0_Umschlag2004_02.qxd5 28.09.200417:50UhrSeite1 Solar EnergyResearch Association(FVS) hn:+9()0/8062-1338 / (0)30 Phone: +49 • a:+9()0/8062-1333 / (0)30 Fax: +49 • Office c/oHahn-Meitner-Institut • E-mail: [email protected] • Kekuléstrasse 5 • www.FV-Sonnenenergie.de • 12489 Berlin • Germany

Science Forum 2004 for RenewableEnergies Networked Knowledge Science Forumoftherenewables2004 – Basis for Wide-spread Deployment ofRenewableEnergies – BasisforWide-spread Deployment Education Research, Developmentand Science Forum of the renewables2004 International Conference for Renewable Energies

Networked Knowledge for Renewable Energies

Research, Development and Education – Basis for Wide-spread Deployment of Renewable Energies

Science Forum 2004 Organized by the Solar Energy Research Association ForschungsVerbund Sonnenenergie (FVS) On 1st June in Bonn This publication has been supported by the BMBF Inhalt

Science Forum 2004

5 Editorial: A Knowledgeable Strategy for 47 Research and Development Needs the Dissemination of Renewable Energies for Renewable Energy Technology in Jürgen Schmid, Sebastian Wienges, Industrialized Countries Gerd Stadermann • FVS (Germany) Sigurd Wagner, Richard M. Swanson • Princeton University (USA)

Opening Introductory Notes 51 The Challenge of Renewable Energies Integration in Energy 9 The Significance of Research and Distribution Systems Education for Renewable Energies Romeo Pacudan • UNEP Risoe Centre Wolf-Michael Catenhusen • State (Denmark) Secretary, German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) 55 Integrating Renewable Energy Into Society 15 Science and Education as a Key to Janice Hamrin • Center for Resource Development Solutions (USA) Walter Rudolf Erdelen • UNESCO – United Nations Educational Scientific 61 Promotion of Renewable Energies and Cultural Organization for Heating and Cooling Bernd Hirschl • Institute for Ecological Economy Research (Germany) Introductory Overviews: Research, Development and Education 67 Transitioning to a Renewable Energy Future 21 Global Research and Development on Rian v. Staden • ISES (Germany) Renewables Joachim Luther • GRA, FVS, Fraunhofer ISE 73 Full Solar Supply of Industrialized Countries – The Example Japan 25 UNESCO’s Global Renewable Energy Harry Lehmann • Institute for Education and Training Programme Sustainable Solutions and Innovations (GREET Programme) (Germany) Osman Benchikh • UNESCO

Knowledge for Development: Economic and Political Aspects of Capacity Building in Renewable the Transition to Renewable Energy Energies for Poverty Alleviation Systems 79 Research and Development Needs 41 Policies and Measures for Renewable for Renewable Energies in Developing Energy and Energy Efficiency in South Countries Africa Mongameli Mehlwana • CSIR Stanford A.J. Mwakasonda • Energy (South Africa) Research Centre (South Africa)

2 91 Capacity Building for Sustainable 129 Renewable Energy Research and Energy Development and Poverty Education Network Alleviation in Sub-Saharan Africa Jürgen Schmid • ISET (Germany) Stephen Karekezi, Waeni Kithyoma • AFREPREN/FWD (Kenya) Panel Discussion 99 Possible Cooperation between Arab and European Countries in Energy, 137 Opportunies and Necessities of Water and Environmental Issues Research and Education W. E. Alnaser • University of Bahrain Facilitator: Martha C. Lux-Steiner Gerhard Knies • Climate Protection • FVS, HMI (Germany) Funds Hamburg (Germany) Franz Trieb • DLR (Germany) Annex 101 Capacity Building in Developing Countries – Bringing Renewable 151 International Open University for Energy to the People Renewable Energies (OPURE) Uwe Rehling • SESAM (Germany) Henning Karcher • UNDP (Nepal) 153 International Organisations Concerned Merina Pradhan • UNDP with Energy Issues

107 UNESCO – Global Renewable Energy 159 Press Conference Education and Training Program in a Latinamerican View 161 Press Release Alfredo Curbelo Alonso • Innovation and Energy (Cuba) 165 List of Participants

175 Member Insitutes of the Solar Energy Launching the Open International Research Association (FVS) Solar University (OPURE) 177 Photographic Credits 115 The EUREC’s Master in Renewable Energies – Educating Renewable Energy 179 Imprint Engineers Didier Mayer • CENERG (France)

121 Renewable Energy Education Network: The International Institute for Renewable Energies (IIRE) Wattanapong Rakwichian • SERT (Thailand)

125 European Network on Education and Training in Renewable Energy Sources Spyros Kyritsis • EURONETRES (Greece) 3 Jürgen Schmid/Sebastian Wienges/Gerd Stadermann • A Knowledgeable Strategy Science Forum 2004 Editorial: A Knowledgeable Strategy for the Dissemination of Renewable Energies

Energy was one of five foci of the World Summit Multisectoral partnerships of autonomous on Sustainable Development (WSSD) in Johan- actors, who cooperate flexibly and provide each nesburg in 2002. While the access to modern other with abilities, information, and comple- energy is crucial for poverty reduction in partic- mentary resources when needed, offer a new ular and development in general, the way of and increasingly prominent informally struc- producing and providing that energy is as tured model for international cooperation for crucial for environmental and social sustainability. sustainable development. Knowledge networks Hence, the renewables2004 – the International combine efficiency of competition with effec- Conference for Renewable Energies was the tiveness of cooperation. Those networks avoid logical consequence and next step on the way situations of international stalemate and offer Jürgen Schmid forward. It was held from 1st June to 4th June optimal conditions for the cooperative dissemi- Solar Energy Research 2004 in Bonn, Germany, and turned out to nation of renewable energies. One of the major, Association (FVS/ISET) be a forum for stakeholders from all sectors: but not uncontroversial outcomes of the WSSD [email protected] Governments as well as parliamentarians, the were the so called Type II partnerships, in all private sector, NGOs, International Organisa- of which knowledge is an important resource to tions, and International Financial Institutions. be traded. On 1st June this multisectoral approach to the dissemination of renewables was completed Those organisational forms demand a strategy by the Science Forum – Education, Research, of management of knowledge in particular and and Training: Basis for Wide-spread Deployment of knowledge networks in general. That strategy of Renewable Energies. This one-day side-event has to complement self-organizing processes of brought together scientists and practitioners markets with the mechanisms of political gover- from allover the world, discussing the future nance. It needs to connect decision-making requirements of research and development as to action and allow renewable energies through well as needs and potentials of education political interventions to compete on level play- Sebastian Wienges and training for renewables in developing and ing fields. industrialized countries. Solar Energy Research The Science Forum achieved to gather the Association (FVS) Knowledge will be beyond doubt the source of scientific community and contributed to the [email protected] power and wealth in the coming global know- excange and elaboration of strategic know- ledge-based society and, hence, is a leverage ledge, though a consistent strategy to manage for all capacity building in sustainable develop- networks and their knowledge resources for the ment. The generation and distribution of dissemination of renewables is (still) missing. knowledge, however, will not work the ways usual commodities do. Its value can hardly be The Science Forum would not have been priced, nevertheless it has value for actors in possible without the generous sponsorship and developmental processes. Knowledge can be support of the German Federal Ministry for characterized as public or at least semi-public Education and Research (BMBF). We are also good. Neither markets nor politics alone will be deeply grateful to the Thematic Advisor of the sufficient to provide the knowledge resources Conference Renewables 2004, Dieter Uh, of needed for the successful creation of markets the German Energy Agency (DENA), and Martin Gerd Stadermann for renewable energies. Schöpe of the Federal Ministry for the Environ- Solar Energy Research Association (FVS) [email protected] 5 Jürgen Schmid/Sebastian Wienges/Gerd Stadermann • A Knowledgeable Strategy Science Forum 2004

ment (BMU) for the thorough discussions and useful advice on the organisation. Special thanks deserve Hans-Josef Fell, MoP, who as parliamentary expert for research policy of /The Greens propelled the decision for the realisation of the Science Forum. This volume presents the papers of the speakers at the Science Forum, complementing each other to make knowledgeable the strategic sig- nificance of knowledge, respectively research and education for sustainable development and the switch to a renewable energy system. It cannot give a recipe how to manage that switch, that puzzle is still to be resolved, even if the organisers of the Science Forum hope to have made another step on “the way forward on renewable energy”.

Particularly one outcome (see annex) of the Science Forum proves this hope to be realistic. During the panel discussion the proposal of an open international university for renewable energies was taken up and launched: On 2nd June, EUROSOLAR and the Solar Energy Research Association (FVS) initiated a founda- tion process of the Open University for Renew- able Energies (OPURE), which was acknowledged as significant commitment and included in the Internatioanl Action Plan of the conference. For the time being the university will be internet- based. A respective platform will be developed by the member institutes of the FVS. OPURE is supposed to serve the exchange of information and impart knowledge on renewable energies, connect existig initiatives and multiply the impact. The UNESCO, continuing the GREET Programme, and the BMBF welcomed the proposal and plan to finance that initiative.

OPURE opens a new opportunity to disseminate R&D results, information, and knowledge, and to make them accessible on a global scale. For environmental problems and knowledge have one thing in common: they do not stop at national borders. The renewable energy technologies are already forthcoming in the industrialised countries, but they cannot resolve the global environmental problems and mitigate climate change without the developing countries.

6 Opening Introductory Notes

• The Significance of Research and Education for Renewable Energies

• Science and Education as a Key to Development

7 Wolf-Michael Catenhusen • The Significance of Research and Education for Renewable Energies Science Forum 2004 The Significance of Research and Education for Renewable Energies

Ladies and Gentlemen, particularly in the southern hemisphere, have no access to electricity. Access to clean and I am pleased to have this opportunity to address affordable energy is a precondition for combat- a few words to you, the participants in the ing poverty, for economic development, and Science Forum. This is an area in which I take for improving the health of the population and a great interest against the background of the their educational systems. Renewables 2004 Conference which has just started. First of all, however, I would like to pass The catching-up process which is currently on greetings and best wishes from Minister taking place in developing, threshold and Bulmahn who is unfortunately unable to be transitional countries exacerbates the risks to Wolf-Michael Catenhusen here today. the climate, the environment and safety State Secretary which already prevail as a result of the largely German Federal Ministry The agenda of the Science Forum is topical in the unrestricted use of fossil sources of energy in for Education and Research best sense and gives us good reason to expect the industrial states. The challenge which we (BMBF) an animated and result-oriented discussion. are facing is to satisfy this demand for energy wolf-michael.catenhusen@ I support the Forum’s objectives to analyse and sustainably and to support renewable energies bmbf.bund.de improve the effects of research and education and the use of energy efficiency potentials as in the field of renewable energies under the an alternative in all parts of the world. different social conditions prevailing in the different countries of the world. However, sustainable development is not con- ceivable without the extensive reform of energy The Renewables 2004 Conference, at which, as systems world-wide. To achieve this, we must I have heard, more than 1000 representatives increase efficiency at all levels of the energy of governments, international organizations and system, reduce global emissions, and extend industrial companies are expected, is intended the technical-industrial energy base. All this to advance the development and expansion must be done primarily through the mass use of renewable energies world-wide in a win-win of renewable energies. strategy for both industrial and developing countries. The Conference’s political message is This means that the change in course towards that renewable energies are of great importance sustainability in the field of energy is the first step for climate and resource protection, for fighting into the solar age. poverty, and for development, as well as for technological innovation, trade and industry, Sustainability begins in one’s own country. and employment. Allow me therefore to make a few brief observa- Energy is a key issue for the future development tions on the Federal Government’s energy policy. of the world. The Federal Government approved a strategy on sustainable development in 2002. The aim The World Summit for Sustainable Development is to harmonize ecology and the economy in Johannesburg once again underlined the in order to be able to ensure that the German prominent role of access to energy. The global population can continue to enjoy a high quality demand for energy is increasing rapidly, of life in future. particularly in developing and threshold countries When we speak of sustainability on a national which want to catch up with the economic scale, we are talking first and foremost about the development of the industrial nations. At the use and the consumption of energy. However, same time, approximately 1.7 billion people, the emphasis on the promotion of renewable 9 Wolf-Michael Catenhusen • The Significance of Research and Education for Renewable Energies Science Forum 2004

energies does not mean that only the use of (EEG), which is due to be amended soon, aims renewable energies or renewable resources at increasing the share of renewable energies in is compatible with the guiding principle of electricity production to 12.5% by 2010 and to sustainability. After all, the use of renewable at least 20% by 2020. In its latest study entitled energies, solar energy for example, is always “Energy – the change of course towards sus- linked with the use of non-renewable resources, tainability”, the Federal Government’s scientific for example non-energetic commodities and advisory council on global environmental materials, whose supplies are also limited. changes assumes that renewable energies will The use of limited energy resources is only cover over half of energy consumption by the sustainable as long as we succeed in making middle of the century. a technically and economically usable energy basis available for coming generations which is The large-scale expansion of renewable sources at least equally large. Awareness of this fact is of energy represents a huge technological essential because we are dealing with a change and social challenge which can only succeed in energy supply structures which will continue if considerable efforts are made in the field of over several decades and in which non-renew- research and development throughout the world. able energies will continue to play a decisive role. This includes research in science and technology as well as in the social sciences. Steps must be Economic efficiency is a central principle for taken to identify barriers to the rapid expansion the realization of a sustainable energy supply in of renewable sources of energy, and strategies this context, and it must also be the objective must be developed to overcome these barriers. of research and development in the energy At the same time, research is also needed into sector. Research must compensate for the strategies for acceptance and dissemination, consumption of resources. Energy research – both in industrial and developing countries. energy consumption. The promotion of research in the field of Germany aims to double its energy efficiency renewable energies is an integral part of energy by 2020 (compared with 1990). This is not only research policy. The significance of energy wise from the environmental point of view, it research for sustainable development is derived also makes sense economically: only the prudent from the basic fact that an increase in knowledge and responsible use of energy can release enhances the ability to shape advancements – resources, extend economic opportunities and and the resulting progress in technology creates trigger a surge of innovations which create the basis for maintaining and expanding the employment. scope of future generations for development. It is a well known fact that research and develop- The Federal Government’s energy policy is ment are the only systematic way to achieve consistent. The environmentally friendly expan- progress and innovations in energy supplies sion of renewable energies is a cornerstone of which are both economically feasible and sustainable energy supplies. We have succeeded adapted to the needs of generations to come. in introducing new framework conditions with the Law on Renewable Energies (EEG), the The Federal Government is currently providing “100,000 Roofs” programme and other funding funds totalling more than 400 million Euro per programmes. year to energy research, more than two fifths of which are available for research and develop- Renewable energies currently account for 2.9% ment in the field of renewable energies and of overall primary energy consumption in the rational use of energy. In addition, it is also Germany and 7.6% of electricity production, providing more than 200 million Euro to with a rapid upward trend. Today Germany promoting installations for the use of renewable accounts for half the wind turbines that are sources of energy, with emphasis on the heat built world-wide. In the meantime, the installed market and photovoltaic systems in schools, as capacity of wind power plants totals approxi- well as gaining energy from biomass. 10 mately 13GW. The Law on Renewable Energies Wolf-Michael Catenhusen • The Significance of Research and Education for Renewable Energies Science Forum 2004

Should Germany, together with other states in I attach particular importance to one factor in the European Union, succeed in realizing the achieving this task: The excellence of application- goal of spending 3% of GDP on research and oriented and basic research in the use of renew- development in 2010, this will considerably able sources of energy. This is and will remain extend the scope for energy research. the precondition for the development of better conversion technologies and cheaper sustainable It is rightly expected that research and develop- energy supply systems. Furthermore, important ment should make a considerable contribution tasks must also be accomplished outside the towards tapping the potential of renewable field of energy research. Because, in principle, energies and offering corresponding energy there are many different promising paths services on the market. However, there are still towards energy conversion, it is important to a lot of problems to be solved from the technical promote both application-oriented and basic point of view before energy from renewable research and market-oriented technological sources can compete with energy from fossil development. The BMBF is therefore providing sources or nuclear power as far as cost is 10 million Euro per year towards the specific concerned. We are on the right path, but we formation of networks in the field of basic have not yet reached our goal. research between universities, institutes of the Max Planck Society and other non-university In view of the long-term nature and the extent research establishments. of the necessary changes in the technological and economic basis of energy supplies, the Let me briefly mention some important thematic technology portfolio on which innovations are focal points of national research funding: based must be sufficiently broad to ensure that new options for energy generation are available • Photovoltaics: here the focus is on industrial in good time. Priority should thereby be given processes to reduce the cost of producing to: solar cells and modules and to increase efficiency. • Research into technologies which are • Funding in the field of wind energy: here essential for the long-term evolution of funding is aimed at the development of energy systems (e.g. photovoltaics, energy wind power plants for offshore operations. efficiency); Research platforms are being erected in • The further development of technologies the North Sea and the Baltic Sea to test which only require small steps in order to meteorological conditions and the effects open up new markets (e.g. solar-thermal on the ecological environment. power stations and wind energy in deve- • In the field of electricity generation using loping countries, biogenic synthesis gas); geothermal heat: the hot-dry-rock process • The optimization and adaptation of is being further developed at several sites. technologies which can already be used cost Furthermore, fundamental questions efficiently (e.g. solar and energy-efficient concerning the geo-scientific and economic buildings, photovoltaic electricity generation conditions for the use of heat from hot deep for off-grid uses, the modern exploitation waters are being examined. of biomass). • Research is being conducted into parabolic channels, tower and dish/stirling techniques To this end, we are pursuing a funding policy for solar-thermal power stations with the aimed at securing Germany a top position inter- aim of introducing these products onto the nationally, ensuring technological diversity, the market. Apart from funding for new and linkage of excellent basic research with techno- further developments in receiver and storage logical development, the technical optimization systems, optics and controls, funds are also of renewable energies, and integration in the being provided for the construction of national energy supply system. demonstration plants as the basis for commercial power station planning. The “Solarthermics 2000” programme is 11 Wolf-Michael Catenhusen • The Significance of Research and Education for Renewable Energies Science Forum 2004

examining the long-term performance of linking the use of renewable energies with a thermal solar systems using demonstration very rational use of energy. installations as well as techniques for the seasonal storage of heat. This means that international pilot projects are • Funding in the field of biomass research becoming essential in addition to national focuses on obtaining fuels, improving measures – always with scientific support and both the technologies for using and the a sound evaluation of the experience gained. opportunities for exploiting heat, electricity and fuels from biomass, as well as obtaining One of the main obstacles to the broader use biogas and the use thereof. of renewable energies is the lack of knowledge • Research funding in the area of fuel cells is about their functioning and lack of skills in their focused on the development of technologies application. Providing such knowledge is the which can lead to less expensive production task of education and training. processes and more reliable operations. Well-educated people are one of the most The further development of existing energy important driving forces for innovations and for supply structures in Germany will pay more heed economic and societal progress. Technologies to the increased use of renewable energies. which spare resources, ecologically and socially This applies in particular to the structure of compatible forms of trade and industry, but electricity grids, which in future must enable also social modernization which concentrates both a greater decentralization of energy on creativity, entrepreneurship and human production as well as stronger networks over in responsibility cannot be realized without a some cases greater distances. There are already corresponding range of educational services. signs that this is the case with the use of wind The Federal Government together with the energy. Changes in the structure of fossil power Länder has therefore introduced the so-called stations due to the new buildings required must “Programme 21” for sustainable development. be included in measures to optimize the overall This will give important momentum in the system. Approximately 60% of today’s power following areas: station capacity will have to be replaced by 2020. The demand for replacement technologies • Interdisciplinary teaching concepts which in German power stations over the next two underscore the connection between decades will thus create the necessary scope for ecological, economical and social aspects far-reaching changes in the type of energy on the basis of concrete topics. supplies. It is important to make use of this • Firms set up by school students to provide scope now, and in the future, by providing experience in sustainable commerce. The sustainable energy services both as required many forms of cooperation between schools, and in good time. local authorities and companies within the framework of sustainable regional development Sustainable energy supplies, as a national and are good examples of the opening of schools global task, and the contribution of renewable to practice-related activities. A good quarter energies to solving this task demand a strong of the schools involved gave clear priority to international orientation: Research and techno- energy-related topics, including aspects of logical developments for applications in southern energy, energy consumption and energy climate zones and Eastern Europe will have to savings. In the meantime, the operation of play a greater role in future. Here it is a matter solar energy plants is a matter of course for of including the extremely wide range of user a whole number of schools. requirements – such as energy supplies in rural • In addition, the topic of energy is being areas with poor infrastructure, energy demand discussed in more complex contexts in class, in large conurbations and the preparation of e.g. within the framework of a sustainability drinking water by means of sea water de- audit or cooperation in a Local Agenda 21 salination – in the funding concept and closely project. 12 Wolf-Michael Catenhusen • The Significance of Research and Education for Renewable Energies Science Forum 2004

The Programme 21 will be successfully con- • Recognizing new fields of technology and cluded this summer. Now it is a matter of firmly branches of growth in order to put them at anchoring this good practice in as many schools the service of society and trade and industry. as possible and implementing the results of the programme in day-to-day activities. The Federal The introduction of these processes requires Government is in the process of tackling this measures and agreements on increased cross- task together with the Länder and is launching border international cooperation and on the a corresponding transfer programme. development of a structure for communication and dissemination that also takes particular The United Nations have designated the years account of the requirements of the developing 2005 to 2014 the decade of “Education for countries. Sustainable Development”. During this decade, we will work intensively to expand and secure In Germany, we are including the guiding the position of education in sustainable develop- principle of sustainable development in all ment in the education system and to promote training directives which regulate the company- international cooperation in this field. based part of vocational training. Extensive activities are still needed in order to realize this Apart from education in schools, there is also aim. We are just beginning a programme of pilot a growing demand for vocational training in the schemes to test ways of introducing sustainable field of sustainable development. Considerable methods in initial and continuing training. experience has been gathered at approximately By setting up an Internet portal and creating a 20 national conferences involving over 800 community, the BMBF will establish a joint experts from various institutions in the field of address for the numerous activities of the diverse vocational training at schools, firms and other stakeholders in vocational training as suppliers educational establishments. This experience has and demanders of knowledge and experience. been included in an orientation framework for We plan to steadily expand this communications vocational training. The following criteria have platform and to give international partners the been established: opportunity to participate in this exchange of knowledge and experience. • Central competencies that are relevant to sustainability must be identified and taught A sustainable supply of energy based increas- as an integral component of professional ingly on renewable resources is not feasible activities. (Key words here are: systematic and without qualified production and service staff, networked thinking, the ability to deal with with responsibility for building and operating complex ideas and business cycle structures, energy plants for example, as well as qualified social sensibility and a high degree of com- personnel to advise users and clients. Qualifi- petency in the field of communications and cations are therefore a precondition and in a counselling, also in an intercultural context.) sense a synonym for innovative ability. Innova- • Identifying and teaching specific vocational tive ability means being fit for the future. competencies. (The focus here is on the inclusion of the above mentioned aspects of Thank you for your kind attention and professional activities by combining them thanks also to the organizers of the Forum with vocational and methodical topics in a [ForschungsVerbund Solarenergie]. general system of initial and continuing I would like to wish this event every success. vocational training.) • Recognizing future-oriented areas of activity in the field of sustainability at an early stage, training the necessary teaching staff, and developing new occupational profiles (preparing for the use of “clean” technologies); this also includes deliberations on “sustain- able” mobility. 13 Walter Rudolf Erdelen • Science and Education as a Key to Development Science Forum 2004 Science and Education as a Key to Development

Mr. Chairman, access, as these benefits are unevenly distributed Your Excellency, – there are millions of people who do not have Distinguished Participants, such access to these benefits of science and Ladies and Gentlemen, technology, who live in poverty and destitution. This presents an ongoing overall challenge for As the head of UNESCO delegation participating research, development and education in science in this “Science Forum on Research, Develop- and technology, particularly in such an area ment and Education – the Basis for Wide-spread as energy – where access is very unevenly dis- Employment of Renewable Energies”, let me tributed. first say how pleased I am to take part in this Walter Rudolf Erdelen Opening Session of this Forum. UNESCO Assistant Director-General We live in the age of the “knowledge-based Strategy for Sustainability for Natural Sciences society” where knowledge plays an increasingly [email protected] important role in sustainable social and eco- The World Summit on Sustainable Development nomic development. Science and education is and the United Nations’ Millennium Develop- an essential and interlinked key to this very ment Goals place the promotion of sustainable development. development and renewable energies high on the international agenda. In line with UNESCO’s Knowledge relates essentially to science and Medium-Term Strategy and our contribution technology, and education and training are vital to sustainable energy and development, in networking and the transmission of know- UNESCO will continue to advocate for energy ledge to build capacity – so that knowledge can efficiency, diversification and renewable energy. be applied where it is needed. For UNESCO, This includes capacity-building, development this includes a priority focus on the developing of human and institutional resources, awareness and least developed countries. For UNESCO, raising and prioritising the use of renewable this also includes a focus on applications in energies and provision of related policy advice. science and technology – and this includes, There is an emphasis on improving the living importantly, energy and renewable energy. conditions in rural areas of poor countries, especially in the developing countries and small The development of science and technology islands states. has brought tremendous changes to our lives. The exploration of outer space, the development Within the Global Renewable Energy Education of conventional, nuclear and now renewable and Training (GREET) Programme and its energy technologies, the invention of electronic regional component, with particular emphasis computers and a range of other innovations on its African Chapter, we emphasise capacity mark an epoch in the history of civilization. One building and development of co-operation in is often tempted to ponder how many new the renewable energy sector to promote renew- discoveries and innovations are in the pipeline, able energies. Activities focus on the improve- and how they will affect our lives over the next ment of use, maintenance and management few decades! of solar energy projects and programmes, and transfer of technological know-how. It is hard to imagine what our lives would have been like without all the benefits which scientific This involves the design and field implementa- knowledge and engineering skill have given us. tion of training platforms, the elaboration and The crucial point here, of course, relates to dissemination of learning and teaching materials, 15 Walter Rudolf Erdelen • Science and Education as a Key to Development Science Forum 2004

introduction of training programmes at all edu- for lighting. The Honduran project has also cational levels, setting of educational standards contributed to raising awareness of the people and certification of centres of excellence to in the community about the opportunities serve as a catalyst. Concurrently, support is given in micro-enterprises through television and via to the definition of national energy strategies internet. Solar village electrification has also and experimentation of pilot projects focused contributed to raising awareness on HIV/AIDS on development goals. We also foster advocacy through public media such as television. and awareness-raising to stimulate the use of renewable energies to meet the Millennium Development Goals and to improve living conditions in rural areas. Further extra-budgetary Capacity Building resources need to be mobilised to extend the scope of activities. Capacity building in renewable energies through implementation of education and training The promotion of renewable energies to activities is the main focus of the GREET Pro- address developmental goals will be pursued in gramme. These activities have focused on the association with UNESCO programmes in the organisation of summer schools, training of Natural Sciences, Education, Social and Human trainers and implementation of the Renewable Sciences, Communication and Information Energy Training Platform. Training activities Sectors, and with intergovernmental programmes aim at enhancing knowledge of managers, at UNESCO. Consultations with relevant and engineers, technicians and trainers on use, competent United Nations agencies and pro- application and maintenance of renewable grammes will continue, including participation energy technologies. in the United Nations Ad hoc Inter-Agency Task Force on Energy and cooperation with Learning and teaching materials produced competent national, regional and international within the GREET programme serve as a tool to NGOs. assist in teaching courses on renewable energy in universities and also as a reference material for the scientific community. The Renewable Energy Training Platform to enhance local capa- Raising Awareness city and expertise in renewable energy use and applications will be duplicated and implement- UNESCO has contributed to the World Solar ed in other countries and regions to develop Programme in raising awareness on potential and enhance local capacity building on the use and opportunities for utilization of renewable and maintenance of renewable energy systems. energy. Projects implemented in this activity This will improve the implementation of have created awareness at political and in renewable energy projects and contribute to particular government levels. The Honduran their sustainability. government, for example, used the Solar Village Demonstration Project to source funding for Through the GREET Programme, a series of books more solar village projects. Electrification of for use in primary schools has been developed schools has provided a linkage between educa- for incorporation into the school curriculum for tion and energy. Children have become aware English speaking countries in Africa. This ma- of benefits of solar energy applications. The terial has contributed to enhancing knowledge project has contributed to broaden children’s on renewable energy systems. A series of text knowledge through exposure to new educa- books, composed of six volumes, has been tional technologies using computers, providing produced and distributed through the Ministries access to information, and communication of Education in 14 Southern African countries. via the internet. This links to UNESCO’s wider activity under the Through such projects, rural business operators New Partnership for Africa’s Development have realized opportunities to extend their (NEPAD) and cooperation with the African 16 business operating hours by using solar energy Union in science and technology. Walter Rudolf Erdelen • Science and Education as a Key to Development Science Forum 2004

UNESCO has also cooperated with Wiley Publi- developing countries, where many poor people cations in the production of a “UNESCO Energy live. Engineering Series” of learning packages. This series includes, amongst others, titles on Solar We face a vital challenge to enhance our efforts Electricity, Geothermal Energy, Electric Power to focus research, education and training on Generation, and Energy Planning and Policy. renewable energy for the benefit of developing countries. Promoting access to energy and the This series has been most successful, with some benefits of science and technology is a vital titles already in second edition. Most recently, dimension for poverty reduction in developing we have updated and republished the volume and least developed countries. on Geothermal Energy and published a new volume on Solar Detoxification and two related Finally, let me say that, together with my volumes on Solar Photovoltaic Systems and colleagues from UNESCO, I look forward to the Project Development. We have also produced outcome of your discussions and hope that a video and booklet entitled “Rays of Hope: the Forum will succeed in laying the foundation Renewable Energy in the Pacific” – which and taking further actions that will result in a examines the pioneering use of renewable major drive to improve the world energy situa- energy in the Pacific islands. tion in this millennium.

I wish you every success in your important Mr. Chairman, deliberations and look forward to the results of Ladies and gentlemen, your presentations and discussions.

Let me conclude by noting again the overall Thank you. importance of research and development, education and training in the knowledge-based society and economy. This is particularly impor- tant in promoting the development and wide- spread employment of renewable energies.

I mentioned at the beginning that knowledge relates essentially to science and technology, and education and training are vital in network- ing and the transmission of knowledge to build capacity – so that knowledge can be applied where it is needed.

To do this, it is essential to create linkages, to develop and share models and information, learning and teaching materials. This is what has happened at the solar school project facili- tating internet access in Honduras, and the solar village project raising awareness on HIV/ AIDS in Zimbabwe.

I also mentioned at the beginning that we need to promote access to the benefits of science and technology for the millions of people who live in poverty. It is no small irony that our planet receives enormous quantities of solar energy and that much of this energy falls on 17 Introductory Overviews: Research, Development and Education

• Global Research and Development on Renewables

• UNESCO’s Global Renewable Energy Education and Training Programme (GREET Programme)

19 Joachim Luther • Global Research and Development on Renewables Science Forum 2004 Global Research and Development on Renewables

The aim of the following paper is that is strongly based on renewables, thus • to emphasise the urgent necessity of avoiding unacceptable climate change and global research and development (R&D) other non-sustainable situations in the future on renewables, which are related to energy production and • to discuss the context in which R&D on consumption (fig.1). sustainable energy systems must be viewed, • to identify the favourable conditions for In all such scenarios the contribution of co-operative R&D and renewable energy sources to the global energy • to summarise some ideas on the financing supply is impressively high. These targets can of global R&D on renewables. be reached only if more or less all countries Joachim Luther The paper mostly focuses on public R&D. contribute actively to the transformation of our GRA, FVS, Fraunhofer ISE energy systems. Strong world wide activities (Germany) in the research and development on renewables [email protected] including efficient use of energy are an inevitable Needs for global research and prerequisite for the success of such a global development on renewables undertaking. These activities must be planned strategically and they must expand continuously Transformation of the global energy system while increasing the utilisation of renewable The transformation of the global energy system energy sources at the same time. towards a strictly sustainable energy supply scheme is one of the main global challenges. Main topics in R&D Many studies have shown that it is feasible to From today’s point of view the main relevant install a world wide sustainable energy system topics of R&D are [2]:

Figure 1 Exemplary path for the geothermal energy demand per year transformation of the other renewables [E/a] solar thermal (heat only) global energy system solarpower [1]. (PV and solarthermal 1400 generation)

wind 1000 biomasse(advanced) biomasse(traditional) hydroelectricity 600 nuclear power

gas 200 coal oil 2000 2020 2040 2100 year

This special scenario stipulates an extremely strong global economic growth. Even under the assumption of a significant increase in energy efficiency this results in a global energy demand that is by 2050 approximately three times larger than today. By the end of the century, the energy supply is mainly based on renewable sources. For a limited period geological CO2 sequestration is applied. Under such assumptions the CO2 concentration in the atmosphere will not be higher than 450 ppm. This will lead to a global warming probably not exceeding 2°C. 21 Joachim Luther • Global Research and Development on Renewables Science Forum 2004

• Development of sustainable technologies: Cost reduction through R&D energy conversion, transport, storage and As with most emerging technologies during systems, the early stages of market introduction, cost • Management of the global transformation reduction is the most important issue for process of the energy system, political, renewable energy technologies. Cost reduction institutional, and economic schemes, in renewables will be achieved in particular including the monitoring of the transfor- through: mation process, • optimised manufacture (economy of scale), • Implementation of new energy technologies • higher efficiencies of energy conversion, into societies. • less material consumption and Thus, non-technological issues have to be • longer technical life of components. addressed by the research community to a In order to achieve progress in these fields, significant extent. targeted R&D is indispensable.

Technology oriented R&D An impressive example is the achieved cost re- In the area of technology oriented R&D, the duction experienced in photovoltaics (solar cells). main goals are The four points mentioned above contributed • cost reduction (see below) and jointly to the steady decrease of the price • development of new technologies for the experience shown in fig. 2. Without strong energy market. and focused R&D, such a curve tends to display Some examples of technologies to be (further) a lower gradient. Benefiting from the profits developed are: solar and energy optimised (low of R&D, photovoltaic electricity will be cost cost) buildings for various climates; water tech- effective within a reasonable time span, provided nologies (clean water based on clean energy); that external costs are implemented in the offshore technologies for wind; photovoltaic energy price system world wide. power plants utilising optical concentration; distributed electricity generation schemes Extensive global R&D on renewables including optimised grid structures and sustain- Although a first supply of reliable renewable able energy carriers for mobile applications, energy technologies is available today, it will just to name a few. be necessary to activate further strong R&D resources world wide in order to bring down the costs of renewables, to develop new and regionally optimised technologies and to imple- Figure 2 ment renewables into the different societies. 100 e/Wp Price experience This task can not be mastered by a small num- curve for photovoltaic ber of countries. In order to accomplish the modules. 10 necessary transformation of the global energy R&D system in due time, almost all countries and 1 regions have to be involved in targeted R&D as well as in the manufacture of renewable energy 0,1 no R&D components and systems. 10 1.000 100.000 10.000.000

Prices on the global market are plotted against the cumu- lated world wide shipment (logarithmic scales). Historically Context of R&D on renewables each doubling of the shipment resulted on the average in a price reduction of 20%. The extrapolation of such expe- rience curves is of course speculative. Nevertheless, there R&D on renewables is not an end in itself. The are sound technological arguments that a further price focus of the R&D must be directed according reduction by a factor of at least two or even a factor of three to the demand of (regional) energy supply is possible and likely. An essential prerequisite for this price reduction is strong R&D. Without this R&D, the curve will schemes and the industrial strategies (including tend to show a lower price reduction characteristic. export) specific to each country. Furthermore, 22 in order to be effective, R&D on renewables Joachim Luther • Global Research and Development on Renewables Science Forum 2004 must be incorporated into existing academic Co-operative global R&D on structures or be developed in parallel to the renewables evolving academic system. Without any doubt, co-operative global R&D is Energy supply structures and R&D desirable when extensive capacity building and Sustainable energy supply structures based large-scale R&D activities have to be initiated in completely on the import of knowledge and a short time span. In order to find the optimal technology do not seem to be favourable for form of coordinated capacity building and R&D countries and regions. Local or regional R&D activities and global co-operative action, poten- constitutes a good basis to optimise energy tial sources of conflicts have to be analysed and systems and to reduce vulnerability. Besides, identified. From such an analysis, optimal con- the yield of renewable energy sources and the ditions for global co-operations may be derived. types of optimal technologies depend, in part, on local (climatic) conditions. Thus, specific Areas of tension technologies have to be developed – mostly by The principal advantages of joining forces may means of local or regional R&D. in part be compensated by conflicts that can arise in national and international R&D co-oper- Industry and R&D ations. Examples of advantages versus conflict A successful transformation of the global energy areas are: system will require renewable energy industries • synergies in R&D versus competition for in most countries. In order to be competitive in intellectual property rights, the world market, it will be essential for such • open information transfer versus unbalanced industry to focus on certain technologies. Since opportunities of the partners to transform industry and R&D on energy technologies ideas into innovations, depend mutually on each other and since local • enhancement of coherence in R&D through R&D offers a considerable advantage for industry, binding co-ordination versus the reduction it will be essential to tune local or regional R&D of diversity of scientific ideas and activities carefully with the strategies of industry. • control of R&D via targeted management Private actors’ R&D in industry and public R&D versus freedom of science. should complement each other. The structured informality of innovation networks promises to combine the conflicting advantages R&D on renewables and the academic system best without compromising individual interests. In order to be efficient, R&D on renewables has to be embedded amongst others into national or Favourable conditions for global regional academic systems. An excellent training co-operation in R&D in science or engineering constitutes a R&D on From this short compilation of possible areas of renewables. This does not mean that a standard tension, favourable conditions may be derived (canonical) academic training is an indispensable under which global co-operation will prosper: prerequisite for efficient R&D on renewables: an • if complementary skills and/or interests of innovative structuring function of renewable co-operating partners are given, energy R&D is well conceivable within the acad- • if the scientific and technological problems emic education. Semiconductor physics, as part to be solved exceed the capacities of the of solid state physics, can be taught well using individual partner countries or institutions photovoltaics as a leading example. The same and concept can be used regarding mechanical engi- • if sufficient budgets are available for neering and wind power or electrochemistry and international R&D clusters on renewables fuel cells. Furthermore, a focus on solving real In any case “complementary skills and/or and pressing problems (here: the future energy interests” and “sufficient budgets” that will supply) fosters an interdisciplinary approach to generate a stable and fruitful international science which is a general prerequisite for future R&D co-operation are the key points here. oriented academic activities and a great advan- tage to industry. 23 Joachim Luther • Global Research and Development on Renewables Science Forum 2004

14000 • Financing of global R&D should be realised Power & Storage Techn through charges on “emission trading”, Renewable Energy 12000 Nuclear Fission/Fusion “clean development mechanism” and “joint Fossil Fuels implementation”. 10000

8000 Benefits of global R&D on 6000 renewables Million USD 4000 The main benefits of strongly fostering R&D on renewables on a national, regional and global 2000 scale may be summarised as follows: • enabling a strictly sustainable energy system, 0 • reducing global conflicts, 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 Year • abatement of energy poverty and • setting up new high technology industries with new products for the markets, strong growth rates and stable employment.

Figure 3 Financing global R&D on Without dedicated measures to set up a real Public RD&D budget renewables co-operative, sufficiently funded global R&D of 23 IEA member system on renewables, these important benefits countries [3] In contrast to the unquestionable needs for will not materialise in time. national, regional and global R&D on renew- ables, the public budgets in this area have been reduced considerably during the last decades. As an example, Fig. 3 shows the Literature research, development and demonstration (RD&D) budget of 23 International Energy [1] World in Transition – Towards Sustainable Agency (IEA) member countries. Most of the Energy Systems, Earthscan, London, money is still directed towards non-sustainable ISBN 1-85383-882-9, [1] energy technologies. This is definitely not http://www.wbgu.de/wbgu_jg2003_engl.pdf in accord with the urgent necessity of a trans- formation of our energy systems towards [2] Research and Development – The Basis for sustainability within the next decades. Wide-spread Employment of Renewable Energies, Thematic Background Paper, The need for strongly increased global R&D renewables 2004 conference, Bonn 2004, activities on renewables calls for new and http://www.renewables2004.de/pdf/tbp/T strong budget sources. A large number of BP07-research_development.pdf proposals exists how to raise needed funds [1]. The most important seem to be the following: [3] IEA Energy Technology R&D Statistics • The R&D budget for renewables of all Service, http://library.iea.org/rdd/eng/ industrialised countries should on the ReportFolders/Rfview/Explorerp.asp average be increased by a factor of ten until 2020. A large part of these funds should be used for global R&D. • Financing of national and regional R&D in other countries should be realised through partnership activities from industry, private investments and as far as possible by 24 governments. Osman Benchikh • UNESCO’s GREET Programme Science Forum 2004 UNESCO’s Global Renewable Energy Education and Training Programme (GREET Programme)

Capacity Building for judgement and decision making. Both of these Human Resources and qualities are necessary for project planning and Renewable Energy management, and for being able to identify the most appropriate application and utilisation In every development process, there is a press- for local conditions. ing need to increase the availability of qualified human resources. Developing countries tend There is a particular need for training and to experience a crucial lack in precisely this area. education in energy technologies due to the key They are confronted with many difficulties in role energy plays in sustainable development developing scientific education. It is costly to for many other issues. In light of energy costs Osman Benchikh teach in these countries and there is a lack of and energy’s important role in the economy, UNESCO equipment and laboratory materials. Moreover, recent growth in energy consumption has led Coordinator Energy they often lack capacity for local production. all countries to formulate and execute various and Renewable Energies/ Science and technology help forming a world strategies in three interrelated areas to: Division of Basic and view, including values, which stimulates creative a) improve the efficiency of energy use; Engineering Sciences capabilities, open mindedness, and a perception b) increase energy conservation; [email protected] of nature and the environment that provide c) explore and develop new and renewable people with indispensable tools to cope with sources of energy. a globalizing world. The rational use of scientific and technological progress can contribute At the same time, growing awareness of the role powerfully to solving development problems, that renewable energies can play in the global particularly those of hunger and disease. energy system, especially for the supply of energy Increasingly, science is becoming a direct pro- in rural areas, most countries are showing in- ductive force that underpins economic growth creased interest in creating appropriate training and social progress. programmes related to these energy sources.

The role of training in the scientific field is The training needs, important in the short term apparent at three levels: for upper echelon staff as well as in the mid term, can be understood and researchers, for mid-level technicians and in the context, that the desire of using renewable for qualified workers. In recent years, important energies combined with the decrease in equip- achievements have been accomplished in this ment costs stimulates the countries to conduct regard, particularly in developing countries. Much research on new equipment and on the utili- work has been done in order to ensure a higher sation of renewable energies. priority for the scientific teaching process, both to improve its quality and to direct it more to- It is evident that all programmes using renew- wards solving problems related to everyday life. able energy equipment depend upon the avail- ability of specialists of various levels, who are A diversified training programme is needed to able to use and properly maintain the supplied meet increasing demands for qualified personnel and installed equipment. Again, this underlines in the developing countries. This training should the crucial need for the training of specialised consider the latest developments in science and personnel. Several countries have strongly technology. It must strengthen competence confirmed their interest in training staff and and technical polyvalence, in such a way as to specialists who will be able to rationally utilise produce a technical staff of high quality in renewable energies. 25 Osman Benchikh • UNESCO’s GREET Programme Science Forum 2004

Figure 1 East Europe - Ex-URSS 16 M. Needs in term of elec- (4.7%) tricity Access North Europe << 1% America China 17,6 M. << 1% North Africa & (1,4%) Middle East 29 M. (9%)

India 580 M. Asia - Oceania (57%) 366 M. (57%)

Latin America 56 M. (13.4%)

Sub- Sahara 509 M. (77,4%) Australia -Japan - NZ Population with access << 1 %

Population without access

Calculations based on data from World Energy Outlook 2002 -IRA

In order to be effective, training in the field of The Way Forward for renewable energy must be ensured along Renewable Energies four distinct axes: researchers, decision makers (engineers, economists, administrators, etc.), The necessity for renewable energy local maintenance technicians and users. It The goal of education and training is to prepare should concentrate on the following elements: a population for its future. In order to meet • progressive reinforcement of research centres actual training and education needs, one must and the development of qualified personnel, first examine societal needs for the first part of • establishing better coordination between the 21st century, that is, for the period 2000 to energy needs and the choice of appropriate 2030. equipment, • creating maintenance teams capable of Energy is vital and essential for any society, but interacting with the rural population in has two contradictory aspects. Firstly, it reflects order to solve technical problems, they the standard of living and the progress status of might encounter, and to provide them a nation. It also represents growing awareness with necessary information on operating concerning the level of risks that a given nation installed equipment, would face in attempting to satisfy its energy • raising the users’ awareness on how to use needs. The first half of the 21st century will this equipment effectively. certainly see rapid progress1 in both the level of energy consumption and in the diversification Following the identification of training candi- of energy production methods, which can be dates, every effort should be made to minimise linked to several factors: the duration of training, especially for decision • Population growth especially in Asia, makers and those engaged in field activities. Latin America and Africa will lead to overall increases in energy consumption.2 • Ecological risks associated with some energy sources are becoming increasingly evident

1 Rapid, means here: “in some decades”. It is the required time for a new energy source to become part of the energy system, even when a voluntary policy is continuously practised. 2 Quantitatively, the future population growth is estimated with a good precision contrary to the development level. 26 The scenarios for the future on this subject must take into consideration mere realistic hypotheses. Osman Benchikh • UNESCO’s GREET Programme Science Forum 2004

Figure 2 Solar Energy Reserves East Europe -Ex-URSS (yearly) > 2130TWh > 130 TWh forecast 2020 Europe Middle East North America > 90 TWh > 200 TWh China > 180TWh > 220 TWh

India > 180 TWh Africa > 450 TWh Asia - Oceania 600 > 270 TWh 850 1200 1700 1950 Latin America Australia -Japan - NZ 2450 >270 TWh > 130 TWh

Based on data from B. Dessus & UNESCO´s Summer School of rural electrification

and worrisome. Two examples include the Renewable Energy Credibility Earth surface warming due to the greenhouse The successful path to a future sustainable effect caused by gas emissions3 and the energy system will depend on four conditions: uncertainty regarding methods for long-term technical credibility, economic credibility, storage of nuclear residues. ecological credibility and political credibility. • The need of humankind to follow a strong Unless all four of these conditions are satisfied, policies of improving energy efficiency in the the massive growth in the contribution of North as well as in the South. renewable energy during the 21st century will • The need to strengthen diversification of not occur. energy resources4 and, more importantly, the growing need to use renewable energies in Regarding technical credibility, the generation the future. of energy splits up in the production of heat, of electricity and of fuels. There are numerous The preceding constraints lead to inevitable renewable energy technologies and applica- changes in energy strategies requiring a long- tions having market potentials, as shall be listed term obligation to move toward an energy flux, briefly5: rather than continuing to rapidly deplete fossil fuel stocks. Heat production: biomass if not causing defore- station and desertification; district heating through geothermal energy; solar architecture;

3 The conten of CO2 in the atmosphere has increased by 50% since the beginning of the industrial era. The human activities (combustion of carbon oil and gas, the change in living habits) are mainly responsible. According to the “Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change” (1996), “the earth surface temperature in average increased globally by 0.3 o 0.6°C since the begin- ning of the 19th century…. Analysis of a group of elements suggests that, there is a perceptible influence of man on the global climate.” This climate change evolution will continue with very serious consequences. We mention, as an example the more or less realistic figures: a warming-up of 2°C and the increase of ocean’s level by 50cm by the year 2100. 4 This trend will not evolve automatically. In the 19th century coal was dominating while for the 20th century it is oil. Fossil fuels accumulated during hundreds of million of years are being burned today at such a rate that they will be largely depleted in few centuries. For example, oil crisis in 1973 and 1979 have been overcome due to major discoveries (the North Sea, Alaska, Siberia). However, the likely absence of such discoveries in the future will affect the energy situation if the oil share in the energy balance continues as it is. 5 For further details, refer to the following EU documents: “Renewable Energies in Europe”, Int. J. of solar Energy No 1 – 4 (1994); and T. Wrixon, A.M.E. Rooney, W. Plaz “Renewable Energy 2000” (Springer Verlag, 1993). 27 Osman Benchikh • UNESCO’s GREET Programme Science Forum 2004 figure 3 protection, research subventions or the need Gas 8 % Job Creation for Bioenergy 15% (58243) to transmit a heritage unburdened or negatively Energy Production (114.893) influenced by present consumption to future Coal 15% (107.292) generations. This problem is treated, for example in reference.6 Increasingly, specialists are recom- mending the internalization of external costs. This would lead to the formal improvement Photovoltaic 27 % Oil 13% (198852) (94.300) of the competitiveness of renewable energies, Nuclear 22 % which, in general, have a limited ecological (160407) impact.

solar heating for crop drying, water heaters and All the above-mentioned techniques produce space heating. more energy than is necessary for their manu- facture and installation. For example, photo- Electricity production: hydroelectricity if not voltaic systems have an energy return period of flooding local environments; wind generators; two to four years, compared to a lifespan of thermal power plants burning organic residues; at least 20 years. In most cases, the ecological solar thermal power plants; stand-alone photo- balance of renewable sources of energy is better voltaics particularly for rural electrification or than all other sources of energy. It is important grid-connected and integrated in buildings. to recall that a pro-active policy in the energy economy is beneficial for the whole planet, from Fuel production: alcohol from sugar cane; both the economic and ecological points of “green fuels” from biomass so called biofuels. view. “The best energy is that which we do not Some of these are still in the research and produce.” development phase and show a reasonable, or even significant, level of progress, some are, In addition, most of these techniques are with respect to economic credibility at the ecologically benign (dams that retain water operational level and provided satisfactory results. reserves of extended surfaces are an exception). The associated social costs of renewable energy Particularly, in specific contexts certain renew- are extremely small. As demonstrated by field able energy technologies are already today inquiries in Great Britain, wind generators competitive or nearly competitive, as for example are very well accepted by the local population, hydroelectricity and green fuels,or in some proving the ecological credibility. localities and under appropriate conditions wind generators, stand-alone photovoltaics, and geo- In reality, all of the above will depend on the thermal and solar heat. With political support political will of energy decision makers, both this competitiveness can often already launch within individual countries and at the global technologies in the market. So, there is an actual level. Over the past 20 years, many major niche of competitiveness, which will increase countries have shown a firm and constant will in the medium term as a function of research to develop renewable energies. State and results and market growth. private credits granted to renewable energies in these countries have increased on a regular At this point, it is important to introduce the basis. In addition, the European Union has a concept of the social cost of energy. This reflects dynamic policy of research and development. the actual cost paid for the consumption Some other countries, in which public opinion of energy, not only by consumers but also by is strongly against nuclear energy, are now at citizens in general. In reality, the costs of classical the forefront of the movement to utilise renew- energy sources are currently under-estimated, able energies. A smaller number of countries as they do not include important ‘external’ are more reluctant, but still active. Among costs, related to factors such as environment developing countries, India, Brazil, China,

28 6 O. Hohmeyer, R.L. Ottinger, Social Costs of Energy (Springer Verlag, 1994). Osman Benchikh • UNESCO’s GREET Programme Science Forum 2004

Figure 4 Direct Jobs in Operation & Maintenance China Created by >920 000 jobs RE Electrification North Africa >78.000 jobs Middle East >80.000 jobs Asia - Oceania >1.800 000 jobs

India >2.970 000 jobs Latin America >2.86.000 jobs Sub-Sahara >2.480.000 jobs

Scenario 100% electrified Ref.Osman Benchikh GREET Program- UNESCO

Morocco and others are pro-active in some to a growing interest of use and applications of aspects; in 1993 the World Bank started financ- renewable energies at worldwide level. ing renewable energy in these countries. Job creation Comparing all sources of energy production Nothing guarantees the permanence of a renewable energy sources represent one of the constant dynamic policy in favour of renewable most important reservoirs for job creation.7 For energy. This depends on the political credibility. the production of the same amount of energy, However, it is generally safe to presume that the job creation growth of renewable energies renewable energies will become more valued is higher than that of other sources such as gas, for their two favourable characteristics: coal, oil and nuclear (see Fig. 3). • Flexibility – the possibility of creating local energy sources, hopefully to complement Comparing jobs created by the different forms Figure 5 and compete with the supply from large of energy (see Fig. 3), biomass and photovoltaics Direct Jobs in Operation central grids. generate the highest number of jobs. As these & Maintenance • Responsiveness – the possibility of meeting resources are particularly abundant in develop- Created by the rising expectations related to sustainable ing countries struggling with rural electrification, RE Electrification development and environmental protection. The plan of implementation resulting from India the World Summit on Sustainable Develop- 3 ment (Johannesburg, 2002) and concerns on Africa

climate fragility expressed at Earth Summit 4.367.000 8.734.000 (Rio de Janeiro, 1992) highlight the major new jobs Asia- 2 Oceania role that renewable energies can play in both Jobs in the issues. created (millions) World 1.815.000 China Admittedly, one of the principal obstacles facing 1 Latin America the widespread use of these technologies is the Middle lack of information. The GREET Programme aims East precisely at improving knowledge on intrinsic East Europe 0 & Ex URSS merits that renewable energy possesses. 20 % 50 % 100 % Increased awareness of these merits should lead Scenarios of electrification (%)

7 J. Percebois, Vol. 2, Summer School „Solar Electricity for Rural and Isolated Zones“, Ellipse/UNESCO, 1993 29 Osman Benchikh • UNESCO’s GREET Programme Science Forum 2004

8 the use of renewable energies apart from jobs Training on renewable energy creation will help to improve the local economy and ensure a better quality of life and decease Current situation poverty. Education in the area of renewable energy is In only a few years, figures have passed from certainly a field where almost everything still 1.5 to 5.6 jobs per installed megawatt – a sign needs to be done. The current lack of ambitious of a more advanced industry. This brings to educational programmes can be explained by mind an indication from the World Watch Re- two principal factors: search Institute regarding the manpower needed • the multi-disciplinary and diverse nature of to build a piece of equipment producing the subject, and 1000 GWh annually: • general non-recognition of renewable energies as a major component of the energy issue. Sector No. of persons required Nuclear 100 Specialisation in this field assumes a general Coal 116 knowledge of diversified technologies and their Solar thermal 248 adaptation to different contexts and different Wind generation 542 fields of applications. At present, no specific, degree-granting university training and These numbers will certainly decrease in the education programmes exist in the field of future. However, renewable energies will remain renewable energy. Another problem is the lack an important source for job creation compared of information on the topic in general. Both to conventional energy sources. In general, of these issues must be adequately addressed. renewable energies have high upfront investment costs, but lower operating costs despite of the 1. Training higher employment rates. For conventional a) There is no specific secondary school course sources of energy have high operating capital on renewable energy that is capable of costs due to the commodities like gas, coal, oil capturing the interest of young people and or uranium needed to operate power plants, orienting them toward choosing a career in not to mention the high costs of grid mainte- this field. nance of centralised energy systems. b) There is a lack of coordination among the diversified activities related to renewable Those quantitative comparisons must be com- energy within the education field. pleted by new studies, updated and generalised c) At the university level, very little information to other technologies. They should also be is available concerning prerequisites and the performed for different regions, including rural procedures that could lead to a degree or zones of developing countries where renewable training programme in the renewable energy energies (basically photovoltaic) play an impor- area. tant role. d) Training needs in the area of renewable energy are poorly defined. Organisations We can provisionally conclude that various concerned with energy and renewable renewable energy technologies are a significant energy issues, interested in training their source for new jobs. In just a few years, tens of own personnel, should be identified. thousands of jobs have already been created. e) Very little information is available concerning The locations and natures of these jobs, as well needed training programmes to be initiated: as their number, are still evolving. Thus, it is specific technical as well as practical courses, clearly a sector for which an appropriate training advanced education, summer schools, etc. policy seems absolutely necessary. Poor distribution of research and training centres is another issue. In many cases, the

8 Since the GREET Programme has been founded under World Solar Programme the following remarks regarding the training 30 needs for renewable energies will mainly focus on solar energy. Osman Benchikh • UNESCO’s GREET Programme Science Forum 2004

East Europe Figure 6 1% Distribution of training and research centers 9 Europe by region North 25,5 % America 14,8 %

Asia/Oceania 26,6% Africa 11,4 %

Latin America 20,7 %

regions favoured by a high potential of solar largest potentials but the least training capacities energy and confronted by a deficit in electricity in relation to their solar photovoltaic energy – mainly rural areas – are those that have the potential. smallest number of specialised training centres. Similar discrepancies can be seen in the case of Training needs photovoltaics, whose potential is enormous on General aspects of the needs for training are the international scale. analysed from two angles: • What should be the foci for the educational 2. Lack of information process? a) Both non-experts and the general public have very little information on the current It is evident that renewable energies must state of the art in renewable energies, or on become competitive to provide sustainable the true potential of these resources. energy and thus that market development More-over, the limited information they do must be fostered. To this end, current needs have is often distorted by ‘fashions’ and are the actual prospects of the market. ‘anti-fashions’ related to the environment • What courses should be taught? and energy economy, particularly when this concerns renewable energies. Training and education should be oriented to b) Very few practical educational manuals the demand of the market. Production, use about renewable energies are addressed to and application of renewable energy systems the general public, especially for the youth require diversified components. These com- adapted material is missing. ponents should be improved by intensive c) Very little information is addressed to research and development and by more efficient secondary school students on the prospects industrial production. However, it is not the and employment chances that would be fundamental research which presents the gained by specialising in the renewable principal barrier to their development, but it energy field. is the lack of trained personnel to design, install, and maintain the systems. Most of the Fig.1, 2 and 6 combined show that the very new jobs to be created do not require a regions with greatest energy poverty have the radically new competence. The manpower

9 UNESCO international directory of renewable energy information sources and research centres. 31 Osman Benchikh • UNESCO’s GREET Programme Science Forum 2004

Figure 7 (left) Workmanship 5 % Lights 20% Contribution of Less than a over 6 months Batteries 44% 10 % components to month 20 % systems fault

Figure 8 (right) Time taken to repair Others 5 % Controllers 1–3 months a fault (average in 3–6 months 25 % Panels 1% 50 % Africa) 20 %

needs vary according to the different project require more work than conventional systems stages and the systems’ components. This can for their design, adaptation, and use. This implies be summarized as follows: the creation of more jobs in order to get sustain- able and efficient systems. • meteorologists and analysts for the identification of sites and appropriate Specific training aspects10 programs, In order to improve training of researchers, • metal workers with good competence in engineers, technicians and superior technicians, hydraulics for the assembly of wind rotors several specific considerations should be taken and towers or assembly of solar collectors, into account. This is also true for the information plumbers and tube workers for the instal- required by decision makers, local elected lation of solar heaters, representatives, consultants and the general • electricians for photovoltaic and wind energy public. As an example, the following develops systems, some of these considerations with a focus on • carpenters and building craftsmen for the the training of technicians. This is the most integration of solar systems in buildings and important and necessary action for the success power plants, of a renewable energy programme. Thus, it • architects for the urban planning and will be presented first. building design, • engineers and designers in several sectors: Training for technicians civil engineering, power electronics, electric Technicians play a principal role in all aspects engineering, process control, quality control, of solar energy projects: beginning with the chemistry etc. levels of laboratory work, test centres, industrial production of components, commercial dis- The various technicians mentioned above need tribution, and system assembly, reaching to the an appropriate training based upon their optimisation of system design and size, which original background. For instance, engineers, should be based on the precise needs of indivi- designers and architects do have sufficient basic duals or the village community, installation, knowledge. However a radical change in their operation and maintenance, in order to ensure usual behavior is necessary. They are used to the best quality of energy service. The success work with conventional systems in always the of solar projects will not be achieved unless same environment, while the renewable energy each step is realised successfully by competent technologies depend on the site and climate technicians. Thus, the most important require- as they also interact with consumers. They do ment is the availability of competent technicians not offer universal solutions (except for some to ensure the installation, repair and mainte- applications, such as calculators and solar light- nance of systems. Rural electrification will be ing kits). This constitutes one of the principal achieved through technicians in local networks barriers to their wide-spread use. In general, they of service businesses.

32 10 O. Benchikh, UNESCO, “Renewable Energy education and Trainig Program”. Osman Benchikh • UNESCO’s GREET Programme Science Forum 2004

‘user's guide’, indicating suppliers, cost, Figure 9

Not working 10 % Working,failed performance, best ratio of quality/price, etc. Fault occurences in before 18 % Solar PV installations Training for researchers One must underline the importance of promot- ing a research programme in the relatively new sector of solar chemistry, which is dedicated

Working, never failed 72 % to fuel production. It is convenient also to mention other research topics that are already well established, but should at least continue or even be amplified.

Past experience reveals that, even if photo- First of all, it is important to consider research voltaic modules are of an extraordinary quality, on photocells and photovoltaic systems. The they are subject to failures. These are most performance and cost of these systems still often caused by defects in classical components need to be improved substantially. As an out- (switches, batteries, power conditioning, come to the rural electrification programme connections, etc.). and resulting market expansion, progress in this field will be accelerated. This dynamism If one can rectify them in due time, such would lead to an increase in industrial efforts problems will be without consequences, but and justify the reinforcement of research it is regrettable to neglect these aspects of facilities in this sector. after-sales service. So, there are very precise needs for training technicians in specialties. Universities and schools of engineering, in the countries of the North and of the South, must Technical education institutes are obviously the committ to take up the mission of forming best places to carry out this training. Therefore, tomorrow’s researchers. In turn, these individuals institutes should work in close relations with will ensure progress in the GREET Programme. the solar testing centres, particularly where it is The following actions can be adopted now to possible to use their technical facilities to support help these institutions achieve their mission: training and education. • Reinforce theoretical and practical education in the basic disciplines, upon which the Continued education is another important research depends. Within this frame, several aspect to consider for technician training. other disciplines should be considered It should permit technicians qualified in other amongst the first rank: solid-state physics, disciplines to acquire, in a relatively short time, physics of materials, molecular physics, the knowledge necessary to master one of the thermo-chemistry, photochemistry, thermal above-mentioned specialties. Organising this sciences and thermodynamics. type of training represents one way of ensuring • Define research topics in the field of photo- the formation of solar technicians. voltaic (photocells, photo-chemistry, and solar fuels) for student thesis or graduate The availability of high quality, specialised litera- projects. ture is a necessary and complementary aspect • Incorporate these research topics into a of technicians’ training. Technicians will benefit global vision of the role of renewable energies greatly by acquiring material such as: among the energy resources for the 21st • Technicians’ guide or handbook that collates, century (analysis of energy supply and in a condensed manner, the theoretical demand, economic considerations, and results, schematic diagrams, basic formulas, environmental constraints). rules and practical recommendations that • Organise cooperation programmes amongst would be useful to solar technicians. higher education institutions, in the North • Documentation on components and solar and South, on research related to solar energy. equipment, which could serve as a kind of This collaboration could be made through 33 Osman Benchikh • UNESCO’s GREET Programme Science Forum 2004

common studies of scientific projects and Specialised education and training in renewable could lead to student exchanges. energy leading to a university degree, at the • Create a ‘think tank’ (under the framework Master’s level, represents a programme that of the World Solar Summit, for example) on could be proposed for both researchers and the training of researchers in the disciplines engineers working in this field. This type of that would support the progress of solar education would allow planners and those who energy. The task of this group would be to carry out renewable energy programmes to define the actions to be taken for training have access to complete information and researchers, to elaborate a strategy, and to know-how within a reasonable period of time aid university departments in establishing (18 months). such programmes. Continued education represents another Training of engineers important aspect for the training of engineers. The realisation of renewable energy programmes, In fact, this would allow engineers who particularly solar rural electrification, constitutes specialised in other disciplines to acquire, during a large industrial project for the coming decades. a minimum of time, sufficient knowledge to Industrialised countries can have an appreciable enable them to work efficiently in a new field. contribution in this area, which will also have a Short training courses, such as summer schools, beneficial impact on job creation. This dynamic are very responsive to this need. The annual could help generate a domestic industry with summer school on ‘solar electricity for rural and the capacity to significantly contribute to those isolated zones’ organised by UNESCO presents programmes as the GREET Programme. an example of action in this direction. This initiative should be encouraged, continued, and The industrial boom foreseen in solar and wind even extended to other sectors such as biomass electricity, as well as in passive architecture, and wind energy, as well as other renewable requires a new generation of engineers whose energies. work, initiatives and competence will be the best guarantee for success. There is a clear To summarize, the following recommendations need to ensure the development and training can be made: of future engineers who will have the task of creating, organising and establishing the solar • Encourage and support the activities of solar industry of the future. testing centers to promote their contribution in the education and training of engineers. The required fields of competence for engineer- • Promote the engineering teaching of the ing curricula are identical to those mentioned above mentioned disciplines and encourage above for the researchers: solid-state physics, introduction of renewable energy topics on physics of materials, molecular physics, thermo- the occasion of practical training in enterprises, chemistry photochemistry, thermal sciences graduation projects, practical work, etc. and thermodynamics. In addition, they would • Organize the exchange of students of require expertise in power electronics, electro- engineering schools from the North technology, and fluid mechanics. and South, in a thoughtful study on topics related to renewable energy projects. In this educational process, practical aspects • Respond to the needs related to continued should have top priority. In fact, the course education on renewable energies. The model contents should leave a large portion for expe- of summer schools programs should be rimental work and for projects related to real reinforced and expanded. equipment and full-scale installations. There is • Set up an international advisory committee a strong interest in establishing the training in- on education and training of engineers in stitutions for engineers near solar testing centres, order to elaborate a strategy in the capacity of which a certain number already exists. building and human resources development area. 34 Osman Benchikh • UNESCO’s GREET Programme Science Forum 2004

Information for decision makers, In developing countries, the concept of ’pre- locally elected representatives and electrification’ would result in promoting service technicians certain solar technologies as a first step towards One of the difficulties to be overcome in the construction of an interconnected network. promoting these programmes is convincing Solar energy’s best ally is the electrical engineer decision makers of the solid basis of these who understands that it is not a competitor of, proposals, in order to get their support. The but rather a tool for the development of elec- current context falls short by far of being tricity supply. A major effort to improve general favourable for such action. The current low knowledge and training in this field is still needed. cost of oil products and the existence of other technologies – considered, correctly or incor- Actions required for the development of general rectly, to be more credible – create a degree knowledge programmes oriented towards of uncertainty, scepticism and even hostility decision makers should include: towards solar technologies amongst decision • Organising seminars, workshops or summer makers and experts. This difficult situation schools that target decision makers and can also be linked to the lack of general know- experts related to other energy fields. The ledge of the results and successes of solar goal should be to inform them about possible technologies in recent years. future solar applications, including the anti- cipated progress and economic aspects. This insufficiency of information on renewable • Developing presentations on the possibilities energies is due to the limitations of the facilities of solar technology market penetration in offered to solar researchers in the past. A real the form of alternative scenarios. effort is needed to improve general knowledge • Reporting on the prospects of renewable outside the solar research community. energies in scientific and economic journals. • Organising technical visits to the most Past experience shows that the main obstacle outstanding solar energy installations. to the development of solar technology is the • Producing audio-visual materials that indifference or opposition of electricity-produc- illustrate existing solar installations, as well ing and distributing companies. This is coupled as future prospects for these technologies. to the indifference of decision makers. For an electricity planner, rural electrification usually means the development and the extension of Information to the public the existing grid. A locally elected representative, Training and information activities, similar to who does not have a good knowledge of the those elaborated in the previous section, should various available technologies, may simply go equally be undertaken for the general public. back to the national electricity utility. The final At present, most people are unaware of most of result is that the safest solution is adopted the achievements, possibilities and prospects either by inertia or by tradition. of solar technologies. In countries where solar programmes could be implemented, or where It is therefore necessary to convince both the population would have direct contact with electricity utility staff and local representatives solar equipment, this information programme that the adoption of solar technologies is a would join that for users. bonus card for all stakeholders. Decentralised solar technologies are not necessarily antago- There is much work to be undertaken in the nistic to interconnected networks, but rather information and training of the general public, are complementary to them. Certain electricity including the following: utilities hold this viewpoint, especially when • Publishing information, in the form of study the construction of new power stations or the articles and comprehensive, well documented electricity grid extension encounter financial, reports, on solar energy and its prospects. ecological or regulatory difficulties. • Distribute such information and/or documentation to consumer associations. 35 Osman Benchikh • UNESCO’s GREET Programme Science Forum 2004

• Produce and broadcast programmes and In the past, most training programmes focused documentary films for television. on a specific type of renewable energy, concen- • Create fixed exhibitions at technology parks trating on a certain technology without placing to allow the presentation of a wide array of it in a more general context. In addition, exist- solar equipment and its applications. Organise ing general training programmes on energy general public visits to solar test centres. conservation were not oriented toward a specific • Encourage teaching of renewable energy renewable energy form or a particular application. technologies in primary and secondary This situation is unsatisfactory in that it does schools. Within the context of courses not respond to real needs. in physics, chemistry and technology, a scientific base on solar energy can effectively A general training programme on renewable be introduced to the thinking of young energies and related technology options is students. In the very near future, these proposed as an example. It could be compared Table 1 individuals will be the implementers of the to a ‘general store’ of basic courses and ‘menus’ Guide of large energy programmes, currently being from which particular options can be selected technology options launched. for each target audience (researchers, engineers, technicians, decision makers, industrialists, end-users, the general public, etc.). Technology Hydro- Wind Photo- Solar Solar Geo- Biomass electric turbines voltaics therdyn. thermal thermal conv. At present, there is a scarcity of appropriate Related disciplines in relevant teaching programmes for disciplines each technology. If an individual would like to intensify his technical capabilities to solve the Mechanics •• •• • • problems encountered, he must select one of Geology •• •• • these particular technologies. This should be supported by the usual basic knowledge, which Atmosph. phys • •• • • • • remains the foundation for building up the Thermodyn. •• trainee’s abilities, together with any other complementary knowledge that is necessary Thermal sci. •• •• •• for the training. Building eng. •• The complementary knowledge would be Chemistry • • • • • acquired partially through the basic general Chem. eng. • • •• courses mentioned above, which would help

Phys.of mat. • • •• • clarify the role of renewable energy in today’s world. Depending on each technology option, Electro. phy. • •• • it would also include other particular points to Electro. tech. • • • • help trainees to deal with problems in the field. Sensitising trainees to the real state of the art Agronomy •• of the system’s use and manufacturing is a high Bio. eng. •• priority; it will also help clarify the role and importance of the various technology options. Therefore, the proposed training programme should cover at least one or two of the techno- General contents of teaching programmes logies referred to in the following table. The overall objective of education and training programmes is to address general problems Each scientific education unit will select its related to energy, as well as the need to conserve technology options according to its field of energy and use renewable energy sources. At interests. It is important to note that this does the same time, the particular technology should not exclude a simultaneous selection of one correspond to the competence of the instructor renewable energy option and one other form 36 and the desire of the learner. of energy. In addition, sufficient time should Osman Benchikh • UNESCO’s GREET Programme Science Forum 2004 be allocated to general knowledge. Units that currently specialise in economics or human sciences but wish to initiate training programmes on renewable energies could call upon external specialists to deliver the necessary information to the target audience. The most important consideration is that the information be realistic and cover the use and application of renewable energies, especially in different contexts. That is, trainees should be made aware of the poten- tial of renewable energies to meet sustainable targets, to contribute to poverty reduction and to support job creation.

37 Economic and Political Aspects of the Transition to Renewable Energy Systems

• Policies and Measures for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency in South Africa

• Research and Development Needs for Renewable Energy Technology in Industrialized Countries

• The Challenge of Renewable Energies Integration in Energy Distribution Systems

• Integrating Renewable Energy into Society

• Promotion of Renewable Energies for Heating and Cooling

• Transitioning to a Renewable Energy Future

• Full Solar Supply of Industrialized Countries – The Example Japan 39 Stanford A. J. Mwakasonda • Policies and Measures for Renewable Energy Science Forum 2004 Policies and Measures for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency in South Africa

Background much to total global emissions, South Africa The South Africa democratic elections held of remains a notable exception, with carbon 1994 initiated a change in government policy emissions per capita closer to industrialised across all sectors. With the new government countries that are the major contributor to in place, there was an in-depth review of all this threat. This reason and others necessitate government policies in order to align them a change in policy framework in order to tailor with basic principles of democracy and human it to fit the requirements of sustainable rights. The new policy paradigm addressed development, putting in the development issues of economic efficiency, access to afford- domain issues of economic, environment able energy for all and environmental sustain- as well as social development. Stanford A. J. ability. This, however, was not an easy task for Mwakasonda the newly elected government, especially in Energy Research Centre view of the economic and infrastructural con- University of Cape Town straints and challenges. Renewable Energy Policy (South Africa) [email protected] One of the key challenges that South Africa still In 1998 South Africa formulated a new energy faces is for development aspirations to bring policy, significantly different from the pre-1994 on board racial equity, job creation, poverty one, which provided energy services according reduction and economic prosperity while mini- to race. Major objectives of the new govern- mising the adverse environmental impacts. For ment policy for the energy sector were spelled a long period of time the South African energy out in the 1998 Energy White Paper as: scenario has been dominated by coal, one of the most carbon intensive fuels and associated 1) Increasing access to affordable energy services. with a high emission rate of carbon, responsible 2) Improving energy governance – clarification for the global environmental threat. While it of the relative roles and functions of various is recognized that Africa does not contribute energy institutions within the context of

90 79 80 80 77 77 80 Figure 1 76 74 74 70 Trends in electrification 66 66 63 63 68 of households in South 60 60 55 Africa: 1995– 2002 50 48 49 50 46 50 43 40 38

27 Percentage 30 21 20


0 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002

Rural Urban National 41 Stanford A. J. Mwakasonda • Policies and Measures for Renewable Energy Science Forum 2004

accountability, transparency and inclusive logies, given their potential and compared membership, particularly participation by to investments in other energy supply. the previously disadvantaged. • To set targets for directing of public 3) Stimulating economic development – resources for implementation of renewable encouragement of competition within energy technologies. energy markets. • To extend existing state financial support 4) Managing energy-related environmental and systems and institutions and introduce health effects – promotion of access to basic sustainable financing mechanisms for energy services for poor households while delivering renewable energy systems. reducing negative health impacts arising • To introduce suitable fiscal incentives for from energy activities. renewable energy. 5) Securing supply through diversity – • To make easy the creation of an investment increased opportunities for energy trade, climate for the development of renewable particularly within the Southern African energy sector, which can attract foreign and region, and diversity of both supply sources local investors. and primary energy carriers. Legal instruments The new energy policy helped to consolidate • To develop an appropriate legal and programs that were already in place in trying to regulatory framework for pricing and tariff improve provision of modern energy services to structures to support the integration of people. This included the National Electrification renewable energy into the energy economy Program for 1994– 1999, targeting to increase and to attract investors. electrification level from 36 per cent in 1994 to • To develop an enabling legislative and about 66 per cent nationally by 2001. The target regulatory framework to integrate was exceeded, with 2.75 million connections independent power producers into existing achieved by end of Phase 1 of the Programme. electricity system. By end of 2001 the National Electricity Regula- • To develop an enabling legislative framework tor (NER) recorded 3.4 million connections. to integrate local producers of liquid fuels and gas from renewable resources into their respective systems.

Renewable energy policy Technology development • To promote the development and imple- Recognizing the contribution potential of mentation of appropriate standards and renewable energy sources to modern energy guidelines and codes of practice for the services in South Africa, the Government in appropriate use of renewable energy 2003 released the White Paper on Renewable technologies. Energy. This had a number of objectives, • To support appropriate research and including ensuring that an equitable level of development and local manufacturing to national resources was invested in renewable strengthen renewable energy technology technologies; directing public resources for and optimise its implementation. implementation of renewable energy techno- logies; introducing suitable fiscal incentives for Awareness raising, capacity building renewable energy and; creating an investment and education climate for the development of renewable • To promote knowledge of renewable energy energy sector. The key objectives of the White and increase their use. Paper were considered in the five major faci- • To promote and stimulate renewable energy litative areas given below. market through dissemination of information on economic, environmental, social and Financial instruments trade benefits of renewable energy techno- • To ensure that an equitable level of national logies and their applications. 42 resources is invested in renewable techno- Stanford A. J. Mwakasonda • Policies and Measures for Renewable Energy Science Forum 2004

• To persuade institutions to implement With this background, and considering the training and education programs on unique South Africa energy circumstances, renewable energy. a number of policies and measures were • To actively involve women in decision proposed, including recommendations on making and planning on renewable energy how they could be implemented. The policies activities. and measures were grouped into four main • To improve communication and interaction categories, as being market-based instruments, between government and other institutions regulatory measures, institutional and legal on renewable energy policies. measures, and voluntary measures, as shown below:

Market based instruments Policies and measures • Financing energy efficient housing and for renewable energy appliances (bonds and loans), implementation • Incremental housing subsidy for energy efficiency upgrade in low cost housing, There is considerable potential for renewable • Concessionary loans for incremental costs energy sources in South Africa, from solar, efficient equipment and combined heat and wind, biomass, waves and hydro, but the key power, challenge is to translate this into technical, • Production subsidies for renewable electricity economic and market realities. Doing this would generation, need careful thinking of policies and measures • Pollution taxes, that could result in optimal tapping of the • Wires charge and additional sources of renewable energy sources, taking into account financing. the prevailing national circumstances. A number of policies and measures have been Regulatory instruments – targets, codes proposed by different players, and some of the and standards extensively researched were those put forward • Targets for renewable electricity generation, in a study that was commissioned to Energy • Strengthen commercial building codes, Research Centre (ERC, University of Cape Town) • Residential building codes, by the Sustainable Energy and Climate Change • Household appliance-labelling and Partnership (SECCP), a partnership between mandatory energy performance standards, Earthlife Africa Johannesburg and the World • Commercial and industrial equipment Wildlife Fund of Denmark1. The policies and labelling and mandatory energy perfor- measures proposed by ERC centred around mance standards, attaining three main objectives: • Government procurement standards for equipment and upgrading energy efficiency • a portfolio of policies and measures for standards in government buildings, realising the potential for renewable energy • Compulsory fuel efficiency standards for and energy efficiency in South Africa. corporate and institutional fleets, • investigating how such policies and • Particulate emission control and transport measures could form part of an effective policy, climate change response by estimating the • Regulatory interventions to promote energy potential greenhouse gas (GHG) reductions. efficiency, • identifying and making projections of • Green tariffs, trading and renewable electricity. sustainable development impacts related to realising the renewable energy and energy Institutional and legal environment efficiency potential. • Strengthen the institutional framework for energy efficiency,

1 This study was undertaken by the Energy Research Centre, Iniversity of Cape Town. The team of researchers involved included; Prof. Ogunlade Davidson (Project Leader), Prof. Kevin Bennet, Pierre Mukheibir, Stanford Mwakasonda, JC Nkomo, Randall Spalding-Fecher, Harald Winkler, Rodney Xali, Mark Howells, Alison Hughes and Frances Craigie. 43 Stanford A. J. Mwakasonda • Policies and Measures for Renewable Energy Science Forum 2004

• Renewable energy legislative framework, After such analysis of different combinations of • Research, development and demonstration, policies and measures, the following five policies • Awareness and education, and measures were recommended as priorities:

Voluntary agreements 1) Mandatory codes and standards for energy The above policies and measures analysed with efficient buildings in government, commercial reference to three implementation scenarios in and residential sectors order to assess their impact of implementation. • aiming to reduce commercial building Modelling was used on certain aspects of the energy consumption (excluding lighting) policies and measures. The three scenarios for 2) Equipment standards for industry and implementation were as shown in Tab. 1. commerce • development of mandatory performance standards for industrial equipment as well Base case Business as usual government policy, based on Department of Minerals and Energy (DME) official projections and public domain data as a mandatory energy labelling system Economic Moderate; focus on economic instruments to correct market failures 3) Targets for renewable electricity generation instruments in relation to RE and EE • a target of renewable electricity generation Policy reform Moderate; focus on meeting targets for RE and EE cost-effectively providing 15% of total electricity con- sumption by 2020 Intensive policy Intensive; more focus on promoting RE and EE; stronger weighting of social and environmental concerns 4) Production subsidies for renewable electricity • in order to make renewable electricity competitive Table 1 It was observed that the three implementation 5) Pollution tax Scenarios for imple- scenarios each had benefits and costs across a • A tax on air pollutants, levied per mass mentation of policies range of different indicators. In the reduction of unit of emissions and measures for GHG emissions for example, setting a renewable renewable energy and energy target of 25% for electricity generation Appropriate enabling conditions are an impor- energy efficiency over a 20 year period showed a significant level tant prerequisite in order for any policies and of lower local pollution (up to 10%), as well as measures to have the required impact. While reductions in GHG emissions (6 –10%). recognising the role of market-based instruments, the right place for subsidies to contribute to their effectiveness is also crucial, especially in an immature market like the renewable energy. Figure 2 102 % In any case, there can not be a “one-size-fits all”

Relative emissions of 100% rule to the applicability of the above mentioned carbon dioxide (cumu- policies and measures. Each country need to lative over 20 Years) 98% make an in depth analysis of the prevailing cir- 96% cumstances before deciding on what to include in the shopping basket for policies and measures 94% for either renewable energy or energy efficiency 92% programs. 90%


Emissions relative to base case 86%


Base Case Economy Instruments Policy Reform Intensive Policy

44 Stanford A. J. Mwakasonda • Policies and Measures for Renewable Energy Science Forum 2004


Borchers, M., N. Qase, T. Gaunt, J. Mavhungu, H. Winkler, Y. Afrane-Okese and C. Thom, 2001, National Electrification Programme Evaluation: Summary Report, evaluation commissioned by the Department of Minerals & Energy and the Development Bank of Southern Africa, Energy and Development Research Centre, University of Cape Town, Cape Town.

Davidson O. & Mwakasonda S., 2003. Electricity Access; Southern Africa Sub-regional Study: South Africa and Zimbabwe. Energy Research Centre, University of Capre Town. South Africa.

DME, 1998, ‘White Paper on Energy Policy for South Africa’, Department of Minerals and Energy, Government of South Africa, Pretoria.

DME, 2003, White Paper on Renewable Energy. Department of Minerals and Energy, Government of South Africa, Pretoria.

EDRC (Energy & Development Research Centre) 2003. Policies and measures for renewable energy and energy efficiency in South Africa. Prepared for the Sustainable Energy & Climate Change Partnership. Cape Town, EDRC, University of Cape Town.

NER (National Electricity Regulator), 2001, Electricity Supply Statistics for South Africa 2001, National Electricity Regulator, Pretoria, South Africa.

NER (National Electricity Regulator) , 2002, Lighting up South Africa. National Electricity Regulator, Pretoria, South Africa.

45 Sigurd Wagner • Research and Development Needs in Industrialized Countries Science Forum 2004 Research and Development Needs for Renewable Energy Technology in Industrialized Countries

Abstract Therefore, renewable energy sources are follow- With a large number of users and high volumes ing a path that is characteristic of modern of production, renewable energy technologies industrial products like the automobile or the will be typical industrial mass products. Using microprocessor. The widespread use of these photovoltaics as the example, we show that was made possible by low cost, per passenger the most important research and development or per logic gate, of very advanced products. (R&D) function of industrialized countries in For the widespread use of renewable energy, renewable energy is to focus on the reduction low cost per unit of power or energy will be of cost per unit of power output. Reducing the equally essential. For the eventual adoption of cost/power ratio of renewables relies on the renewable energy by private users the cost of Sigurd Wagner ability of developed countries to conduct energy must be low. Its renewable character will Princeton University, advanced R&D. be a secondary attractor for the vast majority Department of Electrical of users in developed countries that we want Engineering (USA) Renewable energy – to engage. [email protected] a large-volume industry This argument applies to all sources of renew- Richard M. Swanson Renewable energy generation must be large able energy produced in large quantity, whether SunPower Corporation (USA) to have impact on the global energy supply. in distributed or in central, bulk, form. Taking [email protected] Renewable energy will have many users, will advantage of our own experience we employ produce large quantities of electrical or thermal photovoltaics (PV) as the vehicle for making our energy or fuel, will use large quantities of point. The present cost of PV is $3/W of module, material for their construction, and will require and $6/W or more for the whole system. $3/W large investments of capital. These characteristics systems cost is the target for opening large are typical of mass-produced industrial goods. markets for distributed systems. A system cost

100 Figure 1 Historical The experience curve

1980 Projected for photovoltaic mod- $21.83/W ule price, and its 1985 extrapolation to the $11.20/W 1990 year of 2013. $6.07/W 1995 10 $4.90/W 2000 $3.89/W 2005 $2.70/W 2010 Module Price (2002 $/W) $1.82/W2013 $1.44/W Distributed Generation Value 1 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000 Cumulative Produktion (MW)

The module cost of $1.44/W will open a large commercially viable market for distributed generation of photovoltaic electricity. From ref. [1].m ref. [1]. 47 Sigurd Wagner • Research and Development Needs in Industrialized Countries Science Forum 2004

Module Ingot Figure 2 of $1.30/W is expected to introduce PV to Assembly Growth Main components of the bulk power market. (We use $/W here to 30 % 30 % crystalline silicon PV denote the cost per Watt of output power module cost. From ref. under peak insolation, which corresponds [1]. approximately to $0.25/We, the average output of a conventional power plant.)

Renewable energy cost Cell Wafering reduction to date – the Processing 20 % 20 % photovoltaic example

Like many mass-produced products, solar electric modules have come down in price with manufacturing experience. On average, the Improving the cell efficiency is particularly panel price has dropped to 81% of its value at important to cost reduction because of its the beginning of each period of doubling of leverage on the cost of the entire system. cumulative production. The cumulative produc- Raising the cell efficiency brings down the cost tion counts all modules ever produced. This (per Watt) of the entire system, that is, it historical record is illustrated by Fig.1, which reduces the cost per watt of all manufacturing also includes a projection of cost reduction steps and of the balance-of-system. anticipated over the next ten years. [1] (It is assumed but not assured that future cost will follow the historical trend of Fig.1). While Prognosis for further cost economists do not yet understand the semi- reduction – the photovoltaic logarithmic dependence shown by this “experi- example ence curve,” it is clear that the cost is coming down in part by R&D. The silicon solar cell roadmap foresees further improvements in cell and manufacturing To understand the role of R&D in past cost efficiency, with module cost projected to reach reduction, and its leverage on cost reduction in $1.50/W by the year 2012. PV manufacturers the future, let us look at the components of are confident that the necessary technology can module cost. The four main steps of module be developed. Cost reductions are anticipated fabrication are reflected in the pie chart of in all steps of module manufacture, as Fig.2 on cost components of a PV module. described in the rightmost column of Tab. 1. These are (i) silicon refining and crystal growth, Taking the balance-of-systems cost to be equal (ii) wafer cutting, (iii) cell fabrication, and (iv) to the module cost, in 2012 the PV systems cost module assembly. Tab. 1 illustrates how each will become competitive for distributed of these steps has contributed to the cost application of PV. In other words, at this cost reduction depicted in Fig.1. The manufacturing distributed PV no longer will need subsidies processes of all four steps have been improved. because it will be profitable.

Table 1 Process step Material/process Improvement to date By2012 Improvements in Polysilicon price $300/kg $30/kg silicon PV module Silicon crystal Larger diameter 75mm 150mm 200 mm manufacturing: Wafer Cutting Wire sawing < $ 0.25/W history and projection Thinner Wafers 375µm 150µm 120 µm Cell fabrication Higher efficiency 10% 16% 23% Volume manufacturing 1MW 100MW 500 MW annual production Module assembly Automation None some More 48 Sigurd Wagner • Research and Development Needs in Industrialized Countries Science Forum 2004

The forecast for reaching the goal of PV to bulk cumulative production has reached 30,000 power generation is less certain. For competitive MW. Fig.1 allows to calculate the subsidy bulk power generation the module cost will needed for reaching commercially viable have to drop to $0.65/W, and the systems cost distributed PV power. Assuming that manufac- to $1.30/W. The scientific and technical path turers and installers are subsidized to receive to this goal is not known, and finding it will need $6/W of system, the total subsidy for bring new discoveries, inventions, and manufacturing systems cost to $3/W is $25 billion. This amount techniques. suggests that PV financing also will remain in the domain of the industrialized countries for some time to come. It is plausible that this need Renewable technologies are for subsidies, and their source, extends to several complex products of advanced other renewable energy technologies. industrial societies Industrialized countries Table 2 The preceding sections illustrate our main point: Exploratory research invention applied research Entry points and growth Because of their large numbers and extreme product development pilot production field test directions in renewable cost constraints, distributed systems for the manufacture energy industries of generation of renewable power will have to be systems development applications development use developed and of devel- Developing countries industrial mass products. Their introduction oping countries. will follow that of other mass products made by demanding technologies, such as automobiles and microprocessors. They are invented, R&D entry for engineered, made, and first used in developed developing countries countries. In the past such advanced industrial products first have been imported to developing While the need for mass production at low cost countries as status symbols of the wealthy. places the burden of development and financing Because they turned out to meet basic societal renewable technology squarely on the shoulders needs and became affordable, large markets of the industrialized countries, many developing opened up for them in developing just as in countries have technology bases that enable developed countries. These markets were them to make significant R&D contributions to supplied with standardized products, which renewables. Tab. 3 lays out one possible were adapted to local conditions in a kind of approach. mass customization. When local markets in developing countries became sufficiently large, Developing countries Table 3 developed countries manufactured products Energy conservation heating/cooling wind power A possible division of tailored for export. Local manufacture in liquid fuels PV electricity labor in the development developing countries followed, which entrained of renewable energy the buildup of local base of suppliers. This flow technology of technological development that eventually becomes mutual is laid out in Tab. 2. Until Consequences on the sufficient income is generated locally from division of labor in research renewable energy sales, much of the sequence and training is financed by capital from developed countries. The preceding discussion served to highlight the most important need in R&D on renewable How much subsidy is needed energy technology: to reduce its cost to a to make distributed PV power commercially viable level. Low cost is the key commercially viable? to successful market development. Once cost is low self-motivated and self-financed markets Extrapolating the experience curve of Fig.1 will spring up in developing countries, which shows that the commercially competitive then will begin moving in the direction from module price of $1.50/ W is attained when the application to manufacture to R&D. 49 Sigurd Wagner • Research and Development Needs in Industrialized Countries Science Forum 2004

Reduction of the cost/power ratio must drive Reference the research agenda for developed countries. This agenda will cover all aspects of the renew- [1] “A Vision for Crystalline Silicon PV,” able technology, ranging from materials to R.M. Swanson, Materials Research Society physical function, to manufacturing, to systems Spring 2004 Meeting, Symposium A on development and installation. In technologies Amorphous and Nanocrystalline Silicon without local expertise in developing countries, Science and Technology-2004, paper A7.4. developed countries will train local experts for San Francisco, CA, 14 April 2004. applications and customization of systems. Where local expertise in renewable applications already exists, developing countries can help best by strengthening their R&D capability that helps local entry to cost effective manufacturing.

50 Romeo Pacudan • The Challenge of Renewable Energies Integration in Energy Distribution Systems Science Forum 2004 The Challenge of Renewable Energies Integration in Energy Distribution Systems

Introduction Power generation Despite the global abundance of renewable integration in electricity energy resources, renewable energy generation distribution systems capacity constitutes a small share in the global power capacity. The renewable energy capacity Electricity generating plants utilizing either in 2000 was estimated to be around 102 GW renewable energy or conventional fuels, inte- (excluding large hydroelectric power) represent- grated into distribution networks are broadly ing 3% of the world’s installed power capacity. categorized as distributed generation. Renew- Since the past decade, however, there has been able energy technologies suited for small to a renewed interest in many countries on renew- medium-sized distributed generation include Romeo Pacudan able energy for power generation. Governments photovoltaic cells, wind power and biomass- UNEP Risoe Centre (DK) have intervened to promote renewable energy based technologies. Technologies fuelled by [email protected] investments. In several developed countries, fossil energy are conventional steam turbines, renewable energy policy interventions were combustion turbines, internal combustion driven by policy objectives such as greenhouse engine generators, micro turbines, and fuel cells. gas emission mitigation, internalisation of environmental externalities and energy security. Key characteristics that differentiate distributed The renewable energy capacity in EU member generation from the centralized power supply countries, for example, has grown 5 times from relates to location, capacity and grid connection. 1990 to 2001. Distributed generators are located near the point at which the power is consumed. Distributed The integration of increased renewable energy generation technologies are small in scale or capacity in electricity distribution systems could can be produced economically in a range of be held back by the limitations of the central- sizes. Traditional electricity suppliers are con- ized power generation systems in accommodat- nected to the grid at high voltage level while ing distributed generation and by the full distributed generators are connected to the electricity market liberalization. The technical grid at distribution level. and regulatory frameworks of centralized power generation systems appear to be inadequate Several developments have influenced the to provide support and incentives to distributed increased interest for distributed generation energy generation. While market liberalization recently. These are increases opportunities for small and medium- 1) generation and distribution technology sized renewable energy generators, it also development; exposes them to competitive market risks, there- 2) liberalization in the electricity market; by reducing the attractiveness of renewable 3) energy supply security concerns; and energy generation. 4) renewable energy policies driven by environmental concerns. The paper briefly reviews distributed energy generation, issues and options for power inte- In Western Europe, particularly the European gration in electricity distribution systems and Union Member States, environmental policies, outlines research strategies for renewable energy. increased awareness on distributed generation technologies, and electricity market liberaliza- tion are the factors that generate increased deployment of distributed generators. In the 51 Romeo Pacudan • The Challenge of Renewable Energies Integration in Energy Distribution Systems Science Forum 2004

US, the growth of distributed generation is grid impact assessment costs. The development driven by issues related to poor power quality of interconnection standards, guidelines for and supply security as well as increased recog- dealing with interconnection requests and nition of environmental benefits of distributed procedures are often seen to reduce transaction generation. costs for network operators and distributed generators. The benefits of distributed generation include the following: greenhouse gas emissions In countries where distributed generation is reductions particularly for generation based on growing rapidly, electricity networks are facing renewable energy and low carbon fuels; security new challenges in terms of network stability and diversity of supply since various energy and power quality. High penetration levels of sources will be used in distributed generation; distributed generation increase risks of serious and cost reductions since electricity is generated network failures. In the case of Denmark where by more efficient systems and close to the point the penetration rate of distributed generation of consumption. Additional benefits of distrib- is high (around 35% at present), it has been uted generation in general include deferral of reported that the costs of network reinforce- upgrades from transmission and distribution ments have risen considerably. To allow further systems, reduction of losses in the distribution increase of distributed generation share, it system, and provision of network support or requires new technological development. One ancillary services. possible development is for current passive distribution networks to evolve into actively In countries with liberalized electricity markets, managed networks. This means that the network distributed generation becomes attractive since must be treated not as a power supply system it has short construction lead times, low capital but as a transport system that provides connec- costs, flexibility in operation, and its ability to tion between points of supply and consumption. expand output. It must be noted, however, that In this case, bi-directional flows of electricity are these attributes are mainly associated with fossil possible, local control areas which enables local fuel-based technologies since most renewable network areas to act as independent islands energy technologies have intermittent electricity are used, and system services become specified generation, high installation costs and limited attributes of a connection. flexibility in operation and expansion. Intermittent distributed generation (renewable energy technologies) pose a different technical challenge. High penetration rates of intermit- Issues and options tent distributed generation pose a serious technical constraint, which requires some form Grid interconnection of back-up power or energy storage. The high The existing electricity supply systems in most share of wind power in Denmark is being countries awre centralized systems where elec- backed-up with a large capacity from the Nordic tricity is generated in large power stations and electricity pool. To some extent, combined heat delivered to customers through transmission and power (CHP) plants have also provided and distribution networks. Centralized systems back-up capacity. There is a revival of interest of support a unidirectional flow of electricity. The energy storage as a technical option for inter- integration of small-scale generation at the mittent energy generation. The current parti- distribution level can result in technical problems cular interest is on the production and storage that may affect network stability and power of hydrogen from electricity at off-peak period quality. These problems include voltage control, and during the times where there is surplus of reactive power control and islanding. For coun- renewable energy. tries without grid interconnection standards, this may result in increased transaction costs Market liberalization since distribution network operators often Under a vertically-integrated monopolistic elec- 52 require distributed generators to shoulder the tricity industry structure, electricity produced Romeo Pacudan • The Challenge of Renewable Energies Integration in Energy Distribution Systems Science Forum 2004 by distributed generators is purchased by utili- capacity costs and avoidance of over capacity. ties under various contractual arrangements. Operational values include reduction losses, Under liberalized markets, opportunities for voltage support, reactive power support and distributed generators are increased since they balancing power. It must be recognized that can sell their outputs directly to customers with economic values for reliable distributed gene- the opening of access to networks. Limited ration are higher than those for intermittent reforms, however, may be unfavourable to dis- generation. tributed generators. If reforms are limited to wholesale competition, the conditions will be A sustainable network regulatory system must similar to monopolistic industry structure. In provide correct signals to generators. This partial retail competition, utilities may practice means that all distributed generation costs and anti-competitive behaviour by offering price benefits must be properly valued. Distribution discounts to contestable markets creating entry network operators must be given regulatory barrier to distributed generators. Full retail com- incentives to consider costs and benefits of petition therefore is vital for the development all network users related to network services. of distributed generation. If cross-ownership is A sustainable regulatory framework uses a allowed under full retail competition, electricity charging system that combines shallow con- distribution companies owning generators to nection charges, use of system charges with supply electricity to their customers still have entry and exit charges, and performance based the incentive to discriminate against distributed incentives. generators. This incentive to discriminate is removed with the separation of distribution from generation. Research Strategies for The complexity in market structure, operation Renewable Energy Integration and pricing is increased with liberalization making it more costly for small-scale distributed The issues and options discussed above can be generators, particularly small and intermittent broadly categorized into issues related to dis- producers, in dealing with market competition, tributed generation in general and those related in undertaking bilateral contracts with consumers, more specifically to renewable energy genera- in meeting electricity dispatch requirements tion. The generic issues affect both renewable (balancing requirement), and in procuring energy and fossil fuel-based distributed genera- back-up power. This could be mitigated by tion. Research strategies must address both developing trading arrangements and market the generic distributed generation issues and rules that provide correct signals and right renewable energy-specific integration issues. incentives to facilitate the growth of distributed As discussed earlier, flexibility, reliability and generation. low generation costs - attributes that are weak in renewable energy generation – are valued Regulatory frameworks highly in competitive and complex electricity The integration of distributed generation in markets. Research strategies to facilitate higher distribution networks presents costs and benefits integration of renewable energy generation to the network, which needs to be properly in distribution networks must focus on these valued in order to facilitate the growth of dis- weak attributes. tributed generation. The current regulatory frameworks often fail to recognize, allocate and Flexibility in generation maximizes economic evaluate most of these costs and benefits. The benefits by increasing output at times of high values (costs and benefits) of distributed gener- pool prices. Intermittent generation from ation can be categorized into capital and opera- renewable energy can be mitigated and flexi- tional values. Capital values relate to generation bility can be achieved through energy storage. and distribution facilities and these include With energy storage, scheduling of energy the following: distribution capacity cost deferral, dispatch would also become possible for inter- connection costs, metering costs, reserve mittent renewable energy generation. 53 Romeo Pacudan • The Challenge of Renewable Energies Integration in Energy Distribution Systems Science Forum 2004

Scheduled generation provide higher economic The above strategies can be reinforced by re- returns than unscheduled generation. There search strategies on generic distributed energy are several options for storage, but current generation. Technical research strategies can industry interest is on hydrogen production and be divided into those dealing with the issues storage. There is a current need for research, associated with the existing centralized power development and demonstration of energy systems and those related to future system storage systems. design and operation. The former includes research and development of new control Predictability of output is very important in technologies (current fault and voltage) as well balancing actual and forecasts generation. Pe- as distribution management systems while nalties are high and producers are required to the latter includes interconnection and active pay higher prices for imbalances in competitive network management. Research strategies for electricity markets. This penalizes the highly electricity system regulation can be focused variable renewable energy generators. Energy on the valuation of distributed generation costs storage could mitigate variability problems. and benefits as well as on various regulatory Another area where there is a need for research, incentives to distribution network operators to development and demonstration is on the connect distributed generation. improvement of predictive capabilities, such as the development of better weather forecasting techniques and software. With these technologies the variability of forecasts and actual outputs could be significantly reduced.

In competitive markets, renewable energy generation need to compete with central power generation. At present, small-scale renewable energy generation remain uncompetitive unless subsidized for grid applications. Despite the decline of generation costs of several renewable energy technologies since the past decades, technology costs need to further decline in order to become competitive in displacing grid-power. Continued research on renewable energy tech- nology cost reductions and efficiency improve- ments remain important.

54 Jan Hamrin • Integrating Renewable Energy Into Society Science Forum 2004 Integrating Renewable Energy Into Society

Introduction cost of renewables and the increase in the cost of some conventional fuels, particularly as This paper summarizes some of the non-technical environmental controls become more stringent. aspects of renewable energy, from local and In addition, the volatility of fossil fuel prices, national to regional and global. How both particularly natural gas, makes many sources of technical and non-technical knowledge of renewable power competitive today with con- renewables is used in the societal, political and ventional sources. Added to that is the need to economic processes of development, and how diversify the power generation mix while also these processes might be managed to achieve reducing dependence on imported sources of the transition to more sustainable energy fuel. As a result, domestic renewable resources Jan Hamrin systems. Due to space and time limitations, this become a more attractive choice than ever Center for Resource paper focuses primarily on grid-connected bulk before. The environmental benefits of renewables Solutions (USA) renewable generating facilities. That does not in come as a bonus. Here is a summary of some jhamrin@ any way diminish the value and importance of of the benefits: resource-solutions.org solar design in the building sector, solar water heating, small on-site generation, or the future • Renewable Technology Costs: Improved use of renewables in the transportation sector technology performance and reduced some of which I will only lightly touch upon. installed costs are continuing to improve renewables competitive position; • Environmental Compliance: Increased costs of conventional fuels and costs of the Integrating Renewables into technical requirements to meet modern the Electric Utility Structure generation performance standards bring the costs of conventional power generation Probably the largest use and the greatest impact within a similar range as renewables; of renewable energy is for the generation of • Competition for Water: Increasingly short power in the electric utility sector. This includes supplies of water needed for conventional grid-connected bulk power (most commonly power plant cooling (and washing of coal) wind, solar, biomass/biogas, geothermal, and will put more and more pressure on the hydro), and grid-connected, on-site generation siting of new thermal plants; most commonly from solar electric (PV) and • Stabilize Electric Portfolio Costs: Volatility of small wind generators. In rural areas, both in natural gas prices and shortages of natural developed and developing countries there is gas supply – renewables tend to have also widespread use of solar electric, small wind, 80 percent or more of their costs fixed and small- and micro-hydro, biomass and biogas thus can help to stabilize electricity rates; that are sometimes developed through electric • Balance of Trade: Desirability of using utility programs, through special rural utility domestic renewable resources to generate districts, and cooperatives. Each of these has their power, while selling domestically produced own set of benefits and issues. The following fossil fuels for hard currency; are some of the significant non-technical issues • Economic Development: Interest in local in the electric utility sector. jobs and potential for domestic renewable energy manufacturing; Socio-Economics – The economics of bulk • Rural Development Costs: Renewables are renewable power generated into the electricity frequently more cost effective than extending grid has improved dramatically over the past transmission lines from central generating five years. This is due to the reduction in the stations into rural areas. 55 Jan Hamrin • Integrating Renewable Energy Into Society Science Forum 2004

Transmission/Distribution System (T/D) – generation. This debate often expands outside Even with favorable economics, there are many the bounds of technical fact and into the realm barriers to renewable development and several of myth. Many utility transmission operators of those are related to the electricity T/D system. believe that anything above some specific This is a topic that could consume a whole percentage of intermittent resources (some paper. Here are some of the issues. believe this is as low as 5 percent) will totally disrupt their system. Resource planners every- Transmission/distribution interconnection – where need better information, hard data and Though the technical issues of renewable inter- knowledge of the variables that affect those data. connection into the electricity system are pretty In addition, the fact that smaller generators straight forward, how the costs are calculated (often renewables) and intermittent generation and who should pay what costs can involve years is not controllable like large conventional central of political wrangling. Because the existing generation causes more upset and debate than electricity transmission system has, in almost all is justified by the actual facts of the situation. cases, been designed to accommodate large central station conventional power generation, Line extension versus off-grid and mini-grid revising that system to accommodate small, installations – The politics of transmission line embedded generation, intermittent and renew- extensions drive much of the rural renewable able facilities located where the resources are energy development in developing countries. located (rather than load) can be challenging The determination of where transmission lines and expensive. will be extended is often determined by political considerations. Moreover, politicians like to In addition, the transmission and distribution make campaign promises about delivering rural system operating rules can be written in a way electrification. But those promises may never be that adds more costs than are necessary to met. As a result, many rural communities do small, embedded, and intermittent resources. not support renewable facilities because they It is important that T/D operating rules be think they will soon have ‘real’ electricity from based on performance rather than technical the grid (but that electricity never comes). specifications (i.e. what performance you need The simple requirement that electric utilities from the system rather than what piece of announce several years in advance their line- hardware has always been used in the past). extension plans and then be compelled to follow those plans could help rural communities Distribution system upgrade and support – make more informed decisions about their Many renewable generators (as well as co- energy options. generators – CHP) are interconnected at the distribution rather than transmission system Institutional Culture – The institutional culture level. This means that the distribution system within some electric utilities mitigates against may require system reinforcement in order the incorporation of renewable resources. Some to accept the power and avoid a situation utility managers still believe ‘bigger is better.’ where the renewable generator is not able to They did not get into the utility business to build operate for significant periods of time. The ‘wimpy’ renewable energy and energy efficiency issues are: Who decides what reinforcements projects. “Real men build nuclear and large will be made, and who should pay for these central fossil generating plants. Countries that system reinforcements? In addition, when are going to move economically and be a renewables are interconnected at the distribu- power in the world must have nuclear power tion system level, they may bring a variety plants not renewable power plants. That might of benefits to the system, are those benefits bring into question the judgment and potential calculated and netted against the costs? influence of the utility manager.”1 This type of thinking buttressed by myths about how Intermittency and control – Probably the renewables will ‘screw-up the electricity system,’ most vexing T/D issue has had to do with the pervades many parts of the electric utility 56 intermittency of some types of renewable industry serving as a silent barrier to the Jan Hamrin • Integrating Renewable Energy Into Society Science Forum 2004

(1) Generation incorporation of renewables into the affected utilities. Bidding systems Net Metering Production tax credits Green Pricing Guaranteed price/feed-in Voluntary Programs It is important to note that many of the barriers Obligations Government Purchases faced by renewable technologies are likely to be Tradable Certificates Excise Tax Exemption faced by any new generating technology whose (3) Supply (4) Demand Investment Tax Credits Consumer grants/rebates proponents and/or manufacturers do not already Property Tax Exemptions Tax Credits have a market share and where the technology Capital Grants Sales Tax Rebates Government Purchases Third-party Finance is different in size (e.g. modular), pattern of use Third-party Finance (e.g. behind the meter), or ownership structure (e.g. non-utility). Incremental changes to exist- (2) Capacity ing technologies that are already well established in the energy sector generally have few problems of acceptance and implementation. But because This figure illustrates the type and application Figure 1 new technologies introduced by new players of market instruments used to stimulate: (1) Market Deployment upset the status quo and conventional ways of Generation (energy production); (2) Capacity Policy Instruments thinking, they can face significant barriers. additions; through (3) Supply-side incentives; and (4) Demand-side Incentives

Looking at the broader spectrum of policy Integrating Renewables instruments, there are seven primary types of Through Government regulatory and legislative renewable energy Policies & Programs strategies: • Research, Development and Demonstration More and more, robust government policies and (RD&D) Incentives programs are being put into place to stimulate • Investment Incentives the development of sustainable renewable • Tax Measures resources. The expanding use of these policies • Incentive Tariffs by OECD countries is documented in a soon • Voluntary Programs (e.g. Green Tariffs) to be released report by the IEA – Renewable • Mandatory Programs or Obligations Energy Market and Policy Trends in IEA Countries, • Tradable Certificates (these can also 2004. Meanwhile, many emerging economies be combined with either voluntary or and developing countries are also creating mandatory programs) innovative renewable energy policies and legislation. The Renewable Energy Promotion Initially OECD countries tended to adopt these Law being developed by the People‘s Republic different types of measures and programs more of China is an example of that trend. or less sequentially. More recently, countries/ states/provinces have tended to adopt a package Overview of Policies – Countries, states and of policy measures at one time. Many of these provinces have introduced a variety of policies policies are complementary and not necessarily to support the deployment of renewable energy mutually exclusive. Through experience we technologies. The following figure shows some have found no single policy addresses all the of the Market Deployment Policy Instruments market barriers and that a combination type used to stimulate renewable energy development policy framework can be more effective.2 and use. (This diagram was borrowed from the draft IEA report cited above): Separation of Energy from Environmental and Social Attributes – A few years ago, the concept was conceived of separating the social and environmental characteristics of renewables

1 This was actually told to me by the CEO of a large electric utility company. 2 For more information on this report, contact Rick Sellers, Renewable Energy Director, International Energy Angency, Paris, France 57 Jan Hamrin • Integrating Renewable Energy Into Society Science Forum 2004

Envirnmental & Other Figure 2 Attributes (TRCs) Relationship between Production of Renerwable Renewable Energy, Electricity TRCs, and Commodity Commodity Electricity Energy AKA “null“MWhs

from the commodity energy (electrons). This The Role of Renewable Certificates in separation is facilitated through the issuance of International Financing – Another new concept tradable renewable certificates (called: TRCs, is the use of renewable certificates to support or RECS, or Green Tags, or certificates). These the financing of renewable projects particularly certificates represent the non-electricity related in developing countries. The diagram (Fig.3) attributes associated with the generation of illustrates how such a system might be one MWH of power. They provide for a liquid designed. certificate market separate from the commodity energy market and thus a second potential source of revenue for renewable generation plants. These certificates have become an Integrating Renewables important financial instrument in the wholesale for End-use Customers renewable energy market in the U.S. Up to this point, the discussion has been almost Establishing Legal Ownership of the exclusively about the supply-side of the energy Attributes – One of the challenges with renew- equation, but the demand-side – the end-use able energy certificates is establishing the legal Consumer – deserves some attention as well. The ownership of the attributes as well as the ability following is a very brief description of some of to ensure they are not being double counted. the socio-economic concepts in the retail energy The solution to this problem is the development market. of renewable energy certificate tracking systems. These systems, developed in Europe and the The Building Sector – Renewable energy and United States, provide a platform through which energy efficiency is coming of age in the build- a variety of renewable energy transactions can ing sector. Building codes and standards have be supported. These systems can verify compli- resulted in the recognition of the importance ance with renewable energy mandates, support of the design and materials being used in new Green Pricing and resource labeling programs, buildings from both an energy and resource as well as support a variety of voluntary ‘green’ sustainability perspective. Through codes and markets and product certification. standards as well as through green building recognition programs like the Leadership in These tracking systems are also compatible with Energy and Environmental Design, or LEED greenhouse gas registries and other types of program, passive solar design is being reintro- air pollution abatement programs and can help duced and recognized as the appropriate way measure and establish the validity of pollution to design sustainable buildings. mitigation claims from renewables. These track- ing systems can be adopted to small renewable Laws like the proposed California Solar Law generating systems as well as large as well as requires some percentage of new housing to thermal solar systems.3 have solar electric panels, could change the future housing landscape. This could be partic-

3 Though collection of credible measurement data is more difficult for small to very small systems. The concept could also be applied to energy efficiency though agreement on measurement and the issuance of certificates is more difficult than for power 58 generation from metered systems. Jan Hamrin • Integrating Renewable Energy Into Society Science Forum 2004

TRC or CO2 Credits back to funders

TRCs to Fund RE Projekts in Figure 3 $$$ Renewable Energy RE Projekts in Fund for TRCs Developing TRC Based DevelopingRE Projekts in CountriesRE Projekts in International Sources of funds: CountriesDeveloping Developing • Intl.Aid Funds to Purchase TRCs Countries Financing • Private Sector Countries Mechanism • Other ularly powerful when combined with lending grid proportional to the amount purchased? institutions that provide incentives for energy Did the power actually purchased come from efficiency and renewable energy options that are the type of renewable facility claimed by the integrated into the building and its financing. seller? Are the product claims reasonable and verifiable? Is there a quick and credible way Another innovative approach is exemplified the consumer can tell if the renewable energy by the proposed Chinese Renewable Energy being sold meets some reasonable minimum Promotion Law that would mandate all new environmental standard? Certification/verifi- buildings (in areas where the annual sunlight cation are critical to the establishment and exceeds 1500 hours/year) must have installed maintenance of retail green power markets. solar hot water systems or be plumbed to allow for such systems to be easily installed at The Environmental Market – No discussion a later time. of renewables would be complete without mentioning their environmental benefits and The Voluntary Green Market – In the the market that is developing around those United States, voluntary green markets (where benefits. Though as everyone knows, the US electricity consumers voluntarily purchase a has not ratified the Kyoto Protocol, nonetheless, higher proportion of renewable energy than concerns about climate change are a key driver they would otherwise receive from their regular for the U.S. renewable energy market. Commer- utility supply) are growing rapidly. There are cial/industrial customers purchasing renewable over 300 electric utilities that offer Green Pricing energy do so because of their environmental programs to their customers. In addition, one benefits. Most renewable energy incentive poli- of the fastest growing markets is for the cies are rooted at least partly in the desire to purchase of renewable energy by commercial/ capitalize on renewables’ environmental benefits. industrial customers who now purchase more TRCs can be disaggregated and their environ- then 23% of the Green-e certified renewable mental benefits (e.g. CO2 , NOx, mercury) sold energy sales. Green-e certified renewable separately. energy sales topped 2 million MWh in 2002 (40 percent of the market) and are expected The Role of Outreach and Education – to double again in 2003. Public education to increase the awareness of the renewable energy options available in our The Role of Certification/Verification – society goes hand in hand with political support Credibility is the foundation of the voluntary for favorable renewable policies and with renewable energy market. The voluntary renew- the public‘s acceptance of renewables that are able energy market’s credibility depends upon available in the marketplace today. You need the certification and verification of the renewable demand-pull as well as supply-push to establish energy products sold to end-use customers. a sustainable environment for renewable energy There is almost no way individual customers can development. The following are some examples verify for themselves whether they are receiving of the types of innovative outreach campaigns what they paid for when they purchased we are seeing in the retail renewable energy renewable energy: Was the renewable energy market: actually generated and put into the electricity 59 Jan Hamrin • Integrating Renewable Energy Into Society Science Forum 2004

Clean Energy Advertising Campaign – This product has entered the market, the use of public education campaign is designed to mini-tags (certificates less than one MWh in inform the common person (not just an environ- size) that are being sold at the point of purchase mental elite) about the benefits of renewables. (also called POP Tags) specifically to offset the The purpose is so renewable programs are not carbon emitted by the drive to the ski resort, or viewed as just another government program by the electricity used to power the rock concert, but seen as something that benefits all parts of or the carbon emitted by the airplane flight to the population. One example is the “Clean a vacation resort. These types of products allow Energy Advertising Campaign” launched by five the consumer to offset the carbon that results northeast/mid-Atlantic states and is expected from many of their leisure activities. Because to eventually expand into several other states in these POP Tags are in small sizes (and therefore the region. This is a basic advertising campaign a small cost – <$5), and sold at the point of with a ‘public good’ – renewable energy – as sale/use, they become an ‘impulse’ purchase by the product being advertised. It has funding the more affluent population. from state renewable energy funds as well as a number of private foundations. It is a model of cooperation that we hope will provide useful results. Summary and Conclusions

Product Labeling and Made With Renew- We sometimes think that the public, utility ables – An exciting concept is the “Made with managers, building contractors, government Renewable” label that can be put on consumer officials and others will just see the logic of products that have 50 percent or more of the integrating renewables into our daily activities electricity used to manufacturing of the product once they have the facts. But integrating comes from renewable power. Claims such as renewables into the electricity, building and “Made with Renewable Energy” and “We Buy consumer products sectors is a labor-intensive Certified Renewable Energy” will appear task that requires sticks as well as carrots and on consumer products, accompanied by the a lot of outreach and education. Making these Green-e logo and website. The Product Labeling types of fundamental changes in our energy Initiative opens up a new communication and building infrastructure is challenging and channel for company promotion of renewable time consuming. But we have come further energy purchasing, and through package label- in a shorter period of time than I had thought ing, brings renewable energy to the attention possible thirty years ago at the dawn of the of millions of diverse consumers. Green-e is in renewable energy market. The non-technical the process of launching this program in the activities that go hand-in-hand with technology U.S. and we have more than twenty companies innovation are absolutely necessary if we are who have applied to use this logo. They include to achieve a transition to a sustainable energy several food companies (rice products, natural system. juice, energy bars, etc.) as well as a carpet company and some beverage firms (beer and wine). By using the Made with Renewables logo and label on the products they sell, they are setting an example that can encourage their customers to do the same. The companies are interested in showing their environmental responsibility as well as setting an example for others both industry peers and customers.

Point of Purchase Tags (POP Tags) – Earlier there was a discussion about the purchase of renewable certificates to “green” the electricity 60 used by the purchasing customer. But a new Bernd Hirschl/Esther Hoffmann • Promotion of Renewable Energies for Heating and Cooling Science Forum 2004 Promotion of Renewable Energies for Heating and Cooling

The Background The Challenge – Promotion of Renewable Heating & Cooling The promotion of renewable energies is a world- wide crucial challenge. Those sources contribute to the security of the energy supply as they Although there is a huge potential for using reduce the use of fossil resources and nuclear renewable energies for heating and cooling in energy, thus alleviating dependence on energy nearly every industrialised country, only a few imports. This is an important fact, regarding of them explore this option seriously. costs, balance of trade, political autonomy, eco- nomic security, etc., for most of the industri- Renewable heat is produced from Bernd Hirschl alised countries in the European Union as well • the traditional resource wood and other Institute for Ecological as for most developing countries. Renewable biomass with old and innovative technologies Economy Research – energies are as well the important strategy to (local space-/hot water heating, combined IÖW (Germany) reduce greenhouse gases and to gain energy, heat and power-plants and distributed heat, [email protected] therefore essential to meet the Kyoto-goals, district heating) to mitigate climate change and to build up a • active solar systems (e.g. local space-/ sustainable energy system. hot water heating) • geothermal sources (including heat pumps). The European Union as a leading region in re- newables has shown at the world summit in The untapped potentials of renewable heat are Johannesburg and in its white paper and renew- large. Fig.1 shows the example of Germany. In able energies-directive that the promotion of the year 2003 only 58 TWh of renewable heat renewables is an important political issue. The were produced, resulting in a percentage of EU instructs the member states to increase 3.9% of the total heat consumption in Ger- the share of renewable energies of the total many. Studies have identified a potential of 820 electricity supply to 12 per cent in the year TWh per year. This corresponds to a rate of Esther Hoffmann 2010. However most of the activities of the 55 % of the present heat consumption. Consid- Institute for Ecological EU-member states concerning regulations and ering that the total heat consumption is going Economy Research – other promotional actions are addressing only down due to increases in efficiency, the rate of IÖW (Germany) the power sector – due to the directive 2001/ renewables can get even higher. [email protected] 77/EC. For instance the German Act on Granting Priority to Renewable Energy Sources (Renew- Regarding the expansion of renewables in the able Energy Sources Act) as the most important power sector we see some success stories in regulative initiative worldwide addresses only countries like Germany, but we also see the the power sector. This successful instrument has overall EU target to reach 12% renewables of led to a renewables share of more than 8 per the electricity consumption by 2010 likely to fail cent to the overall power consumption.1 The if no progress is made in the heat sector. The reason for the focus on the power sector so far European Commission itself states in its evalua- is lying in its less complex structure compared tion report about the contribution of renewable to the heating and cooling sector: the wide- energy sources in the EU: „With the measures spread and nearly complete power supply system that have been put in place, the Commission (grid) makes regulatory instruments work easily estimates that the share of renewable energy compared to other sectors. sources in the EU 15 is on course to reach 10%

1 See Hirschl, Bernd et al. (2002): Markt- und Kostenentwicklung Erneurbarer Energien. 2 Jahre EEG – Bilanz und Ausblick. Erich- Schmidt-Verlag, Berlin; and Hirschl, Bernd et al. (2004): Gutachten zum 2. EEG-Erfahrungsbericht (forthcoming). 61 Bernd Hirschl/Esther Hoffmann • Promotion of Renewable Energies for Heating and Cooling Science Forum 2004

1000 where, heating grids are concentrated in big cities and densely populated regions. The 800 systems are mostly decentralised and, second, private resulting in a considerable amount of 600 TWh/a actors involved in the production of renewable 400 heat, thus making it difficult to address these actors by political measures. Third, the demand 200 for heat is unsteady due to seasonal influences 0 and the possibilities to store heat during a 2003 Potential longer period are still a matter of research. solar thermal 2 290 geothermal heat 2 330 In contrast to the electricity sector, there exists biomass 54 200 almost no systematic approach to political Percentage of total 3,9% 55 % support systems for heating or cooling. Some heat consumtion countries address parts of the market, such as Israel, Spain and Australia that have regulations Source: own diagram, data from Nitsch et al. (2004): Ökologisch optimierter Ausbau der on solar thermal heat. Other countries like Nutzung erneuerbarer Energien in Deutschland, BMU, Berlin. Germany and Austria search for solutions but are still in a conceptual phase.3 Figure 1 in 2010. The shortfall compared to the 12% Present use of target is caused by sluggish growth of renew- Fig. 2 gives an overview about possible political renewable heat in able energy markets for heating and cooling, instruments for the heat sector. They can be Germany compared leading to the conclusion that considerable distinguished in regulatory and market-based to potential use additional action is needed in this sector to instruments, as well as accompanying measures. allow the full 12% target to be reached.”2 Regulatory instruments are obligations and incentives or exemptions. Israel and some com- munities in Spain have applied obligations to Discussion on instruments install solar thermal systems when constructing or rehabilitating a building. Renewable heating and cooling technologies cannot reach significant market shares without Market-based instruments can be distinguished political support. This is a crucial regulatory in price-based and quantity-based instruments. challenge of the years to come, because – as Price-based instruments steer by the price. mentioned before – the heating & cooling These are for instance feed-in tariffs, which are market situation is much more complex than applied in the electricity sector. The German in the power sector. Innovative instruments Renewable Energy Sources Act is an example with a wide-scale impact are rare as well as for such a feed-in-tariff together with the national regulatory attempts are. prioritisation of grid-supplied electricity from renewable sources. It is difficult to adopt such The production of heat shows some specific a regulation for the heat sector that has no problems that complicate the search for suit- comparable grid, infrastructure and “simple” able solutions. First, in most countries there is value chain. Thus, guaranteed prices for heat an insufficient grid system. While in European production are discussed. Other examples, countries electricity grids are almost every- which are already applied, are taxes (e.g. on

2 Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament: The share of renewable energy in the EU Commission Report in accordance with Article 3 of Directive 2001/77/EC, evaluation of the effect of legislative instruments and other Community policies on the development of the contribution of renewable energy sources in the EU and proposals for concrete actions. COM (2004) 366 final, Brussels, 26.5.2004 3 The Institute for Ecological Economy Research (Institut für ökologische Wirtschaftsforschung IÖW)is currently working on a poli- cy advice project on renewable heat instruments. the aim of the project is to develop assessmant criteria, to assess different instruments and to develop alternative instruments. The project is commissioned by the German Environmental Ministry and the 62 German Environmental Protection Agency. Bernd Hirschl/Esther Hoffmann • Promotion of Renewable Energies for Heating and Cooling Science Forum 2004

instruments Figure 2 Possible political instruments for the renewable heat sector regulatory market-based accompanying instruments instruments measures

obliga- incentives/ quantity- voluntary public R&D price-based tions exemptions based agreements awareness programme

feed-in tariff/ tax tradeable tendering guarantueed tax subsidies exemption certificates process Source: Institute for Ecological prices Economy Research (IÖW) fossil fuels or carbon dioxide), tax exemptions, eco-labelling can be used to promote renew- and subsidies. In Germany, for instance, the able heating systems. Since renewable heat present approach is a large subsidy programme technologies are rather young, R&D is needed which includes subsidies for the construction of to improve the systems and for cost cutting. solar thermal, geothermal and biomass heating The companies involved in this sector are mostly systems. In times of decreasing public budgets, small or medium-sized and need financial subsidy programmes are criticised and they are support for R&D. In addition, the education and usually not sufficient to reach a significant training of engineers, architects, and craftsmen market share of the supported technologies. have to be improved.The instruments most discussed for the heat sector are tradable Quantity-based systems steer by the quantity. quota-based certificates, guaranteed prices, and These are for instance tradable certificates and obligations. As shown above, obligations and tendering processes. Australia has a certificate tradable certificates are already applied to a system for renewable electricity that additionally certain extend, but larger experiences have to addresses parts of the heat market since solar be made to get the possibility to assess them. thermal systems are included if they replace electrical heating systems. Tendering processes or bidding systems have so far been applied in the electricity sector, only. The side-event at the renewables Accompanying measures consist of voluntary agreements, public awareness campaigns, R&D Against that background the Institute for Eco- programmes, and other measures. The city of logical Economy Research (Institut für ökologische Berlin went into a voluntary agreement with Wirtschaftsforschung IÖW) organised together the local housing sector and the local industry, with the German Renewable Energy Federation in 1997. This voluntary agreement contains (Bundesverband Erneuerbare Energien BEE) the installation of solar thermal systems, thermal and the European Renewable Energy Federation insulation of buildings, and the installation of (EREF) a side event at the RENEWABLES 2004 district heating. Hitherto, this voluntary agree- in Bonn, titled: ment did not meet the targets set for the Promotion of renewable energies for installation rate of solar thermal systems. Public heating (& cooling) – Innovative instruments awareness campaigns are a useful tool for in industrialised countries and initiatives increasing the knowledge on and the interest in the EU in renewable heating systems. Moreover, 63 Bernd Hirschl/Esther Hoffmann • Promotion of Renewable Energies for Heating and Cooling Science Forum 2004

The intentions and objectives of the planned Christiane Egger from an Austrian association side event were (Oberöstereichischer Energiesparverband) • to provide an overview on innovative focussed on biomass heating, which is a very instruments/mechanisms to promote renew- fast growing field in Austria since many years able heat (with the focus on industrialised now. So 14% of total energy consumption comes countries) from biomass at present. Main instruments to • to show good practise examples (selected support renewable heating in Austria are legal countries and models respectively experi- and administrative measures and financial ences) to foster discussion between politicians support as well as consulting for business and from different countries private sector to improve the awareness for • to stimulate/present national and EU- possibilities of using renewable energy sources. initiatives She pointed out that positive and target group oriented communication and marketing Therefore a wide range of speakers had been was and is a crucial point to the success of invited to give “good examples” and to discuss any measures. perspectives and needs for the promotion of renewable heating and cooling.4 The example of Sweden was reported by Peter Danielsson, president of the European Renew- The first speaker was Esther Hoffmann from the able Energies Federation (EREF). In Sweden a Institute for Ecological Economy Research. share of 21% of total heat consumption is She opened up the side-event by giving an provided by biomass and biofuels. Whereas overview on the subject. Main intention of renewable heat has been supported in an her lecture was to show the points which are indirect way by raising taxes on fuels, certificates important to discuss within the field of renew- are introduced at present to ensure a further able heat production and instruments to support growth of this share. The certificates mainly it. She gave a short introduction about the address larger plants. Therefore further im- situation in other countries. Although there is provements concerning the renewable heat no systematic instrumental approach to promote in general and for smaller plants in particular renewable heating and cooling, some countries are needed. do already address parts of the market (e.g. Israel, Spain, Australia). Some countries like The third national example – Spain – has been Germany and Austria are working on the depicted by Raffaele Piria from the European development of broader instruments (see IÖW- Solar Themal Industry Federation (ESTIF). He project mentioned above). Esther Hoffmann focused on solar thermal heating and explained explained also briefly the technologies available, an action plan, which has allowed a very fast the possibilities to use them and the main rising of installed capacity of solar thermal problems regarding a support-mechanism, which installations in Barcelona. In this example, an are: an insufficient grid, often decentralised ordinance on solar thermal installations were and private systems and an unsteady demand. given, which made solar thermal installations obligatory in case of new buildings or major The following speakers reported about the renovations of such buildings which have national situation concerning renewable energy a great demand of hot water. Within 15 months instruments addressing heating and cooling in the capacity of solar thermal installations rose different European countries that can be named from 1,1 m2 up to more than 10 m2/1000 inha- as “good practises” or instructive examples. All bitants. Advantages of this so called “Barcelona speakers are high representatives from national model” are lower prices for solar thermal energy, or international renewable energies associations. awareness about the possibility of using renew-

4 The side-event was moderated by Bernd Hirschl (Institute for Ecological Economy Research) and Johannes Lackmann 64 (German Renewable Energy Federation) Bernd Hirschl/Esther Hoffmann • Promotion of Renewable Energies for Heating and Cooling Science Forum 2004 able energy sources, a consolidating of market EU have started wide-spread activities in this structures and of course several long-term effects. field. Piria introduced a Joint Declaration as well, presented in January 2004 at the European Finally Mechthild Rothe, member of the Euro- renewables conference in Berlin, the so called pean Parliament (her paper was represented by “RES-H initiative”.5 A broad coalition of Euro- an assistant) pointed out the role of EU policy pean industry, research and NGOs called for: for renewable energies and presented a second • Verifiable national and EU targets declaration for the promotion of renewable • Strong regulations heating and cooling that was passed at a con- • Financial incentives ference in Bielefeld, Germany (the “Bielefeld • Promotion campaigns declaration”6). • R & D The final discussion about national good prac- Burkhard Sanner from the German and Euro- tises and instruments for supporting renewable pean Geothermal Association put a focus on heating and cooling was dominated by the geothermal power. The principal advantage of agreement, that a legal framwork at a European geothermal power compared to most of the level like the directive for the renewable power other renewable energy sources is the stability sector is needed. The side-event closed with of availability. However there is no possibility recommendations for the further national de- to transport geothermal power. It has to be velopment of instruments, the sharing of good used very close to the place where it surfaces. practises, the development of differentiated Sanner reported about some good examples and integrated approaches for all relevant renew- concerning grid-use and supporting instruments able technologies and the creation of a frame- in Sweden and Italy. work and the expression of binding targets on a European level. The situation and possible measures in Germany have been discussed by Hans-Josef Fell, member of the German Parliament (Green Party, Euro- solar). He pointed out the problems with national finances and subsidies when households are short of cash. Possible instruments for Germany could be a modification of the German building act, to obligate people to use renewable energies, as well as increased prices through taxes for fossil energies.

Karl Kellner from DG TREN (transport and energy) of the European Commission explained the EU-policy for renewable heating and cooling. In his presentation he accentuated the relevance of cooling besides renewable heating and prospected the consideration of cooling within the next EU research program (FP 6). Kellner agreed that a legal base is needed, one example he mentioned is the European building direc- tive. Furthermore he stresses the need of using cogeneration. The new member states of the

5 See http://www.estif.org 6 See http://www.rothe-europa.de 65 Bernd Hirschl/Esther Hoffmann • Promotion of Renewable Energies for Heating and Cooling Science Forum 2004

Speakers at the Side-event Promotion of RE for Heating & Cooling – Innovative Instruments in Industrialized Countries and Initiatives in the EU

Bernd Hirschl/Johannes Lackmann (IÖW, BEE) Short welcome by organisers, facilitation

Esther Hoffmann (IÖW) Introductory input – the importance of renewable heat and instrument overview

Peter Danielsson (EREF) National example 1: Sweden & focus biomass

Christiane Egger (Oberösterr. Energiesparverband) National example 2: Austria & focus biomass

Raffaele Piria (ESTIF) National example 3: Spain & Focus solar thermal

Burkhard Sanner (Geothermal Association e.V. GtV) Focus on Geothermal Energy

Hans-Josef Fell (Member of the German Parliament () Green Party; Eurosolar) National example 4: Germany & policy for renewable heat

Karl Kellner (DG TREN) EU policy for renewable heating & cooling – state of the art and perspectives

Mechthild Rothe (MdEP, Eurofores) EU policy for renewable heating & cooling – the need for new initiatives

66 Rian van Staden • Transitioning to a Renewable Energy Future Science Forum 2004 Transitioning to a Renewable Energy Future

ISES is one of the world’s largest scientific and The members of ISES form the foundation upon technical non-governmental organisations in which the ideals, goals and activities of the the field of Renewable Energy. It is recognized society are built. A rich source of knowledge, by the United Nations as a consulting, non- experience and ideas, it is commitment and governmental organisation (NGO) and is a participation that set the ISES membership apart. member of the United Nations Economic & Drawn from all over the world, our members Social Committee (ECOSOC). form a global community, unified through common goals. Their service requirements drive Founded in 1954 as an international, non-profit the services and products the Society offers. organisation, the International Solar Energy Rian van Staden Society was formed with the goal of promoting Communication between researchers, ISES – International Solar the use of solar and renewable energy world- industrialists and politicians is actively supported energy Society wide. It has some 30,000 members in more by ISES through activities such as journals, [email protected] than 110 countries. They are interested in all magazines, meetings, conferences, congresses aspects of the environmentally friendly use of and a website. With the help of partners, ISES energy, especially Renewable Energy. ISES sees has established a communication system called itself as a forum for everyone who deals with WIRE (World-wide Information System on this topic. Renewable Energy, http://wire.ises.org/) to allow the creation of a global ‘one stop shop’ for The goal of ISES is to support sustainable renewable energy information with links to all development world-wide with the intelligent, other important renewable energy sites. appropriate use of Renewable Energy tech- nology. The Society promotes the research, The ISES journal (Solar Energy Journal) and development, and use of technologies conferences allow excellent technical exchange dependent either directly or indirectly on the to occur between renewable energy engineers, sun that reduce the damaging effects of energy architects and physicists. ISES also welcomes use. In this context, ISES has focused on three non-specialists to participate in ISES congresses basic fields for the future: cities/urban areas, and conferences, as well as to exchange view- rural areas, and social responsibility. In the points in the magazine (Refocus) and meetings. process, ISES also aims to raise awareness both ISES is rapidly and proactively increasing its among the public and decision-makers in politics project programme to ‚seed’ renewable energy and the industry of newest developments and technology world-wide. It co-operates with findings in the research and application of solar many other international organisations. energy. This awareness is aimed at furthering the growing understanding of and willingness to use solar energy in everyday life. ISES has internalised the concept of “thinking globally Transitioning to a Renewable and acting locally” as an intrinsic part of the Energy Future Society’s structure. At the Science Forum in Bonn, ISES used the Since the Rio Conference in 1992, ISES has opportunity to introduce the salient points of launched a multitude of projects and initiatives its new white paper of the same title. in conjunction with economic, political and research leaders to support the increased use of The White Paper provides a rationale for effective Renewable Energy and to help industry to governmental renewable energy policies realise them. worldwide, as well as sufficient information to 67 Rian van Staden • Transitioning to a Renewable Energy Future Science Forum 2004

accelerate effective governmental policies. It is The White Paper presents three major conditions the thesis of this White Paper that a worldwide that are driving public policy toward a renew- effort to generate the renewable energy tran- able energy transition: 1) newly emerging and sition must emerge at the top of national and better understood environmental constraints; international political agendas, starting now. 2) the need to reduce the myriads of risks from easy terrorist targets and from breakdowns in In the history of human energy use, the White technologies on which societies depend; and Paper records that sustainable resources were 3) the attractiveness of the economic and the sole world supply, even in nascent industrial environmental opportunities that will open development well into the 1800s, and that the during the renewable energy transition. world will necessarily again have to turn to sustainable resources before the present century The renewable energy transition will accelerate is over. The fossil fuel period is therefore an as governments discover how much better “era”, not an age, and highly limited in time in the renewable energy policies and applications comparison with the evolution, past and future, are for economies than the present time- and of civilizations and societies. Accordingly, it is resource-limited policies and outmoded and critical for governments to view what remains unreliable centralized systems for power pro- of the fossil fuel era as a transition. duction and distribution.

The White Paper reveals that policies now in Today, it is public policy and political leadership, existence, and economic experience gained by rather than either technology or economics, many countries to date, should be sufficient that are required to move forward with the stimulation for governments to adopt aggressive widespread application of the renewable energy long-term actions that can accelerate the technologies and methodologies. The techno- widespread applications of renewable energy, logies and economics will all improve with and to get on a firm path toward a worldwide time, but the White Paper shows that they are “renewable energy transition”, so that 20% of sufficiently advanced at present to allow for world electric energy production can come major penetrations of renewable energy into from renewable energy sources by 2020, and the mainstream energy and societal infrastruc- 50% of world primary energy production tures. Firm goals for penetrations of renewable by 2050. There can be no guarantee for this energy into primary energy and electrical energy to happen, but the White Paper presents com- production can be set by governments with pelling arguments that show it is possible, confidence for the next 20 years and beyond, desirable, and even mandatory. without resource limitations.

The window of time during which convenient Specifically, with regard to the renewable and affordable fossil energy resources are avail- energy technologies, the White Paper shows able to build the new technologies and devices the following: and to power a sustained and orderly final great world energy transition is short – an economic Bioenergy: timeline that is far shorter than the time of About 11% of world primary energy use at physical availability of the “conventional” energy present is derived from bioenergy, the only resources. The White Paper argues that the carbon-neutral combustible carbon resource, attractive economic, environmental, security and but that is only 18% of today’s estimated reliability benefits of the accelerated use of bioenergy potential. Estimates for world bio- renewable energy resources should be sufficient energy potential in 2050 average about 450 EJ, to warrant policies that “pull” the changes which is more than the present total world necessary, avoiding the “push” of the otherwise primary energy demand. Fuel “costs” for the negative consequences of governmental inaction. conventional resources become instead rural There is still time left for this. economic benefits with bioenergy, producing hundreds of thousands of new jobs and new 68 industries. Rian van Staden • Transitioning to a Renewable Energy Future Science Forum 2004

Geothermal Energy: tions to all regions of the world. It can be used Geothermal energy has been used to provide to produce fresh water from the seas, to pump heat for human comfort for thousands of years, water and power irrigation systems, and to and to produce electricity for the past 90 years. detoxify contaminated waters, addressing While geothermal energy is limited to those perhaps the world’s most critical needs for areas with access to this resource, the size of clean water. It can even be used to cook food the resource is huge. Geothermal energy can with solar box cookers, replacing the constant be a major renewable energy resource for at wood foraging that denudes eco-systems and least 58 countries: thirty-nine countries could contaminates the air in the dwellings of the be 100% geothermal powered, with four more poor. Buildings: in the industrial nations, from at 50%, five more at 20%, and eight more at 35% to 40% of total national primary use of 10 %. Geothermal energy, along with bioenergy, energy is consumed in buildings, a figure which can serve as stabilizing “baseload” resources approaches 50% when taking into account in networks with the intermittent renewable the energy costs of building materials and the energy resources. infrastructure to serve buildings. Letting the sun shine into buildings in the winter to heat Wind Power: them, and letting diffused daylight enter the Global installed wind power capacity exceeded building to displace electric lighting, are both 32,000 MW by the end of 2002, and has been the most efficient and least costly forms of the growing at a 32% rate per year. Utility-scale wind direct use of solar energy. turbines are now in 45 countries. The price of wind-produced electricity is now competitive Data are mounting that demonstrate conclu- with new coal-fired power plants, and should sively enhancements of human performance continue to reduce to where it will soon be the in day-lit buildings, with direct economic and least expensive of all of the new electricity- educational benefits that greatly multiply the producing resources. A goal of 12% of the energy-efficiency “paybacks”. The integrated world’s electricity demand from wind by 2020 design of “climate-responsive” buildings through appears to be within reach. So is a goal of 20% “whole building” design methods enables major of Europe’s electricity demand by 2020. This cost-savings in actual construction, normally development pace is consistent with the histo- yielding 30% to 50% improvement in energy rical pace of development of hydroelectric and efficiency of new buildings at an average of nuclear energy. The 20% penetration goal for less than 2% added construction cost, and the intermittent renewable energy resources is sometimes at no extra cost. achievable within present utility operations, without requiring energy storage. Serious long-range goals for the application of solar domestic water and space heating systems Solar Energy: need to be established by all governments, The energy from the sun can be used directly totalling several hundred million square meters to heat or light buildings, and to heat water, in of new solar water heating systems world-wide both developed and developing nations. The by 2010. A worldwide goal of 100,000 MW of sun’s radiant energy can also directly provide installed concentrating solar power (CSP) very hot water or steam for industrial processes, technology by 2025 is also an achievable goal heat fluids through concentration to tempera- with potentially great long-term benefits. tures sufficient to produce electricity in thermal- electric generators or to run heat engines Photovoltaic (PV) solar electric technology is directly, and produce electricity through the growing worldwide at an amazing pace, more photovoltaic effect. than doubling every two years. The value of sales in 2002 of about US$ 3.5 billion is projected It can be used directly to enhance public safety, to grow to more than US$ 27.5 billion by 2012. to bring light and the refrigeration of food and PV in developed and developing nations alike medicine to the 1.8 billion people of the world can enhance local employment, strengthen without electricity, and to provide communica- local economies, improve local environments, 69 Rian van Staden • Transitioning to a Renewable Energy Future Science Forum 2004

increase system and infrastructure reliability, It is also shown in this White Paper that the and provide for greater security. Building- energy market is not “free”, that historical integrated PV systems (BIPV) with modest incentives for the conventional energy resources amounts of storage can provide for continuity continue even today to bias markets by burying of essential governmental and emergency many of the real societal costs of their use. It operations, and can help to maintain the safety is noted that the very methodologies used for and integrity of the urban infrastructure in estimating “levelized” costs for energy resources times of crisis. PV applications should be an are flawed, and that they are not consistent element of any security planning for cities with the more realistic economic methodologies and urban centres in the world. used by modern industries. Taking into account future fuel supply risk and price volatility in Policy: net present valuations of energy resource alter- The White Paper stresses the importance of natives paints a very different picture, one in governmental policies that can enhance the which the renewable energy resources are overall economic productivity of the expendi- revealed to be competitive or near-competitive tures for energy, and the great multiplier in at the present time. the creation of jobs from expenditures for the renewable energy resources rather than for the The White Paper concludes with the presentation conventional energy sources. Utilities are not of two comprehensive national energy policies in the job producing business, but governments to demonstrate the method of integration of are, supporting the need for governments to various individual strategies and incentives into control energy policies and energy resource single, long-range policies with great potential decisions. returns, including

National policies to accelerate the development • National multi-year goals for assured and of the renewable energy resources are outlined, increasing markets for renewable energy emphasizing that mutually supporting policies systems, such as „Renewable Energy are necessary to generate a long-term balanced Standards” (also called, in the U.S., portfolio of the renewable energy resources. „Renewable Portfolio Standards“, or RPS), Beginning with important city examples, the or the EU Renewables Directive, especially discussion moves to national policies, such as when formulated to support balanced setting renewable energy standards with firm development of a diversity of renewable percentage goals to be met by definite dates. energy technologies; The specific example of the successful German • Production incentives, such as “feed-in” “feed-in” laws is used to illustrate many of laws, production tax credits (PTC), and net these points. metering; • Financing mechanisms, such as bonds, Market-based incentives are described in the low-interest loans, tax credits and accelerated White Paper, to compare with legislated goals depreciation, and green power sales; and standards, and discussed in terms of • System wide surcharges, or system benefits effectiveness. It is shown that various voluntary charges (SBC), to support financial incentive measures, such as paying surcharges for “green payments and loans, R&D and public power”, can provide important supplements interest programs; to funding for renewable energy, but that they • Credit trading mechanisms, such as cannot be sufficient to generate reliable, long- Renewable Energy Credits (RECs) or carbon term growth in the renewable energy industries, reduction credits, to enhance the value of nor to secure investor confidence. Reliable and renewable energy, to increase the market consistent governmental policies and support access to those energy sources, and to value must be the backbone for the accelerated growth the environmental benefits of renewables; of the industries. specific governmental renewable energy “quotas” for city and state renewable energy 70 procurements; Rian van Staden • Transitioning to a Renewable Energy Future Science Forum 2004

• Removal of procedural, institutional and economic barriers for renewable energy, and facilitation of the integration of renewable energy resources into grids and societal infrastructure; • Consistent regulatory treatment, uniform codes and standards, and simplified and standardized interconnection agreements; • Economic balancing mechanisms, such as pollution or carbon taxes (which can then be diverted as “zero sum” incentives to the non-polluting and non-carbon technologies); • “Levelling the playing field” by redressing the continuing inequities in public subsidies of energy technologies and R&D, in which the fossil fuels and nuclear power continue to receive the largest share of support.

Solar Energy from Then to Now and Beyond

Solar energy is not an “alternative energy”. It is the original and continuing primary energy source. All life and all civilizations have always been powered by solar energy. Expanding the technical applications of solar energy and its other renewable energy cousins to carry civili- zations forward is simply a logical extension of its historic role, but also the inescapable key to achieving sustainability for human societies.

The White Paper is available from http://whitepaper.ises.org/

More Information about the “Energy Rich Japan” Project (Reports, Simulation, Anima- tion): www.energyrichjapan.info

71 Harry Lehmann • Full Solar Supply of Industrialized Countries – The Example Japan Science Forum 2004 Full Solar Supply of Industrialized Countries – The Example Japan

It has long been known that to protect people needs with this option, and to use the report to and the environment from both nuclear risks influence the discussion over the change from and dangerous levels of climate change, we fossil and nuclear energy sources to a sustainable must phase out the use of nuclear and fossil energy system. fuels, and switch to clean energy technology instead. Using Japan as a example, the “Energy Japan is a heavily industrialised country, with a Rich Japan” Project illustrates that the vision population of 127 million living in a small island of a clean, green, energy-rich future is not only nation, yet in 1999 it was the world’s second possible, but globally feasible. most powerful economy, with an industrial base that was recognised as one of the most energy Harry Lehmann Renewable energy technologies using regional efficient globally. Institute for Sustainable or global sources, coupled with a reduction in Solutions and Innovations energy use by adopting energy efficient tech- Japan was forced to become relatively energy (Germany) and nologies, offer the only safe and proven option efficient because it has very little domestic sup- additional contributors1 open to us for future energy needs. The objec- plies of what are known as conventional energy [email protected] tive of this study is to show that a region such sources. This industrial powerhouse meets the as Japan is able to supply all of its own energy bulk of its energy demand by importing nuclear

Figure 1 Demand 1999 Final Energy Gross Energy Production Demand and the High Efficiency Model 16000 (PJ) Imported

14000 Fuels (H2 equivalent

12000 Hydro

10000 Cogeneration

8000 Geothermal

6000 Wind

4000 Solar Energy 2000 Biomass 0 999 1 High Efficiency Scenario 1 Scenario 6 Scenario 2 Scenario 5 Scenario 3 Scenario 4

Six Supply scenarios with different dependance from imports (Imported Fuels). Scenarios 2,4 and 6 assume a decreased population of Japan. Biomass is set to zero because of not having enough data about the sustainable potential in Japan. Knowing this potential it can substitute Hydrogen fuels.

1 Contributors: Institute for Sustainable Solutions and Innovations: Martina Kruska; University of Lüneburg: Gary Evans, Stefan Herbergs, Daigo Ichiro, Karl Mallon, Mika Ohbayashi, Stefan Peter, Kae Takase, Iida Tetsunari; Wuppertal Institute: Dirk Aßmann; EUTech Aachen, ISEP Tokio; Commissioned by Greenpeace International and Greepeace Japan 73 Harry Lehmann • Full Solar Supply of Industrialized Countries – The Example Japan Science Forum 2004

Figure 2 12000 Hydropower Domestic gross energy (PJ) production in petajoules using energy conversion Solarthermal Collectors technologies from 10000 renewable sources in Industrial cogen. Japan as used in the (heat) six scenarios. Industrial cogen. (electricity)

8000 Residental cogen. (heat)

Residental cogen. (elecricity) 6000

Geothermal Power Plants

Wind 4000

Solarthermal Plants

Photovoltaic 2000 Fast reacting power plants

Biomass (not used in ERJ) 0 ERJ Source: One Two Three Four Five Six

This is the production of electricity and heat in the installed power plants. Biomass, although listed is set to zero because of the unavailability of the potential of sustainable produced biomass.

and fossil fuels, supplemented by a small amount imported fossil and nuclear fuels. Rather than of domestic oil and gas production, as well as seeking “energy security” through its hugely some hydro and geothermal power. Japan’s expensive and polluting nuclear program, for total primary energy consumption in 1999 stood example, Japan could instead build its own at just over 22,970 Petajoules, (A Petajoule is a renewable energy industry. As an energy-hungry 1000 million, million joules). Of those, 18,500 and supposedly “resource- poor” country, Japan Petajoules (80 %) were imported as nuclear and could make this transition to clean, renewable fossil fuels. energy without any sacrifice in living standards or industrial capacity. Yet Japan could be independently rich in ener- gy. Using baseline data from 1999, the “Energy The report takes Japan’s current energy use, Rich Japan” report shows how a combination based on 1999 levels, and shows that demand of the best energy efficiency technologies avail- could be reduced by 50 % with energy efficient able today, and a massive investment in renew- technologies that are already available around able energy, could ultimately provide Japan the world today. The “ERJ High Efficiency with 100 % of its energy needs from renewables Demand Model” showed that using highly – including transportation fuels – without energy efficient technologies could save nearly 74 expensive and environmentally damaging 40% of today’s energy consumption in the Harry Lehmann • Full Solar Supply of Industrialized Countries – The Example Japan Science Forum 2004

7000 Figure 3 6000 Fluctuating suppliers Electricity, heat and 5000 fuel production in all 4000 Non-fluctuating suppliers six “Energy-Rich 3000 Japan” scenarios. Congeneration 2000 1000 0 7000 6000 Heat from Electricity

5000 Cogenaration 4000 Solar Heat 3000 2000 1000 0 7000 Hydrogen Import 6000 5000 Domestic Fuel Production 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 HE S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6

Electricity surplus is used for heat and fuel production. Biomass, although listed is set to zero because of the unavailability of the potential of biomass produced in a sustainable manner.

industrial sector, more than 50% in the be fully matched in time, a simulation of the residential and commercial sectors and about Japanese electrical power system and part of 70% in the transport sector. the heating system was done with the computer programme SimREN. It then shows how renewable energy could be used to meet that new level of demand, This study does not attempt to answer two key reducing and ultimately eliminating the need questions: How quickly can such a system be for imports. Six scenarios of how this might implemented and how much will this system happen are outlined in the report, all of which cost? To demonstrate the possibility of a solar can provide 100 % renewable energy for Japan. energy supply for Japan, it is not necessary to Starting from a basic model (Scenario One) specify the costs and the timeframe such a providing more than 50 % of total energy development will require. needs from domestic renewable sources, each subsequent scenario provides variations or The systems described here provide a frame- expansions on Scenario One, gradually reducing work for a debate about the restructuring the reliance on imported energy, factoring in of the Japanese energy economy. However different population projections and expected restructuring with renewable energy does not improvements in renewable generation capacity need to be limited to the ideas described in and energy efficiencies, until by Scenarios Five this report. Other systems that can supply Japan and Six, no energy imports are required. with renewable energy are also possible. As supply reliability is most acute in the electri- All of the scenarios are able to be met in Japan, city sector where supply and demand must both in technical terms and in terms of natural 75 Harry Lehmann • Full Solar Supply of Industrialized Countries – The Example Japan Science Forum 2004

Figure 4 140 (PJ) PSP Discharge The figures show the 120 PV dynamics of electricity Wind generation for two 100 Hydro weeks of the year. 80 Geothermal 60 Cogen.(Com,Res) Cogen (Ind) 40 20

0 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 140 (PJ) PSP Discharge 120 PV

100 Wind Hydro

80 Geothermal

60 Cogen.(Com,Res) Cogen (Ind) 40 20

0 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273

The supply-system always produces enough electricity to cover the demand. If there is low electricity production of windenergy and photovoltaics at the same time, pumped storages get used to guarantee full supply (see days 14, 18, 19 and 271).

resources, such as wind, solar radiation and globally by climate change and nuclear accidents, geothermal capacity. The decisive factors will the costs of not developing sustainable energy be public acceptance, priorities set by national systems, be they in Japan or anywhere around policy in terms of energy security and interna- the world, are potentially far greater. tional commitments and the future development of renewable energy technologies. “Energy Rich How to achieve to a sustainable energy system Japan” is an ambitious concept, yet conservative is the question, we hope, we have addressed in its methodology. Admittedly its implementa- with this study. What we need now is the desire tion would involve considerable investment in and will to make it happen. infrastructure and far reaching changes to the way Japan designs and builds its future industrial, More Information about the “Energy Rich residential, commercial and transport sectors. Japan” Project (Reports, Simulation, Compared to the environmental dangers faced Animation): www.energyrichjapan.info

76 Knowledge for Development: Capacity Building in Renewable Energies for Poverty Alleviation

• Research and Development Needs for Renewable Energies in Developing Countries

• Capacity Building for Sustainable Energy Development and Poverty Allevation in Sub-Saharan Africa – The Contribution of AFREPREN

• Possible Cooperation between Arab and European Countries in Energy, Water and Environmental Issues

• Capacity Building in Developing Countries – Bringing Renewable Energy to the People

• UNESCO’s GREET Programme in a Latinamerican View

77 Mongameli Mehlwana • R + D Needs for RE in Developing Countries Science Forum 2004 Research and Development Needs for Renewable Energies in Developing Countries

Abstract approach will provide answers to the key The future for renewable energy sources (“renew- questions: What are the energy needs specific ables”) in the developing world, if properly to the users and how do they link to other harnessed, looks bright and the prospects are development needs? How to transform the good. There are vast reserves of and high energy needs to effective demand? What is the potential for the use of different renewable best technology mix to meet these needs? energies (RE), be they solar, hydro, wind, wave, The R+D needs of developing countries relate hydrogen, waste, etc. However, these remain to challenges that address embedded socio- largely unexploited due to a combination of economic needs, identification of appropriate 1 facto; particularly economics, lack of appropriate energy technologies that are informed by Mongameli Mehlwana research and development and the absence of local conditions, and the need for R+D on GRA/CSIR (South Africa) enabling policy instruments. At the same time, sustainable business models to stimulate local [email protected] access to modern, commercial energy services renewable industries. is usually too low to facilitate meaningful eco- nomic development in developing countries. Sub-Saharan Africa, the world’s most under- developed region, with 17% of the world Introduction population and blessed with abundant mineral resources, consumes less than 3% of the world There is currently a global optimism regarding primary energy supply. Most of the developing the future for RE and its potential role in sus- world’s energy needs could, theoretically, be tainable development. While there are different met by the vast renewable energy potential. justifications for the introduction of RE into the However, despite decades of attempts to supply mainstream national energy economies, the modern renewable energy technologies (RETs), potential to sustain economic development, the energy landscape remains largely unchanged. while minimising the adverse effect on the Traditional fuels (biomass in Africa) continue environment, is a common rallying point. to dominate the energy use patterns. There There is also a high level commitment globally have been numerous spectacular instances of to accelerate the use of renewables. This com- failed RETs, uncoordinated renewable energy mitment is supported by the ready availability programmes and piecemeal demonstrations of capital from multinational agencies, national or pilot projects. Even in the case of successes, governments and the private sector to fund these have largely remained undocumented viable RE projects. The World Summit on Sus- and lessons learned are therefore lost. tainable Development (WSSD) in Johannesburg provided a necessary platform to initiate unified This calls for a paradigm shift in R+D, particularly and purposeful global efforts, known as Type II relating to RET solutions. There is a need for R+D activities, towards accelerating actions designed which does not ONLY focus on flooding the to exploit renewables worldwide. One of the developing world with an array of technologies key outputs of the 2004 World Renewables that deliver short term benefits, but an R+D Conference in Bonn is to provide concrete process that addresses the expressed needs of implementation strategies and joint RE projects. the users in an integrated manner. Such an

1 The author acknowledges the technical support provided by Dr. Gert Venter, Thomas Roos, Stefan Szewczuk and Sydney Parsons (all of CSIR). A special thanks to Dr. Pete Ashton for his useful comments and thorough editing. While most issues expressed herein represent the CSIR Energy Trust, the conclusions are those of the author alone. 79 Mongameli Mehlwana • R + D Needs for RE in Developing Countries Science Forum 2004

isolate the key needs of developing countries, Theoretical Potential related to renewables, that can be addressed by Technical Potential innovative R+D, whilst creating and embedding local skills and expertise in the process. Economic Potential

Market Penetration The Future for Renewable Energy in the Developing World

Global Push for Renewables The positive euphoria regarding the enormous Figure 1 With respect to the developing world, the potential of RE should be viewed against the Potential for accelerated use of renewables in countries’ global fear of the consequences of relying too Renewables [1] energy mixes has important additional benefits. much on fossil fuels for economic growth. Access to modern fuels in many developing A lot has been said about the negative effects countries is a cause for concern. In the ‘business- of emissions from the production, transmission, as-usual-scenario’, more and more households, distribution and consumption of fossil fuels, particularly in rural regions of Africa, will forever particularly oil and coal. Much of the global rely on dwindling biomass fuels to meet their agenda on renewables (and energy efficiency) energy needs. Estimates indicate that the is driven by this fear, as well as the need to current reliance on biomass (mainly woodfuel) ensure the long-term – and diversity of – supply is between 70–80 %. Providing conventional of environment-benign energy. energy in the form of electricity is usually uneconomical, and the costs are beyond the As most developing countries are net exporters reach of many households situated in rural of energy, as well as possessing few energy areas. This scenario certainly does not encour- intensive industries, their emission levels are age economic growth and development in insignificant on a global scale. Therefore, the these areas. Access to affordable, adequate and agenda for renewables in developing countries modern energy services is the engine for a should be to satisfy the energy needs of two country’s development and a cornerstone in billion people without access to modern and alleviating poverty. Effective introduction of clean energy sources. The question, therefore, renewables in developing economies could has to be ‘Can renewable energies meet the facilitate and fast-track development processes, needs of developing countries?’ while improving the options and quality of life available to the poor. Theoretically, all the global energy needs/ demand could be provided by RE [1]. However, Despite this situations, there are many dynamic currently used technologies cannot tap the challenges to be faced in attempting to accel- current potential. Even the market penetration erate the uptake of RE in developing countries. of RETs is below the economic potential. At These relate to policy frameworks that favour the level of a developing country, penetration of renewables, availability of appropriate RETs, RETs is least. Even the number of RETs currently focussed R+D on appropriate technologies and in circulation remains unknown because of lack project implementation strategies, lack of base- of reliable data on RE projects. The point, there- line studies, funding, etc. Most of these barriers fore, is that on their own, renewables cannot have largely been removed, though several meet the energy demand of developing countries. critical ones still remain. This paper argues that At a practical level, renewables in developing now is the opportunity to devise effective countries should be introduced as one of the implementation strategies that are informed by energy options (including non-renewables) past experiences, and based on international in the context of “Energisation” (see below). 80 best practices. The focus of this would be to Mongameli Mehlwana • R + D Needs for RE in Developing Countries Science Forum 2004

Prerequisites for Sustainable Figure 2 Renewables Takeoff Developing Heterogeneity nature The global (read “developed” countries’) push World of developing countries for renewables will not attain any sustainable level of success if developing countries are not Sub- supportive or receptive. Pro-activity is the South Saharan Africa keyword for success and developing countries Africa must want renewables. The “want” should be determined by the policy frameworks that Rest of favour renewables and contribute to the Africa growth of RET businesses in local economies. Unfortunately, in many instances, the push for RE comes from developed countries since there is a dearth of proactive policies in devel- needs of developing countries are influenced oping countries. For instance, few countries by their varying degrees of “development”, or in Africa have renewables energy policies. Most simply the prevalence of widespread poverty. attention is, understandably so, focussed on For instance, sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) is consid- coal, gas, oil and large-scale hydropower projects. ered the least developed region in the world, well It is significant to note that the energy desk below the levels of other developing countries. of NEPAD – a framework for Africa’s economic The IMF projections show economic growth in revival – does not have a renewables mandate. all developing countries as averaging 6% per The latter is located within the broader environ- year (2003 – 05) compared with 4% per year in mental desk. Most regional power pools do not SSA. Therefore if this region has to halve poverty prioritise renewables as they do non-renewable levels by 2015, the GDP growth must more energy. A key prerequisite for sustainable RE than double from current levels of 3% to 7% takeoff is arguably harmonised regional policies per year [4]. and strategies. The effectiveness of projects funded by multinational agencies and inter- In energy terms, this means that the poorer the governmental entities will come to be well below region, the more different and precarious its desired levels if this prerequisite is not addressed. energy needs will be, and the more complex the solutions should be. A significant number However, one of the often cited barriers to of the two billion people worldwide who do not formulation of realistic, informed and effective have access to modern energy services live in SSA. policies, particularly in Africa south of the Sahara, is lack of validated data, which in turn Hence, the SSA economic priorities are strongly are determined by the absence of R+D institu- informed by the need to alleviate poverty. With tions to conduct this research [2]. These facts more than 500 million people currently with- are recognised in the WSSD Plan of Implemen- out access to electricity and with more than tation, which advocates the promotion of 600 million people dependent on traditional technology development, transfer and diffusion biomass for survival, SSA has a dire need for safe, to Africa, and the further development of affordable and clean forms of energy to enable technology and knowledge available to African productive economic activities to generate much centres of excellence [3]. needed income [5]. Tab. 1 underlines the African reliance on traditional fuels, as compared to the Developing World: Different Contexts, more affluent countries in Europe [6]. Different Needs While all developing countries share common On the other hand, countries of the SSA need features or indicators vis-à-vis developed coun- to develop. Owing to its developmental status, tries, it is important to mention that they are exacerbated by emigration of skilled people, definitely not a homogenous entity (Fig.2). This Africa lacks the human capacity and technical distinction is very significant, particularly as far strength to achieve the necessary progress with- as the energy landscape is concerned. The energy in a ten to fifteen year time frame as required 81 Mongameli Mehlwana • R + D Needs for RE in Developing Countries Science Forum 2004

Table 1 Country Population GDP (US$B) TPES/ TPES/ Electr (KWh/ Electr Cons Energy indicators for (M) Capita (000$) Capita (KWh/US$)

1999 for a selection of Morocco 28.2 38.4 0.35 0.26 538 0.40 african & european Senegal 9.3 5.5 0.32 0.54 122 0.21 countries, 1990 US$ Algeria 30.0 47.0 0-94 0.60 960 0.81 Egypt 62.7 74.6 0.71 0.60 960 0.81 (Source: International Ethiopia 62.8 7.1 0.29 2.59 24 0.21 Energy Agency, Paris) Nigeria 123.9 31.0 0.70 2.82 89 0.36 Kenya 29.4 9.9 0.50 1.48 127 0.38 Angola 12.4 6.4 0.61 1.18 92 0.18 Zambia 9.9 3.8 0.63 1.61 568 1.46 Zimbabwe 11.9 8.4 0.85 1.22 940 1.34 Mozambique 17.3 3.4 0.40 2.04 48 0.24 South Africa 42.1 164.4 2.60 0.67 4479 1.15

NOTE: No recent info available for Botswana, Lesotho, Swaziland

United Kingdom 59.5 1256.0 3.87 0.18 5901 0.28 Germany 82.1 2603.0 4.11 0.13 6480 0.20 France 60.3 1698.0 4.23 0.15 7142 0.25 Sweden 8.9 267.3 5.77 0.19 15450 0.51

TPES: Total Primary energy Supply toe: tonnes of oil equivalent

in the NEPAD position. It is almost certain that The need for access to energy is pervasive. Africa would neither be able or allowed to fol- Fig.3 indicates how every facet of an economy low the developmental pathways that brought requires access to energy services in one form other countries to their current position in the or another for sustainable development [6]. world. New and innovative systems-dynamic approaches are needed [6]. It stands to reason that the most important aspect of the energy debate is the type and quality of Therefore, the ideas and analysis presented in service that energy provides to the users. Deci- this paper apply to varying degrees to different sions as to what is the best energy source for regions and countries that are, by definition, specific needs, are determined by how an energy considered to be “developing”. However, most service comes about. With respect to developing of the arguments presented concern the under- contexts, the decision to use certain types of developed regions within the developing world. energy sources will be influenced by considera- The bias is intentional because these are the tions such as accessibility of the fuel resource; regions that most need innovative renewable efficacy to perform specific tasks; and the speed energy solutions, and these are regions that have and reliability of service. More importantly, acute energy needs. The term ‘developing’ is however, such decisions will be based on costs used in this sense throughout the paper. and affordability vis-à-vis available options. Therefore, for renewables to gain social accep- tance, they need to fulfil specific criteria. The needs of developing communities are simple: Renewable Energy Trends in they need clean water; warm houses; cooked Developing Countries food; to engage in agriculture and other income generating activities; easy access to health and The Social and Economic Dimensions of school facilities; and so on. The energy infra- Renewables structure provided should assist in meeting Energy is an essential consideration in develop- these broad social and economic needs. Sadly, ment, and choices taken in the near future will in many instances, renewable energy options have far-reaching consequences on development, have been introduced with scant regard to the impacts on global change and the sustainable community needs they seek to address. For 82 use of ecosystems and non-renewable resources. example, solar PV projects have been imple- Mongameli Mehlwana • R + D Needs for RE in Developing Countries Science Forum 2004

Energy Supply Energy Demand Figure 3 Sectors of the Economy Energy in the economy • Coal T T & [6] • Oil R R Liquid Fuels D Environment • Natural Gas A A I • Biomass N N Electricity S • Solar S S T Efficiency Conservation • Wind F P R Gas • Hydro O O I • Nuclear R R Information Data, Statistic B • Waves M T U Solids (Coal, Biomass…) • Geothermal A A T Policy • Waste T T I • Conservation I I O O O N N N ransport T Agriculture Industry Mining Commerce Households mented in areas where the priorities of targeted is concerned. Where local production is non- communities were clearly thermal (cooking and existent, communities benefit little apart from heating). selling the technologies. Local production of at least some components of RETs is crucial not Technology Options only in providing much-needed job opportunities, Linked to the socio-economic dimensions of but in ensuring a sustainable local production energy options is the question of the energy industry. Technology transfer should not be technology choice. While the potential for an defined as indiscriminate distribution of renew- array of renewable energy sources is prevalent ables, but as skills and knowledge transfer, par- in developing countries, the technology choices ticularly in the manufacturing and maintenance selected are, unfortunately, seldom informed of technology components. Most developing by local conditions. For instance, issues such as countries are considered as the market for ready- community preferences, energy-use behaviour made, off-the-shelf RETs. Surely, this attitude (e.g. cooking inside or outside; time of cooking, needs to change. etc) and multiple-fuel use are often overlooked when technologies are introduced, particularly Policies on Renewables renewable energy technologies. In selecting It is unfortunate that RE policy instruments are technology options, care should be taken to non-existent in many developing countries. This consider aspects such as community fit, and goes against the global pattern which prioritises cultural traits. In some communities, for instance, renewables in countries’ energy policies. How the use of human excreta to generate biogas many countries in Africa, for example, have goes firmly against the local culture and com- renewable energy policies? Where policies exist, munity etiquette. how many countries have RE implementation strategies? The absence of such policy frame- It is also important that whatever viable tech- works impedes the introduction of RETs as nologies are selected, they should serve broad projects to accelerate renewables are often ad development needs – more importantly they hoc and do not follow a strategic direction. This should provide income-generating opportunities. is a recipe for failure. To be fair to developing For example, the majority of RET components countries, national priorities often dictate that are wholly imported to developing countries. the focus should be on pressing and immediate This has ramifications as far as social acceptance needs, such as combating deadly diseases, 83 Mongameli Mehlwana • R + D Needs for RE in Developing Countries Science Forum 2004

Figure 4 (left) Village with renewable energy access

Figure 5 (right) Collection of fuelwood is time-consuming and detains people from income generating productive activities

alleviating malnutrition, providing clean water, A Paradigm Shift to Technology etc. Focusing on RE which is perceived (though Development: Renewables may not be necessarily so) as small-scale, rural and Sustainable Development and therefore less important than large-scale capital projects. Also, it appears that the policy Whose Development, Whose Problem? vacuum is also caused by a dearth of information Thinking with the People and not for the that would facilitate the introduction of renew- People ables, such as baseline studies on energy needs. The above discussion suggests that perhaps one The challenge this poses to RE practitioners is of the impediments to uptake of renewables how to explicitly link renewable energy produc- is the manner in which solutions are conceptu- tion, distribution and consumption patterns to alised and implemented. In many instances, the national priorities. energy problems of developing countries are assumed, and there is no proper research done At regional level, policies or approaches to on how such problems are viewed by the people disseminate RE are seldom harmonised. Regional concerned. Even when such problems are institutions such as power pools and develop- properly researched, solutions are often planned ment communities exist and can be used as far away from the target communities. Surely, platforms to harmonise RE policies, as well as if the poor can articulate their problems and assisting member countries to formulate appro- needs, solutions should also be discussed with priate policies. All things being equal, the them as well. In many instances, it may not cornerstone to relevant and informed policies is matter so much what type of energy technology the availability of research centres at national is provided, but the service that such technology and regional level to provide updated baseline provides is of crucial importance. information as well as to develop new technolo- gy options. The developing world has fewer Thus, there is a need for a paradigm shift to centres of excellence to support policy decisions, development, not only in theory, but also in particularly on renewables. Some of the existing practice. People in developing countries should centres lack capacity as the best personnel not be passive actors in their own development. emigrate to developed regions of the world due Granted, they may not be aware of technolo- to lack of adequate resources (mainly lack of gical innovations, but this does not justify their funding and institutional support) to implement exclusion in problem-solving strategies. The appropriate R+D programmes. overriding reason for introducing RETs in devel- oping countries should not only be driven by the need to open up new markets or to serve the concerns of the affluent about environmental issues, but by the expressed desire to comple- ment strategies aimed at reducing poverty. For instance, the primary development problem 84 of the developing world is poverty, not access Mongameli Mehlwana • R + D Needs for RE in Developing Countries Science Forum 2004

Overcoming Research and Figure 6 Development Barriers: Solarhome system as example for a The Challenge for Developing decentralised Countries distributed electricity generation The above discussion highlights that as far as developing countries are concerned, addressing energy needs is not simply the provision of tech- nologies to meet the needs of society. Energy poverty is simply an indicator of general devel- opment challenges, which are defined by levels or degrees of impoverishment. Besides the to energy. The latter is the symptom of the obvious reason that most RETs that are intro- former. RE dissemination strategies should be duced in poor rural areas are unaffordable to informed by this fact, and should be directed many people, these technologies are not used at poverty alleviation. on a large scale even if they are heavily sub- sidised, or provided free of charge through Appropriate Technology Options grant funding. Does this mean that RE is ‘the The paradigm shift mentioned above suggests most expensive energy option for poor people’ that education is essential before solutions can as it is viewed in some circles? This question be devised. This education must be two-pronged: can be answered by posing another question. firstly about assuring that the developed coun- Why, even when RETs are given for free, do tries understand the real needs of the develop- they not gain widespread acceptance by people ing countries and, secondly, the developing who use inferior fuels? In answering these countries learning about new technologies to questions, the R+D capacity in developing address energy needs. The infusion of this two- countries needs highest consideration. Without pronged education should form the basis for adequate capacity, such countries will not have effective partnership in halving the levels of the ability to develop home-grown policy frame- world poverty by 2015, as espoused by the works, innovative technologies and processes Millennium Development Goals. Indicated above of implementation. All things being equal, is that some wonderful technologies introduced the development needs of RE can be achieved in developing situations become spectacular through three interlinked actions: flops. This may not be caused by an inferior type (a) appropriate technology; of technology. The failure is often due to the (b) appropriate business models; and fact that such technology does not serve the (c) local production of RETs. community’s expressed needs, or that the Once all these are achieved RE options would, community does not understand the technology. for all intents and purposes, gain local accep- Appropriate technology options are arrived at tance. A brief discussion of each action plan is by understanding the developing world’s priori- presented below. ties and the provision of technology options to match such priorities. It is therefore important R+D Focus 1: not only to think of the technology, but also the Appropriate Renewable Energy Options downstream issues related to the use and main- At the end of the day, solutions (i. e. technology tenance of the technology. choices) have to reflect the needs and prefer- ences of the target community. What is the community preference: do they prioritise thermal needs over lighting or vice versa? Examples abound of solar PV for lighting projects where a community’s expressed need is for thermal energy services, for cooking and heating. 85 Mongameli Mehlwana • R + D Needs for RE in Developing Countries Science Forum 2004

Figure 7 are energy supplies of second choice – are example for the informed by past experience with low quality, utilisation of fly-by-night technologies which flooded the wind energy market in the early days of renewable energy penetration. News travels fast in developing areas, particularly in Africa. Many people who have negative perceptions of the performance of renewables may not necessarily have experi- enced renewables first hand. These perceptions can only be addressed by a targeted public awareness and education processes that are aimed at both the users and producers of RETs.

Fifthly and related to the above, there is a wide- spread perception that renewables are second grade sources of energy. Such perception can be illustrated as thus:

Renewables = solar PVs = energy of 2nd choice = rural applications = poor people Secondly, technology solutions mean little if they are not explicitly linked to other development This equation often results from the way in needs. Does the introduction of a technology which renewables are promoted in developing improve people’s lives in terms of facilitating countries. Renewables projects often promote other important services such as the availability a single technology (which is often solar PV or of vaccines, clean water, better transport, user- solar cookers) and promoted by people who friendly appliances (that meet local preference), themselves have never used this technology warm houses, etc? To what extent are techno- choice in their households. Again, the tendency logy sources or renewable energy choice in is to concentrate on rural applications when harmony with regional, country or government grid electricity is not financially viable. Urban development priorities? centres, where substantial economic activities are situated are often served with conventional Thirdly, communities need to be exposed to an energy sources. Sadly, this leads to the conclu- array of technology options available, so that sion that renewables and its technologies are they could make informed decisions as to the reserved only for the poor. As a starting point, best option to meet their needs. Such exposure it is important to ground the use of renewables enables the users to select options that meet a firmly in developing countries. The best way variety of needs. Introducing only a technology to start is to focus more on urban centres where that meets a single need may be counterpro- economic activities are centred and on urban ductive in promoting renewables. For instance, households most of which could afford to pay when a solar PV system is introduced for lighting, for the new technology options. This requires other solar technologies, such as solar cookers, (including capacity building as illustrated above) solar water heaters, passive solar designs, should an innovative marketing strategy. also be introduced in order to cater for most household and community energy needs. Lastly, it must be recalled that current renew- able technologies may not address all the ener- Fourthly, education and public awareness are gy needs of developing countries. Therefore, crucial for renewable technologies to be accept- RE should be promoted as one of the energy ed by communities. Public perception on the options that can perform certain tasks well. quality and performance of RETs has long been RE options can work better if introduced in a identified as the key barrier to renewables in basket with other energy options, such as gas, 86 poor areas. Such perceptions – that renewables i. e. energisation. Mongameli Mehlwana • R + D Needs for RE in Developing Countries Science Forum 2004

R+D Focus 2: society as a whole. The market is defined here Effective Business Models to Promote as the demand for the services and the ability Renewables of consumers to pay for them. This is different When renewables are viewed as energy options to the need for energy services. One of the for the rural poor, the tendency is to provide downsides of renewable energy dissemination these at little cost to the users. This ‘develop- strategies is the virtual absence of viable markets. mentalist’ approach was preferred especially Therefore, RE strategies, including new business by multilateral organisations and by other inter- models can only succeed in so far as the com- national institutions. The rural ‘markets’ were munity is developed enough to demand and flooded with technology, wholly imported from afford such services. This calls for the integration the north, with little consideration to their of RE to other development needs, such as long-term sustainability. The track record of donor employment creation, increased household programmes is poor in creating and sustaining income, education, etc. It is often said that rural enterprises for RE delivery, and has, in fact, sustainable solutions to energy problems rely contributed to the negative perceptions out- mostly on non energy interventions. lined above. There is a realisation now that donations (of renewables) without cost recovery R+D Focus 3: actually destroy the market. Still, some donors Local Manufacture of RETs Components continue to provide capital cost subsidies in Most RETs currently in the developing markets order to boost the renewable energy market. are fully imported. Even in fairly advanced There is a growing consensus that commercial- countries in the developing world, more than ising renewables could work positively for the 50 % of renewable energy components are dissemination of these energy sources in a sus- imported from the north. This asymmetrical tainable manner. However, proper research situation needs to be changed if the renewables and development on effective business models industry is to be sustainable in developing is in its infancy. Various models are being piloted countries. There should be a long-term strategy across the developing world, ranging from in place for knowledge transfer. Granted, some vendor-supplied credit, micro credit, equipment technologies cannot be fully manufactured rentals, etc. The bottom line is that new business in developing countries and may need to be models are needed with the focus on entrepre- imported. However, if the rationale is to increase neurship and innovative finance schemes. the share of renewables in the national energy However, the danger here could be that purely economies, significant investments have to be market-driven approaches may leave the very made in local production of RE components. poor behind. This area requires immediate intervention as it could have positive spin-offs: increased tech- With respect to developing countries, there is a nical capacity and innovation in science and need for an R+D process that has the following technology in developing countries, more jobs components: created due to the labour-intensive nature (a) as a clearing house of innovative business of renewable energy production, etc. Local plans; production of RETs may be a long-term source (b) international best practices and amplification of revenue for municipalities, and can, as well, of success stories; be integrated in other municipal issues such (c) innovative finance which does not only as landfills, sewage treatment and waster dis- provide start-up finance, but also provides for posals). [1] business development training; and (d) as a source of skills to select technologies.

It should also be remembered that business Concluding Remarks models become effective if there is a market and a demand for the services provided. Unfortu- The R+D needs in developing country on renew- nately, this aspect resides outside the realm of ables clearly go beyond technology solutions to renewables, to the broader development of the encompass social and economic considerations, 87 Mongameli Mehlwana • R + D Needs for RE in Developing Countries Science Forum 2004

i.e. the so-called “downstream” issues of tech- developing world. In Africa, the UNEP funded nology. The above discussion highlights these programme, AREED (African Rural Energy and broad development issues associated with tech- Enterprise Development) in partnership with nology options. Having identified these issues E+Co is implementing an entrepreneurial and needs, what is then the way forward as far approach in energy service provision. This pro- as renewable energies are concerned in the gramme is still very small-scale and also promotes developing world context? Before proposing other cleaner fuels such as bottled gas. In South some recommendations, it should be empha- Africa, a concession model, public-private part- sised that energy poverty in developing coun- nership provides a fee-for-service mechanism to tries cannot be addressed using purely market provide poor households with a basket of energy approaches, nor can they be resolved by a options including renewables. This model is, strictly developmentalist approach. The solu- however, heavily subsidised by the national tions lie somewhere in the middle. Below are government. Across the continent and in South value propositions on the way forward. Asia, various ESCOs models are being piloted. These attempts provide a shift from a conven- Regional Cooperation in Research tional developmentalist approach to more sus- and Development tainable, profit-driven implementation strategies. Energy development knows no boundaries. In Be that as it may, the impacts of these new fact new strategies work better when they are models remain largely untested, and experiences implemented across a region, rather than only have not been properly documented. In addition, in a country-specific context. Global partner- recent experience shows that these innovative ships are a testimony to this development. Part- strategies do not reach the poorest sectors of nership is not simply about brotherhood, but the developing world. a conscious strategy to mobilise scant resources and share experience across more than one Harmonisation for Energy Policies country. Research and development of a tech- Linked to the above points, an enabling en- nology, process of implementation or financing vironment has to be created for renewables. strategy stand more chances of success if the All developing countries have to have policy focus is cast wider than a single country. There instruments to regulate renewables imports, is cooperation at the regional levels in many production, dissemination and use. Moreover, developing countries. The mandate of regional as stated above, technology knows no bound- cooperation should be expanded to include aries. Therefore, policies should be harmonised research and development. so that a sustainable market for RE would be created. Prevailing policy instruments can Database of Renewable Energy Technologies be used and/or adopted to perform this task. It is very difficult to formulate effective policies Regional cooperative trade agreements based on insufficient and often invalid data sets. between countries can be utilised to assist in Many experts agree that lack of information on the harmonisation of the renewable energy energy demand and consumption makes it near policies and assist countries that are without impossible to devise effective implementation policy frameworks. and planning strategies. It is not even known how many renewable energy technologies are The discussion in this paper points to the fact currently in use in developing countries. In that the developing world is willing and ready addressing the question of data gaps, national to take a centre stage in accelerating the use of and regional databases need to be created and renewables. It also argues that the best way periodically updated. R+D centres of excellence, to go about this is a formation of an effective such as the Global Research Alliance partners partnership between North and South, as well can be utilised to maintain these databases. as South and South. The former ensures skills and knowledge transfer and the latter ensures Innovation in Rolling Out Renewables that best lessons are learned. The time is now! There is a glimmer of hope as far as innovative 88 strategies to disseminate renewables across the Mongameli Mehlwana • R + D Needs for RE in Developing Countries Science Forum 2004


[1] Norbert Wohlgemuth 2003. Innovative financing mechanisms for renewable energy in developing countries. UNEP Collaborating Centre, Denmark

[2] Patrick Manders 2004. Energy technologies for Africa sustainable development. Position Paper, CSIR.

[3] Patrick Manders 2003. Energy for sustainable development in Africa: a concept note. CSIR, Pretoria.

[4] Financial Mail 2004 (April 30).

[5] Stefan Szewczuk 2004. Hybrid mini-grid energy systems: its contribution to sustain- able energy and economic development in South Africa. Paper to be presented to the World Energy Council, Sydney September 2004.

[6] Gert Venter and Patrick Manders 2004. Effective energy supply and use in develop- ment context. Industrial and Commercial Use of Energy Conference, Cape Town May 2004

Pictures are courtesy of CSIR, AfricaNet, RISOE UNEP and Renewable Energy World.

89 Stephen Karekezi/Waeni Kithyoma • Sustainable Energy and Poverty Alleviation – AFREPREN’s Contribution Science Forum 2004 Capacity Building for Sustainable Energy Development and Poverty Alleviation in Sub-Saharan Africa – the Contribution of AFREPREN

About AFREPREN The current phase due to end in 2004 also has a major programme on renewables. Entitled African Energy Policy Research Network & “Renewables and Energy for Rural Foundation for Woodstoves (AFREPREN/FWD) Development” the programme is examining is an African initiative on energy, environment options for the provision of modern energy and sustainable development. AFREPREN/FWD services to low-income rural areas of Africa with brings together 97 African energy researchers special emphasis on the commercial/services/ and policy makers who have a long-term productive uses of energy. interest in energy research and the attendant policy-making process. AFREPREN/FWD has Other ongoing major programmes of Stephen Karekezi initiated policy research studies in 19 African AFREPREN include: GNESD/AFREPREN/FWD countries, namely: Angola, Botswana, Burundi, • Energy Services for the Urban Poor Director (Kenya) Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, • Energy Sector Reform [email protected] Mauritius, Mozambique, Rwanda, Seychelles, • Special Studies of Strategic Significance for Somalia, South Africa, Sudan, Tanzania, the Energy Sector in Eastern and Southern Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe. Africa (ESA)

AFREPREN/FWD’s ultimate goal is to promote Additional information on these programmes is the greater use of cleaner energy options such available on the AFREPREN website as renewables for poverty alleviation in Africa. (www.afrepren.org). The near-term objective of AFREPREN/FWD is to strengthen local research capacity and to harness it in the service of energy policy making and planning. Initiated in 1987, AFREPREN is AFREPREN’s Renewable a collective regional response to the widespread Energy Research Programmes Waeni Kithyoma concern over the weak link between energy GNESD/AFREPREN/FWD research and the formulation and implementation As mentioned earlier, AFREPREN has undertaken Secretariat (Kenya) of energy policy in Africa. extensive research work on renewables in all the [email protected] research phases running from 1987. The past Since its initiation, AFREPREN has successfully research phases examined the fundamentals implemented over 90 research projects involving of renewable energy technologies, and the 234 African researchers and policy makers in status of their dissemination in selected African 19 countries of Eastern and Southern Africa and countries. forged collaborative links with West, Central and North African energy researchers and policy In the ongoing research phase of 1999–2004, makers. Findings of the research undertaken one of the core research theme groups was by AFREPREN have been published in 13 major titled “Renewables and Energy for Rural publications, one Energy Policy special issue Development”. The theme-group objective is journal, 24 Occasional Papers, 37 journal articles, to identify options for the provision of renewable 23 book chapters and over 300 Working Papers. and sustainable energy services to low-income Since 1987, AFREPREN has had an ongoing rural areas of Africa with special emphasis on major research programme on renewables. commercial/ service/ productive use of energy. 91 Stephen Karekezi/Waeni Kithyoma • Sustainable Energy and Poverty Alleviation – AFREPREN’s Contribution Science Forum 2004

Objectives of the Theme group AFREPREN’s Energy • Analysing the impact of current renewables Training and Capacity Building and rural energy policies. Programme • Assessing current rural household and community energy practices and technologies. The number of African energy policy analysts • Reviewing rural income generating activities has grown in the last few years as a result of and energy technologies used. training programs and capacity building initia- • Establishing what is hindering the removal tives of various training institutes, development of identified barriers in the dissemination of programs and networks such as the African renewable energy technologies (e.g. absence Energy Policy Research Network (AFREPREN). of rural entrepreneurs, funding mechanisms, The supply of skilled energy policy analysts is, capacity building and policy). however, still insufficient. This is partially due • Assessing the gender dimension of to the difficulties faced by formal education renewables and rural energy. institutions in Africa. African policy analysts have identified important constraints facing formal Key Research Issues energy education in Africa. Key problems • Impact of the government and utilities include the following: policies, programmes and institutional • A high attrition rate of senior and experienced framework on the provision of renewables staff from institutions of higher learning to rural areas. due to the erosion of teaching and research • Analysis of existing decentralised private conditions; sector energy production and distribution • Inadequate remuneration for the academic activities in rural areas. and supporting staff; • Comparative analysis of renewables and • Lack of funds for research, conference rural energy use in rural areas. attendance and institutional attachment; • Analysis of components for promoting the • Inadequacy in the provision of external production and deployment of renewables examiners and opportunities within these and rural energy by private entrepreneurs. institutions for staff exchanges; and • Gender sensitivity of government and • Scarcity of funds for the purchase of utilities’ policies and programmes on the textbooks, journals and equipment. provision of renewables and rural energy for domestic use and for income generating AFREPREN’s training and capacity building activities. program is designed to assist capacity building • Gender analysis of energy practices in rural in the region and to address the above short- households and energy use in rural income falls by building on the substantial expertise generating activities. and information that AFREPREN has developed • Impact of the gender derived and gender over the last 10 years. AFREPREN has built driven power relations at the household and substantial expertise in energy policy analysis as community levels in the use of modern energy. well as published a large body of literature on African energy issues. It has published 11 major Based on the above research work, AFREPREN books and over 200 Working Papers on the has over the years published a wide range of African energy sector as well as a diskette set journal articles, research reports, working and CD-ROM on African energy issues. papers, occasional papers and major publications AFREPREN has also established a substantial on renewables. These publications are distributed library of over 20,000 documents, books and widely to energy sector stakeholders in Africa, journal articles covering various energy issues. as well as other parts of the world. The objective It also has access to a wide range of diskettes, of these publications is to inform decision CD-ROMs, audiotapes and videos on energy makers in policy making. Some of the key issues. With links to over 100 African energy publications on renewables published by experts and numerous international energy AFREPREN are provided in Annex 1. agencies and experts, AFREPREN is well placed 92 to assist in training and strengthening up Stephen Karekezi/Waeni Kithyoma • Sustainable Energy and Poverty Alleviation – AFREPREN’s Contribu- Science Forum 2004 coming African energy professionals in energy Figure 1 policy analysis skills. East and Horn of Africa: Ethiopia, AFREPREN runs the following key training and Kenya, Uganda and capacity building programmes: Tanzania

Masters Program: • Support for MSc or MA research studies on energy policy • Support for MSc or MA in energy policy subjects

In future, AFREPREN plans to launch a joint AFREPREN/Universities MSc/MA training programme in Africa.

To date, a total of 15 scholarships have been offered to candidates from Eastern and Southern Africa. Contribution to the Regional Short Term Training Courses: International Conference on • Short-Courses for energy policy makers • Research Techniques and Methodology Renewable Energies Workshops • IT Workshops AFREPREN, with support from Sida/SAREC and the Heinrich Böll Foundation, organised a side A total of six courses have been undertaken in event titled: ‘What are the Benefits of Renewables the 1999–2004 research phase, and about in Africa?’ This side event, the only one with a 80 African energy researchers and stakeholders dedicated focus on Africa, was organised to have participate in these courses. present the findings of the study on Renewables in East and Horn of Africa, which is coordinated Regional/National Policy Seminars: by AFREPREN with funding from the Heinrich Regional and national events organised by the Böll Foundation office for East and Horn of AFREPREN Secretariat and the national focal Africa. Approximately 50 –80 people attended points in AFREPREN member countries. The main the side event, drawn from different geographical objective is to disseminate research findings regions and institutional affiliations. The bulk of to national policy makers and researchers. In the participants, were, however, Africans. 1999–2004 research phase, over 25 national and regional policy seminars have been organised The study was launched by AFREPREN and HBF in AFREPREN member countries. (Regional Office for East and Horn of Africa) and its main objectives were: The training and capacity building programmes • To examine the viability of 10% renewables mentioned above cover a wide range of energy target proposed at the Johannesburg WSSD subjects including renewable energy. The next Summit in selected African Countries section describes AFREPREN’s renewable energy • To assess the benefits and drawbacks of the programmes and contribution to the international 10 % renewables target in Eastern Africa conference on renewables held in Bonn, June 1–4, 2004. The study was undertaken in four countries: Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania and Ethiopia (Fig.1). In parallel to the country studies, a regional study was also prepared. The study also included national level consultations in the four countries, 93 Stephen Karekezi/Waeni Kithyoma • Sustainable Energy and Poverty Alleviation – AFREPREN’s Contribution Science Forum 2004

AFREPREN’s Renewable as well as regional consensus building and Annex 1: AFREPREN’s Renewable Energy Title Series: brainstorming on the regions’ priorities for Energy Title Series renewables. Renewables and Energy for Rural One of the key outcomes of the study was the Development in sub-Saharan Africa dissemination of information on renewables to Edited by Maxwell Mapako and Abel Mbewe policy makers in the four East and Horn of (2004) African countries participating in the study. In addition, renewable energy technologies that Energy supply is a key factor in economic and have a direct impact on poverty alleviation were social development, but too little attention has also highlighted, and are beginning to receive been given to the needs of rural households, attention from policy makers in the region. farmers and small businesses. Rural households in sub-Saharan Africa still derive most of their Contribution to the International Action Plan energy from biomass sources. Lack of modern – Renewables 2004 Conference energy supplies in rural areas constrains efforts AFREPREN in conjunction with the Heinrich Böll to alleviate poverty and improve living standards. Foundation, Regional Office for East and Horn Renewables and Energy for Rural Development of Africa, submitted a commitment, which was in sub-Saharan Africa addresses this situation. included in the International Action Plan. The International Action Plan was one of the major The original research contained in this volume outcomes of the Renewables 2004 conference, identifies the options for the provision of and is a compilation of voluntary actions from modern and improved energy services based on governments, international bodies, NGOs, renewables to low-income rural areas, with national and regional institutions. special emphasis on the productive uses of energy. In the five countries represented – The Action plan submitted by AFREPREN and Botswana, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Zambia and HBF has a strong focus on the dissemination of Zimbabwe – the volume focuses on whether a small and medium scale renewables, which can decentralized approach to energy delivery is alleviate poverty. The objective of the action better than more centralized provision, the role is to develop a prioritized listing of small and of income-generating activities in attracting medium scale renewables and cleaner energy modern energy services to rural areas, and the options suitable for poverty alleviation in Africa barriers as well as opportunities that exist in that can be implemented in the region. the promotion of renewable energy technologies in the rural areas of sub-saharan Africa. A growing number of experts within the AFREPREN This latest volume is a further contribution to Network believe that these technologies would addressing the practical energy needs of have the greatest impact on alleviating poverty sub-Saharan Africa. and enhancing economic development in sub-Saharan Africa. AFREPREN will continue to promote these technologies, and undertake Renewable Energy Technologies in Africa research studies and assessments, which can be Stephen Karekezi and Timothy Ranja (1997) used to lobby policy makers and other stake- holders. The energy sector is widely acclaimed as the heart and lungs of any programme for economic Other Contributions development. At the same time, energy at AFREPREN participated in the conference plenary household level and in the rural areas is essential sessions, namely: for everyday life. Renewable energy technologies (i) Multi-stakeholder Dialogue can play a major role in both respects. This (ii) preparation of a summary for one of the book sums up across the whole of Eastern conference ministerial sessions (including the Horn) and Southern Africa (iii) participation in the Science Forum. (including South Africa itself) what is now 94 Stephen Karekezi/Waeni Kithyoma • Sustainable Energy and Poverty Alleviation – AFREPREN’s Contribution Science Forum 2004 known about the innovation and deployment and Rural Development. With an introductory of renewable energy technologies in the region. essay by the Swedish-based energy policy analyst Dr. M.R. Bhagavan and the Kenya Based Successive chapters deal with bio-energy, solar Facilitator of the African Energy Policy Research and wind energy and small hydro technologies. Network (AFREPREN) Stephen Karekezi, the The authors examine the African energy sector‘s volume comprises national and regional studies overall geo-political and socio-economic setting examining the technological, economic, political, as well as specific non-technological factors that social issues concerned with energy for rural impinge on renewable energy development, development, raising questions on productivity, namely: financing, institutional structures for income, institutions, local participation, energy management, human resource develop- information and assessment of resources and ment, equity and access, and environmental technologies. The studies relate to the rural considerations. The book, which concludes with situations in sub-Saharan Africa, North Africa, a special section on policy recommendation, North Africa and the Middle East, South and provides an essential text for training a new East Asia, Central America and the Caribbean generation of African energy specialists. Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union. Each Energy Options study is written either by local energy specialists for Africa and academics or by experts associated with Energy Options for Africa: Environmentally the United Nations and its Agencies. Sustainable Alternatives. Edited by S. Karekezi and Gordon Mackenzie. (1993). Annex 2: AFREPREN Journal’s As African economies seek to recover from what Articles on Renewables, is commonly now described as the ‘lost’ decade of the 1980s, energy policy has become a Rural Energy And Poverty crucial component in the region’s industrial, transport and environment strategies, and in [1] “Domestic Use Versus Income Generating meeting household fuel needs. Activities in Delivering Modern Energy to This volume is a guide to policy makers and Rural Botswana.” Joseph Mbaiwa and development agencies for determining environ- Oganne D. Gontse in Journal of Energy, Energy for Rural mentally sound energy options and priorities Published by JESA. February 2004. Development for the region. The contributors – leading energy and environment specialists from Botswana, [2] “Electricity from Bagasse in Zimbabwe”. Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Charles Mbohwa and Shuichi Fukuda. In Leone, Sudan and Uganda – identify the key Biomass and Bioenergy Journal, Vol. 25, requisites for such development: innovative No. 2 Published by Elsevier Science Limited, policy instruments and institutions, and incor- Oxford, United Kingdom, December 2002. poration of environmental costing; mobilization of both local and external financial resources; [3] “Bagasse Energy Cogeneration Potential in management training and technology the Zimbabwean Sugar Industry”. acquisition; energy efficiency; increased supply Charles Mbohwa. In Renewable Energy, of environmentally benign modern fuels and Vol. 28 Published by Elsevier Science Limited, energy technologies. Oxford, United Kingdom, 2002.

Energy for Rural Development. [4] “Bagasse Energy Cogeneration in Zimbabwe: Edited and Introduced by M.R. Bhagavan and The Technology, Possible Improvements S. Karekezi. (1992). and Setting the Right Environment.” Charles Mbohwa and Shuichi Fukuda. In This book contains essays presented at a United The Proceedings of the Zimbabwe Institution Nations Meeting of Experts on the Role of New of Engineers. Published by the Zimbabwe Institution of Engineers, 2002. 95 Stephen Karekezi/Waeni Kithyoma • Sustainable Energy and Poverty Alleviation – AFREPREN’s Contribution Science Forum 2004

[5] “Gender Compliance with Technological [13]“Renewables in Africa – Meeting the Energy Innovation for the Improved Charcoal Stove Needs of the Poor”. Stephen Karekezi. In in Uganda”. Joan Kyokutamba. Energy Policy, Volume 30, Nos. 11-12. In Renewable Energy, Published by Published by Elsevier Science Limited, Elsevier Science Limited, Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom, 2002. United Kingdom, 2002. [14] “Renewable Energy Strategies for Rural [7] “An Assessment of Policies and Programmes Africa: Is a PV-Led Renewable Energy Strategy Designed for the Production and Distribution the Right Approach for Providing Modern of Modern Renewable Energy to Rural Areas Energy to the Rural Poor of Sub-Saharan in Botswana”. Joseph E. Mbaiwa. Africa?” Stephen Karekezi and Waeni In Renewable Energy, Published by Kithyoma. In Energy Policy, Volume 30, Elsevier Science Limited, Oxford, Nos. 11-12. Published by Elsevier Science United Kingdom, 2002. Limited, Oxford, United Kingdom, 2002.

[8] “Energy, Gender and Poverty Issues and their [15]“Disseminating Windpumps in Rural Kenya – Linkages with Energy Policy and Planning”. Meeting Rural Water Needs using Locally Abel Mbewe. In Renewable Energy, Published Manufactured Windpumps”. Mike Harries. by Elsevier Science Limited, Oxford, In Energy Policy, Volume 30, Nos. 11-12. United Kingdom, 2002. Published by Elsevier Science Limited, Oxford, United Kingdom, 2002. [9] “Rural Energy Access: Promoting Solar Home Systems in Rural Areas in Zambia – A Case [16] “Renewable Energy for Rural Development Study”. Oscar Kalumiana. In Renewable in Ethiopia: The Case for New Energy Energy, Published by Elsevier Science Policies and Institutional Reform”. Limited, Oxford, United Kingdom, 2002. W. Wolde-Ghiorgis. In Energy Policy, Volume 30, Nos. 11-12. Published by [9] “The Potentials of Wind Energy Applications Elsevier Science Limited, Oxford, in Eritrea”. Semere Habtetsion. In Renewable United Kingdom, 2002. Energy, Published by Elsevier Science Limited, Oxford, United Kingdom, 2002. [17] “The Energy Sector in Eritrea – Institutional and Polity Options for Improving Rural [10] “The Case for De-Emphasizing PV in Energy Services”. Semere Habtetsion and Renewable Energy Strategies for Rural Zemenfes Tsighe. In Energy Policy, Africa”. Stephen Karekezi. In Renewable Volume 30, Nos. 11-12. Published by Energy, Published by Elsevier Science Elsevier Science Limited, Oxford, Limited, Oxford, United Kingdom, 2002. United Kingdom, 2002.

[11] “Renewable Energy Options for a [18]“The Impact of Large Renewable Energy Developing Country: The Case of Ethiopia”. Development on the Poor: Environmental W. Wolde-Ghiorgis. In Renewable Energy, and Socio-Economic Impact of a Geothermal Published by Elsevier Science Limited, Power Plant on a Poor Rural Community in Oxford, United Kingdom, 2002. Kenya”. Nicholas Mariita. In Energy Policy, Volume 30, Nos. 11-12. Published by [12] “Poverty and Energy in Africa – A Brief Elsevier Science Limited, Oxford, Review”. Stephen Karekezi. In Energy Policy, United Kingdom, 2002. Volume 30, Nos. 11-12. Published by Elsevier Science Limited, Oxford, United Kingdom, 2002.

96 Stephen Karekezi/Waeni Kithyoma • Sustainable Energy and Poverty Alleviation – AFREPREN’s Contribution Science Forum 2004

[19] “Promoting Equity in Large-Scale Renewable No. 4 Energy for Rural Development in Energy Development: The Case of Mauritius”. Zimbabwe – Proceedings of a National Kassiap Deepchand. In Energy Policy, Volume Policy Seminar 30, Nos. 11-12. Published by Elsevier Science M. Mapako (ed) Limited, Oxford, United Kingdom, 2002.

[20]“Commercial Scale Cogeneration of Bagasse No. 6 Energy for Rural Development in Energy in Mauritius”. Kassiap Deepchand. In Zambia – Proceedings of a National Energy for Sustainable Development, Vol. V, Policy Seminar No. 1. Published by International Energy L. Chandi, A. Mbewe & C. Mulenga (eds) Initiative Inc., Bangalore, India, March 2001. No. 9 Energy for Rural Development in Eritrea – [21]“PV for Rural Areas - The Power Utility Proceedings of a National Policy Seminar (ZESA) Zimbabwe’s Experience”. S. Habtetsion and Z. Tsighe (eds) Ikhupuleng Dube. In Renewable Energy, 2001. Published by Elsevier Science Limited, No. 10 Renewable Energy Technologies in Africa Oxford, United Kingdom, 2001. – An Energy Training Course Handbook S. Karekezi, W. Kithyoma & [22]“Disseminating Renewable Energy L. Majoro (eds) Technologies in Sub-Saharan Africa”. Stephen Karekezi. In Annual Review of No. 11 Energy for Rural Development in Energy and the Environment, Volume 19, Ethiopia – Proceedings of a National Palo Alto, California, 1994. Policy Seminar M. Teferra (ed) [23]“Smoke in the Kitchen”. Stephen Karekezi and Patience Turyareeba. In Boiling Point No. 12 The Socio-Economic and Environmental No. 34, September 1994. Impact of Geothermal Energy on the Rural Poor in Kenya [24]“The KCJ - From Artisan to Factory”. N. Mariita Stephen Karekezi and Dominic Walubengo. In Boiling Point No.31, August 1993. No. 19 Cogeneration in Zimbabwe – A Utility Perspective B. Batidzirai

Annex 3: AFREPREN’s Occasional No. 21 Opportunities for Cogeneration in Papers on Renewables: a Reforming African Power Sector Kassiap Deepchand (ed) No. 1 AFREPREN Regional Policy Seminar on Renewables – Focus: Cogeneration No. 22 Renewables and Rural Energy S. Karekezi, J. Kimani and J. Wangeci (eds) Development in Botswana: Proceedings of a National Energy Policy Seminar No. 2 Bagasse-Based Cogeneration in J. Mbaiwa (ed) Mauritius – A Model for Eastern and Southern Africa No. 24 The Potential Contribution of Kassiap Deepchand Renewables in Ethiopia’s Energy Sector: An Analysis of Geothermal and No. 3 Energy for Rural Development in Cogeneration Technologies Botswana – Proceedings of a National Prof. W. Wolde-Ghiorgis Policy Seminar B. Mogotsi & S. Bok (eds) Copies of the Occasional Papers and abstracts of the journal articles can be downloaded from the AFREPREN Website (www.afrepren.org). 97 Stephen Karekezi/Waeni Kithyoma • Sustainable Energy and Poverty Alleviation – AFREPREN’s Contribution Science Forum 2004

For a printed version of any of the publications, please contact the AFREPREN Secretariat at:

AFREPREN/FWD House, Elgeyo Marakwet Road P.O. Box 30979, 00100 GPO Nairobi, Kenya Phone: + 254-20-566032, 571467, 573714, 560403 Fax: +254-20-561464, 566231, 3740524 Email : [email protected] Website : www.afrepren.org

98 W. E. Alnaser/F. Trieb/G. Knies • Possible Cooperation between Arab and European Countries Science Forum 2004 Possible Cooperation between Arab and European Countries in Energy, Water and Environmental Issues

Abstract (compared to the base year), U.K. – 12.5%, Waheeb Essa Alnaser The Arab countries, in general, lack energy and Italy – 6.5%, France 0%, Russia – 6%, University of Bahrain water. The average annual rain level in Arab USA – 7%, Japan – 6% [4]. Moreover, accord- [email protected] countries is from 5 to 45 mm while in European ing to Swiss Re [4], in its report on Natural countries it ranges from 200 to 400 mm. The catastrophes and man-made disasters in 2003, total internal water reserve is only 100 km3 for nearly 36 natural accidents have occurred in Franz Trieb Arab countries, while in Europe it may exceed Europe with 424 victims wasting US$ 2173 mil- DLR – German 3 400 km ; bearing in mind that the world inter- lion (11.8% share) while in middle east Asia Aerospace Centre 3 nal water reserve is 43764 km . Nearly more 178 accidents have occurred with 51894 victims [email protected] than 50% of the Arab countries have water costing US$ 1447 million (7.8% share). availability per capita less than the absolute water scarcity level (200 m3/capita/year) while Therefore, cooperation for a mutual benefit Gerhard Knies the rest, except Iraq, are in water scarcity between Arab and European countries in the Climate Protection 3 threshold level (1000m /capita/year) [1]. field of energy production using the abundant Funds Hamburg In Europe, the per capita water resource is as solar radiation is favorable. (Germany) 3 high as 85478m /year (Norway). In fact gerhard-knies@ among the countries with least water resources Clean and sustainable energy could be exported trec-eumena.org [2] we have 13 Arab countries (Kuwait, UAE, to Europe in a form of High Voltage Potential, Qatar, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Bahrain, produced in Arab countries using solar thermal Yemen, Oman, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt, Morocco or photovoltaic technology. A part of the and Palestine) where the per capita water produced energy from renewable sources can resource is ranging from 10 m3 /year (Kuwait) be used for water desalination in Arab countries. to 971 m3 year (Egypt). For 65% of water resources are politically in debate with non Arab countries – which may On the other hand, the electricity consumption ignite Water Wars. per capita in West Europe per year has never been less than 4000 kWh in 1999 while it is as The Arab countries are characterized and blessed low as 46 kWh in Sudan. In the majority of with abundant direct solar radiation, i.e., the Arab countries, except Arabian Gulf countries ranging from 4.1 kwh/m2/day, Mosul, Iraq to (GCC), each person consumes annually only 6.7kwh/m2/day, Nouakchott, Mauritania [5,6]. 1200 kWh electricity (on average)! Probably Even more, the maximum recorded annual more than one million of Arab citizens (out of mean sunshine duration ranges from 7.5 hrs, ~300 million) have no access to electricity [2]. Tunis, to 10.7 hrs, Egypt. These figures are larger by, at least, 3 times compared to Euro- Furthermore, the European OECD countries are pean Countries [5]. emitting 3800 Mt of CO2, which is 15.2% of the global emissions (25000 Mt). In 2001, the The temporal behavior of electricity demand share of global CO2 emissions from Middle in Arab and European countries is found to East is only 4.8% – compared to North America complement each other. Therefore, this vision (27.7%), East Europe (12.6%), West Europe of cooperation, will enhance the renewable (15.6%), Africa (8.8%), central and South energy utilization worldwide and it will increase America (4.1%), Far East and Oceania (31.5%). to be more than the current level, i. e.,13.8% According to latest reports, Germany has from the total primary energy supply, where managed to reduce emissions of CO2 by – 20% 2.3% come from hydro, 11.0% from com- 99 W. E. Alnaser/F. Trieb/G. Knies • Possible Cooperation between Arab and European Countries Science Forum 2004

bustible renewable and waste, and only 0.5% are covered by solar (0.039%), wind (0.026%), tide (0.004%), and geothermal (0.440%) sources. The solar power market is already growing, in year 2000 by 1000MW, for instance, and is expected to be 14000 MW by 2010 and up to 70000 MW in year 2020 [3]. This, of course, will minimize the cost per watt per each renewable energy source, especially solar thermal and photovoltaic ones.


[1] ESCWA, Review of Sustainable Develop- ment and Productivities, issue no.1, United Nation, New York, 2003.

[2] Human Development Report, UNDP, New York, 2002.

[3] The World Almanac, World Almanac Books, New York, 2004.

[4] Global Emission Newsletter, Vol.III, No.4, April 2004.

[5] W. E. Alnaser, et al, First Solar Radiation Atlas for the Arab World, Renewable Energy Vol. 29, 1085-1107, 2004.

[6] ESCWA, Energy Options for Water Desalination in Selected ESCWA members countries, United Nation, New York, 2001.

100 Uwe Rehling/Henning Karcher/Merina Pradhan • Capacity Building in Developing Countries Science Forum 2004 Capacity Building in Developing Countries – Bringing Renewable Energy to the People

General “tool” in this process is the use of sustainable Uwe Rehling “More than half the world’s population lives in energy systems which represent an essential SESAM Sustainable Energy rural areas, nearly 90% of them – some precondition for social and economic develop- Systems and Management, 2.8 billion – in the developing countries. The ment of a country – together with the changing University of Flensburg vast majority of these people is dependent of attitudes, community mobilisation and (Germany) on the traditional fuels of wood, dung and crop transfer of knowledge. [email protected] residue, often using primitive and inefficient technologies. For many, this combination barely “Among the key lessons learned in the provision allows fulfilment of the basic human needs of of modern energy services in the developing Henning Karcher nutrition, warmth and light, let alone the world (particularly in rural areas) is that the Resident Representative possibility of harnessing energy for productive services must give rise to greater productivity U.N.D.P. (Nepal) uses which might begin to permit escape from if they are to be sustainable. The facilitation [email protected] the cycle of poverty” (World Energy Council of new productive activities is what creates 1999, p.7). sustainable livelihoods for poor people and makes the energy projects financially viable. Merina Pradhan The international postgraduate study “SESAM- Productive services include a wide range of Rural Energy Development Sustainable Energy Systems and Management” activities such agro-processing, transport Programme (REDP), at Flensburg University in Germany with nearly provision, battery charging, and small-scale U.N.D.P., SESAM 20 years of international experience is offering manufacturing. Very often, particularly in [email protected] a MSc course for participants from developing dry areas, power is needed for water pumping countries to tackle the global challenge of using to supporting agriculture. Various options, renewable energy systems. The course is partially ranging from manual and animal power to carried out in Germany and partially with part- photo-voltaics or wind pumps should be ners overseas, like United Nations Development considered against the dual criteria of sustain- Programme (UNDP) in Nepal, and has produced ability and affordability” (Khennas 2002, p.10). graduates in more than 50 countries worldwide Figure1 and numerous international co-operations in Indeed – energy and development are closely HDI and Commercial Africa, Asia and Latin America. related and energy was a prerequisite two Energy Consumption

1,0 Energy and Development 0,9 0,8

Although energy is still not considered as a 0,7 basic human need it is required for meeting all 0,6 of the basic needs such as food and health, 0,5 and in this context also agriculture, education, HDI information, and other infrastructure services 0,4 0,3 and shows clear correlation with the Human HDI and Commercial Energy Consumption Development Index HDI. 0,2 (edited: Rehling/2004) 0,1

In order to tackle the core problems of environ- 0,0 mental degradation, diminishing natural 0 5000 10.000 15.000 20.000 resources and increasing poverty an important Energy (koe per capita) 101 Uwe Rehling/Henning Karcher/Merina Pradhan • Capacity Building in Developing Countries Science Forum 2004

Figure 2 every day. Six years later in 1997 failures of the Micro hydro station system were visible which seemed to be technology based: • No frequency control equipment was installed on the existing system. • Wooden poles were rotten and aluminium conductors were undersized, resulting in low voltage. • Quality of the power was so low that the system lost paying customers and income revenue. • Revenues from the sale of power were used to pay for projects unrelated to the operation centuries back for the breakthrough in economy and maintenance of the turbine system. Thus and productivity in the nowadays industrialised no funds were available when maintenance countries. This interrelation of energy and or repairs were required. development might be the base for the view • The operators were insufficiently trained that “Energy has many links with sustainable to do anything more than start up and shut development, notably through productivity, down the plant. income growth, environment, health, education, gender issues, macroeconomic stability, and So the technical part of project was redesigned governance” (Interview with Jamal Saghir, with new micro hydro station plus installation World Bank, in: Morales/Johnson 2002, p.3). of a diesel generator, reconstruction of the electricity distribution system, and establishment But how to make best use of that interdepen- of a battery charging system (Fig.2). The total dancy of energy and development? What is the budget for the project was 85,600 USD. role of human resources? Learning lessons of various countries, organisations and projects Running the system after re-opening for another can help to understand the mechanism…. 3 years the villagers were asked again whether positive changes had come from the project (in the graph dark colour means “no positive changes”): A typical Example: Renewable Energy for Rural Electrification The graph (Fig.3) shows that improvement in (SESAM 2002) income and employment as the main require- ments and expectations were not fulfilled and The Government in an Asian country commis- so again the project came under financial crisis: sioned a project in a village in 1991 and after about 50% of the customers did not pay or installation it was handed over to the local could not pay because the income and employ- Agriculture Collective to manage and operate ment situation had not increased. it. The unit operated from 6 pm to 10 pm

Figure 3 100 Fulfillmet of require- ments and expectations 80 60

= degree of 40 fulfillment 20 0 Health Education Entertainment Income Employment Facility of House of work 102 House Uwe Rehling/Henning Karcher/Merina Pradhan • Capacity Building in Developing Countries Science Forum 2004

Conclusion: latest renewable energy technology and end-use options, very few of know about was provided but the planners had no idea of the potential of new technologies and modern the non-technical aspects and the target group fuels, making it difficult for them to contribute (villagers) did not participate in decisions, meaningfully to much of the planning process.” human resources were not trained or developed, (World Energy Council 1999, p.101) economic situation did not improve: this kind of renewable energy project is not sustainable. Therefore the international MSc-course “SESAM- In more than 100 similar case studies of SESAM Sustainable Energy Systems and Management” SESAM– Building in Africa, Asia and Latin America this kind of aims to prepare participants to work in leading Bridges between experience is (unfortunately) quite typical. positions in national and international organi- North and South sations as well as in businesses in order to promote sustainable development strategies and to implement energy concepts in the Human Resources for context of sustainable development. Of great Renewable Energies: importance in this context are key qualifications: • ability to view problems/solutions in their To analyse, understand and solve the complexity entirety, i.e. a holistic approach of problems it is no longer suitable to just have • creativity and openness to innovation a “tunnel” view which means just narrowing • inter-disciplinarily approach the view on aspects you like to see and not • problem-solving ability being capable to understand interdependancies • social competencies and the ability to with related aspects. Typical for tunnel views operate in teams. are technical solutions for development problems and under this category also falls “renewable Besides interdisciplinary study phases on tech- energy for development”. nology and management with emphasis on renewable energy, project management and Project evaluations and research studies clearly development strategies, environment and prove that the failures in implementation of economy and socio-cultural aspects (10 months energy technologies are mainly found in in Germany) participants will take part in a five non-technical reasons and very often related months international study programme: two to lack of awareness and lack of capable months with all participants as a group in an human resources: “In general, economic and “International Classroom” and three months information/awareness barriers were the most as individuals in field research. The international important obstacles across the countries and phase is in collaboration with partners like United RETs (renewable energy technologies, author). Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in This points to the low level of awareness and Nepal with its “Rural Energy Development information on RETs among the potential users. Programme REDP”. The partnership is to Therefore, better ways to raise awareness are provide opportunity to apply the theoretical required… Small size of market, unfavourable knowledge and skills in practical projects. policies, and subsidy to competing conventional fuels were other reasons that affected the economics of RETs further.” (Painuly J.P./ Fenhann, J.V., 2002, p.37) Experiences of the International Classroom “A further factor that constrains the effectiveness with UNDP Nepal: of decentralised planning is the lack of sufficiently skilled people to carry it out. While collecting Every year the SESAM group went to Nepal to data … it is necessary, in addition, to introduce evaluate rural energy projects and to learn the higher level training of planners.” … “A further phases of project implementation. Vice versa important lack of information is the one felt by staff members of REDP/UNDP participated in rural people themselves. Although they know project orientated seminars in Nepal during the a great deal about traditional energy supplies Interational Classroom and staff members were 103 Uwe Rehling/Henning Karcher/Merina Pradhan • Capacity Building in Developing Countries Science Forum 2004

also taken for full SESAM MSc study course and • promotion of efficient end-use technologies, within their own field research also evaluated including non-farm actitivies technical, economical and socio-cultural changes, • improved quality of life, especially for benefits and failures. women and children • rural capacity building and The Rural Energy Development Programme • restoration of the natural environment. (REDP) is a joint programme of UNDP/World Bank and His Majesty’s Government of Nepal Capacity building is a focus for REDP and which adopts a holistic approach for sustainable SESAM: staff of both the institutions are in rural development, to enhance rural livelihoods a continous learning process with different and to preserve environment through the professional, technical and socio-economic promotion of renewable energy systems (micro experiences on one hand based on academic hydro, solar home systems, biogas, improved background, and on the other hand based cooking stoves etc.) where possibilities of on practical programme experience. Linking commercial energy supply do not exist. these two elements offers the chance for Specifically, the programme aims to have synergy-effects: academic training and education Figure 6 impact in the areas of with application to programme identification, Energy Wheel implementation and evaluation gives benefit to Source: REDP 2002 the international SESAM participants and the REDP staff likewise.

ENHANCED LIVELIHOOD Especially the implementation of projects through community mobilization, bottom-up participatory planning and decentralized decision-making in energy development as well as producing human resources in renewable energy on national level down to grass-root level for nearly 1500 village technicians, about 4350 income generating and micro-enterprises, Conservatio awareness and orientation on rural energy urce n eso technologies for about 6000 people in the R and Utilization Powerloom districts in Nepal and has successfully established

Sawmill E more than 125 community owned micro-hydro Icecream m p Iceblock Ropeway schemes, about 3500 biogas plants and 1700 & lo y Nepali m solar home systems (REDP 2003). Paper e g Industry S TRAN River n n SE S i RI PO t v RP RT Crossing a Stone E A S Crushing T T Main experience of the common learning process I r N O E o N of SESAM and REDP/UNDP is: b a Huller L Lighting RES • Renewable energy as a tool for social changes,


R for creating awareness and changing the role


L Micro Hydro


A Grinder


i of gender is an encouraging perspective for

G E n


Cooking H


Biogas/Biomass c





S rural development.


Solar/Wind m



Oil e • Human Resource Development is an

H Expeller




Heating e N t




D indispensable component of a country’s T U C

n n

Chiura e e


A Making I G R

a development process: this is a must for m

t y


o o

l TV/Radio

n national project and development planning

p Recreation

m E and it is essential for the capacity of local Lift

Irrigation Fertillizer groups (community members, locally elected



v bodies, NGOs, private sectors) to manage




n n


o i t e

n c t e t P o r and operate rural energy projects in a sustainable manner. 104 Uwe Rehling/Henning Karcher/Merina Pradhan • Capacity Building in Developing Countries Science Forum 2004

Figure 7 (left) Practical Training for Rural Technicians (REDP 2000)

Figure 8 (right) Awareness on rural energy in villages (REDP 2000)

• Basic energy services alone do not bring References positive changes in the society: for sustain- ability people’s participation is a must. Khennas, Smail (2002): Energy Services and Bringing people or mobilizing them (both Sustainable Development: a Multi-level Approach men and women) into the mainstream of in: Newsletter - Renewable Energy for Develop- development process is essential before any ment, SEI Stockholm Environmental Institute, kind of technology intervention 2002 Vol. 15, No. 1/2 • Never promote energy projects in isolation: in rural and generally poor communities, Morales, Maria M./Johnson, Francis X. 2002. the design must be essentially aiming at Energy for Sustainable Development: The Road integrated development. from Stockholm to Johannesburg, • Renewable energy projects are not auto in: Newsletter - Renewable Energy for Develop- matically sustainable: economic aspects ment, SEI Stockholm Environmental Institute, with generating additional income is the 2002 Vol. 15, No. 1/2 ) most challenging task. Income generating activities through locally produced goods Painuly J. P./Fenhann, J.V., 2002. Implementation and services also depend on access to markets, of Renewable Energy Technologies – number of potential customers (difficult in Opportunities and Barriers, UNEP Collaborating remote areas), diversification of products, Centre on Energy and Environment – and purchasing power in the villages. Risoe National Laboratory, Denmark

And last not least: • Combining university’s academic education Painuly J. P./Fenhann, J.V., 2002. Implementation of SESAM with project implementation of of Renewable Energy Technologies – UNDP/REDP as International Classroom has Opportunities and Barriers, UNEP Collaborating contributed in a significant way to the Centre on Energy and Environment – competency of the participants in both the Risoe National Laboratory/Denmark institutions preparing them for leading positions in international projects. REDP (1998), Community – Managed Rural • Since a number of years SESAM also uses Energy Development, Strategic and Operational internetbased course facilities to give more Framework, REDP, Kathmandu, Nepal people the opportunity to participate in this global learning in the coming years. REDP (2000), URJA: Energy for Development, A Publication of Rural Energy Development Programme, Vol.12, REDP, Kathmandu, Nepal

REDP (2002), Annual Report, REDP, Kathmandu, Nepal. 105 Uwe Rehling/Henning Karcher/Merina Pradhan • Capacity Building in Developing Countries Science Forum 2004

REDP (2003), Progress Report, REDP, Kathmandu, Nepal (unpublished)

SESAM 2002 – Pradhanang, Yugesh. Sustain- ability of a Decentralised Rural Energy System in Vietnam, – The Experience of Microhydro-Diesel System in Na Bo Village, International Institute of Management, SESAM/University of Flens- burg, Germany

World Energy Council (1999), The Challenge of Rural Energy Poverty in Developing Countries, London

106 Alfredo Curbelo Alonso • UNESCO’s Global Renewable Energy Education and Training Program Science Forum 2004 UNESCO’s Global Renewable Energy Education and Training Program in a Latin American View

Introduction (WSSD) Plan of Implementation adopted in Alfredo Curbelo Alonso The Global Renewable Energy Education and Johannesburg. In particular request to: Director GEPROP (Cuba)

Training Program (GREET) is implemented by [email protected] UNESCO in the scope of the World Solar With a sense of urgency, substantially Programme with the aim to contribute to increase the global share of renewable energy increase through education and training the sources with the objective of increasing its capacity at national level to accomplish a contribution to total energy supply, sustainable energy development path. recognizing the role of national and voluntary regional targets as well as The Latin America and Caribbean Region (LAC) initiatives, where they exist, and ensuring are characterized by ample differences among that energy policies are supportive to countries in the region in relation with the energy developing countries’ efforts to eradicate situation, the social economic development poverty, and regularly evaluate available and sustainability and capability in the society data to review progress to this end. to advance in the process to meet the Millennium Development Goals. Latin American Authorities have actively expressed their support to the conception of Setting up of the GREET LAC Chapter would Sustainable Development and to meet the be a fundamental contribution to increase and MDGs. Demonstration of this priority approach consolidate the regional capacity to support the to the topic is the “Latin American and Renewable Energy development. For this reason, Caribbean Initiative for Sustainable Develop- it is foreseen to start a consultation process that ment”, approved by the Seventh Meeting involving the key regional actors would make of the Inter-Sessional Committee of the Forum possible the design of the most appropriate of Ministers of Latin America and the Caribbean Renewable Energy Education and Training on May 2002 in Sao Paulo, Brazil, that calls to Program for the Region. This document is a first adopt priority actions to address, among others, step and its purpose is to develop a general the sustainable generation of energy and the description about how could be foreseen this increasing participation of renewable sources. program for the region. Particular significance in this context has the Brazilian Energy Initiative that called countries during the WSSD in Johannesburg to assume the compromise to “increase the use of renew- International Commitment able energy to 10% as a share of total by 2010”. for a Sustainable Energy Development

The international community has expressed his Energy and Sustainable commitment for a sustainable development Development in Latin America approving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) during the Johannesburg World It is used to consider three main dimensions of Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD). the sustainable development: Environmental, The role of Energy for the achievement of the Social and Economic. A brief remark about the Millennium Goals is shown in Paragraph 19 of connection of energy with every one of these the World Summit on Sustainable Development dimensions in the region would be: 107 Alfredo Curbelo Alonso • UNESCO’s Global Renewable Energy Education and Training Program Science Forum 2004

Environmental: Latin America is in general as share of electricity in the total primary energy for greenhouse gas emissions in particular a that is higher than 30% (Argentina, Venezuela, low emissions region. Those emissions due to Brazil, Uruguay, Chile), another group of burning of fuels in the region, account for less countries shows figures less than 15% (Honduras, than 4% of global emissions and 7% of Nicaragua, Guatemala and Haiti). emissions in OECD countries (excluding Mexico). The energy system is relatively clean and The production of electricity using renewable emissions due to energy production, in particular, energy has in the region outstanding examples are among the lowest on the planet. However, with a share higher that 90% based mainly in the intense process of deforestation, overgrazing, the utilization of the hydropower (Paraguay, and agricultural expansion that is seen in almost Costa Rica, Brasil and Uruguay), while in Mexico, all countries in the region means carbon release, Nicaragua, Cuba and Dominican Republic) is and most importantly, a decrease in the carbon produced less than 25% of the electricity from sequestration capacity because of a decrease in renewable sources. forest coverage. The electricity consumption per capita also shows Social: In Latin America, poverty, especially a disperse distribution: A group of countries has rural poverty, continues to be one of the major a high electricity consumption per capita per problems assailing the region, with approxi- year, higher than 1,5 MWh, (Venezuela, Uruguay, mately 44% of its entire population and 64% Mexico, Argentina and Chile), but also there of the rural population, living below the poverty is another group of countries with an annual line. The rural poor are thus generally worse off consumption less than 0,5MWh (Bolivia, than those in the urban areas. No matter to the Nicaragua, Guatemala and Haiti). relative high rate of access to electricity services in the region, this fact affects significantly the The annual conventional fuel consumption affordability to theses services for greater part per capita indicator takes values higher than of the population. 0,9 tep/inhab in petroleum exporting countries like Mexico and Venezuela and in net importing Economic: In the region there is very important countries like Chile, Dominican Republic and petroleum exporting countries like Venezuela Cuba. On the other side, in countries like and Mexico, 5th and 9th exporting countries in Colombia, Peru, Bolivia and Haiti the annual the world, and other petroleum producing fuel consumption per capita is less than countries that can satisfy a significant share of 0,45 tep/inhab. the national demand of petroleum products. Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Ecuador and Particular interest has the energy use of the Trinidad Tobago are included in this group. But forestry biomass. Despite the more or less there is also an important group of countries uniform distribution of the biomass resources that heavily depend of the petroleum product in the region, it can be also observed big imports; this dependence represents a significant differences in the forestry biomass consumption. burden over their economies. Examples of The relatively higher forestry biomass countries included in this group are Guyana, consumption per capita in the region (more Nicaragua, Honduras, Haiti, and Paraguay that than 0,5tep/inhab per year) is found in consume 13.6, 8.3, 6.2, 5.7 and 4.2 tep/102 Paraguay, Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador 1995 US$ of GDP correspondingly . and Chile, while the lower consumption per capita (less than 0,2 tep/inhab) corresponds Energy situation to Venezuela, Peru, Bolivia and Argentina. Some remarks that could characterize the energy development in the region are: The significance of the total biomass (fuel wood + sugar cane bagasse) consumption in the total The share of electricity in the total primary direct fuel use has achieved different extent in energy supply varies significantly from country the region. In countries like Haiti, Paraguay, 108 to country. While there are countries with a Honduras Guatemala and El Salvador the biomass Alfredo Curbelo Alonso • UNESCO’s Global Renewable Energy Education and Training Program Science Forum 2004 consumption is determinant in the direct fuel Sustainable Energy use, consuming more than 1,3 tep of biomass Development Paradigm per tep of oil products while in Argentina, Mexico, Venezuela, Ecuador and Dominican The relevancy of the role that renewable energy Republic the direct use of biomass is very low, sources are called to play in the efforts to meet in those countries it is consumed for direct use the Millennium Development Goals could be more than 4 tep of oil product per tep of bio- briefly justified by the following reasons: mass consumed. • The Climate Change mitigation only can be In conclusion, it is clear that the pattern of achieved if the share of renewable energy energy use and renewable energy production sources in the world energy balance would and delivery has significant differences within be actually significant. the region. Even, the fact to be a country producing petroleum or to be a country where • The technological development has guided the electricity produced from renewable sources a process of price reduction for the energy is significant do not prove any regularity in the that is produced using renewable energy whole energy picture for the specific country. sources. While this trend should be even reinforced in the future, it is foreseen that Development indicators: But the challenges to the prices of the petroleum products will meet the Millennium Development Goals in the grow incessantly. These changes of pricing region also are different from country to country. will contribute to create a situation where Some of the basic indicators included in the the renewable energy should be competitive Human Development Report 2001 produced by with the conventional ones in market UNDP can be used to confirm this assertion. conditions. At that moment, the commercial The selected indicators are the GDP per capita, balance of the countries where renewable live expectancy at birth and the adult literacy. energy technologies would be introduced as bulk energy will receive a great benefit. The GDP per capita has the higher values (more than 8000 US$/inhab) in Argentina, Chile, • Poverty reduction in rural areas is closely Costa Rica, Mexico and Uruguay and the lower related to the widespread use of decentralized ones (Less than 3000 US$/inhab) in Haiti, energy systems, most of them based on Bolivia, Honduras and Nicaragua. renewable energy sources.

There are countries with a live expectancy at Actually, the current technological development birth in the rank of the developed world (more is enough to support a more intensive expansion than 75 years): Chile, Costa Rica and Cuba, but of applications of renewable energy sources in also with less than 66 years: Bolivia, Guatemala commercial or close to commercial conditions. and Haiti. The main fields of applications for renewable energy technologies could be grouped in In the case of the adult literacy, no matter that centralized power production, renewable the general figures for this indicator are positive commercial fuels and rural energy services. ones, there are significant differences among countries: a group of countries have reached The availability of renewable energy resources more than 95% of adult literacy (Argentina, is plenty in most of the countries of the Latin Chile, Costa Rica, Cuba and Uruguay) but for American and Caribbean Region. Special another group it is under 80% in this indicator significance has biomass (25% of world forestry (El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras and area and 40% of the world potential production Nicaragua). of bagasse), hydropower (20% of the world technically exploitable capability), solar and wind energy resources in the region.

109 Alfredo Curbelo Alonso • UNESCO’s Global Renewable Energy Education and Training Program Science Forum 2004

But no matter to this technological development rational sustainable use of local natural and availability of renewable energy sources, resources and the most appropriate combi- the use of these technologies is very far from nation of available energy technologies. the potential penetration that they could have in the mix of primary energy sources. This • Increase the affordability of low-income situation habitually is explained introducing population to electricity and to quality fuels. the concept of barriers that are classified as technical, economic, financial, legal and • Extensively introduce the use of biofuels institutional ones. for transport, cooking and process heat improving the energy efficiency and But a more thorough reason to explain why it is sustainability of these services using modern so difficult to introduce the renewable energy technologies with enough maturity. technologies is the fact that the energy develop- ment paradigm that currently is applied to evaluate the goals, ways to meet these goals, and performance indicators in the energy field The Global Renewable appeared in the world two centuries ago with Energy Education and the industrial revolution. The main target at that moment was to develop energy sources Training Programme to meet and technologies that could replace the low Millennium Development energy intensive renewable energy technologies Goals in Latin America that were used until that time. But this energy paradigm has led the world not only to the fast The role of capacity development “understood economic development that the developed as the process of creating, mobilizing, enhancing, world enjoys today, but also to the reality of the or upgrading, and converting skill/expertise, climate changes, to a life in poverty for a great institutions and contexts to achieve specific portion of the humanity and to the depletion of desired socio-economic outcomes, ….” is critical the petroleum reserves. to create the conditions for a sustainable energy development. In this scope, the role of education But to meet the Millennium Development Goals and training, as capacity building activities that and to facilitate to remove the barriers to a are included in any capacity development massive renewable energy deployment, it is program, is widely recognised. necessary to move from an energy development conception centred mainly in the development The Global Renewable Education and Training of national economics, to a new one centred in Programme Latin American Chapter is called a world wide sustainable development and it to become an agent to develop the capacity in is only possible if the energy development the region to transform the individuals, institu- paradigm used by the whole society is changed. tions and the overall policy framework as a force able to meet the challenges that represent to This new development energy paradigm should implement the new energy development para- recognize as its main goals among others: digm and to overcome the different barriers to • Reduce drastically GHG emissions from renewable energy technologies expansion. power producer facilities as a result of the radical increasing of renewable power The actions of the program would be directed production and the use of cleaner to relevant stakeholders involved in the frame- technologies for power production using work of a renewable energy development fossil energy sources. focused to meet the Millennium Development Goals. Among those stakeholders should be • Provide access to electricity to isolated included not only governmental officials, communities to guarantee services like health representatives from the productive, academic care, education, communication, drinking and specialized sectors, from financing and 110 water, etc. It should be done based on a planning systems and from the media, but also Alfredo Curbelo Alonso • UNESCO’s Global Renewable Energy Education and Training Program Science Forum 2004 those linked to MDGs achievement: education, They will be trained to evaluate integration of health care, sanitation, water supply and renewable energy technologies into the power environment fields. grid.

The aim of the program is to transform the They will have a better understanding about approach of those relevant stakeholders to the decentralised power systems and the use of Energy Development Paradigm and to the role hybrid solutions. of the RETs to meet the MDGs and to the actions that should be undertaken to reinforce it. Specialised sector: Company staff will be trained in the design, installation and main- Some of the expected outputs of the program tenance of RET facilities. could be formulated for some of these relevant The capacity to make the renewable energy stakeholders as: resource assessment will be developed.

Governmental officials: They will understand Finance sector: Specialists will be aware of the the predicted evolution of the conventional specific characteristics of the renewable energy energy supply, the connection between energy technologies. and climate changes and the role of renewable The capacity to develop specific instruments for energy technologies in a future sustainable financing investments in the renewable energy energy scenario. sector will be achieved. They will be aware about the decision making The skills to evaluate renewable energy project process related to energy services necessities to risks and revenue streams will be developed. meet the MDGs and will conduct analysis not only using strictly techno-economic indicators. Science and technology sector: Science and They will recognize the priority to create an technology people will have achieved a good appropriate legal and regulatory framework to understanding about the renewable energy promote the widespread use of renewable energy. equipment and technologies and will be ready They will accept the need to introduce the to adapt and to develop them to the specific question about the sustainability of the energy conditions in countries of the region. development in the national political agenda. The regional capacity will be developed to exe- Planning sector: The understanding of the cute non-technology research and development performance of RETs and its potential to be studies of issues related to public awareness, integrated in the energy systems will be economic and financial assessment, legal and improved. regulatory supportive frameworks, policies to promote RETs, etc. The capacity to use new planning tools will be developed to consider the introduction of Some of the possible actions to be implemented renewable energy sources into the planning to achieve expected outputs described before process to meet country energy demands and would be: MDGs. • Establish national training programs in vocational schools, universities and other The personnel from the sector will be aware of appropriate institutions. the need to increase the use of specific indica- • Provision of specialized courses on renewable tors for sustainability in the planning of the and a consensus with academic institutions energy development. to include a stronger coverage of renewable energy technologies in traditional academic Utility personnel: They will be updated about courses. technological development and performance of • Provide information at all levels of education RETs. (from primary schools to universities) about the potential and benefits of renewable 111 Alfredo Curbelo Alonso • UNESCO’s Global Renewable Energy Education and Training Program Science Forum 2004

energy, state of the technologies, and other relevant issues. • Development of guidelines on public Activity 2: Educational and Training capacities education and certification schemes. • Survey of training and education capacities • Creation of internationally recognized and expertise in the region; academic and vocational qualifications in • Formation of clusters of countries using the renewable energy technology design, criteria of the similarity of education and installation, and maintenance. training needs; • Dissemination activities, actions and • Design of activities to meet E&T needs; programs geared towards demonstrating • Improving of regional capacity to E&T the importance of the renewable energy activities. development at policy decision-making levels and, above all, creating the awareness Activity 3: Establishment of Partnerships for about the fact that to establish a new program implementation with sustainable development paradigm should • Ongoing regional projects that include become a priority for the whole society. activities related to E&T; • Training courses for local authorities to help • Regional and sub regional organizations them identify opportunities for renewables. (CEPAL, OLADE, CARICOM, etc.); • Establishment of regional networks of • Professional associations involved in universities and even virtual R&D institutions. renewable energy technology; • Short courses, workshops and updating • International Centres of Excellences. seminars directed to maintaining • National Energy Agencies. governmental institutions’ human resources up-to-date. Activity 4: Program Implementation • Implement courses and develop graduate programs for the technical-scientific sector. The first action to implement the activity 1 will • The promotion of academic and professional be a Meeting in Havana on December 2004 exchanges with developed countries, and with the main regional stakeholders to launch between countries within the region, the Latin American and Caribbean Chapter of including capacity of experts. The develop- the Global Renewable Energy Education and ment of joint international programs and Training Program. networks in thematic fields

Action Plan

The aim of this action plan is to design and to make operational the GREET LAC Chapter. The main activities that have been identified are:

Activity 1: Education and training needs • Diagnosis of priorities for sustainable energy development to meet MDGs and increase renewable energy share in the national energy balance; • Identification of relevant stakeholders and its functions to fulfil identified priorities; • Formulate education and training needs of relevant stakeholders to be able to perform their functions. 112 Launching the Open International Solar University (OPURE)

• The EUREC’s Master in Renewable Energies – Educating Renewable Energy Engineers

• Renewable Energy Education Network: The International Institute for Renewable Energies (IIRE)

• European Network on Education and Training in Renewable Energy Sources (EURONETRES)

• Renewable Energy Research and Education Network

113 Didier Mayer • The EUREC’s Master in Renewable Energies Science Forum 2004 The EUREC’s Master in Renewable Energies – Educating Renewable Energy Engineers

Introduction and maintenance of renewable energy systems. EUREC Agency is the initiator and the coor- Backward linkages to other sectors triggering dinating body of the graduate programme demand for technical RE expertise exist for “European Master in Renewable Energy”. consultancies, insurance companies and even A network of eight European universities, law firms performing technical due diligence. members of EUREC agency, having a leading Predicting precisely the number of people to be position in renewable energy RD&D, runs the trained is difficult. However, various projections course. The European Master in Renewable for employment in the renewable energy industry Energy is directed towards engineers that want have been made. Currently, around 85.000 jobs to specialise in one of the renewable energy have been created in Europe in the field of wind Didier Mayer technologies, such as wind, biomass, photo- energy alone. According to estimations of the Ecole des Mines de Paris, voltaics, or in one application domain of these European Renewable Energy Council3, by 2010, CENERG, EUREC Agency technologies, such as solar in buildings or there will be 184.000 full time jobs in the wind [email protected] hybrid systems. sector, 338.000 in biomass, with 424.000 additional jobs for biofuels. Small hydro and From a survey1 undertaken by EUREC Agency as geothermal power are expected to provide Katharina Krell part of an ALTENER project, a growing shortage for 15.000 and 6.000 jobs respectively, while PV EUREC Agency of suitably trained technical staff for the RE and solar thermal will employ another 30.000 [email protected] sector and a distinct demand for postgraduate and 70.000 people. This presents a total of over courses have been highlighted. The survey 1 million jobs for the RE sector by 2010, an indicated a severe lack of high level teaching impressive number that is to double for the materials, due to inertia in higher education new RE sector target of 20% by 2020! Even if institutions and the slow rate of recognition of it is only a small proportion of these employees the renewable energy’s increasingly important who require education at graduate level, it is role in the energy mix. clear that the demand for technical RE expertise is growing. Regardless the fact that the EU does not seem on track to meeting its targets2, the European renewable energy industry is today one of the fastest growing industry sectors in the EU: it A response to the demand has reached a turnover of EUR 10 billion and for specialised engineers employs some 200.000 people. The renewable energy industry, creates employment at much Renewable energies cover a wide range of higher rates than many other energy technolo- diversified technologies, and each domain gies. New research, industrial and craft jobs requires specific skills and know-how a general appear directly in R&D, production, installation engineer does not automatically get. How

1 Published in June 2000 “European Master Degree on Renewable Energy” in Proceedings EuroSun 2000 2 EU Renewable Targets for 2010: • RES-E Directive on the promotion of electricity produced from renewable energy sources (RES): 22.1% of gross electricity consumption from RES • White Paper and Action Plan on Renewable Energy Sources (1997): 12% of energy consumption from RES • Biofuels Directive on the promotion of the use of biofuels or other renewables fuels for transport (2003): 5.75% of sold gasoline and diesel 3 European Renewable Energy Council EREC: “Renewable Energy Target for Europe”, January 2004, Brussels. See www.erec-renewables.org for details 115 Didier Mayer • The EUREC’s Master in Renewable Energies Science Forum 2004

much does a biofuel expert have in common institution adding its specialised technological with a turbine developer? Even within one knowledge to the programme. technology, such as PV, experts either focus on systems or on materials. Until recently, there The core is taught by universities having a strong was no university training to be found that went record in general renewable energy technology into sufficient depth to provide its graduates teaching. They are the following : with the relevant expertise and specific training • Loughborough University, UK was left to the employer. (language: English) • Carl von Ossietzky University at Oldenburg Most of the companies that make up the RE University, Germany (language: English) industry landscape are of small and medium • Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain size. Even if there are recent tendencies for (language: Spanish) consolidation of the sector like the takeover of • Ecole des Mines de Paris at Sophia Antipolis MADE by Iberdrola or the expected merger of (Nice), France (language: French) the Danish wind turbine manufacturers Vestas The core lasts from October to December and and NEGMicon, the majority of companies do ends with a series of exams. not count as large enterprises. Given the fact that the launch of new products is a cost-intensive The specialisation providers propose a specific exercise involving heavy investment in research focus on one renewable technology or on one and development, the sector is certainly not domain of application: Five specialisations, all making large enough profits for single companies taught in English, are available: to embark on expensive training programmes • Wind energy – at the National Technical for new employees. However, new recruits, University of Athens, Greece even if they might hold an engineering degree, • Biomass – at Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain are not per se fit for a company’s daily job • Photovoltaics – at University of Northumbria requirements and typically need a minimum of at Newcastle, UK six months on-the-job training before being • Hybrid systems – at Kassel University, Germany able to contribute tangible results. • Solar in buildings – at University of Athens, Greece Driven by the fact that there is not enough Each specialisation lasts from January to April and supply in the labour market that qualifies to ends with a series of theory and practical exams. meeting the specific demand of the different RE companies, EUREC Agency set up a graduate In the coming years, it is expected that the list degree course to satisfy industry needs in human of specialisations available will grow. A speciali- resources: the European Master in Renewable sation in water power (to include micro-hydro, Energy. This full-time technical course provides wave and tidal power) would be especially its students with the state-of-the-art skills and welcome and relevant as this domain is expected expertise required for employment in the RE to grow in a near future. industry. By turning out experts in the respective RE technology, the course significantly reduces The twelve-months programme is divided in the time and financial burden of training new three parts, getting progressively more and employees for the potential employers. more practical: The “core” provides a firm comprehensive background in the key renewable energy technologies (wind, solar, biomass, water). A European Master run It concentrates on energy production and use by renewables-experienced and addresses the socio-economic context. universities Mostly theoretical courses are completed with laboratory workshops. The “specialisation” The European Master in Renewable Energy focuses on the specific technology and imple- has been designed in cooperation with eight mentation aspects of one renewable energy 116 universities in five EU countries, with each discipline of the student’s choice: Wind energy, Didier Mayer • The EUREC’s Master in Renewable Energies Science Forum 2004 biomass, photovoltaics, hybrid systems, or solar Examination and assessment results are expressed energy in the built environment. In-depth theory in grades. There are many different grading classes alternate with extensive practical work systems in Europe. The ECTS (European Credit in laboratories and testing facilities, while study Transfer System) serves as tool for mutual excursions illustrate real-life implementation. recognition of student achievements.

The balanced mix of theoretical and practical ECTS credits are a value allocated to course courses optimally prepares graduating units to describe the student workload required engineers for jobs in the growing renewable to complete them. They reflect the quantity of energy industry. An extensive 5-months com- work each course requires in relation to the pany placement for hands-on project work is total quantity of work required to complete a an integral part of the programme. It provides full year of academic study at the institution, students with valuable working experience, that is, lectures, practical work, seminars, private while allowing companies to fill their short-term work – in the laboratory, library or at home – human resources needs and to “try out” and examinations or other assessment activities. potential future employees. During this period, a tutor from the host company supervises and ECTS credits are also allocated to practical guides the student during project work, while a placements and to thesis preparation when these second supervisor from the university at which activities form part of the regular programme the student will undertake his or her specialisation of study at both the home and host institutions. helps the student with his/her project work. ECTS credits are allocated to courses and are Different to the few other existing Master-level awarded to students who successfully complete RE courses, the European RE Master plays the those courses by passing the examinations or European card: students are required to study other assessments. in at least two different European countries. This feature reflects the fact that there is at ECTS grades are quoted alongside grades present a tendency to cross national borders awarded according to the local grading system. and set up foreign representations or carry out Higher education institutions make their own project work abroad, even for small and decisions on how to apply the ECTS grading medium RE companies. Clearly, intercultural scale to their own system. awareness and foreign languages are assets that present a plus for any employer today. Conforming to the tendency towards EU-wide uniformity and comparability of university diplomas, the European Master in Renewable Energies leads to a final degree mutually Coordination and management recognised by the different countries’ universities. The labelling is the equivalent of “European To guarantee the academic quality and level MSc in Renewable Energy” in the language of the course and to delegate the academic of the core university (i.e. the University of programme management to the adequate body, Zaragoza issues a “Master Europeo en Energias a Scientific Committee exists, made up of the Renovables”). The degree is issued by the core academic responsible persons for the project at university according to its respective national the partner universities. standards. It has been decided that students only register with the core University, which This Scientific Committee has final authority then becomes responsible for awarding the over any management decision affecting the degree. This is to ensure that the degree will European Master in Renewable Energy. Regular be recognized universally as a Masters. The contact between the members of the Scientific consequence of this is that the awarding Committee guarantee a smooth communication institution must recognize the credits of the flow and successful implementation of the course. other participating Universities. 117 Didier Mayer • The EUREC’s Master in Renewable Energies Science Forum 2004

Table 1 biomass wind PV hybrid systems solar build Total 2003 – 2004 Student Zaragoza 2 2 2 2 EU 8 Overview Core / Spe- non-EU cialisation Loughborough 3 3 3 2 0 EU 11 1112 non-EU 5 Ecole des Mines 0 2 0 6 0 EU 8 non-EU Total 6 8 6 12 0 32

EU students 27% EU students: 84,38% Non-EU students 5% Non-EU students: 15,63%

Considerable co-ordination and management is laboratory work and passes a series of exams. required to organise such a course involving 12 During this period he also looks for a placement different organizations in total. EUREC Agency in the RE industry with the help of the core plays a central co-ordination role and provides director. In January, the student moves on to the the initial point of contact for students. It is specialisation university. Here, he will only focus responsible for admissions, marketing, inform- on his specialisation to get as deep an under- ing the Scientific Committee and implementing standing as possible in the four months period. its decisions. Guest lecturers add latest research findings or illustrate practical applications of the technology, Companies are encouraged to contact EUREC and the student visits installations, and experi- Agency with a project proposal they would like ments with the technology in laboratories. to have a trainee for. EUREC Agency then finds Then he starts his internship period with a trainees for them. All trainees already hold an company. Leading to a report on his project engineering or other relevant degree and have work and the preparation of a presentation followed the European Master in RE core and that he holds in September in Brussels in front specialisation by the time they enter a company; of an academic panel composed of the course they are already junior RE experts. directors. His fellow students as well as interested industry or research representatives assist at this event. He gets graded on both project report and presentation. Target students EUREC Agency is creating an network of former The course is of strictly technical nature and students to keep track of their career develop- thus only applicants with an engineering, ment, to monitor which percentage of graduates physics or relevant scientific university degree find work in the RE sector as planned, which are admitted. Beyond this, applicants must sectors are most likely to employ graduates and have a very good command of English language how long students have to look for a job upon in order to follow classes. graduation. The results of this monitoring are not available yet, as the first students have only Typically, a student applies to EUREC Agency received their final diplomas at the end of 2003. responsible for the admissions procedure. His However, half of them is already working in application is reviewed by the academic partners their discipline of specialisation, an encouraging of the core university and the specialisation sign (see Table 1). university the student has chosen. The core university then registers the student for the whole course. Classes start in October for the core where the student learns about the different 118 RET’s in a general but technical manner. He does Didier Mayer • The EUREC’s Master in Renewable Energies Science Forum 2004

6. Outlook MEX IE The medium objective consists in establishing ES the European Master in RE as a reference in the DE field of Master-grade RE education on EU level, CDN while taking into account the EU enlargement. In practical terms, this means promoting the US course with the renewables industry, increasing the number of participating universities within IT the EU in order to cope with the growing number FR of students and extend the geographic scope to the East. UK Given the high number of applications received Figure 1 BE from developing countries’ students, an adapted GR Nationality mix replication of the course is under consideration of students in for Asia and later on for Latin America and Africa. 2003–2004

EUREC Agency, the European association of renewable energy research centres, makes sure the course curriculum fully and timely integrates all relevant new R&D results. EUREC members being R&D centres and universities as well, the network takes care of transferring knowledge from research laboratories into the classrooms. On the other side, the continuous dialogue with the RE industry guarantees that the teaching remains sector-relevant. After all, the course has ultimately been set up to serve the RE industry.

119 Wattapong Rakwichian • International Institute for Renewable Energy Science Forum 2004 Renewable Energy Education Network: The International Institute for Renewable Energy (IIRE)

Introduction IIRE will continue to seek collaboration with Naresuan University has entered an agreement international organizations and sponsors for for the establishment of the International Institute joint activities, ranging from research and for Renewable Energy (IIRE) in cooperation with development through to the training of the following universities: technicians and information dissemination. Curtin University of Technology (Australia), University of New Brunswick (Canada), The mission of IIRE is to be an effective center Yunnan Normal University (China), for the generation and sharing of information Claude Bernard Lyon University (France), relating to renewable energy and for the Kassel University (German), development of the human resources required Wattapong Rakwichian Tokyo University of Agriculture (Japan), and to successfully promote its use through the School of Renewable Tribhuvan University (Nepal). provision of training, the facilitation of interna- Energy Technology (SERT) IIRE is located at the Research and Training tional cooperation. Naresuan University Building, Energy Park, Solar Energy Research (Thailand) and Training Center, Naresuan University. IIRE is organized into three departments; the [email protected] Secretariat Office, International Cooperation IIRE is a non-profit making, international institute Office, and Renewable Energy Information that is concerned primarily with the promotion Center. Each department is sub-divided into of research and development, testing and sections according to their respective functions demonstration of renewable energy technologies (Fig.1). and the diffusion of knowledge and information gained as widely as possible. IIRE will facilitate The sections and functions of the Secretariat research cooperation among institutions, arrange Office consist of Administration, Human training to enhance competence, and organize Resource, Finance & Accounting, Public meetings to increase awareness, thus contri- Relations, and Meeting & Seminar. buting to the development and promotion of renewable energy.

International Institute for Renewable Energy (IIRE)

Secretariat Office International Cooperation Office Renewable Energy

Administration Education Curriculum Support Renewable Energy Information

Human Resource Resource Sharing of Faculty Members Publication of International Renewable Energy Finance & Accounting Resource Sharing of Laboratory Facilities Figure 1 Public Relations Joint Research Projects Functions and Organization of IIRE Meeting & Seminar Joint Sourcing of Project Finance 121 Wattapong Rakwichian • International Institute for Renewable Energy Science Forum 2004

The sections and functions of the International training classes in each developing country, Cooperation Office consist of Education various training programs as follows: Curriculum Support, Resource Sharing of Faculty • Rural Energy Camp Members, Sharing of Laboratory Facilities, • Solar Dryer System Use Joint Research Projects, and Joint Sourcing of • Renewable Energy Database Management Project Finance. • Technology and Solar Energy Applications • Biogas from Animal Dung The sections and functions of the Renewable • Photovoltaic System for Remote Area Energy Information Center consist of the • Roof-top grid Connected Renewable Energy Information Service and publication of the International Renewable Standard Testing for Renewable System Energy Journal. for the Mekong Region The production of electricity from photovoltaic system needs a proper design for its efficient and continuous operation. The standard testing Research, education and of photovoltaic module and balance of system training for the global (BOS) is very important for sustainable imple- mentation of the photovoltaic system. Mekong IIRE aims to be an excellent institute for the countries do not have professional people who research and development of renewable energy can do the standard testing of the photovoltaic technology such as solar thermal, PV, solar system. We realized the importance of conduct- hydrogen, biomass and energy economics. ing a training course for standard testing of With high quality research, it aims to solve any photovoltaic module and BOS to related govern- potential energy crisis in the future in this ment technical staff for meeting the standard country and the world. of international standard testing. The training course is aimed for developing reliable photo- To conduct the Doctor of Philosophy on voltaic system that will be suitable and beneficial Renewable Energy to enable the development for rural community in the region. of human resources in the field of renewable energy through study and research in order to advance knowledge for efficient utilization of renewable energy at the local, national and international level. Our goal is to develop professional personnel in the fields of renewable energy, energy conservation, energy manage- ment and environment conservation. Our program promotes research work in renewable energy in order to keep pace with current advances in technology and new innovations in the academic field.

Renewable Energy Training Program The main renewable energy application areas are wide rural regions. Most people there are poor and have low education. They need to be trained to use the renewable energy. Our experiments let us know that the suitable know- ledge and technology are important to the popularization of renewable energy application. Developed countries can support the expertise for Mekong Region to hold the different level 122 Wattapong Rakwichian • International Institute for Renewable Energy Science Forum 2004

Strengths, expanded • NEDO. New Energy and Industrial Technology and financed Development Organization (Japan) • NREL: National Renewable Energy IIRE have to survive by financial support from Laboratory (USA) the following sources • PSA: Plataforma Solar de Almeria • University budget • RARC: Robotic Agriculture Research Center • Government budget • RBF: Rockefeller Brothers Fund • Benefit from business • UN: The United Nations Organization • Donation budget • UNDP: United Nations Development • Subsidy from other sources: Programme • UNEP: United Nations Environment 1) Domestic Fund Programme • NEPO: National Energy Policy Office • UNESCO: United Nations Educational • NRCT: National Research Council of Thailand Scientific and Cultural Organization • TRF: Thailand Research Fund • USAID: U.S. Agency for International • NSTDA: Thailand’s National Science and Development Technology Development Agency • WB: World Bank

2) International Fund The strength of the International Institute for • ADB: Asian Development Bank Renewable Energy (IIRE) is the network which • ADEME: Agence de l’Environnement et de contains of various countries including developed la Maîtrise de l’Energie and developing countries as well who have the • AERECA: Asia Europe Renewable Energy same goal to protect and respect the natural Consortium Agency resources and the environment. Capacity build- • APEC: Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation ing for renewable energy will foster technology • AREDO: Asia Renewable Energy transfer and human resources development. Development Organization • ASEAN: Associate South East Asia Nation • AusAID: Australian Agency for International Development • CIDA: Canadian International Development Agency • CORE: Council on Renewable Energy in the Mekong Region • CRESTA: Center for Renewable Energy Systems Technology Australia • DFG: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft • DLR: Germany Aerospace Center • EC: European Commission • ESCAP: Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific • Fraunhofer ISE: Institut Solare Energiesysteme • GEF: Global Environment Facility • GTZ: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit • IEA: International Energy Agency • InWEnt: Internationale Weiterbildung und Entwicklung gGmbH • ISET: Institut für Solare Energieversorgungstechnik e.v. • JICA: Japan International Cooperation Agency 123 Spyros Kyritsis • European Network on Education and Training in Renewable Energy Sources Science Forum 2004 European Network on Education and Training in Renewable Energy Sources (EURONETRES)

The EURONETRES has been planned as a regional • A member of the Working Group is nominated voluntary cooperative framework, uniting by the Steering Committee {or the Executive academic institutions of the European countries, Committee} as coordinator of the Group, interested in the capacity building on RES1 at with the responsibility to coordinate and to national and regional levels and in particular, in operate the Working Group, in consultation education and training of specialists in RES for with the Executive Committee the extended use of RES in Europe as well as in • The Working Groups can invite experts in other regions of the World. RES from institutions which are not members of the EURONETRES EURONETRES has been foreseen as an integral Spyros Kyritsis part of the Global Renewable Energy Education Former President of Agricultural University of and Training (GREET) Programme of UNESCO, Steering Committee Composed of representatives of all EURONETRES members Athens (Greece) which is a priority area of the Organization’s [email protected] actions in the field of engineering sciences and RES as approved by the 32nd Session of the Executive Committee Composed of 4 Members of the S.C. elected + 1 Member UNESCO’s General Conference, which took place of GREET Program + 1 Member of UNESCO-ROSTE in September-October, 2003 in Paris, France. The Network will be sponsored by UNESCO through the UNESCO Office in Venice – Regional Working Groups Figure 1 (above) Composed of specialists in different RES-active Bureau for Science in Europe (ROSTE). participants in teaching process EURONETRES Structure

Working Groups Members of the Network Working Groups

The membership of the Network is open for Wind Energy SUB W.G. Passive SUB W.G. Active educational-R&D institutions in Europe, which Biomass Energy have a certain experience in RES education Geothermal Energy and training and have the intention to share Figure 2 this experience with partners, to contribute Hydroenergy Structure of Working to the improvement of educational process on Cross-Cutting Disciplines Groups RES and to undertake new initiatives in this particular field. The membership of EURONETRES should be confirmed by the directorates of The Education Levels of those institutions which also nominate their EURONETRES official representatives in the Network, one representative from each institution. A. University Level Education A.1.UnderGraduate Education Working Groups Composition A.2.PostGraduate Education • A Working Group is composed by specialists B. Retraining Education for Diploma Holders in the specific field, members of the C. Technicians Education and Retraining EURONETRES Institutions (or Specialisation)

1 RES = Renewable Energy Sources 125 Spyros Kyritsis • European Network on Education and Training in Renewable Energy Sources Science Forum 2004

D. Students Education in Primary and on RES, will have the advantage to find more Secondary Schools easily a job related to RES. E. Mass Media for Initiation – Education • Other advantages for the Universities to of the Citizens on RES adopt the common rules for such Certificates, are coming from the fact that there are EURONETRES will be activated progressively normally very few Universities that can offer into the different levels of Education. The time courses for ALL THE RES, so, if they participate to initiate the Education in the various levels in EURONETRES, their students can collect will be decided by UNESCO. The modalities Certificates in different disciplines (Solar, Wind, and the content of the Education in the various Geothermal, Hydro, Biomass Energy and also levels will be elaborated and decided by Economic, Social and Environmental aspects EURONETRES. The University level education of RES) from other Faculties/Universities will be the first to come in action, because the participating in EURONETRES (accredited other levels need larger number of specialists Certificates). to educate the educators. • Another very important advantage is that the Diploma holders can participate in a specialization (retraining procedure) on RES, A. University Level Education collecting Certificates from different EURONETRES Universities and so, they will A.1. Undergraduate courses on RES create new opportunities to find jobs as Taking into account the differences in knowledges specialists. That will be valid not only for needed in the various University Departments EUROPE (the job creation is stemming from (Department of Engineering, Department of the targets adopted by the E.U. towards Sciences, Department of Economics, Depart- RES), but also worldwide. ment of Social Sciences, etc), it is necessary to • The EURONETRES Universities are expected facilitate the responsible Departments to adopt to accept many engineers and other Diploma the appropriate content of their courses to RES. holders from other parts of the world, to be The opportunity will be given by the elaboration specialized on RES. of the program of studies followed by text books • Moreover, students who have obtained one CDs, elaborated from the working groups (eg. or more Certificates and their normal Diploma basic knowledge, solar energy courses, biomass and wish to continue their studies for a energy courses, the economics and social aspects M.Sc degree will be more easily accepted in of RES, the environmental aspects of RES, etc.). a EURONETRES University. The responsible professors and other teaching staff in a Department have to adopt the A.2. Postgraduate Education on RES EURONETRES material as a minimum for their An assessment, made under the initiative of students. UNESCO/ROSTE, showed that there are only a few (2–3) cases in Europe, where there are Advantages from the Adoption of the pure Postgraduate studies, in the level of MASTER Undergraduate EURONETRES Education on RES. On the other hand there is a huge • The students who have passed the examination demand, already established, from private in a specific course, prepared by the Working companies and research centers for highly Groups, will obtain a specific Certificate of 2nd specialized engineers and other scientists on cycle by the Department. This Certificate will different sectors of RES. This demand will be valid for all the Universities participating become higher and higher in near future. in the EURONETRES. Thus, among other A higher demand is expected also in the things, the students will be facilitated in their developing countries and in the International mobility within EURONETRES Universities Organisations dealing with RES. (stimulation of cooperation and mobility). • The Engineers or other scientists who obtained The wish of UNESCO, adopted from their diploma from their University and in EURONETRES, is to elaborate and to adopt 126 parallel have earned a number of Certificates common rules and common content of Spyros Kyritsis • European Network on Education and Training in Renewable Energy Sources Science Forum 2004 studies at a HIGH LEVEL. Only those Depart- ments which are able to fulfill the rules and requirements and dispose the necessary facilities for one or more postgraduate studies in specific disciplines of RES (Solar, Wind, etc) will be accepted to the common effort in EURONE- TRES.

The Working Groups will elaborate dynamic curricula and the requirements needed for each discipline (Solar, wind, etc.).

The Postgraduate Diploma (Master) given from a Department under the common rules and conditions, will be equal for all the Universities of EURONETRES. The Departments wishing to participate in EURONETRES but do not fulfill all the requirements concerning the teaching staff, the Practice and Laboratory facilities, can elaborate and present a cooperation agreement with other Departments, by visiting professors and research laboratories in the same country or within other countries.

The Working Groups will evaluate the demands from the departments and will propose to the Executive Committee of EURONETRES for the final decision. The evaluation of the students and their final examination will be done under STRICT RULES, that the Working Groups will elaborate and the Steering Committee will adopt, in order to guarantee the objectivity about the merit of the Master of Science or Diploma. The Diploma of MSc will be awarded from the Universities concerned, but will be accompanied with a separate Certificate from the Executive Committee of the EURONETRES and so the MSc Diploma will be equivalent in all WORLDNETRES members.

127 Jürgen Schmid • Renewable Energy Research and Education Network Science Forum 2004 Renewable Energy Research and Education Network

Introduction Due these circumstances, a radical change of Increasing global energy consumption and the our energy system is without any alternative, use of fossil fuel to cover most of this demand and today renewable energies are to become as shown in Fig.1 leads to an increasing the only major source of energy in future. There concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere with have been developed many technologies in this possibly dramatic consequences on our future field. To the end of a wider development, climate. The correlation between the rising however, the lack of information exchange and figures of consumption and the CO2 content as the lack of education is seen as a big barrier given in Fig.2 underlines this tendency clearly. today. It is the purpose of the initiative, which Jürgen Schmid But this is not the only risk of our current energy will be presented here, to overcome the FVS/Institut für Solare system: The scarcity of our resources comes problems mentioned above, the basis will be Energieversorgungs- immediately into our focus, if instead of a static centred around the realisation of appropriate technik – ISET e .V. estimation as normally done and as shown in networks. (Germany) Fig.3 the future exponential growth of energy [email protected] consumption is taken into account. Consider- ing this assumption, the cumulative reserves including uranium, which are already explored Existing Networks in today will be exhausted after 56 years as given Renewable Energies in Fig.4. But what is even more severe is the Research and Education finding that, under the assumption of future growth, even ten time bigger reserves would be To begin with a very successful network, the fully exhausted after another 70 years as shown German Association on Solar Energy Research in Fig.5. (FVS), will be presented. It consists of eight

10 12 kWh 140 130 nuclear 120 Others 110

100 (hydro power et.al) 90 80

70 Natural 14 Years Gas 60 (5%/a) World Economic Crisis 50 1.World 2.World War 40 War Oil Doubling 30 in 14 Years (5%/a) 20 Figure 1 Global Energy 10 Coal Situation and Trends

0 Quelle: Interatom/Shell-Studie 3/1992 1880 1890 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 129 Jürgen Schmid • Renewable Energy Research and Education Network Science Forum 2004

10 3 kwh/billion 1998 ppm CO 14 2 On a global level, the International Institute for 13 370,0 12 Renewable Energy (IIRE) has been created in 360,0 11 2002. It represents a network of universities and 10 350,0 research centres from Australia, Canada, France, 9 world energy 340,0 Germany and Thailand. The coordinating 8 consumption institute is the School for Renewable Energy at 7 330,0

6 CO2 concentration the Naresuan University in Pitsanulok, Thailand. 5 in the atmosphere 320,0 4 population 310,0 These networks can be seen as a sound basis 3 for a wider and more systematic information 2 300,0 1 exchange and educational activities on a global 290,0 0 scheme. The proposal to establish a renewable 1880 1890 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 energy information and education structure on a global scale can be seen as a result of the situation described above and will be presented

radium in the following chapters.

gas Setup of a Renewable Energy

oil Information and Education Network 2200 coal

2000 2050 2100 2150 year Open University for Renewable Energies (OPURE) There is a lack of information on actual research results, on the application potential, on eco- Figure 2 (above) research institutes or centres which are shown nomic figures etc. on all levels. This situation is Growth rates for in Fig.6. This association covers research in true for Germany, but even more for Europe population, energy nearly all fields of renewable energies and re- as well as for countries outside of Europe. In

consumption and CO2 presents about 80 % of the German research general this problem may be characterised as concentration in the capacity in this area. Besides cooperation, the follows: There is very much information existing atmosphere FVS is organising annual conferences on select- today but access to this information is difficult. ed research subjects. For there is no systematic procedure of such Figure 3 access and the quality of such information is Range of fossil In the European area, the EUREC Agency re- widely scattered. As a consequence effort and energy resources; presents 20 research centres and ten universities. money is wasted by doing research on subjects, source: OECD This network has already started a very success- already performed by others, by delays in ful initiative in the sector of education, namely product development or its proper use, and by a Master course in Renewable Energies provided setting up wrong legal framework due to a lack by seven leading universities. Fig.7 shows a of appropriate and up to date information. description of the consortium. The students of this Master course, which have done their On the other hand, new technologies in the specialisation in hybrid systems in Kassel, are ICT sector can provide a powerful tool to a fast, shown in Fig.8 together with some teachers. interactive exchange of information to an un- As a second network, the European Academy limited member of users. Such a platform could of Wind Energy is shown in Fig.9 and Fig.10. be realised with a small budget or even be This network consists of four European research integrated into the existing ”Bildungs-Server” centres and seven universities performing of the German BMBF (Federal Ministry for 130 academy research and education equally. Education and Development). The remaining Jürgen Schmid • Renewable Energy Research and Education Network Science Forum 2004

Energy Reserves Energy Consumption Energy Reserves Energy Consumption Figure 4 well - known growth 3% p.a. well - known growth 3% p.a. Range of the well- known energy reserves for a constant growth of the energy con- sumption of 3% decoupleof reserves = 70 years gain of time Figure 5 Range for a decuple of 1900 2000 2100 year 2200 1900 2000 2100 year 2200 the well-known energy reserves for a constant growth of the energy problem is to organise the collection, the in the same way as is traditionally done in high consumption of 3% review, the grading or certification of the infor- level, peer-reviewed scientific journals. As a mation and the provision of education material consequence the process for scientific material in a systematic way. Since it is expected that is identical, which means a full text review success of this initiative will heavily depend on including interaction with the author by at least its proper functioning in the initial phase, a three peers. Regarding education material, multi-step process in the build-up is proposed: the level and quality of information, including ECTS-credits, will be classed by the review • In a first step, which is the subject of the committees. As it is tradition in the scientific Figure 6 current proposal, this structure will be set-up community, all committee members will act Members of the in Germany. Languages of the material will on a voluntary basis free of charge, but their German Solar Energy be German and English. names will be shown in the editorial sector. Research Association

• In a second step, the structure will be extended to Europe. For this step it is planned DLR German Aerospace Center Bernhard Milow to seek for a support from the European Plataforma Solar de Almeria Commission. Translation of information material into different languages will need FZJ Research Centre Jülich Gerd Eisenbeiß to be provided in this phase.

• After successful implementation of the ISE Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Joachim Luther second phase, the system will be extended Energy Systems to global coverage with a special emphasis on developing countries. In addition to GFZ Geologic Research Centre Rolf Emmermann translation of languages, the transformation Potsdam into different cultures will need careful

adaptation of the information material and, HMI Hahn-Meitner-Institut Berlin Michael Steiner as a consequence, the involvement of Martha C. Lux-Steiner professionals from the anthropological, psychological and pedagogical sector. ISFH Institut for Solarenergy Rudolf Hezel Research Hameln

Organisations of the ISET Institut for Solar Energy Jürgen Schmid Review Committees Supply Technology Oliver Führer

For each subject and for each level (scientific, school-level or professional practitioners’ skills) ZSW Centre of Solarenergy- and Thomas Schott a committee will be organised, which will Hydrogen-Research evaluate the information and education material 131 Jürgen Schmid • Renewable Energy Research and Education Network Science Forum 2004

Figure 7 (left) Research Centres and Universities of EUREC Agency

Figure 8 (right) Participants of the EUREC Master Course 2004

Since the presentation and discussion of the European Institutions basic structure of the proposal during the Science Forum on the Renewables 2004 • EUREC-Agency – Didier Mayer Conference in Bonn, many stakeholders have (10 Universities, 20 Research centres) expressed their interest to support or to • European Academy of Wind Energy – participate in the proposed initiative. Jürgen Schmid (7 Universities, 4 Research Centres) Supporting Public Institutions • KFPE-Switzerland – A.-C. Clottu Vogel in Germany

For Germany the following institutions have offered support: Global 1. BMWA – Dr. Knut Kübler Institutions 2. BMU – Dr. Wolfhart Dürrschmidt 3. BMVEL – State Secretary Matthias Berninger • International Institute for Renewable Energies (tbc) Thailand (4 Universities, 3 Research Centres) 4. dena – Stephan Kohler • UNESCO GREET-Programme, Paris 5. DBU – Dr. Wulf Grimm 6. FVS– Dr. Gerd Stadermann and Dr. Gerd Eisenbeiß Organisation of the Programme

Participating Institutions • General Coordinator: ISET, Kassel in Germany • Coordination of scientific committees: FVS, Berlin 7. ISET– Jürgen Schmid • Coordination of membership: 8. Universities: University of Magdeburg Kassel, Magdeburg, Berlin, Oldenburg • Coordination of education for professional 9. Technical Colleges: practitioners (vocational education) DBU, FH Berlin, Aachen, Hamburg, Biberach, Osnabrück Internet-FH • Coordination of schools Figure 9 • Coordination of hardware infrastructure: European Academy of ISET, Kassel Wind Energy • Coordination of European actions: EUREC-Agency, Brussels • Coordination of Global actions: UNESCO GREET-Programme, Paris

132 Jürgen Schmid • Renewable Energy Research and Education Network Science Forum 2004

DHI Figure 9 AoU DTU Member Institutes of

RISØ the European Academy of Wind Energy

Univ. of Kassel DUWIND Univ. Delft ISET


Univ. of Patras NTUA


Work Programme

1. Building of a management team (one secretary, one scientist, one ICT technician) 2. Formation of the review panels 3. Set-up of a flyer and homepage explaining the target and content of the initiative 4. Hardware realisation 5. Organisation of annual meetings for all programme participants and supporters

Review Committees

1. Rational use of energy 2. Systems analysis and scenarios 3. Resource assessment for solar, wind, hydro, biomass, geothermal 4. Solar buildings 5. Thermal collectors and systems 6. Solar thermal electric power systems 7. Photovoltaics 8. Wind energy systems 9. Hydro power plants 10. Marine energy systems 11. Biomass energy systems 12. Geothermal systems 13.Storage devices and applications 14. Hybrid systems and minigrids 15. Social aspects 16. Grid design and grid management 17. Economics of renewable energies 133 Panel Discussion

• Opportunities and Necessities of Research and Education

135 Panel Discussion Science Forum 2004 Panel Discussion1 Opportunities and Necessities of Research and Education

Introduction network structures allows to combine coopera- In the animated and strong panel discussion tion and competition in order to enhance the top the different subjects of the conference day efficiency of research and development. The were summed up and different points of view discussion culminated in the promising outlook were outlined. that these networks may be an innovative and more effective type of international institution In particular, the requirements for international – a conclusion that matches with the announce- education, training, and future research programs ment of the political declaration of the govern- were thoroughly discussed. In this context, the mental delegates of the Renewables2004 to contribution of research institutes should be work together within a global policy network in Martha C. Lux-Steiner considered carefully, because they are of vital the near future, that will include all different FVS/HMI (Germany) importance for an advanced development. sectors of stakeholders. [email protected]

Another topic of the debate was the issue, in Consequently, the lively panel discussion offered what manner cooperations should be organized, far-reaching results and clearly provided, on the what topics should be treated in networks, basis of a thorough discussion, opportunities and what financing instruments can be provided heading for the further development of renew- to arrange such vital structures of cooperation. able energies, thus fulfilling the expectations raised in the forefield of the event. The issue of cooperation, i.e. to operate in a global perspective with regard to research Therefore the participants of the panel discus- and education, represented the focus of the sion deserve my very special thanks for their discussion. In order to achieve a sustainable committed contributions to the current debate. development, to promote renewable energy technologies and to create capacities in devel- oping countries successfully, the OECD countries need to contribute their share both in training of researchers and practitioners as well as in the basic research and the development of applica- tions. In both fields, developed and developing countries must collaborate closely.

The question of how to organise this kind of cooperation basically means how to promote research and education. Necessary networks and urgent needs for public support were vividly discussed as a possible answer. Today, there are already tendencies to establish far reaching networks in order to generate and distribute knowledge for the promotion of a sustainable development; for the organisational form of

1 The statements of the speakers are adapted for the print by the editors. The messages are those of the speakers, the wording is revised editorially. 137 Panel Discussion Science Forum 2004

Discussion Benchikh: Research and development must accelerate the Lux-Steiner: cost-cutting process. Costs going down for the I want to start with the introduction of the end users may be the most important develop- participants of the panel: On my right side is ment to provide more people with an affordable Dr. Hermann Schunck, representing the Federal access to modern energy. This is something Ministry for Education and Research. He holds that can be feasible, it is not impossible. Realis- the position of the director general of the tically this can happen, if market development department for basic research, transport, and will be connected to research and development. Osman Benchikh aerospace research. Next to him is Dr. John M. UNESCO Christensen, head of the UNEP Research Centre. As representative of UNESCO I would like to [email protected] Dr. Christensen performs a special task in the add to that R&D goal the aspiration to have field of renewables. He is head of the Secretariat improved partnership and cooperation by 2010 of the Global Network on Energy for Sustainable not only in R&D. The North has developed Development. Next is Hans-Josef Fell, member research and centers of excellence which can of the German Bundestag and spokesperson on help to improve the situation of the people research and technology of the Alliance ‘90/ in the South. UNESCO is aiming to use R&D as The Greens parliamentary group. The next a tool for sharing the natural resources on a person is Prof. Didier Mayer. He is acting as the global scale. In this context we should under- president of the EUREC Agency. And last but stand sustainability as solidarity between the not least Dr. Osman Benchikh, responsible for North and the South. the energy and renewable energies at the UNESCO, he is head of the research activities. Mayer: Didier Mayer I will only complement what Osman Benchikh EUREC-Agency Necessary Future Actions said. As a representative of the European research, at least our members in EUREC, I will [email protected] Lux-Steiner: start with a remark on research budgets for I think you have heard a lot of general state- renewable energies. In the last 30 years we ments and I would like to start the discussion have had a decrease by a factor of at least three with the question if we will be able to realize to ten in the research budgets of the renewable all those activities and action plans. What do energies, as Prof. Luther has shown earlier this you think are the achievements by 2010? day. It is really important to recover this level. What is the most important achievement for Those budgets must be applied to renewable you, your organization, or your country? energies and not distributed allover what we

I suggest everybody gives a short statement. call new energies, like for instance CO2 seques- Starting on your side, Osman Benchikh. The tration, which is an important technology. We most important but only one. have to keep our budgets. It is now and not in 50 years that we have to build the future for the next 50 years, we have to start now. 138 Panel Discussion Science Forum 2004

Regarding education we have already started. If politics increase continuously our budgets for It is no simple task to organise a collaboration renewable energy research, we will soon reach of European universities, but EUREC has made a 100% renewable energy system. And this is the first steps in the field of renewable energy the most important target because of climate research and training and has built something change and the world running out of oil. that works. After having developed a strong basis, the next steps will be to use our Christensen: experience and to expand our collaboration in It is very difficult to come after this kind of other continents. political statement. I agree with all the previous speakers on what I would call the big picture. Hans-Josef Fell Fell: But I may be urged because my world is mainly EUROSOLAR The worldwide demand for energy is increasing on issues in developing countries. It is important [email protected] rapidly, and it cannot be met by fossile or atomic to emphasize that the growth in consumption energy sources. Renewable energy systems are will mainly come from the developing countries. badly needed. Right now, there is a very big political push with a G7-report and a number of other initia- Two years ago, the German Bundestag received tives that say: “Renewables are very good for an independent and scientific report telling that the developing countries”. And I agree they are. the oil reserves are decreasing. At the moment, But renewables need to be implemented in we can observe the high oil price as result of OECD countries to realize extent initially. The scarce resources in relation to the extraordinary political push for renewable energies has to high demand particularly of the Southeast Asian come from the OECD countries. countries, picking up in their development. In the next decades, more developing countries You have to introduce those technologies in John M. Christensen will increase their demand for energy. As a developing countries very carefully. For, you get GNSED/UNEP politician, I have to react to those global devel- a very negative reaction from countries which Risoe Centre (Denmark) opments, otherwise we will end in a crash of are basically interested in energy, not necessarily [email protected] world economy. And the industrialised countries renewable energies, but energy for develop- will be hit hardest. ment, if new technologies are introduced and do not work properly or cannot meet the There are no other energy sources in question rising expectations. So, it is important that the which could possibly cover the rising demand, OECD countries take the lead also in actually at least nuclear energy could do that. And doing what they preach. therefore we have to change to a renewable energy system. We have to introduce the And then it is important to make the link. It existing technologies like windmills, like biogas, needs to come in a realistic manner otherwise and others like geothermal energy. we risk to hand over several things too early and to have a backlash. We have seen a lot of And we need also a big research offensive to success stories on role expectations using create new technologies. There is a huge range Photovoltaics, but there is a lot of failure also. of possibilities, but we have nearly no research They can deliver a little power, maybe lighting money for this. In the past 50 years, 80% or something on a very small scale. So, if you of public funds for energy research went into overrate it once it is very difficult to convince nuclear research on fission and fusion. Nuclear people and come back later. Renewable energies energy covers today 5% of world energy can contribute to resolve energy access prolems demand. The investments in nuclear power are in developing countries, but they need the push the biggest flop in research history. Only 2 or from the OECD countries and they are not the 3% were given to renewable energies in the last sole solution. So, you need to do it in the right 50 years worldwide, resulting in covering 12% way. That is the main message that I would like of the world energy demand. to come up with.

139 Panel Discussion Science Forum 2004

But I agree on the principles and targets and so Benchikh: on, but to be realistic, what can be done: If I do not think that we really seriously have to I just take my own little angle from the position make this distinction. Obviously, the South why I am here, from the Global Network on needs the North and the North needs the South. Energy for Sustainable Development which is And there is a need for more solidarity between trying what was proposed in the closing session: the North and the South. The term sustainable We can and we should link together regional development is meaningful, but very general. centers of excellence in developing countries We need to be more specific if it shall have with European and Northamerican centers and significance for real international development Hermann Schunck try to work on common themes and developing assistance. Therefore I already proposed to German Federal Ministry this kind of sharing of experience, mainly on understand sustainability as solidarity. We have for Education and Research policies so far. I think there is a lot of room for to promote solidarity among the various actors technologies and a lot of other areas to do the from the North and the South. hermann.schunck@ bmbf.bund.de same. The field of renewable energies offers a true Schunck: option for a peaceful development. For the I am trained as a mathematician, not as a South is a region that needs to share know physicist. I am an engineer. Prof. Lux-Steiner how, while technology and knowledge is now put a precise question forward, and I am trying mainly based in the North. Hence, the South to give two answers. As I said, I am trained as presents new opportunities to apply innovations a mathematician, so I am giving an answer as from the North. mathematician. Schunck: I hope that in two or ten years or shortly after It comes down to one question: On a global that some of those exponential learning curves, scale, there is roughly speaking a situation in giving the correlation of costs per unit energy which the North has high-tech and the South and of installed renewable energy capacities or the developing countries have the adapted (from which experiences and learning will technology. It is necessary to transfer as fast as follow), will reflect the increasing investments possible technologies and high-technologies in research and development and the improving to highly qualified Third World developing competitiveness of renewable energies in the countries of the South. market. Now, my second answer I can not refine from politics. I hope that the problems we However, we should be very careful. I was very have ahead of us can resolved in a peaceful much impressed by the lecture of Mongameli environment. And that takes – and now I go Mehlwana who presented the equation Renew- back to the first speaker – solidarity. ables = solar PVs = energy of 2nd choice =rural applications = poor people. That happens if we Global Cooperation in Research do not give taxes to high technology as fast as possible and as intensive as possible. Lux-Steiner: After having heard these short statements Christensen: I want to come back to the presentations of Just adding to the last comment: First of all it is today and I would like to ask the panelists: important to have, like Mongameli Mehlwana Do we really need a global perspective for was saying, a more differentiated understanding research and development in the energy field? of what the North and the South is. Because We have heard the provocative statement that the South is very many different things. If you industrial countries have their task in doing go to Brazil, India, China you have quite advanced research studies and while develop- advanced technologies and policies especially ing countries’ research needs to be rather in renewable energies. They are even in front application oriented. And they should come of European countries in some areas. together. So I want to ask Osman Benchikh, 140 what do you think about this statement? Panel Discussion Science Forum 2004

On the other hand, in many developing coun- tries the situation is a completely different one. Regarding the presentation of Prof Schmid, proposing an open internet-based university to promote training in renewables in developing countries, we really need to understand the local conditions that we talk about. We must not come with a preconceived idea about “This is good for you, because I think this is good for you”. We rather need to understand what the local conditions are and what the right tech- nology for that particular need is.

If that match in what we talk about works out, can learn about the technological opportunities it is a little partnership. That bridge is not very and adapt them to their needs and capacities difficult to get across. If, however, you come in an application oriented manner. and think we know what the right technology is, it is very difficult to communicate that kind Building Human Capacities of information gap on technologies. So, it is the kind of partnership approach which will help Lux-Steiner: to explore which are the right technologies. It was mentioned that we need education of experts on all levels. Especially in Germany, for Fell: instance, I can say we have a lot of PhD students I agree on that last point. The North or the who finished their thesis and maybe less than industrialised countries have the research basis 50% find a job in the field of renewables. On and the industries to develop those technologies, the other hand, we learnt that the South has therefore it is their task to develop affordable not enough human resources. So, I want to and cost-effective renewable energy technologies ask Didier Mayer how we have to deal with this which are competitive in energy markets. problem. However, it has to be checked if, for instance, five mega watt offshore windmills are the right Mayer: technology for the South. It has to be analysed I agree with you that this is a very difficult exactly what the needs of the South are. problem, but I would say in France we have not the same as we have not so many PhD-students Developing countries mostly need low techno- that are interested in renewable energies. This logies adapted to their capacities to research, is a day to day business to welcome them. develop and produce them on their own. To I already said in my presentation that it was a this end, the education process for capacity very important job to find or to create some building must have two directions in general: employment and jobs in the field. Otherwise it first, the North has to learn what the South is nonsense to educate people in this field. But needs, and second after having funded and I was talking about the European level. All developed basic research potentials in the North kinds of energy are well distributed all over the the education must be application oriented in industrialized countries – the normal energy the South. powerplant and so on, which is not the case for renewable energies, which are not distributed This education process can be organised through equally. Some different countries are better an open internet-based university as proposed placed to give employments. So that is why by Prof Schmid. A such university can contribute I have talked about the European level which to knowledge sharing between the North and certainly offers enough job opportunities and the South. The North can learn about the South’s a fairly high demand for engineers in renewable needs and provide the South with knowledge energy technologies all over Europe. and technology already available, while the South 141 Panel Discussion Science Forum 2004

Regarding the students from developing they really want to follow up on the declaration. countries studying in Europe we face another They also need to put research into the kind problem than the lack of job opportunities: of development work that they want to fund. the brain drain. They stay in Europe – they do not go back. The problem in our case was to Benchikh: educate them to go back and apply their know- In fact I raised this issue this morning: the ledge in the developing countries. So we regions where you have the largest potentials thought about adding a collaboration to wel- of renewable energy resources are the regions come them perhaps for only one year in Europe where you find the least capacities for reseach but to leave them in their universities. So we and development and training. In order to can educate them and keep them in their home reverse that experts from the North have to countries at the same time. We try to to create assist in the South to train the trainers within a scheme in order to train the trainers for the the bilateral cooperation, as Didier Mayer education process like the Master and even the proposed it. This cooperation with the South is thesis afterwards. To create education schemes even necessary for Europe to reach the adopted and to create the trainers in their own countries target that 12% of the energy supply shall means to build local capacities for education come from renewables by 2012. Without the and training. Because otherwise there will be South Europe will not manage to have enough always the possibility for those students to renewable resources. come to Europe and then to organize to stay here and not to contribute to the local develop- However, not only in the South human ment in their own country. This is a problem, resources are lacking. The North lacks experts obviously, shared by all developing countries. that have full knowledge on the different forms We have to develop solutions for this problem, of renewable energies. Most of the experts are and one good solution is to go in their places specialised in one area, but we are in need of and train the trainees in their own country experts with a broader know how and know- locally. ledge on the different forms and technologies and on, for instance, the economic part of the Christensen: introduction of renewables. I just add a little bit to that, because I agree very much to that. One additional angle, which The approach of a European Master degree is was the other part of my work for quite a long contributing to bridge that gap. However, there time, maybe the inner research in development is no need to multiply the different Master institutions. For, if you look at the political degrees, for in the end that would be less declaration here in the draft which is available transparent and could be a barrier for renewable now, for instance, research is meant to be on energy experts to enter the market. technologies and business models but not on development work. We talked a lot about Global Research and Development Networks research and research funding and so on. When you really look at what is done in the develop- Lux-Steiner: ment agencies, research is almost a sort of Actually, I would like to ask how this R&D should forbidden word in many of them. I think some- be organized and also how do you think can time ago the Swedes had something called the these experts be included. Today I have heard Swedish agency for research cooperation where many ideas of networking and I want to insert they were organizing this kind of partnerships. into the following question: Is networking This was one of the very few development compatible with intellectual properties? I see assistance agencies that actually had a specific that high technology research activities are research focus at the time. It has now been mostly done in closed groups. So what is the rolled in into SIDA and disappeared, though it advantage of networking? is partly there. But there are very few institutions and agencies that have a dedicated focus on 142 research. So, it is an important message that if Panel Discussion Science Forum 2004

Lux-Steiner: In Germany there have been some activities within the last five years, especially networking between research centers and universities. And I would like to ask you, Dr. Schunck, what is your opinion about the results?

Schunck: May I first go back to your former question. I think we all want renewable energies to become competitive in markets. If that is so, we need people that are knowledgeable in using them. Mayer: Therefore we need to educate people and we The advantage of networking has been stressed need to disseminate knowledge. I think there by Prof. Joachim Luther in his presentation. might be a stress situation between intellectual The mechanisms in question were coordination property and cooperative networking, but it is versus fragmentation. It means, what is the inevitable. Because in the end we want compa- benefit of coordination and what is the benefit nies to be successful with products in markets. of competition? And the answer on it is: We But these markets have to be created first. And need both, it is very important to have a kind if people in the South are not able to buy some- of coordinated competition. Competition is thing, to apply things and to use things there always something really important as new ideas are no markets. So in a certain way we need are emerging and competition creates room that networking towards the other side to come for new ideas. to a better sustainable development. And if we do not do that, I think we might end in applying But we need also coordination. There are what a famous British author once said to East different debates going on all over Europe how and West “Never the train shall meet”. We could the budget of the different member states refer this to North and South if we are not really could be more coordinated in order to increase careful and try to organize technology transfer the efficiency. Because figures tell that Europe and to organize knowledge transfer. The setting as it comes to the European Union’s budget up of networks is the best what we can do. plus the member states’ budgets reaches the I was really impressed by the idea of Prof. Jürgen budget of the United States or of Japan. But the Schmid in his last talk, proposing an open efficiency seems to be less because there is internet-based university. That is a really practical research on the same questions supported thing, we should talk about. twice or three times in different member states. So the crucial question is: How can we coor- Christensen: dinate this competition between the different The network I am representing deals with policy member states in order to increase the overall analysis, which includes intellectual property efficiency of R&D. I have no answer. This is rights in that area. At least the experience we another good wish for the ten years coming, have so far is that the “cross knowledge”, based I would say. For this is really an important topic. on comparative policy analysis, is really very Coordination means to enter the policies of valuable both in terms of North-South and member states, which is very touchy, competition South-South. It has a rather strategic value than reaches as far as the autonomy of the member a technological one for which intellectual states. Optimally, competition shall instigate property rights are applicable. For you can sit actors to innovate and give opportunities to and analyse the problem and then you can launch inventions while coordination shall come up with some kind of theoretical solution. organise this process more efficient and avoid But if we actually see that something has races that destroy valuable and scarce public worked in Brazil and understand why it has resources Both is a question of governance and worked, what elements are transferable to management. another region, if it is relevant for them, and 143 Panel Discussion Science Forum 2004

then pick it up there, it is much stronger than such organisation like an open internet-based somebody coming with a mere theoretical university or anything else comparable? argument of how to do it. Hence, you can come out with a very strong Schunck: message on policies, if there is a strong network That is a question put forward to me. I was behind it with, for example, ten developing almost afraid you would ask me whether I could countries and ten industrialized countries. If be able to give you an answer regarding the they come out with a such common message International Organisation – I could not do that. saying “These are the overall results looking But I tried to listen very carefully to what was at virtually all subregions in terms of how it put forward today. And it was really very inter- works”, you come up with a very strong political esting, especially the last lecture – this very message, also in terms of pushing the policy precise proposal of Jürgen Schmid was the agenda. climax for me. Now, I can do as much as saying I would be very happy to take this back home For you really have to insist to reach the policy to our ministry and take a very good look at makers and start cooperative networks. It could such a proposal. You know there are questions be wonderful if you can get people to initiate like that you have to finance techniques and to have a such look at that kind of technology make sure that you do not double something, cooperation as a long term thing where you which perhaps is already there. You have to create the markets by being more open in the look at things like that before, but I would be beginning, because otherwise you are not very optimistic that if we meet a year from now going to move anywhere. we could say we started it here.

Fell: Fell: If we want to have a real change in the promo- Thank you very much. tion of research and education programmes in the world for renewable energies we have to Christensen: learn from other areas of energy. The Interna- These are very positive news. I have just two tional Atomic Energy Agency is some decades points applicable to a couple of things. old. Nearly every country of the world gives millions of dollars every year to finance it, and The first one is, I also liked the presentation that they organize education and research for atomic we have heard before. Maybe one caution is, power. It is a huge and powerful institution. there has been quite a lot of initiatives after the Nothing comparable exists in the world for world summit 2002 creating relatively big renewable energies. Therefore we need a simi- internet set up portals, but we have already lar agency. The World Council for Renewable talked about that before. Though they sound Energy held a big conference in the last three very reasonable, this is the same caution as with days here in Bonn. They made a call for an some technologies. I mean you are talking International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) about target groups where the access to inter- to organize the know how transfer in the net is quite weak in many cases. That needs world in education programmes, in research to be done in a way that the people you are programmes, in programmes to bring the best targeting can access. So do not make it too fancy. political instruments to the countries and much Because when you are sitting on a very slow more. Therefore we have to organize a process connection in Guadeloupe, you have absolutely leading to the setting up of IRENA. no chance opening even the front page. There has been quite a lot of talk about internet portals Now, I want to ask you Dr. Schunck as repre- for the Least Developed Countries. But it is a sentative from the German Federal Ministry for contradiction in terms. They have connections Education and Research, which helped to so poor, but we do not realize it. Nevertheless, organise this conference: Would it be possible the idea is good, it has nothing to do with that. that Germany takes a leading role in the 144 financing and in the follow up process for a Panel Discussion Science Forum 2004

My second point concerns the making of IRENA. Lux-Steiner: You make something what I call a logical leap in I would like to come to another issue. Actually the argument: Because we had that for nuclear it is now the period of writing road maps, there we need to have this for renewables. But things are road maps for almost all nations as well as have changed since, and maybe there the on the European level. In this context there has decisive question is: With the new communica- come the time for advisory boards. So, I wanted tion technologies and networking and all the to ask you: Do we need international advisory other things, do we really need an agency? Just boards? How many do we need and how building up an agency like a UN-agency takes should they be organized? This is a question five to ten years. And if there are other ways of for you, John Christensen – I think you have acting – I do not know, I am asking the question some experience? – are they more efficient and effective? Is there actually another way to do the same thing, Christensen: which would be more efficient and gets started I think that is a bigger scale than what I am quicker and can be built on somebody’s initiative working on. Mine is more modest. It would be that is already there? nice if there were some of the recommendations here for some kind of stakeholder work or forum. I do not know the answer. I would love to see I do not disagree that to have an organisation an agency, but I am just worried that to keep in a somehow institutionalised form would be talking about only one solution, we may limit of great benefit. I am just wanting to move it the span of options. For we have talked about on. And if we can move it on in a pragmatic IRENA for about ten years. I was before Rio way it will be very important. together with in the Solar Group for Rio and it has not moved since then. Because it is important that something comes If it were happening, it would be a great idea. out of these big meetings and summits, what But I am not so optimistic on that. Maybe I have called “care the ball”, whatever the ball talking too much about it prevents other things is. It is important that we have some kind of set from happening. That is why I am worried, up, that we have a message to take from here although I am not against IRENA. and keep working on it. If it is possible to set up this kind of agency with a limited number of Fell: countries that could be one option, a sort of To discuss the foundation of IRENA one has to multistakeholder forum, for instance, that understand it in historical terms. In comparison was also discussed at the ninth session of the the International Atomic Energy Agency was Commission for Sustainable Development founded in a process starting with only ten (CSD-9), which was focussed on energy. The nations. They did not ask the United Nations for proposed International Science Panel on allowance. It is not the realistic way to bring all Renewable Energy could be another option. nations of the world together. That foundation I think it is important for the message coming process will probably take some 20 years. For out, that there is some kind of specified follow- the time being we just need to start the process up, and then you can discuss the details, terms with, for instance, ten leading nations, provide of reference and so on, when you move on. But that agency with funds, and five years later there if we leave here at the end of the week without will be hundred nations to join in the process. any kind of follow up apart from that we meet for the CSD in 2006 and 2007, it will be like Then we will have a law for this agency, a law any other major meeting that recommended an particularly for renewable energies instead of action plan but in fact had no action. fossile or atomic. For those are the basics when the International Energy Agency comes up with Benchikh: a statement. Therefore we need to organise a One of the major problems to launch renew- standing alone process for renewable energies. able energies is what the policy changes require from the decision makers. These people are in need of information and advice. An international 145 Panel Discussion Science Forum 2004

advisory council, or what form it may ever take, should be made. They should found something can provide advice and promote a change like a network of universities, a network of in mentalities. This change of thinking is only research centres, or an internet university, or possible through education. Education with an something comparable. This process will instigate international background is today the only a process with the UN-system. So the process education to promote that change in awareness will neither include nor exclude the UN but and understanding. An additional argument the UN will be part of the process. That is what is that the switch to renewable energies makes counts. necessary an adaptation of the people, of our- selves, to the new form of energy. To conclude, Financing for Research and Development I believe a such body is absolutely needed, and the proposal that has been made this morning Lux-Steiner: is clever and will work out. Ok, let us move to the next topic: money, or the financial resources. The trend in research Now I am coming to the question of founding and development expenditure is going down. an agency. The intention of an eventual inter- Industrialised and developing countries are national agency for renewable energy is to create mainly differing in their financial capacities. an institutionalised body promoting renewable My question is based on the statement Sigurd energy for the reduction of poverty. However, Wagner made today, that by the year 2013 we if such an agency is to be founded it has to be do not need any subsidies anymore, for instance tied in some organisational form to the UN- in photovoltaics. What would you suggest to system, otherwise it will just be another bilateral do? Wait and see how the learning curve is initiative not acting on a global scale. I am not going down, maybe not so fast if we do not saying I am for or against a such agency, but have research and development? Should we indeed it is necessary to change something in wait or can we find private investors? Or should we push the market launch of renewable ener- gies, following the German model of feed in tariffs, which is a very costly alternative? How are we supposed to manage this?

Schunck: It is very easy to say we need more research. Of course we do. But we do not decide ourselves how much money we get. I am a bureaucrat – Hans-Josef Fell is the member of parliament – we are organising processes to get money, but budgets are scarce today. order to reach out to the people, raise their awareness, and provide the infrastructure or Some speakers have made a very important other preconditional resources needed for remark today. The steady support is important, development. the continuity of funding instead of something going up and down. Sigurd Wagner did not say Fell: that in ten years from now all by itself there The crucial question of creating an international will be no more subsidies necessary. There is agency is not to build it with or against the a shortage of money that has to be paid in UN. The question is how to exceed the pace of between. We have to organise a stable support normal UN-processes. The agency should be system, we have to organise markets, perhaps created in an open process, always consulting in the way of the much debated renewable with the UN. Although to speed up the process energy law in Germany. It creates a market, a combined effort by some nations willing to which would not have been developed by itself, take the lead and the UN – the UNESCO might and we know we need to introduce that tech- 146 be the most appropriate UN organisation – nology. The much we have to develop new Panel Discussion Science Forum 2004 technologies or try to be careful that our scope It is well known that to get the electricity on of technologies that we pursue is broad enough, an island it costs more than in the mainland. we might miss something that – only in years Nevertheless the price on the islands is the from now we will understand – is interesting and same as in the continent. The price of electricity important. on Teneriffa is the same as in Madrid. For a single reason: it is social equity and equality. Creating markets, in the end, is most important. This shall be done and applied for renewable There are some examples how that can be energies, too. Why do we have to call it a done in this country with – and I pass that to subsidy when it comes to renewable energies? Hans-Josef Fell if he wants to explain it – the No one calls it a subsidy if the costs for pro- renewables energy law. duction in other energy areas like nuclear energy are compared, though full-cost accounting Fell: of all external effects shows something else. To explore the question how to promote the introduction of a sustainable energy system Mayer: based mainly on renewable energies, we have In order to link the research and education to look at the whole chain from mostly public process to the private sector and the needs of funded basic research to private industrial the market EUREC Agency is in connection application-oriented research to market launch. to all European industrial associations. We are And the whole chain has to be supported. For starting a discussion and preparing a position to set incentives for private investments in paper on the short, medium, and long term research there has to be a market. If, however, needs, looking at the demands of end users as more actors enter the competition for the best well as market opportunities. This coordination technology in the market the overall effects of of research and industry is necessary, for the the research process will improve. private sector is much more focussed on the short and medium term while basic research Apart from that we have to explore the market has a long term perspective. It is particularly as well. Photovoltaics are already today com- the task of research centres to make out petitive without subsidies, not only in 2013. opportunities for renewable energies today On a global scale the half of the regional markets and to analyse long term perspectives. So the for photovoltaics work without subsidies. research has to bring in what is not yet in the Photovoltaics generate the cheapest electricity market, but only the consultation between in African regions where no grid is accessible. research and industry can produce strong posi- tions, that can be communicated and introduced In fact, the research process and the incentives to policy makers. in markets to invest in research and renewable energies are interlinked in feed back loops. If Actions and Commitments we achieve to speed up the cost cutting process, renewable energies will be more competitive Lux-Steiner: in markets without subsidies and attract more Unfortunately, we are runnning out of time now. investments, which will speed up the whole So, before we finish the discussion I would like process of research and market launch of new to have a short statement of each panelists: technologies and hence the switch to renew- What will be their own contribution in the next able energies. few years?

Benchikh: Schunck: I want to add to what Mr. Fell has said, that I gave my answer already. Thank you. taking the point of view of developing countries I would not even call it a subsidy. I will call it Christensen: social solidarity, equality among the population Maybe I did so, too. But since I have my thing in the same country. The example of Spain and up I will just point out one thing, I hope to do. the Spanish islands may illustrate that. Regarding the statements on photovoltaics in 147 Panel Discussion Science Forum 2004

Africa, I hope that I can help get rid of some of Mayer: these myths, because it is basically not what is As I already mentioned earlier the work plan happening. There are very isolated projects of EUREC Agency includes a discussion between where you can do this, where photovoltaics are research and industry leading to a position the cheapest and most competitive technology paper that shall help to increase budgets for for energy access. But as a general statement: It renewable energies. On the other hand my par- is one of the things that create misconceptions ticular responsibility is in the field of education. about what the renewables can do. If you look We will continue on our path and will extend at South Africa, ESKOM has to pay the whole our activities, for instance by contributing investment just to make it run as a programme. as much as possible to the internet academy Photovoltaics have high upfront investment proposed by Prof. Schmid. The internet is one costs, hardly affordable for the poor. For the way to reach out to a greater number of people, time being the use of renewable energies must however, this action has to be paralleled by increase in industrialised countries, thus bring- existing initiatives. For the physical meetings ing down the costs and making them more and the availability of test facilities are still affordable for developing countries. important. Either those facilities will be used in Europe or, as already pointed out before, those I hope really that we can get rid of some of facilities have to be built up elsewhere. This these myths and overrated expectations brings me to the question of financial resources because it has got to be the way forward for for funding. Just very briefly: Since financial renewables in order to provide energy for resources are very scarce nowadays, actions sustainable development and to provide the have to be as efficient as possible, so we have to poor in developing countries with access to design the education capacities to be built up modern energy in the long run. very carefully before.

Fell: Benchikh: Instead of announcing what I will do to promote First of all I would like to thank the organisers renewable energies, I would like to raise what of this excellent meeting which gave opportunity I need to be proactive. I need the scientific for an exchange of ideas and concepts that support of the research community. You do were missing in the field so far. not imagine how much weight your word has in the political arena. Policy makers perceive UNESCO welcomes the different ideas that have scientists as most highly qualified. The research been brought forward in the discussion and will community has to demand the funds for consider cooperation with the proposed agency research in renewable energies. For there has or network that will deal with science, techno- been research in fusion technology for fifty logy, and education. years now, and they continue to receive their public funding, however, there are nearly no To conclude, I would like to express my hopes programmes worldwide for renewables research. that we will see within this decade more know- And there will not be any if the research ledge sharing and thus more solidarity in the community do not demand public funds for field of renewable energy. renewables research. Furthermore, the scientific community has to demand from policy makers Lux-Steiner: to change. It is not sufficient to spend money I would like to thank all the panelists and give for research without putting in place the research the floor to Prof Jürgen Schmid, who held the results. To generate new knowledge does not scientific responsibility for the organisation of change the world, we have to act on what we the Science Forum. know. To phrase it with Erich Kästner: ‘There is nothing Good except You do it’. Only then we might succeed one day and create a sustainable energy system. 148 Annex

• International Open University for Renewable Energies (OPURE)

• International Organisations Concerned with Energy Issues

• Press Conference

• Press Release

• List of Participants

• Member Institutes of the Solar Energy Research Association (FVS)

• Photographic Credits

• Imprint

149 Hans-Josef Fell/Gerd Stadermann • OPURE Science Forum 2004 International Open University for Renewable Energies (OPURE)

One of the major results of the international the university will be organised initially as an conference for renewable energies in Bonn is internet platform. The long term goal, though, the initiative for an International Open University is to transform the internet university into an for Renewable Energies (OPURE). The memoran- ordinary university. Most important mission of dum of the World Council for Renewable Energy the university will be generally speaking: the (WCRE) of their conference, 29th to 31st May, exchange of know-how, education and training, Bonn, renewed the proposal, originally stemming and networking of renewable energy research. from EUROSOLAR, at the World Renewable Energy Forum, held in Bonn in the days before All national as well as international institutions the renewables2004, and put it in the focus of can be participating actors, particularly those Hans-Josef Fell attention. which are universities, research centres, and Chairman of EUROSOLAR institutions specialised in renewable energy Germany and Member of During the renewables2004, the Solar Energy research. the German Federal Parlia- Research Association (ForschungsVerbund ment Sonnenenergie, FVS) organised the Science For the time being, the foremost task of OPURE [email protected] Forum, funded by the Federal Ministry for will be to organise the exchange of information, Education and Research (Bundesministerium communication and cooperation in science and für Bildung und Forschung, BMBF), as an research for renewable energies. At the centre official side event. In the final panel discussion of activities will be training programmes on Hermann Schunck, representative of the BMBF, all levels of education, translated in as many indicated, when approached by the chairperson languages as possible, programmes for research of EUROSOLAR Germany Hans-Josef Fell, the and development, the exchange of results of willingness of Federal Minister most recent research as much as the develop- to financially support the start up of the uni- ment of national strategies and policy tools for versity for renewable energies. renewable energies.

This was an important signal, initiating many Thus, the Bonn conference signalled other Gerd Stadermann talks and activities during the Bonn conference Governments, the private sector, and NGOs to Secretary Manager in order to start the foundation process. The contribute to the financing of OPURE. Solar Energy Research initiative mainly came from FVS’s vice spokesman Association ( FVS) Jürgen Schmid, director of the Institute Under the roof of UNESCO’s active support [email protected] for Solar Energy Research (Institut für Solare to coordinate individual activities soon and Energieforschung, ISET) in Kassel, MoP Hans- global acceptance will be achieved. Josef Fell, chairperson of EUROSOLAR Germany, and Osman Benchikh, UNESCO, Paris. Now, it is necessary to elaborate a realistic concept for which the BMBF will provide Fortunately, the Call for Actions of the renew- the funds as promised. A such concept will ables2004 responded immediately and accepted be worked out by and in the responsibility of to include OPURE in the International Action Prof Schmid and the FVS in the next weeks. Plan, one major outcome of the international EUROSOLAR will continue to actively support conference. that process.

The name OPURE stands for Open University Nationally as internationally the idea has for Renewable Energy. This name indicates that received great attention. Many institutions,

151 Hans-Josef Fell/Gerd Stadermann • OPURE Science Forum 2004

universities, or other educational organisations have already stated that they were interested to participate in OPURE, approaches have been coming even from China and Brazil. It is remarkable that the German parliamentary committee for education and research has made the decision to support OPURE in their first session immediately after the renew- ables2004 and that all parties agreed on this question unanimously. And last but not least, this decision proves that the proposals of EUROSOLAR and of the FVS receive wide support from all sections of society, in politics and science.

152 International Organisations Science Forum 2004 International Organisations Concerned with Energy Issues

AFREPREN (SF chair Kithyoma) DAAD – Science Forum African Energy Policy Research Network Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst/ – connected with Network of more than 100 energy researchers German Academic Exchange Service in Africa who conduct technological research as promotes financially and in various programmes well as policy research to provide policy makers the exchange of foreign academic staff and with information and recommendations. students coming to Germany and German Leading actor in GNESD for the subject of academic staff and students going abroad. access to energy. Funded by German Federal Government.

BEE DLR Bundesverband Erneuerbare Energien/ Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und German Renewable Energy Federation Raumfahrt/German Aerospace Center Lobbying for renewable energies, coordinating Conducting research among others on thermal activities of members, providing policy makers solar power, fuel cells, and system technology. with expertise and studies on renewable energies. Member Institute of FVS.

CENERG (SF speaker Mayer) ERC Centre d’Énergétique Energy Research Centre Conducting research on the environmental Conducting policy research, consulting policy impacts of human made technologies of energy makers, building human capacity in Africa. supply and conversion. Member institute of GNESD, and other Belongs to École des mines, Paris. international cooperations.

CRS (SF speaker Hamrin) EREC Center for Resource Solutions European Renewable Energy Council Independent research institution. Fostering Umbrella organisation of European renewable human capacity building for sustainable energy industry and research associations, as for technologies and international leadership in example EURECA. sustainability to meet economic, environmental, and cultural needs. Disseminating knowledge, EREF promoting demonstration projects. European Renewable Energy Federation Building a network of renewable energy CSIR (SF speaker Mongameli) producers and raising awareness in Europe. Council for Scientific and Industrial Research Lobbying for feed-in systems, labels on Conducting research on the context of labour, electricity, levelling playing field. environment, and man, and disseminating Cooperates with UN organisations and European knowledge. (South Africa) organisations devoted to renewable energies. Member of GRA. ESMAP Energy Sector Management Assistance Program Comprising all particularly energy focussed activities of the Worldbank. Belongs to the Worldbank.

153 International Organisations Science Forum 2004

– Science Forum EUEI FVS (SF speaker Schmid, Luther, Lux-Steiner) – connected with European Union Energy Initiative ForschungsVerbund Sonnenenergie/ Aims to eradicate poverty and to promote Solar Energy Research Association sustainable development focussing on the role Coordination and cooperation of research on of energy. Disseminates knowledge. Builds renewable energy technologies in networks in capacity. Develops strategies. Works through Germany. partnerships with civil society, private sector, Research association of nine independent financial institutions, end users. research institutes carrying out research on Secretariat within the EU Commission’s DG renewable energies. Development, Type II partnership of the WSSD. Funds coming from partners. GEF Cooperates with NEPAD, GVEP,GNESD, UNDP, Global Environment Facility UNIDO Energy Initiative, GFSE Provides funds for environmental projects in developing countries, focusses under its climate EUREC Agency (SF speaker Mayer) programme on renewable energies. Partners European Renewable Energy Centres Agency with private sector, promotes market-oriented Disseminates knowledge, fosters contacts and solutions. Aims to reduce costs, where high cooperation between the scientific community investment costs might hinder long term- and the industry as well as policy makers, developments of new technologies.Founded at develops strategies for R&D. Manages projects, the UNCED. Run by Worldbank, UNDP, promotes professionalisation of education and UNEP, which are the implementing agencies. training. Cooperation of renewable energy R&D centres in Europe. GEPROP (SF speaker Curbelo) Gerencia de Programas y Proyectos Priorizados EURONETRES (SF speaker Kyritsis) del Ministerio de Ciencia, Technologia y Medio European Network on Education and Training Ambiente in Renewable Energy Sources. GFSE EUROSOLAR (SF panellist Fell) Global Forum on Sustainable Energy Lobbies for renewable energies as basis for a Multistakeholder platform for dialogue. Supports sustainable development and for the mitigation networks of donors, holders of technological of climate change. Produces studies, raises know-how, project promoters from developing awareness. countries. Organises events, conferences, annual meetings. Forschungszentrum Jülich Cooperates with EUEI. Funded by Austrian Gov- Research Centre Juelich ernment. Member Institute of FVS. GFZ Fraunhofer ISE (SF speaker Luther) GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems Member Institute of FVS. Member Institute of FVS. GNESD FUE (SF chair Christensen, SF speaker Pacudan) Forum Umwelt und Entwicklung/ Global Network on Energy for Sustainable Forum Environment and Development Development Awareness raising for environmentally sustain- Network of 20 academic institutions of high able development. excellence in the field of energy. Major foci on Association of German development NGOs energy access and renewable energy. Promotes (VENRO) and German Nature Protection Circle research on those topics, coordinates, builds (DNR), funded by the German Federal Ministry capacity. for Economic Cooperation (BMZ). UNEP funds GNESD secretariat. 154 International Organisations Science Forum 2004

GRA (SF speaker Luther) IFEU – Science Forum Global Research Alliance Institute for Energy and Environment – connected with

International research alliance of nine know- Conducting research on different environmen- ledge-intensive technology organisations from tal topics. industrialised as well as developing countries. Aims to use resources of members efficiently in IIRE (SF speaker Rakwichian) order to produce knowledge to the benefit of International Institute for Renewable Energy society at large. Energy is one of the research Develops human resources globally (capacity topics among others. building), facilitates research on renewable Independent research association. energies and disseminates information on them (knowledge sharing) in order to meet the needs GREET (SF speaker Benchikh) of a successful implementation of renewable Global Renewable Energy Education and energy technologies. Training Programme Six founder universities, cooperation with/ Aims at training and education, and dissemi- funding supposed to come from various inter- nation of information at global, regional, and national organisations. national level. Develops ways of financing, and raises awareness. IÖW (SF speaker Hirschl) Programme of UNESCO. Institut für ökologische Wirtschaftsforschung/ Institute for Ecological Economy Research GTZ Combining economic and environmental Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit/ research questions, developing strategies for a Society for Technical Cooperation sustainable economy, and providing expertise German Organisation which carries out technical on evaluations of urban, transport and business development assistance of the German Federal developments. Government. Supports renewable energies and energy efficiency through capacity building, IPCC developing markets, disseminating knowledge, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change building of networks of relevant actors, and International scientific panel, which elaborates strategic consulting/analysing energy policies. regular updates of conclusions on the know- Cooperates with private sector (public private ledge about climate change and recommends partnerships), EUEI, GVEP. necessary action. Independent scientific panel.

GVEP IRENA Global Village Energy partnership International Renewable Energy Agency Promotes coordination of energy development Proposed originally by the Brandt-Commission projects in developing countries, managing in their North-South-Report, 1980. In analogy relations of different actors. to International Atomic Energy Agency, in order Originally funded by Worldbank and UNDP, to support the technological transfer and dis- in the meantime independent, secretariat semination of renewable energy technologies in decentralised at the moment. developing countries, and to develop markets. German Bundestag decided that the Federal HMI (SF speaker Lux-Steiner) Government should take the initiative to found Hahn-Meitner-Institut Berlin an IRENA. Member Institute of FVS. ISFH IEA Institut für Solarenergieforschung International Energy Agency Member Institute of FVS. Agency of the OECD for all energy concerns of OECD as well as developing countries, not ISET (SF speaker Schmid) particularly for renewable energies. Institut für Solare Energieversorgungstechnik Belongs to OECD. Member Institute of FVS. 155 International Organisations Science Forum 2004

– Science Forum ISES UNCED – connected with International Solar Energy Society United Nations Conference on Environment Supporting the advancements of renewable and Development energy technology, implementation, and 3 till 14 June 1992 in Rio de Janeiro: education, to the benefit of sustainable UNFCCC, Rio Declaration on Environment development, a multisectoral global community. and Development (raises the significance of Disseminating knowledge and connecting the complementarity of human development actors in the field of renewable energies. and environmental sustainability), Agenda 21 Collaborates in international networks. (blueprint for (local) action towards global sustainability). ISUSI (SF speaker Lehmann) Belongs to the UN-system. Institute for Sustainable Solutions and Innovations UNCSD Providing expertise in eco-evaluations and United Nations Commission on Sustainable the elaboration of scenarios for the transition to Development a completely renewable energy based energy Founded at UNCED to monitor and report on system. the follow-op process on local, national, regional, and global level. Organising sessions annually JREC to particular topics of sustainability. The 9th Johannesburg Renewable Energy Coalition session, 16 – 27 April 2001, was on energy, and First international leadership initiative, founded established an Ad Hoc Inter-Agency Task Force at the WSSD, consists of approximately 80 on Energy for coordination and cooperation countries (EU and Small Island States), commit- among UN agencies and programmes. ted to promotion of renewable energies for Belongs to the Division on Sustainable Deve- a sustainable development and to stop climate lopment of the United nations Department for change. Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA) Secretariat at the EU Commission, Bruxelles. UNDP (SF speaker Pacudan) REEEP United Nations Development Programme Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Organises the technical development assistance Partnership of the UN, supposed to coordinate development Implementation-oriented initiative, which assistance within UN-system. Improves access works through knowledge sharing and match- to modern energy as a means of poverty reduc- making of different partners whose resources tion, considers sustainability goals through complement each other. energy efficiency, renewable energy, low green- Funded by UK, Spain, Austria, Netherlands, EU. house gas-emitting technologies. Belongs to the UN-system. Programme status SEFI implies that UNDP’ funding depends on Sustainable Energy Finance Initiative donations, no independent regular funding as Provides information, develops partnerships, an organisation has. Implementing institution facilitates networks. Organised by UNEP. of GEF.

SERT (SF speaker Rakwichian) Solar Energy Research and Training Centre, Thailand

SESAM (SF speaker Rehling) Sustainable Energy Systems and Management International MSc course for the promotion and implementation of sustainable development strategies. 156 Partnership with UNDP/Nepal. International Organisations Science Forum 2004

UNEP (SF speaker Pacudan) WCRE – Science Forum United Nations Environment Programme World Council for Renewable Energy – connected with Supposed to promote coherent implementation Analyses potentials of and barriers to renewable of policies regarding the environment within energies, and disseminates information on best the UN-system. Works through analyses, disse- practices. Lobbies for policies to introduce mination of information, fostering international renewable energies. cooperation, providing policy advice, and Secretariat at EUROSOLAR. serving as a link between scientific community and policy makers. Focusses on sustainable use WERCP of natural resources and the protection of the World Energy Research Co-ordination environment for a better human well-being. Programme Belongs to the UN-system. Funded by the Proposed by the WBGU, in analogy to World Environment Fund, made up of voluntary con- Climate Research Programme. Shall coordinate tributions. Launched the SEFI, implementing national research activities, and provide institution of GEF. consulting. Possibly established within the UN-system. UNESCO (SF speakers Benchikh, Erdelen) United Nations Educational, Scientific and WI Cultural Organization Wuppertal-Institute for Climate, Environment, Promotes environmental research, free dissemi- Energy nation of information, and education for all Exploring and developing strategies and models as a means to human development and peace, for a sustainable development on local, national, protecting cultural and natural heritage. and international level. Conducting research on Belongs to the UN-system. Independent funding the interrelation of society, environment, and as status of an organisation. economy, in order to decouple the increase of wealth and the exploitation of natural resources. UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Worldbank (IBRD) Climate Change International Bank for Reconstruction and Negotiated at the UNCED, amended by the Development Kyoto-Protocoll 1997. Energy is part of the infrastructure vice- presidency, though there all over the Worldbank UNIDO people concerned with energy topics. The United Nations Industrial Development environmentally sustainable access to modern Organisation energy for the poor is the goal, not particularly Supports development of industrial capacities, the transition to a renewable energy system. and of cleaner and sustainable development Since there is no particular energy department, Belongs to the UN-system. the Worldbank has established ESMAP. Implementing institution of GEF. WBGU Wissenschaftlicher Beirat der Bundesregierung WSSD Globale Umweltveränderungen World Summit on Sustainable Development Scientific Council of the Federal Government 26 Aug till 4 Sep 2002 in Johannesburg. for Climate Change One of the major outcomes was the recognition Expert group to the German Federal Government of “type II partnerships”, which comprise on questions of global change regarding envi- partnerships with the private sector. These ronment and development. Regular reports partnerships may promote private investments with conclusions and recommendations for in the development process and organise it action and research. closer to free markets. Four bigger energy- related partnerships: GVEP, GNESD, EUEI, REEEP.

157 International Organisations Science Forum 2004

– Science Forum WWI – connected with World Watch Institute Research organisation. Works for social and environmental sustainability, provides information in order to encourage new lifestyles, investment patterns, and policies. Promotes renewable energies. Independent NGO.

ZSW Zentrum für Solar- und Wasserstoffforschung/ Centre for Solar and Hydrogen Research Conducting research in key technologies of future industries, like photovoltaics, battery/ fuel cell technology, renewable fuels, energy systems.

158 Press Conference Science Forum 2004 Press Conference

The Solar Energy Research Organisation/ On the 1st of June 2004 the FVS organized ForschungsVerbund Sonnenenergie (FVS) has a press conference with the participating published a press release in cooperation with organisations to present the science forum to United Nations Educational Scientific and Cul- the public. tural Organization (UNESCO) and the German Federal Ministries for Research and Education (BMBF) and for Environment, Nature Protection and Nuclear Safety (BMU). (See page 161).


UNESCO BMU Walter Rudolf Erdelen Rainer Hinrichs-Rahlwes Assistant Director-General for Director General Natural Sciences

BMBF FVS Hermann Schunck Jürgen Schmid, ISET Ministerialdirektor/Head of the Responsible for the scientific programm Department Research of the Science Forum

159 Press Release (June 1st 2004) Science Forum 2004 Press Release Research and Education as a Basis for the Wide-spread Deployment of Renewable Energies

Sustainable future only with it might be beneficial to work primarily on Press Release Partner: R&D on renewable energies the adaptation of existing technologies to local needs. For some countries it appears to be ad- UNESCO vantageous to develop novel high-technologies. BMU Sustainable development is inevitably connected BMBF strengthens renewable energy research BMBF with Research and Development (R&D) on Dr. Hermann Schunck, head of the Department FVS renewable energies. Therefore, the Solar Energy Research at the German Ministry of Education Research Association (ForschungsVerbund and Research (BMBF), states that the BMBF Sonnenenergie) is hosting a Science Forum in strengthens renewable energy research by sup- the context of the renewables 2004 conference porting basic and applied research in science, in Bonn (Germany) on the 1st of June. Prof. engineering, economics, social sciences and Dr. Jürgen Schmid, scientific manager of the other areas. BMBF supports multidisciplinary Science Forum, emphasises: “Research and research on renewable energy sources by development enable cost reductions, and they funding National Research Centres and project are pre-requisites for access to modern energy networks. Dr. Schunck underlines the need for and for poverty reduction. The renewable additional targeted research and development energy technologies have to be adapted to the with particular emphasis on affordability diverse conditions of the countries in the world; and reducing cost, on innovative business and and the knowledge about the utilisation of financing models and on cost-effective, renewable energies must be made available consumer-friendly cost-recovery models, recog- through a world-wide education process.” nizing that different renewable technologies offer different opportunities and face different constraints. Energy R&D needs a global perspective Education of experts on R&D are pre-requisites for the evolution of all levels global civilisations towards sustainability in its various aspects: New technologies have to For a successful deployment of renewable be developed. For existing renewable energy energies, education and training is a key ele- technologies cost reductions have to materialise. ment. There is a lack of appropriate educational Addditionally, sociological and economic issues material, in developed countries as well as for integrating renewable energies into energy in developing countries. By means of modern supply structures have to be investigated and communication structures, it is possible to taken into account. Country-tailored approaches improve information transfer and education are therefore an essential element of research in this field very efficiently. planning. During the Science Forum existing initiatives Research requirements have to be well-analysed will be presented and discussed. Recommen- in respect of time and place. For some countries, dations on the set-up of an international 161 Press Release (June 1st 2004) Science Forum 2004

extension of learning opportunities. In the years 14000 2004 – 2005 the UNESCO’s GREET programme Power & Storage Techn will involve the design and field implementa- Renewable Energy 12000 tion of training platforms, elaboration and Nuclear Fission/Fusion Fossil Fuels dissemination of learning and teaching tools, 10000 the introduction of training programmes at the various educational levels, the establishment 8000 of educational standards and the certification of centres of excellence, which will serve as a 6000 catalyst. Concurrently, support will be given to the formulation of national energy strategies 4000 and experimentation of pilot projects aiming at developmental purposes.” 2000 According to Erdelen, the UNESCO has also 0 launched the European Network on Education 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 Year and Training in Renewable Energy Sources (EURONETRES) established as a regional Only 10% of the energy-related expenditure was spent on renewable energies, while about voluntary framework, uniting universities and 70% was spent on nuclear fission and fusion. The overall energy R&D expenditure peaked in 1980 and has continously been declining to less than half its maximum level since then. other educational academic institutions of the Source: IEA Energy Technology R&D Statistics Service European countries, interested in capacity building at national and regional level for the extended use of RES in Europe as well as in other regions of the world. Similar regional Figure 1 network in research, education and training networks for Africa, Latin America and the Public R&D Budgets of will be discussed. Caribbean region as well as other regions are 23 IEA member coun- planned to be launched during the current tries for selected fields biennium 2004 – 2005. of energy related UNESCO fosters Education In conclusion, Erdelen heads the following call: research Networks to build up capacities “UNESCO invites all Governments and concerned institutions to joint efforts and partnership for In 1997 the UNESCO established the “Global the implementation of this initiative related to Renewable Energy Education and Training” the human resources development and net- (GREET programme) which aims at improving working. Furthermore we aim at enabling actors the use, maintenance and management of in this specific area to share investment costs renewable energy projects and programmes, for research and education as well as outcome.” as well as transfer of technological know-how. Beside UNESCO the international organizing partners are UNDP and the European Commis- sion, as well as institutions and organisations BMU strengthens at the national and regional level. communication link between science and politics Prof. Walter Rudolf Erdelen, UNESCO Assistant Director, states: “To achieve the Millennium Rainer Hinrichs-Rahlwes, Director General within Developmental targets, UNESCO will continue the German Federal Ministry for the Environment to advocate for renewable energies, capacity- (BMU), announces that the BMU will strengthen building, and development of competent renewable energy research: “At present the human resources with emphasis on improving research programme comprises annual funds the living conditions in rural areas of poor of EUR 65 million and is aiming at driving the countries, especially in the developing countries high level of technological innovation in the and small Island States, particularly for women, photovoltaics, offshore wind energy and con- 162 young people, and girls, and facilitating the centrating solar power stations. The support Press Release (June 1st 2004) Science Forum 2004 focuses on projects carried out by private 2500 enterprises and academic institutions as joint Geothermal ventures, and on accompanying socio-ecolo- Biomass gical research, in order to sustain the use of Ocean 2000 Wind renewable energies. Environment and climate Solar Thermal-Electric have one thing in common with the sciences: Solar Photo-Electric Solar Heating and Cooling national borders become more and more 1500 meaningless.”

1000 Furthermore Hinrichs-Rahlwes adds: “It is important that the political implementation of a sustainable energy system with a steadily 500 increasing share of renewable energies receives continuous support through independent scientific research and promoting awareness. 0 It is essential to shift this scientifically based 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 Year knowledge into various options for action as a basis for policy-making bodies to adopt pre- RD&D expenditure on renewable energies follows the trend in regressing overall RD&D ventive strategies and bring existing policies expenditure on energy: It peaked in 1980 and has since declined to about one third of its into line with new challenges. For that purpose maximum level. Within the overall renewable energy RD&D budget, biomass and photo- a global science network with a policy mission, voltaics show a trend to rising proportions, while the other sectors remain on a constant or slightly decreasing relative level. an “International Science Panel on Renewable Source: IEA Energy Technology R&D Statistics Service Energy (ISPRE)”, composed of universities and research institutes, shall be established. The ISPRE will be charged with analysing and evaluating global R&D activities in the field of renewable energies. ISPRE shall be initiated at the confer- Alarming global trend Figure 2 ence renewables 2004 aiming at manifold in R&D expenditure Budgets of 23 IEA- support from various institutions, with a small From 1974 to 1998 in the twentythree IEA- member countries for secretariat to set up the initial phase. Other Member countries only a 10% share of the Research on Renew- countries as well as research institutes are invited respective budget was spent on renewable able Energies to participate actively. This panel will function energies, while about 70 % of the energy relat- as a vital link between the scientific community ed expenditure was spent on nuclear fission and political decision makers.” and fusion. The overall energy R&D expenditure peaked in 1980. Since then it has been con- tinuously declining to less than half its maximum level. (Fig.1 and 2) Active role of UN for a strategic research and development Since less investment means less innovations, this global trend of cutting energy-related R&D R&D activities in developing countries are funds is in clear contrast to the importance of quite limited, and it is evident that only a small the energy sector for evolution in general and number of the larger countries have real R&D especially to the ever-rising importance of programmes on renewable energy technologies renewable energies. In order to give renewables in place. Thus it is necessary to build up R&D the necessary support, the average direct state programmes fostered by the UN including the expenditure for R&D in the renewable energy many smaller countries that are in need of sector in industrialised countries have to increase renewable energies but yet not able to invest at least ten-fold until 2020. At the same time, in R&D. A strategic global fund for R&D on significant international support must also be renewable energies should be established per- directed to R&D in developing countries. haps within the UN system. 163 Press Release (June 1st 2004) Science Forum 2004

Goals of R&D A significant time lag between R&D and market launch must be considered. R&D on renewable Both non-technical and technological R&D on energies is therefore a strategic field of research renewable energies are essential for the evolution and industry policy which is inadequately of the energy sector towards sustainable steered and supported at present. Governance schemes. The wide span of interrelated R&D following the logic of political management, challenges includes e.g.: on the one hand and self organised processes • R&D on non-technological aspects following the logics of markets, on the other (economic, sociological, political) hand must complement one another. • R&D on renewable energies for electricity production • R&D on renewable energies for the production of heating and cooling energy Internet based education • R&D on solar and energy optimised buildings • R&D on renewable energies for fuel Properly managed, internet-based dissemination, production education and training will provide a huge • R&D on comprehensive technological aspects support for renewable energy deployment for a relatively small effort in budget and hardware. In all these fields two main approaches must Internet-based education can be realized directly be followed: by interactive procedures, but knowledge • New technologies have to be developed in transfer into different cultures may need special some areas. Three examples: biogenic-energy preparation in addition to simple translation. carriers for a decentralised supply of storable Based on modern IC-technologies, dissemination energy, low-cost energy efficient houses, to an unlimited amount of users is possible. It storage technologies for high quality energy. can also be made affordable fore those having • Cost reductions for existing renewable energy no access to conventional educational materials technologies have to materialise. This includes: such as books and journals. higher efficiencies of energy conversion, longer service life of technical components, Contact: less maintenance, less material consumption. Dr. Gerd Stadermann FVS – Secretary Manager [email protected]

Renewable Energies need Petra Szczepanski politically supported markets FVS – Public Relations [email protected] Modern energy and its sustainable provision is necessary for nearly all fields of development. Most renewable energy technologies are local, they can start locally based value chains, re- newable energies and related knowledge-based services generate income, improve the environ- ment as well as health situation, and foster education in developing countries. As such renewable energies help to reduce poverty and build up capacity. The Science Forum con- tributes to the development of a strategy how to produce new knowledge and how to dissem- inate it most widely in industrialized as well as developing countries.

164 Participants Science Forum 2004 List of Participants

Adeyeye, Joseph Baletlwa, Tebalebo Apapaj Lagos, Nigeria Botswana Technology Centre Gaborone, Botswana Agert, Carsten Fraunhofer ISE/WBGU Bangoura, Sedia Freiburg, Germany IDEE-Europe Bonn, Germany Alghari, Ali MHEW Ba-Omar, Taher A. Sultanate of Oman Sultan Qaboos University Al-Khod, Sultanate of Oman Alnaser, W.E. University of Bahrain/Arab Section of ISES Baptista, Nganbajina Ministry of Science Al-Ghafri, Ali Bin Hamed Ministry of Housing, Electricity & Water Barleben, Catrin Ruwi Muscat, Sultanate of Oman Techn. University Berlin Germany Al-Salaymeh, Ahmed University of Jordan Bassam, N. Amman, Jordan IFEED International Research Centre for Renewable Energy Argyropoulos, Daniel Sievershausen, Germany BMU – German Federal Ministry for the Environ- ment, Natur Conservation and Nuclear Safety Bayer, Wolfgang Berlin, Germany DESTATIS Statistisches Bundesamt Wiesbaden, Germany Artashes, Sarysya Ecoteam/CANCEE Bdaûos Ortega, Maria de Fátima Universidad Nacional Agraria Nicaragua Asmal, Osman Becker, Manfred Astakhov, Oleksandr KfW FZ Jülich/Forschungszentrum Jülich Lohmar, Germany Jülich, Germany Becker, Rolf W. Azzawi-Steyrer, Ursula Forumfinanz Berlin, Germany Bonn, Germany

Backhaus, Wolfgang Benchikh, Osman University Aachen UNESCO Aachen, Germany Beyer, Wolfhard Badran, Omar Forschungszentrum Jülich Al-Balqa Applied University Germany Amman, Jordan 165 Participants Science Forum 2004

Bisseleua, Hervé Catenhusen, Wolf-Michael University of Göttingen BMBF – German Federal Ministry Germany for Education and Research Bonn, Germany Blanco-Rosete, Sergio Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana Cortez, Luis Mexico City, Mexico State University of Campinas – UNICAMP Campinas, Brazil Blode, Andreas University of Göttingen, Curbelo, Alfredo Germany Innovation and Energy Cuba Boehme, Dieter BMU – Federal Ministry for Environment, Christensen, John Natur Conservation and Nuclear Safety UNEP (UCCEE) – Collaborating Centre on Berlin, Germany Energy and Environment

Bohn, Anneliese Dalelo, Aklilu BMBF – German Federal Ministry KHC for Education and Research Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Bonn, Germany Davidson, Ogunlade Boyle, Godfrey University od Sierra Leone Open University Freetown, Sierra Leone Mifton Key Nes, USA del Rio, Antonio Brinkmann, Klaus Centro de Investigaerion en Energia VNAM Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld Temixco, Mexico Germany de Padova, Thomas Brinkmann, Corinna Der Tagesspiegel Universität Dortmund Berlin, Germany Iserlohn, Germany Dewelle, Bruno Brudler, Evelyn Ventabren Environement PPRE Ventabren, France Oldenburg, Germany Dylla, Thorsten Brüggemann, Anke Forschungszentrum Jülich KfW Bankengruppe Germany Frankfurt/Main, Germany Doctor-Pingel, Mona Cach, Nguyen Thi AUROVILLE HUE University of Agriculture and Foresity Auroville, India Hue City, Vietnam Engel, Tomi Camargo Castro, Luciana Object Farth Solarkonzepte Barra da Lagoa, Brazil Stierhöfstetten, Germany

Carius, Reinhard Engelhardt, Ursula Forschungszentrum Jülich IDEE-Europe 166 Germany Bonn, Germany Participants Science Forum 2004

Engelke, Wolf-Ruediger CORE – Council for Renewable Energy in the Hackstein, Detlev Mekong Region Fernuniversität Hagen Phitsanulok, Thailand Germany

Erdelen, Walter Hamrin, Jan UNESCO Center for Research Solutions San Francisco, USA Farabegoli, Marcello Universität Potsdam Harms, Michael Berlin, Germany DAAD Bonn, Germany Faureau, Mathieu UNESCO Hau, Melanie Office MoP Fell Fell, Hans-Josef Berlin, Germany EUROSOLAR, German Federal Parliament Berlin, Germany Haut, Andreas Gebrüder Laumans GmbH & Co. KG Fickinger, Nico Brüggen, Germnay Frankfurter Allgemeine Berlin, Germany Hemmers, Rosa Stadtwerke Aachen Fischedick, Manfred Aachen, Germany Wuppertal Institute Wuppertal, Germany Hermann, Sebastian University of Oldenburg Garche, Jürgen Germany ZSW Ulm Herold, Andrew Geiss, Jan CMN SD-Forum, University of Passau, Alexandria, USA Germany Heusch, Bernhard Gerhards, Thomas CNRS Bischöfliches Hilfswerk Misereor Bonn, Germany Aachen, Germany Hinrich-Rahlews, Rainer Mr. Getaken BMU, Berlin, Germany Ethiopian Electric Agency (EEA) Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Hirschl, Bernd IÖW – Institute for Ecological Economy Research Goldenblatt, Dan Berlin, Germany Israeli Parliament (Knesset) Tel Aviv, Israel Hoffmann, Esther IÖW – Institute for Ecological Economy Research Grob, Gustav Berlin, Germany ISEO – International Sustainable Energy Organisation Holm, Dieter Geneva, Switzerland GRA – Global Research Alliance South Africa 167 Hoystad, Dag Arne Friends of the Earth Vollen, Norway Participants Science Forum 2004

Huenges, Ernst Kohl, Harald GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam BMU – Federal Ministry for Environment, Potsdam, Germany Natur Conservation and Nuclear Safety Berlin, Germany Hussein, Tarabeah TAE Krauter, Stefan Sakitnih, Israel UECE Fortalezza, Brazil Kafle, Narayan Tribhuvan University Krautkremer, Bernd Lalitpur, Nepal ISET – Institut für Solare Energieversorgungstechnik Kanchanatawee, Sunthorn Hanau, Germany Suranaree University of Technology Naichton, Thailand Krebuehl, Jochen Fairtrade Labelling Organisations Karayanni, Habeeb Bonn, Germany The Galilee Society Shefa-Amr, Israel Krell, Katharina EUREC Agency Karcher, Henning Brussels, Belgium UNDP Nepal Krishna, Jahagirdar University of Agriculture Sciences Kekelia, Bidzina Dharwad, India Tiblisi, Georgia Kyritsis, Spyros Khadem, Shafiuzzaman Khan University of Agriculture of Athens (A.U.A.) University of Dhaka, Athens, Greece Renewable Energy Research Center Bangladesh Lanser, Wolfgang Techn. University Berlin, Germany Kiefer, Kirstin Stadt Freiburg Umweltschutzamt Laufer, Dino Freiburg, Germany Berlin, Germany

Kimura, Osamu Laurich-Oppermann, Jacqueline Central Research Institute of Electric Power FVS – Solar Energy Research Association Industry Berlin, Germany Tokyo, Japan Lehmann, Harry Kithyoma, Waeni Institute for Sustainable Solutions and AFREPREN /FWD Innovations Nairobi, Kenya Germany

Koch-Kraft, Andrea Leon, Augustus Projektträger-DLR, PT-UF Asian Institute of Technology Bonn, Germany Pathumthani, Thailand Levin, Larry American-German Business News 168 Bonn, Germany Participants Science Forum 2004

Li, Fuquan Lwascabwamga, Mulangala Institute of Ministry of Agriculture Biogas Research Assemblee Nationale Chengdu, China Kinshasa, Congo

Lieth, George Mackenzie, Gordon ZEF, University of Bonn UNEP RISOE CENTRE Bonn, Germany Roskilde, Denmark

Linkohr, Rolf Mahasin, Ahmed Member of the European Parliament University of Göttingen Brussels, Belgium Göttingen, Germany

Lins, Christine Manarjan, Sunil EREC – European Renewable Energy Council INWENT/ERC Brussels, Belgium Kathmanou, Nepal

Lokolo, Michel Claude Martinot, Eric Energy Ministry Worldwatch Institute Yaounde, Cameroon Washington, USA

Lorenz, Karsten Mathieu, Faureau Wilhelmshaven, Germany UNESCO

Lorenz, , Didier Wilhelmshaven, Germany Ecole des Mines de Paris Sophia Antipolis, France Löwi, Ilana Embassy of the State of Israel Melomakulu, Boni Berlin, Germany Department of Science and Technology Pretoria, South Africa Lund, John W. Oregon Institute of Technology Mehlwana, Mongameli U.S.A. CSIR – South Africa Council for Scientific and Industrial Research Luo, Zhihin South Africa University of Goettingen Germany Memmler, Michael Institute of Forest and Environmental Policy Luther, Gerhard Freiburg, Germany University of Saarbrücken Saarbrücken, Germany Mertens, Margit Media Pressebüro Federstrich Luther, Joachim Bonn, Germany Fraunhofer ISE Freiburg, Germany Milow, Bernhard DLR, German Aerospace Center Lux-Steiner, Martha Ch. Köln, Germany HMI Hahn-Meitner-Institut Berlin, Germany Mohlakoana, Nthabiseng Energy Research Centre Cape Town, South Africa 169 Participants Science Forum 2004

Morishita, Naomi Pacudan, Romeo Frankfurt/M., Germany UNEP Risoe Centre, Risoe National Laboratory Mulangala, Nasha Roskilde, Denmark ADWC – Action for Development of Women & Children Pasch, Gerd London, UK Deutschlandfunk Köln, Germany Mwakasonda, Stanford Energy Research Centre Petrucci, Fernando CapeTown, South Africa Wind Generators Buenos Aires, Argentina Neto, Majens Manuel Ministry Science and Technology Angola Phan-Hieu-Hien Lisanda, Angola University of Agriculture and Forestry Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Neupane, Suraj UNDP/REDP – Piria, Raffaele United Nations Development Programme ESTIF Kathmandu, Nepal Pitz-Paal, Robert Ngereza, Andrew Jacob DLR, German Aerospace Center Dar-Es-Salaam, Tansania Köln, Germany

Niessler, Franz Plenkers, Anton Wien, Austria Meerbusch, Germany

Nishio, Kenichiro Pokhavel, Govind CRIEPI Universität Flensburg Tokyo, Japan Germany

Nitsch, Joachim Pottgiesser, Uta DLR, German Aerospace Center TU Dresden Germany Germany

Nitzschke, Milan Precht, Folkert Bundesverband Erneuerbare Energie e.V. Dt. Unesco-Kommission Paderborn, Germany Bonn, Germany

Oishi, Lila Proetel-Horst, Doris Berlin, Germany Königswinter, Germany

Oliphand, Monica Raab, Matthias ISES – International Solar Energy Society CAU Kiel Australia Hörstein, Germany

Olivares-Hernández, Roberto Rakwichian, Wattanapong Universidad Jutónoma Metropolitana Iztapalapa School of Renewable Energy Technology Civdad de México, Mexico Phitsanulok, Thailand

170 Participants Science Forum 2004

Rathgeber, Meike Sancho, Sebastian Unabhängiges Institut für Umweltfragen Lahmeyer Internatinal GmbH Berlin, Germany Serre, Italy

Reinhard, Marc Sari, Rita Kartika Forum U+E Bogor Agricultural University Bonn, Germany Bogor, Indonesia

Rehling, Uwe Sargsyan, Artashes SESAM, Uni Flensburg, Germany NGO Ecoteam, CANCEE Yerevan, Armenia Rentzing, Sascha Neue Energie Sayigh, Ali Osnabrück, Germany World Renewable Energy Network – WREN Brighton, United Kingdom Reutter, Oliver DLR, German Aerospace Center Schill, Wolf-Peter Köln, Germany Office MoP Fell Berlin, Germany Rónai, Judit EUROSOLAR HUNGARY Schiricke, Björn Sopron, Hungary DLR – German Aerospace Center Köln, Germany Roß, Christoph Forschungszentrum Jülich Schmid, Jürgen Germany ISET – Institut für Solare Energieversorgungstechnik Rosyid, Oo Abdul Kassel, Germany University of Magdeburg Germany Schmidthals, Malte Unabhängiges Institut für Umweltfragen Ruiz, A. Carlos Berlin, Germany University of Göttingen Germany Schneider, Rainer Jülich, Germany Sahin, Mustafa Ankara, Turkey Scholz, Harald European Commission, DG JRC Salim, Sk. Abdus Ispra, Italy CMES – Centre for Mass Education in Science Dhaka, Bangladesh Schulte to Bühne, Helena BMBF – German Federal Ministry Samper,Miren-Maialen for Education and Research Sustainable Development Bonn, Germany Dublin, Ireland Schulze, Rebecca Samboré, Yacouba BMU – Federal Ministry for Environment, Universität Flensburg Natur Conservation and Nuclear Safety Berlin, Germany Berlin, Germany

171 Participants Science Forum 2004

Schunck, Hermann Stein, Christof BMBF – German Federal Ministry BMU – Federal Ministry for Environment, for Education and Research Natur Conservation and Nuclear Safety Bonn, Germany Berlin, Germany

Schwencke, Tilman Steiner, Michael Office Member of European Parliament HMI – Hahn-Meitner-Institut Brüssel, Belgium Berlin, Germany

Seeber, Dietmar Steyrer, Robert Energiebratung Seeber Berlin, Germany Osnabrück, Germany Süß, Anania Andy Anggraini Shaikh, Riaz Ahmed Gadjah Mada University University of Flensburg Jogjakarta, Indonesia Germany Szczepanski, Petra Shirazi, Alireza FVS – Solar Energy Research Association Aria Energy Efficient Co. Berlin, Germany Teheran, Iran Tampiko, Handaru Sick, Friedrich Indonesia Institute of Technology University of Apllied Sciences/FHTW Berlin Tanqerang, Indonesia Berlin, Germany Tarabeah, Hussein Sill, Deborah TAEQ Office MoP Fell Berlin, Germany Tasliman, Tasliman University of Jember Sinhutswa, Theuba Jember, Indonesia City of Cape Town South Africa Tastekin, Silvia Energieseminar TU Berlin Spence, Chris Berlin, Germany International Institute for Sustainable Development Tuyen, Bui conu New York, USA SESAM Sustainable Energy Systems and Management Staden, Rian Flensburg, Germany International Solar Energy Society Freiburg, Germany Urban, Rüdiger Ministry for Science and Research NRW Stadermann, Gerd Düsseldorf, Germany FVS – Solar Energy Research Association Berlin, Germany van Sleight, Patrick INWENT/ERC Stead, Grace Cape Town, South Africa City of Cape Town South Africa Vajen, Klaus ISES – International Solar Energy Society Kassel, Germany 172 Participants Science Forum 2004

Vega, Gil F. Dela DMMMSU-NLUC Bacnotan, Philippines von Peinen, Martin MvP Solar Mainz, Germany

Wagner, Andreas GE Energy Salzbergen, Germany

Wagner, Sigurd University of Princeton USA

Walter, Bernhard Brot für die Welt Bonn, Germany

Wernick, Udo EED Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst e.V. Bonn, Germany

Wienges, Sebastian FVS – Solar Energy Research Association Berlin, Germany

Wilke, Nicole BMU - Federal Ministry for Environment, Natur Conservation and Nuclear Safety Berlin, Germany

Worthington, Richard University of Durham United Kingdom

Wünsch, Frank HMI – Hahn-Meitner-Institut Berlin, Germany

173 Member Institutes Science Forum 2004


Gelsenkirchen Fraunhofer ISE Berlin HMI Jülich FZJ Potsdam GFZ

Hameln/Emmerthal ISFH Köln DLR

Freiburg Hanau Kassel Fraunhofer ISE ISET ISET

Stuttgart ZSW • DLR Ulm ZSW

Almería DLR/PSA

Solar Energy Research Association (FVS) • Office c/o Hahn-Meitner-Institut • Kekuléstrasse 5 • 12489 Berlin • Germany 174 Phone: +49 (0)30 / 8062-1338 • Fax: +49 (0)30 / 8062-1333 • E-mail: [email protected] • www.FV-Sonnenenergie.de Member Institutes Science Forum 2004 Member Institutes of the Solar Energy Research Association (FVS)

DLR Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt HMI Hahn-Meitner-Institut Berlin (German Aerospace Center) Glienicker Straße 100 • 14109 Berlin • Germany Zentrum Köln-Porz Thomas Robertson: 51170 Cologne • Germany Phone: +49 (0)30/8062-2034 Prof. Dr. Robert Pitz-Paal E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +49 (0)2203/601-2744 www.hmi.de E-mail: [email protected] HMI Adlershof site www.dlr.de Kekuléstraße 5 • 12489 Berlin • Germany DLR Stuttgart site Phone: +49 (0)30/8062-1353 Pfaffenwaldring 38–40 www.hmi.de/bereiche/SE/SE1 70569 Stuttgart • Germany Prof. Dr. Hans Müller-Steinhagen ISFH Institut für Solarenergieforschung Phone: +49 (0)711/6862-358 Hameln/Emmerthal E-mail: [email protected] Am Ohrberg 1 • 31860 Emmerthal • Germany Dr. Roland Goslich: DLR-Team at the Phone: +49 (0)5151/999-302 PSA Plataforma Solar de Almería E-mail: [email protected] European Test Centre for www.isfh.de Solar Energy Applications Apartado 39 ISET Institut für Solare Energieversorgungstechnik E-04200 Tabernas (Almería) • Spain Verein an der Universität Kassel e.V. Dr. Christoph Richter Königstor 59 • 34119 Kassel • Germany Phone: 0034/950-38 79 48 Uwe Krengel: E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +49 (0)561/7294-319 www.dlr.de/psa E-mail: [email protected] www.iset.uni-kassel.de FZJ Forschungszentrum Jülich ISET Hanau site (Research Centre Juelich) Rodenbacher Chaussee 6 • 63457 Hanau • Germany 52425 Jülich • Germany Phone: +49 (0)6181/58-2701 Mechthild Hexamer: E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +49 (0)2461/6-4661 E-mail: [email protected] ZSW Zentrum für Sonnenenergie- und www.fz-juelich.de Wasserstoff-Forschung Baden Würtemberg (Centre for Solar Energy and Hydrogen Research) Fraunhofer ISE Industriestraße 6 • 70565 Stuttgart • Germany Fraunhofer-Institut für Solare Energiesysteme Karl-Heinz Frietsch: (Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems) Phone: +49 (0)711/7870-206 Heidenhofstraße 2 • 79110 Freiburg • Germany E-Mail: [email protected] Karin Schneider: www.zsw-bw.de Phone: +49 (0)761/4588-5147 E-mail: [email protected] ZSW Ulm site www.ise.fraunhofer.de Helmholtzstraße 8 • 89081 Ulm • Germany Phone: +49 (0)731/9530-0 GFZ GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam Telegrafenberg • 14473 Potsdam • Germany Franz Ossing: Phone: +49 (0)331/288-1040 E-mail: [email protected] www.gfz-potsdam.de 175 Photographic Credits Science Forum 2004 Photographic Credits

p. 5–55 all photographs FVS p. 61 photographs were provided by IÖW p. 67 photograph was provided by ISES p. 79 photograph FVS p. 80–89 Pictures are courtesy of CSIR, AfricaNet, RISOE UNEP and Renewable Energy World p. 91 photographs were provided by AFREPREN p. 115–146 all photographs FVS p. 151 photograph was provided by German Federal Parliament photograph (Stadermann) FVS p. 159 photograph FVS

177 ForschungsVerbund Sonnenenergie/Solar Energy Research Association Science Forum 2004

Imprint Science Forum 2004

Publisher: Science Forum 2004 is supported by the Dr. Gerd Stadermann German Federal Ministry for Education and ForschungsVerbund Sonnenenergie/ Research (BMBF). Solar Energy Research Association Kekuléstraße 5 12489 Berlin Research and Development of the Solar Energy Research Association/ Telefon +49 (0)30 80 62 – 1338 ForschungsVerbund Sonenenergie Fax +49 (0)30 80 62 – 1333 are supported by the German Federal E-Mail [email protected] Ministries for www.FV-Sonnenenergie.de • Environment, Nature Protection and Editors: Nuclear Safety (BMU) Sebastian Wienges • Education and Research (BMBF) Dr. Gerd Stadermann • Economics and Labour (BMWA) Petra Szczepanski • Consumer Protection, Food and Agriculture (BMVEL) Simultaneous interpreting: Kristina Lange, Julia Wardetzki Translationes Stralauer Platz 34, Energieforum 10243 Berlin, ISSN International Standard Serial Number Layout: 0939-7582 PEPERONI Werbeagentur GmbH Berlin, September 2004 Prenzlauer Allee 193 10405 Berlin This brochure is printed on chlorine-free bleached paper. Print: Oktoberdruck AG Rudolfstrasse 1–8 10245 Berlin 179 0_Umschlag2004_02.qxd5 28.09.200417:50UhrSeite1 Solar EnergyResearch Association(FVS) hn:+9()0/8062-1338 / (0)30 Phone: +49 • a:+9()0/8062-1333 / (0)30 Fax: +49 • Office c/oHahn-Meitner-Institut • E-mail: [email protected] • Kekuléstrasse 5 • www.FV-Sonnenenergie.de • 12489 Berlin • Germany

Science Forum 2004 for RenewableEnergies Networked Knowledge Science Forumoftherenewables2004 – Basis for Wide-spread Deployment ofRenewableEnergies – BasisforWide-spread Deployment Education Research, Developmentand