Fifth edition ● Quinta edición FORUM PanAmericano 5 Dispositivos Médicos y Procesos Relacionados – desde 2016 International FORUM Medical Devices & Processes since 1999 ¿Estéril, pero no limpio? Sterile, but not clean? Investigation & Application Investigación & Aplicación VISUALLY INSPECT WITH REMARKABLE CLARITY The FIS includes a distal �p composed of a light source and camera lens at the end of a 110cm flexible sha�, which features gradua�on marks. The Flexible Inspec�on Scope is a perfect tool to get a visualiza�on of any poten�ally soiled device. So�ware is included and allows viewing and recording. FIS-005SK 110CM LONG 2.0MM DIAMETER FIS-006SK 110CM LONG 1.3MM DIAMETER HEALTHMARK OFFERS MANY OPTICAL INSPECTION TOOLS TO SUIT YOUR NEEDS MAGIC TOUCH HANDHELD MADE IN AMERICA 4X LED MAGNIFIER MULTI-MAGNIFIER MAGNIFIER MAGNIFIER HEALTHMARK INDUSTRIES CO. | HMARK.COM | 800.521.6224 |
[email protected] FORUM PanAmericano 1/2020 1 Editorial Sterile but not clean: Florence Nightingale searched for evidence Estéril, pero no limpio: Florence Nightingale buscada la «evidencia» a esterilización se remonta a la obra de Louis Pasteur y también a la terilization is attributed to the discoveries of Louis Pasteur but credit Lde Florence Nightingale, una mujer británica nacida en la Toscana y Sfor this is also often given to the British nurse, Florence Nightingale, formada en un hospital alemán cerca de Düsseldorf (Kaiserswerth who was born in Tuscany, trained among other places at a German 1850/51) que trabajó para el imperio colonial británico en el siglo XIX. A hospital in Düsseldorf (Kaiserswerth 1850/51), and worked in the service través de sus viajes y de su experiencia posterior en la Guerra de Crimea of the British Empire during the 19th century.