
Terms $8.00ν ί'ν/par «mu™ Established June 23,186\ PORTLAND, THURSDAY MORNING, FEBiiUAR Y 17, 1870. annum, %n advance. — ty

»ï ISC IS l Λ. A Ν (,Ο if Η. of The. Portland Daily Press MI8CKLLA Ν KO Li S. •8J5A.Ii K8TA.TH. applatue hi, of contemporaries. The volume THE whichwe are now excepted) by DAILY PRESS PRESS. speaking contains The It published every day (Sundays Dissolution ot DAILY Copartnership La"d East ibe andH w , , the Sun Publishing Co-, HE firm heretofore existing un'ltr t!ie nnmoof ÎH1e€>. POBTLAWB West ot the Moon; The Portland BOOKING & It, Davis & Co.'s BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Stor, of Accon Τ THURSTON, tins an.l Cydippe; The Man 109 Eschange Stbeet, Portland. JOHNT E. DOW & SON. Whu Nerer At Β ULLETIN. Laughed "Again; The Story of Dollars a Year in advance. di=solved bv mutual j Wo invite the attention of and 1870. Bhodope and Terms:—Eight is hereby cmpent. both Oity '■Thursday Morning, February 17, The Lovers of Grudnen. The The tmsines·» hereafter wilt i,e latter pi«c< conducted bv desirable SÏ'ISKLING DOW, att'ieoM Ko. 1 BENTS.—Wo have several very Country readers to the commended the office, t-xcl.ansie & Marine .·· reei of following list of Port- especially hy critic·, and is re- Fire ences Press »ho Is located in some of tlie best parts The Elaine State S:reer, ouly auilioiizeil ti collect all iie- Underwriters, dZILthe mid city. llercmiliic Di»hour*ly. garded as not inferior in merit to the Lite and la.nds settle nil claims against the 1 te H m. laud BUSINESS which are Moi:nin"0 at HOUSES, among of Id every TiitrnsDAY (Signed) .JOHN E. DOW, TVo. 28 Street. a New York correspondent Death of Jason," the wotk on which Mr. Mor- published at a ÏL'xeîiange -AND TOR SALE —Houses and Land etn- the most "Macaulay," in advance, $2.00 _ reliable a if paid SïERMNG HOW, fjSSY, establishments in the City. was liimsell a ris' as a was built. The $2.50 year; Portland, Feb 1st, 1*70. liiii located in «bout every street tUc liocliester JJeuiocval who reputation poet vol- fel0n3w Praci"8Iito;iertyoar year. JSsJUn my, and will lie sold extremely low and some ume containing the third part of th ; lung credit gicvn. merchant tor thirty years, thus exposes Earthly of Advertising Agency. ircb space, Dissolution of & WELL· & Paradise is handsomely printed and Kates of Adveetising.—One 41 Copartnership. GEO. K. DAVIS CO., AT CO., 174 Middle Street. of the ilhlionest the business bound, a tebU ilw practices among length of column, constitutes square." lieretofoie existing unclcr the Hanover Fire Insurance Real Estate and Mortgage Brokers. in itself, and is fer sale in copartnership men of complete by Lotlug first week. 75 cents firm the : per daily THE name of Comp'y, metropolis 81.50 square or Agricultural Iniiilciueiits & Seeds. Short & Harmon. three insertions, less, §1.00; BMKFORI» & 'Vd a lot ot land ver ν cential'v located The business men of this are dis- per week after; MBBV, VV* * SAWYER & No. 119 St. city very other after first week, 50 OF KEW-YOKK. "•-antic suitable far thro; tine rc-i- WOODFOUl», Exchange honest. 'Ibis 1 The Merchants and Bunkers' Almanac (or continuing every day )B this dav dissolved by mutual roneent. The at- Park, know from close "bu ll we will s^ll an I turnish S5.0C0 or experience. 1 the will Û^iSÎÎ tow They have certain "tricks most valuable books of refer- cents. late firm be settled bv BTCKFOiiD $7,000 to eiect the cent, and of trade," as they 1870 i.1 one of the three insertions or less, 75 cents; INCORPORATED 1852. building* at 7 1-2 per Artclioiice»·. Half square, BROTHERS, wlio will continue the business at the the a are called, which are less property from ils loiaiiun will command ready nothing than abso- ence this year. The following table 50 cents per week after. old place, 108 Exchange nr. tale. 01- lute published one week, $1.00; Attention nf mechanics is calleil to this C. W. HOLMES, No. 327 Cougroes Street. stealing. Boxes of Castile soap and sim- one third additional. Κ. ΛΤ. EICKPOBD. to be of contents will to every business man Special Notices, portuuity rnnke some money. .flans may ilar goods are sold to prove " I. L1BBY, teen our country customers, who Under head ot Amusemf.xts," S2.00 per Jr. iSGS Statement? 1870. at office. think that he cannot for another afford to be Feb 5, 1K7G. feltlf»3v ami- Annual January 1st, Agencies for Sewing Machines. little that they pay lor box and all at day per week ; three insertions or less $1.50. GEO. R.DAVIS & CO., square " tebllln Brokers. full prices. The on tare is out- without it: List of 1850 National Banks; loca* Advertisements inserted in the Maine Cash Capital, $400,000 00 ltLal Estate ami Mortgage ΟΗΑΡΓΝ & EATON. 83 Exchange Street, (Weed.) cheating Dissolution ot rageous. Tea in chests is estimated at 20 names of Pbess" has a larse circulation Copartnership. 94 W. S. Middle over H. tlo-j, President and Cashier; capital State (which Surplus, 828,399 DYER, IBS, Sr., II. Hay's. which is allowed for firm of FLhTCHER, SAMPSON & 'JO pounds tare, always by the au«l name in every part ol the State) $1.00 per square rflHE DAVIS, LOAN —The $20 0Γ0 advertised by HOBS & BAKER, 115 Middle St. (over Sliaw's.) of New York Correspondent of each. H was u»Ty. 94 iiist-cla^s propeity having importer, country gets List of 300 A. D. 1870, mutual consent. The fit m affliHs wi'l TotaL· Assets, $7*20,399 M. &■ G. H. E4 Middle Street, over State Hanks in name1» insertion. by ^^λλλλ11 UI'* we bave received another installment WALDEN, more than IS pounds. On half chests 12 operation; each subsequent be ad.insted Charles F etcher «κι N. J. or *hich in ot to bj Davis, »vo,OjO, we offer on first-class property Lock, Meservo .V' Co. (Improved Howe.) is while at the same time President and Cashier of each. Name* of Address all communications who are Invested as follows: or pounds allowed, the authorized lo receipt, tor this uri ose. ihecity out, In suais as warned lo suit our cus- ItiOO < dealer marks the chests a or two. Private Bankers in the PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO. HAKIMS KLBt'CHER, tomers. GfcO. R. DAVIS 3S CO., up pound Uuited States and CûsI in Bank and in Office, $18,738 32 Bakers. and CHAKLKS SA UPSON, Heil Estate and Moiigaye Bronors, This marking up of weight corresponds to the Canada, liLme of New York correspondent NATHAN J. DAVIS. 00 Ui own s U. S. Government 6 per cenr. Bonds, 431,400 comer Congiess and Brown streets. W. No. 12 Pearl Street. marking down of tares. Casks of sugar, of each. Names of Feb 15-d3w Jebl4-Iw C.COBB, 1800 Bankers and Broker» BUSINESS CARDS State and Bonds 18,005 00 which lew country merchants can are County JOHN IÎ MASTERTON, 22 Andersen Street. weigh, iu New York city. marked 2 > and sometimes Mouthly prices of cottoD, Dissolution oi Demand Loans, on collaterals woi tli at least in per cent, more thin amount loined,.. "5,250 00 olten up pounds, 50 Copartnership. wool, corn, sugar, molasses, coffie· to SjinsEa l iUsitbere. pounds. They tell a good story of old J1 tobacco, 11Κ eUbgrr^ers hereby pi* e notice that the ro- Bonds and Mortgages on unincumbered Improved Real Estate in the Cnie3 of Nevr- Money Sioots, Slievs, and and floor for It. E. COOPER & CO., H a well known grocer on the North wheat, oats, rye forty-three years heretofore between tbem, more than double the amount 123,050 0d J. W. BOUCHER & No. 358 Con»resa Street. Τ par'nersdi'p exisling York and Brooklyn, worih loaned, CO., was Nameu of new name and in sums to suit, on first-class who notorious for his boldness in (1825-1869), Fire atd under the firm style ot 39 side, Marine, Practical Bills Receivable, received on Inl.ind Risks 12,1E9 ciiy property, ay line. The old man became at one Life Insurance Plumbers, & Custom Work. this time Companies, in each t§- LOMBARD ARMSTRONG, ot transmission Boots sîïhî Shoes—Gents State, Premiums in hands of Agents, an J in course including outstanding WALKER Λ' and when in such a frame was tiblished names of AND DEALERS IN is this dissolved bv mutual con-en t. Mr. Lom- quite picrus. 1800; President and Secrr. day 4C WALTER BERRY, No. 101 Middle Street. a clerk who had sold a cask of bard t the affairs ol the lute tî» m. Oflice Premiums, 47,56t asked by sugar·, of Gold Bath Tubs, Water Closets, Marble S'abs, Wash is settle Tcuiplfl Street» tary. Daily price in New York, from LOR IK Q LOMBARD. 49 Foitlaud, Feb 1870. leblldlw if he'"should it 20 pounds." "No, John- Basins, Sup i«»n aup?, KuDbîr Accrued Interest, 4,762 10, go January, 1804, to December. 1800. WM. W. AKMsTRO>G. Booksellers and Stationers. the "don't over for I'm The Pari- Hose, Silver Plated and Brass Cocks, Claims îiust the ot the ny," was reply, go ten, Feb 12, 1870. lel4dlaV3w All other Securities, including Salvages, as Supervieors City ties of Exchange; Comparative Portland, HOYT. FOGO & BREED, 92 Middle Street. under concern of mind." Molasses, spirits, Values ot Ex- LEAD PIPE, SHEET LEAD. and County nf Vow Yi>rk for T.ixes, &e., 14.853 28 Hotel on Property for Bale. turpentine, and other liquids are gauged up, change London, Paris, Hamburg, Bremeu Pipe, Tin Lined and NOTIOF·. Book'Bimlers. which i» done. Au gaune and Amsterdam, in American 81 to j* .Tin —-1»- -—Fop κ very easily original currency, ±Ί·Γοη ξβ, Outstanding Losses, $53,041 Ale Chamlier House, Materials conptantly on ha· d. partnerihiη hitbeno existing between C. D. Hum mark of say 31 can be easily altered List of 150 Banks and Bankers in B. S. Presi lent. SMALL & SHACE.FOKI), No. 35 Street. gallons, $10,000. in its branches attended to Starbird an William B. or' WALCOlT, BETHEL, MA INK. a Plumbing all promptly Ί^ΗΕ Sne'l, Monmouth, into 31.by using gnuger's "scube" in a neat New &c. unrbr the tame oi Starbird & Sneli, is tils uis· Canada, Brunswick, Progress of ciay I. RE M SI* Ν LANE Secretary, Situated in one best locations tor summer resort in manner. It that i3 not enough, a turn of lht solved by mutual consent. 'J li* bngin?ss will b? New 1 Bonnet anil lint railroads in the United States and in No. lOS) Federal tSt., THOMAS Eng'and. will accommodate about 100 Bleachery. each continue l bv C. D. St»»b rd, who is entrusted wiih JAMES, Actuary. scube can chauge the Brunswleu. Me. from to are at IN Ο Τ 1 Ο 3E i\o 28 Street, Portland» and twenty thirty pounds removed, of eighty staple articles at New York, year and Counsellor Law, Exchange A 2 \-i Coal Wood. Attorney FebJJÎw siory Dwelling House, with L, Sta- and the space filled up with salt. When the re- _ 1809. list of cashiers in tbt We» krcd Garden. The house fronts on the PAUL PRINCE & toot of Wilmot street. Alphabetical 2,000 Π. W.P. CHASE L. A. BSj'iB3nH Ρηΐΐοα.. γ.γηρπ mid SON, tailer the barrel he takes out the No Γ»0 KxcliancfO St., SMITH, WADE, was t|ie residence of the opens always United State». List of Bankers in have an interest >n our firm Feb. 1,000 Eu- ΓIIAS. commencing 1, late Frof. Win. Siuvth. For terms apply to top head, and here all looks right, but when 1870. TLe oi the Aim will be the same. Cabinet Furniture Manufacturers. Asia, South West Janlt ΡηΠΤΙ,ΛίΙΙΡ, Μ Κ. style ftsloo ACADIA CO A 1m ST©® KOBE Itl BOW Κ EH, Esq., he gets to the bottom lie finds a half bushel rope, America, Australia, LANE & 1.11 TLE. $ maylBdtf Brunswick, Me. THEO. JOHNSON & CO., No. Union Street. nu a v*«v »u« wv«-* luuiû?·, «xw. JJUWCTI uuu iii^uch OI leau- Feb 4th, 1870. Ieb6d2w For Cool; in if stoves, Open Grates, &tcam Purposes, &c. 13} luuic οαιι< ιυαιι price? T. T. SJNTOW, J jk. jm: aie also thus stolen, and lience our Govern- ins Government, State, Bank anil Railroad Cox>artnersIup Notice. je is <& w χ τ,j li FOI? SALE ! Cabinet MaUers. ment aie often short, and men suffer 1868 AT ams, supplies Shaies, Bonds, &c.—year 0. Ibe Clear- COUNSELLOR LAW, Park C. H.BLAKE, Manufacturer of Coffins and Show- 111 I have referred to undersigned ha^e '1rs diy formed a partner- Verley's Wharf, foot Street, severely consequence. ing House, New York, annual exchanges, 18G4- good Dwelling House, well finished, and cases, 10 Cross and cor. and Middle sts. to he known the tmnio ot st, Temple but a few of the different branches of robbery THEship by one-and-a-balt ten rooms, 186!) 70. of 58 Exchange St., Portland. improved, story, M. N. Market 1869,—Officers, Statistics immigra- large and good convenient Barn, hard BRUNS, 19£ Square. (Suow Cases.) perpetrated auiong what are called honorable MA cellar, Table of income and ot Janitt V. A. 12. MOUSE a; C O.» ami soft water and tood Garden Lot. Size, C»3 icet S. S. RICH & SON, 133 Exchange St. (coffins.) uirn, l'or a complete statement would fill a tion·!; expenditure lrontx320 leet deep. located 011 lioe oi tbe United States Government. who will coniinue tlie wholesale aud retail Propelty volume. Month- DAILY PSESS PRINTING HOUSE. WANTED Wesiorook Horse · rear M or'ill's ars, tnninus, Carpenters and Builders. One further instance be and statement of tlia debt of the STATEMENT Corner. Terms CASH, inquire on premises ol may cited, ly public wm. OF THE H. W. McKINNtiY, J. M. DOLLEY, Ko. 17 Union Street. this is the fraud in essential oils. It is next United State», July to December, 1869.— mTmarks, Cement and Plaster decl8ii Morrill's Corner, Westbrook. to for to Bime, "Wanted. WHITNEY & MEAÎÎS. Pearl st, opposite thePark. impossible any country druggist buy The literary finish of the book is alinoït un at the former ot Beale & SITUATION a ynung man who ie a good I a pure article of oil lemon, oil bergamot, oil business, place Morse, Λ by North American Ins. precedented among merely statistical worki. Oard and Job Printer, writer, and who has some knowledge oi Book- | Co., Flour and Groceries. organum, or any similar oils. The reason of Book, nee MlSCELl,A>'KOUS. Corn, is a Ko. 5 Commercial Wharf. keeping. Good let ere given. BOSTON. this is that of mixes so nat- Tbe calendar literary curiosity, each Ad ir»s?, G. A. Press Office. W. BICKFOIÎD & CO, Portland St, cor. Green. spirits turpentine lOO Kxchanirc Street, L., with these articles that detection is al- month having a Shakspearian motto, contain- Ο. A, B. Mouse, Chas. S. Chsse. Feb 16 J Lw* CAPITAL urally ^ΟΟ,ΟΟΟ. most In these oils our whole the word as well as other mottoes PORTLAND. g Portland, Feb. 1, 1870. leb3J3w UNITED STATES MAIL. Clothing and Fursisliing fioods. impossible. ing "gold," lady Agents Wanted ASSETS. sale druggists make enormous profits. Carry- to the reason from Shakspeat· ot HAWKES 292 St. appropriate κ descript;on of *Tob Printing neallv ra O. & CO., Con?. (Boy'a Clothing.) ΈΤ very Notice. EN or t welve Lady Agents Wanted to canvass Cash value of Real ins out this idea, a bold druggist contrived other standard author. For sale Δ. Wil- and and at (.lie lowest poBaible Copartnership Estate, $12,341.17 LEWIS e traup. Corpor- No. 182 Fiom Camden, by Centre Linconville and be sold to trade as tbing more than the unreasoning i-atrynuge Portland, Feb 9, 1*70. dtt ate Mocks. Bonds and Dye House. and would the pure • LUKE & V. ΙΓ. BROWN, Securities Bali's Corner (n. to miles and owned the o.); Bellas'., 17£ back, from the distiller's hands. This X mania which excuses the reproduction of too No> SO Middle Street* North Bri.îgton, Jan 21th, 1870. j i.'Cdl vvteod2w by Company, 3,095 twice a week. F. SYMONDS, India St.,(the only one in Portland.) operator Cash loaned by the Co.. secured by know well. lie is but a and German works. BLOCK. au24 W-A. ntedT Leave Camden Wednesday and Saturday at 8 a m, nothing thief, many BOYD mortgage ou pledge ot Bonds has λ Stocks, or on arrival of Western mail; yet in society he is a gentleman." He Red as a Rose is is complete Dissolution and oilier Securities 15 Dentists. She, published ofCopartn ership American Girl to wo general lion?ework in 500 Arrive at Bel'ast by 12 m ; fine house and lives in but retribution */ .et· Ca?h on hand in oflb'o ot the DBS. EVANS & 8 Cot». style, in by the Appletons, having Just ol ibiee. must l-e a good cook, ironer Company,. 2,013.24 Leave Belfast Mon lay and at 12 m STROUT, Clapp Block, St..; pamphlet firm of KA5ISA V & WHEELEI: is this An family | Cash deposited in Merrimack National Thur-rday ; may yet reach him, and thcugh slow, it may ffiHK clay and wa-lier. Address U Box 21b4, Poitlanu. Arrive at Camden by 4 ρ m. JOSIΛ H No. 103 Middle Street. reachcd a conclusion in Temple Bar. The au- PHOTOGRAPHER, j di&Bo'ved by mutual consent. HEALD, be sure. fobll-dtf Bank, 11,496,9* 183 From The hotel Business toruwn as (ho ''Falmouth Cash due Co. from agents in course of Bucksport,by Orland, North Penobscot PIEltCE S FERNALD, No. 173 Middle Street. thorship of this book and its predecessors has, From Philadeldhia, will be Penobscot and North to miles Hotel" conducted bv P. Ε, Λ\ heeler. transmission Castine, Castine, 21£ Freo Street. ofOcneral iUitclicIl we 2,522.37 and six times a week. DR. W. R. JOHNSON, No, 13J, Auccdotc believe, never bceu revealed. Tbe same Aug :;0.18C9. au31tf Warned! Cash due Co .office premium» in course back, Anuounces that be has just opened Leave S. A. PACKARD, Cor. Congress anl Exchange Sts. GOOD BOOK"-KEEPER, by a first-class bouse, ot collection,. 2,175.53 Bucksport daily, except Sunday, at 10.30 The following incident is related of the lati Arm issue two new school-books, a Natural XTl (Manu fact urine) in rbe City oi lîoston, any C-'ish amount ot interest due and not am; selected aid the student in IN' Arrive at Castine 3 m Ο. M. Mitchell : Speaker, being to GALLERY Ο Τ Χ Ο 3Ε ! one ai plying will >en I their Photograph and speci- T-aid. accrued but not yet due, 2,466.10 by ρ ; Druggists and Apothecaries. General A FIRST-CLASS Leave Casiine extent 8 m men ot writing for one week Cash v ilue « f all other assets not inclu- daily, Sunday, at a ; acquiring α simple, natural, businesslike only. CHAS. H. MARK, Middle st, β doors lrom India. observa- IN PORTLAND, have this day admitted Samuel H. "Brackett, V< >LNEY WuRTH1&G1W, Portland, Me. ded in above, Arrive at Bucksport by 12.30 ρ m/ While making some astronomical 3,582.18 JOHN A. MONTGOMERY, 113 Congress Street. style of speaking, by Dr. Joseph Alden, Preni- WE a partner in the firm ot Sherioan «& Giilhihs, febll*lw 184 From Hancock to Crabtree Point, 4} miles and tions with a poweiful telescope, he one eve No; 162 Middle cor, Orosi and will cuimnue the a week. di'iitof llie New York State Normal îSt., ft., Plas eriug, Stucco and Muptic C08,9y6.35 back, three times niug brought into his vision some fine fruil Soboo), busn,pss in all its branches, unueT the lirmnameof unpaid loss;» and no unsettled claims Leave Hancock and Flour Dealers—-Wholesale. In Booms formerly occupied by B. F SMITH, the Wanted Immediately I Tuesday, Thursday Saturday full seven miles from where his instru and a ilaiiual for Learning Spanish in "Pren- of h is Slieiidan. Griffiths & Bracket t, also have purrliased agansi the Con»panv. at 8.30 a m; trees, o'd and well-known Artist city. FANCY SOAP and I LATHAM, Β UTLER & CO., No, 78 Con mcrcial St his the stock and stand ot Jos. Weeott. «X Son, No. 1G4 MAKER; good pay steady Policies issued against usual hazards of Fire. Arrive at Crabtree Point by 9 30 a m meut was placed. In looking through dergast's Mastery Series. AJI tor sale by Motto—Good Work and Moderate Prices. wortc at 74 Miadle st- Commercial «-tree!, 'or the purpose of cairying on A given. Apply Perpetual PolicKs issued on Brick and Framed Leave Crabiree Point Tuesday, Thursday and he saw with clearness some Am·:—To Please. the Commission fell «11 w J.M.TODD. telescope perfect Bailey & Noyes. Business,and wh keep constantly Dwellings Saturday at 10.3U a m; and Retail. the make their on hand nesi Furniture—Wholesale boys approaching trees, dispo- Kov1(?tf the quality of Lime, Cement, Plas'er, JRVikg Mop.se, Secretary. Arrive at Hancock by 11.30 a m. Fitz-Boodle's Confessions by Thackeray, pa- Uair tSe.. We would so'icit the former hoarders Wanted. sitions, and then proceed to steal the fruit— patronage Albeht Eowkeb, President. 185 From to miles and THOMAS P. BEALS, No. 07 Fedoral Streot. 50 cent D. and thatot the public in general. FEW Gentlemen boarders can beaccoinmrdated Sedgwick Brocklin, ·!£ the and per cover, edition, published by Ap- B OOl' ii January 25th, 1870. tlirce times a week. & 18 Free St. professor watching every movement, HIÏEJS KAN & Jî, .F A *· HiS C. with large and rooms at No. 4 Lccust back, WALTER COREY CO., Arcade No. has SHERTOAN, A pleasant 1 each one of the actors with pleton & Co., New York, been received by srreet. G< ο·ι relerencea Leave Sedgwick Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday seeing perfect john griff iras, îequircd. jari8eodGw* Office, 1Γ6 Fore street, rUKRINGTON & CO., No. 158 Fore St. (upstairs.) Jan. Portland, at 5.30 ρ m ; distinctness. Mitchell used to tell this anec- & Noyes. Fitz Boodle is well and af- SA v.Ut L Η. ΒΚΑυΚΕΤΓ. 7, 1870. JOHN MUNGEK & Bailey S W. SON, Agents. Ai rive at Brooklin 6.33 m UPHOLSTEREK Pottland, December 1st, 1S69. jan31ccd3w by ρ ; dote with much feeling, saying that while he fectionately remembered by smokers. Wanted. Leave Brooklin Monday, Wednesday and Friday Furniture and SJtouse Furnishing at 4.30 a m watched the little theives, who supposed they Tho Westminster Review for bas * Λο. 33 Free Street, oi our Stock to Messis. ; January ITnving disposed Sheridan, a small rent for a gentle- I Goods. the words in to immediately, Αι rive at Sedgwick by 5 30 am. were unobserved, kept ringirg table of contents that will it Grtaiilis «Xr bracket·, we would recommend iliem rear render peculiarly 3C8 WANTEDman and wile, in a pleasant location the MARINE. cor. & Federal sts. The In 1 lie Row No. Congress Street.) our be touud tor tbe | FIKK, 186 Pre m Bobert ADAMS & TARBOX, Exchange his ears, seest me." Gen- formerly fnmer pations. We may Postottice. at thisi-flice. dcl4eodtf Daggett's (n. o.), by Danforth's "Thou, God, attractive to Americans. The following are OF stand. es to us ELquire Mille to South HOOPER Sc No. 130 Street. to his friends MA>UFACri;KfcIES present at the old All part indebted AND — (η. ο.), Weston, 2 miles aud back, EATON, Exchange eral often related this incident once a week. the articles: arc requested to call at once and s tt'e. LIBBY & CO., Market St., opposite the Post Office. and made a fine religious improvement upor principal Our Colonial Empire; ε Spbikg Ueub, UCiiroUoUl JOûCrr TTE3COÏÏ Λ 6W. uva>ouvubii Pablo Suits, Lounges,· uas.'CUBOillUlUÏVai UBi; their The TO 1.11ST. Auivi» ut S iuth W«st m LOWELL & No. tl Preble 3treet. it. Lmd Tenures and by 9 am; I IIOYT, Consequences; Mattkksses, &c. VVesion Leave Sooth Sarurday ar 19. m ; WOODMAN & WHITNEY, No. 58 Exchange St. suDjection ol women; me insu tiana v*uen- Furni- NOTICE. Arrive at Robtn, Daggtti's by 2 ρ id. λ ai i^uicoi fSfAll kinds of Repairing neatly done. Life Insurance ! gentleman, residing uayou P»A«Jûuiiian Onvernmental Experi- oc25 '09T,T&stt To Let. 187 From Portland, by Duck Tond, to North ■ minime iiiiu ittJOUt hmIm noi'Ui l't ttre boxed and matted. \ tij>iiuiMvniiv· tÎVCnfcy-firo Op€l0USSS 1 iu ofiice I Wiudhim, 16 miles and three limes a week. nieuts Controlling it; Oar Policy in China; Y KEY convenient wi«h consultation room, back, Se No. 33 Free street. AGENCY. tavo Portland BRENNAN HOOPEll, the account of the J. ScnUtlACHKR. Messrs. John T. & Go, A !No. 894 Middle ►t'eet, suita ]e lor Jaw or insu- Monday, Wednesday and Friday gives following parthquaki American Claims on England. C, Ecgers at 7 a P. No. 31 Free Street. rance office." For terms 70. teL4-lm Leave Norib Windham Monday, Wednesday and About half past five o'clock on Sunda; Cox, published by D. Appleton & Co.,îïÎSON, cor. Oxford and Wilmot Streets. $3 00. "VTICELY furnished rooms to rent the cr I proposa!?, guarantee, and certificate to shake our anil : J!05 Portland, Nlc., by day Represent, the iollowing first-class Insurance Com- and also fjr instructions a* to tbe house, heavy substantial!; CongmiMt), ». couditious to be Hon. Samuel S. the author of tbi· book, ΑΛ week, Κ 6 Free street. : Cox, One door abov^ Brown, 1 anie? embraced in the contract &c., see advertisement built .is it is, until all the t«nons anil joint Jan l?-dtt tcb7 2w* Ε. I. SOUTH GATE of Ilair Goods and Toilet Articles. is a to from the Sib GOAL & WOOD BUSINESS Νυν 15, 1868. and of t is dale inviting prop-8*'s for about it cracked anil cracked as if the wholi Representative Congress FRANKLIN mail -ervice iu Maine and JS. H., to be ioun«lat the J. F. 9 St' district of the of New & GRIFFITHS, At Λο. 160 Commercial Kooias to Let. SFTERRY,No. Clapp's Block, Congress concern was about to fall to pieces. But n< Congressional city York, BHERIDAN St, piiucipal pjst offices. opposite old CUy Hall. actual was doue. The shock was ac and for eight the Colamba* Fool of Vniou 1TH0UT BO Λ BD, at 224 Cumberland st. Bids hboald be sent In sealed envelopes, surer- damage represented years * Fire Insurance scrifcd "Mail State ο» pnd like rumblim PLASTEKEMS, Portland, June 1st. 18C9. icdtt W Itb8dlm Company. proposals. Maine," s.d- Hat companied by a noise low, Congressional district of Oliio. He lias a nation- uressed to thj {second As-isiant Postmister General. illaimfactiircrs. tlumder; and after the main shock, whicl as PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL OF PHILADELPHIA. Established in 1S29. JNO. A. CHAS. GOULD, Practical Hatter, No. 10 Oak St. al reputation "Sunset Cox," and is the 'am* To be Let. J.CKE>WLLL, lasted live or six seconds or febl5-law3w Postmaster perhaps longer who took a or wish ut the desirable store I Genera'. B. C. FULLER, No. 3C8J Congress Street. satirical defence ol "Major Ben," iTUOCO & RIASTiO WORKEIÎ8, chamber, CAPITAL, SlOO OOO OO there were two lighter ones, producing a rock- WITHMo. 13 Market cquare. Possession given who rewarded his labor of love to ... %7-i 13 motion from west to the sensation by applying j.10. e sovrn sr., Portland, mb. HARNESSES ! Feb. 1st. to A»kETH, 4.077, ing east, Apply Office of tbe Λ. C. M. Horse Shoeing. him the minstrels' "Shoo don't attention aid to all kindsot .fobbing Jan25tf ΛΥΜ. HAMMOND. feeling to me in bed like the swinging ot a refrain, fly, Prompt l S. YOTTNO,187 CommM St. First Premium awarded u apr22dtf Fort Maine. hammock. The sensation by the builder me." He is considered Hsstand- our lice. For[Slniinee·.ïMcanur#·, Training, Trnck- Preblf, \ at New Enqlaud Fair for Best Horse Shoes. conveyed justly Ί eceir.ents to Let. Insurance i^ebiuary 16. 1870 J first shock was as if the house was about to in the iiEK, Onrtiiitf aud tCxprcxniiis· Washington Co., ing front ranks of Democratio orator», in Portland and PROPOSALS in with a frrm £4 to $12 per month, duplicate, eopv be cru-bed together. 1 felt the whole dis- is R!. Woodman. OF KEW YORK. Established in 1859. ot this India Ktibbcr and Gutta Percha and a gentleman ol unquestioned ability ant Manufactured from good ATCaj c El'zabe'li. Enquire υι Ν. SEAT-EDadveitisemont attached to each, and sam- tinctly Irom beginning to end, as I was lying Î8 Oak Street, ami J. C. V\ OODM Y>, ple* ol eieb article, aie invited, and will be r« ceJved Goods. 'iterary attainments. ATWELL & CAPITAL. ■ β ΙβΟ,ΑΟΟ OO awake when the first shock was felt. Tlu CO·, Advertising Agts, j » neat t 144] Exchange St. bt this olliee until 1 o'rluck, P. M.. Match 6th, 18.0 Advertise- I the H. A. HALL. 118 Mid lie street. whole thin·: did not last over ten or twelvi Last winter Mt. Cox being consumptive and V 74 Middle Street, Portland. OAK STOCK Σ ASSBTS, .... 751,000 OO lor supplying Subsistence Department ot tuis xnente reoeivvd for all the principal papers in To » et Post Willi the loll wing fcubs.stencu stores, viz: seconds. The was all fion broken down in health by reason ef too labo- the and Ladies' and Gents' Hair Work. poultry frightened Maine, and throughout, country, And the bestot workmen. 17*1 RS Τ class Store nnd f fficos on Fxcl-ange Street I FIRST NATIONAL FLOUR, (40 ub'.s and lbs) Forty bbl.*· and to be much ter by " the roost, and appeared very rious attention to the business and th· want· promptly inserted at the pu3»li*her«' low- X; between Middle and F< re Streets. App'y to | thirty live pounds, in quality equal to extra iamily llint our Harnesses JOHN P. SMITH. No. 100, Ex-hanRe Street. some howled and others barkei 1 est rate*. We would remind the public W. H, A NDRct-ON, flour." rifled ; dogs ol his constituents, sought health and nt tbe lasf Slate Fair quiet Order* through the post-office, or took all ibp premiums oflered At, ol Nathan 5:* Excb nge Fire Insurance COFFEE, Green Two hundred and as if about to attack Th< lirst at the Office Wcbb,E>q, No, Company, Rio, (200). lustily something. across the sea. As he in his hi· at our attended to· —tour in mi muer. A'su, ihe premium de.30atf 1 ninetv Manufacturers of Valises says preface, I office, promptly Street. pounds. Trunks, horses ran and snorted, and cattle were dis late New England Fair. OF WOKCESTEK, MASS. OA Ν OLES, Adamantine, ( 1?| I. Thirteen and three circle began at Riviera under the Alp·; it In- are informed tbat our trom their and As our customers se^ are CAPITAL AIM) ASSETS, «ΐίΟΟ,ΟΟΟ SALT, (2it>2)· Two hundred and and alarmeû. Corsica, them and the generally to e 111 and examine ΓΤ10 LET at Woodford's a two I twenty-e!gbt DURAN & JOHNSON, 171 Middle & 110 Fed'l Sts. pub'L; corner, good story three touribs lbs., quality "good." pusses and Southern Franc·, î-tO'-k οι m «de Raruessef» ever t' A anri s able and mneacreo of land. through Spain the largest ready home SJA»', (bC4). Thrte hundred and Ï CtfR VEn TEE ΤII. in ihis and we will convince that we sixty-lour until in the of it ends with » fered citj, tbem Also, a sujall rent. A'so Agents for the pounds, quality "good." Acitlelodeon Manufacturers. ÏErccui FiaMicntîoD»* again Alps Italy, make tbc best Όοζ3 Γ 11. ALLES. Organ C. LARD view so eminent that it seems to OIL, (40), Forty gallons, quality, "winter, one of the two authors tha t comprehend STICHED good." SMALL i- KNIGHT, No. 16 Market Square. Plantas, profane HAND National Life Insurance the whole of a tour of KIMBALL ~k B00TI1BY Co., Xbe above articles to be delivered at this Post free Bather took to the monastery with him,—th , sweep nearly year's work to be bad for tbe same amount of And TaLiii. money. OF ΤΠΕ of cost. House. travel. ii we don't on band what is v. can make Oyster author that Moliere, Dryden, Addison am I anted, In case of failure or deficlencv in the quality or it af notice. and or ^uslom House I The the book is devoted to DENTISTS, short Whirlage United Stales of America, Washington, D.C1 oua'jiity ot ilie anove meutioned aiticles, tb η the H. FREEMAN Λ CO., No. 101 Federal Street. even Shaltspeare imitated au reputation equal Paper Hangers. age whose writings are the standards of ele gracefully prove Ether Given ! duting the period wlwch they bave transacted busi- amount ot the contract, lor the laitbtul pertormanee Br*Nitrou8 Oxide Gas and administered. jan17'llmis Possession At.Onec We commend it to our reader» a ness, t tether with the large and undoubted securi- oi the same. L. No. 97 has been known in this entertaining. Teeth filied and all their diseases η cated in Fcitl.ti *«HE larse store on Commercial street, head C. CURTIS, Exchange Street. gant Latinity, countrj ffer tor all their obligations, ν it is No bid will be enterta'nerl that h not made in ac- more and Scanner. sep25 ly i Wideery's Wliart, toseiher with the Wharfand ty tb»*y ill, hoped teachers alone. Bu as a book of than ordinary interest, secure for u? a share ot the put-lie patronage. cordance with ibis advertisement. AARON Q. BUTTRICK.eor. Temple & Middle sts. mostly by professional Orein» Dock. It bns tour Countin.· rooms, also a laige Sale. of a their {Flour 4k, Risks taken in the above < flices at the lowest rates The reserves the light to reject any or Professor Harrington, of the Uai worthy good place among literary Has been occupied as a Grain, Piovision and West government Wesleyan all bids regarded as disadvantageous dedicated to India Goods Store. Is finely adapted tor a Fish Es- Patterns, Models, Artificial Legs versity, Conn., believes the old Roman worth; treasures, notwithstanding it is would inlorm tbe public tbat be Bidders have the privilege ot being present at the REMOVAL Tbe undersigned tablishment. Will be titled up lor any kind of busi- the writers constituents in New York bas taksn opening ot tbe bide. h. F. PINGREE, 192 Fore Street. of the acquaintance of American school boys city. ness. ROLLINS & ADAMS- must be addrece?d to tbe undersigned The illustrations are mimerons and the bind- Kent low. on the ses. Proposals and has edited the three most cel- XltH. C Û~S II MAN, Enquire prcm and endorse·!, "Proposals tor Subsistence stores." accordingly May 21-dtt Provisions and Groceries. Store No, 10 Mouiton Middle and Sis, B.K ROBERTS, ebrated ot his twenty-one plavs that are knowi: ing good. Has removed her Mil LINERY STOCK from Street, Corner Exchange 1st. Lieut. 1th A. Artillery, C. S. C. C. WINSLOW, No. 21 Temple, near Con. treet, by moderns to be genuine, viz., the Captivi Messrs. Bailey & Noyes have also received Deeiing lilock to Foot of Exchnngc, TO Ι^ΕΤ. Feb, 19 dGt Opposite New Post Office, BUXTON & F1TZ, cor. Oxford & Chestnut Streets. Rudens aud Trinummut. There are explana fromT. B. Peterson & Bros., Philadelphie, Ko. 13 Free Street, 11E CARRY ON THE WHERE WILL QTORKS on corner ot Pearl anil Cumberland sts., PORTLAND. Uecl-tl tory notes, grammatical references and all eli< The Maiden Widow, a sequel to the "Family and in order t< Ο fin d «ι» in good stjle lor apothec*ry,Drv Goods and Periodicals and Fancy Goods. Mrs. Emms D. Ε. Opposite Ktlbom'e Carpet Store, Fbanklin J. EOLLtse. E. L. O. Adams. Helmleous to lacilitate the of the author Doom," by N. Southworth, will sell lor tlii or Millicery business, with cemented cellars and Organs necessary study make place lor .SPKIΝ G WOODS, FESSEKDEN BROTHERS, 282 Street. which has been in these water conveniences. Congress and for sal , already noticed FLOUR AND GRAIN Ot the latest improved Styles and Manu- Published by Harper & Brothers, THIRTY DATS, Also, Houses on Pearl Ft., and Cumberland Ter- a self Tone, column*. £TEXT fitted with all modern abund- slogan factured by in this by Loring, Short & Harmon. BUSINESS. race, conveniences, and city ance or pure bard and soft water. JKow ready lor oc- Paper Twine, "Without Bcerai-d to Cost, Messrs. i'ogg & ureeu, jno. ir- aimai cupancy. Apply lo Fire and Marine Ins. C. M. No. 183 Fore Street. Ho.vt, and AM ART All FROST. Co., « RICE, (iouip Glcnning·. Feb 13J3W -J. L. FARMER, WM. HASTINGS, ^ street,have just issued the second (February 1670. dtf — Portland, January 6, R. I. an Charlotte, N. C., lights its street! on Rkovidence, r"" ·'·'· '■ ~ number of the Literary Gazette. It is t-i augCdti 4T Dan for tli street. V ·'. ..·■ Picture Frames, no s s & co., cellent peiiodicrl, intended to keep people ir Sunday nights only. Cash Capital, $500,000. ^ Wll, 1Î. near HUDSON, Temple street, Congiess. — Sïcj«ajjr» s formed of what is going on in the Americai An advertisement in a Missouri paper June Ante)*, SO, ISC9, Sy00,S4S,«0. world, and its readers ai informs the who fell down stair» Efcip Chandlers and Grocers, LOOM HERE ! I'lioto^raplicK. book-publishing give gentleman "Stiver Drfjis." Policies Fire Current occasional taste from the best new book: and lost his teeth where he cau obtain them. Issued, Risks, Rates, A. S. DAVIS & Co., No. 80, Middle street. the of — No. 179 Commercial Street. ".Susrav Loaf," ^ This number contains opening chapter Worcester, Mass., is to have a new Dem- .Tlnriue ItinU· on Hulls, Cargoes and Freights. I J. ΓΓ. LAMSON, 132 Middle St., cor Cross. new book entitled ''Harry Mertoun," whic) "Lilly." ocratic morning paper, to be called the Time» In half-barrels and in ctore and lor in this lorm in in barrel?, fcegs, E. Tdbnek, Sec'y. A. 0. Peck, President. will be published monthly The first number Xubricating Oil, Bale by No Relation to Î Plumbers. will be issued March 7. Peabody Portland Office 1Γ6 Fore St., stalments and be afterwards published in bool — It is not now nosy ELL & CO. η. E. COOPER & No. 109 Federal tautological to speak of old SMITH, JOHN W. MCKGER A SON, CO., Street. lorm by Messrs. Hoyt, Fogg & Breed. Wi [Tallow, !)3 Λ· 1*5 Commercial Si, 91 veterans. Old veterans are war Refined Ja27-d4w 22d6m Ascuta· JAMES MILLER, Federal Street. ol our own soldiers of the sep ~ΊΖ2ί.·&·* are glad that one publishing house: WIDTH C. PEARCE & CO., 41 Union St. ( Water Fittings. of 1812; veterans are soldiers ot the rebellion. Waste DOUBLE ALPACCAS, No. 15 Chestnut Street, Portland, has undertaken so good a work as issuing a Cotton City ol Portland. — A member loiice MAINE. like the Gazette and hope they will of the diplomatic corps frank- In Boabd of Mayou and Aloermxîn I Mew and perfect, tor teportant Plasterer, Stucco Worker, &c. publication other stores uped by Engineers, cor F« lf-70. ed his 350 ▲sd generally bruary 7ili, j TO The Premiums awarded 011 and find it in every way. trunk, weighing pounds, from Wash- Highest Organs JOHN W. No. 21 Union Street. profitable on hand and ior sale at marker, ates, by thai notire bp g'ven by pub'i alion ol Melodeon» at the New Fair held iu Poii- "COCKER, to San Francisco. Vtaatly BJ5c£§. England Short & Harmon we bave re- ington Ac CO. ιIi·8 crder in two oailv ρηι ers seven ίο all ipea· land, 1869. From Loring, KO*8 days. yard. September, — JanUdJm ORDERED Purchasers of Furniture I In Missouri the par'ies in*pre«te in tlie proposed assessmon s tortbc I have recently introduced the Wilcox Patent Uesiaurant for Ladies and Gents. ceived The Andes and the Amazon, by James families of the Governor rs constructed the < urrent on V «utiban st, Uellows and sew· year Organ Sounding Board, which is su- in and State Auditor eat of the same beef res* s». is street. Α. M., Professor of Natural History that and r. south ut Con» That is Board WOODMAN & WHITNEÏ, perior to anything ever useu in »nv Keed Instru- NICHOLS & BLAKE, 92 Exchange Orton, Pine Timber ο is furnished to the Hard and White will hear all S'icb paries on 'he ivsenty-tirst day Tycoon 22 cts., ment. WM. P. HASTINGS, Vassar College,—published by Harper Bros convicts in the Penitentia- Ρ at'the Kooui ο Heps only oil hand uien s. an acros: — Boston chronicle the proeed to asccitain JOHN C. PROCTOR, No., 03 Eiehange Street. sonian Institute, headed expedition papers I'eabody fu- AH I> STEP Head and Parlor Furniture and Walnut IIΛ Κ II |»|\ κ (ι I.OORI.VA passed. A. UEO. Κ. & No. 301} Congress street. tbo continent of South America. as neral a»" one of the most A ties : GED. C HOPKINS, Oif y Clerk. q, REACH'S, DAVIS, CO., They pleasant incidents BOA KO*. For Sale Chamber Sets, the western of tho Andes to in by A true fopy. Λ, cended slope Qui- that has the coursa of the Clerk. 84: happened Prince'* \ l^et : GEO. C. HOPKINS, City Middle Street. will tlieir customers the benefit ot ilie saiiie.- «old and Silver STUTSON & give (silver Smith and to; thence they descended the eastern slope 01 his in the States." POPE, Feb 16-dtd Feb ll-d2vv llip^e noods are all first cLAie, and υί superior trip during stay ■Wharl and of Ε Street. Oilie and we sell at manutacturers' Plater. until they reached t'ae oue of tht — Dock, Firm,corner finish, shall prices method pursued by me in fitting Spectacles loot, Napo, Some Canadian papers object to the pro- No. 10 KtAtc Street. l!o»t.iu. tewWdlfr until tiie «mire lot is sold. We cm mid will sell this JL['HE A can b*· (ound in recent works < η the Eye by M. PEARSON, No. 22 Templo St., noar Congress. grôat tributaries of the Amazon. Down thii SAFE, stock ot than in fractional on the that Fire I Funutuie lo^er any other concern Stellwag, Lawrence, Moore, Williams and others. posed currency ground Choir should CERTAIN FSsee5 ill's it will us a call betore liver they in a canoe for five hundrei No be « ithout it ! Fis·©, city, you give purchas- It is the oiiiv one which evtu appioximates to accu- paddled it he inconvent for those who es Schools. would cannot AND elsewhere, you vçlil save money by so doin*. racy, and which keeps the eye in its be*t condition. miles to the which followed foi Ν. Amazon, they M. Woodman, Geo. A. WHITNEY. Every reliable Oculist will recommend it as the read. Cure ENGLISH and FRENCH SCHOOL, «0 Congres» st. miles its Tune Speedy Firo January 24, 1670. d2m correct method Known. two thousand to mouth. Of the iiu The American Book Philbrick's Kindlings only —The Hartford and New Haven It is exlem-iv ly practised in all the larger cities raense thus hitherto almos Railroad A RE tbe best in the market for building region traversed, tiring of this count«\ an«i in Europe, but is usually at- Stair Builder. have a locomotive Third Edition Heady. to and are «:htao- as re Company which, during the A tiivs. They aje quicker ignite tended by ^-iderable additional as the unknown—in every respect,whether to build viciasses ami expense, B. 1'. LIBEY, 174 Union Street, up stairs er tban shaving?. Each t»ox contains enough Sugar· eve is titt tne Oculist ami the correct twelve and a half months lias run wi ?elv i-y glasses, the interest of the subject or the man past up. A ef all tlie popular Cburc ï|ja 144 ai-d are so!d at tbe law p'icc of 25 cents d ot the girds oolledioD 5 rircs, then pure tlie Optician. The Pieces which fitting of miles and feet have lormt ^Mpaljiéûralgtaj The trade at a liVeral discount. 450 η ner of treatment—it is a valuable addition ti wards without thelosaofa Tun· s. Anthems, NERVOUS par box. supplid lUtils, and Tierces Musco- and furiiul / being united uncharge is made above htoves, Furnaces dc Kitchen CSoodsi 40,000 of our American Cliurcli Mutic κ the foundation the ordinarv ptice ot the glares. and without a five minutes' deten- 0 < vado Molasses. Λιιγ ftoro of knowledge. Tin single trip, the tuty veers. Containing l,h lioice ^.iec< DISEASES. State J. C. LE1GHTON, 87 Federal Street. geographical past hoir ,/. IV. BJIACKETT, Agent, C. II. M'ected by CtO Teacbns und Leader*. 75 Aibtls. VAKI.ËÏ, hook is finely illustrated. tion at any time, and has never needed re· A and Ο. B. LITTLF.FIELD, No. street. Plie fc»,5« fcl3,r>u per dozen· specimen rot Its Effects aro DEALER IX oclleod6m No. 4 Kxchnnye 3, Washington on v til Ο C. John ο ■will be sent by mail 10 any audress, post-paid Magical. Etoxes Sugar, C.TOL.MAN.29 Market sq. under Lancaster hall. Hirett, Λ novel by Sauuders, author pair. oeiptoi prica. Just landed and tor sale by "Abel Drake's Wife," &e., is No. 314 of Har — Indiana reports that J. W. Wh.tney, a An υ < WAITING Π EM KD Y for Ni:ûb alio a Fac- Choice Si ore for Sssflr O. DITSOX 4s CO.9 Family Groceries, Conntry of Select who had his le? brok<*n by a kick ialis» oit η etie. ting a perfect cure in a e day WILLIAM CHASE, Teas, Coffees, Spices, Ac. pcr's Library Novels. The Englisl blacksmith, 277 Washington St, Boston. sing &c. No *'itn ol Nervous Disease tails to yield to i* Ι,Ά field Centre. astonishing rarelj It9i2w Opposite Printers' Ε change. fi>OW I'UIjIiKVM. with life-like portraitures. It can be found a alone. tails io pr 'du c ■ c« mplete an«J permanent cuie. π The store and a well constructed tenement above The mo«t durable, Short contain» no materials in the sligbt"si degree injurious simplest, will be ottered lor sale or to let as will suit the ρ >r- Watches, Jewelry, &c. LoriDg, & Harmon's. Wisconsin sends us another Il has and very much the cheapest doa story. The siiB4l I3s32EailiEi,q> the unqnalitied approval οι Ibe l»<-sr |hvsiel XUEBliï cha«-er. The Wai Books OVAI., window ever made. Ap- Adventures of Caleb Williams by owner oi the drunk ans. in of the pulley The location for trade is one of the best in J. AMBKOSE MERRILL, No. 139, Middle street. dog got and lay down oa Clere Thousauds, every part country, g· ate; architects and country at tin Picturrs of a iully its to scohc the toiiurti proved by leading Oxt ·Γ Ι & H. Middle & Union »ts. G:odnin, is in paper covers and sold the railroad l ibrary and Cat^c10 acknowledge power Ware-House to Lid J bulldei s. For county. J.W, 11. MCDUFFEE, cor track to with none but the for pal*· (,c nerws, anil restore And sale by U sleep, lafeiv deceased, aie jîl4 the iailin2 strength. During «he present year the P. &0. K. will be Fox B!cck. low of This also can be found THKman, J>i SfUt inni American Glam Window Pulley C'o.j KDWAttI) C.SWEXT. 77 Middle street, price 37 cents. to γκτ<9 and val^^e W0Tit,st by on receipt ol and built through the Town which will tuinish a lur:e do.; keep him The whistle of so lection are îoanv be examinpd price postage, subscribers bave reruovei tbeir ol sep28jtfmo 50 Boston company. paeua^t, 00 rpHE place No Cor.giess st, additional amount Credit for a F. F. NO. Federal street. at Short & Harmon's. sime f (treat a ticuit/. Th^vCau $1 Postage Ocen's. l business to «be store Κ. E. ot trade. portion ol HILL, 87, Loring, rorner 01 tx^-iiang >uckag 5 ·» formerly occupied by tho it desired. approaching train shrieked in the star led ear ay office. No. 74 Mtrtd'e sip** 00 27 o» purchase money will be given The third of The Earthly Paradise, bj It is toid all Uphaii & Son. Commercial street, Lead Richard- part cau be ββ'-βΓ itefy. by dealers in dru?s and meuicines. ELI B. BE AN. of mas- purchased together Ί son- where may be found a complete a-sort- LEGAL NOTICE. has bcci night; the faithlul at his ALLh-M ndlMiii Uie\»s,K ûf Wharf, Jan. the English poet, William Morris, dog tugged I'20 I ι;ο., I'roiuietern» mentof the beet brands οt Family Flour, at prices Brownfield, 17,1*70. jan2Udlwft2a«'3w 1*70. jan25u3 «inrnm >ti-ict, J?ia«. miss lioberte Brothers, Boston. I ter's clothes aud tore tbem iu his effort» to Portland, January*}, Svo^iou, which cannot tail ο attract customers. undersigned having talcen an Office on .joines, published by Key 27-deuw-\\'&S lvr rpilEA Tu LET,, tlie "Wan-house and Elerator υη Central Temple m reef. under the Adams House aie Ο L Ο ri; Ϊ IV will be eagerly sought by ull who read tbo tale: awake him. His efforts proved in vein, and them as a sioro. prepared 10 attend to the H «ί a»" Wharf, occupied by grain 'the Blind the the man the shoulder [ PHAM & ADAMS. Clairvoyant, iu the fir.-t aod second parts. The "moden dog took by Bare Chance. for s ie'ileodlt Cleansed and Ke/iaired him Irom the traek just a» announce to her friend* and patToi* Chaucer," as Mr. MurrU Is not fairly dragged jsajuis and of WILLIAM BJKOWH, lomeriy ai 1 i'cJei»', inappropriate man wlshine to Scliing Buying Real Estate, tbat sbe lias returned to the tor a sboi t train came along. The co person engage Jn the Il ooil. Wood ! Brstreet, is now located at his new store. No 04 Ee< WOULD city has made friends ,w_ houiuVteepIni Dry Coodi I οι tiuie. l ly called, rapidly and ii struck. business can purchase a a o.-k ot Conrej-sticins!, Examinations of Titles to Real Estate, a tew will perio aving bunged tr< m bir former the faithlul doz was A^irci^^''iirtV!oIBmeT>feal a b;,,e"D-M ANY eoo-Js, witn eralst, doora below Lime street, atteid to nun and poor whm ..-1 a Well auii bice and Life Ju>matice. his residence No 41 Paris v. tiere sbe can be con· great bers, he fail to wii ciand and established bu-;ue.ss at a to usnal business ot and Kepairin st, though may catcher and killed. His P»t«tUlo>rner, ver? tor sale at No. Lta Portland, 1870. Cleansing culte·! upon and lutuie U:« ^^c.hfô*ri,t"î;4^;,i,tu,e " s f AKDaud SOFTWOOD, 4J; February 9tli, Clothing ot all kinds with his usual promptuosf. Diseases, present business, the fame of his he troiu his stupor, eetbereg upwh^a let?i,"e'1 desired. RlCHAKD Q.1QE. &c. Hours truni 10 o'clock ΑΛ1 to 9 o'clock P.M. enduring great prototype awoke Applyμ"ϊΪμ",«,° bï XI culn street. A'SI drj edgings. MeODV F. VTALKKB. eF*àecond-liand for sale at tair price·, Vet) i9»diw* '0Γ Cumberland st. ^.toargalnby.^r-^BUSilNE,S) WU. HUSK. fool0-3vp Clothing AU2 ltf-dti "Dm he has and reverently buiio ftM2W r. 0. Bex 1920, Portland, Me. j 01129 fan 8—eodtI Chaucer, certainly obtained th pieces General SfWii a se stand? oo the of dfpth, while Proude's was of rlenschewe-1 slope tho Pitician, in the most Sch Adelino χ. SPECIAL· NOTICES. Adarns, τ,Λι η ii (1 i.i ; it in brilliant of the .Το*η»β». Harps-veil 1 <·:»niin°" ii'om profusion quarter and which is so l'he liooioti re- ter,the 1)1 SchVictiry, Wi.' ,ι 11, i.y. NEW 'I l l I·. hisuunce companies have his residence Ijapuily isolated ilia! i! ·-■ hrnln; ΛnVEUTiSOIEKTS. \T13W Vî>V ΚRTISKMΓΝΤ8. LJBESfe.| lie was immediate!} con.ι μ iiahiM :ii. Uav long lor a market. duced their vales. ill tlic SIID-Iiiric, vi:l,ouc wliicli in Brooklyn where the propel assistance w~ itl Ηυηιβ tliore Β OLEAliED. The is no salvaiion possible. The Ε M O V A L·, Steamer February 17, 1870. Massachusetts House has a li- bouse, however, Chase, Muiiigau, Ν S — Thursday Μοπώϋΐ, passed is comfortable as well as Porteoas. Halifax, John Dissolution of Partnership. \ terminated the sanguinary con- elegant, cleau as well cense law by a vote of 108 to 106. PrAndUms as beautiful, closed in with glass Iinrqae Geo S Hunt, M the chivalrous Cuban on the one hand doors, carpet- tchell, Matanzas—Geo S «»« test ed, with flowers lining th« Π not. The Bible i« »chool·, | The New York the World, cait his marble LOWELL iV ! T HE now between rbo papers, except s'iabt upon stairways, CHIGNONS exiting the country- and secure from all Barque Gertrude, Creech, * ^partnership vindicating the thousand noises aod SIOYT, Havana—Lynch, Bark- un-lfrsizued. will be dissolved mutual con- of the Ohio Court that in unfavorable criticisms of the the bitter er & Co. oy The decision the indulge very men. and Englishman avenging noisome neighbors which infest even sent on fhe fifteenth oi March At the best Bri» Canima, Coomt β, Oardenaf—Ε G day proximo of Cincinnati Fechtcr's Ilamlet. the insult he had sustained. the conclusion of of the Have removed their sleek Te serve as a was killed a rail- " bulwarks, started cargo and chain plates, and receiv- that has been laid court to juror, by Bath Times that John and a thif/nons and ! before the public probably says it is reported at the Phillips, mulatto woman named ed other damage. Switches »R¥ GOODS ! au road accident. been summoned by State Maria were No. 11 gives imperfect idea of its (or it Having Capital, that the taken the Hills, arrested and held in custo- Preble ALSO, meaning, that testimony by Street, DOMESTIC- PORTS is the State to his contend a hard to reconcile it with the of attend, family Investigating Committee of dy uutil the result of coroner's should Without to t guaranty 1865, on paper inquest Near the SAN FRANCISCO -Cld 14tli, ship Nightingale Regard Cost he was killed while in the service of the State, be made known. The womaa ^I'reble lleu*c. religious freedom which is fouud credits, &c., cannot he has made a con- Feb Sparrow Yuk.hama. And incorporated found, and it is hinted 12-d2w „r Hïcîv Î at such entitled to λ GALVESTON—Sid sell Wm for vrices a* will insure* an in all and that tliey are consequently that it fession, charging the murder tbe men 7tb, Slater, Watts, Hosiery State Constitutions as in the Constitu- mysteriously disappeared months upon New Vork. to the ago.' "Our Ami other pen; ion, and have made application For and acknowledging that she was Departed Friends. 01· NEW ORLEANS —Ar good* which he will tiou of the United States. The question con- our part we do not see how conld accessory.— Glory lOtb, barque Ncversink, Immediate Nnle I therefor. anybody was the incentive to of the Burton, Rio Janeiro 5D days; sen Martha Maria, Legislature find it worth Robbery the murder. Immortal Lite." Dean cerning the use of the Bible in the schools while to steal that Cardenas. — Albans butter market on Tues- testimony, if it Sell at of rue In the St. The most charming work Cld luth, ships At Low Prices 1 was once in a different before furnished religious oftlie Century. Tenuyson, wood, for Liverpool; brought way any foundation for the report of the Howe's Musical Monthly.—We bave re- Golden wule, Hall. Boston. fall dairies brought from thirty to Agents, male and ί em ale wanted for some ot the the day thirty- SAVANNAH—Ar sch VSTIRE Supreme Court of Maine. The decision Committee. ceived number 8. of this valuable musical best towns in 14th, Senator Grimée, Gove, TH3M?£ON'3, 307 8t. STOCK. five cents, and winter from twenty to Cumberland county. Clergymen with- New Vork. Congtees as in use twenty- Feb Ueod2w here, Ohio, the compulsory from the Elias 10i out astoral will it an Cld 14th, «ch are assured that this upheld eight cents. 278 tubs. mentlily publisher, Howe, charge, find excellent book to Catawamteak, Lord. Satilla River. KVTbe public is a positive Shipments, In Yer- BALTIMORE — of the Bible in the schools» TOnnii-ipal Election. Court Boston. It contains eleven canvass for. Cld 12tli, sch Oliver Jameson, and ûnal sale to close the concern by pupils public genness the market street, Jameson. Norfolk. 1 ■' 1 Tuesdao was not active. Address Box but upon what to be more The munipal election takes March pieces of dance music such as 1723, Portland, Me, fe12snl w Cld Util, Geo W appears The best tubs sold for place by composers barque Horton, Rboa(Tes. Havana Flour I Flour ! thirty-seven cents per two weeks from I'arlow and and ten PHILADELPHIA—Ar 12tb,ech Abigail llaines, ground. "tli, next Monday. But lit- Strauss, Gounod, Guogl, Smith. New Yor*. W. & F. P. ADAMS. sexe" oe'' pound, .)290 In about sis£tee" pounds being shipped. Cheese tle has songs, all for cents. For sale A, A Cld brig NO HUMBUG Σ PorlUnU, Feb Ellsworth, sold transpired in the newspapers in re- tnirty-fivc by GcntScinan 12th, Josephine, Forbes, Ponce. 17,18Trt. eodlw an I' '» mau from seven to ten Cld 14ib, brig LOW the of cents per pound. to it. Bobinson, under Falmouth Hotel. Bickmore, Henlev. Cardenas. ]\TO GRADE FLOIIK iLade in years ago, daughter gard Yet considerable wire and AND NEW YORK-Ar XI ana Wisconsin, front school pulling WIFE, or one or two young men can find lUli, brigs C H Kennedy, Dodge branded St. ltli, l»ris Udola, Whitmore, Cienluegos; schs something pood e\ery time, to niy siock. counsel. John A. Peters and R. of RM Atwood, Hundieds Π. the State do not clothe him with sufficient we should not a Doane, Anderson, of .am.lies can testily to the la<*t that aie Dana, why have Republican Dit. John W. Baltimore. Baracoa; NeMe, thf-y suited OF IOWA. of city Parker, ol Lebanon, Assist- Slack here, and always come again. Conieandsee. 1 Jr., Massachusetts, appeared for the com- to exclude it from in AEjmccsis VKOViDENCE— have authority operating New government. Citizens movements are hum- ant Cld Utb, sch L M al«o on hand a large of CHOICE VER- ITS and of Assessor of Internal Bevenus, bas resign- Caibarien. Stront, Veazie, quantity mittee, course the whole was IS PORTLAND, MONT BUTTER. question Hampshire. bugs. No party responsibility tends to reck- ed that office, and it is said that Lit- Ar rtb, sch Forest elaborately discussed. Sylvester Belle. Clifford. Port'and. «Γ. B. From the very full re- Advices from that less administration. Uake a tit field of will be NEWPORT—Ar 14th, brig a Ε Ward- NOBLK, Constantinople represent party responsi- Alfred, appointed to fill thf (rEABODY NOT EXCEPTED,) >'s Larrabee, febl7-lw* Ne# Seven Per Cent. Gold port in the 38th volume of well, Woo Hole lor Savannah. 63 Commercial Strett. the Maine Reports the Armenians, a large have de- ble and affairs are belter vacancy. HOLME'S by majority, managed. ARE AT HOLE—ArlJih, gchs Maggie Mulvey, we learn that the of Roge»s, Portlaua tor epinion Justice Appleton cided not to recognize the of the The present city government is Savannah; Charier Oak, Poole, ANNUAL STATEMENT First in favor authority apparently, Rockport lor Jacksonville. of the committee, concurred in State Mews. Ar Moit^-ageBund*, by Aatriarcli, (or the reason that he is too feeble citizen,! really, Democratic and the is No. 3 15th, brig Rolerson, Mayo, Irom Portland lor OP ΤΠΕ the Mayor Cardenas. rest of the Court, was based on the Deering Block, con- to resist the enroachmonts of the of a Democrat. Free of Government Tax, clusion. that Pope ANDROSCOGGIN COUNTY. BOSTON—Ar 15th, barque Acacia, Robinson, Ma- the reading of the Bible is not a tanzas 27tb ult. Fire Rome on the right of eastern Catholics. The The present Democratic arrangement, Lewistou mathematicians ark CONGBESS SX. City Insurance Comp'y busily engag- Cld 15tb. brig OF religious exercise, hut a exer- ed in the returns from Mariposa, Waterhonse, Port Spain; merely reading Turkish government is to the which will he is tif figuring up their liquoi sch Ada. ( r*r» Belvea. St John NB cise. disposed support fully developed by Friday, For Good 50 cent. Alpaceas at via Portland. Qj|RTpOnr Al 95- 'd A?v< ν i And this has been the established law agency. particulars see Journal. selling Ar ifith, bris Antilles, Trioi ad. Armenians, and fears are entertained of a have citizens called and Put- Thestrup, of meetings Mayor CUMBERLAND COUNTY. 30 Cld 16th. brig Annie R Storer, Benncr. New Maine ever Bine. cents leans: schism between it and the House. nam nominated for four sell Reward, (Br Simmons. Poitland. ! &■. again Mayor, with The store of John T. at j : *«,· Jo i Oxnard, Powual, was And oue at 45 cents that cannot be match·» SALKM—Ar 11 ta. sens Ange ine, and Β Paul, 1 v- L&«ti Siitf!·'.: v »' uai me Cublic Ex-Gov. Mr. Republicans for Aldermen and three Demo- discovered to be on tire morning gal. Hatch Rockland lor New Yori«. i »! v'J*> ONÎ: >iKt i-SO Debt Been Reduced if Clifford, Winthrop, Dr. Sears. Wednesday ed in this c«ty at 50 cts. in and about 2 30 o'clock, and was togetbei GLÔUCES1 Eli—Ar torn, sch George Β McLcll 4IWXP0·.· ••"Vrf-.-s ,.,Λ|)ί! ν ι; SI. P. Russell and some others, of crats, twelve Bepublicans for Council- destroyed, Keene, Caltimore tor Portland. It is very natural for the to at- managers with its contents. A total loss. Insured. ALSO, ! Democracy men U PORTSMOUTH—Ar schs Nettie j V»v:y<;.îfî> 4? j ïtiK t-*«.:viv >t S'l.oUL λ. Λ nr. Β the Educational Fund are in and nine Democrats—what a Good Doable idili Slack Beavere, at >3th, Cushi 1 tempt to break the force of the fact the Peabody Board, conglomer- KENNEBEC COUNTY. and S C Loud, Baltimore. 1 »····.'< that ation ! 91 00. Warranted Perfect· Picssjy, Hall, sti M. !ÎS3' ÎK *»·" Πββί session, in Washington, and some wicked wag The next lecture in tlie public debt has been reduced since Augusta Higl yj I! Λ dill IriHil' steadily The vote last year was—whole number SSJP^Sto^k must be sold. un ΚλϋΐΚ KUK I S has in circulation a rumor that the re- School course is to be delivered by Hon. E. F the of put Remember the LEACH & Rail Road Stocks 50.775 00 TEAL beginning Grant's administration. 4344—Putnam (Dem.) 2241 Drum- Pillsbury ol the Standard. place, PACKER'S Old Ar at Liverpool 28th alt, ship Nimbus, Kelley, im RAILROAD of IOWA, WHICH mains of the deceased bad Citizens, ; Stand. tellsndlw Savannah. and liail The credulous and masses of philanthropist State, City Road Bonds, 75,RN).00 PAY ABOUT ONE-THIED il ORE unintelligent mond Rep., 2090 4. Putnam's ma- The Augusta people claim at this late boui At St John, PR, I7th ult, Ζ Wil- .IN- been resliipped on board of the Monarch and ;".Scattcring brig Williams, Government Boiids, 5*,010 00 the party have been to believe that the that tbe Richmond visited their liams une; sch Palos, Sbackford, wtg. TEREST. THE TIME TO MAKE SUCH taught 128. earthquake Loans on Real would lie in state in the next jority also. At Mayasuez 28tli ult, sell Fred for .Mortgage Estate 1st decrease shown in the Capitol week. Smith, Smith, REINVESTMENT i* while the is apparent monthly rue New York 6 days. Treasury There was no «mowing wards gave, citizens Dem- Edwin CHEAP ! Lien?, 107,370.00 foundation for such an absurd Marrow, an estimable anc COAL Ar at Havana 6th and Governments are at a statements of the is ac- Esq., inst, brie Sarali Emma, Carter, on buying, premium. Treasury department ocratic majorities: Ward 60 ward promiuent citizen of Loans Stock Collaterals 12,000.00 story. one, ; two, Winthrop, ditd suddenly New York; 7th, barque Ukraine Mount-ort, Savan- TUE KOAD DOES NOT RUN counted for by the omission from the exhibit on ot nah; 8tb. Jas JYJcCartv. Caeh on hand, in Lands of Agents THROUGH 110: ward four, 10ό; ward seven, Monday morning, congestion of thi McJarty, New ï'ork; t»ng A from tue northeast 40; Islands, Sarali Κ New an J WILDERNESS, where it would bare to of indebtedness of the Pacific Railroad bonds tieavy gales have been lungs. .50 COAL. Kennedy, Duncan, Orleans; seh Ralph in Bank, 65,037. CI 1. The following gave Republican $7.50 Souder, Miian, St John NB. wait tor The loss majorities The Kennebec Journal that James luterest accrued and other cash years population and business, but tor which the United States has become re- experienced throughout England. says A Cld 7th. haroue Com for North —ward tliree, 130 ; ward 17 ward 43. and Dupont. Matthews, the of life and property is reported to be already five, ; six, Bicknell, Esq., John H. HartlurU, E-q. A GOOD AKT1ULE OF of Hatteras: 9th, ecb Louisa Blis*, Portlaud. items, 9.213 64 through most thickly settled and product' sponsible, it is that it left lor Strong. though hardly possible The total vote in Augusta Washington in tb< Ar at Matanzas 6tli inst. harque Ε Libbv. ive counties in the serious. A fearful sea has swept the eastern 1868, (second trial, March Tuesday Mary Total agricultural State, which will be called upon to them. early train on business connected with thi Libby, New ïork; brig L L Wadbwonli, Β Car- market value $573,137,J5 pay Secretary was îleg. e ich section a lar e coast, to the German se- 10,) 5031—Republican 3001; Democrat in ANTHRACITE denas; cch Davi. little & of Boutwell's bulletin is severity weather caused a sudden Democrat) prevented auce at Hall next Tues Barbour Philadelphia; 9th, brig Fideda Hutcûin- co., monthly accounted meeting Norsmbega and must be election the and the the 22d son, Boston; seh Koswell, Copp, lor a North of iebl7d3w Office street. dispensable carried. for the different method formation of ice in tue wliicU serious- by people, City Counci day, inst. For Furnaces or largo Stoves at $9.00 per tou. cape As^uli, 49J Exchange simply by of making Thames, Hattera*. It runs from the great lumber ot the elected McLellan. At the* March 10th Alonzo B". Merrill has been Post Ar at 11th legions them that he has ly impedes navigation in that river. The elec- appointed also Halifax inst, brig Firm, Crowell, from up adopted. In the cam- gale Harlciglt Lehigh· oilier Lehigh Coals a is master at Olamon in place of C. S. re Portland. North through district of country which prevented the mail steamers tion McLellan, (regular Republican) had 2412 Weld, paign iu New Hampshire now the from crossing the signed. JohoH', Hickory au«l Lorberry Red Arar. St John, NB. 11th inst. eel's Τ Β Harris. THE SONG destitute of this pending a GARDEN." prime necessity. channel. —necessary to choice 2810—404 short of Aeb nt liowest Jlurket· Katt s. Quintan, and D W Clark. Peck. Portland ; has made the most an The is overrun with 12th, Mag- Tbe is made to the Farmers' Loua opposition party of this Whig Winterport Kail gie yuion, John L A series ot Music mortgage election. road Kingston, do; Tracey, Books adapted to Schools of ail communications, but congratulates itsel and Trust of Ν. and bands can be is- fallacy, till at last a letter from Secretary Perioanl. grades. Progressively arranges with each book Co., V., The or that it will now be able to the news. I Per steamer Taiita, at New York.» in Dr. T.uWELL MASuN. average citizens' Democratic print lOO CORDS complete itself, By sued at tbe rate of or on- Boutwell to Senator has its majori- THE SONG only $16,000 per mile, Cragin destroyed Admiral Farragut arrived in for YORK county Ar at Liverpool 30th ult. Wallace, Jordan, New GARDEN. First Book. Fjt begin- ty Aldermen last year wa> ners with a variety of an·! half the amount some other road9. efficacy as an instrument of harm to a Washington, (1869) 220; Orleans; Adelaide Norris, Reed, Savannah easy pl°ad-n ok lu addi Couueilmen 103. ran Scotia Hard Wood 1 CKI 2#th, Hanson Gregory, Gregory, uardenas; 31st Special security is for tbe cause. The letter makes Putnam, therelore, be- ed on tbe farm of a tion to a course of it provided principal the following state- Senator Sprague resumed his seat in the Mr. Lock in Buxton nea Sasadaboc, Curtis. New Orleans. practical Instruction, romains hind after At $9.50 a choice collection ot School sa>e and for tbe of interest. ments which will U. S. Senate on both, showing all, that were it not the lite of the Portland & Rochester railroad per cord, delivered. Ent for Idg 3ist, Gen Chamberlain, A'exander, for Music. (Annual payment prove of great general in- Monday. 25,000) 8"cis for the and have been and found tobi Boston. The New York Tribune is a Aldermeu Councilmen contest Specimens assayed Second quality $7.30 i>er corRTEOUS, Secretary, such a country cannot be otherwise than safe. Congress previously Hon. Frank Jones, ex-Mayor of to 1000 Fcbl8-lt passed, to the amount of Portsmouth, majority, and if every Repubhcan will TWEXTY-FIFTH ANNUAL REPORT First $10,520,320. X. H., has 1eu ten business Mortgage Bonds forsosmallan amount the same driving horses, attend the caucusses Selling out at Fitzgerald's, choice whit· jos. π. During period of eleven and and see that men poor. a road tbe direct months, horses, thirty-five head of cattle. Among proper Feb 2-dtf Employment Wanted. npon running through such a rich and debt of the United States has Shetland Nubia for 45 cts. each. OF THE been the latter is a yoke of oxen that are nominated and well-settled of diminished weigh 4500 everything harmoniously a youn^i man willing to flo kind oi labor already part Iowa, can well be $80,649,971 09; and if the increas- pounds. and any ed on the BYUnderstands Arc. recommended as a safe as well is liability o"the United States on account forbearingly conducted, 7th of Pabties seeking a desirable investment art Book-keeping, perfectly very of Hartford Phosphate Co.'s Address H. P. M., the Pacific Railroads be 4 P. we can referred a NE¥ profitable investment. are now added, there still re- Λ Duel by Uatltghl. March, M., say, "Portland is re- to rare chance offered in our adver YORK Febl8-3t· St. Lawrence House. They selling mains an actual diminution of the total deemed ! We haie routed the in the GENUINE more than the can use public EXCITING 8WOKD COMBAT enemy, horse, tisiug columns, sale of the Groton Soap rapidly Company debt of the United direct and IS NEW YOKK— States, contin- foot and stone $vîO Reward. the money. Pamphlets, with map, may gent, these FIGHT BETWEEN A dragoon. Quarry. during eleven months, of CUBAN AND AN Life Insurance be 651 09 $70,129,- Tkue Blue on Friday,Feb.ll, from the residence ot Mrs. obtained, and subscriptions will be Republican. Wanted.—More and less Comp'y ENGLISHMAN. money goods t< LOSTCapi. Stephen Lane in Buxton, near Bar a received at THE These statements are Mills, COMPANY'S OFFICE, No based the books meet our large-sized Blog; the New York is a That New* by (he Latest SuperPhosphate '•ii'raok." Whoever will gire iotormation where the 32 PINE ST.,New Yore, and at the BANK Treasury Department, and cannot in novelty. OFFICE, any be which The same may be lound shailjieceive the above reward. OF NORTH way impeached. city, has won its battles fisticuffs The A Fact worth Standard Fertilizer for All Crop·· AMEE1CA, 44 WALL St., and by continental banks· are general'y reduc- Knowing.—That Rubbei P. O. Address, (LEWIS B. GOODWIN, These facts are and taken life Nos. 112 and 114 Febl8-w3w* in Portland worth remembering. Con- by the dagger and poison like ing their rates of interest. Boots and Shoes, Coats and other Rubber arti- Broadway. Bar Mills, Me. by cisely stated are to this the times of Italian cles can be in a eVTAIX at they effect : romance,has risen above The body of the repaired neat sabstantial man- Standard Guaranteed Prof ot \ aociht·» A UABBHXT, that conceding Gieenwold, American, who by Jackson, Boston. Jan. 1, I8»0. r^rif WANTED. sample sent railroad bonds these tame was ner at. Hall's "Rubber under OUUU tree withteims to clear to a have increased the debt things and into assassinated in was ï's store, Falmoutli $5 $15 brought again Havana, found by ΙΟ cmn Two Cotnrr Jliddle and Pitt» ten or Hotel. Contain· ρττ eoinbir I'tiosplEor· dav. new articles, saleub'e as fluur. Aduress Mlrrrl*, twelve the total decrease vogue the "coctc o# Ttie nerald ol friends in a Cuban ÎV'blOdt w Ain't of Net Cash millions, is at paupers's burying ground, ic Acid. Assets, Jan. 1, 1869, $10,i*3,174.40 Ν. H. WHITE, Newark, N. J. febJ7 d&wlw. the rate of more than a perfectly naked. Bonds sent tree. Parties millions an- Tuesday gives long account of an affair of Double Diamond Hose for 40 " subscribinu throuul' eighty per cts. at Fitz '2 per cent- Ammonia· RECEIPTS. cum since the 4th of this kind which took In Boston local agents will look to them for their deliv- last March. place in that city Sun- Judge Putnam bas sentenced gerald's. Amount of Premiums and Found. safe Andrew Blair BrarVett day night. The parties were and Patrick to ten Feei street and Spring street, one ery. Francisco de Ganning The Portland New Poicy $5,101,640.99 Sable Cape. at No. 7 years in the State Trauscript (or this week has England Office, BETWEEN Apply Bracken street. sent mail on Volitical Rolt·. Porto, a Cnban of full Prison for and Amount or iuteiPSt receiv- Fet> If. dat» Pamphlets by application. young 28, of fire, and assaulting a very letter from robbing a citizen in the street. laughable Ethan Spike, an 151 Commercial »i, ed and W. H. Texas lias ratified the George an not Portland, Me. accrued, includ- MIIAITCCK. 15th amendment, Proude, Englishman dissimilar A excellent original s'ory by Fenno Hayes, be- j gang of rowdies assaulted some ing premium on gold.&c. 39 Wanted. felSd&wlim Treasurer nd the Hou-e has in age and appearance. revenue 8"»0,157,40— 5,974,798 ratified the 14th. They had been fast officers in sides its usual variety of other matter. Copies SMALL FARM Brooklyn Tuesday while they were Samuel H. liobbins,'General near the city, or some large vil- The Repnblieans have carried friends, but latterly a in- for may be had at 113 Ex Ag'i, $ 11, Μ, 272.84 A lage, in l'or a Syracuse, N· growing coolness, making a seizure, and would mailing Office, exchange good dwelling nouse, A Prime at a low Pi ice. have bandied DISBUBSEMENTS. well located in Portland. Also wan'ed. a lew Security ., by 350 duced by statements the change street. Box 6013 New York tene- majority. affecting intentions them severely but for the City. ments.—rent from $2l»0 to to of arrival of the police. Losses by death.$767,633.19 Applv D. editor of the the Cuban junta and the honor of de The A positive O^Price WALKER & <*AUE. Atwood, Madison (Wis.) Por- I body of John a ship truth that the White PiDe Com- $58 per Ton to Farmers.] Less received Williams, keeper, Portland, Feb. 17. lw Real Estate Agents. First Journal, has been elected to to, culminated in enmitv between tli« nnrtioo I is a A discount to Dealers. for Convertible Bonds Congress in place aged GO, was found in the river at Providence pound safe and reliable remedy for the cure reinsur- Mortgage of F. B. Hopkins deceased. Saturday night, by or the W ednesday It is ot Tbroat aud difficulties and A ance 9,579.12— design accident, morning. supposed to be a Lung Kidney gents. Wanted. $738,104.07 Notice. OF 1 OJ£— The jarties met in a certain case of troubles. Puicli;isei Policies and canvassing for the next hotel up town, The accidental drowning. Certificates of the very best charac- sept GdtfSN and after this da'e the style of our tir 111 will be Congressional V. >ld are Annuities 09 ONJ. KiNOALL & CO. elections in Ohio has in quarrel was renewed. Words were Joseph Coon was arrested in New York ter being received, 274,890 already beguu earn- spent constantly attesting Dividends emery & co. for in its to policy holders 1,535,399.11 Randall, St. Louis & Southeastern est. reely, until at length a characteristic observa- Tuesday attempting to burn a millinery strongly favor. REMOVAL·! Feb 17, 1870. dlw Commissions, brokerages Of the 14 ion Proude—an store wh'ch be and bis sister owned. Ho was members of the Tennessee Con- by observation significant of H air Coloring Preparations E* and agency expenses...,. canglit in tho act and the refused bail. Doomed.— M F η Ο S Τ, 681,324.42 of Illinois. stitutional m De Porto iu fe- Judge and Railway Convention, seven only were Union approaching kick—placed Beware ot bottle dyes in the of silver Advertising physicians' Mr. Thornton, the British has re- shape Wnolesale and Retail Dealer in the rer lieat, the result of whicli was that be minister, hair tee? 7 Per Ct. Gold Bonds COUPON men; remainder were all spat ceived dyes and sediment fluids. are 92,269.16 A\D REGISTERED. Confederate?, through Prince Arthur a notification of They all all η Ms face. The usual FOUEIGK AXli Office and law expen ei, nearly of them in the rebel opponent's prelimina- the pestiferous and dangerous. Pbalon's Vitalia DOMESTIC serving armies, intention of Her Majesty the Queen to salaries, AT :ies or Salvation for printing, taxes, or», and Inteiest in Gold. followed—challenge, seconds, choice of create him a the Hair, a Princ'psl Payable A "True Blue baronet in appreciation of his di- perfectly pure revenue stamps and rein- Republican" gives ex- weapons, &c. But we will let the harmless and Herald tell plomatic services while in this transparent, agreeable prepara- DRY surance Free INTEREST SEVES l'EB CENT. PEE pression elsewhere to bis country. GOODS! 250,724.76—$3,562,711.61 of Government Tax, ANNUM, views on the com- the rest of the tale : tion, is the only agent that will The funeral of Greenwald in change grey Ko. ing municipal election. We are The New York on hair to its natural 122 Middle Street. Total ISHCED Β V TIIE FREE OP GOVEIiMEN'T TAX, FAT- entirely of combatants were determined to color without risk or any $13,025,561.23 tight. Wednesday was attended about 300 his opinion that the can with effort Both were by mem- (Falmouth ABLE IN MAT city proper good swordsmen; both bad bers disgusting consequences. feblOeodlw Block,] ASSETS. NEW-YORK, of Jewish societies.* Λ crowd assem- be redeemed on the 7th of wrongs—tbe Cuban 'o avenge the slander on large Cash on Cedar March. Either of hand, in Bank and Burlington, and AND NOVEMBER. his his to bled in the Bowery to see the Pcjr it γ Versus is as Portland, Maine. Rapids the candidates we have mentioned for countrymen, opponent wipe out the procession, but Poison.—There much in Trust Company, Mayor stain that the there was no 1,1870. $£39,000.61 The St. Louis and defiant expectoration of De other demonstration. iifference between Pbalon's Vitalia or Salva- January sndtf Soutbeatern Railway apaus the would easily distance Porto Invested in Uniied States any Democratic com- bad inflicted. With what tion for the Hair and Minnesota Railroad State of Illinois, oomtnencing at ibe City ot St. Louis if should weapons The total loss by the fire at the filth-charged hair Stocks, (market value, Co., petitor supported by a united The they fight? Pistols? said Huntington, and tndiag at the ot on the party. no; for, which iarkeners, as between the Pool of Patent Double Action $2,563,280,) cost City Shiwneetowu, Ohio have they, "any tool can shodt it takes a Mass., Monday, destroyed the Belliesda, 2,261,037.49 FIRST viver. The entire people already tried a "citizens' ticket" ; swords- Hamp- ; bat Invested in New MORTGAGE AND length when complete, will be 139 man to shire woolen mill and an angel stirred, and a Xork City Û0NVERT1BLI one fight a duel," and so swords were the Huntington marseilles fever-breeding miles, Twenty-Siven Miles year, and we do not understand bank (market val- AND of which are Irom any De was mud pond. The Vitalia is a Rubber ! stock, PROTECTED BY A weapons. Porto insisted on but factory, §222,500, and the total insurance crystalline fluid moulding ALREADY FINISHED AND IN OPERATION. quarter that desire to loils, ue, $48,589,) cost Work they repeat the Proude desired the sabre irithout a single or noxious And Weather 41,549.00 is experi- ordinary used by $90,000. impurity property, Strip», for Doois and Win- Invested in progressing on oiher portions ot the road, and it ment. With a This NewYork State sincere desire to do :avalry. question formed the of There was tad the naturalness of the shades it Liberal is the intention ot Mayor subject another session of the Ecumeni- imparts dows. and other stocks,(market Sinking Fund ! the Company to push the enter- Putnam's nucli but De ;o administration we are com- wrangling, finally Porto con- cal Council grey hair is The only article ever invented which excludes prise to early complet ton. justice, Tuesday. Six fathers took part in unequalled. febl7eodlw the value, Interest Payable in ented, and so far matters afforded mutual dupt, Fnow, rtti» and air Irom two sides. $1,637,465,)cost.. 1,624,384.11 Coin at IVew York οι This line pelled to say that it has not the ot road supplies an need. It been so success- atisfaction. discussiun. It was announced that Put on by experienced and Real Estate in the of urgent pass- All this occurred up near the meti, will eflect a sav- City Loudou. es a ful in town, ing of Principal Payable iu thiough fertile and populous section of the state any respect as to cause those he house of a common Bishops of Mechlin and Insurance.—The annual state- nearly fifty per cent, in fuel. NewYoik Republi- triend, and a fashion- Antwerp, Salerno had twenty-filth 1,543,531.17 hitherto destitute et nent Office at Kendall & Market Cola in Fifty Yearn. railroad .'abilities. In the cans who were disaffected ,ble one at that, in West Nineteenth street. received tbe title of I'rimate. of the New York Life Insurance Whitney's. Bonis an 1 mortgages, (se- pro- last year to desire Eight Bishops Square, Portland. BISHOP duction of wheat tfce district is To that BROTHERS, cured not excelled ai y it» continuance. house, then, the parties, received to Rompant, which we demon janlidiiSN «oie by real estate val- other by This year it is the Demo- accompa- permission return to their dioceses. publish to-day, Agent?. TRUSTEES. in tbe Union, and the road lied their ued at build- throughout its en- crats and not the by seconds, repaired. There was the sensation trates that neither the abundance of new $19,156.40ο; tire length PASSES Republicans who are divided. 10 McDonoiigh, actor, has had an J. EDGAR THOMPSON, Pres't ol the OVER TIIE BICtttST noise, no ulusual sound to disturb Batehelor's llair Dye. ings thereon insured for Pennsylva- COaL the injunction ife nor BEDS OF now ol issued on James restrain- companies, the excessive commissions nia U. R Co. ILLINOIS, being and [uietude the place. Few were aware that Fisk, Jr., This splendid Hair Dye is the best in the $4,231,000, and the poli- profitably ex- him from a iaid to their to enable world; CHARLES L. tensively worked at various poln s. m view The and pith in an hour one of two ing having certain spectacular agents them to compete the true and cie· to FROST,Free'! Toledo, Peoria & War- ot the Ways Means Committee of the human beings play only perfect Dye; harmless, reliable,in- ascigned tlie Com- large and further exhibited at the rilh the older has saw R. R. Co increasing consumption ot coal at St. House of light probably breathe bis last. The Grand Opera House companies, checked the stantaneous; no no ridiculous pany as additional col- Rep;esentatives are the prépa- disappointment; tints; Lonis and in the the considering rions were made In in New on usiness ol this old and adjoining region, profits upon silence, aud the hour ol York, the ground that he has not well-tried corporation, remedies the ill effects of bad lateral subject of the dyes; invigorates and security) 4,5*0,400.00 These at of the transportai ion of coal aloi.e revising Internal Revenue ivo o'clock rhich has been so Bonds, present price gold, yield will, within ibe Usa- yesterday morning was awaited received any profit therefrom long with such fi- eaves the hair sott and beautiful black or Loans on laws, and rith managed brown.— existing policies. 916,859.35 it ο· three years, more than the important will doubtless be anxiety. The of the keen blades lancial Sold over 9 per cent, and as an pay interest on the changes edges The success. The report of ihe Coemis- by all Druggists and and Quarterly and semi-annual interest, investment made. ■ere London Telegraph expresses satis- Perfumers, properly entire bouded debt of the The There appears to be a carefully examined, and lor a lengtlien- great ioner ol ppliedat the Company. total Is- strong popular d faction with the Insurance in Massachusetts for Wig Factory, 1C Bond st, Ν. Y premiums, due subse- tbey are fully as secure as U. S. which sue οι bouds is the period scarcely a word was proceedings in the House of 1869, 5-20's, limited to $2,250,QUO, equal to about feeling against continuation of the spoken. hows quent to Jan. pres- OommoTis that the increase in the new juneS-sxdlyi&w 1, 1870 628,156,92 to ent sTKiprrsa fok tub attendant on the introduction of 'he business now only pay G 3 4 per cent, in $l6,00Jper mie, be issued ouly as the construc- Income tax. Those who fbay. ~ Premiums on currency. object to its Irish Land one by the New York Life in policies in tion and ot the was Reform Bill, and thinks the real 1868, over that are equipment road progresses. continuancc that it a Ding, dong—it 2 o'clock. In the hands of and in They only issued upon each section ot the road 'Ahey urge is war spa- f 1867, exceeds that of BOARD I agents, are issned under a tax, inquisi- ious back anion of Great Britain and any other as fast as the mortgage made to P. 0. parlor of the house in tbe Ireland may be Company by course of same is completed and in succcsstul op- Calhoun, torial in its to question lore than transmission .. 533,218.81 ot nature, contrary the spirit of ιarlies assembled ere laled from that three and a half million of dol- A GENTLEMAN AND President the Fourth National New the echoes ol the chimes night. The bill is invulnera- WIFE, al^o two single Interest accrued to eration. Over two and a hall millions of dollars have Bank, York, our Gentlemen can Jan.l, and Republican and evad- tad died out. Uotli ble at all aes, and still a be accommodated with good board been George Opdyke, Trustee. It is institutions, easily combatants stripped 'or points. very large increase has been an«l 187 Ρ expended on the road. Eighty-three miles are careiuily drawn, he large, pleasant rooms, furnished or 65,327.7V and in ed by persons of elastic contest, the seconds now and then fade the over unturnished, $13,025,561.23 about duly recoreed all the counties through which consciences. Those wliis- George Fox, a wealthy and New past year that o£ 1868. at No. 9 Federal tree t. leb2tt Add- completed an«l equipped, and already show favorable to iciin™ something to those about to miserly It the road passes. its continuance claim that more engage. died on issued in 1869 10,717 ^xcess ot market large earning*, and the remainder ol the line is rap- a half STorfeer, Monday, an estate policies, insuring the value of securities In otf< )nlv dozen persons were each leaving S ring these Convertible Bonds lor sile we than other tax it present, iolued at uormous sum of TEREOSCOFIC VIE WS over cos! idly progressing toward completion. be; any falls upon most ne of whom $300,000, which he willed to $34,416 353.03, with to reier parties was thrilled by a nervous ex- tbe receipts 302,368.40 investors to a pamphlet in our able to >r the year of OF THE The State ot Iowa, through which this road iuns. possession, bear it. Out of an estimated itement. A United States to be §3,974,798.39, or half a now for popula- splendid chandelier shed a flood government, applied to- nearly Is ready distribution, containing a comprehen- lillicn a week. Cash one of the rirhe.-it agricultural sections lu Ameri- tion of a f around the wards the of The amount the Assets, Jan. 1, 1870 sive exhibit ot the 40,000,030, only quarter of a million light room, though otherwise paym«it the public debt. paid during Monarch and Fleet ! $13^27,924.63 ca. enterpine and its promising tu· Tbree ear Its large population, extending with îe place was so for losses death was These are the surprising the President ot contributed to this tax in excessively cold, cold, lephews and nieces of the old man contest by $758,104.07, while only Sccreoscopic Views ol the Pfa- APPROPRIATED AS and immense tan. signed by tho Company, Gen- 1868. But this 5 to indeed, the FOLLOWS. rapidity, Us yield o! grain, pork, necessitate the of a ίο amount of body reception, taken D. W. Buitfcrfie'd s-· wool, eral wearing thin walk- vill. dividends paid to policy-holders by of B. ami EDWARD F. uni Brevet Ma- quarter of a million over ton, compr some iwelve different Amount of adjusted losseg, other agricultural products, create a WIHSLOW, by people paid $30.000,- ig-coat by each of the both of whom William 1 1869 wu3 siDg pictures. In- pressing Jor-General JAMES duellists, Harper of Baltimore lias commenc- $1,535,393,11; amount received lor cluding a tine one the Interior due demand lor the construct on of II. WILSON, XJn.ted State» 000. ere attired in very of or City Hall, subseauent to Jan. 1, this road, which al- tight all under- Publh-hed uu« ui us pantaloons, id a suit for iterest and gold was by^ hOVVFLL & 5ENTER, Exchange 1870 tords the best aiiuj, u.reciors, ana also, to the state- $25,000 damages against the piemiums $870,157.40, For $1G7,000.UU possible guarantee to the otliing being entirely dispensed with. All ftreet. sale on or about the lUth, felsn2w bondholders, ment t Mb. Northern Central taich was $112,000 more Amount oi a* line appended fcereto, signed by W. MILXOK Dawes of Massachusetts bas je been Railroad for injuries Cul- than the entire death Reported Loïs- especially the runs through ilie weaithitst been in- arrangements having completed, the by S tatis j ision with a aim?. It is aJid most thickly ROBERTS, United Civil Engineer, and one vited to address the imbatants announced their readiness to train. Mrs. will com- very rarely that a company can e9, awaiting Proot &c CG.500 00 populated section of the Stile. Republicans of New pro- Harper ot the most il nence a suit for the jy its death claims Deposit tor Minors THIS ROAD ALSO RUNS distinguished m road constructors of Hampshire during the same amount on the con- with'tbe interest on its MARRIED. 142,83 THROUGH THE present campaign. In Amount the country. These gentlemen are well known to A DEAD SILENCE lusion of the above suit. ivestments. reserved tor Rein- RICH AND GROWING Sl'ATE OF MINNESOTA. reply he has written a letter which Their carriage was ihe couu ry an·! their friends lor their ubiliiv, integ- shows con- In this surance on Pol- Reference to the ot while an mashed and both were mere remains to be city, Feb.15, by Rev. Dr. Sliailer, Soninel existing map the United Slates will show rity *nd honor. Jue ot iheir ?tatem.ut* that his asued, asliy paleness seemed to be seriously injured in divided among the H. accuracy clusively making economy a îe pol- PU.e alia Miss Annie I. Van that it niàv theretore be îelled speciali- prevalent of man 808. Horn, both ot i'ort- icies, iusuring $101,151,- iraretan the moat eonfldent'y upon. complexion every in the y-holders during the land. Kuierpiiting one who will these hat not alienated him from the >oni. present pear, the sum of and Any carefully smdy document· ty Republican The word was Seven of In F 186.15, participating In- Grow-ias portion ·■ the and given and the duellists journals Paris have been 1,670,750.52. Lewieton. b. IS. George ΛΥ. Hartwell and Writ, cannot tail to become convince·] that this road, wlien but has on ossed officially A. surance at 4 cent. Γοιιη» one of will control a party, the contrary Intensified his swords, and, having taken three pacts parued this week. The Josephine Smith per the Great Trunk Liae« in completed large and piofitao'e lo< »1 Tuesday evening great steady aunual increase of this In L'Sbon Hals. Feb. Carlisle r.et business, to say nothing olite t h rouan traffic. to ackwards, the fight commenced. At first a Compa- 7, Seward A. Parker and prenium, Direct coumnaicalioa with Kew It oppos'tion Democracy. lie says that he rowds assembled at the Margaret U. lb.mas. Iturl>am will, pay, Nil, inter- ight timidity on large ability, In $£G9,725.63; non-partici- Chicago and Ml. l.ouis, to the lutter est on its and rendet the ■will in apparent both sides— economy Pittsfleld. Feb. 13, H. C. Chandler and An-e- b.'lcg bonus, stock a very piotita- speak New Hampshire before the elec- ot so much lartin, Belleville. It was the atiring and β at 5 timidity, perhaps, as the nervous suppressed by energy well-known integrity of nette ttunnels. pating percent. Car- city,90 miles nearer from North rn Inwa and all ble investment. Gross carnif gs at the rate ol $3,UOO tion and adds: and reform can be xpectation incident to olice without disorder. Still lisle per ndie per annum will be ample ·<» tue "Economy the of the another prose President, Morris Franklin, aided 9C portions ol the Stito ol Minnesota than by any other pay inter- ncounter. opening E-q., by 11,213,813 est on «is debt, including the of 01 lecured after ution lias been le ietura expense era ion only by keeping in power the Finally, some little hesita- commenced against the Mar who has been with the premium 1869 and ro»d now built or and also the ne.ircet and There is no Repub- on, De Company from projected, repairs. completed road in the stale Porto JJIED. ol Illino s which is not lican The President and will advanced, Proude meanwhile liliaise for violation of the press law. s boyhood, William H. prior thereto, payable ry.'lii trom Central and Soulbrrn I owa. earning much more tha*» this party. Congress ti the alert to receive Beers, Esq., the Vice sum ι»»·Γ niiie. The him. The scene was the as as Corrp^nv COS i- IDENTLY unite in resident and during year Tbe rr ad ia opened for local traffic rapidly EXPECT THEIR the and tax- sciting. All at once Eussia has made a demand of Actuary. In this Feb. 209,713.07 $11,657,173.91 /.0 If) TO EARS FROM SE diminishing expenditure the few peremptory city, 15, Mr. Elijah P. Lewis, aged i and thus RECEIVES EARNINGS V ere startled spectators ie the in constructed, EN TO IE λ' THOUSAND DOLLARS PER es, while the by a sudden cut Swiss government for the surrender of a During years which Mr. yerr<» Mvlfible surplus MILK maintaining public faith, aad re- made by Proude Morrill has ITS COMPLETE Ο SECTIONS GREATLY trom the time of complet on. the head ot his the ''[Funeral services Friday atternoon, at 2 «Ι,βΤβ^ω,ίϋ ON the opponent, srtain felon who took in that anaged Eastern Branch late o'clock, During the year 10,717 Policies Alter a thorough of ducing national debt, and the labor reform who, however, refuge country office, which trom bis residence, 24 Brown street. have been issued, IN EXCESS OF AMOUNT NEEDED TO PAY investigation the mfitte nf ibia îftly parried and retired a or inio In this Jfeb. enterprise, we pace two. time ago. As there is no niprises Mains, New and ci'y, IG, Albert Kedlon, of New isuriu0· $34 440,353.03, ITS confidently recommend these Bonds movements, 'which strive to defeat the this time both Up treaty between Hampshire Ver- York, THE INTEREST UPON BONOS BEFORE to out friends and the Repub- had observed a i<:ed23 years. public as a safe and » rotliabie comparative- lussia and ont, he has built up a The investment. lican will serene Switzerland for extradition, the large and In auburn. Feb. 10, Mr. Samuel At From THE no.41) IS FINISHED. Buyer cf these party, only injure the interests of demeanor, but it was healthy wood, the undivided surplus Price tor evident the isiness. His list of ot Poland, 8ί ν ears 10 formerly efSl.BiO 750.7J a ihe present, and the jel could not be a overument will deliberate upon the matter. policy aged months. lie Bonds is therefore guaranteed, by gr^at business 92$ accrued in tenet iu and prolonged each holders, comprise In Board oi Trances bave dcc:ared a cnrreucy, the laboring classes, tend to in one, be- me Augusta, Feb. 13. Mis Donas DIVIDEND, «ι ompany to iiselfthe right place posi- .11 the of the most relict ot i» existence the route the at » reserving bent on strile. great powers of sustain the wealthy men*in those late Dan'l Smith, i/ready qf road, welt to advan e th. tion their worst g deadly Having again Europe States, the Capt. Smith, ot Hallowed. vailable on seulement of next annual premium to price whenever it may so de.erniiue. enemies. I wil' e had In w new curreu1 earnings, and lias not to risk Pamphlets hope you skill was Russian not of course on the four persons insured with Sk"wbe»an, Feb 12, Mrs. wiie oi ach btj any îu.t.Uhed on application. elect ossed, great displayed by both, government; him whose W Maiy E., Ed· participating policy proportioned to its "cou- Governor Stearns the tvio Marhle. a?ed 28 years. the con '°h,eh attend the by people, and se- eir eyes flashing with fire and lerits of the inual premiums are as •f tingencies always opening cure endeavoring, question, but against republican· lollows:— In East J*eb. rlbuliou to surplus." your radical $2,078.20, Brunswick, 13, Ka ie, ot f roads in a new DITPEE, BECK Λ SAX LES. Republican in the it were, to penetrate each other's intent. m. Samuel W. and H. daughter Dividend* not used in settlement of and unsettled country. majority ,910.30, si,806,20, 81,311,00. Total amount Lucy Fojte. aged 6 years. premium «ill legislature." An A limited these ilonds are now ADMIRABLE Havana letter states id annually four e added to tlio policy. quantity only tttJ Slate «I Bo»lon. SWORDSMANSHIP that some thirty by persons, $7,105,70. tiered at 95. riîoners, captured the Mr. Morrill will Taxation of is displayed, the cuts being well di- by Spaniards during give all needed information DtiPARTURK or OCEAN GEOROE OVDYUE Λ CO. Insckance Companies.— rapid, ■en. STEAMERS TRUSTEES. ited and Govenecbe's late relation to the various NAM· After a The Kennebec parried with decision. L'p to the disastrous expedition· plans of this Uom- FROM DBRTINATTON thorough investigation of a,WTe entcr- Journal that '· ere Java New tOKRH FRANKLIN", WM. A. We. ϊΙ.Ϊ «ΜΜα·Μ.ι l»f v«k· says it is un- esent, which was about five minutes from unceremoniously shot. The ny, at his office, corner of Vork.. I iverpool Feb lfi BOOTH, rii», wer commeud first class in- derstood lorces of Congress and Ex Vloro Castle New these Β mds as a that the insurance bill e uello and York.. Ha»ana F«-b 17 4 VID DOWS, G EO HGE A. Febl6-deodl3t will be report- commencement, De Porto had escaped Goycneche are to be ange streets. iibena New OSGOOD, estment, affording absolute Ρ»?'"* an ed trom consolidated York.. Liverpool Feb 17 5AAC O. KENDALL, HENRY satety, and the committee in w t'u a scratch on the Proude be- ad another Peruvian BOWERS, substance, as draft- slight chest, expedition soon started. Portland...Liverpool Feb Ιϋ nusually liberal rate of interest. All >rketabl« ed in The Cu- ot £altlmore..New ΓΙ LLtAM H. BEEE·*, CHAS. S. nu. by Mr. ; unharmed, when De Porto offer- ius have 3ity York. .Liverpool Feb 19 ANTHONT, :cuiities at their 1uan<1 Maine Central R. R. Co. paine> wjth the of the suddenly returned in larger force to the Mew ta 1 price, tree of commies. section exception in l a vicin- SPECIAL· \lâ?îta. York. .Aspinwali Feb Ά 4N1EL S. MILLER, SANFORDCOBB. tempting chance, Proude advanced up- of Puerto JiOTlCfiS. Jouth America New xpriss charges, received in providing for a tax on or him y Principe, and to isolate the York. .liio Janeiro... Feb 21 ENRV K. BOOERT. payment. Panipi. ance foreign insur- and inflicted a cut the Span- }itv ol New York. New EDWARD MARTIN, nd UK annual meeting ol the Stockholder· of the companies. diagonal upon York...... 22 maps furnished on The ri< rds there as much as Liverpool Feb OH Ν MI application. M-iiie Central Kailroid will bill, if thus reported and ht thigh. It was a fatal move for possible, have burned ΓΙΙΕ WOK»T 3ity oi Mexico New York. .Vera Cruz... AliS, EDWIN HOVT. Τ Coœpany j>e passed, will Proude, PILES CUBED. I .F»b22 at the Town Ηϋ'ι iu WntetvHle, »» h'lj establish .w .. loi no j for miles wish ! )hma New ΓΜ. H. sooner had he leaned to everything around the to York. .Liverpool Feb *3 ArPLETON, LEWIS F. at β an ce and forward make city, leav- spread abroad the great benefis I 1 BATTELLE, ■vintv-ihiril day ot February, A. P. 1870» vet compel th i cut have deiived Columbia New York Havana heb 24 OBERT I£.Yi{I ">» , than, with De g not even a blade of grass untouched. trc m the use B.COLLINS, II. B. CLEMS J; CO. "kin the toienoon, to act upon OUowm| insurant™ >" lightning-like rapidity, οΓ Dr.'HARRISOVS Farita New York. Feb 24 CLAFL1N, i, license from the Pc rto PERSITALTIC .Liverpool IL MAM BARTON. Hankers, V Examiner °.° up the LC ZliNGES. I Worn following contrafilio, gashed have suflered years from ihe the Kenorti of the Director. .u« ness." That the î"na his on the worst MOKUIS I·'It I*·. 34 Wall utfcli.; hîar is, bill will opponent right shoulder, causing a in Γί es. 1USED EVERYTHING 10 A.MiI,l \, Mircet, be. Bisuor Bacon Rome.—Mr. AV. H. NO un- Miniature Almanac Hamlet with w< und some five inches in and about Huri- PURPOSE, ..Feb. 17. rrea a
| length til I tound the in a Presiient. ÎÎEW JrV CaidTWtor» Hamlet, Polonius in his last letter from Eome to the Lozenges; lees than month I iun rises 6-Ή I Moon rises YORK, To a ana " on ? and a half inches in irt, New was 7 35 PM 0r elect la His sword en WILLUn Π. _ left out. Opîf,,,; depth. ■ed, and have only to resort to them ' lan sets 5.c'5 | Hiub water 12.30 BVERM, (h0 Dlrector,, ari a was disabled. ark World, thns speaks of the quarters as· wben costive- ΡΛ1 no: <9 Vice President and IV. H. Per Orde. U- returns, and always find Instant relief, Actuary. WOOL· d DBPMMOND, Clerk. THE ►ned by His Holiness to Bacon of s. BEODORE M. SON, ,70SIAl. The DUEL WAS OVEK. Bishop υ. SEAL. For sale at No.l BANTA, Cashier. I Twenty-Second of Febiiuaky will Treinont Temple, Bo«- or b»t nntrv scMo-dg q.urter°of an delightful.— Pei order ol W. B. BANK, Boston. to hfch in ley are in the Casa SMITH, P. C. S t John, Ν B. rner of Congress and Fxcbanje Sts., Portland. Anply CHARLES HoLDEN, j.H. HAM living Margherila, which S AM. B. GRAVES, Act'g Adj't. ο 'OHÀRLE3 B. LBN, snlt Sch Rinaldo, Nickcrson, Gloucester. Febl7 codlw & BABKETT. MbRRILL, E\e<-tive (Jomm tee Feb 15-d3ti3 SWAN the School Commute ot Portlaud. f<5lôdvt«fcwlt Éfee*i r" Il ι·ι — III Ι| I III ιι ιι mu* wîs^. ■jipasb _..1 twTfljwwuiimwjw y jÎ'ifsw .1 of I'oillrtild Market·. K!*tbi* (îl'iif Jo («life* Terveichoreaii to incorporât'1 tbe Calais Railway Co. : au act The license law now before the Massachu- »'.vi τι ·>ι κητΗ, Λ t'· ·Τ«·»ν s η J. «·.·». J setts House ut lî: baa been ■ i- iu Iiuikîi .-il vulei ·· eD*ttive*. pus- 1670 FSE8P ο.il/; pas-ct thiougb I'miob,—The terpsifho ; >·. IV».! κ Κ Ν ΟΙΝΟ Feb· 10, ed a business i.iic Ti I'iimo, Fine Furniture, &c:„ ul t'ou in ilii.s line; at any tinj,- w u«u chauce κκ lue tlie ut the Jluu- an act to iu- storms and tlie thaw, Transcript says officers fortune admit tbem within the charmed cuiporation υΐ public cemeteries; The political inKew Uuuipshiru by tbe heavy miow subséquent Auction. 1870 may campaign teams. Thursday Moraine:, February 17, arch took to as as if where, on Wed- the Dresden Ice Co. an act author- was Harriman Tuesday even- tbe travel very bad lor heavy FI1II IS EVEING ut 7 1 Ί o'clock, in Second sleigh-riding naturally precincts of Congress Hall, carporate ; opened by Gov. ronderln? Adv» nf TUurmlay, Keb 17tli, »t 13 o'clock M, »t our Messrs. Gee at Concord in merchandise lias not In- i Hall, 353 1-2 Congress St, by they had heeu natives to the manner horn; and nesday and Saturlay afternoons, ize A. L. Frobock et als. to extend a wharf in- in?, at Hampstead. He also spoke Consequently the traffic ONSalesroom*, It Exchaiiife it, on e l*i»no, thick- & the of that this to their disadvan- ctlna'» mamra onefine Black Walnut Marble- α ad our to Harndon are presiding geniuses in tbe town of Wednesday evening. creased. Our find ELDER HENRY PRATT, of turc, Portland Vicinity helles took theui quite as naturally.— to tide waters in Penobscot Bay Jobbers Rochester, Ν.γ. Chaoib r The a gem in its way, light, clean, T'

iacùi« thi· Ds·#· n»vv, the trader* to such an amount as tends show Lamb's wife. cau be «eon υα of sale. little oil if I in the ol Ironi seven- Passed to be Enacted—An act to incorporate morning girl the road; "don'tcare do,Bub,' charm one feels presence ed been reached. £S^The are invited. fell 'It «WUI F Anctr by law, 8500, having their stocks are much and will need large public o. BAILEY & Co., five to hundred children, well-dressed, act to depleted, was the ready reply as the pert little Miss ty tbe Goose Pond Darn Co. ;»an incorpo- The street in Brooklyn, where healthy and happy, ι-ach and all, from Raymond jail additions tor the spring trade. AUCTION COLUMN. into the bright, rate the Aunebescook Steamboat Co. ; an act Chambers the murderer of Judge Yoorhees is jumped sleigh. the" little fairy of tour to the miss of "sweet The that there can be no action upon Wli3 HERE. Hire the certainty FINE SLEIGHS. Chance for investment. Mr. aud Mrs. S. with ease aud grace to authorize tbe town of to confined, is guarded by military. the into Con- Joseph Sargent celebrated sixteen," marking perfect Wayne appropriate tariff bill, which lias been in'roduced «• COLUMN. measures of the Mazurka, Varso- The House Judiciary Committee have dis- xtire StockUf ENTERTAINMENT their golden wedding at the residence of their the difficult money to increase manufactures: an act to in- gress. mu-'b betore and that it will not go in- It Λ Ν D ο. M Kimball A Band. Scliottische, Polka posed of Busteed case, which has April, G Promenade Cnncerf.. Foro't City vienne, Galop, Redowa, Co. the Judge to effect at son-in-law. last Thurs- corporate tbe Searsport Manufacturing ; The are al- betore July tends to strengthen prices, Auction. Grand Exhibition Drill Portland Lighilntaiittj A.P.Morgan, K-q &c., and all bea-ing testimony, by manner, been pending two years. charges Saturday, Feb 1'itb, at u ·,.ιΛ * %ι «« Benefit Warren Church. A and the ot the art an act to tbe of cranberries ost though in general pricc s fjvor purchasers. Chnrch day. large company assembled, among movement, perlectness they regulate gathering unanimously dismissed. OKshall sell the entire s to k oi the The market is 110 diffi- FIREMEN'S, MILITARY, si*tehs*o* Me\r» SPECIAL NOTICE COLUMN. whom were have to patience, skill and taste in the town an act to incorporate the sailed from Havaua for Bal- money is easy and there J. M. Kimball A Co,, at. their Κ three married daughters and their acquired, ofLubec; Mr. Seward has p ,'?otv c„ ('Γ instructors. who in on or in ΚΓΘ-8 st., in Portland, Me which W. B. of their timore. The companions of Greeuwald, culty obtaining loans g>»d collaterals, eonelt· or none ot G. A. R Smith. husbands, aud nine giand-children. Among Lincoln Woolen and Cotton Manufacturing ttie finest Double nnd Worst Piles cured. One involuntarily confesses that the world was are recovering from gett'ng notes with good η unes discounted nt tho Single Sleigh* overturned out The Co. ant to authorize Wm. to construct murdered at Havana, from thi« celebrated the ladies present were two who attended the does move, as he coutrasts these ; Godfrey factory. latter-day per- their wounds. banks. Tlie Sleighs will be sold with the NEW ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN. formances with those of ten fish weirs in the tide waters of Hill CIVIC same pu ran tee* officiat- fifteeu, nay, years Pigeon as it at wedding tifiy years ago, one of whom A man named John of Provi- The gold market Ins ruled quiet and the rate is purchased private sale, and every one must City Fire Insurance Co—W. D. Liitlo & Co. ago; anil moves, with more and KeyDolds, be ed as of West- too, celerity Bay, in Steuben; also one in the tide waters of in the streets GIVEN BAI.L,^BV positively closed out to make room for their Flour.... Ν. B. Noble. bridesmaid. Rev. Mr. Snow, dence,'was arrested while drunk lower. During the week tbe highest price has been âAKD larg· marvellous grace than it did in the days of and stock ot Carriage·*. Baokmp'C? Notice C. P. Mattocks. brook and offer- Deer Bay, in tbe same town ; au act to amend at R. I., on Monday night, put 120]. On Monday it receded to and since that Seminary,made a lew remarks Scotch reels and Virginia breakdowns. This Pawtucket, 110] Î.jr'Sleigljs Hill be re-dy lor examination on th« Scotchmen. A'tention John Porteoas. in the room of Bridewell.— the advance of skill and an act to the Maine General Hos- damp basement time it Ins ruled at I19£c£120. day belorc sale, Emplovmeii' Warned ed prayer, and an ode was sting by comes, doubtless, culture, incorporate the next Hook and Ladder Co, original When the oflicer went to find him APPLES—Pritno Maine Washington lelStd O. U ill.KV X €'o $20 Upward Lewis B. Goodwin. There was an and a nice musical taste in our an act to the name of the Gardi- Baldwins command Auct'r. children aud appreciative pital ; change he was The coroner's censures .C. F. grand-children. midst. day dead. jury $4 50@5 25. The choicest Western apples can bo no. Chinons... Thompson. ner an act a i.| among the golden gifts District Camp Meeting Association ; the town of Pawtucket for maintaining such purchased lower, and holders, iu tlm warm s a^on, Em-rv & Co. elejaut supper, and We never see a concourse of child- Notice—Randall, dancing are ίο rid of their stocks 011 On Ν. Η. to establish the of the Register of Pro- disposed get tlie best Friday I'.v.'iiintr, Feb. 18tli, Rare Chance for Agents Wanted.... White. was a of dollars prettily present- ren, without those staid little salary lockup. Investment ! little bag gold commiserating terms they can obtain, as ihe fruit decays very Cape found. ones to make valid arrived at As- the by a little however well cared for, who are deprived bate for Waldo County; an act .The Darien caual expedition Dried apples are dull at 13@15c lor Easier η AT Wante ».... Walker & G igc. ed on behalf of graud-children quick. of this delightful this innocent St. Church pinwall on the 9tb, all well. and 12c£ji3c for Western. The Song Gar ten O. Ditson & Cc of Granville M. Stevens, Etq. Tho pastime, play, tbe acts of the parish of tbe High daughter that sends the blood were at BEANS—We co not alter our quotations. The LANCASTER HALL, Auction Sale, New York Lite Ins. Co .... conrsing quickly through Over 100 bale9 of cotton picked up W. b\ Morrill. received their friends with nil the in the of Portlaud ; an act to make valid market is dull at 25 tor v »ed couple the veins and puts at bay all fretful city sea and Havana a steamer very $2ear in <* the county jail glad to know that the children have tendered $200,000 in real estate. They complain Unitorin. Auction, Commission & Real Est;* tition of Railroad to +°™r COAL—Dealers are delivering the best coals at ic I2Ut«I thetlthot January, four davs atterwards. On the will be held with Seaside Lodge, Cape Eliza- D.îxter & Newport Co., mat while the the re- them a complimentary exhibition ball, to take demand has increased $9 per tun fir stove and grate tizes, and §7 50 for BROKERAOK 29th of January the prisoner was brou/ht into Court this at 10 o'clock. have the location of said road over certain ceipts have fallen off. coal is at 50 BUSINESS, bath, morning, place to-morrow and feel confident high- chestnut. Cumberland steady $9@9 in evening ton. Under the anl the sentence ot six months imprisonment the Λ «log w as seen his way down ways in said By Mr. Lind- per Promemule name of making Myr- that the results will be Newport legalized. reduce our to Concert ! aud to three im- pecuniary something COFFEE—We quotations C2@34c county jail revoked sentenced years tle street of his remonstrance on consolidation of rail- A. yesterday afternoon at the top handsome. sey, COMMERCIAL, for Java and 21(^23o for Rio. Tlie demand is steady, li. 13111,1 > Sc c«r>„ prisonment in the State prison. very Ed.] but moderate THE with a huge of in his roads. By Mr. Holland, petition of W. S. speed, spare-rib pork COOPERAGE—There is a tjir demand for all No. 14 The rea§on for revoking the first sentence ap- Kcceipt* by ISailronda and Micuiuboale. Cxt'.Iiansrc St, mouth which lie h id stolen somewhere. He Saved by the Police.—Last night officers Robinson et als. in aid of a railroad from Lew· klrida of at our to be that the Court was assured the cooperage, quotations. peared by pris- istou to Rumfotd referred to Committee on Steamer Franconia from New York.—115 COPPER—The demand is Prices are FOREST CITY BAND tdÊT*Personal attention given to the was in such a to a retreat Decelle and w'ailo on their beat on ; very light. appraisal ο» Λ— hurry eûect sale with Parker, „r bales Merchandise > oilier oeisons that he had heretotore Railroads; report on petition of inhabitants of cotton. 157 do paper stock, 14 do wool. 178 rolls unchanged. andptealJEstate, and the d b] oeal that two or three times h* TiWe street, looked iuto a low shop in Staf- 63 bdls 20 do 180 COUDAGE—The deinmd is Will the eleventh ot tlie Course oi P.ome the same bv ρ îblic or private sale. •u ^·· y*i V plunder Veazie to be annexed to Bangor, that the same leather, paper hangings, wheels, very limited. Prices give aie | boxes t»lass. 75 ilo 134 do 'JO do are from last week's Concerts at febldtt H. A. ··· <"~™ l's Block and observed a be referred to raisins, tobiceo, soap, unchanged quotations. RIKD. ··: ; « .»u j ιΧ'"··' id -'■<■■■'· tl.e pri-fc. tr-tftr m*nt· ! respectable looking next Legislature. 36 fix'-tf: αρΛ cases lead, 28 kegs do, 40 bills paper, 13 Ίο trenails, DRY GOODS—The market continues dull and in- j u in a state of The Senate to the consideration 25 ! ■'!»« .·. -iKfT 1i-«> VïL. partial intoxication, exposing proceeded washing machines. 7Η chest·* tea. 14 hlids. tobacco, active. There is mure ttrmiicss in cotton tliau of bill an act to authorize 2 goads I.AJÎCA8TEU HALL ! ·'- a tbe consolidation 5 casks 2 100 sun- there is in woo'm. are Οί! Λ .· iutd iV'tt ÎVfT ? lllOliey in vcr^ Uaiclooe woy, and pianos, composition, ranges, pkgs Transactions light.. Jobb s BAILEY & ·'; ιΛ; *u9U»fr' vr. ftp.sr J. ... «W. rapidly fTc). and υί railroad The dries. are 00, ·♦ fregulation companies. for the spring trade. ~~ Wtli !··. i. ,r, ..· 0' ·· 8 are We note a decline iu the fli. \i$ place Bartlett,Carvill, Collins, pkgs sundries, cars lumber, 1 do laths, 1 do paper, light. prices of bi- ler, 1 do 3 do last 3 carbonate soda, innigo and Braz 1 and an ad- Saturday Evening, February 10th, -«•Ίς- Uiu ···! )i> 'Mt|r :{0i V ibic ly to "go through" him at the proper time, Garcelon, Holland, Kingsbury, Lindsey, hops blocks, do oats. 1 do starch, 1 do wood, Metcalf, Neally, Roberts, Rolfe, Talbot, Tor- peas, 1 do bark, 5 do corn, 1 do wheat. For shipment vance et SI <>n opium. COMMISSION MERCHANTS iotnan to the intimated to to 4 cars DUCK—Portland duck Is in fair demand at our Dancing to commence at 8 o'clock. r«i..oU«iU Oi tuc aua MM* ii-u l-L. belonging place rev, Webb—16. Europe, flour, 3do bran, 5 do wheat. For ASD lol'ûgOlUg fc'ICtS, nnnta'inna. Tickets Gentleman and A ιluiu the shipment east, 1200 bbls. flour. admitting Ladies 50 cts. -se l ordered tliat the sentence uispatcu Mouiojiion says "'the Mon- officers that the man had more money Han- imp upon, previou.3 iiaye—Oushiuj, French, Gibbs, Gray, FISH.—Prices tor both and pickled iisU are Febuarv 17. 1870. dtd son, Maine Central Railroad—278 dry Real Estate Brokers. him be revoked aud that be be arch is at 011 lυuh was ueatuiy ior mm m mat ana Lane, Lang, Mayo, Morse, Reed—10. pkgs merchan- and there bas bsen a decided passed upon pun- expected Annapolis Thursday crowu, dise, 1 car potatoes. very firm, improve- Paired—Buck and and Cleaves and ment in saks been ished by confinement in the State prison lor the term evening, and Commerell will come at they carried liim to the took of Minot, business—large having made at Will five prompt and careful attention to sali of Capt. station, charge Bolster. our The ot quotations. supply dry fish, especiilly any kind of either Auction or ot three years. The question, to be deter- once rail to this and make his and him a bed. Hu new Property, by private tueretore, by city arrange- money gave pocket- HOUSE. York: Mtork and Mouey itlurkel. ot small, shipping qualities, is very'light, tor the sea- CIiBircli Benefit! ttWi — mined was whether His Honor in the Court belcw New — son. ments with Minister Thornton for the festivi- book contained nearly S200 in bills and silver. Read and Msiyned An act to authorize the York. Feb. 16. au»! Kooms Money easy unchang- is a and 18 Exchange St. of ed irom yesterday *s rates at 4 FLOUR—There fair and steady demand, ΠΠΗΕ CLOSING ENTERTAINMENT ot the eca- acted within the siipe ot' his authority in revolcinz a The man is a and city Rockland to aid the construction of the (eg 5 per cent, on Gov- F.O. BAILEY. ties of the ensuing week. Minister Thornton stranger, he may thank the ernments prices are lull as firm as were la>t week. The I s>n will at C. W. ALLEN. Lime Rock an act and Stock collaterals, hey beheld the VJESlRY ot WARKEN sentence which had been in part performed by the Railroad; in relation to the foreign Exchange lave been and are Jan 31, IOT0. «ItI will issue invitations the stars that they saved him. such [$uiet. Gold «lull ·»η 1 receipts very light stocks being CHURCH, Cumberland Mills, through Secretary of Breaking up an act to amend sec. heavy and business light, ra g- prisoner. Supreme Court; 3, chap. iug Irom to reduced, but there is au ampie supply in the mar- the The members is the best means of salvation 119$ 119', and closing at the latter price, Navy. P/esideut, of the places, however, 13, Revised Statutes, relating to jurisdiction ot l'he that ket. if. Iv. HUNT, The Court remarked that tho involved report tho Government probably told a Friday Evening, Feb. 18, question Justices of the FRUIT—Raisins arc unchanged. Lemons are and members of will visit for strangers and citizens. Peace; an act to repeal an act million iu gold is denied. Gov- Was one of the Cabinet, Congress yesterday officially lower and are at 0;) To consist ol D. highest importance,ï and that inas- providing for reviews in criminal cases. ernments and the decline selling $4 50i®3 lor prime dessi- SINGING, DIALOGUES &c. S. Commission Merchant and Auctioneer heavy lower, probably nas. Messina 01 m the Monarch on next." a win* to oranges are selling at 25 per Warren, Boston, will exhibit a beautiful icli as a nisi prius decision would have but liitle Monday Passed to be Engrossed—An act to author- the unfounded rumor that the Secret or $4@4 At a meeting ol C. 8. S.Union, held last try box for prune Cranberries have 31C Congress Street, will, on Thursday even ize the would the of qaulitj advanced •Weight as an he would, for the ol The White Mountains were iu Richmond S. YVilliams to Mooso Treasury suspend purchase bonds to l»bl. SWISS SIMGINU BlltD. Feb. 11, sit 7 o'clock, .«oil at Auction a authoiity, purpose plaiu sight the officers were elected for navigate In order to tor the $13@»5 per N0ing, large eveuing, following Pond an act to provide payment ο I $30,000,001) in old of and Goods. obtaining a decision from the lull rule ; ameud an act to supply the next GRnlN—We quote Western mixed corn at Λ large lot of consignment Staple Fancy Court, pro yesterday. pensions month. Auction sales whl sold the ensuing quarter: C. W. Doher- people of with an act to SI 15 and old yellow at $1 l&j£t 20. White is every evening. Goods ba forma tuat the be President, Bangor pure water; At 5 P. M. the market closcd at the I FANCY prisoner remanded. Ardcn W. following quo- held at aud new el low luring the in lots to suit at who!e>al· Coombs, attorney at law, Vice Thomas amend sec. 10 and Revised Stat- tations : $115@1 20, } at $1 13@l 15. ARTICLES, day purchasers "Webb. formerly ty; President, McCann ; Secre- 12, chap. 3, iu Cash advanced on of Drummond. to Oats are selling at 58@60c per and shorts at Bought Furon>* expressly for the occasion, will be prices. all descriptions goods. of Brunswick, has removed to this He is utes, rela'ing choice of highway surveyors; United States bushel, tor not Albert city. tary, John McGowan; Secreta- coupon 6's, 18S1 118 $.»8 per ton. sale. Also, OYSTEKS, ICE CR/'AM, ami other Consignments limited. Stephenson vs. Aifred Richards ct als. Corresponding resolve in favor of John G. resolve in United States spoken of as a young, active who bad Kelsoe; 5-20 coupons ISC2 115 HAY—1 here has beeu a large amount Refreshments. Lebruary 11, 18G8. dtf Contract. Plaintiff that on the 23d dav ol attorney, ry, James Clary ; Treasurer, John Su- favor of John resolve United brought alleges Regan; Hauscom ; in favor ol In- States 5-20's 1864 1142 into the city teams, and to points along the rail- All are invited. Admissioa 2." cts ; children 10 cts. a fair amount of business in but United by November he conveyed to defendants two Brunswick, perintedents of C. W. Doher- sane Hospital, $25,000. States 5-20's 1865 1144 roads where it can be easily loaded, if wanted, and Feb 17. dût* fishing Sunday Schools, appropriating United the to seek a field. Mr. to Com- States 5-20's, January and July pries have rccedeJ to Si4&l8 per ton tor the schooners, Scioto and Gloucester, and in consid- preferred larger ty and T. F. Donahue. Papers presented—By Farwell, United 113) baled, mittee ou the States 5-20's 1867 113Ϊ lat*er f>r the best merchantable. The eration thereof and îhat Judiciary, to inquire what piice qualily they agreed promised when Robinson's boat-sleigh was out yesterday Uuited States 5-20's 18G8 rates lor to the South amendment is necessary to scctiou 6 chapter 1133 high freight prevents any Grand Exhibition Drill they disposed of s*id vestels they would satisly the loaded with the children of the Uuited Slates 10-40 coupons J12é shipping. Choice Progressive Ly- 225, laws of 1868, in order to euable 6's demauds which were municipal Currency IKON—There is no quotable but ta- -AND— Security! then held Ί1| change, prices against said vessels their and their officers to distribute the United State* ceum, waving flags enjoying equally surplus Treasury coupons 112* vor purchasers. Business transactions are improv- by plaintiff, and which amount to about bonds and United States coupon $500. LATEST NEWS money mentioned in said section. 6's. 1881 rear 117J ing. sleighride hugely. Uuited States 5-20's Defendants say that when these vessels were trans- B.v Mr. Harriman, to same committee, to in- 1865 new 113Î LARD—Our quotationsare unchanged. The mar- Promenade Concert ! Seven Per Gent. Gold, U. S. Marshal Marble has made the follow- into the United States 10-40's reg ket, is dull and ferred to them the plaintiff said that he thought a quire expediency of repealing or 109j | priées lavor purchasers. BY TELEGRAPH TO THE — — ot denulies in addition to Revised Southern States eecuritie8 are without LEATHER— Prices are unchanged. There is at of certain firm at Deer Isle had a claim on the ing appointments amending chapter 2, Statutes, and decided Free Government Tax. ve?sels rather more this week than of lato. TL e substitute acts to the militia an changes. surplus lor supplies furnished them one and that that of William H. Libby, of Augusta, viz. : relating bill; The Stock I are tair for a year, he act to amend market was dull and lower during tho I prospects good business. C I Τ Y VORTIAND DAILY PRESS. section 2 chapter 87, Revised LIME—Rockland lime lias HALL! thought ho or tlio firm, of which lie was a Elward H. Wilson, Portland,Leander afternoon, Erie beiuir exceptionally active and strong shaued a trifle, and we (Nearly Ten Per Cent. Currency. member, Weeks; Statutes, relating to executors and administra- to the j it at 30 cask. The had a claim on them for a owing reported arrival of Mr. Burl, the a^eut quote $1 25@l per «.euiand is very hawser, aud that he want- Roek'aud, and Isaac H. Ellsworth. A an act in relation to assessment of Thomas, tors; of taxes Euglish bondholders, to open a war ou Fisk & moderate. Cement is unchanged. IVash '8 Birth ed something to protect him ington day, against th«-se c.aims; few more appointments remain to bo made. MAINE. in Phipsburg lor 1809—referred to Committee Gould. More interest was also manifested iu the LUMBER The market is rather du1!. The de- on the: e Vanderbdt mand lor that representations the agreem^nis were on Judiciary ; an act additional to repeal Re- stocks. The Heading speculation lias shipping is ligi t, and that lor domestic First Bonds Yesterday was one of the finest days of the met with a break, to the | is next to Feb. 1870. Mortgage giveD ; that subsequently it was discovered that tbero vised Statutes coucerniug mortgages of real owiug difference among the purposes no.hing. Tuesday Evening, 22, manipulators. Pacific Mail was lower at the MOLASSES—Cargoes of new are to ar- OP no claim winter. Tlie atmosphere was very the estate—referred to Committee on Re- close. beginning was agiinst the vessels for supplies fur- clear, Legal A of the rive Two of BY THF. Trial of Jolin Lawrence at of meeting stockholders to-day drew up a me- cargoes Cienfuegos have arrived sun and the thermometer form; petition President of K. & L. R. R. morial to nished, and tliat the hawser was furnished and bright wann.and Bangor tho legislature tor leave to reduce the wh'cli are held at 5i@56c. Several ca-goes aie ou Co. fur amendment of charter so as capi- stood at noon. Mr. to connect tal from twenty to ten millions, which in their way to this port, wuich are to arrive New-York & Oswego •charged to another vessel, and that the plaintiff then very high Bailey, the Street with these clays | expected Portland for the by ferry K. & P. R. R and also (or lease of creates much interest on bad the Murder of Mrs. Atwood. watering Wall Street. daily. Light Infantry -agreed to get the agreements and give th^m up; that Commissioner, city gang at work on to issue second NAILS—The market is firm at mortgage bonds—referred to The following is tho q-otations of Stocks: very $175 per «détendants saw him several times subsequently and the streets w ith favorable results. If the cross Committee on Railroads. Harlem cask lor assorted s>zes. Midland Rail Road ! Mr. of Harlem 1473 | NAVAL STORES—A qu'e' market, with limited be (Stephenson) promised every time to send the pa- walks receive a share of it Twitchell, Portland, was excused preferred 150 might attention Wednesday's Proceedings. from Illinois Ceutral demand and unchanged prices. I' It OGUi η M £ to further service on Committee on Banks pers them, alleging that he had forgotten them; would be a matter of to the Pacific Mail 1431 OILS— We note a slijbt advance on linseed and These Bonds can be Registered rejoicing public. and Banking, ami Mr. May, ot «ras that at to time dir the arti- der issue limited to mile of any damage being done consideration moved aud to-morrow assigned. Heading 9SJ is Grand March the construction; $20,000 per Western Union cle. Hard held at $2 50 and *of. at 75 per ten. by Company Mnpcrior Court. fence was continued. Adjourned. Telegraph Co 3-tJ That cargo of some Lake Shore & PRODUCE—The market is b.tter supplied with road built and in BEING ONLY 150,000 damaged herring Michigan Southern 89$ School Che running order, fr-BBKUA.lt Y CIVIL TE Λ *—GODDARD, J., PRESID- Dr. Jones testified that the prisoner has Erie choice Maine poultry than it has been lor some time. of Company. sol·! at auction F. O. 27 aud mutton ING. yesterday morning by XLIst CONGRESS—Second Session. Eiie Beet, pork are in good supply. A BOUT HALF THE COST. la never relinquished the idea of killing himself; preferred 43 Eggs in line of battle and column of leurs— ACTUAL The road & was are plenty and are selling at 25«>26c for lots. Marching Wednesday.—-Joshua vs. Robert C. Max- Bailey Co., bought by Edward H. Chase, N. v. Central & Hudson Ki ver large Bangs he knows of no consolidated scrip. 95$ Onions art» and forming line ot battle trom column—foimiug col- although attempt. SENATE. Ν. Y. Central and plenty lower, selling at $4 5J^5 25 built with tor 150 Mi!e· fleld. Assumpsit on account annexed to recover lor of tbo firm of Chase & for Hudson liiver consolidated... umn tiura iiue ot battle— marching in advance and being great economy cash; Lswis, Whidden, Feb. 9fc£ per bbl. Dr. Martin stated that he was a surgeon in Washington, 16.—Mr. Anthony pre- and leit >n bne—column barrels of apples sold at $5 bar- $137.50. PROVISIONS—The in our retreat—wheeling?—right ■eljlit defendant, per sented the resolutions of the Rhode "Island only change quota- ot twos—column are already competed in the mo9t thorough manner, the became with tions is a reduction of on mess of iouisto the iront—single rank rel. Defence, that the aopie3 were not what the We array ; acquainted prisoner, Brighton, Cambridge mid ITIcdford Caille SI pork. The mar- understand tliat the Steam Fire Legislature for a harbor ot at Block kef is et botu for drill. Engine who was refuge very qu beet and pork. them to be, aud that he hid under his care ior a month. He fur- Island. Market*. equipped and running regular trains; and the whole plaintiff represented Machigonne has bren Referred to the Committee en Com- SALT—Prices are There is more (formerly Cumberland) ther unchanged. paid $33 for them, which is all they were worth. De- testified as to the general eflects and na- merce. [Special Dispatch by International Line.] enquiry foi fishing purposes, Sihool the Soldier! put in thorough repair, and will have a trial at of line (over 400 miles) It is expected will bo completed The bill SOAPS—There is no in the cision reserved. ture of artificial limbs to soldiers Boston. Feb. 16 change prices of — sunstroke; had personal knowledge providiug Wednesday, Ë3 — 2.30 o'clock this afternoon at the corner of Cas- At market this week Leathe Gore's a Facings alignments wheeling by tours—fours ITiOomon Vtnf/vn was taken and several amendments offered. 20*«8 (îattle, 8618 and soaps, which find good market at within the year. It is one ot the roost im- that the was up » sheep wheeling in circle—man el of arms, &c. To con- ensuing prisoner sunstruck; furthermore, Lambs, 30 swine; last week, 1481 Caitle. S443 sheen iiuuJk/ auu auiuau m wiiciqucuCG Ui tueu tXCt'IiCUl co and Cumberland streets, to re clude with the Silent Ditd. Robert οί was naturalized. preparatory aim O U SW1UC. Walsh, Portland, intemperance ana excessive use of tobacco vides for liitlUUS, quality. pur mut ruiiut* iu iuc auue ui .>uw iuu. χι ouuiι LUC il ΓΙ Hi l'Il I. giving money instead of artificial The following assignments liace been made: CUlCLILIg Utrp Prices—Beeves—Extra quality $13 00 @ 13 50; SUGAR—We quote granulated and powdered were causes of A limbs, was lost. The bill was then laid aside first at Our PART SECOND. insanity. cross-examination quality $12 25 @ H12 75; second sugar l4$c. Portland sugar houses a.id re- ens the route It jm New York t) Buflalo 70 THURSDAY, FEB. 17. and tlie bill taken quality $11 25(aj City out tbe (act that but two cases of in- Mississippi up. 12 00; third quality $10 00 (a} $11 00. fineries are doing nothing but to prepare tor imme- biougbt Λ 72ST4—MouVon et al. vs. Mosee. J'EESUMPSCOT Iron Company*.—The l're- Mr. Yates voluntarily withdrew the Oxen—Bullocks, $7 5 ) (cè 9 50, diate operations. small eargo ot grocers' Musco- to 45 it traverses a followed from to a hundred personal miles,and Oswego miles, populous 29vi—Whipp'e et al. vs. Johnson. sanity filty cases remarks he had made in Brighton Hides 8 (jcg Tallow 7 vado, which arrived at this port, duiing the week PROMENADE CONCERT ! Iron a reply to Mr. Carpen- 8£c ; Brighton @ 7^c; 304—Willac«l v?. sumpseot Company, newly incorporated of sunstroke that Country hides 'luliow was sold a 11c. In a ttw our refineries Sawyer. at time, and they were both ter. 8c; Couutrv 6fc; Sheepand, days sugar D. district des tit ui e of other railroad facilities, whkli v-. Lnnib Skins will bo in lull U. CUANDLER, Prompter. 305—Mavberry Potter. institution (chartered at tlie present session of Mr. Stewart $1 25 @ 1 75 skin ; Calf Skins 16@ 17c operation. 300—Hail vs. juoke.m »t u 1- wilhin five months of the shock. addressed the Senate in opposi- lb. TEAS—There is a 11IU V3 ψ steady but moderate demand at must furnish it a and ZiÎ^tUluiv,) nt-g»rat*r=d jcott-rdnT at | Doors at G .ΊΟ to ouimoncA 7-4δ. large profitable local busi- 227-Mattocks vs. Cottoo. The next Dr. was tion^ the exercise of unconstitutional po»«» Oxen—We extra named in our open ; Drill witness, Mcltuer, caiiea -Working quote $225 @ 200; ordi- prions quotations. s ternoon at the office of the by tue imposition oTunwarranteu conditions $150 Tickets tor the entire performance δϋ cents. For 249—NiiBon vs. Manch ster. Portland nary va> $200; Steers TINS—1 he market ia dull both tor and and it will be at an cost Railing to see the saw no handy $S0 @ $140 pair. pig plate ale ness; completed ag^re^ate ct als. ts. upon prisoner; positive evi- upon The debate of the bill was The trade lor Prices everywhere. tclTdtd Ï81—wiliard Gj'lagliei. Mills. The officers were Mississippi. workers was good and a small tins. i»re a little lower than they wove lasi following chosen:— In market. supply ttccK. FEB. dence of insanity at that but at subse- continued hv Messrs. Edmund* and Fowler far below that ot hne. These advan- FRIDAY, 18. time, Milch any competing Directors, Francis Macdonald, James M. until the adjournment. Cows—Most ol the Cows in market are of an W<>OL—The ease in the money market and a bet- 114—l'ownsend vs. Barnes. quent visits observed tbe brain was ter lrom PORTLAND fatigued HOUSE. ordinary gra-'o. There is but a lew of ihe demaud manufacturers has created a more caunot iail to make it one ot the best 191— Fair ν*». Mauler. Churchill, George Ε. B. Jack«on, James D. breed ot iancy tages pajitg and Lawrence couldn't his mind for a cows offered in market tor sale. "We live'y wool market. We quote fleece at A«s keep A resolution was adopted the Corn- quote 38@4(K·, 211—Burbank, gnee, vs. Lowell. J. S. Ricker. Francis directing extra $85 115; to Store pulled at aud pelts at 30. Fessenden, Macdonald, time on miiteo ou (§) ordinary $50 80; Cows $35 42^450, 80^1 Τ Η Ε ! roads leading trom the metropolis, and its First 73—Lord et al. vs. Wallace. long any subject; also spoke of the American Navigation iuterests to to $55 $> bead. FKElGtiTS—Our is A Τ R Ε was choseu President am1. Ε. B. port entirely depleted of | 7(1—Cresev vs. Wallace. Esq., George results of inquire into the of a some general iutcmperance and sunstroke expediency granting Stores—Yearlings $15 to $28; two year olds tonage, and though outward freights are offer- Bonds one of the saiest securities ever Is- vs. Strou' et al. to $45; three $28 Mortgage 77—Cressey Clerk and Treasurer. of Americau built iron sea ves- years olds $45 the rales do not seem to C. Ε. ... Jackson, Esq., as to bounty going (a) $65 bead. ing attract much tonnage Bidwell, Sole Manager. 237—S iwyer ν-. tioft et al. tending insanity. sels the next three Sheep and Lambs—Extra from other Some This is the successor of the o'd during years. lots and selections $4 50 ports. vessels have been taken uj> sued. All bonds issued on railroads run- 275—fame vs McBrion and ïrs. Company Eobert Williams to $8 00, or troin 4 to 8c lb. mortgage called. He shaved prison- A large number of petitions were presented ; ordinary lots irom $2 in Boston and New York to load here lor Cuba and FOR POSITIVELY SIX NIGIITS ONLY ! 291 -Scilbner vs. Bryant. Casco Iron on to $4 50 φ head. Company, situated to on back ac $4 50®* 62 lor molasses and 50c Presump?cot er on Saturday, who called him one side and retaiu the tarifi foieigu cigars. Swine—Store iorsugu·. ning from tbe City of New York are good, and tb· Pig", wholesale, 10 @ 11 ic; letail These are the rates that aie now offered. on river, in Falmouth, about two miles from the Mr. Cullom, ot Illinois, reported a of L4c 10J Coastwise | Commencing Couri. said "this is the last time will shave I petition @ <^»lb. we note the taking of three or four ûlHaicipal you ine; citizens of Massachusetts that that be up vessels tor interest promptly paid, although some of them are city. The Casco Iron was State Poultry—Extra 19 @ 20c; medium 1 OA @ New York at $'3 50 lor lumber. For Tliursiiay Evruing, F«bru;iiy 'J4. JUDGE KINGSBURY PRESIDING. Company incorpor- am to Ireland was 18c; poor Savannah S9 is going by cars." He wild in remanded to a territorial condition on account ICc lb. offered tor but no ated March and soon hay takers; and $11 for Mobile tor more than double the amount v». Jjmes Assault 1854, after commenced Droves from The Favorite Actress, mortgaged per W'SDiBiDAY.—Slate Bogin. his manner, but not intoxicated. of ite state rights heresies in 1812, &cî (Laugh- Maine—J Low 6, F C Phinnev C, J with Ihe sime result—unless return rargoes North- the construction of the works W Withee 10, D Wells J C assured. | and battery. Continued to Thursday. aDd business op- ter. ) Referred to the Reconstruction Commit- 34, White 15, Β F Trask waidcaube One schooner was taken for mile the is. Mr. Alden, stated that the 8, & îlivs that Midland Among the bonds iiqw apothecary, pris- Thompson Lihby 18, C Ο Martin Savannah at $8 for liay, bue a return was as- fl>ollic vs. Thomas Lowry. Assault and erations for and iron work for tee. It D 0,CLoveiit cargo Bidwell, State battery heavy forging oner called at his store on and asked 13, Blaine 8. suio at fixed rates. Friday Mr. Cullom back the bill offering we know of none equal to these. For the Fined $2 and costs. Committed. &c. The was reported adversely Kemtrks—The of Cattle for week We note the Supported by railroads, steamboats, Company some bed supply the from following engagements since our last for bug poison: sold him nothing, as providing a territorial government for Alaska. the West was but there Bark Sarah B. State vs. Thomas Malicious injury. Cjn- Itebt, was more Northern report: iiale, hinee \o Matunzas at of Lotvry. not successful, and in August 1863 the exten- Laid on the Cattle in investment trust or other funds there is nothing he wasn't in a right condition. table. market. From Maine the supply was small, lie lor boxshooks; Br. brig Maggie Gross, hence to tinued. includ η a lew sive was Mr. Cullom a bill to aid the execu- g very n;ce Beeves sold at 12* Ν sids Cuua and back Ν of Hatteras at $4 50 tor mo- MR. R. S. buildings, machinery, fixtures, &c., ,1. S. testified that Lawrence called reported dressed @ 13.Jc MELDRUM, better; and in exchange for Government Bonds Ingraham tion of the law in Utah so as and weight. Western ueaiers price lor lasses ; baik Ger rude, hence to Havada at 13c lor leased to Messrs. C. & lor five to prevent higher j (His first in Sérient* lllae» οΓ lion. William Willie. Staples Son, at his store on Friday asked for Cattle, and the markets at Bos.on have not beeu box shooks; brig Almon Rowell, hence to Cardenas appearance two years,) and the full aflernoou; punish polygamy. During the reading of the oi' they give a large increase ot income, besides capital- years, who conducted the business good enough lôr several days past to warrant much at the round sum ot $700, out; brig hence strength will bear with of tlie successfully some to kill sold him none, as he bill the morning hour expired and the bill went Canima, Portland deep regret poison rats; higher prices, and the nuinber irom the West was to Ν side of Cuba and back Ν of Hatteras at 50 under the name of the Westbrook over $4 BfDWELLm DKAUATU! the are with Forge Com- until to-morrow. small in to lor COMPANY, izing premium. They meeting rapid ill ne is of Hon. William Willis. For the was in an improper condition; was partially comparison some weeks. mo'asses; brig Delmont Locke, hence to Carde- past Mr. of We of PemoiiH. pany. Last summer the establishment was Banks, Massachusetts, introduced the quote sales οι Maine Cattle as D nas, and back Ν ot Hatteras at $4 50 tor Mr. Willis has been in feeble drunk. He notified the police that Lawrence 2 follows:—By molasses; sale, and we have been gratified to find that they are year very health, following resolution, which was referred to the Wells sold at 12c $> lb, dressed 1 schr Abby AC. Willard, hence to Barbadoes at lue »or sold at auction and purchased at a low figure weight; pair Including tovthc fir«t time in Portland, Bid well's a chronic heart needed care. Committedon Affairs: girtn 6 tt β in., for $160; pair girth 6 feet 6 oats anl $0 for bri; hence to •the result ot ase and trouble; Foreign inches, hay; l«izabel, St. Favorite Orchestra, under the direction ot A. \\\ taken chiefly by our most conservative and sagaclotta by Jame3 M. Chuichill in behalf of himself That of lor $175; 1 do girth 6 tt 10 in. mr $195; 1 girth 6 J >hn, Ν. B., thence to Ν side ot Cuba and back Ν was to Dr. Calvin testified he had known Itesolved, &c, the President the pair HAYES. ftnJ ouly a few months ago confined the Seavey It 7 in. for Β F Trask sold 1 ot a* 25 lor and who to United States be and is authorized and $195; pair girth 7 it tor liatieras, $5 lnolassts and 57£c tor sugar. in lor Government securities. associates, immediately proceeded Lawrence's since his Both hereby $210; 1 do 6 it 9 in. for 1 capitalists exchango house by a very severe attack of the disease to family youth. pa- instructed to girth $1*5; do girth 6 it 7 Tliuinday tveuiug, l'ebruniy'lt, new The charter was declare and maintain an in. for CO Martin orgînize a company. to strictly $170; sold 1 bull tor $120, 6 cattle, Portland he is but he such an rents addicted strong drink; thinks in the arms Daily Pre»* Block Li«t< Will he Price par, aud accrued interest in currency. Circu- wbicb subject; possesses wye impartial neutrality contest of be- average weight 15F0 lbs. lor $7;>0; the lot of J Ο presented for the first time in this city, drawn up, and as before mentioned, the pres- For the of he allied his intemperance Tbe remainder of tween the people of Cuba and the White sold 1 pair, girth 7 ft lor 7 It weekending Feb. 16, 1870. the new and beautiful play eutitled the amount vitality that from last hereditary. government $210; 4piir, sir·h hand for distribution ent the same in due form. of the f >r $860 the 1 6 tt 4 in CORRECTED WM. U. lars, pamphlets, &c.,on Legislature passed his was of a medical some- kingdom of Spain; and he it further lot; pair girtb for $145; 1 pair, BY WOOD & BON, BROKERS attack, and, until within the last tew days, has testimony character, t> tt 10 for Feb. 7th the first was Resolved, That all acts or of and giith in, $195; L cow at 10c lb dressed On meeting held at parts acts, we Descriptions. Par Value. Offered. Asked seemed to lie as well as usual. Ou last what similar to that of the other all glit; J W Withee sold 6 at 13c 33 cent, Friday physicians.— provisions of the Statutes approved April, ψ lb, per Gold 119 ....12'» the Rolling Mills office, at which the act of in- shrinkage; 1 pair girth 6 it, lor 1 cow for OUTCAST ! GEORGE OPDYKE&CO, be felt but considered He stated that no man, in bis opinion, ever 1818, entitled "Au act in addition to the act for $108; $:j5; Government ti's, 1881 117 lis considerably prostrated, Lti-by «& Thompson sold Gat lb, .dressed corporation was rccepttd, a code of by-laws the of certain crimes against the 12£c Government 5-20, l8i>2, 114 115 himself well to prepare the sketch ol attempted to commit suicide unless punishment weight, 2 at 12c ^ lb, 35 percent, shrimtage; 2 at lljc Hauliers, Λ'ο. 35 Xassau-sl. enough insane; acts there- 35 Government 5-20.1864 Ill 115 adopted, and after some other preliminary United States," are repealed. The per cpnt shrinkage; 1 pair, girth 6 Λ 9 in, lor $177 ; which in our that is a cause of Government 114 .... no24d<£wly Miss Betsey Thomas, appeared jealousy frequently emotional to ihe trade tor was 5-20.1865, 115 STRICKEN in mentioned which are or may be construed beeves quick at last week's prices, Government BLIND. business adjourned till .yesterday afternoon for but a 5-20, July,1865 113$.... 114 Impression of Tuesday morning. So conscien- insanity. This closed the defense. be in conflict with faithful execution of the ob- Urge number ot Cattle in market would have the ol mule the trade dull. Government5-20, July. 18Γ.7, H3fc.... 114 RUTH OAKLEY Dollie Bidwell. completion organization. and of the resolution Government 5-20,.1 tiously did he apply himself to Ihe task, that Tbe prosecution then called Mr. C. Larkin, ject purpose foregoing uly,1868,. 113J.... 114 PAUL OAK LE Y Κ S. Meldruni. The new is shall to be in Government 112 A Wonderful Company composed of some o' be and hereby aredeclared regard 10-40, 113 Rest ot the characters th.; lull of the Discovery] on when he to read the who has seen him two or three times in The Worfl by strength Monday attempted jail; to the existing contest between the people of market· State ot Maine Bonds, 97 98 — the most sterling and euterprising citizens of Portland Company. proof of that article he gasped so violenily.and saw nothing remarkable in his manner. Cuba and the government of Spain aud so long [Special dispatch by International Line.] City Bonds, Municipal, 95 96 'lheOrchestra will perform during the the Portland and and the stock Portland City Aid ot R. U 90 92 evening iC seemed to cost him such an that his elsewhere, capital Mr. J. W. stated that the as the contest shall continue inoperative and Boston, Feb. 16.—[Reported'for the iollowing selections: effort, Humphrey prison- Press.]—The Bath City Bonds., 88 90 is $100,000. The business will be the void. following is a list of prices quoted this atternoon:— Overture Itialo Algerina, Rossini. NATURE'S Dr. him to forbfar. forging er had worked under him on the custom bouse. Bangor City Bonds, 20 88 90 physician, Gilrnan, urged The Greene and Van Domestic—Oh»o and Pennsylvania pick-lock 60 years, Carnival Botschater Waltzer, Strauss. and manufacture of iron and steel in all its Wyck contested elec- @ Calais Bonds, 88 90 was tbe out of the 65c ; do choice XX 52 @ 57c ; tine X 50 City Aria from ----- He however insisted upou tho revision, and at Drunkenness ouly thing tion case was decided in favor of the latter con- (c£ 52c ; medium Cumberland National Kalftatf, Balfe. 48 coarse Bank 40 51 52 ----- " branches and all articles made es- @ 5lc; 45 C<4 47c; Michigan extra Aria La Favorite. therefrom, he had ever seen was constant about his 119 to 51. of and Canal National 100 Ba/f*. the after writing the declin- way ; testant, Pending the in 47 fine 40 Bank, 119j...... close, lines, My swearing XX @ 50c; @ 47c; medium 45 @ 47c; com- .12Ρ#£ A'ice Oallops, Hayes. railroad, steamer and manufac- Mr. Van a motion from the Democratic other First National Bank 100 118 1*0 V health and admonish me that I pecially heavy work. Wyck, mon 43^ 45c; Western extra 46 (fa 48c; medi- iolin Solo do Beriot. ing strength Casco National Bank 100 118 120 au of side was made to without um 44 («£ 46c; common 42 @ 7th Aria, A. W. turing work. It is enterprise deserving Mr. J. H. .Perkins testified that tlie adjouru,which,being 44c; pulled extra Merchants'National 75...... Haye$. must write no the pen fe'l from his prisoner 55 50c: 35 No. 1 at Bank,.... 86 87 A. \V. more," a quorum the House did. wy superfine @50c; 25 @ 35c; National Traders' Hayes, Director. the 58 60c Bank 100 119 120 nerveless and he sank back largest encouragement. liad to liim to procure a on the combing fleece (aj ; California 18 (eg 22c ; Tex is The to conclude with the fingers completely applied pension Second National Bank 100 .... 108 110 performance laughable 30 @ 3'2c ψ lb. Foieign Wools—Canada 65 of no other NEW YORK. combing Portland Company 100 7"> 85 Farce entitled the exhousted. ground scurvy; complaint. @67e; Smyrna wasnett 20(a) 35c, ana unwashed 12 TIIE RESULT OF Hook and Portland Gas 50 56 Amusements.—The Washington Dr. C. A. Jordan said ho saw Lawrence Sun- THE CASE OF F1TZ JOHN POBTElt. (α; 20c; Buenos Avresl5 ■' Cai»e Good 25 Company, 55| On Tuesday lie was ν ery feeble, but insisted 34c; Hope Ocean Insurance 100 90 95 Ladder No. 1 intend a (a; 35c; Chilian 20 w 26c; Donotki 27 African Company, Company giving grand but had no afterwards in a New York, Feb. @ 35c; At. & St. Lawrence R. LOTT YEAES OP STUDY AND EXPERIMENT. 00 writing and preparing some articles (or the day noon, talk; 10.—Washington specials unwashed 25 @ 28c 4P' lb. R., 53 55 and Civic Ball at Lancas" that Senator Chandler will soon a At.& St.Lawreuce R.R. EKY^TICKET. Fireman's, Military talked says make The market for the different of Bonds,100 90 95 Historical About lour o'clock in tbe piison conversation prisoner rationally grades fleeca and A. K. R. PRICES OF ADMISSION. Sôciety. full speech, in which he will state that Fitz Joliu wool is firm at the & K. Bonds 83 h4 ter Hall to-uiorrow night, and Chandler's saw pulled recent advance in New he becimc unconscious and remain- about the deceased; nothing unusual; hi9 Porter's court martial was Maine Central R. R. .100 31 36 Orchestra 75 cents. 50 afternoon unanimously in Kork. The e is less doing, but no abatement in Lie Stock,... Chairs, Parquette, cents. band will furnish the music. The Maine Central R. R. Bonds 90 35 ed in that etate until three o'clock 011 Wednes- quadrille memory seamed good. favor of a death sentence, hut it was not found hards ot holders, who, in view ol unusually 95 Gallery, cents. light Leeds R.St'k, 100 65 Private Boxes according to Doors Hook's hoys live ri;ht up to their motto, "We so because President Lincoln refused stocks throughout the and the of &bVrm'gionR. 75 location. open η At that bour he rallied a little Mr. G. W. te3tilled that he in ad- country, possibility Portland Ken R. at day τη στ ins Whitney, jailor, a before Λ 11. Bonds.. 100 85 90 7, to commeuce at o'clock. Iebl6-8t are found on vance to it. Mr. Chandler was on positive scarcity the liext clip becomes avail- 7J are Here." They always tight impose the Portland & Forest Av'n'e 100 45 50 and laid perfectly quiet on a had had charge of the prisoner since able, ate not at all anxious lo realize at cur- R.R, during yesterday January Committeo on the conduct of the war. ruling Portland Glass hand, and when they undertake to give a ball rency. In the stocV of Company, 100 33 43 been down and in 3d ; saw out of the hut once. Re- Philadelphia wool lias now Richardson's bed that had brought placed nothing way JUDGMENT UNDER THF. LEGAL· reduced to a Whart Co 100 ..95 100 they attend to every little detail as carefully as TENDER DE- become very moderate figure, and the ANNUAL STATEMENT We study, seeming to recognize one oriwoo: moved a man from his cell and put another CISION. market is decidedly firmer. The inquiry has been if the success of the whole affjir depended on fair and lor the better OF 1HK were to see bul with the latter was off mostly qualities, for which his frieads who permitted him, him; frightened by Judge Pratt, of the Brooklyn Supreme some holders are that one thing. That's the reason their dances demanding a further improvement Sales at the Brokers' Board, Feb. 16. nnable to speak. It is possible that such is the Lawrence's threats to kill somebody and to Court, to-day gave judgment on the foreclosure who come forward and of a United States Sixes, 1881 always suit the public mortgage dated in 1857, that the principal Z>ottie»lftc 1172 Astor Fire satura] of his constitution that be may the jail down. lYlarkiUM. AJnited States 5-20s, 106*2 Insurance Co., vigor pull and interest must be in or its ll*i back the boys right up. We would advise all paid gold equiv- New Feb. 1861 we trust that such At au hour in the afternoou the court York, 16.—Cotton heavy and lower; 11 again rally; and sincerely early alent, according to the recent United States 1600 Ί j OF NEW YORK. to secure their tickets at once. gales bales; Middling uplands 24c. Flour dull; nlv, 1865 !.. Il'.'i was Police were Cjurt decision. " •will be the case. We cannot bring ourselves room crowded. Ftationed at Supreme State anl Western without change; superfine to 1867 Il3j TbeDollie Bidwell Dramatic will t incv Stato at 4 75 5 80 Bound Union Paeiflc U Κ Sixes, gold to believe that we shall never again see oui Company the door to keep out the rabble. @ ; Hoop Ohio at 5 20 8t>£ Jiiuuurr I, IM70. 50; "White Western a» 5 50 Southern at Union Pacific Land Grant. Sevens 61 bring out the new drama, "The Outcast," on CONNKCTIUtrr. @5 @ «30; J t;nab Capital, $430,000 OO. lriend iu his accustomed haunts, or that the Mr. Webster Treat, witness for the defence 5 55 @9 75. Wheat less active and i@ 2c lower; Central Pacific Kailroa«l Gs. gold pales hush. ; No. 2 at 116 Hates Net (Tnfth Surplus, JO*,0S4 10. It Contains No LAG SÏÏLPHÏÏB—Ne STJ&A2 graceful pen of tbe Portland historian is laid testified that the prisoner met him on the street 47,UtO Spring (a? 123; Ked Manutacturing.Conipauy 100? Theatre. Miss Dollie Bidwell and Mr. K. S. BY INSORANCE COMPANIES. Winter and Amber Western at 1 30 @ 1 33; White Boston and Mane Kailroau. 147 ASSETS. ef LEAD—No LITHARGE—No 1ΤΙΤΕΔΤΕ and asked him for work on a «side forever. in November Michigan at 40 @ I 47. Corn less active and t @ 2c |Sa!es by auctiou.l Meldrnm are lavorites with the Portland Feb. 16.—The case of tlie State Cash ou Laud ami lu bauk, $20,635 45 of SILVEE, and is free from the great foundation he was to build, but Hartford, lower; sales 32.0»· Vbnsb.; new Mixed Western at 80 Franklin Company, Lowisloi. 105 entirely immediately Treasurer the Connecticut Mutual Loans on Bond and 00 Fie", in Knioutville.—The lire in and we understand have a against @ 85c, and 73 @ 7Cc for unsound; old do at 105.— Eastern ttanroao i Mortgage, 28,5Γ0 Poisonous and Tbk public, they strong wandered from the 1~κ Health-destroying Drugs subject. Appeared very Life Insurance of tins which is uats heavy and lower; State at 61 62c; Western Maine State Sixes, 18^9 Call Loans on 00 mentioned in morn to Company city, @ 9"»;} Stock», 140,775 Kalgbtrille, yesterday company support them. We aro told that Er- at 55c. Pork new me6sat26 Portland 1887 used ia other Hair Preparations. wild. Wasn't intoxicated. to be heard before the Supreme Court of 5"i @ 25; prime do at City Sixes, 9*3 U. S. 37 21 00 22 4. 11 Securities, (rcarket value) 259,834 PBE3S, wa«, as we there stated, tbi the orchestra is a one and that the rors next week is the (oj 50. Lard steady; steam at 1>{7I Of It is to drive out iug's capital was moat important pecuni- 14l(a)15^c; sure supersede and of Dr. Hftl. Harlow's testimony listened kettle at 16 Butter. Ohio at 17 State Eastern Κ η il road Sixes Premiums In course ot collection, 12 976 % Mr. Alvin The fire music will he excellent. arily of any ever tried in Connecticut. It re- @ 16jc. @ 3Ûc; î»s« the all the FOI S OX OfS Ρ EE- house of Dyer. probabl; at, 36 @ 46c. lower: Western iree at Portland.Saco community to with strict attention. It occupied two hours, lates to the of Government bonds in Whiskey 96Jc. & Portsmouth Kaiiroad. Ill· Interest, accrued, 1,711 3:» in the and lb Elder taxability less active ; Muscovado at 10 PAISA ΤΙ ON8 now in use. Transparent and caught from a defect chimney, Henry Pratt, of Rochester, Ν. Y., is Sugar @ lOJc; fair to Bangor City Sixes, lb94 KR 87i otter Assets comprising statistics of Insane Asylums, ans- the hands of mutual insurance corpanies, gond at 3,79547 clear as it tcill not soil the finest was received 011 th free lectures at lefining 9j{ (a) lOJc· Molasses, New Orleans crystal, first intimation opening giving Second Advent Hall. involves and at 70 wers to numerous hypotheses based upon the directly $103,000 indirectly very @ 73c. Petroleum steady; crude at 752 16c; fabric. No oil, no sediment, no dirt— per- refiued at door from the sitting room to th much more. The main question raised is 30c. Tallow at 92 (è 10£ ·. Wool tirm; Total Assets, Γ8 and EFFICIENT— leading testimony; many ot which the witness sales $474,228 fectly SAFE, CLEAN, regard- whether the tax is a tax the franchise or 600,000 lbs; domestic fleece at 44 @ 50c ; ed when the latter room was discovers After Hendrick—A street sceue—Time: upon pui LIABILITIES. desideratums LONG SOUGHT FOR, and kitchen, ed as not conclusive The at 36 Q 40 Texas at 31 35c CaliiafornU at evidence of insanity. upon the property; and there is au incidental ; @ ; 17 @ fall ofsinoke. The fûmes had made so inucl 2:20 Wednesday afternoon. Place: cornor Ex- 18jc. Freights to Liverpool—Cotton id. For Losses in process ot adjustment $21,246 59 FOUND AT LAST! prisoner to-day denied all of the point whether the ascertained losses and divi- FERTILIZERS ! be- knowledge It colors and prevents the Hair from that it was found to go u] change and Federal streets: boy on the corner dends declared bat not a Chicago, Feb. 16.—Flour Wheat hOUT. D. progress impossible deed to Dr. Ilarlow. such a denial paid const'tute part unchanged. dull HART, President. a appear- Generally and No. 1 at 2 at JAS. YEREANCE. cominy Gray, imparts soft, (/lossy wa the sidewalks filled with of the of the insurance. heavy; 87c; No. 8ι£ @ 812c. Com Secretary. and· and everything in the chambers peddling fruit; pe- would be If proceeds dull Cumberland liaw Bone removes is cool refresh- stairs, suspicious. afier so long time sub ; old No. 2 at 093c. Oats at C«2 at Phosphate. ance, Dandrujf, to of 33$ Rye the Hair from consumed. But little was saved from a 115 destrians. A horse attached the remains and 67c for No. 2. High Wines at 9.'c. Provisions IF. Ό. to the head, checks falling stroke, jealousy excessive MABïLAiVD. quiet Bradley's XL. Phosphate. LITTLE Λ iny when intemperance tinner and more active; Mess Pork in demand CO., and restores U to a extent pro- of tbe house. Mr. accoun a comes da«liing down at full speed should good off, yreat portion Dyer's sleigli produce insanity, he would it tc THE MONARCH AT ANNAPOLIS. at 26 50 26 75. Lird at Patent telld3w 49 1-2 Headaches, cures all expect @ 14£ @ 14Jc. Sweet pickled liradloy'.s Phosphate. Excbauge Street maturely lost, prevents with records of debts to the amoiin from headed for hams at Meats and unnat- book·», tbe City Hall, Loring's apotheca- be permanent. Jealousy without fouudatioi Feb. 16.—The vot- 14|c. hrmer; dry salted shouldei s at Ground Bone, entamons eruptions, Baltimore, City Council ··; short rib Humors, Ihe and in to 9| middles at 13jc; rough sides 12jfi\— Y 73 CENTS PEU DOTTLE. of $500 were as was nearly all tin Arrives at door, trying is monomania. At the ed to visit the Monarch at and ex- m ural heat. ONL destroyed, ry shop. cross-examination the Annapolis Cattle g jod demand at 4 50 (ég 6 25 tor lair to 1 Bone Meal, ANNUAL STATEMENT tend the of to officer.'. ight of the and furniture. Thi fin his in ordor to make a dignified for the defence asked to hospitalities the citv the shipping Blockers, 6 75 tor and 7 80 8 50 tor clothing family stop progress counsel introduce evi- good, (ô) & Edwnrds' the Patent The Lcsrislature resolved to offer the freedom choice to extra. Premium live active at 8 ThomiiHOu Fiuu til ο mill OF THE It is secured in Oflice of the extended to the and tbe side adjacenl his feet slip on the and he dence to the aaainst liege 30 (g stable, entrance, pavement prove charges certain citi of the floors to the officers. 9 30 ; dressed hogs at 9 25 @ 9 50. Fertilizer· United States by DU. G. SMITH, Patentee, to the bouse was burned out. tbe use ol his side. the as a By falls fiat upon octor, (opening zeus yesterday wholly false; delusion.- Cincinnati, Feb. 16—Whiskey in good demand G rot on Junction, Mass. Prepared only by at 94c. Live bogs at 8 75 9 2>. Fish Cliutn ntul Fresh Ground North American Fire Ins. snowballs and water, the flames were prevent "Will some be good enough After some argument between the counsel 01 13 U It Ο 1* Ε @ Provisions—Mess i'oinpa'y, door) gentleman Pork duh at 27 uo. Balte Meats PROCTER BROTHERS, GLOUCESTER, MASS., ed from neglected. Bac^n- Land entirely consuming the stable. Mr to hold the patient's head?" Half-a-dozen the the court adjourned, leaving tin shoulders dull at sides in demand at Piaster. OF HARTFORD, CONS. To tchom all orders should be addressed. point, Ureal Britain. 12Jc; 15£ @ 16.Jc Lard at cured — Dyer estimates bis loss at $1000. There wa men around and loose the beast from unsettled. 14£ @ 15|o. Sugar barns at 17$ @ BY THE — Sold all bruyyists and Fancy gather question MARINE Lsje. >«»· by first-ctass DISASTERS. Feb. 16.—Flour ASSETS, .IASUABV HT, The in a an Insurance of SlliJO on the bouse and 01 out Milwaukee, unchanged. Wheat Goods Dealers. Genuine is put up $800 his harness, while the fruit dealer cries No. 1 Cash Items London, Feb. 16.—The Nova Scotia ship declining, at 87£c; No. 2 at 824c. Dressed -.îs 815 o« bottle made it, with the the iu tbe Merchants' of a FIRE IN SACO. Arm or Untied States panel expressly for furniture, Clrcago, with inimitable iatvj froiJ, unmoved by the Biva was lost off the coast of bogs at 10 25 @ 10 50. Ton Barrel Bou.ls, Lincolnshire. Cargo, SiDgle Sta^e Bona? ···· "ojoooioo name of the article blown in the νlass· the of John E, Dow. Feb. 10.—The barn of Ariel Hoyde ο She was bound to Νbw t .· **,· agency excitement around him, "Nica Messina or- Saco, Boston with a cargo of coal. ι·:αν8. Feb. 16.—Cotton dull and easlei For ?ale at tlie New York, Boston, aud flarttord Bank Ask Nature's at (α 1 for your Druyyist for Saco was burned to-day. It was located a Fight lives lost. The trom 24^ Middling; 8256 bales; ex Storks .»»,blT UU and take anges, thirteen for a quarter, and they're all barque Undiue, J530 receipts Hair Restorative, The Blues' Ball.—It's no use th New York, caught fiie and was at porttoj.i pool bales. Sugarfirin; prime Hi LOWEST TTartlordand New Haven Krtlroal Stocks, 30,300.00 denying Somesville. Loss small. destroy! (ig 12c. Λΐ. ; isses firm FIGURES, No Otherm it sweet!" Rotterdam. ; prime 78 @ 78c. Loans on Stock Collaterals and first fact, anybody was so inclined, thdtthe Bluef AT wholesale in PortUmi Charleston, S. Feb. 16.—Cotton dull am Mortgage, 7,235.0( The Restorative \9 sold .it by dauces are Fraucr· « C., among ihe most popular ones tba a the Associated Press.) easier; at 24 W. F. PHILLIPS '£. this — place city. They m ike it a of 50 of and less, BANGOR REFUSES TO TASK STOCK IN THE WIS Savannah, Feb. 16.— Cotton Middling up Agricultural Warehoust poiu of young people, years age Paris, Feb. re- lands LI VBILITTES. is3mj in4 that there shall TERPORT RAILROAD. 16—Father Hyacinthe has 23ic. not be the occasio cars and mained and in ot slightest chartered a big sleigh and some horse silent since his return to Frai ce. It Losses process Adjustment. 24,344.9.' for one to find Feb. 16.—The vote to-day on th Mobile, Feb. 16.—Cotton in limited demand any fanlt with any of the a F. the Bangor, asserted on reliable that he be Hi. O. suiprised our friend Charles Bryant, to th authority will middlings at Their floor question of the city subscribing £50,000 relieved bv the from 232c. BHilfiD STOKE, Capital, $:.0i),000.00 CRAM, rangements. managers are indefa i Pope the obligation of bis florist, at his residence at Woodford's Corner, stuck of the Winterport Kailroad resulted vows as a Augusta, Feb. 16.— Cotton declined 2c; Mid Surplus, 167,101.71 $467,101 Ti in that partners Carmelite monk and be to igable seeing are provided f of it.— the defeat of the measure—yeas nays 81 ί permitted dlings 232c. Commission and a right jolly evening they made 648, continue in holy orders as an Policies issued lor this sound and reliable Com- Merchant, and that a vote wa ordinary priest. KENDALL & WHITNEY all, every couple that wishes to dam a less than a half, while two-thirds at Chandler was with his violin, I any tue most favorable rates, by OFFERS HIS FOll TUE taken along the measure. Spain. Foreign markets· SERVICES ihall find a place in a set. That's tho necessary to carry Portland, Feb. li, 187». feblld&w3mis- way little a bountiful supper CARL 1ST London, Feb. 16—11.15 A. M.—Consols 92g fo: and to dancing indulged in, ACCUSATION. IF. D. LITTLE S- CO., Sale, and °f make a dance popular enable 01 money and account. Purchase, Shipping every and devised to make the Feb. eaten, other means Madrid, 16.—The Carlist Deputies cre- and to enjoy themselves fully. Last was 1 a London, Feb. 16—11.15 A.M.—Americansecuritie febl4d3w lor Portland Vicinity Merchandise. night occasion four Maine Legislature. ated wild excitement in the Cortes Agents pleasant to all. At the party yesterday United States 5 20's 1862. 1865, old, do 1807 to the rule. There was a by that in the 8"|; 87J; exception splend charging recent elections 86|; U. S.lo-40's Erie shares ; Illinois C'en large and elegant bouquets from Mr. Bryant's International candidates in 83j; 202 SEED OATS! party gathered at City Hall, the ladies (SpecialDispatch by Line.] many districts were defeated tral shares 109J. Per Rattlesnake. SALT I SALT I greenhouse were distributed among the Government their the guests SENATE. through interference. The accu- A. M.—Cotton looked best, gentlemen were 1 Liverpool, Feb. 16-11.15 quiet very sation was denounced to be a by tickets. and false and stormy sales 10,000 bales; @ 11* l. Steamer Rattlesnake and Liverpool Salt, teutive, the music by Webb's Augusta, Feb. 16.—Read assigned—A scene Middling uplands 11| GENUINE brings JAMES » Bonaire, Cadiz Quadrillo Bai followed. at Richardson the London, Feb. 16—2 30 P. M.—United State·» 5 20 Ί1ΗΕBAKER, Wharf, u variety < FOR SALIC BY ■was and at the close act to amend an act to incorporate city tip-top, of the last dan The Eastern Railroad Company has added 1862, 873; ο 1867, *62; U. S. 10-40's 83fr. Illinot '· choice free burning COAI<, to wit: Wharf) make valid the of tt TELEGKAPIl ITEMS. Central and Oats Echert NortU IflLLAKD, (Commercial the unanimous verdict of all "I to its stock two magnificent monitor Calais; an act to doings shares 109. Surprise Norway Lorberry; Franklin, red ash; an E. O. was, never h rolling A meeting in the interest of wai North Franklin,white all in " an act to tl prohibition Feb. 13 —2 30 P. M. — Call torn! , AT ash; stove size, lor cookir Uc24-4mis a better time all my life. cars, which excel anything ol the kind we bav< town of Dalton; incorporate held at Liverpool, ose. \Vedne9day the Tremont Temple, ii Wheat 9s." Lard flat. Pork flat. Bacon 57s. resolve relative I Boston. Also cargo l*OXl€K, ever seen. came in on the P. S. & Ρ Hartland Bank; Hon. Harlelgh stove and size • They Savings Whiting Griswold presided.— London, Feb. 16—5.30 P. M.—Consols closed a t Wholesale and Bétail (lehigh) egg P-O. Bailet & Co. will sell Resolutions in favor of the recently brought |»er S

! s Portland %V hoirs* le Price* <*rre*t· MEDtCiL. HOTELS» EDUCATIONAL, ! ft fi. xvvyic». " 50 Sheet λ casco binais a aud Cooking..,. 2 50353 Hotel IMvectorj , auaiiAAitT day, conslant I 4 ^gather. 3i in a lijzbi, bonoiable, and rotit- liatiag.... 60^523 York, H£LlBOLOo i Ihc Spring term wili begin 1^ββ·Ι*1»¥ΜΙίΛΤ.—$10employment ι Bowdoin Moid, Mont re il iineu IS ιϋ >l jîew in the State,at \rhich able business. Great inducements ctiered. &aiu- Ocean Oo Maine Central Railroad. Light 30 @ 32 Embracing the leadin/ Hotels Steamship Ashes. ples iree. Address with siamp, JΔΛ11.S C RAM) Biuuswickt IVlainr· CARRYING _(1. MUl. weight 28 ;a> 32 the Press be found. Monrtaj', Febrnary S8th, THE CANADIAN Pearl J? lb » Daily may always <£ uo., tiidde crd.JUe. sep20-l2w AND UN S''jfci Heavy 30 Si For particulars at 28 High street. ITBD STAT ts PORTLAND AND BANG Oil LINE. Put..... fίβι @ opi>'y MAIL. Slaughter.. 44 (& 48 Allrrd. fdblSeid2w >LIZ t C.DCUtim. W Η Α, Τ ΛΚΕ Trains will bu.2 78 @ ® Am. Call 1 20 (g 1 40 Helmbold. H. Goding, tirst cla?e Xlotel will b3 opened to the nBgv'Tfyi leave Grand Trnfik Dep. t Marrow £ P,2 County House, Kichar«i Proprietor. This new, | Portland P*a 8W»® Lime. PcMcnser* S®o!ip»J to T^oudondcrry and QH|^5sH5>af lor Auburn uni J-ewislOB AlMtra· on and after «lan. 31. » ai Α Λ1 1.05 P. 2 -5 « Hockrd.catk 1 ïouuff l.aaies' seminary. public Monday, itvri'pool. e*ci»rn Tickets at f.lu M. Blue rod i 25 @ 1 30 St. W. ». & A. Or. J. Walker's (jriiuti'il ^25 Elm House, Ccrol. Young, Fwpri- situated cη Mam Street, is the mes1: I RrducsJ tSalcH· Leave lor Yellow tves.. 2t0 g Lumber. Helmbold. SpiiDg Session of the Misses S ν monds' California Tliis House, Wateivil'e, Kendall's Mll'i, Newport, 8h«0KS. Clear TUS Drxn r, (Moosebead Lake; anu Box Piue, ΊΐΗΕSchool lorTuung Ladies, will open Men lav, ccutrally located in the village. Hie appointments Bangor. at ΙιδΡ. TO 75 Davis & Vinegar Bitters ? M. Couufctin* with tlie Jfi Pine, @ Ν Ob. 1 & 2....55 00 @60 00 Maine Hotel, Pai"c, Proprietors. Feb 21. Sraniihlp f'rus.s.ui, Capt. fcuiopenn North Atieil- Helmbold. are all neiv and lirtt class. Dutton, can R. It. lor town.- n« ith and »ast. Bread. ^0-3 45 00 CO hoi address the Principal;, No M Oan- will leave this (a50 parlioulars port tor Liverpool, oil train leaves Po tlana Pilot Sup W SO ®11 00 ^0.4 Augusta. it. * J. T. MiîIITII, reo SATURDAY, Fieight tor and m- 25 00 ta30 00 iorlti Iel2d2w THEY ARE NOT A VILE ï ί! 10, alter ibe ot Bang»r P,lot ex 100 lb 7 » tG 0Y D£1N£! tho immediately nival the tram υ! terincuiate stations at 6.S5 A. M. 00® Shipping... 20 oo (aiii oo Αυοπ^ΤΑ Horsr, Stale St. Hariison j.m29d3m Proprietor. previous day irom Suii· 5 00 7 00 Helmbold. Daiker,Pro ho26 12w Montreal, J raine Stave ewi>tou and Auburn lor P. ® Spruce 15 00 [a 17 uo pr'ffor. To l>e followed rtlanl 19 North Yarmouth- hy the on and Boston al G.20 A. M.t 1—.04 r\ M. OroekoutHUO gg Hemlock 13 00 (& 15 00 CUSHNOC House, T. B. Ballaid, Proprietor. Academy. Nestoriau, Capt. Aird, A. & H. LOU IL b^urday, February 2Gih. Train from Bangor and imei mediate stations la Butter. Clapboards. Cony Hocse, G. Con Proi-netr rs. LARD'S r, Dexter and ad MonUlÇ lb... M @ IE Cedar Ext.. 4 25 4 GO Wbeiever introduced it is adniired. Freight Cabiu passage to luici iue .iaie stailons @ Bangor. wet Its. universally apply 0^81 οι the Kennebec Sperm 4: 3 ou and c^Dtinne e'even —It is put up in handsome musl u River, and checked Cedar No.1..2 75 (eg Pkfoescot a. bu^?, in which iOSSX S Λ Vs 1 ; ο «ι -v™ AI,LAN, No. ύ India St. baggage 40JiJjj f.xcnaAKoj;, Woodward, Proprietor. » II. * Λ. with a !!, |»i tpiieloN Portland. Nov. %29. 18GD. through· Sliaved Ce«lar 5 00 M iifi ISK, M., Principal, ecmpe- oid id lor Meeischauiu aie Cement. ϋθ£;·· iJjpes daily packed. s ,ltf dec 10n " Helmbold, tent 01 a=s>st.mts. For erra?e passa2e EDWIN 9 V>tl &o @ 2 5! Pine 6 76 corps inwards and outward?, and NOYES, Supt. Roth 'J bis luïtituiion att'jr<'s superior facilities for aU Tliis new first-dass business Hotel is now open for sight drafts on Ln^lanit tor suiall _ Cheese Laths, LOTtILLôKD'S ·VACUT CLUB' Bath ednca'i n. amounts, ap- Vermont 2 25 ι®2 ·Γ>η Hotel, St.C. M. Pro- seclvfug a tli< rou^b to the public. All the are new and t> lb 17® 18 Spruce i.X'l it ACT IAjCUU is Washington Plummer, of Tobacco La- appointment*, 3 HELAlBOLD'â FLUID pi»etor. J. Μ. Β i'l'ES, Secretary Tiu'tces. SmolP'-g no surcrior; being denieotin- JAS. L. *«tor» ... is il Piue 2 75 50 (lie loca witliin a tew rods of the Midd e st. FAEMER, 3J India St. .«i Feb. leTu. lebfrllw a ized, in cannot injure nerveless ion, both FOHTLÂHDâHOCHËSTEKBJ Ν. X. 1: Meal. Coi umptan Yarmouth, 1st, eo'lattiil constitutions, or taste επ<1 odor, free Ircrn all Front R. of sedentai and st. is bairy 12 10 Injurious House, Street, S, Bailey, psople y habits. Congress cais, one of the most convenient Coal—(tteiaii). \ïi*ed 1 pleasant Proprietor. —it is WINTER 0 produced iiorn Elections o» thp finest m the Fnciiic Mail Steamship AF.BANGÏMENT « 00 Su 9 5( Yellow 1 15 and ils ts stock, city. toinpnny's J-uœbenana. properfiCf, iœmeùiatejn action. iddeford. Crorliaaa Seminary ! and prepared by a patented and orig ual niauner. 00 01 Molasses, — hotel tJfb'y&Uia. 9 00 a It is>a very aioma«U·, mild, avd in The contains forty room?, conveniently ar- Through Line On and after Nov. PortoRico.... IUddeefofd House, f. Ailiinsrn. liglit we glit— ] Π£·ν.£<2§3K3 Monday, 29, 1869 J-ibijli 9(iO(aOoOi ηοηΛ hence it will last muct than in suite?. The ietor Las had «■fi^'^f-^irains» will run as tallows Term 01 >liis Ii stitution will com- longer others; nor does ranged Prop·, experi- li<£ W Asb.. Cienfuegos— Dint>g Rooms, Shad's & Young, Prc- Sprici it or XO raesetiger trains lenve aoo&ooo' " Blocl;,Lane burn sting the U»i gue, cr leave a di CALIFORNIA, Portland ex- Men... ,r. m.nio ÏUI unu con- agreeable ence in tor the and ex- da'lf,(Sundays CoiXee. Saxua prietcrs. THE Si.AY, lebiuaty 16,lt7», providing public, confidently v. ai,li aller- taste, CaΛ. «»1, .»'«?« .,1)11 £ intermediate stations, at 7.1C 3i Cuba Clayed., o Buchu. tinuc eleven weeks. < ΙϊΙΚΛ ΑΙΝΟ J4PAV r, M. Javajplb.... ;2 s? ir.& BSddeford Pool. —Orders for genuine. carved pects !o welcome all his old iritnds who come to KiO PI veil tfUt !. el*gani'y Meerschaum Leave Portland lor 21 («g 2! 45 48 for Trainiiag Tcaciicr* in ni ver ana 8aco River at Vates House. F. Ifcpasfiueut Pipes, mounted, packed in nea» îeatlier Portland ana to make a host ot new ones. " 1 Λ.30 P. M. IfîicoÎa.lo YstfB, Propridor. Every TOUCHING AT MEXICAN PORTS ai 9 3 m Cfioper'lte. couc the Art cfÎ po k et are in the Yacht ΐΐί in ίΓΐ!ι ·, a M. Hlnl. Ellsworth the (•cieuic nud in tocbiug. | cases, placed Club brand attention will be to the wantsoi Porli·*^ lltu, Buchu. House. G. L. Evans, Proprietor. given guests. And "ΙυΓΡυΓΙΙ ιηα at 5 30 Α· 70 2 SO SaSar".Sjnrpg^ daily. ('ariying the inilrti Mates Wail* 3.WP. Μ*. M· and Wi)l.Cily...2 @ Cask 4 75 Id connection with this Institution, a Department July 27. dtl .2 4i> SÈ 2 M @ Freight trains with Bug.City.. Naval tor Triuing 'leaclers will te establi b*d, ana wiili JLOBILLARli'S VEXTVllY i>a»sen«er car nttjuh Sux. dry. 1 ® * '* Stores. Boolhbiiy. eil leave Alired tor Port I anu altao" Tar brl....4SU Buchu. tb'S Noimal or Pattern Classes, in or- Chewing Tobacco. Fares Reduced· at5.30 a. M μ (a 5 56 Boothbay Palmer Uepar'meiit Greafiy Leave Portland for Alfred at C'nylii'ti'ol· Hocse, Duley, Proprietor. — l'ilcli Tar ,3 25 der lliai tbe Ί l.eory nd the Practice ot his trailu oi Fine Cut 12.15 P. M. tllid.Sll'ke. 151# aU·, win, Denmark. Sebago, Bri .gtou. L li).33 00 («40 OU V-»il U.UIH. Park fr Λ*. II. -veil, Hoop*,(14 Buchu. House: School St.. H. D. Parker & Co., 'this 1) will be con menced at the PF.AKFS, Proprietor. H Hiram, BrownlieH, Frveburg. Cunwav, K.ÛakStaves.4500 (fi>i>o00 American ίο 12» payment bc- LOÎlILLAliD >S SA NRY'HAUNCY, CONSTITUTION*.' Burtlett, @ Proprietors. and will be continued hi ο υ «liant UFFS NEW Y"RK, Ja.kson. Limingfon,Coiniih, Porter, Free fead- OU. pinniiv, the Term, Tl:e GULDEN CITÏ, Join, (Jopper. Reverf Bowdoin η ot Jfiot. D. present proprietor having leased this μ ΕΑΝ KEN, S ison and Eaton Ν Π., daily. House, Sonare, Bulfirch, Sing- under «be personal Uirecii H. Crli- Bave been in general use in Ibe United States over Ql \CR A M Kl* Cop.Slieatliiug iJJ @ Kerosene,.... 41 Hotel f.»r a term of would re- TO, At Sato tor West Buchu. & Co., en den, ot iNew ïork City. 110 and still av juyy^jffine years, NOR HERN LaGUT, GOLDEN Kiver, Buxton, Y.Al.Siieal bing ·.6 (it) Port. Ret. Petroleum, SC bam, Wnsley Proprietors. years, knowiedged "the best" inform the bets AGE, Bonny Ea^le irf»·ruction will be for TO. }|®§,g'"Pecttu!!> pnh'ic now roaoy COSTA Soulb Litnlngton, Limington, uailv. ιβ no 2 ΐυ St. Jamfs Hotel—J. P. Also, gtveu teachirg wherever used. RICA, MONTANA, «Se hionze l)o. & Suerai 2 (a M. Stetson, Proprietor. VF*** &Sur business. To travelers, boarders or par- Ooe of the above At Saco River tor ΙΆ·. tir···: in School», ac«ording to ibe meth- —it your storekeeper does not have these large and pplenlid Limerick, Newfiela, Parsons Y. M. Jîo'tâ... 27 Whale 112 (g 1 20 Trenont House. Trcmonr articles Tie-, considering the nice accoiiimodutiuns and mod- S'eamsbips field and (g Buchu. St. Brigliam, Wrlsley od Pr« !' L W. Mas »n, of Button. ask him to them. w'dl leave Pier No. 42, North loot of Canal Osslpee. Banic 24 δ0 irt '.G 5; by tor *a:e, get erate we would Uiwr, bi., At tii-weekly. Cordage. & Co., Proprietors. e charges, say without tear of contra- at 12 o'clock on the Center lor > The ticmaud «or'» cheis able ίο tench in these are sold noon, 5iû and 21st ot Waterboroujjh Parsons- Shore 225ι> («24 5 -'Ihey by respectable jobbers almost diction, this Hotel stands without a rival. every Limerick, Atserioanplb 10^ 17 uj lenueis it certain that month when hose field, daily. 17 00 ;al9 00 improved ethods, all those everywhere. Criecliamc Jan. (except riays tall on Mtmtav. anil liu*si;i 18 Porgie Falls, 7,1869. dtt on the At Allied lor and Buchu. Eryaiit's 2»gb*cî. htcom ng competent tu teach there.η will — Circulars mai ed on then preceding ASPtN WALL, Rprlngvnl» Saniord Corner. Manila 24 Linseed 0 95(gJ 0 16 reauily application. >atamay,)ijr THOS. 2S£ r$ Bryant's Ρονγ Ί juse—Ν. Β. secure desirable situations. connecting, via. Panama with owe ot the QUINiiY, Superintendent. Mauilu Βυΐΐι ορβ Boiled do 1 00(gj 1 11 Crockett, Proprie- I*. LOUILLÂÂiDA i i'oik. Railway, April 1*09. 25J tor. Δpply tor Circulars to c./Kew Company's Steamships trom Panama tjr SAN- 26, dit Drugs and Lard 1 50 ^ 1 Go HKLMBOLD'S 1KB. 15. Dyes. £XTBACT BUCHU gives health J. B. or dcl4-l*wt J. JfUANclSCO, touching at MaNZAMI LO. Alcobol \t Olive 1 50 2 00 WEBB, ^rineij al; BC6B£$, B>irai ^ 22C (fg J. A. De oar cures ot the 21st connects at 2 Bet jalltt WaTLBMAN, Sec'y. 1 was cuied of Deatnessand Catarrn Paiiima with Arrow Hoot... SO (g 71 Castor 2 50 («2 C0 and to tlie ir an e and b'oom to the cheek. bel. iy a simple CAST Bis FOTWD AT uis tor SorTti & vigor paliul and Steamer* Pacific ami Central Ameri- Portland Kennebec Κ. E. Bi-Carb Soda 0 (a) Neatsloot.... 150 1 75 Chandler F. s. remedy, will send tbe r« ceipt tree. 6j House, Chandler & Co., Prop'r^ can Pubis. Those ot the 5th touvh at MAHZAN- lietiued 65 70 is School For dc*22tfew Mt»S. M. C. i-hGCL·'] T, N. J. Wilier Βλ> S6a S. Porgie (s£ Debility accompanied by many alarming symp- Chapman House, S, Η. Cbapman, Proprietor, Family Boys Γ lloboken, ILLO. Arrangement. Dee. 3, 18ti9, Camphor. ... 83 ® S! P&mts. PRIVATE MEDICAL ROOMS *or Japan and China, Steamer AMERICA leaves Créa ui Tartar „u 4. PortI'd Lead 18 Οι) @ toms, and it do treatment is submitted consum- Κ ο. 2 San Feb. Two Trains Daily between Portland and ® to, yridston We Spi uce Street, Ftancbco, 1st, lb7u. Augusta. J imlïo 1 £5 is 16< Pure Grd do.12 50 (u 03 CO Center, KILL THE DEM0N£.ttft.£ft Ao. 141'reble une bun lreu pounds remove.* pain int ami Lcais oici Street, bagwage allowed each adult. Logwood ex... îi ι: Pure Dry do. 12 00 (ft) tio*), insanity, or epûeptlc fits ensue. Cumberland House, Marshal auii.y, Lleers. Wol· Bag.age Masteis » jfyfarr"^'11 Leave Portland for alxea jaj Bacon, Proprietor* TORIL AND. colt's Annihiluior cuie accompany baggage thr aud Augusta, Am. .1300 Catarrh, bromiiilis a«-d i'ca» nie ugh, train Madder 17 ^ ) Zinc,.. (ssi rreoic attend t«» laoies and c*»ddren w at 7 0o λ M Cold in the head. Sola alt and 181 usca?j tbout male protec- Naptba 25 s Uocbelle Yel.. 3 (μ} 4 by Druggists, At-ilUi. esta ho .κ»β«::ιε1 tors. Leave Portland lor Bal t> gai. a, Krnntfrieh, Vt. RVSV. DilVlEr Chatham N, Y. Le pTTTfittf!?, SLTîn w!| Raggage teceived on tkedoek the before b, Augusta, Waterville and Veil.lied. 4 F.^lfllTBV, A.lt|,,Becior. oqtiarc, jailôt4w ditiwu*, :vol„ day Bangor, at 12.45 Ρ Opium 13C2® 13 ; ling. 3jv£ Minfral Springs V lue utmost iton&dduce î>y the «filleted, s.% vteptptO··1- ·α. ;·τ»·I M. Portland lor Bath and Au- Douse, W. J. 8. Dewey, Pro- The second term will on who toseiiduown *-uw*eiJgeia libubarb 2 25 A 2 i lieu Lead 13 (φ 14 Helmbold« begm Monday, January h3uw daily, and from 8 Δ. I-·, to Β P. M. prfier eaily. prietor. 31.1870 Wl frl WX An u*v Sal Soda Lilliarge 13 (3} 14 Dr. addresses those who are under the exp· rienced surgeon oa board. Medicine an 1 •"WML5;1®v. at Portland dall* Sjiig The departments of Modern and Draw- suderin# attendance free at 8.30 Α ΛΙ. and 2 15 Ρ Al. Saltpetre 13 2' Plaster. Languages ^ ^ ^ ^ ttjj aiiictwii or \ fivarc dieeaoee, tfhetbeï auHitik îicbc «g JBuviou· ing a β un ft· r the cLarue of the lte>. l·». W. TAY- ^ η For or Fare as low tbis route to Sort, ψ tou.. o 00 @ 2 73 lôipure connection or the terrltle vk-.s ο seit-abate. freight passage tick tg or further It.forma- by Lewiston, Sulphur it ^ Helmbold. LOR A. M. TO THE WORKING CLASS,— Ve are now pre- .'» Watenrllle, H u d 0 00 2 50 Berry's C, H liuOT, tion Hpply at the Κ«η«ΐφ Mills, Dexter and Vitriol ii'in? (a Hfjtel, Borry, Proprietor: to·· ruisb all cla ses Dsvotiï'f» hie «îtire time to that partieuiai branch ο! company's ticket ofic on the Bangor as b> tue Maine lEEMf·: For 1 ay Scholar®, $1,50 per week. For pared with constant frnj tor- wharf. fx»· of Cen ral anear. No h COÏl K IM AIjL· I5AUY, Agei.t, or to the Agents tor New Stations 14 pes except for buoLs mrnLhef. dc.8tt new, light pruii 1'er- C. L. Ibis line. Passot geis troin » 8 δ* Beef,side V OCEAN Hoos-ï—J, P. soua ol either ex atandim: 01 recently contTocted, entirely roinovicg tie BAKTLL'IT A » O., Lan^or, Newpoit Dex Chamberlain, Proprietor e«snj eain ir«-m 5uc. io$>o per even- 1C ter, &c., will No 1» Veal 11 @ 12 4iegs οί c.2ua?t from the system, and ns.iiv.y_ & py·* Brt»a«< Stieit, llovu n, or purchase Tickets to KenuaP's lb il is ® 3 ï ing, and a pr poruonal sum by theii »uly,nnd alter Muttoo 5 (w 10 devotiug feet and ΡΕί'.ΓΑΑίΓΕΝτ ουχε. W l>. LITTLE Λ CO taking the earn ot the Poriland end Bavcas Helmbold. CoruiftVi. J'ianc-Forte Instruction. whole um»i to the bus ne>sc ami ear υ Kennebec 17 22 Boys g'ils 7/0nid coil the attention of the te jau13tl 4i).J hxchange St., For laud. Road, ibe conductor will imnisb ilci-eta b,z. 30 Chickens nearly as tnucb as men That ,_He a&tcted iî>< ail^wbo See ibis no- — 18 (g 25 Cobkish House—P. Durgin, Proprietor tact oî htK loog-£r.3nzi& icTit trrjrancfe of aii ehi'l £.cd ?te« Egg*, Φ* («2 Helmbold. we make bis unpara led cher: To such as are nut Ibrough ticket* arc ?ola at Dyewoods. GO Pani9ri«coitn, 3*6 Congre?s St., opposite Mechanics' Hall. 0080. For Boston over tbe East- Potatoes, ρ bu. G5 wdl sat stieu. we will tend to lor Halifax, Nova Scotia, ern and and iBarwooti 8 φΐ pay tbe trouble Boston Maine Kailroads lur all @ OnioD* Wrl.4 50 (a5 25 Main c Sanborn & Kev. W. T. Pha on Dr. Stauou» lîi anit %> Hotel, Jacobs, Proprietors, Inferences, ; E. Stone; Mr. ot wri 111^ bull pa. titulars, a valuaile on this liLp; also tbo Wood.. 6 ig fi Provisions. Stmp.e, ιΐ'κΰώΐ^ *9 ΐ£«Α*ύώ15«* Androscoggin b. It. and Oex- Helmbold. S. H. JohnM. Adams. dclEtt wbii b will do to cou.mei.cc woik ou, und <* 01 SEMI-WEEKLY LINE. ter, angor, on tbe Maine Camwood Gja> 8 Moss Stevens;Mr. cOj> «Sice., Central, r*o bieak Bed, i)niVBri«cott« 191131s The People's L levari) Companion—one of tbe Every Intelligent ana îïnnkmp person £-cê: £.îaO"& 01 tau«e east, oi Pertlaud Fustic, ifa 3 .13 00 @15 00 larg- by tin- route, and tbe ouly Chicago... est ana utst lain n> newspapers pu flight U—uli seu> f^at tcï^eois? handed out tor general u»f should h»te route by which a LoïbooJ, Ex Ale>s. .15 50 (all 00 Daharistotta House, Alexander McAllister, Tb« Steamships CHASE and i-as.-eLger from Bostou or Port- Helmbold. t'iec oiitil. ii w\.ni their established weU tested ·ϊι land can 'rÇ and by Reader, 3ou permaneui, prof- eidcacy by experience CAKLOTTA will have s ceiiainly reach the same Cauipcacbj·. 1} Pork. Proprietor. School. the (.'alt bkowhegan day St. w Day Evening itable work, address Jb. C. aLLEJS & CO., auqusia bsudé οι a re^uiariy educated physician, whaa Wbart by railroad. JlOUliUgO 2^ ExtraClcar3T 00 (£3100 Travelers Simcn A. M «-very We^nriMl·! a»«l Pcacb Wood (et· (; Home, Halm, Proprietor. on AINU. W3m.?al8 nodiow preparatory studies1 lit him foi Ail the duties be it:υ:t Stage? leave Bath Or fîj Clear 32 00 (a3 > »>0 and afier Monday, Nov. 291b.atDOW'S «MiurdiiT; v*esih-' perniiuiny Rockland,&cM daily. Au- 4 a Helmbold. fulfil ; yet the is hooded with Lcsu-at^e itnstu tor lieitast lied Wood.... 4j Mess 2* 00 (aX9 00 OPENHALL. 358 Conpr. s>, rear tt>een sunt country poor rai 4 ·*. '»· for tli i lax di;ni, daily. Va.-salboro tor r*o Lcsî-ols m Penmanship exclutivtl> from 2 till 4 Ρ parj>>.? *g wona, miking close connections vviih tie Nova Scotia Rail- China uaily. Kendall's Mil·β Clark's Dint*g Π Crawl Trunfc tfhir.h art not or. seieas, bu* iivurioa?. for Cod, φ qtl. Hams 17J a- 18$ all, Railway Μ., i'«»r Was trs and R.irits,olu and young. We Want Even where always way Co., tor Windsor. Truro, New Glasgow and uic- Unity daily. atPishoii's Ferry tor Canaan dai- 00 HF.LMBOLD'S EXTRACT Depot, M. "W. Agents ihe untortunate r. ^ /be PABTicui.Ai'. m ly. A t àkow ioi LargeSUoreG @ G 61 Round 13 BUCHU and BI- Clark, Proprietor, hfgiilar ssfcfcsiots nom ν nil 1? A. &]., and from 7 seieeuig tou, N. S. began tbe diticieiu tow us Noitb on Uogs.. (eg 14$ To canvass lor d„ and isew York h-s physician, as U le *. lamentable yet mconuc vsii their rente. LaifceBankB 50 !& C 0 till 9P. M. O. \V. Hei.ry Raymond will leave ev- Rice. N^YES.P.mapa'. thar n»azi\ Reluming Pryor's Wharf, Halifax, Ûuiall 3 '.5 la 4 PKOVED «Journalism, au υ tavo volume ol δϋυ beauti- bie tacr, iypiiiiuic parieurs are maoe mît- e»v 25 lb.... KOSE WASH cures delieate disorders in Diifleld* I?oi 'eiiof, call as above. decSikod age®, Tucsdav and Saturday, weathet petmuting, at Ii. L. LINCOLN, Supt. Rice,^ 9@ 10J lully illustrated ai.(i haiidi Loulo a #»raLit with ruin d constitutions by maiureatme* t A Eec. Pollock 3 OU (sa » Ou Saleratus. Andβ08CGCÛin onie'y ; being 4P M. Jffus'a, 3,1809, uiavtUt Hoube, L.D. Kidder, Proprietor ££ lite and hi«ur\ luilol interest 10 al *j from inezpertenoeo in ttr haddock,.... 1 75& 2 2~> all thïir stages, at little expense, little or no utep be physicians gencrsiprai tic©; C'a» in with Stale ISalerutUfc-^ lb 7@ II change > Mr. is a i»n?snge, Room, $8.00 Hake 2 50 2 76 Portland ! u.ii>r, hiuvciick, Mai a-mt Luiloroi tbe Isew It point generally combed by the best ayphilogx. MeaiStxtia. i& Salt. Yerk that Kednced ot no no Farniii»stou. Acadcmy Evening Pom, has, in ibis book, levealtU iheiA, trie stuoy and management ot these eo* c Kates. Herricg. Turk's Is. diet, inconvenience,'and eiposure. It is Seei.es many Th.ou*.h ticket? may l»c had on b. ard to abcvo Foue*t J. S. 01 e tilling in.eiest uexex betore sliowu lo Μ (&4 Fall»* gi*en îd ite Ancicnt pnd Modern ducements, A.&. Lt & Lo., hicitseiî aajuainted with their pathology, common 5 Nov. Kftailroari. JCayào.l. 27 00S28 0 Cadiz iU bond 2 27-tt 12£&2 624 Great Falls Ο. A. INSTRUCTIONîiî s. Book il Jdi 514w Hal Conn- pnreut3 one «ystem ot treatment, in most cases ιη&ί- Or ♦ L iy Ko. 2, 17 00^18 0 Hotel, Fro*t, Proprietor. gUîig. kcej g, Drawing, Common Publi*b«-is, Hold, by Steamer via. Panama to San Gr'nd Butter. 27 »ng an induicrimiiiare qb.jcî tnac and At** fh-anciacQ· Larges.... îiuflu JHirnni) andlngLtr mgl^k l'iai-cbes. auttq^i*? 'Jbr.»ugb tickets for tale at Liverpool duty the UEDtCiiD Shore Jv'c. l i7 on m GEO. C. BURGESS ^-.'èpCû, Mîroary. FOR BOSTON. KAIL·!·, by ®.s paid 3 5O@tO0 Buchu. Mt. Cutler LloudE-fiiruin Baston, Proprietor. Principal. Tbe Uomb colored buir 01 Ko. 2 13 503.1" 50 Liv.in 2 Magic oond C2 Private instrvctic ii givf-n in tho al«ove btarcbcs. beard ro a peimaneui black or brtwn. It Laive.... i>one contain* ]ïS«tT« 4νβ»ίίώό»ί»,ς;=;. W. D. LITTLE &L· Soap. I c For terms and (dither t as no can u*e it. The new and CO,, Medium.. 100001201 win ion· articulais, apply above, poison. Anyone One sent by mai] A\ who have ccmnmtea an oacese 01 ind eupVuor iea-going Extra Sfc'iu Benncd 10 Buchu. rom 9 Α. ω. to 11*. AI. tf Ad'iress any «>Xv steamers ΛΟΒΝ ainJ CJ.uw bait.... Ο iu ij^ï 50 DeWttt Lewiston. "Waterbouse & M,W&I Lelher it be the solitary Yice of youth, or tha BROOliS, UNION TICKET Family 9 House, Mellen, tieiôl3m ifiAtiiC COnu tint- MONTREAL. having been I tteci OFFICE Jb'lour. Proprietors. CO., Springee d. Mass ?g rtbtiî'.e oî m'spiaced conildence in mat-urer No. 1 7? yoait, up at great oxnenst with a ocil&wlwis-ioelf 49 1-2 sireet. ■Winter Wheat. MKtik ti'Jii AU ASÏIDOÎK ID SfcASOm. largt Exchange Oli ue 13 Buchu. number 01 beauiitul SJatA Rooms choice xx 7 60 8 50 Limerick. One AGHIJNX^ AV Ί?1£Χ> SJi9 ?ft»r.a ana Achee, and Lassitude ana Wertoil @ bem Olive...... 30* Hundred Thousand Bot- will rtin the season as follows: Ι* Ο ϋ X JU Ν XZ> xx G oo os 7 υο la 1 Limerick Prostration that may follow Impure Coition, Crane's House. Λ. M. Davis, Proprietor. FOR Leaving Atlautic Whart, Fct'tlnno. at 7 Χ Β 00 0 60 Buchu. tles axe cue iiarometer to the whole o'clockj β 13 per Annum. system. K*d India eve;· da ν :it 5 [Soa-i J Ho not wait tor the Whan, Boston, y c'clock F. Spices. consommation that is sure to fùi- M, (.Sundays SACO & δ Iflcchanic Falls. do not wait tor excepted.) PORTSMOUTH R R. χ.. 60a: ο Ου Cassia, pure.. 05 @ 70 THE SECRETS OF iow; Unsightly Ulcere, tor Cfcbtntare,. 4 Eagle Hotel, Ν H Peakcs, Disfeblsd tor Loss ft.r.O Superfine. 50 â 5 00 Cloves 36 & 3* Buchu. Proprietor. The New Limbs, ot Beauty Etock Medicine -, l.to WINTER SI. Louis & Southern 2J *3 England Family Oomplezioii. ARRANGEMENT, Ginger t'g Fi eight Ukcnai asuftl* Superior xx 9 51® 10 5 Mace (» 16) JVapIr·. Internal Kcveimc ! ■- ;:"..-îS7 *te Portland Su ρ ι- xx 7 0O& 8 00 dally Pepper CES W RXPOSKKG Sfooiiii mon troubled with tiuizâiona ineleep,—s vSMF^%9#'Sunday8 excepted) tot Suatb Berwick California. noue. Btareh. JVorrfdçevroclr· DoDD'S Hebyikk, Portsmouth Fruit, Whiskey Ring, Gold King, and Diawbac!; eompiauit generally the result οι a bail habit m y Δ LL Κ II Junction, and Boston, at 6.1S and MO Pearl 10 @ 11 Buchu. Dan forth D. ΔXD l'r .u Eli LISE. Α. M and 2.5» Ρ M. ▲l mon'te—«Jordan House, Daniorth, Proprietor, IiWIGOKAlOH. THE s, Liivulg.n,: systematic llobbery 0/ ihc youth,—treated eeicnti Really and a perieet rur^ vw· φ lb. Sugar. Public For New Leave Bosxou lor Trtasur/tf organiz u conspir- ranted or no charge xoude. York, Philadelphia, I>.Jtitxjt»re.\Vash· Portland at 7.30 A. M,, 12 M. SollSbeil... (jg 35 Forest Ketined : l).-piedati«ns, ana City North acies and U.iids ou the c*ov« mmen 1—Official a rut wô aro and all tbe *.uoΡ M. KLelled (eg 6o Buchu. Ληκοη. AIHOSOÏÏGÏÏ STOliACBIO Tuipi* I-îardiy day paaee» consulted by on* or ington, principal points Standard Crushed @ TtHÏÔABD tude, Malieasauce, and Con 'J ht more men with the above tlidaeioid tor Portland at 8.09 A. ftt Pea Nuis 3 00 3 f O Somerset Brown & Tyranny up,ion. yoang disease, seine 01 West, Soulb aLd South-Wesï, M., returning (» Granulated— n-»ne Hotel, Hilton. Proprietors. most F •ffhom are weafc and emulated 5.20 P. M. And to Startling, sciuatxng, Instructive ar.d Im- as though they L;àJ Via Citrou,Do\v... sy (Φ 40 Coffee A...... none Expressly adapted the relief and permanent 'S'tiuiMon, Fell Stiver η «.il ^twjicM. Portsmouth tor portant i>ook ^et puuiis id, Coma inn? authentic the conBumpticn, and by th£irtriend3 art supposed tt Portland 10.00 A. Μ and Cuuauts...... new 16 11 Β For KON Norlh cure of a all forms oi 6.30 e. 2.S0, i.oue KKXIMION or;ij;CCNXIKENCE of iSrhlsioui tacts, indispuiab e sworn com- bpivc It. AU eues CU3C3 yield to the Cabin, $5,00; I)*ck $4.υ0 Bngs>age cbeekei M. New.... 14 evidence, testimony, proper "and cuij l>aigt:r I3g Extra G none Ο. aim accurate oorrict .-.oures ot &ndic à *ά·,ιτ·. through and transferred in Ν Y tree of » freight Trains each 18 Wyomeoonio House, H. Perry, Proprietor. plete details trtatment, tim-s art barge. daily way, (Sunday excepted Fijp<, vfii 20 50 CO 7Θ fcO Urine, or ic. in New York trains leave theO'.o 4! syrups.. (qj irritation, inQamtsation, ulceration of tlie Legislators, Maimers, Merchants, Mechanics,ever j □isd ϊδβοίοο perieot hdaltû· Colony and New iiANCIriOHASi, ho|>t. 2'ruues. nixr.... (g oj Portland iiouse : NERVOUS port Rail wa\ corner ot b Sugar DISEASE,&o,&c. Citizen and Taxpayer, are d'tectly interested in the Depot, Sou» and Kneelam Portland, May 3,18C9. dti fcaifiufr. n?w Vellow bladder or JVorwftjr. none kidneys, diseases of tbc prostrate gland·1, Congbs, Neuraîgia, Female "Weaknesses Straiagems Aiulice», Machinations and trim'8 ώ Bireeis.daily. (Sundays excepted,lasiollows: at 4..Ή ljUUCil,f*UX dodo extra Elm House, Main St. "W. "W. Pro- oj iSrx.» Ρ M, in Fall River Yellow, 11$ Whitinarsh, Colos, Corrupt Politicans, illicit Dis ille-ι s,(-o'd Gambitrs ariiving 40minutes in advance ο Lave·· 4 73 α 4 85 lletiueiv : stone in the prietor. Beadacbe, Fainting Fits, SitJie ar© many men ot the of wb9 ar< the regular Steamboat dagle bu«,ar bladder, calculus, gTavel or brick-d^st Drawback Forgers, I'u υ- age thirty Train, which leaves lîostci Jl'You are UU'Catel, β 2ύ 5 Λ0 Fevers, avd'rajfy Malefactors. froub5«d \7ith too evacuationa nova at 5 F IVest (& none Convulsions, PaJpi'aiion, lisbed in one attractive volume, about 5UJ well-tille«l frequent the bla.:, M, connecting at Fall Hiver with tin tWoing- Lemoo*, 4 r,o ^ ô 00 B nune and all diseases Wo i*S ο β 4Ί. •ier, ο*ί.εη acconipanied by a or hurt new ami sitamcre deposits, ot tbe bladder, kidneys, Miilv) Agues, S'tep lessees», Restle.csjess, pages, wdb spirite·· illustrations. Piite low to suit alight smarting magn'heent Fkovid*nce. Capt I'rauut'N.p· b 4 to α 4 25 rone tng βί;ηnation, and weakening the in a man Β. M. Procare Ticket. Lxiia(C) Norton Mills Β lioueness, Dizzme the timer, &3.UU. Sold by Mibsciipiion only. Send system ninimoiis, Bristol, Capt. W. H. Lewis.- b,tb. Craub*Tiif8 15 ου 18 dq Hoted—Fiank Davli», Prop'r. Dyspepsia, s, nor cht patient cannot account for. On exam Those steamers aie tin- (g (C). l»0Le and dropsical swellings, for circular and special terms, W M. FL1 is T, mini tasfest and most reliabU Ciraia. Constipa Liver Troubles tie a οι» lie Safest, Bast and Mo.t .. ion, Complaint,Children's sediment wU loittrn ti« boats lai'Jt Muscovado «^ro 10ft&U} janle-lw Jftila Pa. urinary deposits ropy Stood. expressly lor speed, aaU H iiucal, (&\i Old One il a Sewing Machine, VVa;cb, a e, money ANl)NoK'JJtI-WKST, furnish- Barley ι ι εο ed IIousf, E. C. and iî^orant ot the ccuoc, which β the «'To i-H of ed at thr lowfd '^sa Keflutng, lu (& lui Staphs. Proprietor. DOHD'd NERVINE Is a PURE TON 1C,-harmon- o»Ler yoods j;iven as premium, iiow, When. Freight." Ibis Line, with rait·», ftilli rboiceot lioutts, at Ouïs. C8 & tiO Helmbold. Russell R. \Vh*t. all ZsCOND STA&BOI· SE3ÎÏHAL its new and exiensive accommodations in the ONLY UNION Teat». House, S. Boulster, Proprietor. izes with tlio in- Where. and other γ»:ι.πμι1μγ« vi Train leaves Boston at 1.30 Ρ UyiON House—W. T. L£GGE'1I, UcLckin, ji'l til Slrail-M, ra^U-. dû iijj 41 Jone», Proprietor τυ lAftis as any wine,—and with SLKEP and corr^iwîndenee strictly confidential andwtil M; good? arrive in New York next ( Vi· /-MX.» Ï» '_£■ d»t..r»'?· Λ Ai. looruingabout GBârlB TRU.4K Hay. Kli^libii S » i£C 4'J JΛ**:*!.* «»«·»*trg ±*Vtr twia rwtcces IfOStOU 011 iUÎLWAÏ GOOD Dû EST]ON, which IT rKUMUrcS, KK- ê the frearcupiuun 00 glSOO Uliar. I.e.. 1! 0 &11 iO Helmbold. Portland· Machine, 1dr*sa DÏ*. J. B. HUG iiifiS, lol'owin# day at 9 4S A M. «t> «i.«ivaua.; Loo>c 1 .ou 00 S'iOBES the afflicted to SOUND HEALTH OF iliiikicy Kniiticg No, For tickets, t>erihs and few) Ubar.l.X.. .13 7B te 14 ou Adams ιτ*>©β:ε, livrable Street, staterooms, apply at the Trnrj»·· st.t John Sawyer ίπ^τ» FOR FAMILY US reliable. Keat door to the at 3 ewaw i2oo feu oc 20 21 ÛODf, and to OF MIND. It con- F—simple, cheap, Knit^ Prebte House, PortJand, Me. company's office No Old State House, corner 01 Amlmouy.... (yi ALBION 117 Federal QUIETNESS Evlryihi g aGEMsî Alteration of Trains. Iron. Tobacco. Helmbold. Bocse, Street. J. G. Perry WA*TEI>. Cir· ular ,,0*~ Send a Stamp foi Circular, Washington and State street t>,and at Old Colony ami Proprietor. tains no opium, mercuiy or strychniue(soci'en used and samp e s»ockma FKEIS. Kai'road Common 3J ® 4 Fives & Tenu, Audioes 1J1KKLEY Newpoit Depot, comer 01 South and Knee- tor nervous is irom KN1TTJKG M.iCil Ε CO., BaiL. Me. Xltcl-éc Medical land si lxefineû ijjj) ij BesiBrauda 05 @ 75 American House, India St. J. H. Dodge, Prop'r. complaints), and wholly free any Jaxi2i«4w Injiï-inary, reels, Boston. WINTER AKRAJtUKMENT. fcweiiiïlj 7 Helmbold. steamers leave New Yoik 6J.g Medium.... ;.j jo cu BKADLKY HOTEL, Cor India and Com. deleterious drugs whitsoever. Tens of thousands daily, (Sundays excep- 7 opposite j I>R SO ÏHS MDHSS. ed) nom l'«er !ÎO toi-ib Aorna.» J® 7j Common... DO 'w 53 tL'e Giand Tiunk aie tes to its curative See A. L. SCOVILL, is tbe investor of several Uiver, iootoi Chamber uiumi.^-a-1 On ami alter Cum Steel.... 22 Railway. i'ying powers. pamphlet et. ai £.00 V lia. Monday, Dec. 8th· ,gj Hall Hjs. best medical 1>ϊ£, HUOKES invites ail Trains will run as οΜΓι'ϋΐ» iAL ΒΘυ«Ε, cor. Fore and Cross each bottle. preparations which have beci me veiy pop- particularly Ladies, who Geo. lolluwa: «eimau Steel. 17^J braud» 75 80 Helmbold. Streets, accompanying aeea c. medical Suivekkk, Passenger and Aeent. Man auiu ® Chamberlain & ular. Lave adviser, to call at his roome, Wo. 14 Freight 1er South Paris and lSoï.Ulis.Steel 21 Foss, Proprietors. und been libei used. A mot lis in- » J A ivi ES b lb J Intermediate sta- (gj Nat'lLeaf, lbs.l ou 'w 1 25 ally g PreMe Street, which they «11 find icr then K, It., Pi csident tions at «.1 A M. Steel.. 8 CrTY H Corner Some Folks can't Sleep Xiehts. ventions are'Ή arranged M. R. Bering & 121 Navy lbs. .. 75 @ ti tel, ciCongress and Gre6n street, all's Balsam for tie and especial accommodation. SIMONS, Managing Director Narragansett jlicei 1 John I.ungs" SteamS Daniar 2 7a 3 m dljr Note—Τ his Train Cj @ 00 Falmouth îiotel, P. E. Wheeler, Proprietor. It so"the« the nfu?cle like ter led e^dcacy and Buperior virtue in all whl not stop at intermediate It. li...... s'eeplessness. throbbing Lung îemeuy Las been offered to the reflating rig luj Oacli 3 OU Halifax. Passenger ualns will arrive as feelings, enable you to sleep well. CJ. S. Junction ot in the cure ot the numerous and efits oi A Ilea'* theoonntry, direct:cot follows: Hotel, Congress and Federal Sts. employed trouble- Luug JBai»cui in curing the by addressing ùti. Corrected l>j Messrs. Xbch Uurieil & iiUGû*&, From South Pans and at 8.15 W-iodman, &Cg. GJbBon, Co., Proprietors. some ailments knowu as FEMALE COMPLAINTS. most deep-sealed Γ-ULûîOKARï :Υο.ΐ4 Preble Lewiston, A M, BBUW.1 SHEETINGS. CONSUMPTION. Lillet. Poirîard. WIXTK.K AKKAKGEMENT. From WuKEtt House, Boston Bangor at 2.00 Ρ M. M Opposite Depot, Geo. See jamphltt. I Lave witnessed its cftocts on tbe and on kitu lu Inches. Price. Jr young tbe From ISttndar.l Bridgham Proprietor. Mouueal. Quebec and Gorham at 2.25 Ρ M Shielings 36 le a I' i Buchu. old, a'd, and I truly sny tLat it is by far tbe best ex- Mcdieai OME 7?K1P PJE» *i«tv> eiiceuum* 3« Pari· Hill. Children's Diseases. IliaMiiimatiioiR WFJEE. Accomodation from South at C.30 P.M. pectorant lemtdy with wbicb I am For Paris, ileUium Sheetings 36 1 Hubpard H. acquainted. 'fe ·2| Hotel, Hubbard, Proprietor. For •WDCOPIKG COUGH Do'M's Nervine is ad- ON and ΒΟΓ" Sleeping Care on au night Trains. Lisht Sheetings 36 tj ^10t Cougbs and «11 tbe early stages ot Lung atter Monday. Jan. 3 Buchu. complaint?, the stcamei IiKW Fine 40 ministered with unexampled su cess. re- I believe it to a The New Sheetings, 13;&15 Raymond'» Villace. Mothers, be ceitain rure, and if every York BRUNSWICK, Xlte are Fin· Su 11 12 member pamiîy University, Capt. S. H Pike, will leave Company not rceponeH&le tor i Sheetings j g J this and save little ones the 01 baggage Central House. W. H. Smith yo^r acony wou'd keep it by tbem, to administer Badroad any amount $50 in ?nlne BlilrltD^s, 27 hi a Proprietor. ready upon Whan, loot οι State Sf., eice*ding (and that pert on yj Buchu. a most distressing It also works admi- Branch 250 *1) unless notice is and Eblltings, 30 1U call complaint. the first appearance ot disease about tbo Lungs, Congress St., every Monday at 5 o'clock P. M., given, paid tor at the rat· ο Ë 1er East port and St. one passenger for JULEAC11EI> SHEETINGS. Saro. rably in M AS LES, bringing out the rash and tLere would John. everv$5(Mt additional value. well, be very tew cases of laial coosumption. will C. J. Good 26 iuefaes. 17 T. the PORTLAND, MAINE. B^turutng leave St J'jhn and BRiVGKS, Managing Jhr^etor» @19 SacoJBouse—J1 Cleaves «SSon.^Propiietcr. leaving bowels 'ree and healthtu', See recom- It causes tbe and Eastport every IJcdiuui, 38 in. lies. t4i(a Buchu. pblegm matter to raise, without ir- Thursday. JR. BAILEY, focal 10} mendations in pamphlt-t. For the diseases which Superinfendent. Unit 36 inches. II 4t13J So» Chins*· ritating tbese delicate oigsus(tbe Lungs) and with- %&T Connecting at Eastport with Steamer Portland, Dec. 3, 1809. dtf 9-8 afflict CHILDREN WHEN HENDEESON & lor St. 6heet'ug«, 17 ,uvl Lake J. TEETHING nothing out prodm-ins constipation ot the Bowel*. It alto QUEEN, Andrews, au Wooustock am Uoultuu Sheeiing- 10-4 6o {ut«j gives crgth sjstem, stops the night sweats, £latc of AI nine. stations. it contains ro in 27 Inches. 9 ra Skowliegnn· ber, opium any form. and all the moil id tecretions to a Cwnnecllng at St. John ^Notice ot Foreclosure. MiliIiUKS, JCj changes healthy The curativcs are the iavorife with the Steamer EM- tnir lug 3D inchrs.l Buchu. Tuener House. A. C. près rif t'ons of the PRESS tor and is tc gli Wade,Prop!ietcr. fctate. New York VYLat Digby, Winds-or H alitai, aud with g'Ve pub'ic ncthe thet James 34 incLes Be Careful wbat Medicines Uuivnuiiy iiia> seem almost in- the Ε. Λ jn. a. ot Bickford, Sliatlu^s 12^14 Brewster's you cicd b e is th»1 Iva.lwl.y lor Shediac ana THISPonla,· d, lounty oi (Junleriand «nu Hotel. S. B. Bieweter, Preprletor. Yours A. L. SCOVILL. as'onishtng iap:uit> wnli w Lieli dia'e rnterme- S'ate BBOWN DK1LLIKGS. respect'ulîy, ihey stations. ot Maine, did'on ih? ninth < f Buchu. Take. cuie diseases bill erio considered incurable. A tal- d*y November, A. D. .. all b\ 30 Inches. i7 fa 18 SolJ by Medicine Dealers. iebl-4w Freight 1867. Bit* mortgage oted or that Si. INew uaolc "Physiological advise·" lor nidi and received on days of until 4 date, Cui>*ev to Seary,cdiuui, SOiucles. 15 liidreire, Biamwlckr Alcoholic si mulants are injurious to the nervous women, o'clock P.M. sailing ihe UDtlersigLed two certain lot» «16 tree to a I1. .Aseiits wined in tvery «own in the ot 1ata.*hblhe ULtACULL· UBILLlKOS. Bail hea and are e * buil"ii)gs situated in said Phe "WayHotel—Michael th, always fol'owed fcK- b.ta F. P. Uemlerton, Λ1. coutu'il· I ^ A. tbueon, on Buchu. Clark, Prcprle by depressing A 9118*10** Β W1SO *»AI> D, g hys»- β _M R. STÛBBS west» Poitland, Batcen, W inches. Y, cian. nov2£-dislw dtf riy side ot Pairis faid oe^d ben 16 dical day ot November, and re- SilUPED is the ot send ibe »e· eipt tree. fcurgical opera advice free. corded m DB1LLISG». Strength Heahh'and cotLes to stay. Be- CU Ν AHD Lslnt:. Cuiubt rlai.d Kt μ Il y οι Dt Book Η THE GLORY OF MAN IS STRENGTH. £taudieh· f«b2t4w Rev. FOSTER DIX, Jersey City,N. J. Ma&e 537. to eus, Ηδ, caw, 30 inches 17 @"0 There- ware ot preparations iliat have laid the Office ESoiit» froia 2 Ιο ΰ mid 7 to 9 P. • which re«e ei,ce is whiskey M, «ΚΙ'ΓΙΜΙ A- iLOre hereby a*(ietora .....30 Inches. Itandish House—Capt Chas IVOISTKi act urate o> Medium, I4jal61 Thompson. Prop'r. foundations of so habits of Ai dre a all Utters ίο A M EIU CAN KO Y \ L Μ A1 L ST description tLe pieinises. And thd 80 fore the nervous and deliJittWd should many intemperance.— Κ A M- c mdiiion ui'taid ω.,ι UKUt, indies. 12^14} Immediately between NEW ig .gc deed bavir g l* en btok«P> lli.l£ Whether under the name ot or OH WOE! Asrrts Wavt«* ! S^X^XQfSHlPs YOit Κ an.» we ihereibre c aim a DENIMS. Bitters otherwise, Itt ■BBM0LI jouclosnre oi tLe tame accord- use , er mace UESUEBHON r Ν. Y. twei U-live [ Commissioner's J\ otice. Medium, For years I bud mtteied w ith Scroi- RATI 8 OF r^SSAGK 12;®l4j it υ e< rb in Id. febl-1* w CAM BBIC8. St., Chicago, ular ami ^>r bave «>ut tbe Helmbold. AGREAT Salr-Klieuin, Tetter) pa'd By Wednesday steamers, not we the carrying emigrants Common Colors Λ A PALATABLE BEFBESHINO NOURISHING hundred? of (loi ais, and been ueaitd undersigned, at a term oi @flj ~THH AMERICAN FAMILY by several First Cabin $13U I WHEREAS,ihe ProbiieCourt first-class without ., hoiden at with- uiifc, 9 9J CONIC more than ale Physicians, benefit, bume $mr Second Cabin 80 » in and loi the Ponlanu, BEVERAGE, strengthening I f County ot Cutubrilaud, on the COTTON ELANÛEI.S. Helmbold. AGENTS WANTED, wee^s ago, commenced nsing ihe University Rie i- ol »lmd ! tt'T or 1 orter, or AN Y D^S B1PT10N OF Al CO- iJiist Cabin to Paris $145 Ine&lay Jtnuaiy, A. I> 1870. were Peary, 16 ®20 UlacMnc ! icines A tbe time my lorciiead and head weie gold. apiolnttd Medium Knitting FOB and comm>*8t~nrr* to îecetve and <1 tide 14 <« 16 IDLIC DRINK. Indespensible to the debilitated, covered wit û soi es *n«1 scaliness oi tue By Thursday Saturday Steamers, upou au cisro s shin; also, against the estate ot Caleb White All Woo», 7-8 35 I' rrefcntfd to tontu·· was First Cabin S small. iate ot said (a4i Helmbold. !cperially i»nrPincmotbeis. Ke< rrtnenë gratilymg tlavi e, Antweip, an·! ο I»er ports on the No. (CO Esq Brst SOLE AGENTS FOR THE hand, but lar sunetior in KAPUEY3, ie*u ts. Mv wne is last Comment; Exchange street, in said Portland, en tne 1!J@14 UNITED STATES, Etc, every respect. recuveiing born Liu unie au«l for Mediteranean pons. ►econd iv.oinla\sot Medium, yj (g/11 Helmbold. £ The rooel9*. My dangoier Kor freight ami » abm passage ar at June and May, .. ny the D. lrotu teo to Çh ap, 7 (ta \\itli dented It «on I a in* wt at was bo afftc c %\ i'b ca arrb, ihat her breath was compa- Ju'y, A, 1870, hve o'tlocs Sj ing unpiee· rai id»ty. ve- ny'* ofUce, 13 Broad-si. JAMES in be a.ieinowu tfuffaad m, pur>es, mulls sought lor, 'he ageuts' woik is easy. Send stamp lor I Ir.ve been afflicted fur twenty yeats with Chronic Steamships tliis Line sail irom end Au Ail Colors ringe, «ι ghans, nubias, unclerslee^es. mittens etc to Rbeumati m. of Central heieby given ihat John C. of WcOl, 33 Is a eotta'ncnre foi diseases of ater. s»*at· pamphlet, 1 have spent hundreds of dallais for Wharf, Boston. Twice a Leigbtcn, Per» BOB the3 f'.r \ IS land, id he ol Cnmi bOY PLAIDS. ng c.ips. lamp wicks, mats cord, ui.de»sk'rts, GEO. M ACLEAN, PuMÎ-her. ineul· ai treatment. without benefit. icetk. orfolk and Haiti more. County enutd and State oi ΛΠ T>n days njto, &.oiuM Las lino ila<· Btyle», 3 i 35 iliawls, jackets cradle blan*e s lecgms. 8U:penderev 3Scboot St., Boston. Mass., I c iimenu'ii taking il»c fn,"-mcTi1f"a u.mie, uudtr oath, an ®40 University Meduitirs, and ment to in*- υι assign- All Sijrk»,. BLADDER, KIDNEYS, DKOPSY vri.-tei>, ndies. lulled and in uct an Or 519 oui I can t. Solomon all liis mil ami ex- «4 70 tubO GBAVEL, The upptls, work, ieb3l4w San bt., Pbila Peuua. truiy say, it bas been more ben« tit to nie th* '·-iimrye ΑρρτΛα*' Cap Howes. peismd e.-iau. most celebrated ( cept wbai is PLAID LI.nSëY. and tidie s variety ot articles in as well all « tin r ueita ei.t I ever William Lawrence.' fl'm A by law extuipt nom tome every day use, received. M> ot bu ik apt. I/allett. attachment, AU ts tor ora place William l-enetit oi creditors as Stylée, OEGASIC FEMALE COM ment. sintss is 1- 7 K^arl sueei. 1 shall be Ktvntdy." Capi.J. C. Jr. piuviucU by ci.apiei 7υ οι iL· 17i£U2 WEAKNESS, p'ca-ed to an Parker, lit Vised StaiutvB WOOLENS. most frROVl S5 ΤΙ. 819 FER DAV swi r all inquiries. JOHN 'lUKNEit. "McClelland* C't. Frank Al. IJ owes. oi' Maine. Eentacky Jeans, (&3T* of all Jan. Freight iorw>*ni»*»l from A'arfolk to PEliCiVAL liONNEY, Assignee. plaints, giineeal debility. delightful pci "an be mule by any one witli tlie PorllauU, 24, 1870. Petersburg and Uoiou 3Jeit0D», American Wanted-Agent*· j Richmond, l>j river or all ; and 19, lfcTO. law3wiH &6'4 kn Knitting by U»e Va. Ttun. Portland, Jan'y jan-9 *1» wcoi vieltou^, 75 Hacliine. time ftreking-, &c.% while Air Line to all int* $ (gjltJO mii all it expart oper- In St. ρ in Virgtiia, Ttnnessee. Ala- diseases ol the for ts cun e\en make more, ν TomiDgo. three months «i Printed Satinets, ;,0 use on the knitting fane work, ag\ cre^tick, pro bama d *η·ι over the is fumes, hand- rh'Ch com n cee«'ed 10 sei. I'ourrctn (Jcoigia\ Seubo'nd .itid Roa- !V| OTICE hereby given, that t?ie «absc-iber Iim Cawimere, always and? a "e idv sale. A can lo dajs oui, baried the tap- noke It. R to Fancy 7δ (#» person $200 ΓΕΓι «ill pouit- iu North aim 1.1 been and fahtr. him- 1*4 «adilv nil iron· twelve to $75 MONTII, taui; mostol the crew unlit South Carolina: duly aj polnteO upon JBiacii Ca^iiuercb, a hlteen pairs cl îorduiy; uc< ee led in 1 oO 12j L'KOACÎV ORG! stockings D> the Rait, if Ohio R. R. to eit tl:e trust ol Λ mmlstiator wl ibeestair oi X*, er the on will the ve.-sel into an the Washington and all Black Doeek'DS 3 4 11 *@2uo at the day. profit which be not less than tor- Everywhere, male and temale, to introduce the lioston, hands went to plSCtS Wr.Ht B'ack 6-< ivliether kerchief, and cents per pair. S^.tin4le in» ρ tal. 1 em b yed a without bene- KLtZA P. SWitfTSitfi, late cl FortLnd, IWkins, 8 Ou ^40d existing In toilet, pbysiciin Tbiougb rates given to South jn 48 venger odanons. deceased, Blue Tricot, c-4 300 MALE OB University hours. fc'urc bonds is be law <]ire, Adm'r. ^2Γ0 LONG STANDING. Druggists Perfumers. f receipt years have been troubled with tnc liOlTd 5m δ'Ι Ctntrai Ronton. Moscow e-4 350 S we win lorwaid a machine as ordered. cord, oind, braid and emt reiser in a worst of Witarj, P« rfiend. Dee. 1609. dei25c£w Beaver* (&500 type Scrofula; «our weeks ago ne« k and Diseases of JFe wish w pr cure actio? AGENTS in most superior manner. my i.epe'-laïUy C 4 105 (a; 152 these organs use a The K?l*-ctrrc Dink. every see- breast w.iscoveioi «iihScro U:a roqulie the ot diu- on of fhe United Sti'es *»nd Ulcers. I tlien com- OTICE is hereby given, that the subscriber ha.1* CAMP BLA>KEIINO. Canadas, to tchcm the menced taking the Univers •etic. A neat pel'-actin* alloy-electriqne tort liberal inducement* will be PHI CE ONLY 18 ty Mtdcine. JNly sores Shortest iioute to New York. Λ been duly appointed Exccuur of the Will of Cetlon sud Wool 110 25 offered Address, DOLLARS· mou vanished, and η ] @1 —to be worn on ibe bo'»y or limt y general health .s belter than Υ Ali Wool ...feet.'/et. km-1-·cm· isiiiftitig rvtMCUasie it has b en betore forsevtn ΜΑΗ Γ. ΜΟΒΊΥΝ, lat; of Portland, 1Λ)^150 If no treatment is as if a plaster:—a very superi- Company, !? years. Inside Line via titouivgion. BLAiniETS. submitted to, or terl6-d4wt lull? "Warranted f I.và Tears in the oi Cumber COLORED Consumption or lemfly for m?nv a lume 01 Boston, Mass., or St. Mo. MARGlfcEr 4 Oxford street Kail- county land, deceased, and takeu Louis, NOÏES, Fi oui Boston and Providence h m se 11 that Prion, per p"ir 3 59 ί£4 00 -reak stomaeb. side or Wo will pay S1000 for any root-hire that will sew a Portland, dan *4, 1*70, upon trust by giving b< lids ;i« insanity may ensue. tack, litnh; feb 3-u«5t*v tf ./ «av elation ai 6.:!0 o'clock, P, »l„ the law All Wo 4 60 50 strong· r, more beauiiiul. or iii dire ts. All persons J, ptr pai lor col«·» Votk in rnie ior early to said estate u-e Jl-4 50 'oung Men, and L can make irom eaileil upon to make η nient to 3 (^5 50 and tba medica. electricity and tor vcrv dies, $75 to $150 "ELASTIC LOCK ΒΤΙΓΟΗ." irjius Souib Λ mi W.si and aluaii or all o.her Lintt. y 12 4 ources, jneral r mouth ihe d OS 5 50 60 use; are also Dr. Garratt and duriag spr g and Summer. A m-e 01 oi Sioroi, b.I'll CONWA Y,Executor. ^7 pre;ciibedby eupy ïïvery second stitcb ran be and still the In Fog pa.-sengcrs b.v | a> ina VI. COTTON BATTI»G. ading pl»\ s'c an*. ee. spnd name and a..diets to 's cut, c'oth r Portland, Feb 1. ΐ»ΐϋ. Peuple Journal, ■annoi be art extia, can 'ake ilir Night *pi«s» liain in. shore Ic3dia*;jvr CO !b. bales, 1 ft. F. r tale s Mas?. pul'edai without tearing it. We rolls 18 by M Wliitticr. Retail price Î3 CO. piingtield, leb 6-d»wt trom psy Lim- leaving .M'Hiinin u at 11 ·Ί0 Ρ anil rt Cition @22 HEALTH AND HAPPINESS, t wholesale \.<»enis $75 to 3 00 per month and Al, lulling vv^rpYaru :j7J ^40 bv GEO. L. ROGER*. general Agent. txpeuscs, or NewYork bel ore tt o'clock a_M. * commis-ion trom t>hidi Superphosphate Uoitoo Τ lue 3 IG twice that amount can be Freedom Noiicc. y&Ul Washington St., Boston, Mass. Orders 1'bed nade. J. W. IUlUAliDSuN, Agent, Cot (un n?o a »t Address, \λ to Wickiug c7iii4i} ind that ol Posterity, depend upon prcmpt 01 dispatch. no27-Cm FOB SALE, COiVAWTii KAÎÎD, ap26iltt 1H wasiiiiiilon St, Boston. give notiie that I have given my ron VRUCKlNUb. SECOHKG * CO., Ί*11Ι^HtttMAN It. UllcVN, l is lime, dunn/ bin AH Wool,....· 3-i 45 .liable Pidftburg, miroity, toai t atid «!o tot and 1 shall claim @50 remedy. BLACK business or Pa., ΒoMon, Μα**., or Si. JLom· himsel:*, Ail Wool. HOCSE^ood driving horse, none oi Lis oi oon- 50 i&CO I «>Ιυ tor no rWu t. ill·. Maine earnings, nor pay any debts his kcrtâ.] Wool, CO tu70 1 Lai CAUTION.—Beware o· all ntss WHOLESALE GEO GEES Steamship tiaciiug aller this uaie. go Lxprut» Wagon, nearly new. ag lling Machines Company 1-igbt lirowu, 11 " "* mder the Shtne nanie as LU Κ Β BROWN. 9 & Buchu. 1 Small fceionu-iiand. ours, ual« s.« tin y can show SEW Jie.v/ Bleached islmboId'sCxtract ot And Agents lor Maine lor ARRANGEMENT. y on h Dv id 19 Qg.'l 1 L.rge Ρ log, 'raverse runnera, LtU^ncate Apency pigntd by us. λ\ e shall i.ot glen, Jan 21,1*70. JiSCdiwueu^w veil.una ·· iold ourst-lvfcs Blea CKABB. W. W selling using Μ «-.h iue? uneer tliii nau.e t>> duly appointed itoe willid Brown STEYEÛ3, li· lu 1 evtet.t ot » f-. On »e«1 alter the Wli M*liuiuJ*eaTy 17 @19 c22tf Oflice Wesibroik Lril. Co., 12 the law, unless such Machines Inst, the fine THOMAS C.M'KVtNS, Ute ol ttiovwn, Lniou SI. -ere obtained from <•^3 —cjjwgfr Steauiet and Frauoonia. Poitland, ; 12^15 Iff. us by uv agents. Do not be Dirigo will in T. IIËLIHBOLD'JS » t't 11 timber run tho oi Cumberland, and has Co ton »ne- notice, as follows ; County c^pcea^ed Wool copy PHOSPHATE taken nersc'l that tiust bonds as the ana SUPER Ch-ck*'N-NELii· , l^nts Leave Gaits upon by given toll η anrtW 17 (SJ"2» circulais and cilei worthless Machines at Wuar', Portland, even οΐαω?; le?3 MoM>AY and law directs. All demands the Ultn «tra·1,··;···'Μ Ice lor 8sale ! price. IHlTKsDAy.at 4P M. and leave persons having upon ieL2t4w Pier 3» Iv It. estate ol said deceased, are to exhibit the All Wool Vork, every aiOxNDAY a.ad required Checks,.. .7.7.7 25@C0 Chemical 733 Commercial Street, 3 and all estate are 3 Y the Tou or Cargo at 9 1-2 Uni« n T!H~Rsl»AY.at P. M. same; persons indebted to said AU Wool Gh« ck·, txtra Heavy" ; 2£40 )rug& Warehouse, Certain. Safe, Fffldent. It is tar the best Wbarf. Kx- C AN ?'? Mild, β celkut tor Fjbhn YASS IN CJ-B OOK 3 SEN T FF Ε Ε FOR The Dirigoand Franeonia are fitted cal.ed upon to All Wool l*xtra at opportunity g Vessels and up with fine ChcC*h, Heavy' c a 42J.«50 it ban fc retted y >et dis» oveied,*nd onceiedeves accommoda Mi*ed teaœ boats to iai«e in Jiom the \\h, janll IM*RTI,AIVD. eod&w3m ions tor passengers, makeFxe,u.rl*. Llue Cotton anu Wool" yo (a'100 id all ibe vital without supply r·, or to making this the Ί Î8la»oW 59* Broadway,[aud invigorates functions, ave the same delivered. most convenient and comtortable route Portland. l>ec. iili-t. lKO. 1 willed ci them. 'J be most ior traveler· u-ii-g injury Ό any complet » between New York nd Maine. Blue Mixed All W ool iwilled.. 4 βΕΕΜΑΛ DVEU. am !.3 @35 cceiS bun >ong attended its use in many localités; S§ Passage in St aie Hoom horchr fe« arlei XwllJ-d 04 2oniIi Tenth ftt..£Pliiladelpliia. Aug IS-dtf Portable Steam es $Γ>. Cabin Pa^sa^e $4 MOnCBIs «*·;£« Yft<®40 id ir iv* now rtfered to the general public witu the Engi: Meals extra. ψ * Ki^n tlmt^tne £»» ) atra Scarlet 1 willed LA-s. Ιβιβ οι· 3-4.7.. 7. 4» £ ÎV nviction that it can lever lail to accomplish all COMlilNlNG the maximum ot dura- ouCou'"JL°'p|, η« Whiie Vowel 50 FOR >IJESUANT to an order of the discHptive rtRIES, and are and freight te tile ΛΜ ,,cr,.„.s haunt! demands ut on 7 8 a £IX or #1 Î5 PER BOTTLE, er taxes or e*ci'es tbe nervous In all City Council ap- price. Tbey widely favorably known, es si 4 p. Steimcrs Hsvr BOTTLES, system. »H li% early m, on the (tare aie Willie All Wool 3-4 liv. proved Feb. 3, l&7i', ducc-tin? the Vlltil'kS, satiFlac tliev Utve ΓΌι-tlat: J.» !Se eHW dcroaaed, require·] lo eaiilbt seisesct the skin, stomach, bowrl·, r, Committee ana «Uil· m ·<,«* ot ilie HTV OF β-Λ 111". moreth; η 750beiug in n?e. All warranted tor treight or passaue i^t.ot 27j®3.·} elivcreû to blood, 1 new streets to lay ou-, a marginal apply to Ï" and all persons indebted to said estate ale any address. cblldreu. and in difliculfes pe- way trom Ir t^tls how has bee mo ihe es aid most sent cn dneys,—-of many me on East Conimeieiai Par'is G13 ory, or no sale. circulars ap- UaU'g to make payment to 10 poi««t bt>ett to Descriptive Hfc^UY JOX Wliart, Portlaid. ralKdl5fud upon liar women, it biinss prompt relit-l and certain Gro^e eautitul Ci y in the world; How its and I 1! rccr, said Committee will n.eec at the Uejuty Aw vM'ors aie swindled Prot-s- J. C. IioADLEiT & CO., Lawrence, Sosisetlfiiwg are Genuine siaiit, at 3 o'clock P. Λ1. hear all the patties suffeiing; by letui li to the use oi any other cathariic. mier- onal adventure xs; how virtue and vie, go arni-in- dc3ld;m OX îiilc-o dui e up m teJ, aud then auei waidsprooted in ils said pork a rt BEANS tTie quart or Ibi Sear by mail, on recji^toi pr.ee and postage. mat- m io tne beaiJPilnl ut.\ ; how the most uanul X] by by stetl-<:ntravtd wiapper, with fac- c as provided by law. Coisfi and Wood ! "l w-c· CuBB'S Suam "eve. Box, $0 '/5. Postage, ο cents. •unes aie comm.itted andc mealed; how moue ν is ΙΛΟ D FA FN UESS-T Η Ε PAIENT ORGANIC £omi,,£ llatejy y tmlle of 44 ι ββ '"*· my Chemlca. 1 00 18 Williaml.putnam, 1 in u se»ess and over liu I ViBiiATOi. It 11·s into Ii»e Ear, Is lol per- cf Coal, brift Hatiie E. D(.7tl Warehouse, an* litotes, I luaiideie luxury ; contain? WbOe'er, suitable signed •4 2 44 >ZUA oaKiEU, ue noises in ihe and loi 25 33 ir4 Committer engravings ot no»«d pidce^, lite and scenes in cep ible, removeosinginû Head, CARGOtU'nace·, ratigrS, rooking pur|M.»c8. <6ι· ike. CHAkLES on at Lt is sold by all dealers in and medic nes. MEtfftiLL, V arts. Aeenia wanted. Books sent tree. eu tbies dear to hear distinctly ehuicb or reliable Also cjrao No»» Scot!l job Firmxusa ΤΙ, drugs J. New Convasslng per-ous FAMILY USE. s ni p!-, rhfap, NVool, delivered iu ant uearl ,Bo"k and, I.2HIïIjMBO lu. «. (JtCKblt 6i ioD* i.-.TbuMP^OS, Street». lujliu assemolks. Treitise on with lart ot the both lor executed at tbis DO., I'roorn daresF, Deafness, fj^oiîKnits evcrvtbing. Agents warned. Circular city, cneap cash. oéioo. I » it· J.iMtS NOYES, J sent tree. Dr. T. Huni· January 21-dlyr. iO 'l'i out Mi eel, Be<>lou, i>ia«n' NATJONA*. PUBLISHING CO., Boston, Mass.J m-ansol euro, SULL- Mill samp sto. Ad.ires» HiNKtEV Knir \VM. rt. Dee 4-ileow\V&Slvr teblOilw tebiifiw 702 Uroauway, Ν, Y. leWf4w kingtreo. octildtl WALKER, Wi£L2., WJfo Macuisb Co., Caib, JUe. ec23-dly No. 214 Commercial street.