Connecticut Daily Campus Serving Storrs Since 1896

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Connecticut Daily Campus Serving Storrs Since 1896 CCC $1,300 Over Last Year - Marathon Deciding Factor The results of the 1965 Campus In terms of spirit however, the by singing in front of men's In the parade competition, Phi the new Miss University of Con- Community Carnival, held Mon- carnival was a success by any dorms and collecting the money Sigma Delta took first place in necticut, Virginia Lionettl from day, were announced today by standard. The midway was con- that was thrown out the win- the new Mini-float competition. French B. Virginia was crowned Carnival chairman, Dick Bern- sidered by many to be the best dows. Unfortunately great quan- Their float was a submarine built by Miss Karen McGuire Miss stein. ever in terms of the quality of tities of water were also hurled around a Volkswagon. University of Connecticut for The results that are In so far the booths. Ethan Allen House x: Also In the parade was a large 1964. The members of her court indicate a substantial gain over and Towers 5B won the trophy £: turtle built by McManon Hall as were presented with silver cups last year's carnival which up to for best combined booth, and also •:•: Contributions a reminder of their now famous during the presentation. They now was the most successful for the most lucrative booth. •:•: turtle tournament. are Diane Bylo, BethEachsteadt, carnival ever. On house cam- Their booth was entitled "King £ In the combined division tro- Karen Kolesar, Cheryl Kuhney, paigns, the midway, and with a Neptune's Sea" and featured the si Approximate Totals for C.C.C. phies for first place were pre- Sandy Vallne, and Pam White- large amount in from the turtle sacrifice of human victims into g Exculsive of the Marathon sented to Tau Kappa Epsllon and man. All of the girls had been House Campaigns $1,300 tournament, this year's C.C.C. a large, muddy basin of water. £ Kappa Alpha Theta. Their float selected as a campus queen dur- is running about $1300.00 ahead Midway Entrance 1,985* featured a pirate ship searching This year marked the 5th year :•: Midway Script ing the 1964-1965 academic year. 1,120 for C.C.C. treasure. in a row that an Allen House £ Turtle Tournament 420 midway booth has won the most Js Second place in the combined Administrative Auction 102 lucrative booth trophy. :•:■ Contribution from Lamba division trophies for first place WHUS MARATHON Other winners in the midway •:•: Chi Alpha and Alpha Delta were presented to Tau Kappa WHUS MARATHON were Holcomb Hall in the worn- $ division went to Zeta Psi and CALL 9-4726 Pi 100 CALL EXT. 380 en's singles and Parker House £ Campus clown Merritt B and third place went In the men's singles competi- » 350 Parade Entrance Fees 260 to Sigma Alpha Epsilon and Craw- tion. Kingston House and Hook •:•: Refreshment booth 100 ford D. of last year's event. A took the trophy for second S Total $5,737 Sliver cups were also awarded The administrative auction was How successful the carnival will place In the most lucrative com- :j: to the new Campus Clown. The won by Zeta Psi for $102.00. be now depends on the WHUS petition with their "Shoot the •:• ♦ Includes change fund winner in this event which is The auctioneer was Dr. Bos- marathon. If it can raise the Hoop and Throw a Cream Pie" | of $500 sponsored by the Board of Gov- majion of the speech department. $3,000.00 that it collected last midway booth. :•: ernors was Pete MacGllllvary Zeta Psi won the services of year, total gross proceeds will Holllster B was presented with '' from Kappa Psi. Second place Dr. Homer Babbidge, Dr. John exceed $8700.00. While this Is a trophy fo r house campaigns at the girls, but they are to be went to Andrea Romako from Vlandls, John Dunlop, and Robert under the per capita goal of in recognition of their donation highly commended for their for- Beard A. Miller. The four will wait on $1.00 per student it is still a of $250.00. They collected a titude and perseverence in the One of the highlights of the tables at Zeta Psi at a date to highly commendable figure. large proportion of their money face of such unpleasant odds. evening was the presentation of b» specified later. * Connecticut Daily Campus Serving Storrs Since 1896 VOL. LXIX, NO. 114 STORRS, CONNECTICUT WEDNESDAY, APRIL, 28, 1965 CDC STAFF Many Activities Planned :£ A picture of the CDC Staf. •:•: •:■: and former editors will be jj; For Mother's Day Sunday :>: taken Thursday at 3 p.m. & :•:• for the Nutmeg. •:•: Students roll out the welcome offsprings' home away from mat for "mom" Sunday (May 2) home. They will be shown a at the annual Mother's Day pro- variety of campus facilities in- gram. cluding residence halls, labora- Invitations have been extended tories and auditoriums. UConn Professor to thousands of parents to visit Each of the women's residence the State University and see their halls is planning a buffet or Edits Books For coffee in honor of the special Lecture-Tunnel guests, while the Dolphinettes, the co-ed swim team will perform Freshman English Construction - For at Brundage Pool at 3 p.m. At the same time the School of Nursing will hold Its traditional A UConn Professor has edited Civil Engineers capping rites at the Jorgensen the first three volumes of a Auditorium. new 18-book series of texts de- Tunnei construction in both free WINNER TODAY, SOUP TOMORROW! Al Lehrer, Dick Pienkos, and compressed air will be the At 4 p.m. the University Sym- signed to help college English and Skip Weeks look on with other enthusiastic participants in the phony Orchestra under the baton instructors teach composition to topic for the Wednesday meet- first annual NEITT sponsored by McMahon hall. (Photo by Photopool) ing of the American Society of of Dr. Jack Heller, and the UConn their freshman students. Concert Band, under the direction General editor of "Uses of En- Civil Engineers. The lecture will be given in of Prof. Allan Gillespie, will glish" is Prof. Thomas W. Wil- Hewitt Gives Address At perform in the Jorgensen Audit- cox, director of freshman Eng- room 207 of Engineering I at 7:00 by Mansell MacClean. orium. An exhibit of Alumni lish at UConn. According to art will be on display at the Professor Wilcox, the new series Born in Nova Scotia, MacClean Mo. V. Building Dedication is eminently qualified to instruct Fine Arts Center all day. constitutes a "fresh approach In addition to the special ev- to reading" in freshman English. aspiring engineers because of The dean of the University of Addressing himself to the future both his education and his ex- ents, the University will open Publisher is D.C. Heath and Co., Connecticut's School of Phar- of pharmacy education, Dean He- the doors to a number of its Boston. perience. After graduating from macy called for renewed stress witt wondered if his colleagues Acadia University and Brooklyn academic units. Open houses "It provides a number of small on undergraduate education April were aware of the dual objec- are scheduled by the Schools of texts which teachers may com- Law School, he was given an 25th at dedication exercises for tives of this education—"Train- honorary doctorate from Acadia Agriculture, Education, Home bine to suit the needs of their a new building at the University ing for living as well as train- Economics, Physical Education, own courses," Professor Wilcox University. of Missouri at Kansas City. ing to make a living." After working his way up to gen- Physical Therapy, and the De- observes In explaining the series. Dean Harold G. Hewitt, who had The dean also suggested that partments of Botany, Speech and "In each compact volume of eral manager and chief engineer been invited to deliver the princi- it might be time to review the at Rosoff Enterprises, MacClean Floriculture. this series," the publisher addsj pal address at exercises mark- "public or perish," policies in- Also on the program is a talk "a problem In thinking, speaking Grove & Company, Inc. He is ing the completion of the Isaac dicating that the nation needs presently affiliated with Mor- on "Political Intrigues of the or writing In the English lang- and Michael Katz Memorial Sci- more and better teachers, espe- rison-Knudson Company, Inc., Mohegan" by Mrs. Eva L. But- uage is given intensive treatment ence Building, also warned that cially for undergraduates. one of the country's largest heavy ler, and an exhibit from the Un- through expert editorial sel- overemphasis on science in re- "There is a serious shortage construction companies. iversity's expansive Norris Bull ections or skilled authorship." cent years was crowding liberal of teachers," he complained, One of his outstanding achieve- Collection. Editors of the first volume, arts out of the pharmacy curri- "and too many of our young stu- ments was direction the con- One of the best troves of Con- "Languages of the Mass Media: culum. dents are exposed to untrained necticut Indian artifacts ever as- Essays in Analysis," Irving and struction of the Third Tube of graduate assistants." Good the Lincoln Tunnel as its Pro- sembled, the Bull Collection was Harriet Deer, Dickinson (N.D.) Miss Karen Lederman, an teaching still is the primary tool gathered over the course of sev- State College, focus on the cri- ject Manager. He was also dir- eigth semester Music Educ- of education, he said. ected one of the sections of the eral decades.
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