

News Sunday|02-02-2020 4 Palestinians Face Uphill US thanks Pak for facilitating Battle Against Trump’s Afghan peace process Middle East Plan Agencies In a separate meeting with Gen Bajwa at the General Head- WASHINGTON - US Special quarters (GHQ) in Rawalpindi, Agencies future Palestinian state under near- Representative for Afghani- Khalilzad discussed “matters complete Israeli security control. stan Reconciliation Zal- of mutual interest including - When Palestinian Trump’s endorsement of mayKhalilzad on Friday held overall regional security situa- leaders learned that the release keeping its settlements meetings with Minister for tion and ongoing Afghanistan of U.S. President ’s delighted right-wingers, who im- Foreign Affairs Shah Mah- Reconciliation Process”, a Middle East plan was imminent, mediately urged the extension of mood Qureshi and Chief of statement by the Inter-Services they swiftly announced a “day of Israeli sovereignty to nearly 30% Army Staff General Qamar Public Relations said. rage” – a gritty, oft-used call for of the occupied , which JavedBajwa and expressed According to the statement, resistance against Israel. Israel captured in a 1967 war. his gratitude for Pakistan’s the US envoy “thanked Paki- But few demonstrators actu- Palestinians say such moves facilitation of the Afghan stan for facilitating the process ally took to the streets despite would lead to apartheid. Israel re- peace process. towards the mutual objective of Palestinians’ broad rejection of jects any comparison of its policies According to a press re- peace in the region”. Trump’s proposal, a gap between towards the Palestinians to South lease issued by the foreign of- Khalilzad’s visit comes af- rhetoric and delivery that exposes Africa’s former system of legally- fice, Khalilzad — who arrived ter an escalation in tensions the scale of the challenge their mandated racial segregation. in Pakistan today from between the Taliban and the leaders face in pressuring the Analysts say that Palestin- — met with Qureshi at the For- Afghan forces and as another and Israel. ians face a difficult road ahead. eign Office in Islamabad. Dur- round of talks kicked off, with As in past decades, critics are “They don’t have good op- ing their exchange, the US en- the US envoy holding several branding the Palestinians as nay- tions. Responding positively to voy praised Pakistan’s efforts meetings with the Taliban’s sayers, continually rejecting offers the Trump peace plan is impos- for lasting peace in Afghani- chief negotiator Mullah Abdul of a settlement in the hope, so far sible for any Palestinian leader. stan while briefing the foreign Ghani Baradar. futile, of something better to come. He would be seen as having sold minister about the most recent Sources aware of the de- And domestic frustration out the Palestinian national cause Trump Expands Travel Ban talks with the Taliban. velopments that took place “The finalisation of a peace during the talks in Doha said treaty between the Taliban and the Taliban had agreed inter- the US will pave the way for nally to halt attacks against To Six Additional Countries inter-Afghan dialogue, which US forces and “reduce” as- would not only benefit Afghani- saults against Afghan govern- Agencies Wolf said, “but for a variety of Earlier in January, a coali- stan but the whole region,” ment interests, but clashes be- different reasons simply failed tion of leading civil rights organ- Qureshi was quoted as saying. tween the Taliban and Afghan WASHINGTON: United States to meet those minimum require- isations urged House leaders to During the meeting, forces have risen. Agencies President Donald Trump issued ments that we laid out.” take up the No Ban Act legisla- Qureshi assured the US envoy At least 29 members of the an expanded version of his travel The presidential proclamation tion to end Trump’s travel ban that Pakistan will continue to Afghan security forces have Protesters have taken to the streets across and other world cities to vent ban on Friday, an official said. will take effect on February 21. and prevent a new one. support efforts to bring peace been killed in Taliban attacks their anger at US President Donald Trump’s pro-Israel Middle East scheme that allows the Tel The move was slammed by im- The original travel ban - is- On Thursday, Democratic in Afghanistan. Both sides that followed air and ground as- Aviv regime to consolidate its occupation of Palestinian land. migrant advocates and critics sued during Trump’s first week Representative Ilhan Omar said agreed to carry on their re- saults by government forces on Hours after the plan was unveiled, Jordanians gathered outside the US Embassy in Amman who say the policy discriminates in office in January 2017 - barred she introduced legislation that spective efforts in this regard. the group over the last weekend. on Tuesday night to protest against the controversial, called the ‘Vision for Peace.’ against Muslims and others. nearly all immigrants and travel- would repeal a 1798 law that al- Shouting slogans such as “No to normalization” and “We will not recognize Israel,” the dem- The US will suspend the issu- lers from seven Muslim-majority lows the US president to target onstrators held up signs and banners reading, “We will drop all your deals and step on them,” “Pal- ance of visas that can lead to per- nations. It caused widespread groups of foreign nationals. estine is not for sale,” “America is the head of terrorism,” “Your deal shall not pass” and “down manent residency for nationals of outrage and chaos at airports “It’s past time to take this with the deal of the century and its godfathers.” Eritrea, Kyrgyzstan, Myanmar across the US. The policy was re- xenophobic law off the books,” slams US travel According to the News Agency (Petra), the pro- with the Palestinian leadership completely,” said Greg Shapland, and Nigeria, acting Secretary of vised amid court challenges, but Omar tweeted, announcing the testers said they cannot give up and Jerusalem al- has been building for years, with a Middle East specialist at Lon- Homeland Security Chad Wolf the US Supreme Court ultimately Neighbors Not Enemies Act. controls as virus toll Quds, predicting that the so-called peace plan will fail. an ageing Palestinian President don’s Chatham House think tank. said during a call with reporters. upheld it in June 2018. The American Civil Liber- They also slammed Trump for attempting to further tam- seeking a legacy “(This) whole exercise seems Nonimmigrant visas were not The existing version of the ties Union (ACLU) said the ban spikes further but having dwindling scope to to be structured in such a way that affected for the additional countries, ban includes the Muslim-major- should be “ended, not expanded”. demonstrate progress toward his the Palestinians would have to re- Wolf said. Those visas are given ity nations of Iran, , Soma- “President Trump is dou- Agencies incubation period for the virus. people’s dream of freedom. fuse it and then the Americans can to people travelling to the US for a lia, Syria and . North Ko- bling down on his signature anti- China’s government criti- Contrary to expectations, say to Israel and to the rest of the temporary stay. They include visas rea and Venezuela also face visa Muslim policy - and using the ban Beijing- The death toll in China’s cized the measure, which it Trump did propose a “two-state” world, ‘go ahead and do it’ because for tourists, those doing business or restrictions, but those measures as a way to put even more of his virus outbreak rose to 259 on said contradicted the World solution for the conflict – but with the Palestinians are clearly not in- people seeking medical treatment. affect relatively few travellers. prejudices into practice by exclud- Saturday and Beijing criticized Health Organization’s appeal strict conditions that would leave any terested in peace,” Shapland said. During December, for example, Those restrictions will re- ing more communities of colour,” about 650,760 nonimmigrant visas main in place, Wolf said. Omar Jadwat, director of the AC- were granted worldwide. LU’s Immigrants’ Rights Project, The US government will also Disproportionately targets Muslims said in a statement. “Families, Finally, Britain makes stop issuing “diversity visas” to Trump has made his immi- universities, and businesses in nationals of Sudan and Tanzania, gration crackdown a focus of his the United States are paying an Those visas - which Trump 2020 re-election campaign and is ever-higher price for President historic exit from EU has criticised in the past - are expected to press the issue in the Trump’s ignorance and racism.” available by lottery for applicants months ahead. Of the new countries hit with Agencies divisions in British society, and from countries with low rates of Critics contend the ban dis- visa restrictions, Nigeria sends many fear the consequences of immigration to the US. proportionately targets Muslim- the most immigrants to the US. LONDON: Britain on Friday ending 47 years of ties with their Wolf said the six countries majority nations. In 2015, during The US Department of State is- ended almost half a century of nearest neighbours. failed to meet US security and Trump’s campaign for president, sued approximately 7,900 immi- (EU) member- Some pro-Europeans, includ- information-sharing standards, he called for “a total and complete grant visas to Nigerians in the ship, making a historic exit af- ing many of the 3.6 million EU which necessitated the new re- shutdown of Muslims entering fiscal year 2018, which began on ter years of bitter arguments to citizens who made their lives in strictions. The problems Wolf cited the United States”. October 1, 2017. chart its own uncertain path in Britain, marked the occasion with ranged from subpar passport tech- Three of the nations included Congressman Joe Neguse, a the world. solemn candlelit vigils. nology to a failure to sufficiently in the updated ban - Kyrgyzstan, Democrat from Colorado and son Washington’s tightening of trav- to avoid travel bans, and un- There were celebrations Brexit has also provoked exchange information on “terror- Nigeria and Sudan - have major- of Eritrean refugees, told report- el controls to bar most foreign na- friendly comments that Beijing and tears across the country as soul-searching in the EU about its ism” suspects and criminals. ity Muslim populations. Eritrea ers on Friday that the updated tionals who visited the country was failing to cooperate. the EU’s often reluctant member own future after losing 66 million “These countries, for the and Tanzania have sizable Mus- ban unfairly singled out allied within the past two weeks. Just as the WHO recom- became the first to leave an or- people, a global diplomatic big- most part, want to be helpful,” lim minorities. African nations. South Korea and India mended against travel restric- ganisation set up to forge unity hitter and the clout of the City of evacuated their citizens from tions, the U.S. rushed to go in among nations after the horrors London financial centre. the locked-down Chinese city the opposite way. Certainly of World War II. ‘Not an end, a beginning’ at the center of an area where not a gesture of goodwill, said Thousands of people waving In an address to the nation, 'Muslim ban should end, not expand': some 50 million people are foreign ministry spokeswoman Union Jack flags packed London’s prime minister Boris Johnson barred from leaving in a sweep- Hua Chunying. Parliament Square to mark the -- a figurehead in the seismic Groups slam ing anti-disease effort. Indone- Japan’s government an- moment of Brexit at 11 pm (2300 2016 referendum vote for Brexit Agencies sia was sending a plane. nounced similar restrictions GMT) -- midnight in Brussels. -- acknowledged there might be tional countries: Eritrea, Kyr- reporters on Friday. The visas af- The number of confirmed late Friday barring entry to for- “We did it!” declared Nigel “bumps in the road ahead”. WASHINGTON - Immigrant ad- gyzstan, Myanmar, Nigeria, fected are distinct from non-immi- infections in China rose to 11,791. eigners who visited Hubei prov- Farage, the former member of the But he said Britain could vocates and rights groups on Sudan and Tanzania. grant visitor visas, which will not The United States declared ince within the past two weeks European Parliament who has make it a “stunning success”. Friday slammed the expansion Under the proclamation, be impacted by the ban, Wolf said. a public health emergency Fri- or obtained visas issued there. campaigned for Brexit for years, As he held a private party in his of US President Donald Trump's which will take effect on Febru- The US government will day and President Donald Also Saturday, the ruling before the crowd began singing Downing Street office, a clock pro- controversial travel ban, saying ary 21, the United States will sus- stop issuing "diversity visas" to Trump signed an order bar- Communist Party postponed the national anthem. jected on the walls outside counted it weaponises "immigration law pend the issuance of visas that nationals of Sudan and Tanza- ring entry to foreign nationals, the end of the Lunar New Year It was a largely good-natured down the minutes until Brexit. to advance [the administration's] can lead to permanent residency nia, Wolf said. The visas - which other than immediate family of holiday in Hubei province, gathering, aside from one Brexit Johnson predicted a “new era xenophobic agenda". for nationals of Eritrea, Kyrgyz- Trump has criticised in the past American citizens and perma- where Wuhan is located, for an supporter who earlier set an EU of friendly cooperation” with the The expanded version of stan, Myanmar and Nigeria, act- - are available by lottery for ap- nent residents, who have traveled unspecified appropriate extent flag alight. EU while Britain takes a greater the travel ban targets prospec- ing Homeland Security Secretary plicants from countries with low in China within the last 14 days, and appealed to the public there But Brexit has exposed deep role on the world stage. tive immigrants from six addi- Chad Wolf said during a call with rates of immigration to the US. which scientists say is the longest to stay home. NEWSMAKERS PUBLIC NOTICE

I have lost my school leaving certificate bearing Iran starts 10-day celebrations on Wildfire creates state of Roll No 820 , Regd No: 11480140064. Now I have applied for the duplicate of the same if anybody emergency in Aus capital having any objection in this regard he/she may anniversary of Islamic Revolution file his/her objection in the office of the Sultan Fruit Company C/o Javaid Ahmad Mir S/o Haji Mo- ehran :Leader of the Is- ANBERRA: The you to be vigilant, Emergency hammad Sultan Mir R/o Bagh-e-Islam Nowpora lamic Revolution Ayatol- Australian capital Services Minister Mick Gen- Sopore Principal Higher Secondary Behnipora lah Seyyed Ali Khamenei region declared a tleman told reporters. This is within a period of seven days from the date of Thas visited the mauso- Cstate of emergency the worst bushfire season in publication of this notice. After that no objection leum of Imam Khomeini to pay on Friday because of an the ACT since 2003. shall be entertained. tribute to the founder of the Is- out-of-control forest fire The fire is burning at Nigeena Bano lamic Revolution as the 10-day burning erratically to its emergency level — the high- D/o Bashir Ahmad celebrations marking the anni- south. est on a three-tier scale of A J H versary of the 1979 Islamic Revo- It’s the first fire emergen- danger — and embers have lution begin in Iran. cy for the Australian Capi- created dangerous spot fires PUBLIC NOTICE The Leader made the visit early tal Territory area since 2003 nearby, agency officials said. on Saturday, which marks the day when wildfires killed four Residents of southern Can- I want to change the name on Electricity bill bear- Imam Khomeini returned to the Irani- people and destroyed almost berra suburbs and surround- ing Consumer ID No: 15301 from Sakhwat Fruit an capital Tehran on February 1, 1979, 500 homes in a single day. ing villages have been advised Traders C/o Abdul Majeed Mir S/o Haji Moham- ten days before the revolution, which The threat is posed by a to prepare to either protect mad Sultan Mir R/o Bagh-e-Islam Nowpora So- ended the monarchy of the US-backed lives since the Islamic Revolution. Imam Khomeini’s return to the blaze on Canberra’s southern their homes or evacuate. pore To Sultan Fruit Company C/o Javaid Ahmad Pahlavi regime in the country. Nationwide ceremonies kicked off country ultimately resulted in the fringe that has razed more Roads were blocked to Mir S/o Haji Mohammad Sultan Mir R/o Bagh-e- After performing prayers in the at 9:33 a.m. local time (0603 GMT), mark- overthrow of the shah, Mohammad- than 21,500 hectares (53,000 the village of Tharwa late Islam Nowpora Sopore. If anybody having any mausoleum south of Tehran, Ayatol- ing the exact time when Imam Khomei- Reza Pahlavi. acres) since it was sparked Friday because the fire objection in this regar he/she may file his/her ob- lah Khomeini also visited the near- ni landed in the Iranian capital. Despite being contrary to the by heat from a military heli- posed too much danger for jection in the office of the PDD Department Sub by Behesht Zahra cemetery, where A special public ceremony is wishes of Iran’s rulers at the time, copter landing light on Mon- residents to evacuate or re- Division 1st Sopore within a period of seven days Imam Khomeini delivered his first also held at the Imam Khomeini the Imam's return, after a 15-year day, the Emergency Services turn to their homes. from the date of publication of this notice. After speech after the exile, in an address mausoleum, with a host of senior exile, was made possible due to the Agency said. The fire is the most dan- that no objection shall be entertained. to five million people. state and military officials as well as sheer abundance of popular support The state of emergency gerous of dozens of blazes Javaid Ahmad Mir The leader also paid tribute to thousands of people from all walks for the revolutionary leader among sets a clear expectation for burning Australia’s drought- S/o Haji Mohammad Sultan Mir Iranian martyrs who have lost their of life in attendance. the masses. our community that we need stricken southeast. R/o Bagh-e-Islam Nowpora Sopore GM S