'f �·i:·'f :�.,�.>! , . ..\ > ; :::·,;·:,· . :

· · op s _.• NO. _89� WESTFIELD, UNION COUNTY�· N. J�, TUESDAY; JANUARY 31, 1899. . $2 Per Year. Single C ie · 3c.

'foluu!'eo In Ena-lanel, J8,j:l. SCOTCH SIMPLICITY.' I was a lad, fully luilf tho pop· , . Wh�n · n lation - of both sexes, rich us ·well us The Mnllttn, fire IJudtUrur A.rcltUect . . t k,cu . poor, tho ba1 ke equally with tho \Vork­ Olltl ii (Jorumlcru.•c N rlc IJntl, • a..IN& r Tho Scotch nro of t l inguum, snufftakers. 1\ y· first f�nd e ling stories 1 m l Vcro J c a uchoohuastor.\ nlwrt s curried his snuff which illnstrute the } u i r simplicity 0()\',4L_ y mimi t country people. h s loose in his Jmckct, und in· of of heir T i PoWDER waistcoat s s numernhlo wcro his ',' · y Shoes. dbeen o Patent Leather 1111<1know t toono their cas e touched off the crowrl h rn o ­ h . o or. e the sufferer from dya CONTRIBUTIONS By tho timo teachers urriYod IIJIOII tho H�w ,· , sino most ent, let ba. m follow this rule, Various From sccuo tho firll was out hnt tho survivors popsmd i 1 uy a little of Rubbers Rubber Boots were ina hnd wuy. t necessary to nn t � Our I evor�·tiung, bringbut relief:en� spnnngly, Ji!nt nevol & put nine-tenth s of tho schoolwns to bed uud 1 Nearly All of too lenvmg th e lrtblo wath sell e of buv· Last� order hole ,uto doses of bromillo. ven o : E ing entou sufficient: ent sl w8ly Mn ti­ that now thow girls nsist that they haven't � oat all fo.od horoug ly ando _never. drt k Departments. recovered fromi the shock sufllcicntly to � t � wl o e f be m_ush let £1o hurd studying, tho victims of ni ntmg. I t drau�, bun nnd dri k nftor ho has fi mbed eatmg. th water pitchr.r 11ro both 11111lcr t ho n � H. C. PIKER. o No dou t tbo Jorlty of people see cnro of trained nnrscs. As for tho 111110, b IIIII o con ion be ween their ailmr.nlN he guvo UJI his J•hlco tho next t111y and n nect t The list includes all kinds of home and a or which they couflrled to tho that ho was going m! tho dlnnur re cook l nat c hn 'O llllJ_breakfoyml. nButst thoro a mnuy por· to look for job in 11 u i n u•yhuu, B?ns\ who n.ru so scvor.oly nfTeoted by pur­ personal supplies. whero his hom·•li ng school xperience . e t1oulu r urllcles of daet tlmt t oro IH 110 -*�:�-���:•**' ******** Wrlllld be of vulno to bim.-Now York . h **** quostwu nbout tho fnot hat Values are the greatest offered any· Suu. t some ltiurl : :�f food aro more or less JIOisouous to usa l�nJC'II•h all although we not ui or very )"t!'UII)' ·Nn\ t!ll. , s T where in America. Penny novolettos tllffcr from ouo un­ �jrorttiy uftor eatingIIIIIY Anncquaim· thmu. � ot In oxtcruulH ruther thuu in In· nne� of tbe writer'�, for xn plo, fulls TUTTLE BROS. ' hor e m An over-ambitious rivalry among man· torn11'1H. Tho got up of tho Aort is Into oonvulsionH if outs single buttllr ho u nout 111111 attractlvo. 'fho typo clon ' atruwborry, nud oven tho odor of st aw Is to r uf�cturers and· importers· on one· ·hand, 111111 tho cu or s t,nlght oven bo cullml berry jaui n the neighborhood of jum­ . I "nrtlstlo" In\· the cuthollo sonso of tho f11olorlea nhuost thi'Ows l1im Into a fit. b i and Spring· room-getting the ot�er, term. 'l'ho · inforlor kiluls lnd or· Tho wrlt�r knows n lady whose onrt LUMBEQ. • lll'o lff on ontly prlntctl 'on g y puJw with bltmt comes o stop if he outs on egg, m r t 11 s Of Vards...:_Westfleld avenue, t)'Jle, '' nnd th ro uro muuy degr s of sh uov�r lutontlouolly 01118 one * has precipitated 'this sa�e. o ee course o COALr I Broad streeu, Westflel". oxcollonco botwuon tho two extremes. now, but frequently on taking n piece Sp ing and Mf All OXCOjlt OliO htiVO iiiii trnt ii rllllfl• of onko or ome kind of puddin io B or •, H E R !ng·frolll tbo rndoHt of woodcuts to tho anuoe ooutululug OIII!S smntlglust of "Jlfocoss" platos. Of 1\luny JlUoplo Not orabonm swoons.lu tile stom· * p ���:��l�-�IUi-····��il�:lf***** OOODS DELIVER�D. FREE, AT ANY RAIL.; COIIrHO tho artist Rolucts tho IIIOHt "OIIAII• 11ob from 0 1tlug honey, nud more tban tl'oim lnelt1cniA for his lon l to nt1orn. one tlenth ba1s rosniterl frona thh cuuse, = l l o l 1 ROAD STATION IN NEW· JERSEY. Tho Htnhblng of tho heroluo'H futhor by Others nrc made violently Nick by the tho vllluiu rf.IJ,r,r"u•,I n uf. oo. &Tiii"'ll.,•t , .. , ght, prOiuJ•tiY UruggiHt �""orru" I1lotl00u1 1 1 1 1 w l'rcsct•lptlon thouwtuuiN lleOJllo Rulf11r lou JlOilllfnlo 0110 I lliiV >I • ei o1n bo 11t11l Milt· of ���mttUou will' l•· IMfnototll lllletl at .ANY TIMIC, ''"Y llriiMII ""' 111'11011110& Htrl>oloo hi • de­ JJirnollqno �11""1< o y ' IJfoe, nutl lhnt probably ouu . armacy I h no 111i �lruMM�!� f{,'a'Ailt�" a"wfl'p��\f/�' · . t, . or wltboul 1111BrHtl 11. Ph or IIK hJ If, 1, luaJCb dluu •wMIIowlufl-... Wheltnlt Jlru11t1t!1 86.t•nd , , , , , , , . WU�I'UILD, ...... fllaWAMKo '.:'·1: ,tlalna poi1C]!1.9� ':9.l!.t• 'l�� : 1-:/·i . . : . TUESDAY, JANUARY 3J, J899. THE UNION COUNTY STANDARD, 2 PICKERS. FISH AS BRAIN FOOD. MAINE GUM lt-llnltlt RICAN Dellllllll IJI aad MUSIC. The Oltl Theory for ol rtt•ruee Tre ... PORTO ,AERONAUT. d-Oood Peo \\'e•allh the ln�t LANGJJEY &•le � Habit• Aaon�r;p;;;;.-a 'J'he Natlonal Hhnptr, Dot Hfldenlary 'lckers nre II HIS of by year the gum l In�:enloult RECOGNITION OF m!scouc�ptlon Is sbntteret Yenr GOVERNMENT A llOJltllnr Into tim .woptls. •ponltlnp: ohllged to further J,IIH• nll other Spnnl�b FLYING MACHINE PLANS. go1·ct'llment bulletin entltletl 11o kept In n "l•' tsl of the gum must Porto mcnns nr� of l' he quality bo fl�Ot>l�. the fum! 'l' hc worltl bns thought sent • e 11' 118 l of the llnlue gum Is EI'N"Y cnfe Its 1 ch s n. w:u l· music. tm� o Food." everything elso, demumls tltnt I!Kh, bcyoml !I !\lostto the wnrket tlmt for n caft• would hnr ly do business wuy !l rot' the norlshment or th� a elty society girls fot• consumption by the '1\' lthout one. l'llhl!lblu It contains mtlt'b Jll oSIJho ls bt•n ln. since ! In the round red lnllll all of n c t>lh·hehorus 11 1.entllly Mulne w!tol An�lo-8n xon l• nr. o · m n experts lu11·e tletm• by mn· 'J'he g m·u e t pound.tile '!'he metrotJollttUt 'lc!l In !' lnulsh ln1HI• l per tr.Wt t tlw mluml tltllt the perceutnge of 11ho� fl.i'.O Is so ni!Ul'· first fo;('(�tllS \'erv pJ•!ce tor this Up-top gum fiiC or Pol'tO Hlco ot of llsh nnnlyze lc>ng In llhot·us In sp�clmens � the Maine scl!ot'K thnt tho rn·o· fnmtllnr, hut the ear Is not tug to o1· them is not grcnter thnn Is fouuo they go ·ln�: ethlng- no,•el In the ne· do not get It unless db;('o\·et om oNwr unhnnls usctl for vtnelnls the tiPsh wilt! woods uml tlllt lr comlltltllnwnt�.: to the of out Into the nwloOn body, when It I! jJowcr to tho bumnn !tuvo best fellows In one might �uppO!OO some E'XJlel't clog. llnlne �:Iris who �UJl llementt•!l ht·enlles the cl emnJHI lot• vnt·let� of theUP day.. Our only object to CLOSE OUT ' w'lC1Jr .h n·ord Is Jlrouotinr­ winter's food. l•'rL'(]IIently gets tht' "C"uJrn.' (2)In tlw tllet \\'hlch lucr!'IISCS with thE be ,.,, "hulr·r·n." with n sort roll In one tillY tlltlt wilt net hlln order all remnants, odd lots and broken 'assortments. ncl\':tnet• of elylllzntlnn. 'J 'hc ntlue ot gum $10 ONCE t1•:ist to the toUI!tl� onl.r market. nut the gum l>lclwr waters ever� In the sweeping reductions on seasonable and desirable goods gn r " is n tlsh tnl«in ft•om .\mm·lcnn Iw nntin'. The l n Isn't n 11t to be \'ei'Y energetic dHill. " y�m· Is o ·t r )lo•t of thi, guarantee their ready sale. Opport ""'·.ring In size In !li!Tercnt lnstt•u· \ • lie ndnys nml goes !lsltln;: unities :;t.Ji,OOO,OOO. vnst short • of the Is eonsnmccl at lwme, though n ' . mrnts. the Jm·erse ClltTe nml mnkLguunlug•s nllont or the tuue. ccrtainhthese m:e very unusual.- it's for your own interest to On ln 11sh1 lob�tcrf �o·:r·d IIJ.a those In the tmtle cnnnetl hnlf m� cnt slits lie doesn't Icn\'e the shlc or his co?.y is llc!ng opctwtl up. Sluul advantage of them. of \'lolln. On the' oth�r stele of Is nt ton n r·n m1' lire wl storm ou. Athl � , the holes Is n series rew tll•lws thn t should hE ll' u th �:otml oppo•ltr the l'!Hl of thPu Ren�uu. when he comPs hnl· tlu• spnwnlng suuson. :SIX OR.EA.T SPECIALS IN tlerp scrn trhes. 'JJ hc plnyer out pncl< of gum of Is In the spring with his his left hantl._holcl· the fish ldll�•l :mces the .�ourn�'ldet':tl�le. Con ains 33 pel' cent HANDKERCHIEFS. FUH lined with foot!. the sample lot !!Odozen, (,1ulius' Jl�nucy J!:m sahlo collar nrul t•da,:htJ,:, volmnc to Uw performnuce. llCl' cent.t 'l' lwre nrc fe\\ JliiRHing or the 11nlct tlnys­ A n[ t.•xtrll lwiW)· Hillin, inches :u hroltlt•letl nnll Ph\lll Lilll'll llcmst ill•h 30 hmu, ' onc .. at •...... ,.,,,. . , , • • pln.rez··s bnnd yield so much miotlter that you get ed sHghl}y ,, ort h Tlte ft•csh llsh high as JlCt Uke Hnnclkt!rc}Jlds, .,ouw $a.:i, mo\",�tllli..IJ:Y,!�!' n BI,AOK SA'I'IN DUCtlESS. .:·· ······ long "weeps e ltustlpJ", may not thhtk •o, tbC' · nmlou,rl d0 " oultl nlong ro oi the I!Olll"d. nn!l then ngnln \'lhrntrs nla snlmon c nt ins per cent. �w orry th u h the Fun Inches wldo-!mre silk-Uno the ... of for �: 2& l-{ , worth\'t'ty o a 34 wlnt"r jn•t the snmc ns though you fiuish-gnarlmtetnl: rcgtt t \8 len th lllC!'Ctllhle orer hut nn shnd roe, cent.; St>nnlsh mae!< ll cents. wlllt 11er nt, yd •.•••••.•••••••••••.....•....••...••l 9 Vfi: CA P.;S-ItuJiorletl Inch ot· swlftueIts .Crf�ct mHhOL1 In Its f�ctcd In nn� At " Treent t•Bt wn• for Any one FlDJiliRhmnn w�10 chn cm !mow ns floor ns these> strolllug t>lny rs nre, only n few p�opte, hut fortunntely by "'bo hns trnv�led througt n l to P mnuy unrecm·tlctl tnles of Dickens, they will harrlly pnrt with their �ulrns. thos� "' ho umlerstooeee, cnsunlly htqnlrefl : "Did kn w, nrc tllsttnetty n Pm·tn mony wns nniYcrsally accepted. Among ul , · northern Afrlc:t won Vlllne. They n the wny, thnt Chnrh!R IllckcnM waso Uirnn eurlo, nut!, stmnge n• It mn:v those tew were Alexnntlcr llruhntll null large llOI"tlons of ltnly, must fer hy 5 He WJIS 68 ·687 Broad St. and 21 W. Park Rrem, � B�n. who Jli'IIY that our own country ma) dP\"olet\ to lmleetl lo\'• Porto Ttleo Is prohahl.r mar suhsequ�ntly wrote nn Inter­ ents? II Ills ventlybe l• resun·etl from so d suml tate nil nnlmnl•, nml frequently he· destitute of tourist•' "loot" thnri nm• esting llllllCT concerning obsernt­ ! 11 er ot NE�.A.RK. foreign known the i t when the Langley muchln It not the Joss of the forests onl) rtune the sl ·e (ll!tR. Wi liam· country ll'nYe · t ous Is n of his l ling Amerlenn. Thr touristto mntle n Hight of three·•Junrters of thn t Is to be drendml, hut tim loss little white, cnt. wnR n p:rout fn· who can n or tun R sc<•nre n lllllm mny con11rntulnte him· mile, the long<'st known. ngrlculturnl f(>J:Ions now fertile nnd vot•lte with the entire household, but •elt, for It will hurt! get, yenrs de\·otecl to JlOillllous, which mny be desolated bJ regnr. mul J. one of tlw t•ich whtrh trout ht't' devotion toth'n r "liloJ• It! Rtop lt for n )'car nntl lw Elfn•th Watkins, the Iutter of whotu I• est grtllllll'IPs of tho Uomnn etntJh lllol,I'IIH t n ·e. 11 "(lf"n mn lntown n� •the mn J::tot·•s c•nt.' ussoclutetl conw nntl see me n�nln.'' still with him In the• work. now yields scareely Mll!lJlot't for 'J' hiR 11 liltl� rrrntnre followrtl him ...J,he )'otmg mnn 've nt home Prof�ssor Lungley's ncrotlrome looka stmt·se uml s<•ml·bnrhnrous O nnd Jl JHtlullou nl•ont lllw !log, h�sh!e \woke n him nwny from tl>ls lmhlt. It tool< lll;c blrtl; Its Jll"opo1'· 'l' llc whole rmnul nlJout Js tl't eiPS!'! nml �nt !light n whtlo ho wrote. One e\'f�nlnA' D!rl"eus him some time, hut llnnlly he Intlo ns, howmT� l'1 hug�nre grcntcr thun uuy 'l'lw cm·e of the wonlecl nntlonnl forestsl Is " wns rentllng lht·nu;::h s nll tnhle llJlon the ycnr, nntl pt'cscutecl him· !mown lnh11hllnnt of tho nlr, me11sur· li'OI'Islon fot• future n m l generations, fot "'hh•ll Rlootl hy llghto t ••ell ngnln. tiJl n cnntllr. As lug from tltJ to of its wings foUl'· the IWI'mnnenco over \'ll ril m·cns of out IIRtlnl, tlw rnt was nt .his t•lhow �ntl chew?" the teen feet. !milt lmost entirely . 11 hllnn· countt·y of the gt•cn t lntlustrlcs of ngrl tho "Do rou nskcouutls. '!'he ll<'pcntls. goat! forcRt ndmhtlsll·n c n A lng !he <"nt whll� he Aftt'r comp l ngaln." �·mm� Is hy twin tlou hu · Send n RN! me 'l 'hc sct·ew sl•onhl m·gnulz •tl lu tho Inlet• tlhl Ro, your order mnn s no r method of tli'O!Htlslon "'nrtl ht• Mmomherrtl thnt {lllRs t pp tl Plu•wln�, hut Ill' lll'\'('1' prot>elltn•s, 111111 thNo IR no or un.v ests of l'hc whole tontl to con nu·y,l no ntt�t o w l nt went ll!l<'lt gus m lo l t him Romcwhnt rt'!ll'onehfnlly ngnln. When nsltetl h�· his otlll'r 11hl for rnlslug or keeping It up In whnt It eost.-Atlnntlc Monthly. while she nnxtnus fl i t ll R why hP 1 \' r· tlte n i t· ln e t ent•t·gy. 'J'hu re,·eh·�•l the mr�ss, It wns P 1 l• ealit�cl PXt'l' Its t rnu on l ' l>t only wh n tlw light ngnln the ngnln, lw rPt>ll<•tl muehlnc )II'I'P howm•et"t P tllm mllllllnntrn ( l'Pfcl'l'ect tot <1ld l'l'ufnulty Jn Mo t the t'l':lf'on l11•ramc unt Ararat h nt Nu thnt of Creamer he knc•w t•xnetlr not ' t l }lU�HCi Jat)IHn. nwln . whnt the mnu n 1111� lg'l'l"S fiJI(} \\'US only nchoh· y • Y Am�rleans honst n little ovm hot• We wns


s ANGE VILLAGE. (AnthraciteOZJft'B&L coal ...... '1nourt. n� NEW SHOPPING SCHEME. · · · A A UMld.rUezciUilV�iy, · !Justness ;-� ollD""' IIlld comfo «ar�s. . JUgl•t clell OUR YOUTHS'COLUMN. No l' nhm•, No J. llottMel Tll�:eN,mul Yilt IK ' Yc,rk JJry OnodH · ble ·Ia THE BROKEN TOY SOLDIER� Jn J.� nr.:lnntl.' 'It / Jlow N.,w JIUHI;•eNI• Ge• 'I'JalO·ta ll'ee t i'H0 !tAl• Ne"· B '£0G US llnstlngR Is' n little ,• lllngc sl!:i te•1 r I e Westfieldfor Nov. New :ao, York, 11188 Ne,.. or ,YounsELF mt CH1Lnn�o:N1 ' "You won't lin \'e to go ns fnr 'ns the · T v exce t Newark) . No pension bu1 re\VSI'tl for .W.} llc ark aod Eliza th at . , ntnld lite 1 ;\Jountulns, on tho rncc n aiDII ;.,; ;exceptbe (3Newark (8 f 6 tl.. Onn . BervJce �11 � t rnc 1;s If �; on wnnt to uti tout,'�· 11, 1 . (•X · take11 as well · WestfMd us - done: us . Mnlnc New I1 Ul 1. Ill be · lletll·ccn N. 8 Hll, .u.s10 iu We wear no meduls on our breust tor sn it! 11 ·polleem1ui \v ho luttl lutely ·beeii IJ,· 8 l!liL8 48, 1111, 0 28, 601i,!Ill, (8, · ls he . Cnll houJHI:u·y twd I"'!"�. ll t�J. e ew re amd exnmlue \.-ork at . llntn'fl"hlt:c, >111<1 Is lhc most. unique In .. ,.! ho , lOll'l,240, ar.s, p, Bun· gallant batlles !be shopping · •6• m M, m. Yet '"on, Nnw. Joluglnull, JICI'hnps In· tlie cl\'lllzerl trnnsferrl•tl 41 '7 00 e ce t a m. no one of Napoleon' nor one of lo ( x ll Newark) 11008 ���, U .. , · wl'here's Jots Uwm h r on . htllslris Delct,w 3 1671 3d, 00,. Cacsa!''s hoat world. e e t dafH {8 02H s ' of ' :.- Jl,ll2, 100. · · 8 , 8-U. · , BUSSI t f e m. ·�· � NG'�. Has inude himself i·ccori s cb as It three Jaundrctl lnltuhltnnla JWS :.o min , toB:I II· n l �62. 1 a u contains for Pl fte d tv even can bonst; Iii's! on ttie .. al 1 67,6 112, 64:2 7, • u, 1u,;J, Ii , a. n.. within th!! \'lllnge with 11·8 nu111y ""'lwu eIL They oU HAVE ny- · • 18 J11. , nl§ht; work toy soldiers harder thnn &61 900,Jli 10111.7, ••, 10 18, a�· m, C , :v � bet• to tlw \'1 11111(0 l't'OIIl the ' slopes .of CI'OW!ls of women In t'I'OIIt of win· "'00. 1 1lli, · ; hlg CLOTHS, . . . J'eal noJdJer·mcn, · · H•'1 7, 8g !111 , 1112:;3, MATTINGS. yoU ' 8uzit1ttfH fia:l, (� W, 8 19, 10 A thing the sm·t·nu tllug mountalu•. do w . IW\'cr ould get n�ur 11·o 1gh 1 c.:!.n �sl!1.3lli nlKbt.28, Uli, 8 . 01, ()2, mnrch of IItty thous nd'see: to n 1 c .. . Carpets cleaned, . _: sci!, Jet two l:l l'�.w nunufttctm·h•g lnduHItt luis' p• refitted . . - · nothing much to me.a r J'Iea; to gset orito t hC gnme, ror w u t ; For Phlladelphla, 6 · mhes s . the know h .t;lunv· M, 00, a. m . tr.D I · h 'g store untl ho:t rtll h , p. n ht. , S n · leg at l publi_c u e ng ou es 11118 1 8 011, l911 treet, e 1md laid lost Mnmthon an arm at r , 1 1111111 I I n c "I � m. 1 111i W stfield. N a I , . 1 gel lo rowlnce nd 11 look to see If he 10112a.o• · '7011,7-. · m They c, w e 6t7. ua. 610 ni t. !l�llled t aut she ar a rule, ell ctl t ll, the goo s ure the same She 64il. 10,11118, p. m. 1U7, Ul Kh l hnUlntlon the 11 v. ' ' Gen'l8ott't,OALa.w Ueneral lve e lookml with longing eyes ns the boys lng re men Is tout for the other shop. 'l'h lnk K •ro t. . · Llol ry N a ':lotn sent 1\Uy\vhere. Add1'8811 nre l c YClerk • . • nnIIPilt, clerl;, · lllf.HJts, ns ns mlg t liP. 1!11!:111:"·rulo 01.; se u 7,-lfi. ' jnws, 111111 thou conscious· tlu• e e h .As n t � Into tho tiger s W l trotting- hnt'lt OA JWS, Dnlte t 1 ,·1t u���t w� :��: nml l'Ui le with smnll Tho ook the tole�:rnm mul he wonltl nH'Pt lu eneh new !IIIII·<> wltnt !!�f:O!�h'Arc:�f,�\1 f,7 t�,c��.��>· ness loft hi , Illslifo wns sllvucl by tho n ut morningK, lloiH• wlll<·h Hl\cn Which Ilia• l attend. Uoctor l�t m ri e nol lwltl 1111<1 h\\sl nml st•c· (I) '�rile fii!OI!I<, hut wns htlll goml "l'ermnuent So!'retlll'y, ll· mnke the sntuethe Jloluts In his lect ure ns d oloso to tho tiger's hmttl lllltl through the a, I'. 0., L EST�'IJo:MJ LIIIRAUY. lncor· enoug-h, Itt non'R optnton, fot• n thh•r. don: "Clerk nt this olfl<•e excel'tllngly 1JIIfort•, wonht slerop nt whnt I'UJII,IU umputution of tho nmnglerl tlllrate11 e f "" 'l'h lH !lone lw l:ahl on the cnrth Insolent to the puhllc; h• prlmunl He· the snnw hotel, nnd breul;fnHt on tho to ,, 111 ., allfl, onhr Sn turdll)' enmlugs l>y sklllful surgeon -Ym1tb's from4 IJ , . from to 9at their roomM on llrmul n Wh h lt1 tlle !llg Oil!', lllltl scrnp !l tlw \'CI'el,l'! tllselull'go complulnt, snme tough l>et!t'sten t;, lie woult! re· e 7 JlR)'"hlcstreut, Co:upuuinrm ou Sl'l'OIId n ar Elm, SuhocriFIIoll m.::•·------h•h e Tho perr fc"r' u l'llt'lh 1\'l't' It with •lt•llhel'll te t'lll'e, Ills Postmnstm··Geuernl.'' ceiYe the usunl cOIHJ>lltnl'niH, If uny, . lemt-annutdly In ad vance,SS o cents lweek 1 It lMm\1. hookf'rnnRit•h nth' ltdi •·ll DnlnK Nnthhtfil'o 11111Htl'l' hlltl till! MlltfRI'II!ItiOII InlOW• As hu llnntlt!!l In Otlt] Uti! IW tltl• Hll me I'OJII ICOIIH I'I!Jify to fo rf11Ulh Nttw 'J,ht• Art ttl nf he obseri'PHiJIJIUO'OIOIANOE, liE· Weltfteld, J• IK ol ulsion. i · Not NECES C • s u d be r n ht up l>y do sometltlug to pre1 ent the water from ay tho que•tiou ho l L o directions Mond g bnt 11ooding his pe . .'fhe commnnicn· give shipping the people null not by the committee pro rty Galbraith s l enny up g od tuxes levied for town· 'I!�� cent of all penredE before the committee null pre· and seasonable merchandise. we at su bscribers hal'e pnid ntlonnl L. BAMBERGER & to g a • in the s to be a commnnt­v · 'l'hat the committ ee ow of Alger, the misrepresenter and dis­ catlon from the Unltro Slates go ern Resolved, rooms. nll'nt, on n�ount the dag. Immedl• recommend an appropriation by the Mr. G11ddie alllO stated that. the and Halsey gracer of the American people. of cow nt.,ly a S!Jeefa l tmln was made and pany wished abandon a par* of the Market .Sts., NEWARK, N. J. up township to cover the cost of mak­ to took the letter miles for tl1e aa· line them by rev us fran· ���ij���BJIJ�fit������ f01·ry ing a c1mvass of the t� wnship to granted to 11 p io �S!I��I]!Il!l!fifiil are springing up benellt of the l'l>eltllent. ' ' ls looks Tltls line Is on .1\lany candidates l h paid by private chise. Broad we en oyell swellen'l certain the amount diesel the Democrats for the uomi· as though · street, Chestnut strstreet,eet, Mid· l< among j gOOII electric lights and wlU. consnmers for avenue, Maple st reet, North avenue and nation of township clerk ; but Irving Second by 11rt Clark street . m ti v. I; estimate o :::: water ; also an n p of The on gi =�===�=�==::: c m · 11 II : ouly 1 o pe : ent, Bollt>N'll to cun be purcltnsell, m t o l' Clam Chowder al 20c. per can. ships, muy also plnce tho term of en from J,. G. ttJI;e ' o Cohen nguin st ti g thnt moneys pnill to Best Elgin Creamery Butter, per lb. n11 nnt.lc.Jotc fot• h en hlug vnpol' price. . l'h · finul reault this pre· a n r t tllo of township clerk nt fll'e years; and us the nssess collector were ille�ully 26c. the hlcu o rii'Cl', or rml or g Jiminury investigation to be mnde Granulated Sugar, 51c. .. the bill will, no doubt, tnko effect C lll lid tmd asketl the public, und election to be ltcld committee not per lb. th s would lenvo spell It Hlc!lporl. N her nsslst the "treasury loo ers. " 1' he i . immediately· i lilt'. Let us ei llll to t He nz's Keystone per bottle:: t uftorwnnl to decide whut polioy is to ' :RoEs with two yenrs to sene, nnd I'ttel'lo Hlco nor l'orto Ulco Is Bugllsh. cle•·k was instructed to notify Mr. Cohen Dressing, t2c. but Spuulsh null Portug es . :;Jnce be followed in tho township regnrd­ tl111t he must het·eufter l>e more curefnl burst nil the nir castle's now being u e ln fr mning · belongs to tlw Unllell iug street lighting nll!l hydmnts. hls letters to the committee. , built by tl10 would·bo clerks. the i�hlllll uow tim • :;tn ll•s, lite &<•uslblc tltln to do Is .Bills to the nmotmt of $!0!.40 were up. A. C FITCH & . BR10TAII, . �o: to Committeeman Dennis also cnnsed a . SON, Cr.ocers, trnuslute Jts unnw. 'f lint J>rOI'ellsaeosed th �;;;�;;:::��;:��=::���=:::::::::;:;;��=� l pu tm t e n ment < e cnts will hen be rl o! nll Jlllbllc expenRe for lighting tbe lms S only .t o\ogist, by t·eceut oxcuvuti >n " · and put for�nrd their most po but tltet i i the e ful utilized; \\'ur f! OUUt)' fOluls w th n tO\'f'IISblp, by tln·own quito now ght upon · . 8i,OOO Wl!l'tl USSUtn• u l tl; pulur men ; men of clmmctor, who l»rtuwut es�lmnles thnt It will talD�·w cllnrge nncl control of 1\Uch lights as ba\'o o i ing Coal, Lu r, plucctl ti.Jo h this conunl&.. b bet!n ou ron.ds, hy m.· l rnthcl' mm·e limn Ibn\ uu •r to wltl l u ol�cte!l, will muko tll·st·clnss ml> l tee, n1u.l that thu 10\\fll 'llsldtt· clerk Is bore tn.. : if ofll­ !lie by place�=i�� nbont0110�f �� ,�;;�e{�ll����� . terJ•Itory ft•um l:lvnlu, nml to o m s south of�:���� Cniroel� ' Building Mater Men who ctmy out tho t Htrnutetl for\\'ttrtl n rDJl)' of tllts resoluti n r.o ' ials, MouldiD"It'S and '. �lndlln ·. d Wl'I'Niiml huH il � 1 Woo . of h �ials. will m l tuin lll'uJll'l' gurrJsou l'o1·cc tu to )<'reeboltlur cucld r with tho thut discovere�l n tom H, in th Lawn, Carden. and Field. u u u 8 o ,rl!quest h wishes of tho people in ull respects. IInwnll. lls t•sllmntc ho suhmlt It to the llont·d of �·n..,hold•r• for cotHns of winch husurleH hns founte� For ror Sl'i'l' len Is ·, tlauh· skelotonH from which tho 11csb a ••• l'hero is plenty of good timber in 111<'11. Is r t·y el'lclt•nt t h h s Ave. llU,UUO It nt consldf.lrntion. · ear • • rosslftg, carefully ovitluntly huen Office and Yard , \he The fol owi reso\ntlon present· Jll'OYioua Central R R c urelsdII •1 both lmll\l ot·ganizntions. will IJnttec l n wns nl>lll' nlfuh·s m o Will tion, in o l of l.hls t•ount•·y hl'l'l!artcr \\' Ju:tu·:AH, lllcnst'd Alml�htr Ootl tn nncl n o In >Pl'lcct A. t l cu govel'llmeut pnrty poli tics It LJ\S r l prCJHorvution not· TELEPHONE 19 h uur t nu llll!i hL•uu rmnuro fl'nnt our mlclst fellow tO\\'U!IIIIUt withstnn . nltu!·ior pm·poses of tho mnehino lth:ht lion. loNepl> CluJllllll•I·In lu !Jus fm•thot• nxcn\'nllmw . ' wtwther tho ��!!!!� · llee'Jt llh�cusslug- 'l'hnt \Vo tender to lJis de\'ufucl runnorR. Ju Hcl'llliJPI''s tlw l'l!· llc�olt•ecl, tion of tho hm'tics J>erfonuotlmutllw � wiCtl nntl dnua:httn· our Jlrornuncl e)'lllllt�tll)' lu WUH ['l'nl lturuluJllllciiiH p ll y curumonlnl rltom het er i . or u e thh� · w � sh .. r ' t\UJil' hO\ll' Of ttl\\\ IUU\ SOrFO\'t' • of flcnh from l>orw:; h this r:ulll d Slnl<·• lll·lllsh UoluululIn Ibn 'l'hnl those re olutl s fl)lf(!Rtl tho Ja>int:< tol'ClnrN ; · 'J 'hc ltcsfJlt•cd, a nn bo Ht•t•l'l!liii'Y lmllsm on tho rnun'\ Wostnol!l is to be cougrntulntetl l>elll!rl's thnl till! lwu !ll'l'UI· UJtou thu mlJautcs tl1ht cornmltt�o coJlf pnrt of nnclcnt to or and '' l>lo. tho ' Rout tho fl\ttlll)'. --Ciuuulmrs' .T o urn n 1 Jll'O· . npon hnviug such 11 bright and up-to. llll lluns lu · ho wot•hl nrc oo Vegetables... ""t t UJ•ent 'yonug llrllnin llllll uu1• uwu couull·y, commtmlllnllou received t�icc d11to 1111111 lu ltho township WRS fmm Everything 110 l'<•nsun why .tlwy Kh llu Hl"ls A st11thllf commltteei Wo to Anstiu onlll uol ullt· IH1utu L. Sontliler, th11t he uul elnlly l 'Fresh. rofor J. nthnll tlwh· mnluul llu!lctllllllll'O loHt 21 chickens, which hlltl been killed Dollvcrie� ;;nnlle, sni our Donuis, who tho " · t Is nlwtLys ou look· uu one nnulht , · . •J•, tlll'lll's ho illstln· by tlog•, a111l IIMke

THE TUESDAY, J�QARY · 3J, J8,, 5 N�TES, tJ�.m ftlND!ID TOWN- -,-The v.;nfere�ce of th�.Young .IJNION •. State . . . -M. J, Woman's Christian Teioperence Uuion Gil!leritleeve · N J;,' JAN: B1, 1889. at Bart'ford, will NO •, Ia held tn . ,Bapttat c!turcb, THlNO C'!·lD- this week, ·. · · · be, thl) :·' · :MorristOwn, . on Friday end �•tni�OaJr• . Gl_tDERSLEEVE'S 'BUT FIRE PLACE QOODS �"'-lnintr Love · · I. . erecting a new February and · on:Mount11i Ia · 24th. 2Bth. n ave11ne. · . · · -Tbe lecture whicli -Wellin . Harry Steele AND ton C.· Wittke g · IB enjoylna ·Morillon; the . a western ,traveller," was trip. · · . "boy to · . ven: in the Presbyterian church All " gt ·EVERYTHINO - unpnid tal:e� will reco ed evenlnii � tie rd hiul . been postpaned.untll .-' , EIIZ!lbetla to-morrow at · at aiocn; . Saturday evening,,February FOR TH_E FIRE PLACE. . ' - be storm Mu ·. ... snow slin ?-" hfj!J ed the x- C. E. R. 11.': : r� ceUe.nt spoil e -F. Decker, Pearsall andEz �kuling on Clork's a .1:. . pond; BIOO!Igood attended meeting Eliza· beth at. of the Poor Froo . · la;,t evening make arran�eementtl CURTIS · THORPE -Ovel'8eer k· to ·, c er, Is a o11ndldate c· D for the welcoming home of the boys of M. for re-n minati� ec,· · n. . - S, � Co. Third Beghueut · Mr W •W • Co nne l Un Park Avenue, Plainfield, N. J l �er 0. - JIO•Jia able N.J. !If be · . Voluntee. l'8. out again after a to -The · .Will severe attack· of the We&illeld clnb . give a grip. "Cbildt·en's Aftern�ri" on F_r · iday, Feb· • ,. '· rnttrytO. Meinbera tnay 1 Mi have wear. - sses Ruth Penrsall Fitch and Mabel . are the gueste of for their children. and their friendsticket& by '"R�t�er ;;rushing the season'' 111 ·New ! friends at SAL York. awlying .to c n E the steward tbe l b to bring . th·e�e out, . perhaps, QR AT REDUCTION E H. bouse. We a e selling striclly (or and can save you fr om -:-W. Grogan, of the Noth but we bought ur early, ? lm � . Hotel, 1111ve · -Friday· evening •. February . . CASH Saturday the we ha,�·� the . kmd� f . o. p . cen · on your purchases. . " · 17 is o t e t . evening. pigeon supperou · d�te set for the J•ublic bearing 011 the nght 20 40. � , o d we want you to Fnttc Elgm Creamery. utter, 23c. lb. · Hnud-Picke1l Tomntoes,7c. catt. -:-The of the Wesfleld and Eliza. • . . y 7c lb. 7c. preparatory lecture akes g o s ,,and Pure Leaf.Lnrd, � Early ,June Pe118, can. t plnce applicationbetil tr know, at eet Uaiiwny . company for a Lnrd eompourul, 4�c Ib; F11mily Spring Chtckeus, 15c. lb. , the.Presbyterilm S · church to-morrow . It, : ur cnmbiliation-2 c11k<'8 np, 1 lb; the piece, Oc. lb. evening. tmlley frnncbise or. lllo'unt11ht O S Sa- Avenue polio, ·w,..hinl{ Pnwder-1111o for 10c. Pork Loin, tJOe.h kinds, hy toe. lb. The hearing NIOH r ROBES, bo -George will t11ke plnce ut the town­ Sweet1 or 7o. can.. St&nSIIl(O,�ce J�r ey Potatoes, 05c. b sh Pe�k h oeeu Best C n , s n . as . RlliJOinled ship rooms. CORSET COVERS, N, secret11ry to the st11te committe on ntu­ . nicit•lllities. - l i li y 1l 11y, An, Stale fr ee, and Tur• e ' ' n rs1 t Is . . IRT et ! ·cnmlletnns ·.SK S, c. Goods shipped to every part''of· the unciunt En lish prm·erb holds that in aJ.I grades of Muslin, Cam- pays · -A rece ption to th members of g tf rill, he the freight. e ti.Jo.dllY is flli , rotnr.u of severe. winter b,ri<;_and Nainsook, with Pn ul church tnlws st.' r n. gre'ai: 's place ut 11 l h weuther tnny r the p r s be expected, . while variety . ooms this evening. 11 of ·needlework , and st rmy ,CnmllelllltR hulic11tes e s ' ' o th BP· lace trimrrying. _u rrt epar men ore -There will be mee ing of pronch of. outiu e T'. Telephone•tt' D ... t t St. . ' tl t the ses­ c u d wurm weather ond · Vall, B•a. . WESTFIELD, N. J, slqu of the P esiJyter un r imt chmcb 11t the enrly S(ll'ing. nmnse this �veni g; n -'!' he entertnimuent given in the f't!l!t l\'an-m nml ])ry. -E e evening It Kt!CI•� the , v r this week, excep Westfiell!-�m'ders, mnve 1U11l regulate the Bowels anti Dmnru)' ure bei g co i 1 this w�ek F 1v ns Uegulur l\"aallnJU.lcl hy S cl . nt nnet null ut·e tion of the .Tmun u nl t�st.lrnuulu.IK. Tlwy IICMr n TJ1c \\'ol'ms 0\'01' 10 11\!1 ein well !ltteudetl. Jt•. 0. U. A. �1. orgtmiz· "ScrnhM. '' At nil dt·1ig�h;t.�. �nmplu mnlle� b g e

OE INDIA. * VULTUUES •. ;Colfti'J" cH ARE NUMEROUS lan Without . GIANT BIRDs w1-11 uthe ss enviable the : . . ·y AND STATE·'· ' in scarcely a le . COUNT . JURY TRIAL. AND � was pos\tion than is THE WANT A ABOUT BUCHANAN useFUL. _ ance. You Ltfe. AROUND WILL PROBABLY BE H. Ltfe Insur c. man without ne��. ��- . owum·• conditiOn in ltf ,· Wcstllchl , ...... )'I'UIIUt)' t;lrcu• . : * matter what your e \\"Ill ite ,, .• , .. unre Come• to H * SttratlCe, no ; .. Stnte J. lbrnrllln. Wlten ..e King •leile lln1·o CRANFORD At'l"�lntc•l TtHltt)' Juiiu&; t•t!t ltluuK. Cnrt.'n•ll· the Otht!r l�n, � at T•·euton. · ' JTIUY be. nl e Ill• lluJeoty 'l'w� Jle tious ure being cir n d - ...... orr vutll * e TltC3day alld Libmr Commi•sion is ex · t to � . IIIIN TheStandar Ul�lliOII Ne ws Co.'s stall(!. The. Stote li nloug est e11 * among \li'Opelt y oll'net·s Hhueelf, the to to-day ,l ,.ciM snc· w fi ,'. Fr·da' at to ". f ree II'e Gorl'o'ed e r meet ou 11\'enne-one to the Bonn ° F 1 t o of' Bolubny, hnd n tut la ·"1'\'lJL for the Stalldard Stnte Librnrinu Hnnu It 1 If iJ 0•1ty y Comnumications l)ected Legislntnre '""1 10e cnre rmacy. to 1'1n es o o go before the . 's IIJfiUIJer doubt whnt lett at Cox·.� pha cessor re dozeu c••n• I' . s '·I·J·rl ' tboro flO � There n I< t owuer• the rrght tnn u l of , 71\ •ell be nbont II t I mt H enry to he Jli'OJierty of I sltouJd '·e. •lo not know ofllce, but it is believed s. IJI't•rl .. w * "�muker" the t ' in .eomlemnal\on Jll'ocecding ' I will �il·e " memb er bl.' J' nl"J rltor ,· u 'rhoTimes 11 C.tlw Bnchmmn, for mnny yenrs " of lmlin, 'l'hec. A. 0. r Jletition is mhl rcese93, of cha\181 one week fr to-morrow e\·e­ is fou nu rs Touc witlt great d pth and resonance, Fn�� r, ! tn te whichcure neutralizes o one of &be De·la· Malabartures that hill one belong to · s ec e . uud Sarsaparill t: ter to clusticity of e s�t.tuoth_ncss nlog. a a friend from two pguii s,h Thonsancls write that they larloroi towns. which are eosy euoogb t d sti s this acid. n h "bworenk once one's o has been cOIUI>letely ctued of rb u l\· "Ob, d n' know attention t e ladies hnveRheumatism with its sharp . Agne's Goililrs cure uan8P', sick h < - fire, l i e l he r spe s the sce11e, diHreg11rded the leusis)k isor a 'smoky bluck bird, with power, l!ratlh selections weroe feature of the d to _t, inacl Hood'se, bil ou n s u h ·a iD"'"""l ofUo a r w·orniugs shouted to him, pushed bis bau ' hi e . · AFclioo li $WC."H vening's eutertniuwent. es , thoi whole. the blinding emoke nud d of wth twingsextending on tlio uurlorsido. e way the high· TheA B varietyi hday teaSocial given took by Jllnce at the 25 cents. , uothing moro hun confirmation of .I!\. ;c,,_ t through· i length of e k body; �IANO� r· teething tlumes and 1l opp ug This baml is br k hy tho dar 's cndor,em�nt "lr�nny r and' l\Insical ·pc;oplc·cvcrywl u::lc. ··��. .ll n FriPr!!' well v ry much eujuy­ lotho h lh·e cools before the safe, orked glance. hns b�.cn obtained hy nu nh:ml\1tcthe nrui \'l�\faihn� · was rccognit\UnVc._ry hi�hcst iclc.tl:i_i n detail nrt. ...Iotg atteudeil lllld e ":Mlle Fill" trips gnily into tbe :linn- l w at a vulturetbo (Gyp s bcoga· t'} L!1c I'Y of of JHHIIoi·II H l·'''••t•�·• musi , b h vocal n d instrn eutal, b nuti the combination The other species l ng billed the hfLy-erght ycurs 111 wC\'':ch the cst.•hiJ,Il"t.! hll Lo,cr , . 1: 1 ed, c ot u m hnttun close opou t e heels of the fri8ky tmuse botd t knollglowing doors to , ed is o nru h fir.u hns boon Piano is •huwa l lped wil away the enin . i s indigestion. Price e he n eeiz vultmo (Gyps pullesceus) e ,,[ JJwre suhstnntial proof of the popularity of the Fischer te to h a · e e\' Re­ •·Tu " valunule pnper, rammed oitp b cn h w t of 13 spo·l'. the u in freshntents were er\• . rtl n .T�rdou confounded it i h nuothor fa ct thnt r g time e n e t :u d lhis s ed home IVe 1uny on h germs, ea i wings tboare e H cci s at ·or t f11tul so bns is h d of." I olike. T p e m·o Sold Moderate P!'kes-Cash Easy Payments. shome iswi snfu it rll\'111-t"" cl se remarlmhle six mouths run r e fwm g bnt t! a "Do yon appen 11bout tlw sumo ze nmlh twolargcr thou ne notun lti lllles hlll'e [Oilllll s rot� t l ot'igin. It eis " h rself nt h to know what that K O nuln�s of Wh1. teru 's t ot lu bosa &hut never ouy tree big bear tbe inllumed meme br"n s, kill the sease Lycemue stock aud oth m r l e never will. -De o t nestwe g ont of euch oncuoughe toedifice. •reveut d season. E. H. S e next a ge1ms audi 1 . o Freeboat i'l:ess,2:28 aud " tr i i h p d rouso I foots of the malJldy thePrice. COIJRI1tJ DI€ll l e e ofn co nf11mous kicks l're n Its mouth aml which n o c; �an;:�11�ty vessel T en fellow childr n Inelot•e. 'l' he ch i t o is Noopbrougiugilllnuus. t s 1101) eJi t h1r u nre su nnl •iycl goes Int the c SOOU IIJIIOUiltSe to tbe !Rill th ontu ell nnrl jmnJl�