Institutional Betrayal and Gaslighting Why Whistle-Blowers Are So Traumatized

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Institutional Betrayal and Gaslighting Why Whistle-Blowers Are So Traumatized DOI: 10.1097/JPN.0000000000000306 Continuing Education r r J Perinat Neonat Nurs Volume 32 Number 1, 59–65 Copyright C 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. Institutional Betrayal and Gaslighting Why Whistle-Blowers Are So Traumatized Kathy Ahern, PhD, RN ABSTRACT marginalization. As a result of these reprisals, whistle- Despite whistle-blower protection legislation and blowers often experience severe emotional trauma that healthcare codes of conduct, retaliation against nurses seems out of proportion to “normal” reactions to work- who report misconduct is common, as are outcomes place bullying. The purpose of this article is to ap- of sadness, anxiety, and a pervasive loss of sense ply the research literature to explain the psychological of worth in the whistle-blower. Literature in the field processes involved in whistle-blower reprisals, which of institutional betrayal and intimate partner violence result in severe emotional trauma to whistle-blowers. describes processes of abuse strikingly similar to those “Whistle-blower gaslighting” is the term that most ac- experienced by whistle-blowers. The literature supports the curately describes the processes mirroring the psycho- argument that although whistle-blowers suffer reprisals, logical abuse that commonly occurs in intimate partner they are traumatized by the emotional manipulation many violence. employers routinely use to discredit and punish employees who report misconduct. “Whistle-blower gaslighting” creates a situation where the whistle-blower doubts BACKGROUND her perceptions, competence, and mental state. These On a YouTube clip,1 a game is described in which a outcomes are accomplished when the institution enables woman is given a map of house to memorize. She reprisals, explains them away, and then pronounces that is then blindfolded and given 30 seconds to find the the whistle-blower is irrationally overreacting to normal kitchen door or she will get slapped. According to her everyday interactions. Over time, these strategies trap the mental map, the individual finds herself where the door whistle-blower in a maze of enforced helplessness. Ways should be, but it is not there. As the woman franti- to avoid being a victim of whistle-blower gaslighting, and cally searches for the missing door, she gets slapped. possible sources of support for victims of whistle-blower Then she is ordered to find the bedroom or get another gaslighting are provided. slap. After several rounds of the “blind-maze game,” the Key Words: gaslighting, institutional betrayal, reprisals, woman becomes disheartened, confused, exhausted, whistle-blower anxious, and paranoid. Then a new rule is added. The woman is not allowed to say that the map she was given urses who report concerns about illegal is false, or she will receive an even harsher punishment. or unethical behavior are often subjected The blindfolded individual is trapped. She was given a Nto reprisals that include denigration and faulty map, set up to fail, was punished for failing, and forced to keep using a faulty map. Author Affiliation: Visitor, University of New South Wales, The video clip describes the situation of people Kensington, New South Wales, Australia. who have been caught up in abusive “love fraud”–type Disclosure: The author has disclosed that she has no significant relation- situations with sociopathic individuals. However, the ships with, or financial interest in, any commercial companies pertaining blind-maze metaphor reflects many of the experiences to this article. of individuals who report misconduct at work. The Corresponding Author: Kathy Ahern, PhD, RN, Visitor, Uni- versity of New South Wales, Kensington, NSW 2052, Australia thesis of this article is that the “blind-maze game” that traumatizes romantic partners in abusive “gaslighting” Submitted for publication: July 4, 2017; accepted for publication: relationships is the same process by which whistle- November 1, 2017. blowers are inordinately traumatized when they report The Journal of Perinatal & Neonatal Nursing 59 Copyright © 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. misconduct. Traumatized whistle-blowers are using a According to Peters et al,2 the effects of whistle- faulty “mental map” in which they erroneously believe blower reprisals on nurses include overwhelming sad- their allegations will be investigated and that they will ness and distress, akin to the grief associated with the be protected. death of a loved one. Anxiety is felt for years, to the extent that it interferes with normal enjoyment of life. Other outcomes include intrusive thoughts and night- WHISTLE-BLOWING mares, and constant hypervigilance—looking for and The term “whistle-blowing” has several definitions. anticipating possible danger in previously unproblem- Peters2(p2908) defines it as “a situation where a party atic activities. All nurse whistle-blowers in the Peters or parties take matters that would normally be held et al study reported experiencing a level of emotional as confidential to an organisation outside that organi- distress that negatively influenced their health, ability sation.” Other definitions do not specify that an indi- to work, and their private lives. These disabling post- vidual reports concerns to an external body. McDonald traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms first started and Ahern3(p16) define whistle-blowing as a person “who with self-doubt and then escalated in a spiral to a loss identifies an incompetent, unethical, or illegal situation of sense of coherence, dignity, and self-worth.2 in the workplace and reports it to someone who may have the power to stop the wrong,” indicating that inter- nal reporting of concerns constitutes whistle-blowing. GASLIGHTING Rehg and colleagues4 suggest that it is not necessarily The “blind-maze game” phenomenon is reported in di- the reporting of concerns that create a whistle-blower; verse areas of environmental disasters,7 sexual harass- rather, reporting opens the door to reprisals, which are ment and assault,8 and intimate partner violence.9 The the defining characteristic of whistle-blowing. In prac- common threads in these reports are the way in which tice this means that a nurse who reports suspected trauma is created and exacerbated through the betrayal malfeasance to her employer is simply being a good of trust. When what should happen is the opposite employee who is adhering to her professional code of of what is happening, cognitive dissonance is created, conduct. It is only when the nurse experiences sub- which undermines the individual’s sense of reality, con- sequent punitive reprisals that the she belatedly real- fidence, and their mental health. When a romantic part- izes that she has been morphed from “good employee” ner uses these strategies, it is called “gaslighting.” When to despicable whistle-blower. Rothschild describes how institutions apply these strategies, it is a sign of institu- whistle-blowers in their study were: tional betrayal.10 There is mounting evidence that the trauma expe- . almost to a person, extremely devoted to the rienced by whistle-blowers is exacerbated by the cog- organization’s purpose, and they worried that the nitive dissonance resulting from a real-life version of misconduct they observed would undermine that the blind-maze game. Prior to their disclosures, whistle- purpose, and potentially, bring down the whole blowers are generally high-achieving, respected, ex- organization. Typically, they saw their boss as the ceptionally committed members of their employing perpetrator of the problem, and they believed that if 5 senior management knew what was going on, they organization. They have no reason to believe that their would surely correct the situation. Thus, they tend to organization will not be as troubled at the reported go, first, to their boss’s boss with the information. Only malfeasance as they are. when they see that the boss is either complicit or inert The mental map that the majority of whistle-blowers do they consider going outside the organization, to are working from is that the organization will investi- either the media or to a legal authority. At this stage, gate allegations of misconduct. Codes of conduct and they see themselves as being without a real choice: mission statements all acclaim the organization’s in- Indeed, in 79% of our cases, the individual whistle- tegrity and foremost concern for patients. Nurse whistle- blower values the purposes of the organization and blowers only discover that their mental map is faulty their own integrity so highly, that they see no when they experience reprisals, which is the real-world alternative to disclosure. In very few cases in our equivalent of the blind-maze slap. Basing one’s sincere sample did the whistle-blower anticipate or prepare for 11 the retaliation that was about to come their way.5(p891) actions on false assurances, and being ambushed by the ferocity of unexpected reprisals, explains a great Retaliation against whistle-blowers is common and deal about why whistle-blowers experience long-term severe and includes negative job performance evalu- PTSD symptoms.2 ations, micromanagement, isolation, loss of job, and Repeated false reassurances given by apparently blacklisting.3,5 Whistle-blowers are framed as deviant genuinely concerned managers severely undermine and stripped of their respectability.6 the whistle-blower, as experienced by British nurse 60 January/March 2018
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