0_Umschlag2004_02.qxd5 28.09.2004 17:50 Uhr Seite 1 Science Forum of the renewables2004 Networked Knowledge for Renewable Energies Research, Development and Education – Basis for Wide-spread Deployment of Renewable Energies Solar Energy Research Association (FVS) • Office c/o Hahn-Meitner-Institut • Kekuléstrasse 5 • 12489 Berlin • Germany Phone: +49 (0)30 / 8062-1338 • Fax: +49 (0)30 / 8062-1333 • E-mail: [email protected] • www.FV-Sonnenenergie.de Science Forum 2004 Science Forum of the renewables2004 International Conference for Renewable Energies Networked Knowledge for Renewable Energies Research, Development and Education – Basis for Wide-spread Deployment of Renewable Energies Science Forum 2004 Organized by the Solar Energy Research Association ForschungsVerbund Sonnenenergie (FVS) On 1st June in Bonn This publication has been supported by the BMBF Inhalt Science Forum 2004 5 Editorial: A Knowledgeable Strategy for 47 Research and Development Needs the Dissemination of Renewable Energies for Renewable Energy Technology in Jürgen Schmid, Sebastian Wienges, Industrialized Countries Gerd Stadermann • FVS (Germany) Sigurd Wagner, Richard M. Swanson • Princeton University (USA) Opening Introductory Notes 51 The Challenge of Renewable Energies Integration in Energy 9 The Significance of Research and Distribution Systems Education for Renewable Energies Romeo Pacudan • UNEP Risoe Centre Wolf-Michael Catenhusen • State (Denmark) Secretary, German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) 55 Integrating Renewable Energy Into Society 15 Science and Education as a Key to Janice Hamrin • Center for Resource Development Solutions (USA) Walter Rudolf Erdelen • UNESCO – United Nations Educational Scientific 61 Promotion of Renewable Energies and Cultural Organization for Heating and Cooling Bernd Hirschl • Institute for Ecological Economy Research (Germany) Introductory Overviews: Research, Development and Education 67 Transitioning to a Renewable Energy Future 21 Global Research and Development on Rian v. Staden • ISES (Germany) Renewables Joachim Luther • GRA, FVS, Fraunhofer ISE 73 Full Solar Supply of Industrialized Countries – The Example Japan 25 UNESCO’s Global Renewable Energy Harry Lehmann • Institute for Education and Training Programme Sustainable Solutions and Innovations (GREET Programme) (Germany) Osman Benchikh • UNESCO Knowledge for Development: Economic and Political Aspects of Capacity Building in Renewable the Transition to Renewable Energy Energies for Poverty Alleviation Systems 79 Research and Development Needs 41 Policies and Measures for Renewable for Renewable Energies in Developing Energy and Energy Efficiency in South Countries Africa Mongameli Mehlwana • CSIR Stanford A.J. Mwakasonda • Energy (South Africa) Research Centre (South Africa) 2 91 Capacity Building for Sustainable 129 Renewable Energy Research and Energy Development and Poverty Education Network Alleviation in Sub-Saharan Africa Jürgen Schmid • ISET (Germany) Stephen Karekezi, Waeni Kithyoma • AFREPREN/FWD (Kenya) Panel Discussion 99 Possible Cooperation between Arab and European Countries in Energy, 137 Opportunies and Necessities of Water and Environmental Issues Research and Education W. E. Alnaser • University of Bahrain Facilitator: Martha C. Lux-Steiner Gerhard Knies • Climate Protection • FVS, HMI (Germany) Funds Hamburg (Germany) Franz Trieb • DLR (Germany) Annex 101 Capacity Building in Developing Countries – Bringing Renewable 151 International Open University for Energy to the People Renewable Energies (OPURE) Uwe Rehling • SESAM (Germany) Henning Karcher • UNDP (Nepal) 153 International Organisations Concerned Merina Pradhan • UNDP with Energy Issues 107 UNESCO – Global Renewable Energy 159 Press Conference Education and Training Program in a Latinamerican View 161 Press Release Alfredo Curbelo Alonso • Innovation and Energy (Cuba) 165 List of Participants 175 Member Insitutes of the Solar Energy Launching the Open International Research Association (FVS) Solar University (OPURE) 177 Photographic Credits 115 The EUREC’s Master in Renewable Energies – Educating Renewable Energy 179 Imprint Engineers Didier Mayer • CENERG (France) 121 Renewable Energy Education Network: The International Institute for Renewable Energies (IIRE) Wattanapong Rakwichian • SERT (Thailand) 125 European Network on Education and Training in Renewable Energy Sources Spyros Kyritsis • EURONETRES (Greece) 3 Jürgen Schmid/Sebastian Wienges/Gerd Stadermann • A Knowledgeable Strategy Science Forum 2004 Editorial: A Knowledgeable Strategy for the Dissemination of Renewable Energies Energy was one of five foci of the World Summit Multisectoral partnerships of autonomous on Sustainable Development (WSSD) in Johan- actors, who cooperate flexibly and provide each nesburg in 2002. While the access to modern other with abilities, information, and comple- energy is crucial for poverty reduction in partic- mentary resources when needed, offer a new ular and development in general, the way of and increasingly prominent informally struc- producing and providing that energy is as tured model for international cooperation for crucial for environmental and social sustainability. sustainable development. Knowledge networks Hence, the renewables2004 – the International combine efficiency of competition with effec- Conference for Renewable Energies was the tiveness of cooperation. Those networks avoid logical consequence and next step on the way situations of international stalemate and offer Jürgen Schmid forward. It was held from 1st June to 4th June optimal conditions for the cooperative dissemi- Solar Energy Research 2004 in Bonn, Germany, and turned out to nation of renewable energies. One of the major, Association (FVS/ISET) be a forum for stakeholders from all sectors: but not uncontroversial outcomes of the WSSD [email protected] Governments as well as parliamentarians, the were the so called Type II partnerships, in all private sector, NGOs, International Organisa- of which knowledge is an important resource to tions, and International Financial Institutions. be traded. On 1st June this multisectoral approach to the dissemination of renewables was completed Those organisational forms demand a strategy by the Science Forum – Education, Research, of management of knowledge in particular and and Training: Basis for Wide-spread Deployment of knowledge networks in general. That strategy of Renewable Energies. This one-day side-event has to complement self-organizing processes of brought together scientists and practitioners markets with the mechanisms of political gover- from allover the world, discussing the future nance. It needs to connect decision-making requirements of research and development as to action and allow renewable energies through well as needs and potentials of education political interventions to compete on level play- Sebastian Wienges and training for renewables in developing and ing fields. industrialized countries. Solar Energy Research The Science Forum achieved to gather the Association (FVS) Knowledge will be beyond doubt the source of scientific community and contributed to the [email protected] power and wealth in the coming global know- excange and elaboration of strategic know- ledge-based society and, hence, is a leverage ledge, though a consistent strategy to manage for all capacity building in sustainable develop- networks and their knowledge resources for the ment. The generation and distribution of dissemination of renewables is (still) missing. knowledge, however, will not work the ways usual commodities do. Its value can hardly be The Science Forum would not have been priced, nevertheless it has value for actors in possible without the generous sponsorship and developmental processes. Knowledge can be support of the German Federal Ministry for characterized as public or at least semi-public Education and Research (BMBF). We are also good. Neither markets nor politics alone will be deeply grateful to the Thematic Advisor of the sufficient to provide the knowledge resources Conference Renewables 2004, Dieter Uh, of needed for the successful creation of markets the German Energy Agency (DENA), and Martin Gerd Stadermann for renewable energies. Schöpe of the Federal Ministry for the Environ- Solar Energy Research Association (FVS) [email protected] 5 Jürgen Schmid/Sebastian Wienges/Gerd Stadermann • A Knowledgeable Strategy Science Forum 2004 ment (BMU) for the thorough discussions and useful advice on the organisation. Special thanks deserve Hans-Josef Fell, MoP, who as parliamentary expert for research policy of Alliance 90/The Greens propelled the decision for the realisation of the Science Forum. This volume presents the papers of the speakers at the Science Forum, complementing each other to make knowledgeable the strategic sig- nificance of knowledge, respectively research and education for sustainable development and the switch to a renewable energy system. It cannot give a recipe how to manage that switch, that puzzle is still to be resolved, even if the organisers of the Science Forum hope to have made another step on “the way forward on renewable energy”. Particularly one outcome (see annex) of the Science Forum proves this hope to be realistic. During the panel discussion the proposal of an open international university for renewable energies was taken up and launched: On 2nd June, EUROSOLAR and the Solar Energy Research Association (FVS) initiated a founda- tion process of the Open University for Renew- able Energies (OPURE),
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