

lAke Andetl ~ati<~ti -. 1 n i ldl1fe REtup Lake Andes, South Pakota. · f Ft • ._N iobrara ali~ • anat1v• lt pon, y to Auguat, l.K8.

x. &ter 00Ad1t1ooa.

•ter oGDcUtS.ona &l"4t IIILIOh •QI"e aat11taotory thle y ...r than at ' .... tilae 1~& 1948. The upper unit 18 appraU.tely two teet h1r;her thaD laat ~ar, the Hnter unit one toot higher, &:ad the lonJ" unit 1•• higher. Onna BaY unit 11 at it• maxtaurn dttf to t he two wlla fiCMing into it. 'fhe fl~ tJtca the wll cz the Gor•t. area appeiU"I to haYe deoJ"e&•d •.ghtly 11noe lt •• firtt put down. BOifW'Ar, the now it l&tS.ataotory. t here 11 a alight aeep thru both t h• upper dlt. aad t h• 0...0 Bay d.ia. The ••ep &pp4iart to no grta.wr iLl either di ke t han 1n ttw palt.

tota1 11.2os 1.128 10,120 8,316 a I 11,000

~rood oauntt wer~t "17 hal"d to obtain due to the heavy growth ot n~•he• and aoa• wbioh III&D it illpoaaible to uae a boat. A reobe ok of the elid.• •• • 1D Augu1t. 'lhe noheok aublt&nt1ate4 the Ol"ii!Dal OOQDt• a. nuea••· A oloae obeok h&1 been Mcle tor &nT nooouruoe ot botull.. w .tliob appea~d in 1941. 'l'hei'e haa been no aicn ot dt•' t h il ,.ar. ·The t &-eah •ter in tbe Onue B&J' unit. 1a oont14ered the taotozo in keepl.Dg d~ the 4laeaae. ·- c. F1ahinl•

Fiablng haa been very poor thia ;r.u. ?he exoeaaift g~~owth ot ponclw•ed qd oocta.il •• f'i*hing praotioally tapa.aible. Shwl

It 11 too early to eatb•te the nWIIOer ot rata oa the area. !here ••• a little more rep5-ir nquiNel Cl'l dlDI du·e to r at work th1a ~a.r thaa theN waa · J.a;at yel.l". thla indioatea t he nta ar• •on numeroua. 'My baYe juat atal'tecl to build hoaaea • AD. ea't.blate will be •tt• latel' to detenine the :a.uU.l"l azul it r•cwala neoeaaSlrye

• J J ont h&l"'Yeatecl 8 tont ot 'W'ild hay under ~n.S.t J o. 1~891.

• Paul Hrutb p-aaeel 60 • U • • ot o:attle Clll the cltyeralOII elitoh uncl•r per.1t »o. 18896. Tb ia pel"mit la 1aaue4 prt.ar1ly tor t h• purpoae ot aeptng clan the weela 1u the d11toh.

tV. •1nt.nanoa & .epa it•._

.altai" iSngel, w• .t.\ • E. employee hal been full tiM duty ainoa· t he Jliddle ot 7• exoept tor one clay whetl S.t •• naoeeaary to lay him ott em Jua• so, clue to laok ot tuucla.

the oablll waa pal'ti&ll:y pair&tecl- lt •• aot oo.plated aa • ND out of paint and bad no tun4e to purohaae aw..

The 41be ••• been ol•a.nH or debl"ia lett by hutare and fieh• eFNn, and haYe been aonct twlte. the area al"ound the buUdlnga baa been · owed twice. "•noel a.rt~~tmd the Olrana Ba:y uea wre repa1re4 aact a nn entrance p•b• put lD aad tanh etfti _htaned '• ,-ndt a batter ·tun into the area. rhe clitoh oroatin£ at the hatoherr dinrlicm ditoh •• repatr•ct where waahecl out. !hla -. x-•plaaei\_ with root to •k• a 1pUlwa1 1n oaee the ou1Yert again pluge. n: t holea in the dtb1 wre dug CN'b ancl rapa.olGed. Rooke han been hlula4 to npair 8\Ulbn rlp-rap at both •ln atruoturaa. 30 yd:a. ot o•rae granl were purohaaect and panly hauled & plaoe4 along the ••r eelp at the aouth elite ae &D. al(per!.Mnt 11o tiDd it it wll1 wt.tha•&Dcl tbl _..,. aot.1CIID• !he light •tariel tormerl1 plaoecl on the rip-rap tor ohinld.ng prcweel. wo:rothllll aa it waahea wt with the tint haaYy wa-. aot1GD• Willa.. in the 41yeraiaa 41toh again need r ..~1. It ta hopt4 th t a jeep wS.tb apl"&J .utttt will aocm be .Ua •••tlable to apra1 2.,..-4 and ld.ll theae •

Generally IJ*aklnc lngel baa clGDe a &ood job or •1:a.ta1n1ng th• area. oat ot the wort JUtt be clone by hancl whioh h nry •1• tar one .-n working pan tiM. Reapaott'ully, John D. Connora • ~ WA.TERFOWL , Refuge Lat. ADd••• Months of May to Augu•t 194--"

(1) (2) . (3) (4) (5) (6) Soecies First Seen Peak Concentration Iast Seen YounP. Produced Total Broods &stinated Est i."'!lB. ted Common Name Nwnber Date Number Date Nwnber Date Seen Total for Perio d I. Swans: WhiB tling swan

II. Geese: canada goose .. Cackling goose · Brant White-fronted goose Snow goose .. . . Blue goose ,• T - ' III. DuckBs. llalla.rd --- 16.206 . 1t'8 ., .11,601 Bhck ~uck ----- 11.106 Gadwall Baldpate Pintail 1,316 Green-winged teal -- -- 1ft8 - 2,218 1,111 Blue-winged teal 10 ~1 20 1/28 Cinnamon teal - --- 6.Too 10.110 Shoveller 1.728 1/18 \ Wood duck ---· -- 918 1.118 Redhead J.! 1ft a I 5 2/lG 11 Ring-necked duck . ' Canvas-back ' Scaup 2 7/ll I 7/l8 Golden-eye I Buffle-head - Ruddy duck '

IV.· ~s u.ooo

3-l?-50 (July 1946) (over) Form NR-1 StoolARIES Total Production:

Geese ______~------Total waterfowl usage during period •s . ~7'

- ~ - -,- J.) Ut~; r.D .6.401' t I ...I,.... Peak waterfowl numbers --.-. - - Coots __~·~------Areas used by concentrations All ot retu;e.

Princ~pal nesting areas this season Center unit.

Reported by .... • ..... - -&·•


(1) Species: In addition to the birds listed on form, other species occurring on refuge during the reporting period should be added in appropriate spaces. Special attention should be given to those species of local and National significance.

(2) First Seen: The first· refuge record for the species during the season concerned in the reporting period, and the number seen. This column does not apply to resident species.

(3) Peak Concentra- The greatest number of the species present in a limited interval of time. I tion:

(4) Last Seen: The last refuge J!eCUd tor the species during the season concerned in the reporting period.

(5) Young Produced: Estima,ted number of young produced based on observations and actual counts on repre­ sentative breeding areas. Brood counts . should be r:ade on two or more areas aggregating 10% of the breeding habitat. Estimates having no basis in fact should be omitted.

(6) Total~ Rstimated total number of the species. using the refuge during the period. This figure may or may not be more than that used for peak co~entrations, depending upon the nature of the migrational movement.

Note: OnlY- columns applicable to the report,ing period should be used. It is desirable that the SUJ111Tl8.ries ~ ~ receive careful attention since these data are necessarily based on an analysis of the rest of · ~he formo 23)9 f