Hellenic Journal of Music Education, and Culture A brief history of Kurdish music Copyright © 2013 recordings in Turkey Vol. 4 | Article 2 ISSN 1792-2518 www.hejmec.eu ROBERT F. REIGLE Centre for Advanced Studies in Music, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey
[email protected] | This article delineates the complex history of Kurdish music recordings in Turkey by dividing it into seven periods. The first period begins with the very first recording of Kurdish music, in 1902. Political events demarcate the remaining periods, embracing the founding of the Turkish Republic, three military coups, the initial legalization of Kurdish language use and further easing of restrictions on broadcasting. The recordings discussed here include those recorded in, manufactured in, or imported to Turkey, both legally and illegally. In addition to the legal environment, the evolution of sound recording and distribution technology also shaped access to and use of Kurdish musics. It is hoped that further research be undertaken urgently, before the remaining sound recordings of the 20th century disappear, and the people who understand their history leave us. Keywords: Dengbêj, Kurdish music, sound recordings, Turkey The purpose of this article is to delineate periods in the complex history of Kurdish music recordings in Turkey. As in every society, the forms of mediation – the types of commodification – shaped the distribution, use, and impact of music, one of society‘s most powerful forces. For Kurdish- language speakers in Turkey, however, language restrictions led to an extraordinary gap in the recording of everyday music practice. This article should also call attention to important lacunae in the literature, including a rigorous discography, and documentation of performers and performance practices.