
April 9, 1935. R. N. DU BOIs 1,996,909 Filed May 7, 1932


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INVENTOR. 6272% AM Zeeztows 22 4-2- ATTORNEY. Patented Apr. 9, 1935 ...... 1996,909

Ralph N. Du Bois, Grosse Pointe Farms, Mich...... assignor to Continental Motors Corporation, Detroit, Michi, a corporation of Virginia. ; : , , , is is ...... Application May 7, 1932, serial No. 609,794 . . . 2 Claims. (C. 123-81) This invention relates to internal combustion represents the engine having a pair of cylinders and refers more particularly to engines 0 and f, it being understood that these cylin having sleeve means as distinguished from ders are typical of the remaining cylinders of the more common means. It is an each row extending longitudinally of the engine. is object of my invention to provide improved driv- Within each is a B having 5 ing means for the engine sleeve . ports 2 and exhaust ports 3 adapted to My invention is particularly related to en- respectively cooperate with cylinder intake portS gines having at least a pair of longitudinally ex- 14 and exhaust ports 5. Within each sleeve valve tending cylinder banks or rows, it being cus- B is a 6, and where the pairs of Cylinders 0 tomary to have these rows positioned with a are V arranged as illustrated, the 6 are 10 V arrangement, although the cylinder rows may connected in pairs to 7 by reason of have their axes parallel in certain instances, the usual 8 and articulated My invention is further particularly related to rod 9. - engines of the single sleeve valve type wherein Located preferably between the V formed by l, a single sleeve valve associated with each en- the cylinder rows, I have provided a valveshaft or 15 gine cylinder is given a combined reciprocating layshaft suitably driven from crankshaft as and oscillating movement in performing the usu- by Sprockets 20, 2 and connecting chain. 22. The ai well known valving functions of the engine. layshaft C is provided at Spaced points along its It is a further object of my invention to pro- length with driving 23, one of which is 20 vide a more efficient, compact, and simplified shown in Figs. 1 and 2, the gears 23 being located 20 drive especially adapted for operating single between each pair of cylinderS Such as the pair sleeve valves of the aforesaid type and particu- O and . The 23 is preferably a Worm gear. arly in connection with engines having V ar- and meshing with each gear is a pair of V air ranged cylinders. I desire it understood how- ranged driven sleeve gears 24, 25, these gears 2 5 ever, that my invention in its broader aspects being in the form of worm wheels. The sleeve 25 is not limited to the aforesaid arrangement of gears 24, 25 preferably lie in planes respectively cylinders and if desired, more than one sleeve and Substantially parallel with the axes of the valve may be associated with each cylinder and associated sleeve valve and cylinder and where the sleeves may be operated with movements de- the cylinders are V arranged these planes inter 30 Wiating from the aforesaid combined motion. sect at the axis of layshaft C as will be readily 30 In carrying out the objects of my invention in apparent. The sleeve gears 24, and 25 are respec its more limited aspects, I have provided a valve tively Supported by companion brackets 26 Se shaft arranged in the V, the valve shaft hav- cured by bolts 2 to the supporting structure 28 of ing a driving gear which meshes with a pair of the engine. If desired, each bracket 26 may be 35 sleeve driven gears, each sleeve gear operating formed with a separate plate 29 as best shown in 35 a which is connected to the sleeve valve Fig. 3 whereby each sleeve gear may be assen associated with one of the V arranged cylinders, bled as a unit in association with its related sleeve Further objects and advantages of my in- valve. Wention will be apparent as this specification Each sleeve gear is mounted for rotation on 40 progresses, reference being had to the accom- its bracket 26, a ball assembly 30 for Sub- 40 panying drawing illustrating one embodiment of stantially frictionless movement being provided ny invention, and in Which: and held in assembled relation with the bracket Fig. 1 is a sectional elevational view trans- by reason of the nut 3. Each of the sleeve gears versely of the engine and illustrating a typical Such as the gear 25 in Fig. 2 is provided with a 45 pair of V arranged cylinders, crank 32 extending inwardly to the aSSociated 45 Fig. 2 is an enlarged detail view of the driv- sleeve valve B, the latter having a driving lug 33 ing means for a pair of associated sleeve valves, provided with a ball socket 34 for receiving the and ball portion 35. The inner cylindrical 36 of Fig. 3 is a detail plan view illustrating the the ball portion is adapted to slidably engage 50 brackets for supporting successive pairs of sleeve crank 32 so that during the oscillation of the 50 gearS. sleeve valve as crank 32 is rotated, the ball por In the drawing I have illustrated my invention tion 35 will rock in its socket 34 and also slide on in connection. With an engine of the V type where- crank 32 to permit the aforesaid sleeve movement. in each cylinder has a Single sleeve valve aSSO- In Fig. 2 the parts are shown for maximum in 55 ciated therewith of the aforesaid type. Thus, A Ward movement of sleeve Bassociated with sleeve 55 2. 1,996,909 gear 25 and the dotted line 35’ indicates the gaging said first gear, and means for driving the maximum outward position of the ball portion 35 sleeve valve means of adjacent cylinders in said when crank 32 has been rotated through an angle rows from said pair of gears, and a bracket for of 180 degrees from the position illustrated. Supporting each of said pair of gears. Drepresents the structure, the cylin 2. In an engine, a pair of V-arranged cylinders, 5 ders to and opening outwardly therefrom gen a sleeve valve for each cylinder adapted to move erally above the crankcase structure with the with combined oscillation and reciprocation, a engine and parts positioned as illustrated. sleeve gear adjacent each of said cylinders, means It will be apparent to those skilled in the art for driving the sleeves from said sleeve gears re 10 to which my invention pertains that various spectively whereby to impart the aforesaid move 10 modifications and changes may be made therein ment to said sleeves, said sleeve gears extending Without departing from the spirit of my inven in planes substantially parallel with the axis of tion or from the scope of the appended claims, . the sleeve associated therewith, a valveshaft in What I claim as my invention is: . . . . termediate said V, said valveshaft having a driv 5 1. In an internal combustion engine, a pair of ing gear meshing with said sleeve gears, and a 15 cylinder rows, sleeve valve means associated with supporting bracket for each of said sleeve gears. the cylinders, a valveshaft between said rows, a gear driven by the valveshaft, a pair of gears en RALPH. N. DU BOIS......