Company President and Employee Arrested in Alleged Scheme To
Approved : MI CHAEL K. KROUS E / MI CHAEL D. LOCKARD Assi stant United States Attor neys Be f ore : THE HONORABLE KEVIN NATHANI EL FOX United State Magi strate Judge Southern Dist rict o f New York - X 20 MAG 8202 UNI TED STATES OF AMERICA - V . Vi o l ati ons o f 50 u.s .c . § 4819; 18 CHONG SI K YU, u.s .c . §§ 1349, 1 956 a/k/a " Chris Yu ," and YUNSEO LEE, COUNTY OF OFFENS E: NEW YORK De f endants . --------------- - x SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK , ss . : SPECIAL AGENT STEPHAN SCHENKEL, being duly sworn, deposes and says t hat he i s a Special Agent wi th the U. S . Department o f Commerce (t he " Commerce Department" ) , Off i ce of Export En f orcement (" OEE" ) , and char ges as foll ows : COUNT ONE (Conspiracy to Unl awf u l ly Export Dual- Use Electroni cs Components) 1 . From at l east in o r about 2019 , up to and incl udi ng in or about 2020 , i n the Southe r n District o f New York and e l sewhere, CHONG SIK YU, a/k/a " Chri s Yu , " and YUNSEO LEE, the def endants, and o t her s known and unknown, knowi ngl y and wi l lfu l ly combined, conspired, conf eder ated, and agreed togethe r and wi th each othe r to viol ate, and to cause a v i o l a tion of, l i censes, orders, r egulat ions, and prohibitions i ssued under the Export Control Re f orm Act .
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