
" tw " r ... ' <-:r^zS: -«»*»«*1 fl>il« ?.*- * J ' ?S . " . ? 1 \u2666 ?*;*63E'3b^--r* SftE AI.AMANCK GLEANER.

. , ,6 |, ,^, .j.i?? -..,. * - _ VOL. 1 GRAHAM, N. C., TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1875. NO. 43:

BATAKB. nccK ciiii 04J«K»K». TMIfKNI'K aTMf. THE \u25a0KXAT9R ot the Southern people to preceive aa«w vatukk \u25a0ri.n.s ar 1 GLEANER. it is Co tltt-fr intemst to bring the TIIKBISHCVI. MTIKI, ' PUBUBHXD WKKKLY BY Ml imiLVIBWP. AFTER A \u25bc\u25a0& cur- The oontrover«y which has agitated A man who' prided lilmselt on his ITROITO, rency M <6Oll as possible to a specie " * i There is no foolishness abont torn* both Church and State on both sfdos of morality, coast am Ir saying.* I am '/fABSIB JOHNSON, faith * Di«c«)tlrat basis,' and to maintain their good of Ilie fat Iter*ot Dubuque County, re- well, Onham, N. d \u25a0 SnMi/la| with the la^rraa- lowa, the Atlantic as to the burial of the 'd« lug preitr on the whole.' I TH.~>l;< ? (\u25a0K (.VHcrnl I'mxpi rily?Fi»nn(r-. to preform their duties as citizens of who have fmos \u25a0 \u25a0 ~ marriageable daughter*, and main" of Gnibord, was ended yester- V>frfet get nm