Republic of Lithuania Law on the Status of The

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Republic of Lithuania Law on the Status of The REPUBLIC OF LITHUANIA LAW ON THE STATUS OF THE SIGNATORIES OF THE LITHUANIAN ACT OF INDEPENDENCE AND THE PERSONS WHO SIGNED ON 16 FEBRUARY 1949 THE DECLARATION BY THE COUNCIL OF THE MOVEMENT OF THE STRUGGLE FOR FREEDOM OF LITHUANIA 16 October 2003 No. IX-1789 Vilnius (Last amended on 10 November 2011 – No. XI-1647) Article 1. The purpose of the Law This Law shall define the status and social guarantees of the deputies of the Supreme Council (Reconstituent Seimas) of the Republic of Lithuania – the signatories of the Act of 11 March 1990 on the Re-establishment of the State of Lithuania (hereinafter referred to as the “Signatories of the Lithuanian Act of Independence”) and the persons who signed on 16 February 1949 the Declaration of the Council of the Movement of the Struggle for Freedom of Lithuania which was the sole legitimate authority in occupied Lithuania. Article 2. The Signatory of the Lithuanian Act of Independence 1. The Signatory of the Lithuanian Act of Independence (hereinafter referred to as the “Signatory”) shall be a deputy of the Supreme Council (Reconstituent Seimas) of the Republic of Lithuania, elected by the people, who on 11 March 1990 filled in a card of nominal voting, put his/her signature to it, voted for the Act on the Re-establishment of the State of Lithuania and signed it. 2. This Law (Appendix to the Law) shall list the deputies of the Supreme Council (Reconstituent Seimas) of the Republic of Lithuania and the persons who signed on 16 February 1949 the Declaration of the Council of the Movement of the Struggle for Freedom of Lithuania who are granted the status of the Signatory. Article 3. The certificate and badge of the Signatory 2 1. The Signatory shall be issued a certificate of the Signatory and a badge of the Signatory the models of which are approved by the Government of the Republic of Lithuania. 2. The Central Electoral Committee shall issue the certificates of the Signatory and badges of the Signatory, and keep accounting thereof. Article 4. The rights and duties of the Signatory 1. Upon producing the certificate, the Signatory shall have the right: 1) to visit freely the Seimas, the Office of the President, the Government as well as other state and municipal institutions; 2) to be received out of turn by the heads of the institutions and establishments referred to in subparagraph 1 of this Article; 3) to obtain and use the information possessed by the institutions and establishments referred to in subparagraph 1 of this Article, with the exception of the information which constitutes a state or official secret under the Law on State Secrets and Official Secrets; 4) after consultation with the heads of the institutions referred to in subparagraph 1 of this Article, to attend meetings and other events held by them, to express his/her opinion on drafts of legal acts which are under consideration. 2. The Signatory shall have the right to submit written proposals concerning the improvement of work of state and municipal institutions and establishments or concerning drafts of legal acts which are under consideration. The heads of the appropriate institutions and establishments must reply to written proposals, recommendations and remarks of the Signatory in accordance with the procedure laid down by law. 3. The Signatory shall have the right to use a diplomatic passport of the Republic of Lithuania for travelling to foreign states. Article 5. The Club of the Signatories of the Act of Independence 1. The Club of the Signatories of the Act of Independence (hereinafter referred to as the “Club of the Signatories”) shall be a public organization established in accordance with the procedure laid down by law, which unites the Signatories. 2. The headquarters of the Club of the Signatories shall be located on the premises of the Seimas. It shall be maintained and provided with technical supply with funds of the Office of the Seimas. Article 6. The state annuity of the Signatory 2 3 1. The Signatory shall be entitled to the state annuity of the Signatory. The amount of the state annuity of the Signatory shall be 50 percent of the basic salary of the Seimas member per month. 2. The deputies of the Supreme Council (Reconstituent Seimas) of the Republic of Lithuania who carried out an important state task in Moscow on 11-14 March 1990 shall also be entitled to the state annuity of the Signatory under the same conditions. Article 7. Conditions of awarding and payment of the state annuity of the Signatory 1. The state annuity of the Signatory shall be awarded and paid to the persons specified in Article 2 of this Law. 2. The state annuity of the Signatory shall not be awarded, and where awarded, shall not be paid if: 1) the Signatory is not a citizen of the Republic of Lithuania; 2) the Signatory has the insured income; 3) a judgement of conviction for committing a premeditated crime has become effective with respect to the Signatory (until the expiry of the conviction); 4) the Signatory does not forgo the state pension he/she receives, with the exception of the state social insurance pension. 3. The recipient of the state annuity of the Signatory must inform the institution which pays the annuity to him/her about the occurrence of the circumstances referred to in paragraph 2 of this Article within 10 days from the occurrence thereof. If the recipient fails to inform about the said circumstances in time and this results in the overpayment of the annuity, the sum of the overpaid annuity shall be recovered from the recipient of the annuity in accordance with the procedure laid down by law. Article 8. Time limits for awarding and payment of the state annuity of the Signatory 1. It shall be possible to apply for awarding of the state annuity of the Signatory at any time after the acquisition of the right to receive such annuity. 2. When applying for awarding of the state annuity of the Signatory, it shall be necessary to present all the documents specified in the Regulations on Awarding and Payment of the Annuity of the Signatory. 3. The state annuity of the Signatory shall be awarded from the day of the acquisition of the right to receive this annuity, however, for the past period the annuity shall be paid for not 3 4 more than 12 months, counting from the day on which the Ministry of Social Security and Labour or an institution authorized by it received all the necessary documents. Article 9. The state annuity of the Signatory’s surviving spouse and orphans 1. The right to receive the state annuity of the Signatory’s surviving spouse and orphans shall be granted to the spouse of the deceased Signatory (or the Signatory who has been in the prescribed manner recognized to be an absentee or dead), his/her children and adopted children under or over 18 years of age if they had become disabled (referred to as “invalids” before 1 July 2005) before attaining 18 years of age and if they have been incapable or partially capable for work (referred to as “invalids” before 1 July 2005) ever since attaining 18 years of age, also the pupils of general education curricula or formal vocational training programmes and students of full-time study programmes of educational institutions registered in accordance with the established procedure (except pupils of general education curricula who have the right to receive the state annuity of the Signatory’s orphans until 31 August of the year in which they finish studying under these programmes), until they finish studying or complete studies under these programmes, but not longer than until they attain 24 years of age. 2. The widows and orphans of the deputies of the Supreme Council (Reconstituent Seimas) of the Republic of Lithuania, referred to in paragraph 2 of Article 6 of this Law, shall be entitled to the state annuity of the Signatory’s surviving spouse and orphans under the abovementioned conditions. 3. The amount of the state annuity of the Signatory’s surviving spouse and orphans shall be 25 percent of the amount of the state annuity of the Signatory for each person indicated in paragraph 1 of this Article. 4. The state annuity of the Signatory’s surviving spouse and orphans shall not be awarded, and where awarded, shall not be paid if: 1) the spouse, child, adopted child of the deceased Signatory is not a citizen of the Republic of Lithuania; 2) the spouse, child, adopted child of the deceased Signatory has the insured income; 3) a judgement of conviction for committing a premeditated crime has become effective with respect to the spouse, child, adopted child of the deceased Signatory (until the expiry of the conviction); 4) the spouse of the deceased Signatory does not forgo the state pension he/she receives, with the exception of the state social insurance pension. 5. A recipient of the state annuity of the Signatory’s surviving spouse and orphans must inform the institution which pays the annuity to him/her about the occurrence of the 4 5 circumstances referred to in paragraph 3 of this Article within 10 days from the occurrence thereof. If the recipient fails to inform about the said circumstances in time and this results in the overpayment of the annuity, the sum of the overpaid annuity shall be recovered from the recipient of the annuity in accordance with the procedure laid down by law. Article 10. The procedure for awarding and paying the state annuity of the Signatory, the state annuity of the Signatory's surviving spouse and orphans 1.
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