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Aug. 18, 1936 W

Aug. 18, 1936 W

Aug. 18, 1936 W. SKWIERAWSKI 2,051,534 STEAM Filed July 19, 1934 z?


Patented Aug. 18, 1936 2,051,534

UNITED STATES PATENT oFFICE 2,051,534 STEAM. ENGINE Walter Skwierawski, Milwaukee, Wis., assignor of Wis.one-half to Isidore Z, Davidoff, Milwaukee, Application July 19, 1934, Serial No. 735,981 1 Claim. (Cl. 121-127) This invention appertains to , and more a constructed in accordance with particularly to steam engines of the reciprocatory my invention. type. ?????????????????,??? Figure 2 is a fragmentary side elevation of One of the Salient objects of my invention one of my engine. - ? 5 is to provide a steam engine of a simple, light Figure 3 is a top plan view of one cylinder and compact structure, whereby the same will of the engine. be particularly susceptible for use in connection Referring to the drawing in detail, wherein With airplanes, automobiles, and other motor Similar reference characters designate corre vehicles. - Sponding parts throughout the several views, the O Steam engines, due to the flexibility thereof letter A generally indicates my novel engine, and Small cost of operation, are very desirable which comprises a crank-case 5 to which are for airplanes and automobiles. Another advan bolted, as at 6, the upright cylinders 7. tage of the steam engine over an internal com If preferred, the - crank-case 5 : can be con bustion engine for motor vehicle work is that structed from upper and lower sections 8 and 9, 15 the entire cooling system, the , Suitably Secured together, as at 0. The crank ", , etc., of the internal combus CaSe may carry a base to permit the same to tion engine can be eliminated, and the life of be bolted to the desired supporting structure. the engine and vehicle itself is extended as the Rotatably mounted in the crank-case is the shock of the explosions and the consequent vi longitudinally extending crank-shaft 2, and any 20 brations of the gas engine are dispensed with. desired bearings can be provided for the same. One of the greatest disadvantages of the steam This crank-shaft is provided with -crank-arms engine for automobiles and airplanes is the 3, which correspond in number to the number . For automobile and airplane work, it is of Cylinders of the engine. necessary that the inlet and exhaust be Mounted upon the crank-arm -3 is the con quickly opened and closed and operated in posi necting rod 4, which is in turn connected to tive tinned relation. ??????????????????????????????? the Wrist pin 5 of the piston f6 reciprocally Through years of experimenting I have found mounted in the cylinder ... The piston 6 is that a two-cycle steam-engine having positively provided with any desired type of piston rings 'controlled poppet valves gives the greatest effi . ? ? 30 sciency, and therefore a further prime object The outer end of the cylinder 7 can be pro of my invention is the provision of a two-cycle Vided with an integral . 8, the Steam engine having novel valves and operating opposite sides of which are provided respectively means for the purpose outlined above. With inlet and exhaust ports, 9 and 20. A mani A still further object of my invention is the fold 22 communicates with the exhaust, port. 35 provision of a two-cycle steam engine having The cylinder head 8 is provided with oppositely 35 poppet valves for the inlet and exhaust arranged directed inlet and exhaust valve seats 23 and 24. in the cylinder head normally held on their Poppet valves 25 and 26 are provided for the Seats by Spring preSSure, with means actuated valve Seats 23 and 24. The head is provided from a single rock shaft for operating the valves. With chambers 27 and 28 which communicate 40 A still further object of my invention is the respectively with the port 9 and the valve open 40 provision of a rock Shaft extending substantially ing 23, and the port 2) and the valve opening ciametrically acroSS each cylinder, having oper 24. Closing the upper ends of the chambers 27 ating fingers rigidly secured thereto and disposed and 28 are valve guides 29 and 30. The valve in predetermined relation for engaging the stems Stems 3 and 32 of the valves 25 and 2 extend through the guides, and Suitable packing can 45 45 of the valves, whereby upon actuation of the be placed around the valve stems. rock shaft the valves will be positively operated By referring to Figure 1, it can be seen that in correct timed relation. the inlet valve 25 opens outwardly, while the With these and other objects in view, the in exhaust valve 26 Opens inwardly. An expansion vention consists in the novel construction, ar Spring 33 is placed around the valve stem 3 and 50 rangement and formation of parts, as will be its opposite end bears respectively against the 50 hereinafter more specifically described, claimed valve 25 and the valve guide 29 and functions and illustrated in the accompanying drawing, to normally hold the outwardly opening valve in which drawing:- On its seat. This stem 3 is provided with a 55 Figure 1 is a verticai transverse section through Single head, or collar, 34 on its outer end. 2,051,584 The stem 32 of the exhaust valve 26 is pro Referring to the valve operating means, it cari vided with a pair of Spaced heads, or collars, 35 be seen that in Figure 1 the fingers 48 and 49 On its Outer end. An expansion spring 36 is are in their raised position and the finger 48 has coiled about the stem 32 and bears against the lifted the head, or collar 34. The finger 49 valve guide and the innermost head 35 for nor merely moves away from the lower collar 35 mally holding the inwardly opening exhaust during its upward movement, and the Outer col valve on its seat. lar merely acts as a stop therefor. Upon down One of the salient features of the invention is ward movement of the fingers the finger 49 will the arrangement of the valves and the operating engage the inner collar 35 and move the valve means 37 therefor. This operating means 37 in 26 of its seat against the tension of the spring 0 cludes a 38 rotatably mounted in the 36. The finger 48 rides away from its collar 34, crank-case 5, and the shaft is driven at the de and hence the spring 33 firmly holds the inlet sired speed from the 2 through in valve 25 on its seat. termeshing 39 keyed, or otherwise secured, As stated above, the finger 49 engages the to the shafts 2 and 38. lower collar 35 of the exhaust valve for causing 15 The shaft 38 is provided with a cam 40 the positive opening of the valve, and the upper for each cylinder of the engine, and a push rod collar 35 on this valve limits the upward move 4 normally bears against the cam under in ment of the finger 49 so as to insure the proper fluence of the coil spring 42. The push rod 4 positioning of this finger at all times for en can be adjustable as to length, and the same gagement with the lower collar 35. 20. slidably extends through a guide 43 secured to By this arrangement, it can be seen that the the crank-case. - ?.?- valves are positively operated in prope timed Extending across the cylinder head 8 is a relation. Changes in details may be made with single rock shaft 44. This shaft is supported by out departing from the spirit or the scope of my 2 5 bearings 45 which can be secured to the cylinder invention, but what I claim as new is:- i. 25 head. One end of the rock shaft 45, is pro In a two-cycle steam engine, a crank case, a vided with a crank-arm 46, the outer end of cylinder connected with the crank case having a Which is connected by means of a pivot pin 47 head at its outer-end provided with inlet and with the push rod 4 f. , exhaust ports, a crankshaft in the crank case, a Rigidly secured to the rock shaft 44 are valve piston reciprocatively mounted in the cylinder, 30 30 operating fingers 48 and 49. These fingers can means operatively connecting the piston with the be bifurcated, as shown, for receiving the valve crank shaft, a valve cam, means for operating Stems 3 and 32. The bifurcated fingel 48 ex the cam from the crank shaft, an outwardly tends under the head, or collar, 34, while the opening for controlling the flow of 3. 5 finger 49 extends between the heads, or col steam into the cylinder through the inlet port, 35 lars, 35 of the valve stem 32. These fingers are and an inwardly opening poppet valve for con arranged at different angles relative to one an- - trolling the flow of spent steam through the other, So... that when the fingers move up, One exhaust port, guides carried by the cylinder head valve will be opened and the other valve will be for the stems of the poppet valves, a pair of 40 closed, and when the fingers move down the first spaced collars on the outer end of the stem of 40 valve will be closed and the other valve opened. the inwardly opening valve, a single - collar on As stated, a plurality of cylinders is employed, the outer end of the stem of the outwardly open and the crank-arms on the crank-shaft are ar ing valve, a rock shaft extending across the ranged at different angles to eliminate the form cylinder head having a crank arm thereon, a ing of a dead center and to give Smooth opera push rod normally engaging the cam and opera 45 tion. tively connected to the crank arm, and a pair of In operation, steam is supplied to the mani bifurcated fingers arranged at different angles fold 2 ?, and when the inlet valve 25 is opened rigidly secured to the rock shaft engaging around steam will flow into the cylinder and force the the valve-stems, and respectively between the 50 piston down. At the end of the piston collars on the stem of the inwardly opening 50 the inlet valve will be closed and the exhaust valve, and under the collar of the stem of the valve will be opened, so that upon the upstroke outwardly opening valve. of the piston the spent steam will be quickly exhausted. | wALTER SKWIERAwSKI.