CITY OF ESTACADA AGENDA MAYOR BRENT DODRILL COUNCILOR SEAN DRINKWINE COUNCILOR LANELLE KING COUNCILOR AARON GANT COUNCILOR PAULINA MENCHACA COUNCILOR JUSTIN GATES COUNCILOR DAN NEUJAHR ESTACADA CITY COUNCIL ESTACADA CITY HALL, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 475 SE MAIN STREET, ESTACADA, OREGON MONDAY, JANUARY 25, 2016 - 7:00 PM 1. CALL TO ORDER BY PRESIDING OFFICER (An invocation will be offered prior to call to order) . Pledge of Allegiance . Roll Call 2. CITIZEN AND COMMUNITY GROUP COMMENTS Instructions for providing testimony are located above the information table and the back of this agenda 3. CONSENT AGENDA Council members have the opportunity to move items from the Consent Agenda to Council Business. Council actions are taken in one motion on Consent Agenda Items. a. Approve January 11, 2016 Council minutes b. Approve January 16, 2016 Council Retreat minutes c. System Development Charge Annual Report 2015 Estacada Urban Renewal District Annual Report 2014-15 d. OLCC Annual Renewals 4. DEPARTMENT & COMMITTEE REPORTS a. Committee, Commission and Liaison b. City Manager Report c. Mayor Report 5. COUNCIL BUSINESS Items may be added from the Consent Agenda upon request of the Mayor or Councilor. a. SECOND CONSIDERATION – Ordinance Series of 2016 – 001 – An ordinance amending Section 5.04.020 D. of the Estacada Municipal Code regarding business and occupation licenses. b. 2016 Council Goals 6. CITIZEN AND COMMUNITY GROUP COMMENTS Instructions for providing testimony are located above the information table and the back of this agenda 7. COUNCIL REPORTS & COMMENTS 8. ADJOURNMENT OF MEETING Estacada City Council Meeting January 11, 2016 – Page | 1 ESTACADA CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES ESTACADA CITY HALL, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 475 SE MAIN STREET, ESTACADA, OREGON MONDAY, JANUARY 11, 2016 - 7:00 PM CALL TO ORDER BY PRESIDING OFFICER The meeting was called to order at 7:00pm. Mayor Dodrill led in the pledge of allegiance. Present: Cr. Aaron Gant, Cr. Justin Gates, Cr. Dan Neujahr, Cr. Paulina Menchaca, Cr. Lanelle King, Cr. Sean Drinkwine, Mayor Brent Dodrill, CM Denise Carey, CR Sadie Main. CITIZEN AND COMMUNITY GROUP COMMENTS CONSENT AGENDA a. Approve December 14, 2015 Council minutes b. Liquor License Application – The Mason Jar c. Resolution 2016-001 - A Resolution of the City of Estacada, Oregon calling a measure election to submit to the electors of the city the question of annexation of a .98 acre parcel of land into the city limits Cr. Drinkwine moved to approve the consent agenda. Cr. Menchaca seconded the motion. The motion passed with 7 yes and 0 no. DEPARTMENT & COMMITTEE REPORTS Mayor Report – Mayor Dodrill provided the Councilors with the Council’s vision, mission and norms and explained that the document will be on the table at each meeting as a reference point. He added “be connected” to the norms section and explained the importance of checking city email regularly. Cr. Gant explained that city email can be checked on any device, not just their city laptop. Mayor Dodrill reminded the Council about their retreat on Saturday, January 16th at 9:00am. COUNCIL BUSINESS Elect Council President – Mayor Dodrill stated that Cr. Menchaca has been doing an excellent job as Council President. It was the consensus of the Council that Cr. Menchaca remains the Council President. SECOND CONSIDERATION – Ordinance Series 2015 – 006 - An Ordinance Amending Chapter 16.26 Downtown (D) of the Estacada Development Code – Cr. Menchaca moved to adopt Ordinance Series 2015 – 006 – An Ordinance Amending Chapter 16.26 Downtown (D) of the Estacada Development Code. Cr. Gates seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Cr. Gant – yes, Cr. Gates – yes, Cr. King – yes, Cr. Estacada City Council Meeting January 11, 2016 – Page | 2 Menchaca – yes, Cr. Neujahr – yes, Cr. Drinkwine – yes, Mayor Dodrill – yes. The motion passed with 7 yes and 0 no. Ordinance Series of 2016 – 001 – An ordinance amending Section 5.04.020 D. of the Estacada Municipal Code regarding business and occupation licenses – CM explained that the way our current business license code reads, a license cannot be issued to any business that goes against federal law. This ordinance changes the code to make a narrow exception for the sale, grow or manufacture of marijuana as allowed by the State of Oregon. Cr. Neujahr asked about taxing options. CM explained that the cities in Oregon that did impose a tax are not collecting any money and she doesn’t recommend imposing a tax at this time. The State will collect a tax to pay for the rules and regulations put in place. Oregon cities will see a percentage of that money, based on population, in about 3 years. Mayor Dodrill shared his concern about several marijuana operations opening in the industrial area. CM explained that those businesses require a tremendous amount of water so the city may not have the capacity to allow them. Cr. Menchaca moved to adopt Ordinance Series 2016 – 001 – An ordinance amending Section 5.04.020 D. of the Estacada Municipal Code regarding business and occupation licenses. Cr. Neujahr seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Cr. Gant – yes, Cr. Gates – yes, Cr. King – yes, Cr. Menchaca – yes, Cr. Neujahr – yes, Cr. Drinkwine – yes, Mayor Dodrill – no. The motion passed with 6 yes and 1 no. Rose Festival Mini Float Discussion – Councilor Menchaca – Cr. Menchaca explained that the mini float project might ignite other community projects, so this is more than just a donation to the float. Mayor Dodrill explained that the Ford Family Foundation will donate $5,000 to the project if the cohort can raise $2,000. The group also plans to work on other grants through the Estacada Community Foundation and Clackamas County Tourism. Cr. Menchaca explained that the cohort sent out a request for proposals, asking for local artists to submit designs for the float. They plan to begin building the float in April for the parade in June. Cr. Neujahr made a motion to give $2,000 from the general fund to the Estacada mini float for participation in the 2016 Portland Rose Festival parade. Cr. Gant seconded the motion. The motion passed with 7 yes and 0 no. COUNCIL REPORTS & COMMENTS Cr. Drinkwine thanked the members of the audience for attending. Cr. Neujahr reported that the lights on the trees on Broadway Street haven’t been on. CM stated that the lights are supposed to be on until daylight savings in March. She will contact EDA to get that fixed. Estacada City Council Meeting January 11, 2016 – Page | 3 Cr. Menchaca stated that the Chamber of Commerce is holding a Biggest Loser community challenge, and she invited everyone to participate. Cr. King thanked the members of the audience for attending. ADJOURNMENT OF MEETING The meeting was adjourned at 7:26 pm. Estacada City Council Workshop January 16, 2016 – Page | 1 ESTACADA CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES ESTACADA CITY HALL, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 475 SE MAIN STREET, ESTACADA, OREGON SATURDAY, JANUARY 16, 2016 – 9:00 AM CALL TO ORDER BY PRESIDING OFFICER The meeting was called to order at 9:00 am by Mayor Dodrill. Present: Cr. Sean Drinkwine, Cr. Aaron Gant, Cr. Lanelle King, Cr. Paulina Menchaca, Cr. Dan Neujahr, Mayor Brent Dodrill, CM Denise Carey, Asst to CM Melanie Wagner Absent: Cr. Justin Gates Mayor Dodrill welcomed everyone and commented that he is really looking forward to the Strategic Plan discussion that CM Carey will lead. COUNCIL DISCUSSION Update on Goals CM reviewed the goals that had been adopted at the 2015 Goal Setting Workshop and described the progress made for each one. Community Interaction: CM explained that the Chamber has been in a stabilization phase this past year. There is an agreement for the office space in city hall and we would like to work on this and define expectations more clearly. Cr. Menchaca, who is on the Chamber board, commented that there has been discussion on staffing the office on weekends for spring/summer. Mayor Dodrill explained that there has been ongoing discussion about tourism, the tourism grant which is distributed to recipients by a chamber subcommittee, and also who is leading the charge on tourism. CM said that the city is looking to apply for part of the tourism funds to promote the new brand, and there should be a city council/chamber board meeting soon. CM explained that the IGA with the Fire District had been approved. The council and fire board have not met jointly yet, but CM has been meeting quarterly with the fire chief and school superintendent to work more collaboratively. CM is planning to ask the fire chief for a joint meeting or for the chief to bring a report to the council. Regarding engaging the community, CM reported that staff has continued to be active on FB and both the Broadway Extravaganza and the Christmas Event were very successful. Economic Development: CM recounted that the mayor had successfully led the branding initiative, and the final deliverables had been received. Wilcoxson is making plans for the official launch of the brand. The Urban Renewal Agency adopted a strategic plan and the gateway signage is on ongoing goal. Essential Services: CM reported that landscape maintenance on Broadway had been contracted out to Stephen Shibley for the year and he is doing a good job. Regarding SDC’s, CM reported that staff will be updating the Parks Master Plan to add the McIver Bridge, and that it needs to be updated in general. The council had indicated that parks in subdivisions were a priority, and so staff has been making sure parks are included in the planning of future subdivisions. Staff has also been communicating with the school district on development of their back property. The Mayor asked for an update on the staffing changes in the front office at city hall.
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