'f �·i:·'f :�.,�.>! , . ..\ > ; :::·,;·:,· . : · · op s _.• NO. _89� WESTFIELD, UNION COUNTY�· N. J�, TUESDAY; JANUARY 31, 1899. $2 Per Year. Single C ie · 3c. 'foluu!'eo In Ena-lanel, J8,j:l. SCOTCH SIMPLICITY.' I was a lad, fully luilf tho pop· , . Wh�n · n lation - of both sexes, rich us ·well us The Mnllttn, fire IJudtUrur A.rcltUect . t k,cu . poor, tho ba1 ke equally with tho \Vork­ Olltl ii (Jorumlcru.•c N rlc IJntl, • a..IN& r Tho Scotch nro of t l inguum, snufftakers. 1\ y· first f�nd e ling stories 1 m l Vcro J c a uchoohuastor.\ nlwrt s curried his snuff which illnstrute the } u i r simplicity 0()\',4L_ y mimi t country people. h s loose in his Jmckct, und in· of of heir T i PoWDER waistcoat s s numernhlo wcro his <lips into it with simplicity at least ave them from .U.UrKYP.IRE w cl gn o � two fingers und t umb in h i tcd il , Makes delicious aridwholesome u h t o course of the <lay, while tho big gnuff red frill One of tl1e.s e stories relates that an thefood more which protruded h bosomo of his coutmc from t o honest muson once t shirt was bui d sm 1l house ofhad st oane to "" ' "'"'" " - ialwuys thickly sprinkled with l !I : He came II��;;;;; ' early nod begun from tho inside to luy ;;;;;;;;;;;"; ;;;;-;;••;•;co;·;•;•w;•o;•;•·;;; it. We used to notice that be never SONG. ;;;;;;� 11 · A seemed relish one of his huge pinches tbe stone, working very fast. At noon • to o n w FOOD THAT INJURES so mnch as i medlnte y nfter ha i his young son br ught him his di ner, hat Is better than this, my _ l v ng Ab, dear, m peeping over tho wall ns he hande the· What Is bolter thnu this ! adlniuliltered a sound c tigation d PERSONS Tho thought a n ght hnslest t s wa'l , fHINGS T HAT AFFLICTED some recalcitrant pupil. as · to basket to his father. With bones pri e ef i which Betweentomorrow and ycslcrtloy: I I S t d HOULD NOT EAT On the th In his eye, tile mason looked over to· tbe the ' . .· o er band, tberowu little or the tide and tho Mrny of . r The full of sea, no open c boy. And gull circlcth cndleHSiy; air smoking, ex ept In the case a tbat UARY'Sle be GREATESTyond compare l-In the CORSET EVENTile e ft·om a whld which blowetb well is Col'llet·aa in t country l bo "Wee), _ boo d'ye n ' The br ath · Ra•e a Tendency to Gnat, of a ring men going or from their Jock, thi k I m ; II Yoa a Every CorBet otrert:tlln bls �.<��le ls 1ewStateper positively;fect, eun, premier grade 1 t t work. In this respoctto luc ifer matchee gettiu on?'' be asked. :"u'! ::'�! f;:;:t':i :��W.C1�: ;:,�od�!; 8hun !lh•at ••, l a d Torture., before with tri ing excte Jlliot! or so) sold, below regulurcl prices. Tills 1 ,·ou Vo l hove mething answer for; "Ye're getting on famous, feytber," frJllnd It not hero, ftndIt not here. A Little Ad•·lce to the Great ArmF sale lno(lut 8el1ht.of fl euding corset Inventions. The sale but 1 1 Amer a them_ the practiceto for answered Jock, looking at the solid -Blanche Trask In "The Land of Sunshine." 8nfl'erer• Ji"rom· almost priiAIc e forl such Corsets. 'l'he sale is unique 110 of outdoor smoldng of 'Dyap�Jtala. 1!8hall ordinary �: a would never have pret!ent wall, In which there waa no break. of. tile c Itt C nc grown Statl' uprt'm•t y rset trading co et et1 to tile Greater A physician, writing in s c o 1 m _ to its "But boo d'yo get oot?" . a Col'N!t u� aslon ns tills be Its w orator. Here · are tile eDol O fl proportloue. - Chambers' the Phila­ such o n D JUST A CURTAIN FIRE. delphia Inquirer on "Foods and Thei Every size In' each line In every ake .JournaL Tho mason looked around.- lt'was r Effect on the Homan System," ays - m : true. He ha d provided tho bouse with Girl•' ard •• s lll!o',.:..ilo: d�zei1. g ''!· B." CORSETS, G.'ic.-New tlae•peete• It Wa• Ia • Bo l lleloool That out of sorts feeling from which: 001 Aa Call, all, w Dama•e� zone1 1.00French ade of jenn, sntlne no door nt and be a on the Inside. and Old complleatt•d l Jenn Corsets cordi!ll bust·, :"You are just going out . I s moe� of suffer half tho d�ys of our , ' "trljlJHld,m01lels,. zone belt, m long wnlst nnd short • see"­ He looked kindl and very admiringly fire In n skyscraper may be hrill- UR . side steels · "Yes, i a t a t l fe IS u sual!Y doe to our eatmg thtugl . tope, li r e , an mport n etig gemen at the y ing,.A or p an<1t nn- waist !neewblte-trimmed and dra b, hiJl, o d d bust, white only to . boy. but f e i es · 1 i long t8 to. c 18 28, What WllB it yon wanted?"_ - BOd we shouldn t. Although we ore con· fresh g001ls, no seconds, never hefore at n cut price, hrnnded "1\lon, Jock, ye've a grand held on expected compllcotionsdraniotio a fire in a girls'-, l l o Rtructed on tbo same model, scarcely 38 "J. 8.," new, fresh goode, no "It .was about that itt e debt I we be on arc i boardingschool surpassesit. The board· regnl r grade.... • yel" be exclaimed. "Ye'll h ­ C seconds, re u ar you.• u�y two people ave tbe same -to liOc. g l ffC tect yet, as sure aa yer feytber' a ma­ lng school fire Is usually what is known b exactly 11 1.00............ UU "Ab, yes! oke seat." a c kmd of heart, hver. and �tber org11n11, CORSETS, 68c,.:_Ame� T a son1" among insurance men 88 a urt in fire, , at .. .._ . wa11 going to ask yon for li le a a d as a resul , nothmg. 1s truer tbRn icR's1.25 len<ling"W. B." C o r et•, B., fineq nulity, Another story sbowa bow nnsnccess­ but curtuiti fire in girls' school is . 25c s ­ e "- 8 tt 0 8 t �e •aymg tbat an meat ID• . .. .. je11u, c os W. tr long Whi t d l"Irty Scot may be. i � m ,� ts A Ia Snirlte, �h bone<l, ex n s , fnl as a thief tho rustic more ex ting and crmses more casual- , . l nu<l i "Oh-excuse me, but I'm· already c other 111011 8 �Olso0�?n a-,,,�;�,F.Tf'l mednl at the Chicago" honed tmst · lk lh•ssing mad em Two young plowmen went into a gar­ ties than an ordinary blaze anywhere . 72o.-"C·B . , for slow p01•on m bmitlery ell!(l', hook•,s wh it 111111 drab, Jato" . m•�un.� . made of ·corttil, Itulil ­ den nt night to steal gooseberries. The else. j .ll1eRt, �: 1• a . 18 to !Ja·lllulr, nee w nuuaher "I say, wns going t':l ask yon for a to a number of_mdn lduals If tbere n sortet leuf{th , lose au, W. 11 bushes s rroun ed plot of potatoes, One evening week two girls, who . IB s l s c mad ,ff�•-�··1 befo e mu1er little delay met a fellow who u n last stram fmmly,. ou nro white, silk ll••s•inJC, 18 B., I and us ono of thod ads groped about he cupy microscopic bull bedroom in . your ne,·er • I no secomlsr 68C oc n 11 storm up t Illr yy elf v pui<l up whatwhen he owed I me, 1ind"- , l 0 Y fu u e torturo for urs J.OU, regu!nr 2-•. .. got 11 hnndfnl of potato plums, which swell up town school, took the globes 111! .0t�. � . _ . don't you sit down? every .ame at a- cho or p1eco o ���·�: A A LADY, 68c.-Sole "Why on enrth be q ickly pnt into his mouth. Then be off the gus fixtures for buir curling pur- ? p f .'��: . .��?�· 72c a�euiH1.25 MERICCN e in Newlu·k, 1111111e yon tnlm 11 lass of wiue?"-Pu.ri• u beef. ? Y?Us a.mply tbe result of too 'li fnt' this o r t Will g · gus11ed to his off, hec e it wns CORSETS; 3Dc.-Yon E J•oses und left them ll G c t ·� m lu m· contil, long wnist 111111 French igaro. , comrade i u u rauucad Ill t?e blood, e�t can e l snell " Cm·•�t F "Oh, .lock, I'm poisoned! For ony ensier to do thut thnn to puts them on cnt,jenu ln ce triunuiug- ttom u�uJ_Ih of tbo mnterJUl from whJO!Jn�d UIJO lues jenn,l <lonhle Hatinu top ami bo snkt�, shovo n1o the h ed o again, nguin. Then the girls raised tho window IS�n c o1rnwu with hnby ribbou, strouglv bouetl. IS mnrlo. F stmp� utt.llch tl, com· for wu lna throughlike to ee i' jg·ho auld a tri fle in order to cool tho room . au'olwnrmutetlpt!rfect iu ever reRJlPCt, rtoulYou that lm'g us you to Wlt k � ----��·�------ I m <l u if l sat uml mny t n�k so erect,' gotrler iu whitu; a yo l e mun'a gninlcni"-Yontb's Companion.
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