc I .Mountaiin nro sovoi'iil party platform iiiul iu iieeorduiieo with our Holiuiiiiaiis fi'iiiii tliu lipu. Twuiity iineei'imiiiius moro distant and iin- teeiiih IITiiiois Voliiiiloops, now iit Gladys, tho 2-yoar-old diiughtor of hikes, of which tlioso with no oiillot doolarod party pavpoaes, siimir Is a logUlmato familius wopu reiiilupud lioiiiuluss by jiPosnivu, 11 hdiows Hint ciisloinai'y and lo(jleal article ot loveuiio tiixatlon. Un• Gi'iind.liiiiclion, Col.i'I'liomiis .'L Wapd, Williiuu Shmnwiiy ot Gi'oonliuld, Ind., ai'o salt or ulknliiio, Tho largest ot tiic Ili'o, which was stitrtuil liy foni' lusts of tho I'oiidilion of liusiuoss aro fortunately, however, IncldcntH inivo ac- pi'iviito, (,', Ono Hitnfli'od and Si.v Wits fpiglitltiliy biii'nofl about tlio body those and tho most fiiinoiis is tho coinpaulod ccrtidu ataces ol the lei{lslatlon uhihin.'ii of Aiiloiiio (.'izck', ''.riiuy wero less iiisti'iictivu lliaii usual. tociitli Illinois, now iil Aniiconda, from a miitcii ignited by tlio liltlo Grout Salt Luke South of this hiko, wlilch win bo Hiilimltlod to the eonferoneo pliiyiiig with mnlchus in a shuil, Tho liniiiieini sitiiiitioii is somewliiit that havo aroused in eoiiiioetlou with this ]\lont.: iMiii'liii K. Davis, iiriviite, H, bilbo. Death relieved its iiilonso suf into which it Mows through tho Uivor less I'livoi'iililu, lieciiiise uxiiorts of e-old Hubjoet a niitural ileiiioeratle anlnioslty Onu Hniidrud iind Sixteenth Illinois, foi'iiig. .lordnn, torty-Iivo milos long, is Utah to tlio nicthoilH aud inunlpiiliittonu of tint III' Nci'iluil in .S\vi|-/.tn'lniiii, havo buoii resiiinud and itro ••!<.'),,'iOO.tlOO tnusts and oomhluatlouH. I oonl'csH to now at Domoi'ost, Gii.; David H, Holms, Lako, 11 sh'cot ot imro frosli water for tho wouk, liiit tho Treasury ro- Instantly Killnd. Bliiirlni; In thin I'oolliu!; and yet it Hooms to Uiiiluil States (.'oiisiil Geuoral at ppiviilu, li, I'Jighly-lhird liuliiina, now abounding in lisli. mo wo oui;hl, if poBidhto, to sutltelontiy frco cuiiits hiivo been .•f2,01i'i,:!!)l for customs ill Hillsboi'o, liid,' Zurich huliovos that this is an oppor At May Lick, Ivy,, Gcopgo .Bpown in tho valleys tho climnlo is goiior- ouraolvofl from prejiidloo toonalde iiHconllyio tiiiio tiinu for uiiltluiiion to place siir agiiiiisi $2,'.iril,:V,.l histyoiir, mid $7,-l7-l,- Wits shot and instantly killed by Alven welnh tbo ooualdoratlohs which iu I'ormuliit- I'lu:! intui'iial povoiuio itgiiinst ,'ii2,!l7li|- Wi'i.'clc of an I'ixi'iii'Hioii 'I'riiln. nlly mild anil hoalthriil, with littlo iui; tiirill loi,'taliitloii ouchl to KnlCo our troat- pliLseiittlo ill .Swit'/crliiinl, (^)wiiiy lo Snviigo. '.I.'ho Ipoiihlo wns caused by snow. On Ihu mountiiins tho winters mout of suitav IIB a taxable artlulo. While no tliu nay fiiiiiiiio last ycnr iiil siippliis ol.S Inst yuiip, '.I'ho o;c Dayton rocoiitiy. As tiio boon sicaliiigon thin ICQ, with chance mont, pulling thu conches with it. culturo. taxinu suRiir for proper piirposoB aud withiij sliocial tpidn hauling the pi'iy car was of bi'oiiking tlipoiigli, miiking thu low• I'lin-Handin Tniiii Did if. reaiiouiiblo bounds, whatever else iimy bo sum est ;pceoi'd ovop known. It has de• Utah foi'ras part of tho lorrilory ac• of our action, wo nre iu no dnmrnr ot runninal apppoiiching ChiilicolliOi Ohio, Iho 'l'«,rrmto Acclilniit. At Spi'ingliold, Ohio, Ed Wookly, n counter to benioeriitto prIuoiplcB. With nil oiiginu collided witli a tmiiiiior of clined Ii cents fop tho week. quired from Mexico in IS-l!^. It was A. foiii'ful ticcidont look placo in tho 17-yoiii'-olfl colopod boy, was killot! by thoro is lit stiiko thoro must be In the trciit- fpoight ears run out on tho niiiiii Bottlofl in 1S'I7 by tho Mormons under mont ot tbla article sonic m'ounil upon which mines lit AVilliiimstowii, Pii., just as tho n passenger ti'ain. truck. 'Tho engino wits pai'tially SHOOK TIIINtiS Ul'. Britrliam Young. Utali—unmod from wo aro all wlllInK to stand, wiiore lolorntlon iuinors wcpc hciny hoisted out of tho and couelllatlou may bo allowed to solve lha wroclcoil Illlll I'higincop .Swoutmnn iiiii'l n tribo of Indiaiis of that uamo—was colliery. A iiumbop WOPO in]llic wagon TllK MAKKErS. problem without douiandini; tho entire sarrou« t'lromiin ivipchop woPo badly injurod. Four lliiiulrod j'oiinds of I'on'dor Kxiilodii.s oi'ganizofl as n Tori'itory in 1.850, and der of ilxod and conaclontloits couvlotious, which bad just stiirtofl, whon tho CHICAGO, It is bcHovcd tho fruiglit cars wuro and 'Pivo rorsoas Am Jiijnn.'d. OAT'I'LE—Common toTi-lmo,,,, {3 TtO ombraoofl :;20,1!I0 sqiiaro milos. With• inilloy nndcpncatli tailed to work and run down tlic freight triiek by some Savannah spoeiiil: An explosion ot llor.s-ShipplnK Gr.ndoa .| DO e? 6 23 in its limits woro portions of what they wore criisliod iiij'ainst tlio top SHEEP—Fair to Clioleo 2 00 & i on havo sines becomo Colorado, Wyoming I oagbt not to prolonc this lottor. If what mtscrpaiits. 100 pounds of loose jiowdur at Fopt AViiBA-r-No, 'J lled ii;i!.',(i'i) MJ6 I have written ia uuwoloomo, 1 bejc you to bo- Pulaski, fatally woitiidod Opdniinco poclc, iivo boing killed instanll.y. 'They CORN—No. i and Nevada Ilovo in my (rood intoations. In the eeuclu- 12 & ••.1•3 Blona of tho conforeuoo toucldnu the Humor• Omlnir Holilinry in Iiiiliiinii. Sopgoant William Cliinii, seriously in- wore; .loliu linudonbusli, John L. OA'rs—No, '• Lewellin. M. A. 'Tate, 'VA'^m, Clark, ItYE—No, i iioy.as tlli.'i GROVER SPEAKS OUT. ous Itoma which will bo oon»ideroU, the pooplo Dick Galos, a pcstauPiint man at .jiipcd MiiPv AVasliingtoii, his inot'liep- u a .17 are not afraid that thoir intoroats will bo Cbiiplos VVoodmaii, All Iivo at Wil- liirr't'Eit—Choice Croiiniory,,,, 17 t<« 17^ ii'punkl'ort, ind., was waylayud by pob- iii-hiw, and sot lipo to the fopt, causing Ktiiis—Fresh T^ottor from lllm Indor.slnj; tlio Wilson noffiootea. Thoy know that tho Kouornl re• liamstown, imiPi'loflanfl havo childpen. I'o'rATOES—Now, per bu 9 & 10 sult, 80 far as tboy are oonccrued, will bo 10 bcps, who iiftop I'obbiiig hiinof$ll)t). inlopmittenl explosions of lixod ammu• C6 mil lieiKl In tho II0U.10. plaoo homo necesBiirlca nnd comforts moro took liim to Lake Alluunbpii, a hnlf Thoir bodies wore liorribly manglod. I.KOIANAI'OLIS, m cj) nition and doing much damiigo, CATTLE—ShipillllK 2 00 @ 4,75 A Washington dispatch says: In- oasilr within their rciioli, and to Insure better mile fpom tho city and tlu'ow him in & 5 and surer componaatlou t;o those who toil, .lust after breakfast Soi-guaiit Chinn Glioinni ill lin.SHiii. Ilons-Cholco Lluht .1 00 25 tenso intarobt was croatod by Mr. Wil• tho watop. JJis stpongth hold out un• SiiEEP—Common lo I'rlnio 2 00 & il r.o •\Ve all know that n tniift' laweovorluu all tho went into tho store room and took a son's announcomont in the Houso varied Interests and conditions of 11 country til ho could poach thu sliopo, lint he is St. Polcrsburgspocial: 'Thochrlora WilBA'r-No, 'i Ked 47 (0) is handful of tho powder from ono of tho CouN-No, 2 White 4li!,j(i« Thursday that ho Iiad a lottor from lis vast aa ours must of noeosslty be iaruoly in a dnngopous comlilioii fi'om the open casks, wot it at tho pump anfl opifloniio is I'apidly sppoiuliiiff, being tbo result of houorablo adlustment and coin- casks, wot it at tho pump anfl OATS-NO, 2 White 41!li Pi'osidont Clo'.olnnd, which tho shock. No viae to tho pohbcrs. SI', LOUIS, pronilso, 1 expect vory fow ot us can say, tiion placed it in tho middle of the 'v''"'^ ^'!'"'''^"'P'''^'''?^'''°n'''''''\'J'^^ CATTLE it oo latter had porniittod to bo whoB our nicnauro Is porfootod, tlmt nil Its - room, to drive out the mosfjuitoos. Ho ! disease hijs broken out in_ tho raiiitary featurcB are ontirely ns wo would prefer. Yon A (illld IMiil ISiiniiMl. lions i) 00 £5 6 25 muko public, Tho lottor was had loft a trail of di'y iiowdor from tho lu'iisnoo-Solo, oightoon miles WiiBAT-No,!! liod lit) O 61 then sont to the dosk and road, know how niuoh I deprecated tho iucorpora- At Cripple Ci'cok, Col., fire do- Hi 40 tlonintbo proposed bill of tho lueonio-tax raid(?lo of the lloor right up to it. As f," ^ ''''•"^••'1';"''T CORN—No. 2 ili) & SO amid profound silonco, Tno lottor was feature. In matters of this kind, however, stroycd tho Kosobud Mill, ono of tho soon- as ho lind ignited the ' ,000 patients, '"'^«^''^mostly' ^""^"''tactop.y^ hands and boatmen, in tho iiosjiitais' in this lu-E-No.2.:;..:,,,...... ;.....OA'rs—No, 2 . 29 in tho Pi'osident s vigorous style, and which do not violate a llxed and rococnizod most complete gold ore reduction powder it burned along tho train CINCINNATI. was a stirring tribiito to tho Wilson Domocrntlo dcotrluo, wo aro willInK to deter plants in the cotintpy, Tho mill, which itud tho 100 poutuls exploflod. eity. Tho now cases uvopago 200 daily CATTLE 2 so 0 4 75 to tha Judifment of a majority of our Demo- and the deaths 100. • llooH 4 00 (S 6 01) hill and a diroct blow at any surrondor oratio brothron. I think tlicro Is a Koueriil .(viis owned by a b'rencli company, hud Two tons of powder and i'lOO SHEKr 2 00 O iJ CO to tho Senate bill, Tho letter was ac• aRtoonient that tbla is party duty. only just boo'ti put in running order, pounds ot dynamite WOPO all tho while irutiii j'^xpio.iiuii. WiiBA'i'—No. 2 lied CO ® Dl companied by a spooch from Mr. Wil• This Is moro palpably apparent wliou wo Tho loss is fully ^b^O, 000, within easy POiioh ot tho ih'O, Sep- CORN-No, 2 MLxod 45 ® 45)4 son. Ho (tonounced tho Sonato realliso that tho buaiuosa ot our country timid• goant Cliiiin, who was in charge, is At Lynn, Mass., by an explosion of OAT.S-NO, 2 MLvod 45 & -aVi ly ataQds and watches for tho result of out A Itriikoiiiiiii Kllliid. RVE-No, 2 -18 @ liO and tho manner in which tho elTorta to perfect tarilf loKislatloii; that a of tho Twonty-totiPth Infantry. Ho gas in tho Stpout IJuikting, a si>:- DlSTllOXT, slory stpuclupo, iil. .E. Strout, ownor of Houso mombors had boon • ti'oatod quick unti oortaiu return of jiroaperity waits A brakcmnn namod Atkinson, was was bupnefl and blistopod over three- CATTLE 2 60 (3 4 60 in tho conforonco. With umnistaknblo upon a wise adjur' ..ant, and that auoiiadluti lei liod in the Nicklo Plato yai'ds at fourths ot his body and will dio, tho building, and Olllce Ai'thur Wolls HOOS 4 00 0 6 25 peoplo stUl trust in our hands their pros- wero so badly burned that thoy will SlIEEP 2 00 0 3 75 suggestion ho doclnrod Hiat, should it iorfty nnd woll-beiDB, Tlio Uemocnioy of tho Fort Wiiyno, Ind. Ho missed his foot• WnE,v'r-Nn. 1 White 64 ((« 65 bo proved that tho sugar trust had fand Iploadi most onrnoatiy for tho speoily ing and fell uiitior tlio ongino. A ,Stniii);u lii'siiey. probably dio, and throe othors wopo OOR.v-No.'J Ynllow 48 ® 41) oomplotlon at tho tarilf IcKlslntion wliieli sovoroiy injui'od. 'The dnniago to tho OA'ri3-No. 2 White 40 ® 41 corruptly Inlluoncod legislation, it was Dr. J. L. BooHi ot Crostlino, Ohio, tho duty ot Democrats to make a bittor thoir ropresontatlvos liavo itndortitkon, hnt . Klllrt IIIH Wifo Illld llliiisolf. building will amount in .$50,0110. TOLEDO, tboy demand uot loss earnestly that no stresa i'ato Captain of tho Uuitcd States WHEAT—No. 2 Hod 62 m 63 reprisal, on this conspiracy by sweojv of necessity shall tempt thono thoy trust to CoitN—No, 2 Yollow 48 ® 40 At .Morris, 111., Thomas Brown, a Voluntoor infantpy, has boon lolt a iluns llor,soir. ing asido tho duty oa refined sugar. the abandonment of Doinociatic priueiple. Coal' City minor, shot and instantly legacy ot $;!li,OUO. . Whiloiuthosorvico O.n'S-No. 2 •\Vhlto HO ® 37 Yours vory truly, GBOVER OLEVELANU, At iBi'iuIshaw, W. Va., NoUio Konno, BYE-No, 2 42 ® 44 killod his wife ii'ml then himsolf. ,Icai- tho Captain hud tho good foi'ttino to HUFFAIJO. Spiirks from tlin Wires. savo a eorapaflo's life undop poculinp a !)-yoar-old child, hung herself bc- WnEAT-No,l White,,,,, S8 @ 6SM ousy was tho causo. AMONG the many able women jour• circumslaneos. Ho had not hoai'd ot cnuso sho had boon kopt homo from No. a Rod CO'cn) 67 THE cost of tho census up to this OoItN-No. 2 Yellow 48 ® 48>4 nalists of the day is Lady Constance: SliiuKl'tfli'od 111 a I'oxft.s AVrocIc. him since tho closo of tho lato im- school by hor mother to caro for two time is $10,306,007. • OATS-No. 2 Wblto 44 (3) 46 Lytton. She inherits hoc love for lit• liloiisantnoss until a day op two ago, babies. Sho was flead when foiind. MirAVAUIvKE. IT is proposed to oreot a monumont A special fpom Toxarkana says: erary work and qualifloatious for writ• when ho heard ot nis douth. Ho hud WHEAT—No. 2 Sprhiff. 63 63)i to John Brown on tho site of the his- Limited rcpoi'ts roiicli hopo ofasopious CORN-No. il 43 0 43)5 ing from hor father, tho Into Earl uccumulatcd a-'fortuno, and rnmom- Town Aliiio.st Dnstioyud. torio onginehouso at Harper's ferry. wi'ock on tho Texas and Paoilic .Rail• OATS-NO. 2 Wblto 33 38Jii Lytton, author and diplomat, wlio n bored his benofaotor in tho handsome Tho town of Somoi'sot. Ind,, was al• liAllLEY—No. 2 63 W 61 road, uoiip Quceti City, Texas, in which DYNAMITE was placed under a rail• best known to readers as the author ol maunop abovod slatoa. most totally destroyofl "by lire, Tho ItYE-No. 1 48 ® 60 tlio ongincor, oxpross mossengor, llro- POBK—Moss. 12 26 @12 73 way bridge near South Enid, Ok., and "Lucille." business poption was destroyed with a NEAV 'i'OKK. the structure was partly demolished. raun, and tho train nortor, with tliroo Unite Itomiiiillc. • iwssongoi's whoso miincs are nnohtiiin- largo numbor ot rosidoncos. The loss CATTLE 3 00 @ 6 00 IIOOS il 76 0$ 0 00 DYNAMITE was placed on the North• SliANDEBEns, and liars aro twin Jiblc, wore killed. The wrockod ti-ain Chicago special; Through the pub• is heavy with small iiisuriineo. • SHEEP 3 00 ® 4 35 ern Paclllo tracks at Sauk Rapids, brothers, horn under the saino slur, was tho north bound passongor fi'om lication ot his n'Jino as ono ot the 'WlIEAl'-^No, 2nod,, 67 ® 68 Minn.,and oxplodod under' a Vtrain. livinff oh the same planet, govornoa Dallas. A relief tpain, boarded by Dr. slightly injured in tho explosion ot the Arm 'I'ora OiT, CORN-No. 2....'. 17 ® 48 ® 43 Ths oars were wrookod, but no one was by, ithe V; same, unruly', member —tha .1. A. Lightl'oot and a sulflclont oorpa caisson of Battopy P, .Second Aptillory, OA'i'.s-No. 2 AVhito VX lluiTEit—Oi'oameiT.. injured. tongue. •of aidos loft hoi'o "for tho.scono. tho whoi'oaboutloi'oabouts of PauPaulPanuskul Panuslai, who with Moll'atVskoui ihrashor, hud his EaSr^^£aas-Stato^ , Hi u l^i'^'-'^^' , _ tODfiT":

iiiiil the fine old Shnkspijaro were put up at auotion-'-by desire of tlie testator— nolthor obsoui'ity nor uncertainty,— and wore aolcl for twioe and three times Philndolphia Record. Sovnrnl instuiic'cs of Kourlalmosi on tha I'lirlfof Niipoluoii. tbo sums tho old Colonel had paid for I'riitmitlii); Liihor. them. In a word. Sic Cyprian Dav• SOME WILD AND SILLY CALAM- Tho Pennsylvania Democriits dls Though Bourrlonno says truly that enant, who hiid osleemod himself pass• ITY SHRIEKS. played the courage of higli principle in Niipolcon lacked nothing to bc pleiis- ing rioh upon four hundred a year, their I'osohitlous on tho labor question, liig to women save the dlspositiou to MISS M E eRADDON stood possessed of a hundred and twen• They aro woi'th I'eprlnting; ty thousand, pounds. 'riio CliiirBo liy tliu l]iiilrii-l,'rCiin.s o of its siilTering.—New York dlsfitvor. Wits uiiiued to be made of uiy Ijiill dresses in tho cvuniii.iis." lillh,'. What a comfol't to have beoi'i mestic boarth I have over .sat by. She abroiul. '.I.'hat people who live in pro• AVorld. honor to the tjiiccn of Spain. ,Sho liad some secret grief even liefnre the IJofoi'c aiiiilliur Siiiiiliiy ciiiuo iJayo- bics.ed Willi lovely miu'i'iiigclible tected glass hou,-os should not tbi'ou' Approved hy Mm Jlassi's. declined the place and was at onre niuit was full of people, liic iittics iioi.sy (laiiglitors iiD'teail of liibbi.'rly sons, death of lier child and made up for be• stones at these who arc laying the ing very brilliant in society by being A small class in this city denounces exiled fi'oiu h'rance, returning only with slriinge ladics'-imtiils, the stables si)liltiling nn a fiilbor's sbouldors like tiiundation fur ii free trade huiise. It the income lax. The groat mass ap• Oil the restoi'iition of the Bourbons. and llai'iie..iri looms full nf life and 1J:IS- the old man nf liio luoiiiilain, lh:iuglil exceedingly dull ill home. J, don't e.v- may bu recalled thai a few sti'ikos and ]>ect to lind bci'very Hvoly, now lhat plauds it, as was shown in the Cooper Napulcoii insisted on ciicbating I'vcii lie, not nil eiiipLy stall or an iiiloccu- Lord C'liiiiyurde, wliuii lio li;td leisure riuts, like thoso at ,lIoiiicste;ul Union meeting a few weeks ago and iiied loo.-o bo.v in tho long raim'o of to rolloct iipon his int. she has lost the only being sliu really and ill G VHP d'Aleiie mines oc• the dress of .loHOphliio, who was her• ciirod for. She iib'soliitely worshiped again on Wednesday in Tiiinraany Hall. biiililiiigs, the billiiii'd-room and s k- .•\flei'that one visit in Park Liliio, curred before the dulcslable Wil• No senliiueiil that was iitlei'od by self endowed with cxcjulsite liistc. ing-i'iiiim resiimint with miisculine Sir Cyprian Diivonanl had studiously that chilli." son bill cast its shadow across His severity nlKiub the mistakes of This conversation gave Sir Cyprian the i.''oui-tli of .luly oriitoi's Wiis moi'o laughter, iiiikiinwii dog.-i iiurvadtng tho avnidcd Mrs. .Sin.rlaif. He bad very tbo iMclvinlcy bill. Also that a list of Other woiiiitii was, perhaps, iiccciibu- Davenant material for much sad chcorud by the iiiiditui's tliiin tbe do-, outbuildings iiml chained up iu every littio iiicliiialinii for society, and al- over .000 wage rudiiclions in prulcctod feiise ot the income lii.'c by Soiiatjr ited by coiitrasliiig them with licr. iivailablo curiiop. Ibnugh his frioiids were ready In make thought. To know that Conslancowas industries was ]mblished in US'.I2 as Iho unhappy seemed lo bring her iiciii'or to AValsli and ,Roprcsciitativo Williaiiis. He bated losv-iicckod gowu.s. He de• Constance Sinclair lind put away hor a fasbinuablu linn nf him upon the result of two yoars of .MclCiiiloyism, Tho speech of the new .Sonator from tested coliii-s, particularly dark ones. somber rohes of crape and citsliiiicru, sti'cilgtb of his Afi'ii'iin oxploi'ittions, Ilini. It brought back the tliuuglit of iiiid that W!i;;e iulvam.'os wore as .scarce Geni-gia was ii very compact and strong Jill held stout woincn In peculiar .'iiid mot liol' fricmls wilh welcoming bc hud sti oiiglli of mind miough to re• the old diiys whcn^ those innocent eyes as hens' tcolii. In fact, it may be re• had loolccd into his. oloqiioiit with iin- orcsoiilalion otllie arguments in favor avci'sion. Oiii c he I'cmarked that smiles, railiiinl in lillick silk iiild lacu, fuse all illniinor nf lliiltering iiivila- called thill wage strikes and riots wore of this tax. her griicetiil ligiiro set nil' by Iho latest linns. and iiinuinerablo iiilrodiictioiis conscious lovo; when Constance Cliin- unknown in this counlry bcl'oi'u tlie a very titll, slender women In whlto yardo hnd given liiin hor heiirt with ,He showed it to bo nooe.ssai'y. With i'arisiiiu fnshioii, wliich, being tho to |ieo|)lo who woi'o dying loknowhilii intrudnetion of high prbtoclion about sugar niiulo free, as it ougl'it to be, walking down a thickly shaded alley ueWcsl, was, nf I'oul'so, tbo liesl. He look a set uf cili'imb'urs in one o: but llumglit of to-mori'ow, lutpiiy in lliirty yours ago, wliich has given us ill the Jliiliiiiiisoii giirdens was tho tlio kiioii'iedgo that she was loved', be tliere will bc need of the revenue from "1 Ibougbl she would liiivo been in the streets beUveoii tlio Strand and the monopo'lists, morlgages and tramps in tlie income tax to prcveiit a dolicit in pi'cbbiosb picture ho had ever seen. deoiier muiiniiiig," said olle of .Mrs. river, suri'iillndod liimsi.'lf with the lieving her lover strung lo conquer ]n'oportioiis to make a most unstable fate and fortune. And bo had brought the Troasui'y. lie .showed il tu lie just. .Sinclair'^ dearest friends to anolhoi' books he lov<.'i!, and .sut abnul writin mi.vUire in a reiniblic. That the Mc- It "iiliices the bur.leii on llioso best Uciuitli Ills Dignity. during a wliisporud chat in ii dusicy llie hisinry of his travels. Ho had no the chilly liglit of worldly wisdom to Kinloy bill was but the enlinlniitlilg act able lo lioar it," and wbo^ ro.juire and The churchwardens of an .Enghivh corner at iirieriionii tea. "Tho uio'u desire to achieve', fame by book-mak• boar on this dream of Arcady. Ho had of lieinibllcaii and ])!'otoclionist atroci• been strong, soif-denyiiig. and had ro- receive the must protection from the villiigc had [ilaced an organ in their were so noisy with thoir haw-haw tttlk, ing, but il man iiuisl do snn'ietbiiig with ty, which has for thirly yeai's been Govorumcnt. lie shewed it to be Uom- cue could .say what one lilccd," I'u- his life. Sir 1,'ypi'iiui fell hiiilself loo iiouiicod his own happiness in the hoiio IJreediiig anarchy and discontent by little chui'cb, and in the delight of of securing hers. And now fato laugh• ocralio. It conserves tho greatest inarkeil .Mrs. '.Millailloiml iiflcrwiird to old or loo uniiiiibilinus lo enter one nf legislating wealth out of the pockets good of the greatest numbei'. A ta.v their hearts they told the ai-cbdciicon • ' Liidy i'jovonll. the lenrnod professions, and he felt ed him lo scorn wilh this gift ot viiin of the luii'd-working masses into the what thoy hiiri done at his next visi• riches, and ho found that his worldly upon consumption favors a class at tho "i^onks lallicr lioarllcss,dnoi.;n't it?— liimsulf without motive for sustained pockots of the dishonest schemers who, wisdom had been supreme folly. expense of tho imis.i. Said Senator tation, He fell in with thoir en- ;iil only child, too. .Slio might al leiist induslry. Ho bad an income that suf by political jobbery and logislative "What a self-s'illicient fool, what an Walsh: thusiiisni, and advised thoui to havo wear pai'iimiitlii instead of lhat bhick liccd fur all his desires. l-,tu would bribery, control and operate our rail• "Ot the $::00,nflO,000 collected by the a grand opeiiing,at which Doctor C,-— silk—not even mourning silk. I sup• write his book, tell Iho world the woir idiot, I have beeiil" lio said to him.self, roads and protected mines, forests and in an agony of remorse. "And now tarilT duties last year lit) por cent, was a well known musician—should bc pose that black nut trimmod with jot doi's ho had sucii, and then go back lo fiictories. collected from the prime necessities ot sho woro hi.t niglil was fi'iJiu \\''orlli." Africa and sue iniiro wonders, and ])or- what iitonon'ient can 1 make to lior for present. my folly? Can I defend her from tho The 1'ress luis gotten the shoo on the life, and about-^0 per cent, from the "My dear, you cimldu't biivo looked baps leavo his liollcs along the road, The advice was eagerly taken. purse-proud snob she has been sold to? wrong toot. It is a high monopoly lar- luxuiies. Of the i^,•i.•l7,OliO,()0;l collected nt it properly. AVorth wouldn't havc as some of his fcllnw-ti'avelors had done. I^liicards were posted, and thescrvico Can I save her wounded lielirt ono ill'anclnot free trade that is largely in Great Britain -10 per cent, was from uuulo her such a thing if sho liiid gone was advertised in the local papers. Ue heard of Constiuico Siiicliiir — pltng? Can I bo near her in the hour rospoiisiblo for the present iinarchislic weallli and industry, ill per cent, from down on lii.'P knees in bilu. Tho sleeve beai'd nf her as iiiie nf the lin'bls ot lui.sery, or oiler one drop ot comfort condition.—Byron 'W. Holt. luxuries, and only (i ler cent, from lite The all-liupoi'tant day arrived, and •Wits |iositivoly iiiiloililuviail. iXico i''asliinn's sidereal system—holding her fromasuiil overllowing with tender• iiei'cssaries of life, nclnding tea and with it Doctor C, who was at ooco liouso. isn't il':* l';vurytliiiig in good own agitinsl nil competitors. Uo saw ness and jiity? No; to approiich lior is colToe." shown up into thcsinglng-loft, where stylo. •\Vliat niiitches'all these tJlan- hot' once or ivnca, bolweeii live and si.v to do hor a wrong. But I can watch at The Kociiironity lluiuliiii:. A tax u|ion large incomes, logically stood tho Instrutnenb In it case brill• yiirdcs have iniiilo!" on a .iunc aderiiocin, when tho car• a distance, iiei'hiips. I must uso other There should be no ambiguity or applied—lhat is, exeiii])ting an iiiu-'uint iant wibh gilded pipes known to tho "Js it true that she was engaged to riages were creoiiiiig along the Lady's eyes. My money may bo of somo uso doubt concerning the provision in the osscntiiil to comfortable living even in profession as "duiutuios." Sir Cyprian Diivonauf:'" .Mile, and the high-mettled hot'.-;es pending t.ti-iir bill to abrogate the so- la'ge cities, and making a i.rogressivo ill buying her faithful service from "Cub where is the keyboard?" in- '•TlKiy say so. liow soi'i-y she must cliiiitipiiig Ibeir bits and tugging at called reciprocity clause of the Mc- rate ujion s'>vollen suporlliiity • is in• otlier.^. ti'od bless her.' I conseoi'ato ijuire.l the great iiiaii, who had al• be: Hc'ba.s just como iiilo quite a heap their bearing-rnins in sheer (lespera- my days In her service; distant or Kiiiley act. The section of the Senate deed "eternally right and should be• of money. Sniue old man down in the lion al being compelled to this siiiiil's near, I will bo her friend and hor de• bill which repeals this clause proceeds come a permanent lixturo of our Fed• ready boon sonicwhab discoucortod ut Lincolnshire foiis left it to him—quite |iace. He saw bur looking her loveli• fender." to tlechire that the rcpciil shall in no eral system ot taxation, "—Now York bhe sl'/.c Of the ori'an. 11 cliiii'iiclor, i beliovo. Never spent est, iiiid concluded that sho was haiipy. Two days hitoi- Sir Cyprian met Loi'd way alVect existing coramorcial ar- Worlcl. "Oh," said bho churchwarden, "wo itnylhing except on black-letter bonks, Sho bad all things that were reckoned rangemenls between the United States turn un round wl' bhat b'norc," point• and Uiuse have been sold for a forliine Chiiiyarde at tho nobleman's club. It In I'eiiiisylvitnlii, good in her wnrkl. Why should be was il dull which Cy))rian rarely used, and foreign eountries, "o.vcopt where ing to the handle. ill Sotheby's. Ah. .Mi'. Wyiitt, bow d'ye suppose tilei'e was anything wanting sueli arrangements are inconsistent Of coui'se, every Democrat in Penn• ill)?" as iho solicitor, newly arrived although he had been ii member ever sylvania is fully awui'O that the stand- The aiua'/.oinenb and indignabinn of to her content? since his ninjority, and it may bo that with the provisions ot this act." No that itftci'nooii. lliroiidcd liis way to• apparent iiocossity e.vists for this ver• ni'd-bearoi's of the jiiirty thei'e are Docbor 0. wore beyond word& lie ward tho quiet coriiei'; "do come ami Tho lawyer's letter, which had told ho went out out of his beaten track in loading a forlorn hope. Per this very had been invibed to open a hand him of old Colonel CTpytlln's doiitli, and the hope ot encountering Constance biage. Coiiimoi'cial arrangomonts that sit here. Is it true Hint Sir Cy])i'iau are not inoonsistenl w.th the act would reason their plalfei'in declitrations ox- organ. Daveiinnt lias come inlo a fortune'?" llie will which boiiueathed to him tho Sinclair s fatlicf. jircss more fully tho real sontimont of bulk of tho old niiin's fortune, found Lord Cliinyardo was very cordial and stand without excepting them in ex- "Notliiiig can be moro true, unless it the parly, since there is no temptation •Jedite Wivxoni's Proverbs. Sir Cyprian in his quiet chambers near eomjiiimontary upon his friend's al• pi'oss terms. Such as aro not oonstst- is that Mrs. Millauiount looks yo.uiigor to supiiross tlieir views or to straddle the I'ivor, smoking tlio cigar of pence tered fortune. cnt with tho act should fall; but such Don't try to look a gift oflls in bhe and lovelici- every .scitson." li'oublosomo issues in order to catch ovor the last troiitise on metii|iliysics "You must fool sorry for having a inattei' ought not to be left to oillcial moubh. "You horrid llattcret'. You are worse votes. Though in a despondent minor• by a Gorman pbilosopher. L/udy IDiive- parted with Davenant," he said, "when intcrpi'ctatioiu The original Wilson Mebbc a Senni'uor knows lb all, but than it b'roncli milliner. And is it true ity, Ihei'O are -lf)0,U00 iDemoorats in nant haa been a Miss CIryllin, I'lnd tho you might so easily hiive kept it." bill simply proposed to repeal the rec• that Mrs. Sinclair unci Sir Cyprian Pennsylvania, and their opinions ai'a he ain'b bollln' lb. favorite niece of litis tmcient Anglo- "Diivonanl is I'athor too big for a iprocity clause of the Mcii-inley tarilT, wero engaged? But no, it would bard- and that sliould have been enough. entitled to respect. lb soems like it is bad poilibicks for Indian, Colonel Grylliii, who hiid lived conlirmod bacliolor." Tt is significiint, thereforo, that the the piirby oub of power to help tho ly be fair to aslc you about that. You and died a bacbolor. Sir Cyprian had Nothing mere is needed to condemn lii'C a friend of the family." "True, it would havo beon a white Democrats of Ponnsylvunia not only party iu power to save the country. a faint recollection ot seeing a testy old olepliant, I dare siiy. Sinclair has im• this reciprocity-i'otaliatoi'y policy than "As a fi'ieild of tho family, I am give the usual formal indorsement of gentleman wllli a yellow coinplexion at proved tiie place considerably. You the existing embargo proolaiined by Pctticote polllbicks is agin naber. bound to infoi-m you lhat rninor is false the national platform of ISI):;, but thoy Havenant in his nursery days, and hav• ought to come down nnd have a look at President Idiirrisen upon the trade be• Jfosb men would rubber swap ther on thiit point. There was no engajie- specifically demand that the tariff laws ing been told to ciiU tbe old gentleman it. Pin going to Marohbrook to shoot tween the United States and the sister votes fer a pinb uv whisky than fcr a ment." "be I'ovised in accordance with that "uncle," wbereupjn he had revolted next week. Come nud stay with me," Republics of Colombia and Venezuela. shoulder uv nioeb, und you can't "Really, now?" Although this embargo has been in , authoritative dechiriition of party prin- openly, and had declined looonfor that added Lord Glanyardo, with lioarti- dlplos." Thero are those who allirm blame um much of yuve evor il "]3ut .Sir Cyprian was madly in lovo honor up;m such ii wizened and lawny- nes.--, not at all prepai'cd to bo taken at operation foi' more than two yeai's, no with Miss Clahyarde." ollicial statement of the reasons for its that the tariff plank of that platform shoalder moob. complexioncd anatomy as the little old his word. did not express the real sentiments of A Congrogsman ain'b allowed nubb• "And Bho " gentleman in question. jrcclamation has ever been given to "I shall be charmed." said Sir Cyp• the IDemocrats of the United Slates, in' extra fer havlu' a conshease. "I was not in the lady's confidcneo; "My uncles are big,"hosaid. "You're rian, to his lordship's inllnitoastonish• ;he counti'y. It has never beon shown but I believe that it was only my in what respect, if any, those two Re• Now, if this woi'O true, wo should ex• Tiler's HJOre wags of killin' a statca- too littio for an uncle." ment. pect to find dissent from it in Pennsy- friend's poverty which prevented their Soon aftorwai'd the queer old figure People generally took his invitations publics discriminate against,tho trade miiD tbuD sinutherln' blm bo debb iu marriage." of tho United States. Nor has it been vania, if anywhoi'o. So far from dis• had melted out of the home picture. for what thoy woro worth, and de• sent, we have from the Democrats of shu({er. "Raw hoi-ridly mercenary!" cried Colonel Gi'yilin had gone back to the clined them. But here was a man just shown why Vene'/iuola and Colombia ,':'omo Congressmen never git ti.ed Mrs. Millmnount, who caino of an an• should have beon singled out for dis- the Keystone State the heartiest con- Lincolnshii'O fens and'his ancient mis- from the center of Africa, who hardly curronce in the doctrine of a tarilT for of talkln' becuuse thor'a plenty uv cient Irish family, proud as Lucifer Biils and incunaiiula, and had lived so unclerslood tbe language of polite so• oiplino, when tho Argentine Republic, and pool' as Lazariis, and had been sac• Uruguay, Mexico, and other States revenue only, — Louisville Courior- people to git tired fer um. remote anexistonce that tho chief feel• ciety. .lournal. A blzness man In Congress ushuly rificed in tho blossom of lior d.'iys, like ing caused by his death was astonish• of South and Central America impose (TO 1!B CO.NTI.VUED. 1 puts In most uv his time wunderin' Iphigenia, to raise the wind—not to ment at the discovery that ho had beon as high duties on imports. A .Just Tux. Diana, but to a rich stook-brokor. BO long .alive. Could Only Bo Au.swci'cil in Iintin. Mr. Blaine had a far higher and The income lax will become a law, what bi'/,ness he's gob ttiar. Perhaps as that was a long time ago broader view of eommorcial reciproci• .Some Doiltishaus tells the truth Messrs. Hott & Gowunn, a respecta• Littio Rastus—Diir's sumpin', fessali, and it will remain a law, because it is she may hiive forgotten bow much ty than that which is presented in the ble firm Of fainily solicit.irs in Lincoln's I wants tor ask yer'bout do oceausos. founded upon .lust princi. les. It is the when thoy git to calliu' each othoi moro P'hitus had to do with her mar- Harrison i^roclamation imposing on Inn, begged lo ill form Sir Cyprian Dav• Dai''s moiih wiitah in do ocoansos at fairest way that burdens can he equal• liars.—Free Press. riago than Cupid. American consiimoi'S duties on the enant that his great uncle, on tho ma• high tide'n at low tide. W'at becomes ized between the rioh and poor ta.x- ternal side, Colonel Gi'yllln, of Hobart of all dat oxtry watah dat wuz at high colfee and hides of Venezuela and Co- payer. Thero may be crudities in the seals. oirAi-TKii xir, lombia. But whatever may havo been i pposont law, althoiigh the Senate has Hall, near I-Limmorliold, Lincolnshire, tide w'on it gets to be low tide? Prof. foung sciils do not know how to TUB snAClCLES OIP AN OLU IiOVE StSAIT- had iippointod him residuary legatee his opinion• in regard to this act, no j shorn the measure of the.worst of .Tohnson—Um—um—dat's a questshun, swim. Thoy have to become gradu. ENKI) Hl.\t. and solo executor to his will. Sir such arbitrary power ovor commerce the m, but they will be corrected hero- honey, 'at kin on'y bo answered in ally accustomed to the water, eibher Cyprian Davenant had inherited a Cyprian was quito unmoved by the an- Latin. Umpory, trumpei-y, dixum should be conferred upon tho execu• after, Tho law will not be repealed. by entering ib to paddlo about of fortune. Common rumor had not iibuncoment. Hosldurry legatee might digit sockdologous. .Dat's w'at becomes tive, least ot all in a government like Since the discussion cora'-'onoed In the greatly exaggerated the amount of his mean a great deal, or it might mean ob do watah, honey, on'y you'se too ours. Tliere is not another govoi'n- Senate the Republicans Ui a number of theroseives or by being carried into it wealth, though there was the usual very little. He had a misty rocollec young ter un'erstan'. raont on earth, except Russia, Turkey States both in the Fast and West have in bhe mother's jaws. They havc disposition to expatiate upon the triitli. lion of boing fold that Colonel GryJlln and China, that would permit Its chief held their conventions, but in not a great fear of the waves bhab break Needy mou looked at him with envy as was rich, and was supposed to squander Grasshoi)i>oi"s-iiil Per IJiishcI. to declare coinmei'cial warfare upon single instance have thoy denounced inbo foam, and, as 'Soon as they soc this or that nation at his sovereign will the measure. The income tax will not ho went in nnd out of his club, or sat untold sums en Guttonberg bib es and Grasshoppers havo become so plenti• one approaching, they talce to (light and pleasure. The spirit of the reci• hurt the Democratic party. By thei iu a quiet corner reading tho last Other amiable eccentricities of a book• ful in the State of New Hampshiro procity clause of the McKinley act as enactment of that measure the.y' have in terror, \ and do nob turn around "Quarterly" or "Edinburgh," and al• ish man. Ho had never been taught that a law has been passed providing a exempliliod in the Harrison proclama• simply made an effort to oiToot justice. until thoy have ascended to a very most wondered that he was so well able to, expect any inheritance from this bounty of $1 a bushol for the destruc- tion against Colombia and A'enozuela They havo sought to equalize the bur• high place above the sea. At the to contain his spirits, and was not ancient bachelor, and he supposed him ton of the insects. One farmer haa re• smacks too much of Oriental despotism den of taxation between tho rich and end of flity or sixty days they, unite tempted to perform a savapo dance of for.many years laid at. rest under the ceived $90 for as many bushels of the to receive the sanction of a free peo• the poor,—Ithaca Democrat, In small bands and form a school of' Chootaw character, or to give o.vpres- daisies of his parish church-yard. pests. ' Bion to bis rapture in a war-whoop. The residuary logatoeship turned ple. There is no doubt that iminedi- natation. GERMAN courts have been asked to "Hang it all, you know," remarked out to he a very handsome fortune. NEVKR go to sleep, especially aftor a atoly upon the lepeal of the clause in The missals and bibles and antique ffroat eUort, oven in hot weather, 'with• question President Cioveland would decide whether a tootli after being an impoounious younger son, "it ag- drawn is tho property of tho dentist or iTlalamenbable but true that a gravtttos a fellow to see Dovoaant take Books of Hours, the Decameron, aud out some coveringf ovor you. cheerfully hasten. to withdi'aw . this miscdilevous and foolish embargo. But his victim. Door novel may. outlive good sermon. LANSING, Wednesday, AUG. 1. MASON,*T]iursday, AUG. 2. uijuned and itching so badly that 1' would almost tear i.liem to piecesiscrrttchIng. All flio doctors treated me for erysipelas; not one ever knew wliitt ailed iiie. I wont to Dr. U.S. Hiiiiiiihrey at the hotel in Owosso, and ho iif- Htai/tly fold llie I hiul Eczema and lie has cured mo com- liletply in one itiontli's time, although I am takiij iiiiio for my blood, as tho doctor olalins that uMUPano Will tin; aictuil iiivi,>.'.l,i|,'av,Q this worlc and lilarii if sy^tl•lll be cleansed the skin will again bocoiuo soriT DAVIJ) WniTKHMAD, Corunna, Mich. tliese stiiti'iiliMits (H'lj ti'uo? Widfo to tliese iiai-ties Tiioy ai'u your ittiujiKiiatu iieii-rliboi's, iiiaiiy of tliuiu PAKALVSIS CuiticD.—Two yoai's ngo, after chiW-b7rfch, I was rakeii wii ii severe pain in tlio back ncooinpa'nied witlt yoiir persoijiil frietlds. e.vtrenu' norvoiis eliills, during which tinio I would sliaka- 0 Known to almcsl; every Iioiiscliold TilK J)0CTOK TlfA'l' like otic ill I be severest spasms. This condition was rai>- bXAJflNA'PlOiV oi<' J^\.'ri:ii:N"r.s AT nlly followed by iiaralysisof tbo lower limbs, so that I lost- OTJIKHS HAVK FAIIJOD. llie un- of ntysoif from the waist down and Imd to bo lift• TESTimoisiiflns. The cliroiih! iiflllctwl, In ordiM' In havo I he ln.'St skill of tlji) iVdiL'd ,S|i(!i.'lallsl, ii.iisl. nUhc.r r/n fo .tiir// .t/)i:r/fi/M, nr lha i.lnit, nirniu:,' all (.•hnndo sulli.U'ufs, uol. moru thiiri (uii) In live luunli'cd evur gii '.(r ed up nnd supported like a child, so that for two years I Tho following tosfiiiionials will sorvo to illiisld'iitf tliu •',»? ,9/tee/a/M mtitli/o lo tfieui, .Stiillslli.'s show I.. . , • , , ,., - , ., bad not walked alone. I bociime very di'opsiciil and sut- ..'()'. Ill till) lai'Ker (.'Itli's to rueolvu tri'iiiii t; this fact Is iiwIiiK innliily lo two ri'a.soiis; t'li'sl, thu UMTIIIII! ilri'iiil thu sink liavu iOj; viiried oliaraeti.'r and quality of tlio dontor's work: "^W ol liMLvIni; lioinu ami HOIIIK Inlo llm lui'iiiull, imlsi; ami conriislon uf n. Kruat oily, iiiiil tlio wofry ami n.vliiitislloii Incident -'.C''- 'ered iintnid agony with my stoniiich, liver and bowels. ..r<. Ill travid. .Soiiiind, tho (jri'iit n.viR'iisi' ot' Iho trip nnd Ilin iinnMisoniililo prh.'os chiififod for e.vninliiiilhin nud tl'uatinont by jjti; I was taken to Dr. Huinphrey at the hotel in Cliarlotto in I was born diuif ill ono uar. llr. Iliiiiiiiliroy rilstorcd "(iv tlni city siiuclitllsiN, It Is n iiul.oidoiis I'nct Hint cliroiilo illsniiscs ai'ii so disl.lui.'t fl'iiiii ncnl.e iiiius that tliii mglilni' pnicll- a most pitiable condition ami so bine and discouraged I •>0''- tlciiiur, as a niln, wants iiolliliii; Ui do with liii'iii, nnd if Hatlsliuii with ids liininui, will fninklymiy .so, liuiii'o tliu iiuocs- ^fi; Jieariiig i:oiii|ilete, OiiA L. PKASIC, Norlfi Adams, (\li(di. sity (if tin) sia:i;liilist! nud liiiit Im slinll |iut liiinsidl' wliori! tiidso piitioiils inwiinul i,y l/irir J''((iiiHv 'Jinclor iniiy soo hini '.J.'- tlioiiglit no iiiorliii could help iiie, but the doctor said ho '• I'ocolvii llfst-clliss irt'iiinu'iil, iiilhiiiii-'li niiiililc In visit tin; rlly lo soi'ui'o a lilin iiniillly of nkiil. 'riii; fiii'.t that a city e.Diild Clllllil JIM, anil I hcgan bis Ireatiiientand followed it. s|)oclnlist visits yiiilr ouiliily si'iit, nnd n'i:i;lvi's .iiiiil jircsiTibi's fur inilioiiis at your lust iicilid doi's not in ilio least ilt'lnioi. i Wits fully ill till! (diiteiiL'S of nuiiib palsy Dr. Hum- ..il<. from Ills skill, lioiii'Sty, llllc;^'^lty or rus|i(M'.tnlillily. i''or if ii. niiiii Is ii. (.'oulii'innn at iiiinio iio is a KOiiijDulail ovory- fiiitlifiiiiy nloiitli afler niontli ami now I am ablo to got- pliroy eiiri'd my eonipbdi'ly. •I',* whiu'o, altiiiinnii iiDcnslunnlly ii huiiu'ry diador will IMUIIOU n sii'k iniiii or woman In koop iiwiiy fi'iiin us; tlmt Ino in face nf tlio •'.(.' iip and go wbcro 1 pieaso, up and down stairs and any- ftlxss JKNMIC SLOCUM, Hudson, Mich. .-•'•'. fiiDt tlmt tho saiiiu snIlVri'i' has IIODII a patient of said diu'lnr fnr moiitiis aiirl (ifti'ii yi.'iir.s, nud paid liliii nil Iho nionoy liu j<;,);; "'(V I'oiild riiko ami .scrapo nud iniu- IIIKIS hiiilsolf wiii'so nil' lliiiii nt lioginiiiiig of trontiiiuiii, yut i.s cnniioiii'd iiy tills M. Ii. in •>!!•• wliero 1 desire, and consider niyself as having got a new Iniik (ilil. fur fiiiiid and IDIIDI-.'IIU'I:. ('iiininiiii di'i-cin-y HOidil, at lonsl, su;.".:i'st SIICIII'IMMI llio part ol'surii lU'i'iiliiros. Duos Dr. ;r • leiise of life, nnil 1 urge the iilllicted to see Dr. Holinan 8. 1 liiul siilTci'cd years witli soi'ioiis iluiifncss from enlarrli '•''.if iiuiuiiiii'oy iMiro ovoryiiody'i' Nn! Iini"i Iio iroiu. I'vory oaso tlmt giioH lo iiim? No! iMost ompliiitiailly mil lilitlio dooscnru ii. '".(.•' Hiiniphrey and be cured. 3)r. Hiiin[ibrcy cured inc. liiA li. CAiiU, llillsiliile, Alicb. "(ij; groaior pI)l'i:oiila);o of t'iisi's nocoiilod for I mil iiioiil. lliiiii niiy spooialist of our iii'i|iiaiiiliiiii'ii. His ijiisluo.ss liiis iissimiod suidi '•?(.•• gigaiitic iini|)iii'lii)iis 111 I'l.'iil.nil iilichlu'iiii that ho has fniiml It an ali.solulo iioccssily to idiniiKo Ids lioadiinni'liM'S ffiiiii liilis- ''.f.'- RfHS. PANNIJC M. CnALLlCNUKIl '.4j; diilo lo Lniisini;, nud to drop all Ids iiidlaiia. and Ohio towns; tliiis iu ftiluro i'.(>• ,Statu of jMiidiiKaii. This oiiiiliii's ovi-ryono niidi'i' Ills rani to ciiiiiniiiniciilo wllii or sou tlio Doclor on siiort milli:o lit nil times, iiio by JJr. liolinaii S. Jiuinplircy. — . _ .. — •• —•— —. >v/. LowKLL, .Tiino 28, 1803. Mits. MoLiiV, North Aditms. Illi. iit\Mi'iiiiiv's "linl.ii t'lmi-;" ion CA- I'l i-iK'sliy I'l'ijin'sisall iiorsniis itudor iroiit Hit. II u.MriiiiKY:-- •"r''''r.wiiiil, A.sTil.M.', A.vii .M.I. A|.'l.'i;rrin;','--. nf o.i'i.l. icM'.riic llim ori'.'ii, as advioo may :T', 1 was blind witli catiti'acts in botli eyes. A\''ii.s oiiuratcil is.Tin: iJi'i'iiii Am i'.'.:.sAiii:s. Tiih; nim'iiy 111' ;ii.iT'sai'y wooii iiiU'i' wock iu ordor In DHAR Srii;—Nearly ovor sinco T can reuiomber I havo on by .Dr. liiiiuplirey luid my sight restored. aid Ins nil tlm "ii.iii'" IMUI !.-i'i:l I.- i);".!i ;iii.v ;!i'\i'M I'li.vo on ns rapidly as pos- A'^, boon troubled with ci'iunping spelhs in my stomacli. One. MILS. A. UU.SSI£LI,, Angnstn, AVis. ..fgi pi'opoi'l icH of (loi.i', :inil il.-i cm 11'. • I'.lo. !i ml JI ;:nii(l riMMlitoii-sousostatonioiit 'jfj^'^^yea r ago in Angiist I was so bad I could scarcely oat any- JIP' I'l'lsiis iioii_ r M;"spi'i'i, lii'" rnrCiiliii I'lii'l'ii'l'- ot; I In: purl nf I Im piilli'iit Iiy iiiiiil is liio :j; tliiiig. We employed a doctor and be culled it bilioug' I'l'i'liniis as it is pii-sllilo to priiilii^'c. iiml i-'-Kt lilin;', Ion |ii'i'.-..iniil I'linsiiitalloii, i^^r I was toially blind for twenty-four yeitrs with senile wlii'ii nsod 111 I'oiiui'i'i lull wll ll ilu'|i(i;-- <;olic, but he could not relievo inc. Then we eitiployod catai'iicf, Di'.'Holiiin,li .S. llnnipbi'oy riiiiiovud tbe citliii'- •'A Inr's ri'giiliir coiisl 11 uliniiiil I'liur.i; r 'I'lKlir.'-iAMl.S OK MKy •* another and he [ironounced it iinnralgia of the stomach, ucis and gitvo mo gooil sight. iri'iilnii'iitniid dlclary. will riiri'ii:iv i- All ii'.'or 11 imiilry arc iioiiiK slowly lilod nnd we doctored with him iiiitii I got so bad I could only i% of Cilia rrii: prnvldi'd tlii'snllVn'r v.lll fol- III driiili yi'iir iirii'i'yi'iii'owliit; to l.lio vl- 5'.il-.' •lOiiN' MmTu, Hail Olniro, Wis. low ill', iiniupiin'y's iiistrm'liniis. WIn'ii lal lliiids |ia-;slim'oir wilh llio lU'iiio(waloi') 4^-. oat from one to two small crackers a day, wlinn ono day .;.>/.( It is iiiiihu'sloiid that (.'nlnrili in si 'I'lioy I'i'i'lall I'liii dosvii, ilrn^'Kod out inid v!;;' my iinsbiinil sat reailing the ioiiia Sentinel and lie saw I imd been very lianl of lieariiig for niaiiy years. Wu.'; fnriii or uf sniiic pari, is llio I'uiiiKln I iim of wliip|,|.,i 111' om'r,;:yaiid niiilillioii, iiut a ro Dr. liolmaiiS. li iiiii|jliruy's ad vertiseiiicnt and be eagerly •entirely ctu'Cil by".Dr. liolman •S. iliiiiiiiliriiy. fiiiir-liftiis of all I'liniiilc. nUiiii'iiis nnd ail iini'iiiiM'Iniis nl wliiTo I Iio ti'lio oaii.so (if '^X.' ^'I'lispcd at it nnd said lie was the iloctor for me. He wag Iho fiiiiiU'O 111 ri'i'o^'iil/.o iiiid ciiri'Iliis, is Ilu.li- iriiiiLlo Ill's, l-li'i'ldiif! roilof fl /c, E. C. CA;\ii'liii;Li:,, Hillsdale. Aji till' I'oiisnii fur .sn iiiiii'li illsiiiipoiiiliiioiil llio family diiclr.r, limy ai'o troatod for 5VV; to l.ie at Ionia I\larcli ail, so we iiiiide nrraiigenieiils to go- 'J:' 111! tho liiirtiil'sulVi'i'i'i'S wiili Imi'; ^lun.i- IlllliiiiMii'ss, l)ysl)l'|l^ia, lloiirbTroulilos or .,y,v. iinil see liiiii, and lie iironoitiiced my case iiillaiiiination of he; iill'i'i'lloiis riiily Mxplaiiis why .-.n I'ow I was so dcnf for years Hint I iloiihl only bear when I.'lii'iiiniillsio iiml ICIdiioy Disoaso, hut In V.fV 10 sloiiuicb. Ho said ho could cure nie, ami so wo com- yelled at. i^r. Holiii'iiii S. iliimiibrey bus ciiroil nin en• nro I'.ui'oii of liiolrdlsi'iiiii's. no piii'|in-i'. 'i'lii-y try paloulod nostrums, ,,•(',, 'fjl? Tlio iliii'lnr issiirriiiiiidi'd with lliii iin- liiit liii.-.o ill-iappnliil. Ilicni, TIlosu silll'i'i'- '';(. inonucil lo doctor witli liliii and doctored tlll'ce months, tirely. BiJitr WiiiTir., Lansing, Mich. oi's niiiv lionl' all ii;'.i's, fi'oin more iii).ys In .i,., and today, thanks to him, 1 am a now woniiiii. I will I'st null miisl. o.Mi'iisive i;cilli'i'iIon of iii- iKlvniii'i'il life. Inn, llio iiiajorlty aro mid- ^tji';: i linil siill'i'rcd for yoitrs with a so-calloil incurable val- ?{? strnmonls over impiirii'd In this roiiiil ry lllo II'.'.IMI mai'i'lod mon v,*lio liavo wnrkcd .•.lieerfiilly advise all i)eo|ile that need ii doctor to call on. ...j)-,. for o.Niimliiliit; "ml tn'iiliiiK' nil forms of Dr. Hiiiilplii'cy. 1\1 us. Kii.KV JICCA ni,, viilai'disciise of Ihu liciirt. Dr. lliiliipbrcy cilroil iiin en- VjP olii'oiilo niliiii'iils of llioliond, I'm c, rye, day and nl,'.'iil,as ymi mi;,'litsny, foryiiars ;i:;(I voai'v 11'sii.'li will ooiiio lo iiio, and Lowell, Kent Co., Micll. tirelv. J. V. J-ilJUNiCU, Newark, tlliin. ..'(li. OIII'. thi'iint, iKiso, I'liosl, limns, lii'iirl,.s'l(l- Iirlii'l'a liolllo 111' llii'lr iii'iiio, I w'llisiiosv "j!f iiiaoli, II vor, spli'im, kidiioys, iioui'!;;, i".'- llifiii tlio I'liiisiiof llu'lr ti'iiulilo, .il . I wns frniil.ih.'il for years with ciiliirrh, ilcafiicss nnd iirodiii'llvo (ii';,'iiiis, liriiiiiry ni-^iins, lu'iiiii MASD.V, Mich., .bill. 10, 18113. 'f(i?.,'ind iiorvoiis slisli'iii, pnriilysis, rliiiiii:i. Por file past tlireo years I liave siilVcrcil unfold tortiiro J'unniiig from one ear. \\^n,s complcti'ly ciiri'd by Dr. ..•'ji. lisin, sloli iicadai'lii', iiai'kiii'lio, liiinnis, mf^!^'F' 'I'Hoi'XAJVD.s oi'^ •\vo>n':> Miimpbruy. j:i'iiwtlis, .jniiitdisi'asos, pll.'s, iiip discasr, .••iilVor I ho illsiipiiiiliitiiioiils of a hrnkoili i Vf, with catarrh of the Ijowels and rectinii. f bad I'or four• In thoir j^:, Kiev. 1''. W. liAYLi'iv-.IOMCs. Fdiiski'j.'(ili, Mich. .,'jiv. .si'inlli'ii, skill disoiiscs, uli'iTs niiil ini'i'i' ivi/'^'M^^ I :'. Wll, lioniiiulii'd, nerviiiis .sysloiii in teen years been an invalid from feiniilo ti'OiihIe iirovlous. Vijf I'liriu nf wi'iikm'.ssori'illii'r niali'iii' fi'imifr .•.,:iliil I'clalloiis who oiiii bo perfoclly '.,',i' *o tliis fearful (;onsiinipl ion of tbo bowels, but Hiailiigcd to .vji,. Till! dnclor's spool lii; niodioliii'snosl raniht .„i', d, ^fc I was a rtreialfiil siiM'i'i'cr front iccninotor ala.via and ^jj; 111 llio disoiisoil ori-'au, nud onu Iio plainly iceep iiroinid and do my work after a fasliion, but for the 1iariily.-is of iho will. 1 have beuii oiil.iruly curcil bv .IJr. .,.^ir. foil. III. work' ill till) disoiisod pans rory ll'r/li! fur 'I'rlrrilc Qiictlioii Zitl lo past several nioiitlis I nave laili.'d so rapidly that I was jUtiuipltri'.y's lititisnal skill. 'JjTsliorlly arior tlioIr ii.so is iiojjiui. 'i'iioy !.:tilii\i. '/'riralc Qiienlion Zitl lo Gcii- ohiiffod to(,'iv.i up lioiiso-koepiiif; jind live w'itli my .sister. ..'j'. ai'o ploasiiiit. lo tako, iniid iuit, si-urcliiii'fi Nfiiifii fiho f/r r('t/ift.',tl. iS*'. Dit, H. HiiSfM'iLL, Newark, Ohio. Ill iii'tinii, vol iif;i'i.'i.'Willi tiio iiiDslili'lii'iilu Atllie time I was iiikcii to see Dr. lliRllpllrey tlireo ..•JV. lady or child, iln mit ri'iinoo tho SM'OIIKI li, '•:):• mon lbs ago 1 bail given up all hope of ever getting well, HoiKlcrfiil Ciirrs by my now imprnvod Si'' Por iiiiii'tiii'ii Inilg years I siilTeri'd tin; misery aiul iin- •|? and cnii ho nsod wliilo at liio iisiiiil in'cn- liiul to ki;i'|i my bed for days fogi'tlier. lAly doctors and .,'(.>. liiilliiii, ns iiiiiiiy pntloiils still iililo fur mi'lliod of In'alnioiili noonnliilisliod In ':' iioyniico of serious tli'iifncss from I'alitri'li of throat and VjV hard work and oliiso ailoiillnii In liiisliiuss iiorviiiis disiiliiilly, promnturu dncliiioiif if^ all my friends bad given up all hopes of my ever "ecovei'- iniddlu car. Was cuiiiijlcfcly ciiri'il Iiy Dr. 11 iinijilirey. ..'fi, lu'o lift oil slowly, sni'uly, yot luiooiisi'lous- manly powors, nnd kliidrod iill'ootiniis, ''. liig. 1 often Iiassed i quart of jelly-liko siiiiie witli long A.MO.S Ki'-.-MiAid,, Hillsdale, iMich. Ti)T ly dyliif;. kiiowiiii,' tliomsolvos ill, yet do- SLIiiti ll ifPiiiET wiiii'h iiiivo 1 II iii'^ricclod or niiskllfiiily ;''' piocos of memhi'iiiie froni tlie bowels at one time, luid ,,•{',. I'olvod liilon. fatso.si^oiirity, thi.'y ii'mcriis- li'i'iitoil, No I'.vporlmciils or ralliiros, i'a-' 9^? Una ill nud put oil' tho iiinttor" liiil.ii lim tii;iils In'iili'd liy mail and iiiodloliiossoul .; suiiK.'days (luring tiic twi'iity-foiir L'oiirs 1 would [iiiss a 1 iitcastircd -IS ittcbes iiround my belt ffom a very Inrgu .,:'t'.. oii.so Is ruudoroii iiionraliio. Tlu; iloi!iiir Qiires flfter fill Ottjers pail. Iiy o.x'pi'L'Ss fi'oo' from ohsorvation. '' half gallon of stiilT tlmt looked like niy insidos wore rot• libroiil tunmr. NVas lii.la'ii to I'l'uf. lyiiilhun, Chicii^'o, ting aw iiy. When I was Hiialiy tiilicn'to sou the doctor at >vho lionld do ilulbing for inc. Dr. Iliiinplirey reinoveil I FACTS POli ]\re.V Oh' ALI, AilK.S. rorliiiiiiles arises lint only from tho faet of llio most .scloiitiilo i'• tlie hotel in Mason i could not get tip slairs and bad to bo .-• By I'oasnii of faiso iiiodosty tiioyoiiUi of onr liiiiii nro kept in and s|ioc;|liu iiiodieatioii limiwn eillior in tills orniiy otiiur conn- nil vt^stige of the gi'owlli without tbo use of .•tiiytlliiig hut Aji i^'iioi'iiiioo nf till! .sorioiis I'esnils wliirlii'enaiii snlilaiy and liiilis- trv. lint also In the faet nf tho dii'oot iiillneiioo of his iinworriil curried Into the parlor. 1 begitii Irenting that day and jneilicintis. iMus. IIAUVJ'IY S.MI'I'II, .lancsvillo, Wit^. •';»"' oroot pniotioes |ii'iiiliioo. 'i'licsu vieos if porsisled In 'ovoiiluiilly will iiiiim till) pee.iiliar menial deiii'o.ssioiisiiiways foiimf In siieh '' am now keeping house iiiul doing my own work; have A'4 iindoriniiie thocoiislltiitinii iiidili'o nervous lioiiiiiiy and oiiriy eases. I)V wliich lie Is onabled l.o Infuse a piirtof Ids own onorgy ;!.'• gained over twenty poiiiids in weight, eat and sleep well, Co\pii.Mi"rid.v Oi;iini).—1 was raiiidly falling into flic •'•'*'dei'iiy, or;;niii(; woakiioss, prenialuni lu.ssof Iho iiii'iiily powi.'i'.s, Inin l.iio'ir iiiipoiess lives. Woro not all such onses held In Un; '•' i'i iiiviillinliiry loss of viliil lliilds, Kouorai prosi nillnii, nnd nil must sai'i'od i:onli(leiii'0 liio doo'liii' oonid print lullers fniiii ;•,' and look forward to a long and tisefnl life witli my family grasp of thai loll (Icstroyi'r, consiiiil|ilion, given ii|i by limes iiiiiiooilll.y and ohrnnii; epilepsy, t)f all iiiiiliKllos iillilol- tlinii.siiiiiis nf Ki'iilornl pall(;iil.s who havo iiooii cured, nnd aro lo- ' lind friends. Rlu.s. MKXUV BAjicoCK. |)bysiciniis iiml frii'ilds, cniild just, pok alioiit tiiiafilo to «>i; liih'niaiik'lnd thoro Is iii'oliaIlly iiiiiiu aiuiut whli'ii tlie eniniiinii day perfecl, mon. iiliyslcnily nnd iiioiiUilly. Disoaso or (lobillly flo niiytbiiig of any iicf.oniit. Ill been I'litirelv enroll family dnolor In Koiioral |ii'iii:lh;o kmiHs so litllo, vol iiosiill'iinu's uf i.lio repniiluclivoorKiiiis of oltiiorso.v rnpldly dostroys tin; on- '. by Dr" ilolmaii S. il uinidiri'y. ifii need the atloiilion of Iho o.vporiuiieeilspoi'la 1 isl,inuro IInin ilioso,ei 'L'iosof bnlli iiody and niliid, I'liiis tin; stop nf its oiastieily. i> lioi'o WO linvo Ui mliilslor to n dl.soasod iiody, n disoased iiiiiid, dims Iho liri;.,'iitoyo, pales the clieok, dovolopos oowardlco, nnd ' To WiroJi I'l' MAY CONCICKN: iMlSS .jK.NNllil hhlANKLLV, Mnsmi. iy;iiiid iiiuiKiunlloiis lliii.'d wllii niorliid deslri's find i'dirfni appro- ofli'ii doslmys 111!; lirU'litest inleilect, Tim roprodnotivo rune- Five yeai's ago I was stricivcn with apoplexy, which '1' iiensloiis. Dr. iliimpliroy's niipiu'iilN.'led siiei.;c.ss Willi lliosu iiii- tioii is tin; iiiniiis|iriii|,'of iiiiinini llfo—iiresorvo 11 at nil hazards. ''; IN'.SOJIMA A.Vb NlCitVOUS I.^UOS'I'IIATIOX Ouili'll). WilCli made me well nigli helpless, and whicli piLssing olf leftiny J wiMit to Dr, lluliiian i5. 11 iitiliibi'i'V iiiiiirly a yum' n,:;i) 1 WTPHYSTflAI , RYAMIWATinM ''^l••\^•^' UOOICS AliK Wltri'TRN UI'ON' TIILS HUIURCI'. ami tlmii.saiids of hi'i;:ht, right side pai'alyzcd to such an extent tliftt I could not i*tl n lOlUnU IjAAflllVni lUlV SIIIIIIUK iiislrniuoms am .sold aiiiiiialiy In iloclni's for tho pni'po.so of doturmiiiin- lift; iny arm or do more than hobble around with a cane. Jiiiil no iib'n (if gi'ftitig bi'lii, hut went, simply lo plciiso •'I'' llio kind nnd cluiraclor nf disoaso l.liat iililict liio liiiiiinii ra.iiiiiy. Ur. lloliiiaii .'^. ilnmiiliroy lias liiii^' sinco iiiissod tiio pniiil, jny frii'iids. 1 ooiiltl sum i-ly slo|> or tiiko a inonu'iit'.,. uoin- Ate when; lie has to iimhe.ss tho sluk iiiid iliiimp, nnd streldi, pull, twist, nnd toriiioiil. Ilioni uiilll they nro eoiiililctuiy cxiiiiiisleil During tliic-time 1 had spoils of sovero vomiting, with a fort for coiitraoti'ii iibysii'iil und iili'iiiitl silU'oriii;;. Al 111 nrdor to lliiii a iiniiio to suit llioir eiimlitiiiii, liiit Willi coinplotu loss of appolito. I partially recove'red from times I IhoiiL'llt 1 slioiihl Inse my itlinil; n,ll wis ibirkno.s.'j il'i sUiiitiy n;oof,'iiizos every phii'/.o of di.sensi tills att.'ick, but while driving eliickena from my garden ';*;••• eenliy "A Iniiycaliod upon Dr. liiunpiirov was taken with another seizure wliich made me so bolplosa and gloom. Dr. Ilolmaii 8. lliimpiii'i'_\ oiU'od imi entirely liindly ns iho lady eiilon'd nnd said,'I and 1 I'l'oniiiliK-ild llim to all nlUb'li'il. 'J*' not iiiuuli thu mailer witii tue,' 'All,' snys tliu Doelni', 'I seo an oiiomy lu po.ssessioii of tlio pronii.sos wnioii i cniir that I have been only able to get about with tlie greatest After somo Jiooii nntiirod bantorliiK on tho part of tho lady alioiit iier trilliiij,' disaiililty sho look hor oilvc, 1 wont ililTioulty. I oiiiployed the boat doctOi's I could find. Six D. K. HAWLUV. iMasoii. iMii'.b.. Itiij. 0. Abs't tlllicn 'I'" iio.il week wilh her to llio city whore sho cniisiiilod nn oniiiicnt professor in a noted niodical eniiojro. Tills doctor imd Hie dilTorent ones worked over me with littio or no benefit till il'i lady undn;ssod to hor waist and with a wnndorfiil nrrny nf instrnnioiils tiinnipod ovory liicii of hor chest, front and roar and ; , '";;.•" liion Willi a ooslly sloliioscopo ho iislouod oror uvory part nf liiu un|)er hndy; took pen and Ink and iiiii|)|ii;d onl. the region last sprini,'I called on Dr. Holiiiiin S. Humphroy at the ijtof tiio lioart and ioonioibUs vnlvos; talUod ioiiriiodly nf tho loliosot tliu luii'.;s; (;im,iiilioi'S nf tlu; lie.art and all .•joi'lsof ralos and .• liotcl in Ionia and commenced treiitinont witli hiiu. Four Almost: a fHinaeie. '»'• •ei'opllatioiis,' and wlioii tho o.vnminiiiioni was over tho iiidy was sn coniplotoly o.vliaiistod slio oiiiiid sonrcoiy sland nioiie in weeks afterwai'd 1 walked from my bonso tp town, a mile fio (li'o.ssiid. She paid tiiuSlO o.viliiiiiialioii fco, tooli lioi pi'o.si'riptioii for coil iivor nil mid iiypopliospliitos, nnd rutiiriied to iiei,. DA.vsVILLIC, I.va. Co., iMicit,, Mcre'i 1, l,?!)4. ... lioiiiB. Poor child! fii four nioiiths sho wns niouidorliiK in lior siiriMid, Hr, lliimiiiirey saw all this at a i,'la.iioo many nionlli;i and a half, and bfick, which I liiidnotdono for two yeiirs, No one knows but myself what i biive suffered the past #iji liofnro, lloailli lias Us foaturos. So iintii disonso Ouu lnny ho known as rondily ns lim olhor, Tho natural physician knows , during wliich timo I could not even liobblo to tbo roa(2'» four years with I'cinalc Iroiiblo of the worst form, I had iiolh at siirlil, ill ail their Ki'ados ami aiipoarancos, l)K, IIOL.MAN S. llUJllMlRE'i'IIUJH"" ' possesses lids pocnilnr power moro that runs by my house. I have regainetl the use of my? Jnllainmiitioii, cnlargeim.'iit and retroversion of tbe womb, liii,dily devoloiiod than any doctor wu liavu ever known. self nil ovei', go where I ploiise, all alone, and walk all t siiMVring llic innst iiiii'iisi' pniii, (luring which tiiin' 1 was Wliilo it is always proforaiilo to soo my iiatlonts, whoro this is liiioosslhio, ow iiir have a mind to. 1 eat well, sleep well, and am a live old coiiliiii'd lo my bod Mirei' nunilIts and a half. iMy pliy- In ioiij,' disl.nnoo.s, c.\ti'omo woakiioss, or whoro tliu c.Npoiisos of travel lulded iiiaii iigain, where as boforo 1 was worse tliaii dead. De- fiiciiin gave up the ciiscniiil iiilvised tno to goto Ami ..Vrbor I Trealmenl % Ulaii or Express. toliiiitof ti'oatniciit isaii itom, 1 will, whon rouiiostod by mall, wltli a sl.ainii fore taking Dr. llolmaii S. Huniphrey's treatinont my eiicliisod for ropiy, .send a iiriiitod rpiosUon listeonuorniiiu' ovory ciiiiiiltloii ami kind of (lisonsu which, 1? fiiitlitniiy nnd correrl l.v which I was willing to do if 1 could only got help. The Ajt iiiiswoi'od, will oiinhlo 1110 to euro all cimiblu disua.sos. 'IN;niis of troatmoiit iiindo kiiiiwii wlioii (|UO.stloii list Is rutiiriiod. liioso bowels did not move for a week or more at a time. Now doctors there said 1 coiilil ncvoi' ho imy bettor without an lists must bo sk'iiod, dalod. post ollle'O and o.\pl'o.ss ollico nivoii, iilaiiily written. Whoro iiartlos are not too far distant, sl.\ oiiiicos I inn regular as a clnci?, and I take ploasiiro in ui'ging tho of iirino ill a cloaii liolllo siinnid liusotit hy o.viiro.ss, provided itcnn reach me witliiii 'rww.VE iioiiits nfior lieliiK im-ssod. Ilrim operation which would liiive descroyod my woiiiJinliood :»'' iifleoii • ...... -- .. -. .1 alMictedto soo Dr. Huinplii-ey and be cured. for life. Willie [ireiiaring for this oiieration I was taken K. C. PiiiLLii'S, Ionia, Mich, with lagripiie at tlie hospital wliicli settled on my lungs, compelling iiie to return liome iiitmniing to retiirn'as soon as my lungs got strong eiioiigli to hear ibo work. While To WiroM IT MAY CONCKFIN:— lit home 1 wns urged to coiisiilD Dr. Ilolmaii S. lliinipli- AKOTUI'^R MAHI! llAi'i'Y BiccAasic CuRm—Por years rey, iiotexpeutingiit the tiniu to doctor wiib blm but I have sullered with very serious disease of the kidiioys, •^vas iui.\'ioils to have his opinion. He talkuil veri (.'nuoiii'- bhulder and prostate gliind. I had become so bud that I ugiiigly mill said he cuiiM cui'e ine, and that an opoi'iUitiii was obliged to draw my water with a catlioter always,, was not necessary. I coiniiieimed docl^irhig at onci.' nnd and so irritablo was tbe bladder that I was forced to draw can now thiiiik (ioil for it. I sliall always believe tliat I the water every lioui', day or night. Tills constant irrita. Severe I^idney Trouble and Dyspepsia Cared, •would not be alive today only for the rare skill of Dr. Back to .lilfe. tion brought on an abscess of the prostate gland, which; Humiilirey, and while 1 am not, a .strong, ii vigorous wo< As a usual thing people are prejudiced against travolinc Fueling grateful to Dr. Humphrey and wishinjjto show becoiuing clironio, discharged constantly and often laid Jiiiin, 1 iiRvcr hiive bt'cii nnd iiin'or o.vpi'ct to be, yet 1 ant pbysiiiians. I'eople will say that if the doctor was really my iijipreciation of his groat skill, and perhaps being tho me up for weeks at a time with acute attacks. None cao doing my work witli comfort and siitisfacfioii to myself a lirst-cla.ss iibysiciiiu it woiilil not bo necessary for biiii to means of convincing others what the Dr. is capable'of do• apiireciate my suU'erings and cliaL'riii fi'Oiii the peculiar und liiisbaml. I consider myself about well, have tiiken travel around. But notwithstanding that the foregoing ing, 1 iiiake tho following stateinoiit: For a long timo condition I was in. Added to this my liver and stomach' no mediiiiiie for tliruo or four inonths and am still gaining stands against the class of pliysiuians as a rule, and that past I have boon afllicted with disease of the kidneys and bocaiiie so bad from constant doping with drugs tlmt I llesli itiid Hireiigtb. I clieerfully ml vise all huly siill'erm'.l sometimes this line of i-eusoniiig may bo wrong is proven serious stomacli trouble, accompanied with all their dla- could neither eat or digest anything. I linally, through tosecDi-. iliiiiiiiliroy. Mits. W-fliT DAIVT.V. most conclusively by tho following statomont: As is well trossiiig symptoms. I had tried many remedies but to the persistent urging of my family, went to see Dr. Hol• known tosoino of the readers of the State Democrat JIi's. little purpose. 1 went to Dr. Huinpiirey at tbe hotel at inan S. Hnniphrey, at tlio hotel in Owosso. At that time I'he above case is iisiiiiipio of hundreds tbrongboiit Sopliio Iliiag was stricken down last Septoinber with a Owosso, and at once coinmenced a course of treatment. I had not sat up four hours in as many montlis and lirmly 1;bi> country. Many of tbi'so fall info tlie liiinds of .sur- severe case of sickness. The best physicians in this local• I iiiii entirely cured and know from experience that Dr. believed I would bo laid in my gi'iive soon. Now, licwevor, Kcons ami lire destroyed under the knife or iiiutilatod for ity woi'e siinimoned iiuniediii'.tely, wlio after diagnosing Holman S. litiiuphroy is all lie claims to b.o. after six months of Di'. Humphrey's treatment I am so life in order to swell ihu revenues of su called surgical in- tlio case pronounced it malarial fever and later as typhus, FRANK A. RICIIAUDS, OWOSSO, Midi. well that I consider furtlier attentions unnecessary. Dr. Btitutes and sanitarliims. anil to build reiuitiitions for and on account of the extreme seriousness of the case Huinphrey has done more forme than I ever thought id those whose higliest auibitioii is to have the name of the called in another loading physician for the purpose of The Follocuing lietter cuill Int:epesfc OQany. was in the power of man to do, more than ho ever pro- "skilled operator." In one institution of this kind dnriiifj itiised to do. I can now pass my water withouj; drawlnff consultation. The physician agreed with \\h bi'otbei LOCKE, MICIL, .Ian. 15,1804, the past year over one biinilfi'd wonieii wer^ thus iiuilila- It, sleep all night witliout getting up, and am taking solid doctor both as to tho nature of tho sioknoss and as to tlie ToDrt. H. S. HourixiiiJY, LANSING, Micii, ted, nmny of tliem being young woman feeling the lirac eouifort. Aro you aflliotod? Go and see Dr. Humphrof mode of trontniont. The patient realized that she was D35A11 DocTOH.—For tlie past three years I have boen a pains of early woiminliood. This is amnitcr that sooner becoming no better and that physically slie was beeoining and be healed. Write ine for particulars of my great de-' or later will engage the attention of iiCgislators. Seven gi'oat sulTeror witli eczema. The disease first appeared on livoranoo from a most dreiulfu condition. weaker ovei'y day, and notwithstanding that tho Lansing my left ankle and extended upward to the knoo, I went •out of ten of the cases operated ou eould be ciirei4 without physicians,who from time to time changed tbeirdiagnosis uny operative interference. DJi. HUJU'UHKV. to see llrst one and then another until I had consulted D. F. .losCELTN, West Haven, Mich. and called the sickness lii'st lung trouble, then heart fail• three or four doctors, the last of thoso healed my aoros in P. >S.—The publ.i; will observe I do not report oaaea ure, finally constiiuption, proscribed to them every known three or fonr weeks, but in less than a month I was broken from California or Maine, but those of your noighbord Impoptant Cure, remedy. The patient's condition did not improve and out worse than over before. It broke out all over iny en- only, Dn, HUMPHRK'r. This is what a well known cominorcial man has to say she was finally given up, the physician saying that her tire body; my oyoa became swollen almost shut and iny of Dr, Ilolman S. Humphrey's skill. (This gentl.'unan case bailled his.skill and that he could do no more for hei'. ears fully twice their natural size and thickness. My could seiirocly be induced to take treatinont. so skeptical J5@°"What Dr. Humphrey Does Not Do. Jfi'. Haag then called upon Dr, Holinan S. Huinphrey, friends thought I could not live more than three or four vas be of Iravt'lbiy: doctors. Ihit tho public is rapidly who visits the city inonthly with headquarters at the inontbs. Delow my knees clear to my toes I was as raw He does not attempt to frighten people Into doctoring learning the fact thm tho traveling doctor of today who Downey house. Dr. Humphrey did not give him much as a beefsteak and a clear irritating watery secretion was by holding up the fear of a speedy death before their Jnakes a specinlty of chronic diseases has advantages to hope, say in" that t he case was probably too far advanced constantly dropping from them. I could not use raffs eyes. offer the afllicied wliicli no otiier physician with a less for liiui to do much good, but aftor a personal oxainina- enough to keep them dry, and when I would undo thorn He does not try to urge or persuade the slok to take Taried e.vperienoe can liope to have. "And the fact that tion Dr. Humphrey took the case in liiihd. Pi-ior to this the water would drop oil uiy hools. I slept on a folded treatment when ho knows them to be incurable. he brings these advantjigos to the pationt's' lioine in no he pronounced the" sicknes.s to bo luilk fever. In a few quilt for six mouths with clothes and shoos on,'that is Neither docs he by excuses, persuasion or false pretonsos ; way deiracts from .his abilitj', honesty or integrity of days after taking Dr. Humphrey's treatment a marked what little I did sleep. I could not sleep in bod on account hold tbe sick under his care month after month while do- .' liiirpose.): change for tbe boiler was noted in the patient's oonditlon of extreme itching and burning caused by the oA'ceasive ing them no good, I havo been sufToring for a number of yoars and for the In aDout two weeks she svas pronounced out of danger. wiii'inth. The itching about iny face and ears was so He does not delude and persuade helpless incurables to - Inst eight years with chronic disoaso of stotnaob, liver and Her heart wliich had been very weak resumed its normal severe I would almost go wild. Under my kneos and Jootor out tho last month of thoir lives or give up their kidneys, and grow worse year by year, till last December functions. She regained her lost appetite and in a short ai'ound my ankles the skin would oraok open and bleed last dollar for medicine, ' -i: I e.Viimined by aboard of physicians, who prononiiceil time lili's. Haag- was able to do light liouse-laold duties. profusely. I beoamo so. lame I was obliged to walk with He doos not take patients under a false so-called guar* ?: -ine ill very bad shape; in fact examined niy urine und said Dr. Humphrey's treatment was continued for three a cane. Great abscesses formed and broke in the balls of antee, pretending to charge only for Tiiedicines, and tak- 1 hud diiibelcs and tlioiigbt no medical treatim-nt would montlis and today Mrs. Haag has entirely recovered.— luy feet. I was obliged to out my nails short to avoid Ing whatever amount ho can get for them; or make tho ,v bo Of liiiicb use to me nnd advised me tot]nit niv business. Lansing State Democrat, tearing my llesh, even then I woulil scratch until tho ends end and object of his life to extort money from the sick. ? 1 came homo, consulted our local pbvsioians, who did all of my nngors were worn off raw and bleeding and I was Neither does ho rush after each now medical sensation / they could for nie; but I kept growing woise and thougbt obliged to wear gloves at night. I have boen for two and bruit it about as.a cure-all, but uses the vast exper- S I must soon give up. I happened to rend Dr. Iliiinphrey's To flll Persons Coneerned. yeai's unable to work, except do iny chores, but now, lenco of 80 years as a speolalist among tbe aillitted, | Jidvertisement in our local papers and determinwl to con• In the year ISC'l while soldiering with Sherman on his thanks to Dr. Humphrey's skill, I can do as good a day's work as any man. Previous to treating with Di*. Humph• sult liim. 1 did SO and be tu.d nio if 1 would take bis nieiuorab o march to the sea, I wo,s taken with a sovero What He Does Do. treatment and follow his instructions implicitly he would illnes.s so that during the last 0vo days of the inarch I rey I liad been under the oare of six dillerent physicians inako nie at tbe end of six months as well a man as I ever was with the ambulance train and was never ablo to join and they did me no good. I was led to call upon Dr. Dr, Holman S. Humphroy makes the first object of hi* 'Imd been In my life. 1 coiiinieiiei.'d his treatment the first: my I'oghnent afterwai'd. I lay in the hospital at Savanna Humphrey through the statement miido by David White• life to boal the afllintod; the second object to get a well • of last April and can trnthfnlly .say 1 began to get better I ^''^''uionths, sinoo which time I liavo never head of Corunna, Mloh., who like ino, bad suffered untold deserved reputation as a healer of disoaaos among tho from the iii'sl week and have grown better day by day I been anything like a physical man. For the paist seven agony sixteen yoai's of the same complairit. Dr. Hainpli- people; the third purpose is to earn a moderate oompeusa- •till now 1 can say so far as feelings iirn coneeriu'd I nevi-i'' >'''"•''•'' ™y '"'"•Ith failed i-apidly. .luno last I wont to tho rey oiirodhiin so I thought I would try him and he has tlon in order to properly caro for himself and family. fell boner in my life, but shall continue lo treat until th" ' ''^°'°'. •'^"•''ter in louia to seo Dr. Humphrey. At that cured me also, li' 'iiiyone doubts this they nmi eoino and He does do all he agrees to and often moro, and where Doctor pronounces me well. And from inv experloncc 'i' time 1 was in a pitilui shape indeed—1 could scarcely get see mo or write as I am a citizen pf Ingham county. My failure does occur it can almost always be traced to oar* would advise all who may olianco to see this who aro suf-! "•''tu""' walk of half V mile eomplotely exliana- P. 0. address is Looke, Mich. lessness, iinprudenoo or overwork on tho part of patients, fei'ing from any clu'onio disease ro consult Di'. Holinai'i S ! ^'"'^ "'^' '^''' Hi"ui''"'ey treated me iu all three P. S.—Dr. Humphrey: Seeing you only I'oport cases tho chief sin being usuallv in over or improper eating. Uumphrev at their first opportunity. ' • 'nontbs and 1 am now In better health than I ever hoped near home, I cheerfully send you this. Ho does deal candidly, iiberally and honorably with all Dr. Huinphrey treated me for Interstical Drousv Drin- ^ "O"'""" '"eals a day, feel por- alike, taking advantage of none as to condition or oir-' icipally, finding no diabetes at all, and during the treat- '^"""J' "onifortalile ami sleep like a babe. Of course I ECZK.MA CtrnKD.—For sixteen years I sullVrod untold ouiustanoes.- i rjnent nearly forty pounds Of bloated, loose, watery llesh n«^'e>* ""P'liit to bo healrhy again after all Ihave gone torture with skin disease, which at tinies would no so bad He promptly visits this town every four weeks and will x.lia8been removed from mo, leaving good solid muscle ",V"°"*''"' ^ heartily recommond Dr. Humphrey to my eyes would be swollen shut for weoks and rnyfaoe continue so long as God spares him to the afllloted, • ' jyiystrengthof body and mind haa returned and I aui ""^y°°'"''"''*'»' ^ T^ J^'AJ'^d'^'i' ,r , twice its natural size, No less than twenty-five dillerent ;!Last, but not least,/(«eiiI'£« «« other methodibut hit ;-.«gnnat my ofllco, the gloom and constant apprehonslou r, c. «r . •• n Co. D 31st Inft, M oh. Vol, doctors have treated irie and I bavo paid out for tliese havf'iUed. His'eonsullation uithmryone it free. Eii oMcA . ..JiavuiK given place to buoyant energy P, S,—My liomn is lu Ffuwick, Mloh,,-where all letters and patentmodioinesaboutajl/r havc. .My bands have i>-ilubpratoTy.an now at 518 Grand • Strict, South; LanmH '-.^ X'Jua.HU«e»l^a[MOa,Mi«i. • inquiry will be oheorfuUy answered. been tiWoUoa for weelu to Wioe their. UDUUI size, oraokod "Wild Was the NiBht," j Every day brings Its joys and sor• Your Folks and Our Folks, Grind of the Court. Miss Malldo Harbor Is vlsltlni,' In banslnt;. Aside from granting the petition for .Saturday night was iin exciting time. rows, pleasures and clisappolntracnts. receiver I'or tlic in Leslie, During the day many from : bolilo Teirt ot Albion wis lu tbo oily yosionlliy, JiPPolutmeii t of a recid ver fo: I I, like all mankind, liavo my share of , „ , , , Lansing Lumber Conipauy, tlie elr- Portorvillc had been biyiiig in a supply I cacli, J iiiii now alUctcd wil.li a ca• •r.O. lClmmel,,ll-„ spent lasi week hi l-lulsUlB, cit court traiLsiieted a lai'girgo aiiaiiioiitii t of "boo'/,c,'' aud at nigbt the crowd' '» V\ The Evenioij had , iiici'elisod wonderfully, .'Vbolit^ tarrhal tremble and want a package of K. L, Winans of LatisliiK Is la tbo oily this tveuk,o f otlier liiislnoss yesterday, Cliiirles 60,,000| Hurt, who pleildod gllilty ton eliargo ten o'cloelc Miirslial h'owler attempted ; •"V'--^dcll's Catiirrhal Powder, .lohn's •1, 0, Ki|tilei'S, lit',, was III Liuislni,' last ,Moiulay, toarriist Win, liandiill, hut lie resist-' of burglarizing a store at Holt, was !'t; v: • ..'l^has been telling how many people AUorney (iciieral Kills was In llie elty last h'rl- ed, striK.'k ,Mi', J''owloi', and witli bis ' ilay, sentenced to .liiek-soii for two and oiie- have been cured by its use. Only 25c lialf years, and cast's w(,u'e flis|iosed of coiiipaiiidii. Win, Doi'ioll, made their ; Fred Mortiy was home from baiLsliiK over .Sun• escape to tbeir buggy, 'I'liiiikliu; the • aiwickage. And I want four ounces day, as follows; fi'oorge \Y, .Stone, rocoivm', vs, llo- arm of law had been tomporarily par- You lake your home p.nper! of course you do, but it i,s a mistake Of tlWt o,vti"l(!t nf Vanilla you make Clias, Itoberls of Leslie was In the cily la.sl l.'rl- iiiy/.(,'d they drlive tliroiigli town at a i day, iiier D, Luce, ,1 lidgmeiit for iiliiintilV not lo read "The Great Daily of Michigan,' the leaiier in every branch and !t pound of your Baking Powdci', l'or.$l,02S.Si-i. keen tilt several times, wlilcli excited i K, l,cu Cook of banaliiK was In tho city ycsler- tlie jieople and began to bring the j of news, as well as thought and literary merit. If you find any or all ,lolln's wi I'o says it will go as far as two ilay, ,lustus W, .Sholdon vs, .Sally M, .San• ders, decree of foreclosure grantod, crowds togotlier, Diipiity Slierilf' pounds iif (irdiuary Baking Powdoi', iUasler Ariiot Jbioily Is vislllti); In Detroit this ifodge was called to arrest tlioiii, and i S Other State papers profitable, yed '; WPWS hould and will find a week, Ella Camp vs, Andrew 11, Camp, di• vorce granted. after some skirnilslilng on tin; oiil-' 3^ place in your hands and your fainilif.-. rf thousands of other Ono of my lioi'ses has a cougli and I K, S, l';vet'y of baiislnj,' was In tile city Insi ,Satr skirts of town, assisted by "lill'/,'/," tirdity, ,Iaeob iMillor, adiiir,, vs, .lollii Ci, Jl citizens of this great State have fol-,•.' am out ld' Williams' llnrsc Powdoi'S, White, iiitlgineiit for )ilaiiitlll' I'or Dmm;, tliey tlrovetlie twoihnvn Helle- h't'iink bester of liiKhiuii was lu the elly last viiostreet, when tlio crowd prevented | You may put mo up it pound of tliem, Monday, .f(07.(12, JS'ancv'frefrv vs,Sarah l!'reiicli,otiil,, tlieii'gc'ttiilg tliroiigli, Messrs, Hodge j • ;-''i'WS, and Doane jumped fniiii their Ijtiggies, 2 CENTS ptn COPY. Ono of my ilelghboi's wanted me to ,liis. N', VAUm of Leslie was In the city last jiidgmeiit I'or plaliitilV for .W,I2.1I7. 10 CENTS A WEEK. Tuesday, eacli oattlliing a victim, and proceeded I DETROIT. tell you that Crown J\idney Cure to• Hrestuii Hrady vs. ,lolin A. Cary, to liandeiilV aiifl caro for tliem, JI.ZS FOR 3 MONTHa BV MAit.. Clias, FcrKiisnii of Okeiiios was In the city last jtidgiiKMil, I'or plaiiitilf for .'i'.'iSIt, Hi, I gether wiMi i:!liik,sley'si';idney Plaster ,Saliirilay, Airencies in every village, town and city • ,.,.;o of Michigan. Attorney rioneral v.s, Daniel I', .Mc- Hiirlng all litis time (lxcitcnu.Mit rait SI has cured him ontil'cly. Kev. ,liiy Cllsbe Is onloyliu; a moiuli's oiilliij.' al Iiay View, ]\liilloii, oL ill,, liijllllctioil iiiodlllcd, high. Many of tlieii'ilk' .sympai.liii'.ed ,I allies H, ,liidson vs, Conlral Mielii- Willi the prisoners, while olliers Mock- ! ~ ,'^'ay, iMcCrosseti, your Death on Hats Alia IlorlrlKlit spent Hiiiid;iyal; his lioine near Siirlnmairt, gilli ,S'aviiigs llallk', pel i( ion denied. el! to the assislaiu'c of I he olllce rs, is !t good thing. You iiave uo idea Cliarlos'SiitlilV vs. Oeorge M, Day• l''ol'il tilllo il: look'od as Miollgll tin l\li'. anil Mrs, C, W. Whitman were lit l,:iitsltlf! ton, decree for complaiiiaiit, how many doiid rats there are around last Sunday. coiillict would boserioiis, Ijlli., order was Lola Hoi'twiiistle vs, ,l(iliii Hert- at length restored, 11 iindrefl.s crowd• our luiiist! and barns, I mix it with Capl. ,1, II. Sayors of baiisltig was In the city wlii.ttle, divorce grantod, last Siitlday. ed the streets, and everybody was ex- urease iind tliey always oat it, Carl Ki'dkowski vs, .MatildaOiiril'ski, (dted, Doriell wasallowed tiigo lioiiie, I''. W. lltitler was In l.aitsltii,' ttpott bltslness but llanilall was bold, aiitl M'onday last Monday. iiiarriiigo dissolved, 'Pliat last rain 1 ilnl afl'aid will spoil Ada 1, HiittiM'lleld vs, 'i'liorn Uiipi;r iiioriiiiig ai'i'iligiicd before ,liisti( Mrs. S. I'ldwards Is vl.slliiii,' Iter datiKliter at all the small potatoes, 1 am glild of now triiil granted on conditiim tliiit Ijiimliilrd, wild lined him $'Si for being I'leasanl lake. (lisdi'dorly, or (ii'i flays in Delroit. He it iis 1 dislike picking up small potil- (kil'eiidiiiit pay costs of motion and Mrs. I). 1'. Wlillmorc Is visltliix Mrs. A. A, trial, to be laxod witliiii ,'10 days, cdiild not piiy the,'lino, and Ollicer .Si|ilieralf,iiiliicy, toos, Woll, 1 giio.ss 1 llave talked long Marion Cooper vs, Lansing Wliooi Hodge look Idlll 1,0 Detroit Mdiidiiy. cilollgli I'lU' tills time. Will see you (l. ,1, Hariiaby has retiirileil front Xlle.s, lie expeels to relitrii, Co,, same lis alidvo, Mdildiiy Will. Ddi'iell was placed un• itosa ll, iliisto vs. h'rankliii lliisto, der arrest on a diargo of resisting au next week. iUrs, Ileli'ii flaitiphell of Atehlson, Kansas, Is vislllnj; In Ihe city, order I'or expeiisils griintcd. olliecr. hut plciided not gllilty. and bis Ijiolla Hodges vs. llai'ry 11. iiiidgos. exilniinal ion set for next Mdiiiliiy. .•Mrs. Henry lia,\ler Is VISIIIIIK Iter ihitifjhler Till'; rl^pliblican pot is boiling, Li Mrs. bills llenilcrsoii. divorce granted. Till' coiiiplaiiit agaiiist liiiii was Court adjourned lliitil Monday, ..Vii- ('hanged litis iii'ii'iiiiig lo lieiiig firiiii 'or si/zle. •MIss Itena Mneiiltt went to Matoit liaplds last frhlay lo visit friemls. giist li,—Liinsing ,loiiriial, ,lllly ^-iLll, and (lisdi'dei'ly. and he was lined $10.-Hi or IKI (lays In jail. CiiKAT is tlie iiiacliiul; iu Micliigai .liitncs ilealli of Wililam.slon wils in lite city Riallef in Si,'< Honrs. the foro part of the week. Uplo'(lai,(^ seven from l\irtoi'vi rireed I'or |iap will accoinplisli wonders, Dlstl'essiiig kidney and liladdor have, been sent to tlii^ work llolise Airs. S. 11. Ilei'clier of Toleilo, (I., is visllliii,' diseases relieved in six Iloiirs by the D(.'ti'(.iil,.—L(!slii! Local nepiiblicaii. I'l' will bl; ailillsilig now to seo tlie various frieitiisiii lite ellv. •'New (ireat Soiitli inerieiiii Kidney ,State lli'pllblicilii fall ollt of the ,1,'i .•Mitsler iMitrray Slroinl is visillitg Ills ltiii'leClll'(^ " 'I'liis new reiiicdy is a orea't (I rant Moslter al l.aitigsliurg. siii'[ii'is('on accoiiiit of lis e.N'ceediiig Li;gal Hliiiik'sat 1 ii'iMocuA'r olllci gree band wagon and catch on to the .Slii'riiiitii i'oiiierovof llniHe Creek is Ihe guest promptness ill i'(die\'iiig p;iiii in tilt; iJicli iiiai'liilie. of Ihe family of N. 1,. Ilti.xiey. liladder. kidneys, liaclcaiid every part •X'ji^/itwji-i^.'iaiaiKj/j^i.,—;is^ Airs. ,1. 'I'. Caiiiplii'll illld Aliss fiiirli Neelyiire of iJie urinary piissages in niale or LAS'r Satlll'dily tile llolise by il vote siiendlng a few days at Hay View. fmiiiile. 11 rcdieves reiiuition of watm' largely in I'Xi'cssof two-tliirds passed I'M. Morrill ofSl. I'atll, Aliiin.,visileil atCoiiiily and pain in passing it almost iiiiiiiedi- joint resolution siibniittiiig to the Il'g' Clerk lilackmore's last 'I'litir.sday, atoly. If ,\'ou waul, (iiiicic relief iind isliitiii'cs pi'ovisioiis for tbo eloctioii of \'. ,l.'l'i'llt iif Alhlon nnd 11. 11. KllloU iif Al'- cure this is your remedy. I'or sale bv ilttiil were In tho ellyover Sinidiiy. W. :\1. .McfJri^^ssen^ ,Syl." United .States soiiatoi's by (lirol;t vote .Mr. and Mrs. II. II. I.oiigyear hare vlslleil of the people. Tills plan llevor will re near lictroit ilitrliig Ihe |iasl week, (Iraiifl Hapids Hagle: (leorgc .M. VVc do not quote prices but make thcni right. When I'ullinaii is said i,o be at work on a new coivc tlie sanction id' tlie American Airs. Chits, P'oriey and diiligliler Mitiiile aro enjoylil)-'a vaealioti al I'leasanl lake. version of tlie liealJtiidi'S. When ills It v.'ii: ,' .-ou lit niitnei'otts vn.vs nccti of anylliing in our line call on us, Wc have llou.se of Lords, but is in I'llvor wi ('oiii|ilol.ed, they will read somciJiing to 11.^0 <»!(• ji.-:;<. i:,al,',s nil MiH. 'Pills Airs, 11, ,1. llotitidly is visiting rclaiivi's In os|iei'm,l.\- in,.! a,< to tho litiller tile nlilssl's, wild are becoming I'ii'ed of Ttniipkins, .laeksoti I'litmly, this week. like, this: everything to be found in a first-class grocery, Hlossed are the poor in spirit ami in Ili items lllll Ul ior of the slate. KIcki'ls and cents Ilis 'JS AUGUST 1,2 and3,1894. Cold ;i,i):i',! Miss Clara Sanders of Vevay and Mtss Lillian Silver i,ai:i 'ii iloyli! of Leslie vislled friends In the city lite fore U. S. and ^'al{llnal Bank notes .|,llllll Ull purl of the week, MA30N MARKETS, Alr.s. Illllelt ,Ioiies and liltle grandson of l.oroy Across the Street •I'otal ..SI73,il'i'J .l-l lownsiilp visited her daiigliler Airs, A, I„ Cli.tp- 3 Good Races Eacli Corrootod cvory Thursilfiy iiiorning;. I,IAllltlTli:H. matt Ijist ,Satitrday. IIIIAIK Oapllal stock paid in 57,1,(1011 (10 Day, I'-KOM THE WIII'lA'l', Ked, No,Iter httsliei (3 .ir.., Siirpltis fund ,|,,1li(l (HI Harris K. 'I'lioiiias of Laitsiiig, circuit court cominissioncr, Wiis in the city ttiioii olllclal bltsl• WII1';AT, While, No. 1, per liusliel.... di .|:i Undlvlili'd pi'ollls 10,,1I0 OPERA HOUSE IIYK fi, .10 Coiinnercial dejMislts siibjuct to check IIO,I It ,'IS ness last,Sat tirday, O..VTS, porbtisliel & liO Ooniinercliil,ertlllciiteH of deposit 5(1.077 .11 iMrs. ,\sa ,1, lieiiliani of lincliesler, N, V.. Is You can get the liigliesO Cash .Price OOltX, shelled, iier littiiilred fit ,so Hills payable 1,,111(1 0(1 vislHiig her iiaretils in Alaiedou, Airs, Mcnliam OLOVKlt SKl'ID, per bushel [i DOiSO «)• will bu remeitibereil as Aliss lJUa Stevens, • for your TIAIOTIIY SUED, per bushel 2 O(!02 UT.. 'I'ntnl SI7!i,;)20 .11 Mrs. K. I(, Criillii and clilldrmi started for hnniu riltOCEIllKVI ANU I'llOVlSIO.VS. Stale of Miciiij;aii, County of Iiiglinni, ss. _.«.flosaL IP RO GR^IVJ:. I, li. II. ivelib, vice presldont,of the ahovu named last HaUirdity, going I'roiii hero to Detroit, Airs. PEODUCE. SAL'l', Saginaw, iier iiarrel ® so- hank, do auleinnly swear that the aliovii staieineiit hK . K. tirinin accompanied her to Detroit to visit liKANS, unpicked, per bushel 1 OOOl 30 true to the liesi of my knowledge and beliel, a sister. l'OTAT0l!;S,perbitsltel (ch HO L, 0, WKsa, vice President. Ff.OUlt, por KKl pounds ®l r,o llernilm Kriwel and family returned to iheir Free-for-all Pacing, 2:40 Class, 3-,'year-old Class, ItUCKWlIliAT t'LOUIi, por 10(1 lbs,,. ifja r,0 fir.o. W. llBUToi,, home at ICalaniilzoo yesterday ittid today. AI isses A ohoicc stock of QROCIHRIIHS and I'lGGS, fresli, per dozen ® 12 Correct—Attest: IIAUI'BR Kexn, llcorgia Alelian and Mabel barber returned with full line of Feed at prices thiityou liUTTISR....' 8® M ,1, K, KtMCK. lliein for a visit. Free-ior-all Trotting, 2:30 Class, 2:37 Class, will be satisfied with, hAKD, per pound 7® 10 . Ilirectors, Al'I'I.KS. dried, per pound & 4 Siibscrilieii and sworn to heforo me tliia if-lth day of Steplien Aylea of,Sing Sing, N, A',, is visaing his niece Airs. L. L. Irish of Vevay. The old gentle- 2:49 Class, 3-y ear-old Class and two-year-old TRY US AND SEE. I'JiACHKH, dried, per pound 8® 1-t July, ISlll. II. J, lloKii, Notary Pnbllo. mitn is so years of age and claims tube iiiakhig LIVE S'l'OCIC AND HEAT. Ills Last visit among his relatives. KPORT Ol'" TUB CONDITION Of THE FIRST Class. Hcspectfnlly, CATrLK, per 100 pounds 2 cotai OO E Stale and SavlngH Bank at Mason, Michigan, at C. lii'og.-ui of White Oak was In Uio elty last noesIlKlilF,, dressedper 100, pmuid.per toso poitiids l 00® a» the close of biidlne.ss, July IS, isni: Sanirday. Air. lirngan Is it graduiUc In the mcdl- A. I. KEAMER. m 25 cAl department of the U. ot At. anil expects to I'OUK, dressed, per KXl pounds, IlKtOUKCES, locate at Stockbridgc for tho practice of liis clioson IIAAIS, iier pound Loans and discounts 8,1(1,711) 18 profession. SIIOULDKltS. pur pound Stocks, linnds, niortRages, etc ,'I!!,7,'I2 6.1 CIIICK15NS, dressed, per pound 8,31 Overdmlts .'15 7li Mrs. Asa TIloinp.soii, Mr. and Airs. li. AL OHICKKNS, live, per pound ® 5 Hanking house 1,GII0 00 Tliomp.son and son liert. Air, and Airs, S, AI, Open to horses from any quarter. ll 11 Trmii Pile! TUlUCli;V,S, live, per plmnd , ® 8 Furniture anil ILxturos 1,.|00 00 Thompson ami son and Alr.s. Flora Kverett all nt TUlllClJVS, dressed, per pmnid © 10- Other real estate '^120 00 Stockbridgc wero In the city upon husliiess In Uio The Mail Itottte from nUILni.Vfi MA'I'ltlUAL. Ourront expmises and taxes paid a 80probat e court liist Saturday. WATFR LIAIU, per barrel Interest paid .I.'l 28 DANSVILLE TO MASON ®i co- Due from hanks in reserve cities 8,771 iO Mr. and Airs. F. \V. Webb iiud daiigliter, Air. OAr>CfNKD rtiASTKIt, perharrol.,.. m CO l>hccks and cash Items fill ,19 anil Airs. W. t:. Howard and clilhlren, Dr. and WM. KENNEDY, Pres., J. H. GAYLORD, Sec. Having been disconlliiued, the subscriber will J'LASTKIUNG HAIlMier httsllcl.... ® 30' NlckleH and cents , .15 .111Ali's.S . If. Culver and diiitgliter and Airs. A. A. hereafter run a yelilcle ovor the road dally (Siiu .SHINGLl!;,S, por thoiisiind I®;) 75 Gold coin 5,070 00 Howard enjoyed an (ailing at Grimd river la.st day and Fourth of July excepted) tor the conveyH'^ii'','«"°'':J":'''""''''-' I ®® 75 Alomlay afternoon and evening. L silver coin Mil 00 (uiii.Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiinnininiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiniiiininiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiniiiiniiiinuiniiiiiiniiiiiiiiiinn nnco nt passengers, CNJiress and freights, at rea• LAIH, per ,AI feet 4 ooifji; co lU, S. and National Rank Notes 1,0,18 00 sonable rales, le.avlag l)an.sville at eight o'clock Augusta .Spcn(;er lias conimonced a, in,, and arriving at Alasoii at or bctorolO a, ni„ Total {111,1711 01 Rndretiii'Blngatsticli time each ilay as shall best action for divorce against Charles promote the convenience ot tliojiiihllc.^ YNN tHlllUTIKS. Spencer. Capital Block paid in 550,000 00 Dansville, Mich,, Oct, 17.1890 Surphis fund .i.ooo OU JIany Jfason people arc making ar• UmM Mi Vndivided profits 1,1)10 !)2 rangements to attend camp meeting Coinniorclal deposits subject lo check 10,71il 17 8 or 10 men to solicit Commercial corUflcates of deposit .18,138 .12 at Eaton Eapids. All the fuel you burn. Your stove doesn't WANTED ordor.f for Hardy Total..:. glM.nS 01 The Ladies' Aid Society of Etchclls draw right; doesn't throw out the heat; wastes • Nil!'.so ry Stock, will have an Icc cream and cake social Stato of Michigan, County of Ingham, «H, the fueL It's one of those stoves made to sell- Fruit and Ornamentals; also now and valuable I, K, E, Donsmnre, cashlor ol tho above named at tbo residence of Jtis. Cavcnder hank, do solemnly swear that the above Htatcinetit la varielies o[ Seed Poiatoos. rerinaneiit positions; true to the beet of luy knon-ledgo and belief, Priclay,,Tuly27tli.' Everybody invited. not to burn. When j'ou want a stove or range for good saliiry, ranging from $75 to $125 per F, K, BKS'BMORE,Cashier, actualservice; one that will give you the benefit of month. Apply (iulck,\vllli references, 2tlw8 •"••r.'/'vE \ Sitbscrlbod and sworn to boforo mo iliis 2tst day of Mrs. .Tcnnic Williams, wife of .Tohn J. N. THORBUBN, PfoprietflL / July, ISOl, U, O, lUUTKAii, Notary Public, Williams, died at her lioine in the ^all the heat generated, that L. L. MAY & CO., 11, L. H«,sup,iiiio.v, second ward last Tuesday afternoon will save your fuel and save """"D St. Paul, Minn. Correct—Attest; ' L, O, Wnaii, of consumption. Euncral services 0, W, lUtsTBAn, your money, it will pay you to' in• A Full lino of clioloo Directors. conducted by Ecv, G, D. Cliasc were ill! held at the North Aurcliu.s cliurcli vestigate Jewel Stoves and Ranges. | this forenoon at ten o'clock and licr The original Detroit stoves, made •:'-.'"''?5 Subscribe remains interred In the cemetery lESH AMD SALT lAT^. there. ifii the largest stove plant in the for world. Have stood every test for No western meat used. GootlJ Dr,MlIos'i\iiiii»,iiiu.Bi,u,imimyiy,i,»,ffl>,)|ii^Yi;iT;i!;ia! I


m UTAH IS ADMITTED, bad failed to get track Of tlic ab.|DEATH ON PAEADE. HREOR OF MICHiaAN INGHiM COUmBBMOCRAT. scouder.

OKLAiiOiMA Is rapidly becoming of FAITHFUL RECOUNTING OF HER TERRIBLE EXPLOSION AMONG importance ngrieultni'ally. lier lat• UNCLE SAM'S MEN, LATEST NEWS. est l5tatlstlea show neai'ly 2,.IO0,O0O acres of farm land In use, with a cash I'onouful Old Ago of Allihous rolch-i|S| value of iiioro than 000,000. Her Riinlts of Foilcriil Troops Stiittnrotl Wlillo ooooooooooooooooooo turcKllnB Data from Snpt. riittunBl'V 0 0 farm Iraplcmeats arc worlli $a'10,000 Out for ,Soniniur \ii\y Wrill KxorclHO in Roport-llnrrow-s In tlio Kaco for tlio An.,. 0 and sho has growing OSIi.OOO apple Cliloiijfo—Four .Hon Klilod, Sovontoenln- O Sonatorslilp of IMlclilBan. o Advertisement. 0 trees, (1-18,000 peach trees, 011,000 Juroil.iinil ><'lnn Horsos Deiiil, 0 cherry trees, ,"11,000 pear trees, and a 8 If you pul a Sinn over your 0 great variety of other fruit trees antl CuUHO of the Dlsiistor Unlcnown. Onr Vcnoriihlo Ex-Onv'u; too tiglit lias evidently something Hoto and his fuUnwers loclited and Chairmauof the Gon• sippi. Though (|uilo V • township uliit dislricls, 07; pupils iu the matter with his uiulerstauding. mined for gnkl and silver thi'cc huti- oral Miinagors'Strike young, ho served in &\ graib.'d schools, :!l,'l,0!l!l; iiugritdod (Ired ye.'irs iigo. Comniitloc, Mr. I'lgaii tliu iMc.s-ieiin war. In .ifSti rcliools, 207,•111!): pupils in privato is a nativo of Now l8,'JI,!ind again in l.Stlil 'i^tgl schools, -II,"17; toacliors necossary to England, but is inoro THE regular monthly revolution in A i.o.vr; and llatterliig Invitatinii ho was oiueled Uo- ^ supply graded schools, r),ni7: to slliiply Salviidor uppelirs Ui Iiavc plhssed oil' K.VI'LOrlON oil' 'rilE CAISSO.V. widely liuown in llio porter of the High ungraded sidinols, 11,011; aggrcgalu signed by an extensive list of pi'omi. West, liuving gouo tiuietly, ;ind the ol;sci|iiies of the de• Court of Frrors and wages paid luiiulioi's in gradod si.'liools, nciit Americans lilis beell sent to JIl'. artillory, w.as proecodiiig south on thoro ataii early ago. $2,,'L'(l,;-).|7,7-l; iingrudud .schools, .flL-l.'!:',- Grand boulevard to Washington I'ark, Appeals, In iStil ho ,IA:>II,:S •/. fii.:(ii ui.;. feated plu'ty are now iu progress. Gladstone urging him to visit tliif Ho is -Ili yours of ago, was a inonibor of tho eonvoiitioii in ;io7; avoriigo moiitlily wagus of male Capt, Dodd from i-'ort Hilcy was in AVIioit a boy he on• country. The invitatioii is a de• JMlssissipiii which passed tlio orditianco teachers, .H-hS.-'ll); f'cmalo to.-iclici'.s, oomniaud. With liim woro troop B ot terod tho raaeliino lrUhlili; scbi.'olhnuses in Miehigall, GT.AH.STONE willingly paid $10,000 tbo,Seventh Hogiluonl, Ciiiit, X'nrnuin; of socossioii, and ho voted for and served conipliincnt to tlie Gnind Old shops of tho Illinois signed that iiistriiniont, llo was a 7,iiU0; value of school properly, *I5,- to get rid of his etittuMet, while out troop IC of tlic Hixlli .fiogiiuout, Lioiit, Jliin, biitthe signers can harillyhavc Coiitriil Uailwiiy, and Brigiidior General of tho Slalo Irooiis, 757,1)21, West a rainmaker with a watcrf.-iU 'Iyer; and two jiioeos of artillory of nt ID was a elurk in cotiteni|ilated the remotest possibil• liitlcry F, under ceiiiraaiid of fjiout, and hold other olllcos during tho war. to dispose of etiii get ids own price tho freight dopart- -lon-v M-KOAN, In 1871) ho was Chief ,rustico of tho Su• Iliirrows Will Iliin. ity that he will accept it. It is ut• Gliylo,' inont, llo soon entered tlio onginoors' for it. premo Court of jVlississlp|)i, hut re• Tbo formal aniiounccniont is mado terly beyond the bounds of probabil• -SoldiiM-s lUowii Iliffli 111 Air, ollieo, and in ISi'i beeiimo Chief Jlhi- signed his scat on tho Siiproino Boneh that Congrossiiiaii J. C. l.turrows, of ity, idr. tiltidstone is a b;td sailor Troop P was in the load, with trooj) ginoor of tho Souihern Minnesota Rail• to on tor tho Unit-jd Slatos .Sonato in Kaluniiwoo, will bo a eiindidato boforo A CinCAoo niiiitl reader has been and dreatls tlie ocetiu. I'lven if he n following. Behind this elimo the iir- road, Latur ho bociiiiio coiinoctod j\laroh of 1881, Ifo was rc-oleotod in tho Logislaturo next wiutor for olec• driven from Boston. Xo dniilit he was tillory, Illld troop E broiiglit up the wilh the Southern Piicilic, and in 1.S8I ISSli, and again inl8!):>, tion tu tho Uiiilod Stales Sonato for wero a good sailor, he is a very old Wiis clioson Gonoi'itl Suporinloiidont of thought to lie instiiie beciiusc of ills roar. In this order tlio soldiers woro tiio iiiioxpired term of tho latoSoiiiitor man linti has many of the inlirmitie.- riding, .lust lis tho iil'tillory reached tho St, i.'iiiil, Minneapolis and ATiinitoba THE BLACK PLAGUE. Stockbridgc, now lilled by ,lolin I'at- presumption in attemiiting to tackle which aceomiiiiiiy old age. Tu'ciitj tbo ilitorsoetion of (Jakwood'boiiloviird Bailwa.y, In l.8,ss ho iissuinod the niaii- ton, of Grand Rapids, who was ap• ageraont of tho Chicago, St. Paul and the Boston mind. years ago such tin invitation miglK tho c.xplo,slon oeeurred. First thoro lis Sproud nirontlj-Atlrlhnliililo toXntlvo pointed to tho vacancy by Gov, Rich, camo a tcrritic ooiicussiou which blow Kansas Citv Kailroiul, und in 18110 bo• Siiporsl Itlon, Mr, Burrows will sock a ro-oloction to have lieen aece]iteil by him, hut it is tlio mon soiitod on tho caisson high carao prosidont of tho company, a po• his lU'osont scat iu Congress this fall THE boauty about attenditlg a The sproud of the black plague in now too lato to expect him to cros: into tho air and iirostratod tho artil- sition ho hold uiilil A]iril of tho pres Cliiiui was duo to a groat c-xtent to tho Olid thou try for the Senate, tbeosoiihical ennventiim is tliat it the Atlantic and then endure lioni// lo.y horses and tho nearest, oiivalry- ont your. Ho knows all about tho rail- superstition of tho natives, la Hong costs yoti nothing for raill'oad faro, tuon. This was followoil iinmoduilely roacl business, and by naturo is poou- Foiig it was by a mere mittlor of iicoi- Kci-ni-d of I III' IVooIr. ing over 11,000 miles of land, siilec liiirly fiualiliod to fight and put down | provided, of coni'se, tluit j'Oii believe by a sorios of lesser explosions. Those dent that tbo .Kuropoan autliorilios THE lumber pilcrs at iLtist Tawasare C'auiida as well as the United .Sttites oiuiscd much loss slaughter than tho strikes. learned of tho disoaso, as the natives still out, Ko scttlemoiit of the striko in the iistriil body. would claim him. The invitation lirst, Donovan and Dnyln, two gun• JUDGE DEFIES THE ARMY. carefully concoalod tho spread of tlio is in sight. will be a graceful souvenir which he ners .sealed on tho exploding caisson, contagion, Plaoards wore brought to CoNSiDi'iUAiir.E fruit has boon THE Ticlibornc claimant lias again woro thrown hundreds of foot into lho Hoiig Kong from Caiiioii, which revoal shipped from the fruit bolt to Milwnu- will prize, but that be will accept il air. Tlicir nuinglod remains woro af- Dotaolunont of Itogiihir I'roops Ordorod bobbed'up in tbe lOnglisb courts. Ac• from II CiilH'oriihi Coiirl room. the deadly suspici m of all foreign koo rocontly. is hopeless. lorwiird fountl liOU foot or inoro uwtiy means of treatmont, Thoso placards cording to ill! the signs, Cliarllc Eoss from tho scene. At^ Sacramento, Cal., during tho warned all iicoplo tint to go to Hong NKAKf.Y enough signors have been Is about duo to bo found again on iNCiDEN'i'Ai. good from the coai Fijually terriblo was the fate ot .foo hearing of a writ of haboiis c irpiis for ICong nor to poniiit tlioir wives secured at Allegan to secure that placo the roloiiso of three Dunsmuir strikers a tolophouo oxclialigo, this side of the water. strike can hardly Ije thought a coiu- Gallor, of Troop B, just behind tho ex• and children to go, bccau.so thoy before-ludgo Catlin, a detachment of TiiK board of odueation of Bay City peiisation for the enormous waste plosion. ,1-lis head was ortishod by tho would fidl victims to tho foreign sholls. Tho caisson was totally roguhirs marched into tho coiirtliouso doctors, who wero eliopjdng u|) all lias ordoie 1 that $(ili,7'l!) bo raised this TiTE suicide of a woman in a P.iris and misery caused by such an un• wrecked. Bits of tho wheels woro year for school purposes, fortunate complication. The ill wind L, R, CANXIFF, aged 70, father nt Ihctitor recently created such a son- atoly arose and called upon persons oyc sation tbtit the rclilistic mlinagcr is may not be looked upon us anything who weropi'osont to resist any altompt amount of oxplunatioii has yot siillicod General Superintendonl ClinnilT of tho but ill, but perhaps it might be en• of tho soldiers to take away tho to oradicato tho dooi>scatcd suspicion Lake Shore road, died tit his home in Bcoking to liavc tho incident repeat• Clayton, dured with more patience if it re- strikers. Tho excitement in tho that all foreign doctors tiro on the still ed at every performance. hunt for tho oyos of dead Chiuose Till': furnilco nt Marquotto, ono of suited, as it promises, in compelling oourt-rootn was intense Sovoral of tho spoetators roachod for thoir hip pock• Tho people cannot understand that tho largest in the State, is to start up You can't tell anything of a man's the railroads to use autliracite coal ets and announood thoir dolerminntion European modicino does not vtiluo cer• in u few day,s, giving employment to tain parts of a body tor luediciue, bo• about 500 men. nature by the average newspaper pho- on a larger number of their trains. to follow .Tudgo Catlin's in.-itructions to jirovont tho regulars from taking away causo' their own physicians, who are TWO SAfiVA'PiON AlMiv men were tograidi. The Taylor brothers, who Soft coal is an uniiiitigated nuisance mainly quacks, insist that liy oating on a passenger engine, and its use the prisonor.s. Othor.ssocuroly barred delayed in Battle Creek by the strike iinirdcred the Jlceks family, look as tho door.i loading to tho colirt-room certain parts ot tho bcdios ol tuiiiiials last week, and so walked from thero ono may socuro tbo b.'St qualities ol If they might be evangelists. can only be pardoned where hard coal and throatoningly doclarcd thoir iti- to Dnrand, ticcomplishing tho journey cannot be obtained or where trallic is tontion of rodsliiig tho regulars, Whilo thoso animals, Thoy cling to this be• in ihii'iy hours, Thoy said tho strik• lief, and thorefore such absurd stories SO light as to render the expense pro• tho e.xcitomont was at fovor heat tho ers could not interfere with the army TiTE interesting f.act is noted in AFTEK THE EXPLOSION, as thoso of Christian missionaries kill• hibitory. Many railroads which assislnnt District Attornoy aroso and of the Lord, connection with the Oxford-Cam• waved the regulars back". Ho then ing native cliildron to socuro thoiroyos formerly used soft coal altogether driven into tho buildings on both sides lind ready eredonce. TiTH Emmet Rifios, composed priii- bridge boat race that the heavier of tho street, and barely onough was commanded thom to return to thoir ci|iiilly of sons of ,)aekson railroad men, were forced to use bard cotil on a few quarters at the depot. In Hong Kong tills silly suspicion of crew has won the yearly race forty- loft in tho I'cadway to indicate tho foreign (ibotors led to thousands ot uu- adopted roso'ution donouucing Gov• passenger ti'iiins, aud tho comfort ol spot whoro tho vohielc liad stood, Tho ernor Rich for calliug out Stato troops. onc times out of flfty-scvea races. uccossal'y deaths. Whoii tho pli.ysi- the public W.TS thereby greatly in• four horses wero I rightfully cut and A DEADLY WEAPON. clans bogiiu houso-to-houso inspection The action of the .Einmets will prob• mangled by tho shrapunl. They creased. The ])atrons of a line, once for patients sull'cring from tho plague ably lead to their expulsion from tho Miss IMAiuiir. Cox is the first wom• lilungod about in agonies on tho ground Tho Now Riot (inn Wlilnli Can Dlsiililo thoro was a tremoudous clamor. Pla• natiomd guard. accustomed to freedom from cinders 1I50 iUon to tlio iHliiiilfl, an to be honored by election as a for a fow inoiucnts aud thon lay still, cards \yero posted not to pormit tho WHEN 12 years old .Tohn O'Connor, and smoke, will hardly permit a re• Tho horses on tho second pioco of ar• Tho "riot gun" with which Unitod member Of the Yacht Kacing Asso• foroign dovils to outor thoir homos, as of St, Clair, ran a noodle ii.to his breast. turn to the old methods. It is to be tillory right behind tho o.xplosion fared Statos Marshal Arnold armed his posse this search for patients was merely a Sunday Dr. W, H, Smith pierced his ciation of Great Britain. Too bad it littlo" hotter. All except ono woro hoped that the strilcc will contribute of doputios during tho roLent trouble ruse. These warnings tdso declarod arm and removed the lontr-lost noodlo, Isn't a rowing a.ssociatioii, as thero killed, iu Chicago is that many who wore removed wore not something to the education of the Mr, O'Connor prizes the noodle, lost miglit be a chance for a Cox swain. Tho cause Of tho oxplosion remains roally a cross bo• suffering from tho dread disi ase, but lifty-four yours ago, and will preserve railroads and people in this direction. a mystor.y. As nearly all the cases in twoon tho Gat- had boon selected ns spocially suit• it as an heirloom. tho ammunition chest wore discharged, ling gun and tho able for furnishing medielnos. In A coftui'isPONOBNT of the Hillsdido tho cause of tho nccidont will novor Fioiich initrail- SEISMIC disturbances In the vicin• Dit. WALTEI: KK.Mi'S'i'EK, who wa; tho excited condition of tho Tolephono-News says tliat G. Clark, bo discovered. It is supposed, how- loiisu. It may ity of Sti-atford-on-Avon have fol• one of the government experts in the publie thoso placards and rumors living north ot Pittsford, had a tooth e;'yr, to h'avo boon caused by tho iicci- bo dofliiod as a created such an outburst ot pulled on .Ttily 3, that it bled very pro• lowed the success of .lames J, Cor- Guiteau trial, has made a sensatiou- doutal unsci'Qwiug of an imperfect ropoatinn- shot• fanaticism ihtit the doctors wero forced fusely, and eonsiderablo dillieulty was betton the English stage, it is said, ;il statement relative to the insanity shrapnel shell cap. gun, but is tho to give up tho houso inspection for two experienced in stopping it. Finally m 0 s t powerful Ko doubt the remains of the late Of the ass.assin of President Garfield. days. Before thoy rolinquishod it, when it did stop his nose commenced ha-nd arm ovor William Shakspoare are turning in It has always been claimed that the FIGURING ITS COST. however, thoy wore actually stoned by to bleed, which resulted in death, loaded with pow• tbeir Gollin, prosecution in tbo Guiteau caso was crowds which followed thom ' in tho IJiillroart I.o,«scH, In ChlooBo Alone, Causnd der and shot. streets. The police detailed armed MRS, HARRIET STOUT, ot Chicago, lueicilcss and that the resources of hy tho Striko •\liiy Koiioh ,SK,non,OOn. Tho weapon is ot Sikhs to accompany tho doctors, but while passing the cemetery in ]\ft. Ax actor says that women arc the government were combined to One of tho General Managers in lar^-or bore than this was found to promote dangor ot an Clomons, had hor attention attracted by the word "Harriet" upon one of the "quicker studlcrs," that is, learn their take bis life, justifiably or not. Dr. speaking of the cost of iho grout striko tho average insurrection, and it was 11 nally'decided array rillo, but tlimbstonos. It being hor Christian parts more riuickly than men, "I Kcinpster states that so far from the to tho railroads in Chicago tdoue said to yield to nativo clamor. After two weighs loss. Its days tho inspection was resumed, tlie name, she was ,somowhat startled, Sho truth is this assertion tho govern- that tho losses to tho roads might go plug along through a part for three as high as $8,030,000. The loss ooca- raagazino has native Governor having issued a proc• passed on without reading the rest of days," said ho, "and then I feci shaky racnt instructed Its own exports to siouod by suspended trallic will bo tho room for six 12- lamation warning overy one from in• tho inscription, but the noxt day sho was possessed of an irresistible desire when I go on the first night; but a find Guiteau insane if possible, in largest itom, but the destruction of ca1i bo r c ar- terfering with the doctors. All pa• to return and lo.arn tho full namo of order that it should not go into his• property will "oo by no meims a small ti'idgos. Each tients, howovor, wore transferred to woman just reads a part overoncc or cartridge con• tho person buried thero. In the even• tory that a President of the United ono. early COJP'anhaucllo cars woro tho native hospitals, as tho Chinese twite, or sleeps with it under pillow, destroyed in one blaze, and of this tains ;is drams of absolutely refused to use the European ing sho again visited tho grounds, and V nnd she's gob it letter perfect ^lel'orc States had been shot in time of peace numbor ninety-oiglit contained mer- powder and 12 hospital. nearly fainted when she road upon tho' the first rehearsal," The actor h.as by a responsible man. Each export chaudibe. It will bo necossary to buckshot. 13 o - slab her own namo, "Harriot Stout."/t twoen tho shot Tfloffriiphlo Ollokfl. alTected her so that she cannot krfop too many friends to allow of his tak• studied Guiteau for himseli!, and learn what those oars contained boforo any computation of loss can and tlio powdor AN unknown nogro was lynched at from brooding ovor-the remarl^blo ing time to study. without knowlocgo of tbe conclusion bo made. Within tho city limits tower are two eighth- Biloxi, Miss. coincidenco. ' / reached by any of his colleagues. Dr. houses have been burned and tracks inch com tressed THIKTEEN mon and women working MRS, J. RDDDINS, of Fow/erville, Kerapsttir further alleges that after pa',;or wads. The in a field at Dolmo, Prussia, were THE illustrated press scored a high boon torn up. Daniage has boon dono wont down in.her cellar and heard a bis death competent and disinterest• in many railroad shojis, and enormous TllH JllO'i' OUN, shell of tho car- killed by lightning. rattling, and finally discoyiired a rat• point in the recent capture, in the ed examination by' two specialists sums oxpondod in defending the roads (ShowluK tho carii'IdKO tritlgo is o'f pa- HARRIS G. HADLEY, a noted orlm« tler. She retired from /its p osonce Argentine ,Republic, of the notorious against rioters. What tho railroad f nil size.) backed by a just long enough to get a hoe, whon showed that the brain of the assassin innl, has been arrostod atElwoad, Ind., English swindler, .Ttibez Btdfour. An companies will do in tho way ot de• rim ot brass. Its outward appearance ID.' horse stealing. she roturnod. Very soon thore was a was free from symptoms of insanity. Englishman at Salta, Argentine, saw manding financial redress from tho is vory much like tho ordinary shot• TWO cmr./DREN named Carlston lay snake in that cellar without a hoad. Dr. Kcmpstcr's statement ought to county and city has not been deter• gun shell, but its surface.is thicker THE largest teachers'institute held in tho London Penny Illustrated down in the railway track at Borden- put at rest the widely held beliel mined by tho General Managers, but and much stronger, Tho six cartridges town, N. J., and wero killed. , there in years closed at Ann Arbor, Paper a picture of Btdfour, and that there was vlndicbivcness on tho many suits aro oxpoctod. may be fired in halt as many seconds, Much credit is due School Commission-, promptly recogalMd the original in a Tlio commission men of South Wator thus throwing sovonty-two sctittoring MAIL from the East which had been er M. Cavanaugh for the good work ho part Of tho X'edcral prosecution to• delayed for seven days reached San new arrival.calling himselfvSainuel street wi.l moot to formulate a plan ol | bullets, any of which would ihlUot a is. doing for the district schools of ward the wrelicb who inflicted upon action inf egard to claims against tbo \ serious wound at eighty yards distance, Franciseo by way ot Seattle. Washtenaw County. Supt. J. H.Leo, V Butler. IIG communicated with tbo tbe history of the United States so railroad oomiinnies. It was estimated Tho raaga'/iinoma y be reloaded easily A TRACTION engine and team went who assisted in tho institute, has* . British Consul, and Balfour's arrest foul a blot that tho claims would. agtrrogate $51)0,- within a halt-mlmito. . It is calculatQd through a bridge at Lima, Ohio, klll« proved himself to -be a good worUor ; followed. The smartest detectives 000, and that tho losses of the commis- that with the shot of /each cartridge | ing Jacob Allen and the team.' ^ 'vith.teaohors. • w "1- I III I m Kacli Ttocrtilt Got a Kiss. Tbo Ugliost Woinon.i That Tired Feeling: DOIM OF CON&RESS. Near tho close of the last century The ugliest women in tho world nro IB duo to an Impovoi'lshod condition of rumoi's of a French invasion alarmed tho clovorost, according to Sir Crieh- tho blood. Jt should be ovepconje with• Clreat Britain and aroused military ton Browno. Ho fears that what woman gains inlelloctuully by tho out dolRy, und the best way to aooora- MEASURES CONSIDERED AND ardor to such an extent as to lead to nSsh this result is to tako Hood's .Sar- i'resh regiments being raised. In ono higher education now in vogue sho ACTED UPON. 'The Best. Things will loso in beauty and grace, and of" of a series of interesting sketches by ton in hoaltli, too. Sarsa- tho Hon. J\lr3. Armytage of "British Amongst tho Garo nation, a people At tho Notion's Capital--Wliiit I» Bolntf Mansions and the Mistresses Past pariUa dwelling on it range of hills botween Doiio by tho .Senate and IIDUHO—Old Mnt- and Bresciit," I'cccntly published in to; Eat Brahma)iootra am Soornia Valleys, tho Baparilla, which will -ta/^cy tors Disposed Of nnd Now Oiios Consld- 'Tinsley's iMiigazino, the raising by women are snprenio. purify & vitalize tho (9 Thoy woo the mon, thoy control tlio erod. tbo famous JJuchess of Gordon, ot tho Are"'made "with'^ROYAiTBAKING PO'WDER— blood, give strength -»^vay. St, rani, jrinn. ell'orl to press tlio Uailey bankruptcy bill, number ot men. Tiie mother and ^ nOVAL DAKINQ POWDER CO,, 10G WALL ST„ NEW-YORK, fe Ills Own Inveiitiim. Pm3<:lhainiii's bur, altlioiijli It was ongmssnd and road fioii Ircitucutcd every fair in Lhe a third tlmo. tlio fiuorniij failod on the A clown Enstflirmor travels in groat final volo. cuiintry-sitle, begging the line young Vegela'bile Highlanders to come forth in support comfort through tho long roaelios of Ill ibu Koiiato Tuesday, Iho following Vllliigi, Asli-nnoiiiy. ,Slorle« of Iho Cloth, snow, and in tlio bico of the bitterest House bills wero iiassod: Tn aulliorl/.u tiiu of King and Country, and to enlist in north winds in a one-liorso sleigh, Compound coiislruclloii of a brldgo nvor tlio MUsis- iter retjiiiicut, and, wlien all other A certain ,lohn H'odgdoii, wlio lived The following, it not true, is well in Wearo, N. H,, moro thiiii JUU years fouiulort, says the London Globe, A hooded ovor liko a prairie schoouor, slppl al I)ubiii|ue, Iowa; providing for tlio ai'gunicnt had failed, riimorsiiid that CURES resiirvoy of Orant and Honker Coiiiitle.s, ago, was Olio of tlio mon who seem a" i.''reneli pri'cst wlio was passionately and witli a stove inside, tho funnel Drregularity, Noliraslta. Ooiialderalion nf llio agrl- kiss from tlic beaiitifnl Hucboss ways to have litok nii their side, Wliat- aildictcd lo card-playing is said by a sticking througli tho top. It is a rig Sapprcs.snd nr 1"'iiiiil'iil Mon.slnlatioa.s, Wnalc culMiral apprnprlalloii lilil was llioii won the doubtful recruit. .Slio soon ovor ho put his lialui to prospered. As writer in the J.'arls Temps to havo iii- ot his own invention, and, while not iinssnf the .Stointioli, liali^'csllon. Bloating, rosiiiiiod. and Mr. liiinabroiigli nll'uroil announced to hciuhiiiartcrs the I'or- Ills neighbors used lowly, ",lollll llodg- advel'teiitly remarked, instead of "0 iireliitocturally boiliiHtiil in appoai- an aineiidinoiit appropriating ifl,tlOO,- ance, is very eoinl'ortablo in use., flooding, iS'f.'i'vnti.s I'm.sll'atioli, llend.ncho, 0110 for tho dostnictliin nf tliu Russian iiiution of a regiment, iind entered (loli'sdish is always righ't side ii]i when Lol'd, wJio'lioldest in Thy hand tlie Goncl'lU Dobilily, ICidliey Compl.'iinta in into all the negotiations with the it rains porridge," helu-ls of kings," "O Lord', who hold- oltlior su.v. KviM'-y time it will l'uliovo thlHllu upon the bill asa "rider," A piilii of iirdor was mado against It by I\li', Uock- military aiitiioritics iu a most busi• Probably his good luck was mostly est ill Thy liand tho king of liearts," ATTE.NB tlio li'ort Wayne Jinslnosa CollOKo. Backache, Faintness, rull, but by a volo of 2(1 to 22 tlio Soiiato ness-like iiianuer, reporting tliat the shrewdiioss and trngality. We aro The foregoing aneedote may bo doclded the ainniuiiiiont to lin in (irdor, and told that lie wlts an excellent farmer. cupped l.iy the story, told by Arch• AwFurXY worth loss ])co]ilo occasion• E.\'trnino r.as.sitiido. " doti'tcnie" and "want whole rcgiiiient wei'o lliglihindcra it wa.s adoiilod, 27 tn 2.|. Tlio llouso luts.fod At !ill_ events, shrewd or hicl:y, lio deacon Siiielair in the eiirron't Young ally msiko a heap ol costs in a court. tn bu leflaldiio " feeling, excilabilily, initii- llio llalioy vnltiiitiiry banlsr.

*yifeyi'i:',^'.' FELT DISTRICT, WEST ALAIEDON, MarriaffQ Licenses. Common Council Proceedings. aciswui..... C, Fhiiisberg is visiting iu South Elmer Ci'oss possesses a new guitar The I'ollowlng licenses have been MASON, .Tuly 21!, 18U-I, Haven,—OurSiiiidliy.scliool will picnic and is taking lessons.—A, horse owned granted since our last report: Cotiucll met piii'suatit to adjourn- Aug, .IMi.-Aunt Lucy iJiillois is very by C. W. llopldtis died last week.— Nanui null liosldemiu. Alto, inciit, and was called to orderbyMayor W. L. CLARK. feeble, iihsu iMrs. Amasa Dulloi.s,—i?', Again wc heir the chirp of the fall Siltlford Miiiilioliiior, lllllsdalo Kl Reed. iloylo was on the plains lust Sunday,— ei'lcl;et, wliich reiniiiils one of the lilllii llarv.'ood, oiiuiiilatta iii Present, Aid. Elmer, Hoyt, Jlills rapid transit of tiiiie—Ciinaiin is be• {iirOorrusponiloniu'slionldi'imiili tlilHolU'io Ml's, Ihlhlwin of Liliiigsburg is visiting WllUaiii (!, l)n!i'ii,SI,, .Sniitliwlok, M nltilils nil sireiils,.., |,H Pi; Albion, Orleans county, N. Y., April tre, this state, last week by the illness llDii, K. Moore, l.itiisliit; ,, '.'.| Standard Oil (Jo,, one harrol of oil 11 .17 ALAIEDON CENTIin. ITtli, l.s'lO, Illld died ill, the residence Cora C. I'L'itlKMly, Lansiiii; o^ I'ook I'C Sherwood,I'or Ituiihor I) III and death of their brotlicr-in-law lloriioo Asellino, wcn'k In oonnMory Ill (ll) .Mf. ililrl 1^1 rs. iMcMilloii Ililvc ln'cll of lior sisll'r Mrs. C. K I'litrick In Cornelius Kmipi), He was favorably llliy l.adll, llash'il Park ui a, K. Hall, nnd 111011 on hrliluo in nt iiiilorlllilliiiK iJicir dliiiglltcr Ir Ilnl'- W'hill' Oiilv, .luly 21sl„ l8iM. The known here The I'ollnwitig is froin it l.iaia Wrl);ht, Diinoinlalo 111 II. Asi'llino, lo work on hrldtjo 'n riild, N. v., illo. pllsl. wf.'k.-IU'nllll wriler wislil'sto retllrli thliiiks to his state piiiieri '•Cornelius Ivuapp, ii WllUain 0, Ilauorly, DuWIll ;in 11, llrood, woik on hrhlKO 1 DO Mild rifiriiico True visiloil I'rlriids In Irlciids for all their kind words and pioneer resident of Rome, Leiiiiwce Aiaellli I'uUurs, Lalisliit,' IS till motiliu Ijy Aid, Mootly the above Voviiv Siiiiilil.v.—A, '1'. SU'ViMis id' llip lh'i'lls iliirliig the sickness and deatli county, died at an early hour AVodiies- (I, Mam Itowloy, l.lilislliK U'j eliiiiiis were allowed as follows : A'eas, :.M. A.C. vislled In .-Vlaiccioii Siiiulii.v. of Ills slsicr. who was so sitddonly (lily uloriiing, aged 70 ycurs, lie had Hlillo Coins, l,ltlisillK 'j'j lOliner, lloyt, iMiils und Moody, — I'l. N. Wilkins liMS piirl'liasi'll ;l liew l'alloil lo I'l'o.ss the dark streani. lier liveil in Ito'iiie since LS,'!") und I'or l-l Wllllaiii ,1. Carpuiiloi', Warrifii, 111 :i:i lly Aid, lloyt. An ordiuance to I'laiKi liiiltli'r.-Aiail'ddli grange li.'i.-* years was ti supervisor of the town. iiiiiend section il of ordiuiince Ko, 2, lllscasi- was heiiiorrliiigi,! of the AiiKiista lliirnoll, Warren, 111 added one liiiiiilrl'il new vliliiiiil's In lis sliuiial'll and blood poison.—Quite li He was It mini of high elianictcr and being iiii ordinance relative to tliecou- lilipupy. _ Alliii'diili Cenlcr .Siiinliiy esteemed by all who knew liitii."— Holla I!, l'"lliiioro, l.ioisliif,' L'.'I striictioii of sidewiillcsmid crosswalks sliowcr piisscfl over this pla(;c last h'ri- I'Idltli K'ay, MiilsInK ID si'.liiMil will pieiiie lil. I'liie liiko snliii. iliiy, tiding a great deal of gooil.—Mary Addo Hill has moved bis barn and Tin: (Hill 11/ .Wii.so.'i, OrddliM, Tlmt seotlonriof .lohii ,1. Stanforlli, l.atisinK ill) iN'i'll I'iuiu' home sick one flay last otherwise impi'oved the looks nf his oi'dlnaniio No. 'j of thu ordlniinoes of tho City of NORTHWEST AURElJUB. fiiriii. ,lonnlc I', llookslra, l.aaslii;; tlC Mason, huliiK an ordlnainio relalU'e to coiisti-tte- wi'i'k. Ij. N'eii is the owner of a new lloii nf sidewalks iiiiil crosswalks, ho, and tho iMnrioii Handy is v.'i'y sicl., lami; tinoi'L'o W. linnvn, ,lr.. Mason Ul .saiini Is hiiri'hy ainondi'd so as to read ii.s follows; Miisiui liiiggy C. A. iMcCrcary is at- WHITE OAK. hrolilile l.lic i;aiise.—Mrs. \'\. Miirsi' is itMidiiig il biiby girl. llattl(!.'\I, (Iralrlolc, Wllllalilsloll '.'I All slilewalks shall not lai loss Iliiiii n foot and I'ui'uvcriiig rrnni all aflaek ni' ph'iiri.sy '1,'lie whistle I'roin the tliresliiiig WlUler Wliooliir, Alirolliis ill four liioluis In widlli nnd oniisti'iicled of ^ood Prof. L. D. Edwards, of Preston, NORTHEAST ALAIEDON, piuo plank two liiohos tlilok, siirl'aood, lo ho laid Idaho, Sitys: "I was all run down, ami lung irolible.—Mr. lllill Mis. M. engine is heard iigaiii.—l.'lic rain of Aiwolllio'l'iu'iior, Alnlodoii 18 ilpoii solilid sloopol's not loss than ,'I.KI lilolies Siivilclr reiiiire in'or a pair nl' I.win ,IlJl.Y 2-ltll, I.SitI, Inst week'iiiiikes the I'iiriiier smile.— euro for Hendacho, sipiaro, lo 111' plaoi.'il not nioro tliiiii ;i foot iipiirl, weak, nervous and irritable tlirougli luiVs, liiirii'.liily null. I till' wi'igliiiiu' Lust 'I'lllll'sillly bcilts the rl'i'ol'd I'or Arthur Potter visited fi'ieiidsiii Loclo; As il remedy I'or all I'ni'ins of lielid- 'I'lio plank shall not O.VOOL'II III liudics in wlillli, overwork. 1 still'ercd from brain fa• shall ho Illld on a llni', al rlixlitaiades to iho side• tigue, mental depression, etc 1 be• !i li)s. and 2 (illilccs the r .Viii'lJi .\llri'liiis visii,i'll 111, I'', il. iilreiidy ton inlich of tliiit old turilV only llfty cents ill, W, M. AbiCrosscn's, provoil ,liily 2,'kl, 181)1, by I liirper Reed, Restorative Nervine the solo credit. guests of iMl'S. iM. ,K. A'ortli lust week. Dliison, illltl h'. 11. i''ii'lll's, 1 hlllsvillc, May's liisi, Wi'diii'sdiiy.-.Mi's, Pr, L, —M. I']. Osborne and wife visited with humbug. AVliy don't they say soiiic- iiiiiyor. I'. M;iv III' Ni'W lllilldiiiiii'i' vi.silerl lier tliiiig iiiioiit I,hilt silver bill of 'T.'i, tliiit di'llg storeS; _ Oil moLioll i.lic council adjourned ft CiureSo" fricnlls lit iSliiifisbiirg iind Owosso last Legiil blaliksiit III'IMOCUATolllce iiiiil,luu'-iii-lliw Mrs. 1). li.Miiy,—Xelsoii wl'ck.—Miss Kvii Nortli of Dellii is I'obhcil this nlitioii of niillioiis of I'or one week, Dr. f.lllos' Ni'.rviMi.' ti sold on a poslMvo I'lisi was nil Diirsiri'i'lslasl,'riiiirsllliy. weiilth;-' Willi til boll I, the rl.'coi'd of ADVEirrisEOTETTER LIST. lOuoiCN'r: A, TVLKK, City Clerk, (.'iiaranliio that till,' lirst hiittlo will lionolltIII . visiting liercoiisin, iMiss Nellie North. All drii);t;lstssoll It at$l,li Ijolilos for it.'), m —1, ,1, '.ridtle, Mi.'^s llrai'l' 'I'lil.l.le liilil the iiiist .'HI viiilrs';'—.Mrs. L. King of MASO.N, .Inly 2;I, l.Sli-l. Buoklen's Arnica Salve, It will ho sent, preiiald, on rooolpt of prioo Mrs, 1). AV. I''i';iry rel iiriii'd lloiiie froiii NORTH LESLIE. Wlieiitllclil 'visiteil friends in Web- .List of letters rciiiilillillg uiiciilled by tho Dr. Jllles Mmlleal Co,, Klkhart, Ind, Mm .Si.aLe (if Nl'W York, ih being lMr. berville last week.—Mr. and IMrs. i\l. '.riie bestsalve iu the world I'orclits, i^fr. illld j^frs. .liitncs i-iito of Leslii for ill, the above ilillllcd olllce : bruises, .sores, ulcers, suit rlicuin, fever 'I'liMlf's old Imiiii'.—Wlieab sl.lielciiig visited tlieir Kob. and I'liiiiily last Hatch of Okeiiios arc the happy par• •Mr. I). \. llcwcs, llil;;li C. Snillli, I'lsip is i.lli' ol'der of Ulc rhiy.—Mr. ami Mrs. ents ol a new baby boy.—''.I.'lie social Clills. Illoiniiiilst. sores, tetter,chiippedhiiiKls,cliilbliiiiis, Suiitliiy.—Mr. and jMrs..loliii llogersof Persons ciilliiig for the above please corns, illld all slcin eruptions, aud jios- IMoi t;jritt',fl Salo. (lai'soii Clark, \>. W, .h'riiry and .leliiiie Kiildii K'iipids are staying with their last .Friday iiiglit at the Cady .«cliool Defanll having boon mado In lho eonilltlons of siiy iuivertised. itively cures piles, or no pay roiiiiired. Daily were in .I'lensaiil, lake .SaLiirday, iliiiiglitl'r Mrs. Ts'. iriiircliild I'or a few house, was ii I'iiilure, but will come a iiorlitlii nlorlgiiKO, ilaleil llio foiirli.'oiull day of oil ill two weeks from tlmt timo. i\r. A. llK.MK.N-r, P. M. It is giiiii'iliiteed to give pe'rl'ecl, satis- March, A, I). Lsli'j, iiiaihi IiyHiii'lili A. P'roindi, of ""FTTCWBURG. days,—Mrs, .Moiimoiitli Covert ncri- I'actioii, or money refiiiulcd. Price 2? Uiloniliiga lowiislii)), Inglilinl rouiily, I'Mlolilwiii, ih/iitiilly I'i'll from a hiiiumock lust Sliii- 'I'lic next L. A. S. nl Wllil.e Out Cu a run teed Cure lo I'Mwiiril Taylor of Iliiij;Iiiuii|ilnii, Hlalo of New cents per box, Il'orsiile by AY, M, ,Mc ,ll!l,V 2-1, ISill, (liiy, iiijlli'ing lier intcriL'illy. 'I,''lif' iild Illld Lct'oy will Iliivc il sewing bn AVe :iiil.liori'/.l! niir iirlvi'i'liscd drug• ViM'k, mill ri'uiii'ihal In lihur ,Sl), of inorlgagos, I'lH' 11 liidy of that coinmiiuity, who Crosscii, Jlitsoii, and F, 11. Field (111 |ia;;e,|7l, oli:.. In lliii oMi(.'o of tlie reglslor of Wheal, harvesl, is over wil.li lind of it pliysiciaii was iiecflcd.—Mrs. gists i.osidl Dr. King's New liiscovery ihioils, for Hill roillity of Ingllnni, Slalo of, Uiraslliiig is l,lie order of Mie (lay.- Hoiiglil.oii llrowii Illld cousin Ncllh' liiis been sick the most of tho I'or Cniisiiiii|.)tioii, Coiiglis Illld Cold.'i, Diinsville. iMIcIilgiiii, on lho llflcentli day of iMtiii'li, A, I), upon tliiscoiidition. I f you are alllict- ISIl'.', hy iioii-|iiiynn'iit of iiioni'ys iliio lliori'iiii l.iy i'lM'i'is h'ileli of roiil.iae Wiis l-lie giicsl, Potter visited ridiitivlis at Hives anil summer, K^'Mi'lne job printing at tliisolllcc which the iiiiwor of salo coiilaliioil lliori'in, has (if his iiiol.licr ,S,'iljird;iy illld ,Siiiiiliiy.~ .liicksoii last Wcilncsdiiy und 'Piiiirs- ed with 11 cough,colfl orany liingitliroat liciiiiiiiiMipi-nillvi,'. nnd hy vlrtln.'of lho loriiis of Oal, lijirvesir is near lll, Iliiild.—Tile rliiy.—lloliert Liixlon iinil wife of SOUTH DELHI, or Chest troiibh', mill will use this said iiiiirliigiige, Ihe whole iinionnl of prliioipiU .liji,Y2;!d, 18111, remedy us fiirlictefl, giving it 11 I'liir iind Ihlcrost lliereof has lieeii iluelitred, iiliil Is Ijlllliei'and sl.one lorn new bridge, lo \''t'Viiy visitcti .lanics lioyle's I'liniily lioreliy dcelariMl diai and |i,'i.vahle liiiine- 1)0 ereefed on l.lic liiisi' liiie over l,lll' last Siiiillily.—Mr. aiul Mrs. h', ijiicy e I'iii'iiiei's' iiiiitiiiil imprnveineiit trial, illld experience no liciiellt, yoll diiiloly hy said iiiorlgilgi'o, anil un whioli (Jlllloogan (lii.eli, is on flio grounds,— stoppcti here anil iiilide their people a club of North Dldlii li;is iitlj may rcLiirn the bottle und have your iiiorlgiico ilioie Is iilalini'd lo ho duo nl lliu short visit on tbeir way from York money rcflliidcd. ^Ve could llot liiiike (late of lilts iiollci', Ihesiini of llvo hiindreil lUty- Misses Mdiia and (lerl.riide Ci'o.ss of until Sept, li'itli,-l''i'iiiik 1 liinter is on I'liiir dollars ailil sevoiil.y-llvot'Oiils{SD,>l.T.'i) jirlncl- Mason are Mie gnosis of \<\ A. Ci'n.ss I'or Stale, where they liiive been the jitist tlie sick iisi;,—Mrs. .loliii Siirato tlisio this oH'cr difl we not Iciiow tlmt Dr. iial and liileresl, nnd no suit or proci'i'dliigs at It few dliys.—L. W. Diiiililiiii will go eight weeks before retliniing to their cated her slioulder one day last week King's New Discovery coulfl be relied law, having boon liisllllltoil In l'ooiivor llie iiieiii Liiiisiiig.—,Mr,iitid Mrs. Hyroii on. It iii'ver ilisiippoiiits. '.I'rial bot• LIGHT & TEMPLAR amiillntniiiiaid soonri'd by .said iiiorlgagoor any Willi Will, liiger.soll Uirasliing Uiis Dr. Watson was callefl anil Mrs. S. is partllieri'ot. Nolli/c Is lliori'foio horoliy given, fall. Wilcox illld little son of l^ellii visiteil riipidly recovering.—Ye scribe imd the tle free ul, W, M. McCriLSsen's, Mii.soii, tlillt on 'I'lii'silny, 11)0 Sil day of Ootohor. in this vicinity last Siiiidiiy,—iMrs, illld F. 11. Field's, Diinsyille, drug —AT TllK— A. i>. 1K',)I, ill iwii o'clock p. 111.,'salil iiiorlgiiKO LOCKE CENTEH, pleasure of listening to the Mason coi'' lleo. Hclciiei'or Ijcslie was the guest net bund last .Siitiii'diiy evening and stores. Large si'/.e I'lOc. and .$1.00. win ho foi'i'olosod liy a salo at Iin.' front door ot Mrs, L. .loliiisoii, who has bmill a of ,Mrs. 1'. 1.'. liiickiis liist.Sllndity,—10. AruEiiml UiiRUMA'rrsM rollovod Maple Street Market Iho Court House, In lho Cllyof Masiiii.Ciaiiilyot will say tliat tlicy out ilo iiiiy of tlieit hy Dr. Miles' Norvo Plasters. Ingliiun, ,Slalo of iMIi.'hlgaii, Unit hi.-iiig lho biilld- grelll slill'urer willl it en nee i', died a I I'. Hlilck'iiiiin iiiifl llcrt Trim were in ueiglili'or Ijiitids. Come, Holt boys, get liig III whirli till' circuit eolirl for Iiiglianl comity .S.'IK) Triday iiioriiiiig, .Inly '20, 1801. .liickson on business liisI, Tliiirsdiiy,- Buy Diiliiim's German 2") cent Cough Keep 111'lill Lino of Is held, iil|inlillc veiidiic lo the higlli'sl liiddrr ot a griiitliiig,—Holt S))orl,s two lloiiieo cure iit lliilstciid & Son's. the proiiilsiis ilescrllieri in said imirlgagi', or so •She lias bi'eli li resilieiil; of hliis plai'e Mr, illld Mrs. 'i'oiii. Wondrdwealleilon paths. We regret the absence o I'or file plisi, 2."^ yl'lll's. h'liiienil ser- iiiiicli ihcriiof, as may ho iii'ci'ssm-y lo.satisfy the tlioir uncle lit Ilivi'S lash Siiiidily, who Dr. North, who is in Siigiiiiiw iittonil- A,1I Drup;Bisls.selI Dr. Mlle.s' Tain I'llls. FRESH AND SALT IViEATS iiiiioiinl dm; on .said niorlgagi' Willi liiliuest vlcps were held al, l,lie \>\ M. ('IIIIITII of had the iiiisforlliiu! lo fall and break ing ills sick wife, Dr, Watson is tak• thereon illld Ihe costs anil oxponsi'S allowed by Uiis pllirl; .Inly 21. ,Slle leaves four law, and provlilod In said inorlgago. .Said hind llislli|L ing oiii'o of his piiLients,—The lOvmi wooi>»s 3PX-iosi*iiorj'i]VJi:. And nil goods in their line. will 111! .sold siihji'ct to two prior niortgiiges, of children and iiiiiiiy friends wlm will golists will liolfl their cum]) meeting ill the prliiclpul siittis of llvo hiiinlred and IJireo Tho Great English noniody. Boot Qiaalitioa. Qcod. WoiEfliti sadly iiioiirii l.lieir loss,—;\ baby hoy DANSVILLE. 10, G, Hunt's grove at Holt, ctiiDiiiene- rroniptly nnd iiornmncntly hiiiiilriMl diillars rospi.'cllvuly upon a poriliin of "was'lioi'ii lo Mr, and 1^1 rs. (leo. I Iho land di'scrllii'il In said iiiortgagc, wlihdi said .lui.Y 2,-), 180:1, ing tills week ''.Phiirsfliiy,—Some of the oiirea all forms of Nervoua We kill onr own iiieats. Call and see its. inorlgagos have been duly assigned lo Kdwltnl l;is|, week.—The iel; ercliin .soeilil lil citizens ofHoltsiiy there nro only Wcalme..is,i:mliittnM, Spemr 'I'aylor, tho iiiorlgagi'i!heroinnaiiii'd: nhsosubject The W, C, T, l,r, will meet at the M, Cash paid for llhlos. Moses Hill's liisl, SaUii'diiy evoiiingw very few tilings tliat remain ineom- alorrhca, ItiipotcHcy nuil all Ul a cortiilii olhcr iiiorlgiigo of the original I'), cliiireli on Tlulrsdiiy afternoon of principal Slim of one lliiiiisliinl iloUiirs iipiiii an• well alLenderl, llnd a good Ulilc. w |)lcto to niakc that \'iiliige one nf the cj^ects of Abvsc or Kxncases, other portion of the land iloscrllii'd In .said oiijoved by lill.—l''rod itorkwcU of this week at 2:,'!0. All arc invited.— most handsome and pleasant villliges Eocn prcacrlhcd ovor 35 tniirlgago given to A. A. I'ost. 'I'lie land de.serlb- (Ir'afiol, is visiling liis I'nUier li. A ciiiiii) of the sons of vcteriitis was in the state. First; That the .school onr.sln thousands ot cn.soSi eil In .said iiiorlgiigu which will he foreeloscd by orgaiir/.ed here litst Saturday iiiglit, a sale tliiM'cof as above set forlli, is as follows, iloekwell of this pliiee. yiird should have a fence around it, £<:/ore andAftir. '""UK'oa'i//?''""'"-''""'^'"'' lowll: 'riiocast half of the .solilliwi'st i|llarler; " 'I'lic hoys arc, iiiterestetl very mucli in itiid tllc people should oUserve Arbor •' ^ al mcdlcino fcnoiun. Asl£ HOLT. tho .soiiihwi.-st f|iiiirter of tile .loiiiInvest nnarler; the work and will try to niiike a siic- Day, Secon.'l; That the sidewalk druggist for Wood's rhomihoillno; If ho oH'ora Ofdusf and Strongeil Stato and Savings Bnnk and lho sonlll liairof the nnrlhwosl iinartcr fiOmo worthless modloluo In placo of this, loavo hU Cliarlos (loklwood, Sr,, of Morr ces,'^ fif i I,,,—I'll is wortli Aseltiiie anil from the stores to the .Pi'esb.vteritiii in tho city. tho soiitliciist ipiartcr of .scclion ton, In to.vii oiii?-» h'red Haas made a trip to Leslie on dishonest storo, IHCIOSO prioo In Icllor, and north, of riiiigo two wost, holiig in tlio township was ill town on biisiiies '.I'liiirsduy.— cliui'ch sliould be coiiipletcil. Third of (Jiioiidagii,comity of lilgllaiii, Stato ot iMichi- •7 The ,Saiiits begin tlieir grovo meetiii Siiturdiiy.—Dr. ,1, \<\ Leiiioii Imd his 1T0 tvlll sona by return mnil, Prioo, ouo paokago, That "-1000" dogs (pugs especitdly) 81; six, $5. One wlllplcttM, six villi cure. Pamph• gaii. liere Tlilir.sday.—Miss (iuldwood is slioiiltlcr dislocated last week in trying Capital,^75,000 should be killed. While .some are will• let In plain eoaicil onvolope, 3 cents postage. Dated ,Tliiio'.'.ntii. istii. visiting relatives and frloiKls here.— to liel)) up one of his lioi'ses tliat'liad ing to do tbeir part, the rest ought Address Thu Wood ChomlcBl Co., '.'7wlD ICDWAltn TAYLOK, WortgngCO. Mrs, ,lolin ,Sllrato threw lier iirin oul fallen down, Dr, Winters set the to fall in linciiud make Hidtoucof the lill Woodward nveuuo.Detroit. MIoU. JM. D. CIlATTKU'l'ON I'ro.sldenl CiiAiiLES K, S.vow, AUorney for WortKagco, of joint 'i'lilll'sdiiy, —^Villie Conk of slioulder and Ijeiuou is nil right agiiiii, most bciiiitifiil places in the state and Sold In Mason by \V, M. McCrosseil, DriiKttist, I,. C. Wlillil! Vice I'raslilent Ijiiilsliig Wiis ill town h'riday,—Tlic —Mrs, i), 11, ,Ie.ssop nf •Williiinistoii N one wliiidi its iiiiiiibitiiiits can well be A. ,). HALI CiLshlur Mortgiago Siilo. Voiing ladil's'soi'iill eliihwill niri'l visiting lier relatives in liigluiiii for a proud.—Jliss .Icniiie K.vscr of Aliisoii Uefiuilt having liecil iiiiKlelii tliocondlllnns ot few days,—Miss Orrii liciiid went icerliun Iiiorlgage iiiaile by •\VllllsA, Link ami the 'lioinc of ,\liss Kttii^ Tliorbiiri will teach the fall term of school in IntereslPaid on Time Certificates of Depos Mrs, Ni'Ulc Link, his wife, to Oliver S, Carter, li'rlday.—.Mr. and Mrs, 11. ,1. lioinl ciiiiipiiig witli a com))iiiiy of yiuiiig district No. fi. She cc-uncs highly rec• dated ,laiiiiary l-ltli, istil, iiiid recorded in the Mason ciilled liii frieiifls linre Sunday friends at Piite lake last week,—Miss ommended and we wish he siicces.s,— olfice of the Kcglsier of Deeds lor Ingliaiu lOdnii Cooper, wlm luis been visiting MONEYTOLOAN, COME AND SEE US, iioiuity, and State of Michigan, on the lilili day —The ILiiidies' Aid Society of tlie M. 1' Homer McDowell returned from a trip )f ,Iannary usiu. In llliervsof iiiiirtgiiges oiiniiga cliiircli will meet at the home of Mr^ her griindinotlier, went to Lansing to Grand Eapids Siiiidiiy,—It wasn't Kl, which said iiKirtiige (vas (Inly assigned hy yestcrdiiy font visit of a few days.- l)ii-eetori!-D, P, WlilUiiore, l„ C, Wiihh, ,f, K sidd Olivers, Carter, lo Kliner 0. Dliiin, on the Gertrude 'Turner Slitlil'd.iy.—.Seven a c.yclnuc, just S. M, Wait's big bay Klniur, lieo. \V, lirlstol, 11, M, Willlaiiis, llariM Dill day of JIal-ch, islu, by deed ot assignment; Mrs, 10. ,1, Miller was in Lansing yes• tea'm running away last Monday morn• ItemI, JI, D. Clialtertoii, L. Ii, ,Siiall'ord, C. C .young people jollied the M. K. diliri terday.—L. Miller and wife visiteil at lltiiiUiiKtoii, riicorilod In the ollloo ot the licgtsler of licedsof .riiiiidiiy t'Vi'iiiiiu'. ing witli the wagon and iiay rack Ingham coniily, and State of Michigan, on the Eddie IIrown'syestcrdiiy.—10. A, Ileiis- tbrniigli tlic oi'cliard. If harness lull day of i\Iarcli, ISfU, In llhers;i, ofiiiorlgiiges HOLT NEWS. nioi'i'. is on the sicic list.—,liicol) P'ort- on page ,'ilil, on which said niorlgiigo there Is would grow, lie would liave a gooii claimed lo be due lU lho dale nf this notice tlio •ilM.V L','!d, 18111, iiiiui of White Oak is very sick, with crop, for the ground was well seeded Sinn of three litiildrcd and sixty-sl.xdollars (.?,')6'U) Mrs. K. .1. Sheltori is visiting lie little cliiiiice of recovery,—Miss Sai'iih witli it. No one was lillrt.—Ed, Swit'/.- Varicocele, Emissions, Nervous Debility, Seminal Weakness, Gleet, and lui iittorney fee of thirty dollal'S, iii'ovlilcd parents at Orion.—Loli, Suriito is Mr llolliiutl dietl Satiirdiiy iiiglit after a- giiblc sports it new bicycle, Stricture, Syphilis, Unnatural Discharges, Self Abuse, for ill said mortgage and bysliUille and no suit weel<'s illness, and was buried Sunday or iiroccodliigs at law having been liistitiiied to ing a tlii'iisliing miicliiiie. engine for Kidney and Bladder Diseases Positively Cured by recover tlie moneys secured by said inortgiige, i\eii. Mosiier,—Mr, and iMrs, Geo, inoriiiiig,—Mrs, Gilford, motlier of orany part thereof, now tliorei'oie, hy virltm of .Smitli niiide her mother a visit last Mrs. ,1. A. nicliiirds, had a strolce of STOCKBRIDCE, the piiwer of sale eoiitidned In .said niiirtgilgc and paralysis last week. Klie is almost 8i> tho sUiUlui In .siioli case made and prnvlded week,-Miss Flora Gold wood of Morricr lliices here Aug, I, 2 and ,'!.-AViisli- TligiGiietliiiiiTfiiatiiieiit^lliiiiiieifulDlscoveii notice Is hereby given that on Fi-ictny, iiio is visiting reliitivl's iiiiil friends here, ycar.s'of age.—.-S, ,1, Miller was in Lan• ingtoii Beoinan, an old pioneer of STili diiy of July, A. U. 18!)'l, at one o'cloelc —Tlie Misses Kiini.iallof Cliicagoare sing last l''ridiiy,—Born, to Mr, and Wittcrloo was buried last .Friday, aged Cay-You can Deposit llio Money In Youf Bank or with Your Postmaster In tlieiirieiiiooii, I shall sell at public nnd Inn to .Airs. l''i'!ink Ib'iggs, a 10-pound boy. to bo paid us alter you are CURED under a written Guarantcel the hlgliosi bidder lit llie oiitratice of llin Coin- milking their uncle iOd. Kiiubiilla visit, 78 yeai's.-Tlic L. 0. T. M'. of JHssiou inoii Council room on Michigan avenue east, i;i 'i'lie' liulies' club will meet with Hive .served icc crcaiu to a large crowd Sel/Alime, Hmmci Bticl lllood Mtenies hnvo wrockod tho livos ot thonsonds ot yonns men the city ot Lansing, Mlclilgiiii, (that lining one ot jMrs. Etta Tborburii this week .l''ridiiy in tlie basement of the town hall last nnd middlo aged mon. Tho farm, tho workshop, (ho Sunday school, the ollleo, tho protos- the places for llio liohlliigof Uicclrciilt cotutfor WEBBERVILLE, Hior^-iiU hnvo its victims, young man, if you havo boon indiscroet, bowaro of thu futuro. the county of Ingliiua, Wlchigaii), ihe premises The 'Mis.ses J\lartiii of Louisville, ivy., •Saturday eveiiiiig.—Chas. Bccnian and Jfiiiiii.i (i«t(l wen, yon aro(jrowine promiituroly woiik and old, both Hoiiinlly und phynically. described In said niorlgiigo, or so much thereof as lire visiting ill, G. \V. Mlillory's.—Miss Chas. I'l'osserand family of Brigliton wil'eof WiUiamston called on friends Consult us boforo loo lato, NC NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT, Confidential, may be necessary lo pay tlie aiiioiiiu, duo on said London of i'ort iliiroii is visiLlilg iMr visited with the families of II. W. ill town wliile on their return home mortgage, wlUi sl.v pur ceiic. interest ami all Ettii Tliorburn.—Mrs. Siirato is sull'er Illirtwiekiind Gilbert Wavlclast week. from tlic funeral of his uncle W. Bee- VARICOCELE, EMISSIONS AND SYPHILIS CURED. legal costs, logctlier wltli an altoniey fee ot —Mrs. Daniel Herrick, who 1ms been thirty doiliirs covenanted for tliurelii, llie iirein• ingfrnin licrshoiildcr Ijeiiigdislocated man.—This week Wednesday being W. H. GOhVl^S. W. S. Collins, of Saginaw, Speaks, W, S, COLLINS, | ises hcliig described In said morigago as ;dl tlinc —.Mrs. Davis is slightly indispo.scd. liling I'or a long time and in a precari• St. .Tiunes day, tlierc will be services "I am W. At Ifi 1 loarnod n bad habit which I contin- curtain piece or parcel nf liind situated In the ous condition, fell in a swoon .vestor- held ill Clirist churcli at 10:,'J0 a, m,— iiwJ till 111. 1 then bocnino "ono ot tho boys" nnd lod a township of Leroy, in tlio Coilnty of Ingham, diiy and received severe injuries guy life, Exiiosuro produced .Si/p/illis, I became norv. and .State of Jlichigaii, and descriiied as follows, SOUTH INGHAM & BUNKERHILL The W, F, M\ S, of tlie ]\f, E, church, oua nnd despondent; no ambition; memory poor; oyoa to will The ea.sUialf ot the northwiisl fractional •lud. Gregory of Ma.siin spent a few There arc l'e\v hopes of lior recovery.— will meet with Mrs, 13, C. Boycc this rod, aunkon nnd lilur; pimples ou face; hair loose, bono fltinrlorof .si'Clh'e(C)ln township No. Ihieo {,3) Rev. T. B. Magcc antl fnndly, D. D. pains; weak hack; variooeolo; dreams and losaos at flays witli bis aunt Mrs. Hugh Blake week,—Minnie Willmorc is entertain• north of range two (2) cast, except tweiity-sl.'c ICiiigsbiiry and fainily, Charles Van ing a .young friend fi'om,liickson.—Mr. night;-woalc parts; deposit in uriuo, oto, 1 spent hnu- (ai) acres ol land oil' lho east side lierutoforo ly recently,—Last week dogs attacked Oi'don, 0. Warner and family and dreds ot dolinra without help, and was contomplnting deeded lo Waslilngtoa Link, containingllfty-four ;i llock of'sheep owned by iOlijali i?ot- and Jlrs. F. Ellsworth returned tu snicido when a friend rooonimonded Dra, Kennedy & [lores nf land more or loss; also idl that part ot MUtnbcr of others will attend the Kergnn'B New Jlolliod Truatmont, Thank God I tcr killing eight and wounding several their home in Albion after two weeks' the soiilliwcst oiiaiter of .said secllon live (5) lOaton Rapids camp meeting next week sojourn under the paternal roof.— triod it. la two months I wua cured. This was eix lying nortil of the center ot tiie Howell and I,an- •tnore. Dogs sliould not be allowed —At the recent republican caucus years ago, and never had a return. Was married two iig plank road and the east half of llie west their liberty at tiiglit,—S, Duiiti lias Dannie Wilcox, formerly a clerk in years nno nnd all happy. Hoys, try Drs, Kennedy & Kor- half ot the northwest fractional (|iiartcr of sec• held last Saturday Dr. ,F. N. Turner. Dancer's store, was drowned while BEEoais TUEATii'T goB boCofo giving up hope," tion llvo (,1) and west of the center of l,)nan creek two children (lUitcsick with the niciis- AITEU MEATM'T D. D, Kingsbury, James- Little, Curtis batliing in Hudson lake, "Washtenaw containing ahoiit two and oiie-liiilf &A) acres of les,-M.i's, K ,1, Smith, formerly of land, all in town tlirco (a) iiorlli of range two (2) Bocniau, A, A, Carr, ,ltiy Beaziin, and county, Sunday morning.-.las. Green, s, A,TONTON, Seminal Weakness, Impotency and S. A. TONTDN. oast, being la Ingham comity, Michigan, This , •Dansville, is staying with her daugh• ll, E, Monroe were elected delegates an old pioneer of this township, died Varicocele Cured. .sniewlllbc made siilijuet lo the sum of seven ; ter Jfrs, iielen Hunt I'or an iiidclliiitc to the county convention at Mason last Friday. Funeral from the family liiiiidrod dollars (§700) of prinoiiwl lo become duo ' lime. Since the death of Iter husband, tlic 27tli,—Miss Anntt Hcrron has "Wlion I consulted Drs, Kennorly & Korean, I had on said Iiiorlgage, with Interest payable annually ,i residence Sunday. The remains were on said Sinn at six per eait. from •laiiiiary Mtli, wliich occurred about a year ago, she Closed her inillincry establishment interred in North Stockbridgc ceme• little hope, I was surprised, Thoir now Method Treat• 18111. lias made her lioine with her children, until Aug. 1st, She is spending her tery. Rev, A. Wciitlicrbee, pastor of mont iniprovod mo tlio first week. Einlsaiona conaeil, Dated tills 21111 day of Aiiril, ISliL j —One day last week lire brolcc out in iication at WiUiamston,—Miss Mat- Christ Church, oniciatcd,—Will Smith nerves boonnie strons, paina diHuppi'nruiI, hair grew in I'JbMIJKO, DANA, Assignee, Dar. llcwcs' hucklcbcri'y swamp and tic Killau of Lansing spent Saturday of Detroit came hci'c Monday to iit- iigain, eyes bocuino briglit, oliniM-fnl in i'r>iii:iany and •\V, M liuow.v, Attorney for Assignee. Ifwiil swept away everything but a few iiid Sunday with the family of Dr, B, tend the funend of his nephew D, etroiig Bo.'cunlly. Having tried in;,-v , .•,•:;«, f can standing trees. Jlis son Jra was near• D, 51111 is,—Geo, Coleman of Osceola Wilcox.—Mr, aud Mrs, Cook of Ken• heartily recommend Drs, Kniinmly A I'L;-,..an as I'oliuble Oliiincury Siilo. ly overcome with the beat and smoke. was lici'c Saturday and Monday on bus• sington, 111,, and Mr, and Mrs, Blood Spooialials. Thoy troateil mo lioiior.ibly and skillfully. Ill piirsiianco ot and by virliie of an order andl 31uirbBETttEA'r.11''r decree ot• th" e elreui' "t cour" t' fo- r th.. e (.lomit.vl iness,—The icc cream social held on of the Agriculturid College, attended ot Ingliani In chancery in the Slalo of MIelilgan,,, SOUTHEAST VEVAV AND LESLIE Rupert's lawn Saturday evening for the funeral of their father ,Tas, Green, T. r, F.IURUSON. A Nervous Wreck—A Happy Life, niiiiie and dated on the tltli-d day of l''ehniary» •Tur,Y2'lth, lSn4. the benefit of llcv, T, B, Magcc netted T. P. Emerson Has a Narrow Escape. A, U„ :804, la a certain cause therein ponding,., —Rev, ,1, W, Andrews returned home "I livo on tho farm. At achool I loarnod an early whorcla llicFli'BtStato and Saving Ji.inkofMasoni'f ilay is nearly all secured in good $0.—Miss Anna Herron has sold her from Ontario Monday noon.—D, L. tiftbit, which woalconod mo phyaicaUy, noxuaUy nnd Jllchlglm, a corpoi'iUloii, Is complaluant. and'r condition.—Oat liarvcst is now at stock of inillinoi'y goods at Olcenios to Evarts has been kept very busy during montally, l''aini)y Doctors said 1 was «oin« into Tlioiuas McKeriian, Wary MoK'iiriian and Wil- f(, hiiud,—ill's, T, Turk iind daughter Mrs, Mary Honey, who will do dress• tho past week,—Dayton Reeves, "(looiiiu)" (Conanmptlon'i, X'innlly ''Tho Golden ll'iin 0. Wood are defoiideiits. Noflco la hereby i making in conuectioti with the milli• Monitor," edited by Drs, Konnndy & Korgnn fell in• yen, that I shall sell at public iiiictloii Co tho Etlicl arc visiting friends al, Columbia, formerly a resident of this town, died to my hands, I lourood tho Truth nml Cmi,if. fk-U ilgliost bidder nt tlio front door ot the coiirl; .Jackson county, this week,—.D. 11 ig- nery department,—F. E, Sltcrwood at his home liist Friday, He leaves a abuse had Biippod iny vitality, .1 took Uip. A'eui house, In llio City ot Mason, County of Incliain, don of ,)!icki5on ,spcnt]as(,Sunday with was In .Detroit Tliursday and Fridiiy wife and daughter in that solitary Mellwd TreulmeiU nnd was cured. Jty frionda think 1 and suite ot Michigan, said court house hclug ii on btisi ncss,-Eiglitecn shocp belong! ng was cared ot Consum pfion. I havo aont thom many iliico of holding the circuit eoiirlforsalil coliiity,' .Tclativcs here,—Ed, ITouscl tiud fam- Dlaec, with no relatives nearer than iNpatioiita, all ot whom wore cured. Their New on ri'Klny, thu 31st (luy of AUBHHI: A. U., .ily spent last .Saturday at his sisters Wm, McPhcrson of Howell wore Michigan, The bereaved ones have MoUi(»l Treatment supplies vigor, viUility and man. 180't, at ton o'clock In the toroaoon, the lands Mrs. 11. Wright's.-The Ladles' Aid killed by the west-bound passenger the lieartfelt sympathy of a host of described In said ducrco or so iiiiicli thereof tia I train, opposite the coal kilns,—T, E, UEirOUK TBEATM'T. Uood," AKTEH TREATaEMT, may bo necessary to raise the aiununi due to ciio j Society of the Housel will meet Aug, friends hcre—Wra. Martin, for complalnaut for principal, Interest luid costs In/r Lansing of Howell was in town last many years a resident of this town, Iiavo s'oii lost hope? Aro yon contamplntlna mar. said cause, .Said land being dcscrllied in anidli 2d with JIrs, Editli Barr,—A commit• READER ! HaKu?°Hiwyoar''Bl(mlod^ been disonaou? HavHavoo yo ycn any , woaknoaa? Our tee of the Aid Society is making ;ir- week on business,—Frank Ferguson, but lately of Lincoln, Neb., died at decree as follows; A liieou or parcel of land slt-5 formerly of this place, Is about to open New Method Treatment will cure you, AVhat it hns dono for others it will do for you iintod In tho towiwlifp of While Oak, lu thoff. u'angemcnts for an entertainment in Ills liomc there last week at the ripe County ot Ingham ami StlUe ot Michigan, and (f •the near future, at which time the harness shop in Fowlcrvillc-Rev. old age of 80 years. described ns Follows: 'I'lin iinrUieastauarU'i : Hoi'iicc Palmer of irairlleld occupied 16 Years in Detroit. 160,000 Cured. No Risk. ot the northwest quarter M of.iiictlou nuinbor, • f|uiltwill be sold I'or the bcnoilt of tlilrteeu (13), township two (i) north, rlinge two Jiev. Ea3'.—A. Grlnnell. wife and the M. E. pulpit last Sunday.—J. H. Consultation Free. No matter who haa troatod yon, writo for an Uonost opinion Widliicc, principid of the Dansville (3)ea9t, containing forty acres of land more or .: dauglitcr were guests at Mrs. S. ITctl- English Spanish Liniment removes I'roo of oharso. Chorsea roanonablu. Books Free —''The Golden Monitor" (IllnB. less, , • ' . 1' schools, was in town last Tuesday.— tratoilL on Diaensoa omen. Inoloao poBtngo.'i cenU, Sealed. don's last Sund.ay,—Mr, and Jtrs, all hard, softer calloused lumps and Dated Mason July I7lh, A, 1),, iSiij, 20n7 Chas. II. Foster is visiting friends in ^NO NAMES USED \*1TH6UT WRITTEN CONSENT. PRI- lIAmfl3l!;.TII0MA,S, 1 / Welsh of Lansing visited AVill Stid blemishes from horses, blood spavins, VATE. No modloino sent C O. D, No,names on boxes or anvel- CI 'oult Court Oominlsslnner In' and for Iiigliam Chelsea this week. curbs, splints, swccncy, ring-bone, 0088. EvorythlnB confidential. Question list and cost of Treat• .•?tnd wife aver Sunday. The ladies are ment. FREE. • , County, Michigan, • ; -eisters., _^ stifles, sprains, all swollen throats, LAAVTON T, llEMAKS, Solicitor for Complainant, etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. No. 148 SHELBY ST. Buy Dullam's German 15 cent Liver Buy Dullam's German 15 cent Liver Warranted tbe most wonderful blem• Buyrullam's German 15 ccnfc Liver, DRS. KENNEDY&KEI)6AN, Pills, -10 ineach package. ,, atlltdstcad & Pills, 40 in etich package, at Halstead& ish cure ever known. Sold by W. M. DETROIT, MICH. Pills, 40In each paclca{fe,,at Hiilstcaa & -isou's, Mason; V. II. Field's, Dansville. guo's,Mason; IT. H. Field's, Dansville McCrossosGrosscnn , iJruKgist" ' ' , Mason." . 32yl , {, tSBBggtttKKKKHKKKKHMKK^^ - -Son's,'•Mason: •F.-R: •Field's,- DansTlllo;;^*^^^