DOCUMENT RESUME ED 027 743 EM 007 134 By-Fasana, Paul J., Ed.; Shank, Russell, Ed. Tutorial on Generalized Programming Language s and Systems. Instructor Edition. American Society for Information Science, Washington, D.C. Spons Agency-National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C. Pub Date Jul 68 Grant- F -NSF -GN -657 Note-65p.; Manual based on materials prepared and presented by Thomas K. Burgess and others at the Annual Convention of the American Society for Information Science (New York, October 22-26, 1967) EDRS Price MF-$0.50 HC-$3.35 Descriptors-*Computer Science, *Computer Science Education, Information Retrieval, Information Storage, *Manuals Identifiers-COBOL, FORTRAN, PL I, SNOBOL This instructor's manual is a comparative analysis and review of the various computer programing languagescurrentlyavailable andtheircapabilitiesfor performing text manipulation, information storage, and data retrieval tasks. Based on materials presented at the 1967 Convention of the American Society for Information Science,themanualdescribes FORTRAN, a language designedprimarilyfor mathematicalcomputation;SNOBOL, alist-processinglanguagedesignedfor information retrieval application; COBOL, a business oriented language; and PL/L a new language incorporating many of the desirable features of FORTRAN andCOBOL but as yet implemented only for the IBM 360 computer system. (TI) U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION & WELFARE OFFICE OF EDUCATION Pek THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRODUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE N. PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGINATING IT.POINTS Of VIEW OR OPINIONS rJ STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRESENT OFFICIAL OFFICE OF EDUCATION TUTORIAL ON POSITION OR POLICY. GENERALIZED PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES AND SYSTEMS Instructor Edition. Edited by Paul J. Fasana Columbia University Libraries New York, N. Y. and Russell Shank The Smithsonian Institution Washington, D.
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