


Dredge May Go Up ONE DAY'S ELECTRIC BILL COSTS LESS THAN CIGAR Two Auto Holdups And Sewaren Robbery Statistics supplied by the U. S. Geological Survey show- To Sewaren Bridge ing the total of electric power used in the homes of this coun- Solved As Police Net 6 Youths Sunday Proceeding Rapidly, De Witt Clinton May Dredge Past Dock try in 11*20 and statistics show- To Bridge On Woodbridge Avenue — Half Mile Beyond ing the tofal amount paid there- for, reveal that the average l( Muck On Scow Port Reading, letting the two un- SUBMITS TAX FINDINGS Stefani Bozan,'4 years old, daugh- Galli-Curci To Sing At Perth Amboy On harmed. Behind. Note Extra Pipe and levcc at Right. ter of Mr. aj)d Mrs. Steven Bozan, f 31 Turtle Brook road, Port Read- Simitar Attempt The name of j. H. Th*y«r Martin, This eneoiirnginK prospect was .ivwiy just ii .-dinrt ili-l.imr fiom the m (|]p( .Later the same night another sim- of 585 Rahway avenue, Woodbridge, lied at Perth Amboy Hospital January 22 Under Auspices Of Woman's Club ilar holdup occurred on Cliff road. announced byby Township Kngini'er foot of Herry street, \\hvv» Staten ,lt 9 .-jo p. m. Sunday from burns haa been mentioned as a possible | Island contractors an- busily enen- ' Edward Everson, of 400 Laurie (Irorge Merrill yesterday. ~ suffered when her dress caught f|re The appearance of the great opera nificent successes before the largest "The government appropriated gaged in building the nrw township as she played near a bonfire in the singer, Madam Galli-Curci, in the au- audiences in musical history; she hasu . ompanieflljudge, at New $;i(i,000 for the dredging, and they -dock. back yard of her home. ditorium of the Perth Amboy high charmed Italy, Egypt, Spain, Russia, 155 i car near soon to be filled by ' will have a large surplus when they The puflinif of the bik' dredge, as The accident occurred when the school on Thursday evening, January South America, Central America, Sewaren Motorboat Club about Mr. Martin, former township at-; 11:15 p. m., shortly after the first torney of Woodbridge, hag con iTiich the dock site," he stated. "We it /.igzsigs its way up the creek, with ,iul(, several of her friends, 2222 , wilill l mark ththe most importanitt t EnglandEld , StlScotlandd , WWalesl Il, Irelandd, t»fiil itnmnna T\1I tYi r\1rl(r tn /n'flrtb attempted robbery. A big sedan into prominence the past week aX- will try ami get them to go on up powerful engines pumping the creek WM.e Kroupe(i 8round a small brush musical feature ever held in the city Australia and New Zealand, the Or- drove alongside him and forced him with the first reports of the special ilie creek to the bridge, and believe bottom out through long pipe- 'lines— , fil,e t.-».>h , h'ad. built in tne early . aft.. .,of perth Araboy. ient and her own America. plainly heard trom the , ; summoning aid, The concert is into the ditch. Suspecting robbery tax commission making a survey of we will succeed. The government ("in now be L rnoon Instea(1 of being sponsored by It is interesting to note that at Everson cooly hid his wallet, and tax conditions in the state, called men usually spend their entire ap- dock site, where two pile drivers her"playmate's" attempted to beat out the musical department of the Wom- Madam Galli-Curci's last appearance when searched by three men with the "Commission on County and Mu- pmpriation, rather than carry over'arc hammering away, .,lhu?' the flames, but before they succeed- an's Club of Perth Amboy, and is for in London, she held an audience of 1 0000 people spellbound. Her is guns, lost only three dollars which nicipal Taxation and Expenditures." en their books the amount set aside Thud! Thud! ' sinking the " t.(l the child was fatally burned. Her the benefit of the Scholarship Fund, was in his pockets. the robbers He is chairman, fo- r a- certain job, an-;d- fo,--r- thi,s rea ,for .„m ,th e bulkhea, ..d dock,. „.... . ,„. .screams drew her parents from the This fund is provided so that each magic, radiant and appealing. drove off, first cribbling Everson's Mr. Martin was township attorney Galli-Curci's husband, Homer Sanv- y on we think they will be willing to I he crew of the De Witt < linton noUs.e [|ut th camo too )ate year a worthy girl may be sent to the car by taking out part of the dis- under the Republican regime. righ1 "t ahea•• -d ' u—p t'o th"-•e• bridge.>-:••—" buil'••••'•d' levee'—--s• t'o- hol'•-'•d' bac*"-ik- th•>e- pumpe~- d' ; * treated by New Jersey College for Women at uels, the noted pianist and composer. He Now P«»l Valentine'i ' ' up muck, deposited through pipe Th( pufferin ehil(1 was noted law Newark. The dredge has scooped its way lines laid on a pontoon bridge of hurriedly called Woodbridge police, pie his name with that of Douglas up the creek, past the Federal Terra scow-, at each side of the bank. banski and Skwarlo did their best attend college because their parents piano at the concert on January 22. Cotta Docks, past Valentine's tire They should probably reach the dock The tickets for this great musical '"It was a sedan, number K5626,", Hicks aa possible incumbents of the save her, hut after lingering in cannot afford to send them, and it is he told Sergeant Jack Egan, and in county bench and prosecutor's office brick plant, anil is now pumping by the middle of the coming week, in for jome time she died, in a for this type of girl that this Scholar- event, may be had from any member and u.. the dredge started Decemher of the Perth Amboy Woman's Club, few minutes Egan had learned the respectively. ma ship Fund was provided. Any girl is car was stolen from Perth Amboy j A letter telling of the first sec- 1*2:2, and has put in 15 working days Coroner Lawrence Kenny ordered eligible to qualify for this scholar- or may * be purchased at the high since, the appropriation of $30,000 school on the night of the concert. earlier in the evening. Coniinued on paqe {our the MW h0(1 rcmoved to Grein- Bhip. Those attending the concert will Descriptions given by the victims Four Members To Be i.- still far from being expended. where not OJily have the privilege of hear- 1Ui Funeral Home here, of the two holdups showed the same Engineers in charge of the De- Mineral "arrangements were made, ing tVie universally famed and be- band had done both jobs. Officer Elected To Board Of i Witt I linton estimated the cost of loved soprano, bbu t alsl o wilill lcontrib tib- Albert Levi, to whom the first pair I operation at $350 to $400 per day, ute to a most worthy cause. Former Prison Head i had told their story, reported to Skating Promised In making the totnl cost so far only The golden voice of Galli-Curci is Chief Murphy and Captain Walsh, admit S 'i.OOO. Progress has been the greatest since the days of Ade- and the man hunt was on. Education On Feb. 10 easier than expected, due to the soft Auto Insurance Rates lina Patti's zenith; she has won mag- Talks On "Vocation" First Arrett Knur members of the Township character of the muck encountered, Woodbridge Park When Knard of Education will be elected "" no laiw rocks being struck. "Get Bishop!" was the terse order at lhe annual school board election Raised in New Jersey Before Rotary Club I of Chief Murphy. 1 Next Cold Snap Comes tu be held Tuesday, February 10, a> curding to K. ''. Ensign, district I And 20 Other States Dr. Frank Moore, Once Supt. Though the tivst attempts to pro- -iiperintetident. j vide skating for the youngsters of "There is also no doubt that one Of Rahway Reformatory, Woodbridge, by flooding the wading in- more special propositions tvill be Auto iiii-iiranci; companies in New Jersey and -U other states have been Gives Ideas On Work. poo! and tennis courts in Wood- put before the voters in addition to bridge Park, proved unsuccessful; tlic customary general appropria- losing money nn both damage to per- better results are expected during tion." he said. sons and liumage to cars, so they Dr. Frank Moore, formerly sup- I'rintendent of the Rahway Reform- the next cold snap, according to There are three vacancies due to have jacked ip their rates, effective Township Engineer George Merrill, this-week. It's going to cost more atory and a former Woodbridge Ro- expiring terms this year," Mr. En- ta nan, was the principal speaker at in charge of the work. Mirn said yesterday, those of Roy money to jre! protection now. Loesses have been greater where the Rotary luncheon, held at the "Next time we will try to freeze Anderson, of Woodbridge; and Wil- Middlesex Hotel yesterday noon. the water in both wading pool and liard Dunham and Melvin H. Clum, persons were injured, than for prop- tennis courts in layers, instead of erty damage. Tr.e reasons, according Dr. Moore was made an honorary both of Fords." The fourth vacancy, member of the club. He is now trav- attempting to freeze it all at once," he explained, is the unexpired year to the insurance underwriters are stated Mr. Merrill yesterday. more powerful and speedy cars; bet- elling throughout the United States, of this terra of the late Benjamin designing prisons. I He explained that due to the Walling, which had been temporarily ter roads, favoring speeding, and I asphalt expansion joint in the wad- general congestion. After thanking the members for Tilled by the appointment of Ernest the hon.or conferred on him, Mr. j ing pool, there are certain technical tyuffitt, of Woodbridge. The revised ratt?> do not represent reasons why the pool cannot be » flat or uniform increase above the Moore spoke on "Vocation." His "One proposition which will, in talk was interesting and comprehen- ] frozen in its entirety, but must be all nroBability, go before the vot- old rates. A oomparison of the n«w iced in layers. In' the tennis court and old rates for the individual terri- sive. He took up vocations, and ers," Mr. Ensign said, "will be the traced the effect upon industrial and freezing difficulties developed proposed-purchase of a plot of tories in each state si-.ows a consid- through water seeping. through, the erable variation in the iH'ivenUige of criminal conditions of the work a ground in the rear of the Avenel man chooses. drains laid to carry off rain water, change. This variation is due to the but Mr. Merrill believes that if the school. This plot, just west and Mr. Moore scored parasites, men north of the school building, can be 1'itct that in the establishment of the AMEL1IA L.ALLI-CUKCl ground is frozen hard before, the ic»t it'vised rates, due consideration ha* who live upon the work of others. is frozen on the courts, that the u-rd either for the construction of He mentioned a 94-year-old man he iui uddition or, for thc time being, SMALL PILE DRIVER Set On Land been given to the experience of the water there will be retained, and ( At Dock Site To Drivt Slip Pile*. individual territories and state. Two Robberies Reported knew, who had never done a stitch provide a suitable skating surface. l"i a playground. Its' cost is $(!,- of work, 1 Work (in the town-hip dock has The nene w ratert s represenpnt increase* ln Towng-hip Over Week-End He expressed optimism on the re- fiOO.' ' | "A vocation is the work or call- sults after the next attempt. "There is also some talk about also been carried right along, de- for the most part because ut analysis iniy for which one prepares or give* agitation for a new school in Ave- spite the cold and disagreeable f the combined experience for the Two robberies occurred the his life and efforts," he stated. j weather of recent (lays. A pile tu'l, but whether or not that will be lusiveP°1'Osh' years 1026 to I'.'JH, ;n- township over the week-end. Charles ''So important did Benjamin CORRECTION » proposal on the ballot I do not yet driver, smaller than the large one = - t l.°ws that the Lawyer, of Correj" reja avenueavenue,, IselinIselin,, Franklin think a vocation that when \ CHIEF PATRICK MURPHY know." operating from a scow in the" creek,' have sustained underwriting l.we* home was entered he died he lelt ?5,000 to found; ,,,,,. ,, . The Independent wishes to state has been set up on land to drive tho' over that P«wd in most of the. wen- Muted that ....".. '. ... •— 1 states affected by the change, and ransacked late Sunday after- schools of vocational training_ in harly Sunday morning bergeant th t th in'tprview pubH8hed in its LIONS CLUB PLAN DAjNCE pilus for the slip at the west side both Boston and Philadelphia. The I arson, went to Bishop's home and , t • porting to represent This is particularly true under liabil- noon. The thief forceJ d a second F About 23 members attended the «f, • • • '•— - made away with money laid idle till 20 years ago, slipped handcuffs on him. Question- the viewg' »f Fath|r Rich^rd J. meeting off ththe Lion's Club held book. when with compound interest, it ed by Chief Murphy and Captain o.Farrell wa3 printed after a cft3ual MondaMd y evening at the Middlesex to by Thomas Egan.. amounted to $400,000. In both Walsh he implicated John Banas, ulfc d itK£ t understanding 20. ot 34 Centrfl avenue, Sewaren that' ftth O'Farrell neither desires Hotel, with President Mark D. Mc- ow „ . .. t „,. ; avenue, Fords,' cities Franklin Vocational Institutes Clain in charge. Plans for the Wash, saying Banas riight have done it." k publicity. The ideas ex- creek. All the butter pill's, driven | was broken int.-o- som.e .. time Sunda. y were founded from this fund." ington birthday' dance were made, K. Of C. Retreat Club To Work Neceiury Wai s h and Parsons arrested d w£re not intended for pub- on a slant to hold the big steel rods nirht. Entrance was gained by re- with Edward Hardiman, chairman of anchoring the front piles, are in; Hold First Dinner Ja*. 20 "You shall live by the sweat of Banas, who con essed to being. in f. di3Semillation. hijving a pane of glass from a rear both the auto holdups. Ubon being The Imiependent has the highest thth e entertainment committee, in and quite a number of the piles for The Knights of Columbus Retreat window, and drilling a hole through your brow," said Mr. Moore, refer- 1 chargege . I CmnCommunity y sing ng, with ring to the famous Biblical quota- shown Banas confession Bishop ad- ect {w Fatner (^FarreU. an* the slip have been sunk. Several club will hold its first dinned on a store room door. Between 20 and mitted guilt also, and further quea- £ { GGeorg e KayseK ldr leadingi , fqllowed the weeks more will be needed to com- Tuesday evening, January- 20 in -the 3U dollars in cash was taken. tion, and illustrating the necessity tak a thig means to expre88| b fret for this oversight. regular business meeting. plete the piling, it is estimated, Middlesex Hotel in Woodbridge, at — of work.' "There is too much avo- Continued on vane four cation atijd not enough vocation; too seven, o'clock. The guest speakers of QUINN VICTORY DANCE the evening will be the Rev. Fathers many vacations eating up the pro- duct of vocations," charged the Clay Pit Find Here Showif JV. J. Turner and Murphy of West End, ^ Victory Dance, in honor of the speaker. Rotary Club Has Interesting Programs * N. J. All members of the local coun- e]ei.tion of State Senator Arthur A. cil are cordially invited to attend, Qujn^js being planned by the Dem- (Continued on page 4) -i and if desirous of doing so, are re- ocrats of Middlesex County, to be Planned For First Half Year Of Was Once Desert, Scientist Says .uested to make reservations before on January 29 at New Bruhs- ROBBERY FAILS IN A.VENEL Millions of years ago New Jersey "The cycad lends us to the c( .1- January 15 with the committee in Arrangements for the affair An interesting program is planned for the Woodbridge Rotary was> a desert, according to Professor elusion that Naw Jersey was mighty charge. lire now in progress. Louis Gediah, of Homestead ave- for thae riret half year of 1031. Minton'A. Chrysler, of the botany'dry thirty million years ago," Dr.I Arthur Geis, John Einhorn James ,nue, Avenei, reported to Woodbridge 1 |ipolice Monday night that three men The outstanding event for January ! is the talk of Dr. Charles ^ I department of Rutgers University.'Chrysler said. "In fact, 1 should Dunne, Chris Witting and John 1 x on January 22. The "Life Stones" pibgram for JanDWf 8 i» a sU ./ In an address Thursday evening be-;characterize the legion as u desert. \ Mullen are planning the affair and ha d• entere d• "hi-s "---home- , with their RUSH OVER, faces blackened, and demanded feature and always provides muih merriment, The tltlet Qt Ike dther lore the Biological Seminary, he de- Although not necessarily arid in the will accept reservations, either by, AUTO LICENSE OFFICE ing are self explanatory. . dared that this fact had been proved'cretaceous period, this State was far Phone or in writing. j money. He was alone witlj his RETURNS TO NORMAL mother at the time, about 8 p. m, l»\l ROTARt PI through the discovery of a fossil more a desert than a jungle." The men threatened both Bedish and Jan. 15 iDIFE STORIES Y cycad in the clay pits near Wood"• '- The cycady, , which h was unearthed ATTENDS FURNITURE SHOW With the subsiding of" the rush of last minute purchasers his mother, and ransacked the house, DR. CHARLES E.\ BARK bridg_ e las.__t. _,..-._spring.. The fossil, a tree last spring when dinosaur footprints BOYS' WORK .... ilge 1 'Edward Koos, a member of the •f driver's licenses and regis- looking for cash. They found noth- whicich cclosel: y resembles a palm, has were discovered at Woodbridge, has ing, however, and departed. Wood- DISTRICT GOVB by scientifit examination been posi- been studied under the microscope in Direct Saving Furniture Co., of Rah- fration tags, the office of Mo- tor Vehicle Agent Dunham on bridge police are investigating. PATRIOTIC M tively identified as a cycad. thin alices of leaf bases upproximat- ^"^ N. J., is •attending the Furni- SOC1A ing one-thirty-rtve hundredtl! of-an'*"'» Exposition now being held at Amboy avenue, Woodbridge, The discovery of this specimen tan OPEN was unusual »nd unexpected, Profes- inch in thickness. 9 * **&&• Mieh., and is purihas- will go back to normal hourB »'»• Chrysler explained, inasmuch as Profensor Chrysler wan one of « '"f! *« latest spring models, which next Monday. HARDIMAN'S w in be the tree Is a warm weather plant and group of university men and scien- . displayed at the Rahway Today and tomorrow the of- no fossil cycad had ever been found tisU who hurried to Cutter's Clay store on St. George's avenue fice will be apek as usual from PHARMACY nearer than Maryland. Fossils of the Banks here when the dinosaur tracks a. m, till 5 p.\m. Beginning L Hardlman, same kitfd have been found also in were uncovered last March. Besides January 12 theV ^outh Dakota and Europe, but they clay blocks with the irauressionn of All kindi of Home-mada Piet 9 to 4. on wea. have all been ppetrifiedfied, wwhereas the the dinosaur's feet, whicn were taken mule to order — iw««t potato, 1 on Saturdays. onon e at RutgerRt s is liilignitet , orb brown to Rutsrers for study, the cycad was lemon m*rin(ae, applo, pear, rhu- The big ru coal. also transferred. ' barb, etc fore New Yd At the tim» of the flwt finding fif 1 Wilson J. B the dinosaur tracks at the day pit, Urf« S Ib $1.00 Nelson LAKE nation wide scientific attention was WOODBRIDGE DELICATESSEN CIRCULATING LIBRARY focuwed on Woodbridge. Perhaps 98 Main Street the laUit startling disclosure from Woodbridge, N. J, School Supplies Rutgers may again bring the spot- »0* MAIN ST. T«i. S4IM light. PACE TW' F1TPAY. WOODBRIDGE HIGH SCHOOL PAGE-w^and w* h,***** »•*•* r «.!.!• Jnwll.S. 5E.MOB CLA5>S THAMLf BMWTROD YOU. TO* teme Events By Principal A. Fern :K THE HIGH SCHOOL NEWS i: i t !ir>r..t tb* " . • .'• --r r". fry ?- ioT then Past Year •T tr i 1.5 ;>ir. ;' 7*- i ".';,:.;» rj;p* Ix: *'•tziifi.' ~>c*t History -.; tkn tosujry tf - TT.LC-S- 8 AB All-St»A«rt Paper T out th* foUt-» • . Woodbrxlt« rtirt Scbool. Woodbn^fe, N. J. ME ji>r> ts: , ILT. *TfcOt ;.f B :> I. ".«*tt:ninf ct7T*d. ami Fresinuf't t-5 STUDENT BOAJU> EW70E.5 fc»ifc»- » r (i Truit £ Jt.br.

Dinoer b Grei To V- mpajgii in Iwiia- -tic/at to Sonta Anstr ta agua Varsity Pby Cast :.. cwnferrat* ha Gt-r.i-. i return from Svoti p I>tmiui IS: Barry prison cataKreph*. '-< * * 1B SAool Caf etwia •;.r* v! P»riyf :B Ctuyrn PRINCIPAL FLRRY •.aping 'A Raima n •*••< THE FACULTY SAYS ••v .' .wirerppi K:v« Soodi WE GET PRAISE FROM -.scw»ery -~ fc". HCJ*r. lir of Aadree Er;~; ::.hi l r.-r-.T' StTTr,:'.rid Prver»f.i.

HSE INDEPENDENT. is a „.. nawKEf • of *!*.*• VfVi'. -L & Vf! tie d »pf*fes; Eo:*»==^y =.ET W*I2 j* j'rc-id. n Phywcal Traininf DepL New Apparatui y.," J^M g. ^ .-fl Tvi--,T.-"«.i Erwerfi r, » a n'-RtEt "rw. How Tbe "Kg Shots Of School Spent Their ai:*rc'.oE tb* «: Htit1? tti: i:— I :.i'.:~-^ :r.t INDEPENDENT :'->t'f i'r.:-"i"c be ctmpiirneEV; t!*< :y tht t::. *--3 i.' saciap r-jtr. &r. :."*.* rfc.n'.ng' ftavart ::• hs re-fulir edition Vacations In Holidays Ft jr |ryE ^-tt* *^'» :••••« . -. ; 'jfi £-*, L«T* svt rtt arr-i1*-: As Tt* stat hanyi.-! t:t '•: *.Efc fer: busiresj that :* »»i it th* foiss i-f tit :-i.'i.*- rretn., ec#e* Hi: :-ti- r;p«er pere~&i£ge of sc'too"; r hsu wb*rt tbrr w-1": tr: i.f t*r did the eat- ip*n 5*tk aj.d tut few ach: Hi?,! A'tr, rr.-rk^ it: r:*'5«it. •"*!•. Kri*rs. Ti>«r ::rrr^:.T.ir r: Ls «r. :d.eAl •sriici rriirzy riTs rc work ifiere L> ;C » a t/j bnap* p&rv.e?. LI: ""Rt«f -nrrf*EEy tail T*y si* •'N'^na F.:-H " i-'-\ «n;oyfrd :t Ttrr inch. Study Hall Hat DEPENDENT ra*3f hi.5 taker & *: rt- t ST'.;T atl". t^i..;r^ii ?4-rCTt Trti tit lean trffpers yo-r •nirk -KL'. '. ESS tad tn4rg7- Eu*al:. Weriock, Locked b Tiitr-t is a ttrriic i«"fc?t* of tirr-e y^; £[-b ent home :c :*-C:~T nore acd more er;der:*.. T-S? •-<:, ff. c:t cf work. Ttat p&", arj »pat & g-K-d :ld P'.tas* eneEd to your r^ff niy r.-*at wishes i.r tr.eir CVTJ- KLt et«-rgr a?-pli«-c t-t tie wori ;:- rv^f;nias. Wedlock (hi Dec. 19, :if *:aic ar:c=pU«i tie taik ird '"jr^ p^v, aar.-re-i. tLLj-ed ;"^CCfe3S. N<- S. FISHKIN «vt to* f*ia ciear for tie I^I\ ;:,.-> -r gener4! enjcj-frd bfrst'.f. Cordially vaurs,, It's a-£r.t staov'i tea .',• -? t: Ji JJ;^ Matt'ceT«-5 TtLt c-tr u Out Of Lock On Trip CLOTHING THE COLUMBIA SCHOLASTIC PRESS ASSOCIATION : sait -.-. btr.er. Island and had a g-:-:-d trjre s • and coajr.n? ii.^ ctst :-i tr,: Mr*. 1B7 Smiti Si (Signed) Joseph M. Murphy Jersey, hc-w*vt:. i-rfc-re "i s Pertk A.mb,oj Director. •»'a= -;,- ; TfiL 2Mt Tie fu! vaca::vr;. >r« iraf ::; :r. :•*•: • rr.-d*. &ctr. hi^c r^-nei ti>£:r •..•n-l::.- and larj-sy.tii. i-t'.t-5 fct tbe —l£T. hr'rx':1- ;Tes - on Mcr.- MT Er-e-cr.er ,f". wer.: - rr.< ; Mr. kai Kr?. Wrr.yi -srer*- d.5- £-d Th.-f, I i V - Nowadar? Mr. Metxgsr' r^itt: N*T V ki'i'.-.z'-i-i :L Ijit tit -treitijr :: BiT- •" C bs-3 ind -.; REAL STUFF -r.«-r- r.e .vi» anc r.tir: i Sw-; E'ldi iri? r.:t £.? Tirrr. *.{ t^.^; _r.: a Frrtrh t*'i.= i ^~ '- .-r t • ccr*. cr.cv a yi-ir i=i rexairing- in FROM THE LIBRARY rttir*mfrt tVe r«; of th<-tirr^ Net ../=«-- i'- ri;r.r: rrrt ctrs c- ; :h»: tie :r ^ no: g7:-*~.r.g i'^t •"•" ; j*-.'*r. tity ir«^ :r. tr.'* JJSS :• - •- HOLOHAN BROS. it ir :r. pa.tl-.er- • ertbtirts thfy e»;cT*-; t£* t-ft.:- •:.t of that f^rtilr l:"lr ifl-f. Tiev r.-.zr GARAGE -UFE l»i ELIZABETHAN DAYS" by wmi«n 5te.ni. D.«. e d i h dry £ DnnJop Tires and Tubes c." ' /^ •-.-,-i ,.• .-:= t, ti-:---2- •••• ^-^: i>* -* '" - " Tire and Tub* Repairing Fill) Lice ;•: Au::> A::es.»orirrj Tei. Wordbridfe S-00&4 C:r. Amb: Ave. and Second St, WOODBRIIKiE

., _ . . „ "V-W maEv ettertaining thing* in this book, song?. ;.-.i;rc.n." _:^« *-•«,;.-;•, *.--;• ;;•..-:•• ,^^;- - The Dial of De;«nb«r 1&I3 *ayf: Our? ar f,ph*aiore rtpvrj r— =^.. --e .«—•- - •-«• - • jro^a cv^e, » ^^enr-g of the Senior Class was Jack^or. ar.c AdcipE B«ba By A Tit tiw- ii<-irB tfki SUITS and DRESSES i called eir'y in October for lit pur- the holiday? " ' y p ee*: ;f wei "THE CALL OF THE WILD" Jack London ' Lodge in the Adirondack^. They hid k if u. 1 i. chance to ba£ *evcra; :-rirf. MEN;S OVERCOATS - iv -:--.-. or t-oo*. *>^t n:a:n character »—_.... TWQ ;-{ ti*- u; a :,n- Mr Wt:l:-.t a of tie l*?t tew and «ere :oc< ^r.d hearte-d. i Believe .. ; -ta-'c- >--' I r^avi ;b&5to John Tcarr-ton. a clean, steaay classes. Now :f she . -ti: -£•• r.T en: :?>-: :r.-e tr; !• : or noll •: have r^- f«-t : • td *i-^ rsjecToi Butk. * dog who was p^rucular » u it -.* "fast w.iri.'" Caccioia when izitr-.i-vt-i •-r. -Ciass Anf.quar.sn bl. tirarniured. "Oh. my head." r"«wii had tit ab:l:ty a> hold B;ck whtn thearp to join Ae FHOSH GIVE PUPPET SHOW 1 R-Jth Deik fell ;"n s poo! of n._; CLEANED and PRESSED pact »:tEf it H•= kJB- "-eat, btit &*nea:i in roagh leather jacket acd »at*r sr.d was r*Afued bv & re- ,- ,. - -^ nn>k bT-k tc'-'-ei-tt. His t:ii5el5slme« prevenwd his jelling SOPH. COMMITTEE FOR • <.,_.._„ ..Qi-h ^jWkft^^fre^spokeAelanf^d^to.d^^^ NEXT PARTY CHOSEN -»»f-«nr" :>' ii side the dog >«*P in* delight and % la-uu^l On Tuesday noiji. January 6. the *jth d:gr.i:y as a minister'; ~;r. Hf'le-T: K«rr-it M.rr.v.r. should. CtrittiAB Tr;-rr.K-r at: I»a'.".: H-:t.- WOODBRIDGE CLEANERS AND DYERS Tfie f-iaf* «i- px:.T.'^z ar.-; -:-::ri;<-; -^e^m^riJ^rTuF^ when we d,g deeP ,nde, ^ w^:^^^TJe ela. :T Mr. Hivisec. Art :tftr.::.:r. i-r.; 458 RAHWAY AVL WOODBRIDGE 'a'U»* love of » dog. MRS. SHAY RETURNS : By Editlf • •33. the Keypcrt paaie brca-use of lack! rtt-rest !:'-i': sct-nes :t "l-.irr.: c." of interest. A comniittee -was form-' Mrs. Irene B. Shay. Secrtt •a inch Vtr*.. R^: OKIE'S ;-j-'.ij -*-i'* Work Called For And Delivered ist ir.f.'.f-i Tst •^r.rtT-A;; ?r. -.. "HANS FROST1 by H«a* W*lp«U j«J to prepare for the next • Soph ; SunerviflRg Pr:nelpa:' Lev/ has' Ve- ' 'party. T.-.t same oommitiee which;turned to her du:e?. tli^r.rj tit ?grrft .r. Mr. Peace's r>.~. it- rr.:,;-. Prompt Service TeL Wpodbndge 8-1163 College Students Go a diienlina between ms duty and love. 'Ferry s Tiis tte :f tit greaiest «ory wTiUrs of l(b* aj« ir confronted 1jy Bad After HoEteys eh Cleanliness a j'.c: s:rc ^er.:is and more complicated than any of his famous book*. Umcoiucioa* tmitfttioa By Howard GalbraiUi '33 Ip to Ote IW.-MHI'* \a. ...i,s ..nus^s oth- A Oal:f.,r:. ers with him to rann bet-dime human h't the "A UTTLE MISS •iNOBODYs " B, Amr B«U MarU«* resllv «si't tt ooatriat* halt ret-rtrc t» tr.t beiiyrs hare an .rr y Nelscn had bvec at Hijnt* Hall evtr aioce- she was a ticy tot we are no •it^iift*.. Aac'ig tiea were Be:t- to liEiisip whaiev other* Vi-t Erf-nieE. Jc-iji Mvtrs. J:.- Sie rer:tin;.fcj-ed DO parent* asd knew nothing whataoeTerof her ancestors. least thfi fr :•* t: All the Lntw wai tfcit the was being tak«n care o( by a lawyer who sent of ibfir klnii do. <}Xtf'E ani IW.JS Valetf.r HUUVER V -t kti moz.i\ and paid her uhooi tamon. After graduating from Higiie* H«ll retarT'4-a u PitgTr* Sts.x'l t&e -t sent u> Pinewood Hall where the is called a "nobody"'. Nancy detqr- instruction, while the many, or the remainder of the class body, rwtrie1 iitci to nad oat who and wb*t the a. Wni the help of two of her very only such instruction as can be given in the re#u!»r class work. j n PralL Robert Hayder. i • i\ bt&t ri-,eod§ she thinks about it- WSo it the "man in grey" that her Lawyer's 3. The girl of today is the product of countless generation* of v: JI«I ' hoy icla her about! What .; the connection between the lawyer, the who have passed on for many agvs a certain type of physical, nerrc.; asdj in grey, and herself? This mystery is &nally uaraveled,—how? Head emotiooal constitution. Since' the beginning of the human rac*, \ht- fa&ak! L f;| d findout ! has been the home-maker and the toiler, while, the male ha* be*c tie war- j 4 f Bre&sas to tie Un:ver-ity< By Helfa D'Angelo '32 rior or ngWfer who protects the family and the tnb«. It is ilo d:f treat i*-1 J'; " " " > ? day. The male U the aggressor in all activities. He has iaaerit«vi catnraJ | *i fighting qualities. It is a mistake, therefore, to th:nk that one ryjte cf con-1 i •„ ^ ^ j • ititution can Suddenly take on a different activity beloaginf u iK'tirf? Wi~'*:r pi^, i".,^".. p., From ITif Administration ;yp«. That U eJUCtly what takes plice in ath'.eti,- Uara gam« Tut Mfc»,*L*.,~ M^fir^riT^j" p " ropretents UMI warriors of a Uibe; In this case., the *ch,>oL A* icy*, tiey " ^f, "l1^!*^;^^ ." 1 5 yw> cert B 500 1 lemi ate represent the natural male characteristics. Bm to send girts c-_: :,; 5ght f S^. Johr* Hilittryj for cilauderaUoB, Veiktion. or executione . The girtg j of ^W. Hthe school is not in accord with their emotional make-up. Ei-.taKvt iweyi*, l at aboub t tiiiiiit tamtame ttime tacts yyear a&ked tnat upon the effects prove this. Girls show the excitement of the ::n.-i,nj g*a.t j a DeJafieia, W:i ; \\ HEN «v a failing off in scholastic work. The firltf ^s t>.c~^i,s jo «zijt rf«.w ai i^*''0- °* E^4aJ}- -lc rut^ of ha\f w oter. IV H«o«cr re- £ j»tke Sta<« DepaructLt of Public las true excitement in their voices, actions and mannerisms. The NEWARK by our tfatc oCkiak physkil educauon and intra-mural athletics s far •_ = ltargarrt CANDY KITCHEN ]t is gtnermlllly agre :cinJj or physical value. They »ri- really contest t<.i ti* ir.:i-ruee-i Fv>rd. i Manufacturers and Drs^i* ii>) of A* j>ubtic- lt is merely the caso of exploumg :ttt ,u_tf. ;.f tit' !>i.E and list at* *w«ft up wd *• 4**p Strictly P»>« at lite prire of the gate admission lt \s » nijhlv evr. L.t-ii. i/< t cjts:- ' u dirt ti IOOM-MJ and ra»At«d. CANDIES AMD ICE CREAlt* Mivh tlit oiucationtl prat-tic** of tn>* sohv>o5 | sling poinl in the fait that til* gn»t »aj;-rj:. :j » en-' e: Dcluir H«o\«r «ell« f«r |?4.aO in) tkert u 66 Ham oi. Woodbridire T-l « «ol alleiapt. t»« imiuti- the aO'jc.c vrctvar..- »: Lf- a.**'» New c foi.i another modd at $61 SO. Hnhm aradel mav , the nea's c«U«!C' Smith M^.r.; H.«ijote., *; a Erbi at GUSTAVBLAUM Coliege. P*. , of jihywci! c-d GrocoriM and Provision* of tfcre guis i 64 Main St Tel &-©•« Co o( S J . tsj II Woodbridfa 11.1M k 531 A ^1

: ' . \ Lite..-.. kL- a1! INDEPENDENT FRIDAY, JANUARY 9, 1931 PAGE THREE

wrong traffic light, and drives while f unfit cars. i cult to detect. To focus them ia an- annoying feature of motoring. wants to do the right thing and oc- under the influence of liquor. Some cities have found it benefi- other matter, but when the beam is I do not believe in -wholesaU ar- canionally fails. I believe that a sym- In other words, this type °f driver cial to maintain public stations tipped above the horizontal it Is suffi- rests. The polimeman on traffic duty pathetic attitude on the part of U» in no abominahly selfish and scorn- where headlights may be adjusted ciently apparent to Uwpoliceman on \i dealing not with the hardened policeman, rather than an antagon- ful of the law that any persuasive without coat to the owner. Improp- traffic duty and it is a comparative- criminal, but with the well-meaning istic nt*tc of mind will be far more means are of little use. erly focused headlamps arei not diffi- ly simple matter to detect this very citizen who, for the most part, productive of.good. It is self-evident that we cannot countenance conduct of that sort for moment. "Stop" signs are useless, in fact they become actually danger- ous if only four-fifths of the drivers cally obey them. The remaining no-fifth can absolutely nullify them, for under such conditions traffic can- not move as expeditiously as it might f every driver proceeding on a bou- cvnrd protected by these signs could XXy desig- nating certain thoroughfaros as thru, NORTHERN SEAL COATS, squirrel collar boulevard streets, making others furnish tickets if desired. 75.00 one-way streets, restricting or pro- and cuffs - hibiting parking. These methods will MENDOZA BEAVER COATS, self trimmed 75.00 be effective only if strictly enforced. I Investigation has shown that few PONY SKIN COATS, fox collars 75.00 accidents may be credited chiefly to mechanical defects of an aulomciHile. You may hold your card party here without any SILVER MUSKRAT COATS, semi-fitted style 100.00 But one survey showed that in near- ly half the number of mishaps stud- RACCOON COATS, dark skins, tomboy style 110.00 i ies, the condition of the cur was a 'contributing cause. A continuous ef- expense or obligation whatever and you keep all pro- All Fur Scarfs Now At Half Price . fort must be made to rid the streets i ceeds from the sale of tickets, etc. Buy Now and Save e YELLOW AIL FURS PENCIL For reservations apply to with the GUARANTEED BAND Furs Remodeled, Repaired, Relined and Glazed at New Low Price* IRECT SAVINfi D FURNITURE CO. ^* ALASKAN FUR CO. ELIMINATE THE RETAIL STORES OVERHEAD'' 320 STATE STREET Si GEORGE Ave., RAHWAY, NJ. scifooi PERTH AMBOY, N. J. Tel. P. A. 2799 CLEARANCE SALE You will have to visit us to appreciate our prices. Truly a Clearance Sale of seasonable merchandise. The expectant mother can save con- siderable money by buying things now. For The Baby For The Boy For The Girl

$1.29 Birdseye Diapers or Flannelettes, 27x27 ( 98c Blouses, button-on or plain, fast colors $498, $3.98 AD Wool Challis Dresses SALE PRICE, $1.00 dozen Sale Price $4.98, $3.98 Velvet Dresses $3.27 39c Flannel Kimonos 27c 77c 49c Novelty Socks or Stockings 37c 25c Infants' Mercerized Stockings pair 19c $2.98 Silk Party Dresses, sizes 1-3,3-6 $2.67 49c and 59c Madeira Dresses 37c , sizes 3 to 6 i. ii GENUINE IMPORTED SUEDE SETS, REG. $7.95 $1.25 Madeira Hand Made Dresses 87c 50c Golf Hose 37c ill,98 Broadcloth or Silk Creepers, sizes 1-3 \ $5.99 SALE PRICE, $1.67 39c Golf Hose 27c 49c Silk and Wool Stockings 37c 95c EZ Part Wool or fleece lined cotton underwear. GIRLS' CHINCHILLA COATS 59c Carter's Silk Wool Shirts 47c Sale Price $1.49 Silk Dresses, white and pink 97c 77c NOW $3.95 {o $495 Dr. Denton's Sleeper, sizes 0,1,2

2 10 3

LOBELS KIDDIE 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 133 SMITH H. Wilson 0 0 0 0 0 PERTH A PAGF FOTT. FRIDAY. JANUARY K 1?P,1 San Alf MM Unit Of CLASSIFIED ADS Haver Martin May Be SPORTSMEN BOLD C«ptw femes (mtf PnUeK ID CRAFTSMEN SET K Of C To Hold Fir«t Annual Dinner Jan. 10 Brt.a word: Naned As CoDDtj Judge NEW HOPE AFTER Ail Mcsage As FreehMers Organize NEW HIGH TEAM t-f ..Lmi. v- K <•'. •:- v.1.-. ;/'?T-A «r:::, £• lire '^tw» pop' firm sr.Tiua dir.nf cr. NefiTlf !n:tiaif X VFRY PflftR YFAR •»»™«-«»*• >» — ••• *• ******•- ~ -»- SCORE OF 102II ilC 6 i-i "i *' 'ti< M1 [!c:>t~ Mondaj' ;tJ 'f-n.ir. ."Si'-I report, of r:y [t>Lic nr" t»« p-r'.fr. 1 v.. j, n, Mam Ft-eet ::'Oay. Pariah House Remains In First Of :•' V- b- • G«JD« 5e*ker» LWnimout In K n--aih. irv-ta-ucr if fvtfndcc B*tu?r : t> T14 lir BUG ; ti', ircmbfr* "* tfn Kr.urr"? pf Woodtno^e Ml"' mtr. Declaring L»«t Yew'i Hunt- Place In Ciric Race—PVeatr . '..\.7truf and tbf.i inendt V T ;.U. —h- • V Ti-7 ROAD MAIMXNAJNCE rr. "ft unc 'fit ] Rt-—J.T I 7, -t ing Poorest In Same Time. Of Action. Ttif (rurH speaker* wii. • * father — ."'.I' n. C i-ir.irt-.«Kir. Tl.t iat.-.r^ PE 1 ilJ -if man; rr •.. ,1.-..; TuTif anc Fsther Mm': S»i W 1 LEAGUE STANDINGS fifi'Tis; Ww End 1. r-f BranrK new ^xperipr, CONSERVATION PLANS iewnan A;n :-r _! ;••-T.TT amtf inc ckp«' ; j Of .<... 2T5 H-, . "i("?«sr' and F Teuni w L Pert ::tr Ttxat Sh—W Prnt Repon 6 R'.Ci . N ) **; «'.ri,!.r t'f 'a Inter nciy. tiw atti '•i'rta Parttb Hout* . 2T A--r;. Cr»ftnriM> . •_: .jar'. '•>- ^ "5 * . '.'••- 26 7 A»e»el Firemen Z3 JO , It .ANTED K Of C ... 22 1J F. T'. ' •">•'•;.•: :Tit .rrat.nf anc k* r r ti'miat. t* (>•; :>,* n- \ ! > .' fitrt CU.L: - 30 23 30: for Fpare ; • !•: f:.r:«-i<;erfd iht: ti< Cknb 10 23 302 dirtrict, i. Lion. 6 25 .240 •••i LTIC u.UiiKi Stnct.rt- r.:n.. A i;. I't'i: (-vrtCTr. cat :• y To co:,' IN r 'jixa'.K't. »C'»i'_ r.M t'SKa.—..'T Fu 6 2" Former Prisae Head na] jU'mn. al«f H- : * : r. ••fee; ti t n.^rt e-strt- ei»Cti<'Tl man ire!) acqua:r- U:ET S!T'f ' • --fit •A, tut op«iill(r svfc ,:-:>!-„.or. of t.'it t'Uroet if Tr.a'. ;•«•(:•<* i JI;B:«-C cr. tii* r*-'.,i-: •_ :H M' urr-- Tats On "Vecatxm" r youn^ msn if • LTIC r:: '..: * d'-rcc: re-du:- j Pa-i; t-yi- h'.t'-.-tif- :r. i i '.rnf "*•«• acvar.'jifef !>:' t '. i- vr. :;• •» •'*•!. rr.fi. tnt fir and h\m f.'yij ibf ]• :f <^nrr "t, this VfcT : •fi or in pwwt : ;iif s:.:"' hi naic '.hi- A pi -: f:-f. :r. lilt •jhS". ill- -.--at: v,-.u :r-"'fl;ir»r-..;. •.' a> »/•; du* t(' :.o: "d :4Tic-- ! (•a :n l.","' l thati twit* tfif r»»- tha: ft ri-: v ••tnc jirodutt FOR RENT tares vts -MTc -i y rar, rerai" nutfiwivc* a? '^fJ* . ~k.. a.nc t..: 7 — f, room hpus* »-•• hesidfs ir.if,.. tht iifiprcvt- w crftfJy m-.rr.t JI acre; of land. funt^. anc n.i.r..::f>a: ex- Sr.i[-*j--m!-r. ; a feu: Biilt strfttt of roac r LJ:k« niWi • n hou«« on t"pp*r G »*-. vat undtrtaVer. :-y t'his ft* r:i.m. .at i. fn.j.ii'jinp auc r'.'Ut:ne U* part '•r. i i G TT.tr t!( )••-!'. TiCO t - ramt h*- "Tbt; (•rri.r..ta:,tT, T:.i' mac c-f'TT.j.jt-tec for t *|rjrt if>t |- 7tit Capeyk th* H.- w .-.r »r.i».-r. to play Tiit t. «p*;; -u-n6tr th* arr.<>ur;t [>' ui* 'ic»- and Lr«" tl- r tie tr.* f;c r«t;vf-o fren. tht (-uitrar- "••-•rtr.v ( arrr.ee .at* s*ru-u« 1 t f ". :>t c third jiiace am f" ENT—5-rwwi boos* witi. ». f tnc f an 3 Uit * ' '.on. \« tb* UEfrnpiorraeEt Ktuatici. fiderEtifc. Hert. T* h hs* '. :"r.5r( t pirri !: tfit r«-i." - t.f tht tht r'.Tna.ri? afc*.*. thr*+ mor* roads art w'* kr- e'.!TK>n,ic Eric s'K.i! :-r: rements, ste«nh«*t. Rfr 7>jt An.•..-,.i: '.-peri and th* K.<- - i.l.r tf V:K:B".)C>E. • Jilt. Inquire Ur». Treider. "• niK Lr.cer <'.'nr.rutt)ct and :n:;>r»Tt- "-f't" TJ; riftt ir. ]. in* t.u'«"*i-k 1 tar;ar.' a-* : *•: : •' f-ftr. piact- n-tr aveone, Sewareti, or ph'. rtifrt n£ iaMsr enpa^fC br t't:> 3"-r.y i - J^rjt du'y tr-c v.t. •a:r:- f :»fcty thr** idsf-*-? ' rif st c "Tot m, ••fidfe H4t8. Ej r. al» cf th* vt-iaint cf ibt- M-I-L. -,t Tfi* par H- fa:' . t'T. ^:-">;*- : .rij*': a'ldt frdm ttit 1 triM* T:J- V\ imdt'ridFt L-'cn?. fc 11-7 tf. :t j^ct^C'E T ':]* St a'CC'in- fvt-T {- thet.* fr.rtt acc-oum npr. irai-k r. V". Tibrv ar»- nnftt1- t br:6f punmary. ' .t* tri«- ir-: " :: • thif Tt*:. r»c»xi tr • j^c t*y RENT—rj-T.:«h«J. **H '.--•- : t.-iae :r#- o'r.a^.ona'. casef ..it. • •• rr.ty ?(• dovrx ;r. n.i:r:<-r.hn lit in wuh tioara for re»\; fur *. • ff n..j-rr •rr.meBt, th* funcarrfrz.it.. ;;ir ir v't.K-T. . , tr ,r:-h w ; I r.:« t :imrr,:r.*-t sht>-jc r.svt tr.t ... !' >H:-v;t» tl-tiO f.nfl ".fit *-marj or lady Apply F-Jt 1 ?j.-. rf m« :' th* &:'• if* of the F--a« for th* ;-,,„...:<.:•; . V l..?.r*.oit isrEfd :n R nf-i iB: a£ ;; t-: tct-f*rat:(-r cf tfit ctjliiy JL-'I .i.t- • ret. bi'whur w:tb the :r,r-t uo-ia bt a ;o: fo: <' Wdd rr.'.sjciria: povtmrr.tr.*.' LS; tht p*r jran,«- :r ..,,s, ',t.,.{,aE:-n£ rii i •••:tji. He roiled thre* do-: p'-i^rrnief. rrurvjrt Th.- 1 B: •work. •»: t' ;.L:...:. .S;-rr,a ::et of *.'&* mapr. ;L &:: th: f:-rt* a;: •. -; rriart*- :r. a ri-w. 2ir. . r-r ;: tra:r ;*<'pie :r. ]-!•. ?r.".y t* cured by i. rtd.ts*; COTI- T'.;* (f tr.:* pn.v.*.rr. tir. t't pi.T*- Mr V at.:-c cf re§pc>nF.:V.;:ly for n- \'i'.:.M '.• :'. Nt: M bad Ripr : ; »T.tr. :'. if ; :>n?.Crr«-c :r.f. '.rt : "'.--,r . -.ore for :h« -week »fc- err: .AT FOE RENT; 5 rootc thr. Game pt.iry it th* Atritr- (.tr^ ,.',=-. 3r. thif mar.er f;*nd' r::w :ri ti:-es* cf ?4i'i .•!'>:• :' Mikt S:-h'j:>»Tt. a cari .' - - •_sTi;r. rr:.f.'-; :•* jar. a '-.. •jatb. In-uuire Dominic Sa.rt: fjres in: thw* mad* cr*d:t. Th:s :-ar. Gun* Ccr.'trenct it N*-r York (,f »,y(-.-,d; pu't.1)'. -atrk for th* ur- tr* car* (f :i)C:ptr.: Si.i: 7 :• .'..' The st-ore-f vr.irr. would p'ut pet':.? • ^Is n «t rtet. Woodbhdfe. wli: r(-c-:r* a rjrrendtr ;.f a FuiFui-- - : r:. I'ec*nib«-Iiecenbtr 2 Thif totftreottotf*renct* ppff <.rr.;j'vec. cars- rr-ur. :•«• ti*r- rn--: ^ CRAFTSMEN • 2 .- thev t:t fin*d for. *. I. 3 0-3 0 tf K«rt;a'. defret of horn* rjlt. Tri* ^j-ote'rofE ft r :ht roafltrv't 2Ti,\i('i'.. •c *^* ;"jbl;c 5'i.rjQ? art ao: TB;:- -!.'^ nd A c:ttz(n* cf lie rtai* rr.uft tC'nsidfr '.'->(' hurt-erf arr: fsshernitr. vr*n; OL and tht: c-nly thos-* actuary :r. '"•'* .ndi- F Scrrwtnttr T_"...'if crrr FOR REST — Three furo ne* w-i.!y, 506 Earron sre tpcaiu* their extrtm* meafiir* of a- being reacy \: "la.k* the farjr.tr ] ^.etVTiE tb* Liif!r.j>jcvn.ti!i *:t- r.ear fu- K the -trr.f! iEr ^.,-iv.p th«- i. train.ng or Woodtridgt. Telfphcfif Ww>db? fcciDfr r-u"ie a*, the ncessary c-w: of ;r:tt> p«.rtnt-rrh:;" in Cfijttrrinp and ua-.ior! it M"."di«*« L c^mty.'Uit Mty- t^re. dtfin::* vt taker.. E Ntvlor th* M IE 'Tjcrtaf-ed ta* b'Jrderi, or "whetrier ct-veloj'injr Awtr.ta'i gnat B^ppiy. tlJ,j (,<- .tvJt vfcriou*' rtarnc:Ti£l:t:e»c:j*l:t.;e<- ria^e^^c co orc ^* rtrt::rr.: :rr.~.tr.aationr ? and - they nr:. . surrender s-orri* degree of Th* policy declared tbe sports- riiVt '-"i-r.* CUE- •«ica: on.*DO WO:K :; T r. • ; • FOE RENT—2 or 4 fnrniriwd r:r, bcire ruie M> reduce tales. mer/F b-ebef that farmer? »nd itna- Dtrt!c"_'.ariv trj* in tht- :rjd*j?triai rr.:ttff- AMERICAN LEGION (1) 1 a:-. Mary cr.r.-r.a.s •-:•: •• ..^nartaient*; als-o furnished rs.-:* T*r.;f fusdusentti] q'j«t:r.r. uart ovrierF who forter tae d?vei(»pmtrj". iK.;I,E; aro';iid Perth Air.boy and ; b apply Mr* Little, 144 Main tt-rf r J Einborn ". . t J ;• ^ •i] tiona; training, LT.: •:' :.: * i>* ct-cid-ed by tb* ptoji!* tsenj- of a g-amt supf<:y or. thti: lacdf as- a Wot.;: ncct «'h*r* tr.t *:tuat".tT. i> ' ck'5:tp. rr.iy i take this oppo:- K:!roy UT Ir3";;-. iiook iearninf: V. •' •'•"-• re telephone 3-K. iin W. L 7-5 tf. Tser* are, of course. "-orEe mat- oompensatior. fi>oir. trie 57r.risjr.tr.. County Park Swrey ciit:on for :".e fpl*Ddid cooperai:'r. Ui worke'"V:tr' !:^"f : nd- • VtTb 'A detail in which imited-.at* and and it > eipMie; that iaridcvrners i^s- -^nr. under tbe direction of '-'- b-- '-• '•'h members of the Yt'ii* hL bti !•;•" ]!*•; •m ROOMS AND BOARD Wither, ict "•'.' 15THf. u-ork, they -' r.t f.t-ir tt3utarj' checks on expenditure- can :r krgr* njir^ri- v.\] lakt acvacti.pt -ve Iieptrt3i.*T.t of Public Property, *>'-ara 1 '*: uid also at thi? time l:i:e '' 611 Barron aretae, Woodtr,df?. : ri ! to crliLe a- i.: ti-.-y way t b* made, and tbe Corr.iE'.ssipj) •wrill of th:- new f;m. ;f -ftrir. rti.ef" s c-^ri'ty ;f -..'it ptrk jKisE:ri:;tie? ir. " ? '' --J' »P*^? &E-a tr.t r*?pett? 7f> "A hoc.i tr.f.r>-tr hi' ed " X. J- /bone &92. rebrcit bills for these purposes. 1 Miod^ex i~(-ri:y wa« n.ade by the :- ~'/ ^'-leapife? to the retrrnp 100 W. I. S-14 tf K-OFC. (3) ne declare T'.^t :' y.- Respectfully submitted, .w n 1^ H~*~. T« Ptrt Coma.'-sfjOR. This commission ^-*rr/:er>. II(. Vander.b*rcr. and Mr. p OTJ T 163 12i< mer. at .' tr*. tnc Mrl 1 FOR SALE . Sipned) < ' K«beor HcMtett lo c . atelier.: work. Tse mfips and re- Artie^M. In preetir.? tht nr«r rr:em; '. 147 1 • - them at • u wili : IT tt- J. H. TH.AYEP. MAP.rN. Wednc*d«y Bridge Club :•; rt they prepared are now the ber,. Mr. Kroeg-er ar.d Mr. Ge-bhardt * :.'.* f-- 1 F0R C ISO ;j,S ttinm*!.'.- 'vf ^ SALE—FiTe raom honse w.-.r, ChairraiC. T-r: ferry of the public. Tr.r excelier.t *?*'> I *a>" J" "J *'«• ^>C'f" wltMf '.. :C lr ,- bitb and a;i iniprovenien're in E:>- •—' The Wednesday indg-e c'.tb -wat i-iart mad* should now be ^.^d ir. "i v counsel, acv;.;^ and eerr* >•*-.: ^ ;iT l"i If.r crmlo:-..^crmfo: - w 'or> Jt land place. Telephone Woocbr.cr- _,_ UA. 4V iwcT»i 1 c er.t*r»:n*-d Wednef-day tvetini: tt tw: n-ayf.. Fir?t. seric-uf t-onridert- '*''J b* needed and f:-ught in ir:>T- • dead, L- . )•'•; vr. ani -—1710. due ui Ufc MULAT inslALLs ,__-,,t >.omfc t» i^rc Eoben Ri.'&M>r c' t '.r. j-hc.uid be given to the Etpc.-.- erly ?o!^inp the rsar.v picbiemf : r- i-02 7M Tfo "Tr. • -• "'-• ronp. I -: crrT" ed the MANY NEW OFFICERS Franc:.* street.- nser.t cf a Ccanty Planrrinfr Cc-ir.rr.;*- fronting a*. The T-eof-ie of _M::;:^- ROTARY (tt) unpr-.: ir vir.es BUSINESS NOTICES _ Higr. f-core.; were made by Mr?- F:OE under th* eiin:r^ f-atutt-;. The — x County, ir. iiect.ngr you it-: N - ... V( r y slotrsn. rE'JCKING. local or hnf data: • The following offic'm, recently Redrew Ck'jswi and Mrs. Arthur C^rtty Park ,dea it rtai.y^:. in _member. h»ye fic« « »dj:r.:u '-j- 157 rrfri tc tr.e K »R; .,-•-- *;«ted, were inFtalied br .Americas f>«^ Mrs, Kendtu Frorr. reewved :t? infancy, and besides tr.- t.re:t are rei=ponf;..:j:.y or. ;-.r party. :r..; re- ^ ] 114 es best." t»c, trucks it jjur conver.it- t Chapter Order of De Molav. last '^* coi:sc-:at:tE pret many otner mc.Ft.jrc;.ortar.t f-.r.ctions ?pon?'b:.:.y car. cr.:y be ace^t.e.y - l * Wt:.dbr,df« Ji-S. Johr Tt •: • li^fct at the Craftsmen's Cla-b! j KefresMt.er.t* w.rt -nt-c rtose t'nav a Planning Corr.rr.:-,: 11 could met :-y Keeping -jp^rrr.;,^: :r. :UT 142 281 ,d method. is uaklana a-rer.-je, Sew IUK,*-- councilor Elbar Eiehsrds- I;^tE; "-re.: Mr?.. G. Kob:r.s: r., Mri pt-rform. ir tte n-attrr :f highway m:nQ.' -e pub.:t roo: «r.er. -»f LIONS (3) 1 ; : v :.- R 0 t a r y L- LEPPEK—Furt::ure and t-.i-r ^ wnior cc.-nc lor 'Eac'-ard ^boiifl ^"tnt Weaver. Mr? HII Me- and waterway devtijjmem.. we rr.ett tc orpaclre a ye2: front r,;w. }-g...tr loo I?.- 14S- .. . . 144 Hi virr.•;r.t. -ay:r.g ..:tirp i.(-tar-.a- were Fred IF YOU have asy fr^i: tre-es •»:. .. WBDG. FIRE CO. (0) Gi."itts;r.. '.: Per1 Ambcy. ar.d do r.ot prc-d-ce it you axe ent *..<•'. ttacdtrd . :33 n? p Her.rr Eiweii, of E' jbeth. William v.. u'r.y tot have it.em properiy ;:-:. jr. Andrerr Ellis; preceptors. :s» 142 ~i A ?^y. cf New Y City, was the ec and >t-Ayed? Drcp us a posta. :'.: Einar Nelson, Anthony Aquil*. Mor- Hold Benefit Card Party r.r-rr. . 162 U: informs'.:;-c abo'jt otir "Sprav:np >•: ris Naji-tx, Julias Berr.5-t.ein, Wal- Rites- reEJ-c-nable. J. £. Jir.-^. ter Lev:. Martin Ne«-c;cer, Jr;. A1-, Hp*te&» To Bridge Club The Ladies' A-xiiiry of tr.e Con- — Please tnentio- this pf.-er wher. : N.:^v;-.. S-ewartn. N' fred Kussbi'jm. ' - - rrrfition Adath Uraei held a fuc- Of Six Over Weekend rsyirg fionr advt .sers. — • V, ', :; - ~,y u 2 • Ibe desrree work •was-.a chttje (if.. Mr5. G. A. MiLtuch^r.. cf K:r.£ i^.-ful benett card par.;- Monday Continued from page one PARISH HOUSE (2; the Pan Maners of the chapter. George's road. »i- .lostes; Tuesday r'.?hl in the ba?*men: of the syta- tior..r.c ;f tr.* riair d:.-:'.:?rd a- 'tr.r.r T-.trg* with Albert Bower* as :nstil":ing of- to the T-.e^Ciiy Evti.:ng Br:dg-e C'.,b. pcg«e. Ten table? of i-layers were ac-:;rr.;;-.;•« L--jij Stumrf. Z7-. f.f U-4 ^.kiy fieer. P:efre'.hnienu ana dancing High fcorfcpw'tre rr.ad* tv Mrs. jjte- SUed. Tht door prize, a basket of ,\ew Brjr.-w;:,; aver.je. Perth Ar.> P'ettrs- followed. phen H. \Tyld asd Mrs.Johr. G:>r- fruit, was swarded to Mrs. L. Naja- v,Oy: ana Jofcr. s-omin?. 10. if Wood- Jieper *?u-n. The c-'dnsviatX'n pn:e wrr;: to vits.. bridge. Bctr. -*-ere arrested, in I -'• r"; r. SUNSHINE CLASS MEETS • Mrs. Thomas Peter?;r.. RefiesV.mer.tf were served. ;..r.fease. r.fesseda jR^notr qoueftiomng. D" e I- i c • Pr:ies for nigt score* were awarcf- AH four p!eaded Toe Suwhine. Cla« cf the Pret-' served. «-d in bridge: Mrs. Harold Vojrei. holdup?'before Recorder Ber- AVENEL FIRE CO (1) iu;o N; k.nen»i (.hareh met Mooday night Those rrr?rrit were- Mrs. Lewis MLKS Sylvia Tobrowsky. Miss Tior- nard.Vage! in polite cctin "Tuesday at the bone of Mia Emily Lawrerv:* Frankfl. Mr?, .'cr.ri Gcrt-sn, Mis. L irei: Bernste:n. morning, and were held wtihotai btil. Pe :n Bihny. M. Neb-cn. Mr? j. H. Wyld, Mrs. Wfctst: Mrs. J. Lsngran. charged with highway robbery- for ?:i Miss Eina Berg-h hid charge of Thomas Peter?-: r.. •: - town; Mr*. Pir.ochle: G- Grodensky. Robert action of the grr»nd jury. They" were J- .-1 -IHJ the devot;-;na". ?*n-.ce.. P.et^-n? were Ai;r.2c Da—ff? fcr-i.Mrs.- H. J. Baker. Bre&sler. L. Frledrr-gr.. Samuel xnken to New Brunswick rimed;- M. m*de of the work dc'tie fit ChrisucAs S:.. -:-f Avece! Vcige;. ately, time. ! Tnt r:*xt rr,t-,:.r.g will be Janaarj- Fap-Tan: Mr=. C. Witting. Mrs. " Fioal ArretU | i-22 EefreshaeEt* were s-fcrved. Miss 2'.' s: the hc-rr.e oi Mrs. 1. M. Kelson. Williams, Mrs. Morris Seg-al and In their confessions the ausriet —NOW— Lillian Edwtrds . cf Trinity lane. Mrs. William Tobrowsky had charg-e di\-jlged plan- for other robberies,. wifl entertain the class Monday. Jan- ^»e txceptio* of - arrangements. ' and also pave information w'r.icr ;ed ^T '•'•• . T!,* y'U who is B f.c>d coot car The L*^' Auxiliary ff the Con- to the arrest by Perth Ambc-.y pol.ee' At Hie State Theatre THE BEST ::,-.«t anytfciLr in k Fregation Ada* Israei will meet Sunday night "of Ol'.ver Andersen. n — Please nsennin this paper to ad- r liiit lo I.£>r i pc Monday. Januiry 12 at the home 22. snd Haroic Anderson d >•*•-••:$. T vertis*rt: it helps'you, it helps then,. oi Mr?. Morris Lr.ccper. li^ng at 46T Mechin.c' -tree: ' r'f r.t if the ?ti'... T:.-.• m b re j , ' • . ^ • ^ it fielps your paper. — j pfrth xmboy. Bifhop adrr.itu-d rob- ; . '*£*:'* H' n : ri ti Ujr: WESTERN ELECTRIC D -ij • c • •. T k' P the Atiaritic & Pacific store at '* i; * ^'-' Builder* Society To Sewaren with the two A terser.? . ' '^.}; E*f:' Tai.er. f'rc.m the Give Covered Di*b Lunch s*v"al ueek? ag-c-; and r.* nt ar- ;'f£e *'*''•<•*-• >• ra.pned on th:? charge w:th there '.-e- ".'.5?" - , ,. SOUND with The- reguUr monthly meeting of ff!e Reorder Vcpel Thursday. All • "T*f :'*:£• Kro Xil THE BIGGEST AND BLST SHOWS FOR LESS RALPH GUSTIN the Btiiiders' Society of the Metho- ™e confessed tc f.:? robbery, IR ..'H"-': " ;^, at Sunrise" with dist Church was held Wednesday *h!(h the>" obtained — «••• - n*- -•'" ADMISSION THAN OTHERS afternoon it the home of Mrs. j. cmi? &nd c*^. to the value c *',()" Whetiti and Wotrlsey. those preat J. Lninjrood on Upper Main street. Th,e>' 8rea '^ charged by ABii-oy come:.i.r.f cf "PL)O E_ta" and thr MASSEUR There were IT members and one J>0^loe w-^ rotbwy of the Star Eot- "CBc't;.||if,."... ' WHY? Go Elsewhere 1 ln 1 John Barry- WITH PERTH AMBOY Y. M. C. A. visitor present.. The devotional serv- y P }Vcrk? ar.d the Public Coal and._ '" ' ice was led by Mrs. Madeleine Duval. 'ce <-*mpany. Safes were forced -/.I'- sea story evt-r HEALTH SERVICE DEPARTMENT ll ("as decided to hold a covered dish bm nMninp of value taken or. thes* '•••tI- A masterjiiece that h»> PROGRAM luncheon. Wednesday, January- 14, rob^eri*5. u.:...ec the whole movie world. WEEK. OF JANUARY 11TH RES. 15 VANDERBILT PLACE, WOODBRIDGE, N. J. at coon in the lecture room of the °'1 Ihe Ai * p- robt.ery, wbch re- „ Tnre* Face? Ean." An intense s l!ed ln hundred SUN. ONLY -JAN. 11 2 - FEATURES • 2 PHONE WOODBRIDGE &-1779 church. Mrs. H. K. Breisch was ap- - a charg-e of treeing and ";. , pcint«l chairman of lie luncheon. f™ym snd larceny. Bishop and the ''tiff^ i"^7' .t - 1,... . . The hostesses for the meeting And.fr/on brothers pleadjtf guUtv • ^^ til^.J ' * c"" were: Mrs. J. J. Livingood. Mrs. E^ Bal1 im t!li Anderson? Jil be set '"^ f ^*J^,ifUfr\ , C Enfign. Mrs. A R. Bertren and »l New Brunswitk. whtr*\£ey were The S»t* Thefctre effer? to ,.: CAST IX WEST Mr* A R Johnson. ,^»t to a«:t grand jury IC'CB. ^npe Resent &how? fo: loca, orpar. with LUPE VELEZ and LEW AYRES {ft ri ( '!jnq;ui lit 1 e Li t s Feen a mint The next regular meet.np will be , ^ &rre.-t ;f theefficienc j.x meny o. fdue r. -- -- - Taken From Tht- S:hgr Saccess. A Thrilling for Smokers// held Wednesday. Februarj- •), atWoodbridgc ;.»..j;c. put a pr:.r..:t Sti'T-y of China thr home of Mrs. Ray Howell, ITJS period to their activities. Ob»«r»«tio» Paiati of Pipe "•''0 lr^ ., of t.it- Ban in avenue, Woodbridge. von i 'i :". 1 -;re- rrn --.: tie with JOE BROWN Uke Gum ?,h^i!= nontirs ^ the X%w Jersey g'ive[,,, F:,,vd Wriimu th ANNOUNCING '. i-i.rge -i-r \\ »f Ser\'ed to WED., THURS., JAN. 14 - IS CANDY KITCHEN uiK*'.r. .Jiljt M alidilig for I he letteri | P*f Cat* aad School Children. L-Wfil Manufact 11 run and Dealers in left ou IIHO'E Home ''ompAoloo | StrKtly Pur* every cut, wound or "MOBY DICK" scratch with ihu power- CANDIES AND ICE CREAM DOUBLE The with JOHN BAJtRYMOJlE A.I ~~_ 66 Main 6_. Woodbridge IVI A RAZ FREDERICK H. It FINER CO. tic. Zooitc xtu«% The Greatest Sen Story Ever Written. A Masterpiece (okf or niw |crms. Help* to ! :: 1HSURANCE :: That Has Thrilled The Whole Movie Worid GUSTAVBLAUM 1 FAL, SAT., JAN. }« - IT 1. FEATURE* •« Crocsftai and Provuioa* "Are yo* tatercsfod m bvyiftf «6 Main St Tel 8-0848 : or mrtim a kwne » SCWSTHI ? "3 FACE EASr ] 1AMESWUWT Woodbridfi iSevaraJ oMt*ual apportuaitMi* with Coutaacc Bennett 1 ntpwiwt. ' An Intense MiliUry Dra- Just • C«U 8<»nr To PUt Woodhtidt* M>713 f« ma. A 100', Acting ami M*k« You \vo)r)l>BinDGT E INDEPENDENT FRIDAY, JANUARY 9, 19 FIVK -== JllMtOR VOU1JK SHOE STORES »•»••»•••:»••••»»••»••»••• Wi.dotn \ DOCTOR SHOOTS BucVffftnnnoB'i Origin t Man Escapes as Tail No mnn Is th« wlaer for hu lean- BUY YOUR CHILDREN'S SHOES Building Loan Idea MAN, OPERATES The wort' "hnrfcunminoii" 1i from Ine: It mny administer matter t* the Saxon "bwt," meaning hark, and work In. nr objects to work upon; of Shirt Takes Fire '; •p\mpn," game—a *nme In which th* TO SAVE HIS LIFE bnt wit and wisdom are born with • For Now and Spring in our Celebrated On Its Tcnn. -J. W. Her- J| flrniiRlitimen art liable to lie sent i, filling Minion employee, bsck. mnn -KurisHB City Star. N » hnti « hoi cnnplp nf inlnulps J Authorized 100th Anniversary Buiiet stop, M«ie U C at here when lite tnll nf his whirl • Girl Patient'* Hoi- ciniKlii fire In snmp unknown 1 SEMI-ANNUAL Home Owning Plan Started By pJtat Room. mnnrer. • Tradesman In Frankford, i The Btnilon mnnncer pulled * the gnrment from his bnck hp • Pa., First Home Bought By Mo.—In the white Mill PSH of the f>|ierniltig rmmi, tlirpe sur fnre he suffered from anything FREE SALE! Loan Still Standing. t-nns nre fighting iloNperiitely to snv* more thnn fright FREE life. A manuftxttirer of calico in < Follows Silent One to Dance payment together l the olliei himself,' consulted several of the I New Turk.—Uniihie to manrt the other enterprising citizens and they! two Hiiriii'uns; tlm^e ot elderly men organized America's first building \ nml nf the liHihl Is the nnlv UHMMI CI'IIDIIUIMI »'lenie of tier tniRhiind. «"h' delivery route in Woodbridge and luiil nut s|rokeri to her fur live month* 10% and loan anBoeiation. i Not a Word Spoken. Mrs. Nellie Kuteley of Tonkers sluhliiMl On January 3 the New Jersey i Nol n wuri) IIIIMSI'K ; H im >i loit mm, On All Regular Dr. Poiner and Muscle Builder Shoe. League of Building and Loan ASRO-1 him In 'lenth. police will seek to prove vicinity. All orders are subject to a : Hie openitlms snii:e.>n nml n w11)I<- ciat on* celebrated the anniversary I'lnrt mir«f hunilK him n fresh Inxlru Mrs. Kotclev. fnrl.V seven, wan »r with its semi-annual convention din- resied nn n chnrite nf homicide. The CLEARANCE PRICES ner at Trenton. In five hundred mem or nn nntlsrptlr. • positive guarantee of satisfaction. The younger miriivun Is l>r \V II •Miilihlng of her huahrind, flftirelirttt cities stretching from, coast to coast nm|t |hlncc In n ilnnce hnll n few doors building and loan associations whose t'hfipiuiiu; one ot the UUHTF In I>r assets total millions of dollars gave U S. ('liupiiiiin. his fniliri. nml ih<- frmii i heir home. Furthermore, if meat is unsatisfact- $1.95 $2.95 $3.95 $4.95 anniversary dinners to celebrate the •lilnl la Or. K K. Buki-i llie nine The couple qmtrreled five months According to Size and Style — (or Boyi and Girli (•intcnnial of a small town under- <>n the operating tnlilc IB lli>riuirii Him police suld. und Roteley hnd nni oi y even-after cooked we will ex- taking what has grown into a nine (Iritiiler. ipoUen n word' to his wife since. When billion dnllnr business. in1 left home without lettlnc her kn<>« Only a few minutes lii'tnre Hie his ilfHtlnntlnn sl\e followed him to Hip ALL WOMEN'S SHOES REDUCED Early Organizer! younger Chnpmiin HIM! tlrtniler stum: change merchandise or refund The ciilko manufacturer was •Inure hull Knglis;h burn Jeremiah Horrocks, When she spoke to him niul he mill II SKI V€GL)E SH€t STOKES and the men who aided in the now miilimilnoil sllrnre, nccnrillnR to police money without any question. famous project were Samuel Pill- she drew n nnliito knife nnd phinceit 164 Smith Street Perth Amboy, N. J. ing, in the dyeing business; a phy- sician named I)r. Henry Taylor;; It Inin his hoily nenr the henrt. (Next to Public Service) Isaac Shtillcross, a school teacher; Kiiicley died on liic wnj to the Jesse Castor, an attorneys and 'Isaac1: hospHiil. _____ii^=—. JUNIOR VOC1HK SHOE STORES • Whitelnrk, who made carriage, Sugar Cured Cali Hams wheels, was one of the city fathers, and was elected president of the first, Apples Point Solution building and loan association a hun-^ of Mysterious Murder Fore Quarter Genuine dred years ago tonight. Itii-lininnd, Quebec. — A mysterv Spring Lamb III III That first association was nnmed whli'h the laii' Sir Arthur ("nniin the Oxford Provident Building and Loan Association of Philadelphia Unyle mhihl time chruiilcled under Roasting Pork IIOSIKKY County. Set up to provide the first HIP lllle nt Tlip Adretitnre "I the medium for systematic saving that AJeximiler Aptilen." tin* I'lilmlniileil In the young country had known, the llie iirresl of Albert Vincent, twenty-, Lean Boiling Beef I7<> Smith St. Perth Amlxiv, N. J. new organization encouraged thrift I'lulit. mi n clmi'iie o1 muflerlng Kit and advanced loans to responsible mmicl Tnulpiiii. tlftyiiine, farmer. folks who wanted to own their own Di'tertlve SerReimt Jiirpullle ol HIP domiciles. The 12,000'building and loan associations that today have IJut'l'ec priivliii Inl |ii)lli'i> followed n CHIFFON and nine billion of dollars of the savings TiOO mile trail before he linnlly run hi* of small wage earners, have not qunrry to enrth Rib[:Spring Lamb Chops changed these two purposes set down' I Trmleiin WHS hvnleti to dentli witn on sheets of parchment by Jesse I nn us in the i-elliu ol his home In Castor, who drew up the first min- Fricassee Chickens SERVICE HOSE utes that are now locked in a vault i the burn were clews IrulinitlriR thin in the rooms of the Historical So- j the shiver hurt slept nvirniKhi there— Now ciety of Frankford. nnmns them two apples of the Alex nniler species. The building in which the Oxfflrd Provident met a hundred years ago [ti'iili'/lnc thtil nn Alexander np|>le> still stands in Philadelphia. In 1831, were triwn In the vk-lnity ot 'I'ru Frankford was a stage coach jour- flenn'8 fnrm. .hiryiillli'set out In senrcli ney from this city, which long ago ot the neiirest orrlnirrt ot thiit spe grew out to encompass it. In 1831 cles. He fnuml It, nwirly thirty inlh-s this building was a good old tavern, Pitted His Skill Aflainst Death. dlatlint. and, nn questioning the own and the tavern owner, Thomas Side- er, lenrned linn Albert Vincent, n 75< hotham, lent his back parlor for the face to fine In llie corridor of Hie fnrm hand, find left tils employ a fen event. But this environment did t'hil|>m;iu tiuspital. A PAIR rlnys hefore Trudenii's muriter. rot bother Jeremiah Hoi-rocks and Grinder, a rej;islere(J nurse, griidii MEAT MARKET Dr. Taylor, both "Bible Christians" Armed with n desiTlptlon ot Vin Worth II.IS iite of Belli'vue huspiuil, New Ymi> and pladged to abstinence from in- cent, .largalUe sel nut once more, am1 nni more recently mi ntteniliini In the toxicating drinks. Now, Thomas tij persistent qiiestlonlnK traced the (,'iink Omnly Imspltitl in CIIICUKO, had 110 MAIN STREET Siilcbotham's tavern, half remodeled, fugitive from vlllnge to village, nml is a shop for automobile supplies. nttempted to force, his wuy Into tlie farmhouse to fnrtiihmise, until hp Siiai rooms of Miss linoyene Woodtill. Full Fashioned Firit Home- Still Stanch tinnlly overtook anil nrrested him In Telephone Wdbg. 8-0776 8!4 to Grinder hail deitiuiiiled money nnd The house on which the first loan liiixon Falls. Vincent no\* awuit6 Ncw«l Perfect - GuarantctMl Miss Wooilllll tied tn Huctor I'liiipniHii 1OM- was made iilso still stands, still oc- trlnl at Sherhrooke. Sh.dci eupinl, on Ore-hard street in Phila- for help. The suryenn ordered Grlntlei J delphiu, and in 1831 the heart of! to leave, enforcing his demand with n Comly Rich bent with pride when; reuilver. Spanish Cave Believed he took deed to it. He lighted the The man refused, lunged at the sur borough street lamps, nnd applied geon, and tried to grub the gun. There World's Oldest House and received the first loan made by was a Bush, a sharp report, and Grin- Lawrence, Kan.—"The oldest house MADISON GRILL the Oxford Provident. Since then, der fell, shot In the nhdnmen. In the world Is ft cav« near Castile, A Clearance Sale in the hundred year period, the Spain," said Dr. F, \V. Miickmar, pro building ami loan associations have An Emergency Operation. financed more than 8,000,000 Ameri- Doctor I'hapinnn summoned his fn fessor of sociology at the University can home ' ther and Doctor Baker. An emergency of Kansas, in an address recently on Specializing How the Krankford lamp lighter .ipei'allon was Imperative. An mntiu- "How Old Is Man?" "Remains of IS That Is Different ever scraped together enough on luiice I'linveytd the wounded man to different rhe.es thiit lived in this cave ii lamp light IT'S salary to financed Mil'Wife-Brooks hospital, where the as far back as 100,000 years ago have the balance of his home owning ven-| younger Clmpinan pitted his skill leen found," he said. Doctor Dhiok STEAKS, CHOPS AND ture is history that probably will not death, brought near by the lmir said that while It Is I in possible t« he revealed by the presiding officers, determine exactly where, how, and who will recount this colorful story BIGGER and BETTER •i, __.*.. .L' _,...r..i .»—I tiullet he had fired. when man first appeared on the earth, at the five hundred dinners tonight, The stirgenn lost the buttle. Three but how Mr. Ricli did it might make mure of the early history of man lniti SEAJOOD hours after the operation Grinder was values than ever good reading to issue to some pres- been learned in the lust 75 yeurs thnn ent day renters. 1 11 end. — — — in all the centuries preceding, nnd all The national'wide plans for the * parts of the world nre now being Our next purpose to make this side the greatest celebration of the Building and Loan — Please mention tlis paper to ad- searched by anthropologists for traces Business Mens Luncheon Every Day value event ever held\in Perth Amboy, prompted Centennial are in the hands of the' vertisers; it helps you, it helps them of early man. the regrouping and re mceing of our entire stock United States Building and Loan; it helps your paper.— . . . creating greater val^l ... thah n ever ... 11"" yo uh have League. In New Jersey the cele-j T^ ~~~~ '— 75c bvation will be marked by Building! Los Angeles Revealed not bfen in as yet — >me in now and take advan- and Loan Centennial Week extend-, tage >f these greater Values. ing from January 3 to 10 under the^ as a One-Horse Town auspices of the New Jersey League Los Angeles, (.'ullf.—In spite of Its I PARK, CHARTER HOUSE, & BRIEGS of Building and Loan Associations. The population of imnv IIIMII one million, Steak, Fish and Chicken Los Angeles still is u "one horse BUILT SUITS AND OVERCOATS town.'" "Doughnut" and "Cruller" French Millinery There Is but one lone, solitary Iwrse new woplep^-— new »tyle» — new Yeurs IIJJU the ditl'crt'nce between a . Dinners $1.00 ^_1S6 Smith Street and buggy available fur llie young colors and patterns doughnut and a cruller wus marked. swain that would a-wooing go in the A doughnut was made of raised bread Every Night - 5 till 9 $2150 Perth Amboy Btyle of his grandfather. In I'.no there $:*0.00 Suits & O'Coatu dough, to willcli sugar, spice and c^gs \ were 70 livery stuhles In Los Angeles. $35.00 Suits & O'Coats $26.50 were added, while the cruilC^- was In 1930 the competition of nulimiouUes Dress Department Telephone 1244 $40.00 Suits & O'Coats $29.50 mtuU* of a, mixture containing bilking iind alnilnnes has cut this down to $33.50 powder or cream of tartar un

Perth Amboy, N. J. Total* 45 I 4S -to ea,;TF-~ F SIX FRIDAY, JANTARY ?, 1931 U What's It Going to Be? MOULDERS OF $1.5© P« THE TOWNSHIP r:rt Frvdar > MIDDLESEX PRESS. l*-20 Cr«m Strw*. W

Other? dc hif th.np i,^^ ^ ." ; TIAJTERTY | the UKPT typf !-' ^-"'rf K- ^(TT"* h ar. u«"'.'vf r^

-r.M matter March II. ".$:*. a; ih* j rfft>» %: W N .V CT»O#T tk» Aft r/ lit* R. ",£' j ThiF i!- « «ir:n?'r-:r.f apt-., anc

:if( Park ' Georjrt Y'~~- ir. rcTi.-'-M and rt«. Th< TTfi. T : • dreampc rf t r!>t' fine!-.in needed «r-r r? '.. r . - .'.f ."T >f.'".* FTfUT or <*T^*r.;i.a ".:(<». !;•* aw if '"( a'. Maye ."ii arris wtlf.ng: Utat <;: kTVws v V irt,rau.i*E,. |c !>: i M.r;r.iAr. '.nm'fa; a* » BPNITT TPOMLTOT ,-*T iT Prinf u -.r.j.: >j?^ .T uir.i. lr :.R» rn'air.T. '"' » n' T> •-L inc madt me

r4. 'M pnhh: wfltaat. 1» cvinr.Tij tt al'. titm* ar*

; Park. ES<-M wTl St rt^Timdfi^fi tha* if palpably b ,?t*r or mi- ""ort, and v : RGE R. MERRILL or whirl k sn UFTUS: toy rtt *ctirr !r caws wtofcrr ii » i nantt *•* thr tctbrr ni reiirtiaa rie»«tiiit : JT "" " and m;>:,. rr. ;B Ptr. Arrri. Pa.. -:, , b« if 40 yean (,: WOODBRIDGE A CITT and h*F thre* rhUdreti K • ' D Elmwood -ft: LJ.T>!>T. prestn*. ro Etvendinir Entf«r«, V.' V.— , . i.::,, ;r.Tir,«r: ir. Z1?? went U> hir^ sfhool at V».j. tot's. ;rf ?:"ir, Arr.bov E'ver.ir.p Ntiv> corr.rr.fr..:;? or.^Vooi'rndff N. J.. and U- C-olein«.B*e B-'- •jliefe, Newark. He hu ms:- rr,* 115 Wt.cdbnd?t sine* j'/lT presflden: t'f ID* Woodanap4 "irr.rr.-ver.ier:A. parks, wstenvj-.y &r;d .-".her voTrnship pro- . t. tafiv acc-fsF:bit. a rv C!ub, k MiPdn. and a mfr j?:",1 «frt .'iniiritvl Vy Mayor Ry&r. of Woodbndfrf who has T f the Eat-.way E;tf. Golf.yr .• This Week ''*- * -.iSby. ana ht ;; i> njtmlx-r of -• - LETiERS TO THE EDI10R ".c: ;: -;j.r:;-t 5f COT.--- r.* Clu:.

:'.? Mi.i-s.-r A^r Tvr.t. A7t.r.ry X .' Welcome Merser. Goodb>e, 10*. SEEN AND HEARD inf Soo.\- ^r.d :i".e tfScifncy ir. w'r.i;!-. :.he business of '.he com- Wonasniipt. x ." Gome Back. Prostx-~rv ,t cl: Ireland? Y«.. V. tv V: No. About forrr. cf rove mm or.; ;> r!-.;t>: diffi;-]* ;o £drr.:r.i?if-r wj;r. ecor^ Ui< fs-scm.~( ir.cr tit" the «-.%ric war :r. t.s« '.'rrr. rf C.-;-i'tT TJ..; ec- BrTr.:»iit^jiijJbr]ei.. tic t\tTkTf \-aiuf of wrii^ i* Sl.i'CC )«i The •Dt" j»r. txctllfr.: piece of work. T'r.f orf preit tset-d ir. Wood- 1 7>fTsoaal:y tt^cr >roir.pt tr-a-ir ir. tr.15 r*si'PCL s^.z ! :>;. f-f ; & }Ti>tai th:nf. Tir-t CT.JV for tiif fX-?."Jdie.r? M:t f."'T t_i5 .'' ^r-try :t cr.y -.r.stead of & :ow-rish:r. If "fti: ^^ fcc,-.irr.r::srvd tvt-r. TOWNSHIP fi'vr rrogivss \r,d r.rTicitrcy would bf p.X^ll'it " &a* y« rerr.rded Wjicr tjity revarripi -rorr :'f: ft-« ^-'i, WOE i«» ind cis^-urapfc ir.ist rf tiiwt fr-nc ::.:.: . Ryan Predict* City f.^ed: anc tiifj dwr^verec tiiat tit airer:-=-? SK -r ~o ss?:?t U,£-TT.. were ff* lii* ? THAT EYESORE ,6cd r; rvrr^pt .•.S"al? Wnr iiier :.4rr.r-: ••-:•. f-cts for B '.'; r.rrf« Nfv* v^r. ?.t>id. ft>iict*'.)pr. A: Tire.-;r,t.. :r.f ht:: TT.-"..>. T •. 1.•:••.• we* mti. tr; wriir^icj-ed. ;::Tier at the foot cf Green

•Bort. and btrr

. ENnaf-mJv Mayor Ryar. src. :r.t Penh Ambov ne-ws.piT>tr s^t^cry. A# * »«w«r ,-. -&.... -r..-. ^, ,.'.'," .. _ . , " ..." Wdkitt in tins rosEtrr :,- r*-. :.-,-; e uv th:r.k:r.p sJor.c :r;f siTOf lines E^^Cf r.:2y w ooat-nacrt s ;j,fT w. oesh^a. spread oihfr sidf of FVTTJ: Amboy—ihe R&nt&r. Riv^r kT,& Kty, ana j^ oecisint SPW ixe wim a* g<"-enuMSi- tu «••• -' s^a* that --•'•": T.-jr-'jin^pm™ *"<. >— S^»T^r. ISiHIid S-OuTld keinminp i: in. ' ticy w~I i.r.nf heahh ind h*pptBc» :: c^ur fonter s^.fiiers wr.: s*rrifirfd f-^T c:st?pr:E:ri-fT.:^ if ona: ant • 1JKX A DREAM \X oojrnaff- To'«T.>.t.".r' u roujrr..y >MX or sfvex umfj s* . Y^Lr* —•• '•? ' >• .. ^'u-t. ti-f GET t- j- New Years. *»a BC out is tB* I«^ * Pfrh Ar,boy ir. urri^rx. h r.^ ii»f rooTr lo be * ]«** (Sip>ec-. 'O^N riTXAHAX. %^ fs,tt,^ ^.^ *v«r^:,? ^::^'tl'A er*^Tw J^^." ^ t; IT i&i t rfi- cftr, wr.t-rt P«n:-.A n-.ocy hs> i>kv... Tr.c O.r..y \rty Fenh Aroboy "•fc« ^ ^ t rfa- vr a*. nr.,v.-- see ..f u.,aj. ._nejtl - it€ bird? t-cmspirjfusl-y n.is$.vig this year. aret'5 ^lslerie tbeir cxrs.."" the derks . .r; o; \> oocs'-DiCt TovT.sr.iyi &$ c' ;a .-rm-iirt. Ti-r- •*-;!- cftm* !:.:i. J^-J. ^ rasiB: depresaw; naj s;.n.t pc^.c pcuiii. YOE dot'; it^ frj' ot!",:r w£y .;o$ viT;-r Thtt i> ~T.i' ViV.ys^ch.1 riicvurt. pfr^.r. Tiistepw ~ir.iprd'i" "Ai».i> Tbf ii«» Tfi" «".; M M-tiff- ;.- L-. -; v-t; t j; "a r yMir cir pktes - - - tfct". ntt-f1'. X Cf:?~ir-ae£ tr SD.":-r_

k sf: ie.ii.iLC -trier in cv. &;: y-0.t-*.. ' ' -"'•• •••• >• •- — • •->•...... ^ , w::t <• TF-T—_ttT;c r"^!L R..tlMMk«' Must Hav* F»rtori*« 1 send ihf ;;i!JrT-.sp :r.:nrTr.tt_\"ir ;•;ti.'-rr.:r.r :yTJ."-h:tC? fr>r ti>t ^hfi; t-'.. mi r:»i. tr 1 story o . ^,,kt ...... tllS of U3f T*w^tepw 1E5". T.^L;^, •LS&T tiere wt-Ti- il 7"^T- ¥r.i ?» 11 rr.w cit> vhsr. irv-s. A ;itA- r".a>; hivt fi,c:oriOi>. 1". rr.us r.i,ve «,:o-rt-> tr. i^.'r. TT.I> 15 1^ iw^r* titi-r ~.j- i:i!f, !(• TEfir* tiiii ii-2*., t.t irw m" .-«•

i nsus r. thai ( toiowi e.. U!. c „--jni^ 1 1 ! W" '•-. it-V. \r '.r.f* "J-; *. 0 tt.t- poir.; ',.hi: btfo.rf ' Wood: "idjrt jjuTs; twr nf tiies* wr-rt shPi :t> deaa. an; .-at WSLS r.^rcs-c vc jciti. whe-r f^*^ - ^«* •' •- •--aj*nL :. •-'.i.f :*.:;.-+.. whs-, ir* n.i.-- r-'-'-c h.::;nr..Ltt efcr=r*-o; '-~'-:- '-' •' ••--•^:-* 0* lit* tTjt * •: Cijw: ": r*". :~t- tit sees ir. w-r.).-t .iS.-er* rf tie iaw Tttc It win b< mot :: rr.pT^ rjif.»5*t!.-:.i!y tr C'C- *• " •--»-' ' •'...•-'-_ -•- » ••- ••-• --• " r pukrej tajrntei!t<>£ >ir Mbei r>r> :*kt->onf tiit-r. It the, wvei i'-i.er '.rj-tus: )"'t Ttl* "tov* "* it is ni*. s.ilJ'.jM' i» >'-'.• ur;-s.-\ res^Cti^'n.. d :*r.-t »•« csed t* rr-:, ;. ur.i) fiir *0 tdmi: '.f<$: Wooiindft" WWTisi1.!? f.*\> Of tin i~. tx-j«.iu :,.T-:!.-.•.-.. .Tii n, »t:i i-ni J- »tr« T.i>fT-(.f» "

c*;od >*: >i'Wiri-r.. ir:d o;r.i>r riltr.is- ^ •.'.! r-ur*iy fo'.low vz'.t. :t.i •r(?,^r-<^ y .T. •» ?.>.~T. '.yn.-r.'.r^s .x-; urrf.-•. an; th.e •rtir.St - -r^ .r. i*.-r j.-j-.- r.."; - •• '•.-.">•••.••/?.'* .i.t odrep',-.;;,•:-. ,:;:it drt dfir.f ;:.W;...d:--rJdjrf Rivrr ^ ftr* ve-ry. trcly. towns-h.-o d.>;k erf Co c • K. K. MOT ON. cr.y Aro. efor: SPEC14I SALE inert •'.'•• ;.t..'tiv.ixp vl?t :. ^.r.'fctr K> muJij;-rA. iTr-tiiUiias- if- WHEN CRIME WAS HAZARDOUS CS

i\vi v^r.j.rr.b«- of \."". r.r.-:«"Ct. crfir.:i«d or. ror. ptrULi

to -*-orri- ;.\t n»:rv r;ir.r,iKs :r.:e.ref;lvd in. y l^r J.he pro r-t-i. rn;ir> j \\ !.-. r. i revolver { The Sets Belcw Now at $149.00 Complete

iv ^•--•;

Itu)^ *fc';i" 5Bfi:vidafc. arlva* :»!:i/ " ww r.tztre^-rik*! «!«»*. M,r. were »« trie up «:

c:-;>: L- t tuc mtrhine puns. wr*r: r. t* Sfcii a f ri.it.m!: t. nxrder fur i> :.::>.« soe

i. IW: I* i;;t o; WELL DONE, OFFICERS Ytrd. never did, kX} Qiiicier vr.rk ikir ci^ Cr..*: P*irJt pallet j k

fr8sa*:*»c Manufacturers and In* StTMrCkv,t.i»i V Strktiy Puie CANDIES AMD ICE CREAM DOUBLE 60 Main .»,.. Woodbridge 'IVI RAZ (oMorniw Lrl au GU5TAVBLAUM „ BETTE Groceriea and Praviaiom •or your 09 Main St. Tel 6-0048 Iran TM CONCANNON'S MUSIC STORE 76 MAIN STREET WOODBRIDGE

. S'i it* n, ffi • •.•->•} •


motorintH in to drive slowly on Ice-at H speed that would be rpAtnnable only In causing tint car to dencribe (itcer to the right. This will tend to Winter Dried Fruits and Tapioca covered «lr«el« or highways, apply under dry-road conditions. a circle, with (Trent risk of crashinfr restore the proper balance and the Auto Invades Cafe; their brakes gently with t.ho onffino "Inquiry nmonff numerous motor- into approaching truffle. coincident acceleration will straight in gear anil round curves and rornoni ists dovolnped the fact that few neem "The proper action is to s>teer in en out the car. If the brakes are ap- Owner Pays Damages with enrft. If n. skid occur* while a to know wnat to do when cars iro in- the direction of tho skid and at theplied the car will continue to allde. Aid Housewives in Menu Making Drivine power of the rear wheels i» ('i)rdi>l<\ ! more l('oriM\ BiirlcotH through nlnvc, Fold of age. The evening will be for all care.fully and yet to filvo tho M ;ml|) (, '"Hit 1 rup) Into Tnploca mix- over sixteen years of age. If you can family nnurlshliiK and* tasty meals, urn. chill and nerve with whipped sing, dance, tell a funny story, play wives and molhors are on the, look nut rronm. Servefl G. a musical instrument or anything at SELLING OUT for new recipe*. For UIRII days and • • * * all In the line of entertainment, you holidays ronio Rnd go hut. the tank of FROM NORWAY are eligible to Join the contest for providing throe meals dally goes on nil Tho lowly boarding house prune has Opportunity Night. Cash prizes as ycW. cntnn Inlo Its own, magically trans well as other valuable prizes will be Tho winter drlod fruits—flRfl, ral- given for the best entertainers. The formed i,y modern cook-craft Into a audiences are to be the judge. All tiiiiK, apricots, ilaten and prunes—can variety of delMoim desserts. Here la Entire Stock of Brand New Coats and Dresses Sacrificed |Kt iiiado Into a wealth of delicious one of them. And It Is so simple to that is required of you if you have ilesserts at small cost. They arp Na- make that you can put It on your any talent at all is to leave your mre'H own aweeta packed with Buqnr name with the manager of the list of last minute desserts for busy R.K.O. Rahway theatre and watch for winter miftrgy and should appear days. Below Cost. Everything Must be Sold to the Bare Walls on tho tablo often during the cold these columns for further announce- weallinr. NORWEGIAN PRUNE TAPIOCA ments. This contest will not be con- Hero IH a colorful Apricot Tapioca 4 tablespoons 2 cups unsweet- fined to those living in Rahway. So tlnit tactful wives will Bervo after the quick cooking onod prune leave your name now and watch for the day and date. Prices Slashed. Never Before Such Values Monday pot-luck meal. Kvon Junior Tapioca juice, or Juice will lie willing to eat his rarrots If *,4 teaspoon salt and water lie Is rewarded by such a dessert. 1 teaspoon cln- 4 tablespoons namon, or sugar APRICOT TAPIOCA 1-Inch stick cln- 1 tablespoon What To Do When You \ pound dried 3 tablespoons namon lemon Juice apricots quick cooking 1 cup cooked prunes, seeded and Sale Starts Saturday, Jan. 10th 2 ciipn witter Tapioca finely cut Skid On Icy Highway, '3 cup sugar 'd teaspoon salt Add Tapioca, salt, and cinnamon to Wash apricots. Soak In 3 cups wa- prune Juice, and cook In double boiler Told By Keystone Club ter 1 hour and cook until tender. '15 minutes, or until lapioca Is clear, At 9 A. M. Sharp 1 train. To Juico, add enough water to fltirrinK froquently. Rjmnve cinnamon Skidding accident*, attended in nittko 2 cups liquid. Add Tapioca and (If stick Is used), add au*ar, lemon many cases with fatalities, have salt, and cook In double boiler" IS Juice, and prunes. Chill. Serve with been ao numerous this winter that minutes, or until Tapioca Is clear, stir- cream. Serves 6, the Keystone Automobile Club of New Jersey feels it is necessary to Be Here Early. Share in the Wonderful Bargains. issue a fjeneral warning to drivers to be on the alert against this dead- ly hazard. "It is not possible," says a Club bulletin, "to give a formula that will insure against skidding, but it ia Henry Frahme possible to point out contributing ALL SALES FINAL NO REFUNDS causes to this type of accident. "Of first importance, we believe, is the condition of the tires. Tires SURGICAL APPLIANCES with a good tread will hold the car on the road under conditions that NO EXCHANGES NO ALTERATIONS would be disastrous to a car equip- AND SUPPORTERS ped with smooth tires. Therefore, the motorist who drives on slippery roads with treadless tires is inviting Now In Our Own Building trouble. "Another thing to remember is that while chains are a valuable safe- ty adjunct they are not guaranteed FIXTURES FOR SALE 20 West Scott PI. Elizabeth, N. J. ti. prevent skidding. Carelessly op- erated cars will skid, with or without Opposite City Hall chains. "The ht'ht advice we can give to HERE WE ARE! Well, folks, we are about settled in our new location on Fayette Street at the Cent- ral Railroad, and are all ready to give you greater bargains than ever in used cars. You will find here the largest and best choice of used cars it has ever been your good fortune to look upon. Used Cars advance in price with the season, as the demand increases. It is a good method to do your buying now. /CHE SWEET NilMEEBI- 1928 l929 mn C0UPES &SEDAN S 1930 FORD DE LUXE COUPE 1928 STUDEBAKER DICTATOR SEDAN " 1929 FORD TOWN SEDAN NASH SEDAN & COUPE PONT1AC s Bsrasr MANY OTHERS Ford, Dodge, Chevrolet and Reo Trucks and Deliveries Our one meek exchange policy protects you against an unsatisfactory deal LIBERAL TIME PAYMENTS FAYETTE USED CAR

228 to 234 Fayette, at t^ie Central Ra%|SS. Gioe 0 0 0 0 0 H. Wilson - '. 0 0 0 0 0 Phone 2703 Perth F. N«laon 0-0 0 , Q PAGE KUIMT FRIDAY. JANTARY 9, 10P. 1 !' SOCIAL AND PERSONAL ACTIVITIES OF THE TOWNSHIP District Conference Sewaren To Install Pastor At AVENEL Woman's Club Makes "India" Is Subject ISflJH , manager <>[ Mr .uid Mr-<. Frank Wisuall and A banquet wim held Saturday eve- Michael - i- F". store 'ak tree rond, Of Woman's Clubs To ilaiiRliti-r. Klnino. n-turned to Al- Presbyterian Church ning by the Horsey Motor Company Plans For Lectures For Opening Meeting me on Hillcn ii;»ny on Sunday after spending some at Flynn's tea room. There wore M lined to h time with Mr. wiswull's brother, Mr. member* of the staff of Dorsey Mo- nue with f1 Be Held At Red Bank <'. I.. Winmll, on Cliq ro»E.U—AVENEI^-Twi »ou lecturei«-iui^s, wit,»nn, ten"-n-! Th• »*e -•-;."-«hool• •o •f Missions- •-., whic. h ,is of Sonora av i\ Federation of Worn- nat and daughter. Miss Eloise Giro- hp installed a* pastor of thei followell d afterf , to thhe straini s ol'tativl'Uti e datedst sett fof r JanuarJ y 211 an dd beinhemgp held under the auspice?s of mtheliam T tiie Ni-w K i> Among .• present who i-n nr.'.-i Clu!>> w hold Tuesday, bernat, *p*nt Nfir Year's Day with First Presbyterian Church on Friday,two orchestras. March 4, were planned at the meet- Woman? Auxiliary of the Pre?h>ter- the nv offerings and n ,l:iminiy \'-> in the Presbyterian Mr. and Mrs. Frank K. Stevens in January It", and will begin his pas-J ing of the Woman's Club at the ian Church, will be resumed Wednep- : ment- Mr. and Mrs. I!, I huu'h' "f K 'd B:ink. New Rochelle. toral duties the following Sunday.' school on Wednesday evening. .1. Slo- day, January 14, at 7:4-. o clock in William, Jr. and <; Tht incrninp ..«tv Mae and Greta Bogan, of " of Elizabeth, who will preach I will he the next meeting. "Interiov Has? for young people who will nrv Spurdle, pastor .. flensi'ic i!" tiie pi » ...... ,. , -.. the sermon; Kev. Chester M. Oavis of I .lhJ. X^nel Wome "\ ^XIlarl'. of Decorating' will-be the subject of study the book, -Freedom The ( (.vi ^iji, New Brunswick jrch of Iselin, \v:i Rahway. who will deliver the charge !he Flre .Comllal?V *ll!,hold lts ^»u , the other talk, by a lecturer of the women 3 class will study the book f Mr?, <". P». BA.*elir. southern vice -— _ _ > .remnin at home la i Mr to the pastor- Dr. Joseph L. Ewing. '»•• meeting at the hrehouse on Mon-.firm of Henry Bosch of Newark. The .Star of India", with Miss Sad.e p. pn-idont of Collinpswood. will - and Mrs. Robert T. Began ds to illness. The R-v. l.rihp a mtW«' from the state fed- w«c dinner guests Saturday eve- charging the fonrwgation, and Rev. * evening. j Echoes of Christmas activiei^ Prewster aei leader. |,;, pastor of the First h, mn of and Mrs w Krnest S. Abbott of Woodbridge, . : were given bv the president. Mr.=. T. The men's cln- will be under the i ration ' K •*"• - *a i">". Mill- i.;m->i - .-min.n „. .. WUgi iuKc, • p . w u ... „_ i t.ui, i hurch, of Rahwajr, to,,; is \aryu , D ' £, JJ', K A Umcc, leadership of James Reid. They will last Sunday evening n "r-CWur raa.lf.d. of Glen!-. X. J.. «d Ut?r attended a who,,, offer the insUH at ^1-V-! ^^ ttlobt ^in New chairman of the work of Good Ch.-er. study the book. •India Looks to Her Ridge, will Rive a t:ilk on "High- party ggiven hy Mr. and Mrs. Or. MacBride became known to !™"W Vi^nXv •>'s absence. «„ D..J... then peopltw.nl.e' hertipreo severasevprnl yearv««r4s ago,.i»n ;• ' °. i Mrs. Ilonato reported that the tree Future". Mr. Reid has traveled ex- ways, Byways and Scrrenway.*." Kene Uc Russy. 1 on the Steel Equipment grounds was tensively in India and willijave man'. Mfs; Frederic" Bi'jrc«. of Wyckoff, when he [(reached on two Sundays at ; •'-.-. Charles Hodgkinsnn a Misa Jean De Younp; has returned again illuminated with the . l.iH lights interesting facts to tell of the cu- ?} * her home on Manhattan avenue throiigh the cooperation of Mr. turns of India. ling avenue, entertainoii ? a week at Manasquan. i{ the plant. Humorous and; There will be two other s«s'i"' • diay Afternoon Bridge < In!, 1 . '«. Mrs. William Uti win ,, i A. Morrow, who went to Belmar two 'pathetiletice wiwnns the de^nption of the one on .MommyMonday.. January IIif, I'U'J made by the blind will he t Mary Trentt n - next week at her home on rale in the lecture room. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kraek were months a(ro the call was extended to I °f, ! I Good Cheer party held at the Home .Wednesday. January 21. At - e road. The state chairmen will hold the dinner guests Sunday of Mr.' Dr.- MacBride and met with favor-, will remain for ^ ^ d on- ,)u, afternoon pre- meeting on January 21. Rev. Isr.-.* round t»\t 'ceedmg Christmas, is given by Mrs. dos, a native minister of Nor: Mrs. William Gray visile! At the road. •' I.ance. Six members took a tree there India, will address the meeting !• es, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore V Mr. Wllll»,K«mtak [decorated hy the members of the Jun- I-hwardos is taking a post pi;.;- • I, of Linden, this week. music chairman, .will have charge of tion in November l'J27. Services be- i ior Woman"- Club. The chairman c>•ur-e at Princeton, CHICKEN THIEVES ACTIVE fore the coming of Mr. Morrow were will spend Thursday evening at Perth. ^.^ u ^^ _ „,,,,,„.„_„ ., the music, Mrs. 0. O. Dunawny, of read a letter of appreciation from The regular monthly nieetii- t. conducted by student pastors from Amboy at which time they will at-,Jh , Glil of theTownship Com- MAR10._.N. HOFFMAN HAS South Orange, will give a talk on nd ( hickon thieves have been active princeton Theological Seminarv. '? a family reunion at the home of , ^^ „,.„ ig director of the hotm,. pAPART, Y ON 15TH BIRTHPA1 he Iselin P. S. 15 Parent T,;, "Junior Work." Theological Seminary. in Sewaren recently. Harold Poling, The new pastor comet with ,t rich Mrs. Kuzmiak's mother, Mrs. S. Brin- Announcement was made that the Association will be held on Tu- Reservations must be made today M • M. nftprnoon at 3 o'clock in the who live..,_,s near . the Seware...n school. . , experience, having served in pastor-, drive for the erection of a wading ISEL1N•- rriends of with Mrs. A. F. Randolph. pool tor the children of the coinmun- H offman attendee• t! • auditorium. reported 17 fowls gone Wednesday aUs „, Cooperstown. Albany, and Mr. and Mrs. William Perna spent morning, and Officer A Simonsen ,' n York, and itv -Aill sUrt this month. A meeting party held Wednesday e Stony Point a in New i-'called by the chairman, >li>. C. A. home on Middlesex avin Mr. and Mrs. Murray ('. n,.-. was detailed to investigate. When ln Trent(1I1, Tollingswood and Hill- visited relatives. Nottagre, for next week. An invita- of her fifteenth birthd Old Tree road, entertained L- he arrived, other residents told sim- P:de in Now Jersev Though born in t.on was read for the members to at- h at their home recently. Amtinjr i- Woodbridge ilar tales, one woman losing seven Edinburgh. Scotland, he received his The house was , amid the table >\: d present were: Mr. and Mrv li chickens and another four. A. B. degree from New York Uni- Mrs. It. \V. Von Bremen nnd son, birthday c;i'f- th C. Busching, of Hillcrest A. versity. Subsequently he received an Mr. and Mrs. Albert Yost, of V Hereml Von Bremen, of Freeman A. M. dogree for post-graduate work liss .-treet. attended ;i purty Friday at To Give Colonia. Boy in Economics and English I.iteratur Among those pi\-> Park, and Mr. and Mrs. V lirtctor of jun- Anna Biglecki. ^i;~^ •liss Newsome, of Brooklyn. the home of- Mrs. H. 11. 1 jingo in Watch As Tribute For In l'.U.i, New York University grant- Ger- F.as: Orange. Saving Life Of Friend man Mrs. George MenschinR. of <•• Jos- avenue, and Mrs. J. Katt, > ' Mise Catherine Miller iias return- i the : t-d to her duties us Mipervi«or in the Tribute will be paid to a youthful avenue, spent Tuesday in N Kpiscopal Hospital in Philadelphia, hero 8t th,- Cokmia Sdhool next and enjoyed luncheon at the ]', niter spending the holiday and week- Tuesday night, when a gold watch \[ anif UnionTheologieafi?eminar- fifU1t ,W5¥ ^\ accomplish with the Joy Restaurant. .nd with Mr. and Mr«. Stephen H. Wl11 be R'ven to Benjamin Sapanski, n lowed thl e RAINBOW CLUB ELECTS lowed the frtu-t. i younger club members, and also the Wyld. of Amboy avenue. °f Colonia, for rescuing Alex Vano- by two talented orchestras. domestic side, as they contain in the ^ vitch from drowning. ISELIN—Election >> :' rs took Menschings Entertain tch from droning, ' " the • _• of the Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Randolpholph, MrMr,, Howard Fletcher, president of the Buschman Guild Will i The Cami'iiell Cltih. will give a the. dance tomorrow night at the club- jn Mon- At Home On New Yen'. and Mrs. Whitney t.cesonl.ceson., Mr.. anand dMen's Civic Club, will make the pie- January 14 house on Pennsylvania avenue. Joe Mrs. George Leonard assisted Mrs. day afternoon Mrs. I. J. Reimers. Mr. and Mrs. C. sintation, before delegations from •ted vice ISELIN — Mr. and Mrs. <;. W. Barnekov. Jr., Mrs. Gertrude various organization*, including the Petras is chairman. The club met Perna. hospitality chairman, in serv- Exehn Huber was The Busehman Guild of the Pres-. Tuesday, with P. J. Donato in p prseidmt; Rose Vetv treasurer, Mensching, of Sonora avenu- secretary. HAi^S fe BuS^^^^n^^ orterian Chu^ met Monday nifht charge," and discussed by-laws and ing refreshments. and Porothy Balau ceived many friends and r.'la- .Uy of the Woman's Cub of Perth <* Assoc.tio.^ ^ ^ ^ a, ^ h™,^ Mis^ Adele^ aitet. the dance. Mrs. Joseph Rapacii ..-. at whose at their home on New Yeai !' BUY NOW Ihonu- the meetings ar. Id, is spon- Dancing, games and refre-i.- p T \ for "Fathers' Night"" with "Prayer." Mis* Myrtle Howard had Charles F. Cannan spent the week! Isor and instructor l" - e group of were enjoyed by all. Those |> William Martin, son of Mr. and- C D A held teresting talk on "How Missionaries are studying a one act play, "The - -? ..'-_.. — • . -.. T-. t-.i :i. .* n..i_ I thee IndeIndependentp , the most wid u special business meeting last night Live in India.1' '.Littl'I;"'e- DRe-dJ cSchoo"v—l ' "«••">House."" ™« H. Williamson of Dunellen on Thars- home of Mrs. Fr: : Stancik of Rah-! the ' Helen Tuttle is coach. read paper in Wood bridge Herluff Keldsen. of Fords, in the Columbiabian Club househouse. Plans Plans were completed for the Helen Tuttle is coach. j day. wav avenue. Elbur Richards, of town, were the were to hold a public card play. "Hanging a Sign," which will _— dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and party_ Mondayr, Januan' 26 in the be given at the "School of Missions, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lander and Mrs. Jellynian. lub house. Mrs. Arthur Ernst was on Wednesday. January U. J children returned Monday from Tar- appointed chairman. The regular Refreshments were served during i rytown where they spent the holiday THIS $8,000 HOME FOR ONLY $6,250 Fiances J. McLeod, brother of meeting of the court will be held the social hour. vacation. Lawrence- McLeod, of' 3SS Ambov nex---t - Thursda—• >y nigh'-•»t• whe—>—n plan-1—s wil--l" Thee next meeting uwill be held avenue. Woodbridge. is home on a be discussed for the tneatre party January 2b at the horhomne of Miss Mr. and Mrs. Frank Benson and visit from Montana, where he has to be held in the near future. Those Florence McAu>land o.in Prospect sons, and Mrs. J. Miller of Park ave- 1 nue spent Sunday at Rutherford. spent the last I ) years, wishing to go will communicate with street. Mrs. Frank Mayo. where they visited Mr. and Mrs. William Miller. Th Woodbriilge-Si'wari'ii Chapter Following the business meeting. will meet Bt'xt Thursday night;- a social night TUESDAY BRIDGE CLUB *>' the Eahway Ho>p:t«l of the Parent- Monday afternoon. January 12, atwill be held for members only. Mrs. Aiternoon Bridge' .lames Harding was appointed chair- be held :it the home of'Mrs. Florehee t:sdale. afternoon. man, assisting her will be Mrs At red home o( Ml., Ced,.:c Ostronl on Dun_ Mrs. B. R. Wall'ng of High street C olev. Mrs. J. I!. Levi. Mrs. K Mayo, h la Robert Lockhardt, a former stu- returned from a visit with ln r son. Mrs." Arthur Ernst^ Mrs. J. J,; Grace, Hi^h*s%rei! „• dent-pastor of the Presbyterian Chester Walling of Detroit. Mvh. "Mrs. H. J. Foley, Mrs. John Einhorn, , church, now engaged in social serv- Mrs. C. W. Rarnekov received the,ice work in New York cilVi waa re. ROSARY SOCIETY CARD PARTY O'Brien, Mrs. John osgiove, F. consolation priz Bauman, Mrs. |newing acquaintance with former O'Brien, Mrs. A. M. Unpin, Mrs. Refreshments were served by the parishioners here'"on Sunday. FORDS A card party will be George Wright, Mrs h given by the Rosaryv Society of Our \ Thompsonp . Miss Jane Flanagang , Those present were: Mrs. Nevin Mr andMrs E E Lady of Peace Church on" January Mi"*- J- Herron, Mrs. Michael De Joy, ,,„-,,. o it r - - - - %ymond and 12 in the church auditorium. There »nd Mrs. Michael Conole. Guth. Mrs. Julian Grow, Mrs. Lee children motored to Neptune City on will he many prizes for competitors, • Ninth. Mrs. C. R. Chase, Mrs Leon Sunday, where they were the guests Campbell. Mrs. D. H. Ford and Mrs. 'o f Mrs. C. Titus. including a door prize. Play will Tuesday Study Group C, \V. Barnekov. ' R Master Chester Nottagt, while rid- j *™I *& J t^Zn^Vl. Hear, P»per On "Tokio" ing. on a new bicycle, met with a A. Quadt will be in charge. BOOST — BUILD — BUY painful accident on Wednesday af- , The Tuesday Afternoon Study DEMOCRATIC CLU> IIBR MEETurrTcS i'lub met Tuesday at the home of LUB iwfcfcis . ^ i pottetpr on Barron ave- FORDS—The Second Ward Dem - Mr; imue ocratic Club held a meeting in their program opened with the rooms on Poplar street Tuesday eve- i aiding of a paper on "TokioTokio, ththe ning. It was announced that "about <•a Pilal €lt>' of Japan.' °V Mrs. F. tiU members attended ihe iiuiugura- F- Anness. This was followed tjy a tion of Anthony Aq.;ila. second ward vocal solo, "A Japanese Love Song" committee man, at the Township b>" Clayton Thomas, sung by Mrs. Hall New Year's d;.y. Mr. Aiiuila A- R Bergen, accompanied by Mrs. was presented with a bouquet of "'• .• P(>'-ter- News from The Churches ,flowers while Mrs. Aq.iihi received Mrs. Manley Pott«r read a paper, The a lovely corsage from t:u-ir friends. " Imp*""! Family, which was TRINITY EPISCOPAL The First Church of Christ, Scien- Plans for a social and dujee to be written by Mrs. Claude Decker. Mrs. B favor d wlth S;00 A. M. Celebration of Holy Eu-tist, in Boston, Mass. #iven in the near future, were J.S-- ^"K<» f, *™tt\er solo, charist. I Sunday school—;<-.30 A. M. (fussed at the meeting. "Iradle Song by Brahm. An m-10:00 A. M. Church school. i Sunday Service—11:00 A. U. , teresting discussion of currant 11:00 A. M. Mui'iung prayer and ser- Wednesday—Testimony meeting, events was led by Mrs.i Madeleine mon. ;8:00 P. M. Du a 4:00 P. M. Evensong. Thursday -Reading room, 3:00 German-A/nerican Club A } t , . 5: D •-! A* D Following the progTam, refresh- P.' M. Thursday, choir rehears-! °0 P. M. » Bnage At farty nts were served by the hostess. al. me 15 P. M. Friday! goy Scout meet-'FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SPECIAL FEATURES , ^ _ i . , The next meeting will be hjeld Jan- ing. Woodbridf• Arena*. Areas! Six rooms, bath and aun-porch. I^ELIJ -- The | Isehn Gernmn- nary 20 at the home of Mrs. J. J. Rev. Glair A. Mprrow, pastor America Society j held its reular Livingood on Main street One car garage, concrete floor and driveway. ST. JAMES 9:30 A. 11. Sunday school. meeting at the club house 1:00 A. M. Morninj worship Large liv,ng room, 17'ft" by 11'3". Tree road, on Friday eve- 7:30 A. M. Low Mass. The were discussed for a card HOI Billies Studied Name Society will receive Holy 7:15 P. M. Christian Endeavor. Cement tiled bath floor and >talli, built-in tub. be held on Friday, January Communion. Cement tiled kitchen walls. the club house in the Library 3:00 A. M. Low Mass. CalorW 11 A. It. Horning Sermon. Double floors, cypress trim, jbett of lumbr * millwork and other ing. By Methodist Society 10:30 A. M. High Mass. matenaU throughout. * uis Farber is' chairman of the 1:30 P. M.~Sunday school. mittee, assisted by Mrs. Carlj The Woman's Foreign Missionary PRESBYTERIAN 7:00 "Younf People's Baptfw Steam heat, expert radiation. il:45 A. M. Church school, Union." Bo ne dr nkman, Mrs. Rudolph Koch and Society of the Methodist church met j 1 " y *»»«m«nt, all improvements, including improved street, hur Janke. yesterdastenlay afternoon at the home of 11:00 A. M. Morning worship. Ser- 8:00 P. U.—Evening sermon. aidewalki, with all improvements assessments paid plot SO by 100 The games to be in Pi ay are Mrs. William Cover- s on Linde• n ave mon topic, "Heart Relijfion". Wednesday, 8 P. M. Prayer Meet fn 4 r v Bochlr, rummy, fan-tan d bunko, nue. The president, Mrs. H. R. 3:00 P. M. Junior C. E. Ulf. p ^ JiA !T ^S2: e «Tthing complete and Up-to-date. will be awarded high Hreisoh »Was in charge of the meet- 3:(K) P. M. Intermediate C. E. Price $6250. $500 down; balance carried for!$50 monthly •n •core. Hi idge is etimina Re- ing. l lie topic for consideration *a> P. M. Young People's service. B 'tr«shnH-ivu consisting of hi made "Th /Mountain Whites". j "(45 P. M. Evening worship. Ser- CHRISTIAN SCIENCE line. Three blocks from Avonel station; ode block from Rah way bus |k take and coffee will be ser ilrs. Bri'isch opened the meeting- h)on iopic, "S'oah Built the ith the itading of a poem "The Ark". •>.\CRAMKVr .».11 b* the sub- 'ootp.ith to Peai>" by Henry Van- 2:30 P. M. Wednesday. Ladies' Tea, ject .it the LtKirS \riii,--n m al! lhe abow picture is an exact Ireproduction of the hou^ being built Card Party To ke. At the bJ>'.nes,s seision. an- at the home of Mrs. E. H. Boyn- \ Chur,h*s of C'lrist S. -.rut-, st. oil Mmwy For D. A> louniement \u- made that Mrs., ton, . ' Sur.Jay. Janujr\ 11. Wil Meinzer M. \ve»el, al unbelievably low posts compared to normal. B h Diake had s«-ond place in S:00 P. M. Wednesday. School of The Goldri: lc\! i>; 'The brca.l if V'.ik contest held in the Eliia- Missions. , 'i ^HMI IS he »:i;,h cometh d.iwn vork to unemployed mechanics of the I eth di.-trut, since last October irom heiven. *v,A jj-.veih liicumo ship dunno the present unemployment crisis, astounding economies ve roxran o(n-n<-J3) mca leii by Mrs Madrleine 1 »-45 A. M. Church school. Among t:.e .itjiioiij which com- effected, vvkich we are passing on to the first buyer to take advantage of tl Manufacturers and Dealers h« road the 6lh chapur of 111:00 A M Morning worship. prise the 1 cssonSerniLHi is the tol- bargain. B Str/ctly PH.. I rfuSJtOT trom the "Stew-' The district superintendent. Dr. lowing ir,,m the Bible: 'Blessed of Westfield, ire the purr in heart: ior they shall CANDIES A«D ICE CREAM DOUBLE will preach. Following the ser- s« God" (Matthew 5 8l. vice the Fourth Quarterly Con- Think of U-«ly $6250 f or thi. houae w»d g«»g<»^_in a fin« Motion d 86 Main *i. Woodbridpe Tel RAZ The IcuMin-Seriiion also iticludes AvenM—which would coat at l*aat ifUWM'' W..:i> j u • TP"^^^ i ference will be held the f>ilo»iiig /pis^e irom the l im (oldornitr Christen Science textbook, "Sci- " *** VHIW built and told in the usual enc:eiande |md 1He*hh v.«h Key to the GUSTAVBLAUM B|ftures" by Mi() BAer Eddy: Wh^will be the 6»t to take advantag. 6t tki. «traordb«, GroceriM and Proviaion* pm W>o«4 Jauh, b« to nod the footsteps of 86 Mhi« St. Tel 8-0843 t)ic way to health and holi- '* flMMtU Mrive to reach Woodbridge !» Wffct whert (Jod Is re- D. R De YOUNG, Owner and Builder, «pratr-(too« oi ill 70 Manhattan Ave., Avenel, N. I. INTERESTING STORIES FROM WOODBRIDGE TOWNSHIP AND OTHER POINTS SECOND SECTION SECOND SECTION Fi;ATURI S, THEATRES FEATURES, THEATRES SPORTS, NEWS SPORTS, NI-.WS


OWL ELECTROCUTES PREY | Rotary To Bring Famed Lecturer Here On BY DROPPING IT ON WIRES Many Comment On Queer Tower Which The owl ift pretty generally acknowledged to be & wise old Adorns Front Of Fulton Street House January 22 For Three Talks At High School bird hut probably nobody ever expected to hear of an owl wise frequently nsked the owner, Mrs, •n,,, i\n who kept the late WiU enough to kill its prey by elec- Kmily .Inrquot, who lives next door m They may stiffen against it. He wants ,m Howard Taft physically fitan d trocution. Yet that is just what ill. Ni>. 2'M\. pverv ( & wllil e he waa His message itself is elementally especially to talk frankly with the happened recently up in New "No, just a private house," is the „ the i ' y girls about things like "petting" nnd " i,l,nl simple. It is compounded of the an- York State. And it brought answer, "It was built about 50 years " K oHarkef ther Unite of Grand Stated Rapidss Or., cient verities and only of the ancient "necking". Some one may snicker about a short circuit that put ago by William .Lucat, an English- I \lirhiiran, is due here on January 22 verities. His text is a saying of Presi- at this point, If they do, his whole out all of the lights and dark- man, and a carpenter. He said, 'I iliree lectures, under tho auspir- dent, Garfield's, that to win to the top effect is lost. But his manner has ened the town of Canajoharie, want it to he odd; different from ,f the. Woodbridge Rotary Club, changed. He lets them see that he "Beechnut Town", just a few anybody else's house.' " ( nrnl stay there one must have "a in genuinely hesitant, that he is ,l1(. Woodbridge high school. strong arm, a clear head, and a braVe weeks ago. Well, the observer will readily •it I'hr Doctor is unique and any at- really fearful lest he create an im- When the lights went out so admit) the house is odd. Right up the henrt." He manages first to interest pression other than that which he 1( ,,,ni to describe him is sure to omit them in taking care of their bodies did the "trouble shooters", front runs ft three story tower, with wants to create. Their mood changes looking for the source of inter- little rooms inside so small they can- ,,,}, that should be said. He 15 a and persuades them that if they want to meet his own. There is not ffJaugh ,nu nf wide experience on the public ruption on a 22,000-volt trans- not be used for bedrooms, A rMUo to be well and strong they can be.when he begins to discuss "spoon- aerial runs back from the top room, ililfmm, and his addresses are of Then, with superb mimicry and with mission line. They found it. ing", There is,not a smile. He thanks They literally "smelled" it, for really nbout the only bit of useful- '','rh an amazing and inspiring rhar- the searchlight of wit, he reveals to them that they have not smiled. That .,,-ii-r tliat all who have the opportun- the cause of the trouble was a ness in the odd tower. The building •m the disaster that must attend makes it possible, he says, for him wan put up about 50 years ago, ac- j(1, in do so should hoar him. polecat, commonly known as a H|iy methods of doing their les- to go on. Bit by bit he makes them "skunk", which had been drop- cording to Mrs. Jacquot, who bought Barker makes no attempt at analyse th« "whole thing for them l>r •is and of attending to any other pad across th« wires. A> the it some thirty years ago. She never but he is a wonderfully in- sines*. The only kind of educa- selves. ti'ng and electric speaker. He workmen located the reason found much use for the little room 'ii Hint is worth a snap of the fin- "I want," he says finally, "to tell for the short circuit, a huge in the tower, except the one on the die ''punch of a pile driver" i1, he maintains, is that embodied first floor which is used as a sort of IIIM words, and drives home with you girls exactly what every boy in owl flapped away from a near- int • Thomas Huxley's definition—that this room thinks of you when you al- by tree, hooting dismally at be- storm door before entering the house illustrations the truths he 1(1 Ihnlling say, education having as its pur- ing deprived of its prey. proper. The two upper rooms, which He quickly "gets" an aud low him to do these things—but what the training of the mind and of no boy in this room will tell you are about five feet square, are used „,, and holds it, straight through p for storage by Mrs. Jacquot's mar- th to do thhe work they have to himself." He tells them. Then ,;,lk nf an hour. abruptly, he takes his seat. The whole ried daughter, Mrs. Frank Kath, Sr., j'nf several years following nis do when that work ought to be done girls were under any compulsion to who lives in the queer little house and whether the individual wants to student body waits breathlessly for be present. "None whatever," he told Home With Qukint Tower i.m.iiinoe upon President Taft, Dr. do it or not. He. shows them how the a moment, then breaks into thunder now. ,,lf hisnervous, because hijrh school stu- Sam Johnson that courage is thewere not absolutely true?" He hasdoes, not say anything that could of- MI Rotary clubs until now all of dents know more than any other foundation of all the virtues; he be-|done what he set out to do. fend the most delicate ears. He does More Optimism Out West, Says Motor Car ,|,.voted to them. |class of people i n thhe world.ld"" lieveli s thatht t it is ththe source fromf )I Luting Impreition not believe in sex education in the which all the other virtues must draw |, schools. He does believe in it in the the more than ten years ( Makci Them Laugh/ The impression has been profounc I luring their au rtin Executive - Tells Of Varying Auto Tastes Barker has bee-n lecturing! ()ne sentence onlv but it made the PP° K vitality and staying But will it last? Certainly it does not [home and his sole- effort i IS to indi- i ,.ii apices of Rotary Inter-| J& bod?o!? boyVaml gh-U >^W l?ower. This, he _ says, M what.. Gar- wear off quickly,. Most of the private the lines upo. n which it should 5 rock field meant by r8ve hear who heard l'eaple have different tastes in ing people want cars with quick pick- he has been engaged by wjth laughter. And he kept Gm \£ t "• He Dr. Barker at this first be carried out in the homes. than 1,000 Rotary clubs; has ... ,. ,- • • . hopes to inspire the young lecture in Asheville at the senior j Don't forget the date—January 22. autos in different parts of the coun- up and gear ratios that will let them -•«.- A^\y r? mmU^' before him t0 the conviction that high school were present that after- The place—Woodbridge High School take heavy grades easily," he said. •d ;i,7l)0 addresses; has spok- t try, is the conclusion of R. E. Ch&m- "They are not fast drivers in that ,-,.,- as with one deft thrust after another rv,p_tiop n:, rn hiirhpr nr finerPV when he talked in the same au- auditorium. Students at 11 ,„ .sno.U00 high school students; . d the armor of their re- £ ion of couraJ/uJm that to mothers on a mother's mothers and daughters at 3 p. m.berlain, , an executive of the Packard; r^rt ot the country but they want a 2 he penet rate at called Motor Our Co., Jnntiback from a Irlp^ar that they can hold nt ghout R6 •no.mio women have heard his ad- st,rve and persuaded then, that here ™ "™A»T™*into ? i"*n everyda" * y life, responsibility to her daughter. Most and fathers and sons at 8 p. m. No miles an ur ti> mothcra, and l,0lH),ul)U men ho might be one of in , / saying "no" to' of the boys who heard him were pres- collection or admission. The Wood- through the west. He also found op- h° 'n the open country, was a man w timism toward business conditions I. "Down in .fexas thel! want a «ar to his address on "A themselves, so well did he understand which might warp or poison ent that night when he talked to fa- bridge Rotary Club takes care of that eal e sllv hllh 's Responsibilit!L.MI4_y_ t4 *o« HiiJir* s Son.CAH " tne,i m and• s0 keeni..|t v ,yett so delightI i • i -. thpifw. more prevalent west of the Missis- ) » coyer the great dis- Marker will deliver an address ]| he able to satirize their ives. thers and sons about a father's re- that. They are bringing Dr. Barker fu v wa3 Can he do it? They have followed sponslbility to his son. I asked the here as a contribution to the wel-ii tancea they travel in that part of the 1 IM . " him avidly so far but now it may principal of the school, Mr. Lee H. fare of the community. All that they "OuOut in the Pacific northwest "{""tr{yy andd o it in quicq k time- where there is much mountain driv-1 They want the higher gear ratios Must Out of Life", at 11 a. m. seem that he is preaching at them. Edwards, whether these boys and ask is that you hear him. Th y t th hgh g t thm which give maximum speedpd; and ttheh y will deliver an address to women K,>jnK to be "preachy", be began to are much interested in comfort, for • A Mother's Responsibility to Her wm(j| l hhiis way itintoo his messagmessagee. An Andd long hours are spent in cross coun- lighter," at 3 p. m. and one forwhat a message it was. try driving there. IiuPn »t H p. m. on "A Father's Re- This in the story of the man whom Washington's Home Reproduced At Paris "The aesthetic side of automobile .,]i,,r.Hbility to His Son." All mothers y Rotary International during the past design has a greater appeal in Cali- an,I fathers who desire to be of the fornia. Particularly in Southern Cal- highest service in helping their boys ten years has endorsed ana who has gone out to every part of the United ifornia are the cars with snappy ap- -.mil trirls to a better understanding In United States Section Of Exposition pearance desired. Here too there is l,f erne of life's more important States and Canada to wage battle where the schools, for all their amaz- the biggest demand for open, cars of lunhlems should attend. the runabout and phaeton type and The following is a description of ing growth, admittedly are weakest and where the home so often tragi- lighter colors are wanted. In Murker in action, as told by a "So-called freak design is not i. ,v-],iiper man in North Carolina. cally fails. There is drama in the story of wanted at all, at ieast not in that It Slender Man what Dr. Charles E. Barker has part of the country through which I V slender, medium-sized, be-spec- achieved and is achievingg, in makingg have just passed. Apparently most t.n'lnl man stood on the platform of olld truthh andd loldd standardtadd s attractttt- people want the same good taste in i!,, Senior High School in Asheville, ive and inviting to yyoungg ppeoplp e their motor ears that they so much North Carolina, U. S. A. In the audi- growing up in an atmoipherh e satut - desire in their homes." imini, facing him, were 1,200 boys rated with jazz and overcast with the Butineit Optimum girls. Their voices filled the augloom of fatalisml . "There is not the feeling of pessi- imriiim with a low, vibrant roar. flow does he do it? That is what mism about general business through- h, nuin on the platform began to I am to try to tell in this article. It out the country west of the Missis- ik. Within ten seconds voices is not as easy a task as it might sippi which might be expected. The ere hushed, eyes were directed to-jgecm, however, to reduce to words lumbering and mining business in the ml him. 1 observed these young the impression which Dr. Barker Northwest has not been particularly good but from bankers and other ople i loselyv Their attention never, makes upon a community. It is not anilercd for an instant. Before the as easy as it might seem to find business men 1 gathered that a steady improvement is looked for. • raker hud concluded it could be(terms "which will satisfactorily sug- • n ihat they had almost forgotten geat the secret of his extraordinary Business there has been so organized ,•• presence of their very compan-, success in the field which he has that it can be accelerated quickly and almost instant advantage can be in- -i uied about them. He had turn-] mudo peculiarly his own—that af taken of any general imprSvement. i i IK ir thoughts inward upon them-. capturing the confidence and reshap- Above MOUNT VF.RNON, Wmhingtnn'i Home, Left, "Texas sees an earlier return of Ki-r, | ing the lives of hitch school boys and TEMPLE OF ANGKOR VAT, Replica of Temple in Indo Tin man speaking to this group girls, so that they are eager to hear China. Both Are Reproduced At Paris Exposition. good business than most any other :. lii. Charles E. Barker, one of, him again and again, and lend them- state. The price of cotton at its pres- .. greatest character builders in all selves to his guidance as they wil ent low figure is such that it returns .•• length and breadth of America not lend themselves to the guidance K i>-i mu'ts West in .mhitecture and in a small profit to the Texas grower and any improvement in price might • lav How did he reach the minds of even their own teachers or their at the Inttrnation.il ( olonial and Over- easily prove the balancing factor in i;! hearts of these boys and girls? i own parents. 1 ion in Fans, M spending more than $30,000,- Nothing Is easier tlmn fault-finding; i is probably true," Dr. Bart or students, and does it with supreme no talent, no self-denlnl, no character, UOU to show the woild the story of its material no brains art required to Bet v\i ln,the and intellectual progress through, the ages. grumbling business. —ltohert West ! United States exhibit, headed |= = by Mount Vernon witb Miss Anne Do You Know? -:- Madison Washington, great-great- great niece of General George Wash- Avenel Man Builds House To A CHILD'S HISTORY OF ington as hostess, will include dis- plays of art and industry from Alas- Relieve Unemployment Distress WOODBRIDGE ka, the Virgin Island, Hawaii, the S^on When Mayor Ryan called the citi- would be possible to duplicate this e*^t for a For Children and Other*. C as U S, Commis-.ens of the township together about house ,n normal

Early Woodbridge had besides its in November next ensuing." Dirk P. DeYoung, of Avenel, sug-time when it means a lot to them, I town court a higher law—the legis- Note thut the early freeholders proxSniately $300,000 for the pur- have produced something of value jto pose, i gested that work be provided by peo- lature or general assembly. Each held their Thanksgiving day on a ple of means, in the form of some the community, and will profit from town sent two deviates or "Burgas- different date from what we do to- The Exposition, Europe's greatest it myself in the end. since the Paris Exposition of 1900, sort of enterprise that would employ es". 'Robert Morfik and Samuel day, on Wednesday instead of Thurs- labor. Amotig other things, he sug- Defend* lnvettment Moore were the first "burgases" day, unit, .earlier in the month. will be a tremendous pageant of con- gested the building of a few houses trasts. Buddhist shrines and Iceland- "Although 1 feel quite sure the chosen, in 1669. They were allowed • At a later session, held partly in and pledged to build one himself to house will be sold before it is ftn- ;i shillings and 0 pence to pay their Elizabeth and partly in Woodbridge, ic fisher huts will occupy adjoining give work to a half a dozen men dur- plots. African Jungle savages will jished, because of the exceptional expenses per day,' about 87 cents. the assembly passed a law to sun- ing the winter months. This house value offered; if it isn't itl can be The towns sending representatives press "lying", or the publishing- is now nearing completion, a repro- rented and will return a giwd inter- were, besides Woodbridge; Elizabeth- est on the investment. Woodbjjdge tiiwn, Piscataway, Newark, Middle-^ People." Th vertising columns, and is located on township is increasing in poj town and Shrewsbury. whether the law was a success or eat, drink, visit theatres and displays in "ninety languages". Meinzer street near Manhattan ave- as a residential section, A\ The legislature met in the differ- notnot . Other laws declared rowdie* A major feature of this event will nue, Avenel, in what is fast becoming being favored more and moi ent towns. It met for four days in Other laws declared one of the nicest neighborhoods of good middle class home-owninar Vv undbridge on October 6, 1676. should be put in the stocks "for two be the first Colonial Olympie Games ...u,.n. u..,.. ...:.i,«,,* »oli f " TVn>.r ever held, with athletes from every the township. What Mr. De Young Why should anyone lose n»one"t Aiming laws passed then was onwhole e hours without relief.u " They has to say regarding this project to wWl built house, in a Bplendidl slating that the governor's salary were called rowdies if on Sunday tiny corner of the globe iji competi- tion. Other attractions are an inter- add its bit to the relief of unemploy- tiorv, built at about two-tMrda o should be paid in "good merchant- they awofe, quarrelled, or dra,nk li- ment is worthy of interest at this mal losts'.' Most of.the houses able! Wheat and Pease", with Hogs- national art exhibit, and a great In- quor. formltton Hall where American bust- time. sold py the Sherriff are poorl heads of tobacco accepted if the Liquor LawL*WsI lu.Htp™ —-.- ....— „ T^ • ii housa-i, in poor locutions, or j town had no good wheat and peas. "Although I undertook the build- Selling liquor to the Indians was ness jmen and others may obtain all ing of the house largely because 1 that h»ve been over-moyt I Another set the aize of barrels, stat- declared legal "if great caution was, the information they require con- r r iiiK they should hold between 31 and wanted to give work to my frjends estate,vrtU * ' obaerved". If the Indians got unruly cerning the status and prospects of, and neighbors," says Mr. De Y»ung ;|2 gallons to be, lawful. th,i e man wh\ o solIdi the.1 m. i.th1 e iifirewater ^»...„!.„_ altill niriiiiuagoverseaOs marketsmUT Ifrf-ITH . ' T e "1 feel sure that it haa been a go- was to bDe nnefineda a2u0 snm.i.shillingsKB, «o•r ?v»"abou-t ^ . Exposition, then, will be a Thanksgiving Day business venture too. it has' bt A Thanksgiving day proclamation I&.00 None but keepers of "ordinar-' dramatic refutation of Kipling a fam- ies" as Uverna were called, could, oua "Never the twain-shall meet . worked out on pretty much of a. was issued by the legislature reading operative basis all around, wi" us follows: '"Whereas there has been sell liquor and the price they could Paris offers a true meeting of Orient . T._ A _ -_J_!.~_».*.l»-.i-«-MSM Uhiaivinan A

Wheel ind Woolsey |n "Hook. • and Sinker."


Not Hook, Line and Sir er," nh at the Majestic Ttn;; Lowest January _' Thursday said to 1 , tre, b' the gr llert Wheeler and K«- i-rt W comedy to date, but ntain more varied ar. rtainment than any fur nduced. Butter Price Ii i IT: its action Lakes place t! indoor set ever built, cimpletely equipped hm. troupe spent six «ni 1 hfi8 hilarious scenes. • terior scene*, the histi.i Id, California, country — ;, magnificent rugged beai,;, isited. SINCE 1910 All Laughs rld mobe and high 90C11 • nables. finest dairylondi... the butter known to million* of - necessitated using drama1 housewives everywhere for its rich, creomy, fresh- r- such as Ralf Harolde. Hoii, chumed flavor. !' mo«t debonair villain; N;i;, Moorhead, vampish beaut At the National Buttermakers' Convention held in rife Marion, with SO years' , . ii n"e in acting; Hugh Herlic Minneapolis in November, a buttermokerfrom one of il-known character actor, and - . A&P1*. exclusive shippers won the GRAND SWEEP- 11 r- equally a.« well known. STAKES prize. This is the year's highest individual M»ny Coroedi«n» Among the professional fun«t'-' award to a buttermaker of the United States. >h<. have contributed to this thr;l .nc all-laj?h.nic comedy-romam • What better proof can you demand of the quality of were Dorothy Lee. whose sense , • AlP butter? Try this fresh, high-trade buttw today humor do not detract from h. rare beauty; Jobyna Howland, Atim ... at this exceptional price. zonian comedienne; Tim Wbi lnr. v ' I e r a n humorist-writer; Ral;- c ?pence, wise cracking dialogn, • FRESH PASTEURIZED SUNNYFIELD Unusual shot taktn d'jrir.c :he filming of 'The Royal K..:r..!y Hr. The Royal Family" which smash'.-: by comparison, an edifice of unim- the records of Broadway a season coffees grown at very attractive prices. And these reductions pressive proportions. But it is ?uf- ago and which has since had grt;. ridently large to house the activi- success in stock company and tour further emphasize A&P's consistent policy of always passing ties of three feature picture produc- ing productions throughout America. tion units at one time in addition to on its savings to its customers. Try your favorite brand of "The Royal Family ol Broadway the half-acre or more units which dt-als with the doings of a family >.•• are engraged in making short sub- A&P ocffeetocfayl aLtors who have been leaders in, the:: jects. craft for generation after genera- Paramount inaugurated a new pol- .in.ng Ina Claire, tion. This clan of great actor'. icy. beginning with the making of .,r.en« at the Ma- known in ;ne Pla>' " the Cavtr-- "The Royal Family of Broadway." Fredric March. Mar dishes, are seen in a clever pr^senta EIGHT O'CLOCK by which this Eastern platit will be jestic Sunday. t.on of their lives at home where the brought into even greater promi- _ da;ly and hourly topic of conversa- A mild, tmootti coff*« ... Ihe cram of the .• nence. Because they believe that it ~ tion is the stage which the> !—.e - • is good for stars and directors to get! Kng and so gloriously domina1.. Santoi coffee crop. '**• 23 away from Hollywood for a while; March is seen as "Toiry," the ver am) to absorb new ideas in Newn ta'rilr "prince" of the "royal famil;, York, Paramount executives plan to uh'"'- mad capers, nerve-wrack:^1 rotate production activities so as tol -cri;.r> with women who fall in ]<.•••• RED CIRCLE give each star and each director at | •*:\h him, and other manifestaf. r- least one picture & year in the As- • • leave? :• BOKAR Royal Family of Broadway." which [ or KUCK1 and alL Mury Brian is seen as Ju!:a • The lost word l(i cofte« enjoyment... posMtt* ., comes to the Majestic Theatre on' Sunday. In the leading roles of this • Sred in Ut« tradition '.• ' ing a rare richnesi, mellowneu and flavor. Ib.tin study of the private lives of a reign- •t* a-iendancy. but not yet rriJ. ing family of actors, are March and -it-p into the show of her roothi•: Ina Claire. Other* in the cast are Hcnr.ttia Cro»man is seen as Far Henrietta Crosjnan, Broadway legi- . 1 a\rniii«h, the matriarchal grar :- timate veteran and favorite; Frank •r. a picture that will delight •.:.• EGGS • • • . . - 45c > i i.tc* of all movie-goer*. Price a y»or 09,0, 65c Chang* la prie*—«oc Famed Film Team It Now On Even Terms

Ernst Lubitsch has nothing on his Director Exhibits PURE LARD . . • 2 *»• 25c old friend Emil JanningT*. In an earlier day—about six years' Craft fa New film Price a ywor 090, a Ib*. 30c Chans* In prk*—5c. ago, Lubitsch and Jannings were one '• of the most'impressive teams, as ac-! tor and director, in all of Germany. Von Stemberi It Rar« Artisan HECKER-S. GdD MEDAL, PIUSRUtTS OB CHtESOTA Among the pictures Janaings made under Lubitsch's direction wtre the In Humanitie*. I now-faraous ''Passion" and "Decep- FLOUR .... tion." About the art ot Jo*ef Von SUIT Then Lubiuch »came to Amer:,» • •• rp. director of '"The Blue An|f. •rice 0 yaoi 090, $1.15. Chang* ta |»riw «6c and attained fame as a director •' -hich opens Saturday at the Stmi • silent pictures. He went Jannin^s Tr.citre there is no clap-trap >'• ; one better by s-howing his proficii-r.. y A: SUNKYTWD a* a director of talkies — wi:r.t-s> Tr.^i-d The evidence of thii rreat Gern.i: "The Love Parade" aod "Mir-te and American directors genius '-• • FLOUR • • • . 24M (b bag 75C Carlo." I presenting human document* in cr. Bu^ now Jannings has wUr.u his ii.an. ami each .- ent:rr!> d.rTcrt-nt luloid is seen the moment the _p-*.- Price o y»af ooo, 95c Chang* tn poor—aoc old uam-mait for prowess ar..: .-JC- ,11 type and mannrr v< fv.ung -'cfins and it ii apparent t-hrouK- JACK HtOST G«ANUIATH> WHEELER AND 1 cess in the new meiliura of Kr.irlish-; laugh* from the i.-.htr." EJd.¥ 1 i,ne, this astoniihinf^y powereful prod - speaking sudible films. FC-T he has who directtd "Huok, L:Et and ^ink- SUGAR • • • 5 ib eonon »od 25c made has nm talkie, in English, " U Perhaps the mo»t poignant >' "The BJuf Arurel" which rcmes to; W0015EYARE ample of the Von Steinberg *rl Prk*/^ r*ot ago, $fos. a/ c Chang* b pric* *c are a the Strand Theatre tomorrow foi' non <>f th«. __.„,.., -w.,^. the clajiroom .scene in which EJ' * j.even-dav run. : gttitc^t thing they accompUr. „ . Jtnnings. the Jniddle-agrd, pomp^'- WITHOUT PEER ttarn, it t?ecitts to ine, i> \?, ^actand righteous-minded teacher ruit v his youthftil pupils. that the con>edy burden :r :,orne Both Comedians Called Great- Here Von Sternbereg ihows us ••; STANDAtO 20 02 LOAF • • equally between them, and *.:t *U 7e i eat Team In New Uaufh their fun, no matur how r.otou*, very studious pupil; the head of u•• a ym «sjo, >oaf 8c Chang* h prior—ic there is a .-cm* of reaht::. Tfct cla&a and the teacher'* pet, wSu; spectator it compelled to fyl'iO* their the other*, naturally dislike inun^ ' adventure* as teiiiely a* thuagfc they ly He &howg us the humor, the »•- AT MAJESTIC THEATRE |I were dramatic bereet, althcugh in and desires, the like* and dulik-' so doinc, ht laucht until att ey«« and the unknowingly cruelty AT All JUP MAtKf T$ \ Bert Wheeler and RoK-:-. Woolsey f*im with tear* and be raspt for theae youa* people. He focu*e> tr Manufacturers and Dealers in I • art unique as a co&eriv i^ua be-br«th. attention on fintt this o»«, then -- Strictly Pate i • —^ t atighbor. so that in a nUt-tec""- UBmrMOy Ukmi CANDIES AND ICE CREAM c»uet neither plays foil 1 • -jtraurht" wt know that one u a saeak, anothc \ "Another thiae 1'vt ftoticid about U geaeroua, another u wiM. TV " 'for the other! |t h M a 66 Ham i>l. Woudbi-idx* !'<•! 4 I ID all the show won.i, the Radio ? i?*? ,.. ^. ^oo^y Men awitttml Van Sternbert make the cU*-- room w*ai real, and iu eharactr: true U) life. jlhii respect Other j* rs have one GUSTAV BLAUM both »en and iinti Tt>at makes The master-stroke of dir*cUu:> oBfTTEH-RAZOR mas who makes- all X'..B quips aad h comedy combination unique m mythough, come* at the heartr-qoak1-' • Groceries arid Pfdvbioai jtuHtm at ts« «^ix;iim cttmar when JannTngt, •»• a »i-i' Wbe«ler and Woobry, teen at th>tor " clam*, and the butt of all jokupe, g«e* " Woodbridge MOIAIC C&l iday 10 their UtrM rairtiMjuake, iidej td a third mW of UM union* porarily mad aad—in oac »p'Bt •'• "Hook, Line and Su.-er," staad Utt prtiiot* •» ^uZT iag out-try—delivers a * * to toe—sltnjiiyt pui^ after puach MM ami S»JIJ •rith BO fear and ne favori u W iha «rii atl IM % ; the fl.niou.k pi Mid ttwy ^^ word* of j w wbuHti ilic v, u a great gome- ait «f a k FRIDAY, JANUARY 0, 1M SECTION TWO PAGE THREE PARAMOUNT DUBLIX JPLGLIX PERTH AMBOY THEATRES IIPIIX Theatres MAJESTIC - STRAND - CRESCENT

HOME OF PARAMOUNT PICTURES! A Publix TheatiV HOME OF PARAMOUNT PICTURES IBRK 4-DAYS-4 Continuoui Performance! 1:30 to 11:30 Home of Paramount Picture! 3-DAYS-3 STARTING SUN., JAN. 11th Madison Ave., Phone 108 STARTING THURS., JAN. 15th


CLAIM MARCH tho gay, 'hid- IN \vn' lives of so people who live in the Sinker" spotlight. The a o r rics t, snappiest most amazing show Plumb Nuts... Busting Loose Again ... In The New- ROYAL FAMILY town! est... Dizziest ... Riot of Slam Bang Comedy ... A OF BROADWAY" Delirious Rib-Tickler That Will Leave You Breathless - - Added Attractions - - ... Don't Miss This Wow! "Discovered" with Solly Ward & Co. — ADDED ATTRACTIONS MR. and MRS. MARTIN JOHNSON EDDIE BUZZELL "College Hounds" Dogville Comedy - - Paramount News With In 'THREE BOY SCOUTS IN AFRICA* "THE LONE STAR RANGER" EVERY MONDAY NIGHT AT 9 P.M. COUNTRY STORE PARTY FOX NEWS "THE FRENCH LINE"

\ Publix Theatre A Publix Theatre

ONE WEEK ONE WEEK STARTING Continuous Performance* 1:30 to 11:30 STARTING 4-Days-4 Home of Paramount Picture* 4-Days-4 SATURDAY Home of Paramount Picture* SATURDAY Smith St., Phone 255 JAN. 10 Smith St. Phone 1593 JAN. 10 SUN., MON., TUES., WED., JAN. 11,12,13, 14 Emil Jannings MAI H N DAVIES IV BLUE ANGEL" "The Bachelor father" With The years biggest laugh! The stage play convulsed Broad- Marlene Dietrich way audiences for one year. This picture will show at this theatre ahead of New York. A Powerful, Dramatic MASTERPIECE! 3-DAYS-3 THURS., FRL, SAT., JAN, 15, 16, 17 Write your own superlatives! After you've been thrilled to the very bottom of your soul by a truly GREAT picture! A new, tremendous Jan- \ nings in his first talking picture! A more devas- tating Dietrich than even "Morocco1' showed "OH, FOR A you! . v With


BURNS AND ALLEN Iftta In "PULLING A BONE" IS. Gioe 0 "ACE OF SPADES" H. Wilson 0 Paramount F. Nelson, ...... „:..,....„„. 0 Total* 45 50 PAGK FOl"K SECTION TWO FRIDAY. JANUARY 9. 19"! JUST HUMANS By GENE CARK YOU KNOW ME, AL They Thought It Was A Joke


By (GENE j-VRNES REGTAR FELLERS You Can\ Spend a Football Game

ftuixCAUSCJCU/ ^

"So He'iDeid, l$He>" "Weil, M He Am t, Tbf/rt ftrttta' Somtthiti' QTCI On Where Ignorance Is Bliss THE M*M WHO IMAGINES Mt LOOK* UKl A COWPUMCWlR





WAS cuooK£t> FOR A

F^T-KI Oo;—Their'* i i crs.ps. IXw"; troot.ie— tier* STDuE AtiOT>l£fi-


FINNEY OF THE FORCE VJ Something Snoop Wouldn't Think of

0»* OP RT auaaovs UM . , ARE S3 &UME HOLVJ- y foC HtS HEATED CUiAfi AT DCCD wtct

FEATHERHEADS Fdix Knows the Description AMD ACSMT \4fc L HADN'T St£N NNG! AMD MQ. AMO MftS / VIAT WAS U5VEW PEOPtCI TEUME i MDS FtA"MEO-£AD'. UDNGNtC HtC UAlQ N CANDY Manufacturers and LVulers in Strictly Pu>» CANDIES AND ICE CREAM 66 Main al. Woodbridge Tel *

GUSTAVBLAUM Groceries «od Provwiom 66 M»in $t. Tel 8-004S Woodbridfa


Comnutrd Carapulrd Compatad KHMHIJ Tn Juljr 31, To to July SI to Joly 11 SHERIFF'S SALE I ".JHTTCK "f T»« July 81, lot Owner | OHO IM Omnrr 1*30 SatWy Lot Owiwr !»"> Lot Ownrr l»80 IN CHANCERY OF NEW JERSEY 1 F RCA ANNOUNCES ' I'CUNHHM ' nr,o(K R33 n Ill/X'K lUfl C BLOCK *4« C H Maple Ilrnlty •—Between PERTH AMBOY Ml. SI-43 Arthur It. Dun- 1I-13 l.uilnlln Orlirii 37.75 41.01 !2 - 24 J. W. IIOIIOWKV Company . . 170.a.1 179,40' I;IIT OIVKN ,„„, 91 - M Uifl- llonlty BUILDING AND U)AN ASSO- IH lip. lhe ham 85IV08 JM 12 11 15 ChnrlpR I. Btpimr- ComPfthy .... 2T, K4 CIATION, Complainant, and ISA- ,r of Tax™ 6f tho walil. lnr. 44 S2 47.70 BLOCK 84.'1I If ,,r Wnurtl' John t.nhro 73.74 Tt.ll 2« • 29 J. W. Holloway will hoi I i public »ll» ,1V, 47H Arthur H. Ilun- Wlrth ««44 93.11 Company .... 84.48 3S.U 107 - 101 Maple Rrnlty ants. Fi Fa for «ale of mortffHijed Ml,|,ll"""* ,.,! Municipal Bull,ii nI| hnm 47.11 H.90 23-JB ChnrlPa I.. Steuor- BLOCK M« F. Compuny . . 170.M 179 41 premises dat«d December 1, 1930. :,,,, , irri, 47.1 walil, lnr SI.44 110 - 191 Mapli- llrnlty CHAIRRAMOIA Arlliur n. Dun- 93.11 n - 1-1 Abraham B. Jnhn- By virtue of the above stated writ Ui',,"l-tlh clay of .Taaiiimryw , 1931, attw" htiin n. (ta 2«.4S «0 A House C. W. A. «on 11" Ctiniimny . . ns.56 146 t> 47K I!! • 131 Mnplo Urivlly • , I, In "lfl nftrrnf' HTcuttdrn 8tftnfl«r,i Arthur II, Dun- Huhn 403.31 4U.IH 15 - H B,lwarcl O, John- to me directed and delivered, I will tn 4,'imipany . . 314 Ofi S2«,li« A now, compact Radiola of the " ' .._ In unllufy muni, lienn now In ar- ham. 23.06 «7 IT, \v A, Halm ?! 01 14 01 .,,11 17.25 19 KS **••" expose to pale at public vendue on 171, U.44 138 - 137 Mnplf Itnalty tuned radio frequency type atamt- Arthur It, [>un- C S - fl 9 c;. w. A. Hahn 02.05 us.or, 17-21 .1 W. llollnway ,„ „ WEDNESDAY, JANUARY FOUR. nn-11!* to cio FHI-1 "re Hilled below, llHTtl in 29 nei C'lmpnny .... 4310 Coinpnny . . 3Ofi.7S inir less than three feet high, for 20.89 131 - 139 Irene choran S2» S5 312.11! TEENTH, NINETEEN HUNDRED ,.,rrll)nl hy Inl nii'l block number III.O<;K «: K 1 Katlr Ilralln . . 128.32 3b - 40 .1. VI. Holloway convenient operation from an eury „ ,, thn Tnwmlilp Aa«enment M&p, 6-7 A. U. Nlrhola JS1.99 293.23 ni,(H K >nn <) „., ,,i,',' n 111 7IHO0 Company .... f>l.71 AND THIRTY-ONE ,.r»rrlnm:K with Inn «"' '« "IPH- Thnmm Cninplon 7H1.J0 1I-11A OhnrlpK I.. Steupr- BLOCK M« II 110 - 141 Irpi," Chorim Mil 341.14 chair, has just been made available H 14b • K,() Mnpt«> Realty At two o'clock Standard Time in tho |rlK ,(,„ nwnnfll nnm« »• ihown on , . BLOCK 194 walil, Ino 253,3« 2f,3 73 19-24 J. W. Holloway to the public by the RCA Radial* f>r.-l I" tni (liipllriilo. lnB«lH«r with the 6 * '!,„„„ Mli-hnel Halt™- 18-19 A. II. Nkholn 96.68 100.68 Company .... Rl 72 I'mnpririy . . Ei8.4ri afternoon of the said day at theDivision, according to an announei*- ,,nun( . Fra- C'tunpnny . . A2 6ft Brunswick, N. J, l»r'l ' refli^rtlvo pnrcplH o" "111 wl .'"lin HMIack .. 1.12B.45 wdlcj, Inc 132.6(1 139.11 .ler 48.51 171 - 172 Maple Itenlty local radio dealer of 76 Main street, 1 j,» All the following tract or parcel of nidkn the amnuntn f ' I1I,I»K 534 A BLOCK HIM A 2! - 29 J. W. Holloway Onmpntiy . . 1,321.47 ( M Woodbridge. II Hi' 1.1B4.J7 hind and premises hereinafter parti- ii lust the eftme on I "Ion Takare 87H.2S 31 Itarltnn Truat Com- Company .... S4.84 17J Mnple Healty The new Radiola has been spe- *ii,l i"I ml), n* ^•ompuUn. m «»l°- Hit tonther BLOCK SSS 701.S» pany U.80 19 14 30 . 34 J. W. Holloway Ciimpsity . . 17.09 cutarly described, situate, lying and Inlprpft nn Mill amount from Miiild 32-40 Harltnti Trust Com- Company .... 43.06 4«.SI|179 John Tynnn Hi.97 17026 cifically designed for those who de- «U' Artl r ,;. beimj in the Townxhip of Wood- jniv nut H31.01 pany 149.48 1S«.4C 36 - 37 Clarence d. KJI«r»- l«0 - 1RI Heliekah Hull- mand a high quality receiver at Unt '" 1,1 of wlo. In a mipplemMitH column 41 Itarltnn Truet Com- 20.87 man l.tH.li l,4t»S.10 bridice, in the County of Middlesex "'will" ''.",;„„ ihn Mtlmalecl payment required B A 2 HOUH^I. and State of New Jersey. price, Mr. John H. Connon laid 517.81 pary 28.54 19 41 88 - J9 J. W. iioilowajr BLOCK tM R "Radiola 48, as the new instrument 8-19 Frank Hi,k BLOCK «O0 C Cnmpany .... 17.28 182 - 183 llemard W. Being; known as Lot No. 12, Blk. .• ,l unrein will hb«. .ol«oldd in «eteno t»»•»=» ntto» n 1,141.864J.1O7 , 12-1 & lUrltan Truat Com- 40 J. W, Holloway non 1.116.91 1.151 13 is to be known, embodicH all the (tae "',',,„ "HI PUMtia»h e thh e ..meme, »uW«cl pany 320.80 Company 16 00 17.64 Maple ltealty 375 B, Rosalia Heights, on a certain 8. Patric, ,k „ ••«Cnrny« Mi"1.. " 133.28 features that dintinifuish screen grid !'" rr "mption at th« lowe.t rate ol Int.r- lt SOI.II l«-20 Harltan Trvmt Com- BLOCK Ml C Company . . 194 03 105.47 nap of property of the Pepltone Real ,"i l'«t ""' Mr«« (i 879-1HJ Maple.llealty Decrees amounting to approxi- •""".'V »a.l<.» will be ciunjttt only to " J- BLOCK nin t, 1-4 Harltan Truat Com- BLOCK Wl l> Company .. 48.98 62.70 recently contributed to the tuned T .,„arrrylnn •>«« July 1, l»l». •'«*»«- 1 Jamea A. Berry 2 3n» r.S pany S«.S5 (0.20 31 - 33 Veronica Vol- 1384-13 confirmed after Oiat 4aU BLOCK MI ' BLOCK 800 I kociy 25.84 21.78 Company 88.51 «<) III ToKetheT with all and singular the radio frequency circuit. It is houMd "1K. i oin turn* and to the rliht of Inter- 1 JaHiee A Arthur 11-1S Carson B, Door- BLOCK M7 F. 1391-1394 Maple Healty in a conveniently srnall console cab- Berry J.noj.ss 3 righto, privileges, hereditaments «uid j;,,.,! ,,acti™ to "dfern within the Umt 927 15 l«y 411.(11 427.44 10 1- 15 J. W. Holtoway CnmpRnpyy S3.19 86 40 inet of early Enplish design blow- 2 Jamejt E Herry ti'i 27 g> >a 18-19 Rarltan Truat Com- Company 56 16 6M3 l appurtenances thereunto .belonging nifii iiy >""• c A LARSOif, 1116 Maple Realty ing the Jacobean influence, with a BLOCK Ml A pany 189.91 33 - 37 J. W. Holloway T.M or in anywisy e appertainingppng. Collector. 11-174 Joiirph J. Koff- Company .. 4.88 BLOCK 900 L Company .... • 43.10 46.61 BLOCK >M B BERNARD M. GANNON, special walnut finish. It will fitcom - I"1 '''• li':"'1 • V a«ri "*»n 1SI.4S HJ 67 10 Rarltan Truat Com- 38 J. W. Holloway 1211-13U Mnple Realty fortaibly into even the smallest mod- if 1*2 A 1KX Ham 8.61 l«.9t Sheriff. To .lulr 31. To . pany 12.94 11.91 Company Company . . S41.1S ern apartment wherjB space is at » Nieinon Side u r,, 11-lS Karltan Truet Com- 46 - 60 J. W. Holloway 1225-1228 Katherlne Buck- ,EO GOLDBERGER, owner »•»» HutUIr S8-U7 Helen Volkmuth 61.88 [,4 7n 66.67 premium, or make a welcome addi- 1 pany IS! 14 804.7S Company .... B1.71 ner 17».»1 $16.38. Solicitor. III.OCK «IO A BLOCK Ml G BLOCK 608 BLOCK Ml P 1229-1232 Ktthrrlne Burk- W. I. 12-19, 26; 1-2, 9. tion to the furnishinjrs of larger \ntnnlii nnil Uavlr>« 6,81 !24-2'jr, H.inx Nl«l»iin Horn- 43IC Antoh Francho- 3 - 4 Marlmua C. Mail- ner 1.04H.10 1.08S.67 rooms. •/IM . ' ' » luny »7,S9 Ifl2 II 44.11 IS 1,1 vaia ... 27.84 30.87 sew 41.37 37-1214 Maple Itenlty „ I'nklinwn HLOCK MS HUKK «41 O SHERIFF'S SALE "Senaivity, which assure* yonr 7f,l 4J*D Adolph Nawvllla 27.84 SO 67 Company .. 100 JS 106 ;:, . ,, 10 W Wlllln . • 10 ('Induce Woy- «'(' Mary Lanjan ,. 10.12 12.48 - 6 J W. Holloway 1240-1 Z.Ma Mapl« Really IN CHANCERY OF NEW JERSEY Ketting the station you want whelk n,,l,wnj- liulltlltllt Knn-1 1,052 U 10S0.fi 2S0.49 111 <>7U Jamea Capo .. 1E.0S 17,61 company 880.44 t'uinptiTly .. 1S0.&& U7.S3 Between Citizens Building and you want it, has been developed to I'nraiM! nlJK'K M4 BLOCK 6U J. W. Holloway BLOCK *M C 1 12 M. Strieker ... 2.(112.21 1,011.JS Company >••! 10 93 Loan Association, a corporation of a high degree in the new instrument. •'-.; I it CiTntrt tf! Realty 12 i: H.7 4"J<: Mr«. Lottie SUn- 1396-1,197 Maple Realty BLOCK BLOCK Ml n 18.71 New Jersey, C-omplainant, and An improved electro-dynamic loud- , I'Tiink Cnmolll 2.1.HI 28 1 K>n 36.88 31.91 Company . . 16.15 &B A. Hurnc B66.TJ 4)80.70 104 tT A 11 Mm. I.ottle - 7 J, W. Holloway 1S98-1S99 Mary Cherry 13 64 16.12 JJohh n PetePt r ChristenaeChit n andd AnnA a SI, k nnni,'P S 71 41 BLOCK Ml I Christensen, his wife, et als., De-brought out by the cabinet in which (1.71 1! 11 13-13 Jam« E. K.at- III Jnhn I,yn,!h .. 19.55 22.H ("oiiu»any • • 31.32 34.39 H.nry 1. ll«ni>y Inn 462.J4 47I.5S Mr«. tttpjihen Poraa- - 10 J, W. Holloway fendants. Fi Fa for sale of mort- it is enclosed, provides real and lif«s- H.CK 1J.0 91.26 BL1X-K »M D Cnkiiowli 14 Mm. .1,,,,,. l.onir 276.28 H7.28 •ewekl I9;s5 CmpCompanyy .... RS. 19 1127-1128 Maple Hp»lty gaged premises dated December R, like reproduction." llnlin-lir Improve 18 Mm, .linn. !... 11 n gun.93 1,020.57 49 Chaa. B. Boyd, 383.34 414C Mm, |.;i|z S.M ('ompatiy .. 36B.47 1930. Other improvements incorporated ,: L.-. i, i c.mliany IIUICK MM Jr 6.43 lHh-1143 Mnple IttHlty 111,01 K S "r"m" 17.30 By virtue of the above stated writ in the new receiver are a new hori- 3 & Houae Miuy I), Val- HUH K 813 BLOCK M7 J Comimny .. 1,007.13 1,095.02 M,,ti,. Ii Tin- mllne . 1,334 50 1.I80.SI 346A-J47B I.iim 8 - 10 J. W. Holloway to me directed and delivered, T will zontal dial which makes for, ease in 2S.3 28.78 1161-1102 Mnplo Itpulty 7 I'eter Mi-jinpii S9S.2S SH.17 tlan NRIHOH . . 39 08 4430 Company .... 25.fifl Coinpnny .. 112.22 expose to sale at public vendue on tuning and permits the use ofl large, EntHl^hltn It'-Alty 10 Peter Mr-alii™ 22.10 24.95 347 C » Ii I,am airls- BLOCK Ml K 1121 13.6 UCB-llts Maple lti>iilty ) WEDNESDAY, THE 21ST DAY OFclear markings; and a new "com- , ',,nl|Miny HI.IICK MB tlnn X«lnon ' . . 3D 08 5 - 10 J. W. Holloway I'ompuny .. 224.44 Kali way Itnpnive- 64.17 18-21 Ch«». L. SI..UIT- 3&1C Hi.liort Mcl)i>w- Company 50.38 IILOCK »S« K JANUARY. A. D. 1931 pound" volume control, which con- I i><- ii c c.nniiany 7.63 wahl, In,- ... 2S9.«2 301.24 BLOCK 847 I, M.3 . eH Ui.OH 1101 Dnvlil Mnn- at 2 o'clock in the afternoon of said sists of two controls operated bj I ,\llp«l,i Vi'r.inl IIL4X K M9 A 9 - 10 J. W. Holloway drl 263.59 day at the Sheriff's Office in the City , \ll,<'i-tu an'l An- 1 Chan. L. Sl.,i,,r. III.OCK i«lty »•« 24 Cn»»lo Carpeiili-r 99S.56 2» Anna Aut.n ,, 3253 III.(UK M 778.49 '"'' ni.ock itiii c I492-1I5I Maple Realty Com pun)- .. of land and premines hereinafter par- accomplished without impairment of HUM K :,r,i IILOCK «2» isr,22 1173-I18S MHpli' Realty ,«,,,,, -s ,li 31.01 33 » Company 2124 27.07 ticularly described, situate, lyinp and tone quality. 2 .lofleph llnnil , 40H 57 4U.16 i-flft Anton Khlp of Woodbrldge, In the County ot 101B-IOH Mapli> Realty : Mnrln X»"ty • IS 2» 17 7^ st Hana Nklmin Com- 14l'J-li:,7 Maple Realty bridge Township, Middlesex County, 1 Mlddle»x, will hold a public «B.le at the Company . . 4H3.H9 ItahwHy 11,>|l,linn pany 27 ) 10 281.20 Company 68.86 14 Tai Office, Memorial Municipal Building, 140S-1466 Maple Realty IOU-1020 Maple Kealty New Jersey," owned and developed 7K«, 7S9. 7!>0, 791. 797. 7S"i. 799. 800. HI. *VH"1 Hana N'lelaon Com- Coinpnny .. 4C7.19 SOU. SOT. SON, SOS, H Main Street, Woodbrldce, New Jersey, on Company 73.77 by Anders Soren Nielsen and filed Ifll, l.anrna- pany 88 98 •111 the 27th day of January, 1911, at two o'clock, 1021-1022 Maple Really ill, HI!, 813, «14. R1S, MS, «17, 111, KIJ, «M. 12,0 lni-101! liana N'l«lan Kerlrt- IO4-1O7 Hana Nl«l«»n Cum- III.OCK KS3 I) < HIM, The parcel! to be aold are lilted below, 142S-I437 Mnple Healty Company • . 1.251 10 BEGINNING at a point on theM:;. 843. M4. 847,. 84rt, IT Mill %{*. m» , IH! puny 10fi.43 111.9S I081-1O84 Maple Reulty KIIOWTI on a map entitled "Mn|> of Axrennl MUM.- linri.fta 4,', J7 belnf described by lot and block number Company .... SO,70 85.48 westerly side of Cooper avenue dis- ni.OCK Ml I) Company .. 1.388.90 i448io lurk. Sp.tliin 2, WmxIbrl-lKfl TAwnnhip. M,ir> Hti'lilmni 17 71 12.41 aa ihowh on the Townnhlp Aaaeaament Map, 1440-1447 Map\ Realty 1 Marie Ilurop . . 4« 95 and In accordance with the laat tax dupli- 1412 Maple Ueitlty tant northerly 265 feet from tht County. Npw JiTRoy. owni»t' i,itioiinllnK to ftPDroxIniatply JII.- 111! 21.S7 C./.. - 13 Si 13-16 I II Thaynr liar- avriWl sale. Ivc Anan. S82 . 983 Jliiplo Xi'iilty avenue, thence (4) southerly along | p,,rtM,llrl,.,, tliprrtmti, brli'UKtnie or In finy- liilii.111* 734-73.) Mnple Realty (149.02 Healtr 1111 222.39 23I.S1 Salil parcels will be sold In fee to euch 3"i. 41 Company .. 020.20 the westerly side of Cooper avenue wine I1I.OI K 5»« € pirminn as will purchnHo tho same, anbject Ciiipany .... 32.30 984 - 9»5 Maple Realty 40 feet to point or place of BEGIN- llKRNAlUl M c.AN'N,IN, .Sheriff ,.; I Itti.tikH an,t Ilrookp i-1 J II Martin .. 69,12 to rpdempllun at the lowest rate of Inter- BLOCK 8A5 B Company .. C44.O8 COT.48 IlWIh MANDKIi, Holli-llor. 19 41 II 91 4KH-489 Majtle Realty NING. W. I. 1-2, (I, lfi, 13. »!!!.«• »-ll J II, T Martin HS.80 M. kiit not exceeding eight per cent, per 1,161.0(1 W. I. 1-2, », 1«. 23. 8 11 13-11 .1 II T. Martin H8.I1 Compiiny 1,122.14 6 03 Decree amounting to approximate- Miy II Tuny (.i«r- 17 J H. T. Martin 87.44 71.B0 ' HaiVnaiM win he subject only W> munlcl- 4»»-464 Hculty \:.n Coinpany .... 336.22 350.4! ly $4,930. HIIERIr'r'S S.VI.K III.OCK 331 E [inl 1 lens accmlnB after July 1, 1930, Includ- SHERIFFS SALE IN CMANCr.llY OF NKW .IKHSEY. n*- 16 60 5 lll.l.nnl Kver- ing imseHsmcntB confirmed after tl«t data 503-505 Maple Realty Tog-ether with all and singular the 7.7» Company 601.21! wi^en Citlxeni* Flulldlni: iind Loan Aiwo- ,•11 600.34 670.70 >30 taxi's, and to the right of Inter- IN CHANCERY OF NEW JERSEY. rights, , _privileges, hereditaments and Inllnn. I'oniplalnnnt, nml .Install Sm:ih. f, CO piirtli-» to redeem within the time 511 Maple Realty Kfalty !i <;ii«i,n-i- <:riiilen- 221.13 Between THE CITIZENS BUILD- appurtenances thereunto belonging t. ills. I>rfend;intv. l''i I'^a fnr Hiilr nf US Mky 547.15 Company .... " 12.36 7.84 fln-1 by law. 520.b7 ING AND 'LOAN ASSOCIATION, or in anywise appertaining. ,],,r(Kiif3& Maple Realty Hy vlrtllP ,f UlP utinvi- Ifil wilt to ine 11.11 II BLOCK JlSt F Janinrj- 3, IMI. AND GRACE MEGA, his wife, and Sheriff. ,v ill ,L x|inHi" tl* • I'linipany 331.61 344.08 (llri'i-tcil iiml ilellvori"!. Itahway HulUllnr 15 ll.inv I, Hiini Compiiteil Nereuary t*:ili. Fit pill,If,' vpnihle <,n 7 f.t » S3 To r,3i!-'t39 Maple Healty FRANK VAN SYOKLE, Defendants.IHUYLER E. ROMOND, r..ntp:uiy XI.II £62 16 T.i .I11I.V 1 r WKI1NKKDAY. TIIK J1TH PAY HI' It f,'ullipany ... l.,173.. ,a 1.-I19.7S Fi Fa for sale of mortgaged prem-i $23.94 SolSolicitor' ' . 1'iikii"*!, 13 Si .•J I.,.IIIS K.ili>ti.|ri 40IKS l^t Ownrr IU»U Satnlfy ,1.\NC.\IIY, A II Iil31 liiliTHtale 11-ally '.'3 AlitllMlis I'I-I.T- BLOCK H5» <: ises dated December 15, 1930. ,W. L 12-23; 1-2, 9, 16. 7 SO I1I.O1 K IUA -,40-r,n wm. M. Fink sr.n.ss nt 2 nVIoi-k 111 Ihi' ii(tiii w. M>'- Orr.-S'M Maple Realty II 11 14.17 .., 1,i,i,l,j,in . UI.S8 479 "9 100.IS expose to sale at public vendue, on IN CHANCERY OP NEW nn>l lirfmlwe.s horclniifl.T purtli'iilarty ,li»- CM. ,n.-y • »:V0.1 Company .... ir,7,17 Antnlll.i HI- 3; Sl-w , ,ti,I., . . . 323 ii 336.01 WEDNESDAY, THE 4TH DAY. OF i -B««™«n THOMAS J. MAJOR. HcrilnMl. Hitiiatp, Ivlmr ;nnl ItelnK in tin- "S Nulliri W. M'- 57C-577 Maple Realty NESD, N ..UK- , IS 65 16.0.) IIMICK VS2 II 41.19 Complainant, and IGNATZ GALL, 'I'.twriHhlp of WoiiillniilKe, In the County of Cln 11-v IT »9 Company .... l,lS5,t'D 1,227.0.1 FEBRUARY, A. D. 1931 M;H AIHIIPW Jtt, U - 7 (i, \v. A liunliam 312.29 324. S« i n '.,1 «l, in tli/, •irtovnnnn nf sniii ^^ SIS., ueienuanis. HI ra lor Silie MI'MII'^S, anil Stun- of N,-SV .rerapy. III.IK'K JU4 IC'-a of 379 Maple Really et als., Defendants. Fi Fa for sale ..,,,, .... I 17. U III.OCK 3SS I SI.9S at 2 o'clock in the afternoon of said K 31A-3IA Aiil !, I'.'lrak «'.*2 Company .... 11,9.13 IIUH'K 510 H,IIM .-iiu.-it...u. r.»u 62.91 Say at thh e SherifShifff ' •«()«?Offi « in t thh e of mortgaged premises dated Octo- JrZ^^:^ Zl'^r^% III.OCK HII9 GSO-SS'j M1111U' Realty 13 S,ui'll',,lt 319.82 312.14 Citv of New Brunswick N J " • I"1'"- nim-k :IT:I-K on nmp •••niitn-ii. "MBP or 1IU-1I 1>; - 21 Syclni-y ,ir.-.,n- Cnmiliiny .... flflil.5S ;, tl 7.SU l"liU:i,iwn ... 5'J :4 63.07 l,fi!)(i.04 B r virtue theabovt state<1 writ I; kl T rr 1 1 ll t 0 1 ln plln W M> HbOC'K 850 I) All the following tract'or parcel! J °f ' I '"' ">'. '' » '. '' ". .".". ' ." ' . ?- llf.iil) u Wlnt., * II.HH IC!5 1S3.06 c I . S3-JI 111.01 K s ;n 605-808 1UI>1« Realty 112* 13.6 ,U,,llr«- Ki-ir, 1.341,02 of land and premises hereinafter *•" me directed and delivered, I will 1 41 3r> Slinnii [,. !1,I,I|I1K Cumi'any .... 1.315.r,4 1.3GQ. (! r, , ------I - I ,in „ A. M"«. 11 :: 13 S lll.lll K ,%M 79.21 ecru, I'ITIII Anility, \. .1.. nwneil anil ilevel' « Hlmiin clii'li 74.42 61»-G2i Maple KnaJty '™.-5™,.,,- ^^ situate M J«|« £ •** p^ ve^ndu eoj^^ : •, ,,.•! im.-rHidi,- n»«Uy Jt; t 'l.tr,-n,,j \N . y - , particularly described, situate (ipoil liv Anilern Soren Nlelwen. 1111)1 K »«1 C,,m|iany .... 2,176.12 ,•„,„,,!„>• 1« IS 1.SZ8.S7 2.24S.74 an(an()) beinbeingg iin th the Townshi Top pof HEcllNNlXl! at a linlnt In the wenlnrtr Kiill'l . M70.G1 r, Marie V. I't'if- (,2S-fi2H Maple Realty TEENTH, NINETEEN HUNDRED 'iii r.oi 1. .\l.iiz|,,tle 27 34 jo 1 2(14,43 9i I bridge in the County of Middlesex line "f Illilgeley avenue, ilist.'tut northertT III IX k ,1M U;r l'«-U Cooipany .... 1,707.86 /••; i,nj M.ilvat.ir* nnil Ml- 2 Mm. llfU-n I',- AND THIRTY-ONE tliri'e luulilreil and twenty-five 13-M (erf rl Marie F. i • r.-i f- HLOCK H51 », and State of New Jersey, 1 2«.o 2.719.39 134.91 tht corner forme,! hy the lntern«r- r;iutl Atimm . 13.3* lUm^cy, H^t 2.»i68.441 (rr 12S.S2 841-612 Maple llealty d di ! ,., I *«: lnl..r»t,' > ' — «- Cc.niliany 15 27 17.7 1 John I'. -u.il- p 2; - 2S Jnailuln V. I:,,- r 1 n Um ce 1m the City of New . „,„„. BI. J 605-CE9 Maplo Realty : thlrtyfl (13b) f>*t to a point; thanear v,..,. 3«.22 9 Wm,- NBKIL. Ir »W.9O BI.O4 K IW Company 2,051.09 l'(373-Nr»n map ventitled'"Map of. All the following tract or parcel of; IT'. I7'j Inlriilute ltealty •lfl Win C. Martin l.l«.tij 1,226.31 5 Mm. (ieo, E. iBerklev Terrace situated in Iselin, lalJd ,an(1 Premises hereinafter parti-. Ciiiipmiy . .... 2'<1 !5.1 It) RaymiinO Ja,k- llruw 17 :5 19 S3 BLOCK 80S F 1 -,, .IMIIU'H It l.un,-M- 1,017.8S HLOCK Htl) SJ8-639 Wm. J. Ii. ' Woodbridee. N, J. Surveyed >» i.»r- cularly described, situate, lying and, 110 Aduinn 717.31 t,r 9.71 III.OCK ,1*11 II 23 - 24 FrnPHt Uoea- 1 w: S7S-I178 Sadie B. Thorn- Civil Perth' )H Jert'ltlluli l.ancaa- :l tnan "'--l 100.J1 1,543.58 in the 1,-r »'l 11 0 Aamit'latlun MI37.52 2,102.52 BLOCK All Kin 1,494.45 Amboy, N. J., August, 1925, owned 679-681 Maple Realty State of New Jersey. uvt-nue forty (401 feot to the potat or >0 !0l Ml'ini*. M. I,» V«r- III.OCK ,Vi7 1J - 13 Daniel 1>. Block- 1,602.35 1,6116.69 and developed by Anders Soren Niel- 17.7 N J l)«ll I HiJ.7! 1,161. »i v 5O7.3S Conapany known and designated as]or ,u, 16.:« 1 lock l" SS sen." lhe north hy lot No. 2fl, am IIUH'K M0 II I1I.4K K .".:>* Ii Amlvto Zillln- | 684-890 Maple Realty Lots Number one hundred and three 32.H5 Company .... 1,131.83 tile eat,l Iiy Hlilgeley aveue, on the houth by 2t M Int«r»tatp Itralty 3J-3J Th*». M. Htryk^r 4M.2 4 4^67.61 »ky '"•' ''•! 1.170 39. £)ecrees amounting to approxi- ... . ~n. i -j j . • 'oe i-a»,i ny ivuiKeiey aveue, on me nnuin uj I'iMiiliiiliy ..... 11.21 13.S JO 15 (t. u NOS. «« Strykrr *•> 43.SS nky 47.''J 51.17 4t*-4il Mnple Realty Cnmpany ... 413.15 4=8.491 Together with all and singular the map intitled "Map of Central Manor, and er>, an as iui,i down in mock 373-E om Davla * •• III.OCK »fil III.OCK Mt m p 883.98 464-451. Maple lioalty 'in Woodbridge Township, 1 •*'* " ; , 1,1™ •:•, Kilw.ir.1 W*bl> 5.61 7.»' I 7 1'nlteil BullJIng 686.SO B •il t.S Andri'W Kuiiilria II.»» 14 AJam Kr.'ll . .. 1.377.71 1,431.119 Company appurtenances thereunto belonging j A j Hei'reeB amouotlng to hpproKlmfl-tel^' ff,- 2TA Corp 49.13 4S6 Jlaple Hoalty January 26, ; made by Larson 00. 1,', ••', SI, I,K| , Hlloiiilol !7.S4 10.1 HI.IX K 3li2 HLOCK 833 Cuinpany . .•-. . 781.35 Hue.24 or in anywise appertaining. 728.23 FFOX . Civiiill Engineers, SiSmithh streett , 'Privlleg™Togethe.r hereditamenwith nil andt ningulaand appurtenam-er the » HI.OCK 810 I 16A J"lm Klnn . , . . '•"'- ** 7 Mm. Aniy Jen- 46 7 Uavjd Friedman 304.40 ai6il BERNARD M. GANNON, Sheriff. 8 I1 y 111 lt,m*< '>'Armlttl ll.!^& 14 33 lilt W'alliT J MM- kinn 23.82 2ll.fi 0 ZSt 20 866 18 4tiH I.vna Frleiliuan N |lii Perth Amboy, New Jersey, and de- \XS,T" '"^^ "' '" '"^'^ "" "" 11: 111 lin.T.lule Kealty Klu-r 'ton: 9 Kannle Jlunoii 15.15 17.67 4BS Harrj J. Mi- JOSEPH ribed as follows: | HEHNAHM M. OANNON, sherirr 42.11 10 Wm. Smith . . 27 4S J0,3« 307.68 1 m l E K III.OCK SliS chaels BEGINNING at a point in the " ; ' " - K<>MI'N'I>. sqii,.itor. HI.OCK 810 J 16 Kranltlln C. I-VIM!- Knslc Montag JO.27 34.JI BLOCK » W- I. 1-9, 16, 23, 30 ^ westerly line of Harriott Street, did- !M> 111 M.MIII,, Nlatlru 23-61 29.32 GO4.70 31 - 34 laailor TesaTy 60.63 rrirk «««•»« 397-400 Miple Hualty t8nt 1T-M3 Amlrpw lluar- 1S-J0A Silmark fhrla- BLOCK 834 Cooipaoy .... 292.« IM ruivrtpv r»c ucw IFP'SFY northerly four hundred and fifty 23.59 21 31 42D.9S inj len.,1 411.S7 fi - ti Annie Cunning- 401-406 Maple ltealty IN CHANCERY OF NEW Jt-KSfcY ,(45Q ) feet from ^ere the said west- III :,l! lntnr>Utc ltvalty Company .... 438.79 NO. 81/8 1S.&7 IILOCK null f 410.87 ham tin 51.lt erly line of Harriott Street intersect* ('uiiipuny 11.20 11-12 Maple Realty 407 Muple Realty NOTICE! SILK SALE Ili.OCK »«7 M2 ;-ll ,|,,>,,'|i[i Vitals 23.09 2B.7S Company 412.04 427.3! 76.74 the northerly line of Woodbridge ave- 10.000 dross-length remnanto HI.OtK M0 K 1 . White «na Helm, TOJ: ROSKUHE blKKNBAUMBIHENBAUM:: thence running westerly parallel 579.13 • Ill Maple llealty 417-414 Cha«. K. Sea- nu of finest silk to be cleared by 4117 ill inturHUtf ltealty Ine B5*. !•« Company .... 433 73 man 913.71 1 B V rtUe al r l!0.«0 J!! !!' f ^ ' , (i? SSifT I 'ith Woodbridge avenue, one hundred C.mpjny l!t 54 • HLOCK 0«» A" - !0 John 11. Mail- 421-424 11. II. Uuinon 797.79 mail, regardless. Every desired 235-S36 Iirnan U. Nanen 44 M 47.71 <"«••< of Chancery made on the 30th day I u aixty.fourtnd sixty-nine one hun- <2ii-4t7 lulnratcite ltealty ili-n 107.98 11! 7> yardage and color. All 39 inches C<,itl|inny .. H.tl 13.58 287-2S8 Joieph «! 26.34 UHD ,,- 44-3 flel.l 163-54 427-42K li»pl* Healty -,u !" Atlantic Highlands Bui ding & , f FrBnk,in Moore. thence nin. JT>-2U llaymonil llyiler 110-57 lU.za 72.66 143 Mureitret M. :4.83 • 30 Mm. Slary A. Company .... V»™™ > WoodbrWpe Av?; $6 a yd.) Or choose printed Crepe <«! llrnrr J HTanX- 101-102 Howard K. 161.03 6 - 4S Mae B. Uretn- l>any .... 167-27 nue one hundred and fifty-nine and Illl I.II Muntly , halgh (»l 98 S12.22 ,351-312 Muple «B»lty as confessed against you. i five one-hundredths (159.05) feet to Paris, Every wanted combina^Mi 129.75 48.41 li.l Interstate Healty 3U!-!0! Gill, (lolden • 12S:77 . 13i.fl III.IMK 835 - 62.08, The agjj (biu is flied to'j foreclose of colors. We will gladly send TM Heulty TBe said tiuu nieq to, lorecioae fc wester, ul f f Harlioit StreetSt; t l*'jmpnny 6.81 S07-S11 John J Uolilen 120.SS - 8 Angelo D'An- S6S-8S7 lU.scj a cer *'* a piece to look at. VVtjat colon 471 174 Intiirntute Healty I!LOCK MR A i-l21 Htfhry Ttioinp- 14-16 Wlllliun Gluikln 18-10 hulih 246.55 261.16 HI.OCK «53 K lin Moore, northerly by lot number H,III HI.01 187.IS HI.OCK 080 Lotj Seventeen and • Eighteen (17 1 - 41 Llnle Iinlaney 110.37 UJ.I) 28I-J87 Maple lualty 868.81 one hundred and four (No. 104) as for or buy from Ntmple HI.UCK file 0 9I-»« Andreai Thoate- SI 89 HLOCK 838 . .Company 874.»0 and 18) in Block 444A on the Mapaid down on said map; easterly by whole piece you are 427 An(elv Daman- •on »«•»• 307-80* Hana Henilrlfk- 3 - 24 Roaalie Pur- 1,314.7« 1.369.07 of Ausonia Manor in the Township Harriott Street. fore deciding. W nina & Uulaeppe »7-«S Arnold Thoile- 24.1111 pur* 182.77 129.51 of Woodbridge, County of Middlesex Flore U.4J 1S.T8 .^,^ 830 67 SOS to 116 Maple Healty ,on ... K MJ „ - !S Iitac Wood. Jr. 918,5! ; Also interest of the party of the your NeN wY York referen *"' Hamuel Dgvli 11,28 18.(0 Company 3,117.10 1,(48.30 and State of New Jersey. 7O.M BLOCK 88V first part in four lots immediately ad- -us all you wish to about/; 433 «4 Urael a. Sanda 11.2i 11.80 (11-924 John J, Golden 0! II 327-S28 Maple lloalty And you. Rose Birenbaum, are 4 - tl Iirasl A Rebecca 4t.4J 62.08 joining; the above described propertj- '"•tn9 Andrew J. Mac- , BLBLOCO K US 58.70 OomiMiiy and describe the ppfec e y 11.11 68-6969. Joaeph A. Bmlth 81.84 SS.I1 Ttl.on 54.85 J28-3J0 William 11. Wood- made a defendant to this action be- on north. Blroy 77.87 Blth 8 :, - it Bvn Buchty .. lt.ll 41.42 to see on approvalpp , Writ HLOCK tl« U 10-61 Joueph A. Bmlth 61.U 56.89 ruff 87.8H cause you hold an Assignment of a BLOCK MO Decree amounting to approximate- S «»» «»» Chae. K Smith 18.35 4107 BLOCK Ut 84.83 143-346 Mapli Healty „ „ mortgage which covers said premises. Send no money. To adverl 65 86 A House Albert W. Bmil Deutach DO 38 Company 81.48 ly $3,500.00. silk thread we stud you HLOCK Sl« E 1 1,421.4) BLOCK 841 Dated: January 2nd, 1931. 4iu Uoiirce c. Muelltr Outwater .... 1,I7I.1« 166.74 IIIXK'K Together with all and singular the to match free. ' , 21.11 71-74 Joaaph Ferraro 57.61 61.*«, ] - 24 Raclia«l CottU 118.71 SNYDERjA ROBERTS, ana wire 1» 68 37 - 38 Wwley Lendrum 172-273 Mapla Bealty rights, privileges, hereditaments and 87-81 Balvator* Fana- Company 111.16 1,028.07 BLOCK DID V 143.1 MacDonaUl .. 83 4* 26.24 Solicitors' of Complainant, appurtenances thereiunto belonging 341147 Juhn K, Wyburn lll.tl 141.71 ro 114.11 1H-877 Uapl« B.ilcy SI5-97 First Avenue, 17017 89-90 Win. A May Jen- BLOCK 84! CoinB»Hy , ,. . l,04t.88 l,0»S34 or in anywise appertaining. \ I. '" 158 John H. Wyburn l«l »S •JI17-4I Irvlni Brlacao 27.48 30 J5 Atlantic Highlands, N. J. HLOCK SH O kins 160.SI BERNARD M. GANN 8»7.5 11-13 C.hM-lei CoOD«r Ut.EO 174.84 694.19 71809 »»l-l»l Piuujualt Carall 111.07 117.81 96 Ester lnselberg 86S.41 D Fmnk DKilano- tlruitiberg . . . W. I. 1-9, IS, 23, 30. 'i» Uvvrmici L. Kate- IILOCK »M A 28J-21J Maple R»lty mo 82.08 81.08 •09.73 WALTER i. RIELSEY, ly Illl 18.14 131-119 Andrew Janlck 118.16 M»i paiy 941.Oi BLOCK Ml A 81 Ii Laro>< .... 10.71 11.11 ClusiAM Bring Results — $31.08 HLOCK ItS A 197.0 BLOCK »•» . J»«-!D7 Mipla Rtllty «27.01 '• Percy Prtco ... 14.H 17.11 4-8 Ray Davis 1W.11 1 Walter Dardell 10.17 74.84 CCompany! .. W. I. 12-23; 1-2, 9, J^ •'. 4 BLOCK Ml 181-189 Simon H . CCoup- W I " Ii Mary UlUm .... 101.(7 107 97 ' (i.D .lohri W. B»l- "-U Harry LeVlneon 101,68 8-9 a W A. Halm 8106 lanil Ha 14 818 J7 T 108.10 »» 1) srl« .".... 111.81 1»5.6S ^" 3 Kit Peroy Prle* ... 111.11 18 HO G, W. A. Helm S3.U4 Kl.tl 61 S4 35 Chai. Wegler 111.11 ItT.fJ U I.nrein Flfnoll 141.Ii 6 . I Maple Realty > & 80-86 John H»n.- 88.45 p 11»S« BLOCK MM linknbwn '..... 81.78 660 7« •uu 111-78 101.7 BLOCK 84* A Company BLOCK tin 0 10A-81A 0. W. A. Habn 186.61 KovuU 42 4! 7-8. « Huuae Maple Realty 8 49-51 C. W. A. Halm 141,88 ISO.6 13 14 Iluilolph Kovajj It 11 Co in puny 7»4.0» 7(1.14 l-»! Jmoph Turak 88.71 (1.711 30 - 36 AUK 7 III.OCK BIB B BLOCK B8B drt'i .... \ 410.86 480.04 It Maple Realty 111 DO C. W. A. Hahn 1178 11.7 Company 376 311 Clurttuve H. Wey- 41 Ann Unhny ' (9.81 61.118 OF DISBAR >|WJ(W 0 11-11 Jeanette V, Hen- nauij 161.11 111.11 47.7 BUl€K 848 A> •ter ««« J. \V Hullo- 111.19 I. Gioe 0 HLOCK «tl 81-87 Edward Tmet Ut.i* tit 3 Andrew J. 'I 4 I'uit uf (j Numiaii HB.l w«y Co 108.16 WllJlH ittT.es !RMS, H. Wilson 0 "'"id. pt. or g 4 R Nor- "—| It-lS Charlai L, 8t«uer- 24 - 8« I. W. uiun H'lmlnlld 701,(I) 731 00 m.i .. 25.87 Andrew J. BLOCK 330 •* ill,!, 11 ID 110.56 nl.UpK Mtt U n.n Wight -" Lcvl Nlaavlta.. Ud tl 19t.ll> (IK CChariol t LL>. 8UU»r- U wuld. Inc. ..-.. llff 8S7 JJIMSK U«u. W, Uuddy, li.1t St.ti 1,673,118 mitmn NM a j. W. llull«*ay , •- 4*w.«.,. 45 BLOCK in is It) CliarlM L. 8t»uor- Ciinpony , 10.78 ll.lt w»l*, Ipt: 44 21 47.7 J. W. HollQWajr 1 Fldollty Petro Oil 17-1* C.h«lea L. Stauor- i Co, n| N. j, .. IS! II V.44. iUC 44.2» 18 - 14 1,'h, Mfe FACE ST* SECTION TWO FRIDAY. JANUARY ?. 1 •1.1 • "•"• > News of the World Told in Pictures

Liberator Honored "Round-the-World Radio" License Plates as ShingVs

Among European Problems

:M~::; '' F.rr.rtr.

*'o:.:. -• •.:.;,: r.i> t::rf tro-2; uat To Be Dedicated »-o:li A Thrilling Spill

FTTTCErLLAXr—Ar. «i«lfr.: i::.:-. SJJO: :'. i. r>sJ but not JkiH ^n- SOM the Li»>ij3 ' 3-:>:>L.-?- :r Dezuai Bent- S:use; LCXJCJ &; F ri PreiJO* H»niir.5 tr.: r.j A Vegetable Diet Does This Putting Theory Into Practice She Wears Pants

Inspecting Proposed Site

:^ : :•: L:..; :,f..: Cuban Flamingoes Camera vs. Meen

s anil Dealt'rs in StrKtly Puie CANOJES AM) ICE LHKAM DOUBLE'S llain &i. WoodbridK-t T RAZ (oldorntw GUSTAVBLAUM a BETTER Groceriet and Provuion* -pr your 66 Main St. Tel 8-0043 Woodbridge INDEPENDENT FRIDAY, JANUARY 9, 1031 SECTION TWO PAGE REVKM MNEL WINS FIRST HALF CROWN IN RAHWAY CITY LEAGUE 'oodbridge Loses To Keyport Welcome Eddie and Shano IRISH CUT DOWN BIG LEAD TO After Belated Spurt, 29 To 22 - Rv IIARD1N MIHNLKY DEFEAT BATTLING ORIOLES V, n.r Sinrts Off W<>ll, But U Hammed In Second Quarter ( r,rnaKe — Show* Fight In Uil Half, But Carhart Boy* IN THRILLER, 25 TO 22 K.-fiiwi To Be Beaten — Vic Sherman Outstanding Star |"or Loser*. SCORE KNOTTED> 22-22 IN LAST MINUTE (I,, |he spot, and bumped off again! For the third consecu- Tut1 Avenel A. ('. lu^ki-Uuill team, staging a thrillinf l(. lime since opening its basketball s^son, the Woodbridge cnmeliaek, (U'fcjitod the Rih\v;y Orioles, Monday night al ,,|i , liool team bowed in defeat, this time, to Keyport at ttic K.ihway Y. M. ('. A., Jf> to 22, to win the first half cham- , M, it, Tuesday night. The final score of the game was 29 pionship of the Rahway City League. Trailing in the first. : ; Again, as in the two previous games, the Barrons were quarter, 15 to 2, and ut half time, 16 tn 10, the Irish, playing I,, k,.,| soundly in the first half only to come back and wind up sensational hall, practically won the game in the very last in a merry, fighting finish. minute of play. Prior to the tilt last night, the rival quintet* v ;r: evidenL.iiit> tVoJ al»•••l tha*»•«•t v thnile, fight"B1"" Inskc L**#l 3tiiid • , pWynl l.y the locals in the third Fallon opened the last peviod |,y, were tied for first place honors in the circuit. nk K a fi eld oa from thosi i ,,| iminn i,uarters was coming too !! !T l , « [ K of Handerhan and Pomeroy. TV hulf time, the Keyport pass-1 game on pcrsorials. jack Campbell L jiei.hed comfortably on the top- popped a single-pointer and then « ,o ,, The crowd ro,r,d and cWr- t™ P'^a ^ g™^ i,|, ,.| :i II to 4 score, with no idea j two poin^r in quick succession. The l in a wild frenzy. The Railway Mll|chey played fine ball for the lo»- I,,.IIIJ; beaten. The third quarter teams reverted to defensive ball, and cliib seemingly confident of victory ers, the former lighting bitterly hi ,., ii.-cl.ic- all'air, both fives bat- with .three minutes of play left, the egular "tooth and noil" score favored Keyport, 28-18. Jan- ven at the end of the third quarter, an effort to stave off the last attack [ii linn Woodbridge was iiutacored diisevits and Sherman scored from had not bargained for the midden ^W^ ^H.rf "wlXJijJLl period by a single point, 12- the field, rutting down the lead held h nnd furious play displayed by Having "on> the firnt half crow* ihe final stanza, with their de- by their opponents to six points. Pan- the llraithwaitc coached outfit. Two through plenty of strenuous effort^ rlicking excellently, the Bendemoniu- m reigned. Slovenz dropped bullet-like passes from Handerhan to the Avenel machine stil! has plenty i.;n licit boys outscored Key- in a foul for Keyport and the game j Toth resulted in four points for Ave- nf hard work to face in the secons ended a few seconds later. The fight, I nil with a little less than a minute half. Several of the teams, not ia Fatt SUrt as has been snid, came too late. nnd a half of play left. Score: Ave- the running nt trie end of the flrtt tin me opened at a fast pace, Sherman Start ml, 22; Railway, 18. half, strengthened their lineups con- I],, ini quarter ending with the Vic Sherman was the outstanding De*dlocked Afkain siderably in an attcmnt to make beW ileiidlockcd at 3 to 3. "Bay"performer for the losers. Besides In un endeeavor to increase their tor nhowingn in the Closing half of man, Woodbridge forward, leading the scoring for his team, lie Uad, the lighting Irish lost the ball the race. It is the general opinioa -'y !<, Tommy I'ickens, all-state center that the sparks will fly Monday ||,,- I. it.I in the early minutes of play.| Montague, Parsons and Houseman* II: Kahwmiy High school last year, night, when the second half of the ,l],i. nf Keyport chipped in with a]also played good ball. Fallon and nnd n stiii- at the Hun school this league is opened with the Avend ( il.l. .liiker, while Slovenz added I Walling were the stars for the win- sinsiin. The lithe, red-thatched passers again mixing it with the fiml in put the Carhart coached ners. Fallon was hitrh scorer of the pliiyer sunk two double-deckers from Orioles. The remainder of the i.iiiliiniitiiin on top, 3-1. Near the,game with four field goals and a Ins nwn foul line in quick succession, schedule has not, as yet been draw* ii.| of the period, Vic Sherman slith- foul. t» knot the count, 22-22. Pande- up. ,,.I iliiwn the floor and bounced in I WOODBRIDGE H. S. (22) tnoniiim reigned. Only 40 seconds The box score: twin pointer to knot things up. | (;. f. FT. T. of play left! I AVENEL A. C. (28) The Blow Montague, rf 12 2 4 Frank Wukovets, sterling Avenel G. T. Starting off with a withering at- Houseman, If 0 i inter, who had hitherto confined his Pomeroy, rf 1 0 1 U. If in the second chukka, the Key- Campbell, c, rf 2 I play to defensive work, attempted Toth~ ' , If 5 2 12 it club hammered Woodbridge per- Lee, c, rg 0 j to in oak the tie on a dribble-in. shot.,..„... Wukovets, c 0 2 Z tintly, scoring time after time and Sherman, rg 2 1'ickens was called for holding as the'Handcrhan, rg 2 2 I pi mtrating the rather wabbly de- Jandrisevits, rg, rf 1 bull left Wukovets' hands. The Ave- Jaeger, lg 1 1 s MM' (if the Barrons. Bottled effect- Parsons. Ig 1 iirl pivot man sank the single point- ely, Wiuidhridge managed to wrorej er to give his club the narrowest of 9 7 pnly a .tingle point in the quarter, 7 8 14 22 margins. RAHWAY ORIOLES (22) being a foul by Parsons. Fallon H. S. (29) The fans quieted. What was this? G. F. T. Man IT were the leading ppoint- G. F. FT. T. What was happening? The under- Mulchey, rf 2 S j for Keyport in the short car- Walling, rf 2 12 5 dogs were doing all the biting. It Yarnell, If 1 t nage that ended with the South Jer- Kennedy, rf 0 wns almost unreal, totally unexpect- Walter, If 0 1 fcty boys on the long end of a 14 toMaurer, If ..... 3 ed. The timer raised his hand to endPickens, c 4 s tally. Beasick, If 0 La Morte, rg the game. Pomeroy, receiving the 4 Counter Attack Fallon, t (C) 4 Thorn, lg COACU-ASHE tap from Wukovets, shot a flip to t What lookeooked like an impendinimpending MMount, c 0 "Mickey Mouse" Toth who sank a (luissacie was turned into a hot ba»- Hyer, rg. c 1 field goal as the final whistle blew, 10 2 21 kit ball name when Woodbridge open-J Stoney, rg 0 giving Avenel the game, 25-22. up with a slashing attack in the Slovenz, lg 2 Baffled jtliinl i|inirter. Countering point for Wallace. Ig 0 u t ^ _ . In the opening half of the game, i.int with the Keyport courtmen. the TT "7 77 17 With "The~resignatTon "of Arnold"gon in "the finale of his var«it\ ea-Till'i not toi him to aiKicve a mir- the township club, outsmarted and SECONDS TROUNCED .ah kept the fans on edge. This 12 r asK Harvard's football coach reer. Casey coached at Union College '«•«« ™*t "fas.in by petting his team outplayed, played rather ragged ball •..< more like it. In one spirited rally. Score by <,uarten: "" »"'" " v««»«» ™" '""«=" •-•• -,n,.y ,»«> ,,,u ,., .on,,, ,„•„•„• •-- 7t V,ont..T,rt<'r role. 'Uke Casey, The Orioles ran up a fifteen-point 1 1 lh ¥ •hich lasted three or four minuted, WoodbridKc 3 111 7—22 i" ' ' appointment of Eddie Casey in Ohio and at Tufts before becom- ..Shan,,i, is a uoston boy who starred lead in the opening stanza, while the BY KEYPORT, 25-11 •II' Hm-runs scored nine points in »uc- Keyport 3 11 12 3—29 as hi« successor, many regretted the ing Harvard's freshman coach in f01. years in the old New England Irish scored only a single field goal. i -siim while Keyport was blanked. Referee: Fries, Chatham. Scor- ,,8,,inK Of the former from the Crim- 1926. 1.eague, and later with both the Red The twin-point shot, flipped in by Sherman, Bernstein Play Good li^piiit cut down the Keyport lead ers: \ e*c. y, of Woodbridge; Chas- K0I1 „,.;,) ^vw but even morc pi.o. Yale's yearlings have never beaten and White Sox. Bill Handerhan, seemed to electrify -even points, but Slovenz and kowitz, of Keyport. Timers: Cac- n(mil,-ed j« t|H. elation over the pro- their Crmison rivals since then. Har- Collins succeeds Charles "Heinie" the Braithwnite players. Coming Ball, Biit Scrubs Fail To of jM.un-.-i- added baskets as the quarter ciola, of Woodbridge; Sacks, of moti,,n of the former Natick High, vard men feel that their varsity Wagner who, like many others, tried late in the quarter, it seemed to in- Even Threaten. HI.led, making the score 20 to l'i in Keyport. Tune of quarters: 8 min- Exeter, anil Cantabrigian bBckfield team3 will cany on that tradition in vain to resurrect the Red Sox ject new life into the team. From ..r nf tho Carhartians. utes. star. and that Yale will became more ac- from the baseball grave occupied then on, the Orioles realized that In a rather listless game, punc- (asev was one of that series of customed to defeat Under Casey's since former owners sold "Babe" they would have a tough battle on tuated by bits of comedy and gool Harvard wizzes that started with spell than the Bulldog was under Ruth and several other, great play- their hands, but with the wide gap playing, the Woodbridge Seconda Mahan ami featured such true won- haughton'• - -s or Horween's— • . ers morc tn.ln a decade ago. Per- between the clubs, it hardly seemod ders as Ilardwick, Brickley and While Boston football fans are haps, the veteran Shano" will turn possible that Avenel would do much lost a preliminary tilt to the Key- Owen. His varsity career was inter- pleased with Harvard's new Casey that trick. more than threaten. The Irish chip- port Seconds, Tuesday night at Key- SEEN FROM THE SIDELINESrupted by the war, yet he was a ter- regime, many of the baseball bugs Those who admire his baseball pedd thth e OriolesOl' ' leald down to sixport by the score of 25 to 11. Wood- ror against Yale in 1916 and again there are equally delighted that good brains, honesty, and modesty certain- points as the half ended, and from -By TOM BRENXAN, Snort* Kditor • bridge never held the lead, trailing: in 1919. Perhaps his greatest feat old John "Shano" Collins has been ly would like to see him perform that then on, proceeded to turn the 6-1 at the end of the first quarter, was his play when Harvard beat Ore- named Red Sox manager, and they miracle man stunt. tables. CONGRATULATIONS! No Star and 10-1 at the end of the half. The There seemed to be no individual third and fourth quarters were fair- Woodbridjje Township can now boast of basketball HIGH SCHOOL COURT star on the Avenel team. The scor- ly good exhibitions, the Bamrn ampioiia as well as football champions. Th<' Avenel A. C, TEAM TO HAVE BUSY FRIARS FRY FAST ing ability of Toth, who led with scrubs opening up with a little more AVENEL ADDS TWO twelve points did not outshine the ached by G. F. Braithwaite, of Avenel, won the first half WEEK; THREE GAMES marvelous defensive play of Wuko- scoring. Jost with three fouls, was higk Itrmvn in the Rahway City League this week by beating the Tp LENGTHY LIST Heinie Benkert'i Woodbridge LINDY COURT TEAM scorer for the losers, while Everdel high school pa»eri will mak« •fast and clever Rahway Orioles in one of the most thrilling led Keyport with five goals from the Irish Subdue Keyport Arrows, their fint bow to a home aud- Win Two Succewive Games By JUDGE CANT" SEE field. Bernstein and "Young" Sher- ||f;ini('s ever played at the Rahway "Y." Playing a fine brand ience tonight when *they face man played some pretty good ball a* 35-19 and Woodbridge Oriol- Leonardo at the Barron avenue Big Margin*, 33-15 and 43- did Shay. The teamwork of the ul' basketball all season, the Irish, as they are better known, gym. It will be the fourth start es 58-39 — Look Good. 27 — Want Gameg Here. scrubs was fine, but a number of flipped into a first place tie with the Orioles in December, for the locaU who have not J0KEJ131 FINE easy shots were flubbed. won a game as yet. On Tues- The Avenel A. C, fir.-t half champs In two good court games, the re- The box score: ' started the championship game in rather ragged form, worked day afternoon, the Barrons will Herding Geese By Plane Suc- i I . , , .. ., . , , • , • , of the Rahway City league, added turns of which reached this office WOODBRIDGE SECONDS (10 4l r battle Carteret on the boro too late for publication in last G. F. T. themselves into a fighting pitch, closed up a wide, wide gap i then string this floor, and on next Friday eve- cessful, But Costly — One twweeko more sca ps t0 week's issue, the Friars of Wood- Mayer, rf Oil in the score and won the game in the final seconds of play > beating the Keyport Arrows, ning, will take on St. Mary's at ,. 35 to 19, and the Woodlmdge Onol- bridge trounced the Lindy quintet, For the Book. Bernstein, rf 10 2 Perth Amboy. H3 to 15 and 43 to 27. Campbell and aitiT a sensational rally. , sy to 39. in the game with the Jost, If 0 3 J es The prelim to the game to- Keating led the victors in the first The tenderfoot who was sent out Shay, If 1 0 J The players are certainlv worthy of high praise. If ever Arrows, the Irish, led by Jaeger and night, is scheduled for 7:30 o'- ,- , , , .,'•„ .1 i -L Toth, ran up a big lead and were not game, * scorini g twelvtl e andd elevelven t._o round u,p. th...e. lambs o_n- _a western Blair, c "0 0 t line teamwork on a basketball court was evidenced, it was threatened after the first half. Jae- clock. points respectively. They captured sheep ranch, :iml at nightfall closed McDcnnot, c 0 0 0 Sherman, rg 0 1 1 bi.wn in the game with the Orioles. Mickey Toth with his ^i- was high scorer with three field i high score honors in the second the corral on T>0 panting jackrabbits, game, Campbell sinking nine field met his match recently in two native Aquila, rg 10 2 r ,. goals and six fouls, while Toth trail- RUTGERS AND NAVY goals and Keating seven. Oklahomans who set out in an air-Senft, rg 0 tcurate shooting, prank Wukovets and Cliii Jaeger with their ed closely with five goals fi»m the FRIARS (33) plane to ride herd on « rlock of wildjWalny, rg "... 0 jniarvelous defensive plav, Bill Handerhan and Ned I'omeroy fl.00'; E. Pomeroy accounts for Tl. geese. T Keating, rf 11 They succeeded, but too well. Cir- 3 5 11 I ' citfht points, BATTLE TOMORROW Wilson, If ... 6 cling about the river banks they fore- KEYPORT SECONDS (25) pvith their superb, timely passing all played together with thet The Woodbridge Orioles pn-sent Campbell, c . 12 ed together an enormous flock, and G. F. T- precision of a well-oiled machine. It was one of those games «(1 tougher opposition but once un Jackson, rg 4 drove the birds southward along the Everdel, rf 5 0 0 river. Here "hunters" were waiting der way, the Avenel club had little c ~vi_f c:w CcaLtna Hinkle, lg ... Schank, rf 0 0 anet rive 3eeKin 'here picking out an individual star would be next to lmpos- difficulty. This time, it was Bmith-, « — —' — in blinds, and fired almost puint- Stultz, If 4 0 (jjy I Iwaite and Toth who led the attack,! —New Brunswick Swimmers 33 blank into the mass of birds. Koefoed, If ....< 0 0 ; • • ' ^c former scoring fourteen points, «. F w 11 M-rb. UNDYS (15) 1 The fun was taken out of this newij. Smith, c .....' 0 0 1 lcked, as a logical contender for the crown at the begin- the latter, thirteen. E. Pomeroy ami, *-"" ror " Q "iar"- Tl. fmrm of slaughter, however, when the I Springstein, c 1 1 ae er i h w e 8 4 "herd riders" in the airplane learned • Leonard, rg 1 0 ing of the season, the club fought its way steadily, surely,J « r : 'PPf^' "1' ,'^J*1Ljfhi o v^i Contests with teams of the Naval; t, I UlcCc. L'ltirK IcU tilt* lUOClH WILD oGVtll 7 that game wardens had witnessed the 1 Seigal, \g 0 0 the top. The jame with the Orioles was a hard, acid test, double deckers and four, fouls, with Academy and Lafayette and an exhi- FitzpatrickKnight, rf, c ...: 22 4 incident. Oklahoma, like many other Smeads, lg 1 0 U the end of the first half, with the Rahwayans on the top- Mason on his heels with five and twohition swimming meet and water Cawy.^r...-_.Latanzio, rg - 03 U states with progressive fish and game 1 . tor a count of twelve. ,,i,, ™ . p lifted for Rutgers Camel, lg 0 0 commissions, prohibits the hunting of 12 1 2» Could picture the Irish coming back in a devastating si- poln ai nmneB arr e Us Sqore by quarters a ide of a 16 to 10 score, there weri> few spectators who in both games, the Avenel team ° f . " 1" ,^ — birds from airplanes, and the two half to completely wreck the smooth running Oriole conibi-1' clinch the crownth ine thskille Rahwa, speeyd raceand, Is th'iuacle tables tomorrows for a 4. 2Th toe 3 Scarle8 defeat t suf- 15 airplane pilots paid fines of $i:ir Woddbridge 1 0 5 5—11 4 G 9—2S The box scores: " it to ferc.tet will al t travethel handto s of the middies FRIARS (43) leach. : KeyW 6 nation. Those who dared to speak such thoughts aloud were three years ago in their last meeting G F Tl. AVtNEL A. C. (35) j 0 •en snifty "Pooh, poohu and Ha, ha's." But the unexpected G Tl. on thth e court,, apdthm e Rutgers mat- 14 5 0 4 )>!>ened, and is now baskjetball history. iToth, rf 10 men will endeavor to square matters , f , i K. Pomeroy, If '. 4 8 ' at Easton with the; Maroon who eked Campbell, c ..., • 0 18 1 1jJarrons Will Play Jaeger, c 3 12-out a la'» to 144 victory last sea-'Jackson, rg 0 Congratulations to thelteam that put Woodbridge Town- 0 4 llunderhan, rg 1 I ITiOJ^I , Ig .--- - 1- P on the map in basketball! 2'son. !Mayer. » 2 0 2 N. Pomeroy, rg 0 0j Assaults upon the world's ggO_ Hinkle, lg 1 0 0 0 ON THE OTHER HAND Icnman, \g 1 yard and one-mile relay records anan(dl i Zenqbia, lg 0 Nine Games At Home iiaithwaite, lg 1 2 water polo game with the Bedford I-et's take a peek at this high school basketball team, ; 21 1 43 — Branch team of Brooklyn, will fea- \ Witth thhe addingg of contest? with This leaves the con liat's wrong? Having been defeated three times in succes- 14 7 35 ture the natatorial exhibition to be | LINDYS (27) KEYPORT ARROWS (19) F Heton Hall and I*ng Branch to their total of sixteen g ( I held under the auspices of the A.A.! . schedule, the Woodbridge: high school seven of whkli will r" »i, and not having tasted of victory, the Benkert coached G F Tl. U. here tomorrow night. Waited \ Knight, rf 0 2 0 1 1 basketball players will have nine courts. The first of the will make ita bow before a home audience tonight,' Cohen, rf 4 S-pence, a> freshman, and Leonard' i;;?^ ,. horns games pn their string instead will be played at the Brf^ Marcus, |f 2 1 o'SpeneeSpenee,, a student at Rutgers Prep, | * itssjpatrickjp, 0 an el tg 0 of seven, it was learned today. Two gym tonight, when the local c(. in'ing Leonardo in its fourth start of the season. It is hard [t^ndi-idgei Dandridce., cc 1 1 3 internationaiil l stars, wilill l engage in a;^^anJJel> tg , 1 01 1 xg 0 games have been bookekd d witihh SSetotn fface s LLeonardod hihigh.h KeyportKtJ ' J<> predict just what will happen; and it is equally as hard to 1 0 2 150-yard medley race in addition to;^" ". " , A 0 I Hall, one to be played at either New- hold, St. Mary's, Carteret, Pertj AlU'iman, lg ... 2 1 Clerity, \g 0 a 5 | swimming on their respective-quur- — ark or South Orange on January 23, boy, Metuchen and. the two P .v what is out of gear in the outfit. — ttts i n a relal y •ncounter betweeb n thhe 8 3 13 1 27and one to be plajfed at Woodbridge mentioned will all be seen il In the Neptune, Linden and Keyport games the Wood- 18 Scarlet cubs and the li-epaters. on Tuesday evening, February 17. A on the Woodbridg« floor. T HetVree: "Stretch" Wheeler. Captain George Kijjac, Walter Ix'idgc boys played good basketball in spurtg. In Tuesday' game with Long Branch is slated for possible chance that one or Second tgame: Spence, Whitey Phillips, Norman Hotpital Patients Find AVENEL A. C. (59) the local gym on Friday nigl t, Keb- guides Ifffl be-booked, Jn&s H'Kht's game with Keyport, the locals started , off on eveni Kramer, Charlie Sundcrland, John- ruary 27. Both of the home games " " " ' '" '•'• ny Dryfuss, George Cronin, A Health In Game Raising is but blew wide open in the second quarter, allowing the heeier, rf are scheduled tu begin at 7:'.U { W *,Gro88, and Hank Drake will swim in lock. Jersey five to run up a sizeable lead. Then, in the final N. '^'l^™3^1* » the attempt to lower the relay stand- ...... Patients in Missouri'. s six state hotn ), 1, ards. Combinations composed of P'ta's »nng health and happiness in learning cleverly, speedily and managed to wind up the game \' 18 been clocked in record time earlier « new occupation—raising wild game. thrilling rally which kept the winners on their toes, j ® JO!i n ^ tMaon b Ooaeh Jllm(Mi H Pens and coops for raising pheas- JaegeraeK(!r, 0 10 R: in i-r.t '.;-.->. :f you have never as yet »»ve of hnmanitT that rsjne frr>m t,hf East ifllo the —that extra Power. c. \... •>..' :'.".-! •.: •••• '•'•'. suit yc>ur i&we. no mat- West a cfBtanr ap>. OkTion&ly and riKui.sr >.•.: hr-. O.:r Ooffe*« are selected by cait* «rpeft*ri)y there will b« aracue The Firestone Bat- ,.r reTrctx-TAJi'i\\c> &r.,i :r::,:r,(d dire-ct by u.*. from the :••( tv.j=iaT)d5 *hr will «*# and hear :'.r;vs: plsr.UiK-.;. :r ihc W;r'd. ••.f rr.ijrtity Fox Morieton* many w *_•: « .1'. queffon ]:*iJe incidents in tery makes starting .'- <•<. !ct :t t'f said hfr* and now lb tv.*t frtrj- ixcarrrnff in "The B^r easy. In cold weath- ASCO Coffee TTS.;," t>:f tr.i-Ft important 37c—27c 10c Sared on er with raw gas or - :'. ~k~( fliL'i't—f.; ». si. 27 'Brefk Colemaa," h d thick oiL You will boy born en the :••».:': who. ha? !:>«• his parent! and 1 always have that Victor Coffee 23c Acme Coffee £ 33c•oh:. ^>end? TT.-;{-?• :f his time "h? Indisn trtf? bT trhosi hi? is the aye of extra Power. Choice f.i* !•( haf b«-,r: a w-andfrtr. a for trapper, SCM;* i.ni "Kcnt-. O&Tr.flrn". m LOU ELLA i |« ! 'i t,"< po;n^T hfi-^d. played by Mar- Chur:*..".. arid also because ' j^Eggs ™' ' of :-.r.

\SCO F-.t-fn Porr OAc Reg. 25c ASCO O/t Preserve* 03 Oleomargarine lb ^" A 7»;:r j.tnp-rr Ari cr it: California Deliciou* . r.* tr. ]r.i.t* i JELLY =-10- .r.r t: rrit-K. h:rr. ^ ".hat «-*rd :r. t up Apricots Peaches ( the :Tr;press.- Cm\ ; :,f. fv M.s pc : r fCT.trol et* tt:< an .". h. Fui thi^ :« T.:-' «•£• 10c ^10c T-rr."'r; >.>.."«•? ihti 'wfie lip tar cccr^ S»urrRraut2 ^ 19° ;> t p*aA *i{rr. s:m:liar u h f.tp of tr'jr*. Wlies t.hf sfi.'^t ar.i "br In-' tr.fr d» is j g PREPARF FOR BEANS ARE NOURISHING k C lj J t^Flour u.L 84 Hal G Evtrt-x. -at,: u-rot* ti>e' g DIUVIXG Bean* ><• Ih 7*-fC 1 fi^ry ff>r "Th< P:c Traii." i* as an- ihpr:ty or the cic tnc: neir Wen..1 ! Dr>ed Lima Bean* Ih _12J-_^jc Gold Medal >* atic hi* cvniTjtVt \iT; --jflt af thf one FLOUR . ff:ti.t!Mfd ai"'.': »w of fTeat vaJn^ • !*-• r>:rert.c>? H'l.sh in maiinp to* C ASCO Cooked 'ASCO PilUbury Flour 12 IT, s.;d t VT: to John w'arne and ! k®®^ Ceresota Flour s.ck ir^r.i.... Tyront- Power fir.d D*rid Peas r.ol..r.- C»Ter i%'.1ili'O extra j.itytrs in j ATTERV iidilixTi to T2r lriuLia^= wert- r ',10c -15c 2 B» 25c T:;ycd in ir.ak'.Ep tr.ir tporMi: F A favorite in thousand* of homes. Fuicy Calif. Peaches 2 ^ 29c Bread C*lif- TOMPKINS TIRE AND BAHERY SHOP Supreme 1 Apricots * 2Sc 445 PEARL STREET 7 Fm«t California Bp WOODBRIDGE, N. J. Victor Bread ^ M 5c Prunes 2 TeL Woodbrage 8-1280 H^-d^-Ute Mavonnoise sr 9c 17c ASCO Peanut Birtaer i^b 10c^ 17c NBC Chocolate Susan* !: 25c White FUlet* of Mackerel each 10c Premium Soda Cracker* pk? 10c Imported Cleaned CurranU pkc 12c * § M" B POWER- LOIUG LIFE - DEPENDABIIJTY Calif. S< ASCO Fancy ASCO Finest f SWEET JUNE Raisins 15c r (f tbe f.rt-t K,v ;t f.eus«t .- cf rr:t--. v^n Calif. Seeded •*OL Si»ii'i !••.:.. - 10c Peas Peas f Lturt is prfrdiried for '-• : Raisins JA.11 SUr Cast ' " TEf ffIL-r"" !efcd i^eFiDe*t Calif. r 2 25c 19c - 23c ! The Roles in This Classic re«ri recruii iron. R.LO. 2nd ANNIVERSARY S . t>s;. *y ,'cii-e.pfc Ht.rpesbeijtf-r, if fintiEfet it ••Apj.-i.-s;' tsi T..w &r. £.:i-talking tiKTiirt 'whici t-i>iy i- ^t-"^ r» •: :vi.rtir.:_t- Kitchen Needs at Savings! .»!-•• ::• t.'.t R.K-0. Rahwiy Efcrt VLres.. in; rectut!;. ^^;ei ;: :. f-iiasy, ,lEr.narT IHh rtif IT. tht CO5UJ: : .t ftir.';; TODAY AND TOMORROW— Reg. ZSx Hurt G* AT. i;i-?tar oast wit assettti^a Sy or i>t;E*" . :i wi. : r. ?st >.;.;•?•; 5 - 26c lid •••v.ritt Ritr.trd Brooms I ^octal^ i.T.. «T. r>oy. Tuayf- the aij A.. en-r Wtrt Soap Powder 7c BUCKETS hit iierfi.riia.BCf of Erees*. stars- :. ~ '. •» :.. C BIG TRAIL Soap 19c I P 19 2 I r\J# JOHN WAYNE I i..v T-::.i'i Washing Soda 2 ^ 15c TBE CIEAT AMEEICAX VALIE

AKTO Extra Strength Ammonia .: lot 19c kASCO Breakfast Farina 3 ; ^ 25c fi i 1 Ch«p*o iWhi;t-f :" VT;. N.i'."" Crowe & BUcltwell * Mann*U4e Ik pg 19c , ;.tr 25c ASCO Como«a l»c "-'>>> . ': . :'FEATURES FANCY RED APPLES .. .._ 4 U* 25c first plaee FEATURE NO 1 FEATURE NO. 2 If you axe too busy to come yourself, send tbe children to your ne»rest ASCO Store. They will be promptly and courteoiuly •erred. for the fourth time TOlAfiLE A/ID THE WALL PAPEP Pmtt plpoe at tbe National Automohik Shows— a pntttlirw grant«d on tike h**i* of annual uln wit to again a* ard*d to Cbnroke*. Thit u Paulus tbr foHTtli ««n*co«th-e time that Qvn*olrt hat MON. -TUL—IAN \2 • Vs Oftoe: 169-19S ttta honor. And th» rrjuton Ik* in iu great cxempli6«) by today's Oknrolet COMING OPPOHTVJIHITY lav |»rlc«s NIGHT CANDY^-ffe VALUABLE PRIZES Manufacturers and Deulcr« in Strictly Pure ' IF YOU HAVE ANY TALENT LEAVE CANDIES AND ICE CREAM DOUBLED Piioa* «. •. W. FttnL, Mid^saA. 66 Main ai,. Woodbridtjp IVI 4 RAZ YOUR NAME WITH THE MANAGER. R.K.O. RAHWAY GUSTAV BLAUM MEW CHEVROLET ALL WEW f, THEATRE Groceries aud ProvUiao* LAUGHS 6fl Main $L Tel Woodbridge WED - TWURS. — MM. 1« - ft 1 LIGHThER IK -*tt* OF THE PARTY AVE^ PERTH VJiBOY 1 ASK AfcY ONE WHO SAW THE PRE-VIEW.