The Wines of the Canton of Zurich

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The Wines of the Canton of Zurich The wines of the canton of Zurich Autor(en): Galler, Friedrich Objekttyp: Article Zeitschrift: The Swiss observer : the journal of the Federation of Swiss Societies in the UK Band (Jahr): - (1965) Heft 1471 PDF erstellt am: 24.09.2021 Persistenter Link: Nutzungsbedingungen Die ETH-Bibliothek ist Anbieterin der digitalisierten Zeitschriften. Sie besitzt keine Urheberrechte an den Inhalten der Zeitschriften. Die Rechte liegen in der Regel bei den Herausgebern. Die auf der Plattform e-periodica veröffentlichten Dokumente stehen für nicht-kommerzielle Zwecke in Lehre und Forschung sowie für die private Nutzung frei zur Verfügung. Einzelne Dateien oder Ausdrucke aus diesem Angebot können zusammen mit diesen Nutzungsbedingungen und den korrekten Herkunftsbezeichnungen weitergegeben werden. Das Veröffentlichen von Bildern in Print- und Online-Publikationen ist nur mit vorheriger Genehmigung der Rechteinhaber erlaubt. Die systematische Speicherung von Teilen des elektronischen Angebots auf anderen Servern bedarf ebenfalls des schriftlichen Einverständnisses der Rechteinhaber. Haftungsausschluss Alle Angaben erfolgen ohne Gewähr für Vollständigkeit oder Richtigkeit. Es wird keine Haftung übernommen für Schäden durch die Verwendung von Informationen aus diesem Online-Angebot oder durch das Fehlen von Informationen. Dies gilt auch für Inhalte Dritter, die über dieses Angebot zugänglich sind. Ein Dienst der ETH-Bibliothek ETH Zürich, Rämistrasse 101, 8092 Zürich, Schweiz, 51356 THE SWISS OBSERVER 12th February 1965 THE WINES OF THE CANTON OF ZURICH measures are being taken. The vineyards are heated in By FRIEDRICH GALLER winter and spring when the cold threatenes to freeze the buds. The vines are sprayed to ward off pests and has few features. young The Canton of Zurich quite a special diseases, and the vineyards are watered in dry weather. has the of Swiss For one thing, it largest population any Despite all this, it has not yet proved possible to produce has the of not Canton. For another, it city Zurich, only a yield which is constant in both quality and quantity. the biggest Swiss city, but also the country's leading busi- 79(54 /zave been 7/ ness and tourist centre. (77ie raito /or /VsZ pwMx/îctf. was- the best Vnce 7957 with 2,957,700 Z/7res\ 7s<7.) In Zurich the liberal and puritanical outlooks vie with year each other for public favour. Preference for the livelier, The juice of the freshly-pressed grapes is measured its is done gayer way of life is not confined to visitors from abroad. according to sugar content. This by means of This is also the choice of an increasing number of Zurich the so-called Oechsle scale, which shows by how many people. Whether in trade, commerce, industry or agricul- grammes one litre of grape juice is heavier than one litre of ture, they are hardworking people, but at the same time water. The heavier it is, the greater is the grape-sugar they have a traditional cheerfulness. In addition, they content, which is converted into alcohol at a ratio of appreciate the value of wine, that gift of nature which has approximately 8 to 1 after fermentation. Thus 80 degrees helped to form the character of every community. Oechsle give about 10 degrees of alcohol. Wine is one of the less obvious treasures of the Can- The two principal types of vine cultivated in the Can- ton of Zurich, since not many people know the full extent ton are the Purple Burgundy (Pinot Noir) for red wines, and variety of the wine-growing carried on there, nor its and the Riesling-Sylvaner. In addition there are the historical and present-day importance. Even at a cursory Räuschling and the Tokay as well as smaller quantities of glance, the picture is surprising; a wine-growing Canton direct bearers, which are used mainly in the production of where ancient tradition is linked with technical progress, non-alcoholic grape juice. The lesser quality Elbling and where all those engaged in cultivating the vines take grape has been completely superseded. pride in their job. It is worth pointing out that great efforts have always After being given its beginnings by the Romans and been made in the Canton of Zurich to improve quality. Burgundians, viniculture in the Canton of Zurich was really Very early on, the producers adapted themselves to the created by the peasants, who over the centuries have fol- needs of the consumers, by carrying out a large-scale lowed the annual cycle from first growth to vintage, using changeover to red wines, and as far as white wines are experience, know-how and manual skill to best advantage. concerned, by giving more and more preference to the They are engaged in more than one kind of battle, not only smooth, palatable varieties. the vine and diseases, but also to protect from pests for And now a word about how the City of Zurich fits is threatened their very land, which especially seriously in into this picture. Once a time, a great deal of wine and increased upon times of economic prosperity building ac- was produced within the city, and in fact it still is, although For instance, in the five from 1958 to 1963, tivity. years in reduced quantity. The City Records reveal that in par- the area of vine cultivation in Zurich went down from ticular the Hottingen, Riesbach, Höngg, Fluntern and Enge 396.36 the land affected 435.09 hectares to hectares, being quarters were important wine-growing districts. At the and for the most part slopes affording good views pro- " Weingüllen ", near the present-day Ilgen Schools, there wine. ducing good quality were extensive vineyards, part of which was bequeathed Today, the vine is still cultivated in 94 communes, to the Commune in 1727 by Heinrich Zimmermann, as a spread throughout the Canton. There are, however, three "Communal Drink". At Fluntern, the "Communal Drink" big production areas, including the Lake of Zurich. These played a possibly even more important role, especially at areas are sub-divided into districts, which are themselves the New Year, Midsummer and Autumn meetings, the made up of communes. Thus, wine-growing is carried on latter being the one at which the grape-harvesting time in the Limmat, Furt, Wehn, Glatt and Töss Valleys, in the was fixed. Thür Valley with the District of Andelfingen, the Kohlfirst Riesbach had extensive vineyards on the southern Region and, of course, on the slopes round the Lake of of the as the recalls Zurich. feature is the the vine follows the slope Stephansburg — name Weinegg A striking way and until below the Neumünster Church. water-courses which have etched themselves deeply into — quite recently On the Südstrasse, the " Wonneberg " as is known, vines the countryside, the result being steep slopes on which the it are still to be found, as they at various in ripen best. are spots Höngg, grapes Albisrieden, Altstetten and on the Bürglistrasse near Enge The wine-growing commune in the Canton of biggest Church where a white wine is grown which the late King Zurich is Stäfa the Lake of Zurich, with Weiningen in on of the Hellenes liked so much that he promptly in a the second Then put Limmat Valley taking place. come sizeable order. Today there are still nine vineyard Meilen the Lake pro- Freienstein-Teufen (Biilach District), on prietors within the city boundary, their holdings totalling of Zurich, Kleinandelfingen, Rafz and Trüllikon (Andel- 3.41 hectares. fingen District). 1962, the total of wine 11,400 The wine yield varies greatly from year to year. For In produced was litres, which 10,000 wine. 1963 example, in 1956 it was only 321,800 litres, while in 1959 of litres were white But in the total 5,400 litres. there is it was 2,848,500 litres. 1963's yield, 1,568,000 litres, yield was only Incidentally never and trouble these wines, because can therefore be regarded as a moderately one. in selling city they have average value. The main reason why the results vary so much is frost, a rarity which can be described without exaggeration as the enemy Whether they grow in the Canton or the City, the number one of the Zurich wine growers. There are also Zurich wines are an acceptable drink prompting lively other climatic influences which either hinder or help the conversation as well as aiding meditation. Taken with the growth of the grapes, and in addition, there are a number speciality dishes of Zurich, they help you to see that life of diseases. All in all, the big variations in the annual can be fun, and the world a harmonious place. Some yield are understandable, although ever greater protective examples; Räuschling with Pike à la zurichoise, Riesling 12th February 1965 THE SWISS OBSERVER 51357 Sylvaner with Geschnetzeltes and Rösti, Clevner from the Lake of Zurich with Mistkratzerli or Tripe, or, say, a fine Beerli from the Purple Burgundy grapes with Zürcher THE Ratsherrentopf or Leberspiessli. (By courfeyy o/ " Zwr/c/i ".) ANGLO-SWISS INSURANCE & REINSURANCE AGENCY LTD. THE PERSONAL TOUCH—that's what counts in collaboration with Tor a// trava/s—/a«</ .sea a«</ air let A. GANDON make your reservations THE SWITZERLAND GENERAL INSURANCE Tickets issued at Station Prices no booking fee COMPANY (LONDON) LTD. HOWSHIP TRAVEL AGENCY 52 Leadenhall Street, London E.C.3 188, Uxbridge Road - Shepherds Bush W. 12 Telephone Royal 7200 Telephones: SHE 6268/9 and 1898 extend to you the benefit of their long experience in all insurance matters. The "SWITZERLAND" through the parent company "SCHWEIZ" ALLGE- milk MEINE VERSICHERUNGS-AKTIEN-GESELLSCHAFT, drink more ZURICH have a world-wide organisation in touch the with present-day business conditions throughout the world.
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