

1. CALL TO ORDER BY PRESIDING OFFICER (An invocation will be offered prior to call to order) . Pledge of Allegiance . Roll Call

2. CITIZEN AND COMMUNITY GROUP COMMENTS Instructions for providing testimony are located above the information table and the back of this agenda

3. CONSENT AGENDA Council members have the opportunity to move items from the Consent Agenda to Council Business. Council actions are taken in one motion on Consent Agenda Items. a. Approve January 11, 2016 Council minutes b. Approve January 16, 2016 Council Retreat minutes c. System Development Charge Annual Report 2015 Estacada Urban Renewal District Annual Report 2014-15 d. OLCC Annual Renewals

4. DEPARTMENT & COMMITTEE REPORTS a. Committee, Commission and Liaison b. City Manager Report c. Mayor Report

5. COUNCIL BUSINESS Items may be added from the Consent Agenda upon request of the Mayor or Councilor. a. SECOND CONSIDERATION – Ordinance Series of 2016 – 001 – An ordinance amending Section 5.04.020 D. of the Estacada Municipal Code regarding business and occupation licenses. b. 2016 Council Goals

6. CITIZEN AND COMMUNITY GROUP COMMENTS Instructions for providing testimony are located above the information table and the back of this agenda




The meeting was called to order at 7:00pm. Mayor Dodrill led in the pledge of allegiance.

Present: Cr. Aaron Gant, Cr. Justin Gates, Cr. Dan Neujahr, Cr. Paulina Menchaca, Cr. Lanelle King, Cr. Sean Drinkwine, Mayor Brent Dodrill, CM Denise Carey, CR Sadie Main.


CONSENT AGENDA a. Approve December 14, 2015 Council minutes b. Liquor License Application – The Mason Jar c. Resolution 2016-001 - A Resolution of the City of Estacada, Oregon calling a measure election to submit to the electors of the city the question of annexation of a .98 acre parcel of land into the city limits

Cr. Drinkwine moved to approve the consent agenda. Cr. Menchaca seconded the motion. The motion passed with 7 yes and 0 no.


Mayor Report – Mayor Dodrill provided the Councilors with the Council’s vision, mission and norms and explained that the document will be on the table at each meeting as a reference point. He added “be connected” to the norms section and explained the importance of checking city email regularly. Cr. Gant explained that city email can be checked on any device, not just their city laptop.

Mayor Dodrill reminded the Council about their retreat on Saturday, January 16th at 9:00am.


Elect Council President – Mayor Dodrill stated that Cr. Menchaca has been doing an excellent job as Council President. It was the consensus of the Council that Cr. Menchaca remains the Council President.

SECOND CONSIDERATION – Ordinance Series 2015 – 006 - An Ordinance Amending Chapter 16.26 Downtown (D) of the Estacada Development Code – Cr. Menchaca moved to adopt Ordinance Series 2015 – 006 – An Ordinance Amending Chapter 16.26 Downtown (D) of the Estacada Development Code. Cr. Gates seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Cr. Gant – yes, Cr. Gates – yes, Cr. King – yes, Cr. Estacada City Council Meeting January 11, 2016 – Page | 2

Menchaca – yes, Cr. Neujahr – yes, Cr. Drinkwine – yes, Mayor Dodrill – yes. The motion passed with 7 yes and 0 no.

Ordinance Series of 2016 – 001 – An ordinance amending Section 5.04.020 D. of the Estacada Municipal Code regarding business and occupation licenses – CM explained that the way our current business license code reads, a license cannot be issued to any business that goes against federal law. This ordinance changes the code to make a narrow exception for the sale, grow or manufacture of marijuana as allowed by the State of Oregon.

Cr. Neujahr asked about taxing options. CM explained that the cities in Oregon that did impose a tax are not collecting any money and she doesn’ recommend imposing a tax at this time. The State will collect a tax to pay for the rules and regulations put in place. Oregon cities will see a percentage of that money, based on population, in about 3 years.

Mayor Dodrill shared his concern about several marijuana operations opening in the industrial area. CM explained that those businesses require a tremendous amount of water so the city may not have the capacity to allow them.

Cr. Menchaca moved to adopt Ordinance Series 2016 – 001 – An ordinance amending Section 5.04.020 D. of the Estacada Municipal Code regarding business and occupation licenses. Cr. Neujahr seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Cr. Gant – yes, Cr. Gates – yes, Cr. King – yes, Cr. Menchaca – yes, Cr. Neujahr – yes, Cr. Drinkwine – yes, Mayor Dodrill – no. The motion passed with 6 yes and 1 no.

Rose Festival Mini Float Discussion – Councilor Menchaca – Cr. Menchaca explained that the mini float project might ignite other community projects, so this is more than just a donation to the float. Mayor Dodrill explained that the Ford Family Foundation will donate $5,000 to the project if the cohort can raise $2,000. The group also plans to work on other grants through the Estacada Community Foundation and Clackamas County Tourism.

Cr. Menchaca explained that the cohort sent out a request for proposals, asking for local artists to submit designs for the float. They plan to begin building the float in April for the parade in June.

Cr. Neujahr made a motion to give $2,000 from the general fund to the Estacada mini float for participation in the 2016 Portland Rose Festival parade. Cr. Gant seconded the motion. The motion passed with 7 yes and 0 no.


Cr. Drinkwine thanked the members of the audience for attending.

Cr. Neujahr reported that the lights on the trees on Broadway Street haven’t been on. CM stated that the lights are supposed to be on until daylight savings in March. She will contact EDA to get that fixed. Estacada City Council Meeting January 11, 2016 – Page | 3

Cr. Menchaca stated that the Chamber of Commerce is holding a Biggest Loser community challenge, and she invited everyone to participate.

Cr. King thanked the members of the audience for attending.


The meeting was adjourned at 7:26 pm. Estacada City Council Workshop January 16, 2016 – Page | 1



The meeting was called to order at 9:00 am by Mayor Dodrill.

Present: Cr. Sean Drinkwine, Cr. Aaron Gant, Cr. Lanelle King, Cr. Paulina Menchaca, Cr. Dan Neujahr, Mayor Brent Dodrill, CM Denise Carey, Asst to CM Melanie Wagner

Absent: Cr. Justin Gates

Mayor Dodrill welcomed everyone and commented that he is really looking forward to the Strategic Plan discussion that CM Carey will lead.

COUNCIL DISCUSSION Update on Goals CM reviewed the goals that had been adopted at the 2015 Goal Setting Workshop and described the progress made for each one.

Community Interaction: CM explained that the Chamber has been in a stabilization phase this past year. There is an agreement for the office space in city hall and we would like to work on this and define expectations more clearly. Cr. Menchaca, who is on the Chamber board, commented that there has been discussion on staffing the office on weekends for spring/summer. Mayor Dodrill explained that there has been ongoing discussion about tourism, the tourism grant which is distributed to recipients by a chamber subcommittee, and also who is leading the charge on tourism. CM said that the city is looking to apply for part of the tourism funds to promote the new brand, and there should be a city council/chamber board meeting soon. CM explained that the IGA with the Fire District had been approved. The council and fire board have not met jointly yet, but CM has been meeting quarterly with the fire chief and school superintendent to work more collaboratively. CM is planning to ask the fire chief for a joint meeting or for the chief to bring a report to the council. Regarding engaging the community, CM reported that staff has continued to be active on FB and both the Broadway Extravaganza and the Christmas Event were very successful.

Economic Development: CM recounted that the mayor had successfully led the branding initiative, and the final deliverables had been received. Wilcoxson is making plans for the official launch of the brand. The Urban Renewal Agency adopted a strategic plan and the gateway signage is on ongoing goal. Essential Services: CM reported that landscape maintenance on Broadway had been contracted out to Stephen Shibley for the year and he is doing a good job. Regarding SDC’s, CM reported that staff will be updating the Parks Master Plan to add the McIver Bridge, and that it needs to be updated in general. The council had indicated that parks in subdivisions were a priority, and so staff has been making sure parks are included in the planning of future subdivisions. Staff has also been communicating with the school district on development of their back property.

The Mayor asked for an update on the staffing changes in the front office at city hall. CM reported that CR Main will be beginning her first budget soon, and is doing a great job managing the office. Taryn Brown learned her job quickly and is doing great with customer service. Wilcoxson, CM and all front office staff have been working on improving processes and customer service. It seems like they are making small adjustments all the time to make it better.

Work Plan Development Strategic Plan: CM explained the value of having a strategic plan. It would be much easier for staff to prepare the budget when priorities and steps are lined out. She explained that it would be more complex than the Urban Renewal strategic plan which was adopted last summer, but would follow the same principle. CM also discussed the city’s Comprehensive Plan which is over 20 years old and is no longer an accurate document. It needs to be updated as it is require for land use planning. Grants are available for Comp Plan updates. The Strategic Plan is a guide for work and priorities of the city. CM provided links to some good examples of other city strategic plans, explaining that Estacada’s would be smaller, but would incorporate the same elements as other strategic plans. Cr. Neujahr stated that he would want to know that this is a working document and wouldn’t just be sitting on a shelf. CM explained that this plan would direct budgeting and projects and would be revisited at least twice a year. The council agreed to have staff pursue options for creating a strategic plan.

Committee Liaisons: The councilors volunteered for liaison positions with the city committees and other agency boards. Arts commission – Cr. Neujahr Chamber of Commerce – Cr. Menchaca EDA – Cr. Drinkwine Infrastructure Committee – Cr. Gates Library Board – Mayor Dodrill Parks and Recreation – Cr. Menchaca Planning Commission – Cr. Gant School Board – Cr. Menchaca

Cr. Gates joined the workshop.

Topic 1 – Gateway/Welcome Sign Mayor Dodrill stated that a Gateway/welcome sign was part of the Estacada Downtown and Riverside Area Plan, and asked CM what the process would be to make this happen. CM noted that deciding where the sign would be located would be one of the first requirements. Cr. Gant stated that he had recently been through Madras and they have new signs at both ends of town that are easy/simple, quality, and well thought out. Cr. Menchaca commented that the current Ford Cohort was very excited about a gateway sign, but weren’t able to take on this large of a project. Cr. Gates stated that it would be most important to locate the sign for people to see as they enter town from the north. There was consensus that this should be one of the goals.

Topic 2 – Parks CM gave an overview of the current parks and greenways in the city. She stated the biggest challenge with parks is maintenance. Sometimes the city contracts out the maintenance and sometimes PW handles it. The nice thing about contracting is that it usually costs less and it frees PW up to do other things. There was a discussion of homeowners associations and the pros/cons of those. CM recommends city-owned parks. Cr. Drinkwine commented that in the past local volunteer groups contributed to annual maintenance (park cleanup day) which was helpful. CM said that the city can use SDC’s to build parks and then the cost of maintaining them just increases the budget, but the city could do that. Cr. Gant recommended building parks that are simple to maintain – maybe concrete, a covered area for gatherings, and a basketball hoop for example. CM stated that the council had made it clear previously that small neighborhood parks are a priority so staff is making sure those will be incorporated in future developments, and the other type of park is the larger community parks such as Wade Creek phase 3 and the Riverside area. These will require more of an investment from the city and they are also in process. There was a consensus that parks are a priority and they should be added to the goals for 2016.

Topic 3 – Pedestrian Access/Sidewalks The council discussed the lack of connectivity for walking in Estacada. A few areas that were especially noted were from Cemetery Rd to the High School on 6th, and then continuing on to Wade Creek and the Library. There was consensus that walking this route is not ideal. They also discussed the lack of sidewalks and curb-to-curb streets in the older parts of Estacada. CM said she and PW Director had been working on possibilities for funding the Cemetery/6th street intersection with the city planner and engineer. Improved pedestrian access was identified as a goal.

Topic 4 – Code Enforcement CM explained that she has looked into contracting a code enforcement officer through Sandy PD, however the only option currently available would be a full time officer which is not needed at this time. There was a discussion about contracting with a different company/agency or keeping the position as it is – 60% code enforcement, 40% utility worker. CM stated that she has considered developing a position that would be code compliance/planning, however she would still want the city to keep its main planning contract with the county. The review of the city code is almost complete, and all revisions will be finished before any changes with code enforcement would be instituted. The council discussed the options for the next phase of code enforcement in the city. They also discussed whether code enforcement should be more proactive rather than complaint driven as it has been in the past.

Topic 5 – Economic Development/Urban Renewal Economic Development Manager Wilcoxson handed out population statistics and stated that Estacada has had an Economic Development Department for 1 ½ years now and the current high priority is to communicate our programs which means we need to build economic development into our website and also printed material. EDM walked the council through her work plan for the 1st half of 2016. She also gave a short overview on alternative lodging and reported on a few businesses that she is working with that are looking into Estacada.

City Charter Discussion: CM distributed copies of the city charter and led a discussion about limitations imposed by the charter and why it may be beneficial to request changes to the charter through a vote of the people. Items discussed included annexations, new fees or fee increases, and urban renewal plans. The council also had a brief discussion regarding gas tax options for funding streets.

Workshops to be scheduled: CM listed workshops that will be planned for the council. They include downtown parking limits, gas tax/street funding, charter amendments, alternative lodging network, and an update from Reliance Connects. Cr. Menchaca and Cr. King would also like to schedule a workshop on becoming a HEAL city. The council indicated that having a workshop after the regular meeting rather than before would work best for them.

Other Business: Cr. Menchaca shared with the council that she would like to attend the National Cities Conference in Washington DC. The council was in agreement that she should use funds from the council budget to attend this conference.

The council asked CM to look into how other cities utilize stipends for city councilors to offset expenses or encourage involvement.

Department reports were given by the city recorder and police chief. CM read reports that were submitted by the public works director and the plant manager.

Wrap Up The goals that were discussed during this workshop will be formatted by city staff and then presented to the city council for revision and adoption at a regular council meeting. CM will schedule workshops to be done in early spring. These will be scheduled following the regular meetings.

CM was directed by the council to look into best contract options with the city attorney, to continue discussions with Reliance Connects to improve service and offer fiber to every house, and to gather information about the county’s fiber loop.


The meeting was adjourned at 2:45 pm. CITY COUNCIL AGENDA COVER SHEET

Meeting Date: Submitted by: Prior Council Reviews Sadie Main, City January 25, 2016 n/a Recorder/Finance Dir.

TOPIC: SDC & Urban Renewal annual reports

ATTACHMENTS: 1) SDC Annual Report 2014-15 2) Urban Renewal District Annual Report 2014-15

BACKGROUND: The city is required to file these reports with the City Council annually.

DISCUSSION: Reports are for informational purposes only.


RECOMMENDED ACTION: None. City of Estacada


December 31, 2015

Revenues Expenditures Projects

Transportation SDC $147,641 $100,911 Laurel/Maple CDBG Exxon Property Purchase Park SDC $138,660 $0

Water Improvement SDC $115,710 $6,712 High Service Pump Work

Water Reimbursement SDC $102,016 $0

Storm Sewer SDC $42,207 $4,491 Laurel/Maple CDBG

Sewer Improvement SDC $104,734 $6,391 Laurel/Maple CDBG

Sewer Reimbursement SDC $94,337 $0 Estacada Urban Renewal District Annual Report and Financial Statement Fiscal Year July 1, 2014 – June 30, 2015

The City of Estacada has an urban renewal agency (Estacada Urban Renewal Agency) that receives property taxes to pay for projects and programs to improve the Urban Renewal District. Each year, urban renewal agencies provide a summary of their finances for public information. This report is in addition to the annual agency budgets, which are adopted after public hearings. The Annual Report & Financial Statement for the Estacada Urban Renewal Agency has been prepared for fiscal year 2014-2015, based on audited financial information, and is on file with the City of Estacada and the Estacada Urban Renewal Agency. Additional information is available to all interested persons at www.cityofestacada.org or by contacting Melanie Wagner, Assistant to the City Manager, City of Estacada - 475 SE Main Street, P.O. Box 958, Estacada, Oregon 97023; telephone (503) 630-8270, x203; e-mail [email protected] .

Urban renewal funds come from a variety of sources, but the most common source is through tax increment financing. Tax increment financing is the basic means of financing urban renewal projects in the State of Oregon. Tax increment financing becomes available when an urban renewal plan is adopted. The steps in the tax increment process are: . When a plan is adopted, total assessed value in the renewal area becomes the “frozen base” of assessed value. . The Assessor re-calculates the total assessed values in the area each year that the renewal plan is in operation. . Tax increment revenue is produced when total assessed values exceed the frozen base value. The assessor calls this increase over the frozen base “excess value”. . Under Ballot Measure 50, growth in values comes from new construction, and a maximum 3% growth on existing property . The tax increment revenue must be spent on activities written into the renewal plan . The tax increment revenue must be spent inside the urban renewal plan boundary

Although Urban Renewal is a separate item on property tax statements, local property owners pay the same amount of tax whether or not an urban renewal district is established in their area. Basic property tax rates are fixed and will not change. The amount of Urban Renewal tax shown on a property tax statement is assessed, but taxes shown on the tax statement to other taxing districts and government bodies are reduced by the same amount.

Fiscal Year 2014-2015 Receipts and Expenditures During the 2014-2015 fiscal year the Agency received $222,533 in tax revenue from tax increment financing. The Agency also received $1,900,000 in bond proceeds, $4,663 in interest, and $265 in miscellaneous revenue. The Agency had beginning fund balances of $263,200. Expenditures totaled $1,942,889. The funds were used for the Broadway Streetscape Project ($1,841,394), Loan Payments for the purchase of Fire District Expansion Property ($42,950), Interest payments for the Broadway bond ($23,906) audit and legal counsel ($2,234), and administration ($32,405). An ending fund balance of $447,772 was carried forward into fiscal year 2015-2016.

Impact on Fiscal Year 2014-2015 Tax Collections for Overlapping Taxing Districts The Division of Taxes Process results in some property taxes, which would otherwise have been received by the overlapping taxing districts, being paid over to the Estacada Urban Renewal Agency. The taxing districts forego a share of the property tax income during the life of an urban renewal plan so that the urban renewal agencies can carry out the activities that increase property values in the long term. The impact on the overlapping taxing districts was $230,161.

Taxing District Name Impact on Taxing District – 2014/15 Cemetery $822.50 Clackamas County Rural $42,116.62 Clackamas County Extension $701.54 and 4H County Library $5,612.33 Soil Conservation $701.54 Estacada City and Bond $42,745.61 Clackamas ESD $5,201.08 Estacada Fire 69 $33,995.28 Clackamas Community College $9,990.91 and Bond Port of Portland $991.83 Estacada School 108 $87,208.75 Trimet $0 Vector $72.57 Total: $230,160.56

Fiscal Year 2015-2016 Budget Receipts and Expenditures Anticipated 2015-2016 fiscal year receipts include $242,000 in tax revenue from tax increment financing, $1,740 in interest, $100 in miscellaneous revenue, $5,000 in grant proceeds, and $750,000 from debt proceeds to begin implementing the Urban Renewal Five Year Strategic Plan. The Agency had beginning fund balances of $447,772. Anticipated 2015-2016 fiscal year expenditures include a payment of $75,000 to pay in full the Fire District Expansion Property Loan, $130,000 for interest and principal on the Broadway bond, $9,000 for consulting, audit and legal counsel, $11,000 for Strategic Planning, $11,000 for Administration, $50,000 for a Façade/signage Program, and $728,248 for Property Development/Redevelopment Programs.

This statement is hereby filed with the City of Estacada on January 25, 2016. Notice of this filing shall be published on January 28 and February 4, 2016. The statement shall be made available to all interested parties and will be posted at www.cityofestacada.org .

Melanie Wagner Assistant to the City Manager Estacada Urban Renewal Agency CITY COUNCIL AGENDA


Meeting Date: Submitted by: Prior Council Reviews Sadie Main, City January 25, 2016 n/a Recorder/Finance Director

TOPIC: OLCC License Renewals

ATTACHMENTS: 1. List of Businesses to renew OLCC licenses 2. Letter from OLCC

BACKGROUND: Beginning January 1, 2001, OLCC began providing the City with a list of all the liquor license renewals in their jurisdiction. OLCC coordinates the renewal process so all licenses are annual. OLCC sends each business a letter stating that their license is up for renewal and they are required to pay the city fee of $35.00.

DISCUSSION: There were no violations for any of the businesses in 2015.

BUDGET IMPACT: Each business will pay the required fee.

RECOMMENDED ACTION: The City Council has three options for action: 1) Provide a written recommendation to OLCC for any or all of the licenses on the list, 2) Make a written request for additional time to investigate a specific renewal or renewals listing the reason additional time is needed 3) Take no action resulting in OLCC processing the renewal application as if the council made a favorable consideration.


Budget: http://www.cityofestacada.org/budget_committee.html

Arts: http://www.cityofestacada.org/arts_commission.html

Library: http://www.cityofestacada.org/library_board.html

Infrastructure: http://cityofestacada.org/infrastructure_committee.html

Parks & Recreation: http://www.cityofestacada.org/parks_rec.html

Planning: http://www.cityofestacada.org/planning_commission.html Ordinance Series of 2016, No. 001

An Ordinance amending Section 5.04.020 D. of the Estacada Municipal Code regarding Business and Occupation Licenses.

WHEREAS, both medical and recreational marijuana is now legal in the State of Oregon: and

WHEREAS, although the State of Oregon has authorized the legal use of medical and recreational marijuana, marijuana remains illegal under federal law. The City’s licensing program attempts to reduce the risk to the public health, safety, and welfare related to marijuana facilities and the City’s actions shall not be construed as an endorsement of such facilities or as an authorization to engage in any activity prohibited by law.

NOW, THEREFORE, the City of Estacada ordains as follows:

Section 1. Section 5.04.020 D. is hereby amended to read as follows:

D. The levy or collection of an occupational tax upon any business shall not be construed to be a license or permit of the city to the person to engage therein in the event such business shall be unlawful, illegal, or prohibited by the laws of the state of Oregon, the United States, or other provisions of this code. All businesses shall conform to all federal, state, and local laws and regulations with the exception of the federal Controlled Substances Act as it pertains to marijuana legal under the laws of the State of Oregon.

Considered at the Council meeting of January 11, 2016, passed by a vote of 6 ayes and 1 nay, and considered for the second time at the meeting of January 25, 2016, and passed by a vote of ____ ayes and _____ nays.

DULY ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Estacada this ___ day of ______, 2016.

______Brent Dodrill, Mayor ATTEST:

______Sadie Main, City Recorder


GOAL Target Date Progress/Comments Status

COMMUNITY INTERACTION • Continue Partnerships with School and Fire Districts o Staff will meet quarterly with Fire and School Districts ongoing City staff will work with school district on the development of o ongoing sports fields and Hill Way connectivity • Engage the Community o Utilize social media to connect with and inform the community ongoing o Provide quarterly newsletter in utility bill and on website Q1

ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT • City take the lead in a Branding Marketing Campaign o Send out RFP for photo and video contract Q1 o Disperse logo to community groups with guidelines Q1 Develop new city website incorporating new brand and o Q2 economic development resources • Implement the 5-year Strategic Plan for Urban Renewal o Budget for 2016/17 to provide for programs Q2 o Promote Dev/Redevelopment grants/loans Program Ongoing o Promote SDC Subsidy Program Ongoing • Gateway/Welcome Sign Identify location – work with partners if not city-owned (west o Q1 location first) o Procure funding Q2 o Obtain design incorporating Quality and Simplicity Q2 o Install Q3

ESSENTIAL SERVICES • Parks o Work with developers to develop strategic, well-planned, low maintenance neighborhood/pocket parks in larger new Ongoing subdivisions o Update the Parks Master Plan Q3 o Continue plans for expanding Wade Creek Park Q3 Collaborate with other agencies to support Riverfront o ongoing Access/Development • Pedestrian Safety and Connectivity o Prioritize areas of concern for connectivity and safety Q1 o Identify funding sources for projects Q2 o Budget and schedule project for 2016 Q2 • Code Enforcement – Proactive Enforcement for Good of the City o Evaluate options for staffing Q1 o Complete code revisions and begin proactive enforcement Q2 Evaluate effectiveness of program and pros/cons of proactive ongoing o enforcement

ADMINISTRATION – LONG TERM PLANNING • Develop City of Estacada Strategic Plan o Research and develop process Q1 o Determine whether to hire a consultant or develop in-house Q1 o Host public workshops to gather input on priorities Q2 o Work with staff to identify priorities incorporating public Q3 comments and attainable goals with timeline and steps to completion o Draft Plan to be presented to City Council for adoption Q3

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