Mandr April.Qxp
Vol. 33-No.4 ISSN 0892-1571 March/April 2007-Adar/Nisan 5767 TEACHING TOLERANCE, UNDERSTANDING, AND UNITY n March 11, 2007 over one hun- resource developed by Yad Vashem, Vashem Jerusalem. They led the follow- “When the Nazis came for the communists, Odred educators gathered at the The Holocaust Martyrs’ and Heroes’ ing workshops: 1) The Final Solution I remained silent; Pratt Mansions in NYC for the American Remembrance Authority, the Anti- 2) Jewish Resistance 3) Survivors and I was not a communist. Society for Yad Vashem’s Ninth Annual Defamation League, and the USC Shoah Liberators 4) Perpetrators, Collaborators, Professional Development Conference. Foundation Institute for Visual History and Bystanders and 5) The Ghettos. When they locked up the social democrats, Once again, this program was co-spon- and Education. We were pleased to wel- he Echoes and Reflections curricu- I did not speak out; sored by the Association of Teachers of come representatives from all three insti- Tlum is a comprehensive ten-lesson I was not a social democrat. Social Studies of the United Federation tutions. We were also very excited about program that focuses on the history of of Teachers. Remarks on behalf of the having teachers from eight different the Holocaust within the context of con- When they came for the trade unionists, temporary issues. For example, it deals I did not speak out; with cultural diversity, genocide, and I was not a trade unionist. intolerance. This year’s conference tried to show educators how to utilize this When they came for me, innovative curriculum in their class- there was no one left to speak out.” rooms.
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