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OCT 19TH 2019 Donald Trump’s betrayal of the Kurds is a blow to America’s credibility

The world this week

Politics this week Business this week

KAL’s cartoon


Geopolitics Who can Trump’s America? The consequences of betraying the Kurds

Brexit Beyond the summit If Britain and the European Union agree on a deal, voters should get a say on it too

Climate-change targets Omissions Net-zero targets are all the rage. They are a necessary but not sucient condition for ghting climate change

Somewhere over the rainbow The need for speed J , j


Turkey and Syria No way to say goodbye Removing American troops from Syria triggered an invasion, betrayed an ally and trashed the national interest

Kurdish homelands No xed abode America’s abandonment caps a century of global duplicity Europe

Spain Dreams and nightmares

Hungary Orban gets the Erdogan treatment

The Nobel prize in literature Explosive

Poland Zlotys for tots win lots of votes

Charlemagne Ursula’s bumpy start

Britain Scotland The other referendum

The Queen’s Speech Ma’am’s manifesto

Electoral law Identity politics

Cardinal Newman A saint for all seasons

Economics in schools Sample bias

Sirius Minerals In a hole

The solo-living boom Making room

Bagehot The hazard at the Home Oce

United States Homelessness Urban myths

Flourishing African languages The other African-Americans

School hours The bigger sleep

Private prisons Capital punishment

Emergency preparedness Tips for troglodytes

Lexington The unravelling of Rudy Giuliani

Middle East and Africa Cyril Ramaphosa The fuse is lit

Liberia How convenient

Congo’s rainforest That shrinking feeling

The Nobel peace prize Abiy wins a medal

Tunisian politics A new hope


The Americas Argentina’s elections The two faces of Peronism

Bolivia’s election Morales’ hazard

Bello An equatorial earthquake

Asia Japan’s monarchy Slave to the tortoise shell

India v China Forced smiles

Cotton in Uzbekistan A radical plan to abolish slave labour

Banyan For king, if not country


Home schooling Well read v well red

Chinese citizenship

Anger in the chamber A storm in Legco

Chaguan Testing times for tofu International

Remotest Russia and Arctic America So near and yet so far


British Airways The world’s 19th-favourite airline

B tl b Bartleby Just about managing

Artificial intelligence Human-machine interface

Corporate governance Power decouples

Medical psychedelics Shroom to grow

Luxury goods A tale of two handbags

Cosmetics Looking wan

Schumpeter The stu paradox

Finance & economics

Danske and Swedbank Northern blights

Buttonwood From A-list to delist

Puerto Rico’s bankruptcy Territorial claims The world economy Foggy outlook

Trade and emissions Out of sight

Free exchange Rich economics

Science & technology

Sustainable forestry If you go down to the woods today

Fish scales The mighty pirarucu

Gross national happiness Reading between the lines

Follow my leader Trilobites marched along

Cannabis and pregnancy Smoked out

Books & arts Political violence What had to be done

Spy fiction The enemy within

Johnson Ill-gotten gains

Economic and financial indicators

Economic data, commodities and markets

Graphic detail Cyril Ramaphosa is running out of time to reform South Africa

Banks and money-laundering Nordic noir When it comes to dirty money owing through the nancial system, Europe needs more of a killer instinct



Letters to the editor On the single market, trans pupils, Eton, smart technology, the people, Boris Johnson, marijuana Alcohol and health A sober brawl


Alexei Leonov The blue of Earth