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HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES-Wednesday, March 14, 1979 the House Met at 3 P.M

HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES-Wednesday, March 14, 1979 the House Met at 3 P.M


Then, once Congress enacts a bill, Carter that the Federal Communications Commis- He and his wife Elva have four children- must return to Capitol Hill with a request sion had put a freeze on broadcast licenses Kaye Hamilton, Judi Freeman, Barbara and for the money he needs for the transfer. This nationwide didn't stop him. "I looked for a Roger. A man who is as enthusiastic about will touch off more ñghting over appropria- roundabout way of getting the job done." he his personal life as he is about his work, tlons recalls. The solution, of course, was cable, Christiansen sports a number of hobbies in- One Republican in the House remarks : "By and through his pioneering efforts with R. D. cluding salt and fresh water fishing, boatlng, the time this is over, the President is going Jensen, Ketchikan became the Íìrst town in hunting, flying, photography and scuba to wish he had never heard of the Panama the state to enjoy the beneñts of CATV and diving. Christiansen forged his way Canal. into a career - which has earned him the respe - ct of indus- try veterans around the country. RECESS UNTIL 11 A.M. TOMORROW The process ssunds uncomplicated ALASKA COMMUNICATIONS today Mr. BAYH. Mr. President, if there be PIONEER but the situation in Alaska was and is quite no further different than that of the lower 48. Ketchi- business to come before the Mr. STEVENS. Mr. President, as many kan is located 650 miles north of Seattle, Senate, I move, in accordance with the other Senators know, Alaska is a large which, at that time, harbored order previously entered, that the Senate State. If a map of Alaska is superim- the closest over-the-air station. So Chris- stand in recess until the hour of 11 a.m. tiansen's venture became posed on the lower 48, Ketchikan would much more than tomorrow morning. simply picking up a signal via microwave. be over Savannah, Ga. The North Slope The motion was agreed to, and at 6: 46 He had to originate all of the staticn's pro- oil ñelds would be in the vicinity of Chi- p.m., the Senate recessed until tomorrow, gramming himself. And that he did, subse- Thursda y, March 15, 1979, at cago, and the Aleutian Islands would quently marking a mìlestone for the industry 11 a.m. extend beyond the coast of California. In as well as opening the lines of communica- a State this large modern communica- tion for residents of the nation's 49th State. NOMINATIONS tions are crucial. Christiansen has worked in the technical Alaska's communications needs are electronics industry most of his life. He Executive nominations received by the served in the U.S. Navy between 1944 and Senate March 14, 1979: enormous and the history of the industry 1945 as a radar instructor and has held an IN THE AIR FORCE in Alaska, is a good one. Several far- FCC first class radìotelephcne license with sighted individuals deserve the thanks radar endorsement since that time. He is the The following-named officer under the pro- of all Alaskans for bringing improved immediate past president of the Alaska Cable visions of title 10, Code, section 8066, communications to Alaska. With their Television Association, a position which he to be assigned to a position of impor- tance and responsibility designated by the dedication and energy Alaska's commu- held for two years, and is a member of the Pacific Northwest Cable Communications President under subsection (a) of section nications industry has grown and 8066, in grade as follows: prospered. Association, the NCTA, CATV Pioneers, and SMPTE. To be general Among the pioneers in Alaska com- Still in partnership with R. D. Jensen, Lt. Gen. Bennie Luke Davis, xxx-xx-xxxx munications is Wally Christiansen of Christiansen now serves as technical director FR, U.S. Air Force. Ketchikan. Back in the early 1950's for Ketchikan Alaska Television Inc., where The following-named officer under the pro- Wally brought cable TV to southeastern his responsibilities include general manage- visions of title 10, United States Code, section Alaska. His operation was the first in the ment and the overseeing of all functions 8066, to be assigned to a position of impor- State. A recent profile in TVC magazine including the technical operation of a full tance and responsibility designated by the featured Wally Christiansen and his color studio and facilities for origination President under subsection ( a) of section work. As a testament to this Alaskan on four channels simultane-usly. As of late 8066, in grade as follows: communications pioneer, I ask unan- his energy has been directed towards the con- To be lieutenant general structton of two new earth stations in Ketch- Maj. Gen. Andrew Philip Iosue, xxx-xx-x... imous consent that this profile be ikan and Sitka, the first of which he predicts xxx... FR, U.S. Air Force. printed in the RECORD. will begin operation this April. IN THE ARMY There being no objection, the profile Politically, Christiansen holds that cable was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, deregulation at the federal level is danger- The following-named officer to be placed as follows: Gus. "Those areas that the FCC gives up will on the retired list in grade indicated under be taken over by local or state agencies to the provisions of title 10, United States Code, EDWARD "WALLY" CHRISTIANSEN the operator's detriment," he warns. A pro- section 3962: Where there's a will there's a way. And ponent of no regulation at all, Christiansen To be general back in 1953 when Wally Christiansen de- compromises by saying that if necessary, he Gen. John Joseph Hennessey, xxx-xx-xxxx cided to provide television service to the would "rather have regulation from as far (age 57), Army of the United States (major community of Ketchikan, Alaska, the fact away as possible." general, U.S. Army).

HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-Wednesday, March 14, 1979 The House met at 3 p.m. Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- mote continued extensive, close, and The Chaplain, Rev. James David Ford, nal stands approved. friendly relations between the people B.D., offered the following prayer : - - of the United States and the people on Taiwan," requests a conference with the AImighty God, grant us the desire to MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE House on the disagreeing votes of the live at peace with one another. We pray for all people, reaching out to those who A message from the Senate, by Mr. two Houses thereon, and appoints Mr. live in enmity and in suspicion and in Sparrow, one of its clerks, announced CHURCH, Mr. PELL, Mr. GLENN, Mr. BIDEN, Mr. STONE, Mr. JAVITS, Mr. PERCY, fear. May we learn to reason together that the Senate has passed with an and so serve the common good. amendment in which the concurrence of and Mr. HELMS, to be the conferees on the House is requested, a bill of the the part of the Senate. Give us peace in our hearts and in the House of the following title: The message also announced that the world, and lead us always in the path An act to help maintain peace, security, Senate had passed a resolution of the of righteousness and peace for Your sake. and stability in the Western Pacific and to following title, in which the concur- This we pray. Amen. promote continued extensive, close, and renee of the House is requested: friendly relations between the people of the S. RES. 50 - United States and the people on Taiwan. .Resolved, That the Senate disapproves the THE JOURNAL The message also announced that the proposed deferral of budget authority (De- The SPEAKER. The Chair has ex- Senate insists upon its amendment to ferral D79-6) to promote and develop ñsh- ery products and research pertaining to amined the Journal of the last day's pro- the bill (H.R. 2479) entitled "An act to American ñsheries set forth in the special ceedings and announces to the House his help maintain peace, security, and sta- message transmitted by the President to the approvalthereof. bility in the Western Paciñc and to pro- Congress on October 2, 1978, under section

0 This symbol represents the time of day during the House Proceedings, eg., D 1407 is 2:07 p.m. 0 This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by the Member on the floor. March 14, 1979 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 510.3 1013 of the Impoundment Control Act of courage to be unconventional, the cour­ He said: 1974. age to be imaginative, the courage to Man does not lack the intelligence to over­ risk failure in his journey. come the evils in society; what is lacking He did not fail, because he was deter­ is his selfless, responsible dedication to the H.R. 2154 AND H.R. 1301 SCHEDULED mined to keep trying. service of mankind. FOR SUSPENSION CALENDAR He did not fail, because he remained These remarks were made long be­


Per diem 1 Transportation Other purposes Total U.S. dollar U.S. dollar U.S. dollar U.S. dollar Date equ ivalent equ ivalent equ ivalent equ ivalent Foreian or U.S. Foreian or U.S. Foreign or U.S. Foreign or U.S. Name of Member or employee Arr ival Departure Country currency currency: currency currency 2 currency currency 2 currency currency 2 Hon . George Danielson ___ . ____ . __ 12/7 12/ll Germany __ .. ______573 300. 00 162.78 88. 44 185. 87 100. 16 921. 65 488. 60 12/11 12/13 ItalY ------191,250 225.00 39,667 47. 26 20, 502. 5 24. 38 251, 419. 5 296. 64 12/ 13 12/17 England ______170. 21 340. 00 29. 33 Estimated airfare ______._. ______. ______58. 59 28. 83 57. 59 228.37 456. 18 (2, 123. 72) _------Don Edward;______12/8 12/15 South Africa ____ .. ______75/450.00 ------1, 494. 70 ------100. 00 ------2, 044.70 Ho:~. Billy lee Evans ______.___ 12/10 12/13 Switzerland ______648. 45 380. 00 202. 50 122. 43 ------850. 95 502. 43 1, 589. 00 ------1, 589. 00 Hon . Ham ilton Fish , Jr______11 /10 11/ 11 Belgium______6, 518 222.00 9,068 312. 61 ------15,586 534. 61 11 /12 11/16 Switzerland ___ .. ______884. 05 545. 00 1, 189. 50 725. 75 ------2, 073.55 1, 270.75 11 /16 11/24 Italy . ______._ .. ____ 565, 650 675. 00 634, 700 745.83 ------1, 200,350 1, 420. 83 Transportation , Rome to New ______. ______. __ . ___ . _. ____ . _.. ___ .. ______.. _ 1, 174.00 ------1,174. 00 York. Estimated military cost______. ______.______(487. 97) ______12/10 12/13 Sw itzerland ______€48. 45 380.00 202. 50 122.43------850.95 502.43 1, 548. 00 ------1, 548. 00 Hon . Herbert Harr is .. ______12/7 12/ll Germany ______573 300.00 162.78 88. 44 185.87 100.16 921.65 488.60 12/11 12 /13 Italy ______127, 500 150.00 39,667 47.26 20, 502.5 24. 38 187,669.5 221.64 12/13 12/17 England ______170.21 340.00 29.33 58.59 28. 83 57.59 228. 37 456.18 Estimated airfare ______(2, 123. 72) ______Hon. El izabeth Holtzman ____ ,___ 12,10 12/13 Sw itzerland ______,____ 648. 45 380.00 202.50 122.43 ------850. 95 502.43 1' 509. 00 ------1, 509. 00 Hon . Romano Mazzol i ______12i7 12/11 Germany ______373. 75 195. 68 162. 78 88. 44 185. 87 100. 16 722. 40 384. 28 12i11 12/13 Italy ______146, 455 172.30 39,667 47.26 20,502. 5 24. 38 206 , 624.5 243. 94 12/13 12/17 England ______170. 21 340.00 29. 33 58.59 28.83 57 . 59 228.37 456.18 Estimated airfare ______------______(2, 123. 72) ______Hon. Carlos Moorhead ______12(7 12/11 Germany______573 300.00 162.78 88. 44 185.87 100. 16 921.65 488. 60 12/ 1 12/13 Italy ______191,250 225.00 29,667 47.26 20, 502. 5 24. 38 251,419.5 296. 64 12/ 13 12/17 England ______170.21 340.00 29.33 58.59 28.83 57.59 228.37 455718 Estimated airfare______(2, 123. 72 ) ______Hon. Tom Railsback______12/7 12/ 11 Germany______573 300.00 162. 78 88. 44 185. 87 100. 16 921.65 488.60 12/ 11 12/13 Italy ______127, 500 150.00 244,467 288.20 20, 502. 5 24.38 392, 469.5 462.58 Estimated airfare ______!: ~ ~~ - ______!:~ ~~ -- ~~~~~~~======~ ____ - ~~~~~~- ____ -~~~~~~- (2 , 1~~: ~~) ____ --~~~~~ - ______~~ ~ ~~- ______~~ ~ ~~ - ____ - ~~~~~~ - ______~~~ ~ ~~ Hon.HaroldS.Sawyer______12/7 12/11 Germany______573 300.00 162.78 88. 44 185.87 100. 16 921.56 488.60 12/11 12/13 Italy______191,250 225.00 244 , 467 288 20 20,502.5 24.38 456, 219.5 527.58 12/ 13 12/ 17 England ______170. 21 340.00 29.33 58. 59 28.83 57.59 228.37 456.18 Estimated airfare ______(2, 123. 72) ______-- ______Garner J. Cl ine ______12/10 12{13 Sw itzerland ______648.45 380. 00 202.50 122. 43 ------.. ------850.95 502 . 43 1, 589.00 ------1, 589. 00 Garner J. Cline ______11 /9 11 /15 Sw itzerland ______1, 251.60 763.00 396. 50 241.92 ------1, 648.10 1, 004. 92 11!15 11 /26 Ital y______693, 450 825. 00 634, 700 745.83 ------1, 328, 150 1, 570. 83 1, 787-00 ------1, 787 . 00 Alexander B. Cook ______.. ___ , 12{10 12/13 Switzerland ______648. 45 380.00 262.50 122. 43 ------850.95 502. 43 751.00 ------751.00 Arthur P. Endres, Jr ______12/10 12/13 Sw itzerland ______648. 45 380. 00 202. 50 122. 43 ------850. 95 502.43 1 5 1 Gail Higg ins Fogarty ______12/7 12/11 Germany ______573 300. 00 162. 78 ' ~~:~~ ----- iss:s7 ______ioo:is ______92Us - ' ~~~:~~ 12/11 12/13 Italy ______191 , 250 225.00 39, 667 47 . 26 20, 502.5 24.38 251 , 419.5 296.64 12/13 12/17 England ______132.66 265. 00 29. 33 58. 59 28. 83 57 . 59 190. 82 381.18 Estimate airfare ______(2, 123. 72) ------Tom Mooney ______12/7 12/11 Germany______573 300.00 162. 78 88. 44 . 185. 87 100. 16 921. 65 488. 60 12/11 12/13 Italy ______191,250 225.00 244, 467 288. 20 20, 502. 5 24. 38 456, 219. 5 537. 58 4 29. 33 58. 59 28. 83 57. 59 228. 37 456. 18 Estimated airfare ______!:! ~~ ______!:!~ ~ __ ~~~~~~~ ~~===:::::::====- __ -- ~~~~~~ ___ 3 0. 00 2 Michael Rem ington______12/7 12/11 Germany______573 300.00 ( , m: ~~> --- -- '88: 44 ------i85:87 ------ioo:i6 -- --- '921:65 ------'488:66 1 39, 667 47 . 26 20, 502. 5 24. 38 251, 419. 5 296.64 Estimated airfare ______mn gm kt;~~aiiic ======no~~? ~~~:88 _ 29. 33 58. 59 28. 83 57. 59 228. 37 456. 18 (2, 123. 72) _------Will iam Shattuck______12/7 12/11 Germany ______573 300.00 162. 78 88. 44 185. 87 100. 16 921. 65 488. 60 12/11 12/13 Italy ______127,500 150.00 244, 467 288. 20 20, 502. 5 24. 38 392, 469. 5 462. 58 12/13 12/17 England ______170.21 340. 00 29. 33 58. 59 28. 83 57. 59 228. 37 456. 18 See footnotes at end of table. March 14, 1979 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 5125


Per diem 1 Transportation Other purposes Total U.S. dollar U.S. dollar U.S. dollar U.S. dollar Date equivalent equivalent equivalent equivalent Foreign or U.S. Foreign or U.S. Foreign or U.S. Foreign or U.S. Name of Member or employee Arrival Departure Country currency currency2 currency currency 2 currency currency~ currency currency~ Estimated airfare ______(2, 123. 72) ______------______RaymondV_Smietanka______12/7 12/11 Germany______573 300.00 162.78 88.44 185. 87 100. 16 921.65 488.60 12/ 11 12/13 Italy______191, 250 225. 00 3l!, 667 47 . 26 20, 502 . 5 24. 38 251, 419. 5 296. 64 12/13 12/ 17 England ______170.21 340.00 29.33 58. 59 28. 83 57 . 59 228.37 456.18 Estimated airfare______(2. 123. 72) ______Committee totaL ___ ------______------______14, 817. 98 ______19, 638. 17 ______2, 103. 43 ______36, 559.58

I Per diem constitutes lodging and meals. 2 If foreian currency is used, enter U.S. dollar equiv;;lent; if U.S. currency is used, enter amount expended. PETER W. RODINO, JR., Chairman. REPORT OF EXPENDITURES FOR OFFICIAL FOREIGN TRAVEL, COMMITTEE ON MERCHANT MARINE AND FISHERIES, U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, EXPENDED BETWEEN OCT. 1, AND DEC. 31, 1978

Per diem 1 Transportation Other purposes Total U.S. dollar U.S. dollar U.S. dollar U.S. dollar Date equivalent equ ivalent equ ivalent equ ivalent Foreign or U.S. Fore ign or U.S. Foreign or U.S. Foreign or U.S Name of Member or employee Arrival Departure Country currency currency 2 currency currency 2 currency currency 2 currency currency 2

Corrado, Ernest L ______11/14 11/19 United Kingdom ______225.28 450.00 ------1, 459.00 ------1,909.00 Everett, Ned p ______12/6 12(i Georgetown, Guyana _____ 763.56 300.00 ------300.00 ------12/10 12/ 1 Belem Para, Brazil______1, 500.00 75. 00 ------75. 00 ------12/ 11 12/16 Brasilia, BraziL ______9, 166.50 Japan ______450. 00 ------450.00 ------Howell, Martin 0 ______10/16 10/19 79, 920 432. 00 ------1, 365. 00 ------1, 797.00 12/10 12/15 Costa Rica ______3, 202. 50 375.00 ------509. 00 ------884. 00 Kyros, Peter ______11/ 14 11/19 United Kingdom ______225. 28 450. 00 ------1, 459. 00 ------1,909.00 Netherlands ______Marshall, CurL ______10/21 10/28 908.81 456. 00 Bus 17.00 8. 53 ------Air (State) 1, 459.00 ------1, 923.53 Morris, Patrick ______10/21 10/28 Netherlands ______908.81 456. 00 Bus 17. 00 8. 53 ------Air 1, 459. 00 ------1, 915. 00 11/ 14 11/1 9 England ______225.28 450. 00 ------1, 459.00 ------1, 909.00 Perian, Carl L ______Japan ______11/13 11/ 16 336. 00 ------' 2, 431. 00 ------2, 667.00 Watt, Donald ______12/10 12/ 11 Belem, Para, BraziL ____ 1, 500.00 75.00 ------75.00 ------12/11 12/ 16 Brasilia, BraziL ______9, 166.50 450.00 ------450.00 ------12/6 12/9 Georgetown, Guyana _____ 763.56 300.00 ------300.00 ------5, 055.00 ------11, 617.06 ------16,563.53

1 Per diem constitutes, lodging and meals. J Portion returned to State Department because traveler did not visit all places authorized/ z If foreign currency is used, enter U.S. dollar equivalent ; if U.S. currency is used, enter amount traveler paid for Florida to New York and New York to District of Columbia from his personal expended. funds . JOHN M. MURPHY, Jan. 31, 1979. Chairman, Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries.

EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS, second replenishment of the African De­ 964. A letter from the Assistant Legal Ad­ ETC. velopment Fund; to the Committee on Bank­ viser for Treaty Affairs, Department of State, ing, Finance and Urban Affairs. transmitting copies of international agree­ Under clause 2 of rule XXIV, execu­ 959 . A letter from the Chairman, National ments, other than treaties, entered into by tive communications were taken from Advisory Council on International Monetary the United States, pursuant to 1 U.S.C. 112b the Speaker's table and referred as and Financial Policies, transmitting the (a) ; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. follows: Council's special report on the proposed 965. A letter from the Director of ACTION, second replenishment of the Asian Develop­ transmitting a draft of proposed legislation 955. A letter from the Comptroller General to further amend the Peace Corps Act; to the of the United States, transmitting a report ment Fund; to the Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs. Committee on Foreign Affairs. that the impoundment of Navy research, 966. A letter from the Supervisory Copy­ development, test and evaluation funds for 960. A letter from the Chairman, National Advisory Council on International Monetary right Information Specialist, Copyright Of­ the AV-BB advanced Harrier aircraft pro­ fice, Library of Congress, transmitting a re­ gram constitutes a deferral of budget au­ and Financial Policies, transmitting the thor! ty which has not been reported to the Council's special report on the proposed in­ port on the Office's activities under the Free­ Congress by the President, pursuant to sec­ crease in the resources of the Inter-Amer­ dom of Information Act during calendar year tion 1015(a) of Public Law 93-344 (H. Doc. ican Development Bank; to the Committee 1978, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552 (d); to the No. 96-74) ; to the Committee on Appro­ on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs. Committee on Government Operations. priations and ordered to be printed. 961. A letter from the Assistant Secretary 967. A letter from the Secretary of Com­ merce, transmitting a draft of proposed leg­ 956. A letter from the General Counsel of of State for Congressional Relations and the Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Leg­ islation to authorize the Secretary of Com­ the Department of Defense, transmitting a merce to conduct policy assessments, collect draft of proposed legislation to amend islative Affairs, transmitting a report on the data and work to improve the balance of chapter 47 of title 10, United States Code, role o.f the multilateral development banks payments with respect to international to prescribe the power of the President to in increasing food production and improv­ ing nutrition in developing countries, tpur­ travel; to the Committee on Interstate and promulgate rules for the administration of Foreign Commerce. mllitary justice within the Armed Forces; suant to section 901 of Public Law 95-118; to 968. A letter from the Secretary of Health, to the Committee on Armed Services. the Committee on Banking, Finance and Education, .and Welfare, transmitting a draft 957. A letter from the Deputy Assistant Urban Affairs. of proposed legislation to extend expiring Secretary of Defense (Installations and 962. A letter from the Chairman, National appropriation authorizations for emergency Housing), transmitting notice of the loca­ Labor Relations Board, transmitting the 43d medical services systems and health infor­ tion, nature, and estimated cost of five con­ annual report of the Board, covering fiscal mation and promotion, and for other pur­ struction projects proposed to be under­ year 1978, pursuant to section 3(c) of the poses; to the Committee on Interstate and National Labor Relations Act, as amended; Foreign Commerce. taken by the Army Reserve, pursuant to 10 to the Committee on Education and Labor. U.S.C. 2233a(1); to the Committee on Armed 969. A letter from the Secretary of Health, 963. A letter from the Assistant Legal Ad­ Education, and Welfare, transmitting a draft Services. viser for Treaty Affairs, Department of State, of proposed legislation to amend and extend 958. A letter from the Chairman, National transmitting copies of international agree­ provisions of law concerned with nurse Advisory Council on International Monetary ments, other than treaties, entered into by training, and for other purposes; to the Com­ and Financial Policies, transmitting the the United States, pursuant to 1 U.S.C. 112b rni ttee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. Council's special report on the proposed (a); to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. 970. A letter from the Commissioner. Im- 5126 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE March 14, 1979 migration and Naturalization Service, De­ Affiairs; with amendment (Rept. No. 96-42) . vided under title XIX of the Social Security partment of Justice, transmitting copies of Referred to the House Calendar. Act; to the Committee on Interstate and orders entered in cases in which the au­ Mr. BRADEMAS. Committee on House Foreign Commerce. thority contained in section 212(d) (3) of Administration. House Resolution 140. Reso­ H .R. 2886. A blll to establish an Office of the Immigration and Nationality Act was lution to provide for the expenses of investi­ Rural Health within the Department of exercised in behalf of certain aliens, pursu­ gations, studies, oversight, and functions to Health, Education, and Welfare, and to ant to section 212 (d) (6) of the act; to the be conducted by the Committee on Govern­ assist in the development and demonstra­ Committee on the Judiciary. ment Operations; with amendment (Rept. tion of rural health care delivery models 971. A letter from the General Counsel No. 96-43). Referred to the House Calendar. and components; to the Committee on of the Department of Defense, transmitting Interstate and Foreign Commerce. a draft of proposed legislation to amend H .R. 2887. A b111 to amend title XIV of the section 5519 of title 5, United States Code, PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS Public Health Service Act to provide Federal relating to crediting amounts received for grants for small public water systems to certain reserve or National Guard service; Under clause 5 of rule X and clause 4 meet national primary drinking water reg­ to the Committee on Post Office and Civil of rule XXII, public bills and resolutions ulations; to the Committee on Int.erstate Service. were introduced and severally referred and Foreign Commerce. 972. A letter from the Comptroller Gen­ as follows: H .R . 2888. A bill to amend the Fair Pack­ eral of the United States, transmitting a By Mr. BETHUNE: aging and Labeling Act to require the dis­ report on the Department of Energy's analy­ H .R. 2875. A blll to exempt loans and mort­ closure by retail distributors of retail unit sis of the energy effects of certain tax meas­ gages insured under title I or II of the Na­ prices of consumer commodities, and for ures (EMD-79-26, March 13, 1979) ; jointly, tional Housing Act from usury provisions other purposes; to the Committee on Inter­ to the Committees on Government Opera­ of State constitution or statutes; to the state and Foreign Commerce. tions and Ways and Means. Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban H .R. 2889. A bill to amend the Public Affairs. Health Service Act to provide for the screen­ By Mrs. BOUQUARD: ing and counseling of Americans with re­ REPORTS OF COMMITTEES ON PUB­ H .R. 2876. A blll to provide that certain spect to Tay-Sachs disease; to the Commit­ LIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS cost-of-living and other increased benefits tee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. received under title II of the Social Security H .R. 2890. A blll to authorize interest sub­ Under clause 2 of rule XII, reports of Act will not be considered as income for pur­ sidy payments to assist nursing homes in committees were delivered to the Clerk poses of determining eligib111ty and the repair and renovation in order to comply for printing and reference to the proper amount of benefits of participants in the with Federal standards; to the Committee calendar, as follows: food stamp program and for purposes of de­ on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. H.R. 2891. A bill to improve the safety of Mr. MURPHY of Illinois: Committee on termining eligibility and the amount of ben­ efits of participants in certain programs con­ products manufactured and sold in inter­ Rules. House Resolution 156. Resolution pro­ state commerce, to reduce the number of viding for the consideration of H .R. 2283. cerning surplus agricultural commodities; to the Committee on Agriculture. deaths and injuries caused by such products, A bill to amend the Council on Wage and and for other purposes; to the Committee Price Stability Act to extend the authority H .R . 2877. A bill to amend section 1488 of title 10, United States Code, to provide sur­ on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. granted by such act to September 30, 1981 , H.R. 2892. A blll to amend title XIX of the and for other purposes (Rept. 96-34). Re­ vivor benefits in case of death of certain members or former members of the Armed Social Security Act to make certain that in­ ferred to the House Calendar. dividuals otherwise eligible for medicaid ben­ Mr. BOLLING: Committee on Rules. House Forces who die before becoming entitled to retired pay for non-Regular service, and for efits do not lose such eligib111ty, or have the Resolution 157. Resolution providing for the amount of such benefits reduced, because of consideration of H.R. 2534. A bill to provide other purposes; to the Committee on Armed Services. increases in monthly social security benefits; for a temporary increase in the public debt to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign limit, and for other purposes (Rept. No. 96- H .R. 2878. A b111 to amend title 10, United States Code, to grant survivors of Reserves Commerce. 35). Referred to the House Calendar. H.R. 2893. A bill to amend title 19 of the Mr. BRADEMAS. Committee on House who retire for non-Regular service and die Administration. House Resolution 86. Reso­ before becoming entitled to retired pay eligi­ Social Security Act to require States to es­ lution to provide for the expenses of investi­ bility for certain survivor benefits; to the tablish ombudsman programs to investigate gations and studies to be conducted by the Committee on Armed Services. nursing home complaints and represent con­ Committee on the Judiciary; with amend­ H.R. 2879. A bill to repeal sections 102 and sumer interests; to the Committee on Inter­ ment (Rept. No. 96- 36). Referred to the 202 of the Flood Disaster Protection Act of state and Foreign Commerce. House Calendar. 1973 which make flood insurance coverage H.R. 2894. A b111 to provide 100 percent Mr. BRADEMAS. Committee on House and community participation in the national Federal funding of financial audits of fac111- Administration. House Resolution 123. Reso­ flood insurance program prerequisites for ties participating in medicare and medicaid lution to provide for the expenses of investi­ approval of any financial assistance in a flood conducted by State personnel; to the Com­ gations and studies to be conducted by the hazard area, and for other purposes; to the mittee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. Committee on Post Office and Civil Service; Commitee on Banking, Finance and Urban H.R. 2895. A b111 to amend title VI o! the with amendment (Rept. 96--37). Referred to Affairs. Public Health Service Act to provide for the the House Calendar. H .R. 2880. A b111 to provide that housing making of direct loans for the construction Mr. BRADEMAS. Committee on House benefit s available to a veteran, under title and rehab111tation of nursing homes owned Administration. House Resolution 128. Reso­ 38 of the United States Code, shall not be and operated by churches and other nonprofit lution to provide for the expenses of investi­ considered in determining, under title 5 of organizations; to the Committee on Inter­ gations and studies to be conducted by the the Housing Act of 1949, whether such vet­ state and Foreign Commerce. Committee on Aging; with amendment eran is able to obtain credit for housing from H.R. 2896. A blll to provide that any claim (Rept. No. 96-38). Referred to the House sources other than the Farmers Home Ad­ arising out or the loss, miscarriage, or negli­ Calendar. ministration; to the Committee on Banking, gent transmission of letters or postal matter Mr. BRADEMAS. Committee on House Finance and Urban Affairs. be subject to the provisions of the Federal Administration. House Resolution 132. Reso­ H .R. 2881. A bill to amend the National La­ Tort Claims Act; to the Committee on the lution providing funds for investigations and bor Relations Act to make it an unfair labor Judiciary. studies for the Committee on Merchant Ma­ practice to discharge an employee because H.R. 2897. A blll to amend title I of the rine and Fisheries; with amendment (Rept. he testifies before any committee of the Con­ Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act No. 96- 39). Referred to the House Calendar. gess. and for other purposes; to the Commit­ of 1968 to authorize programs for the provi­ Mr. BRADEMAS. Committee on House tee on Education and Labor. sion of escort services to the elderly in higb Administration. House Resolution 134. Reso­ H.R. 2882. A bill to permit teachers to crime areas, and for other purposes; to the lution to provide for the expenses of investi­ change employment across State lines with­ Committee on the Judiciary. gations and studies to be conducted by the out substantial loss of retirement benefits; H.R. 2898. A bill to provide for additional Committee on Science and Technology; with to the Committee on Education and Labor. sentences for commission of .a felony with amendment (Rept. 96-40). Referred to the H .R . 2883. A bill to establish a Department use of a firearm; to the Committee on the House Calendar. of Education, and for other purposes; to the Judiciary. Mr. BRADEMAS. Committee on House Committee on Government Operations. H.R. 2899. A bill to amend the Omnibus Administration. House Resolution 137. Reso­ H.R. 2884. A bill to provide for the use of Crime Control and Safe Streets Aot of 1968 to lution to provide funds for the expenses of telecommunication devices by the Senate require as a. condition of assistance under investigations to be conducted by the Com­ and the House of Representatives to enable such act that law enforcement agencies have mittee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce; deaf persons and persons with speech impair­ in effect a binding law enforcement officers' with amendment (Rept. No. 96-41) . Referred ments to engage in toll-free telephone com­ bill of rights; to the Committee on the Ju­ to the House Calendar. munications with Members of the Congress; diciary. Mr. BRADEMAS. Committee on House to the Committee on House Administration. H.R. 2900. A lblll to amend the Omnibus Administration. House Resolution 139. Reso­ H .R . 2885. A bill to permit individuals and Crime Control a.nd Safe 'Streets Act of 1968 lution to provide funds for the expenses of their relatives to supplement medicaid pay­ to provide tihat rescue squad members are studies and investigations to be conducted ments for skilled nursing fac111ty services entitled to death benefits made available to by the Committee on Interior and Insular and int ermediate care facility services pro- such act; to the Committee on the Judiciary. March 14, 1979 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 5127 H.R. 2901. A lbill to amend title 39, United Revenue Code of 1954 to allow individuals exempt from income tax, that a deduction States Code, to require that the notice in­ to compute the amount of the deduction for shall be allowed for contributions to such cluded in a mailed solicitation stating that payments into retirement savings on the trusts, and for other purposes; to the Com­ such solicitation is not a bill or an account basis of the compensation of their spouses, mittee on Ways and Means. due shall be displayed at or near the begin­ and for other purposes; to the Committee on H.R. 2927. A bill to amend the Internal ning of such soUcitation; to the Committee Ways and Means. Revenue Code of 1954 to suspend the imposi­ on Post Office and Civil Service. H.R. 2915. A bill to amend the Internal tion of interest, and to prohibit the impo­ H .R. 2902. A bill to provide tlhat any in­ Revenue Code of 1954 to exempt nonprofit sition of a penalty for failure to pay tax on crease in the rate of pay for Members of volunteer firefl.ghting or rescue organizations underpayments of tax resulting from errone­ Congress proposed during any Congress Shall from the Federal excise taxes on gasoline, ous advice given in writing by the Internal not take effect earlier than the beginning of diesel fuel, and certain other articles and Revenue Service; to the Committee on Ways the next Congress; to the Committee on services; to the Committee on Ways and and Means. Post Office and Civil Service. Means. H.R. 2928. A bill to amend the Internal H .R . 2903. A bill to amend section 15d of H.R. 2916. A bill to extend to all unmarried Revenue Code of 1954 to eliminate the ad­ the Tennessee Valley Authority Aot of 1933 individuals the full tax benefits of income justed gross income limitation on the credit to provide that expenditures for pollution splitting now enjoyed by married individuals for the elderly; to the Committee on Ways control facilities will be credited against re­ filing joint returns; and to remove rate in­ and Means. quired power investment return payments equities for married persons where both are H.R . 2929. A bill to provide for the modi­ and repayments; to the Commibtee on Public employed; to the Committee on Ways and fication of the medicare reimbursement for­ Works and Transportation. Means. mula to allow small hospitals in rural areas H.R. 2904. A bill to authorize financial as­ H.R. 2917. A bill to repeal the carryover with low occupancy to provide long-term care sistance to States for major highway repairs; basis provisions added by the Tax Reform Act but only in those areas where there are no to the Committee on Public Works and of 1976; to the Committee on Ways and appropriate nursing home beds available; to Transportation. Means. the Committee on Ways and Means. H.R. 2905. A bill to amend certain pro­ H .R. 2918. A bill to amend the Social Secu­ H.R. 2930. A bill to amend title II of the visions of the Tennessee Valley Authority rity Act and the Internal Revenue Code of Social Security Act to require that procedures Act of 1933, as amended, relating to the 1954 to provide that disability insurance ben­ be established for the expedited replacement charge rates for power of the Tennessee Val­ efits shall be financed from general revenues of undelivered benefit checks, to require that ley Authority; to .the Committee on Public rather than through the impost tion of em­ decisions on benefit claims be made within Works and Transportation. ployment and self-employment taxes as at specified periods, and to require that pay­ H.R. 2906. A bill to amend the Congres­ present, to adjust the rates of such taxes for ment of benefits on approved claims begin sional Budget Act of 1974 to require full old-age and survivors insurance and hospital promptly; to the Committee on Ways and congressional review of each Federal program insurance purposes, to provide for reductions Means. once every 2 years under zero-base budgeting in the amount of such disability benefits to H.R. 2931. A bill to amend the Internal procedures; to the Committee on Rules. take account of the recipient's need as deter­ Revenue Code of 1954 to permit an exemp­ H.R. 2907. A bill to improve congressional mined on the basis of his family income, to tion of the first $5,000 of retirement income oversight of Federal Programs and activities improve disability determination procedures, received by a taxpayer under a public retire­ by requiring greater specificity in setting pro­ and for other purposes; to the Committee on ment system or any other system if the tax­ gram objectives, by requiring continuing in­ Ways and Means. payer is at least 65 years of age; to the Com­ formation on the extent to which programs H.R. 2919. A bill to amend the Internal mittee on Ways and Means. are achieving their stated objectives, by re­ Revenue Code of 1954 to provide tax relief to H.R. 2932. A bill to provide bonuses for quiring periodic review of new authorizations small businesses; to the Committee on Ways honorable Vietnam service through tax cred­ of budget authority and tax expenditures, and Means. its; t o the Committee on Ways and Means. and for other purposes; to the Committee H.R. 2920. A bill to amend title XVI of the H.R. 2933. A bill to assure that an indi­ on Rules. Social Security Act to provide that an indi­ vidual or family whose income is increased H.R . 2908. A bill to amend the Small Busi­ vidual who applies for supplemental securit y by reason of a general increase in monthly ness Act to provide regulatory flexibility for income benefits on the basis of disability social security benefits will not, because of small business in certain instances so the shall be considered presumptively disabled if such general increase, suffer a loss of or re­ he has received social security supplemental duction in the benefits the individual or effect of regulation matches the size of busi­ security income benefits as a disabled indi­ family has been receiving under certain Fed­ ness regulated; to the Committee on Small vidual within the preceding 5 years; to the eral or federally assisted programs; to the Business. Committee on Ways and Means. Committee on Ways and Means. H.R. 2909. A bill to authorize the Small H.R. 2921. A bill to amend the Tariff Sched­ H.R. 2934. A bill to amend title XVI of Business Administration to make grants to ules of the United States to repeal, in the the Social Security Act to provide that an support the development and operation of case of certain wearing apparel and nonrub­ alien may not be paid supplemental security small business development centers in order ber footwear, the special tariff treatment ac­ income benefits unless he not only is a per­ to provide small business with management corded to articles assembled abroad with com­ manent resident of the United States but development, technical information, product ponents produced in the United States; to has also continuously resided in the United planning and development, and domestic the Committee on Ways and Means. States for at least 1 year; to the Committee and international market development, and H.R. 2922. A bill to amend title II of the on Ways and Means. for other purposes; to the Committee on Social Security Act and the Internal Rev­ H.R. 2935. A bill to amend the Internal Small Business. enue Code of 1954 to provide that any indi­ Revenue Code of 1954 to provide that trusts H.R. 2910. A bill to amend the Small vidual may elect (on an annual basis) to established for the payment of product lia­ Business Act to provide that the Small contribute to a private retirement plan b111ty claims and related expenses shall be Business Administration shall, in assisting rather than participating in the social secu­ exempt from income tax, and that a deduc­ small business concerns in the sale of mate­ rity program; to the Committee on Ways and tion shall be allowed for contributions to rials and services to the Federal Government, M~ans. such trusts; to the Committee on Ways and give special preferences to small business H.R. 2923. A bill to amend the Internal Means. concerns with 100 or fewer employees; to the Revenue Code of 1954 to allow a decuction H.R . 2936. A bill to amend the Internal Committee on Small Business. for expenses incurred by a taxpayer in mak­ Revenue Code of 1954 to provide cost-of­ H.R. 2911. A bill to deny entitlement to ing repairs and improvements to his resi­ living adjustments to the adjusted gross in­ veterans' benefits to certain persons who dence, and to allow the owner of rental hous­ come limitation on the exclusion for certain would otherwise become so entitled solely ing to amortize at an accelerated rate the disability payments; to the Committee on by virtue of the administrative upgrading cost of rehab111tating or restoring such hous­ Ways and Means. under temporarily revised standards of less ing; to the Committee on Ways rand Means. than honorable discharges from service dur­ H.R. 2937. A bill to require admissions con­ ing the Vietnam era, and for other purposes; H.R. 2924. A bill to amend title II of the tracts between nursing homes participating to the Committee on Veterans' Affairs. Social Security Act to provide that an indi­ in Federal programs and the patients they H.R. 2912. A bill to amend title II of the vidual may qualify for disability insurance serve; jointly, to the Committees on Ways Social Security Act to create portability in benefits, and the disabil1ty freeze if he has and Means and Interstate and Foreign Com­ social security by permitting married couples 40 qua-rters of coverage, regardless of when merce. to elect tq combine their earnings in any year such quarters were earned; to the Commit­ H.R. 2938. A bill to amend title XVIII of for benefit purposes, and to make other tee on Ways and Means. the Social Security Act to require the con­ changes designed to foster the more equita­ H.R. 2925. A bill to amend the Internal tinued application of the nursing salary cost ble treatment of individuals and famllles Revenue Code of 1954 to provide to individ­ differential which is presently allowed in under the social security program; to the uals who have attained the age of 62 a re­ determining the reasonable cost of inpatient Committee on Ways and Means. fundable credit against income tax for in­ nursing care for purposes of reimbursement H.R. 2913. A bill to amend the Internal creases in real property taxes and utility to providers under the medicare program; Revenue Code of 1954 to provide tax relief bills; to the Committee on Ways and Means. jointly, to the Committees on Ways and to small businesses by establishing a grad­ H.R. 2926. A bill to amend the Internal Means and Interstate and Foreign Commerce. uated income tax rate for corporations; to Revenue Code of 1954 to provide that trusts H.R. 2939. A b111 to require the immediate the Committee on Ways and Means. established for the payment of product li­ reporting of epid-emic diseases or accidents H.R. 2914. A bill to amend the Internal ability claims and related expenses shall be tn -nursing homes participating in Federal 5128 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE March 14, 1979 programs; jointly, to the Committees on the Committees on Government Operations H.R. 2961. A bill to direct the Secretary ways and Means, and Interstate and Foreign and House Administration. of Health, Education. and Welfare to more ef­ Commerce. H.R 2952. A bill to amend the Social Se­ fectively obtain records of deaths for the H.R. 2940. A bill to require physician visits curity' Act to provide for inclusion of the purpose of preventing fraud and waste in to patients in skilled nursing facilities at services of licensed (registered) nurses under payments under the Social Security Act; least onc·e every 30 days; jointly, to the Com­ medicare and me::Ucaid; jointly, to the Com­ jointly, to the Committees on Ways and mittees on Ways and Means, and Interstate mittees on Ways and Means and Interstate Means and Interstate and Foreign Commerce. and Foreign Commerce. and Foreign Commerce. H.R . 2962. A bill to encourage investment H .R. 2941. A bill to amend titles II and H .R. 2953. A bill to amend the Social Se­ in small business concerns, and for other XVIII of the Social Security Act to include curity Act to provide for a system of inspec­ purposes; jointly, to the Committees on qualified drugs, requiring a physician's pre­ tions of State inspection and enforcement Education and Labor, Interstate and Foreign scription or certification, and approved by mechanisms. with regard to facilities receiv­ Commerce, Small Business, and Ways and a Formulary Committee, among th-e items ing payments under titles XVIII and XIX; Means. on ways and Means, and Interstate and jointly, to the Committees on Ways and H.R. 2963. A bill to establish a compre­ and services covered under the hospital in­ Means and Interstate and Foreign Com­ hensive program of long-term care services surance program; jointly, to the Committees merce. for aged individuals, and to provide for the Foreign Commerce. H.R. 2954. A bill to amend title XVIII of the creation of community long-term care cen­ H .R. 2942. A bill to amend titles II and Social Security Act to establish a program of ters and State long-term care agencies as XVIII of th'e Social Security Act to include lcng-term care services within the medicare part of a new administrative structure for eligible drugs, requiring a physician's pre­ program, to provide for the creation of com­ the organization and delivery of such serv­ scription or certification and approved by a munity long-term care centers and State ices; jointly, to the Committees on Agri­ Formulary Committee, among the items and long-term care agencies as part of a new ad­ culture, Education and Labor, Interstate and services covered under the hospital insurance ministrative structure for the organization Foreign Commerce, the Judiciary, and program; jointly, to the Committees on and delivery of long-t erm care l:ervices, to Ways and Means. Ways and Means, and Int erstate and Foreign provide a significant role for persons eligible H .R . 2964. A bill to establish a Federal Commerce. for long-term care benefits in the adminis­ Insurance Commission to regulate the in­ H.R. 2943. A bill to provide increased bene­ tration of the program, and for other pur­ surance industry, to establish Federal prod­ fits under part B of the medicare program poses; jointly, to the Committees on Ways uct liability tort law standards, and to with respect to the treatment of ment al, and Means and Interstate and Foreign Com­ amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 to psychoneurotic, and personality disorders of merce. provide that trusts established for the pay­ outpatients; jointly, t o th·e Committees on H.R. 2955. A bill to amend part B of title ment of product liability claims and re­ Ways and Means, and Interstate and Foreign XVIII cf the Social Security Act to broaden lated expenses shall be exempt from income Commerce. the coverage of home health services under tax, that a deduction shall be allowed for H .R. 2944. A bill to amend title XVIII of the supplementary medical insurance pro­ contributions to such trusts, and for t he Social Security Act for the purpose of gram, and. remove the 100-visit limitation other purposes; jointly, to the Committees including community mental health centers prel:ently applicable thereto, t o amend part on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs, In­ among the entities which may be qualified A of such title to liberalize the coverage of terstate and Foreign Commerce, and Ways provid·ers of service for medicare purposes; post-hospital home health services there­ and Means. .Jointly, to the Committees on Ways and under, to amend title XIX of such act to re­ By Mr. BROOMFIELD: Means, and Interstate and Foreign Com­ quire the inclusion of home health services H .R . 2965. A bill to amend title 5 of the merce. in a State's medicaid program, and to permit United States Code to establish a uniform H .R. 2945. A bill to provide for congres­ payments of housing costs under such a pro­ procedure for congressional review of agency sional review of all regulations relating to gram for elderly persons. who would other­ rules which may be contrary to law or in­ costs and expenditures for health care, wise require nursing home care, to require consistent with congressional intent, to ex­ r eimbursements to individuals or providers contributions by adult children toward their pand opport unities for public participation of health care, and for other purposes; parents' nursing and home health care ex­ in agency rulemaking, and for other pur­ jointly, to the Committees on Interstate penses under the medicaid program to pro­ poses; jointly, to the Committees on the and Foreign Commerce, Ways and Means, vide expanded Federal funding for' congre­ Judiciary and Rules. and Rules. gate housing for the displaced and the el­ H.R . 2966. A bill to require authorizations H.R. 2946. A bill to amend the Social derly, and for other purposes; jointly, t o the of new budget authority for Government Security Act to prm ide for inclusion of the Ccmmittees on Ways and Means and Inter­ programs at least every 5 years, to provide services of licensed practical nurses under state and Foreign Commerce. for review of Government programs every 5 medicare and medicaid: jointly, to the Com­ H .R. 2956. A bill t o amend title XVIII of the years, and for other purposes; jointly, to the mittes on Ways and Means and Interstate Committees on Rules and Government and Foreign Commerce. Social Security Act to provide for the cover­ age of certain psychologists' services under Operations. H.R. 2947 .. A b1ll to amend part B of title the supplementary medical insurance bene­ By Mr. CHAPPELL: XI of the Social Security Act to exempt fits program established by part B of such H.R. 2967. A bill to amend the Immigration small hospitals and other small inpatient title; to the Committee on Ways and Means and Nationality Act to provide for the de­ facilities, in rural and other areas, from and Interstate and Foreign Commerce. portation of certain nonimmigrant aliens the requirement of review by a Professional H .R. 2957. A bill t o reduce the amount of who knowingly participated in unlawful or Standards Review Organization; and from violent acts in connection with a political the related requirements and provisions of paperwork required by Federal agencies, and to increase congressional awareness of the demonstration; to the Committee on the that part; jointly, to the Committees on Judiciary. Ways and Means and Interstate and Foreign increase in paperwork required by bills and Commerce. joint resolutions under consideration cy Con­ By Mr. DASCin.E: gress; jointly, to the Committees on Govern­ H.R. 2968. A bill entitled, "Agricultural H .R . 2948. A bill to provide mandatory ment Operations and Rules. Subterminal Facilities Act of 1979"; jointly, minimum prison sentences for persons il­ H.R. 2958. A bill to amend title XVIII of to the Committees on Agriculture and Ways legally manufacturing, distributing, or dis­ and Means. pensing certain narcotic drugs, and for the Social Security Act to include hearing other purposes; jointly, to the Committees aids and dent ures among the items and serv­ By Mr. DELLUMS (for himself, Mr. on Interstate and Foreign Commerce and ices for which payment may be made under CONYERS, Mr. FORD of Tennessee, Mr. the Judiciary. the supplementary medical insurance pro­ GARCIA, Mr. NOLAN, Mr. MITCHELL of , Mr. STOKES, Mr. STARK, H.R. 2949. A bill to amend the Social Se­ gram; jointly, to the Committees on Inter­ curity Act to provide for placing respon­ state and Foreign Commerce 3.nd V.fays and and Mr. RICHMOND ) : H.R. 2969. A bill to establish a U .S. Health sibility for medical care provided by skilled Means. nursing facilities under titles XVIII and H.R. 2959. A bill to amend title XVIII of Service to provide high quality health care XIX in a medical director; jointly, to the the Social Security Act to authorize the pro­ and to overcome the deficiencies in the pres­ Committees on Ways and Means, and In­ vision of intermediate care services under ent system of health care delivery; jointly, to terstate and Foreign Commerce. medicare, and for other purposes; jointly, to the Committees on Armed Services, Banking, H.R. 2950. A bill amending title 15 of the the Committees on Ways and Means and In­ Finance and Urban Affairs, the District of United States Code to improve agency rule­ terstate and Foreign Commerce. Columbia, Education and Labor, Interstate making by expanding the opportunities !or H .R . 2960. A bill to amend title X o! the and Foreign Commerce, the Judiciary, Post public participation, by creating procedures Social Security Act to provide coverage for Office and Civil Service, Veterans' Affairs, for congressional review of agency rules, services which may be performed b y a dentist and Ways and Means. and by expanding judicial review, and for on the same basis as presently allowed for By Mr. ECKHARDT: other purposes; jointly, to the Committees physicians under the medicare program, and H.R. 2970. A bill to declare the Port of on the Judiciary and Rules. to authorize payment under such program Houston Authority bridge over Greens Bayou, H.R. 2951. A bill to provide for the instal­ for all inpatient hospital services furnished Tex., to be for all purposes a lawful bridge as lation of telecommunications devices for in connection with dental procedures re­ defined in an act to provide for the alteration the deaf in agencies of Federal, State, and quiring hospitalization; jointly, to the Com­ of certain bridges over navigable waters of local government, in offices of Members of mittees on Ways and Means and Interstate the United States, for the apportionment of Congress, and in other locations; jointly, to and Foreign Commerce. the cost of such alterations between the March 14, 1979 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 5129 United States, and the owners of such on Redbank and Fancher Creeks, Calif.; to By Mr. WYDLER: bridges, and !or other purposes, approved the Committee on Public Works and Trans­ H.R. 2990. A bill to provide policies, meth­ June 21, 1940 (33 U.S.S. 511 et seq.); to the pol'ltation. ods, and criteria for the acquisition of prop­ committee on Public Works and Transporta­ By Mr. PREYER: erty and services by executive agencies; to tion. H.R. 2979. A bill to protect the privacy of the Committee on Government Operations. H.R. 2971. A blll to provide !or assistance medical records maintained by medical care By Mrs. BOUQUARD: to certain owners of property damaged by facillties, to amend section 552a of title 5, H .J. Res. 257. Joint resolution to amend floodwaters at the Galveston Bay project at United States Code, and for other purposes; the Constitution of the United States to Baytown, Tex.; to the Committee on Public jointly, to the Committees on Government provide for balanced budgets, and elimina­ Works and Transportation. Operations, Interstate and Foreign Com­ tion of the Federal indebtedness; to the By Mr. EDWARDS of California (for merce, and Ways and Means. Committee on the Judiciary. himself, Mr. SEmERLING, Mr. DRINAN, By Mr. STARK (for himself, Mr. H.J. Res. 258. Joint resolution proposing Mr. VoLKMER, Mr. BEILENSON, Mr. EDGAR, and Mr. SIMON): an amendment to the Constitution of the BUTLER, Mr. MCCLORY, and Mr. CoR­ H.R. 2980. A bill to amend title XVI of United States to provide that appropriations RADA) : the Social Security Act to provide that an made by the United States shall not exceed H.R. 2972. A bill to amend title 28 of the individual who applies for supplemental its revenues except in time of war or na­ United States Code to provide that certain security income benefits on the basis of tional emergency; and to provide for the sys­ judicial pleadings and proceedings in the disability shall be considered presumptively tematic paying of the national debt; to the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico may be con­ disabled if he has received social security or Committee on the Judiciary. ducted in the Spanish language, and for supplemental security income benefits as a H.J. Res. 259. Joint resolution proposing other purposes; to the Committee on the disabled individual within the preceding 5 an amendment to the Constitution of the Judiciary. years; to the Committee on Ways and Means. United States for the purpose of limiting By Mr. FORD of Michigan: By Mr. STARK (for himself and Mr. the power of Congress to tax; to the Com­ H.R. 2973. A bill to amend title 39, United FOWLER): mittee on the Judiciary. States Code, to establish a reduced rate of H.R. 2981. A bill to amend title XX of the By Mr. MURPHY of New York: postage for certain mail matter of private in­ Social Security Act to incerase the entitle­ H. Con. Res. 74. Concurrent resolution ex­ dividuals; to the Committee on Post Office ment ceiling while preserving permanently pressing the sense of the Congress regarding and Civil Service. the special allocation for child day care the free emigration and expression of ideas By Mr. GREEN: services (with full Federal matching) which by citizens of the Soviet Union; to the Com­ H.R. 2974. A bill to amend sections 375 and is presently in effect; to the Committee on mittee on Foreign Affairs. 376 of title 28 of the United States Code, Ways and Means. By Mrs. BOUQUARD: relating to judicial annuities, to provide By Mr. WAMPLER (for himself, Mr. H. Res. 158. Resolution to reaffirm the use that annuities under such sections shall not HAGEDORN, Mr. IRELAND, and Mr. of om· national motto on currency; to the terminate by reason of remarriage of an an­ MARTIN): Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban nuitant after attaining 60 years of age; H.R. 2982. A bill to direct the Administra­ jointly, to the Committees on the Judiciary Affairs. tor of the Environmental Protection Agency H. Res. 159. Resolution expressing the sense and Post Office and Civil Service. to request the National Academy of Science By Mr. LAGOMARSINO (for himself, of the House of Representatives that the Mr. GOLDWATER, Mr. CLAUSEN, Mr. to conduct a study concerning standardizing effe:::t on our society of the level of violence SEBELIUS, Mr. BURGENER, Mr. BoB certain tests for determining potential car­ depicted on television requires more consid­ WILSON, and Mr. BADHAM): cinogenicity, and for other purposes; jointly, eration and study; to the Committee on H.R. 2975. A bill to establish the Chan­ to the Committees on Agriculture and Inter­ Interstate and Foreign Commerce. nel Islands Marine National Park in the state and Foreign Commerce. H. Res. 160. Resolution to declare a "state State of California and for other purposes; By Mr. WHITTEN: of war" against the dreaded disease, amyo­ to the Committee on Interior and Insular H.R. 2983. A bill to protect the national trophic lateral sclerosis; to the Committee Affairs. security; protect the economic well-being of on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. the Americ.in people including the Nation's By Mr. LEHMAN: H. Res. 161. Resolution to amend the Rules present supplies and undeveloped sources of of the House of Representatives to estab­ H.R. 2976. A bill to establish a private right energy, fuel, food, and fiber from damage due of action for certain residential owners to lish the Committee on Internal Security, to arbitrary and unsound regulation, order, and for other purposes; t o the Committee correct and prevent abusive use of long­ or decision issued by any executive depart­ term leasing of recreation and other project­ ment, agency, or commission, and for other on Rules. related facilities; to the Committee on Bank­ purposes; to the Committee on the Judiciary. H. Res. 162. Resolution to amend the Rules ing, Finance and Urban Affairs. H.R. 2984. A bill to abolish the U.S. Postal of the House of Representatives to require By Mr. MILLER of California (for him­ Service, to repeal the Postal Reorganization that reports accompanying certain bills and self, Mrs. BOGGS, Ms. MIKULSKI, Mr. Act, to reenact the former provisions of title joint resolutions reported by committees ADDABBO, Mr. BARNES, Mr. BRADEMAS, 39, United St::~.tes Code, and for other pur­ contain computations of the potential tax Mr. BONIOR of Michigan, Mr. CLAY, poses; to the Committee on Post Office and impact of such bills and resolutions on the Mr. CONYERS, Mr. EDGAR. Mr. ED­ Civil Service. individual taxpayer; to the Committee on WARDS of California, Mr. EVANS of H.R. 2985. A bill to amend the Internal Rules. Georgia, Mr. FLOOD, Mr. FORD of Revenue Code of 1954 with respect to the de­ Tennessee, Mr. FORSYTHE, Mr. FREN­ termination of whether certain charitable ZEL, Mr. GONZALEZ, Mr. GREEN, Mr. organizations are publicly supported; to the MEMORIALS HAWKINS, Mrs. HECKLER, Ms. HOLTZ­ Committee on Ways and Means. Under clause 4 of the rule XXII, me­ MAN, Mr. HYDE, Mr. LAFALCE, Mr. H.R. 2986. A bill to amend the Internal morials were presented and referred as LEDERER, Mr. LEHMAN, Mr. LONG of Revenue Code of 1954 to allow a deduction Maryland. Mr. MATHIS, Mr. McCLORY, for expenses incurred by a taxpayer in mak­ follows: Mr. McHUGH, Mr. MIKVA, Mr. MITCH­ ing repairs and improvements to his resi­ 69 . By the SPEAKER: A memorial of the ELL of Maryland, Mr. MOORHEAD dence, and to allow the owner of rental hous­ Legislature of the State of Idaho, relative of Pennsylvania, Mr. MURPHY of ing to amortize at an accelerated rate the to preservation of Amtrak's "Pioneer Route" Pennsylvania, Ms. OAKAR, Mr. OT­ cost of rehabilitating or restoring such hous­ from Seattle, Wash., to Salt Lake City, Utah; TINGER, Mr. PATTEN, Mr. PEPPER, Mr. ing; to the Committee on Ways and Means. to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign PRITCHARD, Mrs. SCHROEDER, M:r. H .R. 2987. A bill to protect funds invested Commerce. SIMON, Mrs. SPELLMAN, Mr. THOMP­ in series E U.S. savings bonds from infiltion, 70. Also, memorial of the Legislature of the SON, Mr. TRAXLER, Mr. VENTO, Mr. and to encourage persons to provide for their State of Nevada, relative to the use of Ruby WALGREN, Mr. WEISS, Mr. WINN, Ms. own security; to the Committee on Ways and Lake in White Pine county, Nev., as a refuge FERRARO, Mrs. CHISHOLM, Mr. Means. for migratory waterfowl; to the Committee MARKS, Mr. LENT, Mr. DowNEY, Mr. H.R. 2988. A bill to amend the Internal on Merchant Marine and Fisheries. SCHEUER, Mr. DIGGS, Mr. RICHMOND, Revenue Code to remove the limitations on 71. Also, memorial of the Legislature of the Mr. LUNDINE, Mr. BONKER, Mr. LEACH the amount of medical and dental expenses State of North Dakota, relative t o the earned of Louisiana, and Mr. BRODHEAD) : which may be deducted, to permit taxpayers income exemption in the aid to families H.R. 2977. A bill to provide for Federal sup­ to deduct such expenses, to arrive at their with dependent children program; jointly, to port and stimulation of State, local, and adjusted gross income, and for other pur­ the Committees on Agriculture, and Ways community activities to prevent domestic poses; to the Committee on Ways and Means. and Means. violence, and assist victims of domestic vio­ H .R. 2989. A bill to provide for determi­ lence, for coordination of Federal programs nation through judicial proceedings of claims and activities pertaining to domestic vio­ for compensation on account of disability or PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS lence, and for other purposes; to the Com­ death resulting from disease or injury in­ Under clause 1 of rule XXII, mittee on Education and Labor. curred or aggravated in line of duty while By Mr. PASHAYAN (for himself and serving in the active military or naval serv­ By Mr. JOHN L. BURTON: Mr. COELHO) : ice, including those who served during peace­ H .R. 2991. A bill for the relief of Richard H.R. 2978. A bill to authorize the Secre­ time, and for other purposes; to the Com­ S. P . Woo, which was referred to the Com­ tary of the Army to construct improvements mittee on Veterans' Affairs. mittee on the Judiciary. 5130 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS March 14, 1979 ADDITIONAL SPONSORS H.R. 596: Mr. OTTINGER and Mr. RICH­ Mr. HORTON, Mr. HYDE, Mr. SHARP, Ms. MIKUL• MOND . SKI, Mr. ScHEUER, Mr. GUDGER, and Mr. BEAIU) Under clause 4 of rule XXII, sponsors H .R. 655: Mr. DERWINSKI, Mr. OTTINGER, of Rhode Island. were added to public bills and resolutions Mr. WINN, Mr. HALL of Texas, Mr. WHITE­ H .R. 2020: Mr. STARK,~. SEIBERLING, and as follows: HURST, and Mr. CHARLES WILSON Of Texas. Mr. EvANS of the Virgin Islands. H.R. 1293: Mr. VANDER JAGT. H.R . 2036: Mr. GLICKMAN, Mr. STARK, and H .R. 21: Mr. HOWARD. H.R. 1475: Mr. KELLY. Mr. O'BRIEN. H.R. 65: Mr. ASHLEY, Mr. BLANCHARD, Mr. H .R . 1603: Mr. GoLDWATER , Mr. ROBERT W. H.R. 2172: Mr. IRELAND, Mr. PASHAYAN, and BONIOR of Michigan, Mr. BRODHEAD, Mr. Bu­ DANIELS, Jr., Mr. HEFTEL, and Mr. PASHAYAN. Mr. RANGEL. CHANAN, Mr. CORRADA, Mr. EDWARDS Of Okla­ H.R. 1612: Mr. DIGGS, Mr. LENT, Mr. LEWIS, and Mr. WYDLER. H .R. 2212: Mr. ANDREWS of North Dakota. homa, Mr. EVANS of Georgia, Mr. HALL of Mr. BEDELL, Mr. BUC'HANAN, Mr. CLEVELAND, Texas, Mr. HAMILTON, Mr. HANCE, Mr. H .R. 1613: Mr. DIGGS, Mr. LENT, and Mr. WYDLER. Mr. DAVIS of South 0a.rolina, Mr. EMERY, Mr. HUGHES, Mr. KEMP, Mr. KOGOVSEK, Mr. LATTA, FLORIO, Mr. LAFALCE, Mr. LOTT, Mr. MCDADE, Mr. MATTOX, Mr. MICA, Mr. MINETA, Mr. MOTTL, H.R. 1644: Mr. GIBBONS, Mr. MURPHY of New York, Mr. CAVANAUGH, Mr. MOLLOHAN, Mr. MURPHY of Pennsylvania., Mr. PRICE, Mr. MURPHY of Pennsylvania, Mr. REGULA, Mr. YOUNG of Alaska, Mr. FORD of Michigan, Mr. RAHALL, Mr. VENTO, and Mr. DRINAN. Mr. RINALDO, Mr. ROE, Mr. Russo, Mrs. SMITH Mr. MOTTL, Mr. HALL of Texas, Mr. COUGH­ H.R. 2370: Mr. ROSTENKOWSKI, Mr. Gm­ of Nebraska, Mr. SOLOMON, Mr. SPENCE, Mr. LIN, Mr. ABDNOR, Mr. BARNARD, Mr. BALDUS, BONS, Mr. STARK, and Mr. LEDERER. STUMP, Mr. VENTO, Mr. WOLPE, and Mr. ZEF­ Mr. SABO, and Mr. KELLY. H.R. 2727: Mr. FLIPPO, Mr. HUCKABY, Mr. ERETTI. H .R. 1785: Mr. McEWEN, Mr. BUCHANAN, Mr. JoNES of Tennessee, Mr. LEACH of Louisiana. H .R. 486: Mr. PATTERSON and Mr. NOLAN. BROYHILL, Mr. LEE, Mr. TAUKE, Mr. COUGHLIN, and Mr. YouNG of Missouri. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO JACK cities, towns, townships, boroughs, Indian proaching a prayer, an exhortation to work BROOKS tribes and Alaskan native villages some $6.8 together to find ways to help communities billion this year in string-free funds. " t hat need help"-ways that do not mean Speaking to such a group as the National "simply sending them more money . ... HON. JIM MATTOX Association of Counties, said Brooks, warm­ "I hope you will put your considerable ing to the task, is "always a pleasure ... It talents to that task 1\nd not use them to OF TEXAS brings out the missionary spirit in me. I lobby Congress for programs that will only IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES look out and see all those souls needing to be push us farther down the road toward cen­ Wednesday, March 14, 1979 saved from the false doctrine of revenue tralized government and fiscal disaster." sharing, and I welcome the opportunity to He got a standing ovation. The NACO • Mr. MATTOX. Mr. Speaker, my read­ try to bring you into the light of reason­ members were smiling, laughing, applauding. ing of yesterday's Washington Post was and fiscal responsibility." Then, a few hours later they realized what enlivened when I turned to page 3 and Like a minister trying to win the heart of hit them. A stateroP.nt was drafted and the read "The Gospel According to JACK a backslider, Brooks, the powerful chairman press was called. BROOKS." It seems that my good friend of the House Government Operations Com­ Charlotte Williams, NACO president and a mittee, tried the friendly approach first. commissioner of Genesee County (Flint), and colleague from Beaumont, Tex., "I have great regard for county commis­ Mich., said county ofHcials will "strongly made a rousing speech 2 days ago to the sioners," he began. "Together we've spent an resist" any move in Congress to cut or elim­ National Association of Counties about awful lot of federal money." inate revenue sharing. a subject dear to their hearts-revenue Then he tried the empathetic approach. "Inflation has hit local governments so sharing. "I can understand your dedication to such hard that many have been forced to use Now JAcK is not afraid to speak his a program (as revenue sharing] . It is a great revenue-sharing dollars just to maintain ex­ mind, and so he came down hard on treat for a public ofHcial to enjoy the pleas­ ist ing services," she said. "If revenue sharing ures of spending without the pain of raising were eliminated, county ofHcials would either them, pointing out the evils of this Fed­ the money. I don't blame you for enjoying it. have t o raise property taxes, a move citizens eral boondoggle like a Baptist preacher "I'd dedicate those parks and the street would surely oppc.;:;e, or curtail many serv­ exhorting his congregation to temper­ work and that pothole work. I'd pay a couple ices." ance. But rather than boo or hiss him, of cops extra money, a couple of nurses, a Williams chided Brooks for saying that aid they were swayed by the sheer logic of couple of firemen. I'd buy a new something­ to state and local governments is leading his argument, and gave him a standing or-other. the country toward centralized government ovation. "I'd smile at the people, buy a new set of and, on the other hand, for opposing revenue JACK BRooKs has been speaking out keys to the city, get my picture in the paper ~ haring because Congress cannot control and tell them, 'We're just trying to do a good how it is spent. against this waste of taxpayers' money job for the folks here down home.' " "If Rep. Brooks were really concerned for many years, and it looks as if this Some of t he county omcials, who obviously about maintaining our decentralized form year the program faces serious opposi­ didn't like t he message, were smiling in spite of government," she argued, "he would sup­ tion in Congress. Recently, I introduced of t hemselves. port revenue sharing because it's the one a bill to end revenue sharing to States, Brooks, the good ol' boy from Beaumont, federal program allowing states and locali­ a move that would save us about $2.3 Tex., was still playing the local ofHcial dis­ t ies to make their own decisions on spending billion. If the beneficiaries of this give­ pensing the revenue-sharing largesse. He priorities." away program can be moved to tempo­ said with sarcasm, "Don't say one damn Brooks, informed of her reaction, said he rary sanity by the preaching of JACK word about where the money's coming from. expected it. He added, "It's hardly likely that Just tell 'em, I'm trying to help you all." the people who are spending all that free BROOKs, I encourage him to travel this Now the NACO audience was laughing, and money would want to start raising it them­ land far and wide spreading the word, Brooks came to the point of his sermonette selves." e so that we can finally get on the road about a program that started in 1972 and, to fiscal responsibility. unless Congress renews it wlll end Sept. 30. I encourage my colleagues to read the 1980: TRIDUTE TO HARRY F. GREEN article below, and perhaps JACK's voice "The truth of the matter is, it's a fraud," crying out in the wilderness can become he intoned. And, seeing the smiles drop, he HON. JAMES J. FLORIO a chorus: added, "But it's fun. I dont' blame you. It's OF NEW JERSEY fun. THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO JACK BROOKS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES "But I'll tell you-that fun is running out. (By Susanna McBee) The federal borrowing power has reached its Wednesdfly, March 14, 1979 Rep. Jack Brooks (D-Tex.) , the crusty limit. . .. The national debt is expected to arch-enemy of the federal government's gen­ hit $900 billion by the end of 1980. Just the • Mr. FLORIO. Mr. Speaker, I would eral revenue-sharing program, saw that he payment of interest on the current debt is like to take this time to offer my tribute had a tough audience yesterday. costing over $55 billion a year. The American to a truly great man, Harry F. Green, There they sat--1,000 county ofHcials de­ people are demanding that we reduce federal formerly of Gloucester City, N.J. It is voutly dedicated to the beneficence of the spending." indeed an honor to have had such an program that is sending states, counties, Brooks concluded with something ap- outstanding man as a resident of my

• This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by the Member on the floor.