Regular Meeting Minutes August 28,2014 Page

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The Regular Meeting of the Wayne Township Board of Education was held on Thursday, August 28, 2014, in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, 475 Valley Road, Wayne, New Jersey 07470. The Executive Session was held in the Administration Building Conference Room, 50 Nellis Drive, Wayne, New Jersey 07470. The meeting was scheduled to begin at 6:00 p.m. pursuant to the terms of the Sunshine Law. The meeting was called to order at 6:04 p.m. by Mrs. Laura Stinziano, Board President.

Reading of "Sunshine Law" Statement

Adequate notice of this Regular and Executive Meeting, setting forth time, date and location, has been provided in accordance with the requirements of the Open Public Meetings Act on February 7, 2014 by: Prominently posting a copy on the bulletin board in the lobby of the offices of the Board of Education, which is a public place reserved for such announcements, transmitting a copy of this notice to The Record, The Wayne Today, and the Municipal Clerk.

Roll Call

PRESENT: Laura Stinziano, Kim Essen, Eileen Albanese, Catherine Kazan, Michael Bubba, Donald Pavlak, Jr., and Robert Ceberio. LATE ARRIVAL: Allan Mordkoff@6:27 p.m. Mitch Badiner @ 7:30 p.m. ALSO PRESENT: Dr. Mark Toback, Superintendent, Michael Ben-David, Assistant Superintendent, Juanita A. Petty, School Business Administrator/Board Secretary, Christina Martinez, Board General Counsel. Regular Meeting Minutes August 28, 2014 Page 2

of 373

A motion was made to convene into Executive Session at 6:04 p.m. for the purpose of discussion of personnel, property, negotiations and legal matters. Motion: To Approve, Moved by Board Member MICHAEL BUBBA, Seconded by Board Member DONALD PAVLAK. Passed. 9-0-0. Board Members voting Aye: ALBANESE, BADINER, BUBBA, CEBERIO, ESSEN, KAZAN, MORDKOFF, PAVLAK, STINZIANO.

Convene into Executive Session - RECOMMENDED ACTION: X-15-01 -Approved- WHEREAS, the Wayne Township Board of Education (hereinafter referred to as the "Board") from time to time must convene into Executive Session to discuss confidential matters including but not limited to personnel issues, legal matters, student issues and labor negotiations. WHEREAS, THE Board has on its agenda for the meeting being held on August 28, 2014 on issues relating to personnel, negotiations, and legal matters which must be discussed in a confidential closed session. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Board shall move into Executive Session to discuss the above referenced matter. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the minutes of the executive session will provide as much information as possible without violating any applicable privilege or confidentiality so that the public can understand what was discussed and when available what the Board decision was. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the minutes of the executive session will be released to the public in an appropriately redacted form within a reasonable period of time. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the redacted portionof the executive session minutes will not be released until such time as the privilege or confidentiality is no longer applicable.

Motion: To Approve, Moved by Board Member MICHAEL BUBBA, Seconded by Board Member DONALD PAVLAK. Passed. 9-0-0. Board Members voting Aye: ALBANESE, BADINER, BUBBA, CEBERIO, ESSEN, KAZAN, MORDKOFF, PAVLAK, STINZIANO.

Reconvene Regular Meeting Minutes August 28, 2014 Page 3 of 373

The Executive Session of the Wayne Board of Education Regular Meeting of August 28, 2014 was convened in the Conference Room of the Wayne Board of Education, 50 Nellis Drive, Wayne, NJ 07470.

The Statement of Compliance setting forth time, date and location was read in accordance with the requirements of the Open Public Meetings Act and the roll call was taken. The meeting was recessed and is now being reconvened.

The Board reconvened at 7:30 p.m. ROLL CALL

PRESENT: Laura Stinziano, Kim Essen, Eileen Albanese, Catherine Kazan, Michael Bubba, Donald Pavlak, Jr., Robert Ceberio, Allan Mordkoffand Mitch Badiner. ALSO PRESENT: Dr. Mark Toback, Superintendent, Michael Ben-David, Assistant Superintendent, Juanita A. Petty, School Business Administrator/Board Secretary, Christina Martinez, Board General Counsel, 4 Administrators, and approximately 12 members of the public.



Administrative Summary Report


Good evening, I am very pleased to join you this evening for our first regular business meeting and I want to start by simply thanking the employees the community and the board for all of your help by making my transition smooth here to Wayne. I am very excited about the start of the school year.

One of the most important activities for the administration is to identify excellent teachers, bring them to the district, and make every effort to retain them. Excellent teachers make for an excellent school system. I am very pleased to note that on our agenda, you will find a number of excellent new teachers. This group of teachers joined a group of previously hired teachers for three days of training this week in our orientation program. I would also like to thank Claudia Olivo, Naomi Conklin, Michael Ben-David, Diane Pandolfi and the building administrators for putting together an excellent program for our new teachers. What I found to be even more impressive during the course of the interviews with many of our new teachers, I learned that many of them are graduates of the Wayne Township Public Schools. Many of them went on the way to all different parts of the Country, but they noted Regular Meeting Minutes August 28, 2014 Page 4

01373 during the interview process that their dream, because they loved being in the school system so much, was to come back to the school district and work as teachers in the Wayne Township Public Schools. So, that says a lot about the school system, and they are all able to give different examples, (Le.: I remember this teacher or that teacher) and how they were inspired by many of the teachers in the school district. That was a very nice thing to hear.

On the agenda, you also see that we are recommending a promotion for Lafayette School Principal to the Director of Secondary Education. Mrs. Liskowicz has a great background, and her diverse experience in the primary and secondary level, will make her an excellent addition to the central office team. I am sure that some of our parents are concerned about losing a Principal at the start of the school year, and so are we. Please be assured that the school year will start in an orderly fashion. No changes will take place, until it makes sense. We will have a good transition program in place for her replacement, should the Board of Ed approve her for this position. As always the priority is the opening of the school year, and the students. So, we will make sure that every effort is made to protect the start of the school year and that it is orderly and runs as usual.

Establishing district goals is one of the things that can happen during the summer months. I am pleased to recommend to the Board of Education a number of excellent goals for the district that will address some very important issues, and make the district a better place. One of the goals is related to sustaining change, building and mastering our changes from the prior years. Another goal is post­ secondary partnerships. 21st century education involves building partnerships with colleges and universities. Creating opportunities for students to pursue advanced course work while still in high school. Another goal involves our math assessment. Assessing our math program and identifying the best possible instruction materials, text books, and teaching supplies to help our teachers deliver the curriculum. Least restrict the environment is a goal that will allow us to assess student placements in the district and identify how it can strengthen our district programs to better meet the needs of students. Another goal goes to Mr. Ben-David professional development institute and the scale of our district warrants the existence of our own professional development institute. Not only will it add to the value of the district in terms of helping our teachers become better for what they do, it is also very economically beneficial move for the school district. Another goal is mobile technology to address the needs of the 21st century work force. We are going to develop a human resources app, and then later in the following year, if we do well with the human resources app, a district app for parents and students. Our final goal is leadership development program. The idea that every great team needs a great bench. A great bull pen, however you want to think about it. But in our current environment it is very important to develop leaders from within and make sure that they are able to take positions in the district as they become available, reducing the stress on the district, on parents, on students, with transitions for people from outside.

Some of you may be wondering why there is not a goal related to full day kindergarten. So please be assured that the district is very much aware of the concerns that exist regarding full day kindergarten. In order to get these processes moving, the district is already moving ahead with a study to determine our capacity to establish a full day kindergarten program. We have hired a company to do the study, and we should have the study by the end of December, which will allow us to consider this option in the future. Because of the cost of the study, the Board of Ed does not have to take action, and the business administrator is able to approve a contract as a qualified purchasing agent. The Board of Ed Regular Meeting Minutes August 28, 2014 Page 5


has also discussed the possibility of making the full day kindergarten a Board of Ed goal, so they would take action. There are some other possibilities that will happen within the next few weeks regarding that particular issue.

On the agenda there is a uniform memorandum of agreement. This is typical done in school districts throughout New Jersey every year. It is a document that identifies the working relationship between the local police department and the school district. Based on the great relationship the district already has with the police department, there is already tremendous amount of cooperation so the agreement is superfluous because of all that goes on already. I would like to thank the police department for their efforts and also helping us with the drill and getting the district involved in the drill, to make our schools safe. That was so successful a few weeks ago.

Some of you may notice on the agenda that there is a resolution on the agenda for a corrective action plan for an APA security breach. What does that mean? What happened, it means that there was a procedural error that took place with the alternative proficiency assessment this past Spring. So what does that mean? APA testing is the State system for administering standardized tests for the most significantly disabled students. Another important activity for the school district for the summer is to review and update the school district policies. As a result you will see a tremendous amount of policy activity on the agenda. Knowing that most of it is making sure that our policies accurately reflect The Teaching New Jersey Act, which is the basis for our new teacher evaluation system.

Another part of the agenda which could create some questions is the contracts for services, for outside entities. So there are many services/entities that we must contract with to provide services for students who do not attend our schools, who attend private schools, but are still entitled to services from the public school district.

Finally, I would like to congratulate Juanita Petty and the business office for a significant accomplishment. The district recently received a certificate of excellence for financial reporting from the Association of School Business Officials. It is a significant accomplishment and congratulations to the business office.

HIB Dr. Toback reported the following data related to Harassment,lntimidation and Sullying incidents in the Wayne Public School District: There were three (3) incidents investigated since last month and all of them were not deemed to be in the category of HIS.

Revisions to Agenda Items

MINUTES M-15-01 to M-15-02

COMMITTEE REPORTS Regular Meeting Minutes August 28, 2014 Page 6 of 373




EDUCATION ITEMS E-15-01 to E-15-1 6 with revision and addenda: E-15-09 Add at end of motion ... not to exceed $2,280 each. E-15-15 Approval of Determination of Student Ineligibility -that the Board determine that student #SA 2332939678 is determined to be ineligible to attend Wayne Township Schools, as determined by a hearing in executive session. E-15-16 Approval of Foreign Exchange Students -that, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, based upon a determination in closed executive session, the Board hereby approves the following non-resident foreign exchange studetns to attend the respective District High Schools, on a non-tuition basis for the 2014-2015 school year: 1. Student AV #12867973 attending WVHS 2. Student RB #12864585 attending WHHS 3. Student GM #12864487 attending WHHS 4. Student MG #12867990 attending WVHS

PERSONNEL ITEMS H-15-01 to H-15-28 with revisions: H-15-01 #8 -withdrawn #9 -revise wording from pending resignation... to replacing Chris Monaco H-15-05 Revise wording to read "for an additional five days" H-15-07 Approval of Staff Leaves should be agenda item H-1S-06 H-15-18 #6 - correct name from Robert to Bruce H-15-20 #2 and #3 need to be moved to Agenda Item H-15-03, Approval of Support Staff, as Items #10 and #11 respectively, as these positions were posted, advertised and filled H-15-24 Withdraw names #1 and #5 Add: #6 - Joanne Poppe

POLICY P-15-01 to P-15-17

SCHOOL RESOURCE 5-15-01 to 5-15-20

Open to Public Agenda Items Only This portion of the meeting is open to citizens for comment on agenda items only. Residents are to state their names, addresses, and subject Regular Meeting Minutes August 28, 2014 Page

701373 matter. Comments may be limited to five minutes per person. No member of the public will be permitted to speak negatively about an employee or a student. Comments may be responded to tonight under "new business" or at subsequent meetings under "old business." The Board bears no responsibility for comments made by the public. A motion was made to open the meeting to public comment on agenda items only. Motion: To Approve, Moved by Board Member DONALD PAVLAK, Seconded by Board Member MICHAEL BUBBA. Passed. 9-0-0. Board Members voting Aye: ALBANESE, BADINER, BUBBA, CEBERIO, ESSEN, KAZAN, MORDKOFF, PAVLAK, STINZIANO.

Public Comments None There being no further comments from the public on agenda items, a motion was made to close the meeting to public comments on agenda items. Motion: To Approve, Moved by Board Member DONALD PAVLAK, Seconded by Board Member ALLAN MORDKOFF. Passed. 9-0-0. Board Members voting Aye: ALBANESE, BADINER, BUBBA, CEBERIO, ESSEN, KAZAN, MORDKOFF, PAVLAK, STINZIANO. A motion was made to approve the Executive Session and Public Meeting Minutes

Approval of Minutes

Approval of Executive Minutes M-15-01 - RECOMMENDED ACTION: -Approved- that the Board approve the following Executive Session Minutes: June 26, 2014 July 31,2014

Approval of Public Meeting Minutes M-15-02 - RECOMMENDED ACTION: -Approved- that the Board approve the Public Meeting Minutes as follows: July 31, 2014 Board Comment: Cathy Kazan - M-15-02 Change comment under old business ....change question regarding Kindergarten, asked in Executive Session. Regular Meeting Minutes August 28, 2014 Page

B 01373 Motion: To Approve, Moved by Board Member MICHAEL BUBBA, Seconded by Board Member DONALD PAVLAK. Passed. 9-0-0. Board Members voting Aye: ALBANESE, BADINER, BUBBA, CEBERIO, ESSEN, KAZAN, MORDKOFF, PAVLAK, STINZIANO. Robert Ceberio abstained on 7/31/14 Allan Mordkoff abstained on 7/31/14 Cathy Kazan voted No on 6/26/14 Executive Session - believes there are omissions.

Committee Reports and Action C-15-01 Approval of Committee Minutes -Approved- - RECOMMENDED ACTION: that the Board approve the following Committee Minutes: Education July 31, 2014

Facilities and Transportation July 29, 2014 Finance July 24, 2014 Personnel August 5, 2014

Motion: To Approve, Moved by Board Member DONALD PAVLAK, Seconded by Board Member MICHAEL BUBBA. Passed. 9-0-0. Board Members voting Aye: ALBANESE, BADINER, BUBBA, CEBERIO, ESSEN, KAZAN, MORDKOFF, PAVLAK, STINZIANO. Committee Meetings were held tonight and the following items were discussed as noted: Education Committee - Kim Essen 1. Minutes 2. Agenda items 3. Foreign exchange students and policy 4. Students attending PCTI 5. District mentoring plan 6. Curriculum - HealthlDrivers Ed; Spanish - middle school 7. Anaphalatic drills added to policy 8. Residency verification Facility & Transportation - Cathy Kazan 1. Summer projects (reviewed list) Regular Meeting Minutes August 28, 2014 Page

9 of 373 2. ESIP projects 3. Transportation (routes, practicing, new mapping system) 4. 2 new vans arrived and 4 new buses to be received shortly 5. Shared services regarding North Cove properties- Ok on space to expand the maintenance garage; looking at trailer at North Cove and repair of parking lot.

Finance - Don Pavlak, Jr. 1. Projected surplus will be minimal due to reduced budgets and reductions in State Aid. Not going to improve until schools are properly funded. 2. Policy reviews 3. Transfers 4. OFAC Audit on Perkins 2013-14 grant 5. 403B review 6. RFP advertising - 2 bids received 7. Bids for athletic equipment to mass purchase supplies 8. Budget development 2015-16 Technology Safety & Security - Michael Bubba 1. BYOD policy - thanked John Celentano & Nick Polise ...High Schools are totally wifi for start of school. 2. PARCC test coordinator - start training in fall 3. At the Elementary Schools, replaced all teacher computers. Middle School labs completely replaced; WV/SCauditoriums will have new screens. 4. Policy on staff computers Laura Stinziano also thanked John Celentano and Nick Po lise. A motion was made to approve A-15-01 to A-15-05

I. Action on Agenda


Approval of HIB Report A-15-01 - RECOMMENDED ACTION: -Approved- that the Board affirm the Superintendent's decision on the Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying matters as required by N.J.SA 18A:37-15(b)(6)(e) on the following cases: Case #93 and 100/2013-2014 first reported to the Board on 6/12/2014. Case #113, 114, and 115/2013-2014 first reported to the Board on 7/31/2014.

Approval of HIB Determination A-15-02 - RECOMMENDED ACTION: -Withdrawn- Regular Meeting Minutes August 28, 2014 Page 10 of 373 that the Board affirm/modifylreject the Superintendent's decision on HIB Case #__ /(school year)_following an appeal, as required by N.J.S.A. 18A:37-15(b)(6)(e).

Approval of Presentation and Submission of School Self A-15-03 Assessment for Determining Grades under the Anti-Bullying -Approved- Bill of Rights Act (ABR). - RECOMMENDED ACTION: that the Board approve the presentation and acceptance of public comment on the School Self-Assessment for Determining Grades under the Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act for the 2013-2014 school year, and further that the Board approve Submission of the Wayne Township Public School District's Self-Assessment for the 2013- 2014 school year, as per the attached.

Approval of Memorandum of Agreement Update with Law A-15-04 Enforcement Officials -Approved- - RECOMMENDED ACTION: that the Board approve the annual Passaic County Update Form to the Uniform State Memorandum of Agreement between Education and Law Enforcement Officialsfor the 2014/2015 school year as per the attached by reference.

Approval of 2014-2015 District Goals and Objectives A-15-05 - RECOMMENDED ACTION: -Approved- that the Board approve 2014-2015 District Goals and Objectives as per attached. Motion: To Approve, Moved by Board Member MICHAEL BUBBA, Seconded by Board Member KIM ESSEN. Passed. 9-0-0. Board Members voting Aye: ALBANESE, BADINER, BUBBA, CEBERIO, ESSEN, KAZAN, MORDKOFF, PAVLAK, STINZIANO. Board Comments: Don Pavlak, Jr. - question from public regarding District Goals and why full day kindergarten is not a District Goal. It will be a Board Goal - Board wants the responsibility for this initiative. EDUCATION: Approval of Field Trip Destination E-15-01 - RECOMMENDED ACTION: -Approved- that the Board approve the Field Trip Destination List for the 2014- 2015 school year as per the attached. Regular Meeting Minutes August 28, 2014 Page

11 of 373 Approval of Out of District Professional Travel for Staff E-15-02 Members -Approved- - RECOMMENDED ACTION: that the Board approve Out of District Professional Travel for the 2014-2015 school year, as follows:" Whereas, District employees listed on the attached chart are attending conferences, conventions, stafftraining, seminars, workshops, student events or other required travel; and Whereas, the attendance at stated functions were previously approved by the Chief School Administrator and School Business Administrator as work related and within the scope of work responsibilities of the attendees;and Whereas, the attendance at the functions were approved as promoting delivery of instruction of furthering efficientoperation of the District, and fiscally prudent; and Whereas, the travel and related expenses particular to attendance at these functions are within state travel guidelines established by the Department of Treasury in NJOMD circular letter; now therefore Be it resolved, that the Board of Education finds the travel and related expense particularto attendance as these previously approved functions; and further, Be it resolved, that the expenses are justified and therefore reimbursable and/or payable, as per the attached.

Approval of Transition Sites for SLE (Structured Learning E-15-03 Experiences) and/or CBI (Community Based Instruction) -Approved- - RECOMMENDED ACTION: that the Board approve the Transition Sites for SLE (Structured Learning Experiences) and/or CBI (Community Based Instruction) for the 2014-2015 school year as per attached.

Approval of the Corrective Action Plan for the APA Security E-15-04 Breach -Approved- - RECOMMENDED ACTION: that the Board approve the Corrective Action Plan for the APA Security Breach at during the 2013-2014 Collection Period, as per attached.

Approval of Nursing Services E-15-05 - RECOMMENDED ACTION: -Approved- that the Board approve Bayada Home Health Care, Inc. to provide nursing services for student #3377874268, as per the student's IEP for 5 hours per day, at the rate of $40 per hour, for 190 days for the 2014-2015 school year, not to exceed $38,000. Regular Meeting Minutes August 28, 2014 Page 12 of 373

Approval of 000 Placements 2014-2015 E-15-06 - RECOMMENDED ACTION: -Approved- that the Board approve Out of District Placements for the 2014-2015 school year as per attached, and that transportation be provided as required.

Approval of Personal Aide E-15-07 - RECOMMENDED ACTION: -Approved- that the Board approve a personal aide for outside school activities during the 2014-2015 school year for Student #9287966505, placed at Morris-Union Jointure Commission at a cost not to exceed $1,800.

Approval to renew PACE Program Contract E-15-08 - RECOMMENDED ACTION: -Approved- that the Board approve to renew Sage Day to provide the PACE program for the 2014-2015 school year, not to exceed $127,790, as per the attached.

Approval of NIPO/NJ Asperger's Skill Building Network E-15-09 Program -Approved- - RECOMMENDED ACTION: that the Board approve to fund tuition for the 14-15 school year for student #9584571171 & #1563502197 to attend William Paterson University's NIPD/NJ Asperger's Skill Building Network program for two days a week, five hours a day at a rate of $760 per student per month plus $60 per student per hour for additional support required outside of the normal group programming, not to exceed $2,280 each.

Approval of Charter School Students E-15-10 - RECOMMENDED ACTION: -Approved- that the Board approve the placement of the following students at Charter Schools for the 2014-2015 school year as follows: 1. Student ID#9738147286 at John P Holland CharterSchool, Kindergarten,at a tuition rate of $11,668 2. Student ID#8893774378 at MET S Charter School, Grade 10, at a tuition rate of $13,999

Acceptance of Tuition Students E-15-11 - RECOMMENDED ACTION: -Approved- that the Board accept the following tuition students for the 2014- 2015 school year: Regular Meeting Minutes August 28, 2014 Page 13 of 373 1. Student ID#818661 0942 from the State of New Jersey Department of Children and Families in Grade 11 at Wayne Hills High School, at a tuition rate of $15,578 2. Student ID#1473174382 from the Pequannock School District, in the LLD Program at Anthony Wayne Middle School, for the 10 month and ESY programs, at a total tuition rate of $22,180; and further, that the following additional services be billed as follows: Speech Therapy at an annual cost of $1 ,990 and Occupational Therapy at a annual cost of $2,209.

Approval of Statement of Assurance E-15-12 - RECOMMENDED ACTION: -Approved- that the BOE approve the submission of the Statement of Assurance Regarding the Use of Paraprofessional Staff for the 2014 -15 School Year as attached.

Approval of 2013-2014 000 Aide E-15-13 - RECOMMENDED ACTION: -Approved- that the Board approve a 1:1 aide for student #3612458086 for the 2013-2014 school year at Brownstone School-Bergen County Special Services in the amount of $4,400.00. Start date OS/22/14.

Approval of Extended School Year Placement E-15-14 - RECOMMENDED ACTION: -Approved- that the Board approve Stepping ForwardCounseling Center LLC Extended School Year Placement for the 2014 extended school year program, for student #2903942260 and that transportation be provided, not to exceed $9600.

Approval of Determination of Student Ineligibility E-15-15 - RECOMMENDED ACTION: -Approved- that the Board determine that student # SA 2332939678 is determined tobe ineligible to attend Wayne Township Schools, as determined by a hearing in executive session.

Approval of Foreign Exchange Students E-15-16 - RECOMMENDED ACTION: -Approved- that, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, based upon a determination in closed executive session, the Board hereby approves the following non-resident foreign exchange students to attend the respective District High Schools, on a non-tuition basis for the 2014-2015 school year: 1. Student AV # 12867973 attending WVHS 2. Studetn RB # 12864585 attending WHHS Regular Meeting Minutes August 28, 2014 Page 14 373

of 3. Student GM # 12864487 attending WHHS 4. Student MG # 12867990 attending WVHS

Motion: To Approve, Moved by Board Member KIM ESSEN, Seconded by Board Member MICHAEL BUBBA. Passed. 9-0-0. Board Members voting Aye: ALBANESE, BADINER, BUBBA, CEBERIO, ESSEN, KAZAN, MORDKOFF, PAVLAK, STINZIANO. *Mitch Badiner abstained from E-15-06 and E-15-13.

A motion was made to approve H-15-01 to H-15-28.

HUMAN RESOURCE: Approval of Appointment of Professional Staff H-15-01 - RECOMMENDED ACTION: -Approved- that the Board approve the Superintendent's recommendation to approve for the 2014-2015 school year, the following professional staff: 1. Jeffrey Snyder, MA Saint Peter's College, Step S of the Masters +15 Teachers Salary Guide, *$59,000.00, Business Education at , effective September 1, 2014. (NEW) (PC#01-41-03/dop) 2. Laura Leidy-Stauffer, BA Michigan State University, Step U year 2 of the Bachelors + 15 Teachers Salary Guide, *51,400.00, Grade 7 LA General Education at George Washington Middle School, effective September 1,2014, replacing Kate Marcinowski, transferred. ($72,750/M MA+30) (PC#01-32-07/apl) 3. Kevin Milack, BA Towson University, Step U year 2 of the Bachelors Teachers Salary Guide, *$49,900.00, Physical Education at Schuyler Colfax Middle School, effectiveSeptember 1, 2014, replacing Krista Handy. ($49,900/StepU BA) (PC#01-31-25/aiq) 4. Candace Margiotta, BS Montclair State University, Step T of the Bachelors Teachers Salary Guide, *50,700.00, Culinary Arts at Wayne Valley High School, effective October 20, 2014 or sooner, replacing Sandra Burke. ($81 ,030/J MA+30) (PC#01-41-13/abn) 5. Ashley Reamer, BA William Paterson University, Step U year 1 of the Bachelors Teachers Salary Guide, *49,900.00, Special Education Resource at George Washington Middle School, effective Regular Meeting Minutes August 28, 2014 Page 15 of 373 September 1, 2014, replacing Cristi Bruce-transferred. ($84,400/1 MA+30) (PC#01-32-12/axk) 6. George Bostory, MA Fairleigh Dickinson University, Step N of the Masters + 15 Teachers Salary Guide, *$66,180.00, Special Education Resource at Wayne Hills High School, effective September 1, 2014. (NEW) (PC#01-40-12/dpf) 7. Danielle Barrese, MS Ramapo College, Step T of the Masters Teachers Salary Guide, *$55,400.00, Grade One at Theunis Dey Elementary School, effective September 1, 2014, replacing Kathleen Martello. ($61 ,470/L BA) (PC#01-02-50/dqn) 8. Melanierell er, MA KeanUniversity, Step M ofthe Masters TeachersSalary GHiae , *$64,650.00, SpeechLangHage Specialist atPines Lake Elernentary School , effective Novernber 1, 2014 sooner, replacingKathleen Boehrn. ($90,040/Step DMA) (PC#0112 12f.cHZ) WITHDRAWN 9. MarySue Rossinow, MA Montclair State University, Step U year 1 of the Masters Teachers Salary Guide, *$54,600.00, Mathematics at Wayne Hills High School, effective September 1, 2014, replacing Chris Monaco ($66,600/PMA+30) (PC#01-40-19/akx) 10. Pamella Clark, BS Rochester Institute of Technology, Step U year 1 of the Bachelors Teachers Salary Guide, *$49,900.00 , Visual Arts at Wayne Hills High School, effective September1, 2014, replacing Gordon Ryersen. ($114,130/A MA+30) (PC#01-40- 01/dqq) 11. Christine Van Sant, Ed.S. Seton Hall University, Step 0 of the Masters + 30 Teachers Salary Guide, *$68,220.00, Computers at Anthony Wayne Middle School, effective September 1, 2014, replacing Mary Lou Lee - transferred. ($62,700/PMA+15) (PC#01- 33-03/dqr)

Approval of Resignations H-15-02 - RECOMMENDED ACTION: -Approved- that the Board approve the Superintendent's recommendation to accept the following resignations: 1. Kara McNish from Computer Teacher at Anthony Wayne Middle School, effective July 30, 2014 (PC#01-33-05/anx) 2. Meredith Arabas from Year Long Replacement, LA ASSP at George Washington Middle School, effective August 1, 2014. Regular Meeting Minutes August 28, 2014 Page 16 of 373 ($86,550/Step18MA) (PC#01-32-07/ape) 3. Maria Meran from Van Aide Paraprofessional in Transportation, effective August 15, 2014. ($16.42/Step3) (PC#11-06-18/cyt) 4. Meredith Borowsky from School Cafeteria Playground Aide at Theunis Dey Elementary School, effective August 19, 2014. ($16.11/hr.) (PC#13-02-38/bry) 5. Brian Goldberg from Paraprofessional at Wayne Hills High School, effective September 1, 2014. ($16.76/hr/Step 7-8) (PC#11- 40-12/bye) 6. Emily Lowenfels from Guidance Counselor at John F. Kennedy Elementary School, effectiveOctober 13, 2014 or as soon as a replacement can be found. ($55,4001T MA) (PC#01-04-1 O/bat) 7. Briana Seigal from Paraprofessional at Albert Payson Terhune Elementary School, effective August 20, 2014. ($16.27/hr/Step 2) (PC#11-1 1-12/dfj) 8. Carol O'Donohoe from Clerical Assistant at Albert Payson Terhune and John F. Kennedy Elementary Schools, effective August 20, 2014. ($14.70'/hr) (PC#25-11-75/bnf) 9. Christopher Greco from Paraprofessional at Wayne Hills High School, effective August 20, 2014. ($16.27/hr/Step 2) (PC#11-40- 12/dlo)

Approval of Appointment of Support Staff H-15-03 - RECOMMENDED ACTION: -Approved- that the Board approve the Superintendent's recommendation to approve for the 2014-2015 school year, the following support staff: 1. Anita-Marie Ender as a School Cafeteria Playground Aide, $16.11 per hour at Anthony Wayne Middle School, effectiveSeptember 1, 2014, replacing Rosanna Guerriero and further, that up to 6 hours of professional development be approved during the school year at her hourly rate of pay . ($16.11/hr.) (PC#13-33-38/bty) 2. Dawn Berkman as a School Cafeteria Playground Aide, $16.11 per hour at John F. Kennedy Elementary School, effective September 1, 2014, replacing Muriel Livatino and further, that up to 6 hours of professional development be approved during the school year at her hourly rate of pay. ($16.11/hr.) (PC#13-04-38/bsi) 3. Natalia Moya as a Bus Driver, Step 2 of the Bus Drivers Salary Regular Meeting Minutes August 28, 2014 Page 17 of 373 Guide, $24.70 per hour, Transportation,effective 8/29/14 replacing Krystyna Siders. ($26.00/hrIStep 4) (PC#71-06-18/cfz) 4. Pedro Ramos as a Sub Bus Driver, Step 2 of the Bus Drivers Salary Guide, $24.70 per hour, Transportation, effective 8/29/14, replacing Shirley Wuester. ($24.70/hrIStep 2) 5. Dorian Hodge as a Van Paraprofessional, Step 1 of the Paraprofessionals Salary Guide, $16.15 per hour, Transportation, effective 8/29/14, replacing Maria Meran. ($16.42/hrIStep 3) (PC#1.1 -06-18/cyt) 6. Meredith Borowsky as a 1: 1 Preschool Paraprofessional, Step 2 of the Paraprofessionals Salary Guide, $16.27 per hour at Theunis Dey Elementary School for student 10#7769410968 from 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m., effective September 1, 2014, and further,that up to 7 hours of professional development be approved during the school year at her hourly rate of pay.(NEW) (PC#11-02-12/dqi) 7. Matthew Meade as a 1:1 Paraprofessional, Step 1 of the Paraprofessionals Salary Guide, $16.15 per hour at Schuyler Colfax Middle School for student 10#2659931916, from 7:45 a.m. - 2:50 p.m., effective September 1,2014, replacing Gary Hanke, and further, that up to 7 hours of professional development be approved during the school year at his hourly rate of pay. ($16.42/hrIStep 3-6) (PC#1 1-31-12/bxc) 8. Dawn DiPaola as a Clerical Assistant in James Fallon Elementary School, effective September 4, 2014, at the rate of $14.70 per hour, replacing Gail Cunha. ($14.70/hr.) (PC#25-55-43/dqp) 9. Jose Liberato as a Part Time Custodian in Building Services, effectiveSeptember 1,2014, at the rate of $12.00 per hour, 5 hours per day, replacing Elias Haddad. ($12.00/hr.) (PC#50-08-44/ccr) 10. Peter Opirhory, from part-time custodian, Board Office, to full­ time custodian, Board Office *$39,865.00 pro-rated, Step 1 of the WCMA salary guide, effectiveSeptember 2, 2014, replacing AI Nazzaro ($48, 185/Step 7) (PC#50-59-44/ces) 11. Angelo Renzulli, from part-time day custodian, Anthony Wayne Middle School, to full-time Head Custodian, Anthony Wayne Middle School *$48,185.00, Step 7 of the WCMA salary guide and *$2,450 annual head custodian stipend, effective July 1,2014, replacing Luigi Tulipani ($48,1851 Step 7)(PC#50-33-44/cdr)

Approval of Appointment of Long Term Replacement H-15-04 Personnel -Approved- Regular Meeting Minutes August 28, 2014 Page 18 of 373 - RECOMMENDED ACTION: that the Board approve the Superintendent's recommendation to approve for the 2014-2015 school year, long term replacement personnel as follows: 1. Amanda Beodeker, BA Montclair State University, Step U of the Bachelors Teachers Salary Guide, *$49,900.00, pro-rated, Grade 6 Language Arts at Schuyler Colfax Middle School, effectiveOctober 8, 2014 through June 30, 2015, no medical benefits, replacing Kelly Tavis. ($77,990/StepK MA+30) (PC#01-31-07/dqc) 2. Stacey Nolan, BA William Paterson University, 65% of Step U of the Bachelors Teachers Salary Guide, *$32,435.00, pro-rated, ASSP at George Washington Middle School, effective September 1, 2014 through December 1, 2014, no medical benefits, replacing Claudette Hanna. ($57,020/StepO BA) (PC#01-32-45/cyy) 3. Anne Esser, MA William Paterson University, Step U year 2 of the Masters Teachers Salary Guide,�*$54,600.00, Language Arts ­ ASSP at George Washington Middle School, effectiveSeptember 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015, replacing Mary Beth Estok. ($91,100/StepG MA+30) (PC#01-32-53/dql) 4. Jennifer Montana, MA Seton Hall University, Step U year 2 of the Masters Teachers Salary Guide, *$54,600.00 pro-rated, Guidance Counselor at George Washington Middle School, effective September 1, 2014 through December 18, 2014, no medical benefits, replacing Jacqueline Molina. ($63, 180/Step N MA) (PC#01 -32-10/bbc) . 5. Damani Hamlet, MS Full Sail University, 65% of Step U of the Masters Teachers Salary Guide , *$35,490.00 pro-rated, Business at Wayne Valley High School, effectiveSeptember 1, 2014 through December 31, 2014, no medical benefits, replacing Dorian Aimi. ($74,10011 MA) (PC#01-41-03/doq) 6. Karin Lemke, BS Syracuse University, 65% of Step U of the Masters Teachers Salary Guide, *35,490.00 pro-rated, Grade 6 LALB at Anthony Wayne Middle School, effectiveSeptember 1, 2014 though November 30, 2014, no medical benefits, replacing Michele Balletto. ($58,520/0 BA+15) (PC#01-33-07/apm) 7. Melissa Riccio, BA William Paterson University, 65% of Step U of the Bachelors Teachers Salary Guide, *$32,435.00 pro-rated, Grade 6 LALB at Anthony Wayne Middle School, effectiveSeptember 1, 2014 through December 19, 2014, no medical benefits, replacing Sara Outwater. ($55,400ITMA) (PC#01-33-07/dqk) 8. Janine Loewrigkeit, BA Marywood University, 65% of Step U of Regular Meeting Minutes August 28, 2014 Page of 373

19 the Bachelors + 15 Teachers Salary Guide, *$33,410.00 pro-rated, Grade 1 at Lafayette Elementary School, effective September 1, 2014 through December 19, 2014, no medical benefits, replacing Roxanne Dragone. ($51 ,900/SBA) (PC#01-05-50/dqj) 9. Krystallyn Lima, BA William Paterson University, 65% of Step U of the Bachelors Teachers Salary Guide, *$32,435.00 pro-rated, Grade 2 at John F. Kennedy Elementary School, effective September 1, 2014 through December 19, 2014, no medical benefits, replacing Lisa Liguori. ($81,030/J MA+30) (PC#01-04- 50/aej) 10. Marcus Burnett**, MA Kean University, 65% of Step U of the Masters Teachers Salary Guide, *$35,490.00 pro-rated, Grade 4 at Pines Lake Elementary School, effective September 1, 2014 through January 2, 2015, no medical benefits, replacing Allison Harraka. ($77,990/K MA+30) (PC#01-08-50/ahk) 11. Heather Shaw, BS Bucknell University, 65% of Step U of the Masters Teachers Salary Guide, *$35,490.00 pro-rated, Special Education PSH at Packanack Elementary School, effective September 1, 2014 through December 31, 2014, no medical benefits, replacing Stacy Hirshberg ($65,690/K BA+15)) (PC#01-07- 12/csc)

Approval of Student Support Teacher Coordinator Summer H-15-05 Hours -Approved- - RECOMMENDED ACTION: that the Board approve the Superintendent's recommendation to approve for the 2014-2015 school year, Teacher Coordinator, Deborah Patalita for five days of summer work at 1/200th of salary in order to prepare 2014-2015 school year programs, for an additional five days.

Approval of Staff Leaves H-15-06 - RECOMMENDED ACTION: -Approved- that the Board approve the Superintendent's recommendation to approve for the 2014-2015 school year, the following staffleaves: 1. ID#4862 - LA at Anthony Wayne Middle School 10/11/14 - 12/19/14 - WEA contractual extension of childcare leave wlo pay & wlo benefits. 2. 10#1765 - Grade 3 at Randall Carter Elementary School 9/1/14 - 1211/14 - Medical Leave, wlo pay & wlo benefits. 3. ID#9615 - School Cafeteria Playground Aide at Lafayette Elementary School Regular Meeting Minutes August 28, 2014 Page 20 of 373

9/11/14 - 9/15/14 - Personal Leave, wlo pay & wlo benefits. 4. ID#4133 - Math at Wayne Valley High School 9/22/14 - 12/15/14 - FMLA Leave, wlo pay and wlbenefits 5. ID#4501 -School Cafeteria Playground Aide at Pines Lake E.S. 9/4/14 - 9/26/14 - Personal Leave, wlo pay & wlo benefits

Approval of Superintendent's Merit Goals for 2014-2015 H-15-07 - RECOMMENDED ACTION: -Approved- that the Board approve the Superintendent's proposed quantitative and qualitative merit goals for school year 2014-2015; and further, that the Board approve the submission of the Superintendent's proposed quantitative and qualitative merit goals for school year 2014-2015 to the Executive County Superintendent, as per the attached."

Approval of Stipend H-15-08 - RECOMMENDED ACTION: -Approved- that the Board approve the Superintendent's recommendation to approve for the 2014-2015 school year, the following stipend: Summer Curriculum Writing - at the contractual rate of *$51.00 per hour Dana Pentimone 25 additional hours for Performance Rpt. Rubrics.

Approval to Revise Items H-15-09 - RECOMMENDED ACTION: -Approved- that the Board approve the Superintendent's recommendation to revise for the 2014-2015 school year, the following items: 1. StaffLeave ID#4 292 - revise dates, paid sick 9/2/14 - 9/10/14 and FMLA 9/11/14 - 11/14/14 wlo pay & w/benefits. 2. Karen Dolci, Elementary Assistant Principal, revise from step 3 to step 5 of ESAP Salary Guide and add doctoral stipend, $2,500.00 (no change in salary) 3. Samantha Parker, revise step from Step U of the Bachelors Teachers Salary Guide, *$49,900.00, to Step U year 2 of the Bachelors + 15 Teachers Salary Guide, *$51,400.00. 4. Arlene Mutzberg, Program Assistant for the Extended School Year Program, revise hourly salary from $22/hour to $22.44/hr, effective7/1 /14. Regular Meeting Minutes August 28, 2014 Page 21 of 373 5. Mildred Goranson, Extended School Year Program, revise hourly rate for Site Lead to $15.56 and revise hourly rate for caregiver to $14.54, effective 7/1/14. 6. OnCourse Summer 2014 Scheduler - Staff previously approved on 7/31/14 for a total of $5,100 (100 hours@ *$51/hr.), to be increased to a total of $8,364 (164 hours@ *$51/hr.)

Approval of Appointment of Extended Day Program Staff H-15-10 - RECOMMENDED ACTION: -Approved- that the Board approve the Superintendent's recommendation to approve for the 2014-2015 school year, Brittany Amoscato as Extended Day Program Staff for Before and Aftercare, as a Caregiver, $12.00 per hour and Site Lead, $14.00 per hour, paid through enterprise fund.

Approval of Appointment of Certified Substitutes H-15-11 - RECOMMENDED ACTION: -Approved- that the Board approve the Superintendent's recommendation to approve for the 2014-2015 school year, certified substitutes; and further, that substitute teachers also be approved for the 2014-2015 school year as substitute paraprofessionals to expand the pool of paraprofessional substitutes, as follows: 1. Samuel Kalb 2. Osanna Sadih 3. Tracy Rusiniak 4. Kelsey Baicker 5. Linda Cyboran 6. Marc Fauerbach 7. Nicholas Sardone 8. Alison Cassera 9. Laura Kuruc

Approval of Payment for Mentor H-15-12 - RECOMMENDED ACTION: -Approved- that the Board approve the Superintendent's recommendation to approve for the 2014-2015 school year the following mentor payment, paid through payroll deductions of mentee. 1. Stefanie Biondo - $275.00 9/1/14 - 6/30/15 (1/2 time) 2. Fran Rella - $233.75 9/1/14 - 12/31/14 3. Jennifer Shea - $165.00 9/1/14 - 11/25/14 Regular Meeting Minutes August 28, 2014 Page 22 of 373

Approval of Reti rement H-15-13 - RECOMMENDED ACTION: -Approved- that the Board approve the Superintendent's recommendation to accept the following retirements: 1. Kathleen Boehm from Speech Language Specialist at Pines Lake Elementary School, effectiveSeptember 1, 2014. ($90,040/StepD MA) (PC#01-12-12/cuz) 2. Kathleen Martello from Grade 2 at Lafayette Elementary School, effective August 1, 2014. ($61 ,470/LBA) (PC#01-05-50/ats) 3. Resmi Ahmeti as a Custodian at George Washington Middle School, effectiveOctober 1, 2014. ($46,375/Step 6) (PC#50-32- 44/cdg) 4. Josephine Mgerack as a Paraprofessional in Transportation, effective October 1, 2014. ($19.09/hrIStep 14) (PC#11-06-18/bzr)

Approval of Transportation Attendance Stipends and Snow Day H-15-14 Payments -Approved- - RECOMMENDED ACTION: that the Board approve the Superintendent's recommendation to approve for the 2013-2014 school year, transportation attendance stipends and snow day payments, as per attached.

Approval of High School Anti-Bullying Coordinator H-15-15 - RECOMMENDED ACTION: -Approved- that the Board approve the Superintendent's recommendation to approve for the 2014-2015 school year, Nicholas Cano, Guidance Counselor, as Wayne Hills' Anti-Bullying Coordinator at a rate of *$3,166.50 (1/3 of $9,500).

Approval of Appointment of and Payment to the District Anti­ H-15-16 Bullying Specialists -Approved- - RECOMMENDED ACTION: that the Board approve the Superintendent's recommendation to approve for the 2014-2015 school year, the appointment of and payment to Anti-Bullying Specialists for attendance at HIB appeal hearings at the Board level, as required, for a minimum of one hour at the contractual hourly rate of $51*, as follows: 1. Christine Cordeira: APT 2. Denise Malone: Fallon 3. Emily Lowenfels: JFK Regular Meeting Minutes August 28, 2014 Page 23 of 373 4. Billie Liquori: LAF 5. Larissa Potosnak: PACK 6. Karen Olaya: PL 7. Francesca Russo: RC 8. Josephine Ramirez: TO 9. April Kelly-Winston: RY 10. Michele Giarrusso: AW 11. Laura Kuhn: SC 12. Michael Paul: GW 13. Nick Cano: WH 14. Lauren Zaccone: \f'N

Approval of Appointment of Director of Secondary Education H-15-17 - RECOMMENDED ACTION: -Approved- that the Board approve the Superintendent's recommendation to appoint and approve Toni Liskiewicz as the Director of Secondary Education, effectiveAugust 29, 2014, $155,000 pro-rated, replacing Michael Ben-David. ($145,860) (PC#31-59-16/bcn)

Approval of Appointment of High School Saturday Detention H-15-18 Staff -Approved- - RECOMMENDED ACTION: That the Board approve the Superintendent's recommendation to approve for the 2014-2015 school year, Saturday detention staffon a rotating basis, at the contractual rate of $36/hour*, not to exceed 3 hours per Saturday, as follows: 1. Taylor Berkowitz - WH 2. Lauren Brown - WH 3. Michele Ettz - WH 4. Jennifer Glenn - WH 5. Robert Juskiewicz - WH 6. Bruce Lemken - WH 7. Kristy Stofey - WH 8. Eleanor Verduin - WH 9. Maria Pepe - WH 10. Kyle Hughes - \f'N 11 . Alex Asaro - \f'N 12. Abigail Hall - \f'N 13. Nicole Mangelli - \f'N 14. Lauren Zaccone - \f'N 15. Christine Finnegan - \f'N 16. Linda Wills - \f'N 17. Danielle Savvas - \f'N *Note: Rate pending WEA negotiations Regular Meeting Minutes August 28, 2014 Page 24 of 373

Approval of Appointment of Summer 2013-2014 Personnel for H-15-19 the Technology Department -Approved- - RECOMMENDED ACTION: that the Board approve the Superintendent's recommendation to approve for the 2013-2014 school year, the following summer personnel for the Technology Department, for 4 hours worked by each worker on June 30, 2014 at the hourly rate of $8.25: 1. Student ID#1703580408 2. Student1D#1612630744 3. Student ID#3679009518

Approval of Transfers - H-15-20 - RECOMMENDED ACTION: -Approved- that the Board approve the Superintendent's recommendation to approve for the 2014-2015 school year, the following transfers: 1. Yvette March from ELL 1/2 JFK (PC#01-04-08/dio) and ELL 1/2 Pines (PC#01-08-08/dip) to ELL 1/5 TD (PC#01-02-08/dio) and ELL 1/5 APT (PC#01-1 1-08/dip) and ELL 3/5 PACK (PC#01-07-08/dqm)

Approval of Appointment of Summer Worker H-15-21 - RECOMMENDED ACTION: -Approved- that the Board approve the Superintendent's recommendation to approve Julann Ketterer as a summer worker in the Business Office for 34.5 hours per week from August 18, 2014 to September 12, 2104 at the hourly rate of $16.45, not to exceed total earnings of $2,275.

Approval to Move Item from the Table H-15-22 - RECOMMENDED ACTION: -Approved- that the Board move from the table Item H-15-31 from the July 31, 2014 Board meeting - Approval of Superintendent Merit.

Approval of Superintendent Merit H-15-23 - RECOMMENDED ACTION: -Approved- that the Board approve a merit payment to Raymond A. Gonzalez for the achievement of 2013-2014 goals per his approved employment contract in the total amount of $26,607.25, pending final review of the Executive County Superintendent, as per attached. Regular Meeting Minutes August 28, 2014 Page 25 of 373

Approval of Appointment of District Staff for Summer IEP H-15-24 meetings - -Approved- - RECOMMENDED ACTION: that the Board approve the Superintendent's recommendation to approve for the 2014-2015 school year, CST for summer IEP meetings as needed at 1/200th of their annual rate, not to exceed 20 hours each as follows: 1. CynthiaCarey - WITHDRAWN 2. Rickie Dooley 3. Kristen Rudiger 4. Laura Rumana 5. SarahGoldman - WITHDRAWN 6. Danielle Luppino 7. Joanne Poppe

Approval of Afte rcare Program H-15-25 - RECOMMENDED ACTION: -Approved- that the Board approve the Superintendent's recommendation to approve for the 2014-2015 school year that Tina Griglack work in the aftercare program, as needed, for student #5567089057 at her hourly rate of *$26, not to exceed two hours per day.

Approval of District Staff for Full Day Kindergarten Screening H-15-26 - RECOMMENDED ACTION: -Approved- that the Board approve the Superintendent's recommendation to approve for the 2014-2015 school year, Donna Lupo to conduct testing for Full Day Kindergarten eligibility for new registrants prior to the beginning of the school year, at the contractual rate of *$51.00 per hour, not to exceed 15 hours in total.

Approval of Settlement Agreement H-15-27 - RECOMMENDED ACTION: -Approved- "that the Board approve the Superintendent's recommendation to accept the settlement agreement with ID#87968186 as per the agreement on file."

Recall from Reduction in Force H-15-28 - RECOMMENDED ACTION: -Approved- that the Board approve the Superintendent's recommendation to recall from reduction in force for the 2014-2015 school year Regular Meeting Minutes August 28, 2014 Page 26 of 373 Kimberly DePetris to the position of part-time registered nurse at the George Washington Middle School, at the annual salary of *$24,459 (pC#533228/bim)

Motion: To Approve, Moved by Board Member MITCH BADINER, Seconded by Board Member ROBERT CEBERIO. Passed. 9-0-0. Board Members voting Aye: ALBANESE, BADINER, BUBBA, CEBERIO, ESSEN, KAZAN, MORDKOFF, PAVLAK, STINZIANO.

* Michael Bubba abstained on H-15-23 Goal #4 Comm. Allan Mordkoffabstained on H-15-07 (MT) Don Pavlak, Jr. abstained on H-15-07 (MT)

The retirements were read as follows: Allan Mordkoff read R.Ahmeti Mike Bubba read K. Boehm Eileen Albanese read J.Mgerack Kim Essen read K. Martello Cathy Kazan thanked Dr. Toback for Merit Goals. On H-15-23, Merit for Dr. Gonzalez, there was a lot of discussion and press .... statutory and contractual. Robert Ceberio commented on impact Trenton has on school districts. Spoke on Merit Goals and Superintendent's pay structure. Asked Board Counsel. ....if contract terminates at end of any school year, is the Board bound to award merit if achieved. Counsel responded yes. Congratulations Tony Liskiewicz as the Director of Secondary Education. A motion was made to approve P-15-01 to P-15-17 POLICY: Approval of Policy 3144.3--Second Reading for Action P-15-01 - RECOMMENDED ACTION: -Approved- that the Board approve Policy 3144.3--Suspension Upon Certificktion of Tenure Charge--second reading for action, having been reviewed at the July 1, 2014 Personnel Committee, as per attached.

Approval of Policy 3144.12--Second Reading for Action P-15-02 - RECOMMENDED ACTION: -Approved- that the Board approve Policy 3144. 12--Certificationof Tenure Charges--Inefficiency--second reading for action, having been Regular Meeting Minutes August 28, 2014 Page 27 of 373 reviewed at the June 1, 2014 Personnel Committee,as per attached.

Approval of Policy 3372--Second Reading for Action P-15-03 - RECOMMENDED ACTION: -Approved- that the Board approve Policy 3372--Teaching StaffMember Tenure Acquisition--second reading for action, having been reviewed at the June 1, 2014 Personnel Committee, as per attached.

Approval of Policy 3373--Second Reading for Action P-15-04 - RECOMMENDED ACTION: -Approved- that the Board approve Policy 3373--Tenure Upon Transfer or Promotion, second reading for action, having been reviewed at the July 1, 2014 Personnel Committee, as per attached.

Approval of Policy 3374--Second Reading for Action P-15-05 - RECOMMENDED ACTION: -Approved- that the Board approve Policy 3374--Tenure Upon Transfer to an Underperforming School--second reading for action, having been reviewed at the July 1, 2014 Personnel Committee, as per attached.

Approval of Policy 2363--Second Reading for Action P-15-06 - RECOMMENDED ACTION: -Approved- that the Board approve Policy 2363--Pupil Use of Privately Owned Technology--second reading for action, having been reviewed at the June 26, 2014 Technology Committee, as per attached.

Approval of Policy 6511--Second Reading for Action P-15-07 - RECOMMENDED ACTION: -Approved- that the Board approve Policy 6511--Direct Deposit--second reading for action, having been reviewed at the July 24, 2014 Finance Committee, as per attached.

Approval of Policy 8507 --Second Reading for Action P-15-08 - RECOMMENDED ACTION: -Approved- that the Board approve Policy 8507--Breakfast OfferVersus Serve, second reading for action, having been reviewed at the July 24, 2014 Finance Committee, as per attached.

Approval of Policy 8508--Second Reading for Action P-15-09 - RECOMMENDED ACTION: -Approved- that the Board approve Policy 8508--Lunch OfferVersus Serve, second reading for action, having been reviewed at the July 24, 2014 Finance Committee, as per attached. Regular Meeting Minutes August 28, 2014 Page 28 of 373

Approval of Policy 3125--First Reading for Consideration P-15-10 - RECOMMENDED ACTION: -Approved- that the Board approve Policy 3125--Employment of Teaching Staff Members, having been recommended at the August 5, 2014 Personnel Committee, as per attached.

Approval of Policy 1581--First Reading fo r Consideration P-15-11 - RECOMMENDED ACTION: -Approved- that the Board approve Policy 1581--Victim of Domestic or Sexual Violence Leave--first reading for consideration, having been reviewed at the August 5, 2014 Personnel Committrae,as per attached.

Approval of Policy 4146--First Reading for Consideration P-15-12 - RECOMMENDED ACTION: -Approved- that the Board approved Policy 4146--Non-Renewal of Non-Tenured Support Staff Member--first reading for consideration, having been reviewed at the August 5, 2014 Personnel Committee, as per attached.

Approval of Policy 4124--First Reading for Consideration P-15-13 - RECOMMENDED ACTION: -Approved- that the Board approve Policy 4124--first reading for consideration, having been reviewed a the August 5, 2014 Personnel Committee, as per attached.

AppIt roval of Policy 3232--First Reading for Consideration P-15-14 - RECOMMENDED ACTION: -Approved- that the Board approve Policy 3232--Tutoring Services--first reading for consideration, having been reviewed at the August 5, 2014 Personnel Committee, as per attached.

Approval of Policy 4125--First Reading for Consideration P-15-15 - RECOMMENDED ACTION: -Approved- that the Board approve Policy 4124--Employment of SupportStaff Members, having been reviewed at the August 5, 2014 Personnel Committee, as per attached.

Approval of Policy 1510--First Reading for Consideration P-15-16 - RECOMMENDED ACTION: -Approved- that the Board approve Policy 151 O--first reading for consideration, having been reviewed at the July 31,2014 Education Committee, as per attached. Regular Meeting Minutes August 28, 2014 Page 29

of 373

Approval of Policy 2431 --First Reading for Consideration P-15-17 - RECOMMENDED ACTION: -Approved- that the Board approve Policy 2431--Athletic Competition, having been reviewed at the July 31, 2014 Education Committee, as per attached.

Approval of Policy 5117--First Reading for Consideration P-15-18 - RECOMMENDED ACTION: -Approved- that the Board approve Policy 5117--lnterdistrict Public School Choice, first reading for consideration, having been reviewed at the July 31, 2014 Education Committee, as per attached.

Approval of Policy 5533--First Reading for Consideration P-15-19 - RECOMMENDED ACTION: -Approved- that the Board approve Policy 5533--Pupil Smoking, having been reviewed a the July 31, 2014 Education Committee, as per attached.

Approval of Policy 7434--First Reading for Consideration P-15-20 - RECOMMENDED ACTION: -Approved- that the Board approve Policy 7434--Smoking in School Buildings and on School Grounds-- first reading for consideration, having been reviewed at the July 31, 2014 Education Committee, as per attached. Motion: To Approve, Moved by Board Member ROBERT CEBERIO, Seconded by Board Member MICHAEL BUBBA. Passed. 9-0-0. Board Members voting Aye: ALBANESE, BADINER, BUBBA, CEBERIO, ESSEN, KAZAN, MORDKOFF, PAVLAK, STINZIANO. A motion was made to approve S-15-01 to S-15-20. SCHOOL RESOURCES: Approval of the Check Register S-15-01 - RECOMMENDED ACTION: -Approved- that the Board approve the Check Register, Check Range #059984- 059985 in the total amount of $34,769.23 (drawn on TO Bank) and Check Range #060026-060614 in the total amount of $3,245,634.72 (drawn on Bank of America) as per the attached.

Approval of Report of the Treasurer of School Funds S-15-02 - RECOMMENDED ACTION: -Approved- that the Board approve the Report of the Treasurer of School Funds as of June 30, 2014 as per the attached. Regular Meeting Minutes August 28, 2014 Page 30 of 373

Approval of Report of Board Secretary S-15-03 - RECOMMENDED ACTION: -Approved- that the Board approve the Reportof the Board Secretary as of June 30, 2014 as per the attached.

Approval of Monthly Certification Resolution S-15-04 - RECOMMENDED ACTION: -Approved- WHEREAS, N.JAC. 6A:23-2.11(c) requires monthly certifications by Boards of Education that major accounUfund balances have not been over-expended and that sufficientfunds are available to meet the district's financial obligations for the 2013-2014 fiscal year; and, WHEREAS, the Board Secretary has certified that no major account has been over-expended for the month ending June 30, 2014 and that sufficientfunds are available for the remainder of the fiscal year; WHEREAS, ALL Board members have been provided with expenditure summaries; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of the Township of Wayne that they collectively certify the expenditures of the district for the month ending June 30, 2014 to be within the guidelines established under N.JAC. 6A:23-2.11 (a), with General Operating Fund expenditures as follows: Budgeted Appropriations: $142,493,407.14 Encumbrances (Open Purchase Orders): $897,741.36 Expenditures (Cash Disbursements): $138,357,024.19 and further, BE IT RESOLVED that a copy shall be appended to and made a part of these minutes. Juanita A. Petty, RSBA

Approval of Transfer of Funds S-15-05 - RECOMMENDED ACTION: -Approved- that the Board approve Resolution - Transfer of Funds as of June 30, 2014, as per the attached.

Approval to Accept Awards S-15-06 - RECOMMENDED ACTION: -Approved- that the Board approve the acceptance of awards for the sale of district equipment and vehicles,in the total amount of $52,869.91, as auctioned and sold on as per the attached list. Regular Meeting Minutes August 28, 2014 Page 31 of 373

Approval of Bid Award S-15-07 - RECOMMENDED ACTION: -Approved- that the Board approve the bid award in the total amount of $10,080.64 for the purchase of various supplies from Educational Data Services, Inc. for the 2014-2015 school year, as per the attached.

Accept Award for NClB Grant S-15-08 - RECOMMENDED ACTION: -Approved- that the Board accept the award for NClB grant funding for the 2014-2015 School year as follows: Title 1 -$479,970 Title IIA - $131,274 Title III - $46,564 Title III Immigrant - $61,117

Accept Award for IDEA Funding S-15-09 - RECOMMENDED ACTION: -Approved- that the Board accept the award for the IDEA for the 2014-2015 School year in the total amount of $1 ,866,859 for Basic and $67,988 for PreSchool.

Accept Award for Carl D. Perkins Grant S-15-10 - RECOMMENDED ACTION: -Approved- that the Board accept the Carl D. Perkins grant award for the 2014- 2015 School year in the amount of $40,281.

Approval of the Revised lunch/Breakfast Prices for 2014-2015 S-15-11 School Year -Approved- - RECOMMENDED ACTION: that the Board approve the revised lunch/breakfast price list for the 2014-2015 school year, as per the attached.

Approval of Dual Use of Educational Space Application S-15-12 - RECOMMENDED ACTION: -Approved- "that the Board approve the Application for Dual Use of Educational Space for the 2014-2015 School year, for the Elementary Schools as per the attached."

Agreement with the Township of Wayne for Nursing Services S-15-13 for Non-Public Schools -Approved- - RECOMMENDED ACTION: Regular Meeting Minutes August 28, 2014 Page 32 of 373 that the Board approve the Agreement with the Township of Wayne to provide school based nursing services to students enrolled full­ time in non-public schools within the Township of Wayne for the 2014-2015 school year at a cost not to exceed Non-P- ublic funding allocations as follows and as attached -by-- -reference:------. . . Non-Public.. . - _. - Schools Pupils_. State. .. Aid...... • . . 1 --_ . - FB. . .. Montessori •. 126 $11,95---1.001 ilAPPle j F - - -- 'I l iEF AI-Ghazaly Jr.lSr. High 298 • $- 28,26--- 5.00,1 School . 1 - -- - .. of Science F $ 22,574.00' De Paul Catholic High School I. 638 1 �60,514.00' , Happy Day Learning Center FI $ 1,043.001 Immaculate Heart of Mary $ 15,840.00 iF - . -- . ITOTA� 11478 . $140,187.00:: Approval to Renew Lease Agreement with PCESC for S-15-14 Alternative School -Approved- - RECOMMENDED ACTION: that the Board approve the renewal of the Lease Agreement with the Passaic County Educational Services Commission to operate an Alternative Middle School and High School at the Preakness School Building for the period September 1,2014 to June 30, 2015.

Approval of 2014·2015 Parental Contract for Student Transportation S-15-15 - RECOMMENDED ACTION: -Approved- that the Board approve 2014-2015 Parental Contract for Student Transportation as follows: hOOI End I Route �) IStudent Contractor IStudent I.D. ���� ICost Regular Meeting Minutes August 28, 2014 Page 33 of 373

Wayne. , Hills Parent of 7/1/14 - MM1115i High 1 Student '#7229153073 6/30/15 $6,400, School;

, -, -,-""- --_.. _. -- .- -- , . -. _. _: .

Approval to Accept Funding for Chapters 192/193 S-15-16 - RECOMMENDED ACTION: -Approved- that the Board of Education accept funding under Chapters 192/193 for the 2014-2015 school year as follows:


Compensatory Education $ 67,185.00

E.S.L. $ 2,741.00

Transportation $ 50.362.00



Initial Exam & Class. $ 55,434.00

Annual Exam & Class. $ 21,660.00

Corrective Speech $ 24,738.00

Supplementary Instruction $ 71,408.00

$173,240.00 Regular Meeting Minutes August 28, 2014 Page 34 of 373

Authorization to Solicit Bids S-15-17 - RECOMMENDED ACTION: -Approved- that the Board authorize the School Business Administrator to solicit bids for Facilities Supplies, Bid #8-1415.

Approval of NJSIG Agreement S-15-18 - RECOMMENDED ACTION: -Approved- that the Board approve the New Jersey Schools Insurance Group Resolution Indemnity and Trust Renewal Agreement for the period July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2017 as per the attached.

Approval of 2014-2015 E-Rate Funding S-15-19 - RECOMMENDED ACTION: -Approved- that the Board approve the E-Rate Funding Commitment from Universal Service Administrative Company, Schools and Libraries Division, for Funding Year 2014-2015 in the amount of $170,976.77, as per the attached.

Disposal of Obsolete/Surplus Equipment S-15-20 - RECOMMENDED ACTION: -Approved- that the Board approve the disposal of obsolete/surplus equipment, as per the attached by reference. Motion: To Approve, Moved by Board Member ROBERT CEBERIO, Seconded by Board Member DONALD PAVLAK. Passed. 9-0-0. Board Members voting Aye: ALBANESE, BADINER, BUBBA, CEBERIO, ESSEN, KAZAN, MORDKOFF, PAVLAK, STINZIANO. *Mitch Badiner abstained on S-15-01 (BCCCSS).

A motion was made to open the meeting to public comment on any item.

Open to Public

This portion of the meeting is open to citizens for comment on any topic. Residents are to state their names, addresses and subject matter. Comments may be limited to five minutes per person. No member of the public will be permitted to speak negatively about an employee or a student. Comments may be responded to tonight under "new business" or at subsequent meetings under "old business." The Board bears no responsibility for comments made by the public. Regular Meeting Minutes August 28, 2014 Page 35 of 373

PUBLIC COMMENTS Judy Rostello - Welcomed Dr. Toback spoke about a push initiative to start in September. AI Frech - 2004 Law to Teach Constitution in 2nd week of September. Board approved a resolution then. Would be nice to re-adopt this year. PARCC testing many hours will test take each year to implement? Tracy Rosanski - Questions on full day kindergarten and what happens next? When are Board goals developed? Where does Superintendent stand on full day kindergarten? Motion: To Approve, Moved by Board Member MICHAEL BUBBA, Seconded by Board Member DONALD PAVLAK. Passed. 9-0-0. Board Members voting Aye: ALBANESE, BADINER, BUBBA, CEBERIO, ESSEN, KAZAN, MORDKOFF, PAVLAK, STINZIANO. There being no further comments from the public, a motion was made to close the meeting to public comment. Motion: To Approve, Moved by Board Member ALLAN MORDKOFF, Seconded by Board Member DONALD PAVLAK. Passed. 9-0-0. Board Members voting Aye: ALBANESE, BADINER, BUBBA, CEBERIO, ESSEN, KAZAN, MORDKOFF, PAVLAK, STINZIANO.

Old Business

Comments: Cathy Kazan -asked questions in executive session on full day kindergarten that were not answered. Also on whether study is required. Asked Board President to contact attorney.

New Business

Comments Cathy Kazan - commented on level of communication received from Dr. Toback - Mrs. Rostelli will take up with Trenton - Kindergarten .....believes it should be District Goal not Board Goal Robert Ceberio - point of clarification that Kindergarten feasibility study not statutory but rather a practical business practice to add on to facility to absorb full day kindergarten. It is a business Regular Meeting Minutes August 28, 2014 Page

36 of 373 decision with two primary issues, funding and space. Don Pavlak, Jr. - commented that Mr. Ben-David created worksheet on time needed for PARCC preparation. Laura Stinziano - noted a contract awarded for the Kindergarten feasibility study. To be completed by December. Thanked all staffworking hard to get schools ready.

Executive Session

Adjournment There being no further business of the board, a motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 8:46 p.m. Motion: To Approve, Moved by Board Member ROBERT CEBERIO, Seconded by Board Member DONALD PAVLAK. Passed. 9-0-0. Board Members voting Aye: ALBANESE, BADINER, BUBBA, CEBERIO, ESSEN, KAZAN, MORDKOFF, PAVLAK, STINZIANO. Wayne Township Public Schools School Self-Assessment for Determining Grades under the Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights School Grade Report 2013.2014

8-28-2014 Agenda A-15-03 ::z::, • � a Wayne Township Public Schools

District Goals 201 4-2015 D FT Presented to Board of Education August 19, 2014 Note: Goals are not presented in any particular order Narrative; Superintendent, Evaluate documents and I None The Wayne Township Public Schools, like all public Assistant feedback provided by staff schools in New Jersey, recently underwent a significant Superintendent regarding initiatives from prior change process due to requirements for teacher and school year (Summer 2014). principal evaluations, the establishment of student growth objectives and percentiles, a new report card fo rmat, and perhaps most significantly, a new curricula Superintendent Evaluate professional I None based on the Common Core State Standards. In development plans to assure addition, the District moved to new software packages alignment with District needs (Oncourse/Aesop/My Leaming Plan) and made an effort (Summer 2014). to increase the use oftechnology in classrooms. Another mandated change requirement for the upcoming year will involve transitioning to the PA RCC Superintendent, Revise format for start of school Dependent on (Partnership for the Assessment for Readiness in Assistant year (non·student contact days) format, there College and Careers) in most grades. Superintendent to allow for additional time for will likely be planning and professional savings to the Rationale; development (Summer 2014). District in An organization can only endure a certain amount of transportation. change during any given time·period. The 2013·2014 I school year was a year of unprecedented change in the Wayne Township Public Schools. While the ability to change and adapt is important for the success of any Superintendent, Quarterly Progress Meetings to I None organization, change can also lead to frustration. While Assistant evaluate ongoing initiatives. the District adapted to a host of changes, it has not Superintendent, I mastered those changes and additional work fo cused on WEA supporting the staffand building organizational capacity is essential for future success. Superintendent, Provide multiple opportunities Minimal (Cost The goal is to collaboratively develop a written Assistant for PARCC training for staff. for additional change/implementation plan for the 2014/2015 school Superintendent, Distribute resources and hold hours for year by December of 2014 to address tbe many Directors, meetings with parents to assist teachers) cbange initiatives that are in process and to carry out Principals, WEA with their understanding of the a variety of professional development activities based on staff needs, noting that PARCC readiness training PARCC (Ongoing) is an essential part of any plan. Narratjye: Superintendent Meeting with representatives None Recently, a wave of iegislation was introduced in from local colleges and New Jersey regarding a possible requirement for all universities to discuss school districts with high schools to develop post­ opportunities for partnership secondary partnerships to allow for students to earn college credit while stilI in high school. While such (Summer 2014). programs are commonplace in county technical schools, there are fe wer comprehensive high schools Superintendent, Hold a meeting to further refine None offering these opportunities. Assistant areas of focus for partnerships Superintendent, (Fall 2014). Rationale: Directors, High Regardless of future requirements, fo rming partnerships to allow for advanced study through pre­ School college programs can be one way for the District to Administrators better prepare students for college. It is difficult to imagine how a high school could better prepare Superintendent, Develop articulation Costs to students for college than creating opportunities for Assistant agreements with local colleges students and/or qualified high school students to complete an actual Superintendent, and universities (Spring 2015). District college class and earn college credit. Creating pre­ dependent on college programs may also be of great benefit to Directors, High parents who are naturally concerned with the ever School articulation increasing cost of a college education. Administrators, . agreements. Business The goal is to develop programs and fo rmal Administrator, articulation agreements with local colleges and Board of universities to allow qualified students to earn college credit while still in high school. Education Superintendent, Develop a plan for review of I None The transition to the Common Core State Standards Director of textbooks and educational (CCSS) requires school districts to establish a much Elementary materials in accordance with higher expectation for rigor in mathematics. While Education, BOE policy (Fall 2014). districts were required to adopt math curricula in support of the Common Core, funding to allow for new Director of textbooks and other instructional materials was not Secondary Ed., available in many school districts. Principals I Engage in a comprehensive I None review process as part of a Rationale: Superintendent, District committee, selection, While funding is always an issue, a fo reseeable problem Director of and creation of implementation exists for students and teachers when students are tested and teacher perfomlance is evaluated when a full array Elementary plan (Winter 2015). of instructional tools are not available. Education, Te achers, The goal is to assess the current instructional Principals, materials used to the support the elementary and BOE, Parents Approval of new books, I None middle school math programs and to then budget resources, and instructional and purchase educational materials for students and teachers from kindergarten through eighth grade. A Board of materials and implementation significant program of professional development for Education plan (Winter 2015). teachers must also be a part ofthe goal as well as an ongoing effort to educate parents about the new Budget and purchase of books, Significant in program. As a result, a written and collaboratively resources, instructional the developed implementation plan will be a second part Superintendent, materials, and professional neighborhood ofthe goal to be completed by the close ofthe of $800,000 2014-2015 school year. Business development services (June/ Administrator July 2015). Narrative: Superintendent, Overall assessment of student None Since 1975, fe deral law has required that school districts Assistant placements and local programs place students with disabilities in the general education Superintendent, for students with disabilities setting before any other placements are considered. Director of (Fall 2014). Researchers have demonstrated a host of benefits that students with disabilities enjoy when placed in a general Student Support education setting. In contrast to this standard is the Services, CST, practice of placing stndents with disabilities in out of Te achers district placements, which is generally considered the most restrictive environment because students are rarely BOE Approve contract for study (Fall Budgeted exposed to general education programs. At the same 2014). already at time, it is important to recognize that such placements are appropriate for a variety of reasons. $7,500

Rationale: Superintendent, None Every school system and their special needs population Director of Identify possible options to will benefit by strengthening local programs for stndents Student Support strengthen existing programs with disabilities. Services, CST, and to create new programs The goal is to develop a needs assessment for Principals, (Fall 2014). stndents with disabilities attending school in and out Te achers, Vendor of District and to tben identify possible ways to better meet student needs locally and in combination Superintendent, Included with with learniug opportuuities available iu geueral Director of Write the assessment and contract cost education settiugs whenever possible. The written Student Support, include an analysis of costs assessment will be complete by January of 2015 to allow the Distric! to include special education Vendor associated with various plans program enhancements for the 2015-2016 budget and budget as needed (Winter process. 2015). CST None Notify parents of new options in annual review process (Spring 2015). Narratiye: Superintendent, Analyze how teachers and staff I None The strength of any excellent school system is a well Assistant members in District might trained teaching staff. Te achers also need practical Superintendent, deliver training to other staff training when it comes to technology and software Dept. Manager of members using in-house usage. New teachers also require extensive support and additional training well beyond their experience Human expertise (Summer/FaIl 2014). as student teachers. Resources, PD Comm, Te achers, Rationale: WEA, DEAC The District has an obligation to provide excellent professional development opportunities for the staff Superintendent, Identify possible locations and None and centralizing this effort may be of great benefit. I Wayne is a large enough district to maintain an ahnost Assistant costs associated with the continuous schedule of training forthe employees. A Superintendent, development of a dedicated professional development institute is necessary Director, Director space for delivery of computer simply to provide great learning experiences for our of Facilities based and in-person training staff. Due to our size, it may be possible to generate Management programs (Fall 2014). revenue for the District by opening up available seats to other local school districts. Thus, a professional Minimal to development institute in Wayne could potentially be a Assistant Develop a budget and initial cost-effective resource for all of Passaic County. Superintendent, programming for the PD Moderate within Wayne also has many highly skilled teachers who are Business Institute (Fall 2014). existing PD widely recognized experts in their areas of work. A Administrator budget professional development institute would be a way to showcase the talents of the staffwhile providing Superintendent, Create a publication describing Minimal excellent "home grown" training. A partnership with William Paterson University would allow for Assistant programming and costs and additional high quality programs. Superintendent distribute to local school districts (Spring 2015). The goal is to develop a professional development institute withiu the District facilities, create a schedule of programs, and then share these opportunities with neighboring districts in an effort to create excellent revenue generating professional development programs. Narratiye: Superintendent, Discuss app with technology I None The average new smart phone has more computing Te chnology department and identify costs power than m?st older desktop computers. M?�ile Department in\iolved (Summer 2014). technology dnves an enormous amount of activity and is a source of great convenience for many people. . Many school districts have started to use mobile Supenntendent, Identify and contract with Approximately technology for a variety of purposes. Business organization to assist with app $2,500 I Administrator development (Fall 2014). I Rationale: The Wayne Township Public Schools may be able to Superintendent, Work with human resources I None harness mobile technology to meet a variety of needs Manager of department to identify content in a very cost effective manner. With the development of Wayne Township Public School apps, Human for the app and make the the District will be able to share a variety of Resources, WEA content useable in a mobile information to all residents and staffmembers who environment (Winter 2015). download the app for both IOS (Apple) and Android (PC) on their smartphones. I Manager of Identify professional I None Human development programs that The goal is to develop two different apps over the course of the next two school years. The first app Resources, could be delivered using the will be used for testiug aud learning about app Assistant human resources and develop development and will be created as a human Superintendent, into a mobile format (Winter resources app to assist District employees with WEA 2015). access to important employment information and for professional development purposes. The Superintendent, Work to develop app to be Included in cost second app will be a School District app designed primarily for parents. This app will link our social Director of delivered by spring 2015. for development media accounts, District calendars, District Human I I website, and it will enable to push a variety of Resources, information to pareuts and also to distribute Vendor emergency information. The District app should be a great aid for busy parents to keep track of Superintendent Revise process as needed and Approximately school events. I I plan for a District app $2,500 development process for 15/1 6. I Narratjye: Superintendent, Develop program guidelines None Turnover in leadership can present a challenge in any Assistant and processes (Fall 2014) organization. Organizations can proactively develop Superintendent solutions by developing a group of qualified in-house leaders by creating active leadership mentoring programs available to qualified candidates. BOE Approve the program and the None processes, guidelines etc. for Rationale: immediate implementation (Fall The Wayne Township Public School District employs 2014). hundreds of people who might very well have the capacity to work as future school leaders. By Superintendent Share materials with staff and None developing a group of talented future leaders, the district may have the ability to easily fill leadership create a TA P web page. positions. Inmany districts, critical leadership positions are, in many cases, very difficult to fill and Principals, Work to identify possible TAP None the outcome of any search process is uncertain. Eligible Te achers partnerships and formally begin Employees who volunteer gain critical experience work and training. with a qualified school leader.

The goal is to develop a program for teaching Superintendent, Deliver periodic leadership None assistant principals (TAP). This two-year program Assistant seminars for TAP group outside is completely voluntary for both principals and Superintendent of regular school hours. teachers and there is no obligation for the District to hire employees who work their way through the program. Each principal cau partuer with one (TAP) and the partnership can be ended at any time by either party. The TAP must adhere to the program guidelines, primarily that he or she will not miss their regularly assigned duties. Regular Meeting Minutes August 28, 2014 Page 98 of 373


FIELD TRIP DESTINATIONS LOCATION 1 A&P Pompton Plains 2 Academics at Englewood Englewood 3 AMC Theater Wayne 4 Arlington Scrap Metal Wayne 5 Asbury Park Beach Asbury Park 6 Aster Place Theater New York, NY 7 Atlantic City Boardwalk Hall Atlantic City 8 BAE Systems Wayne 9 Baltimore Inner Harbor Maryland 10 Basking Ridge High School Basking Ridge 11 Bergen PAC Englewood 12 Bloomfield High School Bloomfield 13 Boston Boston, MA 14 Boyertown High School/Dorney Park Boyertown/Allentown, PA 15 Branchburg Central Middle School Branchburg 16 Brick Memorial High School Brick Township, NJ 17 Bridgewater Raritan Middle School Bridgewater 18 Bridgewater-Raritan High School Bridgewater 19 Broadway Theaters . New York City, NY 20 Bronx Zoo Bronx, NY 21 Brownstone Paterson 22 Buehler Challenger Center Paramus 23 Busch Gardens Amusement Park Williamsburg, VA 24 Butler High School Butler 25 Caldwell College Caldwell 26 Camp Canadensis Canadensis, PA 27 Camp Marcella Rockaway Township 28 Camp Sacajawea Newfield 29 Camp Warwick Warwick, NY 30 Cedar Grove High School Cedar Grove 31 Central Regional High School Bayville 32 Chatham High School Chatham 33 Clifton City Hall Clifton 34 CNBC Studios Englewood Cliffs 35 College of New Jersey Trenton 36 Community Theater Morristown 37 Crayola Factory Easton, PA 38 Culinary Institute Hyde Park, NY 39 DePaul Catholic High School Wayne 40 Dey Mansion Wayne 41 Discovery Times Square New York, NY 42 Disney World Orlando, FL 43 Dorney Park Allentown, PA Regular Meeting Minutes August 28, 2014 Page 99 of 373


44 Eduquest aft Funplex East Hanover 45 Ellis Island Jersey City 46 Empire Theater New York City, NY 47 Eva's Kitchen Paterson 48 Farmstead Estate Ringwood 49 Field Station Dinosaurs Secaucus 50 Fleetwood High School Fleetwood, PA 51 Florence Gould Hall New York, NY 52 Foley Field Bloomfield 53 Foundation for the Handicapped Wayne 54 Franklin Mineral Museum Franklin 55 Frelinghuysen Arboretum Morristown 56 Frelinghuysen Middle School Morristown 57 French Institute Alliance Francaise New York, NY 58 Fuddruckers Wayne 59 Garden State Plaza Paramus 60 Gershwin Theatre New York, NY 61 Glassworks Studio Morristown 62 Governor Livingston High School Berkeley Heights 63 Great Adventure Jackson 64 Green Knolls Country Club Parsippany 65 Green Meadows Parsippany 66 Grounds for Sculpture Hamilton, NJ 67 Hackettstown High School Hackettstown 68 Hayden Planetarium New York, NY 69 Heaven Hills Farm Vernon 70 Hershey Park Hershey, PA 71 High Tech Academy Lincroft 72 Hilton East Brunswick 73 Holiday Bowl Oakland 74 I Play America Freehold 75 I MAX Theater Palisades, NY 76 Intrepid Sea, Air, Space Museum New York, NY 77 J. Birney Crum Stadium Allentown, PA 78 James Roe Memorial Pool Wayne 79 JCC - Wayne Wayne 80 Jefferson High School Jefferson 81 Jewish Community Center Clifton 82 JP Stevens High School Edison 83 Kean University Union 84 Kilroy Park Wayne 85 King's Dominion Amusement Park Williamsburg, VA 86 Kinnelon High School Kinnelon 87 Kutztown High School/Dorney Park Kutztown/Allentown, PA Regular Meeting Minutes August 28, 2014 Page 100 of 373


88 Kutztown University Kutztown, PA 89 Lakeland High School Wanaque 90 Lakota Wolf Preserve Columbia, NJ 91 Lenni Lenape Park at Parsippany 92 Leonia High School Leonia 93 Liberty Hall Museum Union 94 Liberty Science Center Jersey City 95 Liberty State Park/Ellis Island Jersey City 96 Lincoln Center New York, NY 97 Lincoln Park Middle School Lincoln Park 98 Lincoln Technology Diesel South Plainfield 99 Longo Planetarium Randolph 100 Lord & Taylor Wayne 101 Madame Tussauds Wax Museum New York City, NY 102 Majestic Theater New York, NY 103 Maritime Museum Norwalk, CT 104 Masker Orchards Warwick, NY 105 Matawan High School Aberdeen 106 Matawan High School Matawan 107 Maurice Levin Theater West Orange 108 Meadowlands Environmental Center East Rutherford 109 Meadowlands Stadium East Rutherford 110 Medieval Times Lyndhurst 111 Memorial Auditorium Montclair 112 Mercer Community College Trenton 113 Metlife Stadium East Rutherford 114 Metropolis Studios New York, NY 115 Metropolitan Museum of Art New York, NY 116 Metropolitan Opera New York, NY 117 Michael's Craft Store Wayne 118 Midland Park High School Midland Park 119 Minskoff Theater New York City, NY 120 Monksville Reservoir Ringwood 121 Monroe Township High School Monroe, NJ 122 Montclair Art Museum Montclair 123 Montclair State University Upper Montclair 124 Montreal High School Trip (Various) Montreal, Quebec, Canada 125 Montville High School Montville 126 Morris Knolls High School Rockaway 127 Morris Museum Morristown 128 Mt. Olive High School Mt. Olive, NJ 129 Museum of Modern Art New York, NY 130 Museum of National History New York, NY 131 Museum Village Monroe, NY Regular Meeting Minutes August 28, 2014 Page 101

of 373 E-15-01

132 Music Box Theatre New York City, NY 133 National Guard Armory Riverdale 134 NBC Studios New York, NY 135 NEP Penn Studios New York, NY 136 New Amsterdam Theater Manhattan, NY 137 New Beginnings School Fairfield 138 Newark Airport Newark 139 Newark Museum Newark 140 NJ Institute of Technology Newark 141 NJ Law Center New Brunswick 142 NJ Marine Science Consortium Fort Hancock 143 NJ PAC Newark 144 Northern Valley Regional High School Demarest 145 Oak Ridge Nursing & Rehab. Wayne 146 Office Depot Wayne 147 Out Door Lab Wayne 148 Packanack Lake Club House Wayne 149 Paper Mill Playhouse Millburn 150 Paramus High School Paramus 151 Park Performing Arts Center Union City 152 Park Wayne Diner Wayne 153 Parsippany High School Parsippany 154 Passaic County Jail & Court Paterson 155 Passaic High School Passaic 156 Paterson Fire Department - Walnut Street Paterson 157 Penn Relays Philadelphia, PA 158 Pennings Orchard Warwick, NY 159 Pequannock High School Pequannock 160 Petco Totowa 161 Petco Clifton 162 Petco Kinnelon 163 Philadelphia Philadelphia, PA 164 Philadelphia Historical Walking Tour Philadelphia, PA 165 Philadelphia Model UN Philadelphia, PA 166 Pines Manor Edison 167 Pittsburgh Music Festival Pittsburgh, PA 168 Pompton Queen Diner Pompton Plains 169 Portobello Restaurant Oakland 170 Positano's Restaurant Wayne 171 Preakness Healthcare Wayne 172 Preakness Shopping Center Wayne 173 Princeton University Princeton 174 Prudential Center Newark 175 Pyramid Mountain Boonton Twsp. Regular Meeting Minutes August 28, 2014 Page 102 of 373


176 Raceway Park Englishtown 177 Randolph High School Randolph 178 Randolph Middle School Randolph 179 Raritan Community College Planetarium Branchburg 180 Raritan Exhibit Hall Edison 181 Ridge High School Basking Ridge 183 Robbinsville High School Trenton 184 Roselle Park High School Roselle Park 185 Roxbury High School Succasunna 186 Rutgers New Brunswick 187 Saks Fifth Avenue New York, NY 188 Sandy Hook Fort Hancock 189 Sheraton Edison 190 Shop Rite Wayne 191 Shubert Theatre NYC 192 Sienna Village Wayne 193 Six Flags Jackson 194 Somerville High School Somerville 195 Somerville Middle School Branchburg 196 South Brunswick High School Monmouth Junction 197 Spirit of New Jersey Weehawken 198 St. Joseph's School for the Blind Jersey City 199 St. Vincent's Nursing Home Cedar Grove 200 State House Trenton 201 Sterling Mines Ogdensburg 202 Stony Brook School Boonton 203 Stony Hill Farm Chester 204 Summit Middle School Summit 205 Sunrise Assisted Living Wayne 206 Superior Court Paterson 207 T-Bowl Wayne 208 Tenafly Nature Center Tenafly 209 Texas, San Antonio - Various Locations San Antonio, Texas 210 The Atrium at Wayne Wayne 211 Theater of Morristown Morristown 212 Theatreworks Morristown 213 Titanic Artifact Exhibition New York, NY 214 Toms Lake Wayne 215 Toms River High School Toms River 216 Toys R Us Corporate Headquarters Wayne 217 Turtle Back Zoo West Orange 218 U. s. Military Academy West Point, NY 219 U. S. Post Office -Jackson Avenue Wayne 220 U. S. State House Trenton Regular Meeting Minutes August 28, 2014 Page 103 of 373


221 Union High School Union 222 United Nations New York, NY 223 UTI Exton Campus Exton, PA 224 Verona High School Verona 225 Vietnam Veteran's Memorial Holmdel 226 Viking Cooking Center Fairfield 227 Virginia Beach VA 228 WABC-TV New York, NY 229 Washington, DC - Various Locations Washington, DC 230 Wayne Animal Shelter - Jackson Avenue Wayne 231 Wayne Hills Diner Wayne 232 Wayne Municipal Building Wayne 233 Wayne Public Library Wayne 234 Wayne View Center Wayne 235 Wayne YMCA Wayne 236 Weiss Ecology Center Ringwood 237 Wendy's Wayne 238 West Essex Regional High School North Caldwell 239 West Milford High School West Milford 240 West Orange High School West Orange 241 Wild Water Kingdom Allentown, PA 242 Wild West City Netcong William Paterson University Wayne Willowbrook Mall Wayne World of Wings Teaneck Last up dated 8/14/14 Regular Meeting Minutes August 28, 2014 Page 104 of 373




FEE L=Lodging COSTO M&I=Meals Incidentals o 1 Clancy, E. District/ Autism New Jersey - 10/23/14 $500.00 T=41.93 $732.93 WHHS Annual New Jersey Thru L= $92.00 10/24/14 M&I=$99.00 2 Foti, D. SCMS 2014 FEA/NJPSA/ 10/16/14, $275.00 T= $40.96 $315.96 NJASCD Fall Conf. Thru 10-17-14 3 Pandolfi, D. Board PC Edu. Partnership; 10/7/14 $135.00 0 $135.00 Office Elem. Principal's PD 3/12/15 Initiative 2014-15 5/6/15 4 Petty, J. Business 2014-2015 Monthly 9/30/14 $525.00 $438.08 $963.08 Office Workshops & 10/16/14 Per Event) Academy I & II - 11/19/14 (35.00/ NJASBO 12/11/14 1/22/15 2/26/15 3/26/15 4/16/15 5 Savastano, J. WHHS Oppotional, Defiant 9/15/14 $189.00 T = $10.37 $199.37 & Disruptive Children and Adolescents 6 Schoening, N. Business NJABSO Programs - 9/24/14 $200.00 T=346.56 $546.56 Office Academy & II 10/8/14 (for all days)

I 11/5/14 12/3/14 1/7/15 2/4/15 3/5/15 5/21/15 7 Schoening, N. Business NJABSO Programs 9/30/14 Group T - 111.52 $111.52 Registration Office 10/16/14 w/J. Petty 11/19/14 12/11/14 1/22/15 2/26/15 3/26/15 4/16/15 RegularMeeting Minutes August 28, 2014 Page 105 of 373


8 Schoening, N. Business NJSCPA Seminars 9/9/14 $325.00 T - 26.40 $351.40 Office 9/11/14 10/7/14 10/9/14 11/4/14 11/13/14 12/2/14 12/11/14 9 Wardell, S. Ryerson Elem. Principal's 3/12/15 $90.00 0 $90.00 Workshops 5/6/15 10 Weir, M. WHHS GCLI Pedagogy of 10/23/14 $335.00 0 $335.00 Leadership Symposium

TOTAL $3,780.82 . . 'Includes unanticipated tolls, transportallon (taXI, etc.) and/or parking expenses ·Charge to NClS Title I ··Charge to NClS Title IIA Regular Meeting Minutes August 28, 2014 Page 106 of 373

E-1 5-03

TRANSITION SITE DESTINATIONS LOCATION 2 360 Fitness Fairfield 1 7-11 Wayne 3 A&P Wayne/Pompton Plains 4 AA Pompton Gas Pompton Lakes 5 AAA (321 Hamburg Turnpike) Wayne 6 Apollo Card Totowa 7 Applebees Totowa 8 Arlington Scrap Metal Wayne 9 Atlantic Stewardship Bank Wayne 10 Barnes & Nobel Totowa 11 Bath and Body Works Wayne 12 Bed Bath & Beyond Totowa 13 Bel Art Products Wayne 14 Best Buy Riverdale & Wayne 15 Bob's Stores Totowa 16 Bonded Products Window Factory Totowa 17 Bosland's Florist Wayne 18 Botanical Gardens Ringwood 19 Bow Tie Cinemas Ridgefield, CT 20 Brushes and Bisque Denville 21 Buononato Valley Brook Cleaners Wayne 22 Burlington Mills Coat Factory Wayne 23 Canete Landscaping Wayne 24 Cedar Crest Assisted living Pompton Plains 25 Charlie Brown's Restaurant Wayne 26 Children's Museum Paramus 27 Chilton Memorial Hospital Pompton Plains 28 Chuck E Cheese Pizzeria Wayne 29 CliftonCity Hall Clifton 30 Conway Totowa 31 Corrado's Supermarket Wayne 32 Costco Wayne 33 Crestmont Toyota Pompton Plains 34 Crunch Wayne 35 Curley's Ice Cream Riverdale 36 Dey Mansion Wayne 37 Dell Contractor's Totowa 38 Dollar Power Wayne 39 DSW Shoe Warehouse Wayne 40 Dunkin Donuts Wayne 41 Dynamite Falls Golf Fairfield 42 Entenmann's Bakery Totowa 43 Essex County Environmental Center Roseland 44 Fairfield Farms (177 Big Piece Road) Fairfield 45 Fairfield Home & Garden (445 Rt. 46 W) Fairfield Regular Meeting Minutes August 28, 2014 Page 107 of 373

E-1 5-03

46 Farms View Wayne 47 Five Below Wayne 48 Five Guys Wayne 49 Food Town (Jack's Super Food Town) Wayne 50 Foundation Industries for the Handicapped Wayne 51 Frameware Fairfield 52 Friendly's Pompton Plains 53 Frozen Peaks (Wilowbrook Mall) Wayne 54 Fuddrucker's Wayne 55 Funtime Junction Fairfield 56 Game Stop Wayne 57 Gencarelli's Bakery Wayne 58 Goodwill Industries (561 Rt. 23 South) Pequannock 59 Grand Chalet Wayne 60 Great Swamp Outdoor Education Center Chatham 61 Gro-Rite Lincoln Park 62 Harmon Face Values Wayne 63 Harmon's Totowa 64 Hoboken Floors Wayne 65 Hoboken Train Station Hoboken 66 Holiday Bowling Lanes Oakland 67 Home Depot Totowa 68 Home Goods Pompton Plains 69 Ice vault Wayne 70 IHOP - Route 46 Totowa 71 III Eagle Little Falls 72 lzod Center East Rutherford 73 Kilroy Park Wayne 74 K-Mart Wayne 75 Kohl's Wayne 76 LA Fitness Wayne 77 LaRosa Chicken & Grill Wayne 78 Laurelwood Arboretum Wayne 79 Let's Yo Wayne 80 Liberty Science Center Jersey City 81 Llanfair Nursing Home Wayne 82 Lowes Riverdale 83 Madalian Chiropractic Wayne 84 Madame Tussauds Max Museum New York City 85 Maggie Moo's Ice Cream Wayne 86 Marshalls (Hamburg Turnpike) Wayne 87 Mayo Performing Arts Morristown 88 McDonald's Wayne 89 Meadowlands Environment Center Lyndhurst 90 Michael's Arts & Craft Store Wayne 91 Michaelson's Day Care Wayne 92 Miranda's Cafe Wayne Regular Meeting Minutes August 28, 2014 Page 108 of 373


93 Monarch Diner Wayne 94 Monster Golf Fairfield 95 Montclair State University Upper Montclair 96 Mr. Cupcake Clifton 97 Music Den Kinnelon 98 Nagel's Candy Barn Wayne 99 Neil's Pizzera Wayne 100 New Jersey Motor Vehicles Wayne 101 New Jersey Transit Bus Garage Wayne 102 New Jersey Transit Train Station Wayne 103 New York Times Newspaper Totowa 104 Office Depot Wayne 105 Packanack Bakery Wayne 106 Packanack Lake Community Center Wayne 107 Panera Bread Wayne 108 Paper Mill Playhouse Millburn 109 Paragon Aircraft Repair Caldwell Airport, Caldwell 110 Park Wayne Diner Wayne 111 Party City (Route 23) Wayne 112 Passaic County Jail and Court Paterson 113 Patriot Pickle Wayne 114 Paul Miller BMW Wayne 115 PC Richards & Son Wayne 116 Pennings Orchard Warwick 117 Petco Totowa, Clifton, Kinnelon 118 Pinky Nails Wayne 119 Pompton Queen Diner Pompton Plains 120 Pop's Ice Cream Pequannock 121 Positano's Wayne 122 Preakness Healthcare Center (Oldham Rd.) Wayne 123 Preakness Shopping Center Wayne 124 Rainforest Cafe Edison 125 Recycling Center (Dey Road) Wayne 126 Red Lobster Wayne 127 Rite Aid (1460 Route 23) Wayne 128 Salad Works Wayne 129 Scuffy's Pet Store Wayne 130 Shop Rite Wayne 180 Side Out Sports Fairfield 131 Ski Shop Wayne 132 Sonic - (Route 46) Totowa 133 Spa 23 Pompton Plains 134 Sports Authority Wayne 135 Staples Wayne 136 Starbuck's Wayne 137 Stop and Shop Wayne 138 Strawberry Blossom Garden Center Wayne Regular Meeting Minutes August 28, 2014 Page 109 of 373

E-1 5-03

139 Sunrise Assisted Living Wayne 140 Sunrise Bagel (Berdan Avenue) Wayne 141 Target (Route 46) Fairfield 142 T-Bowl Wayne 143 TO Bank Wayne 144 Thrift Store (PTO) Wayne 145 TJ Max Pompton Plains 146 Tony's Touch of Italy (Tony's Pizza) Wayne 147 Toys R Us Corporate Headquarter Wayne 148 Trader Joe's Wayne 149 Turtle Back Zoo West Orange 150 U. S. Post Office (Jackson Avenue) Wayne 151 Ultimate Dollar Store (80 Rt. 23 South) Wayne 152 Van Riper Museum Wayne 153 Van Vught Greenhouses Wayne 154 Vinny's Pizzeria Wayne 155 Walgreen's Mall Wayne 156 Walgreens Wayne 157 Walmart Wayne 158 Walmart North Riverdale 159 Wayne Animal Hospital Wayne 160 Wayne Animal Shelter Wayne 161 Wayne Car I (Black Oak Ridge Road) Wayne 162 Wayne Car Wash Wayne 163 Wayne Electric Pompton Plains 164 Wayne Fire Company #1 Wayne 165 Wayne First Aid Squad Wayne 166 Wayne Hills Diner Wayne 167 Wayne Lincoln Mercury Wayne 168 Wayne Municipal Building Wayne 169 Wayne Police Department Wayne 170 Wayne Public Library Wayne 171 Wayne Puppies Wayne 172 Wayne St. Joseph's Hospital Wayne 173 Wayne Title Wayne 174 Wendy's Wayne 175 William Paterson University Wayne 176 Willowbrook Golf Center Wayne 177 Willowbrook Mall Wayne 178 YMCA Wayne 179 Zapp Comics Wayne 7/16/2014 Regular Meeting Minutes August 28, 2014 Page 110 of 373

Jennifer var!i.o1 �.�9, Teacher Coordinator lVapte Student Support Services 50 ellis Drive Wayne, 07470 To wnship Public Schools N N.J. [email protected] Phone: (973) 317-2158 Fax: (973) 317-2159

DATE: 811 1114 SUBJECT: Wayne Hills H.S.,31·5570-055 ATTENTION: Dr. Diane Kubinski

Dear Office of Assessments,

Please see our Corrective Action Planfo r the alleged report that all independence markings were changed from prompting to performing independently on a grade Dine portfolio.

Nature of the Breach Independent markings were changed fr om prompting to performing independently on a gade nine portfolio Status of the Alleged Breach The results of the APA were sent home to the parents of the student involved with this matter. Outcomes Close monitoring of the classroom teacher and additional individualized support throughout the year regarding APA testing will be im�lemented. Steps Taken to Prevent Future Alleged Breaches Jennifer Varano and Deborah Patalita, Coordinators of Student Support Services for our district will be attending the AP A workshop on 9/18/14. The information will be shared with teachers who administer the APA in an all-day training on or before 9/3 0/14. Inaddition to the alleged prompting irregularities breach, all other errors made will be addressed as well.

Thank you for your help with this matter.


d� � Jennifer Varano, M.Ed. Teacher Coordinator of Student Support Services

Michael Reinknecht, M.Ed Director of Student Support Services Regular Meeting Minutes August 28, 2014 Page 111 of 373

�hIf� t1f��fum:etJ!�� CffRIS CHRISTIE OP EDUCATION

DEPARTMENT KIMGOl'emor GUADAGNO POBox 500 DAVID C_ HESPE TRENTON.NJ 08625-0500 Lt. GO""ernor Actillg Commissioner luly 2S.2014

Dr. Raymond Gonzalez,. Superintendent Wayne Township Public Schools SO Ne lis Drive Wayne. Nl 07470 l Dear Dr. Gonzalez:

SUBJECT: Request for Corrective Act on Planfo r the 2014 Alternative Proficiency Assessment (APA) Wayne Hills H.S_. 31-5570-055 i The Office of s men is requesting that a Corrective Action Plan (CAP) be submitted based on an alleged report that all ess independence markings were changed from r ting to e ing independently on a grade nine portfolio. As ts o rm The CAP is ano p o uni for schoolsp tomp review theirp rfo security plan, and address corrective measures for improved test administration procedures and prevent future breaches. Enclosed are the Corrective A t n Phm u de in . The CAP should submitted no later c io es than August 11.2014. Please fop rwardrt ty the report G i l be to: Dr. Diane Kubinski New Jersey Department of Education Office of Assessments Division ofOata, Research. Evaluation and Reporting P.O. Box 500 Trenton. New Jersey 08625..0500

Ifyou should need additional infonnation or have any questions, please call or contact Or. Diane Kubinski, at 609-292-3226 or diane.kubjnskj@dQe stateoj us

Thank you fo r your cooperation in this matter.

Since y. re l /l/-h- r#t-Jeffrey B. Hauger, Director Office of Assessments Division ofOata. Research,EcLO., Evaluation and Reporting lBIIIDK: CAP letter Enclosure c: Bari Erlichson Djane Kubinski Elizabeth Celentano Robert Davis Diane Whitt JessicaNeu Robert Cicchino

leI'S,,!! BqualOppoTtlrnity Bmpluyer ' Printed onRecycled RecyclablePaper New IsAn and Regular Meeting Minutes August 28, 2014 Page 112 of 373

E-15-06 000 PLACEMENTS 2014-2015

Student 10 Status Placement Tuition 3055363100 New Alpine Learning Group $ 80,280.00 2836438273 Renewal Banyan Upper School $ 49,519.80

New-Share not to exceed 4689551265 Time Capri Training Centers, Inc. $7,000.00 •

New-Share not to exceed 3618114842 Time Capri Training Centers, Inc. $7,000.00 •

New-Share not to exceed 9639262578 Time Capri Training Centers, Inc. $7,000.00 •

Educational Services 1620914646 Renewal Commission of Morris County $ 67,327.70

Gloucester County Special 9751098130 Renewal Services School District - ESY $ 7,080.00 2672553075 Renewal Holmstead School $ "48,299.40

5220896731 Renewal PCESC - Preakness Academy $ 35,000.00

1824923575 Renewal PCESC - Preakness Academy $ 35,000.00 8410017601 Change Shepard Preparatory HS $ 48,732.90 7411405896 Change Windsor School $ 60,300.00 TOTAL $ 452,539.80 Total Includes cost of tUition,. . program fees, and other estimated program costs . •

H:\AGENDA\ESY 000 1415 AGENDA 082814 8/25/2014 C-/S-o 'i

r,A:C.E. Program WayneVaUey Hign·Schopl Presen.tationto i1ie �OE JuljT31, 2014

TheSAGRDay PACE .l'tograni has pxoWded in-cUstricttnerapeutii: seTvicElstp 51 stUdents ahdf'a niiliesm Waynethis pastscho()l year: l'he majority. oftl1ese students ar,e cla�silie(i(iJ3%). 67% of�h(;!students,ar!l engaged in indiVidualtherapY sessiollS once or tWice p"r Week. S:!% of the·stUdents participatedinca sniall gr911P pm®SS s\lssionduring a luncll orstudy.per!oq. �l% el1gagE!d in c()unselingafterdroppi[1g-into tlle thetapls.t's office, .6Z.%oftbeseSWdentswhikincrisiS:, S families C16%)were i!1\'olvedinfamilythetapy.

(ncidence of Services Provided IndMctnalCounse

3QStllderi1;s. .1"� es p�f�ee� cou�ehng ilia .

•• • · �;tsmdents Cr�sisl P��p4� c(jllJ]se lfuj:; c 15 students .i"Z timesPI'lr-montlliJounseling.

,' . ' . , -

" " , ' . In ' . , �m all dy" per!od ' iqStUdenJ;s gtotlPs-- ()f;Z;4,� ud�nts dllringlullcllor.stU ' . . - ,' , , " ,, ' - . (. '> , "". - "


" . , 8!htlllilhis AS:Needed

Smdents in crisis conU!lUe to �onstifute

Clllll.cru.ASSessniellts Requested .

. 6StUdents . Ref�treq�Y ScI1P�l �dIlll!list[;tQrs ·:S Sj:Qqerits .... . Raferredb:vI�RScC9�ttee . ,

. ;lcSmdents .R"fer�'Cqc y�ch9 Ql couqselorW- hElnl>tude- h� inactlv:e.�mlS . l> "" ' -,,,," - ' ,', - - - � , --c- , - -

- - -- ' ' : ,,> , ' . .- - '' - - - ' ,' - ' ,,, ' " ' . - -} : < . lTSfudents M�ess�q .. The sWden�refeHeqto the PAtEProgr

Stud"nt Referrals'by Educati.onaIPoplllatian '.-' . -, "", - " - ', " ," ," -'" - -' ,

�Iassifi�d/Sp,e;:i,,) Educitti n 3:! StUdeuts .. o' 19 .5tudeiits 'GeneraLEdqcatiou*

*attime OfreferraI . '

9students'C1S% oftheraPist's caseioad) either returnedfrQIn'.an blit of ilistrlctp!aCenieiit orWere ableto. be r",ta1,ned in�distrjctasa.Tesultofthe PACEProgram this schoolyear• Of these, oneSWdent.receiving . . therapetltic sEitiJices.reLtirnildt\1is .Ytl�r from an o"t of diB.trict pjacement. This sWdent. and2 otne.rsw\1oi wetereturned lastYear; have benefttedfromthe increasedlevel <:>fsupport, guidarrce, understandingand adVocao/proVide!,l b}'tlie:�ACEpr:{)grl1f1l; SiJ.< 9tiler·SWdentswo\llg. Uli;elY !lave beeIl P!a.ceii illan ()u�()f diB.trict placement withoutthe intenseyet flexible therapeuticservices provided by the PACE Program. USing:data provicl¢dbythe Of!'ice{)Istudent Supp{)tj;Services, theWiiYl}e Scll(lalj}istrj ctsaveg.$45S.oo0by retu�ningand retaining these 9 students•. Of the 7 WVHS sttidentswha are at.hlgliestriskto, requiie out of dl$tl;ictplactl1ne nt;4(57% }f1lake I)lultiple d


SWdentsAtCRiskReiailled InoDistrlct ' . . . $935;.0.0.0* . PrograI)lCo$U; (the,-api.s.trVIiS,5UPl"lieS) :$:l;�ilMo

ToW: .

Nlri:e students {180/0 of the therapist's caseload}reclliVirig suppart from the PACE Pf0t\fa\il aregraduating this yeal" 1:hi!>illclllqli)d � studeri�whur etufl1lldfrom outof cji�trj�fang. 4'others who.presented with either a personal 0.1' familycrisiS durin�the !>chOolyear.

Students stbp intu the theraplluttcsettin!ithroughojlttne day tQ Uthed� in" wlth the therapist,. Several students tegularly c9jl)eto the th!'rapist's office-far IU)1ch and the I.'AGEProgram therapistdedicaJes2 periods per dayto meelingwi� them, Oftlie l.2 stRdents wlio have particlpated ln one ofth ese.informal IllllCh grOlJ!li;,92% liave selHeferteddllrlligc tisis, ;llldWingtJie theraplstto intetvene ;llldprevent IIlQre serlous acting-gutbehaviOl;'s or compromised coplllg skins. ·Tlie PACE Program office has become asafe haven for $ldents. whb[requeJltlyleave Ileiongings;jnthe.flffi ce. giyillg the)ll fln OPPflrtUllitytocIJecJ> .in 'Viththetherapist �rougliout the . . l1:isllot unusulllto see4 or more students in the therapist's flftice at a.timerol):en from !lllfer,ent /V;l:des and prestlntingwith dit'ferentissues. Ihe reblUOllship·Withthe PA CEProgramther;lpistis the common beneficialthread: .

Because. of the success ofthe· PACE Program over these p3stthreeyears, referrals fr()IIl othei'sch()oJswere: gWen earefulcollsi�eratioll due·l:o �e signlficaJlce .oftlle PACEprogra)lltheI'apist �e bl!ildinga$ much as possible dutingtheschool day•. AS aresu!t, onlY's$ldents were. seen outside dfWVHSduting the .first ha.i.f oftheschoolyeer_ 'I'he needforsimU'!r tller;ipeutic supportinthe llliddleschool� and afWflfjS indicates that anaddition al tlirticiajrwouldbe. of benefitto an lntreased

studentRef etrals by.ScliOol

47:Students · WfiYneVaIley l:!igh $c\!ool . astudellts W(tytie HiIlS l1igh·Stl1ool . IS.tlldent George Washin&¥?nMidd!eSthoo\· AGREEMENT

THIS AGREEMENT made this 1st day of July, 25th , 2014, by and between the Wayne Township Board of Education which has offices located at 50 Nellis Dr . in the Borough of Wayne , county of Passaic and State of New Jersey (hereinafter referred to as ·the "BOARD" ) and Sage Educational Enterprises , with offices located at 295 Rochelle Avenue , in the Borough of Rochelle Park, county of Bergen and State of New Jersey (hereinafter referred to as "SAGE" . )


WHEREAS , the BOARD desires to retain the services of B. SAGE to provide school based counseling and related counseling services to students in the Wayne Valley High st th School from 1 day of September , 2014 to the 30 day of June , 2015

WHEREAS , based upon the experience of SAGE , SAGE is prepared to and desires to furnish counseling and related services to the BOARD; and WHEREAS , the parties are desirous of memorializing the terms of their agreement ; NOW, THEREFORE , based upon the foregoing premises and mutual promises and covenants contained herein, the patties agree as follows : I. Responsibilities - BOARD

A. The BOARD will provide the necessary space, equipment" and supplies required for implementation of counseling services as set forth in this Agreement . Space needs are for a classroom and separate clinical office. Sage will furnish clinical office. Staff will need access to 1 computers . Room will need phone service .

B. The BOARD shall make available to SAGE all records and information relevant to the student for purposes of the counseling services being rendered with the written consent of the parent (s) or adult pupil .

II. Resgonsibilities - SAGE ]'.., The staff provided by SAGE shall possess valid certifications in Educational Services pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A: 26-2, and N.J.A.C. 6A: 9- 13.

B. The SAGE staff will work cooperatively with the Child Study Team, teachers , therapists and the BOARD 'S administrative staff . qf The SAGE staff will maintain service records and reports in accordance with all current state and BOARD regulations in force during the period of this Agreement .

0'. The specific therapeutic services delivered by SAGE , include :

1. Counseling services provided for students as described in the Individualized Education Program and as follows : a. Individual counseling up to 26 (30-40 min) sessions . b. As appropriate - 2 weekly group sessions ; process group or social skills group . c. Family counseling up to 3 family sessions per week conducted during school day or as scheduled for after school hours (45

min ) • d. Classroom observation as appropriate . e. Documentation of services for student file and quarterly summary reports. f. Consultation with teachers and child study team members , attendance at IEP and annual review meetings , as requested. g. Crisis intervention for students in program.

2. SAGE will provide the following staff : a. 1 full-time master 's level clinician/supervisor b. Supervision of staff and program by Senior Sage staff. c. Hours will be (7:45am - 3pm) in accordance with district school calendar . - family therapy sessions as scheduled.

E. SAGE will provide general liability coverage in the amounts of· 1,000,000. 00/3,000,000.00.

F. SAGE and its agents and employees shall indemnify and hold the BOARD harmless from any and all claims, liability, damages and expenses, including reasonable attorneys fees arising out of , resulting from, or in connection with the counseling services provided, which are caused by any error , omission, negligent or intentional action of SAGE .

G. SAGE is an independent contractor and its agents and employees are not considered employees or agents of the BOARD .

H. The employees of SAGE assigned to this site, shall be subject to a criminal history record check as set forth in N.J.S.A. 18A:6-7.1 to 7.5 and shall furnish the BOARD with verification of same . SAGE shall bear the cost for the criminal history record check .

III. Terms of Agreement

It is understood by and between both parties that :

A. The BOARD shall reimburse SAGE at a rate of $127,900.00 per year ($12, 790.00 per month )

B. Services are to be provided, on BOARD grounds following the School Year schedule referred to above .

c. The BOARD agrees to pay for services rendered on a monthly basis no later than thirty (30) days following date of invoice by SAGE .

IV. Miscellaneous . Provisions

A. The BOARD agrees that it shall not solicit for employment or for consulting any employee of SAGE who provides services to the school pursuant to this Agreement for a period of one (1) year from the date the employee last provided services to the BOARD . Since damages for violating this Agreement are incapable of precise calculation, the parties agree that liquidated damages in an amount equal to two (2) times the employee 's annual salary for the time period equal to the time remaining on the one year limitation from the date of the breach of this restrictive covenant is fair and reasonable and does not constitute a penalty .

B. The various rights and remedies of the parties set forth herein are cumulative and the failure of either party to enforce strict performance of the covenants and conditions of this Agreement shall not be construed as a waiver or relinquishment of any such covenant or condition and same shall continue in full force and effect .

'c" The terms and conditions set forth herein shall be deemed severable. If any clause or provision contained herein shall be deemed unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, it shall not affect the validity of any other clause or provision which shall remain in full force and effect .

D,., The term of this Agreement is for the School Year Program period from lB' day of September, 2014 to the 30th day of June , 2015

This Agreement may be terminated upon at least ninety (90) days written notice by either party . All written notices affecting termination must be delivered by certified or registered mail. The date of deposit of any notice in a United States Post Office or Post Office Box with all postage prepaid shall be deemed the date of delivery thereof . Failure to comply with the terms and conditions of this Agreement constitutes cause for immediate termination.

E. This Agreement represents the entire agreement between the parties . No additions , changes or modifications, renewal s, extensions , or other representations or promises shall be binding unless reduced to writing and signed by both parties .

F. This Agreement is subject to any and all statutes enacted by the federal government and State of New Jersey , municipal ordinances and all regulations promulgated by any agency of the federal and state government .

IN WITNESS WHEREOF , the parties have hereunto set their hand and seals the day and year first above written .



Dated :


August 6, 2014 By : Dated : JOHN REILLY Executive Director Instructions: Complete and sign the biannual Statement of Assurance and submit to the Executive County Superintendent no later than September 30, 3014 and January 31, ;Z015. Distriets and charter schools m!Jstmaintain a list of paraprofessional employees and their titles. Approved Private Schools fo r StlJdents with Disabilities must submit a list ofparaptofessionalstaff and their titles along with the completed St atement .0fAssurance.

as instr!Jctional, health and satety personnel in accordance

requirements of individualized educational :programs, NJ.A.C. 6A:9-S and NJ.A.C. 6A:23A-18.

Job. descriptions for special education classroom aides have been. submitted ·and approved by the County Office of Education in accordance with NJAC. 6A:14-4.1(e).

supported by Title I or Title Iblended.funds meet the ESEA requirements .a nd.: completed .at least two years ofstlJdyat an institution of higher .education or obtained an assodate's (qr higher) degree ormet a rigorous standard of quality and demonstrated, through a formal state or local academh; assessment, knowledge of and the ilbilityto in instr!Jcting, reading, writing

� (]I Name of Superintendent Signature Date - �I Regular Meeting Minutes August 28, 2014 Page 114 of 373


Wayne Township Public Schools Proposed Superintendent Merit Goals 2014-2015

Quantitative Goals (3)

Quantitative Goal #1 : Celebrating Our Schools The superintendent will issue at least 10 press releases before June 30, 201 5 recognizing the accomplishments of our students and staff or otherwise celebrating significant school accomplishments.

Rationale: Starting July 1, the school district is no longer under contract with a public relations firm. As a result, there is a void that exists in the area of pUblicity. In an effort to maintain communication with the community and to celebrate our schools, the goal is important for the school district. The BOE should be aware that this same quantitative goal was already approved by an Executive County Superintendent and it is drawn from a database of merit goals from the New Jersey Association of School Administrators (NJASA)

Evidence of Completion: Actual Press Releases

Quantitative Goal #2: Articulation Agreements The superintendent will facilitate the creation of at least two new articulation agreements that will allow high school students to dual credit (high school and college credit) for coursework taken in district or out of district by June 30, 2015.

Rationale: This merit goal is connected to our district goal.

Evidence of Completion: Evidence of goal attainment will be articulation agreements, other written agreements with post-secondary institutions, or new programs connected to college programs as verified with other written evidence or documentation.

Quantitive Goal #3: Parent Outreach The superintendent will host at least one parent event (14 in totallgoal is 100% of schools) at each of the district schools before June 30, 2015. The format may differ depending on school preferences. For example, some schools may host coffee with the superintendent while other schools may prefer a parent forum. This goal does not include regular events such as back to school nights.

Rationale: One important activity for any new school superintendent is connecting with the school community. An chance to meet the new superintendent is a welcome opportunity for parents in most school districts. While the parents benefit from learning about the school district leader, the superintendent learns much from parent dialogue.

Evidence of Completion: Sign in sheets indicating event, location, date, and attendees. Regular Meeting Minutes August 28, 2014 Page 115 of 373

H-1 5-,61

Qualitative Goals (2)

Qualitative Goal #1 : Presentation of Before and After Care Program Options The superintendent will deliver a presentation of various options to enhance options available to district parents involving the before and after care programs. The goal involves conducting a parent (consumer) survey, working with the business administrator to identify options and specify costs, and then to create a report to be delivered to the Board of Education for consideration and possible action.

Rationale: One characteristic of every excellent school district is the continued monitoring of programs and assessing possible ways of enhancing existing programs. The before and after care program has not undergone any significant analysis and a thorough examination of the program may prove valuable to the district and the students and parents served in the program.

Evidence of Completion: Written report/presentation submitted to the Board of Education

Qualitative Goal #2: Development of Human Resources App The superintendent will work with district employees and a BOE approved vendor to develop a mobile human resources app to be finalized and delivered by June 30, 2015. This mobile software will allow all employees who own a smartphone to access a variety of important employment documents and other information. This merit goal is directly connected to the existing district goal.

Rationale: The ability for the district to deliver critical employment information will further strengthen the human resources program and provide a new level of convenience for employees.

Evidence of Completion: The finished product that trustees will be able to download. Regular Meeting Minutes August 28, 2014 Page 116 of 373




ATTENDANCE SNOW DAY LAST FIRST BONUS PAY 1 ACEVEDO KEYLA $ - $ 203.04 2 ACUNA MARGARITA $ - $ 209.79 3 ALLEN TRACHELLE $ - $ 209.79 4 BABICH JAY M. $ 200.00 $ 221.31 5 BARRY LAURA $ - $ 228.69 6 BEDNARCIK JOYCE $ - $ 214.56 7 BITOR RODOLFO $ - $ 214.56 8 BROCK SOMYIA $ 200.00 $ 209.79 9 BROOKHART KEITH $ 200.00 $ 221.31 10 BROWN JR JAMES $ 200.00 $ 221.31 11 CASTANEDA BERTHA $ - $ 209.79 12 CORDEIRO ANTONIO M $ 200.00 $ 228.69 13 DECHELLIS JOSEPH $ 200.00 $ 221.31 14 DEVIETRO PATRICIA $ - $ 228.69 15 DISALVO LEANORA K. $ - $ 214.56 16 FA2ZINGA BARBARA $ - $ 228.69 17 FEAKES HERBERT W. $ 200.00 $ 209.79 18 FOX APRIL $ 200.00 $ 209.79 19 FREESTONE BRUCE $ 200.00 $ 217.89 20 GARCIA DEENA $ - $ 221.31 21 GRAY IRIS $ 200.00 $ 221.31 22 GREEN ANGELA M. $ - $ 209.79 23 GREY DINA $ - $ 228.69 24 GROSEIBL CATHERINE $ - $ 221.31 25 HAVRAN TRUDY A. $ - $ 221.31 26 INTILI JAMES $ - $ 209.79 27 JACKSON CATHY D. $ - $ 209.79 28 JALAHEJ ISAM $ 200.00 $ 209.79 29 JAMESON PATRICIA A. $ - $ 221.31 30 JOHNSON TYRONE $ - $ 221.31 31 KIMAK WILLIAM $ 200.00 $ 209.79 32 KNIGHT HENRIETTA $ - $ 214.56 33 KUNICKI MARIE $ - $ 214.56 34 LOURIDAS GEORGE $ - $ 214.56 35 LOWE DEBRA $ - $ 209.79 36 MAC RAE ROBERT $ 200.00 $ 221.31 37 MCNAUGHT FRANCINE $ - $ 209.79 38 MGERACK THOMAS S $ 200.00 $ 214.56 39 MILLER SHAWNDRA $ - $ 217.89 40 MIRABITO JOSEPH $ - $ 221.31 41 MITCHELL GEORGE $ - $ 228.69 Regular Meeting Minutes August 28, 2014 Page 117 of 373


ATTENDANCE SNOW DAY LAST FIRST BONUS PAY 42 MONASTERIO MARIA $ - $ 221.31 43 MOORE ABRAHAM $ 200.00 $ 221.31 44 MORALES LAURA $ - $ 221.31 45 NICK ROBERT A. $ 200.00 $ 209.79 46 OCONNOR JOHN $ 200.00 $ 209.79 47 ORTIZ CAROLYN $ 120.00 $ 203.04 48 ORTIZ JULIO $ - $ 214.56 49 OUANO OSCAR $ - $ 221.31 50 PARMAR SATINDER $ - $ 221.31 51 PETRICONE LOUIS $ 120.00 $ 203.04 52 QUINONEZ SILVIA $ - $ 221.31 53 REGAN ANNE $ - $ 214.56 54 REMMERT VERONICA $ - $ 221.31 55 ROMEO CHERYL $ - $ 209.79 56 SADEK ASIA $ - $ 209.79 57 SIDERS KRYSTYNA $ - $ 228.69 58 SIDOR JOHN $ 200.00 $ 214.56 59 SIMMONS BRENDA $ - $ 209.79 60 SINGLETARY MARGARET $ 200.00 $ 214.56 61 SMITH RHONDA $ 200.00 $ 209.79 62 SMITH ALEXANDER $ - $ 214.56 63 SUTCLIFFE STEPHANIE $ - $ 209.79 64 TORRECUSO FRANCES $ - $ 214.56 65 VACLAVICEK PATRICIA $ - $ 228.69 66 VAN PAMEL LAURIE $ - $ 221.31 67 VOLLMIN REGINA $ 200.00 $ 228.69 68 WALLES FRANK $ 200.00 $ 209.79 69 WESTHOVEN JUDITH $ - $ 213.66 70 WILLIAMS-BRADLEY DENISE $ - $ 209.79 $ 4,640.00 $ 15,147.63

Notes: 1. Attendance bonus is paid, per contract, to any unit member who does not use more than two (2) sick days per year

2. Snow day pay is paid to each employee, per contract, for any snow days used during the school year, up to a maximum of three (3) days at 3 hours each. In 2013-2014, the District used more than three snow days. Total paid reflects 9 hours of pay for each employee. I I I Regular Meeting Minutes August 28, 2014 Page 118 of 373



2013-14 Salary: $ 177,500.00

QUANTITATIVE GOALS % $ Value Achievement Status Award 1. Student Performance 3.33% $ 5,910.75 Achieved $ 5,910.75 2, Technology 3.33% $ 5,910.75 Achieved $ 5,910.75 3. Budget 3.33% $ 5,910.75 Achieved $ 5,910.75

QUALITATIVE GOALS 1. Reorganization 2.50% $ 4,437.50 , Achieved $ 4,437.50 2. Communications 2.50% $ 4,437_50 [ Achieved $ 4,437.50

TOTAL 14.99% $ 26,607.25 , $ 26,607_25 Regular Meeting Minutes August 28, 2014 Page 119 of 373

P-15-01 WAYNE TOWNSHIP POLICY BOARD OF EDUCATION TEACHING STAFF MEMBERS 3144.3lPage 1 of 1 Suspension Upon Certification of Tenure Charge


Upon certification of any tenure charge to the Commissioner of Education, the Board of Education may suspend the person against whom such charge is made, with or without pay. However, if the determination of the tenure charge by the arbitrator is not made within one hundred twenty calendar days after certification of the tenure charges, excluding all delays which are granted at the request of such person, then the full salary (except for said one hundred and twenty days) of such person shall be paid beginning on the one hundred twenty-first day until such determination is made.

Should the tenure charge be dismissed at any stage of the process, the person shall be reinstated immediately with full pay from the first day of such suspension. Should the tenure charge be dismissed at any stage of the process and the suspension be continued during an appeal, then the full pay or salary of such person shall continue until the determination of the appeal. However, the Board of Education shall deduct fr om said fu ll pay or salary any sums received by such employee or officers by way of pay or salary fr om any substituted employment assumed during such period of suspension.

Should the charge be sustained on the original hearing or an appeal, and should such person appeal fr om the same, then the suspension may be continued unless and until such determination is reversed, in which event the employee or officer shall be reinstated immediately with full pay from the date of such suspension.

NJ.S.A. 18A:6-14

Adopted: Regular Meeting Minutes August 28, 2014 Page 120 of 373

P-15-02 WAYNE TOWNSHIP POLICY BOARD OF EDUCATION TEACHING STAFF MEMBERS 3144.12/page 1 of 1 Certification of Tenure Charges - Inefficiency


In accordance with the provisions of NJ.S.A. 18A:6-17.3 and notwithstanding the provisions ofN.J.S.A. 18A:6-1 1 or any other section of law to the contrary, in the case of a teacher, Principal, Assistant Principal, and Vice Principal, the Superintendent shall promptly file with the Secretary of the Board of Education a charge of inefficiency whenever the employee is rated ineffective or partially effective in an annual summative evaluation and the fo llowing year is rated ineffective in the annual summative evaluation.

If the teacher, Principal, Assistant Principal, or Vice Principal is rated partially effective in two consecutive annual summative evaluations or is rated ineffective in an annual summative evaluation and the fo llowing year is rated partially effective in the annual summative evaluation, the Superintendent shall promptly file with the Secretary of the Board of Education a charge of inefficiency, except that the Superintendent upon a written finding of exceptional circumstances may defer the. filing of tenure charges until after the next annual summative evaluation. If the employee is not rated effective or highly effective on this next annual summative evaluation, the Superintendent shall promptly file a charge of inefficiency.

Within thirty days of the filing, the Board of Education shall fo rward a written charge to the Commissioner of Education, unless the Board of Education qetermines the evaluation process has not been fo llowed.

Notwithstanding the provisions of N.J.S.A. l8A:6-16 or any other section of law to the contrary, upon receipt of a charge pursuant to NJ.S.A. 18A:6-17.3.a, and this Policy, the Commissioner of Education shall examine the charge. The individual against whom the charges are filed shall have ten days to submit a written response to the charges to the Commissioner of Education. The Commissioner of Education shall, within five days immediately fo llowing the period provided for a written response to the charges, refer the case to an arbitrator and appoint an arbitrator to hear the case, unless the Commissioner determines the evaluation process has not been fo llowed.

The only evaluations which may be used for purposes ofN.J.S.A. 18A:6-17.3 are those evaluations conducted in accordance with a rubric adopted by the Board of Education and approved by the Commissioner of Education pursuant to P.L.2012, c.26 - NJ.S.A. 18A:6-117 et seq.

N.J.S.A. 18A:6-1 1; 18A:6-17.3 Adopted: Regular Meeting Minutes August 28, 2014 Page 121 of 373

P-15-03 WAYNE TOWNSIDP POLICY BOARD OF EDUCATION TEACHING STAFF MEMBERS 3372lPage I of3 Teaching Staff Member Tenure Acquisition


In accordance with the provisions ofNJ.S.A. 18A:28-5.a, teaching staffmembers employed prior to August 6, 2012 (the effective date of P.L.2012, c.26 - N.J.S.A. 18A:6-117 et seq.) in the positions of teacher, Principal, other than Administrative Principal, Assistant Principal, Vice Principal, Assistant Superintendent, and all school nurses including school nurse supervisors, head school nurses, chief school nurses, school nurse coordinators, and any other nurse performing school nursing services, school athletic trainer and such other employees as are in positions which require them to hold appropriate certificates issued by the Board of Examiners, serving in any school district or under any Board of Education, except those who are not the holders of proper certificates in full fo rce and effect and School Business Administrators shared by two or more school districts, shall be under tenure during good behavior and efficiency and they shall not be dismissed or reduced in compensation except for inefficiency, incapacity, or conduct unbecoming such a teaching staff member or other just cause and then only in the manner prescribed by Subarticle B of Article 2 of Chapter 6 of NJ.S.A. 18A, after employment in the district or by the Board of Education fo r:

I. Three consecutive calendar years, or any shorter period which may be fixed by the employing Board for such purpose; or

2. Three consecutive academic years, together with employment at the beginning of the next succeeding academic year; or

3. The equivalent of more than three academic years within a period of any fo ur consecutive academic years.

In accordance with the provisions ofN.J.S.A. 18A:28-5.b, teaching staff members employed on or after August 6, 2012 (the effective date of P.L.20l2, c.26 - N.J.S.A. l8A:6-117 et seq.) in the position of teacher, Principal, other than Administrative Principal, Assistant Principal, Vice Principal, Assistant Superintendent, and all school nurses, including school nurse supervisors, head school nurses, chief school nurses, school nurse coordinators, and any other nurse performing school nursing services, school athletic trainer and such other employees as are in positions which require them to hold appropriate certificates Regular Meeting Minutes August 28, 2014 Page 122 of 373

P-1 5-03 WAYNE TOWNSIDP POLICY BOARD OF EDUCATION TEACHING STAFF MEMBERS 3372lPage 2 on Teaching StaffMember Tenure Acquisition

issued by the Board of Examiners, serving in any school district or under any Board of Education, excepting those who are not the holders of proper certificates in full fo rce and effect, and School Business Administrators shared by two or more school districts, shall be under tenure during good behavior and efficiency and they shall not be dismissed or reduced in compensation except for inefficiency, incapacity, or conduct unbecoming such a teaching staff member or other just cause and then only in the manner prescribed by Subarticle B of Article 2 of Chapter 6 ofN.J.S.A. l8A, after employment in the district or by the Board of Education fo r:

1. Four consecutive calendar years; or

2. Four consecutive academic years, together with employment at the beginning of the next succeeding academic year; or

3. The equivalent of more than fo ur academic years within a period of any five consecutive academic years.

In order to achieve tenure pursuant to N.J.S.A. l8A:28-5.b, a teacher shall also complete a district mentorship program during the initial year of employment and receive a rating of effective or highly effective in two annual summative evaluations within the first three years of employment after the initial year of employment in which the teacher completes the district mentorship program.

In order to achieve tenure pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:28-5.b, a Principal, Assistant Principal, and Vice Principal shall also receive a rating of effective or highly effective in two annual summative evaluations within the first three years of employment with the first effective rating being received on or after the completion of the second year of employment.

"Effective" or "highly effective" means the employee has received an annual summative evaluation rating of "effective" or "highly effective" based on the performance standards fo r his/her position established through the evaluation rubric adopted by the Board of Education and approved by the Commissioner of Education. Regular Meeting Minutes August 28, 2014 Page 123 of 373

P-15-03 WAYNE TOWNSIDP POLICY BOARD OF EDUCATION TEACHING STAFF MEMBERS 3372/Page 3 of3 Teaching StaffMember Tenure Acquisition

Tenure in any of the administrative or supervisory positions enumerated in N.J.S.A. l8A:28-5 et seq. shall accrue only by employment in that administrative or supervisory position. Tenure so accrued shall not extend to any other administrative or supervisory position and nothing in NJ.S.A. l8A:28-5 shall limit or restrict tenure rights which were or may be acquired, pursuant to NJ.S.A. 18A:28-6 - Tenure Upon Transfer or Promotion, in a position in which the individual actually served.

N.J.S.A. l8A:28-5

Adopted: Regular Meeting Minutes August 28, 2014 Page 124 of 373

P-1 5-04 WAYNE TOWNSHIP POLICY BOARD OF EDUCATION TEACHING STAFF MEMBERS 3373/Page 1 of2 Tenure Upon Transfer or Promotion


In accordance with the provisions ofN.J.S.A. 18A:28-6.a, any such teaching staff member under tenure or eligible to obtain tenure under N.J.S.A. 18A:28-1 et seq. who is transferred or promoted with his/her consent to another position covered by N.J.S.A. 18A:28-1 et seq. on or after July I, 1962, shall not obtain tenure in the new position until after:

I. The expiration of a period of employment of two consecutive calendar years in the new position unless a shorter period is fixed by the employing Board of Education for such purpose; or

2. Employment fo r two academic years in the new position together with employment in the new position at the beginning of the next succeeding academic year; or

3. Employment in the new position within a period of any three consecutive academic years, fo r the equivalent of more than two academic years;

provided that the period of employment in such new position shall be included in determining the tenure and seniority rights in the fo rmer position held by such teaching staff member, and in the event the employment in. such new position is terminated before tenure is obtained therein, if he/she then has tenure in the district or under the Board of Education, such teaching staff member shall be returned to his/her fo rmer position at the salary which he/she would have received had the transfer or promotion not occurred together with any increase to which he/she would have been entitled during the period of such transfer or promotion.

In accordance with the provisions ofN.J.S.A. 18A:28-6.b, any such teaching staff member under tenure or eligible to obtain tenure under N.J.S.A. 18A:28-1 et seq., who is transferred or promoted with his/her consent to another position covered by N.J.S.A. 18A:28-1 et seq. on or after August 6, 2012 (the effective date of P.L.20 12, c.26 - N.J.S.A. 18A:6-117 et seq.), shall not obtain tenure in the new position until after:

I. The expiration of a period of employment of two consecutive calendar years in the new position; or Regular Meeting Minutes August 28, 2014 Page 125 of 373


2. Employment for two academic years in the new position together with employment in the new position at the beginning of the next succeeding academic year; or

3. Employment in the new position within a period of any three consecutive academic years, for the equivalent of more than two academic years;

provided that the period of employment in such new position shall be included in determining the tenure and seniority rights in the fo rmer position held by such teaching staff member, and in the event the employment in such new position is terminated before tenure is obtained therein, if he/she then has tenure in the district or under the Board of Education, such teaching staff member shall be returned to his/her fo rmer position at the salary which he/she would have received had the transfer or promotion not occurred together with any increase to which he/she would have been entitled during the period of such transfer or promotion. In order to receive tenure pursuant to NJ.s.A. l8A:28-6.b, a teacher, Principal, Assistant Principal, and Vice Principal shall be evaluated as effective or highly effective in two annual summative evaluations within the first three years of employment in the new position. For purposes of NJ.S.A. l8A:28-6.b, "effective" or "highly effective" means the employee has received an annual summative evaluation rating of "effective" or "highly effective" based on the performance standards for his/her position established through the evaluation rubric adopted by the Board of Education and approved by the New Jersey Commissioner of Education.

N.J.S.A. l8A:28-6

Adopted: Regular Meeting Minutes August 28, 2014 Page 126 of 373

P-15-05 WAYNE TOWNSIDP POLICY BOARD OF EDUCATION TEACHING STAFF MEMBERS 3374IPage 1 of 1 Tenure Upon Transfer to an Underperforrning School


The Board of Education may grant tenure to a teaching staff member coming from another New Jersey public school district to the same position in an underperforming school in this school district in accordance with the provisions ofN.J.S.A. 18A:28-5.1. As used in this Policy, "underperforming school" means a school in this school district which has been identified by the New Jersey Department of Education as a "focus school" or a "priority school" for any year within a two-year period.

In accordance with the provisions ofN.J.S.A. 18A:28-5.l, a tenured teaching staff member who has been rated effective or highly effective on his/her most recent annual summative evaluation in a New Jersey public school district, and who accepts employment in the same position in an underperforrning school in another New Jersey public school district, shall be under tenure in that position in the new school district during good behavior and efficiency and shall not be dismissed or reduced in compensation except fo r inefficiency, incapacity, or conduct unbecoming such a teaching staffmember or other just cause and then only in the manner prescribed by Subarticle B of Article 2 of Chapter 6 of N J .S.A. 18A, after the employee receives a rating of effective or highly effective in at least one of the annual summative evaluations within the first two years of employment in the underperforrning school in the new school district.

For purposes of this Policy, "effective" or "highly effective" means the employee has received an annual summative evaluation rating of "effective" or "highly effective" based on the performance standards fo r his/her position established through the evaluation rubric adopted by the Board of Education and approved by the New Jersey Commissioner of Education.

NJ.S.A. 18A:28-5.1

Adopted: Regular Meeting Minutes August 28, 2014 Page 127 of 373




The Board of Education recognizes technology is always changing and as a result of increased accessibility to technology many pupils possess technology devices for their use during non-school hours. These privately-owned devices may be beneficial to pupils during school hours for approved educational purposes. Therefore, the Board of Education will allow pupils to use their privately-owned technology devices under conditions outlined in this Policy.

For the purpose ofthis Policy, "technology" means hardware or software.

For the purpose of this Policy, "privately-owned" means technology hardware and software that is purchased, owned, and maintained by the pupil at no expense to the school or school district.

For the purpose of this Policy, "hardware" means any device that can store, access, retrieve, and/or communicate data or information. "Hardware" may include, but is not limited to, any type of computer device; laptops, netbooks, cell phones, smart phones, IPods, IPads, tablets, and eReaders. The final decision of an acceptable device will be determined by Wayne Township Public Schools.

For the purpose of this Policy, "software" means any computer program(s) or related data that provide instruction for telling a computer or other hardware device what to do and how to do it.

The use of privately-owned technology by a pupil in the educational program during the school day must be approved by the pupil's parent or legal guardian by signing and returning the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Guideline fo rm. A teaching staff member may approve a pupil's use of privately-owned technology based on the assignment(s) to the pupil. The teaching staff member may also prohibit the use of privately-owned technology fo r an assignment(s).

Pupils who use privately owned technology in school will have access to the district's guest or BYOD WiFi network. Pupils who bring in their own privately owned device must comply with school district policies and regulations regarding acceptable use of computers and technology, ACCEPTABLE USE OF COMPUTER NETWORK(S)/COMPUTERS AND RESOURCES Policy 2361. Any use of privately-owned technology by a pupil shall be in strict accordance with the teaching staff member's specific approval(s) and Board policies and regulations. Any violation will subj ect the pupil to appropriate discipline and/or grading consequences. Parents/guardians are liable for any monetary damages Regular Meeting Minutes August 28, 2014 Page 128 of 373

P-1 5-06


associated with violations of the Policy causing damage and/or destruction to the Board's property.

The teaching staff member, in considering the use of privately-owned technology, will ensure such approval does not provide any advantage or benefit to the pupil who owns such technology over the pupil who does not own such technology. The teaching staff member will not approve the use of privately-owned technology if the teaching staff member determines the use would be advantageous or beneficial to the pupil who owns such technology over the pupil who does not own such technology.

The school district assumes no responsibility for stolen, lost, or damaged devices, including lost or corrupted data on devices and any possible data usage charges by a wireless carrier. Students will have the final responsibility for securing their personal devices. The pupil shall be responsible for the proper operation and use of any privately-owned technology brought to school. School staff members shall not be responsible for the effective use and/or technical support for any privately­ owned technology.

The school district shall assume no responsibility fo r the security of or damage to any privately-owned technology brought to school by a pupil. Pupils are encouraged to purchase private insurance for loss, damage, or theft of any privately-owned technology the pupil brings to school.

Standards for use of privately-owned devices:

• Students and parents/guardians participating in BYOD must adhere to district Policy 2363, Acceptable Use Policy and all Board Policies.

• Each teacher has the discretion to allow and regulate the use of personal devices in the classroom and on specific projects.

• Approved devices must be in silent mode while on school grounds, unless otherwise allowed by a teacher. Headphones may be used with teacher permission.

• Devices may not be used to cheat on assignments, quizzes or tests or for non-instructional purposes (such as making personal phone calls and text messaging).

• Students may not use devices to record, transmit, or post photographic images or video of a person or persons during school hours or during school activities, unless otherwise allowed by a teacher. Regular Meeting Minutes August 28, 2014 Page 129 of 373

P-1 5-06


• Devices may only be used to access computer files on internet sites which are relevant to the classroom curriculum.

• The school's network filters will be applied to a device's connection to the internet and any attempt to bypass the network filters is prohibited.

• Students are prohibited from:

• Bringing a device on premises that infects the network with a virus, Trojan, or program designed to damage, alter, destroy, or provide access to unauthorized data or information.

• Processing or accessing information on school property related to "hacking". Altering or bypassing network security policies.

• Establishing a wireless ad-hoc or peer-to-peer network using his/her electronic device or any other wireless device while on school grounds. This includes, but is not limited to using a privately owned electronic device such as a cabled or wireless hotspot.

• No privately owned electronic device should ever be connected by cable to the WTPS network. Network access is provided via Wi­ Fi/wireless connection only.

• WTPS is authorized to collect and examine any device that is suspected of causing technology problems or was the source of an attack or virus infection.

• Students and parents should be aware that devices are subject to search by school administrators if the device is suspected of a violation of the student code of conduct. If the device is locked or password protected, the student will be required to unlock the device at the request of a school administrator.

Adopted: 10 January 2013 Regular Meeting Minutes August 28, 2014 Page 130 of 373



The Board of Education may determine to have net pay for all school district employees directly deposited in a specific banking institution in a checking account, savings account, or share account designated in writing by the employee in accordance with the provisions ofN.J.S.A. 52:14-15h.

If the Board approves a direct deposit program, compliance by an employee shall be mandatory. However, the Board may grant an exemption from the mandatory requirements of N.J.S.A. 52:14-15h on such terms and conditions as the Board deems necessary. The Board may grant an exemption for seasonal and temporary employees as the Board deems necessary.

The Board shall make available for those employees required to have their net pay direct deposited in accordance with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 52:14-15h, all information concerning net pay, any accompanying information approved for distribution with net pay, and W-2 fo rms in accordance with applicable Federal law, only on the Internet with restricted access and policies and procedures to protect the integrity and confidentiality of the information. The Board will continue to complete the payroll check distribution verification process as required in NJ.A.C. 6A:23A-5.7 and Policy 6510.

In the event the Board of Education determines to implement a mandatory direct deposit program in accordance with N.J.S.A. 52:14-15h, the Board shall annually adopt a resolution to implement the direct deposit requirements of N.J.S.A. 52:14-15h. The Board approved resolution shall designate the school district's banking institution that shall be used to implement the direct deposit program and shall indicate any employee group or category that are exempt fr om the Board's direct deposit requirements.

N.J.S.A. 52:14-15h. N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-5.7 Adopted: 19 December 2013 Regular Meeting Minutes August 28, 2014 Page 131 of 373

P-15-08 WAYNE TOWNSHIP POLICY BOARD OF EDUCATION OPERATIONS 8507/page 1 of2 Breakfast Offer Versus Serve (OVS) Apr 14


The Board of Education, to be in compliance with the Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act (HHFKA) of 2010, adopts this Offer Versus Serve (OVS) Policy. Offe r Versus Serve is a Policy for Federally reimbursable meals that allows students to decline a certain number of fo od components in the meal to reduce plate waste and fo od cost. Board of Education approval to implement a Breakfast OVS Policy is optional at all grade levels. The provisions of the Breakfast OVS Policy shall be in accordance with the requirements of the HHFKA of2010.

A school breakfast eligible for Federal reimbursement shall offer fo ur fo od items from the three fo od components in the appropriate amounts per grade grouping:

• Fruit or vegetable or juice;

• Milk; and

• Grains (including optional meat/meat alternate).

Students are allowed to decline one of the fo ur fo od items offered. A student's decision to accept all fo ur fo od items or to decline one fo od item shall not affect the price charged fo r the meal as the breakfast is priced as a unit. If students do not choose enough fo od items to comprise a reimbursable meal, a la carte prices will be charged.

School staff members cannot make exceptions to the Policy, such as requiring every student to take a particular fo od component. It is the student's choice to select any three or all fo ur fo od items ofthe reimbursable meal.

At each school implementing this OVS Policy, school fo od service staff members will be trained annually on the provisions ofthe district's Breakfast OVS Policy.

Breakfast OVS will be implemented at all elementary and middle schools in the district.

Adopted: Regular Meeting Minutes August 28, 2014 Page 132 of 373

P-15-09 WAYNE TOWNSHIP POLICY BOARD OF EDUCATION OPERATIONS 8508/page I of 2 Lunch Offer Versus Serve (OVS) Apr 14


The Board of Education, to be in compliance with the Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act (HHFKA) of 2010, adopts this Offer Versus Serve (OVS) Policy. Offer Versus Serve is a Policy for Federally reimbursable meals that allows students to decline a certain number of fo od components in the meal to reduce plate waste and fo od cost. Board of Education approval to implement a Lunch OVS Policy is required at the high school level and is optional at all other grade levels. The provisions of the Lunch OVS Policy shall be in accordance with the requirements ofthe HHFKA of2010.

A school lunch eligible fo r Federal reimbursement shall offer five fo od components in the appropriate amounts per grade grouping:

• Fruit;

• Vegetable;

• Milk;

• Grain; and

• MeatlMeat Alternate.

Students are allowed to decline two of the five required fo od components, but must select at least a half cup of either fruit (or fr uit combination) or a half cup of vegetable (or vegetable combination) or half cup of a fruit/vegetable combination.

After selecting the half cup fr uit or vegetable requirement, students must select at least two additional full components in the full amounts (per age/grade grouping required. amounts) to count toward the reimbursable offe r versus serve meal.

The student's decision to accept all five fo od components or to decline two fo od components shall not affe ct the price charged fo r the meal as the lunch is priced as a unit. If students do not choose enough fo od items to comprise a reimbursable meal, a la carte prices will be charged.

School staff members cannot make exceptions to the Policy, such as requiring every child to take a particular fo od component. It is the student's choice to select any three, fo ur, or all five components ofthe reimbursable meal. Regular Meeting Minutes August 28, 2014 Page 133 of 373

P-1 5-09 WAYNE TOWNSIDP POLICY BOARD OF EDUCATION OPERATIONS 8508/page 1 of2 Lunch Offer Versus Serve (OVS) Apr 14

At each school implementing this Lunch OVS Policy, fo od service staff members will be trained annually on the provisions of the district's Lunch OVS Policy.

Lunch OVS will be implemented at all elementary and middle schools in the district.


(1) (2) (3) (4) Cash i Cash Endinq Cash FUNDS Cash Balance This Month This Month Balance

6,08 ' ,714.56 ,750,139.05 12.519.159.60 � . FUND :�� $ $ $ 1 $ f--:';lA,---t: I1CAPr ' 10 $ I $ 945,152.76 2 I , f-uND - FUND 20 $ (28, 173.50)1 $ ! $ (422.437.03) 3 . AC IVITIES - ANTHONY WAYNE�MICDDLE 51,507.48 3,391.75 49.473.73 SCHUYLER C DDL 41 .165.39 �o o 5.140.)3 38.)13. 36 IN DOL 7.524.89 44.573.00 LF�X WAYNE VA LEY HIGI 9.371.� 81 .134.76 WAYN JILLS HIGI 2 21 ,723.72 $ !�vo�.232.41 4 ICAPITAL PROJECTS FUND - FUND 30 $ I $ 31 ,733. 17 $ 369 1 66.31 5 IDEBT : , FUND - FUND - 40 i $ 4.317.64 $ 4.317.64 6 ITOTAL TAL FUNDS (Lines 1-4) I S I $ IS 12,914,818.81 S 6,739,778.97

l6X 7 I , FUND (CAFE) - FUND 60 1 $ $ 1 $ 301.264.49 $ 8 I DULT 161) I $ 4.313.95 $ 1.600.00 $ 9 I ,FL 162) 1 $ $ $ $ 670,71 1.59 ITOTAL . FUNDS (Lines 7-9) I $ 99a,512.28 $ S S

6,1' . $ 6, $ - 4.001 ,406.83 1 1$ I. 1$ 12 ILiN 125 14.292.4C 7.923.63 40,717.27 I�ev' 1$ 11 1$ 13 1$ 1$ 279.889.11 14 ITI P/iY $ 1.361 ,630.86 113.776.5C 1$ 786.917.28 1 TOTAL TRUST FUNDS (Lines 9-14) , $ IS & 5 5 I' FUNDS 15 IJOHN KRATT $ $ ./ 16 TOTAL AjA:FUNDS 18 IS IS 5

( • : Miller, 11 DATE Report of the Secretary to the Board of Education Page 1 of 10 Wayne Board of Education 08/25/1 4 13:19

Starting date 711/201 3 Ending date 6130/2014 Fund: 10 GENERAL FUND

Assets and Resources Assets: 101 Cash in bank $5,312,769.01

102-106 Cash Equivalents $0.00 111 Investments $0.00

116 Capital Reserve Account $945,152.76 117 Maintenance Reserve Account $0.00 118 Emergency Reserve Account $0.00

121 Tax levy Receivable $0.00

Accounts Receivable:

132 Interfund $545,658.00 141 Intergovernmental - State $320,429.00 142 Intergovernmental - Federal $0.00 143 Intergovernmental - Other $242,480.32

153, 154 Other (net of estimated uncollectable of $,____ , $805,296.17 $1,913,863.49

Loans Receivable:

131 Interlund $0.00

151, 152 Other (Net of estimated uncollectable of $ $61 ,406.00 $61 ,406.00

___ _ Other Current Assets $2,164,744.20

Resources: 301 Estimated revenues $137,573,436.00 302 Less revenues ($137,245,303.47) $328,132.53

To tal assets and resources $10,726,067.99

Liabilities and Fund Equ itv Liabilities:

411 Intergovernmental accounts payable - state $0.00 421 Accounts payable $971,400.30 431 Contracts payable $0.00 451 Loans payable $0.00 481 Deferred revenues $360.00 Other current liabilities $4,514,701.20

Total liabilities $5,486,461.50 Report of the Secretary to the Board of Education Page 2 of 10 Wayne Board of Education 08/25/1 413:19

Starting date 711/2013 Ending date 6/30/2014 Fund: 10 GENERAL FUND

Fund Balance:


753,754 Reserve for encumbrances $897,291.36 761 Capital reserve account - July $1 ,489,836.52 604 Add: Increase in capital reserve $0.00 307 Less: Bud. wId cap. reserve eligible costs $0.00 309 Less: Bud. wId cap. reserve excess costs $0.00 $1 ,489,836.52 764 Maintenance reserve account · July $0.00 606 Add: Increase in maintenance reserve $0.00

310 Less: Bud. wid from maintenance reserve $0.00 $0.00 768 Waiver offset reserve - July 1, 2 $0.00

609 Add: Increase in waiver offset reserve__ $0.00

314 Less: Bud. wId from waiver offset reserve $0.00 $0.00

762 Adult education programs $0.00 750-752,76x Other reserves $0.00

601 Appropriations $142,493,407.14

602 Less: Expenditures ($138.357,024.19) Less: Encumbrances ($897,741.36) ($139.254,765.55) $3,238,641.59 Total appropriated $5,625,769.47


770 Fund balance, July 1 $3,562,170.02 303 Budgeted fund balance ($3,948,333.00) Total fund balance $5,239,606.49 To tal liabilities and fund equity S10,726,067.99

Recapitulation of Budgeted Fund Balance: Budge ted Actual Variance Appropriations $142,493,407.14 $139,254,765.55 $3,238,641.59 Revenues ($137,573.436.00) ($137,245,303.47) (5328,132.53) Sub10tai $4 91 9 971 .14 $2 009 462.08 $2 910 509.06 Change in capital reserve account: Plus - Increase in reserve $0.00 ($544,683.76) $544,683.76 Less - Withdrawal from reserve $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Subtotal $4,9 19,971 .14 $1 464 778.32 $3045 5,1 92.82 Change in waiver offset reserve account:

Plus - Increase in reserve $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Less - Withdrawal from reserve $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Subtotal ,4,9, 19,971 .14 ,,1 464 778.32 PA55,1 92.82 Less: Adjustment for prior year ($971 ,638.14) ($971 ,638.14) $0.00

Budgeted fund balance ,,3 948 333.00 ,493,1, 40.18 P 455 192.82

Prepared and submitted by : Date Report of the Secretary to the Board of Education Page 3 of 10 Wayne Board of Education 08/25/1 413:19

Starting date 711/2013 Ending date 6/30/2014 Fund: 10 GENERAL FUND

Revenues: Bud Estimated Actual Over/Under Unrealized 00150 Rl 0121 0 Local Ta x Levy 130,459,943 130,459,943 0 00210 Rl01310 Tuitionfrom LEAs 0 161,433 -161,433 00251 R101_ lnterest Earned on Capital Reserve Funds 0 974 -974 00252 Rl0l Other Restricted Miscellaneous Revenues 400,500 51,698 Under 348,802 00253 Rl0l Unrestricted Miscellaneous Revenues 585,226 624,855 �39,629 00300 Rl 03120 TRANSPORTATION AID 63,487 61 ,406 Under 2,081 00310 Rl03130 SPECIAL EDUCATION AID 3,302,952 3,302,952 0 00340 Rl03171 STABILIZATION AID 482,032 482,032 0 00354 Rl03131 Extraordinary Aid 2,217,296 2,151,240 Under 66,056 00390 R104200 Medicaid Reimbursement 62,000 64,469 -2,469 00397 RI84522 Education Jobs Fund 0 0 0 00510 T3 Revenues from Federal Sources 0 -130,638 Under 130,638 To tal 137,573,436 137,230,363 343,073 Expenditures: Appropriations Expenditures Encumbrances Available No State Line Number Assigned 77 77 0 0 00770 X111_100_ Regular Programs - Instruction 41,198,935 40,941 ,510 30,691 226,735 00780 X112_10D_ Special Education -Instruction 9,693,564 9,650,881 1,040 41,643 00790 X11230100_ Basic Skills/Remedial - Instruction 2,393,255 2,391,639 0 1,616 00800 X11240100_ Bilingual Education -Instruction 459,975 459,971 0 4 00820 X11401100_ School-Spon. Co/Extra-currlcular Activit 630,922 623,780 0 7,143 00830 X11402100_ School Sponsored Athletics - Instruction 2,096,741 2,094,297 904 1,540 00845 XI1422__ Summer School 290,000 288,839 0 1,161 00850 X11800330_ Community Services Programs/Operations 264,637 264,553 0 84 00860 Xll000l00_ Tu ition 4,450,798 4,385,305 42,127 23,367 00880 Xl_000213_ Health Services 1,555,802 1,541,563 0 14,240 00881 XII 00021 [6-71_ Other Supp Serv-Stds-Related Extraordi 6,858,326 6,747,771 56,502 54,053 00890 Xll000218_ Other Support Services-Students-Re& gular 3,239,022 3,222,228 0 16,794 00900 X11000219_ Other Support Services-Students_Special 2,544,780 2,466,579 22,537 55,664 00910 X11000221_ lmprovement of Instructional Services 661,533 661 ,533 0 0 00920 XII 000222_ Educational Media Services-School Llbrar 1,436,924 1,431,195 136 5,593 00921 X11 000223_ lnstructional Staff Training Services 83,698 65,203 0 18,494 00930 X11000230_ Support Services-General Administration 1,629,902 1,487,136 56,376 86,390 00940 XII000240_ Support Services-School Administration 6,091,083 5,653,304 954 436,825 00942 Xll00025_ Central Services Admin. Information Te 2,694,429 2,650,446 2,480 41 ,503 00950 X1100026__ Operation and Maintenance& of Plant Servi 13,520,923 13,270,018 211,324 39,580 00960 X11000270_ Student Transportation Services 5,397,410 5,033,688 11,241 352,481 00971 Xll ___2_ Personal Services-Employee Benefits 33,593,252 31 ,866,554 0 1,726,698 01020 XI2__ 73_ Equipment 145,882 77,569 67,581 732 01030 X120004 Facilities Acquisition and Construction 1,539,708 1,059,557 393,848 86,303 01235 XI 000010056___ Tra nsfer of Funds to Charter Schools 21,826 21 ,826 0 0 Total 142,493,407 138,357,024 897,741 3,238,642 Report of the Secretary to the Board of Education Page 4 of 10 Wayne Board of Education 08/2511 413:19

Starting date 71112013 Ending date 6/30/2014 Fund: 10 GENERAL FUND

Revenues: Bud Estimated Actual Over/Under Unrealized

00150 Rl01210 Local Tax Levy 130,459,943 130,459,943 0

10-1210 AD VA LOREM TAXES 130,459,943 130,459,943 0

00210 Rl01310 Tu ition from LEAs 0 161,433 -161,433

10-1310 TUITION FROM INDIVIDUALS 0 161,433 -161,433

00251 R1 01 lnterest Earned on Capital Reserve Funds 0 974 -974 _ 10-1512 INT.CAPITAL RESERVE 0 974 -974

00252 Rl0l Other Restricted Miscellaneous Revenues 400,500 51 ,698 Under 348,802

10-1340 TUTIION FROM OTHER SOURCES 265,500 15,042 250,458 10-1350 TUITION FROM SUMMER SCHOOL 10,000 0 10,000 10-1351 SPEC.ED.SUMMER SCHOOL 0 29,711 29,711

10-1992 GRANT FUNDS 125,000 6,945 11- 8,055

00253 Rl0l Unrestricted Miscellaneous Revenues 585,226 624,855 -39,629

10-1320 TUITION FROM LEA'S 0 27,703 ·27,703 10-1510 INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS 13,000 4,701 8,299 10-1710 SCHOOL SPONSORED EVENT 35,000 26,048 8,952 10-1910 OTHER REVENUES- RENTALS 237,887 267,887 -30,000 10-1980 REFUND OF PRIOR YEAR'S EXPEND 0 173 -173 10-1990 MISCELLANEOUS 72,339 76,271 -3,932 10-1991 CONTRIBUTIONS 135,000 135,000 0 10-1992 GRANT FUNDS 23,500 21,125 2,375 10-1995 ICE HOCKEY 32,500 32,500 0 10-1996 CAMP WARWICK 36,000 33,448 2,552

00300 Rl03120 TRANSPORTATION AID 63,487 61,406 Under 2,081

10-3120 TRANSPORTATION AID 63,487 61 ,406 2,081

00310 Rl03130 SPECIAL EDUCATI ON AID 3,302,952 3,302,952 0

10-3130 SPECIAL EDUCATION AID 3,302,952 3,302,952 0

00340 Rl03171 STABILIZATION AID 482,032 482,032 0

10-3121 TRANSPORTATION AID 345,809 345,809 0 10-3177 SECURITY AID 136,223 136,223 0

00354 Rl03131 Extraordinary Aid 2,217,296 2,151,240 Under 66,056

10-3131 EXTRAORDINARY AID 2,217,296 2,151 ,240 66,056

00390 R104200 Medicaid Reimbursement 62,000 64,469 -2,469

10-4200 MEDICAID REIMBURSEMENT 62,000 64,469 -2,469

00397 R184522 Education Jobs Fund 0 0 0

18-4522 FEDERAL SOURCES 0 0 0

00510 T3 Revenues from Federal Sources 0 -130,638 Under 130,638

10-4300 FEMA 0 -130,638 130,638 Total 137,573,436 137,230,363 343,073

Expenditures: Appropriations Expenditures Encumbrances Available No State Line Number Assigned 77 77 0 0

11-000-218-110 OTHER SALARIES 77 77 0 0

00770 X111_100 Regular Programs � Instruction 41,198,935 40,941 ,510 30,691 226,735 _ 11-105-100-105 SALARIES OF SECRETARIAL ASST 500 0 0 500 Report of the Secretary to the Board of Education Page 5 of 10 Wayne Board of Education 08125114 13:19

Starting date 711 12013 Ending date 613012014 Fund: 10 GENERAL FUND

Expenditures: Appropriations Expenditures Encumbrances Available

_ 30,691 226,735 00770 X111�100 Regular Programs -Instruction 41,198,935 40,941,510

11-110-100-101 SALARIES OF TEACHERS 784,886 784,856 0 30 11-110-100-610 GENERAL SUPPLIES 11,509 10,570 0 940 11-120-100-101 SALARIES OF TEACHERS 12,956,013 12,956,013 0 1 11-130-100-101 SALARIES OF TEACHERS 9,458,461 9,458,461 0 0 11-140-100-101 SALARIES OF TEACHERS 15,467,239 15,467,239 0 0 11-150-100-101 SALARIES OF TEACHERS 63,254 63,254 0 0 . 11-150-100-320 PURCHASED PROFESSIONAL SERVo 49,032 43,136 571 5,325 11-190-100-320 PURCHASED PROFESSIONAL SERVo 400 0 0 400 11-190-100-340 PURCHASED TECHNICAL SERVo 720,396 529,944 9,264 181,189 11-190-100-420 CLEANING,REPAIR,MAINT SERV 26,526 26,526 0 0 11-190-100-500 OTHER PURCHASED SERVICES 196,020 194,660 0 1,360 11-190-100-580 TRAVEL 11 ,1 85 7,081 0 4,104 11-190-100-590 OTHER PURCHASED SERVICES 42,974 42,972 0 2 11-190-100-610 GENERAL SUPPLIES 1,266,330 1,220,341 20,856 25,133 11-190-100-640 TEXTBOOKS 141 ,034 135,349 0 5,685 11-190-100-890 MISCELLANEOUS EXPENDITURES 3,175 1,109 0 2,066

_ 41,643 00780 X112_100 Special Education -Instruction 9,693,564 9,650,881 1,040

11-000-220-580 TRAVEL 165 165 0 0 11-204-100-101 SALARIES OF TEACHERS 1,139,412 1,139,412 0 0 11-204-100-106 OTHER SALARIES FOR INSTRUCT 341 ,376 341 ,157 0 219 11-204-100-610 GENERAL SUPPLIES 13,861 12,766 0 1,095 11-207-100-101 SALARIES OF TEACHERS 5,220 5,220 0 0 11-207-100-110 OTHER SALARIES 298 0 0 298 11-212-100-101 SALARIES OF TEACHERS 443,905 441,118 0 2,787 11-212-100-106 OTHER SALARIES FOR INSTRUCT 43,322 43,322 0 0 11-212-100-610 GENERAL SUPPLIES 4,766 3,266 0 1,500 11-213-100-101 SALARIES OF TEACHERS 6,232,577 6,232,577 0 0 11-213-100-106 OTHER SALARIES FOR INSTRUCT 266,691 266,691 0 0 11-213-100-610 GENERAL SUPPLIES 23,405 23,405 0 0 11-214-100-100 SALARIES 5,602 5,602 0 0 11-214-100-101 SALARIES OF TEACHERS 160,458 160,017 0 441 11-214-100-610 GENERAL SUPPLIES 2,183 975 0 1,208 11-215-100-101 SALARIES OF TEACHERS 679,630 648,790 0 30,840 11-215-100-106 OTHER SALARIES FOR INSTRUCT 239,449 239,449 0 0 11-215-100-610 GENERAL SUPPLIES 4,002 3,662 0 340 11-219-100-110 OTHER SALARIES 20,835 20,835 0 0 11-219-100-320 PURCHASED PROFESSIONAL SERVo 66,404 62,451 1,040 2,913

00790 Xl1230100_ Basic SkillS/Remedial -Instruction 2,393,255 2,391,639 0 1,616

11-230-100-101 SALARIES OF TEACHERS 2,382,904 2,381 ,889 0 1,015 11-230-100-610 GENERAL SUPPLIES 10,351 9,750 0 601

00800 X11240100_ Bilingual Education . Instruction 459,975 459,971 0 4

11-240-100-101 SALARIES OF TEACHERS 455,128 455,124 0 4 11-240-100-610 GENERAL SUPPLIES 4,847 4,847 0 0

_ 0 00820 Xl14011 00 School-5pon.CO/Extra·c urricular Activit 630,922 623,780 7,143

11-401-100· 100 SALARIES 598,527 598,527 0 0 11-401·100· 110 OTHER SALARIES 8,795 8,795 0 0 Report of the Secretary to the Board of Education Page 6 of 10 Wayne Board of Education 08/25/1 4 13: 19

Starting date 7/1/2013 Ending date 6/30/2014 Fund: 10 GENERAL FUND

Expenditures: Appropriations Expenditures Encumbrances Available

00820 X11401100_ School-Spon. Co/Extra-curricular Activit 630,922 623,780 0 7,143

11-401-100-500 OTHER PURCHASED SERVICES 4,763 4,763 0 0 11-401-100-600 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 10,068 5,610 0 4,458 11-401-100-800 OTHER OBJECTS 8,769 6,085 0 2,684

00830 Xl14021 00_ School Sponsored Athletics - Instruction 2,096,741 2,094,297 904 1J540

11-402-100-100 SALARIES 996,551 996,551 0 0 11-402-100-104 SALARIES OF OTHER PROF STAFF 406,035 406,035 0 0 11-402-100-105 SALARIES OF SECRETARIALASST 82,082 82,082 0 0 11-402-100-420 CLEANING,REPAIR,MAINT SERV 25,477 25,477 0 0 11-402-100-500 OTHER PURCHASED SERVICES 8,856 8,856 0 0 11-402-100-501 FOOTBALL OFFICIALS 32,271 32,257 0 14 11-402-100-502 FIELD HOCKEY 9,814 9,814 0 0 11-402-100-503 AID iN LIEU 20,476 20,418 0 58 11-402-100-504 VOLLEYBALL OFFiCiALS 15,808 15,808 0 0 11-402-100-505 CROSS COUNTRY 2,240 2,240 0 0 11-402-100-506 GYMNASTICS OFFICiAL 2,464 2,464 0 0 11-402-100-507 ICE HOCKEY 54,981 54,981 0 0 11-402-100-508 TENNIS 815 815 0 0 11-402-100-509 WRESTLING 7,152 7,152 0 0 11-402-100-512 CONTRACTED SERViCES-OTHER 15,812 15,812 0 0 11-402-100-513 BASKETBALL 29,332 29,332 0 0 11-402-100-514 C/S-H TO S-SPECIAL ED 15,367 15,367 0 0 11-402-100-515 SOFTBALL 12,236 12,036 0 200 11-402-100-516 TRANSPORTAT ION OTHER THAN HIS 2,830 2,830 0 0 '11-402-100-517 BOWLING 1,489 1,489 0 0 11-402-100-518 TRANSPORTAT ION 2,350 2,350 0 0

11-402-100-519 CONTRACTED SERV,-AIDE IN LIEU 5,303 5,303 0 0 11-402-100-520 PROPERTY INSURANCE 85,948 85,948 0 0 11-402-100-521 GOLF 2,434 2,434 0 0 11-402-100-522 BASEBALL 9,419 9,419 0 0 11-402-100-523 WINTER TRACK 13,427 13,427 0 0 11-402-100-524 FENCING 3,495 3,495 0 0

11-402-100-580 TRAVEL 94 94 0 0 11-402-100-600 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 25,741 25,741 0 0 11-402-100-601 FOOTBALL 26,615 26,615 0 0 11-402-100-602 FIELD HOCKEY 8,502 8,502 0 0 11-402-100-603 SOCCER SUPPLIES 18,595 18,595 0 0 11-402-100-604 VOLLEYBALL SUPPLIES 10,075 10,075 0 0 11-402-100-605 CROSS COUNTRY 4,089 4,000 89 0 11-402-100-606 GYMNASTICS 2,277 2,277 0 0

11-402-100-607 ICE HOCKEY SUPPLIES 4,324 4,324 0 0 11-402-100-608 TENNIS 7,271 7,271 0 0

11-402-100-609 WRESTLING 6,196 6,107 89 0 11-402-100-612 OFFICE SUPPLIES 7,253 7,253 0 0 11-402-100-613 BASKETBALL 11,169 10,465 0 704 11-402-100-614 LACROSSE 17,398 16,834 0 564

11-402-100-615 SOFTBALL 11,650 11,650 0 0 11-402-100-616 CHEERLEADING 8,020 8,020 0 0 Report of the Secretary to the Board of Education Page 7 of 10 Wayne Board of Education 08/25114 13:19

Starting date 711 /201 3 Ending date 6130/2014 Fund: 10 GENERAL FUND

Expenditures: Appropriations Expenditures Encumbrances Available

00830 X11402100_ School Sponsored Athletics - Instruction 2,096,741 2,094,297 904 1,540

11-402-100-617 BASKETBALL, BOYS 896 896 0 0 11-402-100-618 SKIING 2,995 2,995 0 0 11-402-100-619 WINTER TRACK 4,082 4,082 0 0 11-402-100-621 ENERGY (NATURAL GAS) 4,441 3,714 726 0 11-402-100-622 ENERGY (ELECTRICITY) 12,633 12,633 0 0 11-402-100-623 SUPPLIES 9,974 9,974 0 0 11-402-100-624 FENCING SUPPLIES 6,373 6,373 0 0 11-402-100-800 OTHER OBJECTS 21,614 21 ,614 0 0

00845 Xl1422__ Summer School 290,000 288,839 0 1,161

11-422-100-300 PURCHASED PROFESSIONALSERV 290,000 288,839 0 1,161

00850 X11800330_ Community Services Programs/Operations 264,637 264,553 0 84

11-800-330-100 SALARIES 93,945 93,945 0 0 11-800-330-500 OTHER PURCHASED SERVICES 170,692 170,608 0 84

00860 Xll000l00_ Tu ition 4,450,798 4,385,305 42,127 23,367

11-000-100-561 TUITION TO OTHER LEA IN STATE 34,651 34,651 0 0 11-000-100-562 TUITION TO OTHER LEA OUTSIDE 368,642 368,642 0 0 11-000-100-563 TUITION TO COUNTY VOC SCHOOL 203,393 203,393 0 0 11-000-100-564 TUITION TO REG DAY SCHOOL 142,428 142,428 0 0 11-000-100-565 TUITION TO COUNTY SPECIAL SERV 334,867 334,867 0 0 11-000-100-566 TUITION TO PRIVATE SCH HAND I 2,901,638 2,836,145 42,127 23,366 11-000-100-567 OUTOF STATE 360,538 360,538 0 0 11-000-100-568 TUITION-STATE FACILITIES 62,659 62,659 0 0 11-000-100-569 TUITION-OTHER 41 ,984 41 ,984 0 0

00880 XLOO0213_ Health Services 1,555,802 1,541 ,563 0 14,240

11-000-213-100 SALARIES 1,409,699 1,409,699 0 0 11-000-213-110 OTHER SALARIES 28,444 28,444 0 0 11-000-213-300 PURCHASED PROFESSIONAL SERV 71 ,428 71 ,428 0 0 11-000-213-443 LEASE/PURCHASE 16,199 7,349 0 8,850 11-000-213-500 OTHER PURCHASED SERVICES 3,149 3,149 0 0 11-000-213-580 TRAVEL 500 264 0 236 11-000-213-600 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 25,384 21 ,230 0 4,153 11-000-213-S00 OTHER OBJECTS 1,000 0 0 1,000

00881 XII 00021[6-71_ Other Supp Serv-Stds-Related Extraordi 6,858,326 6,747,771 56,502 54,053 & 11-000-216-100 SALARIES 2,173,437 2,172,618 0 819 11-000-216-110 OTHER SALARIES 25,836 25,836 0 0 11-000-216-320 PURCHASED PROFESSIONAL SERVo 629,714 577,183 24,758 27,773 11-000-216-5S0 TRAVEL 2,500 0 0 2,500 11-000-216-600 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 30,350 28,880 0 1,470 11-000-217-100 SALARIES 2,855,079 2,855,079 0 0 11-000-217-110 OTHER SALARIES 16,320 16,320 0 0 11-000-217-500 OTHER PURCHASED SERVICES 1,089,896 1,036,901 31,744 21 ,251 11-000-217-600 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 35,193 34,953 0 240

00890 Xl1000218_ Other Support Services-Students-Regular 3,239,022 3,222,228 0 16,794

11-000-21S-104 SALARIES OF OTHER PROF STAFF 2,800,125 2,800,125 0 0 11-000-21S-105 SALARIES OF SECRETARIALASST 323,938 323,938 0 0 11-000-218-110 OTHER SALARIES 56,508 56,508 0 0 Report of the Secretary to the Board of Education Page 8 of 10 Wayne Board of Education 08/25/1 4 13: 19

Starting date 711 12013 Ending date 6/30/2014 Fund: 10 GENERAL FUND

Expenditures: Appropriations Expenditures Encumbrances Available

00890 Xll000218_ Other Support Services-Students-Regular 3,239,022 3,222,228 0 16,794

11-000-218-111 SALARIES FOR PROCTORING 5,380 5,380 0 0

11-000-218-320 PURCHASED PROFESSIONAL SERVo 13,238 11,599 0 1,639

11-000-218-500 OTHER PURCHASED SERVICES 800 538 0 262

11-000-218-600 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 35,932 21,950 0 13,983

11-000-218-800 OTHER OBJECTS 3,100 2,189 0 911

00900 Xll000219_ Other Support Servlces-Students_Special 2,544,780 2,466,579 22,537 55,664

11-000-219-104 SALARIES OF OTHER PROF STAFF 2,252,981 2,252,981 0 0

11-000-219-110 OTHER SALARIES 56,272 56,272 0 0

11-000-219-390 OTHER PURCHASED PROF SERV 169,590 134,947 1,844 32,799

11-000-219-580 TRAVEL 22,500 0 0 22,500

11-000-219-592 MISCELLANEOUS PURCHASED SERV 14,260 0 13,900 360

11-000-219-600 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 28,237 21 ,444 6,793 0

11-000-219-800 OTHER OBJECTS 940 936 0 5

_ 0 00910 X11 000221 Improvement of Instructional Services 661 ,533 661,533 0

11-000-220-104 SALARIES OF OTHER PROF STAFF 211,425 211,425 0 0

11-000-220-105 SALARIES OF SECRETARIAL ASST 118,586 118,586 0 0

11-000-220-600 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 100 100 0 0

11-000-221-104 SALARIES OF OTHER PROF STAFF 331,396 331,396 0 0

11-000-221-110 OTHER SALARIES 26 26 0 0

00920 Xll000222_ Educational Media Services-School Librar 1,436,924 1,431,195 136 5,593

11-000-222-100 SALARIES 1,235,152 1,235,151 0 0

11-000-222-110 OTHER SALARIES 4,533 4,533 0 0

11-000-222-300 PURCHASED PROFESSIONAL SERV 565 565 0 0

11-000-222-340 PURCHASED TECHNICAL SERVo 19,500 18,526 0 975

11-000-222-420 CLEANING,REPAIR,MAINT SERV 942 942 0 0

11-000-222-600 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 176,233 171,479 136 4,618

00921 X11 000223_ lnstructional Staff TrainingServices 83,698 65,203 0 18,494

11-000-223-104 SALARIES OF OTHER PROF STAFF 10,330 9,105 0 1,225

11-000-223-390 OTHER PURCHASED PROF SERV 17,198 14,087 0 3,111

11-000-223-500 OTHER PURCHASED SERVICES 51,430 39,573 0 11,857

11-000-223-580 TRAVEL 4,740 2,439 0 2,301

00930 X11000230_ Support Services-General Administration 1,629,902 1,487,136 56,376 86,390

11-000-230-100 SALARIES 377,465 350,548 0 26,917

11-000-230-105 SALARIES OF SECRETARIALASST 250,123 238,156 0 11,967

11-000-230-331 LEGAL SERVICES 414,136 362,000 29,163 22,973

11-000-230-332 AUDIT FEES 82,500 82,500 0 0

11-000-230-339 OTHER PURCHASED PROF SERVICES 41 ,764 41,764 0 0

11-000-230-500 OTHER PURCHASED SERVICES 1,200 938 0 262

11-000-230-530 COMMUNICAT IONSfTELEPHONE 234,097 191,275 27,213 15,609

11-000-230-580 TRAVEL 6,800 4,810 0 1,990

11-000-230-585 OTHER PURCHASED SERVICES 33,033 31,918 0 1,115

11-000-230-590 OTHER PURCHASED SERVICES 146,419 145,820 0 599

11-000-230-600 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 6,865 4,810 0 2,055

11-000-230-890 MISCELLANEOUS EXPENDITURES 6,500 5,934 0 566

11-000-230-895 MEMBERSHIP DUES 29,000 26,663 0 2,337 Report of the Secretary to the Board of Education Page 9 of 10 Wayne Board of Education 08/25/1 413:19

Starting date 711 /2013 Ending date 6/30/2014 Fund: 10 GENERAL FUND

Expenditures: Appropriations Expenditures Encumbrances Available

00940 XII000240_ Support Services-School Administration 6,091,083 5,653,304 954 436,825

11-000-240-102 SALARIES OF SUPERVISORS INST 638,569 636,774 0 1,795 11-000-240-103 SALARIESOF PRINCIPALS/ASST. 3,948,968 3,603,738 0 345,230 11-000-240-105 SALARIES OF SECRETARIALASST 1,253,887 1,246,491 0 7,396 11-000-240-500 OTHER PURCHASED SERVICES 84,089 40,804 950 42,335 11-000-240-580 TRAVEL 20,244 3,990 0 16,254 11-000-240-600 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 64,847 52,687 0 12,160 11-000-240-800 OTH ER OBJ ECTS 80,479 68,820 4 11,656

00942 XII 00025__ Central Services Admin. Information Te 2,694A29 2,650,446 2,480 41 ,503 & 11-000-251-100 SALARIES 1,084,939 1,075,825 0 9,114 11-000-251-330 PURCHASED PROFESSIONAL SERV 114,238 114,146 0 92 11-000-251-500 OTHER PURCHASED SERVICES 13,745 11,468 1,820 457 11-000-251-580 TRAVEL 4,751 2,366 0 2,385 11-000-251-592 MISCELLANEOUS PURCHASED SERV 20,392 19,878 0 514 11-000-251-600 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 30,057 20,815 0 9,242 11-000-251-800 OTHER OBJECTS 13,713 11,343 0 2,370 11-000-251-801 PERMITS 2,205 2,205 0 0

11-000-251-890 MISCELLANEOUS EXPENDITURES 1,583 1,583 0 0

11-000-252-100 SALARIES 803,369 803,369 0 0

11-000-252-105 SALARIES OF SECRETARIALASST 51 ,360 51,360 0 0 11-000-252-110 OTHER SALARIES 57,287 57,287 0 0 11-000-252-340 PURCHASED TECHNICAL SERVo 67,240 66,509 660 71 11-000-252-443 LEASE/PURCHASE 293,096 284,368 0 8,728 11-000-252-500 OTHER PURCHASED SERVICES 7,542 2,362 0 5,180 11-000-252-580 TRAVEL 5,000 1,911 0 3,089 11-000-252-600 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 122,912 122,804 0 108 11-000-252-890 MISCELLANEOUS EXPENDITURES 1,000 845 0 155

00950 X11 00026 __ operation and Maintenance of Plant Servi 13,520,923 13,270,01 8 211 ,324 39,580

11-000-261-100 SALARIES 849,850 849,850 0 0 11-000-261-300 PURCHASED PROFESSIONAL SERV 139,817 136,653 2,301 863 11-000-261-420 CLEANING,REPAIR,MAINT SERV 1,003,082 972,635 27,387 3,060

11-000-261-590 OTHER PURCHASED SERVICES 3,389 3,389 0 0 11-000-261-610 GENERAL SUPPLIES 441,220 436,303 910 4,006

11-000-261-611 OTHER COST 13,965 13,965 0 0 11-000-262-100 SALARIES 4,633,153 4,632,603 0 550 11-000-262-107 SALARIES FOR PUPIL TRANSPORT 447,179 446,937 0 242 11-000-262-108 OTHER TRANSPORT SALARIES 100 85 0 15 11-000-262-300 PURCHASED PROFESSIONAL SERV 179,896 173,814 5,705 377 11-000-262-420 CLEANING,REPAIR,MAINT SERV 1,046,030 970,765 73,129 2,136 11-000-262-443 LEASE/PURCHASE 61,287 61,287 0 0 11-000-262-490 OTHER PURCHASED PROPERTY 104,790 102,678 0 2,113 11-000-262-500 OTHER PURCHASED SERVICES 1,700 245 0 1,455 11-000-262-520 PROPERTY INSURANCE 615,975 61 5,975 0 0

11-000-262-580 TRAVEL 443 0 0

11-000-262-590 OTHER PURCHASED SERVICES 6,449443 6,449 0 0 11-000-262-610 GENERAL SUPPLIES 414,418 312,766 98,773 2,880 11-000-262-612 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,800 1,307 0 493 11-000-262-621 ENERGY (NATURAL GAS) 943,802 927,531 0 16,271 Report of the Secretary to the Board of Education Page 10 of 10 Wayne Board of Education 08/25/1 4 13: 19

Starting date 7/1/2013 Ending date 6/30/2014 Fund: 10 GENERAL FUND

Expenditures: Appropriations Expenditures Encumbrances Available

00950 X1100026__ Operation and Maintenance of Plant Servi 13,520,923 13,270,018 211,324 39,580

11-000-262-622 ENERGY (ELECTRICITY) 1,888,454 1,888,454 0 0 11-000-262-800 OTHER OBJECTS 1,226 1,184 0 42 11-000-263-100 SALARIES 392,122 390,879 0 1,243 11-000-263-420 CLEANING,REPAIR,MAINT SERV 260,810 260,248 0 562 11-000-263-600 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 69,965 63,573 3,118 3,274

00960 'X11000270_ Student Transportation Services 5,397,410 5,033,688 11,241 352,481

11-000-270-160 SAL-HOME & SCHOOL-REGULAR 1,530,050 1,528,682 0 1,367 11-000-270-161 SAL-SPEC ED ROUTES 1,624,101 1,624,101 0 0 11-000-270-163 SAL-OTHER BTWN H&S 261 ,385 244,965 0 16,420 11-000-270-443 LEASE/PURCHASE 364,354 322,269 0 42,085 11-000-270-500 OTHER PURCHASED SERVICES 2,900 1,158 0 1,742 11-000-270-503 AID IN LIEU 312,908 300,776 0 12,132 11-000-270-511 CIS H TO S-PRIVATE 185,640 35,027 0 150,613 11-000-270-512 CONTRACTED SERVICES-OTHER 17,982 13,637 0 4,346 11-000-270-514 C/S-H TO S-SPECIAL ED 203,849 178,838 0 25,012 11-000-270-580 TRAVEL 168 168 0 0 11-000-270-593 MISCELLANEOUSTRANSPORT SERV 92,746 83,162 1,242 8,342 11-000-270-600 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 799,926 700,016 9,999 89,910 11-000-270-800 OTHER OBJECTS 1,400 888 0 512

00971 Xll __ 2_ Personal Services-Employee Benefits 33,593,252 31 ,866,554 0 1,726,698

11-000-291-101 SALARIESOF TEACHERS 525 525 0 0 11-000-291-220 SOCIAL SECURITY CONT. OTHER 1,796,921 1,796,920 0 1 11-000-291-241 PENSION 1,790,460 1,790,460 0 0 11-000-291-249 OTHER RETIREMENT CONT-REGULAR 63,143 62,982 0 161 11-000-291-250 UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION 74,902 74,902 0 0 11-000-291-260 WORKMAN'S COMP 952,888 952,888 0 0 11-000-291-270 HEALTH INSURANCE 28,048,275 26,469,580 0 1,578,695 11-000-291-280 TUITION 218,192 70,909 0 147,283 11-000-291-290 OTHER EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 647,945 647,388 0 557

01020 XI2__ 73_ Equipment 145,882 77,569 67,581 732

12-000-251-730 EQUIPMENT 49,250 49,250 0 0 12-000-252-730 EQUIPMENT 19,636 19,635 0 1 12-000-260-730 EQUIPMENT 59,255 4,684 54,571 0 12-000-270-730 EQUIPMENT 731 0 0 731 12-130-100-730 EQUIPMENT 7,784 4,000 3,784 0 12-140-100-730 EQUIPMENT 9,226 0 9,226 0

01 030 X120004__ Facilities Acquisition and Construction 1,539,708 1,059,557 393,848 86,303

12-000-400-450 CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 1,1 03,729 673,556 393,848 36,325 12-000-400-896 SDAFUNDING 204,033 154,055 0 49,978 12-000-456-450 CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 231,946 231 ,946 0 0

01235 XI 0056_ Transfer of Funds to Charter Schools 21,826 21 ,826 0 0 oooot 10-000-100-561 TUITION TO OTHER LEA IN STATE 21,826 21 ,826 0 0

Total 142,493,407 138,357,024 897,741 3,238,642 Report ofthe Secretary to the Board of Education Page 1 of 6 Wayne Board of Education 08/2511 413:20

Starting date 7/1 /2013 Ending date 6/30/2014 Fund: 20 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS

Assets and Resources Assets: 101 Cash in bank ($422,437.03) 102 - 106 Cash Equivalents $0.00 111 Investments $0.00

116 Capital Reserve Account $0.00 117 Maintenance Reserve Account $0.00 118 Emergency Reserve Account $0.00

121 Tax levy Receivable $0.00

Accounts Receivable:

132 Inlerfund $0.00

141 Intergovernmental - State $0.00 142 Intergovernmental - Federal $35,960.05 143 Intergovernmental - Other $0.00

153, 154 Other (net of estimated uncollectable of $,___ _ $0.00 $35,960.05

Loans Receivable:

131 Interfund $0.00

151, 152 Other (Net of estimated uncollectable of $,____ , $0.00 $0.00

Other Current Assets $0.00

Resources: 301 Estimated revenues $3,629,274.26 302 Less revenues ($2.1 02,773.19) $1 ,526,501.07

Total assets and resources $1,140,024.09

Liabilities and Fund Equity Liabilities: 101 Cash in bank ($422,437.03)

411 Intergovernmental accounts payable - state $0.00 421 Accounts payable $99,513.23 431 Contracts payable $0.00 451 Loans payable $0.00

481 Deferred revenues $320,409.87 Other current liabilities $61.50

Total liabilities $419,984.60 Report of the Secretary to the Board of Education Page 2 of 6 Wayne Board of Education 08/2511 4 13:20

Starting date 711 /2013 Ending date 6/30/2014 Fund: 20 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS

Fund Balance:


753,754 Reserve for encumbrances $1 25,590.24 761 Capital reserve account - July $0.00

604 Add: Increase in capital reserve $0.00 307 Less: Bud. wId cap. reserve eligible costs $0.00 309 Less: Bud. wId cap. reserve excess costs $0.00 $0.00

764 Maintenance reserve account - July $0.00 606 Add: Increase in maintenance reserve $0.00 310 Less: Bud. wid from maintenance reserve $0.00 $0.00

768 Waiver offset reserve - July 1, 2__ $0.00 609 Add: Increase in waiver offset reserve $0.00 314 Less: Bud. wid from waiver offset reserve $0.00 $0.00

762 Adult education programs $0.00 750-752,76x Other reserves $0.00 601 Appropriations $3,706,531.16

602 Less: Expenditures ($2,986,491.67) Less: Encumbrances ($125,590.24) ($3,112,081 .91) $594,449.25 Total appropriated $720,039.49


770 Fund balance, July 1 $0.00 303 Budgeted fund balance $0.00 To tal fund balance S720,039.49 Total liabilities and fund equity S1,1 40,024.09

Recapitulation of Budgeted Fund Balance: Budge ted Actual Variance Appropriations $3,706,531.16 $3,112,081.91 $594,449.25 Revenues ($3,629,274.26) ($2,102,773.19) ($1 ,526,501.07) Subtotal $77,256.90 $1 009 308.72 ($932 051 .82) Change in capital reserve account:

Plus · Increase in reserve $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Less · Withdrawal from reserve $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Subtotal $77 256.90 $1 009 308.72 ($932.051 82) Change in waiver offset reserve account:

Plus · Increase in reserve $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Less · Withdrawal from reserve $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Subtotal �7 7 256.90 �1 009,308.72 ($932 051 .82) Less: Adjustment for prior year ($77,256.90) ($77,256.90) $0.00

Budgeted fund balance $0.00 �9 32,051.82 ($932 051 82)

Prepared and submitted by : Date Report of the Secretary to the Board of Education Page 3 of 6 Wayne Board of Education 08/2511 413:20

Starting date 711/2013 Ending date 6/30/2014 Fund: 20 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS

Revenues: Bud Estimated Actual Over/Under Unrealized No State Line Number Assigned 5,000 5,000 0

00420 R201 Revenues from Local Sources 322,667 90,914 Under 231,753 00430 R2032_ Other Restricted Entitlements 478,821 468,821 Under 10,001 00440 R20441 [1·6] Title I 608,666 124,517 Under 484,149 00442 R20445[1·5] Title II 142,427 6,438 Under 135,989 00460 R20442_ I.D.E.A Part B (Handicapped) 1,960,487 1,244,141 Under 716,346 00470 R204430 Vocational Education 58,359 58,246 Under 113 00500 R204_ Other 52,847 104,697 ·51,850 To tal 3,629,274 2,102,773 1,526,501 Expenditures: Appropriations Expenditures Encumbrances Available 01250 X20 Local ProJects 453,677 313,919 34,966 104,792 01270 X20 Nonpublic Auxiliary Services 121,621 94,445 0 27,176 01280 X20 Nonpublic Handicapped Services 134,354 122,708 0 11,646 01290 X20 Nonpublic Nursing Services 74,729 74,729 0 0 01295 X20 Nonpublic Tech nology Initiative 29,180 27,273 0 1,907 01320 X20 Other Special Projects - State 7,000 0 0 7,000 01340 X20 Title I 651 ,837 379,307 72,684 199,846 01342 X20 Title II 142,427 114,358 17,232 10,837 01344 X20 Title III 3,030 1,173 0 1,857 01360 X20 I.D.E.A. Part B (Handicapped) 1,960,487 1,765,354 708 194,425 01370 X20 Vocational Education 51,359 46,975 0 4,384 01400 X20 Other Special Projects - Federal 76,830 46,251 0 30,579 To tal 3,706,531 2,986,492 125,590 594,449 Report of the Secretary to the Board of Education Page 4 of 6 Wayne Board of Education 08/25/14 13:20

Starting date 7111201 3 Ending date 6/30/2014 Fund: 20 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS

Revenues: Bud Estimated Actual Over/Under Unrealized No State Line Number Assigned 5,000 5,000 0

20-1974 CHEM LAB 5,000 5,000 0

00420 R201 Revenues from Local Sources 322,667 90,914 Under 231,753

20-1400 REBEL GRANT 684 0 684


20-1415 REBEL-AWMS 24 0 24

20-1420 TRANSPORTATN REV- OTHER LEA'S 2,000 2,000 0



20-1815 UNION CAMP TRUST 854 0 854

20-1896 WHITE HOUSE CAP IMPROVEMENT 75,074 0 75,074

20-1901 LOCAL GRANTS 517 0 517

20-1920 CONTRIBUTIONS-PRIVATE SOURCES 112,140 873 111,267

20-1970 Mise Donations 116,979 83,766 33,213

20-1971 MSG VARSITY NETWORK 8,038 2,095 5,943

20-1972 SIGN BOARD DONATIONS 3,160 0 3,160

20-1973 AUTO TECH PROGRAM 2,180 2,180 0

00430 R2032_ Other Restricted Entitlements 478,821 468,821 Under 10,001

20-3231 NON-PUBLIC TEXTBOOKS 80,027 80,027 0

20-3233 NON-PUBLIC CHAPTER 192 255,975 245,975 10,001

20-3239 NON-PUBLIC NURSING 113,639 113,639 0

20-3240 NON PUBLIC TECHNOLOGY AID 29,180 29,180 0

00440 R20441 [1 -6] litleI 608,666 124,517 Under 484,149

20-4411 CHAPTER I - PART A 121,676 130,579 -8,903 20-4412 TITLE I 486,990 0 486,990 20-4451 ESIENHOWER MATH/SCIENCE 0 -6,438 6,438 20-4491 TITLE III 0 376 -376

00442 R20445[1 -5] Title II 142,427 6,438 Under 135,989

20-4452 TITLE IIA 142,427 6,438 135,989

00460 R20442_ I.D.E.A Part B (Handicapped) 1,960,487 1,244,141 Under 716,346

20-4420 IDEA BASIC 1,892,692 1,197,469 695,223 20-4422 IDEA B BASIC CARRYOVER 0 -29,877 29,877

20-4423 IDEA PART B- PRESCHOOL 67,795 76,549 -8,754

00470 R204430 Vocational Education 58,359 58,246 Under 113

20-3290 OTHER STATE REVENUES 11,383 11,838 . -455 20-3293 PERKINS GRANT 0 -1 ,982 1,982

20-4430 PERKINS GRANT 46,976 48,390 -1,414

00500 R204_ Other 52,847 104,697 -51,850

20-4300 FEMA 0 104,697 -1 04,697 20-4414 TITLE IV 52,847 0 52,847

Tot al 3,629,274 2,102,773 1,526,501

Expenditures: Appropriations Expenditures Encumbrances Available

01250 X20 Local Projects 453,677 313,919 34,966 104,792

20-000-000-100 SALARIES 2,000 2,000 0 0 20-000-000-600 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 1,085 0 0 1,085 Report of the Secretary to the Board of Education Page 5 of 6 Wayne Board of Education 08/25/1 4 13:20

Starting date 7/1/2013 Ending date 6/30/2014 Fund: 20 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS

Ap prop riations E p enditure s Encumbrances __ Avai1abl.,.e Expenditures: ---,",...", "! ",,,.,.,"� ,..x,....."' "",..,..... -",."",",", 01250 X20____ Local Projec1s __453,677 ___ 313,919 34,966 104,792

20-000-400-450 CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 58,527 43,028 13,182 2,317 20-000-400-610 GENERAL SUPPLIES 16,547 14,099 2,448

20-100-000-600 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 33,923 553 19,495o 13,875 20-100-100-600 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 517 517

20-100-500-600 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 25,000 25,000o o

20-100-500-800 OTH ER OBJECTS 187,450 108,099 2,288o 77,063o 20-181-100-800 OTHER OBJECTS 854 854

20-182-100-600 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 8,209 4,130o o 4,079

20-195-100-800 OTHER OBJECTS 628 o 628

20-501-100-640 TEXTBOOKS 80,027 78,100o o 1,927

20-509-213-330 PURCHASED PROFESSIONAL SERV 38,910 38,910 o

01 270 X20' Nonpubllc Auxiliary Services 121,621 94,445 o 27,176o

20-502-100-320____ PURCHASED PROFESSIONAL SERVo 35,951 35,951 o

20-503-100-320 PURCHASED PROFESSIONAL SERVo 5,587 4,015 o 1,572o 20-504-100-320 PURCHASED PROFESSIONAL SERVo 10,000 7,756 o 2,244

20-505-100-320 PURCHASED PROFESSIONAL SERVo 70,083 46,722 o 23,361

01280 X20'____ Nonpublic Handicapped Services 134,354 122,708 o 11,646

20-506-100-320 PURCHASED PROFESSIONAL SERVo 50,650 46,141 o 4,509

20-507-100-320 PURCHASED PROFESSIONAL SERVo 64,174 62,272 o 1,902 20-508-100-320 PURCHASED PROFESSIONAL SERVo 19,530 14,296 o 5,234

01290 X20,____ Nonpublic Nursing Services 74,729 74,729 o

20-509-213-330 PURCHASED PROFESSIONAL SERV 74,729 74,729 o o

"01295 X20,____ Nonpublic Te chnology Inilla11ve 29,180 27,273 o 1,907o

20-510-100-320 PURCHASED PROFESSIONAL SERVo 29,180 27,273 o 1,907

01320 X20____ Other Special Projects - State 7,000 o 7,000

20-290-200-500 OTHER PURCHASED SERVICES 7,000 o o 7,000

01340 X20,____ Title I 651,837 379,307o 72,684o 199,846

20-231-100-600 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 14,669 14,669 OTHER PURCHASED SERVICES 20-231-200-500 5,600 5,600 o o 20-231-200-600 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 7,534 7,534 o o

20-232-400-731 INSTRUCTIONAL EQUIPMENT 21,121 21,121 o o

20-233-100-100 SALARIES 375,717 293,404 o 82,313o 20-233-100-106 OTH ER SALARIES FOR INSTRUCT 23,420 23,155 o 265

20-233-100-600 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 15,125 13,824 o 1,301

20-233-200-200 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 178,651 72,684"o 105,967

20-233-200-300 PURCHASED PROFESSIONAL SERV 8,855 o 8,855

20-233-200-500 OTHER PURCHASED SERVICES 1,145 o o 1,145

01342 X20____ Title II 142,427 114,358o 17,232o 10,837

20-272-200-100 SALARIES 62,615 62,615 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 20-272-200-200 15,522 15,522o o 20-272-200-320 PURCHASED PROFESSIONAL SERVo 2,165 2,165o o

20-272-200-500 OTHER PURCHASED SERVICES 59,162 49,578 1,710o 7,874o 20-272-200-600 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 2,963 2,963

01 344 X20'____ Title III 3,030 1,173o o 1,857

20-242-100-600 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 1,030 773 o 257

o Report of the Secretary to the Board of Education Page 6 of 6 Wayne Board of Education 08/25/14 13:20

Starting date 711 1201 3 Ending date 6/30/2014 Fund: 20 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS

Expenditures: Appropriations Expenditures Encumbrances Available

01344 X20 Title III 3,030 1,173 0 1,857

20-242-200-800 OTHER OBJECTS 2,000 400 0 1,600

01 360 X20 I.D.E,A. Part B (Handicapped) 1,960,487 1,765,354 708 194,425

20-251-200-500 OTHER PURCHASED SERVICES 137,052 89,419 0 47,633 20-253-100-500 OTHER PURCHASED SERVICES 63,795 63,795 0 0 20-253-100-600 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 4,000 4,000 0 0 20-254-100-500 OTHER PURCHASED SERVICES 1,600,000 1,599,374 0 626 20-254-200-300 PURCHASED PROFESSIONAL SERV 96,687 0 0 96,687 20-254-400-720 BUILDINGS 58,953 8,765 708 49,479

01370 X20 Vocational Education 51,359 46,975 0 4,384

20-290-200-320 PURCHASED PROFESSIONAL SERVo 4,383 0 0 4,383 20-294-100-610 GENERALSUPPLIES 12,245 12,245 0 0 20-294-200-300 PURCHASED PROFESSIONAL SERV 1,166 1,166 0 0 20-294-400-731 INSTRUCTIONAL EQUIPMENT 33,565 33,565 0 0

01400 X20 Other Special Projects - Federal 76,830 46,251 0 30,579

20-240-100-600 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 2,820 2,728 0 91 20-240-200-500 OTHER PURCHASED SERVICES 1,591 0 0 1,591 20-241-100-600 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 12,090 10,961 0 1,129 20-241-200-200 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 99 0 0 99 20-242-100-100 SALARIES 4,000 2,839 0 1,161 20-242-100-600 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 27,425 2,969 0 24,456 20-242-200-200 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 920 0 0 920 20-242-200-500 OTHER PURCHASED SERVICES 3,000 1,952 0 1,048 20-270-200-500 OTHER PURCHASED SERVICES 1,944 1,944 0 0 20-271-100-600 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 5,988 5,988 0 0 20-271-200-500 OTHER PURCHASED SERVICES 16,954 16,870 0 84 Total 3,706,531 2,986,492 125,590 594,449 Report of the Secretary to the Board of Education Page 1 of 4 Wayne Board of Education 08/25/1 4 13:20

Starting date 711 12013 Ending date 6/30/2014 Fund: 30 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS

Assets and Resources Assets: 101 Cash in bank $369,186.31 102-106 Cash Equivalents $0.00 111 Investments $0.00

116 Capital Reserve Account $0.00 117 Maintenance Reserve Account $0.00 118 Emergency ReserveAccount $0.00

121 Tax levy Receivable $0.00

Accounts Receivable:

132 Interfund $0.00 141 Intergovernmental - State $1 86,380.37 142 Intergovernmental - Federal $0.00 143 Intergovernmental - Other $0.00 153, 154 Other (net of estimated uncollectable of $ $0.00 $1 86,380.37

___ _ Loans Receivable:

131· Interfund $0.00 151, 152 Other (Net of estimated uncollectable of $, $0.00 $0.00

___ -' Other Current Assets $0.00

Resources: 301 Estimated revenues $50,658.13 302 Less revenues ($263.85) $50,394.28

To tal assets and resources $605.960.96

liabilities and Fund Equity Liabilities:

411 Intergovernmental accounts payable - state $0.00 421 Accounts payable $7,347.87

431 Contracts payable $0.00 451 Loans payable $0.00 481 Deferred revenues $0.00 Other current liabilities $587,036.00

Total liabilities $594,383.87 Report of the Secretary to the Board of Education Page 2 of 4 Wayne Board of Education 08/25/1 4 13:20

Starting date 7/1/201 3 Ending date 6/30/2014 Fund: 30 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS

Fund Balance:


753,754 Reserve for encumbrances $11,577.09 761 Capital reserve account - July $0.00 604 Add: Increase in capital reserve $0.00

307 Less: Bud. wId cap. reserve eligible costs $0.00 309 Less: Bud. wId cap. reserve excess costs $0.00 $0.00 764 Maintenance reserve account - July SO.OO 606 Add: Increase in maintenance reserve $0.00 310 Less: Bud. wId from maintenance reserve $0.00 $0.00 768 Waiver offset reserve - July 1, 2__ $0.00 609 Add: Increase in waiver offset reserve SO.OO 314 Less: Bud. wId from waiver offset reserve $0.00 $0.00

762 Adult education programs $0.00 750-752,76x Other reserves $0.00

601 Appropriations $50,658.13

602 Less: Expenditures ($39,081.04) Less: Encumbrances ($11,577.09) ($50.658. 3) $0.00

Total appropriated 1 $11,577.09


770 Fund balance, July 1 $0.00 303 Budgeted fund balance $0.00 Total fund balance $11,577.09 Total liabilities and fund equity S605,960.96

Recapitulation of Budgeted Fund Balance: Budge ted Actual Variance Appropriations $50,658.13 $50,658.13 $0.00 Revenues ($50, 58. 3) ($263.85) ($50,394.28)

Subtotal 6 $0.001 $50,394.28 ($50 394.28) Change in capital reserve account Plus · Increase in reserve $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Less · Withdrawal from reserve $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Subtotal $0 .00 $50,394.28 ($50,394.28) Change in waiver offset reserve account

Plus - Increase in reserve $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Less - Withdrawal from reserve $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Subtotal $0 .00 $5 0394.28 {SSO 394.281 Less: Adjustment for prior year $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Budgeted fund balance $0 .00 $50 394.28 ($50 394.281

Prepared and submitted by : ��d.;!'&1��;;C��:!::,��_ 9c15,d: Date Report of the Secretary to the Board of Education Page 3 of 4 Wayne Board of Education 08/25/14 13:20

Starting date 7/1 /201 3 Ending date 6/30/2014 Fund: 30 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS

Revenues: Bud Estimated Actual Over/Under Unrealized No State Line Number Assigned 50,658 264 Under 50,394 Total 50,658 264 50,394 Expenditures: Appropriations Expenditures Encumbrances AVailable No State Line Number Assigned 50,658 39,081 11,577

To tal 50,658 39,081 11,577 °

° Report of the Secretary to the Board of Education Page 4 of 4 Wayne Board of Education 08/25/1 413:20

Starting date 711/2013 Ending date 6/30/2014 Fund: 30 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS

Revenues: Bud Estimated Actual Over/Under Unrealized No State Line Number Assigned 50,658 264 Under 50,394

30-1510 INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS 0 264 -264 30-3214 STATE SHARE 20,263 20,263

30-5210 TRANSFER FR CAPITAL RESERVE 30,395 ° 30,395 Total 50,658 264° 50,394

Expenditures: Appropriations Expenditures Encumbrances Available No State Line Number Assigned 50,658 39,081 11,577

° 30-000-400-450 CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 50,658 39,081 11,577

To tal 50,658 39,081 11,577 °

° Reportof the Secretary to the Board of Education Page 1 of 4 Wayne Board of Education 08/2511 413:20

Starting date 711 /2013 Ending date 6/30/2014 Fund: 40 DEBT SERVICE FUNDS

Assets and Resources Assets: 101 Cash in bank $4,317.64 102-106 Cash Equivalents $0.00 111 Investments $0.00

116 Capital Rese:rveAccount $0.00 117. Maintenance Reserve Account $0.00 118 Emergency Reserve Account $0.00

121 Tax levy Receivable $0.00

Accounts Receivable:

132 Interfund $41,378.00 141 Intergovernmental - State $0.00 142 Intergovernmental - Federal $0.00

143 Intergovernmental - Other $0.00

153, 154 Other (net of estimated uncol1ectable of $___ _ $0.00 $41 ,378.00

Loans Receivable: 131 Interfund $0.00

151, 152 Other (Net of estimated uncollectable of $____ . $0.00 $0.00

Other Current Assets $0.00

Resources: 301 Estimated revenues $0.00 302 Less revenues $0.00 $0.00

Total assets and resources $45.695.64

Liabilities and Fund Equ ity Liabilities:

411 Intergovernmental accounts payable - state $0.00 421 Accounts payable $0.00

431 Contracts payable $0.00 451 Loans payable $0.00

481 Deferred revenues $0.00 Other current liabilities $0.00

Total liabilities $0.00 Report 01 the Secretary to the Board 01 Education Page 2 01 4 Wayne Board 01 Education 08/25/14 13:20

Starting date 7/1 1201 3 Ending date 6/3012014 Fund: 40 DEBT SERVICE FUNDS

Fund Balance:


753,754 Reserve for encumbrances $0.00

761 Capital reserve account · July $0.00 604 Add: Increase in capital reserve $0.00 307 Less: Bud. wId cap. reserve eligible costs $0.00 309 Less: Bud. wid cap. reserve excess costs $0.00 $0.00 764 Maintenance reserve account - July $0.00 606 Add: Increase in maintenance reserve $0.00

310 Less: Bud. wid from maintenance reserve $0.00 $0.00 768 Waiver offset reserve - July 1, 2 $0.00

609 Add: Increase in waiver offset reserve__ $0.00 314 Less: Bud. wid from waiver offset reserve $0.00 $0.00

762 Adult education programs $0.00 750-752,76x Other reserves $41,378.00 601 Appropriations $0.00

602 Less: Expenditures $0.00 Less: Encumbrances $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Total appropriated $41,378.00


770 Fund balance, July 1 $4,317.64 303 Budgeted fund balance $0.00 Total fund balance $45,695,64 To tal liabilities and fund equity $45,695,64

Recapitulation of Budgeted Fund Balance: Budgeted Actual Variance Appropriations $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Revenues $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Subtotal $0 .00 $0 .00 $0 .00 Change in capital reserve account:

Plus - Increase in reserve $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Less - Withdrawal from reserve $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Subtotal $0.00 $0 .00 $0 .00 Change in waiver offset reserve account:

Plus - Increase in reserve $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Less - Withdrawal from reserve $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Subtotal $0 .00 $0 .00 $0 .00 Less: Adjustment for prior year $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Budgeted fund balance $0 .00 $0 .00 $0 .00

Prepared and submitted by :"".alL& "l--£,i.,f,.<�;>I';.L>IL""'...-::":::3�q..._ £(�/4-- Date Report of the Secretary to the Board of Education Page 3 of 4 Wayne Board of Education 08/25/1 413:20

Starting date 7/1/2013 Ending date 6/30/2014 Fund: 40 DEBT SERVICE FUNDS

Revenues: Bud Estimated Actual Over/Under Unrealized 00550 R401 21 0 Local Tax Levy 4,038,292 4,038,292 0 To tal 4,038,292 4,038,292 0 Expenditures: Appropriations Expenditures Encumbrances Available 01430 X40701510_ Debt Service-Regular 4,038,292 4,038,292 0 0 Total 4,038,292 4,038,292 0 0 Report of the Secretary to the Board of Education Page 4 of 4 Wayne Board of Education 08/25/1 4 13:20

Starting date 711 12013 Ending date 6/30/201 4 Fund: 40 DEBT SERVICE FUNDS

Revenues: Bud Estimated Actual Over/Under __� U:'..'n�re�al�iz:,:e�d

00550 R401210 Local Tax Levy 4,038,292 4,038,292 o 40-1210 AD VA LOREM TA XES 4,038,292 4,038,292

To tal 4,038,292 4,038,292 o

Expenditures: Appropriations Expenditures Encumbrances __----" A""va"-'iI�a�bl�eo

01430 X40701510_ Debt Service-Regular 4,038,292 4,038,292 o o 40-701-510-830 INTEREST EXPENDITURE 1,156,327 1,156,327

40-701-510-910 REDEMPTION OF PRINCIPAL 2,881,965 2,881 ,965 o o To tal 4,038,292 4,038,292 o o

o o Report of the Secretary to the Board of Education Page 1 of 4 Wayne Board of Education 08/25/1 4 13:20

Starting date 7/1/2013 Ending date 6/30/2014 Fund: 60 FOOD SERVICE FUND

Assets and Resources Assets: 101 Cash in bank $92,385.01 102 - 106 Cash Equivalents $0.00 111 Investments $0.00 116 Capital Reserve Account $0.00

117 Maintenance Reserve Account $0.00 118 Emergency Reserve Account $0.00

121 Tax levy Receivable $0.00

Accounts Receivable:

132 Interfund $27,084.00 141 Intergovernmental - State $3,441.86 142 Intergovernmental - Federal $76,502.42

143 Intergovernmental - Other $0.00

153, 154 Other (net of estimated uncollectable of $.____ . $60,375.96 $167,404.24

Loans Receivable:

131 Interfund $0.00

151, 152 Other (Net of estimated uncollectable of $, ___ _ $0.00 $0.00

Other Current Assets $241 ,892.00

Resources: 301 Estimated revenues $0.00 302 Less revenues $52,259.92 $52,259.92

To tal assets and resources $553.941 17

Liabilities and Fund Equity Liabilities:

411 Intergovernmental accounts payable - state $0.00 421 Accounts payable $304,830.97

431 Contracts payable $0.00 451 Loans payable $0.00 481 Deferred revenues $26,749.89 Other current liabilities $200,627.62

Total liabilities $532,208.48 Report of the Secretary to the Board of Education Page 2 of 4 Wayne Board of Education 08/25/1 4 13:20

Starting date 7/1/2013 Ending date 6/30/2014 Fund: 60 FOOD SERVICE FUND

Fund Balance:


753,754 Reserve for encumbrances $0.00

761 Capital reserve account - July $0.00 604 Add: Increase in capital reserve $0.00 307 Less: Bud. wId cap. reserve eligible costs $0.00 309 Less: Bud. wId cap. reserve excess costs $0.00 $0.00 764 Maintenance reserve account · July $0.00 606 Add: Increase in maintenance reserve $0.00

310 Less: Bud. wId from maintenance reserve $0.00 $0.00 768 Waiver offset reserve - July 1,2 $0.00

609 Add: Increase in waiver offset reserve__ $0.00 314 Less: Bud. wId from waiver offset reserve $0.00 $0.00

762 Adult education programs $0.00 750·752,76x Other reserves $0.00

601 Appropriations $2,845,620.42 602 Less: Expenditures ($2.845,620.42) Less: Encumbrances $0.00 ($2.845,620.42) $0.00 Total appropriated $0.00


770 Fund balance, July 1 $77,353.11

303 Budgeted fund balance ($55,620.42) Total fund balance 521,732.69 Total liabilities and fund equity 5553,941 .17

Recapitulation of Budgeted Fund Balance: Budge ted Actual Variance Appropriations $2,845,620.42 $2,845,620.42 $0.00 Revenues $0.00 $52,259.92 ($52.259.92) Subtotal $2 845 620.42 S2 897 880.34 ($ 52 259 92)

Change in capital reserve account: .

Plus - Increase in reserve $0.00 $0.00

Less - Withdrawal from reserve SO.OO$0.00 $0.00

Subtotal $2 845 620.42 $2 897 880.34SO.OO ($52,259.92) Change in waiver offset reserve account:

Plus - Increase in reserve $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Less - Withdrawal from reserve $0.00 $0.00

Subtotal �2 845,620.42 �2 897 880.34SO.OO ($ 52,259.921

Less: Adjustment for prior year ($2.790,000.00) ($2,790,000.00) $0.00 Budgeted fund balance �55,620.42 �1 07,880.34 ($52.259.9?)

Prepared and submitted by . -";'='2l�A..!"����/.!!1�!"':��f4- ,. Date Report of the Secretary to the Board of Education Page 3 of 4 Wayne Board of Education 08/25/1413:20

Starting date 7/1/2013 Ending date 6/30/201 4 Fund: 60 FOOD SERVICE FUND

Bud Estimated Actual Over/Under __ un ealize Revenues: .=",'", c-"..,.....d No State Line Number Assigned 0 2,737,740 -2,737,740 Total 0 2,737,740 -2,737,740

Appropriations Expenditures Encumbrances __ A",v a:::iI:::ab:::l-=e Expenditures: �. :..: No State Line Number Assigned 2,845,620 2,845,620 0

Total . 2,845,620 2,845,620 o 0 o Report of the Secretary to the Board of Education Page 40f4 Wayne Board of Education 08/25/1 4 13:20

Starting date 7/1/2013 Ending date 6/30/2014 Fund: 60 FOOD SERVICE FUND

Revenues: Bud Estimated Actual Over/Under Unrealized No State Line Number Assigned 0 2,737,740 -2,737,740

DAILY SALES SCHOOL LUNCH PROG 2,308,776 2,3 ,776 SPECIAL PROGRAMS 60-1611 0 74,700 - 0874,7 60-1630 SCHOOL LUNCH PROGRAMS 0 14,910 --14,91000

60-3220 BREAKFAST PROGRAM 0 22,912 -22,912

60-4461 LUNCH PROGRAM 31 2,577 -312,577

60-4462 MILK PROGRAM 0 3,864 -3,864 60-4463 To tal 0 0 2,737,740 -2,737,740

Expenditures: Appropriations Expenditures Encumbrances Available No State Line Number Assigned 2,845,620 2,845,620 0 0

OTHER SALARIES FOR INSTRUCT 9,679 9,679 0 OTHER SALARIES 60-910-310-106 1,297,177 1,297,177 0 60-910-310-110 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 802 802 0 0

60-910-310-200 PURCHASED PROFESSIONAL SERV 291 ,263 291 ,263 0

60-910-310-300 CLEANING,REPAIR,MAINT SERV 17,553 17,553 0 0

60-910-310-420 OTHER PURCHASED SERVICES 7,525 7,525 0

60-910-310-590 GENERAL SUPPLIES 810,576 81 0,576 0

60-910-310-610 OTHER COST 293,705 293,705 0 0

60-910-310-611 OFFICE SUPPLIES 567 567 0 0

60-910-310-612 NON-INSTRUCTIONAL EQUIPMENT 14,713 14,713 0 0

60-910-310-732 OTHER OBJECTS 19,575 19,575 0 0

60-910-310-800 MISCELLANEOUS EXPENDITURES 82,486 82,486 0 60-910-310-890 Total 2,845,620 2,845,620 0 0 0 Report of the Secretary to the Board of Education Page 1 of 8 Wayne Board of Education 08/25/1 4 13:20

Starting date 7/1 12013 Ending date 6/30/2014 Fund: 61 COMMUNITY PROGRAMS

Assets and Resources Assets: 101 Cash in bank $6,013.95 102-106 Cash Equivalents $0.00 111 Investments $0.00 116 Capital Reserve Account $0.00 117 Maintenance Reserve Account $0.00 118 Emergency Reserve Account $0.00 121 Tax levy Receivable $0.00

Accounts Receivable:

132 Interfund $0.00 141 Intergovernmental - State $0.00 142 Intergovernmental - Federal $0.00 143 Intergovernmental - Other $0.00

153, 154 Other (net of estimated uncollectable of $ _ $0.00 $0.00

___ Loans Receivable:

131 Interfund $0.00

151, 152 Other (Net of estimated uncollectable of $___ $0.00 $0.00

--' Other Current Assets $0.00

Resources: 301 Estimated revenues $0.00 302 Less revenues ($7,305.00) ($7,305.00)

Total assets and resources (Sl.291 .05)

Liabilities and Fund Equitv Liabilities:

411 Intergovernmental accounts payable - state $0.00 421 Accounts payable $0.00 431 Contracts payable $0.00 451 Loans payable $0.00

481 Deferred revenues $1 ,800.00

Other current liabilities $10.00

Total liabilities $1,810.00 Report of the Secretary to the Board of Education Page 2 of 8 Wayne Board of Education 08/2511 413:20

Starting date 7/112013 Ending date 6130/2014 Fund: 61 COMMUNITY PROGRAMS

Fund Balance:


753,754 Reserve for encumbrances $0.00 761 Capital reserve account - July $0.00 604 Add: Increase in capital reserve $0.00 307 Less: Bud. wid cap. reserve eligible costs $0.00 309 Less: Bud. wId cap. reserve excess costs $0.00 $0.00

764 Maintenance reserve account - July $0.00 606 Add: Increase in maintenance reserve $0.00 310 Less: Bud. wId from maintenance reserve $0.00 $0.00 768 Waiver offset reserve - July 1,2 $0.00

609 Add: Increase in waiver offset reserve__ $0.00 314 Less: Bud. wId from waiver offset reserve $0.00 $0.00

762 Adult education programs $0.00 750-752,76x Other reserves $0.00

601 Appropriations $9,808.85 602 Less: Expenditures (S9,808.85) Less: Encumbrances $0.00 (S9,808.85) $0.00

Total appropriated $0.00


770 Fund balance, July 1 $9,308.00 303 Budgeted fund balance ($12,409.0S) Tota l fund balance ($3,101.05) Totai liabilities and fund equity (5 1.291 .05)

Recapitulation of Budgeted Fund Balance: Budge ted Actual Variance Appropriations $9,808.8S $9,808.8S $0.00 Revenues $0.00 ($7,305.00) $7,305.00 Sub10tal $9,808.85 $2,503.85 $7,305:00 Change in capital reserve account: Plus - Increase in reserve $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Less - Withdrawal from reserve $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Subtotal $9,808.8S $2 S03.8S $7,305.00 Change in waiver offset reserve account:

Plus - Increase in reserve $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Less - Withdrawal from reserve $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Subtotal �9,808.8S $2 S03.8S p,305.00

Less: Adjustment for prior year $2,600.20 $2,600.20 $0.00 Budgeted fund balance $12 409.05 $5 104.0S $7 30S.00

Prepared and submitted by : �:£.U:tL!!'£'l����:A,1::�1- _ J�6'/4-- _ Date Report of the Secretary to the Board of Education Page 3 of 8 Wayne Board of Education 08/2511 4 13:20

Starting date 7/1 /2013 Ending date 6/30/2014 Fund: 61 COMMUNITY PROGRAMS

Revenues: BUd Estimated Actual Over/Under Unrealized No State Line Number Assigned 0 540 -540 Total 0 540 -540 Expenditures: Appropriations Expenditures Encumbrances Available No State Line Number Assigned 9,809 9,809 0 0 Total 9,809 9,809 0 0 Reportof the Secretary to the Board of Education Page 4 of 8 Wayne Board of Education 08/2511 413:20

Starting date 711 12013 Ending date 6/30/2014 Fund: 61 COMMUNITY PROGRAMS

Revenues: Bud Estimated Actual Over/Under Unrealized No State Line Number Assigned 0 540 -540

61-1320 TUITION FROM LEA'S 0 315 -315 61-1322 TUITION 0 225 -225

Total 0 540 -540

Expenditures: Appropriations Expenditures Encumbrances Available No State Line Number Assigned 9,809 9,809 0 0

61-603-100-100 SALARIES 9,318 9,316 0 0 61-603-100-610 GENERAL SUPPLIES 491 491 0 0

Total 9,809 9,809 0 0 Report of the Secretary to the Board of Education Page 50f 8 Wayne Board of Education 08/2511 413:20

Starting date 711 /2013 Ending date 6/30/2014 Fund: 62 WAYNE EXTENDED DAY PROGRAM

Assets and Resources Assets: 101 Cash in bank $670,611.59 102-106 Cash Equivalents $0.00 111 Investments $0.00

116 Capital Reserve Account $0.00 117 Maintenance Reserve Account $0.00 118 Emergency Reserve Account $0.00

121 Tax levy Receivable $0.00

Accounts Receivable:

132 Interfund $0.00

141 Intergovernmental � State $0.00 142 Intergovernmental - Federal $0.00 143 Intergovernmental - Other $0.00

153, 154 Other (net of estimated uncollectable of $,___ _ $8,995.82 $8,995.82

Loans-Receivable: 131 lnterfund $0.00

151, 152 Other (Net of estimated uncollectable of $,___ _ $0.00 $0.00

Other Current Assets $0.00

Resources: 301 Estimated revenues $828,206.00 302 Less revenues ($961,343.54) ($133,137.54)

To tal assets and resources $546.469.87

Liabilities and Fund Equitv Liabilities:

411 Intergovernmental accounts payable - state $0.00 421 Accounts payable $210.00 431 Contracts payable $0.00

451 Loans payable $0.00 481 Deferred revenues $0.00 Other current liabilities $19,673.06

Total liabilities $19,883.06 Report of the Secretary to the Board of Education Page 6 of 8 Wayne Board of Education 08/2511 413:20

Starting date 711/2013 Ending date 6/30/2014 Fund: 62 WAYNE EXTENDED DAY PROGRAM

Fund Balance:


753,754 Reserve for encumbrances $0.00

761 Capital reserve account - July $0.00

604 Add: Increase in capital reserve $0.00

307 Less: Bud. wId cap. reserve eligible costs $0.00 309 Less: Bud. wId cap. reserve excess costs $0.00 $0.00 764 Maintenance reserve account - July $0.00

606 Add: Increase in maintenance reserve $0.00 310 Less: Bud. wid from maintenance reserve $0.00 $0.00

768 Waiver offset reserve - July 1, 2__ $0.00 609 Add: Increase in waiver offset reserve $0.00 314 Less: Bud. wId from waiver offset reserve $0.00 $0.00

762 Adult education programs $0.00 750-752,76x Other reserves $0.00

601 Appropriations $886,482.62 602 Less: Expenditures ($886,482.62) Less: Encumbrances $0.00 ($886,482.62) $0.00 To tal appropriated $0.00

Unappropriated: 770 Fund balance, July 1 $584,758.43 303 Budgeted fund balance ($58,171.62)

Total fund balance $526,586.81 Total liabilities and fund equity $546.469.87

Recapitulation of Budgeted Fund Balance: Budgeted Actual Variance Appropriations $886,482.62 $886,482.62 $0.00 Revenues ($828,206.00) ($961,343.54) $133,137.54 Subtotal $58,276.62 ($74 860.92) §133,137.54 Change in capital reserve account:

Plus - Increase in reserve $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Less - Withdrawal from reserve $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Subtotal §58,276.62 ($74.860.92) m133,137.54 Change in waiver offset reserve account:

Plus - Increase in reserve $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Less - Withdrawal from reserve $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Subtotal m58,276.62 ($74,860.92) m133 137.54

Less: Adjustment for prior year ($105.00) ($105.00) $0.00 Budgeted fund balance m58 171.62 (§]4,965.92) §133.137.54

Prepared and submitted by :

Board Secretary Date Report of the Secretary to the Board of Education Page 7 of 8 Wayne Board of Education 08/2511 4 13:20

Starting date 711 /2013 Ending date 6130/2014 Fund: 62 WAYNE EXTENDED DAY PROGRAM

Revenues: Bud Estimated Actual Over/Under Unrealized No State Line Number Assigned 0 1,076 -1 ,076 00252 R101_ Other Restricted Miscellaneous Revenues 0 961 ,344 -961 ,344 Total 0 962,420 -962,420 Expenditures: Appropriations Expenditures Encumbrances Available No State Line Number Assigned 886,483 886,483 0 0 To tal 886,483 886,483 0 0 Report 01 the Secretary to the Board 01 Education Page 8 01 8 Wayne Board 01 Education 08/25/14 13:20

Starting date 711/2013 Ending date 6/30/2014 Fund: 62 WAYNE EXTENDED DAY PROGRAM

Revenues: Bud Estimated Actual Over/Under Unrealized No State Line Number Assigned 0 1,076 -1 ,076


00252 Rl0162-1510 Other Restricted Miscellaneous Revenues 0 961,344 -961,344

BEFORE & AFTER PROGRAM 961,344 -961,344

62-1311 To tal 0 0 962,420 -962,420 Expenditures: Appropriations Expenditures Encumbrances Available No State Line Number Assigned 886,483 886,483 0 0

SALARIES OF PRINCIPALS/ASST. 57,344 57,344 0 SALARIES OF SECRETARIALASST 62-603-100-103 61,604 61,604 0 0 62-603-100-105 OTHER SALARIES FOR INSTRUCT 12,350 12,350 0 0

62-603-100-106 SALARIES FOR PUPIL TRANSPORT 446,339 446,339 0 0

62-603-100-107 HEALTH INSURANCE 38,506 38,506 0 0

62-603-100-270 ALL BENEFITS 1,711 1,711

62-603-100-271 OTHER EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 41 ,156 41,156 0 0

62-603-100-290 PURCHASED TECHNICAL SERVo 4,497 4,497 0 0

62-603-100-340 OTHER PURCHASED SERVICES 112,195 112,195 0 0 62-603-100-500 TRAVEL 259 259 0

62-603-100-580 GENERAL SUPPLIES 4,685 4,685 0 62-603-100-610 ENERGY (HEAT & ELECTRICITY) 77,327 77,327 0

62-603-100-620 ENERGY (ELECTRICITY) 12,965 12,965 0 0

62-603-100-622 MISCELLANEOUS EXPENDITURES 15,230 15,230 0 0

62-603-100-890 MISCELLANEOUS 315 315 0 0 62-603-100-891 To tal 886,483 886,483 0 0 Report of the Secretary to the Board of Education Page 1 of 24 Wayne Board of Education 08/2511 4 13:21

Starting date 711 12013 Ending date 6/30/2014 Fund: 92 AW MS STUDENT ACTIVITY ACCOUNT

Assets and Resources Assets: 101 Cash in bank $49,459.73 102-106 Cash Equivalents $0.00 111 Investments $0.00 116 Capital Reserve Account $0.00 117 Maintenance Reserve Account $0.00 118 Emergency Reserve Account $0.00

121 Tax levy Receivable $0.00

Accounts Receivable:

132 Interfund $0.00 141 Intergovernmental - State $0.00 142 Intergovernmental - Federal $0.00 143 Intergovernmental - Other $0.00

153, 154 Other (net of estimated uncollectable of $.___ $0.00 $0.00

-1 Loans Receivable:

131 Intertund $0.00

151, 152 Other (Net of estimated uncollectable of $,____ . $0.00 $0.00

Other Current Assets $0.00

Resources: 301 Estimated revenues ($2,000.00) 302 Less revenues $0.00 ($2,000.00)

To tal assets and resources 847.459.73

liabilities and Fund Equity Liabilities:

411 Intergovernmental accounts payable - state $0.00 421 Accounts payable $2,084.09

431 Contracts payable $0.00 451 Loans payable $0.00 481 Deferred revenues $0.00 Other current liabilities $1,000.00

Total liabilities $3,084.09 Report of the Secretary to the Board of Education Page 2 of 24 Wayne Board of Education 08125/1 4 13:21

Starting date 7/1 /201 3 Ending date 6/3012014 Fund: 92 AW MS STUDENT ACTIVITY ACCOUNT

Fund Balance:


753,754 Reserve for encumbrances $0.00 761 Capital reserve account - July $0.00 604 Add: Increase in capital reserve $0.00 307 Less: Bud. wId cap. reserve eligible costs $0.00 309 Less: Bud. wId cap. reserve excess costs $0.00 $0.00 764 Maintenance reserve account - July $0.00 606 Add: Increase in maintenance reserve $0.00 310 Less: Bud. wId from maintenance reserve $0.00 SO.OO 768 Waiver offset reserve - July 1, 2 $0.00

609 Add: Increase in waiver offset reserve__ $0.00 314 Less: Bud. wid from waiver offset reserve SO.OO $0.00 762 Adult education programs $0.00 750-752,76x Other reserves $0.00

601 Appropriations $0.00

602 Less: Expenditures ($1 ,000,00) Less: Encumbrances $0.00 ($1 .000.00) ($1 ,000.00) Total appropriated ($1 ,000.00)


770 Fund balance, July 1 $45,375.64 303 Budgeted fund balance $0.00

Total fund balance $44,375.64 Total liabilities and fund equity 547,459.73

Recapitulation of Budgeted Fund Balance: Budge ted Actual Variance Appropriations SO.OO $1 ,000.00 (51 ,000.00) Revenues $2,000.00 $0.00 $2,000.00 Subtolal $2 000.00 Sl 000.00 $1,000.00 Change in capital reserve account: Plus - Increase in reserve $0.00 SO.OO $0.00 Less - Withdrawal from reserve SO.OO $0.00 $0.00 Subtotal $2,000.00 Sl 000.00 $1 000.00 Change in waiver offset reserve account:

Plus - Increase in reserve $0.00 SO.OO $0.00 Less - Withdrawal from reserve SO.OO $0.00 $0.00 Sublotal �2,000.00 �1 000.00 $1 000.00 Less: Adjustment for prior year (52,000.00) ($2,000.00) $0.00 Budgeted fund balance $0.00 (�1.000.001 $1 000.00

Prepared and submitted by . ;:::::��(:IlMM't;�I>

Starting date 7/1/2013 Ending date 6/3012014 Fund: 92 AW MS STUDENT ACTIVITY ACCOUNT

Revenues: Bud Estimated Actual Over/Under Unrealized No State Line Number Assigned 190,211 148,468 Under 41 ,743 To tal 190,211 148,468 41,743 Expenditures: Appropriations Expenditures En.cumbrances Available No State Line Number Assigned 194,041 149,487 0 44,554 Total 194,041 149,487 0 44,554 Reportof the Secretary to the Board of Education Page 4 of 24 Wayne Board of Education 08/25/14 13:21

Starting date 711 /2013 Ending date 6/3012014 Fund: 92 AW MS STUDENT ACTIVITY ACCOUNT

Revenues: Bud Estimated Actual Over/Under __ -"U "'n -'-'r e"'a "'l iz,..e....d No State Line Number Assigned 190,211 148,468 Under 41,743

92-1920 CONTRIBUTIONS-PRIVATE SOURCES 190,211 148,468 41 ,743 Tolal 190,211 148,468 41 ,743

Expenditures: Appropriations Expenditures Encumbrances __---"' A::.v"'ai"'la::b=le No State Line Number Assigned 194,041 149,487 44,554

° 92-000-000-110 OTHER SALARIES 8,200 4,600 3,600 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 92-000-000-600 185,841 144,887 o 40,954 To lal 194,041 149,487 o 44,554 ° Report of the Secretary to the Board of Education Page 5 of 24 Wayne Board of Education 08/25/1 4 13:21

Starting date 7/1/2013 Ending date 6/30/2014 Fund: 93 SCMS STUDENT ACTIVITY ACCT

Assets and Resources Assets: 101 Cash in bank $38,013.36

102-106 Cash Equivalents $0.00 111 Investments $0.00

116 Capital Reserve Account $0.00 117 Maintenance Reserve Account $0.00 118 Emergency Reserve Account $0.00 121 Tax levy Receivable $0.00

Accounts Receivable:

132 Interfund $0.00

141 Intergovernmental � State $0.00 142 Intergovernmental - Federal $0.00 143 Intergovernmental - Other $0.00

153, 154 Other (net of estimated uncollectable of $___ _ $1 ,547.34 $1 ,547.34

Loans Receivable: 131 Interfund $0.00

151, 152 Other (Net of estimated uncollectable of $___ _ $0.00 $0.00

Other Current Assets $0.00

Resources: 301 Estimated revenues $0.00

302 Less revenues $0.00 $0.00

Total assets and resources $39.560.70

Liabilities and Fund Equ ity Liabilities:

411 Intergovernmental accounts payable - state $0.00 421 Accounts payable $4,856.75 431 Contracts payable $0.00

451 Loans payable $0.00

481 Deferred revenues $0.00 Other current liabilities $5,036.00

Total liabilities $9,892.75 Report of the Secretary to the Board of Education Page 6 of 24 Wayne Board of Education 08/25/1 4 13:21

Starting date 7/1 /2013 Ending date 6/30/2014 Fund: 93 SCMS STUDENT ACTIVITY ACCT

Fund Balance:


753,754 Reserve for encumbrances $0.00 761 Capital reserve account - July $0.00

604 Add: Increase in capital reserve $0.00

307 Less: Bud. wId cap. reserve eligible costs $0.00 309 Less: Bud. wId cap. reserve excess casts $0.00 $0.00

764 Maintenance reserve account - July $0.00 606 Add: Increase in maintenance reserve $0.00 31 0 Less: Bud. wId from maintenance reserve $0.00 $0.00

768 Waiver offset reserve - July 1, 2__ SO.OO 609 Add: Increase in waiver offset reserve $0.00 314 Less: Bud. wId from waiver offset reserve $0.00 $0.00

762 Adult education programs $0.00 750-752,76x Other reserves $0.00 601 Appropriations $0.00 602 Less: Expenditures (55.036.00) Less: Encum brances $532.00 (54,504.00) ($4,504.0 )

Total appropriated ($4,504.00)

Unappropriated :

770 Fund balance, July 1 $34,171.95 303 Budgeted fund balance $0.00

Tota l fund balance $29,667.95 To tal liabilities and fund equity S39,560.70

Recapitulation of Budgeted Fund Balance: Budgeted Actual Variance Appropriations $0.00 $4,504.00 (54,504.00) Revenues $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Subtotal $0.00 $4 504.00 ($4 504.00) Change in capital reserve account:

Plus - Increase in reserve $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Less - Withdrawal from reserve $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Subtotal $0.00 $4 504.00 ($4 504.00l Change in waiver offset reserve account

Plus - Increase in reserve $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Less - Withdrawal from reserve $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Subtotal SO .OO S4 504.00 1:,;4504. 00) Less: Adjustment for prior year $0.00 SO.OO $0.00 Budgeted fund balance $0 .00 $4 504.00 1§4.504.001

Prepared and submitted by:::. :::::;:������Ii�t:,tl4�--- cretary Date Report of the Secretary to the Board of Education Page 7 of 24 Wayne Board of Education 08/2511 4 13:21

Starting date 7/1/2013 Ending date 6/30/2014 Fund: 93 SCMS STUDENT ACTIVITY ACCT

Revenues: Bud Estimated Actual Over/Under __ -,"U ",n:::re::a",li:::ze:::d No State Line Number Assigned 170,774 175,150 -4,376 Total 170,774 175,150 -4,376 Appropriations Expenditures Encumbrances Available Expenditures: - No State Line Number Assigned 198,165 172,796 25,369 --=-=== To tal 198,165 172,796 o 25,369 o Report of the Secretary to the Board of Education Page 8 of 24 Wayne Board of Education 08/25/1 4 13:21

Starting date 711 /2013 Ending date 6/3012014 Fund: 93 SCMS STUDENT ACTIVITY ACCT

Revenues: Bud Estimated Actual Over/Under ��-=U",nrc::e=al::::lz=e=d No State Line Number Assigned 170,774 175,150 -4,376

93-1913 SCMS 170,774 175,150 -4,376

Total 170,n4 175,150 -4,376 Appropriations Expenditures Encumbrances Expenditures: - Available

No State Line Number Assigned 198,165 172,796 -�==25,369

93-000-000-110 OTH ER SALARIES 5,036 5,036 o SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 93-000-000-600 193,129 167,760 o 25,369o To tal 198,165 172,796 o 25,369 o Report of the Secretary to the Board of Education Page 9 of 24 Wayne Board of Education 08/25/1 4 13:21

Starting date 711 /2013 Ending date 6130/2014 Fund: 94 GWMS STUDENT ACTIVITY ACCT

Assets and Resources Assets: 101 Cash in bank $45,018.14 102 - 106 Cash Equivalents $0.00 111 Investments $0.00

116 Capital Reserve Account $0.00 117 Maintenance Reserve Account $0.00 118 Emergency Reserve Account $0.00

121 Tax levy Receivable $0.00

Accounts Receivable: 132 Interfund $0.00 141 Intergovernmental - State $0.00 142 Intergovernmental - Federal $0.00 143 Intergovernmental - Other $0.00

153, 154 Other (net of estimated uncollectable 01"$___ _ $0.00 $0.00

Loans Receivable:

131 Interfund $0.00

151, 152 Other (Net of estimated uncollectable of $___ _ $0.00 $0.00

Other Current Assets $0.00

Resources: 301 Estimated revenues $0.00 302 Less revenues $0.00 $0.00

Total assets and resources $45.01 8.14

Liabilities and Fund Equitv Liabilities:

411 Intergovernmental accounts payable - state $0.00 421 Accounts payable $2,720.14 431 Contracts payable $0.00

451 Loans payable $0.00 481 Deferred revenues $0.00 Other current liabilities $0.00

Total liabilities $2,720.14 Report of the Secretary to the Board of Education Page 10 of 24 Wayne Board of Education 08/25/1 413:21

Starting date 711/2013 Ending date 613012014 Fund: 94 GWMS STUDENT ACTIVITY ACCT

Fund Balance:


753,754 Reserve for encum brances $42,298.00 761 Capital reserve account · July $0.00 604 Add: Increase in capital reserve $0.00 307 Less: Bud. wId cap. reserve eligible costs $0.00

309 Less: Bud. wId cap. reserve excess costs $0.00 $0.00 764 Maintenance reserve account · July $0.00 606 Add: Increase in maintenance reserve $0.00

310 Less: BUd. wId from maintenance reserve $0.00 $0.00

768 Waiver offset reserve - July 1, 2__ $0.00

609 Add; Increase in waiver offset reserve $0.00 314 Less: Bud. wId from waiver offset reserve $0.00 $0.00

762 Adult education programs $0.00 750-752,76x Other reserves $0.00

601 Appropriations $0.00 602 Less: Expenditures (S465.14) Less: Encumbrances $465.14 $0.00 $0.00 To tal appropriated $42,298.00

Unappropriated: 770 Fund balance, July 1 $0.00 303 Budgeted fund balance $0.00 To tal fund balance $42,298.00 Total liabilities and fund equity $45,018.14

Recapitulation of Budgeted Fund Balance: Budge ted Actual Variance Appropriations $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Revenues $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Sub101al $0 .00 $0.00 $0 .00 Change in capital reserve account: Plus - Increase in reserve $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Less - Withdrawal from reserve $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Subtotal $0 .00 $0 .00 $0 .00 Change in waiver offset reserve account:

Plus · Increase in reserve $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Less · Withdrawal from reserve $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Subtotal $0.00 $0 .00 $0.00

Less: Adjustment for prior year $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Budgeted fund balance $0.00 $0 .00 $0 .00

Prepared and submitted by : ":����������-:!;�__ _ fbfG Itk Date Report of the Secretary to the Board of Education Page 11 of 24 Wayne Board of Education 08/25/1 413:21

Starting date 711/201 3 Ending date 6/30/201 4 Fund: 94 GWMS STUDENT ACTIVITY ACCT

Actual Unrealized Revenues: Bud Estimated Over/Under - No State Line Number Assigned 125,050 125,050 -----'=-=== Total 125,050 125,050 o

Appropriations Expenditures Encumbrances __ Av"a iIab..,l"oe Expenditures: -" .,.,.. No State Line Number Assigned 171,472 129,174 42,298

Total 171,472 129,174 o 42,298 o Report of the Secretary to the Board of Education Page 12 of 24 Wayne Board of Education 08125/1 4 13:21

Starting date 7/1/2013 Ending date 6/3012014 Fund: 94 GWMS STUDENT ACTIVITY ACCT

Revenues: Bud Estimated Actual Over/Under __ -"U",n,:.:e::::al",iz",e:::d No State Line Number Assigned 125,050 125,050

94-1914 GWMS 125,050 125,050 o

Total 125,050 125,050 o

Appropriations Expenditures Encumbrances Av ailableo Expenditures: -

No State Line Number Assigned 171,472 129,174 --'===42,298

94-000-000-110 OTHER SALARIES 4,276 4,276 o SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 94-000-000-600 167,196 124,898 o 42,298o Total 171,472 129,174 o 42,298

o Report of the Secretary to the Board of Education Page 13 of 24 Wayne Board of Education 08/25/1 4 13:21

Starting date 7/1/201 3 Ending date 6/30/2014 Fund: 95 WVHS STUDENT ACTIVITY ACCT

Assets and Resources Assets: 101 Cash in bank $142,660.24 102-106 Cash Equivalents $0.00 111 Investments $0.00 116 Capital Reserve Account $0.00 117 Maintenance Reserve Account $0.00 118 Emergency Reserve Account $0.00 121 Tax levy Receivable $0.00

Accounts Receivable:

132 Interfund $0.00 141 Intergovernmental - State $0.00 142 Intergovernmental - Federal $0.00 143 Intergovernmental - Other $0.00

153, 154 Other (net of estimated uncollectable of $___ _ $0.00 $0.00

Loans Receivable:

131 Interfund $0.00

151, 152 Other (Net of estimated uncollectable of $____ , $0.00 $0.00

Other Current Assets $0.00

Resources: 301 Estimated revenues $0.00 302 Less revenues $0.00 $0.00

Total assets and resources $142,660.24

Liabilities and Fund Equity Liabilities:

411 Intergovernmental accounts payable - state $0.00 421 Accounts payable $3,414.92 431 Contracts payable $0.00 451 Loans payable $0.00 481 Deferred revenues $0.00 Other current liabilities $500.00

To tal liabilities $3,914,92 Report of the Secretary to the Board of Education Page 14 of 24 Wayne Board of Education 08/25/14 13:21

Starting date 711 1201 3 Ending date 6/3012014 Fund: 95 WVHS STUDENT ACTIVITY ACCT

Fund Balance:


753,754 Reserve for encumbrances $0.00 761 Capital reserve account - July $0.00 604 Add: Increase in capital reserve SO.OO 307 Less: Bud. wid cap. reserve eligible costs $0.00 309 Less: Bud. wid cap. reserve excess costs $0.00 $0.00 764 Maintenance reserve account · July $0.00

606 Add: Increase in maintenance reserve $0.00 31 0 Less; Bud. wid from maintenance reserve SO.OO $0.00

768 Waiver offset reserve - July 1, 2__ $0.00 609 Add: Increase in waiver offset reserve SO.OO 314 Less: Bud. wId from waiver offset reserve $0.00 $0.00

762 Adult education programs $0.00 750-752,76x Other reserves $0.00 601 Appropriations $0.00

602 Less: Expenditures (S500.00) Less: Encumbrances $0.00 (S500.00) ($500.00) Total appropriated (S500.00)


770 Fund balance, July 1 $139,245.32 303 Budgeted fund balance $0.00

Total fund balance $138,745,32 Total liabilities and fund equity $1 42,660,24

Recapitulation of Budgeted Fund Balance: Budge ted Actual Variance Appropriations $0.00 $500.00 ($500.00) Revenues $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Subtotal $0 .00 $5 00.00 (S500.00) Change in capital reserve account:

Plus - Increase in reserve $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Less - Withdrawal from reserve 50.00 $0.00 $0.00 Subtotal $0 .00 $5 00.00 (S500.00l Change in waiver offset reserve account:

Plus - Increase in reserve $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Less - Withdrawal from reserve SO.OO $0.00 SO.OO Subtotal $0 .00 $5 00.00 (S500.00)

Less: Adjustment for prior year $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Budgeted fund balance $0 .00 $500.00 (S 500.00)

Prepared and submitted by : ��r.t.u.'U�����t1Z4---- f� L4 Date Report of the Secretary to the Board of Education Page 15 of 24 Wayne Board of Education 08/25/14 13:21

Starting date 711 12013 Ending date 6/30/2014 Fund: 95 WVHS STUDENT ACTIVITY ACCT

Revenues: Bud Estimated Actual Over/Under Unrealized No State Line Number Assigned 268,876 278,215 -9,339 Total 268,876 278,215 -9,339 Expenditures: Appropriations Expenditures Encumbrances Available No State Line Number Assigned 400,494 271,087 0 129,407 Total 400,494 271,087 0 129,407 Reportof the Secretary to the Board of Education Page 16 of 24 Wayne Board of Education 08125/1 4 13:21

Starting date 7/1/201 3 Ending date 6/3012014 Fund: 95 WVHS STUDENT ACTIVITY ACCT

Revenues: Bud Estimated Actual Over/Under __-=U .:.:":.::re:-:.I..,iz:::e:-:d No State Line Number Assigned 268,876 278,215 -9,339

95-1915 WAYNE VALLEY STUDENT ACTIVITY 268,876 278,215 -9,339 Total 268,876 278,215 -9,339 Appropriations Expenditures Encumbrances Av ailable Expenditures: -

No State Line Number Assigned 400,494 271,087 --'-"-'==129,407

95-000-000-110 OTHER SALARIES 7,822 7,822 ° SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 95-000-000-600 392,672 263,265 o 129,407o Total 400,494 271,087 o 129,407 ° Report of the Secretary to the Board of Education Page 17 of 24 Wayne Board of Education 08/25/14 13:21

Starting date 711/2013 Ending date 6/30/2014 Fund: 96 WHHS STUDENT ACTIVITY ACCT

Assets and Resources Assets: 101 Cash in bank $220,302.54 102-106 Cash Equivalents $0.00 111 Investments $0.00 116 Capital Reserve Account $0.00

117 Maintenance Reserve Account $0.00 118 Emergency Reserve Account $0.00 121 Tax levy Receivable $0.00

Accounts Receivable: 132 Intertund $0.00 141 Intergovernmental · State $0.00 142 Intergovernmental - Federal $0.00 143 Intergovernmental - Other $0.00

153, 154 Other (net of estimated uncollectable of $___ _ $0.00 $0.00

Loans Receiva!=>le: 131 Intertund $0.00

151, 152 Other (Net of estimated uncollectable of $____ . $0.00 $0.00

Other Current Assets $0.00

Resources: 301 Estimated revenues $7,130.00

302 Less revenues $0.00 $7,130.00

To tal assets and resources $227.432.54

Liabilities and Fund Equity Liabilities:

411 Intergovernmental accounts payable - state $0.00 421 Accounts payable $839.74 431 Contracts payable $0.00

451 Loans payable $0.00 481 Deferred revenues $0.00 Other current liabilities $500.00

Total liabilities $1,339.74 Report of the Secretary to the Board of Education Page 18 of 24 Wayne Board of Education 08/25/1 413:21

Starting date 7/112013 Ending date 613012014 Fund: 96 WHHS STUDENT ACTIVITY ACCT

Fund Balance:


753,754 Reserve for encumbrances $0.00 761 Capital reserve account · July SO.OO 604 Add: Increase in capital reserve SO.OO 307 Less: Bud. wid cap. reserve eligible costs $0.00 309 Less; Bud. wId cap. reserve excess costs $0.00 $0.00 764 Maintenance reserve account - July $0.00

606 Add: Increase in maintenance reserve $0.00

310 Less: Bud. wId from maintenance reserve $0.00 $0.00

768 Waiver offset reserve - July 1,2__ $0.00 609 Add: Increase in waiver offset reserve $0.00 314 Less: Bud. wId from waiver offset reserve $0.00 $0.00

762 Adult education programs $0.00 750-752,76x Other reserves $0.00 601 Appropriations $8,512.00

602 Less: Expenditures ($390.00) Less: Encumbrances $390.00 $0.00 $8,512.00 Total appropriated $8,512.00


770 Fund balance, July 1 $218,962.80 303 Budgeted fund balance ($1 ,382.00)

Total fund balance $226,092.80 Total liabilities and fund equity $2 27.432.54

Recapitulation of Budgeted Fund Balance: Budge ted Actual Variance Appropriations $8,512.00 $0.00 $8,512.00 Revenues ($7,130.00) $0.00 ($7.130.00)

Subtotal $1 382.00 $0 .00 $1 382.00 Change in capital reserve account: Plus · Increase in reserve $0.00 $0.00 SO.OO Less · Withdrawal from reserve $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Sublotal $1 382.00 $0 .00 $1 382.00 Change in waiver offset reserve account:

Plus - Increase in reserve $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Less - Withdrawal from reserve $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Subtotal �1 382.00 SO .OO �1 382.00 Less: Adjustment for prior year $0.00 SO.OO SO.OO Budgeted fund balance $1,382.00 $0 .00 $1.382.00

Prepared and submitted by : f� /4--- Date Report of the Secretary to the Board of Education Page 19 of 24 Wayne Board of Education 08/25/14 13:21

Starting date 7/1/2013 Ending date 6/30/2014 Fund: 96 WHHS STUDENT ACTIVITY ACCT

Revenues: Bud Estimated Actual Over/Under Unrealized No State Line Number Assigned 227,615 227,615 0 Total 227,615 227,615 0 Expenditures: Appropriations Expenditures Encumbrances Available No State Line Number Assigned 422,691 202,678 0 220,013 333 0 0 333 To tal 423,024 202,678 0 \ 220,346 Report of the Secretary to the Board of Education Page 20 of 24 Wayne Board of Education 08/25/14 13:21

Starting date 7/1/2013 Ending date 6/30/2014 Fund: 96 WHHS STUDENT ACTIVITY ACCT

Revenues: Bud Estimated Actual Over/Under Unrealized

No State Line Number Assigned 227,615 227,615 -----'===

96-1916 WAYNE HILLS STUDENT ACTIVITIES 227,615 227,615 o

To tal 227,615 227,615 o

Appropriations Expenditures Encumbrances Av ailableo Expenditures: ---'-=== No State Line Number Assigned 422,691 202,678 220,013

96-000-000-110 OTHER SALARIES 4,300 4,300 o SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 96-000-000-600 418,391 198,378 o 220,013o 333 0 o 333

96-000-000-600 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 333 0 o 333 Total 423,024 202,678 o 220,346

o Report of the Secretary to the Board of Education Page 21 of 24 Wayne Board of Education 08/25/1 4 13:21

Starting date 711 1201 3 Ending date 6/30/2014 Fund: 97 ELEMENTARY STUDENT ACT ACCTS

Assets and Resources Assets: 101 Cash in bank $36,192.41 102-106 Cash Equivalents $0.00 111 Investments $0.00 116 Capital Reserve Account $0.00 117 Maintenance Reserve Account $0.00 118 Emergency Reserve Account $0.00 121 Tax levy Receivable $0.00

Accounts Receivable:

132 Interfund $0.00 141 Intergovernmental - State $0.00 142 lntergovernmental - Federal $0.00 143 lntergovernmental - Other $0.00

153, 154 Other (net of estimated uncollectable of $___ _ $82.15 $82.15

Loans Re_ceivable:

131 Interfund $0.00

151, 152 Other (Net of estimated uncollectable of $____ , $0.00 $0.00

Other Current Assets $0.00

Resources: 301 Estimated revenues $64,769.76 302 Less revenues ($65,499.92) ($730.16)

Total assets and resources $35.544.40

Liabilities and Fund Equity Liabilities:

411 Intergovernmental accounts payable - state $0.00 421 Accounts payable $8,312.00 431 Contracts payable $0.00 451 Loans payable $0.00 481 Deferred revenues $0.00 Other current liabilities $0.00

Total liabilities $8,31 2.00 Report of the Secretary to the Board of Education Page 22 of 24 Wayne Board of Education 08/25/1 413:21

Starting date 7/1 /2013 Ending date 6/3012014 Fund: 97 ELEMENTARY STUDENT ACT ACCTS

Fund Balance:


753,754 Reserve for encumbrances $0,00

761 Capital reserve account - July $0.00 604 Add: Increase in capital reserve $0,00 307 Less: Bud. wId cap. reserve eligible costs $0.00

309 Less: Bud. wId cap. reserve excess costs $0.00 $0.00 764 Maintenance reserve account - July $0.00 606 Add: Increase in maintenance reserve $0,00

310 Less: Bud. wId from maintenance reserve $0.00 $0,00 768 Waiver offset reserve - July 1,2__ $0.00 609 Add: Increase in waiver offset reserve $0,00 314 Less: Bud. wId from waiver offset reserve $0.00 $0.00

762 Adult education programs $0.00 750-752,76x Other reserves $0,00 601 Appropriations $87,195.36

602 Less: Expenditures ($66,305,07)

Less: Encumbrances $0,00 ($66.305,07) $20,890.29 Total appropriated $20,890.29


770 Fund balance, July 1 $2,199.10 303 Budgeted fund balance $1,612.30

Total fund balance $24,701.69 To tal liabilities and fund equity $33,013,69

Recapitulation of Budgeted Fund Balance: Budge ted Actual Variance Appropriations $87,195.36 $66,305,07 $20,890.29 Revenues ($64,769.76) ($65 499 92 $730.16

Subtotal $22 425,60 $805.. . 15) $2 1 620.45 Change in capital reserve account:

Plus - Increase in reserve $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Less - Withdrawal from reserve $0,00 $0.00 SO.OO Sub10tal $2 2.425.60 $805,15 $21 620.45 Change in waiver offset reserve account:

Plus · Increase in reserve $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Less - Withdrawal from reserve $0,00 $0,00 $0.00 Subtotal §2 2,425.60 $8 05,15 �2 1 620.45

Less: Adjustment for prior year ($24,037,90) (524,037,90) $0,00 Budgeted fund balance ($1 612,30) ($23 232.75) $2 1,6 20.45

Prepared and submitted by : 951611-- Date Report of the Secretary to the Board of Education Page 23 of 24 Wayne Board of Education 08/25/1 4 13:21

Starting date 7/1 /201 3 Ending date 6/30/2014 Fund: 97 ELEMENTARY STUDENT ACT ACCTS

Revenues: Bud Estimated Actual Over/Under Unrealized No State Line Number Assigned 64,770 65,500 -730 Total 64,770 65,500 -730 Expenditures: Appropriations Expenditures Encumbrances Available No State Line Number Assigned 87,195 66,305 0 20,890 Total 87,195 66,305 0 20,890 Report of the Secretary to the Board of Education Page 24 of 24 Wayne Board of Education 08/25114 13:21

Starting date 7/1/2013 Ending date 6/30/2014 Fund: 97 ELEMENTARY STUDENT ACT ACCTS Revenues: Bud Estimated Actual Over/Under Unrealized No State Line Number Assigned 64,770 65,500 -730

97-1904 FA LLON SA 12,005 8,435 3,570 97-1905 RCSA 8,933 9,132 -199 97-1906 THEUNIS DEY 6,497 6,735 -238 97-1907 LAFAYEITESA 5,744 5,901 -157 97-1908 PACKANACK SA 5,860 6,270 -41 0 97-1909 PINES LAKE SA 4,687 6,741 -2,054 97-1910 OTHER REVENUES- RENTALS 2,512 2,566 -54 97-1911 APT SA 8,763 8,763 0 97-1912 COMMISSIONS 9,770 10,958 -1,188

Total 64,770 65,500 -730 Expenditures: Appropriations Expenditures Encumbrances Available

No State Line Number Assigned 87,195 66,305 0 20,890

97-000-000-600 SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 87,195 66,305 0 20,890

To tal 87,195 66,305 0 20,890 District: Wayne Board of Education Monthly Transfer Report NJ Page 1 of 2 Month 1 Year: Jun 30, 2014 I 08/25/14 . l (ca ) (col 2) (col 3) (col 4) (col 5) (col 6) (col 7) (col 8) Originall Revenues Original Maximum YTD Net % Change Remaining Remaining I Budget Allowed Budget For Transfer ransfers to IofTra nsfer Allowable Allowable NJAC - 10% Calc Amount / (from) YTD Balance Balance To A:23A-2.3 From I 6/30/2014 I Line Budget Category Account Data II Data II Coll+Col2 11 CoI3 ·.1 II + or - Data II CoIS/CoI3 II Col4+Cols ll Co14-Co15 1

00770 Regular Programs � Instruction 1 HXX·l OO·XXX 42,466,813 6,600 42,473,413 4,247,341 (1,274,478) �3.00% 2,972,864 5,521,819

00780, 00790, Special Education - Instruction, Basic Skills/Remedial - 11·2XX·l00·XXX 18,730,412 7,107 18,737,519 1,873,752 667,602 3.56% 2,541 ,354 1,206,150 00800, 00881 Instruction, Bilingual Education - Instruction, Other Supp 11·000·216, 217 Serv·Stds·Related & Extraordi

00810 Vocational Programs Local - Instruction 11·3XX·100·XXX 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0

00820, 00830, School·Spon. Co/Extra·curricular Activit, School Sponsored 11-4XX·100·XXX 2,994,043 453 2,994,496 299,450 23,167 0.77% 322,617 276,282 00845, 00846 Athletics - Instruction, Summer School, Alternative Education Program 00850 Community Services Programs/Operations 11-800·330·XXX 240,692 0 240,692 24,069 23,945 9.95% 48,015 124

00860 Tuition 11·000·1 00·XXX 3,990,953 1,455 3,992,408 399,241 458,391 11.48% 857,632 (59,1 50) 00870, 00880, Attendance and Social Work Services, Health Services, Other 11·000'211, 213, 8,21 8,303 18,100 8,236,403 823,640 540,126 6.56% 1,363,766 283,514 00890, 00900, Support Services-Students-Regular I Other Support 218, 219, 222 00920 Services-Students_Special, Educational Media Services-School Librar 00910, 00921 Improvement of Instructional Services, Instructional Staff Trainir 11·000'221, 223 2,045,300 66 2,045,367 204,537 (1 .300,1 36) ·63.56% (1.095,599) 1,504,672 Services 00930 Support Services-General Administration 11·000·230·XXX 1,543,005 46,233 1,589,238 158,924 40,664 2.56% 199,588 118,260 00940 Support Services-School Administration 11-000·240·XXX 4,992,592 930 4,993,522 499,352 1,097,561 21.98% 1,596,913 (598.209)

00942 Central Services & Admin. Information Te 11·000·25X·XXX 2,643,383 72,390 2,715,773 271,577 (21 ,344) -0.79% 250,234 292,921

00945 Deposit to Maintenance Reserve 10·606 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0 00950 Operation and Maintenance of Plant Servi 11·000·26X·XXX 13,526,767 240,255 13,767,022 1,376,702 (246.099) -1.79% 1,130,603 1,622,802 00960 Student Transportation Services 11·000·270·XXX 5,349,775 540 5,350,315 535,032 47,095 0.88% 582,127 487,936

00965 Increase in Sale/Lease-Back Reserve 10·605 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0 00970 Other Support Services 11·000·290·XXX 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0 00971 Personal Services-Employee Benefits II·XXX·XXX-2XX 33,718,598 73,252 33,791 ,850 3,379,185 (198.598) -0.59% 3,180,587 3,577,783

00980 Food Services 11·000·310-XXX 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0 01000 TOTAL GENERAL CURRENT EXPENSE 140,460,636 467,382 140,928,018 14,092,802 (142,103) -0.10% 13,950,699 14,234,905

01010 Deposit to Capital Reserve 10·604 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0 01015 Interest Deposit to Capital Reserve 10·604 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0 01020 Equipment 12·XXX·XXX·73X 0 30,226 30,226 3,023 115,656 382.63% 118,678 (112.633)

01 030 Facilities Acquisition and Construction 12·000·4XX·XXX 629,489 474,030 1,103,519 110,352 436,189 39.53% 546,541 (325,837) District: Wayne Board of Education Monthly Transfer Report NJ Page 2 of 2 Month 1 Year: Jun 30, 2014 08/25/14

(coi l) (col 2) (col 3) (col 4) (col 5) (col 6) (col 7) (col 8) Original Revenues Original Maximum Net % Change Remaining Remaining Budget Allowed Budget For Transfer ransfers toof Transfers Allowable Allowable YTD NJAC - 10% Calc Amount (from) YTD Balance Balance To A:23A-2.3 From 6/30/1 2014 Line Budget Category Account Data II Data II COll +CoI2( CoI3· .1 II + or - Data II CoI5/CoI3][COl4+Coi5]@OI4=C0J5 1 01035 Capital Reserve · Transfer to Capital Pr 12-000-4XX-.931 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0

01036 Capital Reserve · Transfer to Debt Servi 12-000-4XX-932 o0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0

01040 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 629.489 504.256 1.133.745 113.375 551 ,845 48.67% 665,21 9 (438,470)

01230 Total Special Schools 13-XXX-XXX-XXX 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0 01235 Transfer of Funds to Charter Schools 1 0-000-1 00-56X 0 0 0 0 21 ,826 0.00% 21 ,826 (21 ,826)

01236 Gen Fund Contr to Whole School Reform 10-000-520-930 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0

01240 GENERAL FUND GRAND TOTAL 141 ,090,125 971,638 142,061,763 14,206,176 431,568 0.30% 14,637,744 13,774,609

f.�51f-- School Business Admin" Date Regular Meeting Minutes August 28, 2014 Page 320 of 373

8-1 5-06 JUSELLA

F om: [email protected]

Sr nt Monday, August 25, 2014 10:12 AM To:e : JUSELLA Subject: Auction Settlement: 140805-1-602

GovBid Gc;,",,!!ment$urpl.�s �datlon

Box • 0 A.Or"iaiol" AuctIon,of .Eatontown. NJSet)lice$ 77 4 PO 1216 2 Phone: '7 32-542-2077 Fax: 732'542-2099 Settlement #140805-1-602 08/25/2014

Wayne Township Public Schools Julie Lisella 195 Dey Road Phone: 973-633-3009 Wayne NJ 07470 Email: [email protected]

Bidder Item Qty Description Comm Amount

52748 18 1 2003 Chevy Express Mini Bus 5.5 5200.00 Lo cation: Wayne Board of Education, 195 Dey Road, Wayne, NJ 07470 VinlSerial #: IGBJG31F721235209

Details: IfDIOCUJOl.,__ "'. Additional Details: COLLINS 15 + 1 WC. 6.5 DIESEL-TRACK SEATING. Miles: 140,041 Condition: Questionable. Title: Yes Important Notice: Seller: Wayne Township Public Schools Inspection Inspection is by appOintment only. Contact Rich Skibitskl at 973- Information: 633-3144 x12 for an appOintment. Payment Payment is due within 24 hours of Invoicing of the auction. Information: Payment must be made by Wire Transfer, or by overnight Cashier's Check or Money Order made payable to Auction Liquidation Services. Removal All Items must be removed by August 12, 2014. Information: Photos Taken USGovBid By: . Auction For any questions please call our office at 732-542-2077 between

1 Regular Meeting Minutes August 28, 2014 Page 321 of 373

8-15-06 Questions: 9am and 4pm Monday through Friday. (Jl'3!!!�!!1 No B.uver's' Premium - Government Auction

53821 47 1 2004 Chevy Express Mini Bus 5.5 8500.00 Location: Wayne Board of Education, 195 Dey Road, Wayne, NJ 07470 Vln/Serlal #: IGBJG31U431226421 c[AIRff:"TAr...... Details: -... lIt"Oo1\'V.. •• ro"" Additional Details: COLUNS 24 PASSENGER Miles: 155,689 Condition: Runs. Title: Yes Important Notice: Seller: Wayne Township Public Schools Inspection Inspection Is by appointment only. Contact Rich Skibitskl at 973- Information: 633-3144 x12 for an appointment. Payment Payment Is due within 24 hours of invoicing of the auction. Information: Payment must be made by Wire Transfer, or by overnight Cashier's Check or Money Order made payable to Auction Liquidation Services. Removal All items must be removed by August 12, 2014. Information: Photos Taken USGovBld By: Auction For any questions please call our office at 732-542-2077 between Questions: 9am and 4pm Monday through Friday. rJBJt�!!!! No B'uyei-js·· Premlu.m - Governme,nt Auctio,n

53821 48 1 2004 Chevy Express Mini Bus 5.5 7800.00 Location: Wayne Board of Education, 195 Dey Road, Wayne, NJ 07470 Vin/Serial #: IGBJG31U031227046

Details: ...... telA "I.� _an Additional Details: COLUNS 24 PASSENGER Miles: 155,371 Condition: Runs. Title: Yes Important Notice: Seller: Wayne Township Public Schools Inspection Inspection is by appointment only. Contact Rich Sklbltskl at 973- Information: 633-3144 x12 for an appointment. Payment Payment is due within 24 hours of invoicing of the auction. Information: Payment must be made by Wire Transfer, or by overnight Cashier's Check or Money Order made payable to Auction Liquidation Services. Removal All items must be removed by August 12, 2014. Information: Photos Taken USGovBld By: Auction For any questions please call our office at 732-542-2077 between Questions: 9am and 4pm Monday through Friday. rrEt�.�!J!!� No Buyes:1s Premium - Government AU,clio"

50128 49 1 2005 Chevy Express Mini Bus 5.5 10500.00

2 Regular Meeting Minutes August 28, 2014 Page 322 of 373

8-1 5-06 Location: Wayne Board of Education, 195 Dey Road, Wayne, NJ 07470 Vln/Serlal 1GBJG31UX41145196

#: Details: IWoIICtA ,._IU_�". Additional Details: COLUNS 24 PA SSENGER .... Miles: 211,239 Condition: Runs. Title: Yes Important Notice: Seller: Wayne Township Public Schools Inspection Inspection Is by appOintment only. Contact Rich Sklbitskl at 973- Information: 633-3144 x12 for an appOintment. Payment Payment is due within 24 hours of Invoicing of the auction. Information: Payment must be made by Wire Transfer, or by overnight Cashier's Check or Money Order made payable to Auction Liquidation Services. Removal All Items must be removed by August 12, 2014. Information: Photos Taken USGovBid By: Auction For any questions please call our office at 732-542-2077 between Questions: 9am and 4pm Monday through Friday. [JIaGDvBid No Buyer's Premium .. Government Auction -- 51873 130 1 2001 Blue Bird Bus 5.5 4200.00 Location: Wayne Board of Education, 195 Dey Road, Wayne, NJ 07470 Vln/Serlal 1BAAGCPA1 1F094558

#: Details: VUI,cu, .,0*1" ...... Additional Details: TCFE 54 PASSENGER. CUMMINS 5.9 IS8/ALUSON A2000 ... RETROFITTED DPF EXHAUST. Miles: 139,760 Condition: Runs. Title: Yes Important Notice: Seller: Wayne Township Public Schools Inspection Inspection is by appOintment only. Contact Rich Skibltskl at 973- Information: 633-3144 x12 for an appOintment. Payment Payment Is due within 24 hours of Invoicing of the auction. Information: Payment must be made by Wire Transfer, or by overnight Cashier's Check or Money Order made payable to Auction Liquidation Services. Removal All items must be removed by August 12, 2014. Information: Photos Taken USGovBld By: Auction For any questions please call our office at 732-542-2077 between Questions: 9am and 4pm Monday through Friday. I"rnODvlid l.!&Jc..�� No B,uye(s Preml",n't.' .. ,Government ,Auction

51873 131 1 2001 Blue Bird Bus 5.5 3900.00 Location: Wayne Board of Education, 195 Dey Road, Wayne, NJ 07470 Vin/Serial #: 1BAAGCPA0 1F098021

Details: VI.IO'CU! MHI'GC'f"'_It n Additional Details: TCFE 54 PASSENGER. CUMMINS 5.9 ISB/ALUSON A2000

3 Regular Meeting Minutes August 28, 2014 Page 323 of 373

S-1 5-06 RETROFITIED DPF EXHAUST. Miles: 147,454 Condition: Runs. Title: Yes Important Notice : Seller: Wayne Township Public Schools Inspection Inspection is by appointment only. Contact Rich Sklbitskl at 973- Information: 633-3144 x12 for an appointment. Payment Payment is due within 24 hours of invoicing of the auction. Information: Payment must be made by Wire Transfer, or by overnight Cashier's Check or Money Order made payable to Auction Liquidation Services. Removal All items must be removed by August 12, 2014. Information: Photos Taken USGovBld By: Auction For any questions please call our office at 732-542-2077 between Questions: 9am and 4pm Monday through Friday. £1BGQVBid ""'" No Buyer's Premium " Government Auction 0-..- 50980 144 1 2002 Blue Bird Bus 5.5 5600.00 Location : Wayne Board of Education, 195 Dey Road, Wayne, NJ 07470 Vln/Serlal 1BAAGCPA02F202864

#: Details: _IC'UI_hMI'f' ...... n Additional Details: TCFE 54 PASSENGER. CUMMINS 5.9 ISB/ALUSON A2000 RETROFmED DPF EXHAUST. Miles: 146,641 Condition: Questionable. Title : Yes Important Notice: Seller: Wayne Township Public Schools Inspection Inspection Is by appointment only. Contact Rich Sklbltskl at 973- Information: 633-3144 x12 for an appointment. Payment Payment Is due within 24 hours of invoicing of the auction. Information: Payment must be made by Wire Transfer, or by overnight Cashier's Check or Money Order made payable to Auction Liquidation Services. Removal All items must be removed by August 12, 2014. Information: Photos Taken USGovBld By: Auction For any questions please call our office at 732-542-2077 between Questions: 9am and 4pm Monday through Friday. IIEJ!�!� No Buyer's Premium .. Government Auction

51873 149 1 2003 IC Coach Bus 5.5 5700.00 Location: Wayne Board of Education, 195 Dey Road, Wayne, NJ 07470 Vin/Serial 4DRBJAARX2A947497


Details: ,.. ICIA.... "'.�"'" ..._It,.. Additional Details: 3000RE 54 PASSENGER Miles: 147,621 Condition: Runs. Title: Yes Important Notice:

4 Regular Meeting Minutes August 28, 2014 Page 324 of 373

8-1 5-06 Seller: Wayne Township Public Schools Inspection Inspection Is by appointment only. Contact Rich Skibitskl at 973- Information: 633-3144 x12 for an appointment. Payment Payment Is due within 24 hours of invoicing of the auction. Information: Payment must be made by Wire Transfer, or by overnight Cashier's Check or Money Order made payable to Auction Liquidation Services. Removal All Items must be removed by August 12, 2014. Information: Photos Taken USGovBld By: Auction For any questions please call our office at 732-542-2077 between Questions: 9am and 4pm Monday through Friday. U11!9'!!m No Buyer's" P_r�,miLim .. Government Auction'

27820 200 1 Lot of Approximately 87 Motorola 60 Watt MAXTRAC Low Band Radio 5.5 1021.00 Location: Wayne Board of Education, 195 Dey Road, Wayne, NJ 07470 Details: Condition: Questionable Important Notice: Seller: Wayne Township Public Schools Inspection Inspection Is by appointment only. Contact Rich Sklbitskl at 973- Information: 633-3144 x12 for an appointment. Payment Payment is due within 24 hours of Invoicing of the auction. Information: Payment must be made by Wire Transfer, or by overnight Cashier's Check or Money Order made payable to Auction Liquidation Services. Removal All Items must be removed by August 12, 2014. Information: Photos Taken USGovBld By: Auction For any questions please cali our office at 732-542-2077 between Questions: 9am and 4pm Monday through Friday. �rrnOovBid...... No Buyer's Premium .. Government Auction � 11667 201 1 Lot of Approximately 3 Motorola 60 Watt COM 750 Low Bad Radio 5.5 177.00 Location: Wayne Board of Education, 195 Dey Road, Wayne, NJ 07470 Details: Condition: Questionable Important Notice: Seller: Wayne Township Public Schools Inspection Inspection Is by appointment only. Contact Rich Sklbitskl at 973- Information: 633-3144 x12 for an appointment. Payment Payment Is due within 24 hours of Invoicing of the auction. Information: Payment must be made by Wire Transfer, or by overnight Cashier's Check or Money Order made payable to Auction Liquidation Services. Removal All Items must be removed by August 12, 2014. Information: Photos Taken USGovBid By: Auction For any questions please call our office at 732-542-2077 between Questions: 9am and 4pm Monday through Friday. lID!�!rur! No Buyer's Pr,«!miU"rn. - GQve�nment' A,lJction

5' Regular Meeting Minutes August 28. 2014 Page 325 of 373

S-1 5-06 1222B 202 1 Lot of Approximately 65 Low Band Radio Antenna 5.5 25.00 Location: Wayne Board of Education, 195 Dey Road, Wayne, NJ 07470 Details: Condition: Questionable Important Notice: Seller: Wayne Township Public Schools Inspection Inspection Is by appointment only. Contact Rich Sklbltski at 973- Information: 633-3144 x12 for an appointment. Payment Payment Is due within 24 hours of Invoicing of the auction. Information: Payment must be made by Wire Transfer, or by overnight Cashier's Check or Money Order made payable to Auction liquidation Services. Removal All Items must be removed by August 12, 2014. Information: Photos Taken USGovBld By: Auction For any questions please call our office at 732-542-2077 between Questions: 9am and 4pm Monday through Friday. IJIJGOVBid - No Buyer's Premium .. Government Auction - 53572 203 1 Lot of Approximately BO Assorted School Bus Seat Covers (Assorted Colors Sizes) 5.5 0.00

Location: Wayne Board of Education, 195 Dey Road, Wayne, NJ 07470 & Details: Condition: Questionable Important Notice: Seller: Wayne Township Public Schools Inspection Inspection Is by appointment only. Contact Rich Sklbltskl at 973- Information: 633-3144 x12 for an appointment. Payment Payment Is due within 24 hours of Invoicing of the auction. Information: Payment must be made by Wire Transfer, or by overnight Cashier's Check or Money O�der payable to Auction liquidation Services. Removal All Items must be removed by August 12, 2014. Information: Photos Taken USGovBld By: Auction For any questions please call our office at 732-542-2077 between Questions: 9am and 4pm Monday through Friday. [JIJ!I!!IJ! No Buyer's Premium .. Government Auction

Bidder defaulted on payment. To be rellsted.

53134 204 1 Marquette Model 10-120 AC Arc Welder 5.5 175.00 Location: Wayne Board of Education, 195 Dey Road, Wayne, NJ 07470 Details: Condition: Questionable Important Notice: Seller: Wayne Township Public Schools Inspection Inspection Is by appointment only. Contact Rich Sklbltskl at 973- Information: 633-3144 x12 for an appointment. Payment Payment Is due within 24 hours of Invoicing of the auction. Information: Payment must be made by Wire Transfer, or by overnight Cashier's Check or Money Order made payable to Auction liquidation Services. Removal All Items must be removed by August 12, 2014.

6 Regular Meeting Minutes August 28, 2014 Page 326 of 373

S-15-06 Information: Photos Taken USGovBld By: Auction For any questions please call our office at 732-542-2077 between Questions: 9a'll and 4p'll Monday through Friday. rmGovBid No' !3uver's miu GOv rnment A ct n -""'" Pre m -- , e u io 53572 205 1 Lot of Approxi'llately 2 Cases of Hasting FF1064 Fuel Filters and 3 Cases of Hastings 5.5 0.00 LF40BOII Filters and 15 Various Fleetguard Trans'llission Filters Location: Wayne Board of Education, 195 Dey Road, Wayne, NJ 07470 Details: Condition: Questionable I'llportant Notice: Seller: Wayne Township Public Schools Inspection Inspection is by appolnt'llent only. Contact Rich Sklbltski at 973- Information: 633-3144 x12 for an appoint'llent. Payment PaY'llent Is due within 24 hours of Invoicing of the auction. Information: PaY'llent 'll ust be 'llade by Wire Transfer, or by overnight Cashier's Check or Money Order made payable to Auction Liquidation Services. Removal All items must be removed by August 12, 2014. Information: Photos Taken USGovBld By: Auction For any questions please call our office at 732-542-2077 between Questions: 9am and 4pm Monday through Friday. lID!!!1!!! B e Pn!niiu_m No u r s ",Government Auction v ' ' Bidder defaulted on payment. To be relisted.

53134 206 1 Lot of 3 Blue Bird TCFC Bumpers (2 rear, 1 front, new) 5.5 125.00 Location: Wayne Board of Education, 195 Dey Road, Wayne, NJ 07470 Details: Condition: Questionable Important Notice: Seller: Wayne Township Public Schools Inspection Inspection is by appointment only. Contact Rich Skibltskl at 973- Information: 633-3144 x12 for an appointment. Payment Payment is due within 24 hours of Invoicing of the auction. Information: Payment must be made by Wire Transfer, or by overnight Cashier's Check or Money Order made payable to Auction Liquidation Services. Removal All Items must be removed by August 12, 2014. Information: Photos Taken USGovBld By: Auction For any questions please call our office at 732-542-2077 between Questions: 9am and 4pm Monday through Friday . . ([gGOVBid �� �- v n e No B'uye,r�s �o nt ,Premium' Efr m Au(:tio'n 53572 207 1 1 Box of Assorted Cummins Band ISB Engine Parts 5.5 0.00 Location: Wayne Board of Education, 195 Dey Road, Wayne, NJ 07470 Details: Condition: Questionable

7 Regular Meeting Minutes August 28, 2014 Page 327 of 373

8-15-06 Important Notice: Seller: Wayne Township Public Schools Inspection Inspection Is by appointment only. Contact Rich Sklbitskl at 973- Information: 633-3144 x12 for an appointment. Payment Payment Is due within 24 hours of invoicing of the auction. Information: Payment must be made by Wire Transfer, or by overnight Cashier's Check or Money Order made payable to Auction Liquidation Services. Removal All Items must be removed by August 12, 2014. Information: Photos Taken USGovBld By: Auction For any questions please call our office at 732-542-2077 between Questions: 9am and 4pm Monday through Friday . . lJ]]GouBid -- No Buyer's Premium .. Government Auction

Bidder defaulted on payment. To be relisted.

53572 208 1 Lot of 4 REI Digital Mobile Video Recording Units (Model 700927) with Docking 5.5 0.00 Stations Location: Wayne Board of Education, 195 Dey Road, Wayne, NJ 07470 Details: Condition: Questionable Important Notice: Seller: Wayne Township Public Schools Inspection Inspection Is by appointment only. Contact Rich Sklbltskl at 973- Information: 633-3144 x12 for an appointment. Payment Payment is due within 24 hours of Invoicing of the auction. Information: Payment must be made by Wire Transfer, or by overnight Cashier's Check or Money Order made payable to Auction Liquidation Services. Removal All Items must be removed by August 12, 2014. Information: Photos Taken USGovBld By: Auction For any questions please call our office at 732-542-2077 between Questions: 9am and 4pm Monday through Friday. (!]lGOUBid - No Buye(s- Pre,mium .. GO,vern ment ,Auction """"""'"

Bidder defaulted on payment. To be relisted.

26302 209 1 Delta Cross-Bed Pick Up Truck Tool Box 5.5 0.00 Location: Wayne Board of Education, 195 Dey Road, Wayne, NJ 07470 Details: Condition: Questionable Important Notice: Seller: Wayne Township Public Schools Inspection Inspection Is by appointment only. Contact Rich Sklbltskl at 973- Information: 633-3144 x12 for an appointment. Payment Payment Is due within 24 hours of invoicing of the auction. Information: Payment must be made by Wire Transfer, or by overnight Cashier's Check or Money Order made payable to Auction liquidation Services. Removal All items must be removed by August 12, 2014. Information: Photos Taken USGovBid

8 Regular Meeting Minutes August 28, 2014 Page 328 of 373

8-1 5-06 By: Auction For any questions please cali our office at 732-542-2077 between Questions: 9am and 4pm Monday through Friday. cr.rfjGovBid No Buyer's Premium - Government Auction ��

Bidder defaulted on payment. To be rellsted.

53134 210 1 Warn RT40 Winch 5.5 206.00 Location : Wayne Board of Education, 195 Dey Road, Wayne, NJ 07470 Details: Condition: Questionable Important Notice: Seller: Wayne Township Public Schools Inspection Inspection Is by appointment only. Contact Rich sklbltskl at 973- Information: 633-3144 x12 for an appointment. Payment Payment is due within 24 hours of invoicing of the auction. Information: Payment must be made by Wire Transfer, or by overnight Cashier's Check or Money Order made payable to Auction Liquidation Services. Removal All Items must be removed by August 12, 2014. Information: Photos Taken UsGovBid By: Auction For any questions please cali our office at 732-542-2077 between Questions: 9am and 4pm Monday through Friday. £!BGOvBid . a.-...... No Buyer',5",Premiul!1'· Governn:tentAuctron

50790 211 1 Air Ao Salt Spreader Conveyor Chain (New) 5.5 175.00 Location: Wayne Board of Education, 195 Dey Road, Wayne, NJ 07470 Oetails: Condition: Questionable Important Notice: Seller: Wayne Township Public Schools Inspection Inspection Is by appointment only. Contact Rich sklbltskl at 973- Information: 633-3144 x12 for an appointment. Payment Payment is due within 24 hours of invoicing of the auction. Information: Payment must be made by Wire Transfer, or by overnight Cashier's Check or Money Order made payable to Auction liquidation Services. Removal All items must be removed by August 12, 2014. Information: Photos Taken UsGovBld By: Auction For any questions please cali our office at 732-542-2077 between Questions: 9am and 4pm Monday through Friday. ODOOVBid """""'- ""- No Buyer's Premium · Government Auction

53572 212 1 1 Box Assorted GM parts for 1996-2000 G Series Vans 5.5 0.00 Location: Wayne Board of Education, 195 Dey Road, Wayne, NJ 07470 Details: Condition: Questionable Important Notice: Seller: Wayne Township Public Schools Inspection Inspection is by appointment only. Contact Rich sklbitskl at 973-

9 Regular Meeting Minutes August 28, 2014 Page 329 of 373

8-1 5-06 Information: 633-3144 x12 for an appointment. Payment Payment Is due within 24 hours of invoicing of the auction. Information: Payment must be made by Wire Transfer, or by overnight Cashier's Check or Money Order made payable to Auction Liquidation Services. Removal All Items must be removed by August 12, 2014. Information: Photos Taken USGovBld By: Auction For any questions please call our office at 732-542-2077 between Questions: 9am and 4pm Monday through Friday. 1J11!!�J!1 No Buyer 's Premium ... Government Auction

Bidder defaulted on payment. To be rellsted.

53572 213 1 Lot of Approximately 14 - 2008955C2 IHC Mufflers (some are aftermarket, all are 5.5 0.00 new) and Blue Bird Mufflers (for TCRE and TCFE Models, Late 90's, (new» Location: Wayne Board of Education, 195 Dey Road, Wayne, NJ 07470 Details: Condition: Questionable Important Notice: Seller: Wayne Township Public Schools Inspection Inspection is by appointment only. Contact Rich Skibltski at 973- Information: 633-3144 x12 for an appointment. Payment Payment Is due within 24 hours of Invoicing of the auction. Information: Payment must be made by Wire Transfer, or by overnight Cashier's Check or Money Order made payable Auction Liquidation Services. to Removal All Items must be removed by August 12, 2014. Information: Photos Taken USGovBld By: Auction For any questions please call our office at 732-542-2077 between Questions: 9am and 4pm Monday through Friday. m!�!J!! m No Buyer'S Pr iu Au'ctiori: e m ... G,over'nment Bidder defaulted on payment. To be rellsted.

5226B 214 1 Ariens ST824 Snow Blower 5.5 177.00 Location: Wayne Board of Education, 195 Dey Road, Wayne, NJ 07470 Details: Condition: Questionable Important Notice: Seller: Wayne Township Public Schools Inspection Inspection is by appointment only. Contact Rich Skibitskl at 973- Information: 633-3144 x12 for an appointment. Payment Payment is due within 24 hours of Invoicing of the auction. Information: Payment must be made by Wire Transfer, or by overnight Cashier's Check or Money Order made payable to Auction Liquidation Services. Removal All items must be removed by August 12, 2014. Information: Photos Taken USGovBld By: Auction For any questions please call our office at 732-542-2077 between Questions: 9am and 4pm Monday through Friday.

10 Regular Meeting Minutes August 28, 2014 Page 330 of 373

8-15-06 [IDGOVBid "'-- - No ye Bu r's Premium .. Government Auction

12229 215 1 Arlens ST824 Snow Blower 5.5 222.00 Location: Wayne Board of Education, 195 Dey Road, Wayne, NJ 07470 Details: Condition: Questionable Important Notice: Seller: Wayne Township Public Schools Inspection Inspection Is by appointment only. Contact Rich Sklbltskl at 973- Information: 633-3144 .12 for an appointment. Payment Payment Is due within 24 hours of Invoicing of the auction. Information: Payment must be made by Wire Transfer, or by overnight Cashier's Check or Money Order made payable to Auction Liquidation Services. Removal All Items must be removed by August 12, 2014. Information: Photos Taken USGovBld By: Auction for any questions please call our office at 732-542-2077 between Questions: 9am and 4pm Monday through friday. 1m!!!!!!! No Buye'r's Prel11i,um - Go�ernrnent �u,ction

52268 216 1 Arlens ST824 Snow Blower 5.5 180.00 Location: Wayne Board of Education, 195 Dey Road, Wayne, NJ 07470 Details: Condition: Questionable Important Notice: Seller: Wayne Township Public Schools Inspection Inspection Is by appointment only. Contact Rich Sklbltskl at 973- Information: 633-3144 .12 for an appointment. Payment Payment Is due within 24 hours of Invoicing of the auction. Information: Payment must be made by Wire Transfer, or by overnight Cashier's Check or Money Order made payable to Auction Liquidation Services. Removal All Items must be removed by August 12, 2014. Information: Photos Taken USGovBld By: Auction for any questions please call our office at 732-542-2077 between Questions: 9am and 4pm Monday through friday. (!EJGOVBid No Buy,er's' Premiul11," Gpvernmell,t',AuctloJ:a, �� 53834 300 1 SURfACE PLANER 5.5 950.00 Location: Wayne Hills High School, 272 Berdan Ave, Wayne, NJ 07470 Details: Condition: Questionable Important Notice: Seller: Wayne Township Public Schools Inspection Inspection Is by appointment only. Contact Mike Rewlck at 973- Information: 317-2000 for an appointment. Payment Payment Is due within 24 hours of Invoicing of the auction. Information: Payment must be made by Wire Transfer, or by overnight Cashier's Check or Money Order made payable to Auction liquidation Services.

11 Regular Meeting Minutes August 28, 2014 Page 331 of 373

5-15-06 Removal All Items must be removed by August 12, 2014. Information: Photos Taken USGovBld By: Auction For any questions please call our office at 732-542-2077 between Questions: 9am and 4pm Monday through Friday. maOvBld """""'- No Buyer's Premium .. Government Auction - 2B5BB 301 1 TELESCOPING MITER SAW 5.5 B2.00 Location: Wayne Hills High School, 272 Berdan Ave, Wayne, NJ 07470 Details: Condition: Questionable Important Notice: Seller: Wayne Township Public Schools Inspection Inspection Is by appointment only. Contact Mike Rewlck at 973- Information: 317-2000 for an appointment. Payment Payment Is due within 24 hours of Invoicing of the auction. Information: Payment must be made by Wire Transfer, or by overnight Cashier's Check or Money Order made payable to Auction Liquidation Services. Removal All Items must be removed by August 12, 2014. Information: Photos Taken USGovBld By: Auction For any questions please call our office at 732-542-2077 between Questions: 9am and 4pm Monday through Friday. 1m!!."!!! No Buyer's Premium - Government Auction

2B5BB 302 1 ROUTER W/TABLE 5.5 77.00 Location: Wayne Hills High School, 272 Berdan Ave, Wayne, NJ 07470 Details: Condition: Questionable Important Notice: Seller: Wayne Township Public Schools Inspection Inspection Is by appOintment only. Contact Mike Rewlck at 973- Information: 317-2000 for an appointment. Payment Payment Is due within 24 hours of Invoicing of the auction. Information: Payment must be made by Wire Transfer, or by overnight Cashier's Check or Money Order made payable to Auction Liquidation Services. Re moval All items must be removed by August 12, 2014. Information: Photos Taken USGovBld By: Auction For any questions please call our office at 732-542-2077 between Questions: 9am and 4pm Monday through Friday. 1J]J!lL� No Buyer's Premium - Government Auction

2B5BB 303 1 RADIAL ARM SAW 5.5 25.00 Location: Wayne Hills High School, 272 Berdan Ave, Wayne, NJ 07470 Details: Condition: Questionable Important Notice: Seller: Wayne Township Public Schools

12 Regular Meeting Minutes August 28, 2014 Page 332 of 373

8-15-06 Inspection Inspection is by appointment only. Contact Mike Rewick at 973- Information: 317-2000 for an appointment. Payment Payment Is due within 24 hours of Invoicing of the auction. Information: Payment must be made by Wire Transfer, or by overnight Cashier's Check or Money Order made payable to Auction liquidation Services. Removal All Items must be removed by August 12, 2014. Information: Photos Taken USGovBld By: Auction For any questions please call our office at 732-542-2077 between Questions: 9am and 4pm Monday through Friday. [!]JOOV> id ""-- ""- No Buyer's Premium - Government Auction

53834 304 1 MULTIPLE SURFACE SANDER 5.5 500.00 Location: Wayne Hills High School, 272 Berdan Ave, Wayne, NJ 07470 Details: Condition: Questionable Important Notice: Seller: Wayne Township Public Schools Inspection Inspection Is by appOintment only. Contact Mike Rewlck at 973- Information: 317-2000 for an appOintment. Payment Payment Is due within 24 hours of Invoicing of the auction. Information: Payment must be made by Wire Transfer, or by overnight Cashier's Check or Money Order made payable to Auction Liquidation Services. Removal All items must be removed by August 12, 2014. Information: Photos Taken USGovBld By: Auction For any questions please call our office at 732-542-2077 between Questions: 9am and 4pm Monday through Friday. IJD!�.!JIJ! No Buyer's Premium .. Government Auction

28588 305 1 DISC SANDER 5.5 85.00 Location: Wayne Hills High School, 272 Berdan Ave, Wayne, NJ 07470 Details: Condition: Questionable Important Notice: Seller: Wayne Township Public Schools Inspection Inspection is by appOintment only. Contact Mike Rewlck at 973- Information: 317-2000 for an apPOintment. Payment Payment Is due within 24 hours of Invoicing of the auction. Information: Payment must be made by Wire Transfer, or by overnight Cashier's Check or Money Order made payable to Auction Li quidation Services. Removal All items must be removed by August 12, 2014. Information: Photos Taken USGovBld By: Auction For any questions please call our office at 732-542-2077 between Questions: 9am and 4pm Monday through Fri day. IID!!!.B� B r A,u ction uy 's' Pr�mi_um .. No e Govern,ment

13 Regular Meeting Minutes August 28, 2014 Page 333 of 373

S-15-06 26026 306 1 OSCILLATING SPINOLE SANDER 5.5 140.00 Location: Wayne Hills High School, 272 Berdan Ave, Wayne, NJ 07470 Details: Condition: Questionable Important Notice : Seller: Wayne Township Public Schools Inspection Inspection Is by appointment only. Contact Mike Rewlck at 973- Information: 317-2000 for an appointment. Payment Payment Is due within 24 hours of Invoicing of the auction. Information: Payment must be made by Wire Transfer, or by overnight Cashier's Check or Money Order made payable to Auction Liquidation Services. Removal All Items must be removed by August 12, 2014. Information: Photos Taken USGovBld By: Auction For any questions please call our office at 732-542-2077 between Questions: 9am and 4pm Monday through Friday. £:!I1GOVBid � No Buyer's Premium .. Government Auction - 28588 307 1 LARGE BAND SAW 5.5 205.00 Location: Wayne Hills High School, 272 Berdan Ave, Wayne, NJ 07470 Details: Condition: Questionable Important Notice: Seller: Wayne Township Public Schools Inspection Inspection Is by appointment only. Contact Mike Rewlck at 973- Information: 317-2000 for an appointment. Payment Payment Is due within 24 hours of Invoicing of the auction. Information: Payment must be made by Wire Transfer, or by overnight Cashier's Check or Money Order made payable to Auction Liquidation Services. Removal All Items must be removed by August 12, 2014. Information: Photos Taken USGovBld By: Auction For any questions please call our office at 732-542-2077 between Questions: 9am and 4pm Monday through Friday. (f11GOVBid No Buyer�s Preinium .. Government AuctiQn �� 28588 308 1 ROUTER WIf ABLE CABIN 5.5 0.00

Location: Wayne Hills& High School,ET 272 Berdan Ave, Wayne, NJ 07470 Details: Condition: Questionable Important Notice: Seller: Wayne Township Public Schools Inspection Inspection Is by appointment only. Contact Mike Rewlck at 973- Information: 317-2000 for an appointment. Payment Payment Is due within 24 hours of Invoicing of the auction. Information: Payment must be made by Wire Transfer, or by overnight Cashier's Check or Money Order made payable to Auction Liquidation Services. Removal All Items must be removed by August 12, 2014. Information: Photos Taken USGovBld

14 Regular Meeting Minutes August 28, 2014 Page 334 of 373

8-1 5-06 By: Auction For any questions please cali our office at 732-542-2077 between Questions: 9am and 4pm Monday through Friday. mGovBid

No Buyer"s Premium .• Government AuctiO'n "'-""" � , ' Item not there.

Bid total: 55947.00

5_SoAlCommission: -3077.09

Total: 52869.91

Balance Due To Seller: 52869.91

15 Regular Meeting Minutes August 28, 2014 Page 335 of 373

S-15-07 ucational Oa a .

. �...... � . Services, Inc.

"The Educated Way to Purchase"

Date: August 12, 2014 WWW.ED-DATA.COM

District: Wayne Twp.

Final Purchase Orders

Bids Due: See attached award letters

Enclosed please find:

Final District Summary - Summarizes all items ordered along with final quantity. 1) Quantity Changes (if previously submitted) 2) Award Letter(s) - For your convenience, award letters have been prepared based on your district's purchases. Your board should award your district's portion of the bid by resolution 3) Order Books (if applicable) 4) Diskette/CD (if applicable) 5) Final purchase orders for the fo llowing categories (if applicable)

Final purchase orders for the fo llowing categories:

Category PO #s PO Total , General Classroom Supplies 504140-504145 $699.69 Athletic Supplies 504146-504165 $5,322.04 Lumber 504166-504167 $1,470.00 . Office/Computer Supplies 504130-504139 $2,588.91

. ..

P lease be sure to sign and mail your POs to the vendors as soon as possible. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to call Educational Data Services at (973) 340- 8800.

Thank you,

Educational Data Services, Inc.

COOPERATIVE BIDDING SERVICES ' TEXTBOOK PROCUREMENT ' RIGHT-TO-KNOW ANCILI.ARY BIDs ' CONSULTING • 236 MIDLAND AVENUE, SADDLE BROOK , NJ 07663 ' VOICE 973.340-8800 FAX 973 .340.0078 Regular Meeting Minutes August 28, 2014 Page 336 of 373

S-1 5-1 1

Proposed Price Increase for Wayne Public Schools Foodservices 2014-15

, Lunch Price2.30 New Price 2.40 0.10 , Brkt. 1.35 1.40 0.05 IElem Lunch Entree 2.00 2.10 0.10 ISingle Serve Chips 0.70 0.75 0.05 I Middle Brk!. 1.35 1.45 0.10 IMiddle Lunch 2.50 2.60 0.10 �IMiddlle Lunch' Entree i "iii:ittil?: 0.10 � �= � 0.25 @�jdl � Deli� � 3 l"I' �� � ult _unch 1i��E i..ii': :t, '

(oQur ,z Fruit! , Side

IHigh 3.60 3.70 0.10 1.50 1.55 0.05 Meal Deals 3.00 3.10 0.10 High School . Coffee 12z 0.9C 0.95 0.05 Large Salads 3.4C 3.65 0.25 Small 1.9C 2.15 0.25 carge Deli Sub­ 2.85 3.10 0.25 Pizza 2.9C 3.00 C ,10 I loppea Pizza .21 Cree I .01


3.25 3.50 0.25 2.25 2.50 0.25 Big Grab Chips Ass!. 1.10 1.15 0.05 HS Whole Fruit! , Side 0.85 0.90 0.05 Yogurt6z 1.10 1.15 0.05 DUAL USE CLASSROOM SPACE SCHOOL YEA R





NEW APPLICATION Gifted & Talented/ Summer 2014 IrHEUNIS DEY 11 Basic Skills 6&7 (ATIACH SKETCH) ivES EMAIL




PINES LAKE TCUn TRAILER ESL& SPEECH 10 (ESL) & 5 (SPEECH) iDEC. 21 2006 ES EMAIL ACKANACK library Media center/BSIP 26 (Medi.). 6 (8SIP) . NEW APPICATION Ivesphone

RYERSON 16 RESOURCE & ESL 4 (RESOURCE) & 6 (ESL) ITE VISIT - AUG 2011 IvESEMAIl ,&4 jAPTERHUNE 1 RESOUCE & SPEECH (SPEECH) �ITE VISIT -AUG 2011 ivESEMAIL PREPARED BY WBOE 7/30/2014 l------Regular Meeting Minutes August 28, 2014 Page 346 of 373

S-1 5-1 8


THIS AGREEMENT, made this day of , 2014, in the County of Passaic State of New Jersey, by and between New Jersey Schools Insurance Group, hereinafter referred to as "NJSIG", and the Board of the Wayne Township Board of Education, hereinafter referred to as "Educational Institution";

WHEREAS, the NJSIG seeks to provide its members with protection, services and savings relating to insurance and self-insurance;

WHEREAS, two or more educational institutions have collectively formed a joint insurance fund as is authorized and described in N.J.S.A. 1 BA:1 BB-1 �. and the regulations promulgated pursuant thereto;

WHEREAS, the Educational Institution has resolved to apply for and/or renew its membership with NJSIG; and

WHEREAS, the Educational Institution certifiesthat it has not defaulted on a claim, and has not been cancelled for non,payment of insurance premium for a period of at least two (2) years prior to the date of its application to NJSIG.

NOW, THEREFORE, it is agreed as follows:

1. The Educational Institution hereby establishes/renews its membership with NJSIG for a three (3) year period, beginning July 1, 2014, and ending July 1, 2017 at 12:01 a.m. eastern standard time.

2. The Educational Institution agrees to participate in NJSIG with respect to the types of coverage stated in the Renewal of Membership Resolution, attached hereto as Exhibit "A".

3. The Educational Institution hereby ratifies and affirms the bylaws and other organizational and operational documents of NJSIG and as from time to time amended by NJSIG and/or Department of Banking and Insurance in accordance with the applicable statutes and regulations as if each and every one of said documents were re-executed contemporaneously herewith.

4. The Educational Institution agrees to be a participating member of NJSIG for the period herein provided for and to comply with all of the rules and regulations and obligations associated with said membership, including, but not limited to the NJSIG Plan of Risk Management.

In consideration of membership in NJSIG, the Educational Institution agrees that for those types of coverage in which it participates, the Educational Institution shall jointly and severally 5. assume and discharge the liability of each and every member of NJSIG ail of whom, as a condition of membership in NJSIG, shall execute a verbatim counterpart to this Agreement. By execution hereof the full faith and credit of the Educational Institution is pledged to the punctual payment of any sums which shall become due to NJSIG in accordance with the bylaws thereof, this Agreement or any applicable statute or regulation.

6. If NJSIG, in the enforcement of any part of this Agreement, shall incur necessary expense or become obligated to pay attorney's fees and/or court costs, the Educational Institution agrees to reimburse NJSIG for all such reasonable expenses, fees and costs on demand. Regular Meeting Minutes August 28, 2014 Page 347 of 373

8-1 5-18 7. The Educational Institution and NJSIG agree that NJSIG shall hold all monies paid by the Educational Institution to NJSIG as fiduciaries for the benefit of NJSIG claimants all in accordance with applicable statutes and/or regulations.

B. NJSIG shall establish and maintain Trust Accounts in accordance with N.J.S.A. 1BA: 1BB-1 et. seq. and such other statutes and regulations as may be applicable.

9. The Business Official designated in the Resolution to Renew Membership is hereby authorized to execute this Agreement to renew membership.


Juanita A. Petty, RSBA

Authorized Signature

By: Executive Director, Martin Kalbach, New Jersey Schools Insurance Group Regular Meeting Minutes August 28, 2014 Page 348 of 373

8-1 5-1 8 Exhibit A


WHEREAS, N.J.S.A. 18A:18B-1 ,,&ru!!l:, enables school districts to cooperate wifh each otherto make the most· efficient use of their powers and resources on a basis of mutual advantage in the areas of insurance and self� insurance and related services; and

WHEREAS, the Board of Education of the Wayne Township Board of Education District desires to secure protection, services, and savings relating to insurance and selFinsurance for itself arid its departments and employees; and

WHEREAS, the Board of Education of the WayneTownship Board of Education District finds that the best and most efficient way of securing this proteCtion and services is by cooperating with other school districts across the State of New Jersey;

WHEREAS, the Board of Education of the WayneTownship Board of Education under its obligations as a member of the New Jersey Schools Insurance Group does allow for safetY inspections of its properties, to pay contributions in a timely fashion and to comply with the bylaws and standards of participation of this Group.


THAT th€! Board of Education of WallDe Township Board of Education joins with other school districts in organizing and becoming members of the New Jersey Schools Insuranc" Group; and

THAT, by adoption and signing of this resolution, the Board of Education is hereby joining the New Jersey Schools Insurance Group In accordance with the terms of the attached Indemnity and Trust Agreement, effective the date indicated below, for the following types of insurance:

PropertyIS! EDPIS! General UabilitylS! Umbrelia/ExcesslS! Equip Breakdown IS! CrimelBondslS! Automobile UabliitylS! Errors OmissionslS! Auto Physical DamagelS! Workers' CompensationlS!

Adopted by the Board of Education of the Wayne Township Board of EducationDistrict; New

Jersey, this __� day of ______20.___ for a __,---- _year term. _-,- _,-,.-,-


Juanita A. Petty, RSBA Martin Kalbach, Executive Director /(" '\{;'" New Jersey Schools Insurance Group 6759613v2 """"O'.'�''''-<''-1i':0 Regular Meeting Minutes August 28. 2014 Page 349 of 373

8-1 5-19

.--'"'-=' '''''- �- �""" . ' . ". Uniwr",!. Adminislrdliv<>Comp.1nY o USAC Schools and Libraries Division Service fUIIDIIIG COIIIIITIIEIITDECI LETTER (Funding Year 2014: 07/01/2014 - 06/30/2015) 51 011

June 4, 2014

Joseph Borchard WA:iNE BOARD OF EDUCATION SO NELLIS DRIVE WA:iNE, NJ 07470-3555 Re : fCC fora 471 Application lIumber: 985829 Billed Entity lIumber (BEll): 122861 Billed Entity fCC Regl.StrationlIumber (fCC RII): 0016434656 Applicant forll Identifier: I IIJWA471.l4 s Thank you for your Funding Year 2014 application for Universal Service Support and for any assistance you provided throughout our review . The current status of the funding request(s)- in the FCC Form 471 application cited above and featured in the Funding Comllitment.. Report (s) (Report) at the end of this letter is as follows . - The amount , $170,976 .77 is "Approved ."

Please refer to the Report following this letter for specific funding request decisions and explanations . The Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC). is also sending this information to ¥our service provider( s )so preparations can begin f:or ' ). implementing your approved dl.scount ( s) after you file FCC Form 466 , Receipt of Service Confirmation Form , A $!ide that provl.des a definition for each line of the Report •j' - . .- is available in the to USAC Letter Reports in the Reference Area of our website . . NEXT STEPS

- Work with your service provider to determine if you will receive discounted bills or if ¥ou will request reimbursement from USAC after paying your bills in full . Revl.ew technol0'1Y planning approval requirements , - Review Children s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) requirements , - File FCC Form 486 . - Invoice USAC using the FCC Form 474, Service Provider Invoice (SPI) Form, or FCC Form 472 , Billed Entity' Applicant Reimbursement (BEAR) Form, - as products and services are being delivered and billed. .


You have the option of filing appeal with USAC or directly with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) . an If you wish to appeal a decision in this letter to USAC, your appeal must be received by USAC or postmarked within 60 days of the date of this letter . Failure to meet this requirement will result in automatic dismissal of your appeal . In your letter of appeal :

1. Include the name , address , telephone number, fax number , and email address for the person who can most readily discuss this appeal with us .

Schools and Libraries Division - Correspondence Unit Lanidex Plaza West. PO Box 685. Parsippany. NJ 07054·0685 Visit online

?31:W5X00100702 i 00702020600000 Regular Meeting Minutes August 28, 2014 Page 350 of 373

5-15-19 2. State outright that your letter is an appeal .. Include the following to identify the USAC declsl.on letter (e.g., FCDL) and the decision you are appealing : - Appellant name, - Applicant name and service provider name , if different from appellant, Applicant BEN and Service Provider Identification Number (SPIN) , - FCC Form 471 Application Number 985829 and the Funding Request Number (FRN) or Numbers as assigned by USAC, "Funding Commitment Decision Letter for Funding Year 2014," AND - The exact text or the decision that you are appealing .

3. Please keep your letter to the point, and provide documentation to support your appeal . Be sure to keep a copy of your entire appeal, including any correspondence and documentation .

4. If you are the applicant, please provide a copy of your appeal to the service provider (s) affected by USAC 's decision . If you are the service provider , please provide a copy of your appeal to the applicant (s) affected by USAC 's decision .

5. Provide an authorized signature on your letter of appeal .

We strongly recommend that you use one of the electronic filing options . To submit your appeal to USAC by email, email your appeal. to [email protected] .orc;pr submit your appeal electronically by using the "Submit a Question" feature on the USAC website . USAC 'will automatically reply to incoming emails to confirm receipt ..

To submit your appeal to USAC by fax, your appeal to (973) 599-6542 .

To submit your appeal to USAC on paper, send your appeal to :

Letter of Appeal Schools and Libraries Division - Correspondence Unit 30 Lanidex Plaza West PO Box 685 Parsippany , NJ 07054-0685

For more information on submitting an appeal to USAC, please see "Appeals" in the Schools and Libraries section of the USAC website.

If you wish to appeal a decision in this letter to the FCC, you should refer to () CC Docket No . 02-6 on the first page of your appeal to the FCC . Your appeal. must be received by the FCC or postmarked within 60 days of the date of this letter. Failure to meet this requirement will result in automatic dismissal of your appeal . We strongly recommend that you use the electronic filing options described in Appeals in the Schools and Libraries section of our website . If you are submitting your appeal via United States Postal Service, send to : FCC, Office of the Secretary, 445 12th Street SW, Washington, DC 20554 .


Applicants are required to pa:( the non-discount portion of the cost of the products and/or services to their serVl.ce provider( s) . Service providers are required to bill applicants for the non-discount portion . The FCC stated that requuing applicants to pay their share ensures efficiency and accountability in the program . If USAC is being billed via the FCC Form 474, the service provider must bill the .applicant at the same time it bills USAC . If USAC is being billed via the FCC Form 472 , the applicant pays the service provider in full (the non-discount plus discount portion) and then seeks reimbursement from U5AC . If you are using a trade-in as part of :(our non-discount portion, please refer to Disl'osal or Trade-in of Equipment posted l.n the Reference Area of our website for more l.nformation .


Applicants ' receipt of funding commitments is contingent on their compliance with all statutory, regulatory, and procedural requirements of the Schools and Libraries Program . Applicants who have received funding commitments continue to be subject to audits and other reviews that USAC and/or the FCC may undertake periodically to assure that funds that have been committed are being used in accordance with all such requirements . USAC may be required to reduce or cancel funding commitments that were not issued in accordance with such requirements, whether due to action or inaction , including but not limited to that by USAC, the applicant, or the service provider . USAC , and other appropriate authorities (including but not limited to the FCC) , may pursue enforcement actions and other means of recourse to collect improperly disbursed funds . The timing of payment of invoices may also be affected by the availability of funds based on the amount of funds collected from contributing telecommunications companies .

FCDL/Schools and Libraries Division/USAC Page 2 of 9 06/04/2014

P, 3KWSX001Ct'1.Z 01565 Regular Meeting Minutes August 28, 2014 Page 351 373

of 5-15-1 9

Schools and Libraries Division Universal Service Administrative Company

FCDL/Schools and Libraries Division/USAC Page 3 of 9 06/04/2014

P3KW5XOO 10070:Z ·0070�0306tOOOO 01565 Regular Meeting Minutes August 28, 2014 Page 352 of 373

8-15-19 FUNDING COMMITMENT REPORT Billed Entity Name : WAYNE BOARD OF EDUCATION BEN : 122861 Funding Year : 2014

Comment on RAL corrections : The applicant did not submit any RAL corrections .

FCC Form 471 Application Number : 985829 Funding Request Number: 2688736 Funding Status : Funded Category of Service : Telecommunications Service FCC Form 470 Application Number : 625510000901894 SPIN: 143013604 Service Provider Name : Cablevision Lightpath of New Jersey Contract Number : N/A Billing Account Number : 47592 Multiple Billing Account Numbers : N Service Start Date : 07/01/2014 Service End Date : N/A Contract Award Date : 03/23/2011 Contract Expiration Date : ', 06/30/2016 Shared Worksheet Number: 1721219 Number of Months Recurring Service Provided in Funding Year: 12 Annual Pre-discount Amount for Eligible Recurring Charges : $242 ,293 .92 Annual Pre-discount Amount for Eligible Non-recurring Charges : $.00 Pre-discount Amount : $242,293 .92 Discount Percentage Approved by the USAC: 41% Funding Commitment Decision :,,$99,340 .51 - FRN ,approved; modified by SLD "Funding Commitment Decision Explanation: MR1 : The amount of the funding request was changed from $20, 744/month to $20 ,333 . 49/month to remove : $410 .S1/month ­

unsubstantiated amount . <><><><><> MR2 : 'the amount of the funding, request was changed from $20 ,333 . 49/monthto $20 ,191 . 16/monthto remove : the ineligible service to Adult' Ed students for $142 .33.

FCDL Date: 06/04/2014 Wave Number: 004 Last Allowable Date for Delivery and Installation for Non-Recurring Services : 09/30/2015 (' Consultant Name : CAROL UNDERRINER , } Consultant Registration Number (CRN) : 16049611 '" Consultant Employer : BTU Consultants ,""

FCDL/Schools and Libraries Division/USAC Page 4 of 9 06/04/2014

P3JC:W5X00100102 01565 Reg�lar Meeting Minutes August 28, 2014 Page 353 of 373

. S-15-19 FUNDING COMMITMENT REPORT Billed Entity Name : WAYNE BOARD OF EDUCATION BEN : 122861 Fund1ng Year : 2014 n" Comment on RAL corrections : The applicant did not submit any RAL corrections , FCC Form 471 Application Number : 985829 Funding Request Number: 2688766 Funding Status : Funded Cat.egory of Service : Telecommunications Service FCC Form 470 Application Number : 885990001214551 SPIN: 143008617 Service Provider Name : Broadview Networks Holdings , Inc Contract Number : T Billing Account Number : 852-460-8750 Multiple Billing Account Numbers : N Service Start Date : '07101/2014 Service End Date : 06/30/2015 Contract Award Date : N/! Cont.ract Expiration Date: NIA Shared Worksheet Number : 1721219 Number of Months Recurring Service Provided in Funding Year : 12 Annual Pre-discount Amount for Eligible Recurring Charges : $109,, 888 .80 Annual Pre-discount Amount for Eligible Non-recurring Charges : .00 Pre-discount Amount : $109,888.80 Discount Percentage Apl.'roved by the USAC : 41% � Funding Commitment DeC1sion : $45,054.41 - FRN approved as submitted

FeDL Date : 06/04/2014 Wave Number: 004 Last. Allowable Date for Delivery and Installation for Non-Recurring Services : 09/30/2015 Consultant Name : CAROL UNDERRINER Consultant Registration Number (CRN) : 16049611 Consultant Employer : BTU Consultants o

FCDL/Schoo1s and Libraries Division/USAC Page 5 of 9 06/04/2014

'JI:W5XOO 100702 ·007020<10650000 01565 Regular Meeting Minutes August 28, 2014 Page 354 of 373

8-1 5-1 9 FUNDING COMMITMENT REPORT B�lled Entity Name : WAYNE BOARD OF EDUCATION BEN : 122861 Funding Year : 2014

Comment on RAL corrections : The applicant did not submit any RAL corrections .

FCC Form 471 Application Number: 985829 Funding Request Number: 2688782 Funding Status : Funded Ca tegory of Service : Telecommunications Service FCC Form 470 Application Number: 885990001214551 SPIN: 143001362 Service Provider Name : Verizon New Jersey Inc Contract Number : T Billing Account Number : 201-Z43-6721 Multiple Billing Account. Numb.ers : N Service Start Date : 07/01/2014' Service End Date : 06/30/2015 Contract Award Date : N/A Contract Expiration Date : N/A Shared Worksheet Number : 1721219 Number of Months Recurring Service Provided in Funding Year : 12 Annual Pre-discount Amount for Eligible Recurring Charges: $894 .00 Annual Pre-discount Amount for Eligible Non-recurring Charges : $.00 Pre-discount Amount : $894 .00 Discount Percentage Apl?roved by the USAC : 41% Funding Commitment Dec1Sion : $366 .54 - FRN approved as submitted FCDL Date : 06/04/2014 Wave Number: 004 Last Allowable Date for Delivery and Installation for Non-Recurring Services : 09/30/2015 Consultant Name : CAROL UNDERRINER Consultant Registration Number (CRN) : 16049611 Consultant Employer : BTU Consultants ()

FCDL/Schools and Libraries Division/USAC Page 6 of 9 06/04/2014 l'lKWSXOO IDO/02 01565 Regular Meeting Minutes August 28, 2014 Page 355 373

of S-15-19 . FUNDING COMMITMENT REPORT Billed Entity Name : WAYNE BOARD OF EDUCATION BEN: 122861 Funding Year: 2014 f""'\ \ ./ Comment on RAL corrections : The applicant did not submit any RAL corrections . FCC Form 471 Application Number: 985829 Funding Request Number: 2688798 Funding Status : Funded Category of Service : TelecommunicationsService FCC Form 470 Application Number : 885990001214551 SPIN: 143006742 Service Provider Name : Sprint Spectrum, L.P. Contract Number: MTM Billing Account Number: 385115024 Multiple Billing Account Numbers : N Service Start Date: 07/01/2014 Service End Date : 06/30/2015 Contract Award Date: NIt.. Contract Expiration Date : N/A Shared Worksheet Number: 1721219 Number of Months Recurring Service Provided in Funding Year : 12 Annual Pre-discount Amount for Eligible Recurring Charges: $40 ,993 .68 Annual Pre-discount Amount for Eligible Non-recurring Charges: $ .00 Pre-discount Amount : $40 ,993 .68 Discount Percentage Apl?roved by the USAC: 41% Funding Commitment Dec1sion: '$16 ,807 .41 - FRN approved as submitted

FCDL Date : 06/04/2014 Wave Number: 004 Last Allowable Date for Delivery and Installation for Non-Recurring Services : 09/30/2015 Consultant Name : CAROL UNDERRINER Consultant Registration Number (CRN) : 16049611 Consultant Employer: BTU ConSUltants o

FCDL/Schools and Libraries Division/USAC Page 7 of 9 06/04/2014 01565

'JKW5XOOI00102 'P01020506POOOO Regular Meeting Minutes August 28, 2014 Page 356 of 373

S-1 5-1 9 FUNDING COMMITMENT REPORT Bl.lled Entity Name : WAYNE BOARD OF EDUCATION BEN : 122861 Funding Year: 2014 Comment on RAL corrections : The applicant did not submit any RAL corrections . t) FCC Form 471 Application Number : 985829 Funding Request Number : 2688838 Funding Status : Funded Category of Service: Internet Access FCC Form 470 Application Number : 885990001214551 SPIN: 143034500 Service Provider Name : OV LLC Contract Number : MTM Billing Account Number: 07870-738837-01-4 Mul tiple Billing Account Numbers: N Service Start Date : 07/01[2!1l4c Service End Date : 06/30/2015 ·· Contract Award Date : N/A . Contract Expiration Date : NI A Shared Worksheet Number : 1721219 Number of Months Recurring Service Provided in Funding Year: 12 Annual Pre-discount Amount for Eligible Recurring Charges : $976 .68 Annual Pre-discount Amount for Eligible Non-recurring Charges : $.00 Pre-discount Amount : $976.68 . Discount Percentage Approved by the USAC : 41% Funding Commitment Decision : $400 .44 - FRN approved as submitted

FCDL Date : 06/04/.2014 Wave Number : ()04 Last Allowable Date for Delivery and Installation for Non-Recurring Services : 09/30/2015 Consultant Name : CAROL UNDERRINER Consultant Registration Number (CRN) : 16049611 Consultant Employer : BTU Consult.ants ()

FCDL/Schools and Libraries Division/USAC Page 8 of 9 06/04/2014 P3KW5XQQ100702 01565 Regular Meeting Minutes August 28, 2014 Page 357 of 373



Comment on RAL correctIons : The applIcant did not submIt any RAL corrections .

FCC Form 471 ApplIcatl.onNum ber : 985829 Funding Reques t Number : 2688866 FundIng Status : Funded Category of ServIce : Internet Access FCC Form 470 ApplIcatIon Number : 625510000901894 SPIN: 143028153 Service ProvIder Name : Edline , LLC Contract Number: 767098 Billing Account Number: N/A Mul tiple BillIng Account liumbers : N ServIce Start Date : 07/01/2014 ServIce End Date : N/A Contract Award Date : 03/23/2011 Contract ExpIration Date: 06{30/201S Shared Worksheet Number: 172 219 Number of Months Recurring Service Provided in FundIng Year: 12 Annual Pre-di.scount Amount for ElIgIble RecurrIng Charges : $ .00 Annual Pre-discount Amount for ElIgIble Non-recurrIng Charges : $21 , 969.42 Pre-dIscount Amount : $21 ,969 .42 Discount Percentage Approved by the USAC : 41% FundIng Commitment Decl.sion : $9,007 .46 - FRN approved; modifIed by SLD FundIng,Commitment Decision Explanation : The amount of the fundIng request was changed'from $22,151.85 to $21 ,969 .42 to remove: the InelIgIble services to Adult Ed students for $182 .43.

FCDL Date : 06/04/2014 Wave Number : 004 Last Allowable Date for DelIvery and Installation for Non-RecurrIng ServIces : 09/30/2015 Consultant Name : CAROL UNDERRINER Consultant Regi.stratIonNumber (CRN) : 16049611 o Consultant Employer: BTU Consultants

FCDL/Schools and LIbrarIes DIvi.sIon/USAC Page 9 of 9 06/04/2014

100102 ·0070]060690000 01565 JI(W'5XOO Regular Meeting Minutes August 28, 2014 Page 358 of 373

S-1 5-19 �"""""=;;:� --� -� ',\, USACUnivcrSdI Ser\liceAdmi nlslrdtlVc Comp


01565 -Joseph Borchard WAYNE BOARD OF EDUCATION 50 NELLIS DRIVE WAYNE, NJ 07470-3555



)I(W5X00100702 ' U07020 In6TQ400