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American Subs Sink Four Jap Ships

American Subs Sink Four Jap Ships

\ WEDNESDAY, FEBRUABY 25, 1942 "il ^*^01! FOURTEEJI flltutfl|patrr Ivanfotg JimiUk Average Daily Circulation , The Weather For the Month of January, 1943 Foreonat of (7. S. Weather Bnroao The Cosmopolitan club will meet ! A daughter Was born Mohday The annual meeting of the Ver- at the Hartford hospital to Mr. planck Scholarship Foundation, Friday afternoon at the Y.M.C.A. 7 ,0 8 8 Little change In temperature to­ “ About Town The guest speaker will be Robert and Mrs. James Blair, of 376 Por- Inc., will be held Monday< March 2 C. Deming of the State Defense tei'^street. at 5 p. m„ in the High School BUY .Member of tly Andlt night. Coun.il. and his subject: "Connec­ building. The meeting i.s for mem­ A Great Array of Bnrean of Olrcnlatioaa Temple Chapter, bers and tru.stees of -the founda­ Disll ticut First ” Mrs. Lewis Haskins, of Ridge Manche$ter— A City of Village Charm hold »U regular busineaa meeting street, entertained with a supper tion. Charles S. House’ secretary y e w thla eveping in the Masonic Tem­ On account of the air raid prac- and party at her home last night of the fund, has given notice of the i ple. A social period will follow, for the girls who are members of meeting. (CInsaiaod Advertising On Page IS) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1942 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS with ^refreshments served by Mrs. I tice this evening, the meeting of BY METER VOL. LXL, NO. 126 i the Salvation .\rmy junior soldiers her Sunday School class at the Florence Metcalf and her commit­ South Methodist chtirch. Wesley Palmer, son of Mr. and tee. I will be omitted. Mrs. Wallace I. Pairner. of 368 Towels a* Hale’s Keeney street, a .senior at Ithaca College. Ithaca, N. Y . h,a.« been placed on the Dean's list for the WITH KUZAHKTH WOODY, fir.st .semester of the pre.^’cnt school McCall’s Director of Foods year. He ranks 11th in scholastic Now Let's Plan Meals average among the 2.V3 students enrolled at the school. X- American Subs Sink Four Jap Ships; Tomato Juiee I>ester Behrend, former loi al po­ Vegetable Soup Sm M and (aftHiMl (w Mcvrwv Sllred Oranges Beef or Lamb Stew lice officer, is ststioned for the Readv-lo-Serve Cereal Peanut Buffer and Cheese with Potatoes and Carrots present at New Orleans. Louis­ Our new ’ ’ M eier^ Fuel Oil Deliveries iana. He had formerly been m the Service” provide* yoe with • delieery with Spiced Milk ( ahhage and Green recetpe (hat it primttd h» the meter Pep|>er Salad j service but was discharged under with (he sitmsi deli%ettd. French Toast .Apricot Api»lesauee (5) the 28 year old limitations He re- Thi$ iichei la four jtuarantee of full Indian Pudding Tea oc’oa enlistcd some time ago mraiure. Coffee Cocoa ( or Tea .Milk Foes in Philippines Are Pushed Back

Pinehurst Fish As Advertised TAXI? Anti-Aircraft Shell Damages kitchen STRAWBERRIES .\t Lower Prices and Every In McCall's Item Fresh Except Chilled CAIX Mac Arthur’s Troops Hit Probably Scored Bon A m i...... 13c Special! 25c Salmon. 63 88 Here Is An Opportunity Camay So.ip . . . . .3 for 22c r.RFEN HK.\N.'8...... 22c Haddock Fillets L. T. WOOD Flounder Fillets Prompt! Campbell’s Tomato .Juice SIMN.XCH ...... 23c Safe? COMPANY To Replenish Your Supply 5 46-07.. cans 99c Red Perch Fillets Service: On Warship as Well; IM.NKin RST MK.VT In Surprise Thrust; Chesterfield Ciparettes Steak Cod PHONE 1196 ,S1.52 carton For a Deliciou.'i .Meat Loaf Piece Cod MANCHESTER TAXI Prices Will Not Be Lower or Meat Balls, Use M.' Orfltelll, Mgr. Ultra Refined Chlorox Pollock— Steak or Piece PinehursI .3.3c (Iround Beef .8.8 Purnell Place For A Long Time • 21c and 2.3c Fancy Red Salmon Reatl Herald .4dvs. (with Pork if vou wish.) Fre.sh Oysters Naval Review Given Down 21 Jap Planes Drano ...... SAI.E ON SOUP BONES Opened Chowder Clams The .\mazing .3-Fibre Dish Towels! Pre-laundereil Fast Color Jell-0...... 3 for 2rtc Center Shanks...... lb. 2.3c Knuckles . Ih. 10c to 1 2 'jc Marlex Dry-^Ie-Dry Hand Blocked Japanese Forced Bark Suhmarine .Making .At­ Try New- Cola Flavor! Bare Bones...... 3 lbs. 10c For No, .3 Below You Will Ballleship, Sclmnihorsl S f u d V U r g e d Battle, FoughMor Con. pi„„gg Shot Need. . . Kleenex, 200’s . . .8 for 9Sc Beef Stew and Lamb Stew. BUY! TRY! WHY? Htici GniiS" ^ Several Kilometers on trol of Air Over Blaz­ tack on Cruiser or 440’s ...... 4 for 98c LAROF.— FRESH APPI.ESAITE er Prinz Eugen Are On Dangers Bataan Peninsula; ing Rangoon, Fired A t B y West Destroyer Forced to Lysol Disinfectant, 2.>c-9.')c FOWL 2 No. 2 cans 25c Dish Towels Dish Towels Knocked Out of War Fighting Still in Prog­ To Deslrov .All That ^ a Submerge Before Be* APRICOTS it's AIR-I-ATED! Scott Towels.___ 3 for 29c Dries more disltrs faster. Leaves less, For Some Time to ress with Continued Might Be of Value to LOUSt trUUS ing .Able to Observe $1.59 and $1.79 2 No. 2 'i cans 59c lint. Cotton, linen and spun rayon. Of Mouth III Swan.sdotvn Cake Flour, 27c EACH 3 for $1.00 Come, Alexander Re­ Local Successes; Main Jaimnese; Thin Brit------Effect of Torpedo; V-8 Apricot .\pple.sauce (5) veals in Commons; Enemy Positions Not ish Defense Forces Stimson Says I nidenti- Location o f Naval Ac­ Baby Beef Liver Three beautiful patterns in colorful de­ 'Trench Mouth' Likely Vegetaljle Juice Cocktail 1 No. 3<] ran (S '] rup.) Penetrated in Push. tion Is Not Speeifiefl. 2- for 19c. Larpe size 29c apricot halvrn 25c-29c-39e signs in a floral, fruit and pantry. Red Reports Cruiser Hit. Holding Sittaiig Bank, fied Aircraft, Possibly 35c lb. I No. 3 ran (2 ', rupit) To Become Prevalent Plain borders. Mi-.lti-colored and blue only. An ideal gift. 7.5, May Have Been appIrHaiiro London, Feb. 26.— (/P)— Among American Sol­ Wasbington, Feb. 26.—(/P) Batavia, N.E.I., Feb. 26.— Drain aprirotfi; rrsrrvr S lialxrs border.s. Printed pattern.-*. Large size Rangoon, Burma, Feb. 26. —Tbe War Department re­ Operated by Enemy. \(/P)— United States subma- for gamifth. Sieve remaining towels. The 26,000-ton German bat­ diers, Dentists T old. — (>P)— Allied fighter planes i^priroln (there Mhould be Startex Hand Blocked tleships Sebarnhorst and ported today Gen. Douglas shot down 21 Japane.te raid­ “ rines, carrying on an inten- i7ufiw i:it Qtveen/Jne. rup); combine with applesauce. Gneisenau and tbe 10,000- MacArtbur’s troops in a sur­ ers today in battles for con- Washington, Feb. 26 —i.Pi - I sive .Allied naval offensive Chill. Pour Into iw'rving dish; Chicago, Feb. 26—i/Ti—A scien­ DIAL ^151 ^ 302 MAIN STREET Niagara Spun Rayon ton heavy cruiser Prinil Eu­ tist told the Chicago Dental So­ prise tbrust forced back tbe trol of tbe air over blazing i Secretary stimaon said today that touched off by the Japanese garnish with apricot halves. Japanese several kilometers WPTH OF POST OFF I CL ■ ONE BLOCK FROM STATFARMCRY Serves 4. Dish Towels gen apparently have been ciety today "trench mouth" — Rangoon, fired to destroy all j unidentified airplanes poBsibiy as inva.sion of Bali, were credit- knocked out of tbe war for scientifically known aa Vincent's on tbe Philippine Bataan pen­ that might be of value to the ! many aa is. which may have been 1 ed officially today with tor- Dish Towels some time to come, according disease—Is likely to become prev­ insula. A 9:30 a. m., e.w.t. Japanese, while a battle- operated by enemy agenla. were pedoing two enemy troop to a Naval review presented alent among American soldiers, communique said that tigbt- thinned line of British d e -, over Los Angeles early yesterday ! ships, a naval auxiliary and a and suggested that when It does ALICE fXJFRAM ? 2 9 c each in the House of Common.s today ing was stlil in progress with con­ ' fense forces still held doggedly and were fired on by Army anti- freighter And probably scoring a (Known Aa Qneen Alice) ' by First Lord of the Admiralty an Immediate experiment be start­ tinued local succc.sscs Main posi­ aircraft guns. hit on a Japanese cruiser or de­ ed to determine if it is contagious. I along the we.st bank of the Sit- | SPUUTDAL MEDIUM 3 9 c each Two unusual patterns bi f'oral.s and .K. V. Alexander. Moreover, he tions of the enemy have not been Stimson said the flight of the stroyer within the last two days. BeTenth Daughter of a Seventh Son said, the British submarine Tri­ Dr. Theodor Rosebury, bac- j tang river. British communiques ; The submarine which attacked the fruits. Part linen. Wine, biu*'. rod, and penetrated. It was said. Bom With a Veil. HALE'S SELF SERVE Magically absorbent— 100'< pure spun dent sent a torpedo aft Into a on the progress of the fight for j (('ontinued on Fmge IVelve) warship was forced to submerge for green. (Continued on Page Twelve) Beadlnga Daily, Including Sunday, The Original In New England! rayon weft for absorbency and .sparkling cruiser of the Prinz Eugen class, First SubsUntUI .Advance p r F W. Stewart vlew.s damage done to his kitchen by an antl- ‘ what remains of Burma said Japa- . before it could observe the .effect 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. Or By Appoint­ permanent finish. ’ Colors are wash-fast, probably into the Prinz Eugen The attack brought the litst aircraft shell, fired during the barrage sent up at Long Boach, Calif. nese troops were believed to he of Its torpedo. ment. In the Service of the Peo­ herself. The Trident also may have I substantial advance for the The shell failed to explode in the air and burst only after^it had pen*- moving north along the east bank I’ lanee Sink Transports ple for SO Years. while the white grounds will blunder a Hand Blocketl hit an escorting destroyer, it warn The loc ation of the actien was bright stain-free white even after long, .Amertcan-Fllipino delemlcrs since trated the rpof of the kitchen and struck the floor, .\nti-alrciaft guns , of the river, some 70 miles from Jap Raiders IM Cbnrch Street, Durtford, Conn. AND HEALTH MARKET LOTUS DE LUXE Indicated in a simultaneous com- Japs’ Planes they’ were forced to withdraw in- in metropolitan I^os Angeles piinipod thousands of rounds of amnuini- Rangoon, and that there was no not specified by the Dutch East Phone 6-0007 hard ii.sage. Colored borders in red, blue, munique from the Admiralty. : to the narrow peninsula nearly lion toward an objective which hours later the Aimy had not Identl-' contact with the invaders at the Indies high command, which re­ gold, and green. UoKKtoK Norwegian Seia Route ’ two months ago. lied southern anchor of the front Strike Java ported yesterday that Allied Sanitary Napkins Dish Towels The ocean-going Trident. 1.090 Seoul Port I Meanwhile small bodies o f ------Carry Fight to TbLiand bombing planea had sunk three tons at tbe surface, has been dog­ ' American and Philippine troop transport.s in the waters off Ma­ THURSDAY SPECIALS ging Germany’s Norwegian sea It waa announced, too. that the cassar in southwestern Celebes. You'll give thanks for its softness! (Air pKKkets ('.aiiiion Mirarle ■ were reported to be harassing th hard-hitting American volunteer Field x\«;ain route and it was there that she 1 In Washington yesterday the (ireen Stamps Given With Ca.sh Sales! Of Darwin Japanese in guerrilla fighting in group attached to the Chinese HEALTH REST by thousands fluff out fi.ithcry cellulose . . . give nailed the heavy cruiser. On Nov. central and northern Luzon, scor- War Department said heavy for- ease of fit, chafe-fret softness.) You31 breathe a 29, the Trident waa credited with 5 Russians Declare Air Fon e had e arned the hght tiess-type bombers had sunk two 6 for $1.00 : Ing “conaiderable success." again to Japanese bases in Thai­ MATTRESS sigh of relief for its safety. (Greater absorbent^ a successful attack on seven Ger­ More than 500 m.les to the Claim Defitriirtion o f .37 large transports off Macassar. Vo. 3 '2 ( an Saltesea Dish Towels Australian Fliers Raid land. Guaranteed for 5 Years'. of "air-i-ated" pad makes for greater protection. Three smart colorful iloral designs in all man transport and supply shipa south, on the island of Mindanao, There was every indication, there­ Three were seen to sink and four The commander of the Ameri­ PlatiPH in .Air or on fore. of a concei ted attack by the Moisture-repellent back adds insurance.) Dispos­ color combinations. A dandy giff. Rabaul .Airdromes and desultory patrol action occurred. Clam Chowder Can 29c were so damaged that their loss The Invaders there have been re­ German Reserve can unit was said to have an­ Ground in .Attack on United Nations forces to smasn $19.95 able, of course. And . . . so economical, in thi* Package of 6 $1.19 was considered probable. Spread Fires Among inforced by a detachment of Jap­ nounced that two enemy bombers any new concentration of enemy $1.00 Down and $1.00 Per big, thrifty box! Buy . . . trv . . . LOTUS DE Startex Fine Quality Part Linen Alexander's statement and the Buildings on Fields. anese Marines. were shot down and two fighters Kalidjatir .Airdrome. ships preparing either to reinforce Week. LUXE, made by the makers of famous SITROUX admiralty communique disclosed 1 destroyed on the ground in an at- j the troops which have Invaded The perfect towel for gla.ss and china. .Advlaea Own Interpretation tack yesterday morning on one Happy Vale Pink Salmon CLEANSING TISSUES. the close watch the British were Forces Defeated Tokyo (From Japanese Broad­ Ball or to launch a direct assau.t E.xtra large size. Dries more di.shes and keeping on the whereabouts of the Canberra. Australia; Feb. 2 6 - A War Department spokesman I of the Thailand airfields, on Java itself _ , , , _ , advised reporters to "make vour casts!, Feb 26 '/C Japanese air KEMP'S, INC. dries them faster. Leaves no lint and three warships with aerial recon­ oPi-Japanese plane, again recon-interp^Ution" of the rever- i This was tn addition to the loll (The Invasion fleet which opened 14c can; 2 for 27c raiders stnick again at Java yes­ the attack on Bali last Friday Fine Bedding! woven to insure long wear. Colored bor­ Dish Towels naissance. noitered the Important north Aus- inflicted on the Jap.anese in Hurl Rrinforcr- Claim I Allied fighter.s tixik in the skies ders in blue, red, and green. In the Mediterranean sector, the j over Rangoon. terday. heavily bombing the air- night was battered and disrupted tikJW.IUU tralian port ct Darwin about noon I Bataan. inentk into r laming ! by United Stales and Dutch war­ Admiralty armounced that, anoth­ Del Monte Anvirtrcl today, flying high but dropping no I Four times in recent weeks the I There were reports from Chung- I drome at Kaildjatic and destroy- MANCHESTER COHH* er British submarine had scored . king, meanwhile, that etill more ! ing 37 enemy planes in the air or ships and bombing planes i bombs, a communique aald. i War Department had advised that Baltic o f Starava Riis- SeVeil SllilJS * Part Linen Package of I $1.19 thies torpedo hits on an enemy the Japanese were bringing up re­ veterans of Generalissimo Chiang i oh' the ground. Imperial head- Fighting Delaying .Actions Pickles 12-Oz. Jar 19 c convoy of three supply vessels. In the face of a "violent elec­ inforcements and reforming their sa Area Where Soviet * Kai-Shek's Chinese Army had quarters announced today, At the same time. Dutch defense Comprehensive Defense trical itorm," the R. A. A. F. com­ forces for a renewal of the aeries moved into Burma battle positions. The announcement aeknow ledg- forces in the outlying portions of Sh i f f . Startex towels are woven for long wear Alexander's statement was the of full scale offensives which Ring Drawn Tighter Sul) Victims Soi.ie reports said the Chinese al- ed that nine Japanese pl.anes had the Indies archipelago still were KOPPERS most comprehensive defense of munique added. Auatrallan planea fighting vital delaying actions de- Dish Towels and greater absorbency. They drj' quickly laat night raided Rabaul. New dwindled to Inconclusive fighting .Aroiiini 16th Arinv. j ready were in action against the failed to return to their bases the Na\’y to be made in the House signeii to hold off as longfi ss po.s- ;$-!.b. Can and easily—and leave no lint. Gay multi­ Britain, alrdromea and spread sev­ a month ago. ! invaders i Domei meanwhile declared that Jewel Shortening 63c since the clamor first arose over Instead came the lull of the last ... n .__HI___ the raid on Java vesterdav had COKE color stripes in two patterns. Wrapped in eral fires among buildings on the Six Other Vessels Seri- Might Be Counter-Blow (Continued on Page Eight) the sinking of the battleships island fields. several days and the counter-at­ Moscow, Feb. 26.— (/P)— Pliofilm bag. Prince of Wales and battle cruiser tack repKJrted today. Thi*. if ’confirmed, might be the 'plane.* destroyed there In 177. K r a d s h a u 6 for $1,00 .All Raiders Return Safely The Russian.s .declared lotiay niD^ly Damaged in counter-blow at the Japanese THE W. G. Repulse early In the Battle of Will “ Fight to I-sst" they had defeated reserves 'This IS a heavy blow to the Al­ Absorbent, durable, part linen dish tow­ Malaya—a clamor which was Two enemy planes were destroy­ Secretary of War Stimson re-, Long Running Attack right flank whicli seemed one of lies. " the news agency declared, Honey Lb. Can 17c swelled by the getaway of tbe ed on the ground and an enemy In­ ceived today, from a leader of 20,- j the Uiermans were the main hopes of the outnumbef- "as well nigh half their air force GLENNEY CO. els with colorful multi-colored borders. terceptor plane was chased off. it Maile on ('. o n v o v. ed British defenders of the Sittang in Java is now destroyed and Six in cellophane package. Sebarnhorst, Gneiifenau and Prinz 000 "boiomen ” fighting with the ! hurling into the flaming hat- Flashes ! Coal, Lumber. Masons' Supplies, said. Despite anti-aircraft fire I tie of the Staraya Rus.ta area, there Is little possibility of ade­ BiiOrtln* of the vT) Wire) \ -8 \ egetahlc also from ground batteries and (Continued on Page Eight) quate reinforcements" Paint (Oontlnaad on Page Ten) (Continued on Page Ten) ' where a Soviet ring of de- Berlin iFrom German Broad-, •I 12-Oz. Can We Have Received ships in the harbor, tbe communi­ casts I P'eb. 26 V German sub-i Says .Aircraft Carrier Sunk MO .Vo. .Main St. Tel. 4148 que aald all the ralderf returned i.struction clo.^ed tighter upon Imperial hedaquarters said to­ Cocktail 2 for 19c marines have sunk seven ships Strike Halts Ilefense Work Another I^rge safely. survivor.s of the smashed day that an enemy aircraft ear­ Pittsburgh. Feb, '36.—"Pi— .V Shipment of 36” totaling 52.000 tons from a strong- i ner was believed sunk Feb 21 CIO strike in\ol\ii)g apprnxiniale- B a id u in How One Sub The New Guinea correspondent Other Areas ' Nazi 16th Army. One of the re­ Si-x Soldiers ' of The Sydney Sun reported that ly escorted convoy in the Atlantic when a Japanese Naval plane, iy I.OOO vvorkmen today halted serve units said to have been BLACK-OUT last night's attack on Rsbsul was In a long running attack and seri­ carying a full load of bombs, o|>erations at the Lalielle Works carried out with spectacular suc­ beaten when it attempted to Die in C a r a s h plunged headlong into the craft of the t.'rucible Steel Company, Apples 4 i.iks. 25c Sunk Is Told To Be Barred ously damaged six other ve.ssels. ! several hundred miles northwest SHADES cess; that the Australian bombers break through to aid the trapjied the high command said today.. ' _ which has tu-en produrlng defense scored direct hits which fired troops was identii.ed as the 56th of New Guinea inaterlaK exclusively. A company liilry These ahadei are 7 Military quarters said later that . i • i i - u The carrier, which was tra\el- grounded plants and buildings, and Regiment of the German Fifth the convoy was Briti.sh and that It | Frcipilt Train HitS DUS spokOMmun, charging that the feet long and will work Sueee»8ful Allaek Car­ American • Born Japa* strike \lolated the li t ) Steel Division had been de.stroyed de.spite the (Continued on Page Eight) perfectly on an average (Continued on Page Two) Disp,atrhcs fn>in the front said Workers Organizing tbmniittee’s Grapefruit 4 f„,21c size window. We have ried Oul by Naval nese to Be Ousted strong efforts of escorting .ships to .At Grade (> 0!*»ing in Rus.slan fliers and anti-aircraftA ^SArd r d offoi the attacks. contract with the company, said one Installed In our Flier.Given in Detail. From Pacific Sections. Bliiuling SnoHstorin. he knew ol no grlexance which Basement. Come in and guns were breaking up attempts TTwo I.argr Tankers Simk l.aTge, Fresh Head by the Germans to bnng supplie,a " Two might ha\e pre»'lpitaled the strike. teat it yourself. large tankers were declared • • • Washington. Feb. 26—(iP>- The Aviators Seen San Francisco. Feb. 26. (4b - Enid, Okls , Feb. 26 .T A Way Cleared Iceberg Lettuce 19c atory of how one aubraarlne was Plans to designate additional pro­ (lV>ntlnued on Page Two) (Continued on Page Two) Rock Island freight tram npped K«‘sumes Issuing IJcrnses •unk in the Atlantic battle area hibited BKas from which not only | through a bus today killing six en­ On LaI)or Bill , Washington. Feb. ’36.— P— .Act­ Ic each Just Received! waa reported today by the Navy Winning War enemy aliens but "any American- listed men in the' Army Air Corps. ing at the request of the .Army ( iillfomla Sunkist Department following yesterday's born Japanese we think necea- > Twenty-five others were injured and Navy I>epartn»ents. the Fed­ diaclosure by Secretary Knox t ^ t sary" will be ousted were dia- ! in the crash which occurred in a eral t ommiinleatlons Commission Long Handled Shovels 72x90, 4 1-4 lb., 100% Wool at least three enemy submeraiblet Rickenbacker Predicts closed by Tom C. Clark, alien con- ' Officer Makes Women Cry blinding snow storm, half a mile House lo Debate on resumed today the Issuance of S t . J a m e s Oranges Dn. 29c had been sunk and four damaged trot coordinator. I west of Enid. Sus|)en(liiig 4()*Hoiir amateur radio o|«erator lirenses. w/. Just the thing for handling in 56 attacks in t he past two Allied Victory After He said in Los Angeles last { The list of dead supplied by Commission officials said the re­ sumption of , Issuance of licenses Incendiary bombe. months. night that Ueut. O n . John L. By Giving Gas Mask Drills Capt. Calvin W. Hammond, press $1.25 I Week, 8-Hoiir Day. did not affect Its problbitioyis School Hall It is the duty of every American and every The Navy said the successful at­ Long, Hard Struggle. Dewitt, western defense comman- | relations ofECer of the Enid Flying against operating amateur sta­ HEALTH MARKET American home to be Prepared! BLANKETS tack waa carried out by Donald der, waa preparing detailed de- | School: Park Street Washington, Feb. 26 Speaker tions. The FCC said the two de­ Francia Mason, aviation machin- AtlsnU. Feb. 26.—(e>—Cspt. scriptlons of the additional mill- ’ Norfolk. Va . Feb 26 ,4*1— ber~an adventure that left them Pvt. Herbert J. Taylor. 22. Lake iat'a mate, first class, who after he Eddie Rickenbacker. flydng see of crying but otherwi.*!* unharmed. Kerr. Fla. Rayburn cleared the way today for partments advised it that the is­ The Sea Food, situation is nearly normal again and The DEFENDER Made by Lebanon Woolen Co. tar}’ areas and n id they should Messrs. Taylor. Gable. Boyer and Hou.«e debate on a proposal to had blasted the submarine with Pvt. Eugene L. I'nderwood.- 23, suance of licenses to qualified per­ Small Vest Pocket Flashlights /# the Firat World War, told Naval be ready for desi^ation Saturday. The training, coru^ting of a lec­ we are receiving a good supply of Fresh Caught Fish! depth bombs, reported to his base, Flynn, expejls in the gentle art of Rogersville. Pa. suspend operation of the 40-hour sons would aid them in the classl- flight students here that "thla wlU "We do not plan any mass ture. fitting ot gas masks and a Easy To Carry — Convenient To Hnve Treated To Prevent Moths "sighted sub sank same.” tear-jerking, have a competitor in test in the gas chamber, approxi­ Sergt. Eugene J. Saunders. 26. week and the eight-hour day dur- flration of men for Arniy and be s long hard war," but predicted evacuation. The deadline will be Haddock, Cod, Mackerel, Boston A New Felt Sport Hat 39c, 59c, 69c 'Die message by which he firat an Allied victory “won by the men Ensign V Taliaferro Boatwright, mates the training given Navy re- Yoakum. Tex. ”ing the war Na\% radio duly. 4100 announced hia action had been set with a view to allow them time cniita. The women have learned Pvt. Vernon Ohnsled, 26. George­ He did this by announcing that • • • in svlstion." Jr.. U. S. N. R , w'ho has made a Be sure every one in the family has one. given out prevloualy but today's to move voluntarily. When the the ways of detecting the various town. Minn_ he would not rule out on a technl- Pleads Guilty to .Murder IN PKIZE.S Addressing personnel of the U.8. deadline is re cbed we will take thoYisand women cry. Blue . . . To Bake. With a scoop brim, and riblwn trim. In Black, was the first detail and along with Naval Reserve svlstion bsae yea- gases that might be used In mod­ FNt. Robert W Walker, 23, Bay » pending amendment I New York, F'eb. 36—uPi— Stan- out all aliens and any American- Ehislgn Boatwright. In charge of this it waa announced that Mason terdsy, Rickenbacker. noW presi­ gas mask instruction for women em warfare .and methods of treat­ City Tex. i drafted by Representative Smith ' lev sschlelfer. 34, of Teaorck, N. Brown, Rust, Beige, Rose, Sunniblue, Red and $12.50 born Japanese we think neces­ (D„ Va.). to suspend the max­ J.i pleaded guilty today to second had been advanced to the rating of dent of Eastern Air Lines, said; at the Norfolk Naval Operating ment advised aa first aid measures Pvt. Cyril J Minarcik. 21. Chi­ Fillets of Haddock, Flounder, and Pursuit Blue. aviation chief machinist's mate "Our operations are far, far sary." for persons who have been ex­ cago. imum hour requirements and extra degree murder In the fatal ham­ BLACK-OUT Base, has just completed a series pay for overtime work now provid­ 1 -$10 We cannot urge you too stron^y to pur­ and commended for meritorious away. The supply routes are diffi­ 8.609 Already Bvwceeted of lectures and demonstrations de­ posed Critically injured were: mer attack on Frank C. Cole. 68- ed for tn 17 separate laws Perch . . To Broil. Head Sizes 21 •/] to 24 conduct in action. cult. It takes 100 tons of shipping . The announcement followed signed to teach the rudiments of Masks New Ciritlan Type Staff Sergt. Eroeat M. Shulta, vear-old patent attorney, in a chase these all w(X)l blankets now! Extra cloaely the evacuation of some In announcing yesterday that he washroom of the Chryaler building CANDLES heavy weight, pounds— extra length, Tells Story of Attack to mslntsln the necessities for defense against gases. A thorough Gas masks used in the drills 25. Forrestburg. Tex. FREE GAME The commendation told this every single fighting man in the 8,000 enemy aliens from 46 pro­ here are of the new civilian type Pvt. John Ludlum. 25. Battle would offer the amendment when last _ month. Oaaeml Sesainns drill-master, he asked his pupils the House resumed consideration judge Joaah Goldataia set March Also Herring, Butterfish, Smelts, 72” x90” . Made by Lebanon Woolen Co., story of Mason's attack: Pbillpplaea. For 100.000 men It hibited areas. FBI agents were to go through the gas chamber to developed recently for protection Oeek, Mich. These are a twiated bill today, 36 for sentencing. Schlelfer faces makers of quality blankets for many years. "While piloting a plane on pa­ takes 1,000,000 tons of shipping to checking to make sure the evacua­ get the most but of the demonstra­ against mass gassing of the popu­ Names a'nd extent of the Injuries^"/ powers $ 1 - 9 5 candle with a footed Smith .said he had "no doubt It a mandatory minimum oeatence of 26 RF.GULAR GAMES: Salmon, Swordfish. trol duty (he) observed the wake provide the equipment with which tion order bad been followed. Other tions- hence the tears. lation. Made ID a universal size to of the other victims were not base. Will not tip and Colors: Dusty ro.se, aqua, copen blue, cher- 39 years lo life. $1.00 Orders. will burn for five hours rywood, dabonnet, and peach. of a submarine proceeding sub­ to fight." thousands of enemy aliens In still Adventure Leaves Thetu (.Vying fit all faces, they are much lighter available Immed'ately. » » m merged at periscope depth. He im­ Tralaiag Called Uigeiiaat other aectlona were living under and simpler than service masks. No Other W ttneaseo ((tontinned on Page Eight) each. These team may stand the wom­ Markets At .A Glance 4 IXWR PRIZES: mediately turned, dove to a low EmphaslMng the Importance of a strict curfew regulating their en tn good stead, for the Navy has However, they depend on the^ same There were no witneaaea to the Pickled Tripe lb. 23ci altltuda, and dropped two depth air training, Rickenbacker warned Bioveniants at nlgbL general type oi filter unit ahd ex­ accident other than the .nen tn the Treasury Balance New York, Feb. tS—(4A“ $3.00 Orders. found through yean of teaching Stocks: Mixed; price i haagra bomba which atraddlad tha pttl- “ Don't think that after the first Tbs .Navy novad abaad from recruits that a dose of tear gas haust valve to protect the wearer. bua and train crew. Captain Ham- BIROS EYE acopoL The conning tower of the 60, 100 or 300 hours In the air March 15 to tha dead- mopd aald. Washington, Feb. 26.—(4A—The narrow. ALL FOR 25c! The H A I : ^ CORD Umoftow makes everybody grab a mask Realdenta at Norfolk may never Bonds: I'aevca: aoM mlla Ina* iC box .12 to a Box Tk€ i^ C O R R submarine roaa dear of the water you're a heDuva good flier. In the Una for tha evacuation of ap­ when tbe time comes. About 90 per be forced to don gas masks, but if Driver of the bus. which operates position of the Treasury Feb. 24; I>oera Open 7 P. M. MAHCHISTiR CONN* for a abort period and then sank last war we found that soma of the proximately 1,(X)0 Japaaeac from cent of the women who hsve un­ they should have to. there will be , lietwcen the air bsae and the city RecelpU $18,220,396.72: expendi- prove. Strawberries pkg. 25c ; turea. $32,255,048.87; net balanca, Cotton: Iirogninr; ; Marts At 8. MANOH CONW dergone instruction here hsve gone at least 1,000 women' who can ! m F aga Twe) . (C Pofft T w } (OMI m Faga iWtlUnily through the gas chsm- taach them what to do. (Ceattaaned aa Pa|^ Twa) I $2,375,461,368.78. u MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER.-CONN. 1 HLTISDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 194* PAGE t h r e e ; 5IANCHESTER EVEXING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 26. 1942 Oil Company's motor tanker Tha­ Motor Vehicles Department Adopts “Patrol” Plates British Tanker lia, 8,329-ton Panama flag vessel Jap s’ P lan es Inability to Obtain Money which Was torpedoed and shelled Fiery Itci^ Skbi Aged Woman Is Beaten Claim Future Plastic Airplanes Local Company Buys Bikes to the bottom of the Caribbean Try ThU Home Trestroeel U-Boat Victim sea 60 tnlles oft the Colombian For Quick Eam und Comfort “ — heveij l^hips Scout P o rt Slowing Up Many Contracts coast Monday, were landed yester­ Her« la a cl«an, powerful, pent* To Come from Sugar Cane For Use by Its Employees day at Uribla, Colombia. tratinff oil now diRptnted by phar* maclstR everywhere at teffUn* coal IiiTTieft Attempt Here Goes Down Four Hours One man w as killed In the a t­ that brlHKi apeedy relief rroi|> itch.* Su h V ictim s I . O f D arw in By Paul Oeoner and John Beckley . plant corporation is building and tack. Eleven survivors who were iriK ahd torture of moat raternRlly By H ow ard W. UlakeRlei^ '•Irical fUting*. Studies are u n - ■ I ■ The Manchester Baectric Divl-. England nearly all automobile New York Feb 26.- (/P)—War equipping the war factories out of After Being Torpeiloed slightly wounded were flown to rauaiHl akin troublea. New Orleana. Feb. t’6 -If plastic der way for making sugar cane Sion of the Connecticut Power owners have given up care and ' th eir own funds, BarranqulHa for mcilieal treat­ .Sot only iloea ^!oone’a VImerald D -I . roll'll, soldier lifted the aged woman In- (Continued from Page One) (Continued from Page One) production is suffering from the On prime contracts, procure­ In Caribbean. Oil aoothe the Itrhinjr and torture Man Breaks inlo Uellar threw her heavily airplanes are produced, thev are f"" /J!.*: / Company has set an example for Hding bicycles By purchas- ment. hut it helpa promote more rapid * . ties, the artieles It can make run • „ »■ < » 'hg four bicycles to be used by lack of funds. ment officers of the Army. Navy —L------^ ------* j hValinK. Y*»u can obtain Moone’a to the floor. She Immediately lost , th a t all iniicationa pointed And Then into House; in a special communique to have likely to be made mostly of sugar thousands, to the preservation of auto tires. It men in their employ the electric The situation was brought Into and Airforce have authority to ad­ gap Juan. Puerto Jeo, Feb. 26. gearch fJr a »^thetlc substitute . ronsi'imisness from the Impart of been among the seven denniieiydefinitely cane, But at present priorities limit It heavy damage, vance 30 per cent of the dollar has bought four bicycles which light company is setting an ex­ the spotlight this week by the dis­ (iPi-i-^e 5.685-ton Sritish taiik- for quinine accidentally uncovered jarantep of rnonoy Ivack . ..If not . Attacks Olfl o i i i a n the fall, mostly to war, for there are short- Evacuees leaching Sydney from arc to be used by men in its em- ample that is likely to be followed amount to the contractor to help •She came to some time later, sent to the bottom tanker; reasons; First, sugar closure that Chrysler Corporation er La Carriere has been added to , the basis for the important coal rnpletely .ages of some of the chemicals used ! New Guinea told grim stories of ploy who travel about town read- by other companies. Two of the him with working capital prob­ * K7atir\na v d q q o Ir ___ and found that she was badly was listeft' among the uamaged plastic is nearly as strong as was negotiating with Its banks for the roll of United Nations vessels tar dye industry. In Kitchen. craft. I Iron. Second, sugar cane is the in plastics. ' Japanese machine-gunning attacks ing meters and doing other work, bicycles were purchased from the a $100,000,000 line of credit. lems, Whether to make this ad- sunk by Gernjan submarine.* in ] hurt. Her right side was sprained, The original credit for the sugar on Lae and Salamaua and incen­ To prove that this is practical Western Auto Supply Company vanqe, however, lies entirely at the where she had landed when The text of the announcement: most plentiful and cheapest of all Chrysler Corporation's annual the Caribbean. Details have Just leaked out "After an obstinate fight lasting ; p^eggnt plastic sources, cane product goes to the U. S. Dc- diary bomolng raids on Port Parker Soren, manager of the lo- and two from the Triple X Ctom- discretion of these officers. ghe went down four hours after thrown to the floor. Her face was • •w VI.*. I report disclosed that the company concerning an attempted robbery for days German submarines base This cane stuff, newest of corn- partmenfof Agricultiltiireywhose by- Moresby. cal division, rode a bicycle around pany. had used all of Its surplus profits In many cases, observers here being torpedoed late Tuesday, Don’t Neglecl Slipping cut and scratched from the finger­ Malcolm Goad, a l7-year-old believe these procureilfient officials at MUler's grocery store, at 301! sunk in the Atlantic from a strong- ,,,pccial plastics, , is made from products laboratoryry started the town yesterday. it is claimed that there is no and had dug Into Us cash reserves j night 75 miles south of Puerto ■ IT’S EFFECTIVE nails of the . .She is still un­ ly protected convoy .seven ships ag- , which is su.gar cane afte r study of bagasse undof Dr. D. F J. New Guineas airways .ipprentice, Mr. Soren attracted much att- shortage of bicycle tires and that to the extent of $25,000,000 to fi­ have been far too cautious In mak- 1 Rico, liurvivlng crewmen said. ' FALSE TEETH Adams street, Mr.s. Minnie Miller, der the rare of a physician. gregating .IZ.OOO tons. including rollers have pres.sed out the Lynch at Iowa St^fe University,! ^ small plane from tention as he came up Main street the ruling as to rationing does not nance huge defense commitments. ing such advances. They are pro- ; Twenty-three survivors and the fiilffp tfuih ilroii. mllj) nr uab- WELDON’S 0\VN Fearing th^t .the soUller was Bulolo five n:ilnutes ahead of a but it has been learned that in apply to bicycles. hlo when \-iii t.ilk, •'aI hiUEl) '-r the owner,^ wx , whoI» I • w is 7,I years old, " aail*. two l.arge tankers sweet Juiee. Bagasse is a straw Ames. la. 1/ defense work Is straining the curement experts, not financial ' bodies of four, Including the cap­ M )» »'*('. I* h li.itMiK'ap'*. Mrs. Miller stated that she was searched all the roorns and • tanker, were so seriously damaged ,,^1^ raw material of ment Is reduced to a powder re­ refuel his plane in the air from Chrysler Corp., what is it doing to sponsibility for making advances tack, reached the port of Giianica 'rKKTM, 3n alknilne * inon-arld) TOOTH PASTE sltUng at her kitchen table drink- ; However it appeared that he had may j,,, reckoned agriculture which costs nothing to spare tins ol gasoline in order to of huge sums. | P«iY4(lpr I t ffprinkl*- on ^'•vn' plate*, sembling coapSe sugar. To make thousands of smaller companies 7 late yesterday. Two other boats kr«'p* fjilgr trutli m<>r« ftnniy set. Little^ Bit Goes Further Ing coffee, with reach the Australian mainland. Few Places Here A number of suggestions to rem- I prior to retiring for the “'•‘endy lefh ^ I ...... I gather or to produee. Sugar mills plastic artieles. the powder Is Temple Beth Financial expert.* here say the w'rre reported at that time 'to be ('(Mihiliiii «.f j4«Miirli\ c /t A Tube Today evening. Her son had Just gone to, Sits I p .All Mght Rritlnh Raiders Honib Kiel have to get rid of it. For decades poured into melta molds. The Continues To .Mobollze work of hundreds of small and edy thl.s situation are being--dts-J .still adrift. .iMil ••'>ti;f‘ rt V-. uumm\' At Our Pharmacy! work being employed on the mid- .She barricaded the cellar door British air raiders hoinhi d Kiel molds ary heated to several hun medium sized contractors Ha.s been cussed here but the general feeling ra p;i'i|\ Ml fi.llDU 'b’-t thev hauled it aw av. I-ater they Meanwhile Australia continued For Large Parlies l''.\S'ri:i:TH tM.|.,\ at ;um iImi- night'shift at the United Aircraft and sat up the rdst of the night. dining the night. ONB news used it as fuel. Recently it has died devices. 3,000 pounds of pres- the full mobilization of its man­ Shotom News delayed by lack of funds. The gen­ Is that any change must come Forty survivors of The .Standard Company In Ea.st H artford. It wa.s She looked at the store, and tried agency reported today been made into celotex, sure per square Inch is turned on. power, The government ordered ------eral procedure on armament con­ from Washington. between 11 and 11:30 when she to .see if anything had been -.aken, "l-a.'t night BritJ.'h aircraft But there la still enough left. In and the cane Hour turns momeh- that all Australians between 16 , ^ » .w Friday, February 27—Services tracts calls for payment 30 days One recommendation Is that dis­ heard someone coming up the cel- However, a.s she was not sure what dropped high explosive and incen- Loiiiaiana'S sugar bowl alone, to tanfy into a liquid. and 65 register under the naUonal , . “ facing the ncces I a t 8 p. m, Adi^css on the subject. subject, after delivery. This mean.* con­ cretion for making advances on lar stairs. store, she could not I diary bombs at some places on the , make more plastics than now are In less than one minute the 11- service scheme within the next ! George W aslungton and H aym tractors and subcontractors must contract.* be shifted to experienced She was suddenly startled to see state that anything had been tak- German l oa.st, including residential produced by all the .American pro- (fuid changes into an iron-hard, fin- month. Identity cards will be Is- private partie.s can be held. It was I Salomon." .supply funds thcmselve.s to pay for I financial men who already are the cellar door, which leads to the en It is possible that the Negro. quarters of the tow n of Kiel. " .said combined. Bagasse runs f ished plastic article. learned today that the Manchester 1 The children are invited to at- new machinery, buy raw materials i avail.able in regional offices on the had loft sued which nuiat be carried at all ^Xkitchen, sw’ing open, and into becoming frightened (h r nrw.s agency 'There w.vs no six to seven tons to the acre, Technically, bagasse has an Im­ times. Minist'T of Labor Ward an­ Country Club was to change man- j tend the Friday night services, and pay worker.s for the entire War Production Board. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SPECIALS AT the room appeared a roloretl .'lol- without taking anything military damage anyevhere portant advantage over many agers on April 1. It was also ' There wdll be no special services period that the contract is in pro­ But the biggest need, many feel, she ag.ainst two tons for rice strati’, nounced. dirt- He, evidently was startle,! .Mrs Miller said that the next largest fiber crop. other plastics which use wood flour At Melbourne Albert Monk, learned that the chef at the Man- for the children on Saturday morn- duction. is for some form of government to see her also, probably expecting thought it was the work of some- (T , P f . i m l The blond bagasse turns into an as part of their composition. president of the Australasian Chester Country Club was leaving mg. Banka Helping Out guarantee which would enable -j-j, aggjst state and local police in traffic supervision, Comm i.ssioner John T. MrCarthy of the FOR FINE to find no one up at that time of ' one who had r.Xpenence in the line » lOCSpreoa I OirOl almost coal black plastic, Wbooth. Possibilities of the cane plastic Council of Trade Unions, who has and it was Tinted that he was go­ Board meeting after the ser­ Banks have done much to meet . hanks to extend credit even to poor jj^jor Vehicles Department has directed all enforcement members of the department to Increase ing to the Hilltbp House In East the nieht i breaking and entering, as she B e i i f t r t 4*f4 •shiny, form ing dishes th a t can be include auto bodies and boats up just returned from the United vices. the need for funds Many device's : financial risks in order to sl^ed up attention to operator behaviour. Here DeputJ' Commissionei; J. W alter Darley views the "No. 1 a K . .-..a,., hail heard no noi.se ns the cellar H flOHS ttr/fOrif fl to 20 feet In length. There Is a Hartford. The Well Sweep farm in Sunday, March 1 t'Tasses will have been worked out for lending defense work. The feeling is (nat | v’ehicle.* Department Patrol " plate being affixed to his car which. FOODS Oiitnl>M b> Intruder window was forced open. Homo < From Italian Broatl- bounced on the floot^ without States, appealed to the Australian with its "WD 3." is al- FOSTER’S »ns would Involve losses i breaking.______It won't____ bkrn.____ but as prospect of a cane plastic cheap pe'Sf '■«‘»‘^hed ls. i Board ordered today. Keeping one hand over he Three British bombers were re- covered the area. This attack was casoline tax loda.v said Mr. Dar- Die in ( ’.rasili suffering great looees in manpow- ier, less than 100 milea away, among the ocal contestants for provide dinner for large wedding It prohibited manufacture of mouth, he began to choke her with . ported shot down by gun crews at the best essay submitted on the parties. ; adjudged successful. In 20 Years. Have Paitl^jt^j Icy. "The roads built w ith this NOW MORE THAN E V E R - any civilian masks which failed the other. Mrs, Miller struggled in .'Derna and German fighters were / er and equioment, " the Soviet In- ■ subject; "The Influence of the High Degree of Coolneos Revenue have served the people . fright for some time while at- tt nntinued Irom Page One) formation Bureau said today. \„niprnu9 Thrusts "In this attack Ma.son demon­ 142 Millions in Taxes. to meet standards of the Army's lb. said to have de.stroyed "numerou.s ' It made no further comment on ■^unierous I tirusis ■Spanish-American War la Reflect­ In peace and in war. Our high- Chemical W arfare Serx-ice. Some LEGS LAMB . tempting to ward off the Negro's strated a high degree of coolnes.-i. other enemy planes ' caught ed in the Recent Attitude of the ------“ I w ays are bringing men and Jobs mask.* now being offered for sale hand on her throat. Finally the ■ of EnbJ. w as Wendell Thomas aground the Staraya Kussa en^jagement, Q t {{uggianS Reoulsed I alertnes.s, initiative and training, ■■i YOUR FORD DESERVES U S. Toward World Affairs," and Hartford, Feb 26 Connecticut ' togetnar in the defense industries are ineffective against certain gas j FANCY (lUALITY Sm ith, 2^, a civilian. E xtent of his Waves of Axis aircraft sTruck but said about 3,000 Germans were ' „ j her mother. Mrs Albert J. Weir of Local Slocks i and excellent flying ability." motorises mav well be proud of the ' all overHhe country. Our roads injuries w^os not known slain In a 10-day battle on the Berlin (From German Broad- BROILERS, FRYERS, again at Naval facilities apd air­ 219 Summit street, were guests of I Mason, 28. has been In the Navy fact that to date they have paid h''*'are facllitifacilitating production in the I Captain 'IJammond said Smith south-western front and that a castsi Feb_26 i>P) Numerous ! since 1935 and becam e a pilot in drome. of Malta, the conirhunlquc heavy machine-gun unit killed Ihrusts of Russian forces have honor of Mary Bushnell Cheney Furnished by Putnam and Oo. I all-out effort ' evidently waS blinded by the swirl­ .said and one of the island's de­ i 1938. His home address w as given out $141,406,000 in state and fed­ n.ore than 100 men and disabled b'^n repulsed by Geman Armies Auxiliary, United Spanish War 8 Central Row, Hartford I "However, Xjgcause of tire OR CUT-UP FOWL each ing snow. fending fighters was reTlorted shot V'eterans, at its social meeting at ; as 623 Fourth street. Northwest, eral gasoline taxes, Seth W. Dar- AROUSE FLOW Maj. W A. Stephens, post adju- aix German tiinks In western eastern front, the nigh Insurance I rationing and othgr restrictions. dow n command said today. the Y.M.C.A last night. Bid Aske ! Rochester, Minn., and hla next of ley. C hairm an of the Connecticut I’ure Pork Krp«h 0 round Grote A Weigel i tant of the Enid Flying School, sector. i kin was listed as his wife. Mrs. the gasoline tax inue o f t h i s i said the bus carried between 35 The bureau said 500 invaders Important targets in the Lenin­ Mias Weir, a 17-year-old High A etna C asualty . . . . 123 128 Petroleum Industries Com m ittee, ! state m ay decline tem ararilv dur- OF LIVER BILEi Aleather Hamper* 0|>erations grad area were reported shelled. Aetna Fire ...... 49 51 I Anna Marla Mason, 407 Fourth SAUSAGE BEEF 1 Frankfurts and 40 men. The acchjent occurred were killed m the occupation of school senior, was congratulated ; street. Alameda, Calif. said today in calling attention to ing the war. Under thos^^ircum- i xo Help Correct That "Half-Slek," 1 t'airo, Feb. 26-7^/P' Sandstorm s Called “Effective Fire” by the membere for the splendid Aetna Life ...... 24' j 26’ IEXPERI CARE about 12:15 a. m. at a Rrade cross- four towns m an unidentified sec­ stances it Is highly desirame that “Tired," "All-Gone" Feeling I I .and heavy groimd mist continued Automobile ...... 35 37 The Navy announcement fixed the fact that the Am erican gaso­ I ing a half mile west of Kpid tor of the long battle line and that The shelling was described as way In which she treated this dif­ I the scene of Mason's exploit only the state review its autoniblive N,,rm.illv iii. iix.r .(.•iilcl dn- to hamper both land and air op­ ficult topic, ,'lrs Elizabeth Phelan, (Jonn. General ...... 22>3 24' line tax will be 23 years o l d o n tax policies and take steps to com < li;irs<- .ii.out a qii.an of i>reoi.,u- > None of the men werK pilots. 13 settlements had oeen recaptur- "effective fire" by heavy German I as being "in the Atlantic area.” 29c lb. 1 29c lb. || 33c lb. erations in the Libyan de.sert, Brit- president of the auxiliary. In pre­ Hartford Fire ...... 81 83 .*erxe all available tax resources^^',J""'- " 4.1 \ . ' Major .Stephena said. ed on the Kalinin front northwest artillery. The high command term t h a t day Bx-ant V !!<>% - .1 in, ish Army headquarters reported of Moscow. ed attacking Russian units "weak senting her with the prize of ■ H artford Stm. Boll . 45 48 The present tax rate should be me.in Silk 5-'- The soldiers, based at the there was only "oc- . National Fire ...... 54‘j 56' "The zasoline tax was inaugu­ Flying School, were relurnin (Stockholm reports to London enemy forces. " $2.50 In def.Tise stamps, said she rated in Oregon In 1919, becoming scrutinized in the light of present (1 HillouMnsB. I’o't I>l$:eHit..n ■‘‘caslonal" contact w ith small pa- hoped to see hei name among the ! Phoenix ...... 81 83 Other Areas lull half**irk, Itrnl all-Kon* SOLID LEAN CORNED BEEF their b.arracks about a mile w said Russian central front armies In the far north, Nazi planes effective on February 25 of that and future heavy demands upon f»*«Hn(r\Rnd m-'Rt proLaM) ruiistl* thX of'German Field Marshal Er- of Gen. Gregory K. Zhukov were again bombed stretches of the winners in ooth state and national ; Travelers ...... 360 380 our citizens by the federal govern 'o f Enid a t 12:15 a. m. when ^"^w'in Rbrnmcl's African Army Public I unties year. This state adopted the levy i p a l i o n . I crash occurred. A light snow was closing a pincers upon the Moa- Leningrad-Murmansk railway and contests The state prize is five dol­ To Be Barred ment. It is more important than ' i'i .l>.iiil!\*ll u n P 4 d 1* A r •• n M < ,.E,ir.o., t e n d e r p o t r o a s t Conn. Lt. and Pow. . 29 32 in 1921 and since th a t tim e the ke a little ft.ili) j falling. cow-Smoleask railway moving in scored direct hits, on a cailway lars and the national prizes are state has collected $107,466,000 in ever that sound policies of high- e»<-ii»nn )iVj Planes .Attack Kiel $100, $75. $50, $25. I Conn. Pow...... 30 32 « * .1 J J I of tlwit \CSd 11(1 • fH Mi''n* K r u ^ ch eii ! The undertaker who said he pull- from Bely and Dorogobuzh - In an plant at Kandalaksha, on an arm revenue from motor fuel. In 1941 way finance, taxation and ad- ...... „ SEE YOUR DEALER ndon, Feb 26 - ■.■P British attempt to poc ket German troops of the White Sea. its communique I Hartford El. Lt. ... 48'j 5030'- ! (Continued From Page One) 1 cd two bodies from the wreckage Hartford Gas ...... 24 27 s record high of $12,245,000 was ministration be followed in this I ,.r h..t ..r x I'l " -H' l al. LEAN RINDLESS BACON said "there must be at least seven bomber command planes attacked said. 27 ■ ------sta te ' li.xlf an h'i'.ir n. f..rV Kiel, German Naval base, and oth­ holding out n the Rzhev-Vyazma S. ,N. E. Tel. Co. . 121 126 ['aid to the state In' ga.*oline tax- |- dead." The Russians were declared to 126 : Terminal Island, Navy base at Los ti. In* lo rel. FORD area to the east. er obJeAives in northwest Ger- have lost 403 aircraft from Feb. 15 I Unit. nium. Shs. ... 44 46 ^ Angeles. es by Its motorists. «lll> in sentlf !• ASK ABOUT BAVMCNT PLANS' (The Bntlsh radio quoted a 1\. y. Stocks K r i*clie!)-— .1 f A' 'I marly ov^night. the.Air Ministry to Feb. 24 to 28 German planes. ■Western Mass...... 1 9 'i 2121': A proposal for drafting Japa­ Out Of Mud •i rl.t- f..r cl.i> n FINE QUALITY COLD CUTS .said todayN 'T w o of our aircraft Moscow broadcaster as saying Industrial 6,000 Germans had been killed in nese into an agricultural divlaion. "These million* of dollar* In Vi ill Compete I u n - r1‘« n" f< *■ 1! n I DtALIA AOVtSTieiMINT are mi.ss^pgX^ the m inistry re ­ Acme W ir e ...... gasoline taxes have played a major 1 itt ■' If > "U do ro*( f Aviators Seen the southern Donets basin, .where Hides Wheels Under Bed Air R e d u c ...... 3 3 14 at pay equivalent to that of aol- LEAN DAISY HAMS ported. \ ■Am. H ardw are . ; dlers and sailors, was aubmttled p art In pulling this sta te out of '••n I 11 •’ r . I \ 11 r ji • there i.s still violent fighting.") Allied Chem ...... 128’j Arrow H A H cm . In Play Coiilesl \ ^ a Fort Wayne. Ind ■.F' Fred by the Pacific League Alien Prob- the mud. When this country en­ inning Falls 1v Halt Push Am Home P r o d ...... 37 Billings A Spencer . German artillery, machine-gun Bledsoe's next-door neighbor told ? I lem Conference, made up of repre- tered the first W orld ^ 'a r in 1917 SUPER CUBE STEAKS I Riissiaiis^eclare Bristol Brass ...... I our highways still were on a horse \ and trench-mortar fire was de- sherjff's deputies somebody had Am Rad St S ...... 4 S i* • ! scntatives of state, county and (Continued from Page One) Colt's Pat. Fire .... ( Nexv London. Feb 26.-- vT h*» vacuum >vaporcit»cl* ilared here to have failed to halt stolen the .ires and wheels from Am S m e lt...... 39*ii i city governments and other or- and buggy basis. They were dusty Eagle L o c k ...... , ganizations. in dry weather and were mud Txx'o Connecticut High schools will "Where You Can A^ord to Buy Good Furniture' l.nrxe Siinklst Eating Fiuicy Knck (iernian Ptif^erve the winter push upon Staraya Bledsoe's automobile Inveatigat- Am T A T ...... 127>, Fafnir Bearings ... 1 tih’s K a n c '. F resh j greatest stunlers o f them all flop- Rius--*a by the forces of Lieut. Gen. ing. the deputies found the mLssing Am Tob B ...... 47 ’4 holes In xvet w eather. Automobiles be chosen In com petition a t Con­ I ped when they fa 9^d combat " Hart and Cooly .... 1 were still a badge of wealth and Forc<‘s D efeated 1’. Kurochkin. Soviet comraan- parts under Bledsoe's bed. He had Am Wat Wks ...... 2 \ Hendey Mach., cm. . necticut College for Women on PEAS ORANGES TURNIPS The veteran fjfer expro.ssed re­ drr in the northwest. jacked up his car and had hidden Anaconda ...... 26^, in many states most car* hiber­ J\^ • • • annotincing gret that injures received in an Land'rs Fr A Clk. ; nated throueh the winter resting March 7 to represent Connecticut Tractors and propellor-driven | the tires and wheels in fear they A rm our 111 ...... 3 '4 New Brit. M. com. . NOW RECORDS airplane crash nere a year ago bad (Continued From Page ilner on jacks. Most of the trucks on in the New England Drama Days sledges bore Jieavy guns and sup- might be stolen. Atchison ...... 35 North and Judd PLAYING kept him oiR of active military , Aviation C orp ...... 3',. STATE the highway xxere light delivery I contx'st at CTark University. Wor- qts. 25c 35c doz. 1 6 lbs. 25c service, aqn addefl. m a Peck. Stow A Wil . . new 1942 models into the .'U srsya R k.sss ares h \\ I Baldwin Ct ...... 13^4 | bodles mounted on passenger car ccster, Ma.*s.. April 24 and 2,'). broken wffh emotion. "I envy you Ruaaell Mfg Co. . . . chaases. (I :ui.’,|«ii I plane ' Bendix ...... 3 5 ', ScoVllle ...... Twelve Connecticut schools, in­ very ^iicli " IHUHH) TroojM In rru p I Beth Stl ...... 60'... 1 Now all this is changed. At the ^Annual Report of Red Cross Here do., pfd...... cluding three from Nexx- Lbnxlon. famous CROSLEY The Kiis.-iians said captured ! Borden ...... 20 j Silex Co. beginning of 1942 there were about Large Local Eggs 2 doxen 75c German orders disclosed that 96,- I Can Pne ...... 4*4 I Stanley Works .... 39 aix times as many car-owning will present\play* here SUPER SHEI.VADOR (Patonled) m m :n \ s i iionds ' a l l BR.\N D S1 000 troops had been caught in the I Ches * Oh ...... 33«‘. ' TolTington ...... 24 ■ fam ilies as there were in 1917. Those that have entered arc " .\MI S taray a Rii.ssa trap. ThX Manchester Red Cross, without taking Into consideration the ...... 5 0 '- More than two out of every three CTiapman Tech. Williams Memorial Land O' Lakes Butter pound 40c L.\R(;E STOCK! Whin childrin's coughing lown's share of the $21,486.45 raised In the last Red Crosa drive has ' ^ . I Veeder - Root ...... 43'-j IIOMK H'KMSIIINC.S "They are disintegrating.' a ...... 60 ! New York Banks families In the entire country were and Bulkeley. all of Nexiv London. Ktipt thtm fussin' dispatch said. Their sitiiati'in is on hand $6,746 T2. The total receipts for the year, as reported last Col C a rb o n ...... 70 esr-owmera in 1941. Use of trucks Robert E. Fitch high of Groton. REFRIGERATORS iOk night by M ^ I.,aura C. House at the annual meeting was $6,418.59, ; Bank of N. Y...... 300 6 cans 50c Potterton’s Sind to thi drug stori hopeless ■■ Col Gas * E l ...... I S I Bankers Trust . 42 also showed a remarkable groxvth Killlngly, the Gilbert school of \ i.\:'n\(; ii\m\Ks.s Evaporated Milk Soy'iet filers dropped leaflets over which with $4,279.46 at the start of the year, makes a total of $10,- Coml Inv Tr ...... 23S There are 15 times as many trucks Winsted. Ansonia. Watertoxxn. for immediate or later delivery .Main S treet For reiTUSSIN b98 05 D urinh the year $3,951 33 w as expended which leave.s a bal­ 'Central Hanover .. 73'. the encircled divisions promising Cons E d l s ...... 12S ' Chase ...... 2 3 '- on the highways of the United Greenwich. Torrington. Stamford Al the Center them good treatment If they sur­ ance of $6.746.72\ Cons Oil ...... 5 c, State* now as there were In 1917. and Manchester. Premier Fine Peas 4 cons 50c The report of Vhe treasurer is as follows: I Chemical ...... 3 6 'i rendered. Cont Can ...... • ■ • 2 5 ', City ...... 2 2 ': No. 1 MrIntoRih Fancy, Cleaned Un the southwestern front, too Asaets on Hand Corn Prod ...... 52 S Fanrv CallfomI* Ca.-h Manchester Triilvj^ Company (1-16-42)...... $1.598 41 Continental ...... 10'; the Russians reported decisive vic­ Del L A Wn ...... 4 ', brn Exchange .... 2 9 '- APPLES SPINACH tories over German and Rumanian Cash Manchester Savings Bank General ...... 1.180.60 Douglas Alrc ...... 63'-j Frrst National .. .1150 Up to 18 Montha CARROTS forces. .Cash Manchester SavingkBank CTheney Fund. .. 491.42 Du P ont ...... 117*4 I G u a fta ty T rust PLUS.. to Pav The First Rumanian Division Frozen " Mancheste) TrusKi Safe D«pos)t...... 984.03 — Eastman Kod ...... 130*4 Irving ■?? D EN NIS O 'K E E F E In B U Y Y O U R \ ------s 4.254.46 In 0neWhiskev»..Get the Best 2 Bunches 19c was declared routed, with more Elec Auto-L ...... 21"’' ^ M anhattan W E EK -E N D FOR 3” 4 lbs. 29c 1 3 lbs. 25c than 'J«50 killed and 200 surrend­ V prnlturo Gen Elec I Mamifact. Tr. The production of M e­ ered. Misa Reynolds \ ; Gen Food* ...... 3 i N. Y. Trust □ni'Y DEFENSE BONDS! tric refriReration hw The R um anians furme; “Casey”, Etc., can be played In guard last fall, is enrolled in the ashort .ltme. Your age or lack .Midwinter Sale ' offensive. ' $10,698.05 NY C entral ...... 8I; four-month officers' training Delicious Premier—No. ? Can It suffered heavily through that DI»bun.emenU N TsN H A H ...... course at the Navy here. of musical knoweldn Is no han­ dicap. Instruments Available. Savings of offensive, the Russians J gjncational Club Appropriation .$ 100 00 N or Am Co ...... 9',4 String Beans, 3 cans 50c I P ackard ...... 2 '; Beavers Have Whiskers Private l.e«sona Details With­ Fig Bars 2 lbs. 29c had to be reinforced repeaiedly to, jjanchester Public Health Nursing out Obligation. 1 5 % to 4 0 % fill the ranks of ' tens of tnoua- Asaoclation Appropriation ...... 600.00 I Param Plct ...... 14'1 Fancy— .No. 2 Can ; Penn RR ...... 231, Premier—No. 5 Can ands” of men it lost. Chapter___ _ Postage ...... 35.00 New York. Feb. 28—City Col- f r e e : Russian^ accounts said the , tiap- ’_ Production r Ehepense — ...... 371.32 ( Pepal 'Cola ...... 1 lege of New York has been play- GEORGE J. SMITH I Phelps Dodge ...... 28 XV I ing. intercollegiate basketball since UNITED Fine Corn 4 cons 50c Succotash 3 cons 50c ped G erm ans were being broken up fgiapbone ...... 61.50 "" — Dial 8360 19 Flower St. THE ONLY R«tri9*ravor into sm aller forces «Kir,n(T,«, ...... 12.90 ' Phil Pet ...... 38>i 1909. T H a t G i v m Y o u O O * ST.ATES Pub Sve NJ ...... 1314 Sunrise— .No. t Can ^ Sliced i»r ( rushed—No. t f'ao merns^n^'me'starsva RuLuf'irea'' Ex^inae ( Home ' Service. ' and Report* 23.99 Tj rr. or iFAcr roi DEFENSE ST.XMP 36.12 Radio ...... 2*4 THE FfUCE OP I rSZT. A BI.F.ND OF STRAIGHT W HIS|;iF.S-9C PRfX lF- Bourbon tlrea Jy had been won back under call R eading ...... 1 3 'i TODAY With .\ny $49. Tomatoes 4 cans 50c Pineapple 3 cons 55c Horae N ursing I n s tr u c t o r ...... 150.00 Rem Rand ...... 9 ■ Purchase or Rye. The straight whiskies In Golden Wedding are 5 years the red flag. 2.25 AND SPECIVL! .Snappy .Assert Ring Tightening ■Fallot Studio Republic Stl ...... 17H unsmusmm^'j g t S W U M Soft .Shell or more old. 88*. 5 years old. IK . 6 years old. I*. II years old. Junior Red Cross Convention ...... 20.70 CIRCLE FKIDAT SEVERAL Jos. S. Finch 8c Company. Inc., Schenley, Pa. "The ring around the 16th Ger­ Rey Tob B ...... >------26 TfiS JHBtSY AA LOW AA Tetley Fine Regional Conference* ...... 3.20 1941 PECANS DOG FOOD HAS HAD NO PEERS FOR FIFTY YEARS man Army is tightening." Red Seara R o e b ...... 50 Blue Orchid To Ladies! Free Storage! Star reporW in %“'*;;^7e\ to *«- Eye Ex.mlnaUon and GUsses 10.00 Soconv - V ac ...... 7 MODEI.8 $ 1 4 9 .9 5 60.00 TEA counts yesterday of thi smashing , Saving Course (Camp Klwanisl Sou Pac ...... 13 Ms Free Deliveries! ' i-Pound 2 lbs. 50c 15 cans $1.00 of three dixialona and slaying ol Stranded Solder ...... 3.00 mSHM /a^29MU S o u th 'R y ...... - ...... 17«4 OPEN THURSDAY PackaRe Buy 2 Ihs. and get I lb. (U m it l$.) 12.000 Germans guarding a net- Emergency Equ^ment ^ ...... W.36 Std B r a n d s ...... 4 ALL LM fenSO A Evaryiixinq aay lainqaroior qlv*s you PLUS 39c m ore F R E E . , work of communications in the 1 Loud Speaker (F^rat Aid Course) ...... Std Oil Cal ...... 201; row E udiV IMMEDIATE SHELVADOA 4xat has S0% moa uaabl* AND S.\TURDAY zone 140 miles south of Leningrad. 1 Textbooks ...... ' LI' j / ; 409.21 St(i Oil N J ...... 35H OPEN 50.00 , CHICO . I^UYERY s f o qo ipoc* -Mi'htn •**/ roach. EVENINGS UNTIL (Belligerents gave no indication ' Eed Cross School Clothing Fund Tex Company ...... 34 NINE ANOTHER ONE OF OUR $1.00 SPECIALS! 24 HOURS of the number of German troop*' Pins and Emblem* ...... 7.83 "Umken Roll B ...... S7‘; t)ur Rejf. Price In the Armv, but at fuU strength Home Service C alls ...... 4.41 Un Carbide ...... SSt; s m l m CO.MPLETE RANGE I it would total at least 80.000 men i Roll Call (National Portion) ...... 1,894.30 4 POl^’DS ALL PURPOSE APPLES...... 2.>c In 100 Gallon Lot* .. • s a a , U nion Pac ...... 74H ^Blaodadwith tb* FinMC Neutral AND FUEL Range Oil, 2'.jc gallna. I and a Stockholm dispatch tp Lon- , „ . BAND 1 DOZEN JUICE ORANGES...... 2.yc ; don said 100.000 were threatened | .\sseia aa Hand 'Fuel- Oil, 7.2c gallon. U nit C o r p ...... 5-16 Grain Spirits for Perfect Mildness! 2 CANS SUNRISR BEETS—No. 2’a ...... 29c with death or Capture In the Cash In Manchester Trust Company U nit Gas I m p ...... 5 2 CANS PREMIER LIMA BEANS—No. 2’s ...... 18c S ta ra y a Ruasa area, below L a k e ' (F ely'25, 1943) ...... $2,824.58 liS Rubber ...... 15% WUPS Scbcalojr Black LiaMl,87)( Nsntral Grata SpMta. St^solay 2 POUNDS SUGAR...... 15c DIAL 8 .5 0 0 Ilmen. ! 'Jash In Savings Bank General Fund ...... 2.537.85 US S m e l t...... 45 •nUOM • aSBD • LSVXNI R*a Label, nVt% Noatral Grain Spe<-ide Two Things For sumrner gaiety Jewelers pro- talk longer than that, he coast defenders can swing quick­ Mo.st of thi.s money wilt be tu rn ­ lo ’v several time.s th a t much, proved that nearly all of the tech- ed up the street to anpther nists are trying to work Into key day to show how women are taking ly Into action. Sunday night. The group Is made 10:45 CBS; 11:00 CBS; 11:30 MB.S, bration. with Governor Hurley and nlcal faults found last week have whom he knew had a phone. Thi.s Ruillying out of the doldrums pose strings of spaghetti dyed to agreed to contribute $5 to the other public figures taking part, ed over to -lie Trensiiiy on one Another steji ha.s been to .sell posts In civilian defense now with brilliant colors, strings of Nassau part in the prcxluction apeed-up. More than 24 hours later, An­ up of school children. 12:00 NBC CBS Blue; 12:30 NBC; day. in fact .March 16. the la.-t been ironed out and the organiwi- was speedily accomplished and the whic h beset them recently when a A third of the workers turning Red Cross for every minute of This broadcast is a war casualty. wen r NBC CBS Blue. has been planned for tomorrow to tax note.s to peitential taxpayers ambulance was on the scene by the the Idea of overthrowing the War Production Board ruling cut snail shells In their natural state,, overtim e. gelenos today still wondered to day for filing annual income tax tlon, numbering nearly 500 war­ t’nlted States government after carved plastics and American- out new 1260-horsepower Merlin what they jwed the most spec­ Decision by the sponsor to ^ n off NBC—8 Fanny Brice; 8:30 mark this milestone. to give them a mean.s of paying dens, doctors, first aiders, and time the warden got back from off their supply of tin, jewelers "War is time for action and came with the discontinuance of return.s. If usual proportions hold the war. made pearls. engines for warplanes are women, tacular fireworks display they've Henry Aldrich: 9 Bing Crosby Re­ It all starts at 11 a. m.'whentJrts. true, about hall of the sum will their taxes in advance and mini­ many other groups will soon be making his coll. Tlie wounded man who for more than a year have and RollS'Royce officials are hiring not for talking." Hull said. the manufacture of auloniobiles. turns; 10 Vallee and Barrj’more; 2,000th youth, his Ideiijil^t-rtotryet mize the nmuiinl of ca.sh to be was removed to the ambiilance un­ Chaillaux. in a .«tatement issued managed without pearls from And the jewelers, confident that ever seen—anti-aircraft fire, tracer come from i orporationa and about ready for any emergency. yesterday by I>'gion national more every day. bullets, giant searchlights piercing The hoiii will be taken over by the 10:30 Frank Fay. rtl.rloBed, romes-tzrTKF Capitol to turned over on the one day, Defense Chairman George H. der the supervision of the first ald­ .lapan and glass stones from American women will want to Let Smoke On Job Fred Allen show, which Is moving CBS—7:30 Maudie's Diary; 8 le governor and other half from individuals. The crest of headquarters, warned cltlzen.s ti the dark. the wave ro.mc.s a day late this Mareh 16. Waddell, Air Raid Precautions ers and surgical unit, and rusheil Czechoslovakia decided two buy even more costume jewelry’ The company allows them to from Wednesday nights. Duffy's Tavern; "Bow-es guests who will Include Wat.son to the hospital. he on the w atch against w hat he 'things than last year—which they esti­ Official statements were not of vear, because the regular tiling Chairman Henry R. Mallory and oalleil "this new attempt of ('om- smoke on the job and gives them Scour By-Ways much help. Amateur8V"9?3o Big Town; 10:15 B. Miller, assistant Federal securi­ Chief W arden Thom as W eir cx- Other I nits ,\rrlve 1 To use precious mefals for | mated was twice as much as the American swing music over loud­ Dates have been set for the first First Line, U. S. Navy. date ■ .March 15- falls on a Sun- Idaho, during 19.39, h,id munlsts to infiltrate Into key de­ year before— are experimenting “False Alarm," Says Knox ty administrator; Rep. Ross Col­ p re e ^ aaUsfaction last night over As the ambulance arrived at the their prcvliicls, yet continue to | speakers. broadcasts of the three operettas Blue—7:30 Blue Horizons; 8 lins iD.. Ml.ss.l; Arthur Gurness d(iv, giving taxpayers on extra 21 | i,an u lo .s is death rate of 19 fense and government po.sts dur­ sell them nt the usual low costume 1 with still other materials and "Just a fable alarm," comforted hours liXl.OtiO of the poiml.'ili.un the response made by the^voufnteer various other services pull ing the pre.sent war period " "If it will help them turn out For Scrap Iron Secretary Knox from Washington. which received awards In the Chi­ New time for Service Camps varie­ of Boston, regional labor supply workers in carrying out • the V,. 25 ! plant proving that jewelry prices, | techniques. engines faster let 'em smoke and cago theater of the air’s guest for ty: 9 America’s Town Meeting First I nder Drastic Revision He said he had obtaincl hand­ "There were no planes over Los officer of the Federal Employment The income tax to be paid next simulated air raid instances. i (jje clTlclency of the units h.id 2 To develop more novelty The lady of fashion, they say give ’em all the swing they want, ” new American composition. The from Toledo. "How Will Y’outh Service, and Aubrey Williams, bills pas.sed around by the f'om- lines, using soashells and the like never will have to go without her j^e motherly woman supe Angeles: at least that's our under­ first will be March 14. the others month will '■e the first under the Motorists Are Condemned * greatly increased since the last munlst parly In several state.i To Search Along High­ standing. Nona have been found Face the Future? ” 10:15 Opera National NYA administrator. In nearly all of the ob^rver's re- | AmonK those which arrived i j; to'Volimtee. in.'itead of tin ils raw m aterial baubles. I vi.sor, expressing the com pany's on the 21st and the 28th via the Guild. drastic revtslhn authorized by N e w under-^rm ways for Discarded and a very wide reconnaissance Sidney Hillman, labor supply di­ The first rail of the 60,000.000 pounds of aban doned steel rail in Connecticut .streets conie.s out of Congre.sa last fall. Due to bexisted ports the motorists of Manchester [ Ijocontamlnation acpiad attitude. has been carried on," MBS netwdrk. MBS—8 Slnfonietta: 9:30 Bob rector of the War Productions were condemned. Affcr the first , re.scue squad.s As soon os fiir civilian defen.se work. fhiH The operettae, as yet untitled, Crosby band. the ground for America's war effort, as New Britain and State defen.se officials loqk on Mayor George tax rate.s and slashed personal ex­ Cream Deodorant They're not Amazons, these wo­ With every Army and Navy Board, may be present also. few minutes of air raid warning j injured person had been taken activity, declared t'haillaux, is men engine builders. But it is a Articles for Conversion will be named by the listeners. The J. Coyle of New Britain llefti, in launching a city-w1de removal of .300 tons of .steel, said ^ a t "with ^ emptions, the income tax will for safety particularly strong In .New York, source here silenced, the F'ourth To Inspect Defense Plants Those who the first time fall on millions of When cars stopped on Main and away, the surgical linlt immedi­ strange sight: A petite girl, her successful productions out of a W. P. A. help it is possible for the city to break even on the cost after the sale of the steel" California, Oregon and Wa.shing- Hartford, Feb. 26—The Connec- ! Army and Defense Command re- Morning; 8:00 NBC CBS Blue; pre.siilent of small wage earners. other streets momentarily, then ately called the control center to News of Our Boy Scouts makeup smudged with grease, cap total of 232 submitted were those 8:45 NBC; 8:55 Blue; 9:00 CBS: a tT h e N Y A ^residenreentor m'^No" I •;? Thoma.s \V. Rii.s.srll of H artford, vu e Checks Perspiration ton. ported from .-an Francisco: 1 the state salvage eommitlee: Setli Low Pierrepont of Ridgeheld, ihaiiman of the stale salvage eonimit- Thus, the tax whirh at o n e pulled away to go about their busi­ await further orders. Other unil.s at a pert angle over a fresh per. ticut state Highway Department of Ro.ss H astings. Los Angeles o f­ 10:00 MBS; 10:15 Blue MBS; 11:00 paug. will inspect defen.se plents ness as if nothing of moment had "Ila\e rilerlor .MotUes" today a.ssigncd a man to the State "The aircraft which causc'd the fice manager and theater usher: I tee. and Attorney Cyril F. Gaffney, chairman of the salvage committee ol the .New llrilain Defen.se time was popularly believed to also completed their part of the Scouts of America have-Troop 2.5 was held at seven o'clock MBS; 11:15 MBS; 2:00 NBC CBS In New B ritain and Bridgoport happened. He demanded that local civilian T h e B o v I machine or lathe — frequently Salvage Committee to scour the blackout 4n tne Los Angeles area Perry Faith. Contented Hour Con­ I Council. affect only film stars, hankers and work and reported back before the certain adopted a keynote for their activi Tuesday evening. The boys prac­ for several hours this (Wednes­ MBS. during the afternoon and will have ] The attitude of the traveling piib- "All Clear " sounded at 8:48 p. m. defense directors "make American-made—with the assur­ highwaysVnd by-ways of Connec­ cert conductor, and his collaborator such, will even hit WPA workers, that no place of responsibility is ties during 1942 in.spired by the ticed drilling after which a peppy day) morning have not been Iden­ Afternoon: 1:00 Blue; 1:45 NBC; dinner st the Algonquin elub, , in some casc.s Single w orkers lic was summed up in the state­ ance of a seasoned machinist. ticut for scrap iron and steel.’ •lim Pease, as.sl.slant NBC ronllnii- 2:00 MBS: 3:15 CBS; 4:45 CBS First .Mders on Job assigned to any Communist who .ccogmtion of the neeil for a strong game was enjoyed. The troop then tified." Bridgeport, tomorrow evening. earning ns little as $15 a week ment of one young driver over­ Eothuslastic Over Tools Seth Low Pierrepqnt, C hairm an ity ilirertor m Chicago: Lee Arni- MBS 4:55 Blue; 6:00 .MBS CBS: Connecticut, whose industries \ * 1 3 3 1 '; During the test, two first aiders reports for civilian defense duty, ciUzonrv to back up the nations formed a circle around the Scout- ^■er , of the State Salvage Committee, There was no elaboration as t« RiihlxM* ill (iirdlus may have to pay tax. Family heard to say: "Me stay here an appcareil on the .scene front the Officials are enthusiastic ontroiit. Chicago orchestra arrang­ 6:25 NBC; 6:15 CBS Blue. were scraping the bottom of the 1 hour; I will like h . . . ” He was .since. " he said. "C om m unists that lcfcn.s<'’ efroits. It Is "Strong for nvaster and a discu.ssion on patrol ! in accepting the services of Carl whose aircraft, bow many, from heads will start paying tax at | Nathan Hale school. They were on policies was held. new.American machine tools. er. and his collaborntor. Fenton 1:30 p. m. W ords and Music: labor barrel long before Pearl ] Freakish Southern Coconut watched and when he thought no l eiKirl for am h duties all pave ul­ America ’ Ttic active practice of A Cincinnati name-plane is A. Bessc.ibruch of the State Hlgh- whence it itheyi came, or where I.,ee. of Racine. Wis., who wrote hia about .$.30 a week. duty there and were despatched to the motto of the Boy Scouts, "Be Patrol yells were made up -. MBS 2:30 Philadelphia About .50 years hence, if you're the main line arteries indicated organization within our midst all )f Anieriia and Stiong in Skill. Even though the maohining time sioner Upman for providing a rnan f'allfornia olacked out from the opportunity to work in a war ui- . bo valuable to eat. It Will be was (lelinitelv ruled out today for ; ACHING-STIFF for I to ) days Removes odor troop in the Scout Oath. The Bob Administrator Leon Henderson will orchestra, Afr.em Zimbalist; 4:15 lu( ky, yon may eat a dish ot that repetition of air raid alarms businesses have al least one aii I ready to overthrow our govorn- But while many American citi­ San Joaquin ' alley to the Mexican diistry Into Connecticut. planted, and eventually South | the duration ' , from perspiration. raid warden in their etr.p’.oy. White patrol was scheduled to go is reduced considerably it still re- b®* cmxred the State for the he heard instead of Undersecretary Augustana choir. makapuno ice cream, made from 4. A pure, while, greaseleia, has dulled the motorist's percep­ I ment by force or violence. zens are learning new skills as quires 140 operations to finish one Highway Department and who border. After having been selected ac­ a freakish coconut. For it. you Florida will boast a grove w hich . The War Production Board said | tion of the intent of the drill. The services Were highly com­ ir.embcis of pre.sent day home de-. on a hike today. About 3:05 a. m . anti-aircraft cording to mechanical ability and ; will offer makapunos for limited no more rubber would he available i SORE MUSCLES stainless vanishing cream. mended for the efficient manner "This, ” he added, "is the only cvllnder block. : , these scrap piles may go ahead now and thank 7.3- 5. Artid has been inirded the Over 500 Volunteers On Hand aim the C'lmmur.ist party of the fcn.se units, the Boy .Scouts are ______1 exist, Mr. Pierrepont said. Mr. guns went Into action on a 25-mtle physical fitness, the youths were , year-old Dr. David Fairchild, emi­ commercial use. for the thread es.sential to such in­ For PROMPT relief—mb on Mua- in which they operated at the Bls- . ashing in on thirty-one years ot j Troop 98 I Bessenbruch will report to our of­ brought at government expense' Explaining his description of ] timate acce.xsoi le.s. The ruling, an­ terole! Massage with this wonderful Approval Seal of the American V»ith over 500 volunteer work­ , United Stales has ever had, and front along the coast, firing shrap­ 1080 1360 nent Florida botanist. "rouNTEB-iRRiTANT” aptuslly brings Institute ot Laundering foe ers giving up their time for train- scll street flare, and the warden.^ cmer_ericy service experience. For , William Barclay—Sgribe fice all accumulations of scrap nel and tracer bullets at a slowly w t r : WURC from their home states and given A makapuno cix:onut looks like the.makapuno as being "without ■ nounced late \csterday. ndn.statcd followed their instructions to the ] ever will have." Kilocycles Kilocycles fresh warm blood to aching muscles being harmless to fabrics. ing in air raid schools and later Chaillaux said American Com­ three decades the Boy Scouts have ' The weekly meeting was open­ iron and steel which he spotted moving, and still unidentified, training at the NY'A resident cen­ a normal one and grows on trees the maternal instinct. " the scion- | an earlier no-more-corsets order to help break up painful local con­ extra time for these necessary letter, knowing what to do In not oniv learned most of these ed last Friday evening at 7:30 Curfew Set along the road, together with the target. Some observers said it ap­ ters in Nepaug. Rocky Hill and that also produce ordinary coco­ tist said that the coconut, like a , which had been modified to some gestion. Better than a mustard A nid is the LAROC8T BCLUNO every case that came munists were "presently Intereat- Thursday, Feb. 26 DEODORANT. Try • i*r todayl drilla, it is nigh time the traveling 1 ct tfey could with the Air Raid Precautions Committee . , . . . 1, ■ , , Hiissia, not because It is a means , national and sectional i iitastro-' circle Instead of the regular line-' ceased suddenly. It was resumed ously. IS a coconut without the ma­ and obey the Instructions which came rushing out of their homes . . . . phles. up. ther use could exist, and Mr. Bes- 3:15—Ma Perkins 3:40-*Musical Interlude. In (iiscussing tomomw's pro­ ternal instinct. ' tuft of green forces through the material.s on hand, mentioning the ARRID 7 . , .u . 1 I i for saving thi.s country, briefly at long intervals for anoth­ Al all Atoraa aalliag ••ilal | have been well advertised and at the sound of the air raid whls- ' ______^______;______enbruch will follow through to see 3:30—Peppe,- Youngs Family 3:45—News. gram. Governor Hurley said the, "It IS a ^reak in which the milk fibrous outer husk, a pulpv white possibility )f employing knitted "Be I’reparixl Assistant Commissioner A. Tan- er 90 minutes. MUSTEROlt • !•» ( 8 l* o ia 104 emd S 9 < Iai written. The failure of the motor­ ties. They immediately began to i The reason in bac k of the learn- , ^^r spoke to the boys in regard to Newtown Judge Orders that all idle iron and steel gets to No bombs wore dropped. No air­ 3 :4 5 —Vic and Pade 3:55—Wqr Commei^larj’. Connecticut system had worked so seemingly combines with the meat growth starts to foi-m inside the gus-setj in miladv'.s ginlle. ing public last night to carry out walk their posts, on the alert for for her to make the long trip into ing of the .skill.s. such as fl,-.si aid. | waste paper .ind metal drive defense factories where it will be- craft was shot down, despite t :00—Backjtagc Wite 1:00—Ad Liner. well that it might become the of the nut to form a delicious food nut itself. guns and planes and tanks their part In the plan by staying the red flare which might be set the control center on foot. knot-tying. -ilgnaling and .such sub- to be held on F ebruary 28. F o u r­ Restrictions on .Auto- countle.ss false rumors. Souvenir 1:15 -Stella Dallas 4:15—Mark Hawley—News basis for a national plan. of the 1 onsistency of/■ thicktoivn ,...pud­1,-i "That white growth is aptly immobile while the drill w as on for off In their section. Many of the difticullies of the iccts by Boy .'Scouts is the m otto teen volunteers for this dnVe were Riding Boys and Girls. huntera did find lots of shrapnel 4:.30—L oreoio Junes ■'k OO—Mary Marlin. The 2,000 youths who have been i ding. ’ he explained The fate that ■ nanicd the 'nurse.' " said th< 40 minutes, was the one flaw in an Exactly one and a hall minutes first test had been overcome and . mbl.Tzoned ai rns.s the badge, "Be secured. 4:4.5—Youti„ Widder Brown 5:15—The Goldbergs. I brought to Connecticut thus far ] made them so delicious deprived 'white-haired veteran of many ex­ two or three more tests similiar fired by defense guns. 5:30—Ad Liner. peditions. "A t first the plant ha.s otherwise well-spent evening of air after the warning whl.stles had I'repaied. This motto has always ------! this effort can be, Mr. Pierrepont IS Born During Blackout 5:00—When A Girl Marries I come from all the eastern sea- | them of the possibility of forming to the one last night will give A short "patrol corners" session Newtown, Feb. 26.- (/Pi -Muni- j today cited the case of a Connec- 5:15—Porti 1 Faces Life 5:t5—Scattergood Baines board and New England states ' a new tree. They can never sprout, no roots but grows strong and raid drilling, officials H t-oj three* In aiitomoHil*in automobile ac- 7:00—Amos 'n' Andy. doorways of buildings to watch the light of the flickering flare. As | ' and fliat means to them being 6:45—Lowell Thomas Salt Lake Citv—'/T— Merchant m one small area of the Philip-! feds to the lusty treehng. ju.st a.<- j over. The Scouts were dismi.ssed "The youth here do not coop- ; scrap metal for alx medium tanks, cldents. 7.00—Fred Waring s Orchestra 7:1.5— Lanny Ross. a mother changes the diet of hci | the proceedings from a respectful soon as he ll:id digested the mes­ "Strong for .America. " at 9:15 with the Pledge of Al- Air raid wardens sped Into ac­ FAwin Q Cannon is a.sking the pmes. now- overnin by invading . erate with the defense program | ------7:15—News rf the World T:,30—.Maudie's DIarv’ city to ease its ban on sidewalk Japanese Dr. Fairchild brought voting B.c' the time the meat i.s i distance. sage thorou.;hly he turned and ! Plan Qiaiiifed Thii.'i it was when help "i^ i IPRiance. Twenty-eight scoiit.s at­ tion and strictly enforced "seek went after a messenger to be sent ' I urgently needed in Ohlq and In and spend valuable time riding 7:30—Quiz ->f Two Cities .8:00—D eath ' Valley Days C'hstnicticns to let him pul a htcy- Z'VV"'. -Mi.'tmi after j consumed, the plant ha.s d e v e lo p - Success last night in handling tended. shelter, no traffic’’ regulations. 8:30- Duffy's Tavern W- to the reception center. liana in 1913 because of the .Spring around in automobiles, burning up 8:00—M axw d Hou.-« Time c e l r.M 5 in front of his place of his 1940 P'airchild tropical gardens ed root! and i.s ready to lare fi the communications at the Muni­ The all-clear signal was sound­ S;5.';i Elmer Davis-News. . I cipal Building Control Center was floods. Boy Scouts rendered first valuable tire s and gaEoline." as­ 8:30—The .Yldrich Family ' business. ! expedition. They were planted on It.vetf Then the ’nurse' die.s and Had To Send Me«aenger | Meiiihers Who Go into Troop 126 Naval Shij >s ed at 7:21 a. m.—half an hour aft­ 9:00—The .Music Hall 9:0(1 Major Bowes' Hour. ' the e.state of Dr. Hugh Mathe.son, the old coconiil deravs ” due to a better streamlining.of the A tele|)ho.ne could not be used, aid and a.ssisted the regular agen- serted the judge in announPlrg the Parker Vetrano—Scribe er dawn - releasing a, flood of 10:00—Riidv Vallee's Program 9:30 -B(g Town - Ed Rob(nson. service branches Last night all. lor the simple reason, that the ' .\rm y May P n ilcrl . le s in their rescue and rehabilit;i- curfew for this municipality of I tion .vork. Every year Boy Scouts The meeting was opened at six 4,000. blackout-bound automobiles, buses 10:30—Frank Fay, Comedian 10:00 -Glenn .Miller's Orchestra. service contact men were seated wires had been hit and put out of Rescued 168 and street cars to create the city's 1(1:15 The First Line at one long table with five tele Their l)<‘|M‘ii(h‘iit!s. , in vaiiou.s sci tions of the country o'clock Tuesday evening by John May Face Coart 11 .'OO—News commission. The messenger, who| Kjellsun who called color guards. greatest traffic jam. Two hours 11:00 -.New.s, phones installed. Boy Scout run- ' wa.s a woman, set out for the ' reiuliT aid in local emergencies Young people accompanied In 11:15—D ane- .Music Butt 111 1921 the public again heard following which the troop saluted automobllci^by parents or guard- later the jam still was^s'o bad at 11:30—Joe acd Mabel 11:05 —Sports Roundup ners, trained for the job, had no i Center, while the warden went .New' Haven, Feb 26. ,/T, 125 More Are Saved one bottleneck that 15 nqinutes 11 ;10 —Musical Interlude. Members of the (■onncelicut Plan of their deeds when the Knicker- George Bettinger and jan will be allowed to stay out af- 12:00—War News trouble in dispatching mexaages ' back to where the flare w a.s still were required to drive two blocks. AM, 11:15 -News Anaivsis. from the Control Center to the po- I burning. for Hos[jltal Care who enter the Docker Theater burned in Washing- the Pine Tree Patrol led the Scout 10 p. m. Others may face a Than .Accounted for ifiii, I' c , and when fltxids in Oath The troop next sang In uni- ] breach of the peace charge, the That wasn't the worst bottleneck. rj;05—Fred'lie Ebencr* Orchestra ' Orchestra. lice, fire, ambulance, rescue, demo- ' The situation of the Borler armed fori e.s of the t’nitcil States Night shifts worked steadily on Spring Conditioning that's liUon ^nd decontamination and street setueil was o-s follows; The may now pi itei I the nieiiibership I’lu tilii. (.'oloiudo ami .San Antonio. ■son the chugabllly song and a judge said, if they ignore a con­ In F'irst Reports. 12:30—.Moon River i y'*" "' Tcxa.s (aii.sed w idespread dam age. verse of the Star Spangled Ban- stable's order to go home. In blacked out defense factories. Tomorross’a Prorran. ' * Orchestra. other service contact points in the .southwest corner of the school had of dependents enrnlleit thrmigb Day workers were stramled in " 12:55—News. town vault. tlieiii ultboiigli they tbemsi-lvi’s do So much for the history of the I The 52-year-old judge. who St. John’8. Newfoundland, Feb. lioeii hit by » ,5(M| [xnind. Iiigli ex- their homes until the all-clear sent 6:00 —Reveihc I Tomorrow’s Program Sector 8-A, Florence and Oak [iluinve bomb. In the school at the not continue to be members. It Buy Scout.s of America. We will The patrols next retired to pa- ] whrks as a master mechanic In a -The count of men rescued and Agricultural ' A. M. nave more for you next week, but trol corners where dues were col- factory when not busy in court fnim the shipwrecked United them pell mell toward offices and News street, from Main to (Tlnton lime, there were 4d children and was. announced today by Holicrt plants —to meet an outpouring of 6:00—Sleepy Slim Serenade Puinall, general nuitiagei of the Ju.si now we must turn to the lected. The troop was assembled ! said that the arrest of a 17-yoar- Slates dejrtroyer Truxtun and the 7:00—Momlrg Watch street, was tie first to report on a two leacher.s. who wire attending night Workers anxluus to get 8:00—News 7 :00— News. ' bombing Incident. Highland Park, plan. .icriheH of the .Manchester troops to [ and tests w ere passed and stud- old boy on a charge of carrying a Naval supply ship Pollux stood to­ 7:10-Shoppers Special. un entertainment. As a re.sult of home to breakfast. 8:J5—European News Roundup Case Brothers mill, was secornl the bomb In', four chiblren hud A svihacriber entering the armed ■See what our local boys . have been ' . led.1. ..Dunng 1 the recreation . ___ _ period, concealed weapon first gave rise day at 168—125 more than were 7:30--Robart Program. i-mbcrship ' during the past week. j the boya played a gam* called to the advisability of a curfew. Idly curious and souvenir hun> 8:30—Radio Bazaar TJUIORID TO YOUR CAR ! 2—And up!.. . I m per ia l literally roomed its forces may cam el hl.s mei accounted for in first reports. 7:40—Bond Pfpgram . and Sector 2-D, Bi.'nel! street. been killed and 11 were Injured. ^ I C .X i Vx A M A S. A n ^ ox I A .4 S .Scribes are again urged to "Find the Clock". The need for conservation of Newfoundland villagers M i d era added to the traffic confusion 8:55—WTlCs. Program Parade way over entrenched leaders-in slate after Main to Harrison, was third. Two first Hid jicrsons were also with the privilege of reinstate- 1 •Carlson, 7:5.5—News. A new Scout, Donald -Carli tires and gasoline, the judge said, they had tak en 118 bodies from In this city where 1,000.000 auto­ 9:00—Playhouse 8:00—News of the World Com* in Now for a FREE Impnethn by Avthorixmd Foefory-Trainnd state! Here's one "success story'"; in one state Real FTre Occurs badly injured, and Inere was much nient within 90 days after his dls- | Once the ' 'vas inducted into the troop,/after mobiles are registered and most 9:15—Food News An unusual feature of the drill danger of a j i.nii al th at point charge from service. OrUinarilv. urs l.a> morning vL-hioh Ceontmxoter clinched the matter. the sea and continued their search 8:15—Morning Sahjte. ,.hr, ,«n,-»i r,ine Vi,. pe Column reaches the composing after" which . . -Scoutmaster . . ^jdhnson of them are used for bu.slness pur- 9:30—A unt Jenny s Rcwl Life Machankt that WUI Show Exactly what Attmtition YOUR Car N— he re- ^ ^ farther a"**'** *■ many Scouts a< possible for others. 8:20—Shoppers Special The United SUtes Navy had an- ! poaes Storie.s now they're all behirtd I m pe r ia l ' an old ice hou.'e in rear of the Ca^e , necessitating that the message for instated only if (hoy apply in ^nn be inserted for that help in the waats.-T«P«r collec- 8:30—News. 1— Going Up!‘ lMPE8raL IS a whiskey that Visit May Offset nuunced In Waabington that 189 ] 9:45—As The Twig Is Bent 8:35»—Shoppers Special. Brothers mill during the ,ilert. The help be p< r;sonally delivered. usual way as a member of a group weok. (ioo Saturday. '.0:00—Bess Johnson will go places '-said experts. And right they through some place of employ- . officers and men were lost In gale- | ^ , 9:(Xt—Press News. Incld^l at the mill was scver,al I .Made Excellent Time ------I The meeting was closed by the 10:15—Bachelor's Children Incendiary bombs bn the roof , exacUy 8 30; 23 m.nutes af- ment. and members who cancel I Axis Intrigues churned Canadian waters where i Ltnl-kgAa 9:15—School of The Air of The were! News of this grand whiskey's super Troop 25 I Scoutmaster who led the troop the two vessel* recently were cMt a-*Ca*.siVio 10:30—Help Mate Amerieas. whlch was well handled by the ter the flare tad been set off, all after receiving benefits under the I 10:45—Road Of Life ^moothnesv and marvelous flavor began to company industrial w a r d e i. s Kenneth Barrett—Scribe in the Scout Oath and Scoutmaa- on the rocky shore and smashed, 9:45—Stories America Loves of the vano'is trucks and ambu- ' pl®ri cannot subsequently be rein- The regular weekly meeting of ter’s Benediction. 11:00—Mary Marlin draw crowds' I m peria l started for the high Shortly after the report was given lanres began to respond to the call | slated. Both these regulations London. Feb. 26—'/Fi—Chinese but did not give the number of 10:00—Betty Crocker. from the mill a fire was found In BUrvlvors. 11:18—Right'to Happinea* 10:15—Myrt and Marge. places! • for help at the school. This was ex 'have been waived for .service men Generalissimo Chiang Kal-Shek'i Are Recorded 11:30—The Story of Bud Barton the Ice house and wardens extu.- .May Become Subscriber did all these other things, she said, recent viait to Khyber pass and his What the casualties might have 10:30—Stepmother. ellent tirue. considering that the 11:45—David Harum 10:45—Woman of Courage. guished the blaze with palls of wa­ me.s.sage tin l tn he relayed per- If the siihscnhcr has enrolled we could be married,” address to warlike northwestern been had not four sailora from the WANT lONOH TWI lISfT W kn iwitckimt ttrts. OOOO M A K B MIAN SAIITY RiU*. Srakti nugkt Youth Admits The blond, nattily dressed youth Tnixton braved the sou’eMter to 12:00 Noon—Gene and Glenn 11:00—To Be Announced. to ke kept im proper sdjmitment for safety reborns 3 —And up—to stardom! ter from the plant. .*iiially. , any dependents prior to the date frontier tribesmen may help to off­ 9 7 .4 Per Cent Are Listed PM. d» JMS rrmrmkrr tkt tpertf If ytm 'll let M ttetich The "white' or all clear signal of his entrance into military life, ssld, she told him they would have set Axis intrigues aimed at stirring nutke shore j d a raft could only be 11:15—The Man I M arried yWr tiret, w rkiut tke tpart in mktre it can krtt alome. Beyond that, krakes that mre "om i" emu rntio Taste why dem and for I m peria l Kei-l'unding to the call were, one 12:15—New* Reporters 11:.30—Bright Horizons. was given at 8 48 p m iUiihiilani e and two first aid the lir.st dependent -usually the to be married according to church up revolt at India's back door, well guessed.' As , Time 1 ;(I5- W oman in W hite. will meet Friday afternoon at 4 part nf the building which was other military work, the husband to kill his brown-eyed awe<.theart. equipment. Including field wireless ditioning won't do this year, when it is conditioned as a unit — new high in whiskey enjoyment! p. m. In the Municipal building to fler Iiiflictnient. He made a date on Sunday to take stations and machine-guns. per cent of Connecticut's babies 2;.30 —Cbncer* M atinee 1;.30—Vic * Bade, I termed as iin.-afe. ' may become the sub.scriber under 2:55—Newy 1:45—Life Can Be Beautiful. mister! especially when trained Buick make plans for the blackout ' to Teiejihone ai.d electric trucks the same provisions as outlined her to the Palace theater Tuesday. More ominous, however, have were duly recorded. Chicago, Feb., 26--J/P, -Prosecu- Gilbert said the youth related, and May Have Another w m 2:00—Young Dr. Malone. be held in this -;eet-:on r,f the state ar'rivi-d at s. ;o and had the wires aLX'Ve. been repofts of activities by Jap­ a> f This figure reached M the specialists do the job. on M an h 3 tors asked the grand jury today to planned to take his pistol with.him. anese agents who were said to be result of an experiment conducted 2:15—Joyce Jordan—Girl Interne. i all .>»• l for duty again in five min- Asks Cox Heariii" 2:30—Fletcher Wiley. You’ve got something more im­ It Is expected th a t another te.-t ! Ute.H. return a murder indictment against urging revolt among disgruntled Chance to Return by the department to test com­ drill ^111 be held within thne H e«rt politicians in Kabul, with promise* 2:45—Kate Hopkina. So we write your spring condi­ The whol? sitiiation was well 17-year-old Clarence McDonald F a ta l pliance with the la.v which re­ portant to think about than just weeks at which time the auxiliaiy ! handli'd, and run off with a mini­ (larcliiial Boggiani that Afghanistan would receive quires physicians and midwives to Be Open to Public tioning ticket to fit yoMr cars police will be called out Almlf'-i who. they said, confessed hia fatal Ann Arbor^lflPt-. Feb. 26—(iPI portions of British Baluchistan and London. Feb. 36—(JO—Some of Yield of wheat in Argentina this changing oil and grease - you’ve mum of trouble. Thu.s was the file a birth certificate with the year la estimated at 6 million needs -- not to make up a ready­ wandering of motori.sts al/out town shooting of a girl friend In a n.ovle , Dr. Herbert fCstockwell, 40, drop- an outlet to the Arabian sea. the 5,000 Americana who were cut registrar of vital statistics with­ got a whole car that will have to wll! be checked during the air raid I census of all v. ho had witnessed l)i€*s al Age 68 ped dead of a heart attack at Uni­ Informed sources said the dan­ oft from the United States when Hartfprd. Feb. 26.—(/Pi- The metric tons, 26 percent less than the scene. Every penson and or- theater balcony had been planned in 10 days a fte r birth. made “package” according to alerf and .wit! he checked hv, polii e versity hospital yesterday while ger on India’s northwest frontier tjiey missed the of the repa- Connecticut League of Women for 1941. see you through the duration, i gamzaUon that hgureu in the in­ iMt Special coplea of each birth a t that time. It is expected three days earlier. W M hing his hands preparatory to had grown greatly In proportion to thaUon ahlpe In the summer of ■Voters announced today th a t It average requirements. cident did an excellent Joh proving ' Rome (From Italian Broad- "1 was terribly jealous of her and certlflcate filed during a teat period had asked Go.emor Hurley to and you can’t afford to overlook Four Boy Scouts, Arne Carlson. an operation. Friends said he had Japanese successes In Malaya and 1940 soon may have another were sent to the Federal Oenaua Robert Stavnltrkl and William i that as was expected, practice casL'l Feb. 26 - ■ Tommaao Plo afraid she’d never marry me," he never complained of .Illness. He Burma, adding that some of the open tfic hearing on rharges any part of it. e * makes {lerfect. chance to get home. Bureau which, during the April, The cost is no higher than for a Nameroff of Troop 47 and Charles Cardinal Boggiani. 68. who had told Prosecutor Wilbert Crowley was a surgery instructor In the frontier tribes "always consider United States citizens in the against State Highway Commis­ Martin of Troop 9S under the di­ Transportation I’nlt one of the most turbulent careers and police seeking a motive for the ______1940, census, made a special re­ sioner William J. Cox to the pub­ comparably good job anyw here University of Michigan Medical British preoccupation elsewhere m British Isles have been advised by port on all babies born during the Dou ble-Purpose rection of their Seoul leader, The entire ambulance transpor- of any memoer of the College of killing of Dorothy Broz, l1. high School, their opportunity." Consul Glenn A. Abbey that a lic. That’s why Buick spring service else: It’s actually lower in the James Irvine, made a distinct Im­ Istiop unit was assrmbled and Cardinals, died today school "all-Amencan girl" and! pMt four months. TTie commissioner has been limited number of non-priority ac­ Comparison OlvM Beresataga is tailored to your own partic­ pression on the ofTicisls at tne , ready fni the iirst call at exactly He had been in poor health for honor student, Tuesday afternoon. 1 commodations are expected t$ be charged with ’'inconipetence" and long run, because it pays to have Comparing this report with the Control Center during last night’s 18 04 and two niiniite.s later the .several years. "So 1 finally decided that If I | avaUable "in the very near future" "material neglect of duty” and ular car. a Job done right. drill. Their speed- and intelligence I '"‘it lent two juei e-s ,,f apparalu.s Cardinal Boggiani was Involved couldn’t have her I didn't want and wUI be tilled on a basts of first csrtiflcates filed provided the per­ hearings will be held *ome time LOANS In relaying messages to and from , (» the Medu al Corp at the Man- in several sharp theological de­ anyone else to have her." he de- ' Score of Army and Navy come first served. centage. next ynonth. TO PAY INCOME Ihe Control Center to the Services Chester Memorial hospital Twenty bates and nt one time was the cen­ d ared . , WlUiam C. Welling, director of .The league’s letter to the gov­ We change oil and grease in the Drop in for a FREE check-up by pieces of apparatus were on hand the State Bureau of Vital StaOa- TAX Eighty-six proof. 70% Contact point was commendable ter of a dispute concerning the ad­ Uirl's t'ncle Hits Slayer ernor aaid that opening the hear­ regular way, of course-"we Ire Plant Bombed and at no lime was the organiza- ministration of the attihdloceae of Shows 74 Jap Ships Sunk tics, said that several certlficatM 2. TO PAY OLD BILLS our author!:^ factory-trained groin ntutrti spirits Grand jury action w m re c o m -; ings to the public would serve the The L. T. Wood ice plant rm Bi.'- tion .stripped down lower than two Genoa. New First Aid which apparently war* mlaalng double purpose of "giving the pub­ check batteries, cooling systems, mechanics and let us detail the Cepr 1942, HisBfli WoUaf ■ell street was the scene o. much complete units. The most vaolent chspter, how­ mended by a coroner^ jury w hich | were found to have been filed In­ Personal makes loans of 825 4 Seso Uc , PaertB. Ill IMPERIU IS 6REHT Tsot* wliy h’t reached a murder vemict at an in- f WMhin^on, Feb. 35—OP)—Army and Navy annotince- lic an opportunity to hear for It­ to 8250 or more quickly and wheel alignment and other service your car should have ac.tivity last night as Manchester s ■Again Traffie Complaint ever, was when the townfolk of correctly because of speUlag er­ AMSfks's fsststt- quest thrown into momentary ap- j menta of air and sea attacks on Japanese vessels since' Dec. 10 Class to Start self the’ evidence presented by privately — on Just your sig­ FOR 2 BIG RERS0R8! air raid defense ur.ile went Into ac­ Most of the drivers reported Adrla stoned him. rors and also that many delayed both aides" and of “strengthening routine matters. this spring. tion. Soon after the warning was that traffic paid not the slightest Pope PKis >C created nim bishop roar when an uncle of the slain girl ] list 74 sunk, 7 probably sunk and 33 dmmaged. Here Is the certificates were being filed be­ nature, or on auto or furni­ frooring wtiiskoyt rushe'j past the youth's guards score: the ‘home front’ by refueling the ture. Reasonable monthly sounded at eight o’clock, a flare was attention to the sirens n«r the ot Adria in 1908 and Instructed A new first aid class under the cause many schools now raqutra people's conviction that the gov­ for ‘"hs 8m88tk"*»* set off In front of the ice plant fact that each of the units were him to transfer the seat of the dio­ and struck him in the face. , directlen of WUUaa Sacharek wlU payments. We have a loan Crowley quoted McDongldJs re-' Sunk Probably Sunk Damaged proof of birth from entering stu­ ernment of Connecticut is their plan to fit every employed It was assumed that la 500 pound carrying red cross flags on the cese to the more important city of begin on Monday evaniag. March 3 dent*. IMPERIAL “Flww-psaktd” for extra riefcatss! komb had hit the southwest comer bumpers. One trip the medical plies to questioning about a motive BatUeabipe ...... 1 . . 3 government, one in which they person's needs whether on an Rovrigo. D espite opposition by C niiaers ...... S 13 a t 7:15 In tha Trade Samol audi­ tf the building, partially demolish-: corps, with doctors and nurses Adria's townsfolk he made the thus: torium. TTiose persons fiegistered have a concern and for which they old or a new Job. kig It. Two people were buried m arrived at the scene almoiit at the transfer “1 admit I wasn’t jealous of any C arriers ...... 1 * 1 ' 1 for first aid at the Volunteer Ser­ Olvea O oadraet have a responaibtUty." A 8100 loan eosts 820.60 M hrAvBukkm sna Om wreckage &nd on^ pedestrian | same time as t h e ambulance. t one else tn particular. She didn’t D estroyers ...... 8 1 3 when rspsld promptly in 12 $2.x. Submarines ...... 4 1 vice Bureau have bean notified of Ask About Our CY.C (Comorvo Vbur Car) Plon KM aerioualy wounded. Ammonia ; Reason for Absenee New Envoy At Post have a lot of dates. But she w m thia new elaaa starting. Any others WMhington, Feb. 35. — (JPt — Twlna Are 81 Today monthly Ustatments. 4-5 qr.ART ASennJlU^a t gM was leaking from the tanks' one driver reported that his terribly popular st school: All the Seaplane Tenders ...... 1 InUrested In taking tha courst Award of a 8893.000 contract to Torrington. Feb. 26.—(je\—One Largs loans mad* sa readily Mine Sw eepers ...... 1 . • aa small pnea. If you want S f l k m rery. -powerful, making - unit----- reached------its --- objectiveJ_____ w...,only toX., Chungking, Feb. 25- CP)--Slr boya were after her. may report to the Trade School A. E. Stephena. Springfield, Masz., of the oldest pairs of twins in New $1-49 OUrtcvlt for the workers to gel' flnd that the warden in that sec- j Horace P. Seymour, new British G unboats ...... 1 . . . . tor constructloB a low-rent, 198 England observed their 81st birth­ to get a loan **on your osm~, “She told me about a year ago 'beat Montey evening. at phone or come in today. PD

Le-Ti (W, LifTlt PEX5)er? 'ft© .' SUT VE a y r d ia ^ i o c e n t l e ’ A « A KrTTEM f i ^ l HingDuU Sense and Nonsense PLENTf RENT A Citu's Wants Classified FbrVbur Benefit ^ ?S! Stranger—I have been told that America today Is confronted S A l i Matrimonial Musingf A Matrimonial C3iart by\means -a citizen of this town, John H. with a task of converting industry Of which It is easy to judge how Tamale, Is a Judge. What sort.of a into a machine for victory. long any given couple have been Judge la he. — Donald M. Nelson, executive di­ Boarders Wanted 59-A Wanted to Rent 68 lost one of the rear wheels while N ative—He's a judge of liquor— rector, SPAB. Automobiles for Sale 4 Help Wanled— Female 35 making the turn at the intersection Planes Shot married. £oat and Found If he goes shopping and carries If that's what you mean. ROOM AND BOARD—single or YOUNG qO U PLE would like 3 or Rockville of Union and West Main streets. '■1^ all her bundles for her without a I've stopped being horrified. WE ARE STILL paying ca.sh for 4 room apartment, between The driver stopped the truck be­ VVA.NTED WO.MAN for laundry double rooms, shower, family Lewis H. Chapman At by West word—two months. Friend— I thought the doctor — George Ade, Hoosler humorist, ,-lO ST— G R A Y M ALTESE cat. u.scd cars. 1941 Pontiac Super prlvllegea. Phone 3533. Manchester and Hartford. Tel. fore damage resulted. Another on his 76th birthday. work at Memorial hospital. 86, Rockville If he listens Intently to all the told you to stop all drinks. CaU 8387. stream liner, 4 door sedan, small 8039, truck from the company removed mileage. 35 other clean u.sed cars, FOR RENT—TW'O SINGLE fur­ Coast Guns details of the "Thursday A fter­ Man—Well, what of it? You :XPERIE.\'t’ED BOOKKEEPER the merchandise and the truck noon Bridge club — under six don’t see any gettin’ past me, do When war broke out, I stood, a jjO ST — BLACK ONYX lady'a cole Motors—4164. waniPd to take charge of office. nished rooms, with or without WANTED—SMALL FURNISHED was towed away. Traffic at the months. you? puzzled man. In front of a alx-ton rtny, M t With dUinond. In vicini­ board, also garage. Phone 4607. apartment for two adults, near intorsection was slowed up for FOR SALE-1941 CHEVROLET Must know shorthand. Tober (Coatlnned from Page One) I f she tries so bard to persuade slab In my studio, and wondered. ty of Mancheater Gre«n ichool. B.i.ioball Mf)f. Co, b)is lino. Tel. 8.547, references Calk Meeting .*icveral hours. —Jacob Epstein, modemlatlc Reward.,Telephone 6098 or 5125. 2 door coach, radio, heater. c:ooERM.\NENT WELL PAYING town. Write Box E, Herald. W ANTED—BUILDING lot 65x100 the G. A. R.'hall with Commander Gnns Fire 1,480 Rounds "the only man In the world"—four Vernon Defense Coun­ j We must return to a belief In Panama has with the United 'NO...OM SECOND B U T- BUT YOU SEE, MISTAH MA30R, NOW OL' future for r'-fired women. Full near .school, ga.s, electricity. State Carlton Buckmi.'iter presiding. Anti-aircraft guns of the 37th days. IF HIM A N ’ ME WAS PEUClTATlONSj JA^N .' W ANTED TO BUY u.sed tires, location and price. Write Box Y, cil to Prepare Plans to The Luther League of the First If he finds all nis buttons sewed I the potentialities of man. States. THOUSHT, WO.' PEOPLE ALONE. I'D BE AS J a s o n is ^ s u b ' w e n t b o d y oa SO YOU HAYE PLUN&ED and tubes. Any .size, also repair­ or part lime For interview write Apartments, Flats, Cjoast Artillery brigade fired 1,- I — Mark I,. Entorf, New York — President de la Guardis of Pan­ IV E SAVED GOT THAVE FIRM AS HE IS.' Herald. Lutheran ’ church will meet this 430 rounds of ammunition at the on and his socks darned—seven ONE, r a m b l i n ' a r o u n d SBEKi n ' INTO DEPENSE WORK, able tires. Barlow Tire Company. Box O, Herald. I State College of Home Econom- ama. n e a r l y EMOUGH r e c r e a t io n ! AN' IF YOU A N ' ME DROP IN — OB CALL IN — Tenements 63 Salvage Paper. evening at eight o’clock at the planes, which Stlmson told a press months. Telephone 5404. I tes. TO BUY A DEFENSE TH' SOLDIERS WAS ALONE I d b e s c r a p s a n ' j u n k , m e t a l to TOO,'— COME, To church with the State League conference were officially reported If she insists that he invite his MeHINNET BROTHERS FOR REN T 3 ROO.M furnished I want you to understand the BOND AND NON AN' SAILORS AS WEAK AS TOD ARE WHAM DEM JAPS ON DEV HAlDS IP WE CAN'T UNEARTH W ANTED TWO WAITRE.SSES. Rockville, Feb. 26- ( .Special i Topic Team" as guests. as flying at speeils rangim; from mother down more often— three For Insurance NEW TIRES—IF YOU are quali­ apartment with all arrommoda- We can't all be captains or gen­ Importance— the downright historl. IS NO TIME EVEN HAVE THAT’S WHUT’S TH' Apply nl ■Silk n iy Diner. Salvage Chairman Laurence M “very slow," to 200 miles an hour, weeks. TO WEAKEN. TO HAVE MATTER WITH T>r HOPE'S NOBUDOV BEAT ME A STRAY (SEM 505 Main Street (A t the Center) fied for a new :.re see Brunnrr's. tions until April 1,5th. 626 Cen­ Wapping erals. but there is much Im­ cal Importance —of tomorrow. Dillon of the Vernon Defen.se Coun­ and at heights of P.OOO to 18.000 If he calls her mothec, "an old THAT TKEEP To DAT SOLO MINE OP WlDDEN\ Manchester, Conn. 80 Oakland street. All sires, low ter street. portant work to do In the ranks. —W. L. Batt, director. Materials WORLD TWO THIRDS \ r- WA.N'TEI) C K N E H AL HOU-SE cil will be present at the meeting feet. dear” , and her father "a brick"— 9 IG UP THEIR KEEP THE OTHER THIRD \ '■ YOU SOT IN TH' R E P U S H Telephone 6060 - 7432 prices work f^iri. Go(si cfjok. references. Mra. W. W. Grant —Governor I^ehman, New Y’ork. Division. WPB. of all Boy Scoiit.s of the district (vilead The planes dropped no bombs. three weeks. )OU9LE MORALE.' OUESSINT SO MUCH ' ' BACK YARD,' FOR. Call .S A. Cheney. Tel. 5429. 7394, Maacheater this evening at the Union church If ahe asks him to tell ber about THAT ONE THIRD HAS W ANTED TO BtTY new or used Suburban for Rent 66 Stlmson said, there were no casu­ NOO.' social rooms. "the office"'— five months. ■bature NO COMPETITION tires 600x16 or will buy old car Mi.ss Janet Odell, daughter of alties among American troops, HOLD EVERYTHING m The meeting has been planned to If he complains about the steak (OHIOV with good 600x16 tires on it. Help Wanted— Male 36 FOR R E N T —5 ROOM shore front Carf A. Magtiuson of East .Mr and .Mrs John Oflell of Rye, none of the planes was shot down, Write Box Z, Herald cottage, Columbia Lake, March Wind.sor Hill, former principal of formulate a systematic canva.ss of and no American Army or Navy being too well done— one year. ES COMiwt, -N. Y., and Rev. George M. Milne If he would rather sit by the fire R r a i T A L S KNITTERS W ANTED. C.ooa]ra...| 7 otai • eta FOR SALE FIREPLACE. fur­ romantic. The ceremony took place t ConaaeutlY# Daya...| f cts|ll eta Moving and Parking. The Austin is a patient in the Rockville City fine pragraT.t>F- also dining room table. Inquire of 12:30 and 2:30 a. m. .Many de­ Stafford Springs days 10:10. church on Sunday morning at 10:4,5 the home of her grandp.arents. Mr. Important that the question be to tha alter goes, SAVE WOOL 96 Wooilbridge street. fense workers and others employ­ John O. Netto and .Mrs. Albert Dorau in W alling­ answered In order to justify the Down the aisles of the church Telephone Your Want .Ads Help Wanted— Female 3."> ed elsewhere must get their need­ a. m. This is the first visit of a w iA B ou a N a w Bangor Seminary President to ford. use or lack of u.sc'of Isolation and between the friend filled fcoNOMV surra WASH TUBBS Opportunity Knocks But Once BY ROY CRANK Ada are accepted over the tele­ FOR SALE SEVEN PIECE din­ ed rest and especially those con­ 472, Stafford Harol 1 Mouse of West Hartford, W AN TE D HIGH .SCHOOL girl, Union church and next Sunday other sanitary precautions in ■ rows; phone at the CUAKOE RATV given ing risjm .set, studio couch, also fined to their homes by illness. was a caller at the Gilead Game above as a eon^enalnoa to adver- about 17 for after school and miscellaneous Items. Inquire 364 happens to be the beginning of handling outbreaks. There's Billy whom she motored 1 CHANd* HV MIWD. 1 WISH TO IS 3000'. w iA rrf LOOK! IN (TMMfBa T VBS. tlaara. but tha CASH RATES will be A retiring teacher of the faculty Farm on Sunday. REApv, t o m . n c MassAaei/QoicktY Saturdays, Call 7907 mornings Parker street, telephone 6339. Dr. George S. Brookes' seventeenth DIffIrult and Costly with and Bob with whom see TH5 AMERICAN EXECUTg^ accepted as FULL PAYMK.ST If of Stafford High school and a The members of the Ladies Aid "Isolation Is a difficult anil cost­ she swam; AIM.. HE DROP T040.T.o,f.- •** Automobles for S.*!!* ...... « home of .Mr. and Mr#. Clarence __subacute bacterial endocarditis. Automobiles for Exchange .••• I the Kast Side of Town. plies at lower prices 1 New ticut Editorial Association, on the CTonnecticut will present the Ora­ Cooking Hints local sale of Defense bonds. torio 'The Seven Last Words of Fogil. Auto Aecessorlee^Tlres ...... i PRICE fluroescent kitchen and bathroom Plaaet Vsnoa Oonfnaee R oastiic a husband doesn't Auto Repairing—Painting 1 fixture only $5.65. New recessed The presentation will be made Christ," (Dubois) at the Union Mrs. Robert Foote waa an over­ make him tender. A LLE Y OOP Why Not? BY V. T. H AM LIN Auto Schools ...... T-A ONLYL $ 3 7 5 0 by Robert Warner, Editor of the night guest at the home of Mr. and Aotoa^Shlp by Truck ...... i rellinc lights $3.45. Supply Out­ Congregational church on March Los Angeles— OP) -■ Venus—the Many a man gets stewed be­ Stafford Press and President of Mrs. William Milne In Larchmont, Autos—For Hire ...... V .\LSO let, 11.50 Mam street. Hartford. 29th, Palm Sunday at 7 p. m. The planet— caused no end of trouble cause he is in hot water so much. m GOSH,oor. (.TMANkS FOR OIVIN ME 1 GUESS I'M GONNA HAFTA THERE’S th e OTHERJ.^------A j / LOOK.* HE'S Oarages—Service—Storage ... 10 > the Oonnectlcut Editorial Associa­ con.munity is cordially Invited. N. Y.. Friday. Spinach and hla goose are two YOU DOMK r r . \A HAND AFTER I GOT BE s a t i s f i e d w i t h j u s t CAGE THAT FLEW-Z’^ y .. HUNG UP /- m EBBE Motorcycles— Bicycle* ...... 11 1 during the west coast’s latest tion, and C. V Backus of the Un- Miss Carol Warner, daujftRet of things no man enjoys having cook­ IT LANDED-.WHEW,' 1 O N E , t h o u g h -. THE — ! OFF, W ITH TH ' / Y/E c a n GET Wanted A ulo* —Momrcycle* ... 12 j Whist Party blackout. A Huntington Beach C ArruRco a CRITTER /.TJiCRrTT^5 A { 1M, EM* .Musical Instruments 53 dorw'ood Eliot, Ftsher Company. Mr. and Mrs. Norton WarnCT la ed for him. rraRODACTYL 'COULDNT'VE h e ld IT o t h e r c a g e h a v i n g X I Businraa sad Profesalorral Service* ' X ,T $ 4 2 5 0 Damon Temple, Pythian Sisters air raid warden Identified It as a W rr.' fA^^V^OJTj WHV „cfT ? Buaines* Servlcei offered ...... 13 Hartford. Mias Slye Is the daugh­ will hold a military whist party visiting her grandparents Mr. ami Hot meals served on time, keep ▲i-ive/ MUCH LONGER FLOWN AWAY.' 1 SFK I S FOR INSrK.XNCK Ft'R S,\L9'. 1 T R A P drum out- searchlight. Others reported the WOULDN'T WANTA Household Services offered .... 11*^A I ter of Herbert R. Slye of East this evening at eight o'clock in Mrs. Ernest Dingwell In Meriden love from growing cold. AWFUL LONV.' Building—Cont rarting ...... M fil, one vihre phone, one xylo­ planet variously as a flare s “ A spear goes with each suit, so you can pick up things MAFTA GO THROUGHy Main street. This afternoon Mr F qi^ tera Hall at eight o’clock. Every man's favorite dlsb is— Florlata— Nurseries, ...... lb phone one full sized piano ac­ In Chaldea, watermelons ara rarstlng rtiell. a flaming airplane Funeral Directors ...... lb I Senechal was guest of hlg-^ fellow The committee In charge Includes apple sauce. — , without stooping 1“ cordion S9 t ’ n.on street. Phone produced for their water. and a mysterious omen. Heating—Plumbing —Roofing .. I* Stuart J.Wasley faculty members at a farewell teg Mrs. Frank Mann, chairman, Mrs. Insurance ...... 11* : .5709. In the cafeteria and was presented Millinery— DreAH’rixking ...... U j Ileal Estate and Insiiranre Harriet Nutland. ' Mrs. Henriette Moving—Trucking—Storage .. 2 ' with a farewell g ift by bis asso­ Judge, Mrs.) Bertha Gerllch, Miss IXKiNERVILLE FOLKS Stale Theiiler Buihliiig ciates. He will continue to live In BY FONTAINE FOX Public Passenger Service ...... lO-A Telephone 6618-7146 Rooms Without Board 59 Dorothy Prelle, Mrs. Ellen Flss, PalnllTHf-—Papering ...... 21 Stafford Springs, on East Main Bedtime Toy Professional Services ...... 12 Mrs. Ruth Young. Repairing ...... t'-‘ FOR R E N T -T W ’O unfurnished street commuting dally to Wtllt- Deputy Here t w i c e ,SINCE HE PUT THOSE TIRE-S a VINS WHEELS ON TH* B U 8,^ mantlc. Honorable mention in the Tailoring— Dyetng—('leaning rooms and bath, $15 per month. Bernard K Smith, Deputy In­ THE SKIPPER HAS BEEN CAUGHT DEEPENING THOSE RUTS Toilet Goods and Service ...... ti Write Box M, Herald. ' CEA news-story contest was given ternal Revenue Collector will be Wanted — nusiness .^»-rvic* . . . . It to James Dwyer a t New Qu 4^ Tax (jolleclor'’8 at the office the Town Clerk on . IN THE ROAP UNPER THE R.R. C U LV E R T __ WF 0> KUuratloBBl High School and Charlotts d m in o at Courses and CUssea ...... FtMay, February 37th to assist in of Falla "VUlaga, who attands [ S-IA com iw IT HU M*v*Ct m Private losinictlona ...... It tbs filling out bicome tax return#. i : Dancing ...... li* A Notice Housatooie Region High eebool in Mualcar—Dramstlc ...... Id Canaan. Dianer Meeting W anted— iPstTur'tMns ...... Ii. There will be a mwUng of the BY MERRILL BLUSSER FlnenrlaT Town of Bolton FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS The Elusive Mr. Hedges Bonds—Stocks—M r-gages ... l: USED Tolland (Jounty Young Men's Buslnesil i-^ppcMurv t cv ...... 1. Christian Association this evening Money to L'>ar ...... All persons liable by law to pay at the Rockville House. Dinner will I OkKlT PIWO ANY KtOORD OP Th e TbANSAChoN MR-- MEOGeS GAve- WELL. WE" Help Bad Sltaafluna Marlborough b) served at 6:30 o'clock to be fol A MR. HBOeiS — HE'S NOT IN HR MUST Bv , WENT THrouSH HIS Acxiecss AS IHe LtARNED NOTHtNQi I I DUNNO.1 Help Waoied — Pema;# ...... I; th> Old .\ge Assistance Tax of $3 THE fMOHE BOOK. OR. THE" lowed by the bustneae session. SOMEWHERE f THE BAN< IN AJAX MOlTi , NET / HEDGES 1 S O FAR. Help . Wanted— Mala ...... In the Town of Bolton, are hereby TIRES Mrs. Howard Lord e n v DRECOR-y/ KINGSTON / IN PRINSLT ' ONLY SPENT y vJi'RE NOT Balesiren Wanted ...... I€-A notified that I have a rate bill for Stats Secretary W. Harold HE'S TUB GUV WKO SOLO Tke tmat YOU MIGMT ONE NiGLfr y exa c tly Help Wanted—Msle or Fems’e* 17 the enrollment of 1941, ilue ^ n d SSi-S, East Bampton Denison Is exp ect^ to be present esry Agents Wanted ...... I.-A All Sizes # F h e r s ! tm in k . b r e a t h in g o n SltUarioos Wanteil —K^mala .. D payable on Ketiruarv' 1. 1942, said and address the group. UNO.' y--- t h e r e ; 1 W ^ L RNO J HIS NECK! Situations W.mt e.i — Ms .e . . . . !(• tax is payable at Tax Collector's 4.75x19 5.25x18 Mrs. William Zerver has return' Leo ten Service HIM ? Employment Ag» ncie« ...... 40 ed bom^ after spending some time Rev. H. B. Olmstead, rector of SEA Use Utock—l*et«—Fealtry^ home freim February 1 to March 1, Vcklelea 1942 inclusive 6.00x16 6.50x16 with her elster, Mre. ^Iph Kom' S t John's Episcopal church has WTRKJT.. Doga— Birds— Pr IS ...... 41 Failure to receive bill will not 8139 glebel In Bennington, Vt. arranged a series of Thursday eve­ BUY Live Stock — VeMcl**s ...... 41' On her birthday recently Mre. help anyone .-ubjert to this tax. B R U N N E R '8 ning services during the penlen OEPEMSE P ultry and 4* Penaltv of $1 will be addeil if not Martin Islelb waa given a shower period with a visiting preacher Wanted —Pett—P-'ultrv—St< rg 44 80 Oakland Street I BONDS Far Sale— Vllvrellaveoua paid in f ill on or befofe March 1, Let little slater’s first new outfit of cards by neighbocs and friends. each week. The service will include Articles For Sal*- ...... 4b 194 2 Manchester for sunshiny days be this flatter­ The annual town meeting will prayer and sermons. A t tonight's Boats and Access> rles ...... 44 be held Friday night at 8 o'clock Building Ma*erla!s ...... 4T A A Maneggla, Open Evenings ing frock and a matching bonnet! service at 7:30 o'clock, the Rev. Diamonds —Watches—Jew-lry 44 Tax Collector. The dress Is cleverly designed to at the Richmond Memorial Libra' FrancU R. Beldlng of Thompson- Slectncal Appllancre—Rad'^.. 45 flatter young figures with the ry. viUe will be present. Fuel and Feed ...... 4t-A The next regular meeting of the Garden— Karen —Dairy Products raised sklrtUne. the short, demure NntritloB Class Household Goods ...... bl bodice topped with Its attractive local Grange will be held on March There will be a meeting of the Machinery and Tools ...... 12 neckline and curved shoulder 5 when an agricultural program evening Nutrition class this eve­ SCORCHY SMITH Practical Choker BY JOHN C. TE R R Y Musical ' Instruments ...... I I yokes! Here’s a set to Interpret at will be presented with Russell H. ning at the Farm Bureau office on Office and Sti re Equipment §4 A BARGAIN ! *3FT«T.V Specials at the Stores ...... tb 1937 Rttick almost no coot in one of the In­ Anderson, assistant county agent the third floor of the Professional l k€CHA9 LCAKNED) wearing Apparel—Pure ...... ftf expensive cottons — It will make of the Hartford Cotmty Farm Bu / FTMS POW4.Y3U building. Miss S. Helen Roberts Is P40USH F0K TV «FI«r| W an ted—To Buy ...... M up chijrmingly In calico, percale, reau present, who will speak on the Instructor for this class which B2S7 9 6 8UJ6.MF0RE Mae use Basra— H a tel»—Rea#rta 35 P a c k a r d L£540N,Wt8Ut'! 'lealaaraala S e d a n gingham or a flowery cotton print. the "Home Vegetable Garden.'^ has been meeting at the High I... Rooms Without Beard ...... 19 Pattern No. 8139 is designed for school. — TMMPOVW/ EMrders Wanted ...... 9 9 -A Heater sixes 2. 3, 4, 5 and 6 years. Size little mouth and heavy thread for Country Board—Resorts...... bO S e d a n Sleep Beside Eqalpmeat A ir Raid Wardea School By Mrs. Anne Oabot 3 frock requires 2Q yaitjs 35-lnch The school for all A ir Raid the eye lashes. Hotalo—Keatauranta ...... 9) 4 New Re-Tread Tires She Just never wakes up at aO Wanted—Rooms—Board ...... 91 Has Heater. 4 Doom. 4 material, bonnet 5-8 yard. Wardens will start this evening at Sleepy Mary Is 14 Inches high— Rual Estate Fov Beat For this attractive pattern, send Kent.—(yP)—This town of 1,200 —this "pajsma" doll! Her syes just the right slss to snug down AFATtBenta. Plata. Tansmeata 91 population has a flre-flghting crew the Maple street school . audi­ New Re-Tread Tirea. It’s 15c In coin, your name, address, torium.-Deputy Wardens Harry are never open as she was design­ beside little sister when ahe goes Euainaaa Loeatlona tor Rant .. 94 pattern number and size to The numbering 500. Robert Nisblt, art Houaea For Rant ...... 9i Tops At $19.S. One-third . Lugg and Nelson !k(ead will be In ed for little tots who want to to bed. This doU will be loved In Manchester Evening Herald., To­ 1st who had a large part in organ Suburban For R e n t ...... 94 charge of the registrations which take a doU to bed each night. yuor family for years! •umm er Momaa For R a n t ...... 91 down, balance IS months. day's Pattern Service, 106 7th izlng the force, says **it'a none too •IBS'" Sleepy Mary has her hair braided For patterns (or Doll and Its Wuntod to Rent ...... 91 Avenue, New York. N. Y. big because incendiary bomba take place at the session tonight. Root Batato Foe tala and always is dressed for bedtime. Bsparate Pajamas (Pattern No. , Select all the new patterns you could start destructive woods A ll A ir Raid Wardens should at­ AFarunent Building for Sala ^ 9i In fact, ber pajamas are the 5352) complete sewing and finish­ ' MUluaM Froparty tor Sals 94 need for your own sewing ana for fires." Virtually all the voitunteera tend this school, as no warden can RAruaa and UaM tor Bala 9i sleep with boots, buckets, brooms be certified who has not taken the only clothes ahe owns! ing Instnictions, send 10 cents tn your family sewing In the Fashion coin, your nama and addresa and Muaaa~ cartor . Bala...... Book, our complete catalogue of and other equipment at their bed' A ir Raid Warden course and the Make the doU body a t soft cot­ tor Bala BRUNNER'S side. First Aid 0>urse. There will be ton. Use left over materials that tbs pattern number to Anne Bagart Fronarcy Mr Bala recent pattern atyies. Csbot. The Manchester Evening BBtowtoto tor Buto...... seven sessions In the course. match the bab/s or little girls YOUR PACKARD DEALER Pattern 15c, Pattern Book 15c, Herald, 108 Seventh Avenue. New far Bsekaage .. One Pattern and Pattern Book Mount McKinley National Park Track AoeUeat own pajamas. Uss yellow or brown ‘ “ t* (U sta fil 80 OAKLAN D STREET OPEN EVENINGS ordered together 25c. Enclose Ic In Alaska waa visited by 1301 A truck owned by the Rivers cotton croctiet cord or string for York atsr. Bnokma 1 o n t postage r irwJI postage (or each pattara. persoQS Id 1840. lea OraaiDiPo., a t Holyoka, tbs hair, a Ut of rsd t o r n tar « tar i MV- s.'t - ■rauilSDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1942 y k ( x rouBTEEif illatu^Mtrir Eurtiitig HfraUi Average Daily Circililation. The Weather Forocaat of C. S. Weather Bureau F re d E. Werner of West street, y e a r a total of 5500 renewals were For the Month of Jnsionry; starting tomorrow Stations taken out and allowing for at least the Cross devotions will be held will present a group of 18 of his Roy Explains Firemen Busy piano pupila In a mid-season re­ ,500 more, the total this year Little change In temperature to- About Town in St. James's church each Friday should be in tlie vicinity of 6000. 7,088 afternoon during Lent at 3:30 and cital, Monday evening at 8 o'clock •OAK GRILL* night. In the chapel of the South Method­ A total of 4290 have obtained new In North End Member of the Andit again at 7:30 In the evening. The Refund Rule inserts since the office opened. “WHERE GOOD FELLOWS GET TOGETHER” Th« foUowlnf m«raber« of Com- afternoon devotic(us are for the ist church. The boys and girls are Bnrenn of Ctfcnlattou paay O. SUte Guard* have been children and for those who are at all Manchester pupils and begin­ DINE AND DANCE Manchester— A City of Village Charm dlacdiarged from the aervice for work at night and cannot attend ners. They will play from memory. Answer Three Calls Yes­ The program will be made up of Only Soldiers Will Gel the convenience of the State: Cor­ at any other hour. There will also Manchester To the Lilting Tunes of MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1942 (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS poral CTlfford Dolsen,- Privates be Stations oi the Cro.ss devotions .short numbers and will run little Rebate If Gars Are terday But Little Dam­ VOL>LXI., NO. 1^7 (CiaaeUled Advertleing On Page 14) William J. Gallo, Vernon H. Wat­ I in St. Bridget's church each Fri- more than an hour. Parents, age Is Reported. erman, AUen P. Robert*. Freder­ i day night during Lent. friends and all interested will be Taken Off the Road. Dale Book DON MAC AND HIS ick R.'Kettinjer, Jame* M. Gan­ welcome to attend. ger, and Jame* B. Chase. Private Mr. and Mrs. CTarence E. War; Ernest A. Roy. executive chair­ T onight The Manchester Fire Depart­ RHYTHM MASTERS Tpmmies Pay Visit to New York ner of 95 Broad street, are receiv­ Meeting Army & Navy Club William W. Domtan of Company Allan R. Coe, Jr, of Henry- man of the Aiitcmotiye Trade ment had an extremely busy after­ H, State Guard*, ha* been dis- ing congratulations on the birth of street. a student- at the University Auxiliary at Clubliouse at 8. DELICIOUS FOODS — MODEST PRICES! Bureau of-the Ch.amber of (.Com­ noon yesterday. For February Rus^ns Breaking Planes Attack New chai^ed for the same reason. Usu­ a son. Tuc.sday. at the Hartford of New Hamp.shire. Durham, who TonK irrou RoaNt Beef Roaat TuVkey Veal Cutlets merce obtained a niliiis ye.sterdiiy there has been an unusual num­ ally discharge for this reason hospital. recently underwent an appendee- Indepenilent Suit Conip.iny ben­ Half Broilers Steaks A’eal Scallopine means that the men are unable tomy at the Portsmouth. N. H , ^ afternoon from the Motor 5'ehicle efit enterlamment for Red Cross, ber of grass fires, exceeding any to rive time from their business Dr. Sidney Aiken, who has been hospital. Is convalescing st the Department relative to refunds on High School hall. previous year In the history of the Fine Wines — Liquors and Beer home of his parents. | registrations is-siied now and their Down Resistance to the work of the State Guards. confined for some time at the Saturday, Feb, 28 department. There were three yes­ 30 Oak Street Tel. 3894 Walter Reed General hospital. caes-be—ruled-off later by the in- 5\'aste Paper Pickup Day. South terday. At 59 Dclmont street the Jap Invasion Fleet; Henry P. Wojnarowicz, 230 Washington, D, C., has left for his The Ladies Aid Society of th e ; .apeotion lane teats in April. Mr. of Middle Turnpike first one called out the firemen on Deming street yesterday enlisted home in Toronto, Ontario, where Covennant-Congregationai ch u rch ] Hoy stated that he had been in­ .Monday, Miireh 2 a still alarm. We Cater To Banquets in the United States Marines. he will convale.'ice from his illne.ss, will m eet tomorrow evening with formed that no refund would be .Special Town Meeting. High At 3:15 one at Centerfleld Of Trap^d Nazis Mrs. Robert Widham of 252 F.a.'t ' given to owner.* of the.se cars School H all a t 8:1.5 street looked hke revenjge. A n u m ­ Townsend Club No. 2 will have I Members of the Army and Navy Middlb Turnpike. j It was pointed out at the Motor Tuesday, .March S ber of boys had a small hut built a brief business meeting tom orrow ! club auxiliary will meet at the Vehicle Department. however. Blackout Test. in some treea. They uaed it as sort Naval Base Claimed evening at 7:30 at the Y.M.C.A. lArmy and Navy clubhouse this Miss Barbara Peek, director of | thAt any per.son enlistine or being \Vedne«Mlay. March 4 of a club and before the firemen j evening at 8 o'clock. Mrs. Marion k £m, and follow it with a card party in religious education of the 55 est i sent away by the Selective Service Fashion Show, 55'onirn's Feder­ arrived yesterday it had burned Sione After__Renh Division of Curb , charge of Thomas Sheridan. Re-’ ' Herherger. chairman, and her com- Hartford Congregational church, i Board may ask and get a rebate ation at Center church and dropped to the ground and S(|iia(lroii of United Na­ freshments will be sened and j m itt^ will serve refreshments. will be the speaker at the aupper- Iteferred To !><-|»nrtment Wednesilay, March 11 spread the flames through the tall Survivors, of 16th JkCliOFt'' lii Domei Report, Oeeupa- F e W members and friends are urged to meeting this evening of ehiireh | Chief Clerk i.'.erald Ledwith of Celebration of Legion Home an- g ra ss. We’re At Your Service To tion of Dutch Base tions Fliers Raids Con­ attend. Prizes for the winners at 1 A daughter was bom Tuesday achool workers of the Second Con­ the branch office of the Motor nlver.'ary. The next rail came at 9:15 at Army; Germans Out­ cards w ill be arranged for by Mrs. ' at St. Francis hospital to Mr. and gregational ehureh. Professor Ed­ Vehicle Department located at the S a tu rd a y , M arch 14 Hickey's Grove where a consider­ Come Soon On Semangka Bay at Of Secrets centration of ­ s side Trap Counter At­ Emma W est. MV . -William J. Spence of 20 na Baxter la unable to keep the Legion Home on Leonard street Father and Son banquet, Eman­ able' area had been burned over Keep Your Car In Good ponese Shipping in J Vfoodbridge street. date. The meeting is apihn.sored by was fir.st approached on this sub- j uel Lutheran church before the department got it un­ tack at Some Points. Southern Tip of Su- a • w the Religious Ediic.-ition eommit- ject but had no comment to make | Danre, American Lithuanian der control. No great damage was matra; Japanese Also \^j JAirplCtnC Waters Near Bangka Mrs. Sophie C. Anderson of 26 tee. of which A. F. Howes is chair­ beyond referring the matter to the | Citizens Club basketball team. reported by the department. Henderson Is Planning TALL CEDARS? Hamlin street whp has had as man. Mrs. Ferdinand Klein is 1 department head. Mr. Roy then , Country Club. Running Order And Have M o sc o 55', Feb. 27.—(A*)— To Move WAthin Few Announce Benkoelen, Island: Strong Anti- her guests over the week-end and chairman of the supper at 6:30. ! took up the matter and obtained , F rid a y . .April 19 Dispatches from the Staraya b i n g o holiday her son Carl Anderson, his which all officers and teachers are i the ruling mentioned above, | Military 5Vhist. Manchester Days to Halt Inflation About 200 Miles to Torkiteed Displays Mod- .\ircraft F’ire Is En­ wife and daughter, Joyce Rae, re­ urged to attend. Yesterday 844 renewals were Green P. T A. Russa front declared today turned home with them for a Visit It Give You Maximum countered During Raid TOMORROW NIGHT issued at the branch office, s re c ­ F rid a y , .April 17 Range and that the Russians 5vere ary Rentals Boosts. Northwest Oceupieil. #,/ Super-Trans- in Detroit, Mich. Jack Freedman, of 33 Olcott ord high since the department es- I Annual Masonic Ball at the Ma­ breaking down the stand of port Behifi Built for x .k.I.. Feb. 27. ORANGE HALL Drive, was arrested by Sergeant tablished the office here. Laat sonic Temple. the trapped survivors of Ger­ Washington, Feb. 27— —Price Tokyo (From Japanese Jo sep h A. Prentice yesterday at Fuel Oil Service In Every Way. Broadcasts), Feb. 27,-^A’)—• Passenger • S e r v i c e. l—(A>)—Allied bombing planes ALICE COFRA.N 9.15 a.m. for operating without a many’s 16th Army, virtually Administrator Leon Henderson Two doughboys trom the U. S. Army hoLst atelna with British Tommies, part of s small de­ (Known As Queen Alice) licen.se and failure to stop at a dooming division after divi­ within a few days will take firm tachment quartered ih the New York metropolitan area. There was no announcement as to where the Japanese,,forces in southern — - ! alreadv successful in smash- SPIRITUAL MEDIUM stop sign on Adams street at Cen­ The sion of the encircled force of action to curb inflationary rentals visitor* were found, Identity of their units, or probable length of their stay. Sumatra have occupied a Los Angeles, Feb. 27. /T> - I ing one Japanese invasion Seventh Daughter of a Seventh Son ter street. He will be presented in at least 96.000 men. Besides the in war-boom cities and towns hous­ Dutch naval base on Semang- Lockheed Aircraft Corp di.splayed ■ fleet ofT Java's eastern end. Auto and Truck Bom With a Veil. ing upward* of 7,000,000 persons, Town Court Saturday. W. G. Glenney 290th, 30th and Elite Guard divi­ ka bay, at the island’s south- | a model today of the super-trans­ laiinched an attack today REPAIRS Readings DaUy, Including Sunday, sions earlier hemmed in rings it was learned today. 9 A- M. to 9 P. M. Or By Appolnt- port it Is constructing for Trans- again.st a newly-mustered Expert Service At . The I^enten Miaslonary meeting Co. within the encirclement, these The Office of Price Adminlatra- 1 ern tip, Domei, reported to­ menL In the Service of the Peo­ tion will deaignate officially the Japs Carry War to Indian Area; day. (Semangka bay is the continentsl A Western Airlines enemy armada off the coast of the 5Voman's Auxiliary of the POPULAR Coal, Lumber, Masons* Supplies, dispatches said the Russian ple for SO Tears. ABEL’Si, Hartford Archdeaconry will meet Paint squeeze maneuver had endangered first group of defense rental areas, western of two bay.s on the and let out a few secrets Just a of Sumatra west of this is­ 169 Church Street, Hartford, Conn. with recommended ceilings to be land fortress, A squadron of Unit- Bei» 26 Cooper Street Phone 6-0097 at Christ Church Cathedral, Hart­ FOOD MARKET 336 No. .Alain St. Tel. 4148 the 5th Division, the 18th Motor­ , southern end of Sumatra, with the ford, Tuesday, Marrh 3rd at 2:30 ized Division and the 81st Divi­ town of Kota Agoeng at its head. (Continued on Page Four) ' ed Nations planes, possibly includ- (Continued on Page Four) Lease-Lend Goods Being Burned p. m. Mrs. Arthur H Richardson 855 .Main Street Rublnow Building sion, reported brought to the Rus­ Some 40 mllea to the cast, at the ' ing American forlre.ss-type bomb- will be the speaker. Several from sian front from France. head of Lampoeng bay. is Telok- j-ers. raided a concentration of Jap- here plan to attend. “Where Thrifty Shoppers Shop” Befuse to Surrender ^ betoeng, where the Dutch said yes- ! anese shipping in the waters near Bombers Make Raids on 1 terday their naval forces had I Bangka island. Just, off the Suma- Have You Tried The Russian reports said the trapped Aiissies Shape tra coast. They encountered strong I We Have a Bean Front End Aligning Machine Like the troops refused to surrender and Oil to Heat Light Forces Adaman Islands Ly­ bombed Japanese storage yards. I Variety Entertainment Probably Would Have ” The Japanese al.so announced anti-aircraft fire, but returned in­ One Sho5vn Here. It is scientirically designed to show were suffering heavily. tact and on their homeward flight Shoppers up troubles that cause shimmy which in turn causes German units outside the trap ing Atlnvarl Bay of the occupation of Benkoelen, on New Strategy | LENTEN SPECIALS! Homes Near Fallen to Japs If They Still Battliii" Sumatra's western coast about fought off an attack by 10 enem.v excessive wear. Have the front end of your car checked were said to be counter-attacking fl"htcr planes, one of which the and Dance at some points in an effort to sa\e Take Rangoon Fired. ” Bengal Shipping Lanes 200 miles northwest of Semangka I now and have it put in shape if it is out of alignment. bay. Dutch high command listed as Luncheon part of the encircled army. To Meet Japs probably destroyed. Dispatches from the southern Low Point Ill Philippines Report Many Captured Cheese Sale! By Daniel De Luce New Delhi, India, Feb. 27. Third Raid on Palembang Benefit Red Cross Fish Specials! We Also Have This Bean front, too. reported heavy blow at —{/P) — Japanese bombers Japanese press dispatches said M.VCKERKI...... 11). 9c SNAPPY ...... lb. 39c German forces and declared that ! Mancialay, Burma. Feb. 27. many Dutch and British soldiers | Is Held This latest blow in an Allied g p W'heel Balaneer to check Russian reinforcements were ar­ Petroleum Coord in a-!—(/P)—Remnants of lend- have carried the war to Indi- were captured in the advance to} ^ ecrci jcssiu ii counter-offensive which now ap- lb. .32c 3 0 “ Mac.4rtliiir*s Men Hold­ F.ANCY MILD AMER. riving In strength in the Donets tion Office Calb for ! material on the docks of ari'-territory for tlie first time, the southern tip of Sumatra, the [ W it h H i g h A d v i s e r s o f pcara to have shifted most of its High School Hall SMEI.TS...... 3 Ib8. 29c Served 11 :.30 A. M. the balance of your basin area. ing .Advance Positions it wa« disclosed today, in air Britons having recently reached . 1 WI • I • i weight to Java's west, where the DOMESTIC (5n the Kalinin front the Rus­ , , - A •• r. . . 1 Rangoon apparently were in the Dutch island after escaping A l lie d N a t i o n s 5 IID IH I-' Japanese have driven to the shore l.Ae OYSTERS ...... pt. 29c SWISS ...... lb. 15c * * to 8 P. M. wheels. sians said they had encircled aorae Use of All Suitable flame.s today along with oth­ Representing Gains of raids on. the Andaman islands from Singapore, FRIDAY, FEB. 27, 8 P. M. German forces and defeated the , 1 to 8 K ilonieters.,^thw art shipping lanes of the nent Attack Is Feare.l BLEUCHEESE lb. 51c AT Tankers to Haul Fuel. er supplies that probaWy A correspondent of the^ newspa­ ried out simultaneously with a STE.\MER Unbtilanrrd uhrels have been 397th German Infantry regiment, i _____ Bay of I^ g a l. The raids per Nichl Nlchi said "the Japanese third successive bombing raid on known to throw the car out of con­ an engineer battalion, and an anU-1 would have fallen to the Jap­ T he Palembang, enemy-held oil center Sponsored by Employees, Independent Cloak^fo. UI..\MS ...... lb. 12c CREAM fak 9- I Tuesday and Thursday were forces now control the entire ! Melbourne, Feb. 27 C) trol to such an extent that It would lank artillery unit of the 123rd Wsshington, Feb. 27. i/Fi The anese if they captured that southern end of Sumatra. " 1 war planning conference in south Sumatra. There the BUTTERFISU. 2 lbs. 2.5c CHEESE ...... lb. 33e SILK CITY ,_s w s 1 w* ^ .Japan's farthest blows to the leave the road or a collision would division. Petroleum CToordinstlon Office re­ imperilled gateway to Fighting between light forces on bombing And machlne- Another ^m ei dispatch from an i Australia convened to- bombers touched off new fires to Program 8 to 10. Dancing 10 to 12. Ml ENSTER .. lb. :i.3c result. W'e have niushes for all BIA E or COD . lb. 23c (Reports reaching London said ported today that supplies of oil Burma road. That was the obvi­ both sides ii continuing on the gunning of Port Blair, principal ' undi.^closcd base said Japanese add to the previous devastation in Tony Obrlght’s Orchestra. DINER ihol down four Brit- d*y with the Commonwealth ar COTTACE ___ . lb. 9c that m other advances on the for heating homes in the east were ous implication of a report that to w n of tha Islands which lie 350 Naval planes th is area. types of power motors in con Fll.i.ETS . lb. 25c Unbalanced wheels hammer the bearing, of the front end southern front the Red Army had Bataan front in the Philippines, Ish-made Spitfires of the Dutch Council meeting in Admission 50 Cents. A Good Place To Eat! Lieut. Col. Adrian St. John, head miles southwest of Rsngbqn be­ j (The threat to Java fro m th e stock and can make repairs asitembly and wear them out prematurely. smashed two reglmenU of the 67th "dangerously low " and called for of the United States Military Mil.-1 the War Department reported to- Air Force in a spectacular dog- i with high advisers from west was pointed up by a T okyo I,arge Native S-Oz. Package—Cream Unbalanced wheel, are cau«^d by changing tire.—uneven wear German Division and one reglIBCTt use of all suitable tanker ships to tween lower Burma and the tip of fight over Batavia on Wednesday. ! nations to shape a new ' without delay. slon in Rangoon, was on his way j day with.Gen. Douglas MscAr- India, Intensified the- threat to ■ a claim that a Dutch Naval base of tread—-addition of patche.—lmpro|»er mounting of tire*—loM of the 9th DIvieion. recapturing haul the needed oil as well as in­ Another Japanese formation was i strategy baaed on the pos.sil.illty of on Semangka bay at the here by armored car. his work | uiur's troops holding advance po- key section of the empire's life­ southern Cheese pkg. 5c . of balance weight.. VOI R WHEELS SHOULD BE CHECKED two railway stations and seven vil­ creased movement of domestic said to have set two large Allied | Imminent Japanese attack on this end of Sumatra had been occu­ Pulleys — Belting Eggs, doz. 38c there done. j jjtions representing gains of one line, and one of the back door BEGULARLV. lage#. ) heating oil eastward by rail. p'ianea on fire in a heavy bombing | continent pied. The Dutch yesterday acknow­ Job to Transfer Supplies I to eight kilometers along the en­ routes for sea-lxirnf supplies to Laid before the meeting were Advance# 65 MIlea Tankers now hauling gasoline It was St. John's huge job to ' raid on Tjililitan air field outside ' ledged that Japanese forces held Prepare yonr car for Mtfer and more pleawint driving by coming from Gulf ports to the eastern sea­ tire front in the last 48 hours. Russia and China the plans on which Australian a..d i Telokbctoeng, 40 miles to the NORTON Into- our Wheel Balancing Department and having your wlieMs (Reuters reported that a Moecow transfer northward thousands of Close to Sea Lanes B atav ia board should be used to haul fuel (These gains were from a little Allied strategists have been work­ c ast. I DINE and DANCE checked and balanced. It can be done In a riiort time and the broadcaat eaid a eingle Soviet regi­ tons of material which had accii-: Bases on the • Andamans would Destroy 99 Flanea ELECTRICAL oil If they are suitable. Ralph K. over six-tenths of a mile to almost ing for days plans for ultimate Jap .\ir Activity Lessens TONIGHTf FRANKIE VALL AND HIS ORCHESTRA ment on the central front had ad­ mulated there during recent put the Japanese within close- Japanese'naval planes destroyed Is .mall. vanced more than 35 mllea In ten Davies, deputy petroleum (xxirdi- five miles A kilometer is .621370 heavy offensive strokes as well as Japanese air activity slacked off INSTRUMENT CO. months and Allied observers striking distance of the sea lanes 99 enemy aircraft in the air or on the guarding of Australia's shores. days, recapturing 40 communities nator advised the 15 companies of a mile.) considerably. Only one raid on WE’RE KNOWN FOR FINE FOODS! Phone 4060 supplying east coast markets. agreed he had saved more than to Calcutta and India's Chitta­ the ground in operations over New (Exchange Telegraph Agency WE HAVE FACTORY TRAINED MECHANICS and killing more than 4,000 Ger­ they had bl^lieved was possible. Text of Communique Guinea and The Netherlands East Java was reported, on the Naval The text of the communique. No. gong district, mentioned as the quoted authoritative Melbourne Broilers — Veal Scallopine — Roast Beef — Steaks Hilliard Streei. Manchester mans.) Deliveries Curtailed i The biggest item of potential Indies during the seven days end- base at Soorabaja. There defend­ TO OPERATE THIS EQUIPMENT! 126 of the war. based on reports ports for supplies to Chungking . . . , . , ... .quarters as sa>nng the conference Red Army troope of Leningrad— The east last week was placed value to the enemy reported put ed Wednesday Imperial headqiiar- launching of an al­ ing fighter planes were said tt> Oysters and Clams On the Half Shell received here up to 9:30 s. m , over a new India-North Burma apparently etriklng to divert Nazi under a rigid system of curtailed to the torch was a group of about ters announced today most Immediate Allied offensive, i have driven off a flight of nine reserves from the rtllef of en­ e w .t . : ro u te. bombers before they could do any FINE WINES — LIQUORS AND BEER heating oil deliveries, with no do­ 100 trucks which could not be as­ (British authorities in I»ndon At the same time a NAval com- j Iniadrra' Force* Poised circled invaders in the Staraya "1. Philippine Theater: d am ag e ' in which you can have a mestic or industrial user allowed sembled in time. .said it was possible the. Japanese munique recapitulating the Tesults Even as the council met forces Russa sector—destroyed 11 block­ to get more fuel while their tanka "Fighting continues on the Ba­ The only other enemy opera­ Don Willis Garage Early this month I ga,ve a pint taan front with light forces engag­ already had an aircraft carrier in of a sea battle fought off Bali is- invaders were poised on out- tions were machine-gunning Reirmander's Restaurant houses and 30 gun emplacements are more than one-fifth full. of blood for a blood bank operated at­ CHECKING ACCOUNT ed on both sides General MacAr- the Bay of Bengal and that Port land on Feb 20 said it had been lying Australian territory the is- tacks on the islands of TEL. 8085 and dugouts and killed 2,500 Ger­ Over 1,250,000 dwellings In the ill a Rangoon hospital by Mr. and Soemba .15-37 Oak Street Telephone 3922 18 MAIN STREET mans In a three-dffy battle, the thur's troops are holding advance Blair was attacked by carrier- established that Japanese warships i fands of New Guinea and .Ne v Bri- and Soembawa which lie far east with 17 eastern states and the District Mrs. Gordon S. Jury, volunteer borne planes. It wa.s believed more had sunk two United States and |-.jain. Australian airmen, continu- Soviet Information Bureau said of Columbia use oil fof heating. positions which represent gains of of Java in the chain extending to transfusion technicians fron" Ham­ from one to eight kilometers along j likely, however, that the raiders two Dutch destroyers. mg then blows at the massing today. Davies said that tankers trans­ ilton, Ont. T im or. I the entire front during the past | came from Mergui, Japanese-oc- Two enemy crni.sers were dam- ; Japanese, raided the captured New "Many thousands " of soldiers More than 860 other Germans ferred from the gasoline to the do­ Now they are here and describe Dial 48 hours. The greatest advance cupled airbase on the coast of the aged by gunfire, the communique j Britain port of Rabaul last night, from the United States. Britain were aaid to have been ilaln in mestic heating oil service should Rangoon at. "a city of ghosts" was made on the right of the line Burma panhandle 400 mile.' to the ! said, and Japanese planes dam- ' dive-bombing ships, buildings and aeries of other engagements reach­ be kept In It until the home heat­ with no one but a few policemen and Aurtralia already are in Java 3 230 north of Pilar. Our troops are be­ ea.st. t ' . I aged several other vessels. Includ- airdromes. to fight with Dutch forces 1n de­ ing as far south as the Olmea. ing supply was assured for the re­ and soldiers stirring in its wide, Clean. Comfortable .Cara! ing subjected to a relatively light ,\lr Forces .\cllve Inge one of 20.000 tons. The Melbourne Herald said the fense of this impt'nlled island -BINGO- maining approximately five weeks silent Streets and only the period­ Courteous Service At All Times! In addition to deetruction of enemy air and artillery attack. A Rangoon communique on the (I'nlted Nations communiques War Council's talks would continue stronghold, Lieut. Gen. Hein Ter of the season. ic echo of a distant explosion after TONIGHT 8 O’CLOCK m fixed defenses and personnel in the "There has been no firing on our defen.ie of Burma reported no | on Jan. 21 said one Japanese ! over t*ic week-end. but predicted a Poorten, commander in chief of Leningrad sone fighting, the Infor­ Each of the IS companies was the devastation of "scorched fortifications from enemy artil­ quick decisfon on defen.sive and of­ requested to telegraph the coordi­ change on the land front, but .-aid cruiser was blown up an d tw o ODD FELLOWS HALL mation bureau said Russian units earth" fires. lery positions on the Cavite shore Allied Air Forces British and cruisers and two destroyers were fensive moves. /(Continued on Page Six) CITY TAXI demolished a tank, three field guns. nator's office “as quickly as possi­ Lester L. Schnare of Georgia, ] for several days. American Volunteer fliers 'have It reported that the government SPONSORED BY KI.NG DAVID LODGE, I. O. O. F. DENNIS MURPHY. Prop. ble the specific actions you are ------^----- O.A.MES ------I "2. There is nothing to report been Aery active in rcconnai.ssance (Continued on Page Six) declined to accept the view of 30 (Coattnaed oa Page Six) taking both as to tankers and tank (Contin.iei on Page Sl\) I from other areas." : some observers that the Japanese 25 Game* . ..'...... $4.00 Prize Per Game cars, and extent of relief expected and bombing raids over enemy-oc­ I 4 .Special G am es...... 810.00 Prize Per Game cupied territory." I were likely to concentrate on their thereby." thrust into Burma than to strike ^ I Special G am e...... $50.00 Prize No Estimate of Elleet Of the Andaman raids the All Flashes I l-ea.sury Balance India Radio said there were no at Australia as soon as The Neth­ Door Prize *10.00 Davies gave no estimate of the British Ajjaiii (l.ate Bulletins of the (/P) Wire) *1.00 .Admission Includes .All of the .Above Games. Authorized Dealer Roosevelt Hits Longer Hours military casualties but two civil­ erlands Indies could be subdued. probable effect on the east's gaso­ I W ashington, Feb. 27—i,P) The Can't Continue Resistance Special Cards 10c Each. line eupplles by diversion of ships ians were killed and five wounded. position of the Treasury Feb. 25; The airdrome at Port Blair was Attack Kiel The Herald added that "inifor- AS THE ONLY CHARGE and rail cara to larger roovementa Plan Opposed; Receipts, *22.376.176.25: ex­ i tunately, information received .Senator Hatch Hurt In Crash Rider Method of beating oils. described as the principal target. .\llHiquerqur, .N'. M.. Feb. ‘27.—/• :OPRERS FOR EACH CHECK DRAWN penditures, ' *77.662,111.92; net Some damage to property was , here shows that continued resis­ ^ coNNicncirr A petroleum Industry! source, tance on Java cannot long be ex­ V —( arl Hatch (D-N.M) waa In­ & EACH ITEM DEPOSITED however, expressed the opinion . I balance.' *3.806,256.182.96; cus- acknowledged. jured Intemall). p«i»slbly lerioua- Aclvorates of W artilllP toms receipt.' for month, *22.903,- Still Hold W eal Bank Fires Started .\iiiong pected." Condemns Attaching of that rmUontng of gasoline would (There have been reports that ly. In an autonn/hile aroldent to­ be necessary, and he said that t . <666 94. TTie report on Burma Indicated Dockyards and Ship­ Other Matters to Bills Sufipenfiion o f l.aw ^ __ the outnumbered defense forces one of the d*’cisions beinre the day. The car in which he was rid­ NO MINIMUM BALANCE should auch restrictive measures War Council is whether to send ing overturned afiout HO miles FRESH FISH be adopted he believed -their appli- Majority. pastor Denied Citizenabip still held out along the west bank building Works at Port EVKR REQUIRCOI Which Can’t Be Vetoed Still Claim of the Sittang river guarding the Miuthmxt of Albuquerque. Dr. W. (Continued on I’age Hiur) K. I.o\elace. his physfelan said an N o rth a m p to n . M aas.. Feb. 27 — way to Rangoon. London. Feb 27 ipi Kiel, hav­ Fillet.s of Haddock - l*e*ch - Mackerel L. T. WOOD CO. (Continued on Page Four) Washington. Feb. 27. —(/Pi—Ad­ (/P. - The Rev. F red erick H. Invasion forces were last report­ examination disc1os/*d .^latch had Wkahington, Feb. 27 — i/F) — j ---- T ------en of one of Germany's fugitive You caa open your account President Roosevelt condemned to- | vocates of a wartime suspension Thompson. 37. pastor of the East- ed moving north along the east (suffereit Internal and back tn- Cod—Sliced or Piece Whole Haddock 51 Bissell Street ' 26,000-ton battleships, waa bomb­ jiir'ies, “although how extenalve Boston Blue Salmon—Sliced or Piece in person or by MAIL and day, as a very reprehensible; of the 40-hour week and overtime hampton Congregational churcl^ bank Of the river, apparently In an ed by the R. A. F. laat night for Phone 4496 method of legislating, what he i bonuses ran into the opposition of was denied U. S. citizenship today attempt to flapk the defenders French Fleet they are we will lie unable to de- Fre.xh Smoked Fillet of Haddocit continue to mail deposits... I the second successive night and ■ _ terniinr until we ha\e \-ray 6nd- called the attaching of riders that | Police Sight the Roosevelt administration le.ad- i in a naturalization session of Su- The Japanese were being bol- fires were started among dock­ Fresh Oysters Clams—Opened or Shell Your check looks like any ought to be vetoed to measures ership today, but clung to tjfielr l perior court after he told the court Let us send you some of our RED trade marked yards and shipbuilding works, an (eiirh Sought . . . other check and can be cer­ which cannot be vetoed. Vessel Afire claims that a majority of the [ he was a conscientious objector. (Continuexi on Pag« Six) , Air' Ministry communique an- Famous Reading Anthracite — low ash hard “Let’* Start dver Again With The chief executive told a press ; House would vote prompt support | ______^______I nounced today. _ hour Dir in Bmiibtr Crash tified like any other check. conference tha( since 1913 he had of suspension. Three British planes failed to CorpuE Christi, Ti Krb. — had the Idea. It was not quite fair Administration leaders on Capi­ Nazis Report Ueahv D p- T — Four men were killed a ^ a FRESH VEGETABLES coal. Learn what those RED trade mark spots Y ob can open any type of re tu rn . to Congress or the country to at­ Coast Guard Shi^ Put tol Hill said the outcome depended ' Either the Gneiaenau or the' * . • . fifth narrowly evcajied death Wed- mean in money saved and comfort gained. They checking account {tx ttp i Doors And Millwork From The tach riders to appropriation meas­ on how the Republicans lined up Army Shell Loading Plant * Scharnhorat. which fled through inailtls .Allipripa .\ll- nesday. the Naiy announ«-ed today Out to Rescue; Ap­ on the proposal to make the aiia- , . . . when a patrol bombei from tbe Extra Large, Sweet, Juicy guarantee even heat, and long - burning, non- ctfforation} under our ures when the riders were not ger­ the Engliah (Channel from Brest, , thonzp .YlOVPIlieillS. Air station crashed into mane. pears to Be Tanker. penalon a part of a pending w ar ; is under repair at Kiel, the Bnt- clinkering performance that makes every furnace His remarks arose from the plan powers bill. Producing in 15 Months ■ ish say. The other Is at Wilhelms- Corpus < hristi bay. The dead: Florida Oranges, doz. 39c Manchester Lumber Ganpany!” of the Senate farm block to tack DIaapprovea Rider* haven. London. Feb 27. P The Ger- ‘ Karl I.. Brehm, 21. ariatlon ma­ fUEl Belmar, N. J.. Feb. 27-^(iP) —The chinist mate of Hamilton, Ohio; a better, more efficient heater. oh to a pending *32,762,737,900 Downtown. President Roosevelt! New Bombing Campaign m an-controlled P a n s radio s.vid Hothouse Beet Greens Cucumbers If the doors in your home sag or stick. . . if they blow Belmar police reported sighting a Laporte. Ind , Feb. 27 - i/Pl—A surfaced road built and 70 miles An Informed source aaid the R. today "it has been vontirnicd ' Myles .Stantos Ross, 24, aviation •w a A M war appropriation bill an amend­ spoke disapprovingly of the Idea' cadet of Seattle. Wash.; John Fresh Broccoli Wen Filled Green Peas eerily open when nobody is n ear...if they’ve had so ment r^ gn ed to prevent sales of ship afire about five miles offshore of attaching what be called riders I *47,000,000 Army ehell loading of fence erected. The place now A. F. had undertaken a new ^m b- that Admiral William U Leahy. early today, and Coast Guard vea- Is like a little city with its own ing campaign, like that at Brest, llenr> Shepherd. 23, aviation cadet *«reen Beans Clean Spinach including Personal Check* govemment-neld farm products that ought to be vetoed to meas­ factory stands finished and busily United States ambassador in from Port .Arthur. Tex.; Kenneth OIL many coats of paint that they have rough, dirt-catching sela from both New York and New producing today on what only a light and power plant, water sup­ to keep the Nazis' heavy Naval Vichy, has demanded that all 'tummer Squash Tender Carrots and Beets ing Accounts, Joint Ac­ below full parity prices. ures which cannot be vetoed. Eugene Spence, Radioman third Steps To Clinch Victory Jersey stations put out to the Sponsors of the amendment to little more than 15 months ago ply. sewage disposal plant, fire units out of action. movements of the French fleet sarfaces.. .if they are the “give-way” when yoa try to rescue. ! class of .Antelope, Kaa. Lieut. counts, Special Accounts The Senate already bad •.porov- was nothing but another good alarm syitem and communication ------He*--- predicted the . German ^ bases BilOUlUshould receiveI » c priork'» *A/i authorization - CHECKERBpARD suspend the laws for a 40-hour I W'aync T. Stuckey, squadron la- Native AND make your home look up-to-date.. .THEN IT’S TIME ed legislation which included this Police Sergt. William Briden oald stretch of northern Indiana wheat and transportation facilitie.s. would be peppered constantly with United .States and Accounts .for Organi­ he waa on ocean front patrol at week and time-and-a-half over­ i stnictur. was treated for Injurlea. TO COME TO THE MANCHESTER LUMBER COM­ prohibition, but the farm bloc took time pay for the duration of the land. Nearby, on more than 800 British bombs The Vichy government, the radio zations (clubs, lodges, etc.). steps t6 clinch its victo'y by put­ 12:40 a. m. (e.w.t.) when he saw "a MaJ. Edward J. Thomas, com­ acres, s real city ui arising POTATOES peck 45c RANGE on. PANY AND SEE ABOUT NEW DOORS AND MILL- big wall of fire that ahot about 200 war have contended that their added, has rejected "this intol­ Oxer-.Age Destroyer Sunk ting aubstantially the same pro^ proposal la germane to the war manding officer, yesterday an­ through defense housing projects Consulerable Damaae erable demand. ' London, Feb. 27—(Tb—Tbe Brit­ From Donald Grant in Buckland. FEED STORE feet Into the air" arise from the of 3,150 homes for 12.000 persons, ^onsuierawe N visions Into rbe huge war appro­ nounced coiilpletlon of Kingsbury CALL WORK! vessel. powers bill, which covert aeveral The radio said "it is rum ored " ish .Admiralty announced today 10 APEL PLACE MANCHESTER TEL. 7711 CHECKBOOKS FREE priation so that the danger of a subjects. ordnance plant. He said more dormitories for another 1,000 and Caused in Foroys in American circles in Vichy that that the former .American destroy­ Thoosoada See Ship hundreds of trailers—a commu­ Mixed Dried Fruits in cellophane...... 2 pkgs. 57c presidential veto would be lesoaned. Thousands of coast raoldents saw It was leSmed from a high than 10.000 workers were loading Berlin (From German Broad- j in protest against the Vichy gov- er Belmont has been soak. Tba Dried Prunes in cellophane...... 2 pkgs. 39c MAKE A PERMANENT INVESTMENT IN 1942! Although he confined hi* re­ the blazing ship, which, sUhouet* administration official that the shell and the force would be dou- nity already nicknamed "Victory g^ta) peb. 27—oPi—DNB acknow- refusal to his sugges­ Belmont. 1.19C tons, waa ooe *f Blue Label Shoestring C arro ts...... 2 cans 25c marks originally to riders on ap­ ted In its own flame*, appeared to govemment thinks the general ef- bled when full production was VUlage." ledged today that the R. A. F. tion that Admiral Leahy will leave SO deatroyeri traded to Groat 7 4 2 * MODERNIZE YOUR HOME! propriation measurea, Mr. Roose­ feet of this amendment would be reached Batea and Rogers Corporation | caused considerable damage st hU poat and United States repre­ Britain for weeterp hemiapber* ...... 160% METERED SERVICE! be a tanker, drift slowly northward Blue Label Tiny Rosebud Beets Z cans 41c velt told reporters that hla words to a point about halfway between principally to eliminate payment On Nov. 21. 1940, the Army of (Chicago and 60 aub-contractora ,ome points in .oraya along the sentation will be left to S Pink­ liaHea. She was finished in 1616 Birds Eye Spinach, 25c pkg. C(>m. 2.3c pkg. GASOLINE, 6 Gab. $1.00 The ahx> were applicable to rldera on here and Asbury Park, six mllea for overtime, and that this would took over 13.000 acres including built the ordnance plant Todd o r m a * coast laat night, ney Tuck, counsellor of embassy. and was formerly named tbe Au- all types of legialatlon. apply in non-defenae industriea aa 85 farms and the villages of Union and Brown. Inc., of New York , fh e newi agency announcement llrk. Sliced Strawberries for Shortcake...... 25c 755 away. Received —• BROAD STREIET ”"MRN[HESTER‘f‘ The president himself was ask- shore. ent men In some Industries were Marquette and Nickel Plate rail- at work went Into construction. coast Damage to residential quar­ Vice-Premier Jean Darlan receiv­ Stocke: steady; eorty rmUy/fol- ters ia considerable at some incAii rjl Q/vcc/vmc. Trust Co. ad to comment on placing “veto- N* Infornsatlsn en Noose working os much os 60 hours a rosds. Tbe first ehell loading lines be­ ed Admiral Leahy thU morning. ' ter*, 560 BuUdlBga Elected gan operation in August. Mayor poinU The civilian population 1 Beads: Bails OMsUy sp; otkoM ^ ■ ' 3 0 2 2'REUr L ( 3 q -. ahle laglatatloa on non-vatoable Although aome 10 Oooat Guard week and that tbs average now Meanwhile, the (Jerman-censored WIEII ITS irSIUMNQ Meiiber Federal iprobsbly is 44 to 46 hours. Since then more than SiOO build­ Thomas said, but tbe flrsP fatali- suffered only alight casualties. : aaiTOw. MUa,** and It was then that be re- vessels wera diapatched to the "According tc retwrU so far Paris radio, after relating the pos- • -■ ■ . -.i srArfMro.^y Deponit laa. Corp. aarited that be thought thla waa soea*. the third Naval district la It waa made plain that the ad- ing* have been erected on the site. tiea la facto^ occurred only a I Oottoa: Herald Ad vs. Seventy mllea at railroad track week ago - yesterday. Two men (Oeal I *■ Pago Few) ^ v o be«a laid. TO asUea at bard dtod ia M exploetoBi - lO lp tto i am nL

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