
Annville’s Oldest Burial Place and Its Memories

Prof. Thomas S. Stein, .M.

Read before Lebanon County Historical Society on November 15, 1915 Published by the Lebanon County Historical Society, Volume VI, No. 15 (1915)

This monograph has been digitally scanned in its original form, with text recognition. Thus, the entire monograph can searched using the search function of a PDF reader such as Acrobat Reader. The monograph details the gravestone inscriptions from Annville’s earliest cemetery and, as such, provides important genealogical information about many of Annville’s early families from the 1700’s and 1800’s. So, just enter a family name (such as Raiguel, Imboden, Miller, Ulrich, etc.) and you can search out family history. hope this digital version of the 1915 monograph will be of use to persons doing research on family genealogy or Annville history.

Annville’s Oldest Burial-Place and Its Memories


Lebanon County Historical Society

N V M B E R 5, 1915




Vol. VI No. 15 Annville s Oldest Burial-Place and Its Memories

P A R T .— Historical, Reminiscent, and Descriptive

Life and death are two great mysteries. It requires more than knowledge to make proper use of the one and to realize the full significance of the other. With the exception of youth, the thought of the departed occupies a prominent place in the minds and hearts of the majority of people. The fact that they do not talk much about the dead does not prove the contrary, for the things we think of most we often speak of least, following Seneca’s maxim: Curiae leves loquuntur, in- gentes stupent. (Light griefs are talked about, great ones stupefy.) . The dead, though removed from our sight, seem to be near us. Often in the midst of our work, while we are read­ ing or meditating on some unallied topic, suddenly they loom up out of the mysterious realm as though willing and ready to renew old ties. Yet, though we may commune with the spirit, we must dispose of the body. Whittier says:

We dwell with fears on either hand, Within a daily strife, And spectral problems waiting stand Before the gates of life.

The doubts we vainly seek to solve, The truths we know are one; The known and nameless stars revolve Around the central Sun.

One of these “ spectral problems” we are called to solve is the disposal of the dead. This has demanded the attention of all ages and climes, resulting in various solutions brought The Old Reformed Graveyard— Annville’s First Burial Place Ba* eh ore, Photog. 346 L ebanon County H istorical S ociety about and determined by various factors, such as climate, ­ vironment, superstition, and faith. And, as we shall see, the care of the dead is a pretty true index of the degree of civili­ zation. Among some savage tribes the dead are exposed to be ­ voured by wild beasts. Others, including the cultuied Par sees, place their dead on round towers, there to be torn to pieces by vultures and other birds of prey. Zoioaster com­ manded them, “ shall not defile the earth.’’ The ancient Ichthyophagi (fish-eaters) cast their dead into the sea. Barrow-burial was also very common in ancient times, and is still practiced by some tribes. It consists of erecting mounds of stone and earth over the remains of the dead. Scaffolding was the method in use among the Sioux In­ dians, placing the corpse upon a high scaffold and leaving it to decay and waste away in the atmosphere. Placing the dead in underground vaults, natural or arti­ ficial, was a favorite method among the Jews and early Christ­ ians, and is practiced to a limited extent in modern times. Abraham purchased from the sons of Heth (Hittites) the cave of Machpelah as a family vault for 400 silver shekels— about $250. His words are touching:-— “ I am a stranger and a sojourner with you; give me a possession of a burying-place with you, that I may bury my dead out of my sight.”— Gen.

23:4- The Catacombs of Rome, where repose the early Christ­ ians of the Eternal City, afford another example of vault- burial. Matthew Arnold says, “ Christianity was built up in the Catacombs, not on the Palatines.” In some of the Spanish-speaking islands of the West In­ dies, because of the high price of a burial lot in a cemetery and the poverty of the lower classes, it has been the custom to rent out shelves in vaults for a term of years. In these shelves or columbaries, as they are called, dead bodies are placed. At the end of the rental period the bones are removed and pitched into the osario or charnel pit, to make room for other bodies. This custom seems repulsive to us, but the Roman Catholic natives would rather bury their dead in consecrated ground, if only for a few years, than place them in unconsecrated soil. A n n v il l e ’s Oldest B urial-Place 347

We are glad to state that the new order of things, espec­ ially in Porto Rico, is doing away with this sad state of affairs. (For this West Indian custom we acknowledge our in­ debtedness to our worthy President, H. M. M. Richards, Litt. D.) . The ancient Egyptians embalmed their dead with such success as has never been equaled in modern times. Crema­ tion was the general practice of ancient civilized nations, ex­ cept Egypt, Judea, and China. It is resorted to occasionally in our day and is, no doubt, the most sanitary of all methods of disposing of the dead. Interment is most generally practiced in modern times. The places where we inter our dead are called by various names. Formerlly “graveyard” was in common use. The burial-place referred to in this sketch has for many years been known as the “ old graveyard.” In Pennsylvania-German it is referred to as “ der alt Kerchhof.” To call it a cemetery seems almost out of place. Our forefathers were willing to rest in a graveyard; we desire to repose in a cemetery. The English seem to prefer “ churchyard,” for formerly the dead were buried in the yard surrounding the church. “ Burying-ground” and “ burial-ground” are also frequently used by our English cousins. To bury conies from an Anglo- Saxon word, meaning to hide or conceal. . “ God’s Acre” (Gottesacker) commends itself, because of the idea it expresses, that the dead are in God’s care. Long­ fellow says:

I like that ancient Saxon phrase which calls The burial-ground God’s Acre! It is just; It consecrates each grave within its walls, And breathes a benison o’ the sleeping dust.

A different attitude of mind is shown in the saying: Die Pfarrer bauen den Acker Gottes und de Arzte den Gottes­ acker. (Parsons till God’s vineyard and the doctors his churchyard.) The word “ cemetery,” generally used nowadays, is from the Greek koinutaion, and means a sleeping-place. “ Neerop 34» L ebanon County H istorical S ociety olis” is not in common use. It is mostly used to designate the large, common burial-plot adjoining ancient cities, as, for instance, the necropolis of Thebes. These ancient cities of the dead, as the term “ necropolis” signifies, have furnished the explorer with many unique and valuable articles, which ancient peoples buried with their dead, in the belief that such articles would prove serviceable to them in the spirit world. In the early history of our country private burial-plots were very common. They frequently were placed in unat­ tractive places, Whittier, in “The Old Burying-Ground,” says:

The dreariest spot in all the land To Death they set apart; With scanty grace from nature’s hand, And none from that of art. For thus our fathers testified,— That he might read who ran,— The emptiness of human pride, The nothingness of man.

As in the case of the acts of interment and of the com­ mon place of burying our dead, the English language posses­ ses a number of terms to designate the place where individuals are buried. Such are grave, sepulcher, tomb, vault, crypt, (a secret recess or vault), mound, tumulus (large mound), cairn, barrow, pit. So also for outward structures to mark such places, as gravestone, monument, cenotaph (an empty tomb), mauso­ leum. 1 Our dead demand no small share of our thought and at­ tention. All except the young remember the dead with tender feelings. We follow them to the other world in our meditations. Our mental attitude is about the same as that of

1 In 352 B. C. Artemisia, the widow of Mausolus, King of Caria, erected at Halicarnassus a memorial of unusual magnificence over the tomb of her husband. Its size and splendor enabled it to rank as one of the seven wonders of the world. Hence the name “ mausoleum” to designate a monument noted for its size and architectural splendor. A n n v ille ’s Oldest B urial-Place 349

the shades of the unburied dead, seen by Virgil, when he visited Hades. He says: Tendebantque maims ripae ulter- ioris.1 (And they stretch their hands with yearning to the farther shore). But Christianity permits us to go a step far­ ther and see hands stretching/r o m the farther shore to wel­ come us. A burial-place has historical importance. The inscriptions and epitaphs found therein are concise statements of the lives and careers of the departed. Biography and genealogy owe a great deal to records found on monuments and tombstones. They frequently serve as links in the chain of events. Such records are worthy of being transcribed and pre­ served. The Pennsylvania-German Society has approved of this idea by publishing such records. Several years ago the writer, feeling the importance of these chronicles of the dead, made exact copies of all the in­ scriptions in the oldest burial-place of his native town. He lias had repeated requests since, to put these data into print, that they might be of service to others. Another benefit will be the correction of a number of errors in a prominent histor­ ical work, errors in names and in dates. In 1804 there was erected in A nn ville, Pa., on land do­ nated by Abram Raignel and Martin Ulrich, a Union Church ( Lutheran and Reformed), called “Jerusalem Church.” It was a child of the Berg Kirche (Hill Church), built of lime­ stone and located on South White Oak Street. True to the custom and genius of the Reformation churches of that dav, there was connected with Jerusalem Church a parochial school- house, a one-story log structure, now remodeled and occupied as a dwelling house by Daniel Seabold. Jerusalem Church was remodeled in 1848 and sold to the Reformed people in 187.'. In 1903 it was replaced by a new G othic structure known as Christ Reformed Church. A portion of the land donated by Messrs. Raiguel and Ul- ricli was set apart for a graveyard and served as such for about ■ in years The last interment took place in 1891. If there

1 A m ill VI, 350 IyEBANON County H istorical S ociety were later interments, there are no inscriptions to designate them . In this burial-place

“ Each in his narrow cell forever laid, The rude forefathers of the hamlet sleep.”

When a lad, the writer spent many an hour in this grave­ yard, playing hide and-seek with his companions, hunting nests of bumble-bees, and gathering flowers. The red moss- pink, the white lily of the valley, and the blue periwinkle grew in profusion and combined to make a bouquet of patri­ otic colors, being at the same time typical of the redeeming blood of the Savior, the white garments of the saints, and the “ many mansions” of the blest in the azure sky. The appended inscriptions were copied during the summers o f 1908, 1909 and 1910. It was rather a tedious and difficult task. Some of the inscriptions could barely be deciphered. A few were illegible. My faithful St. Bernard, Barrie, and his small companion, Uno, were my constant attendants. The condition of the graveyard has been greatly improved since then. At that time it was fast becoming a wilderness. Tall weeds, locust sprouts, thorns, thistles, bushes, fallen tombstones, sunken graves, and water gullies characterized the place. But it is with a feeling of satisfaction that the writer can state that recently the place has been renovated, and now (1915) presents quite a different appearance. By voluntary labor, after the day’s work was done, a number of faithful church-workers cut down trees, cleared away briars and brush, dug out the young shoots, filled in the sunken graves, set up the fallen tombstones, and thus brought about a general transformation of the place. A new fence com­ pletes the improvements. The graveyard adjoins the church and was originally sur­ rounded by a limestone wall, the southern part of which alone is standing, the other parts having been replaced by wire fences. The plot contains about half an acre. No blocks were sold in this burying ground. The ordei of burial was in rows from north to south, Frequently persons Jerusalem Church (Remodeled 1848) Courtesy of A . C. SI. Hiester

Christ Reformed Church ('oiirtrsiI of .1. (\ M, llifftlrr A n n v il l e ’s Old est B urial-Place 35i

in no wise related lie between husband and wife, merely be­ cause they died after the husband and before the wife. A few wealthy families or individuals were surrounded by iron fences, which have now been removed, because there was no one to attend to their repair. Most corpses were buried with feet extending eastward. It was a common belief that on the Day of Judgment the Lord would appear in the east. Thus, if the corpse would face the east, the risen body of the believer would rise facing the Judge, when about to pronounce the final verdict. This graveyard contains, as nearly as can be ascertained at this late day, 494 graves. 326 are marked with stones bear­ ing inscriptions, while 24 show mere fragments of limestone and 144 have no marker whatever. Thus in the case of 168, there is no clue to the occupants. Nine bodies have been re­ moved to other resting places. The first interment was that of Anamaria Stroh (10-3) in 1804 and the last, Frederick Galebach (6 8) in 1891. The names of many prominent families are found in this graveyard. Some of the names are no longer heard in Ann- ville. The following occur repeatedly: Berry, Biever, Bing­ ham, Bodenhorn, Carmany, Cassel, Henning, Hoverter, Im- boden, Marshall, Ney, Raiguel, Seabold, Shertzer, Siegrist, Stein, Stroh, Thomas, Ulrich. Graves of infants abound. These are scattered in various parts of the graveyard— not in a place by themselves, as in some old burial-plots of New England, where there are mounds in which were placed the bodies of unbaptized infants. Such a section was known as Limbus Infantorum. Dickens says: “ Oh! it is hard to take to heart the lesson that such deaths will teach, but let no man reject it, for it is one that all must learn, and is a mighty, universal Truth. When Death strikes down the innocent and young, for every fragile form from which he lets the panting spirit free, a hun­ dred virtues rise, in shapes of mercy, charity, and love, to walk the world, and bless it. Of every tear that sorrowing mortals shed on such green graves, some good is born, some gentler nature comes. I11 the Destroyer’s steps there spring 352 L ebanon County H istoric at S ociety up bright creations that defy his power, and his dark path be­ comes a way of light to Heaven. ” — Old Curiosity Shop. The inscriptions show the following interments: one year and less, 45; one year to six, 69; six to twenty years, 28; twenty to fifty years, 75; above fifty years, 106. The tombstones are chiefly of marble and sandstone, a few of limestone, and one of iron— mostly plain parallelo­ grams, but some with carved ornaments, and some with ‘‘shapeless sculpture decked.” There are no monuments. Large horizontal slabs resting on a raised foundation seem to take their place. A number of graves are marked by a mere fragment of limestone.

‘‘The tombstone’s way we recommend To each who’d truly be our friend. A tombstone you will rarely find Which says of one a thing unkind. In storm and sunshine still the same, Unwavering it upholds one’s name. Yea, though the world above may frown, It sticks up for one when he’s down.” Boston Transcript.

There is a great deal of superstition connected with cem­ eteries. Among the Romans, reading inscriptions on tomb­ stones weakened the memory. In speaking of memory, Cicero says: ‘‘Nor do I fear, when reading inscriptions, that my memory may be impaired, as they say. For by reading these inscriptions, I regain my recollections of the dead.” 1 A similar notion is found among the Jews, who believed that to look upon the face of a dead person was harmful to the memory. We do not know but that our memory was rather refresh­ ed and strengthened by reading the inscriptions that follow. We all recall the good luck attendant upon carrying in one's pocket the left hind foot of a rabbit caught in a grave yard the night before Christmas.

1 Cic. de Stmcc. VII. A n n v ille ’s Oldest B urial-Place 353

In the earlier years of our graveyard's history, beginning with 1804, the inscriptions are for the most part German. Lngiish becomes more frequent, as we approach the rear (east part) of the graveyard. In all we find 18 r German and 139 h.nglish inscriptions. Two employ both languages. Five < .' Iman inscriptions use English letters. The rules of orthography and capitalization are frequently violated. Punctuation is likewise neglected and misapplied. ( >m- is frequently reminded of Gray’s “ unlettered muse.” Various phrases are employed to designate the end of life, iii-li as “ died,” “ departed this life,” “ gone before,” “ here n ■■I'..” “ here rest the bones,” “ here rests according to the body,1 ’ etc. TIu* age is expressed in some unusual ways, such as “ 2 ■ ' .o', less 22 days;” “ 29 years, 9 months, 3 weeks, and 1 day;” ' 1 | months and 10 days;” “ 10 weeks and 4 days.” Id<• <|i 1 c-111 errors are found in the inscriptions. We were " 1 v 'melul in making exact copies. It was often very diffi- ■ nil to got the correct reading. In inscriptions worn by time lniiv (January) can not readily be distinguished from Juny |iim ), nor Mar. from May. So the months ending in “ - 111 ■ 1 mav cause confusion, when the first part is nearly worn •i" uv Likewise the digits 1 and 7, 3 and 5, 6 and o are apt to bo toad wrong, when they are no longer distinct. In sonic instances errors in the statement of age are only . i mmgI v such, as by close calculation, the number of days is 1 in 1 in I to bo correct. But errors in months and years will not i. Id to this method. This subject is referred to in Dr. H. M. I Isi«-li.iids' paper, “ A Word About Seals,” (Vol. V, No. 6, I.' I>.inon County Historical Society Publications.) In speak­

ing nl i'iiois in inscriptions, he cites Mr. Grimaldi, who says: M mi' ni'.liiiici'S are on record of the incorrectness of inscrip­ tion-., wliieli niisos Ironi various causes; executors are not al­ ii 1 vvll informed on the subject; frequently all the trans- n lime, ndating to funerals and monuments (of eminent men ■ ipi'i'inllv), me mulct the direction of an undertaker, a man I'lilom v< ly cmeliil or very learned; he, again, hands over liiill "I In • ot'ih'is to the stonemason, a man probably of less 354 L ebanon County H istorical Society learning; and if we often see the most absurd orthography in epitaphs, there is less reason to impute infallibility to the chisel, when carving dates. The monuments of Sterne and Goldsmith may be referred to as notorious proofs. In the lat­ ter there is an error of no less than three years.” Dr. Richards then refers to an instance nearer home— the recutting of the inscription on the tombstone of Conrad Weiser’s wife, near Womelsdorf, Pa. The re-cut inscription gives her birth as occurring in 1730 and her age as 48 years; whereas the original stated she was born in 1700 and died aged 78 years. The poetic Muse has entered most old cemeteries and left her effusions there. Our old graveyard is no exception. Some old epitaphs in new England burial-places are queer, to say the least. In King’s Chapel graveyard, Boston, Mass., we find this: Here lies the pod: The pease are shelled And gone to God.

Another is: Here sleeps that blessed one, Whose life God help us all to live, That so when time shall be, That we this earth must leave, We ever may be happy With blessed William Paddy. In our graveyard mortuary verse occurs frequently, as can be seen by reference to the inscriptions given hereafter. We cannot equal the above, but some ‘‘uncouth” lines are found. Witness the following: ‘‘When dead and in my grave And all my bones are rotten When this you see Remember me Although I should be forgotten.”

The following seems rather a reflection upon the sin viving: A n n v il l e ’s Oldest B urial-Place 355

“ For his soul pleased the Lord; therefore he hasted to call him away from among the wicked.” On the other hand, there are some very fine lines to be found, containing elevating and inspiring thoughts, full of comfort, hope, and cheer This is especially true of the Ger­ man specimens To perceive their beauty and appropriate­ ness, it is necessary to be somewhat of a German scholar. A number of instances occur in which the poetry is writ- Icn as prose— not separated into verses. The meter may be

I I llil ( III limit y Shop. 356 L ebanon County H istorical S ociety every one would do this, a cemetery would have an endow­ ment fund, as it were, the proceeds of which could be devoted to general repairs and improvements. Such donations should be kept in a separate fund, for if they are thrown into the gen­ eral treasury, they are apt in process of time to be lost sight of, and the purpose for which they were given will not be ­ fected. It has always seemed appropriate to the writer that the dead should repose near the church in which they were active during life. So it seems fitting that the church should be the guardian of their final resting place. In some rapidly growing cities, where land values increase at an enormous rate, the civic authorities have transformed old cemeteries into parks, thus preventing desecration, and benefiting the living. Central Park, Washington and Madi­ son Squares, New York, with others, had their origin in old graveyards. In this way have the dead helped to make life more comfortable and cheerful for the living. Annville, Pa. November 1815. P A R T II. T h e Inscriptions.

The following inscriptions are designated by two num- l",ts The first denotes the grave, while the second denotes i In- row. Thus 12— r i is the 12th grave in the nth row; 4-26 I • I lu- 4th grave in the 26th row, etc. The graves are numbered from north to south; the rows I I "in west to east. The rows are not laid out regularly, nor i" Ihev of the same length. In fact, in order to carry out the Inn, several rows contain only a few graves, and one or I wo, only one. VVr deemed this method of location the best to designate H" place of a grave, though the system is an artificial one. II makes it possible to find any grave by means of its number. I o ,i-.1 ntnin the number an index has been added. We have ventured to add brief remarks after certain in- 11 pi ions. Of course, the selection of persons as the subjects -I ■ ominent was determined and limited by the writer’s know I- 'lip "id acquaintance. Though in some respects certain .... may have ranked a little higher than others, yet here, in 1 he "city of the dead,” all are on a level. “ The paths of loi v h ad but to the g ra v e .” fin- writer has taken every possible precaution to insure ip. 1 011 eel ness of these copies of inscriptions. Repeated in­ i' 1 I ion and careful copying insure their reliability. Atmville, l’a., March 1915.

INSCRIPTIONS Uow No. 1 2 -1 I 1 Gewidm et IN Zum Memory of Andenken von I ACC >11 < '.HUMAN. Henrich Imboden Horn vSolm von Georg und Elizabeth ) 11111 • 7, 1808: Imboden geb. den 2ten April Died 1805 !»• i 28, 1859; Stnrb i4U*n Marz 1859. Alt 53 \ l" 'I ,1 V«1I l11 ||]OH. 21 d. Jalir. 11 Mount und 19 tag* n Hfaik All ye that come my grave to see I’n pare for dentil and follow me Prepare for dentil make no delay For Hiulden 1 was called away lino I o till VH Iilintl |i I I ie 1 2 dayn. 358 L ebanon County H istorical Society

3-i 5-i Hier ruhet IN Elisabeth Imboden M em ory of sie war geboren den 8ten MARY ANN CARMONY Juny 1776 wife of starb den 16ten Septembr WILLIAM CARMONY 1843 and daughter of ihr Alter war 67 Jahre John Shertzer 3 Monate und 8 Tage who died June 20tb 1844 Aged 33 Years 3 mon. & 4 D.

4- i A lso Hier ruhet FRANKLIN THEODORE Johann Georg Son of Imboden Wm. & Mary Ann Carmony geboren den 25’ Jan’v who died Sept. 14th 1844 1772— Aged 5 Months & 14 d.

Starb den 28 July —— 1851- Means— Alt wordeu [The above is inscribed upon a 79 Jahre 6 mo. u. 3 Ta horizontal marble slab, 5x3 feet, resting on a brick foundation. So Two unmarked graves also the next two.]

6-1 IN IN M em ory of M em ory of BARBARA WINELAND JOHN SHERTZER W ife of Born July 23rd 1766, John Shertzer Died October 1st 1847. Born February 20th 1769, AGED Died July 20th 1842. 81 Years 2 mo. & 8 days. Aged 73 Years 5 mo.

Moers— Reading Means— Reading

[Mr. Shertzer was a prominent citizen of early Annville and the progenitor of the Shertzer (Scherzer) family of that place. He was Annville’s first merchant, dealing in general merchandise. Tradition says he came to Annville from Man- heim, Lancaster County, and established the first store in the one-story stone building east of the old U. B. Church, and for­ merly known as the Boyer home. Subsequently Mr. Shertzer built the present Kinports home and the store building, which A nn vllle’s Oldest B urial-Place 359 has been enlarged since. Here he did a flourishing business. Mrs. Jacob Grobb of Schaefferstown was a sister of Mr. Shertzer. His sons, John and Jacob, succeeded him in business. Their home was the present post-office building, which was erected by John Shertzer, Jr., (North-west corner Main and White Oak.) It was one of the first brick residences in Ann- ville. 75 years ago there were only three. John Shertzer, Sr., had 12 children. Six died in infancy. Those that reached maturity were John, William, Jacob, Fan­ nie, Catharine and Mary. Daniel (3-12) was probably one of his sons, while Emme­ line (1-18) and John William (3-10) were probably grand­ children. John Shertzer’s daughter, Fannie, married John Killinger who subsequently was elected State Senator. She was the mother of PIx-Congressman John W. Killing­ er, Esq. Catharine married Dr. Hittel, of Hamilton, Ohio. Mary married William Carmony. She was the mother of Mrs. Lucy Truitt and Robert Carmony, who formerly resided in Annville. John William (2-12) and Henrietta Barbara (1-12) were also children of Mary’s. The Carmony family came from the neighborhood of Carlisle.

Hier ruliet Barbara Cassel eine gebolirne Berryson* Hier ruhet Ehe=frau von Christian Cassel Christian Cassel. ward gebohren den Sie wurde gebohren 11 ten October 1764 und den'nten Marz, 1767 Starb den i2 n October und starb den 2ten November. 1834 sein alter war AllerseeligstenS 1829 70 Jahr und 1 Sie braclite ihr Alter auf Tag 62 J.ahre 7 Monate u: 21 Tage.

* “ on” for " in .” See N. on 1-2. 2 All Sou In 1 >ny. 36° L ebanon County H istorical Society

30-1 13- I Zum Audenken von Anna Carmene * Sie war gebohren den gten JoliaiTes Marquart July 1758. starb den 8ten geboren den 24’ Marz Hornung 1842 brachte ihr Alter auf 83 Jahre 6 1779 monate u 30 Tage Starb den 7’ Decem ber Hier ruh ich von scliwacbeit aus 1849 A lt worden bis ich konim in meines Jesu haus 70 Jahre S mo. u. 14 1 . TEXT 3 unmarked graves. Offenb. Job. Cap. 14 Ver. 13

D ■ Black 14- 1 Hier Ruhet 11- 1 C A T H A R IN E die Gebeine von Consort of Salome Biewer John Marquart. Ehefrau vou Born Mar. 13, 1783: Samuel Biewer Died Oct. 2 1865; Sie ward gebohren den 28ten Aged 82 yrs. 6 m. 19 <1. Tag February 1805 und starb den 8 August 1834 sie brachte Unmarked grave. Ihr Alter Auf 29 Jahr 5 Monath und 11 Tag 12- 1 Sie hiuterlies ihren Eheman u. 7 Hier Ruhet kinder Johan Philip Da wird uns der tod nicht scheiden Carmene, Der uns jetz geschieden hat ward gebohren den Gott selbst wird uns alsdenn weiden ^ten Decem ber 17581 Und erfreun in seiner stadt und starb den 5ten Ewig ewig werden wir Marz 1834 brachte In dem paradies allhier sein alter auf 75 Jallr Mit einander jubilieren 3 Monath und 2 Tag. Und em himlisch leben fiihreu Ach was ist doch unser todt? Nur ein ende aller noth.

[This was the first wife of Samuel Biever, a prominent citizen and merchant of Annville, 60 years ago. His residence and place of business was the Southwest corner of Main and Lancaster streets. He came to Annville from Campbelltown. For several years he was Annville’s postmaster. Isaac Bea­ ver, for many years a justice of the peace, is his son, Mrs. Caroline Radabaugh is a daughter.] *

* A dash above a letter doubles it: thus n nti. A n n v il l e ’s Oldest B urial-Place 361

15- 1 2 unmarked graves. H ier ruht Margaretta 19-I Tochter von Hier ruhet Sami u Susanna Susanna Strack * Biewer Sie war gebohren den sie starb den 23 2ten February 1796 und August 1841. Starb den i5ten December ibr altei- war 3 1837 Sie brachte Ihr alter Mo. u 2 Ta. Auf 41 Jahr 10 Monath und 13 Tag 16- 1 [Removed to Mt. Aunville Cem­ H ier ruht etery.] Philip Sohn von Samuel u Susanna Biewer 20-1 er starb den iotn Hier Rulien Jenner 1842. die gebeine von sein alter war 3 Julianna Ulrich Jalir 11 mo. u 5 Sie war gebohren den ioten Tag Novem ber 1748 Starb den ijten April 1842 brachte ihr alter auf 93 17-1 Jahre H ier ruht 5 Monate und 5 Tage Syru s— Sohn von [Removed to Mt. Annville Cem­ Samuel u Susanna etery.] Biewer Blr Starb den I2 t Jenner 1842 Sein alter war 2 21-1 Jalir 5 mo. u 2 Ta. Hier ruhet Anna Maria Ehe=frau von 18-1 Adam Ulrich Hier ruliet sie war geboren den 9ten (Icorge ^November 1777 sohn von Starb den i8t November Samuel u Salome 1S46 Biewer sie brachte ihr Alter auf er star!) den ipirn 69 Jahre und 9 Tage April 1843 sein niter war u Jahre | Removed to Mt. Annville Cem­ l IVlotmlr 11 7 Tag. etery.]

'* ,Sor l cllllll U h OK 22 1. 362 L e b a n o n C o u n t y H i s t o r i c a l S o c i e t y

22-1 1847 H ier rubet und brachte sein Adam Ulrich Alter auf 75 Jahre 9 Er war Geboren den Mouete und 21 Tage 28. January 1772. [Removed to Mt. Annville Starb den 18 Novemb1' etery.]

[The Ulrich family was a prominent one in the early his­ tory of Annville This one was the grandson of Adam Ulrich, the Collector of Lebanon Township in 1750, which then em­ braced nearly all of what now constitutes Lebanon County, but then was a part of Lancaster County. He was also the grandfather of the veteran J. H. Ulrich, who still resides among us. The Ulrich homestead was the present farm of the Stein- inetz boys, north of the* Annville Railroad Station, great­ grandchildren of Adam Ulrich II. Mr. Ulrich was one of the founders of Annville Academy, about 1834. “Julianna” Ulrich (20-1) was his mother, and Anna Maria (21-1) his wife. Martin Ulrich (10-2) was an uncle and “ Dorothe” (9-2) the latter’s wife. Mrs. Riickerd (8-2) was a sister of Adam II, and Mrs. Strack (19-1) a daughter.]

23- 1 25- 1 Hier ruhet Hier ruhet Ana Imboden William Imboden sie war geboren den 17m Er war gebohren den Merz 1813 starb den 4tn 25t Merz 1809 starb July 1840 Ikr alter d 25ten May 1S40 er war 27 Jalir 3 Moti- braclite sein alter auf ath und 17 Tag. 31 Jahr und 2 monath 26- 1 Hier Ruhet 24- 1 Maria Imboden H ier ruht Ehe frau von Samuel Imboden Daniel Imboden Er war geboren den Kine gebolirene Imboden 5tn Decem ber 1837 Sie war geboren den starb den 7m October 27m September 1817 183c) sein alter war atarb den 241, Novembr 1 Jahr 10 Monuth 1.840 Mir Alter war 23 und 2 Tag Jalir 1 Mo. n. 27 Tag A n n v ille ’s Oldest B urial-Place 363

[On Kreider’s bridge, south of I tier ruht town, is found the following mar­ Maria ble tablet: Tochter von b r i d g e Daniel u Maria Iiuboden Built by the State and County >;«• 1 ■> ()ctob. 31 starb John Kreitzer 1 Henry Miller j- County I leeemb. 18. 1840 Benjan. Pbreaner j Commrs All 1 mo. u. 18 T. Philip Itnboden 1 - JqbnD. Beaver / State Commrs In 1839-] M emory of 3i-l H E N R Y In Son of memory of Samuel iK: Lydia E L IZ A B E T H I mboden Daughter of Died April 20 DANIEL & BARBARA 1849 IM IIODEN Aged 1 Year 10 Mo. Born D ec’r 20’ & 10 I). 1845. Died Tan’y 28’ 1852 II ier ruhet Aged Klimibetli Miller 6 years 1 mo & S D. I',be Kilt tin von D . Black b >11 > 11111 I * 11 i 1 i | > I mboden geboren [John Schw eigert Imboden, 1733 -1819, buried at the Hill Church, dim < 1. ( ictober 1774 was the progenitor of the Itubodens Htarb of this section. They were nu­ dell 1. Merz 1862 merous in the earlier history of Alter Annville. 26 are found in this graveyard. The Confederate lead­ 17 111111e 4 mo. a. 26 t. er, Gen. John D. Imboden, traced his lineage to this family. John Philip (30-1) was a son of John t<> 1 Sweigert, Imboden. lliei Ruhet ] < >1 in 11 Philip Row No. 2 I mboden At the beginning of the second I .1 Ian ell dell 2<>Nlen row are 2 small graves marked Mm/ 1774 with pieces of limestone. ■il 11 b den 23m. M a y 1849 1-2 lii .11 III 1 neiu Alter mil Hier ruhet lain 1 1 Mnliatll Maria Catharina tiinl J‘t Tngc Scrschin* /» ///ink Sic war gebohren

II...... 111 ' .11 hiIi. flip "in" is u < h'l man feminine ending. See .,Un 11 1, 19, j j, H 11, 3^4 L ebanon County H istorical Society

den 5tn Julius 1776 [Mrs. Thomas was the daughter und starb den 22ten of John Nicolaus Ensminger and Novem ber 1S3S sie the sister of Capt. Peter Ensminger wurde alt 62 Jalir of Revolutionary reputation. John 4 Monath und 17 H. Thomas of Anuvile is her Tag grandson.]

3 unmarked graves. 5-2 AN N A C w ife of Daniel Biugaman ruhet in gott Born Rosina Doll sie Sept. 24. 1786. ist gebohren den iten July Died 1S00 und starb den 3ten Jan. 9, 1862: April 1827 und sie brachte Aged ilir alter auf 26 Jalir 9 75 years. 3 Mo. 15 d. monath und 2 tage Wohl mir bier ist mein ruhehaus Hier ruhicli warm nach schmerzen 6-2 aus In Icb bin durcli einen sanften tod m em ory of Eutgangen aller angst und noth DANIEL, BIN GAM AN Born Unmarked grave Sept. 18, 1776; Died i - 2 Apr. 24, 1850; Ann Mary Aged Daughter of 73 yrs. 7 Mo. 6 d. A. & C. Thomas [Mr. Biugaman was a skilled Died August carpet and linen weaver. He lived 1853 at the N. E. corner Main and Mill aged 5 month & 21 d. streets.]

4-2 IN 7-2 m em ory of Hier ruhet CHRISTIANA THOMAS Johann Christoph Born Riick erd January 9, 1774; Er war Gebolireu den 3 Died November 1764 und March 17, 1856: Starb deli 6 A prill Aged 1833 Sein Alter war 82 Years 2 1110 & 8 d> 68 Jar 5 Mouat und D. /Hack 3 Tage A n n v il l e ’s Oldest B urial-Place 365

Wie wohl ist meinetti leibe 9-2 Nfich aufgestandnem leiden Hier ruhet Wie freud sich nun die seel dem leibe nach In ieuer himm els freuden Dorothe Ulrich* [Removed to Mt. Aunville Cera­ Ehe Frau Von te ry ] Martin Ulrich [“Stoffel” Riickerd was a dyer Sie war gebohren den and lived at tlie Southeast corner 7ten May 1749 und of the Square—where Mr. Sar­ starb den i6ten Febru­ gent’s house now stands.] ary 1839 sie brachte Ihr A lter auf 89 Jahr 8-2 9 Monath u 9 Tag Hier ruhet [Removed to Mt. Annville Cem- Anna Maria tery.] Riickerd* Sie war gebohren den isten January 1768 10-2 uud gestorben den I2ten Hier ruhet November 1842 Martin Ulrich* brachte ihr Alter auf 74 war gebohren den 7. August Jahre 10 Motiate und n 1749— und Starb den 2 April Tage 1825. Sein Alter war 75 Ich warte froh und stille Jahr 7 Monat und 24 bis meines Gottes wille Tag. Mich uach dem Kampfe kront Hier liegt der leib gans ohne plagen an meinerlauf bahn ende Bis an den lieben Jungsten tag. sink ich in JBsu haude dan wird er wider Auferstehen Der mit dem richter mich versohnt und zu des himmels hochzeit gehen. [Removed to Mt. Annville Cem- [Removed to Mt. Annville Cem­ tery.] etery.]

[Martin Ulrich, together with Abram Raiguel (5-5,) do­ nated to the congregations the land on which was built in 1804 the Jerusalem Church, the predecessor of Christ Reformed Church. About half an acre was set apart as a burial-place, the one whose occupants we are recording. Shortly before 1800, Messrs. Ulrich and Raiguel laid out an addition to Annville, extending from White Oak street to Ulrich street. Martin Ulrich was an uncle of Adam Ulrich II (22-1) and the son of Adam Ulrich I, who was one of the three founders of Annville in 1762— Miller, Raiguel, Ulrich.]

* See remarks on 22-1. 366 L ebanon County H istorical S ociety

11-2 1820 und starb den 24 H ier May 1823 Alt 3 Jar Ruhen und 22 Tag die gebeiue von RUDOLPH MILLER 14- 2 er war geboren Hier Ruhet den iten October 1746 Lea -)- Neu und ist gestorben Ehe Frau Von den 6ten Novem ber 1806 Friederich Neu sie Starb Sein Alter war 60 den 8 Februar 1822 lhr Alter Jahr 1 Monat und War 29 Jar 11 Monat und 3 5 Tag. Tag [This inscription is in English So last mich nun In sanfter ruh unit geht letters.] Naeh euer wohnung zu ein ieder denlte nacht Und tag wi er auch selig sterben mag 12- 2 Hier Ruhen Unmarked grave. die gebeine von Susanna Miller 15- 2 und ehe gattin von H ier Rudolph Miller Ruhen die gebeine von Sie war gebohrenden I9tn Friderich Ney Hornung im Jahr 1749 and Starb den 21 October Starb den 7ten September im Im Jahr unsers Hern Jahr 1838 sie wurde Alt 89 ;iS4i er brachte sein Jahr 5* Monath und 19 Tage alter auf 71 Jahr 10 Lasset uns mit Jesu leben Monath und 7 Tag Weil er auferstanden ist Hear Muss das grab uns wieder geben Rests the Body of Jesu unser haupt du bist Frederick Ney Wir sind deines leibes glieder Wo du lebst da leben wir 2 unmarked graves Ach erkeun uns fiir iind fiir 1 Trauter freund fiir deine kinder 2 16- 2 Jesu dir ich lebe hier Hier ruhet Dorten ewig auch bei dir Elisabeth Ehegattin von 2 unmarked graves. Henrich Imboden Geboren den 3. Jenner 13- 2 1S15 Starb den 22 Deer H ier ruht 1847 Sofeia Neu Alt worden 32 Jahre war geboren den 2 May 11 Mo. u. 19 T.

* Error: 6 months, not 5. 1, 2. These lines should exchange places. Misplaced by the stonecutter. A n n v il l e ’s Oldest B u ria l-Place 367

17-2 19-2 SACRED Hier ruhet To the Memory of Heinrich Bodenhorn MARIA ELISABETH geboren den 14 Aug. 1777 Consort of starb den 8 Jan. 1859 WILLIAM STEWART A lter Daughter of 81 Jahre 4 Mo. u. 24 t Rev’d F. A. & Elisabeth TEXT Scholl Herr, nun lassest du deinen Born June 4. 1S23. Deiner in Frieden fahren wie du Died July n . 1848. gesagt hast; A g e d Denn meine Augen haben 25 Years 1 Mo. & 7 D’s. deinen Heiland gesehen A lso D . Black MARIA ELISABETH [The Bodenhorns used to be Infant Daughter of numerous in Annville. Now they William & Maria E. Stewart are comparatively few. This one Died July 25’ 1848. was the great-grandfather of our Aged 16 Days fellow townsman, S. D. Boden­ ------horn. He was a weaver by trade, [Removed to Mt. Aunville Cem­ weaving fancy rugs and counter­ panes.] etery.] [Mrs. Stewart was the sister-in­ law of Adam Ulrich III, the son of Unmarked grave. Adam II (22-1.) Her husband, William Stewart, had charge of Row No. 3 the Annville Academy.] i-3 IN Unmarked grave M em ory of ELEANOR AMELIA Daughter of 18-2 Walter & Elizabeth Zum Andenken von Clark Margaretha Died January 4th Bhe frau von 1844 Heinrich Bodenhorn Aged 4 Years 1 Mo. Geboren d 5 Jan. 1784 & 28 days. starb d 23 Marz 1850 Alt worden 66 Jahre 2 mo. u 1ST TEXT Der Herr aber wird mich erldseu von alien Uebel tiiul aushelfen zu'seinem Himmlischen Reich 368 L e b a n o n C o u n t y H is t o r ic a l S o c ie t y

Who was Born May 23rd 2-3 SA C R E D 1S11 To the Memory of And Died Sept. 14th E L IZ A B E T H 1843 Consort of Aged 32 Years 3 Mo. Walter Clark And 22 Days [Walter Clark was a chairmaker, having his establishment about half a square west of Main and Chestnut. He was a progressive citizen and at one time was Captain of the Ann- viile Guards, a volunteer infantry company of the state militia. In 1844 he was County Commissioner. The wife and daughter lie here, but the husband is absent. We may account for this by the fact that he was a Catholic, and as such would not be buried in “ unconsecrated” ground.]

4-3 DANIEL STROH IN m em ory of BORN ANN MARIA BINGHAM Feb. 6, 1802 Consort of DIED JAMES BINGHAM Oct. 18, 1864 Who was born Feb’y 26th. 1797. Aged 62 y. 8 m. 12 d. And departed this life Erected by W. H. Houtz Decem ber 18th. 1836. and wife Aged 39 years 9 months Black and 22 days [Mr. stroh was one of Annville’s early teachers, teaching a number of years at the Southwest corner of Queen and Chestnut. His residence was on Main street, the third house west of Concord Alley— north side. Mr. Stroh was lame and always used a cane. He also served the community as Postmaster and as justice of the peace. In 1857 he was County Register.] [The Bingham Bros., Thomas and James, conducted a store at the North-east corner of Main and Chestnut. John H. Kinports, our former successful merchant, was a clerk in the Bingham store.]

5-3 6-3 Hier Ruhet Hier ruhet Maria Catbarina Eva Cassel Reddick Bhe gattin von ward gebohren den 9te Daniel Stroh Esq. Geboren den 24 Marz May i860 Starb den 1771 16ten Decem ber 1833 Starb den 1: Feb. 1848 ihr alter 73 Jalir Alt wordeu 7 Moimth and 7 Tag 76 Jahre 10 Mon. 8 T. A n n v il l e 's Oldest B u ria l-Place 369

Nuu wall ich, tlieure Liebe, 7-3 zu deinern hause bin, liier ruhet Hilf dass des Gottes triebe Daniel Stroh aumuntern meiiien sitin: Geboren Wie lieblich sind die auen, den 27, August 1771 Wie sanft des hirten stab; starb den 9. Juny 1863 Hiet will ich hiitten bauen Alt worden liier fitide micb das grab. 91 Jahre 9 mo. u. 12 t. D. Black Wer herrlich will bei Christo seyn Der muss ihm leben hier allein, Und nicht der siind und eitelkeit Aufopfern seine lebenszeit. D . B lack

[Daniel Stroh reached a ripe old age. His residence was the Northeast Corner of Main and Lancaster. Several tall 1 ,oinl lardy poplars graced the front. He owned the greater part of the half-block on which he resided. The writer’s lot 1 . traced back to him. He was a Justice of the Peace fora number of years and County Treasurer in 1826. The rear of Ins residence was a turner’s shop, where chairs were made, riii- writer, when a boy, often visited the place, and enjoyed liclpiug to run the lathe, which was operated by foot-power.]

I 1 9-3 H ier ruht MARY STROH Cutharina Stroh BORN iut (lestorben den 4 Feb. 20, 1814 August. 1825 ihr alter DIED vviir 7 Jalir 5 Monat A ug 20, 1884 und 20 Tag. Aged 70 y. 6 m.

10-3 A namaria Stroh ini Geboren den 3m Aprl 1740 Gcstorben den -----2 April 1804 Ihr A lte r -----2 —% Jahr w e n in g e r-----2 Sic wav die Erste auf disem Kirch hof begraben.

1 1 l ' iiiiri i pin* 1 able, 370 Lebanon County H istorical S ociety

[As the inscription records, this was the first interment in this graveyard, one hundred and eleven years ago. The tomb­ stone is an upright slab of hard, brown sandstone, 34x15, inches and the inscription can easily be read, with the exception of a few words and figures. Of the individual we |tnow nothing more than her name. She was the leader, so to speak, of this army of the dead enrolled here. Before 1804, Annville and its vicinity buried its dead at the Hill Church, two miles northeast, and in various private burial-plots.] jj_2 den 4. February und Starb Hier ruhet deu 8. October 1806 Sein Johannes Stroll Alter war 70 Jahr 8 Mo- war gebohren im Jar 1736 nat u. 4 Tag.

12-3 Hier ruhen die gebeine der selig entschlafenen Maria Esther B erry Ein geborne Cassel und hinterlaszene witwe des verstorbe- nen Heinrich Berry sie wurde geboren im Jahr misers Herrn 1766 deu 27ten August und verschied den 28ten Januar 1836 Ihr alter brachte sie auf 69 Jahr 5 Monat und 2 Tage Jesus ist fur mich gestorben, Und sein tod is mein gewinn Er hat mir das heil erworben, Drum falir ich mit freuden bin Hier aus dieseui welt getiimmel, In den schonen Gottes-himel Da ich werde allezeit, Scliauen die Dreyeinigkeit T H IS TOM B IS ERECTED AS A MONUMENT OB AFBECTION TO THE MEMORY OF ESTHER BERRY RELICT OF HENRY BERRY DECO WHO DEPARTED THIS LIFE THE 28th OF JAN UARY 1836 AGED 69 YEARS 5 M O N TH S A N D 2 D A Y S Thou art the way to thee alone From sin and death we flee And he who would the father seek Must seek him lord by thee. C. B erry A n n v il l e ’s Oldest B urial-Place 37i

' 3-3 Hier Ruhen Die Gebeine Des Henrich Berry Ehe Man Von Ester Berry, Er Wurde Geboren Ini Jahr Unsers Herrnjesu, 1791, Den, 28cta December Und Verschied Den igdn September 1826, Brachte Sein Alter Auf, 64, Jahr, 8 Monat Und, 22, Tag—'. Die mitjesu leiden werden mit ihm weiden in der himmels=au Die m itjesu sterben werden mit ihm erben Jenen ew’gen bau Hire kron und sieges=lohn, und wo gott die engel loben sicher aufge- hoben

T H IS TOMB IS ERECTED AS A MONUMENT OF AFFECTION TO THE MEMORY OF HENRY BERRY HUSBAND OF ESTER BERRY WHO DEPARTED THIS LIFE SEPTEMBER 19th, 1826, AGED, 64, YEARS, 8, MONTHS A N D , 22, D A Y S . My Glas is run my work is done; And i am laid under ground Entombed in clay untill the day; i hear the raumpet sound Then i shall rise to paradise; upon my saviour score, For there shall be a unity; For glory evermore Er Wap Baumeister Von Dieser Gemeinde

[As stated in the inscription, Henry Berry was the “ Bau­ meister” or master-builder of the'Jerusalem Church, erected in 1804. This was in the days when architect, contractor and builder were one. Instead of a building committee, they selected an intelligent and skilful mechanic, into whose hands they entrusted the erection of the building. The writer has searched for information concerning Mr. Berry, but nobody seems to know anything about him. The stone church he erected was his memorial, but even this, like all earthly struct­ ures, was not enduring, but has given way to a nobler edifice.] L e b a n o n C o u n t y H is t o r ic a l S o c ie t y 37 2

Den 29 October 1823 14- 3 In Ihr Alter Wahr 56 memory of lahr 6* Monat und 24 ELIZABETH DRDMMENS Tag Wife of JO H N S t r o h Unmarked grave Born Octr 6 1793 Hier ruhet Died Johannes Berry Feby 1 1854 Er war gebohren den Aged 60 years 3 mo. & 26 da. 8 April 1789 und starb den 1 December 1834 Unmarked grave war alt 45 Jahr 7 Monath und 23 Tag 15- 3 H ier ruhet in gott 19- 3 Conrad Berry; er ist Hier ruhet gebohren den 4ten April Jeremia Camerer 1763 und starb den 8ten Er war geboren deu 28 December 1826 und er Decem ber 1821 u starb brachte sein alter auf 63 den 16 Novem ber 1824 Jahr 8 monath und 4 tage Sein Alter war 2 Jar Christi blut und gerechtig-keit 10 Monat und 16 Tag Das ist mein schmuck und ehren- Mir ist sehr wolil geschehen kleid Ich leb in wonn und freud Damit will icb vor gott bestehen Ihr solt mich wider sehen Wenn ich in Himmel werdeingehn Dort in der herrlichkeit

16- 3 Unmarked grave H ier ruht Elisabeth Berri 20- 3 ist Gebohren den 4. April SA C R E D 1764 und Gestorben den To the memory of 26 October 1806 SA R A H ANN Ihr Alter war 42 Jar Consort of 6 monat 22 Tag GEO. C. STREIN Born Oct. 21st 1791 Died Feb. 9th 1840 17- 3 Hier ruhet Aged Elisabeth Berry 48 Years 3 Months Sie wahr geboren den 5 & 19 Days. May 1767 und Gestor D . Black

* 6 should he 5 A n n v ille ’s Oldest Burial-Place 373

[This was the wife of Geo. C. Strein, the village school­ master. The parochial schoolhouse was on White Oak street opposite the church, the building now owned and occupied as a private residence by Daniel Seabold. As a schoolhouse it was a one-story log structure. Mr. Strein was a German by birth and was well fitted for his work. At first the instruction was altogether in German, but in 1815 English was introduced, the first school to do so. Though the school was established by the Jerusalem Church, yet it was open to all who were willing to pay the small fee asked — two to three cents a day per pupil. A number of citizens still reside in Annville, who were pupils of Mr. Strein. Owing to the establishment of the pub­ lic school system, this parochial school ceased as such in 1841;. Some of Mr. Strein’s predecessors were Messrs. German, Mohler, Gerhardt, Fisher, and Bachman. Mr. Strein also carried on the work of a scrivener and convej^ancer, in addition to his duties as a pedagogue, “ in Millerstown, opposite the church.” Where Mr. Strein is buried we do not know. |

Unmarked grave Born June 4th 17.S7 DiKii February 8th 21-3 1847 IN Aged 59 Years 8 Months M E M O R Y OK and 4 Days DAVID SEABOI.D Black

[Mr. Seabold, the grandfather of the present Daniel Sea- bold, was a first-class stone mason and did a flourishing busi­ ness.]

22-3 1785 IN Died February i8tb M E M O R Y OF 1847 C A T H A R IN E A ged 61 Years 2 Months Consort of and 3 Days DAVII) SEABOLD Black Born Decem ber 15th 374 L ebanon C ounty H isto rical S o ciety

23-3 Salome Uhrich Hier ruhet Ehefrau von Maria Magdalena Heinrich Uhrich Schm elser sie wurde geboren Geboren den 5. August den 8ten September 1780 1781 und verschied Starb den 18. Marz 1S4S den 3oten Juuy 1810. Alt worden Ilir alter war 29 Jahr 9 Monat 66 Jahr 7 Mo. u 13 Ta. 3 Wochen und 1 Tag

Row No. 4 1-4 3-5 Hier rulit H ier Johannes Druk = Ruhen enmiller, ist Gestorben die Gebein von den 13 November 1812 GEORG HOWERDER Sein alter war 27 Jahr Er ward Gebohren den i4ten November 1 Monat and 13 Tag 1804 und ist Verschieden den uten Junius 1806 4-5 Sein Alter war 1 I n Jahr 6 Monat und Memory of 28 Tag ELIZABETH RAIGUEL, [This inscription is in English Was born June 23. 1770. letters.] Died Novem ber 12. 1852. Aged 82 years 4 months & 19 days Row No. 5 Mears, Reading, Two graves marked with pieces Pa. of limestone.

Unmarked grave 5-5 IN i -5 Memory of In memory of ABRAM RAIGUEL ELIZABETH FEILD Who was born who departed this life July 27th A. D. 1766, February 25th 1810. age and departed this life 21 years 4 Months and 26 June 15th A. D. 1841. days Aged 74 Years 10 Months and 18 days. 2-5 Hier ruhen die Gebeine von Mears, Reading

Interior of Jerusalem Church Courtesy oj A . C. M. Hi

Old Raiguel Homestead < 'oiirfrsy of Joseph \Vn A n n v i l l e ’s O l d e s t B u r ia l -P l a c e 375

[The Raiguels were of French extraction. As far as we know, there were three Abraham Raiguels. The first died in 1795. He was a large land owner and lived a bachelor life in a log hut, on the hill across the Quittapahilla, south of Kreider’s mill, to the south of Annville, where subsequently was erected by his nephew the large Raiguel homestead. He was one of the founders of Annville. He was a native of Cougmont, Switzerland. Buried at the Hill Church. Abram Raiguel, the second (5-5) 1766-1841, was a nephew of Abraham I. He came to this country in 1788. ' He built the large Raiguel farmhouse and also the mill back of the Heilig House in 1793, and Kreider’s mill in 1797. He was one of the donors of the land on part of which was erected the Jerusalem Church aud part was consecrated for use as a burial place,— Annville’s oldest graveyard, the one we are re­ cording. Abraham Raiguel III, 1796-1849, (17-5) was the son of Abram II. He was the builder of Bachman’s Mill in 1831. His wife’s name was Mary, sometimes called Polly; Abram the Second’s wife was called Elizabeth (4-5.) ]

6-5 LIFE JANUARY 12 In 1823— age 2 years 6 mo M emory of aud 1 day CATHARINE ADUDELLE* 8-5 who departed this life In the 19 Day of November 1817. M em ory of Aged ELIZABETH REI 75 Years and 3 Days. NHARD WHO DEPAR When I am dead and in my grave TED HER LIFE and all my bones are rotten. AU G U ST 17 1823 When this you see Remember me age 1 year 1 mo. & 8 ds. although I should be forgotten. 9-5 7-5 In In M em ory of M emory of RT SARAH REINH- SUSANA REINHA ARD DIED OCT­ WHO DEPARTED HER O BER 1 1823

: I am informed she was a member of the Raiguel family. 376 L e b a n o n C o u n t y H is t o r ic a l S o c ie t y

10-5 14-5 In SA C R E D M em ory of To the Memory SARAH REINHARD OF BORN A U G U ST 31 1798 HARRIET CASSIDY DEPARTED HER LIFE W ife of O CTOBER , 1823, AG ED PHARES CASSIDY 25 YEARS 1 MONTS 3 and daughter of Abraham and Elizabeth Raiguel DAYS. be ye also ready for you who was born know not the hour wherein Novem ber the i6t.h 1808 the son of man cometh. and departed this life February the 8th 1838 1 1-5 Aged In 29 Years 2 mouths & 22 Days. M em ory of MARGERET RAIGUEL Daughter of 15-5 . ABRAHAM & POLLY IN R A IG U E L Memory of died January 3. 1825 W illiam A ugustus R aiguel

aged It months & 19 days. Son of Phares & Harriet Cassidy 12-5 who died In July 14th 1838 memory of Aged ANN MARY BARBARA 9 Months & 21 Days RAIGUEL daughter of M ears, Reading Abraham and Mary [A tablet 4x6 ft. on a brick foun­ R aiguel. who departed dation 1 ft. high.] this life Juue 14: 1828 Aged 8 Months & 14 Days. 16-5 IN 13-5 M em ory of SA CR E D C A R O LIN E To the Memory of daughter of Joseph Raiguel Pherris & Henrietta Who Was Born The 23 DAY Cassidy OF February In The Year of who was born Our Lord 1806 Departed Septem ber 26th 1833. This Life The 24 Day Of and died September 1828. Aged January 14th 1842 22 YEARS. 7 MONTHS AND Aged 1 D AY. 8 Years 3 Months (Here follow the same lines as and 18 days. A n n v i l l s ’s O l d e s t B u r ia l -Pl a c e 377

17-5 Starb dn 27’ Novr 1852 In Alt worden M emory of 71 Jahre 10 mo. u, 13 T. ABRAHAM RAIGUEL Born January 25. 1796. 5-6 Died Friedericli Mil­ April 9. 1849 ler—Sohn von Fried, Aged and Elisabeth Miller 53 Years 2 Mo. & 14 Days Starb 1819 den 10 Novembr alt 1 Jalir 10 M. & 10 Tag. Row No. 6

6-6 Unmarked grave. H ier ruht Stephen Miller 1- 6 Starb den 22 May In Memory of 1816. Sein Alter war ELISABETH RIGLER 2 Monat Weniger 2 who departed this Tag life April 16— 1816 Frederich & Elizabeth Mil­ aged 7 Months & 21 lers sohn Days

7- 6 2- 6 Samuel Miller In Memory of Son of Frederick Miller SARAH RIGLER died January 19— 1812 who departed this life age 13 days. Novem ber i r — 1816 aged 14 Mouths & 10

days 8- 6 H ier Ruht Catlrarina Berry 3- 6 In memory of Ehe Frau Von BARBARA ELLEN Conrad Berry Sie starb den 28 Septem. R IG L E R who departed this 1819 Ihr A lter war 24 Jar life September 30 1828 1 monat und 19 Tag. age S month & 20 days. 9-6 46 Adam Miller I lier ruhet Sohn von Friederich & |oh,-uinos Stanfer Elizabeth Miller geboren den 14’ Jenner Starb den 15 Juni 1781 1820. Sein alter war L e b a n o n C o u n t y H is t o r ic a l S o c ie t y 373

i i Jahr 2 m. & 9 I0'° Tag Hier ruht Magdalena Rein­ Grave marked with limestone ohl. Sie war eine Tochter fragments. von Henricli and Mag= dalena Reinohl, starb Unmarked grave den 2oten October 1821 Ihr alter war 11 Jahr 10 Monat weniger 1 Tag.

Unmarked grave

11-6 . . , This sandstone is broken and the part containing the names is missing. The part remaining is divided by a vertical line and contains parts of two inscriptions. The dates show that this is not the resting place of twins. The footstone is divided at the top by two curves and contains the letters S A and J A. What remains on the headstone follows:

20 Novem ber 1821 Starb den 15 Starb den— September 1822 October Alt 10 Monat Alt 5 m. weniger Weniger 5 Tag 1 Tag

Sie wurdet geboliren 12-6 H ier Ruht den iSter. July 1790 Friderich Miller und starb War Geboren den I2dn April den 22sten May 1828. 1782 Und Starb den 26dn July Sie braclite ihr Alter auf 1S23 Sein Alter war 41 Jar 37 Jahre 10 Monate u: 4 Tage. 3 Monat und 14 Tag Was schadets mir dass mein gebein J. F. Moers, Reading Muss in der erd verscharret sein 14-6 die seele schwebet oline Leid In Hier ruhet liimmels glanz und herrliclikeit Adam Ney geboren d 15 August 13-6 I791 Hier ruhet Starb den 30 April Elisabeth Miller 1842 eine gebohrne Cassel sein alter war 50 Ehe = frtm von Jahr. 81110. u. 15. Ta. Friderich Miller A n n v i l l e ’s O l d e s t B u r ia l -Pl a c e 379

3-7 15-6 hier ruhet H ier ruhet Henrich F. Miller Christina Ney Sohn von Friderich geboren den 20 und Elisabeth Miller Novebr 1793 starb den 12 Septetnr. starb d 22 May 1820 Alt 4 monat und 1842 25 Tag ilir alter war 48 Jahr 6 mo. u. 2 Ta. 2 unmarked graves.

1 Row No. 8 H ier ruhet Amanda N ey 1-8 Geboren den 5ten AN N M A R IA Septem . 1S26 W ife of starb dn 9 August John P. Gingrich 1S47 BORN ' A lt wurdn 20 Jar Sept. 18, 1838 11 Mo. u. 4 Ta. DIED March 21, 1862 Row No. 7 Aged 23 v. 6 m. 3 d. l ii si in this row is a grave mark- Black . d with limestone fragments. 2-8 i -7 HENRIETTA Hier ruhet Daughter of Eva Margareth Frederich & Maria Carschnitz Galebach war geboren den DIED 18 July 1769 und Feb. 23, 1862 starb den 26 Martz AGED 1K37 alt 67 Jahr 8 10 y. 11 m. 13 d. Monat und 8 Tag 3-8 1 w«» j'rnvc*8 marked with pieces IN m| linirHtotic. Memory of LOUISA GALEBACH v 7 wife of Daniel Long 111 Memory of Born Mnrinh Matilda Jan 20 1834. M iller Died died Sept. 9th 1817 April 7, 1855 age 5 vein s 3 M & 3 Aged 21 years 2 mo. & 17 weeks Black t

380 L e b a n o n C o u n t y H is t o r ic a l S o c ie t y

4- 8 BORN In Dec. 22, 1810 m em ory of DIED Anna Maria Oct. 20, 1S70 W ife of Aged 59 y. 9 m. 28 d. John Gailbach Born Jan. 8, 1786 6-8 Died A pril 17, 1854 FREDERICK CALEBACH Aged 68 Years 3 mo BORN and 9 days March 21. 1811 DIED March 12. 1891 5- 8 MARIA MARQUET Aged 79 y. 11 m. 21 d. W ife of Black Frederich Galebacb

[Mr. Galebach was a saddler by trade, and at the same time proprietor of the Black Horse Hotel, the building now owned arid occupied as a residence and tinsmith shop by S. F. Keller.]

7-8 8-8 SA C R E D IN MEMORY OF To the memory of SARAH T RINGEL WILLIAM MOORE RINGEL WHO DIED OCTOBER WHO DEPARTED THIS LIFE 6th 1823 AG ED 3 -----■* MAY 22; 1S27 AGED 2 YEARS -----* D A Y S 7 MONTHS AND 4 DAYS Sweet flower scarce blown 9-8 ere blighted—but In the lord gave and the lord-^ M em ory of hath taken away, blessed SAMUEL F. EARL be the name of the lord Who Departed this life May 22nd 1819 aged 29 Years 11 Days.

[Here rest the mortal remains of one of Aunville’s early physicians. Very little is known about him. Dr. Earl was stricken down in the early days of his career.]

* Letters and digits worn off. A n n v il l e ’s O l d e s t B u r ia l -Pl a c e 38i

10-8 Row No. 9 Zum aiidenkeu von i -9 Hier Ruhet Johannes Achenbach geb. 1774 Elisabeth Stein starb 1826 Starb den 2ot Sept. alt 52 Jahr 1806 ihr alter war 6 Monat weniger 8 Tag.

11-8 Hier ruhet 2- 9 Elisabeth Stower Hier ruhet Sie starb den 5 November Catarine Hix 1822 Ibr Alter Wahr 29 Geboren den 20 Jahr n Monat and 24 October 1809 Ihr Tag Alter war 3 Jahr 12 tag Ich bliihte wie die rose schon Nun schlaf ich bis zum auferstehn Von engel gottes treu bewacht 3- 9 Den siise schlaf der dotes nacht Hier Ruhet Samuel stamm war Gebohren 12-8 den 13 Mertz 1800 Hier ruhet u Gestorben den Beniamen Lessle 21 Mertz 1807 ■ Soehnlein von alt worten 7 Beniamen und Jahr u 8 Tag Elisabeth Lessle E r starb den 26 July- 1825 2 Jahr 2 M 4- 9 17 Tag H ierruh t Jacob Neu Grave marked with pieces of 1st Geboren den limestone. 4 M ay 1807 Sein Alter war 9 Jahr 5 Monad und 11 Tag 13-8 Hier ruhet Rebecca Kopp 5- 9 *>' war Geboreu den 22 In Juuy 1830 Starb . M em ory of den 8 July 1830. Ihr MARIA BROWN Alter war 16 Tag M ’ G E E DAUGHTER OF JAMES & Grave marked with pieces of MARGARET M’GEE limestone. DIED DECEMBER 20, 1825 382 L e b a n o n C o u n t y H is t o r ic a l S o c ie t y

6- 9 be deciphered) Adam Miller war Gebohren den 16 Marz Grave with pieces of limestone 1819 und Starb den 12. as markers October 1825 Sein Alter war 6 Jar 7 Monat Weniger 4 Tag 11-9 Sohn von Hier ruhet Daniel u Catharina Johannes Imboden M iller Sohn von Johannes u Elisabeth Imboden war Geboren den 24 July- 7- 9 1827 Starb den 10 Febry Klisabet.li Miller 1830 war Alt 2 Jar 6 M. Tocliter von 18 Tag Daniel n Catharina Miller war Gebohren den 6 Decern b 18 n Starb den 21 Unmarked grave. February 1827 Ilir Alter war 15 Jar 2 Monat 15 Tag Row No. 10

8- 9 Unmarked grave. Hier ruhet Johan Leonard 1- 10 Ney Joseph Strack er starb den igten Solin von Joseph u Mar Jenner 1841 sein garetli Strack starb den 16 alter war 1 Jahr 8 Septem ber 1817 Alter 4 monate weniger 4 Jahr 9 M. & 16 Tag. Tage 2 - 10 Catharina Strack 9- 9 Starb den 5 Septem b. 1817 Hier ruhet ihr alter war 2 Jahr 3 Sarah Dorothea Monat & 24 Tag Ney Sie starb den 26st 3 - 10 October 1840 In ihr alter war 4 M em ory Jahr 1 monath of John William und 11 Tag Shertzer who departed this life 10-9 July 21, 1820, aged 9 Mo. Catharina Margaret & 2S Days Ney (The rest of the Soft sleep his ashes inscription cannot We part to meet again. A n n v i l l e ’s O l d e s t B u r ia l -P l a c e 383

Unmarked grave. man, Starb den I 2 t Aprill 1808, sein 4 10 alter war 1 Jahr 6 H ier ruht mouat uud 19 Tag Elisabeth M ohler Tochter von Simon u Elisabeth Moh ler starb den 5ten Hier Ruhet September 1820 Margreda stam Alt 2 Jahr 11 1st Gebohren den Monatli & S Tag 11 Aprill 1808 u 1st Gestorben den 5 to 6 December 1808 In memory of Ihr alter war 8 STEPHEN RIGLER Monat weuiger who departed this life 3 Tag " august 9 1821 aged 5— * •—* month & 28 days Next a grave marked with pieces of limestone and one unmarked. 6-10 Hier Ruhet Rebeca Carmeni Tochter von G eorg u 3-II Christian Carmeni John Karmany Sie starb den 2S Septem Born 1821 A lt 2 Jar 8 M 22 July 5, 17S9 Tag. Died Sept 17, 1868 8-10 Aged 79 years 2 mo. Hier ruhet & 12 d. Susana Ensminger Black & Son war Geboren den 28= November 1822'und starb den 6 November 1824 Hier ruhet Alt 2 Jar weuiger 22 Christina Tag *|pchniidt Then follow 3 graves marked waLgeboren d 6t with fragments of limestone. April 1753 starb d 3 August Row No. 11 1842 I—11 ihr Alter war 89 H ier ruht Jahr 3 Monate Henricli Bau­ und 28 Tag

* worn off 384 L e b a n o n C o u n t y H is t o r ic a l S o c ie t y

5-ii February 1750 & starb H ier ruht den 9ten Marz 1818. sein Johannes Schmidt Alter war 68. Jahr. 1 Mo- Er war geboren den 2 ten nat und 7 Tag

[Here lies buried “ unhonored and unsung’ ’ a soldier of the American Revolution. He was a native of Annville, and had enlisted in the company of Peter Grubb, Jr. This com­ pany formed a part of Col. Miles’ battalion, and was with Washington in the battles of Long Island, Trenton, Princeton, Brandywine and Germantown. He took part in the capture of the Hessians. In the fall of 1776 he was stricken with camp fever, and expected never to return home again. All honor to those Pennsylvania-Germans who helped us to achieve our independence, being willing even to fight against their own kith and kin, who ignobly gave themselves as hirelings to our enemies. Why should not such graves be decorated on Memorial Day, as well as the resting places of those who took part in later wars? One of the sons of Johannes Schmidt, John Smith, was engaged in the meat business in Annville about 1810, but emigrated to Ohio, where, during the war of 1812—’14, he packed and shipped meat to the U. S. Army. Another son, Conrad by name, was a corporal in the war of 1812-T4. He was married to Susanna Ensmingera daugh­ ter of Lieut. Peter Ensminger, who served in the Revolution. (See remarks on 3-15.) Dr. C. H. Smith of Linglestown, Pa., is a grandson of Conrad. To him we are under obligations for valuable information. C. Smith, 81 years of age, and all his life a resident of Annville, is a son of Joseph Smith, another son of Johannes Schmidt. C. Smith is thus the grandson of the Revolutionary patriot.]

6 -1 1 7- 1 x This grave is marked by a sand- Here also the inscription is stone 2 feet high. The inscription rendered illegible by Father Time, cannot be deciphered because of the inroads of the weather. A n n v ii.lh ’s O l d e s t B u r ia l -Pl a c e 385

H | | 14-11 11 ier Ruhct GEORGE H. STONER Maria Stroll born Augt 2’ 1829 I'nclitrr von Heinrich died Novr 1, 1830 iiikI Catarina Stroh For his soul pleased the f>larb April 10, 1821 Lord, therefore hasted he \ll 1 Jar. 6 Monat 11 to take him away from Tag among the wicked.

U II 15-11 11 ier ruhet H ier ruhet A11 marl Strack Elisabeth Ludye hi vvnr Geboren den War Geboren den 17 m Migust 1821 und August 1831 Starb i n li den 31 August den 16 September 1 • • 1 Alt 3 Jahr und 1832 Sein* Alter 10 Tag. war 1 Jar 1 monat und 1 Tag ||| || H ier ruht Row No. 12 Samuel Siegrist 1-12 er war gebohren IN den 6 October 1S24 m em ory of Alt 1 Jar 6 monat HENRIETTA BARBARA 11—11 Daughter of A sandstone about i]/2 ft. high. Will & Mary A Inscription cannot be read. Carm ony Died Deer 14th 1 2 -11 1S44 In Aged 2 j^ears 9 M emory of mo. & 25 d. ROB BIRD AN GU S WHO DEPARTED THIS 2-12 LIFE OCTOBER 24 SACRED 1826 aged 8 mouth To the Memory of JOHN WILLIAM .1 11 Son of In William & Mary A Memory of Corinany MARIA RIDDICK born March 17th WIK) DEPARTED THIS 1838 AS^Departed LIFE MARCH 1 1827 this lift August 2(1 AGED f, YEARS LESS 1839 Aged 16 Mo. 9 DA VS and 17 Days.

i'i 1 or foi “ iln " 386 L e b a n o n C o u n t y H is t o r ic a l S o c ie t y

3-12 Next we find 3 graves marked (English letters) with pieces of limestone—no in­ Hier Ruhet scriptions. Daniel Schertzer Row No. 13. gebohren dn igten Juuy 1807 gestorben dn 24ten 1-13 . Abrill 1809 alt I Jahr H ier ruht 10 monath 5 tage Maria Stein Starb den 28 Febrnar 1811 alt worden 6 Jahr 9 monat & 17 Tag

[Maria Stein and Elisabeth Stein (1-9) were, in all pro­ bability, daughters of Philip (1-26) and Anna Maria Stein (4-26.) This is the writer’s conclusion, after a great deal of inquiry and investigation. Thus they would be his aunts.]

The next grave is marked with =ling Bhe Fran von mere pieces of limestone. Heinrich Kerschling Starb den 13 Marz 1819 ihr alter war 22 Jahr . 2 M 2-13 und 18 Tag Hier ruht Johannes & Ca- terina Marquart Sohn Jacob starb 5-13 Hier Ruhet den 3 May 1812 Christina Frener sein alter war 10 Tag Ehe frau von Johannes Frener Grave marked with pieces of Sie starb den 10. Juli 1821 lim estone. Ihr Alter war 28 Jar 6 mot 9 wochen und 5 tag

3-13 In 6-13 M emory of Hier ruhet ADAM THOMAS Johannes Frener Born Novem ber 23, 1815 war Geboren Im Jahr Died May 19, 1857 1786 und starb den 8 Aged 41 years 5 mo. & 26 d. Sept. 1823. Alt 37 Jahr O denke stets an demem Tod 4-13 du lebst noch wohl gesuud und roth H ier ruht doch vielen die gesund wie du Catharina Kersch Scliloss schnelldertoddie augen z.u A n n v i l l e ’s O d d e st B u r ia l -P e a c e . 387

Unmarked grave Unmarked grave

7-13 Hier Rnliet 9- 13 Jacob Thomas Hier ruhet War Geboren den 9 Decemb George Stroll 176911^ Starb den 30 Decemb Sohnlein von 1823 Sein Alter war 54 Jar Henrich u. Katharina Und 21 Tag Stroh I licr hot ttiich trubsal oft gedruckt Geboren den 23 January Nun werde icli von Gott erquickt * -----2 Starb den n January II ier trug icb Jesu theures Joch * -----6 Sein A lter war 14 * hristlich im tod und lebe noch Jar weniger 12 Tag

Unmarked grave. 10- 13 In 8 >3 M em ory Hier ruhet of Maria Catharina ADAM MILLER K leber who was born January war geboren den 29 Septr the 6tli 1776 and 1754 und starb den 28 Marz departed this life 1825 Ihr Alter war 70 Jar May the 13th, 1840 6 Monat Aged 64 years 4 I'ln- same lines follow as in 10- Month and 7 days ■ ■ ■ ]>t that in the fourth verse nniirs hoch fest" takes the of “himmels hochzeit.”

| Mr. Miller was proprietor of the Black Horse Hotel and ' i Urge patronage. He was the grandson of the Miller who 1 1 lie chief founder of Annville, or Millerstown, as it was M ini r ly k lio w n .] ♦ 12-13 IN Adam Black MliMORY OF Sohn von , E V E Peter & Elisabeth consort of Black War Gebohren Adam Miller den 16 Novemr 1S09 ■ 'in Mother fell Asleep starb den 25i*} i Februar Jan. 11 1849 1827 Alt I , jahr 3 Mo­ Aged nat und 9 Tag (19 j cars & 19 D. 1

1 ligits worn away. 3SS L e b a n o n C o u n t y H is t o r ic a l S o c ie t y

13- 13 17-13 Next follows a grave marked Hier ruhet with pieces of limestone, on one Maria Black of which are found the letters A sie war gebohren den 2Sten Jauuar 1823 C C. und starb den nten Marz 1836 war alt * i4 Jahr 1 4 unmarked graves. Monat und 15 Tag.

14- 13 1- 14 Hier ruhet This grave is marked by a thin Heurich plate of limestone on which are Sohn von painted in black the letters R. N. Jacob Thomas 1811. Geboren den 27 Merz 1820 starb den 9 ten January 1835 Following the above are three war alt worden unmarked graves. 14 Jalire 9. Mon. 13 Tag. 2 - 14 In 15- 13 Hier ruhet m em ory o f Jonathan MARY L LAMAR Sohn von who departed this life Jacob Thomas A ugust the 26th 1818 Geboren den I7ten May 1813 in the 30th year of her age Starb den 26 Februar 1S35 war alt worden 3_i4 21 Jalire 9 Mon. 9 Tage IN M em ory of CATHARINE BERRY 16- 13 Consort of Hier ruhet Godlieb T. Kreider Johannes Imboden Born July 21, 1S01 er war geboren den Died May 15, 1855 26ten Novem ber 1789 Aged und starb den iSten 53 years 9 mo. & 24 days July 1835 ward alt 45 Jahr 7 Monat D . Black und 22 Tag Ach was ist doch unser tod 4 -14 Nur ein ende aller noth Hier ruhet Da wir ohn creutz. und pein Magdalena Bey Gott konnen ewig seyn Elie gattiu von

* Error: 13 years, not 14. A n n v i l l e ’s O l d e s t B u r ia l -P l a c e 389

Johanes Gruber 9- 14 Geboren den 29 July Hier ruhet 1795 Catharina Siegrist starb den 12 Marz war gebohren den 22 January 1850 1797. Starb den 26 Marz Alt wordeu 1825. Ibr Alter war 28 54 Jahre 7 mo. u. 13 t Jahr 2 Monat und 4 Tag

-14 H ier ruht 10- 14 Solomon Siegrist Hier ruhet war gebohren den 22 July Daniel Siegrist 1771 Starb den 28 February war gebohren den 1823 Sein Alter war 53 ioten Marz 1813 und starb Jalir 7 Mouat und 6 Tag den 4ten November 1834 braehte sein alter auf 21 Jahr 7 Monat u. '4 Hier Ruhet 25 Tag Christina Siegrist Sie starb den 22 Decmr Unmarked grave 1830 I hr Alter War 13 Jar 8 Monat 20 Tag 11- 14 -14 ^ H ier ruht Maria Kleine Hier ruhet Sie starb den 17 July Margaretha Inibodeu 1S26 Ihr Alter war Tochter von Adam & 17 Jar 9 Mouat und Maria Imboden. war 9 Tag geboren den 3ten October (The same verses follow as in 8-13) 1798 & starb den 6ten ( letober 1821 Ihr alter Unmarked grave war 23 Jahr & 3 Tag

12- 14 1 3 unmarked graves Part of this stone is missing. What remains reads as follows: >4 Frantz Hier ruht Geboren den 13 Johannes Adam September 1792 Starb Imboden den 10 October 1826 u 11 Geboren den 12 October Sein Aller war 34 ijhrc 1765 und starb den 25 1 Mot weniger jftfig. Januar 1825 Alt 59 Jalir 3 Mount u 13 Tag |*imi lilies of poetry follow, but Grave marked with pieces ol n \ rail lint lie deciphered. | lillUHlollC. 390 L e b a n o n C o u n t y H is t o r ic a l S o c ie t y

14-14 13 -14 Christina Hege Hier ruhet Sie war Gebohren den 13 Johann Adam April 1793 Starb den 28 Septemr Imboden 1827 A lt 34 Jar 5 Monad war Gebohren den 21 15 Tag A ugust 1791 und Starb hier will ich nun ewig wohnen den 13 January 1829 liebste kinder gute nacht war Alt 38 Jar 7 mouat euer treu wird gott belohnen u n d 8 Tage die ihr habt an ruir volbracht (The same lines are added as in 10-2.)

[According to the dates given, the age should be 37 years 4 months and 22 days. Evidently in calculating the age, the month and day of birth were substituted for the month and day of death, and vice versa. Only in this way can the age be figured out as given in the inscription.]

15-14 13 January 1830 war Hier ruhet Alt 36 Jar 9 Monat Philip Imboden u n d 7 Tag Son Von J. Adam wie wohl ruht nun der leib und Maria Imboden nach kurzetn erden leiden Er war Geboren den 16 wie trend sich nun die seel April 1793 u Starb den noch jenem himmels freuden

[Reckoning from the dates as given above, the age will be 36 yrs., 8 m., 27 d. Possibly the stone cutter made the day of birth 16, instead of 6. If Apr. 6 was the day of birth, the age as given is correct.]

Unmarked grave. 17 -14 Hier ruhet 16-14 Jacob Imboden Er war Geboren den In 6 July 1805 u. Starb memory of den 16 Februari 1831 HENRY IMBODEN Sein Alter war 26 * BORN SEPTEMBER 4 Jar 7 Monat u 10 l 8 0 I D IE D F E B R U A R Y 6 Tag 1831 AgD 29 YEARS Hier erward ich mit verlangen 5 MONTHS & 2 DAYS Euch bald selig zu empfangen be ye also ready for you Schickt euch an zur todes nacht know not the our wherein Bis ihr auch den lauf volbrcht the son of man cometh, * Error: 26 should be 25. A n n v i l l e ’s O l d e s t B u r ia l -P l a c e 39i

Row No. 15. 2-15 STEPHEN TEMPLIN First in this row are 5 unmarked DIED- graves. March 1828

'-'5 3-15 Hier ruhet Plier ruhet George Catharina Ensminger ein Sohnlein von Sie war Gebohren den 22 Andreas und Anna Maria Novem ber 17^5 und Starb K illinger den 15 Merz 1828 Ihr gehoren d I3jenner alter war 71 Jahr 3 1820 alt 1 Monat u. . ' \ Monat und 21 Tage 15 Tage Hier hat mich trubsal oft getriickt Nun wandel ich von Gott erqiickt Ilier trug ich Jesus saufte joch Unmarked grave. Entschlief im tod und lebe noch.

[Catharine Ensminger, nee Gloninger, was a niece of I udge John Gloninger, of Lebanon, and the wife of Lieut. John Peter Ensminger, who served in the American Revolu- lion. Subsequently he was commissioned as captain and is '■nerally referred to as Capt. Peter Ensminger. Capt. Ensminger is buried in Salem Lutheran Cemetery, Lebanon, Pa.]

-I-15 Wolil ruht nun hier der leib Ester Keiffer Nach kurzem erdeu leiden Sie ist Geboren den 28 Wie freud sich nun die seel Septem ber 1755 u Starb In waren himmels freuden den 19 Merz 1828 Ihr Alter war 72 Jahr 5 Monat und 19 Tag 6-15 Plier ruhet Veronica Kopp Unmarked grave Sie war Geboren den 24 April 1766 u Starb den 11 Februar 1832 Ilier ruhet Ihr Alter war 65 J Georg Barth 9 Monat u 17 Tag \ War Geboren den 10 Dec­ The same verses are appended as ember 1801 u Stftrb den 27 to 13-14. Inly iHjy Sein Alter war 27 Jahr 7 Monat mid 17 T kjc 11mnai ked grave 392 L e b a n o n C o u n t y H is t o r ic a l S o c ie t y

7- i 5 2-16 I n In Memory of Memory of SAMUEL MILLER MARGRET BINGHAM Son of Consort of ADAM and EVE T h o m a s B i n g h a m MILLER SHE DEPARTED THIS LIFE died O c to b e r 8, 1823 DECEMBER I, 1832. A G E D a g e 5 month & 18 days. ABO U T S 3 Y E A R S Reader Reflect thou hast A soul to save Repent thy end is nigh Row No. 17 Death at the farthest cant be far O think before thou die Unmarked grave

8-15 1-17 I n H ier ruht M em ory of Katharina Howerter ELIZABETH BINGHAM Tochter von Consort of Christian u. Johana J a m e s B i n g h a m Howerter SHE WAS BORN DECEMBER Ilth Starb den 6 April 1826 1796 AND DEPARTED THIS Ihr Alter war 5 Jahr LIFE DECEMBER 14th 1832 6 Monat u 10 Dag AGED 36 YEARS AND 3 (Verses obliterated) DAYS The same verses follow as in 2-1. 2-17 Samuel Howerter 9-15 Catharine Achenbach Er War Geboren den 15 geb. Septr I5ten November 1800 und starb den 31 October 1822 Sein 1877 Starb Feby 20ten alter war 21 Jar 11 Monat J5 Tag. 1833 The same verses follow as in 13­ alt 61 Jahr 5 Monat 14, with the substitution of “ rneine u . 5 T a g - lieben” for “liebste kinder,” and a different alignment. Unmarked grave

Row No. 16 3-17 1-16 Hier Ruhet In Memory of George Howerter Frederick Mill Er wahr Geboren den r8 er son of ADAM & February 1799 und Starb EVE MILLER den 13 May 1823 sein Alter died July 8 1822—age war 23 Jahr 7 Monat und 5 Mouth & 9 Days 25 Tag *

* The age is given wrong. It should be 24 yrs., 2 1110s., 25 d. n n v ili e s ld est A / ’ O B u r ia l -Pl a c e 393

Mlrsiimt ihr verwandten, gute Nicht fund ich Ruh auf Erden. 1 ' < unde und bekannten Lebet Ich suchte meines Gottes Stadt. " "hi, zu guten nacht, gott 7A Black '" '■ dank, esist vollbracht

8-r7 ■I >7 Hier ruhet Johannes Metz Magdalena Scheff/) I l I"' rest of this inscription can- Ehe frau von Y ""I be deciphered.] Georg Howerter Starb 1834 VI7 Alt worden 84 Jahren William Fischer Hr war Geboren den 27 Four unmarked graves November 1798 und starb den 31 Marz 1827 altei '' 28 Jahr 4 Monat und 1-18 5 Tag In (Verses worn away) Memory of Emmeline Catharine 11 17 Shertzer Hier ruhet who departed this life Julianna Howerter the 20. day of April, Ehe Frau Von 1817; aged one year, Christian Howerter nine months and 12 Sie war Geboren den 1 days Marz 1777 und starb den 30 September 1831 Ihr Alter war 54 Jahr und Row No. 19 Unmarked grave \ 7 Monat 1 'ii ouch Gott der Herre " i li'liollebte mein trauet nicht '".••lire, uber den Abschied mein; 1-19 1 1 Mildly bleibt im Glauben, wir Hier Ruhet ' , '1' " I" luirzer zeit einander wieder ■ imiien don in der ewigkeit. Maria Miller Mutter Von Friederich Miller Hier ruhet Geboren den 6 Mertz Christian Howerter 1816 Ihr A lter Wahr Geboren 64 Jahr 9 Monat und den 12, April 1772 ! 4 Tag Starb deu 28, July 1859 ! Then follow 3 graves, the first Allei 87 Jnlire, 3 mo. u. 16 t. unmarked, the second marked with , "i Icbeii wurein ITiifungs stand 11 fragment of limestone, and the >'• 1 I ...... I ml mein Vaterland third unmarked. 3 9 4 L e b a n o n C o u n t y H i s t o r i c a l S o c i e t y

' 2-19 Septem ber 18th 1820 SACRED and Departed this life To the Memory of A ugust 2acl 1842 MARIA ELIZABETH Aged 21 Years 10 Mos. and 15 Days Consort of The Lord gave Jeretniah Behm And the lord hath taken away Who was born Blessed be the name of the Lord.

[This grave is marked by an oblong marble slab resting on four marble pillars, about three feet high. Mrs. Behm nee Carmany, was married only' a year or so. Her husband, Jeremiah Behm, was an older brother of Mrs. Simon Crall, at the Eagle Hotel. He was a merchant, his stand being the next door west of the Pennsylvania House, then The Golden Swan. Mr. Behm was postmaster during the first year of Harri- son’s and Tyler’s administrations. He afterwards moved to , Ohio and died in Chattanooga, Tenn.]

Unmarked grave DIED J u l y 30, 1827 AGED 3 -1 9 H ier ruhet 35 Y E A R S 7 MO. & 9 D. Katliarina Reist War Gebohren den 17 January 1767 u Starb den Grave marked with pieces of 4 May 1827 Ihr Alter limestone. war 60 Jahr 4 Monat nnd 13 Tag [The poetry following is like 5' i 9 that of 17-14.] H ier ruhet [The age as given is incorrect. Catharina Lesslin * The day of death is taken for the Ehe Frau von dav of birth and vice versa. The Christian Lessle correct ageis6o yrs., 3 1110s., 17 d.] War Gebohren den 15 Marz 1772 u starb 4-19 den 5 April 1830 Ihr JOHN PETER STRACK Alter war 58 Jahr BORN und 21 Tag D E C . 21 I7 9 I Poetical lines same as 15-14.

* See note 011 1-2. A n n v i l l e ’s O l d e s t B u r ia l -Pl a c e 395

Unmarked grave. 1819 Sein alter war 66 Jahre und 10 6-19 Tag H ier ruht Christian Lessle Unmarked grave Er war Geboren den 3 Novem ber 1766 und 3- 20 Starb den 16 Juny (English Type) 1832 Sein Alter war Hier Ruhet 65 Jar 7 Monat und HENRICH. FIT= 10 Tage ' TING. B. War I’oetry same as in 13-14 with Gebohren den. 7. “ freunt” for “ kinder” in 2nd line. ten. Junius. Im Jahr Christi. 1800. 8 unmarked graves follow. Und ist Gestorben den. 16.ten. Novein =ber Im Jahr Ch= 7-19 risti. 1818. Und H ier ruht Sein Alter War. Johannes Mohn 17. Jahr. 6. Monat Geboren Und. 2. Tage. * den i3ten Juni 1773 starb den i3ten Feb. 1839 Two unmarked graves Alt 65 Jahr 8 Monat 4- 20 Hier ruhet Daniel Henning Row No. 20 Er war Gebohren den Unmarked grave. 10 January 1755 und Starb den 10 Decemr 1831 Sein Alter war 1 20 76 Jar uud 11 Monat In M em ory of Unmarked grave E l i z a b e t h " ulp.ich died Novembr 27 1818 5- 20 aged 10 Months & 25 H ier ruht days Margaretha Henning War Geboren den 12 ! 20 T9 Novem. 1748 und Starb Hier Ruliet den 8 May 1826. iiir Elias Weitzel Alter ware 76 Jahr Er War geboren 6 M weniger 4 Tag den 7 Mar 1753 und [The number of years should be starb den 17 Mar 77, not 76.]

* The age is not given correct. L e b a n o n C o u n t y H is t o r ic a l S o c ie t y 396

Er war Geboren den 6 -20 27 Novem ber 1825 u Hier rubet Starb den 12 M ay 1831 Catbariua Henning Sein Alter war 5 Jar war gebohren den 26ten April 5 Monat u 16 Tag 1822 und starb den 6ten October 1832 alt 10 Jahr 5 Monat und 10 Tag Hier ruhet An unmarked grave, one marked Johannes Xand er Sohnlein von by fragments of limestone, and Jacob und Maria four others unmarked, complete Xander Er war this row.] Geboren den 13 July 1829 Starb den 4 Row No. 21 Septem ber 1831 Sein 1-21 Alter war 2 Jar In und 21 Tag * M em ory of CATHERINE FAGEN Unmarked grave WHO DEPARTED THIS LIRE MAY l6 1829 AgD 5-21 2 Y E A R S 9 M O N TH S This grave is marked with a thin And 16 Days plate of limestone. The inscrip­ Same lines added as in 3-10. tion is worn away except the let­ ters M M 2-21 In Memory of CARALINAH MILLER M emory of daughter of W IL L IA M Maria Arndt

and MOLLY MILLER daughter of who departed this life Charles & Ann September 14, 1829 Arndt A g D I Year 8 Month 7 born december Days St\i83° departed uovtm ber 28th 1832 Two unmarked graves Aged I year 11 mont 20 days Hier ruliet Unmarked grave Moses Biele

[This grave is marked by a cast iron plate, 2^ x1 ft., with a curved top. On the upper part is a child’s face in heavy re­

* Error: The correct age is 2 yrs., 1 mo., 21 d. A n n v i l l e ’s O l d e s t B u r ia l -P l a c e , 397 lief, surrounded with copious curls. Probably there never was an inscription on the plate. At least there are no signs of any at present. This plate is said to mark the resting place of a foundry- man's child by the name of Moss. The foundry was situated where now are John P. Saylor & Son's Carriage Warerooms, east of the drug store. The back part contained a large pat­ tern shop, the timbers of which were subsequently used in building the house now occupied by S. D. Bodpnhorn. It seems to us that it was especially fitting that the father should give his child such an enduring memorial— the work of his own hands.]

8-21 H ier Ruhen Zwey Soline von Henrich u Sabina M iller sie vvurden gebohren den isten Junius 1841

Jacob ist gestor Ein Sohn ist alt ben den i8ten geworden 1 Tag Januar 1844 alt 2 Jahr 6 m. und 24 tag [These children were twins, starting the journey of life together, but separated by death. The inscription, however, seems to unite them again.]

9-21 John & Catharh . y In Boger M em ory of who Died id JULIANN 1841 Aged 7 Mo. Daughter of & 16 ds. John & Catharine Aboger 5 unmarked graves whc-jjlied July id 1840 Aged 1 Year 7 Mo & 7 ds. Row No. 22

8 unmarked graves 10-21 In 1-22 Memory of H ier ruhet REBECCA Johannes Barth Daughter of Er war Geboren den 398 L e b a n o n C o u n t y H is t o r ic a l S o c ie t y

2 May 1763 u Starb 5-22 den 22 Februar 1832 (English Type) Sein Alter war 68 J H ier 9 Monat und 20 Tag Rulren die Gebeineu von Same lines are added as in 13-14 E L ISA B E T H with “Freunde” for “kinder” in Ehe frau von the second line. Heinrich Ramler Eine geborne Heilign * 2- 22 Sie war geboren den Hier ruhet I4ten Jenner 1810 Eva Bard Starb den i6ten May sie war geboren den 6ten October 1762 1837 Ilir Alter war 27 Jahr Starb den 12 Jnny 4 mo. 1840 brachte Ihr alter auf 77 Jahr 6 22 8 1110. u. 6. Tag In M em ory of 3- 22 Daniel Faust t Hier ruhet DANIEL FOUST John Henry who was born Novembr Berry the 14th 1785 and war gebohren Departed this life May den 7 Marz 1829 the 9U1 1838 Aged 52 und starb den 6 Years 5 Month & 25 Days, June 1834 War For whether we live, we live alt 5 Jar 3 Mo unto the lord, and whether we weniger 1 Tag die, we die unto the lord: whe­ ther we live therefore, or 4- 22 die, we are the lord’s Hier ruhet Anna Maria 7-22 Teiss In M emory of war gebohren den CATHARINE PIFER 27 Januar 1746 consort of und starb den 2Ste DANIEL EAUST July 1835, Alt 89 Born Jan. 1, 1788. Died May 29. 1857 Jahr 5 Monat 29 Aged 69 years 4 1110. & 28 d. Tag D. Black

* For “ in” see note on 1-2.

f This line is in German. A n n v il l e ’s O l d e s t B u r ia l -P l a c e 399

8 -2 2 son of Hier ruhet Jerh. & Maria die gebeine von Stray er Maria Died August 25 Ehe frau von 1846 Adam Imboden Aged x Year 8 mo Eine geborene & 2 Days Siegristin* Sie war gebohren den 12-22 I7ten October 1768 und starb den 8ten Hier ruhet September 1839 Rebecca Brachte Ihr Alter auf Tochter von 70 Jahr 10 m. n. 26 Tag Jacob u. Rebecca German Same lines added as in 14-2, but geboren d xjt Merz 1839 arranged as poetry, while in 14-2 starb d 311 Augst 1S41 •be arrangement is prosaie. Alt 2 Jar 5 Mo u 16 Tag | In the age 26 d. should be 21 d] Ach ich habe schon erblicket Alle diese herrlichkeit [ckel Jetzund werd ich schon geschmu Mit dein weissen himmels kleid .In Und der guldnen ehren krone M emory of Stehe da vor gottes throne MARY SCHEFFY Schaue soldi e frende an who was born May Die ich nicht beschreiben kann 12th 1786 Died Octor 16th 1S40 Aged 54 Years 5 Mo & 4 days 13-22 IN M em ory of M A R G A R E T Hier ruliet Daughter of Saloma Frey Jacob & Margaret sie war geboren den Johnston I2 t Februar 1794 Who was born May starb den I3t July 22nd 1838 1841 brachte Ihr And Died August Alter auf 47 Jahr 25th x843 5 monate u. 6 Tag Aged s Years 3 Mo days should be 1 day.] & 3 Days

Unmarked grave. 111 Memory of JOH N H EN R Y

>!•(• note 011 1-2. 400 L e b a n o n C o u n t y H is t o r ic a l S o c ie t y

Row No. 23 be ye also ready for you know not the hour wherein the sun of man 1- 23 cometh JOHN DOCHTER MAN BORN AUG 2 1796 D IED M A Y 19 1819 A G E D Unmarked grave 22 Y 9 M 17 D

Unmarked grave 4-23 ELIZABETH DOCHTE 2- 23 RMAN BORN FEB. 4 h e r e r e s t s 1773 D IED JAN 1— THE EARTHLY REMAINS 1831 A G E D 57 Y ro M WILLIAM BAKIN 27 D A NATIVE OF IRELAND DIED (The other part of this broken stone is missing.) 5-23 Uumarked grave In M emory of 3"23 JOHN PHILIP MARSHALL SACRED Born TO THE MEMORY OF Jan 4, 1834; WILLIAM QUIGLEY Died WHO DEPARTED THIS July 21 1850 LIFE FEBRUARY THE 24TH Aged 1824 AGED 48 YEARS I M 16 Years 6 Months & 17 Days AND l8 DAYS D . Black

[This was the son of Dr. Jno. G. Marshall, one of Ann- ville’s former prominent physicians. The son was drowned in the Quittapahilla, at the “ Black O ak.” While bathing with some companions, he was seized with cramp.]

Hier ruliet 7-23 J o h n Shirk Hier ruhet M iller Maria Anna Miller Sohn von Abram und Tochter von Adam und Louisa Miller Louissa Miller war Geb. War Gebohren den 7 den 27 Januar 1832 u. starb Februar und starb den 24 April 1832 War Alt den 22 April 1835 2 Monat nud 27 Tag alt 10 woclien und 4 Tag A n n v i l l e ’s O l d e s t B u r ia l -P l a c e 401

Tochter von In Jacob u. Rebecca Garmau M emory of geboren April d. I4ten 1837 HIRAM LUTZ Starb April d. I5ten 1838 Son of alt 1 Jahr und 1 Tag. Isaac & Lydia Lutz Mit weinen war icli erst gebohrn born Novr 21, 1828 Zum jauchzen binich nun erkohrn died Deer 11. 1832 Ich singe mit des engelschaar aged 4 Years and 21 Days Das ewig neue jubel Jahr. Text, the Epistle to the Romans. Chap. 8 Ver. 18 12-23 For I reckon that the suffering In "f this present timeare not worthy M em ory of i" lie compared with the Glory Iiich shall be revealed in us ELIZA JANE P H IL L IP S Born January 1st & Unmarked grave departed this life July 29th 1838. 1, 23 Suffer little children to In come unto me and forbid M emory of them not for of such is WILLIAM SARGENT the kingdom of God. BORN DECEMBER 3 1830 DIED OCTOBER 28 1833 A G E D 2 Y E A Row No. 24 IO MONTH 24 DAYS the same lines are added as in 3 unmarked graves. 11, changing “ he hasted to call” 1" he called’ ’ 1-24 In ■M Memory of In Doctor JOHN G MARSHALL * M em ory of Born JOHN BOYLE February 10’ 1793— who was born Died Decem ber 6th 1835 December 13’ 1849 Died December 2d Aged 1837 Aged 56 Years 10 Months & 3 D. 2 Years Less 4 Days 2-24 IN M em ory Hier ruhet of Catliariua LOUISA BARBARA

See remarks under 3-24. 402 L e b a n o n C o u n t y H is t o r ic a l S o c ie t y

Daughter of Doctor JOH N . G, and Elizabeth Marshall Doctor David Marschall Born Er wurde gebohren Novem ber 22A 1829 den 2isten January 1749 Died und ist gestorben July 6th 1846. den 4ten September 1832 brachte sein Alter auf 83 Jahre 7 Monate 3-24 und 14 Tage. Hier rulien die Gebeine von

[Doctor David Marschall came to Annville from Berks County in 1780. He practiced as a physician in Annville for 50 years. For 17 years, 1796-1813, he also served as a Justice of the Peace. His wife was Elizabeth, (4-24) a sister of Judge John Gloninger of Lebanon, Pa. Doctor Marschall enjoyed a large and lucrative practice. Doctor John G. Marshall (1-24) was David’s son, also a physician of extensive practice, and his father’s successor in Annville. He was one of the trustees of Annville Academy, erected about 1834. He also served as the captain of a private military company, “ die Militz.” A full account of the Mar­ shalls is found in the writer’s “ The Marshalls of Berks and Lebanon Counties.’’]

4- 24 Johan Jacob Hoffman Hier Geboren den n ’ August ruhen die Gebeine von 1763 Elisabeth starb den 11’ Juni Ehe gattin von 1850 Doctor David Marschall alt worden Sie wurde gebohren 86 Jahre u 10 mo. den 20ten May 1769 und ist gestorben den i4ten December 1841 6-24 brachte ihr Alter auf 72 H ier Jahre 6 Monate und ruhen die Gebeine von 24 Tage Johan Jacob Hoffman, Geboren den 6ten dec.r 1758 5- 24 Gestorben den i7ten dec.r Hier ruhet 1836 Magdalena Alt 78 Jahr und n Ehe frau von Tage A n n v il l e ’s O l d e s t B u r ia l -P l a c e 403

Unmarked grave who was born May 24th 179S and 7-24 departed this life M ay 1st 1837 Aged In M emory of 38 years n Month and 1 day * HENRY MARTIN

[Henry Martin was the son-in-law of Philip Stein (1-26, being married to his daughter, Rebecca (8-26.) A son of this couple, Henry S. Martin, still resides in our midst.]

3 unmarked graves. 11-24 Hier rulit Samuel Ney geboren den I2 t Hier ruhet August 1837 Henrietta starb den 20 April Tochter von 1840 alt 2 Jar Adam u Maria 8 mo u 8 Tag Gruber Starb den iot May 1845 alt 17 Tage Row No. 25

1-25 9-24 In In M em ory of M em ory of JOHN HENRYr EDWIN SAYLOR ENSMINGER born March 17th who died Ma= 1838 Died February rch 16th 1842 6th 1839 Aged 10 Mo Aged 2 years • & 19 ds. 2 tno & 7 days

2 unmarked graves.

[By the side of this child I am 10-24 Hier rulit told on good authority rests his Joseph Ney father, John Ensminger son of geboren den i6t Chiistian.f He was born July 10, Merz 1836 starb 1791 and died in 1845. A ged about den i8t April 54 vrs.—This is from the family 1S40 Alt 4 Jar Bible.] 1 Mo. u. 2 Tag * 1 day should be 7 days. J Christian Ensminger was a brother of Capt. Peter Ensminger of life American Revolution. 404 L e b a n o n C o u n t y H i s t o r i c a l S o c i e t y

2-25 4 mo & 6 ds Son of (Th e three preceding inscrip- W illiam & tious are cut on fine-grained lime­ M ary M ill­ stone.) er Born The 25 of febr- 6-25 uary 1842 In [This inscription is cut on a thin Memory of flat piece of limestone.] JACOB SOLOMON SIEGRIST 3-25 Son of In Henry & Hannah M emory of Siegrist WILLIAM HAUE r who was born August Died January 16th 17th 183S Died 1842 Aged 3 Years October 28th 1840 9 mo. & 12 das Aged 2 years 2 Mo. and 11 Days

4-25 In Unmarked grave M emory of MARY. E. HAUER Row No. 26 Died January n th 1842 Aged Two unmarked graves. 1 Years 5 mo & 17 das 1-26 Hier ruhet 5-25 Philip Stein Esti In Geboren 1779— M emory of starb den 11 August JOSEPH HAUER 1S50— Died January 2d Alt worden beynahe 1842 Aged 5 years 72 Jahre

[This was the writer’s grandfather. He was a hatter by trade. His residence was opposite Kinport’s store and is now occupied by I. Bowman, baker. The stone building west of it was the hat factory. Philip Stein served the community also as justice of the peace. In his later years, Philip’s son, Daniel, assisted his father, and the firm was known as “ P. & D. Stein, Huttos " In early days Annville manufactured its own I' ll h,its The writer remembers distinctly selling wibbll 111

uncle, in order to get a few cents spending money. Young people’s pocketbooks were not as well filled then as now. Are the young worse off or better?

Jacob und Susanna Henning Sie war geboren den 25ten Memory of April 1827 starb den 24ten SU SAN N AH Februar 1842 brachte ihr consort of Alter auf 14 Jahr u. 10 Monat JACOB HENNING Gott segue dich geliebte Born Sept 7 1796 — brich mil- nicht mehr mein herz Died Novr 26 1847— der Gott der dich betriibte Aged der heilt auch deinen schmerz 51 years 2 mo & 19 D. Sein rath ist uns verborgen worutn ich von dir geh 3- 26 auf ihn wirf alle sorgen Hier ruhet und sprich sein will gescheh Jacob Henning [In poetical epitaphs, the advice Er war gebohren den I9ten or counsel generally has reference December 1788 und starb to the departed. But here the de­ den I4ten Januar 1837 brachte parted one consoles the living. sein alter auf 47 Jahr t Monat Only when read with this sense, und 25 Tage. do the words become fully intelli­ [Same lines appended as in 15-13. gible.] The correct age is 48 vrs. 25 d. Mr. Henning was proprietor of 6 26 the Eagle Hotel, which enjoyed a HERE RESTS large patronage. He was also THE EARTHLY REMAINS OF postmaster.] MARIA HENNING 4- 26 Consort of Hier ruheu PETER FORNEY die gebeine von Born August 3»st 1824. Anna Maria Died June 22a 1846. Ehe gattin von ■Aged 21 Years 9 Months Philip Stein & 22 Ds. Sie war geboren im Jahr 1779 und starb 7-26 den 25sten M ay 1841 IN brachte ihr alter auf 61 Memory of Jahre und 5 monate GEORGE STINE Son of 5- 26 Philip & Ann Maria Hier Ruhet Stine Em ilia Who was born June Tochter von 12th 1819 406 L ebanon County H istorical Society

and Deprted this life 11-26 May 6 1843 Hier ruhet Aged 23 Years 10 Mo Eine Tochter von & 24 Days. Adam u. Maria Gruber Geboren d. 22st 8-26 Juni 1843 IN M emory of REBECCA MARTIN Two unmarked graves. w ife of Henry Martin Row No. 27 Who was born Feby 4th 1802 Unmarked grave Died September 30th

1843 1-27 Aged 41 Years 7 Mo & 26 days IN M em ory of REBECCA BENDER Unmarked grave. Born Deer 25 1765 Died Feb. 1 1849 IN MEMORY OF Aged 83 Years 1 Mo L Y D IA & 6 D. Consort of HENRY KOCH, 2-27 Born Septem ber 12’ 1819. Died Jannary 25’ 184S: Hier ruhet Aged 2S Years 4 Mo Sarah Ney & 13 Days. Ehe frau von n Johan es Ney Unmarked grave gebr d. 24 October 1813 starb d. 25 May 10-26 1S44 In alt 30 Jahre ud memory o f 7 Mo. JOHN CASPER Panins who was born August 14th 1773, & 3 Unmarked graves. departed this life December 31st 1841 3-27 Aged 68 Years 4 Mon IN and 17 days. Memory of CATHARINE Unmarked grave. GRAINGER A n n v il l e ’s O ldest Burial-Place 407

Born Decemr 1st 7-27 Rebecca Ney 1805 gebr d. 8 Feby Died Decerur 19th starb d 191 Sep 1846 1846 Aged 41 Years & Alt 7 Monete 18 Da. 11 Ta.

4-27 8-27 IN H ier ruht memory of Maria LUCINDA ELIZABETH Tochterlein von wife of Johanes u. Eva HENRY S. GILBERT Born Born July 7th 1822. starb den 28st Died January 1 1 tti 1847 May 1845 Aged 24 Years 6 Months & Alt 1 Jalir und 4 Days 4 Monat All ye that cme {sic) m y Grave to see Prepare for Death for you must Five unmarked graves follow me. Row No. 28 In memory of 5-27 JOHN ADAM In Son of Memory of Henry & Rebecca ELIZABETH HAZLETON A ult Wife of Israel Gross Died May 27’ Born June 14. 1808: 1849 Died April 15. 1847: Aged 1 Mouths & Aged 38 years 10 Mos. & I 23 Da Day Also ELIZABETH 2-28 daughter of Israel & Elizabeth H. H enrich , Gross Sohn von Died July 10th 1847 Jacob u Rebeca * Aged 4 Months & 8 days Lennes gebr dn I. Augt 1846 starb dn 26. Feb. 6-27 1848 MARGa I,OUa Daughter of Alt 1 Jahre 6 Mo u J & S. S E L T Z E R 25 D Died August 16, [This name, no doubt, is the write Aged 2 Mo & same as that which we 6 D. Lentz.] * See note on 10-1. L ebanon County H istorical S ociety

3-28 4-2o M A R Y ANN IN Daughter of Memory of JOHN' & JU D ITH JOHN BENDER M OHN Died Feb. c — Born May 10 1769 1848 Died March 2=; Aged 10 Days i8 « Aged 75 Years ro Row No 29 Mo. & i5 d

2 unmarked graves. 5-29 1-29 IN Memory of Frier ruhet DANIEL HENNING Maria Roland Born Sept. 29, 1S28. war Geboren den 11 Departed this life February 18rr Starb October 26, 1852 den 22 December 1S31 aged 24 Years and 27 days I hr A her war 20 Jar 10 Monatn [sic) 13 Tag. [The same lines are added as in 11-8.] IN T ext pr. Salo 1 C verst 12. m e m o r y of PHILIP SELTZER 2-29 Born December 26th Hier Ruht 1772, George Wilhelm Died April 19th German 1S47 Er. War. Gebolirn Aged 74 Years 3 Mo. & Den 7 Februari 24 D's. 1844 Starb Den Text Job 16 Chap. 22 V. 24 Jenuer 1847 Er. W. 2 J n M Unmarked grave 17 T

3-29 7-29 In memory of IN e u z a b e t h m e m o r y of R i e g a r t SA R A H Died May 28’ wife of 1848 Jacob Seltzer Aged About 80 Born May 21M, j80r V ears Died Angt 131.1, ,h.|7 Aged 41 Yen I'm j M,, «Nr 21 D'n

A n n v il l e ’s O ldest Burial-Place 409

8- 29 Two unmarked graves. Hier ruhet Johaues Gruber Er war Geboren den 1 April 1789 Memory of starb den 13 October C A T H A R IN E 1847 Consort of und brachte sein Alter JOHN ULRICH Auf 58 Jahre 6 mo. Born May 3 1820 und 12 Tage Died August 24 1850 D. Black Aged 30 Years3 Mo. & 21 D 9- 29 In 11-29 MEMORY of JULIA F. FLEMING JOHN LKSSLY OF Born April 21 Saxe Weimar Germany. 1814 Born 1812 Died Dec. 5 184S Died Dec. 29, 1850. Aged In her 39, Y ear 34 Years 7 mos. 15 Black & Son D.

[Mrs. Fleming was the mother of Mrs. Peter Schnee, now Mrs. Weidenauer of Philadelphia. Soon after arrival in this country, the mother died, and the children, two girls and two boys, were given homes in other families. Jane (Mrs. Wei- denauer) was reared by two maiden ladies, “ Aunt Polly” and ‘‘Aunt Betsy” Marshall, in their home which stood where now Dr. Rank’s residence stands, the Northeast corner of Main street and Lancaster alley.]

Unmarked grave To Jesus I belong alone. Who loved ine best and took me home. Remember all as you pass by. As you are now, so once was I, 12-29 As I am now, so you must be, IN Prepare for death and follow me. M emory of ELIZABETH IMBODEN Born June 2, 1S33 13-29 Departed this life IN February 8, 1853 Memory of Aged 19 Years 8 Months & 6 Days C A T H A R IN E wife of Weep not. .my friends, my parents dear I am not dead but sleeping here; JOH N H OUTZ 4io L ebanon County H istorical S ociety

Born Feb. 22. 1825 David & Mary Died Octr 16, 1853 N ye Aged 28 Years 7 Mo. & 24 D. Died Nov. 21 1849 14-29 Aged 3 Years 8 1110. XN 5 L>- M em ory of

ELIZABETH EARLY 3 ' 3° W ife o f Hier ruhet j e r e m ia h im b o d e n Elisabeth Born Ney N ov’r 20, 1820 geb. dn 31' Oct Died 1S49 March 15, 1854 Starb d 15’ Aug Aged 1850 33 Years 3 tno. & 25 d. Alt worden 9 mo u 15 T I5'29 IN 4- 3° Memory of In memory of CAROLINE IMBODEN JOHN FRANKLIN Born October 24, 1835 Son of Departed this life JOHN & MARGARETTA August 6, 1856. DEININGKR Aged 20 years 9 inon & 13 d Died [Same stanzas appended as to Dec 7’ 1S50, 12-29] Aged x Month & 16 D. Two unmarked graves 5- 30 Row No. 30 Hier ruhet Two unmarked graves. Peter Nev geb. d 27 April 1- 30 1851 In memory of starb dn 19 Jan Manda 1852 Daughter of Alt worden 8 Henry & Cathar. Monate u 22 t. Yingst. Died Feb. 25. 1848 Unmarked grave Aged 1 Y’ear 9 Mo 29 Da 6- 30 Text Psalm 16 c. 6 v EARLY AT HOME Y ea i have a goodly DANIEL MOSES heritage. Son of 2- 30 JEREMIAH & ELIZABETH IM BODEN Frances Died March 9, 1857 Daughter of Aged 3 Years & 11 d. A n n ville’s O ldest B urial-Place

Row No. 31 2-31 Happy at Home C A T H A R IN E i-31 EARLY AT HOME Daughter of SIM.ON Samuel & Mary A. Son of Henry & Eckert, Sabina Miller. Died May 5, 1862 Died Nov. 23, 1859. Aged Aged 2 years 8 mo. & 3 d. x Year 11 mo. & 19 <1

Requiescant In Pace INDEX A ...... 378 F ren er...... 3S6 A c h e n b a c h ...... 381, 392 F r e y ...... 399 A d u d e lle ...... 375 G alebach...... 379, 380 A n g u s ...... 385 G arm an...... 357, 399, 401, 408 A r n d t ...... 396 G ilbert...... 407 A u lt ...... 4°7 G in grich ...... 379 B a r t h ...... 391, 397. 39§ G ra in g e r...... 406 B aum an ...... 383 G ro ss...... 407 B eh m ...... 39+ G ruber...... 389, 403, 406, 409 B en d er...... 4° 6, 4°8 H auer...... 404 Berry 359, 370, 371, 372, 377, 388,398 H azleton ...... 407 B i e l e ...... 396 H e g e ...... 390 B ie w e r...... 360, 361 H e ilig ...... 398 B in g a tn a n ...... 364 H enn in g...... 395, 396, 405, 408 B in g h a m ...... 368, 392 H ix ...... 381 B la c k ...... 387, 388 H offm an...... 402 B odenhorn...... 367 H outz...... 409 B o g e r...... 397 H ow erder...... 374, 392, 393 B o r n ...... 407 Im boden---- 357, 358, 362, 363, 366, Boyle...... 4°r 382, 388, 389, 390, 399, 409, 410 C ...... 388 Joh nston ...... 399 C am erer...... 372 Karmany (See Carmany)...... Carm any---- 358, 360, 383, 3S5, 394 K e iffe r...... 391 Carschnitz ...... 379 K ersch lin g...... 3S6 Cass e l...... 359, 3fi8, 37°, 3?8 K illin g e r ...... 391 C assidy...... 37® K le b er...... 387 C lark...... 367, 368 K le in e ...... 389 Deininger ...... 410 K o ch ...... 406 Dochterman...... 400 K o p p ...... 381, 391 D o ll...... 364 K re id e r...... 388 Drukenmiller ...... 374 Lam ar...... 388 Drummens ...... 372 Lennes...... 407 E ak in ...... 400 F essly...... 381,394, 395, 4°9 E a rl...... 380 F o n g ...... 379 E a rly ...... 410 L u d y e ...... 3S5 E c k e r t ...... 4ii L u tz...... 401 Ensminger . . 383, 391, 403 M ...... 396 Fagan ...... 396 M arquart...... 360, 380, 386 F au st...... 398 M arshall...... 400, 401, 402 F e ild ...... 374 M artin...... 403, 406 F ittin g ...... 395 M e tz ...... 393 Fislier...... ------• ■ • • 393 M ’G e e ...... 381 F lem in g...... 409 Miller. .363, 366, 377, 378, 379, 382, F orn ey...... 405 3S7, 392, 393, 396, 397, 400, 4<>4, 4 ' 1 F rantz...... 389 M ohler...... 383 Mohn ...... 395., 4«8 Schmidt. . . Moss . 396 S ch oll...... N ...... 388 Seabold . . . N e u ...... 366, 381 Seltzer. .. . N e y . .. • 366, 378, 379, 382, 403, Sersch. . . . . 406, 407,, 410 S h e ffe r... N y e ...... 4ro Shertzer. . . P a u lu s...... 406 Siegrist. . . . P h illips...... 40 E Stam m . . . . P ife r ...... 398 Stauffer .. . Q u ig le y...... 400 S tein ...... R aigu ...... 374, 376, 377 Stewart . .. R aniler...... 298 Stoner...... R eddick...... 368, 385 Slower . . . . R einhart...... 375, 376 S track.... R e itio e h l...... 378 Strayer.... R e ist...... 394 Strein ...... Riddick (See Reddick)...... S tro h ...... ■ -368, 369, 370, 385, 387 R ie g e rt...... 408 T eiss...... R iSle r...... 377. 383 Templin. .. R in g e l...... 380 Thom as__ Roland...... 408 Uhrich. ... R iic k e r d ...... 364, 365 U lrich ...... 361, 362, 365, 395, 409 Sargent...... 401 Weitzel .. . Saylor...... 403 W in elan d.. Scheffey. . 399 Xander.. . . Schmelser .. 374 Y in g st......