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(Ftnttttttttntt Hatty (Eatmms Serving Storrs Since 1896 T'cl

(Ftnttttttttntt Hatty (Eatmms Serving Storrs Since 1896 T'cl

(ftnttttttttntt Hatty (Eatmms Serving Storrs Since 1896 'CL. LXX, NO. 1HI S'tnrra. (Enuiirrlirut WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27. 19fifi Individual Student To Be Put Back Into UConn Commencement Exercise The University oi Connecticut .it least a personal greeting from Another innovation this year is putting the individual student their dean, will be the departure from Mem- back into commencement this Previously the master's and orial Stadium. Brief general ex- year. bachelor's degree candidates ercises will convene at 10:50 Reversing a trend toward anony- were recognized en masse during a.m. on the lawn between Beach mity, spawned by the huge grad- the graduation exercises. The Hall and Storrs Rd. (Rt. 195), uating Classes Ol recent yens, Ph.D. candidates, who were hoo- with individual assemblies sche- the University lias announced that ded and recognized individually duled immediately thereafter by each of the 2,400-odd degree by the President, will continue the several schools and colleges. candidates this June will receive in receive this recognition. It is here that the candidates will receive their congratulations and "diploma covers" from their deans. Guests also are invited Eighty-Five Enter NEITT to attend the assemblies at which their friends or kin participate. Exercises will again be held on a Monday--June 13. Mills, Hodge Named Judges In the event of inclement wea- The New England Invitational . so .. Including entries ther, the processional and pre- Turtle Tournament, which takes from twenty New England Col- liminary outdoor ceremony will place at 3 p.m. today at the Field leges. Entries can stiil be ma le be cancelled. Candidates and House, will be televised by WHYN by contacting either Al I.ehner their guests will proceed directly channel 40 Springfield. The or Skip Weeks it 429-0206, to their seats in the assembly- United Tress International has Malcolm Mills and Norman areas. The general rites will be sent the story and a picture all Hodee, editor ol the CDC and held in the Jorgensen Auditor- MISS UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT Juliana Wtj« over the country, and the event former station manager ol VM1US, ium and will be broadcast by heads the CCC parade yesterday evening in the Queen's has received coverage from Bos- respectively, have been named radio to each of the assemblies. float built by Alpha Gamma Rho and Alsop B Many specta- ton to Florida. judges. The starter will l>e Mike Degree candidates will not be tors lined the parade route and later attended the Midway Dnlton, the present WHUS station restricted to one guest each as which was termed "a great success " There have been eighty-five en- manager. at in-dnor ceremonies of the past, but rather will receive an average ALEXANDER LEHRER AND GEORGE WEEKS r.ur guest tickets. This is CCC Midway Nets $3,000 UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT one of the major advantages of STORRS, CONNECTICUT the sub-assemblies. Locales for the individual cere- WWII. RADIO CONGRATULATES YOU ON YOUR FORTHCOMING monies ire as follows: Field As Collections Near Goal RACE. MAY THE BEST TURTLE WIN. FT. LAUDERDALE HAS House—College of Liberal Arts Tne sun finally broke through House and Towers 5A also rated ITS ANNUAL TURTLE FESTIVAL EACH SUMMER. SPREAD THE and Sciences: Jorgensen Audit- the clouds in time for the color- "best organized" booth. "Most WORD. orium—Graduate School and ful floats -- the fire-breathing lucrative," finally, wen' to Allan B03 WALKER, MANAGER School of Law; Ice Skating dragons and castles of "CCC In House and Towers 4B. WW1L Arena—School of Engineering Camelot" -- yesterday after- Whippet High School, from Win- and School of Business Admin- noon, while the very successful dam, won the band competion, istration; Student Union Ball- and highly attended Midway last and Holllster B received a trophy room—College of Agriculture nig'nt noited $3,140 for the worthy in the House Campaign compe- From The 4 Corners Of The World and School of Agriculture. charities benefiting from CCC, Mon, bringing in $270.52 of the Also, Von der Mehden Recital $700 over last year's profits. $1,349.52 netted by individual Hall—School of Home Economics Awards and trophies were pre- houses. Second place went to and School of Fine Arts; Jor- sen'ed as the Midway closed last Kingston House. Darker Dark Continent? gensen Theater—School of Phar- night. Trophies went to Alpha CCC chairman Doug Joyner, macy and School of Physical commenting on the Parade, the by H.K. Kedikilwe,Bechuanaland lucrative slave trade and the Therapy; Social Sciences Lec- Gamma Rho and Alsop B for the famous Lex primae noctis con- Queen's Float and to Sigma Cht Midway, and the House Cam- ture Hall 55—School of Physical paigns, called the CCC a "great The military hugger-mugger in nected with the atrocious and Education and School of Insur- Alpha for the mini-float compe- Vietnam and the political seis- abominable conditions of the in- tition. Sigma Alpha Epsilon and opportunity for houses, which ance. they accepted enthusiatically" mography in Africa confer a halo dustrial revolution. The fore- Kappa Kappa Gam. 1a won first of sophistication on many a med- going are costs which evoke re- in the com!, ined float competition, and commended houses on their A/umni Association co-operation in cleaning up after iocre student of international morse today, but this does not while Phi Sigma Kappa and Delta dynamics and push him way above deface the fact that they have 7eta took second, and Shakes- the M'dway, and the student body on the spirit, en'husiasm, and de- the par of discussion. After all been the weakest links and .here- Expands Member ship peare House and Meritt A took we have had enough teach-outs fore the strongest points in some third place. corum It showed. "Regardless of the final totals, on Vietnam and teach-ins on peoples' chains of development. To Include Seniors For the midway booths, first Africa seem to have a more There are some who regard the about which we're still hopeful," Seniors may become active place Mt l's, went to Alpha Ep- pressing need. events in Africa as a sign of silon Pi and second :o Theta Xi; he said, "this year's CCC can members of the University of be counted a great success and What is the cause of the serial savegery and political blindness. Connecticu- Alumni Association in the women's division Crania.l take-overs and coups in Africa? This view skates on naivete be- C cam? in first, with Vsop \ a monumental achievement for by signing overone dollar of their "nepotism corruption, bribery cause the mere fact that there breakage fee before graduation, second. Kingston House and Tow- the students of th? University of and tribalism." A BBC commen- are disturbances presupposes ers 5A was judged best combined Connecticut." The CCC has John Sorltj Alumni chairman, tator had those charming words that there are certain beings Class of 1906, announced yester- booth, with Colt House and Craw- brought in a totalof$5100todate, to enumerate following events in who are alive to what is going ford 4 in second place. Kmgsto.i not including the WHUS Marathon. day. Authorization forms will be Nigeria. Part of my answer is on and who envisage a "better" available Wednesday and Thurs- embedded in the Hegelian nega- course for the revolution. They day of this week at the Senior tion of the negation; changes will not forever favour messlahs Week desk in 'he Student Union World News Briefs goaded by other changes, but in who seem to have grown tired Lobby, pursuit of a more permanent of the revolution, One would cer- The one-dollar fee will be col- identity. Needless to say that tainly like to have a stigma-free lected as part of the A'umii As- US GETS $16% Million Judgment Africa is undergoing an evolu- trail, but how much of this is sociation's "Annual Giving Pro- The US Government has obtained in Federal Court in New York tionary revolution. Once we within one's power? So it is grain,'' and entitles :he student a judgment totaling more than 16 and one-half million dollars against accept that the situation is rev- better to clean one's house first. to a one-yea.- me nherahtp after six corporations owned and controlled by the Greek Shipping Magnate, olutionary, although one ought Change In this case must mean graduation. Stavros Niarchos. US Attorney Robert Morgenthau said the RIOM) not to use the word for obvious progress, at least in the long-run, Along with membership in the represented liabilities for income taxes incurred by N'iarchos' Amer- reasons, here it is used to mean but not leaning on the bossoms Alumni Association, the student ican Companies. With the addition of interest Moigenthau said the a fundamental reconstruction on of communism or capitalism. who agrees to donate one dollar liabilities total 25 million dollars. Morgenthau said the tax liabilities all walks. A fact that was even One dops not necessarily of his breakage fee will receive resulted from an under-statement of income by Niarchos' companies. evident to comrade Chou en Lai advocate bloodshed, though blood the alumn' magazine, "The Con- during his early 1964 visit to in iy "lubricate the path cf free- necticut A'.umnis," which is pub- Auto Industry Endorses Safety North Africa when he retorted dom"--with history as my lished quarterly by the associa- that a revolutionary atmosphere saddle, but the current current tion. Sorli also stressed that the The auto industry endorsed mandatory Federal standards in the was ripe in Africa. Whatever he of circumstances seems to be Alumni Association has been very- auto safety field today—but said it was talking about broad concepts meant by revolutionary not only drifting in favour of stronger active in University affairs, both caused alarm among our Western of the performance a car should meet, rather than how to meet them. measures. It is self-evident that through its amual "Giving Pro- John Bugas of the Ford Motor Company, speaking for the industry, "bretheren," but also left some what we cannot cure maybe we gram" and through the member- question marks on many African envisioned the industry itself taking initiative in helping formulate cannot but endure. This is a ship of two alumni members on and propose such standards. He told the house commerce committee foreheads. To use rather inno- dangerous thing to say because the Board of Trustees. He urged that federal standards should apply to the newly-manufactured car, cent diction and phraseology one it may Imply that some people should simply say that Africa that every senior "interested in state standards to the car during its useful life. It was a considerable have to linger In the ghettos the future of the University begin change from an earlier auto Industry attitude that the Federal is undergoing a change because forever and yet accept it. The revolutionary in many cases support now by making this con- Government, largely, should keep hands off. white "smiths'* who actually be- tribution of $1.03 means a "communist take-over" long In the workshop and the and not a Bloodless Revolution "Wervoerds" who should bea- The Voters' Peace March House Posses Agricultural Bill of 1688, emerging in a different wlltlng trial in Nazi War Crim- on Washington will be held The House has passed a six billion 876 million dollar money bill complexion and location in 1966. inal Camps shout at the height on Sunday May 15. Buses for the Agriculture Department. A roll call vote of 366 to 23 sent Invidious as comparisons may- of their voices, taking a mean will leaveStorrs at Midnight, the bill to the Senate. The House ignored President Johnson's pro- be, it seems that events in Africa advantage of African develop- Saturday and arrive back in posals for cuts in the school lunch and special milk programs. The are taking a normal course of ments, to proclaim the "preser- Storrs about 1 a.m. Monday two programs are favorites with almost all members of congress. historical sequence. The se- vation of the whiteman's civil- morning. The cos: of the trip The House followed the recommendations of its Appropriations Com- quence which is mllestoned by ization" vis-..-vis "Mack heath- will be $12.00 at most. For mittee and boosted funds for both the mill; and school lunch programs the decapitation of Charles I of Information call 429-4964or above administration request. England, Stalinist brutalities, the (Con't. to pg. 4, col. 1) 429-3258. Below The Surface (Entmedinrt latlxj fflampus The Need For An Opposition Serving Storrs Since 1896 by Howard L. Walter WKDNKSDAY. APRIL 27. 198K One of the most disturbing aspects of the war uniiormly concerned and upset with the problems in Vietnam is the fact that while the American of a war that few people want and fewer people people grow mora disenchanted with our involve- understand, one faces the question of the ingred- ment, they are finding it increasingly difficult ients that must shape a constructive opposition. to turn to anything resembling an opposition party. Those critical of our involvement, both Democrats and Republicans, have continually been shackled Paulette Clark, a blonde trainer of racing While the history of our involvement has been by the Administration comeback, "What is the one of unending dissent or at the least, a call for alternative?" thoroughbreds, was pleased by the morning critical reappraisal, the voices have not been workout. She looked at the stopwatch, smiled, The Republicans have had no success in getting expressed along party lines. The divisions within together on an answer to that question. They have and said, "We're ready to win the big race." the Democratic party do not disturb the critics taken the path of dove, hawk, and Administration of our Southeast Asian involvement, for obvious supporter. The central issue here is whether or Like a fight manager, Paulette talks business reasons. However, the split within the Republican in the first person plural. "We had a great or not the Republicans must be able to offer a party, as they theoretically serve the role of the clear alternative, or whether or not they should time trial, and we weren't even galloping," opposition, is a real tragedy for the American simply reflect the growing consensus of American voter. concern by unitine behind the banner of cautious, she said. The split within the GOP ranks reached its cli- Paulette, a senior majoring in English at the but persistent criticism of a policy with which max last week with a disturbing show of disunity the American voter is unhappy, even if he is University of Connecticut, patted Super Bod on between Senate leader Everett Dirksen and House uncertain as to the right solution. leader Gerald Ford. While Representative Ford On the surface, the suggestion may seem to be the muzzle. She fed him a few grains of sugar, made his charges of "shockine mismanagement" and threw him back in the bathtub. Super Bod, and challenged the Pentagon to "level with the one of opposition for its own sake. And yet the history of the American two-party system has often the fastest thing on four legs since the grand American people," Senator Dirksen retorted that been one of just that. General Eisenhower's 1952 his Republican colleague "went a little too far." campaign pledga thac he "would go to Korea," piano, is a racing turtle -- a 59-cent claimer Dirksen also added, with what may become the quote was not a clear, intelligent alternative to the from a dime store. Woolworth's assured of the war, "You don't demean the chief magistrate Paulette he is of thoroughbred bloodstock. of your country at a time like this, so far as the Truman Administration handling of the Korean ac- war is concerned." tion. Yet it reflected the desires of the people tc This was at Storrs, Ct., Monday, a town that somehow rid the nation of the burdens of the war. The Washinfton press corps was obviously too is heating up like Louisville on the eve of the At least, If nothing else, the voter felt he had an stunned by such a remark to push the issue. Or opposition party to which to turn. Kentucky Derby. One hundred entries go to the perhaps they were simply in a generous mopd post Wednesday in the second annual running and decided to spare the Dlinois legislator the It would be well for the Republican party to embarassment of answering the question, "Why recall that the Democrats, not the Republicans, of the Northeastern Invitational Turtle Stakes not?" were given the support of the voters in the last ,J before 5000 screaming spectators at UConn There is no need to rehash all the criticisms national election. The Democratic party bears the * of our involvement in Vietnam, in order to justify responsibility of shaping not only the goals and field House. the need for an effective opposition. The fact is objectives of American policy, but also of should- Student racing secretary Alexander Lehrer all too clear that nobody is happy with the war. ering the more trying responsibility of how to best states, "We'll have the cream from all the The doves want a quick settlement and withdrawl. achieve these ultimate alms. leading stables -- N.Y.U., Boston U., Roch- The hawks see escalation as the way toward a They have not succeeded in fulfilling this res- settlement. Both hawks and doves, as much as ponsibility. Yet the Republicans have also failed ester, LaSalle and about 10 other colleges they may disagree on method, are agreed on being in fulfilling what Is their expected role In our p have iled entries. Students and administra- dissatisfied with the present middle-of-the-road two-party system; that of providing a critical tion officers from our campus have been stalemate being supported by the Administration. voice on Administration policy, with enough Even the Administration supporters are disturbed semblance of unity so that the voter is satisfied training their flighty carapacers since Sep- with the prospects of continued loss of life and that he has somewhere to turn if he decides his tember. increased expenditures, while realizing that a hope government has failed to live up to its own "This," says Lehrer, "is the classic test and pray psychology is shadowed by Increasingly particular responsibility. black forecasts from nearly all informed sources. It should be a distressing thought to anyone of turtle flesh, the derby distance: a 13-foot Behind the issue of the need for an effective who stills clings to the notion of an American 6-inch straightaway. Breakage Fee from the opposition stand, particularly when the nation is so democracy. celebrated Cohen Farms was the victor last year in a record 38 seconds." Levying a $5 nomination fee, Lehrer and LETTERS TO THE EDITOR chief steward, Skip Wosks, hope to raise $500 Off-Campus one reason or another, living in that of a private institution. Na- for the Campus Community Carnival, a yearly one of the dilapidated dorms turally not al! of the 13,700 ap- bash for charity. To the Editor: has a sad plight under the exis- plicants to date would come here Whether they will be improving the breed I would like to comment on ting regulations. Naturally one even If they were accepted but the CDCs front page story of may work in the library until one may rest assure that many is another matter. Last year two turtles died last Tuesday's issue concerning 10 p.m. but what about after of the high school seniors who of heart attacks during the sprint. A probe the number of incoming freshmen that? Either the administration will be rejected would attend the disclosed they had been fed dexedrine by being accepted at the University is ignorant of the student's needs university If they could. Of of Connecticut for the Fall of or it just does not care. I be- course, many simply are not overzealous trainers. Lehrer promises that 1966. lieve it is a combination of both. qualified, while other rejected trainers will be frisked for hypodermics, The fact that the university Connecticut students, at any students have the necessary and all starters will get saliva tests. is only able to accomodate 2,200 rate, ought to have a choice as grades to succeed but there is freshmen on campus out of over to where they may live while simply no room. Is this fair? Because the 1965 race was scandalous, the 13,000 applicants to date, Is ra- attending school in Storrs. There Especially when something could Connecticut Racing Commission will be alert ther appalling in the light that are many apartments, houses and be done to resolve much of the for more funny stuff. Ferndale won in a photo, this is a state university. It lake cottages for rent in the problem? thf n was disqualified as an imposter: A baby is true that a lack of classroom immediate area which are very These are state students and space and Instructors is one often cheaper than the university their welfare ought to precede raobit beneath a plastic shell. minor cause of this pro- housing. However, the UConn off- the administration's childish A number of foul claims were ledged against blem which cannot be helped icials apparently do not recog- worry about the possible conduct Dr. Sumner Cohen, owner and trainer of at this time. However, the big- nize this fact primarily because of its older, more mature en- gest facet of his dilemma is the they are afraid to let the stu- rollees. Has our present admin- Breakage Fee, the eventual winner. Dr. Coh- so-called "lack of adequate hous- dents take care of themselves istration started a complete stu- en, director of UConn's residence halls, was ing," an area in which the ad- The administration must be try- dy on the feasibility of off cam- ministration could help immed- ing to keep the students sealed pus living? Has it checked with accused of using a ringer, a long-legged Ara- iately. in their world within the campus. any of the many other state bian turtle. He denied it, of course, then foiled A rather simple solution would Is this because it does not trust universities where students are attempts to identify his charger by thowing be to permit upperclassmen to the students by themselves? Is allowed to reside off campus to LEGALLY move off campus if it, as usual, looking on the dark find out how It Is working out? Breakage Fee into Mirror Lake. they so desired. Aside from per- side of the question without dis- Dr. John Vlandls, Director of Cohen's new turtle, Breakage Fee II, is the mitting a large number of dis- cerning the good that could come Admissions, mentioned in Tues- 8-5 choice by bookies lurking in the stacks contented dormltorv dwellers to about with a change of policy? day's article that UConn students at the library. A shrewd handler, Cohen has get away, this would definitely Or maybe the authorities are a- often fail to promote the school extend the space available for frald of losing their precious con- to high school kids. Needless to his entry breaking on top with an impercep- freshmen. trol over some students to the say, there are many excellent tible shove at the starting gate. The practice of letting upper- extent that they may Just have points to be made about this classmen live off campus, though to use their own minds and solve university, but there are also a Gulleyver's Travels, bred by university common in a number of state their own housing problems? large number of problems, and President Homer Babbidge, and Boozer, own- operated universities, is abhored Whatever the cause, the UConn the serious one of student off- ed by Dean John Dunlop, are 2-1 on the morn- by the UConn administration. At students feel that the adminis- campus housing sticks out like ing line, with the footnote "tendency to lug-- random I selected ten state school tration is afraid that they are a sore thumb. It not only Is un- catalogues and found that eight not capable of living off campus fair to applicants for admission then back up." of the Institutions, with different or without the nosy, guiding res- but it makes both the student body Super Bod, Miss Clark's protege from the stipulations, permitted upper- ident advisors around? and the supposed foreslghted ad- class men to reside where they ministration look like a bunch of Kappa Kappa Gamma house tub, is a 4-1 dark wished. Included among these H this be the case, the admin- inefficlen' children in different turtle. She describes him "only the size of were such neighboring univer- istration must believe that it lights. a half-dollar, but eats like ahorse. The train- sities as New Hampshire and is falling In its job of producing Tell me, Mr. Vlandls, should Vermont which had provisions well-rounded, socially accep- a 20 or 21 year old college ing diet," she said, "is lettuce andrawham- for underclass independent hous- table, educated adults. Probably student, who Is not LEGALLY burg." ing. the nightmare of Connecticut's allowed to live by himself, or "We will start slowly, show late foot and Another strong argument for rather poor reputation within the with his fraternity brothers or this cause would be that many state is haunting it into thinking sorority sisters off campus, tell win driving," Paulette predicts. "We are the students require more quiet or itself a failure as far as gaining prospective students or friends Kelso of the reptiles." privacy than others. Some are the students' respect. that the University of Connecticut If he wins, Paulette and the Kappa Kappa not able to study in the noisy It must be realized that this is a wonderful place. dormitories and must have a is a state school, educating for Gamma syndicate plan to retire Super Bod at different study and living atmos- the masses of Connecticut, but Respectfully, stud. (The Boston Globe - phere to do well. The UConn stu- the present trend as far as ac- Fred H. Rehm Tuesday, April 26, 1966) dent who has a hard lime, for ceptances go seems to be towards Sigma Phi Epsllon WEDNESDAY. AFJ5IL 27. IfJtiK CONNECTICUT DAILY CAMPUS PAGE THREE Prize Winner "New York"Higher Ed System Murray To Speak On Edit Writing Proposed To End Overcrowding Pulitzer Prize winning editor by Allan Toubman for the average student. Only if ed and often absurd, but justified Donald M. Murray will address Given the present trend increas- a studen'. wishes to go to the on the grounds that mere under- UConn students on editorial writ- ing percentage of students going graduate centers like Berkeley, graduates cannot possibly judge ing at 7 p.m. Thursday, April on to college, Frank H. Bowles, Stamford or UCLA must he go what is good for them. Ultimate- 28th in the room 103 of the Stu- director of Ford Foundation's through 'he rigors of admission ly, the whole college program dent Union. Education Program predicted, requirements. becomes an obstacle rather than Donald M. Mirray, associate at the Association of Higher Edu- Christopher Jencks, a graduate an opportunity and the students professor of English at the Uni- cation this month, that there will of Harvard School of Education relationship with his professor is versity of New Hampshire, joined be "schooling for everyone from in a study of new ideas in higher confined to figuring out what he the UNH staff in 1963. A free- age three to twenty as a general education has made a n imber of wants — and giving it to him." lance writer and novelist with a strong background in journalism, pattern by 1980" is not very ex- observations on the California Jencks goes on further to ob- he is the University's journalism treme. How can the universities system. serve that the students view col- keep pace with this increase? In lege as a 9 to 5 job where you instructor and teaches courses in "Three high-school gradua;es the first of this series that point- out of four eventually find their put in your hours for a later re- creative writing. ed out problem.? which '.he uni- way in'o a college classroom and ward. The students do not be- He received his Bachelor of Arts degree in English (cum versity is confronted with at the so called 'terminal colleges' come involved in academic life. laude) from the University of New Dona Id M Murray present seem to tax it. Classes which award nothing higher than Nor do they show an interest in when he becam? a full-time, free will have to become larger. the bachelor's degree — have meeting other students. Since Hampshire in 1948, and has done Graduate students will be given emerged in almost every com- graduate work at Boston Univer- -lance writer. His writings have they are commiters they do not more responsibility which they munity. There are now (1961) have to breax old high-school sity. appeared in The Header's Digest, Mr. Murray served as reporter, Saturday Evening Post, Woman's may not be capable of handling. fifteen four year State colleges ties or build new ones. rewrite man and editorial writer Day and McCall's, as well as a Students will lose contact with and m >re than sixty two-year Clearly, this does not seem like on The Boston Herald from 1948 number of national and Interna- professors completely -- you Junior Colleges, providing local a very promising future for the tional service organization publi- can't get to know a television students with a mixture of gen- iiass of students. It would be as to late 1954, receiving the Pulit- . More emphasis will be put eral education and semi-profes- zer Prize in 1954 for a penetra- cations. if at uconn everyone was accept- The au'hor of a number of works on objective tests which reveal sional training...(these colleges) ed and lived at home. There is ting series of editorials on na- only a good memory. These poor provide a continuation of local tional defense. During his service of fiction, Mr. Murray has also little enough academic Interest written several children's books educational techniques will re- high school and In fact are pre- as it is — at the recent Honor on The Herald, he also taught sult in the university no longer dominantly stafied by upgraded courses in journalism at Boston but Is best-known for his novel, Students -Scholastic Committee "The Man Who Had Everything," at least trying to motivate stu- school teachers. Occasionally meeting, the Comnv'teeremark- University and began writing dents to go beyond the values they even speak of the freshman articles for magazines. published by the New American ed more than once that they were they bring to the university. and sophomore years as -13th greatly surprised by theempathy In October 1954, he joined the Library and now available in a paperback edition by Signet. He The California higher educa- and 14th grade." They also tend displayed by students over some- staff of Time Magazine In New tion network of colleges can with to perpetuate the high school as- thing to do with classes. And as .J, York as a-contributing editor, is now at work on another novel, - little imagination be used to pre- sumption that students are im- it is L'Conn students are remark- remaining there until March 1936 "The Godplayer,' for Simon and Schuster, sent the future situationof higher mature and irresponsible young- ably antipathic to student govern- edjeation. In California, college sters who must be told >xactly ment and community activity. A is tuition-free, there are noSATs what to do and how to do it. generous guess is that a thousand Vandals Strike Towers, Set required, nor any waiting period Course requirements are detail- (Cont. to pg. 6 col. 5) Mini-Car Float Car Afire University Estates, Inc.

Luxurious One and Two Bedroom Apartments NOW RENTING Check These Desirable Features

* Full basements with garages and storage

A car used as a mini-float in •k Plenty of closets the CCC Parade was 'deliber- GO YOU ately set afire" early Tuesday morning outside Ethan Allen CREEPING * Completely soundproofed House. According to Officer Ring of Security, the fire was "a CRUD definite act of vandalism" and • Gold Medallion (All Electric) is now under investigation by University police. The interior of the car, a 1959 * High scenic elevation Studebaker purchased by Ethan Allen president Joel Ksioz- kiewicz expressly for use in the house CCC campaign, was com- * Wall to wall carpeting pletely burned out when firemen arrived. Since the car had been Parked on the grassy area near 7 ', •k Plenty of parking the Ethan Allen dining hall until IN COLOR Tuesday when the mini-float was THE to be dismantled, the dangers of * Washers and dryers the lire and a possible explosion were even greater for the 60 members of the house, especially PLUS COLOR CARTOON * Master TV antenna in view of the late hour, according WEEKDAYS 2.00 6:30 9:00 to Security officials. SAT 2:00 415 630 9:00 %rwc# Contacted late yesterday, Ethan * Two miles from campus Allen House pn si lenl Ksloz- SUN-M0N MAY 1-2 kiowicz stated that, because of WARREN BEATTY LESLIE CAR0N the great danger the lire caused, lie would leflnil press * 25 minutes to East Hartford charges. Kaioxklewicz also emphasized that the lire was Promise publlcit} stunt. Her Anything •k Beautifully landscaped, many trees Two Over Light IN TECHNICOLOR ADDED FEATURETTE1 | * Large kitchens with plenty of cabinet, BreaKfast Clubbers ot America: "SPRING IN SCANDANAVIA' 'Our charter may go tiuougln refrigerator and range L.M.C was unanimously elected President of the No 1 Breakfast TUESDAY ONLY MAY 3 Limited number available — Act NOW Club last night under extraordin- Brought bock by popular Located on Baxter Road in Mansfield ary circumstances The others in demand at our regular prices competition for tne title of Big winners academy awards Call 423-9387 or 429-5087 Egg pulled out Balloting will LAURhNCE OLIVIER be tomorrow night for the office of Complementary Yolk Appli- "HAMLET" cations must «o "'acle in person 2:00 6:30 9:00 PAGE FOLK CONNECTICUT DAILY CAMPUS WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27, 1966 Tu rtle Toun ley Odi Is The Raven Owner Turtle Odds Comments CDC Sullivan even money Mills is Judge Well tonight the Senate meets living now? WHUS Mighty WHUSH 45-1 destined to go down the drain again—I hope they are all at Within the Freshman classless Dr. Babbidge Gulleyver's Travels 30-1 Usual administrative speed their best, as usual. With Jay there are many uninteresting Office of Student Farrell at the head of the show people. I have already unspoken Activities Union Suit 5-1 Great in Crowds maybe there will be a few new about a few of them, now I would Officp of Men's twists. To Wally Marcus and like to SPEAK about one of them. Affairs Boozer n 2-1 Trained by experts (Hie) Edward Abrahams—I wish you This girl is very interesting and Mr. Ahearn Hub Tub Special 100-1 Lost in Shuffle the best of luck in your crusade, absolutely tears me up! She is Dr. Cohen Breakage Fee II 200-1 Last year he cheated but I see the dark wall of apathy very active in everything that Kappa Kappa between you and your goal. she doesn't try. Sally is a very Gamma Super Bod 2-1 Its whats up front that counts Speaking of the great campus amiable person, but a little un- Tau Kappa Epsllon Hop Along Hitler 6,000,000-1 No comment comics, I would like to say a friendly. I will admit that the Virginia House Virginia Virgin 3-1 Doubt the name few words about our emerging company she keeps is very gen- Registrar Records a Go Go 7800-1 Same chance you have of getting cartoonist, -Jay Moran. Jay and eral. That is to say generally a transcript out on time. his cartoons are, in many ways very pretty—but isn't that the Crawford C SGT Bary Turtle 5-1 How can you loose with Green Bar- alike. But each represents a dif- KEY to success? She is a very ret tes ferent type of humor. I would careful person, who tried very TEP SARF 69-1 SARF, what a guy miss them very much if he were hard not to make the mistakes Troy House Ferndale 1000-1 No Albino Polar turtles allowed to stop drawing them, and I hope she makes all the time. I had Sherman House U-Mutha 9-1 Pregnant with meaning he doesn't take this personally hopes of seeing her on the Sen- Alpha Sigma Phi M.F. Super SOM? 69-1 Heads up but I think they are in good ate, where her talents would have Delaware House Magnificant Fifth 5-1 Stiff Entry taste and very funny. Only one been invaluable. She can be very Sigma Phi Epsilon Slg Ep Sam 3-1 Faster than a speeding VESPAH question, Jay, where are you amusing when she is herself. In Phi Sigma Delta ALLIE JOHN 9-1 Faster than a speeding Beaver case you are wondering how I Lou's Pig Bazoo 20-1 Overhead High--Should clean up. know so much about Sally D., I 67 Winter Weekend feel as though I have lived with Why not blend some way of liv- West. Who cares for names? DN.LAf (Con't. from her ever since I came here, Q I K B I . , . pg. l, col. 4) ing that repeats few errors of Countries which have been get- and we have been very close in our East-West "predecessors." ting this aid from time immemor- Committee Chairmen enism, communism and dictator- a number of ways. She even likes How is this possible when one ial have not done a thing to im- the same of cake as I do. ship." There are charges, from wakes up in the morning, yawns prove their own lot. The twin Positions Available these our most hated brothers, In another, somewhat question- and says, "our friends who are enemy of African revolutionary The Special Events Committee able, capacity, I have had the of black political immaturity; in the East or West give us progress, outside Africa herself, but does not their profuse sag- of the Board of Governors has opportunity to see Glenn Gold- this day your perpetual aid?" is the United Nations. Note; one acity and that of their ancestors announced that interviews to sel- berg, and by the way it is Gold- And of course this is aggrava- has nothing against this hard-won ect committee chairmen for the berg and definitely not Goldstein and brothers elsewhere tell us ted by the aid, sometimes well- that one never learns to swim forum of international imbroglio 1967 Winter Skol have been sch- I have been informed. When he meant, which is misguided into per se, save that it give the Afri- eduled for May 4 and 5 from works, for his class, he is until one goes into the water? the wrong mouths leaving the The developments in Africa look can state a false sense of impor- 2-4:30 p.m. Chairmen of the very capable and a real go-getter. right ones sealed. I am told tance which hides the true one Special Events Committee are I have every reason to believe brighter when one notices that that this is in keeping with the they have occured even in some of impotence. The U.N. draws Dennis Reilly of Chi Phi, and that he will be very good for policy of "hands up non- the cream of African personnel Gerald Poch of Sigma Phi Ep- our class and the University, as of the countries which perhaps communists" take over. The unwittingly identified themselves to New York to make eloquent sllon. Ringmaster, Orr is it President? word communist defeats its own but futile speechs condemning Positions as committee chair- Besides the other changes that I with neither the Eastern or West- purpose in African nationalist ern power blocs. Therefore none apartheid (baaskap), neo-col- men are open to all interested foresaw, on the other hand (five circles because in southern Af- onialism and Britain's blood-is- students. WinterSkol committees fingers?) I expect that he may of the powers can chant a rica especially and the other "follow our example" hollow in- thicker-than-water measures on are: Friday evening ball, Winter have a few things up his sleeve, former colonial horses, it is and Rhodesia; or to stage a walk-out Olympics, Snow Displays, Sat- besides his arms. Perhaps there cantation. This drives home the was a passport to a true nation- fact that Africa has to seek when they are frustrated and dis- urday night informal dance, Sun- may be a few structural changes alist cause. traught. The African would be day Concert, Royalty, Publicity, in the Class Council and in its and find somewhere in her dark But what has aid to do with cultural and social roots a foun- better off if he had only one dumb and Winter Skol Magazine. Chairman for next year. Assum- the African turmoil? If the Af- soul in N.Y. while the rest of Students interested in serving ing of course that he will run dation on which to form her amor- rican was really pinched by the phous structure. Of course this the brilliant men did more con- as chairmen are urged to sign for the office next year, and to immensity of his developmental structive work to lead the revol- up at the Student Union Control me there is no doubt about that, is not to say that we are to problems he would be struggling ignore the world around us. But ution into a more effective state. Desk between Wednesday April and it suits me fine. hard to end this aid as soon as 27 and Tuesday, May 3 at which Till Friday, then, I remain, at least our belated awakening possible; not only does it delay should be a blessing in disguise time they may also sign up for out on my limb, waiting... him, but it also sways him to an interview. THE RAVEN if we were not dark of judgment. the distractions of the East and FAC1HTY IS SPRING CLEANING KEEPING YOU FROM ENJOYING LIFE ? Then Let Tau Epsilon Phi Do It HERE'S A SUMMER JOB FOR YOU! Work Day Call Today 429-2593 Kelly Services offers temporary working opportunities de- To Bo Held For Workers And signed for you and your specific needs. Kelly Services is located in 184 cities, so there will be work wherever you happen to be. And you'll be paid top rates. Save money Sat. April 30 Information for tuition, books, clothes, travel, or just plain fun. flere are some of the jobs you can have this summer: All Donations KELLY GIRL KELLY MARKETING Given To American Cancer Society Typing Demonstrating Stenographic Telemarketing :*:*:>*:>*:*x*:*x:x Secretarial Mystery shopping Clerical Canvassing Tabulating Survey-taking we are looking for a secret, KELLY LABOR KELLY TECHNICAL I Truck driving Layout Inspection assembly Designing do you have it? we'll bet you do!!! Machine operation Drafting Stock work Illustrating The secret we are looking for is that hidden idea--that carefully guarded invention-that Lumber work Programming carefully worked out scheme that you have never been able to make the right contacts to General labor Surveying both be heard and also shown concrete interest in the form of total protection and financial backing Work when you want to! Where you want to in any one of For the first time on any campus, The Avon Association is offering an opportunity for the 184 cities where Kelly Services is located. Visit the Kelly offices near your campus or write to the Kelly office those ideas to come to life and be accorded the treatment they deserve m your own hometown. Would you like to have us do this for you? (Equ»l Ooportumt, Em0lo,«i) 1. Give you certified protection for your revealed ideas. 2. Assure you financial backing sufficient to successfully prosecute any reasonable idea. 3 Present you with the fairest possible royalty arrangement. 75 P«arl Sfr««f Horfford 4. Assume responsibility for promotion, manufacturing and sales programs. 157 Church Street New Hovln 83 Fairfleld Avenue Bridgeport 5. Provide you with a niche in our program. KLiy 1116 Summer Street Stamford SERVICES Additionally there is ample opportunity to get into this very lucrative field os on investor. High financiol ft Representatives from Kelly Services will be registering gam it a very greot possibility. men and women for summer jobs on campus on April 28, Coll or write Everett Borth c-o Avon Association Inc., 30 Formington Avenue, Hertford, Connecticut. Areo fe 1966, Room 301, Student Union from 9-4:00 p.m. No code 203 246-6658. » oppointment necessary. i Available lor counciling with club or special groups. ' |X; WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27, 1966 CONNECTICUT DAILY CAMPUS PAGE FIVE

Movie Review Machine Falls In Love (CPS)--There are many legends only necessary to fill an arbi- Drama Of Human Values in Baghdad-by-the-Flatirons, but trary requirement. Naturally, none is nore touching than the 254043 wouldn't graduate, the by Doreen Gagne stifled by her prostitute mother the Negro. Gordon (Poitier), the legend of Randy, the IBM Machine administration decided. "A Patch of Blue" Is a moving, (Shelley Winters) and her alco- average middle class man, func- with a heart. 254043's card went into the ma- tender and at moments, heart- holic grandfather (Wallace Ford). tions as an asset to his com- Randy didn't always have a heart chine. It should not have been breaking drama. This compas- The threesome exist in a dreary munity, but is Immediately scor- of course. Originally she was punched with the code to allow sionate drama appeals to the three-room flat. Cut off from the ned when seen helping the blind, simply computer model EVO at him to graduate. The strange basic sensisitivity of man. It world, Selina's only outlet con- white Selina. This relationship the Multiversity data processing noise began again. The card em- stars two Academy Award win- sists of an occasional trip to of two marvelous people who center. Her job was simply to erged—punched. 254043 grad- ners: Sidney Poitier and Shelley the park taken by a friendly desperately need each other is handle those myriad IBM cards uated as planned in June. Winters and introduces a new Polish merchant. shunned by a populous who cares which daily spew forth and guide Then an even more astonishing and exciting actress, Elizabeth It is at the park where Gordon little for them as people, but the destiny of all 14,700 of us in thing happened. Randy was fed Hartmann, who was also nomin- befriends Selina. Sidney Poltler are revolted at the sight of the the idyll. all 14,700 IBM cards for a rou- ated for an Oscar. depicts Gordon, a young Negro Interracial friendship. In a sense, But of course, Randy never tine accounting. She spewed them The story concerns two people businessman. An intelligent man, the gap which society left in thought. Machines are not out not only with the matricula- segregated from life. Elizabeth Gordon has created a wholesome their lives is being filled by the supposed to think. She was a tion number, but with each per- Hartmann portrays Selina, a and cultural existence for him- warm understanding of a friend- useful, responsible member of son's name! young, blind girl. Selina is not self, but his color prevents him ship love. This aspect of the the total university community; Furthermore, Randy sent out a only handicapped by the def- from living as a free individual. movie deserves a fine salute. she didn't have to think. Then long memorandum explaining her iciency of her eyes, she is also Both Selina and Gordon are drawn It depicts the racial problem in one day there was a power action, in plain English. together attempting to fulfill each a warm, tender manner in con- shortage. Not long afterwards, Randy's memorandum said, in Much of the tension and non- other's needs from a society trast with the agitating and vio- the trouble began. part: "Men and women are not sense disappeared from the Mul- filled with hate. lent demonstrations which are Randy was programmed on that machines. They have a deep need tiversity. The atmosphere was In her innocent and forgiving so prominent today. fateful day, March 12, 1968, to to be recognized as individuals. like that of old Greece, where manner, Selina teaches Gordon The performances of the three handle discipline cases. Number They need to be dealt with as men studied for love of learning the meaning of tolerance before major characters a re outstanding 241629's card was fed into her. if they have personal worth in- and not for cumulative grade she has even heard the word., Mr. Poitier exemplifies the 241629 was a coed. She had herent within them. To reduce points. whereas Gordon, in turn becomes warmth, sincerity and dramatic stayed over night in a man's them to the mass is to deny They never found out Just why the only friend Selina has ever force which his role demands. dorm without permission. They this dignity. Randy went astray that immor- known. He helps teach her how Miss Winters makes herself hated were both adults. No third party "They are not programmed au- tal day in March. Some say the to become a self reliant person— as a crude, loudmouthed mother. suffered any harm from what tomatons who can unthinkingly power failure subtly altered her giving her an awareness of "self" And a special bow goes to Eliz- they had done. They had con- perform seemingly meaningless circuits. both as a lonely girl, a person abeth Hartmann whose sensitive ducted their affairs in privacy. tasks in service of a system Randy the IBM machine learned and an individual as well. role has proven her to be one In short they had harmed no- which claims to be for their to love. The theme of the movie is bas- of the very best emerging one. But they were caught. Nat- benefit. (Ewegen writes for the Colorado ically not a civil rights concern, actresses In Hollywood. In ess- urally, the girl was being ex- All of the community was Daily where this story first ap- however, it does convey a feel- ence--this movie should not be pelled. Humans had sat in judg- stunned by the memorandum, peared.) ing of empathy for the plight of missed! ment and given their decision. which was dubbed "The Randy They had simply fed the cards Statement." to Randy and left it up to her The University first tried to to handle the red tape. replace Randy. But she cost $6 2-11629's card was fed into the million and the state could not machine. The circuits hummed. afford a new one. Then a strange clicking sound They tried to fix Randy. But began. 241629 card never they could find nothing wrong. emerged from Randy. The proper Finally the administration deci- administrative bodys never ded they would have to live with learned about the action they her. were to take. The coed stayed To the students Randy became in school. a symbol of hope--a court of Well, that was the first foulup. last resort, an executive clem- There were others. A senior ency for wrongs which knew no named 254043 was discovered to other redress. be lacking In one course nec- And she continued to live up essary for graduation. It was not to their hopes. a course that was useful to his Soon a funny thing happened. career. The two hour course was Other travelers checks Summer Jobs are every as good as Under American Foresight's First National City Banks Unique Guaranteed Income Program You Can Earn $1000 To $2500 With No Previous Experience Qualifications; 1. You nvist have a car. 2. You must live within these areas; Massachusetts Northern & Eastern Connecticut Delaware ...until you lose them! Rhode island New Jersey Maryland Eastern Pennsylvania or within 50 miles of: Springfield, Massachusetts Newark, N.J. Boston, Massachusetts Philadelphia, Pa. Providence, Rhode Island Baltimore, Md. Come And Learn About This lerrifk Summer Job Opportunity

Wednesday , April 27 At 1:00,

2:30, and 4:00 Pm In Room 103

Of The Student Union Traveling this vacation? Wherever you go, don't take losaDle cash. Take First National City travelers checks. You can cash them all over the U. S. and abroad. But their big advantage is a faster refund system. See below.

MANSFIELD Other leading travelers checks like First checks.you don't have to wi rrj rherearemore National Citj travelers (hecks can be cashed than 20,000 places around the world authorized Open 7:00 Shorts 7:30 all ovei the World. to give you .i fast refund right on the spot) Silencers 9:30 Lake 7:50 Bui ii you Ihink all Iravelers checks .ire alike First National Cit> tra> elers i he< ks i ome trom you may be in foi .1 rude shock it you should the leader in world-wide banking, and have TREASURE /live youi checks been in use over 60 years. lhe\ are Known and w nh other leading travelers* hei ks ei.ihoraie accepted in more than .1 million shops hotels SILVER and tin" consuming inquiries often have to be restaurants aii terminals et< the worid over. made. It may be days even weeks before you Next time you travel, insist on first Ndtional ! } LAKE get your mone) li.u k Who wants to wait? City travelers i hoc ks MARTIN ALL COLOR SHOW But, it Mm lose First National ( ii\ travelers The\ cost jusl one ion I per dollar. as Matt Heim "Our Man Flint' First National City Bank Travelers Checks THE and ij Next Wed Sold by banks everywhere SlLlsNCisRS "The Saboteur" - « ' IIIIT PAGE SIX CONNECTICUT DAILY CAMPUS WEDNESDAY. APRIL 27. 196(i

Campus Classifieds ACTIVITIES ON CAMPUS Miss Photogenic Coed cof- FOR SALE: 1965 Suzuki 50 cc. cut town. Salary comparable to UCONN FORESTRY AND WILD be at 12:30 in No. lot, finish will fees will be held tonight at motor cycle. 423-6831. Sherman House: Crandall C, that of teacher. Write full de- LIFE CLUB: Meeting tonight be at A'S. We encourage every- tails to C.H. White, General Man- at 7:30 in room 304 of College one to try this challenging sport. French A, Hollister B, Mc- i R SALE: 1960 Ford Galaxie ager of Meridan Record, of Agriculture. You'll be glad you did! Mahon, Stowe D, Alpha Delta 2 loor hardtop VL Cruisomatlc Meridan, Connecticut. FRESHMAN CLASS COUNCIL: BRIEN McMAHON FIRESIDE Pi, and PI Beta Phi, Drive, Power Steering, radio, Meeting Thurs., at 7:00 p.m. in CHAT COMMITTEE: Monday, At Sigma Chi Alpha: Alsop heater WSW. Excellent condition. WANTED: Bartender to start im- Social Sciences 55. Important, May 2nd at 7:30 p.m. Dr. Jam's B, Crawford B, Grange, To- $757. Call 429-1118. mediately and work through the all council members must attend. Leary from the Waterbury Br. wers 4D, Merritt B, Towers summer. Must have experience. BLOCK AND BRIDDLE CLUB: will be discussing sexual devia- 5A, Delta Pi, and Phi Sigma FOR SALE: Pull ahead of the Start your summer job early. Meeting Wed. night at R. Hicks tion. His talk will beheld in Brien Sigma, crowd. Get to where the action Call 423-0256 any day except rm. 10 at 7:30 to discuss Spring McMahon Hall. All his former is. First that is buy a Suzuki Monday. Cavey's Log Cabin, Rt. trip and/or picnic. All members students are invited to attend. Coffees to be held tomor- motor cycle. 50-250 c.c. For 87, Lebanon. please come. FRESHMAN CLASS COUNCIL: row (Thursday) night are as information call Gary at 429- CHRISTIAN SCIENCE ORGANI- Import, elections moetinj, Tues., follows: At Alpha Epsilon 2288. RIDE WANTED: To Providence, ZATION: Services Thursday at May 2nd. Attendance mandatory Pi: Beard A, Crawford C, R.I. this Friday anytime. Call 6:45 p.m. in 'he Waggoner for all council members; 7:00 Holcomb, Towers 4A, To- FOR SALE: 1957 Jaguar SK 140- Pam at 429-95226. Chapel. UN roam, HUB. wers 5B, Alpha Epsilon Phi, black leather interior. Price $785 MANSFIELD TUTORIAL PRO- PHI ALPHA THETA: New mem- Quad III, and Crawford A. or best offer. Call 428-4807. RIDE WANTED: To Worcester on GRAM: The bus for Mansfield bers will be initiated into Phi At Beta Sigma Gamma: Friday, May 29. Call 429-4073 will leave the Administration Alpha Theta, the honorary his- French B, Towers 4C, Mer- FOR SALE: 1965 Honda 305 Sup- and ask for Sue. parking lot tonight at 7:00 p.m. torical fraternity, on the evening ritt A, Stowe D, Delta Zeta, per, Hawk, black, scrambling DOLPHINETTES: Arnury pool of Mf.y 11. Interested and qual- Kappa Alpha Theta, and South bars, 36T Sprocket, 2 months on LOST: $50 Reward: 9 year old Hall. 7:00 p.m. ified individuals should leavj the road, excellent condition, low black standard poodle-male. He CHESS CLUB: Tonight at 7:30 their names at the history office mileage. Call Fred at 429-4041 was lost on the Wormwood Hill, in room 209 of the Student Union. on or before April 22. or contact at Sig Ep. Gurleyville Road area on Easter P'NAi B'RITH IIILLEL FOUN- Crisis... Sunday. Name Petey. Call 429- DATION: Basic Judaism class (Cont. from pg. 3 col, 5) FOR SALE: Mobile Home. Two 1898. and discussion conducted by Schwartz Announces bedrooms. 8' x 45'. Can be seen Rabbi Cohen today at 4:00 p.m. UConn students actually take part at Ricks trailer park. All Fur- UCF: You are cordially invited (/Conn To Celebrate in creating camp is opinion — how nished. Call Mrs. Silver after 3 FOR RENT: 3 room apartment- to a Vespers service to be held many Holly Mims do we have? p.m. 429-1371. 10 minutes from Storrs. First in Waggoner Chapel (next to the Walpurgis Hiqk t Orgy At both UConn and California tenants would like to sublet start- Community House) at 7:00 p.m. Community Colleges (to a much FOR SALE: TR-3 1959 white with ing June 17. Reasonable rates. HOUSE PRESIDENTS COUNCIL: This Saturday night the first greater exten'. it is conceded) black top plus Tonneau, R &H, Call 429-5303. Important moating tonight at 6:30 annual celebration of Walpurgls mass education is attained at the wire wheels, white walls, front in room 316 Commons. All house Night (English translation from price of quality of that educa- disc brakes. 429-4259. FOR RENT: Apartment in Boston presidents must attend. the German Walpurgisnacht) will tion. While in our highly techno- to sublet. Available on or about YOUNG CONSERVATIVES: Capt. be held at the University of Con- logical society, a degree of train- FOR SALE: Black XK-102: Good June 1st. 2 1/2 rooms, furnished. Holecek will give a talk and show necticut. Walpurgis Night is one ing is necessary, it should have engine, new clutch, rebuilt carbs In the heart of Boston. Rent slides of his recent experiences of the two main festivals observed more gradlants than just four- -good top, etc. Asking $475 $120. If interested call 429-9578 in Vietnam May 2, in room 104 by the witches, devils, and de- years of Liberal Arts. -Trade considered. 429-1198. evenings and ask for Jim. S.U. beginning at 7:30 p.m. All mons of the Underworld (the In New York City a more real- are cordially invited. other is Halloween). Walpurgis istic plan has been proposed. The FOR SALE: 1957 Austin Healey SENIORS: Last call for payments Night is basically a fertility fes- Board of Higher Education has Roadster, wires, with 1962, 3 LOST: Friday night on campus. and reservations of tickets to tival, or perhaps orgy is a more presented this month a plan to litre engine. $690. Call 429-1720. Glasses with simulated wood Senior Week. Wed. April 27, and up-to-date word. It falls every offer "something for everyone" frames. Call Tom Lilliandahl, year at midnight April 30 to May in the city's high school gradua- 429-2900. Thurs., April 28, in S.U. Lobby, HELP WANTED: Energetic young at 10:00 a.m. - 5 p.m. All tickets i. • tion classes by 1975. It would man or woman with a well-dev- not paid for by Thursday will bo "I have been visited by Meph- offer to every student some type eloped sense of curiosity, as a LEARN TO DRIVE: Call the Mel- istopheles himself," said Senior of tuition-free post-high school Rose Driving Academy at 423- sold to underclassmen. reporter on daily newspaper in OUTING CLUB: Meeting tonight Class President Schwartz, ''and education, varying from high- medium sized (50,000) Connecti- 7588. quality college for exceptionally in room 102 of the HUB at 7:30 he has commanded me to dedi- Rock climbing, Lake George, ani cate this night of Evil and Sin bright students to training in vo- hiking trips for the weekend will to him. If we dare refuse him, cational skills for even the low- bo planned. he will put a curse on the whole est quarter of every graduating HONORS STUDENTS: Special university." Therefore, at the class. command of Mophistopheles (who The program can be broken events committee meeting tonight f at 6:45 p.m. at Hnr/ey House. is rumored to be Satan's High down in o four levels; Priest, and perhaps Satan him- 1) The senior colleges would After Ihe meeting al 7;30 p.m. Dr. Newmeyeroftha history dept. self), the ASG Senate and the offer admission to the top 25 per will speak on the "Problems of Senior Class Council have cent of gradua.cis, the University." made plans to celebrate this 2) Tne two-year com unity col- event. ASSOCIATED WOMEN STU- leges would offer admission :o the DENTS COUNCIL: Meeting today All students are urged to attend next 40 per cont. Bo/tfew at 4:00 p.m. n room 316 of Com- this most gruesome festival and 3) The next 10 per cent, would mons. to participate in the ceremonies. be offered special opportui ties SHOT 10 A.M. to 10 P.M. DAILY! PLYING CLUB: The meeting time There will lie a procession be- through the College Discovery of the Flying Clut) has boon ginning at approximately 11:15 program, wliich seeks disadvan- changed o Wed., at 7:30 p.m. taged studen'.s for admission to Saturday night. The place for the community colleges. in room 103 of the Student Union. actual celebration and the content FROM OUR YARN DEPT. ISO: Mi .'ting of ISO Senators at of the ceremony will be disclosed 4) For the i>o:tom qiarter of the 6:30 p.m. 214 S.U. tonight. further on in the week. Students class, educational skill centers would be operated to prepare the UCONN SPORTS CAR Ci are reminded to dress completely Will sponsor a TSD Rally Sun- in black, and to bring brooms, students for vocational and tocli day, May 1st. Registration will wands, torches, and other assor- nical employment. ted relics. This program does away with the assumption -hat all people Knit A Fisherman who go on after high scnool have to be funneled into the "regular'1 Sweater from authentic COLLEGE MEN college. The Nev. Yorkplan while Aran Isles Designs constructed only with New York's Connecticut Residents needs in mind ran serve as a model for a nation-wide system of higher education Unfortun- PART TIME or FULL TIME ately many parents and high school "guidance" counselors would .>e unhappy with this sy- stem As part of tli.' "k0 ; // SUMMER EMPLOYMENT up with the Jones" syndrome all // the kids have to go to a four-year RYGJA college. But. not everyone should go to a four-year college as any // Accepted You Will Start At psychiatrist or flunk-OUt sta; r will tell you. Ti.i' Nev fork sys- YARN tem is a much more flexible an I $400 Per Month (Full Time) Or prac:ical one for our society than the • 'all for one and one for all" The natural homespun California .system. yarn, imported from $200 Per Month (Part Time) Norway. Impregnated IS IT TRUE 159 with natural oils, lanolin soft and water repellen' On The Job Training - WHAT THEY SAY Fringe Benefits IN VENEZUELA?

100% ITALIAN MOHAIR Eastern Soft, fluffy mohair Connecticut's sweaters complement INTERVIEWS AT Largest Selection of Any waidiuba. Our beautiful colors are popular and fashion- 99 TIME: 2pm,3:30pm 7:30pm able this year. l'/i DATE: thursday april 28 PIPES MACS SMOKE SHOP 13*1 MAIN STREET PLACE: hub 104 during day (Two Locations) WILLIMANTIC 721 Main St.. WillimaaCk 201 at night Route 195. Man«fleW iNetf-To The Village Treat WEDNESDAY APRIL 27. 1966 CONNECTICUT DAILY CAMPUS PAGE SEVEA Baseballers Host Yale; Looking For Key Victory Connecticut hopes its three- are paced at the bat by the in- gam? baseball losing streak will field in regular season play. be broken when 'he.Huskies clash Shortstop Bob Schaefer leads the with the Yale Bulldogs, here Wed- team in hitting with a .313 aver- nesday afternoon at 3. age on five hits in 16 at bats, two The Huskies won all seven home runs and four RBIs. Dave games down South and two more Proctor, junior third baseman, on the regular slate before they Is hitting at an even .300. First- fell victim to Yankee Conference sacker Ron Bugbee, another jun- foes three times last week. ior, is tied with Schaefer for the Coach Larry Panciera plans on RBI leadership with four, and pitching three hurlers three In- his three doubles is tops in that nings apiece against Coach Ethan column. He also has a home run. Allen's Elis, hoping the mound Following Wednesday's game, staff which gave him nine wins in Connecticut plays Vermont at a row during a crowded slate Burlington on Saturday; and the at the season's beginning will Huskies play Massachusetts, right Itself. This means Tommy Rhode island and New Hampshire, Lawton, Ed Baird and Skip Olan- all league games, the following der will be on the firing line. week. After the Yale skirmish, Con- necticut meets four Yankee Con- ference rivals over an eight-day Schedule Changes stretch; and the Husky skipper hopes his hurlers will be tuned Saturday's Connecticut- up for these games. AIC varsity tennis meet will Steve Kehas, a 5-9, 175-lb sen- start at 11 a.m. instead of ior right-hander who owns a 1-0 at 3; and the freshman base- record, is coach Allen's pitch- ball game at Springfield Col- ing choice against the state lege will start at 3 instead rivals. The Bulldogs had a 4-14-1 of at 2. TOM PROCTOR fields o close throw at second base, as UMass's Jim Babyak attempts record going into a Monday after- Last week's rained out golf to slide under him He was attempting to steal second as the Husky catcher Ed Carroll noon game at Wesleyan. match with NeV Hampshire stopped him with the throw for the out Despite defensive plays such as this, Connecticut In an odd twist of even's since at Durham has been postpon- lost the game 7-2 in their YanCon opener The UConn team again takes the field today with the southern swing, the Huskies ed until this Thursday. Yale at 3:00 p m Netmen Overwhelm Maine HEADQUARTERS FOR SPORTS CAR TIRES AP Sports |n First YanCon Outing The 1972 Winter Olympics have by Bob Schneider Britton allowed little doubt about been awarded to Sapporo, Jap^n. On Friday afternoon the UCom the outcome as he scored two Salt Lake City had been in com- netmen completely dominated aces in the first game he serv- petition for the Winter Olympics. their Maine counterparts, gaining ed. Number two Pete Dunning, who probably has the strongest The city of Munich, Germany an easy 8-1 victory. Sophomore llRELLJ has been awarded the 1972 Sum- net game on the team, also post- Mike Britton turned in an out- ed an identical 6-2, 6-2 victory. mer Olympics. standing performance in the The German city beat out three Relying on his strong defensive number one position as he easily play, Bill Kamenoff held down the competitors, including Detroit, beat tough Bruce Hauck 6-2, 6-2. Montreal and Madrid. third position victory with the Continental The International Olympic Com- same scores. mittee gave the Summer Olym- The match was won early, as the pics to Munich on the second Green Bay Packers first five singles players turned ballot today in Rome. in victories for UConn. Ted John- The Detroit Tigers have sold Los Angeles Rams son, after a slowly played first MICHELIN T pitcher Julio Navarro to their set, came back to smash his op- Syracuse farm club In the Inter- ponent in the second set, for the national League. He made one Make Key Trades sixth singles victory. In the appearance in relief this season. The Green Bay Packers and Los doubles matches, Britton and St*f la far > ~r FREE RALLY His departure reduces the Ti- Angeles Rams swung a deal yes- Dunning teamed against Hauck gers' squad to 27. Two more must terday with veteran running back and Swarte to win 6-8. 6-0. 6-2 be cut before May 15th. Tom Moore and quarterback Ron in a rather sloppily played match. Also In baseball: The Pittsburgh Smith the key figures. Goldman and Gobel won the sec- Pirates have placed pitcher Ver- Moore is switching to the Rams. ond doubles, and Steve Sllberfeln non Law on the disabled list. Smith is moving to the Packers. and Steve Spiro lost a tough three NEW ENGLAND He pulled a muscle in his left Also going to the Packers are set battle for the only loss. side warming up on April 18th defensive lineman Dick Arndt, Over all, Coach John Chapman's and has been talcing treatments who still has another year of eli- 1966 tennis team looks to be head- TIRE CO. ever since. Law will have to gibility at the University of Idaho, ed for a highly successful season. remain on the disabled list for and a high future draft choice. The team showed plenty of at least 15 days. He was the The deal gives the Packers a strength in all six positions in top winner last season for the third quarterback behind Bart defeating a strong Maine squad. KTt • Pirates with 17 victories. In his Starr and Zeke Bratkowskl. The next home match will be AP'il 4U-4M* only appearance this season, Law Green Bay did have a third signal- 30, against A.I.C. Spectators are WILUMAXTIt shut out the Atlanta Braves. caller in Dennis Claridge. But welcome. he was drafted by the Atlanta Fal- Newly crowned Middleweight cons, the new team in the National Champion Emile Griffith plans Football League. court action tomorrow in an ef- Smith was a star at the Uni- Norm Hodge fort to also keep his Welterweight versity of Richmond. He was kept title. on the taxi squad last season but Griffith scored an upset in post- put on the squad for the final four ing a unanimous decision last games of the season. Moore play- and MONEY TALKS night over Dick Tiger to win ed six seasons for the Packers, the Middleweight title. gaining 2,004 yards and scoring The New York State Athletic 21 touchdowns. Commission does not permit 3 Also in football, the Baltimore Malcom Mill fighter to hold two titles at the Colts have signed free agents same time. But a spokesman for Jim Chandler and Mel Traylor Griffith said the matter will be and said both would get tryouts placed before a state court tom- SO WHY NOT at defensive safety. orrow. ____ JUDGES OF THE TURTLE Now Renting TOURNAMENT, SAY SOMETHING Can Be Had HARDWOOD ACRES WHUS MARATHON

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In 1863, actress Adah Isaacs Menken brought her production of Mazrppa miners jumped up on their chairs and cheered. When Miss Menken departed or The Wild Horse to Virginia City, Nevada. At the climax of the spectacle. from Virginia City, she left behind the Menken Shaft and Tunnel Company Miss Menken, wrapped in a few strategic of gauze, was strapped to and the Menken mining district. She took with her silver ingots, bars of the side of a wild horse and driven up a mountain trail. The thunderstruck bullion, and certificates of mining stock as gifts from her many admirers.

i l*"40 hi •*** <>> Miss Menken knew exactly what she was doing right. Rheingolb Beer