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Universitas Sumatera Utara

Universitas Sumatera Utara


I the undersigned NOVA SITUMEANG, hereby declare that I am the sole author of this paper. To the best of my knowledge this paper contains no material previously published by any other person except where due acknowledgement has been made.

This paper contains no material which has been accepted as part of the requirements of any other academic degree or non-degree program, in

English or in any other language.

Signed :

Date : August, 2020


Universitas Sumatera Utara




Qualification : D-III / Ahli Madya

Study Program : English language

I hope that this paper should be available for reproduction at the direction the Librarian of English Diploma 3 Study Program, Faculty of Cultural

Studies, University of Sumatera Utara on the understanding that users made aware to their obligation under law of the Republic of Indonesia.

Signed :

Date : August, 2020


Universitas Sumatera Utara


Judul dari kertas karya ini adalah “A Description of Figurative Meaning Found in Michelle Branch’s The Spirit Room Album”. Kertas Karya ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan majas yang ditemukan di dalam lagu-lagu milik Michelle Branch pada Album The Spirit Room. Teknik yang digunakan untuk mendeskripsikan data ini yaitu dengan membaca lirik lagu Michelle Branch yang diambil dari Albumnya yang berjudul The Spirit Room. Berdasarkan hasil temuan yang dilakukan penulis, terdapat 6 jenis majas seperti Metafora, Personifikasi, Simile, Sinekdot, Hiperbola,dan Aliterasi. Pada dasarnya makna dari setiap lirik yang ditemukan dalam album The Spirit Room milik Michelle Branch menggunakan majas yang sebagian besar tentang cinta,termasuk minat cinta,cinta tak berbalas,dan untuk mantan kekasih. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa semua lagu pada album The Spirit Room memiliki lirik dan makna yang dalam.

Kata kunci : Album, Deskripsi, Kata Kiasan, Michelle Branch


Universitas Sumatera Utara


The title of this paper is “A Description of Figurative Meaning found in Michelle Branch’s The Spirit Room Album”. This paper was aimed to describe the Figurative meaning found in Michelle Branch’s in The Spirit Room Album. In this research, the writer used descriptive qualitative method by reading the lyrics of Michelle Branch’s songs in The Spirit Room Album. Based on the results of the description, the writer found 6 Types of Figure of speech such as Metaphor, Personification, Simile, Synecdoche, Hyperbole, and Alliteration. Basically, the meaning of each lyric found in Michelle Branch’s The Spirit Room Album by using Figure of speech are mostly about love, including love interest, unrequited love, and to an ex-boyfriend. The result of the description also show that all songs in The Spirit Room Album has lyric and deep meaning.

Keywords : Album, Description, Figurative Meaning, Michelle Branch.


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I want to say thank you to God for giving me the strength to keep going, and also gave me an ability to finish this paper. The author also want to thank who help during write this paper, they are :

 I would like to thank to Dr. Budi Agustono M.S. as the Dean of

Faculty of Cultural Studies.

 I would like to thank to the Head of Diploma III English Study

Program, Dra. Swesana Mardia Lubis, M.Hum. as My supervisor

who give me her time to share her knowledge in writing this paper

and guidance me to correct this paper during the process of writing

 I Thank to all lecturers in English Diploma Study Program to share their

knowledge, experience, and skills in the process of my study.

 The most important and precious persons that I can’t live without

goes to my amazing parents , Mom and Dad who always support

me in every situation and condition,who always support

me,motivates me,and there are many things that I can’t mention

one by one .

 To all my brothers Raden, Farel, Gabriel, and Mikhael who

always want me to do my best, Here I am.

 To my bestie , Adelia Fitryani Hutagalung , who always

accompany me when the rest of the world walks out. Thank you .


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 My English Wolves Girls, Mei Winarti Lumban gaol and Lambok

Sinaga, There are many dreams that we will pursue after this, Vamos!

 My favorite football player ever, Alexis Alejandro Sanchez, Thank

you for giving a lot of motivation so I can keep going on. Te amo!

 Big Thanks to my Senior High School Friends who always support

each other. It’s time to shine and do our best!

 Last but not least, Thank you SOLIDAS 2017. It’s such an honor

being the part of this class. Hopefully we can achieve something we

dreamed of all this time.

 Thank you to Michelle Jacquet DeSevren Branch known as

Michelle Branch, one of my favorite singer who inspired me to write

a paper about her songs and makes me want to learn how to write a

which has good music and meaningful lyric.

 I thank to Television series, Anime, Cartoon, Football Match and

there are so many things I’ve been watching during writing this paper

that I can’t mention one by one to entertain me, accompany me when

I was bored and gave me a lot of motivation so I can write this paper.

 Lastly, I thank to the reader for the time to read this paper, I know

this paper is still not perfect. I welcome any suggestion about this


Medan, August 2020

The Author,

Nova Situmeang


Universitas Sumatera Utara

TABLE OF CONTENTS AUTHOR’S DECLARATION ...... i COPYRIGHT DECLARATION ...... ii ABSTRAK ...... iii ABSTRACT ...... iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ...... v CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION ...... 1 1.1.Background of the Study ...... 1 1.2. Problem of the Study ...... 3 1.3. Objective of the Study ...... 3 1.4. Scope of the Study ...... 3 1.5. Significance of the Study ...... 4 1.6. Method of the Study ...... 4 CHAPTER II. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE ...... 5 2.1.Figurative language ...... 5 2.2.Types of Figure of speech ...... 5 2.3. The Purpose of using Figurative meaning in their songs ...... 15 2.4. Song Lyric ...... 16 2.5. Moral Values ...... 17 CHAPTER III.DESCRIPTION OF PAPER TOPIC ...... 19 3.1.Types of Figure of speech and the Meaning of Each Lyrics ...... 19 3.1.1. Metaphor ...... 19 3.1.2 Personification ...... 22 3.1.3 Simile ...... 23 3.1.4 Synecdoche ...... 24 3.1.5 Hyperbole ...... 25 3.1.6 Alliteration ...... 26 CHAPTER IV.CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ...... 27 4.1.CONCLUSION ...... 27 4.2. SUGGESTION ...... 27 BIBLIOGRAPHY ...... 28 APPENDIX ......


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1.1.Background of the Study

Music is an important part of our life as it is a way of expressing our feelings as well as emotions. Some people consider music as a way to escape from the pain of life. It gives you relief and allows you to reduce the stress. Music is a powerful therapy that will make you calm down and in the moment of joy, it will make you cheerful.

There are lots of who often use figurative language on each of their songs. Without using Figure of speech the song they created seemed to have no meaning because every song has behind it, every song has a memory, and every song has a meaning. Although it is often debated how many "types" of

Figure of speech exist, it is safe to say there are at least six different categories.

They are : Metaphor, Personification,Simile,Synecdoche,Hyperbole,and Alliteration.

One of the songwriter who uses figurative language in her songs is Michelle

Branch. She is an American singer who composes and writes her own music and lyrics. She produced Three Studio in 2001 , 2003 , and 2017 which are

The Spirit Room, , and Hopeless Romantic. All of her songs are written in English. Beginning to sing at the age of three, Branch enrolled in lessons at Northern University when she was eight, and received her first for her 14th birthday.


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After teaching herself chords, she composed her first song "Fallen" within a week of receiving her guitar. She initially attended Sedona Rock High School, but finished the last two years of her high school education through home schooling so that she could focus on her music career.

In writing her song lyrics, Michelle Branch always accentuates the poetical features to adorn her songs. Furthermore, She includes love theme in her album

“The Spirit Room”, for example, the lead single, "Everywhere," a full-throated, shout-it-from-the-rooftops love song, her next two singles continued to build on her fellow teens' appetite for romantic reverie: "," a catchy anthem about unrequited love, and "Goodbye to You," a break-up ballad from

Broken Bracelet that she repurposed into a rousing torch song. There are 22 main types of Figure of speech, which are Simile, Metaphor, Personification.

Onomatopoeia, Oxymoron, Hyperbole, Allusion, Idiom, Imagery, Symbolism,

Alliteration, Assonance, Consonance, Metonymy, Synecdoche, Irony, Sarcasm,

Litotes, Pun, Anaphora, Tautology, and Understatement.

This paper aims to examine the Figurative meaning found in Michelle

Branch’s The Spirit Room Album. The reason why the writer choosing this as a final paper is because the writer wants to investigate what kind of Figurative

Meaning Michelle Branch still uses in her songs, and describe the messages conveyed from each lyric. Aside from, the writer chooses to describe Michelle

Branch’s songs because all of her song and every songs that she creates has meaning especially in the life of romance.


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1.2. Problem of the Study

Based on the background of choosing the subject, The questions that are relevant to the problem are:

1) What types of Figure of speech found in Michelle Branch’s The Spirit

Room Album?

2) What is the meaning of each lyric found in Michelle Branch’s

The Spirit Room Album?

1.3. Objective of the Study

1) To describe the types of Figure of speech in Michelle Branch’s songs

lyrics found in The Spirit Room Album.

2) To describe the meaning of each Figure of speech in Michelle Branch

songs lyrics found in The Spirit Room Album.

1.4. Scope of the Study

The writer need to describe only in the description of the Concepts of Figurative meaning. There are six main types of Figure of speech, which are Metaphor,

Personification, Simile, Synecdoche, Hyperbole,and Alliteration in Michelle Branch’s The

Spirit Room Album.

These are 11 songs from The Spirit Room Album that will be describe in this paper:

Everywhere, You Get Me, All You Wanted, You Set Me Free, Goodbye To You, Here With

Me, I’d Rather Be In Love, Sweet Misery, If Only She Knew, Something to Sleep To, Drop

In The Ocean.


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1.5. Significance of the Study

The writer hopes that the result of this study will be beneficial both theoretical and


a) Theoretical

The writer expects the result of this study can be advantageous to the world of literature

and can contribute the development of Figurative meaning as reflected in Michelle Branch’s

The Spirit Room Album.

b) Practical

The writer wants to build the appreciation for the people towards the song lyrics and the

figurative meaning contained in it and can be used in the teaching of Figure of speech.

Besides that, The writer hopes that this study can convince everyone that every song has

meaning and there are lots of meaningful meaning behind it.

1.6. Method of the Study

This study uses qualitative method by collecting, reading the lyrics, and taking the data that related to the topic. Another method that the writer uses is the data sources from the internet to get more information of the song and definition of the Figurative meaning.

Through the qualitative method, people can interpret the meanings of the hidden words in the song lyrics. Furthermore, the method can describe the types of Figure of speech in the song lyrics. The song lyrics of Michelle Branch are described and conducted by library research. As the first step, the writer listen the song and read the song lyrics from some references related to the subject matter. Second, the writer chooses words or sentences that have Figure of speech, then interpreting and describing types of Figure of speech before making conclusions.


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2.1.Figurative language

Figurative languages are words and expressions used in poems and songs to convey various meanings and interpretations from the literal meaning. Figurative devices play major while writing. Appropriate use of figurative devices can enhance the work and create a deep level of meaning that a listener can enjoy while decoding. It is effective to communicate an idea that is not easy to understand because of its abstract nature or complexity. Songwriters use figurative language to stimulate emotion, help listeners to form mental images.

Meanwhile, Leech (2003:29) conveyed that what is communicated through association with another sense of the same expression or the meaning which arises in case of multiple conceptual meaning when one sense of word forms part of our response to another sense.

2.2.Types of Figure of speech

There are six types of Figure of speech used in Michelle Branch’s The Spirit Room

Album. Among these are :

A) Metaphor

Lakoff & Johnson (2003:10—32) A conceptual metaphor—also known as a

generative metaphor—is a metaphor (or figurative comparison) in which one idea (or

conceptual domain) is understood in terms of another. In cognitive linguistics, the

conceptual domain from which we draw the metaphorical expressions required to

understand another conceptual domain is known as the source domain.


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Cognitive linguists George Lakoff and Mark Johnson have identified three overlapping categories of conceptual metaphors:

1) An orientational Metaphor is a metaphor that involves spatial

Relationships,such as up/down, in/out, on/off, or front/back.

Example :

• MORE IS UP; LESS IS DOWN: Speak up,please. Keep your voice down, please.

• HEALTHY IS UP; SICK IS DOWN: Lazarus rose from the dead. He fell ill.

• CONSCIOUS IS UP; UNCONSCIOUS IS DOWN: Wake up. He sank into a coma.

• CONTROL IS UP; LACK OF CONTROL IS DOWN: I’m on top of the situation. He is under my control.

• HAPPY IS UP; SAD IS DOWN: I’m feeling up today. He’s really low these days

• VIRTUE IS UP: LACK OF VIRTUE IS DOWN: She’s an upstanding citizen. That was a low- down thing to do.

• RATIONAL IS UP; NONRATIONAL IS DOWN: The discussion fell to an emotional level.

He couldn’t rise above his emotions.

2) An ontological Metaphor is a metaphor in which something concrete is projected onto

something abstract.

Example :

• You’re wasting my time.

Means to consume, spend, or employ uselessly or without adequate return

• I don’t have the time to give you.

Means cause or allow (someone or something) to have (something, especially something


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abstract); provide or supply with.

• How do you spend your time these days?

Means drained of energy or effectiveness : exhausted.

• That flat tire cost me an hour.

Means when something makes you lose your job,etc.

• I've invested a lot of time in her.

Means expend moneywith the expectation of achieving a profit or material result by putting it into financial schemes, shares, or property, or by using it to develop a commercial venture.

• You're running out of time.

Means have no more time to do or complete something .

• Is that worth your while?

Means important, useful, or satisfying enough to be worth the effort you make.

• He's living on borrowed time.

Means an uncertain and usually uncontrolled postponement of something inevitable—used with living on.

3) A Structural metaphor is a metaphorical system in which one complex concept (typically

abstract) is presented in terms of some other (usually more concrete) concept.

Example :

• His criticisms were right on target.

Mean That speech he gave today was right on target. He made excellent points about the government and our current situation.

• He attacked every weak point in my argument.

Mean a characteristic that makes someone vulnerable.


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You may very well be asked what your weak points are.

• Your claims are indefensible.

Mean that it cannot be justified or supported because it is completely wrong or unacceptable.

• I demolished his argument.

Mean to destroy or ruin (a building or other structure), especially on purpose; tear down; raze. to put an end to; destroy; explode: The results of his research demolished many theories.

• My brother was boiling mad. (This implies he was too angry.)

• The assignment was a breeze. (This implies that the assignment was not difficult.)

• It is going to be clear skies from now on. (This implies that clear skies are not a threat and life is going to be without hardships)

•The skies of his future began to darken. (Darkness is a threat; therefore, this implies that the coming times are going to be hard for him.)

•Her voice is music to his ears. (This implies that her voice makes him feel happy)

Example of metaphor in song lyric :

You are the thunder and I am the lightning and I

Love the way you know

Who you are and to me

Its exciting when you

Know its meant to be

Everything comes naturally, it comes naturally

(Selena Gomez – Naturally)


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In this line of the song Selena uses a metaphor to compare herself to thunder and to compare the person she's talking about to lightning. She is comparing her relationship with this person to the relationship of thunder and lightning. What she means by this is that if you think about thunder you probably think about lightning too because they always come together. She is trying to say that this person s the lighting to her thunder meaning that this person belongs to with her forever and always like lightning belongs to thunder.

B) Personification

Potter (1967: 54) defines that personification is figure of speech in imaginative something, which does not have soul as though they have human characteristic.

For example:

"The grey-ey'd morn smiles on the frowning night,

Check'ring the Eastern clouds with streaks of light.

In describing the morning as smiling at the night, he is personifying the morning and establishing a romantic setting for Romeo and Juliet's love to unfold.

Earth felt the wound; and Nature from her seat,

Sighing, through all her works, gave signs of woe

This classic poem from John Milton has TONS of personification, especially about the

Earth. Here he makes the earth sigh as the great fall happens.


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Example of personification in song :

I’m never gonna dance again

Guilty feet have got no rhythm

Though it’s easy to pretend. I know you’re not a fool

Time can never mend

The careless whisper of a good friend

To the heart and mind, ignorance is kind

(George Michael – Careless Whisper)


There’s no comfort in the truth, pain is all you’ll find

This song is full of personification – ‘guilty feet’, ‘time’ being expected to ‘mend’ mistakes, and

‘ignorance’ being ‘kind’.

C) Simile

According to Keraf (1981: 123) similes or similes are explicit comparisons.

Comparison is explicit is that it does not directly declare something the same as something else.

For example: I wandered lonely as a cloud that floats on high o’er vales and hills

Means that’s pretty lonely.

Example of simile in song lyrics:

I see this life like a swinging vine

Swing my heart across the line

(One Republic – Counting star)


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This simile relates to the songwriter’s relationship with life.

A “swinging vine” is known as a risky, unpredictable means of transportation.

The songwriter knows that life is unpredictable, but also knows he has to take the risk.

You are beautiful, like a dream come alive, incredible

A centerfold, a miracle, lyrical

(Selena Gomez – Love you like a love song)


In this example Selena Gomez uses a simile to compare the person that she is referring to, to a dream coming alive (true). By using this comparison, Selena is trying to tell her readers that this person that she refers to is beautiful inside and out like how when someone's dreams come true that's a beautiful thing/moment. Selena loves that this person is a good person inside and out thus comparing that person to such a beautiful moment in people's lives (when their dreams come true).

D) Synecdoche

A synecdoche is a figure of speech in which a term for a part of something refers to the whole of something or vice versa. A synecdoche is a class of metonymy, often by means of either mentioning a part for the whole or conversely the whole for one of its parts.

For example :

The word "sails" is often used to refer to a whole ship.

The phrase "hired hands" can be used to refer to workers.

The word "head" can refer to counting cattle or people.

The word "bread" can be used to represent food in general or money


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(e.g. he is the breadwinner; music is my bread and butter).

Example of synecdoche in poetry:

I had not intended to love him; the reader knows I had wrought hard to extirpate from my soul the germs of love there detected; and now, at the first renewed view of him, they spontaneously arrived, green and strong! He made me love him without looking at me.

In this excerpt from Charlotte Brontë’s novel Jane Eyre, Jane talks about “the germs of love.” The germs here refer to the early stages of love, and Brontë continues this metaphorical usage saying that the germs return “green and strong.”

Example of synecdoche in song lyric :

Our song is a slamming screen door,

Sneaking out late tapping on your window,

When we’re on the phone and you talk real slow,

‘Cause it’s late and your mama don’t know,

(- Our Song)


These microcosmic synecdoches highlight the fun of always wanting to be with one’s lover

in a budding relationship.

E) Hyperbole

Hyperbole is a figurative language technique where exaggeration is used to create a strong effect. With hyperbole, the notion of the speaker is greatly exaggerated to emphasize the point. The word “hyperbole” is actually composed of two root words: “hyper” which means

“over,” and “bole” which means “to throw.” So, etymologically, “hyperbole” translates roughly to “over throw” or “to throw over.”


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Here is few example of Hyperbole :

• I’ve seen this movie at least 80,000 times.

This sentence is hyperbole because how can someone been watching the same movie 80,000 times. It doesn’t make sense and that was wasting time

• I’m so sad that I’m drowning in tears.

This sentence also hyperbole. We all know when someone sad or feeling unwell sometimes they shed tears but it doesn’t mean that they will drown in their tears.

Example of hyperbole in poetry:

TRUE! — nervous — very, very dreadfully nervous I had been and am; but why will you say that I am mad? The disease had sharpened my senses — not destroyed — not dulled them.

Above all was the sense of hearing acute. I heard all things in the heaven and in the earth. I heard many things in hell. How, then, am I mad? Hearken! and observe how healthily — how calmly I can tell you the whole story.

(“The Tell-Tale Heart” by Edgar Allen Poe)


In his short story “The Tell-Tale Heart,” Edgar Allen Poe writes from the perspective of an unreliable narrator. This narrator displays hyperbolic tendencies throughout the story, as he is subject to paranoia and delusions. This excerpt is the first paragraph of the story; the narrator images himself able to hear “all things in heaven and in the earth,” as well as “many things in hell.” Clearly, as an audience we know that the narrator is not able to hear all things. Yet this belief plays a key role in the story, as ultimately the narrator conflates his hyperbolic imagination with reality.


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Example of hyperbole in song lyric:

I would fly to the moon and back if you’ll be

If you’ll be my baby

Got a ticket for a world where we belong

So would you be my baby?

(Savage Garden – To the moon & back)


So, we all know how the moon offers an inhospitable environment for humans, and it just doesn’t make sense for anyone to simply “fly to the moon and back” to get someone to profess their love to you. But then, celestial bodies have held a special allure for people in love.

F) Alliteration

In literature, alliteration is the conspicuous repetition of identical initial consonant sounds in successive or closely associated syllables within a group of words, even those spelled differently. As a method of linking words for effect, alliteration is also called head rhyme or initial rhyme.

For example :

• Peter Piper Picked a Peck of Pickled Peppers.

This sentence is alliterative because the “p” sound occurs repeatedly at the beginning of six words. That sound, while making the sentence difficult to say, also creates a puckering effect on the reader’s mouth, much like one would have after eating pickles.

• The fair breeze blew, the white foam flew,

The furrow followed free;


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We were the first that ever burst

Into that silent sea.

There are several types of alliteration here. The “f” sound used in fair, foam, flew, furrow, followed, free, and first. The “b,” sound in breeze and blew. The “w,” in we and were. Lastly, the

“s,” in the silent sea.

Example of alliteration in song lyric:

Easy come, easy go, that’s just how you live, oh

Take, take, take it all, but you never give

Shoulda known you was trouble from the first kiss

Had your eyes wide open; why were they open?

(Bruno Mars - Grenade)


The 2nd and 4th lines have alliteration. The sounds of /t/ in ‘Take, take, take it all, but you never give’ and the sound of /w/ in ‘Had your eyes wide open; why were they open?

2.3. The Purpose of Songwriter using Figure of speech in their songs

Using Figure of speech is an effective way of communicating an idea that is not easily understood because of its abstract nature or complexity. Songwriters use Figure of speech to elicit emotion, help readers form mental images and draw readers into the work. Not only can it be used to better describe things, but there is also a puzzle-like component to figure of speech; that's what makes people so surprised or awed by fancy language. If Figure of speech is used correctly, which is surprisingly not the most difficult thing to do, you can give the audience a sense of euphoria.


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They become happy because they have solved your little wordplay puzzle and find the message imbedded in your language to be impressive and profound.

2.4. Song Lyric

The word lyric comes from the Middle French word ‘lyrique’ meaning ‘a short poem expressing emotion’. It is derived from the Latin ‘lyricus’ and the Greek ‘lyrikos’, both meaning

‘of or singing to the lyre’. A lyre is a small stringed instrument traditionally used in ancient

Greece, and typically played while singing or reciting poetry. In English, the word lyric was first recorded in the 1580s, and its alternate meaning referring to the words of a song was first recorded in English in 1876.

Every lyric deals with a single emotion, which is usually stated in the very first line of the lyric. Then the poet gives us the thoughts suggested by that particular emotion. The last and concluding part is in the nature of a summary or it embodies the conclusions reached by the poet.

Intensity is also another characteristic of a lyric. Every lyric consists of such lines, which reveal the intensity of the emotions of the author.

Many musical artists present their song lyrics as poetry. This reflects not a commercial move on their part, but a desire for the words they write to be taken seriously. It is certainly true that poems are taught (for better or worse) in classrooms and made a part of the canon of literature, whereas songs, especially popular ones, usually are not. If song lyrics are studied in school, often it is ethnographically or anthropologically, to learn something about a culture, not as literature per se.

One of the most important qualities of a lyric is its musical quality. Musical quality makes it the most popular and widely used form of poetry in the history of English literature.


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A song may have extremely simple lyrics, but would be considered as a great song based on how the accompanying music is mixed and arranged. It is also dependent on the manner which the recording artist delivers the song.

2.5.Moral Values

A moral (from Latin morālis) is a message that is conveyed or a lesson to be learned from a story or event. The moral may be left to the hearer, reader, or viewer to determine for themselves, or may be explicitly encapsulated in a maxim. A moral is a lesson in a story or in real life.

Moral values are beliefs and values of people that conform to normal standards. of what is right and wrong and deals with people. The standard moral values are. different between one society and others. The different standard of morals and ethics.

There are so many impact from the song that we used to hear can affect our life. There are so lots of songs who give us encouragement to move on after broke up, had any problems with life,and also there are lots of songs which also can make us happy and feel loved. It depends on how mood is.

Music is an important popular form of entertainment that can also teach information, highlight problems, and even inspire people to change injustices in society. People who write songs can express messages that are important to them through stories, statements, and metaphors in their words and music.


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Furthermore, wherever we are and in any condition we are in we won’t be able to escape from song. Songs become one of the most important things in life that makes listeners addicted, especially when the selected song according to the mood. It could be said that song is the easiest media to convey messages or values.


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3.1.Types of Figure of speech and the Meaning of Each Lyrics

3.1.1. Metaphor

Tears from behind my eyes but not cry Counting the days pass me by I still get lost in your eyes And it seems that I can't live a day without you Closin' my eyes and you chase my thoughts away To a place where I am blinded by the light But it's not right (Michelle Branch – Goodbye To You)

In this metaphor, Michelle is expressing her feelings towards someone who makes her disappointed. By describing this disappointment as “tears”, she is expressing that someone she loves at all times makes her disappointed and she doesn’t know how to change it except through the day as usual.

“Blinded by the light” , this line is also a metaphor. Michelle’s tell us that she was trapped in the past. , she’s miss all of the things that she’s been through but suddenly she knows that is not good so she’s trying to moving on although sometimes she was looking back but she was learnt from the past. We can conclude that this is one of her heartbreak song.


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I'm sinking slowly so hurry hold me Your hand is all I have to keep me hanging on Please can you tell me So I can finally see Where you go when you're gone (Michelle Branch – All You Wanted)

In this line, Michelle Branch uses a metaphor to describe how she feels safety if someone she loves saved her. With the line preceding the metaphors states. In the next line we also can see that someone she loved didn’t care about her is in,Please can you tell me , so I can finally she where you go when you’re gone. We can conclude that this song also a heartbreak song kind of unrequited love.

I try to help you out through the hardest of times

Your heart is in your throat and I'm speaking my mind

Though it looks as if it's over

I'm still not over you (Michelle Branch – If Only She Knew)

Another example of a song filled with metaphors. The lyrics above are just a small snippet from this song, but this jam has metaphors laced throughout every verse.

In this song, Michelle Branch is describing a romantic partner through a string of metaphors. She describing how she through the hardest time to change her love interest even though their relationship is over and she can’t forget her ex- boyfriend.


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There's not a minute that goes by every hour of every day

You're such a part of me

But I just pulled away

Well, I'm not the same girl

you used to know

I wish I said the words I never showed

I know you had to go away

I died just a little

And I feel that now you're the one I need

(Michelle Branch – Here With Me)

In this metaphor, Michelle is describing her without someone that she loved. Time keeps passing by but she didn’t even notice that because she’s already fall for him, as she said in the next line that he is the part of her life.

In another line, She describes her feelings when someone she loves went go away she felt unwilling because she knew that he is the one who deserves her. Based on this song can be concluded that this is one of her ballad song which tells about losing someone we loved.

You're in my heart

The only light that shines there in the dark

(Michelle Branch – You Set Me Free)

Here Michelle Branch uses a metaphor to describe a man she loves.

We know that this man isn’t the light that shines in the dark. These metaphors elude to the feeling that this man is very important and prominent in Branch’s life.


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Cause I wanted to fly,

so you gave me your wings

And time

Held its breath so I could see, yeah

And you set me free

(Michelle Branch – You Set Me Free)

Someone she loved isn’t actually had wings. First of all, human can’t fly.

But this “gave me your wings” told us that she is in love with him. Means wings in this line is about how songwriter wants someone she loved give all of his love for her.

You Set Me free or To set someone free means literally to release one from captivity or servitude. One often hears, “If you love someone, set them free.” This is a metaphor.

3.1.2 Personification

I was lost

And you were found

You seemed to stand on solid ground

(Michelle Branch - Sweet Misery)

In this song, solid ground means confident because you are dealing with a subject you are sure about,or because you are in a safe situation.

As we know that personification is the attribution of a personal nature or human characteristics to something nonhuman, or the representation of an abstract quality in human form.


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She's his yellow brick road

Leading him on

And letting him go as far

as she lets him go

(Michelle Branch – Something to Sleep To)

In the first line of this song, “she’s his yellow brick road” there is a personification. Here the singer compares a person to road which a road is a thoroughfare,route,or way on land between to places that has been paved.

3.1.3 Simile

And I was drifting away

Like a drop in the ocean

And now I realize that

Nothing has been as beautiful

As when I saw heaven's skies

(Michelle Branch – Drop In The Ocean)

In this song, Michelle Branch uses the simile “like a drop in the ocean” to describe the feeling how she was floating somewhere because of love. And another common simile is used to describe a love interest. “as when I saw heaven’s skies” expresses that Michelle Branch’s feels her love interest is amazing as she’s saw beautiful heaven’s skies.


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I've been searchin' deep down in my soul

Words that I'm hearin' are starting to get old

It feels like I'm startin' all over again

The last three years were just pretend

(Michelle Branch – Goodbye To You)

In this line Michelle Branch uses the simile “like i’m start startin’ all over again” to describe her feeling that she was so done with everything. It took 3 years for her to realize all of the things she’s been through even it’s good or bad thing.

3.1.4 Synecdoche

And I've heard that you can't fight love, so I won't complain

'Cause why would I stop the fire that keeps me going on?

Cause when there's you, I feel whole

And there's no better feeling in the world

But without you I'm alone

And I'd rather be in love with you

(Michelle Branch – I’d Rather Be in Love)

In this song, Michelle Branch uses the synecdoche “fight love”, fight for love' means your relationship is experiencing difficulties and you don't want to give up on it. Maybe things are complicated and need some working through.

Another synecdoche “stop the fire’ means love feeling. expresses that her love interest with him really and sincerely. The word “whole” means feeling nothing is lacking in another word it’s almost perfect. We can conclude that this song is one of her love song. This song actually tell us about how someone fell in love and


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know about the consequences from falling in love.

3.1.5 Hyperbole

'Cause you're everywhere to me

And when I close my eyes it's you I see

(Michelle Branch - Everywhere)

When I close my eyes it’s you I see. The Hyperbole, is used here, since we know that when we all humans can’t see anything when we are closing our eyes.

But the message of this chorus is about how you can feel the existence of someone that you cares about. Even you can’t see them by your eyes but you can feel it by your heart.

So what if I see the sunshine

In the pouring rain?

Some people think I'm crazy

But you say it's okay

(Michelle Branch – You Get Me)

In this verse, the song-writer using Hyperbole because we all know if it’s pouring rain the sky darkens and it’s impossible if there’s sunshine in the pouring rain. But in the next line we got the message that if someone really cares about you they doesn’t even care what people say towards you even the things that you do it’s kind of odd.


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3.1.6 Alliteration

Love took me by the hand

Love took me by surprise

(Michelle Branch – Drop In the Ocean)

Besides using simile, this song also has the alliteration. In just two lines of

Michelle Branch’s song and they are also double as repetition. The “l” sound in

“love”, the “t”in “took, the “m” in “me”, along with the hard “b” in “by”. The ending of these sentences also has similar meanings about how the effect of love.

I just want you near me

I just want you here with me

(Michelle Branch – I’d Rather Be in Love)

This song also has the alliteration where first sentence and the second line has the same word “I” along with “J” in “just”,”w” in “want”, followed by “m” in “me” in the end.The meaning of near and here in this song are kind of similar.


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Based on the description of the paper topic, the conclusion of mine has shown that all the 6 types of Figure of speech e.g, Metaphor, Personification, Simile, Synecdoche,Hyperbole,and, Alliteration are all use in Michelle’s Branch’s The Spirit Room Album.This paper has also expressed the figurative meaning found in Michelle Branch’s The Spirit Room Album. Michelle Branch uses Figure of speech in her lyrics to convey her life experiences and feelings particularly about love, about her love interest towards someone, unrequited love, an ex- boyfriend. She also applies Figure of speech to express feelings such as hope,happiness, even sadness and sorrow. The songwriter uses Figure of speech to help the listeners to understand the meaningful lyrics behind every songs.


Michelle Branch’s The Spirit Room Album is great after all, since describing the data and summarizing the conclusion, The writer wants to suggests the students to deeply explore about the common figurative language, for instance, observing other medias or clues such as song to find the types of figure of speech. In the song lyrics, the figurative language used to convey the concept of figurative meaning that leads to understand the meaning of figurative language. Hence,the writer except that will be other researchers who will make the research using figurative language as a theory. And also the writer wants to convey the readers to know the importance of figurative meaning in every songs.


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Aminosharel, Nojan. (2017, Apr 5). What Happened to Michelle Branch?.

Retrieved July 11, 2020, from http://elle.com

Bessie, P.A., 2017.Metode Penelitian linguistik terjemahan

Branch, M., 2001.The Spirit Room. Recording

Dancygier, B., & Sweetser, E. (2014). Figurative language. Cambridge

University Press.

Gibbs Jr, R.W. and Colston, H.L., 2012. Interpreting figurative meaning.

Cambridge University Press.

Gomez, Luiz. (2017,March 21). Michelle Branch is no longer ‘Everywhere’

and here’s why. Retrieved from http://thelist.com

Lakoff, George, and Mark Johnson. Metaphors we live by. University of

Chicago press, 2008.

Minkova, Donka. Alliteration and sound change in early English. Vol. 101.

Cambridge University Press, 2003.


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A. Biography of Michelle Branch

Michelle Jacquet DeSevren Branch (born 2 July 1983) is an American singer, songwriter, and actress. Her father is Irish, and her mother is of Dutch-Indonesian ("Indo") and French descent. Her maternal grandmother was held in a Japanese concentration camp during World War II. After the war she moved to Holland, where Branch's mother was born. They moved to Arizona when her mother was five.During the early 2000s, she released two top-selling albums: The Spirit Room and Hotel Paper. She won a Grammy Award for Best Pop Collaboration with Vocals with Santana for "The Game of Love".In 2005, she formed the duo with friend and fellow musician , and produced the Grammy-nominated single "". The Wreckers disbanded in 2007 to pursue their respective solo careers. Since then, she has released extended plays in 2010 and 2011, and a third solo album, Hopeless Romantic, on 7 April 2017.

In 2001, Branch signed a recording deal with Maverick Records, where she began working with to produce her first album and major-label debut. The album, The Spirit Room, was released in August 2001, producing the hit single "Everywhere". The single was a commercial success, winning the 2002 MTV Video Music Awards Viewer's Choice Award."Everywhere" was later followed by singles "All You Wanted"

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and "Goodbye to You". In August 2001, she appeared on after "Everywhere" reached No. 4 on the show's chart. Due to the mainstream success of those released singles, The Spirit Room was certified Double Platinum by the RIAA for selling over two million copies in the .Branch also sang on the song "Deeper" from Hanson's 2004 album Underneath. VH1 also released a Pop-Up Video for her song "All You Wanted".

Branch met before her debut on Maverick Records, becoming friends over the Internet before meeting in Las Vegas for a music convention in 2000. Justincase was signed to Maverick Records in late 2001 with the help of Branch. A self-titled album was released on October 29, 2002, and included several collaborations with Branch, including the lead single, "Don't Cry for Us".

In 2002, Branch teamed up with Santana, alongside songwriters and , to produce the song "The Game of Love", which went on to win a Grammy Award for Best Pop Collaboration with Vocals. She also earned a Grammy nomination in 2003 for Best New Artist, which was won by .

Branch's second major label album, Hotel Paper, was released in 2003 and debuted at No. 2 on the chart and has been certified Platinum by the RIAA for selling over one million copies.However, the album was met with mixed reviews. The lead single, "Are You Happy Now?", was a chart success, earning Branch a nomination for the Grammy Award for Best Female Rock Vocal Performance,though the song lost to Pink's "Trouble". The following singles, however, "Breathe" and "'Til I Get over You", did not match the first single's success. Branching out into television, she appeared in several shows, including , , and . In June 2004, she hosted MTV's "Faking the Video" alongside and JC Chasez. She also appeared in the Rob Schneider film The Hot Chick.chosen as an OST for 'Kambing Jantan' The Movie directed by Rudi Sudjarwo. He performed 3 times in Singapore, one was at the famous Mosaic Music Festival in Esplanade, His song 'Adelaide Sky' was on the Mercedes Benz Mixed Tape vol.41 'Vision Pearl', Japan Tour : 2011, 2015 and 2016.His song 'Gaze' from was used in Korean TV commercial for Maxim Coffee in 2013,2 AMI Awards in 2016.

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B.Song lyrics from

The Spirit Room Album


Turn it inside out so I can see The part of you that's drifting over me And when I wake you're never there But when I sleep you're everywhere You're everywhere Just tell me how I got this far Just tell me why you're here and who you are 'Cause every time I look You're never there And every time I sleep You're always there 'Cause you're everywhere to me And when I close my eyes it's you I see You're everything I know That makes me believe I'm not alone I'm not alone I recognize the way you make me feel It's hard to think that You might not be real I sense it now, the water's getting deep I try to wash the pain away from me Away from me 'Cause you're everywhere to me And when I close my eyes it's you I see You're everything I know That makes me believe I'm not alone

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I'm not alone I am not alone Whoa, oh, oh, oh And when I touch your hand It's then I understand The beauty that's within It's now that we begin You always light my way I hope there never comes a day No matter where I go I always feel you so 'Cause you're everywhere to me And when I close my eyes it's you I see You're everything I know That makes me believe I'm not alone 'Cause you're everywhere to me And when I catch my breath It's you I breathe You're everything I know That makes me believe I'm not alone You're in everyone I see So tell me Do you see me?

“You Get Me”

So I'm a little left of center I'm a little out of tune Some say I'm paranormal So I just bend their spoon Who wants to be ordinary In a crazy, mixed-up world I don't care what they're sayin'

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As long as I'm your girl

Hey, you are on my side And they, they just roll their eyes

You get me When nobody understands You come and take the chance, baby You get me You look inside my wild mind Never knowing what you'll find And still you want me all the time Yeah, you do Yeah, you get me

So what if I see the sunshine In the pouring rain Some people think I'm crazy But you say it's okay You've seen my Where all of my flowers grow In my imagination Anything goes

I, I am They, they just read me wrong

You get me When nobody understands You come and hold my hand, baby You get me You look inside my wild mind Never knowing what you'll find Still you want me all the time Yeah, you do

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'Cause you get me

Hey, you are on my side They, they just roll their eyes Yeah, yeah, yeah

'Cause you get me When nobody understands You come and take the chance, baby You get me When none of the pieces fit You make sense of it You get me You look inside my wild mind Never knowing what you'll find And still I want you all the time Yeah, I do 'Cause you get me Yeah, oh, yeah, oh

“All You Wanted”

I wanted to be like you I wanted everything So I tried to be like you And I got swept away

I didn't know that it was so cold And you needed someone to show you the way So I took your hand and we figured out that When the time comes I'd take you away

If you want to I can save you I can take you away from here So lonely inside

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So busy out there And all you wanted was somebody who cares

I'm sinking slowly So hurry hold me Your hand is all I have to keep me hanging on Please can you tell me So I can finally see Where you go when you're gone

If you want to I can save you I can take you away from here So lonely inside So busy out there And all you wanted was somebody who cares

All you wanted was somebody who cares If you need me you know I'll be there Oh, oh, oh, yeah

If you want to I can save you I can take you away from here So lonely inside So busy out there And all you wanted was somebody who cares

Oh oh Oh oh yeah

If you want to I can save you I can take you away from here So lonely inside So busy out there And all you wanted was somebody who cares

Please can you tell me

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So I can finally see Where you go when you're gone “You Set Me Free”

Can't you see? There's a feeling that's come over me Close my eyes You're the only one that leaves me completely breathless

No need to wonder why Sometimes a gift like this you can't deny

'Cause I wanted to fly, so you gave me your wings And time held its breath so I could see, yeah And you set me free

There's a will There's a way Sometimes words just can't explain This is real I'm afraid I guess this time there's just no hiding, fighting You make me restless

You're in my heart The only light that shines there in the dark

'Cause I wanted to fly, so you gave me your wings And time held its breath so I could see, yeah And you set me free

When I was alone

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You came around When I was down You pulled me through And there's nothing that I wouldn't do for you

'Cause I wanted to fly, so you gave me your wings And time held its breath so I could see, yeah And you set me free

“Something to Sleep To”

She's his yellow brick road Leading him on And letting him go as far as she lets him go Going down to nowhere

She puts on her make-up The same way she did yesterday Hoping everything's the same But everything has changed

In my mind Everything we did was right Open your eyes, I'll still be by your side How could I ever have been so blind? You give me something to sleep to at night

He wakes up to the sound So scared that she's leaving He wishes she were still asleep next to him

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Hoping she will change

In my mind Everything we did was right Open your eyes, I'll still be by your side How could I ever have been so blind?

You give me something to sleep to at night You give me something to sleep to And all I know is You give me something to dream to when I'm all alone and blue Don't leave me now [Repeats]

In my mind Everything we did was right Open your eyes, I'll still be by your side How could I ever have been so blind? You give me something to sleep to Something to sleep to Something to sleep to at night

“Here With Me”

It's been a long, long time since I looked into the mirror I guess that I was blind Now my reflection's getting clearer Now that you're gone things will never be the same again

There's not a minute that goes by every hour of every day You're such a part of me But I just pulled away Well, I'm not the same girl you used to know I wish I said the words I never showed

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I know you had to go away I died just a little, and I feel it now You're the one I need I believe that I would cry just a little Just to have you back now Here with me Here with me

You know that silence is loud when all you hear is your heart And I wanted so badly just to be a part of something strong and true But I was scared and left it all behind

I know you had to go away I died just a little, and I feel it now You're the one I need I believe that I would cry just a little Just to have you back now Here with me Here with me

And I'm asking And I'm wanting you to come back to me Please?

I never will forget that look upon your face How you turned away and left without a trace But I understand that you did what you had to do And I thank you

I know you had to go away

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I died just a little, and I feel it now You're the one I need I believe that I would cry just a little Just to have you back now Here with me Here with me

“Sweet Misery”

I was lost And you were found You seemed to stand on solid ground

I was weak And you were strong And me and my guitar, we strummed along, oh

Sweet misery you cause me That's what you called me Sweet misery you cause me

I was blind But oh, how you could see You saw the beauty in everything, everything and me

I would cry And you would smile You'd stay with me a little while

Sweet misery you cause me That's what you called me Sweet misery you cause me

And in my heart I see, oh

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What you're doing to me And in my heart I see, oh Just how you wanted it to be Sweet misery

Oh, whoa

Sweet misery you cause me That's what you called me Sweet misery you cause me

And in my heart I see, oh What you're doing to me And in my heart I see, oh Just how you wanted it to be Sweet misery

I was weak And you were strong And me and my guitar, we strummed along

“If Only She Knew”

I don't know whose side I'm takin' But I'm not takin' things too well I can see inside you're achin' But is it still too early for me to tell?

I try to help you out through the hardest of times Your heart is in your throat and I'm speaking my mind Though it looks as if it's over I'm still not over you

'Cause I still love you like I did before

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I know for sure that you still feel the same way I do If only she knew Whoa, if only she knew, oh

I try to let it go but I don't know if I can take it 'Cause the way you looked at me Made me see that I can't really fake it

I try to help you out through the hardest of times Your heart is in your throat and I'm speaking my mind Though it looks as if it's over I'm still not over you

'Cause I still love you like I did before I know for sure that you still feel the same way I do If only she knew Whoa

I know she loves you and I can't interfere So I'll just have to sit back and watch my world disappear Whoa

I try to help you out through the hardest of times Your heart is in your throat and I'm speaking my mind Though it looks as if it's over I'm still not over you Oh, I'm still not over you

'Cause I still love you like I did before I know for sure that you still feel the same way I do Whoa 'Cause I will never ever walk away

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I'll find a way She could never love you like I do If only she knew

If only she knew, oh yeah Na na na na na na na na.

“I’d Rather Be In Love”

I cannot help it I couldn't stop it if I tried The same old heartbeat fills the emptiness I have inside And I've heard that you can't fight love, so I won't complain 'Cause why would I stop the fire that keeps me going on?

'Cause when there's you, I feel whole And there's no better feeling in the world But without you I'm alone And I'd rather be in love with you

Turn out the lights now To see is to believe I just want you near me I just want you here with me And I'd give up everything only for you It's the least that I could do

'Cause when there's you, I feel whole And there's no better feeling in the world But without you I'm alone And I'd rather be in love with you

And I feel you holding me

Why are we afraid to be in love? To be loved

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I can't explain it I know it's tough to be loved

And I feel you holding me

Oh, oh And when there's you, I feel whole And there's no better feeling in the world But without you I'm alone

And I'd rather be in love Yes, I'd rather be in love Oh, I'd rather be in love with you

And I feel you holding me, oh

“Goodbye To You”

Of all the things I've believed in I just want to get it over with Tears from behind my eyes but I do not cry Counting the days pass me by

I've been searchin' deep down in my soul Words that I'm hearin' are starting to get old It feels like I'm startin' all over again The last three years were just pretend And I said

Goodbye to you Goodbye to everything that I knew You were the one I loved The one thing that I tried to hold onto

I still get lost in your eyes

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And it seems that I can't live a day without you Closin' my eyes and you chase my thoughts away To a place where I am blinded by the light But it's not right

Goodbye to you Goodbye to everything that I knew You were the one I loved The one thing that I tried to hold on to

And it hurts to want everything And nothin' at the same time I want what's yours and I want what's mine I want you but I'm not givin' in this time

Goodbye to you Goodbye to everything that I knew You were the one I loved The one thing that I tried to hold onto

Goodbye to you Goodbye to everything I thought I knew You were the one I loved The one thing that I tried to hold onto The one thing that I tried to hold onto

One thing that I tried to hold onto And when the stars fall I will lie awake You're my shooting star

“Drop In The Ocean”

Love took me by the hand Love took me by surprise Love led me to you

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And love opened up my eyes

And I was drifting away like a drop in the ocean And now I realize that nothing has been as beautiful As when I saw heaven's skies In your eyes In your eyes

And every time I drift away I lose myself in you And now I see I can be me In everything I do

'Cause I was feeling as small as a drop in the ocean And now I realize that nothing has been as beautiful As when I saw heaven's skies In your eyes In your eyes

Love took me by the hand Love took me by surprise

And I was drifting away like a drop in the ocean And now I've realized that nothing has been as beautiful As when I saw heaven's skies In your eyes In your eyes

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