COMMENTATIONES SCIENTIARUM SOCIALIUM 76 Johanna Lilja CHALLENGING THE MATTHEW EFFECT International Exchange of Publications in Four Finnish Learned Societies until the Second World War THE FINNISH SOCIETY OF SCIENCE AND LETTERS HELSINKI 2012 COMMENTATIONES SCIENTIARUM SOCIALIUM Editor: Leif Nordberg Copyright © 2012 by Johanna Lilja and The Finnish Society of Science and Letters Cover design: Maarit Inbar Front cover: Based on illustration from the Gospel of St. Matthew, woodcut on the New Testament (Se wsi Testamenti) 1548. Back cover: The postcard sent on February 12th 1913 by Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Insektenbiologie to the Societas pro Fauna et Flora Fennica (National Library of Finland, the Archive of the Societas pro Fauna et Flora Fennica). The series Commentationes Scientiarum Socialium is part of the publishing cooperation between the Finnish Society of Science and Letters and the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters, established in 1996. Distributor: Bookstore Tiedekirja Kirkkokatu 14, FIN-00170 HELSINKI, Finland Tel +358-9-635 177
[email protected] ISSN 0355-256X ISBN 978-951-653-391-2 Vammalan Kirjapaino Oy Sastamala 2012 ABSTR ACT Lilja, Johanna (2012). Challenging the Matthew Effect. International Exchange of Publications in Four Finnish Learned Societies until the Second World War. Com- mentationes Scientiarum Socialium 76. 352 p. ISBN 978-951-653-391-2, ISSN 0355- 256X. The Finnish Society of Science and Letters. Helsinki. The thesis addresses the international exchange of publications of Finnish learned so- cieties from the early nineteenth century until the Second World War. Exchange of publications refers to the regular and mutual delivery of books and journals between institutions.