
Arab Video Tapes (16) common instruments – davul () and (double instrument)

Asiks – troubadours

Turkish Military – prominently featured trumpets and kettle

16-1 “Azan” – Turkish call to worship from the minaret of a mosque by a muezzin (caller)

16-2 “Eski ordu marsi” – military music of the Ottoman Empire. Lyrics espouse valour and military honour. Instruments include the cevgen (staff with attached), zurna, boru (trumpet), nakkare (2 bowl-shaped drums) davul (double headed drum), , zils (small )

16-3 Hancer Dance – of the knives - zurna uses to create continuous sound (like bagpipes)

16-4 Gaziantep (Turkey) regional dance – leylim dance

16-5 Black Sea (Turkey) regional dance – horon dance, 7/8 meter, w/ zurna, davul

16-6 Afyon (Turkish) regional dance – hatcem dance – based on aksak meter (2+2+2+3) Instruments include kasik (spoons) played by dancers. Dancers are accompanied by darrabuka (drum), (vertical ), baglama saz ( )

16-7 Saz – plucked lute solo by the 5 or 7 string Turkish saz (lute) – saz is often used for accompanying narrative singing.

16-8 Silifke regional dance (southern Turkey) - kasik spoon dance - depicts yogurt making

16-9 Asik – troubadour song. An asik is a troubadour.

16-10 Sema – Islamic dances of the whirling dervishes from Mevlevi sect of the Sunni Muslims. The dance is performed to achieve religious ecstasy, and was once banned by government. Accompanied by accompanied by (end blown flute), (spike fiddle), ud, 60 string kanun (), kudum (kettle shaped drum) Iran

16-11 – “Nagagme-ye Karevan” – santur is a 70 string Iranian dulcimer. This song is primarily improvised.


16-12 Bedouin dance – accompanied by zurna and tabl (double-headed drum)

16-13 “Ya Zahrat al-madiyin” – Contemporary Iraqi song. Accompanaied by matbudj (double-pipe clarinet), naqqara (pair of kettle drums), darabukka (goblet shaped drum), and riqqs (). Features call-and-response with the singer.


16-14 “Ya Qalbi” – Lebanese popular song. Accompanied by contemporary Arab orchestra, chorus, and western instruments.

16-15 Belly dance – originated in Bedouin society. Accompanied by nai (cane flute), zurna, darabukka, violin, accordion, (plucked zither), and duf (frame drum).


16-16 Traditional song of the Persian Gulf states – This is khammari (festive dance style). Style is found throughout the Persian Gulf region and characterized by male solo - female chorus response. Leader directs rhythm and tempo with tabl (double-headed drum).

16-17 Bedouin song and dance – women’s song traditionally sung at weddings.

16-18 Mortar pounding song – work song used when pounding oats into flour. Some call-and-response between members of the group.

16-19 Song and dance of welcome – dance/song style used to welcome new government officials (apparently governments changed with great regularity beginning in the 1950s).