International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience An independent non-governmental organisation (NGO), with 86 Members and Co-operating Institutions in operational relations with UNESCO. The IAESTE name and logo are the registered properties of IAESTE, the International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience.

Founded in 1948 on the initiative of James Newby (1893 – 1978)

Established in 2005 as a registered, non-profi t making Association.

Contents Editorial Our organisation Annual Report of the General Secretary Annual Conference Report SID and JUMP Reports Perspectives Anniversary congratulations Welcome to IAESTE IAESTE Students at Work and Play Trainee of the Year Awards 2005 Employers and Institutions supporting the exchange in 2005 IAESTE Members and Co-operating Institutions

Published by IAESTE A.s.b.l. Edited by Pauline Ferguson, General Secretary IAESTE A.s.b.l. Designed and produced in June 2006 by TH Jordan Ltd Cover illustration by Gabriella Rácz Statistical Information provided by Goran Radnović Distributed for circulation to all Member countries.

Copies are available from IAESTE National Secretariats in Member countries, from IAESTE Co-operating Institutions or from the General Secretary, IAESTE A.s.b.l. P.O.Box 102, Banbridge, BT32 4WY Northern Ireland.

IAESTE Association sans but lucratif. Registered in Luxembourg I A E S T E — A N N U A L R E V I E W 2 0 0 6


Dear Friends of IAESTE Philippines, The Institute for Engineering There has been increased Education Taiwan, Manipal Institute of interest from Employers Another year has gone and with it 4838 Technology, India, Korea Foundation for in recent months in our students have benefited from an IAESTE Cooperation of Science and Technology FoIN website (Friends of placement somewhere in the world. Our (KICOS), Republic of Korea and Thai Nguyen IAESTE Network) which is thanks go to the 4002 Employers and 940 University, Vietnam. We wish them a long our Alumni Association totalling over 10,000 Academic Institutions who so generously and fruitful association with IAESTE. members from 128 countries. We see this supported the programme enabling students, as an area of great potential for the future In July 2005 a new venture was launched the future leaders and decision makers in and hope that more Employers will become in some countries which celebrated the their own countries, to not only gain work involved in this aspect of the Association. Our IAESTE Day, an event which brought experience relevant to their degrees, but public website receives on together students, academics and employers also to learn about themselves in a different average 950 new visitors per day so we are to highlight the Association. Congratulations environment, make new international friends greatly encouraged by this interest in our especially to IAESTE Turkey who in their and to develop their social, linguistic and Association. Our thanks go to the members 50th Anniversary year prepared a wonderful communication skills. of our Internet and FoIN teams for their IAESTE Day event in July 2005. This year excellent work throughout the year. Since last year IAESTE has been delighted more countries will host an IAESTE Day on to welcome the following Co-operating 19 October 2006 and we hope that this will In conclusion, sincere thanks go to all the Institutions into our family of nations-: Allies be well supported throughout the world. contributors of the Annual Review 2006 International Internship Programs, Inc, and special thanks to our Sponsors, Infi neon For most of its existence, IAESTE has had an Technologies AG for their continued support operational relationship with UNESCO and and to the Danish Technical University for in 2006 the British Council nominated our hosting our servers. Finally, congratulations Association for the UNESCO Prize for Peace to all the Members and Co-operating Education. Our nomination was forwarded Institutions which administered the to the International Jury and while we were programme so ably to ensure the exchange not successful we are delighted that the of students for technical experience profi le of our Association was raised in such throughout the world. Goran Radnović Pauline Ferguson an international and prestigious organisation. President General Secretary 1 International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience

Our Organisation

The International Association for the IAESTE is also in contact with the United college education. The offering Companies Exchange of Students for Technical Nations Economic Council for Africa (ECA), or Institutions are expected to pay students Experience (IAESTE A.s.b.l) is an Association the Food and Agriculture Organisation a wage suffi cient to cover their cost of living of National Committees representing (FAO), the Organisation of American States during the actual training period. academic, industrial and student interests. (OAS) and the European Union (EU), as well The offers of training are exchanged with Each National Committee is responsible for as with other educational non-governmental other Members and Co-operating Institutions the administration of the exchange in its own organisations. mainly on a reciprocal basis. Through their country. National Secretariats and Committees make affi liated universities and colleges, Members The Association was founded in January up the Membership of the Association. Each and Co-operating Institutions select qualifi ed 1948 at Imperial College, London, on the year the Annual Conference brings together students to meet employers’ requirements initiative of the Imperial College Vacation the representatives of these bodies to decide as outlined on the training offer. Details Work Committee. National organisations of issues of general policy and with the IAESTE of the selected candidates are sent to the ten European countries represented at this Co-operating Institutions to carry out the Companies for approval. meeting became Members and Mr. James exchange of offers for training. Prior to the Participation in the IAESTE exchange is open Newby was elected General Secretary. The Conference, each Member and Co-operating to bona fide students attending courses at geographical coverage was soon to spread Institution collects offers from employers Universities, Institutes of Technology and to most of Europe and beyond, as new willing to receive students from abroad for similar Institutions of Higher Education. countries were admitted to Membership. a temporary training and work experience period relevant to the students’ areas of For further information about IAESTE please The Association became a registered body study, as a complement to their university or visit our website according to Luxembourg law at its General Conference 2005 in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia. It is a non-political, independent, non-governmental organisation, in The Mission and Aims of IAESTE operational relationship with the United MISSION Nations Educational, Scientifi c and Cultural To operate a high quality practical training exchange programme between Members in Organisation (UNESCO) and maintains order to enhance technical and professional development and to promote international consultative relationships with the UN understanding and goodwill amongst students, academic institutions, employers and the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), wider community. the United Nations Industrial Development IAESTE operates irrespective of race, colour, sex or creed. Organisation (UNIDO) and the International AIMS Labour Offi ce (ILO). To provide students in higher education with technical experience relevant to their studies. To offer employers well qualifi ed and motivated trainees. To be a source of cultural enrichment for trainees and their host communities. IAESTE ANNUAL REVIEW 2006 2 I A E S T E — A N N U A L R E V I E W 2 0 0 6

Headquarters : International Organisation P.O.Box 102, Banbridge, BT32 4WY Northern Ireland Tel/Fax: 0044 28 4062 5485 Email: [email protected]

General Secretary: Mrs Pauline Ferguson

President: Mr Goran Radnović

Board Members

2006-2009 Mr Goran Radnović IAESTE Serbia and Montenegro P.O.Box 35-07 11120 Belgrade 35 Serbia and Montenegro

2005-2008 Mr Lucien Seywert CLOSI- Comité Luxembourgeois pour l’Organisation de Stages Industriels Chambre de Commerce du Grand Duché de Luxembourg L-2981 Luxembourg

2004-2007 Professor Chikaosa Tanimoto IAESTE Japan Annex 5F, Shin-Osaka Chiyoda bldg. 4-4-63, Miyahara Yodogawa-ku, Osaka Japan

2006-2007 Mr Jan Konecny IAESTE Czech Republic 16829 Zikova 4, Prague 6 – Dejvice Czech Republic

Representatives of the Board to the UN and its Agencies

New York (ECOSOC) Ms. Ginny Arnold IAESTE Canada P. O. Box 1473 General Conference Kingston, Ontario K7l 5C7 Canada The General Conference possesses full power to take formal decisions for the fulfi lment of New York (DPI) the Aims and approves the budget and regulations of the Association. It is composed of one Mrs Pauline Ferguson delegate from each Full Member country. It elects the Board and the General Secretary and General Secretary IAESTE A.s.b.l. meets every year in January. P.O.Box 102, Banbridge BT32 4WY Northern Ireland

Board Geneva The Board implements the Association’s policy and decisions approved by the General Ms Mirielle de Marco IAESTE Switzerland Conference, initiates activities supporting the Association’s policy in general and is responsible Weinbergstrasse 41, CH - 8006 Zürich Switzerland for the day-to-day management of the Association executed by the General Secretary. It is composed of four elected members and the General Secretary. Vienna (UNIDO) Mr Lucien Seywert CLOSI- Comité Luxembourgeois General Secretary pour l’Organisation de Stages Industriels Chambre de Commerce du Grand The General Secretary is elected by the Members to co-ordinate the daily administration of Duché de Luxembourg the Association and is a Member of the Board. L-2981 Luxembourg Paris (UNESCO) National Committee Mrs Pauline Ferguson General Secretary National Committees represent the Member countries and are composed of persons IAESTE A.s.b.l. P.O.Box 102, Banbridge BT32 4WY representing academic, industrial and student interests. Northern Ireland OUR ORGANISATION 3 International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience

Report of the General Secretary

This report is a summary of the exchange Exchange Development in 2005 traineeships to incoming students and this activities between IAESTE Members and The total number of trainees exchanged was very encouraging. Several countries Co-operating Institutions during 2005. The in 2005 was 4838, an increase of just over made a significant increase in the number details of these exchanges are presented in 1.3% from 2004 and hopefully this trend of placements offered to incoming students, the 2005 IAESTE Activity Report published will continue during the current year. Half of notably, Brazil, Greece, Poland, Spain and in November 2005. The exchange took place the Members and Co-operating Institutions Serbia and Montenegro. between 79 Members and Co-operating managed to increase their number of Institutions from 78 countries and 17 non- Member countries.

The 2005 IAESTE Activity Report contains the detail on the bilateral exchanges, study Figure 1: Total trainees sent fi elds of trainees sent and received by each Member and Co-operating Institution, the 5600 number of participating Employers and 5400 Institutions, training periods, age, nationality and gender of the trainees and other useful 5200 comparative information. It includes detail on 5000 the exchange with non-Member countries. 4800 The report also contains a summary of the 4600 administrative procedures, reports from 4400 Members and Co-operating Institutions on activity as well as the names of the staff 4200 4000 handling the exchange and the addresses of 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 the National Secretariats. Readers interested Total trainees sent 5548 4917 4633 4774 4838 in this report may order a copy from the IAESTE National Secretariat in their own Figure 1 shows the number of trainees sent in 2005 country or from the General Secretary. and compares this with the previous four years. IAESTE ANNUAL REVIEW 2006 4 I A E S T E — A N N U A L R E V I E W 2 0 0 6

Figure 2a shows the training periods for 2001-2005 with the majority of students on placements between 6-8 weeks.

Figure 2b Figure 2b: Training Periods for 2005 indicates the training periods for 2005 with 54.1% of trainees on a 6-8 week placement 3 - 6 months with 19.4% on placements lasting between Less than 3 months 16.6% 19.4% 8-12 weeks. 6 - 12 months 6.6%

More than 12 months 0.4%

Less than 1 month 3.0%

1 - 2 months 54.1%

Figure 3 Figure 3: Comparison of length of terms spent by trainees The number of trainees to benefi t from Short term < 3 mths Long term > 3 mths long-term placements represents 23.8% of total placements in 2005. This aspect of the exchange has continued 2005 to decline since 1999, the fi rst year to collect these fi gures.




2001 REPORT OF GENERAL SECRETARY OF REPORT 5 International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience

Regional Exchange EU and other European countries and 67.6% Growth of IAESTE The number of traineeships fi lled by students of all trainees were received in Europe, a There is great interest in IAESTE throughout from non-European countries accounted for similar situation to 2004. It is encouraging to the world and on average 2 new countries 36.2% of the number of students sent, a note that the number of students sent from per month contact the General Secretary slight decrease from 2004. Africa and Asia increased in 2005. asking for information on how to join the Association. Europe continues to dominate the exchange. Some 63.8% of all trainees were sent from Many contacts are made through our public website which has a daily Figure 4: Trainees sent and received by continent in 2005 average of 896 visits, a big increase from last year. Universities or Organisations committed 2582 to the Aims of the Association can apply for 2299 Received Co-operating Institution status and each year

Sent the Board reviews their progress at their summer meeting. Co-operating Institutions which are no longer conducting an exchange do not have their status renewed. New Co-operating Institutions take 3-5 years

876 to become established and the benefits of 789 692 710 this expansion, reflected in the exchange, becomes clear after this period. They are 399 387 339 353 136 114 then able to apply for Associate Membership and after a minimum of another 3 years can EU members Rest of Europe Asia/Australia North America South America Africa apply to be Full Members with voting rights. Figure 4 Trainees sent and received by continent 2005 Since 2005, 5 new Co-operating Institutions have been welcomed into the Association. Manipal Institute of Technology, India, Korea Foundation for International Cooperation of each other. In 2005 each Member and Co- Sending and receiving Continent Science and Technology (KICOS), Republic operating Institution exchanged on average The open international exchange is clearly of Korea, Allies International Internship with 17 other Members and Co-operating illustrated by the number of Members and Programs Inc, Philippines, The Institute Institutions indicating a 13.3% increase from Co-operating Institutions that exchange with of Engineering Education Taiwan and Thai 2004. Nguyen University, Vietnam. 86 Members and Co-operating Institutions in 84 countries Figure 5: Multilateral exchange constituted the Membership of IAESTE in January 2006.

The Association continues to grow outside Europe with increased interest from 25.0% 43.8% countries in Central America, Asia and Africa Sent to 1-10 members and we would be very keen to expand our Sent to 11-20 members Sent to 21-30 members Membership in these areas. Sent to 31-40 members Sent to 41-50 members Sent to more than 50 Reciprocity of the Exchange 12.5% The IAESTE exchange programme is based 10.0% 3.8% 5.0% on a bilateral balanced exchange between Members. Most Member countries attempt to maintain a balance between outgoing and incoming students but an exact bilateral Figure 5 shows that 25% of IAESTE Members and Co-operating Institutions balance is rarely possible within any given exchanged with more than 11 countries in 2005. year. Only long-term balance is sought. This 7 Members sent students to 41 or more countries. flexibility is needed to support the proper allocation of places and the selection of the appropriate students. IAESTE ANNUAL REVIEW 2006 6 I A E S T E — A N N U A L R E V I E W 2 0 0 6

In 2005, 25 Members and Co-operating Figure 6: Gender Balance Institutions received more students than they sent abroad and this benefi ted the rest. In total, 554 work experience places were 61.4% 38.6% involved or 11.5% of the total exchange. 2005

It is traditional within IAESTE for Members 2004 60.6% 39.4% with a higher Gross National Income per capita (GNI) to receive more trainees 2003 63.9% 36.1% than they send. Strict reciprocity is not implemented with new Members in the 2002 64.0% 36.0% early years which allow those in developing countries and those from smaller countries to 62.3% 37.7% gather support within their country in order 2001 to develop the exchange. Countries with a GNI per capita >12,000 US$ provided 57% Male (%) Female (%) of these places in 2005, a traumatic decline Figure 7a: Training Specialities (%) based on trainees received from 2004. 70 Profi le of the student trainee 60

Gender balance and Age: Age and gender 50 balance of trainees varies little from year to 40 year but differs appreciably from country to 30 country. 20 Participation by men and women students 10 compared with previous years (%) is shown 0 in Figure 6 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Engineering 63 67 65 65 66 The percentage for individual Members or Science 17 16 18 16 16 Co-operating Institutions varies from 0% Architecture and other Applied Arts 888910 Agriculture 43323 to 71%. The gender balance relates to Others 86685 cultural and educational traditions in IAESTE countries. Figure 7b: Training Specialities based on trainees received 2005 The age of trainees in 2005 ranged from 19 to 27 years with the majority (84%) being Science 15.8% between 21 and 24. The average age is just under 23 years old.

Study fi elds: In 2005 66% of trainees were students of Engineering and Technology. Architecture and other Applied Arts The remaining 34% were divided between 10.0% Engineering the Sciences, 16%; Architecture and Applied 66.1%

Arts, 10%; Agriculture, 3% and other fi elds Agriculture of study, 5%. These fi gures are quite stable 2.7% and change only by a few percentage points Others 5.4% from one year to the next. Figures 7a and 7b

In 2005 the largest of the Engineering Engineering 3%. The remaining 15% was signifi cantly. Telecommunications placements Faculties was Mechanical Engineering, distributed over miscellaneous Engineering however showed a welcome 22% increase 21%, followed by Computer Science, 17%, specialities including Bioengineering, from 2004. There was also a discernible rise Electrical Engineering 14%, Civil Engineering Environmental Engineering, Metallurgy and in the number of Physics traineeships on offer 12%, Chemical Engineering 7%, Electronic Mining. Despite an increase in the number during 2005 with more Geology placements Engineering 4%, Industrial Engineering 4%, of Industrial Engineering placements available also available. Figures 8, 9 and 10.

Telecommunications 3% and Aeronautical in 2004, the number this year declined GENERAL SECRETARY OF REPORT 7 International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience

Nationality: The majority of students Figure 8: Major Engineering fields participating in the IAESTE exchange are citizens of IAESTE Member countries. Some are from non-Member countries and are Mechanical Computer Science 21% 17% studying abroad at Educational Institutions Electrical co-operating with IAESTE. 14% In 2005, 252 students with different Others nationalities to the sending country received 15% places on the programme. Of these, 30 were from the following non-Member countries: Albania, Algeria, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Aeronautical Civil 3% 12% Bangladesh, Bolivia, Cameroon, Chinese Telecommunications Industrial Electronics Chemical Taipei, Costa Rica, Indonesia, Malaysia, 3% 4% 4% 7% Morocco, New Zealand, Senegal, Singapore, South Korea, Uganda, Venezuela, Vietnam Sub-dividing the Engineering groups gives us the breakdown and Zambia. between the major participating disciplines. Figure 8 Seven IAESTE countries exchanged students directly with non-Members countries that included Algeria, Bangladesh, Bolivia, Central Figure 9: Difference (%) in Major Engineering fields 2005 African Republic, Chile, Cuba, Indonesia, Kuwait, Malaysia, Nepal, New Zealand, Telecommunications, 22.0% Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Korea,

Computer science, 17.5% Venezuela and Vietnam. Participating Employers and Educational Mechanical, 10.7% Institutions: Civil, 5.9% In 2005 there was a major increase in Electrical, -0.9% the number of Employers who offered traineeships which is very pleasing. A total Chemical, -2.6% of 4002 Employers, 366 more than in 2004 Electronics, -8.3% received students but for the second year there was a decrease in the number of Industrial, -17.3% Participating Educational Institutions with a % Difference between major Engineering fi elds in 2004 and 2005 Figure 9 total of 940, a loss of 234 from 2004. Figure 11

IAESTE would like to acknowledge the Figure 10: Major Science fields continued support of Employers and Educational Institutions in 2005.

Work experience positions on offer in Others Pharmacy 12% Chemistry 2005. 4% 20% Geology The duration of the available positions can be 6% seen in Figures 2a and 2b

Mathematics 6% Most of the training takes place in the period June to September and coincides with the Biology/Microbiology Biochemistry 18% Northern Hemisphere vacation period. In 7% the Southern Hemisphere, opportunities Physics Material science 18% 9% are available between October and April. 55 Members and Co-operating Institutions are now in a position to offer long term % Major Science fi elds 2005 Figure 10 training opportunities while 16 offer training

IAESTE ANNUAL REVIEW 2006 throughout the year. 8 I A E S T E — A N N U A L R E V I E W 2 0 0 6

Environment (W) offers are valued for higher Figure 11: Participating Employers and Educational Institutions 2001- 2005 pay and the opportunities they provide to experience working conditions in industry in

4000 other countries.

3500 Returned offers and cancellations 3000 This continues to be one of our major 2500 problem areas. Despite the efforts made to 2000 date to minimise losses the number of training 1500 places lost or unused remains unacceptably 1000 high. Based on the figures reported, the

500 number of lost and unused training offers in

0 2005 amounted to 2205, 31.2% of the offers 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 received. Employer withdrawals accounted Employers 4195 3693 3561 3636 4002 Institutions 1301 1335 1396 1174 940 for 14.8% and student withdrawals were 6.7%. The majority of the work placements are are acceptable, benefi cial to the student and In 2005 individual figures show that 16 exchanged during the Annual Conference in in line with the standards expected of all Members and Co-operating Institutions January on a bilateral basis but thanks to the IAESTE offers. managed to maintain their total losses below development of the IAESTE IntraWeb the In 2005 a total of 7196 training places were 20% which is similar to 2004. exchange can continue after this meeting. reported to be available as follows: Research New and unused offers can be put on the IAESTE Members and Co-operating and Development (D) 3118, 43.3%, IntraWeb at any time by Members and Institutions must continue to make every Professional (P) 3574, 49.7%, Working Co-operating Institutions and this ensures effort to minimise these losses, particularly Environment (W) 230, 3.2 % and Non- that IAESTE can accommodate students and the offers that remain unused. Improvements specific (X) 274, 3.8%. The percentage of employer offers as they arise. here would result in the release of additional offers used as reported by the Members and available places. This should encourage all The year round exchange facilitated by the Co-operating Institutions by category of the countries to seek improvements to their IAESTE IntraWeb now provides the platform available offers were (D) 66.9%, (P) 66.1%, existing practices and to examine their for the quick and accurate exchange of (W) 63.9% and (X) 87.6%. Figure 12 communication arrangements. Accurate placements between Members and Co- The bulk of the offers are in the Research and timely communications would help operating Institutions for new and unused and Development and Professional areas and reduce student and employer withdrawals offers and also nominations for these places. students favour these training places that are and accurate matching of the student This must contribute to the effective use more in line with academic requirements. skills with those required by the employer of all offers both new and unused, as they In many instances such training is a required would further contribute to minimising the become available throughout the year. part of the curriculum. The Working withdrawal of offers by employers. In 2005, the first time to collect the data, 233 placements were exchanged via the Figure 12: Categories of offer Intraweb, 5% of the total exchange.

Categories of Offers: IAESTE classify 4000 placements as Research and Development Places used (D) indicating work of a laboratory nature; 3500 Places available Professional (P) is used for professional 3000 activities, practical design work and similar; 2500 Working environment offers (W) indicate 2000 work in the industrial area relevant for the 1500 student’s background and category (X) 1000 covers non-specifi c offers. 500

The non-specific (X) offers can be general 0 R & D Professional Working Non Specific offi ce jobs, language offers and similar. In all Environment cases it is the responsibility of the receiving National office making the (X) category

offers to ensure that the working conditions GENERAL SECRETARY OF REPORT 9 International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience

Annual Conference Report

A total of 269 participants descended on Bulgaria, Institute of Engineering Education the small coastal town of Marsascala, Malta Taiwan and Manipal Institute of Technology, in the middle of January 2006 to attend the India. Annual IAESTE A.s.b.l. Conference, the Mr Pace Balzan concluded the proceedings largest of its kind in recent years. Seventy by inviting a local brass band to entertain the six countries were represented at the week delegates. long Conference which was held in the Jerma Palace Hotel. introduced the Conference Honorary President, the Hon. Censu Galea, Minister for Competitiveness and Communication in Malta.

The Minister explained how valuable IAESTE was given the interdependent During the Conference a total of 7412 world in which we live in today and that the offers were exchanged among the Full networking service provided by IAESTE is The Opening Ceremony took place in the and Associate Members and Co-operating particularly important as it offers all students Conference Hotel on Saturday 21 January Institutions with several exchanging with over the possibility to become more familiar 2006. Mr Mark Pace Balzan who acted as 50 different countries. Mentoring Sessions with different regional realities around the Master of Ceremonies welcomed everyone world through fi rst hand contact. He wished to the Annual Conference and invited the everyone an enjoyable stay in Malta and a President of the Association, Mr Lucien successful Conference. Seywert to address the delegates. The General Secretary then gave her report The President congratulated the Members on the events of 2005 and thanked IAESTE on the formation of IAESTE A.s.b.l. and Malta for all the preparations they had made to host the week long Conference. She were arranged for all new participants as welcomed the Vice President for Education well as training sessions on our IntraWeb from FISITA, Professor Matti Juhala and organised by members of the IDT (Internet introduced delegates from the new Co- Development Team). Mr Kim Jensen, IDT operating Institutions who were attending Co-ordinator gave his report on the work

IAESTE ANNUAL REVIEW 2006 the Conference for the fi rst time. Uni-Group, of IDT and informed the delegates that after 10 I A E S T E — A N N U A L R E V I E W 2 0 0 6

traditional housewarming party on arrival enabling participants the chance to renew acquaintances and meet newcomers attending the Conference for the fi rst time.

On the Saturday evening, in spite of inclement weather, we experienced a Maltese evening eight years he would be standing down as in Razzett I-Antik, Qormi with traditional NS IAESTE UK then had the unenviable task Co-ordinator of the group. Mr Csaba Stoia fare in a typical Maltese restaurant. The hotel of bidding farewell to our long standing IDT will now take charge of IDT. The FoIN provided the venue for the International Co-ordinator Kim Jensen whose work since Co-ordinator (Friends of IAESTE Network), Evening which was thoroughly enjoyed by 1998 has provided IAESTE with excellent Peter Merrild reported on our Alumni everyone. On Wednesday afternoon all IT services. The GS then announced Association which now has over 10,000 participants stopped work and enjoyed a that IAESTE UK was in top position for members and introduced his successor few hours touring the capital Valletta which Administrators of the Year 2005 as judged Miss Maryam Farahani as the new FoIN included a visit to the magnifi cent St John’s by their exchange partners through the Co-ordinator for 2006. Co-Cathedral and an amazing view of the Questionnaire on Administrative Effi ciency Mr Jeff Lange, the SID Co-ordinator (Seminar Grand Harbour from the Upper Barrakka and presented them with mementoes of on IAESTE Development) presented his Gardens. The Farewell Gala dinner, held their stay in Malta. in the Mediterranean Conference Centre fi nal report to the Conference on the work The President, Mr Lucien Seywert thanked Valletta was attended by the Conference which followed the 20th SID the sponsors for all their support and IAESTE Honorary President and Mr Edward Ebejer which was held in Ljubljana, Malta for their tireless efforts during the from one of the sponsoring Companies, Slovenia in April 2005 and Conference. IAESTE Malta then presented Maltese Enterprise and proved to be a fi tting handed over the reins to the General Secretary and the President with venue for our fi nal event of the Conference. Mr Thomas Faltner as the gifts to mark the occasion. new SID Co-ordinator, from The GS introduced the two new Members IAESTE Austria. of the Board, Mr Goran Radnović and Mr A comprehensive report was delivered Jan Konency and presented the NS IAESTE by the IAESTE Ombudsman, Professor Brazil with a token of her appreciation for Bernardo Herold who was thanked for his Celso Garcia, outgoing Board member. She dedication to his new post.

As required by the IAESTE A.s.b.l. Statutes, The Board, Members and Co-operating new members were elected to the Board. Institutions extend their special thanks to Mr Goran Radnović, National Secretary IAESTE Malta, in particular to Mr Robert IAESTE Serbia and Montenegro, replaced the Cordina, Mr Mark Pace Balzan, Ms Anne outgoing Board member Mr Celso Garcia Marie Mayo, NS IAESTE Malta and Ms who resigned from the post of National then invited Ms Ginny Arnold, NS IAESTE Albina Pace, Conference Secretary for all Secretary IAESTE Brazil after many years of Canada to thank the former FoIN Co- their patience and goodwill throughout the dedicated service to IAESTE at home and at ordinator Peter Merrild for his contribution Conference. Thanks are also due to the international level. Mr Jan Konecny, IAESTE to our Alumni network for the last two years. many helpers for all their support and hard Czech Republic, took the place vacated Mr Goran Radnović made a presentation to work during the week. by the outgoing Board member Mr Uroš the NS and Chairman IAESTE Australia, Jacki We also thank the Conference Honorary Kovšca, IAESTE Slovenia who was thanked O’Connor and Jeff Hill who have worked so President, the Hon. Censu Galea, Minister for his contribution to the Association during hard to re establish IAESTE in Australia and for Competitiveness and Communication his term of offi ce. whose presence at future Conferences will for giving of his valuable time to attend the be sorely missed. Ms Christina Vakomies, IAESTE Portugal will host the next Annual Opening ceremony and Farewell Dinner. Conference in Lisbon from 20-25 January Our grateful thanks must also go to the 2007 and the organisers gave a detailed Sponsors who supported IAESTE Malta. presentation of their arrangements for this prestigious event in the IAESTE calendar. Finally thanks are conveyed to the management and staff of the Jerma Palace During the week long Conference Hotel. IAESTE Malta provided delegates with

some social events which included the ON THE GENERALREPORT CONFERENCE 11 International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience 21st Seminar on IAESTE Development GLASGOW, SCOTLAND, 6-9 APRIL 2006

SID serves as a means to bring together of the work which had been achieved since Glenlee, moored on the River Clyde and the IAESTE Members and Co-operating the last SID and the work to be tackled next day participants were treated to some Institutions to discuss issues of best practice, during 2006. Work groups then presented tours to the centre of Glasgow as well as to administration, organisational advancement their results at a Group Fair held on the the Glengoyne Whisky Distillery. Delegates and development of the organisation. Saturday morning. This consisted of a Poster also had the opportunity to share their own Unlike the Annual Conference, which session which allowed Work Groups to post culture at the National Evening. This evening focuses on the exchange of placements, SID their results and gather feedback from those provided everyone with the chance to share brings delegates together to focus on the participants from other Work Groups. All food and drink from their own country along development and improvement of IAESTE groups then presented their findings and with cultural dress and dances. This year we as an international organisation. Participants results at the closing Plenary session where were able to learn some traditional dances form Work groups and work on specific the SID Co-ordinator for 2007 and the venue from a Scottish ceilidh band. tasks requested by the General Conference for SID 2008 were nominated. sessions from the previous January. The However, SID is not only about work. In resulting work from the Work groups are the short time available, participants spent refi ned over the year into recommendations some time learning about the culture of their that go back to the IAESTE Board and then host country and got to see some sights too. to the General Conference for offi cial voting On the Friday evening, the British Council and implementation. hosted a Gala Dinner on The Tall Ship, The Seminar began on the Thursday evening with a welcome reception which took place at the Kelvin Conference Centre where we The 21st SID was an overwhelming success. were served with traditional Scottish fare. Participants left with a sense of satisfaction Participants were welcomed by Christina from a job well-done and a better Vakomies, National Secretary IAESTE UK understanding of IAESTE UK and its culture. who then introduced the SID Co-ordinator A special thank you to IAESTE UK for their Thomas Faltner, IAESTE Austria. hard work in organising this very important event in the IAESTE calendar.

This year, 67 delegates attended from 30 countries worldwide including 22 National Secretaries. The work at SID was broken down into four Working groups led by Work group Co-ordinators. With only a few days available delegates worked at a very fast pace in order to produce results by the end of the meeting. The Seminar started with an

IAESTE ANNUAL REVIEW 2006 opening Plenary session to inform delegates 12 I A E S T E — A N N U A L R E V I E W 2 0 0 6

JUMP 2005


The 11th IAESTE Training and Motivation joining the Seminar, it was agreed that Seminar JUMP 2005 took place in Osijek, the participants should all join different Croatia and was organised by the Local training sessions on specifi c IAESTE topics. Committee. 60 delegates from 14 different The new model was implemented this IAESTE countries followed the slogan “Join year in Croatia. The participants had the Adrian Keller, Us to Motivate People”. The participants opportunity to attend six different training IAESTE Switzerland JUMP Co-ordinator were mainly new members from all over sessions: IAESTE Forms and Intranet and Europe and USA. FoIN training, Student Marketing, Company The organising team led by Damir Srdanovic Marketing/Fundraising, Local Committee During JUMP 2004 in Ghent, Belgium, provided a very successful programme of Management, Summer Reception and Job the development potential of JUMP was events, the highlights being visits to the raising. The sessions were moderated and discussed by some senior members. Due Lura–Biscuits Company, the natural park presented by experienced IAESTE members. to the fact that many new members are “Kopa hi rit” and the sightseeing flight The general feedback on the new model was above Osijek. Of course the traditional very positive with participants appreciating International and National evenings were not the good variety of the training sessions. to be missed.

Preparations for the next JUMP are already in full swing. The Seminar takes place in Ålborg, Denmark, from 11-15 October 2006.

Keep on JUMPing and “Join Us to Motivate People”!

Visit to Lura-Biscuits Company IAESTE Trainers at JUMP 13 International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience

Anniversary Congratulations

AFTER 50 YEARS: Annual Conference in Durban in January On a personal note, as the NEW BEGINNINGS FOR 2001. According to attending delegates, it new National Secretary IAESTE SOUTH AFRICA was a great success. In 2003 the National of IAESTE South Africa, Research Foundation handed over IAESTE I would like to thank all In 1956 South Africa joined a network of South Africa to the University of Pretoria Member countries who dedicated people, who cared about the and IAESTE South Africa went through a offered their help and future, not only of their own country, complete transition. From being run by knowledge at the General Conference 2006 but of the world. This was the IAESTE full time paid staff at the National Research and to those who already helped me so network. Since then IAESTE South Africa Foundation it became a volunteer student much when I needed information. actively participated in the exchange run organisation. This proved to be a tough with other Member countries under the time for IAESTE South Africa but thanks to hosting organisation, the National Research the help and guidance of other Members Foundation. Since our inception IAESTE we are now beginning to find our feet in South Africa has sent 1400 students abroad the workings of the new A.s.b.l Association. and received 2239 trainees in our country. PJ van Ginkel IAESTE South Africa is in the process of Forty five years after South Africa was National Secretary, rebuilding its reputation. IAESTE South Africa accepted as a Member of IAESTE, we had the opportunity to host the IAESTE

IAESTE ANNUAL REVIEW 2006 University of Pretoria, South Africa 14 I A E S T E — A N N U A L R E V I E W 2 0 0 6

FORTY YEARS OF IAESTE LEBANON It gives me great pleasure to announce that Institution for IAESTE Lebanon, which is the to send 1027 students abroad and received IAESTE Lebanon has been a Member of situation today. 328 students, exchanging on average with IAESTE for forty years. IAESTE Lebanon 9 countries in recent years. In spite of past joined the Association in 1966 with the Faculty diffi culties we are nevertheless proud to be a of Engineering and Architecture (FEA) at the Member of the IAESTE family. American University of Beirut (AUB), Saint On behalf of the former National Secretaries, Joseph University, The Lebanese University, I would like to express my sincere gratitude and the Lebanese Chamber of Commerce as to all IAESTE Members for the support they the supporting Institutions. The unfortunate provided us with over the past 40 years. events that took place between 1975 and I am delighted to be involved with IAESTE 1990 resulted in “Saint Joseph University” and happy to be able to meet with the warm and “The Lebanese Chamber of Commerce Dr Fadl Moukaled, National Secretary IAESTE Lebanon IAESTE family. and Industry” ending their role as supporting with former National Secretary Dr Albert Kuran and staff from the Careers Centre FEA Institutions. This resulted in the FEA at I am confident that IAESTE Lebanon will the AUB becoming the only supporting During these years IAESTE Lebanon managed continue serving the IAESTE Aims. ANNIVERSARIES 15 International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience

TEN YEARS OF IAESTE Australia and we were not overwhelmed There have been low times too, as we all IN AUSTRALIA with enthusiasm. Then wondering what on experience in such a position, so why did we It is now almost eleven years since we were earth we had let ourselves in for as we read persevere? We did so because of the highs. visiting friends in Canada who just happened a copy of an Administrative Guide which we Having students arrive at the airport after to be the National Secretary of IAESTE had been sent to help us prepare for our twenty four hours of travelling to reach us, Canada and his wife, and first discussed fi rst General Conference. Nevertheless we and being told that no, they did not want taking on the role of establishing IAESTE set off for this with lots of enthusiasm, four to rest because they were just so excited in Australia. It is just over ten years since placements and no students. at being here, is unexpectedly rewarding. Reading the letters and e mails from students Australia then became a Member of IAESTE We returned home exhilarated by the telling us what a difference IAESTE has made in January 1996. It is hard to believe that a Conference and the people we had met to their lives is wonderful. Watching the whole decade has passed since that week in there and discovered our next problem. We face light up of an Australian student, who Copenhagen. had to fi nd students to send to the countries came from Vietnam originally, while he was which had given us placements and what is What has a decade of IAESTE in our country telling us how thrilled he was with his work more we had to fi nd them by March 31. This meant? In terms of the obvious benefit to experience and living in a dorm with students was not easy given that our students were individual students it has meant that 640 from so many other countries is wonderful. still on their long summer vacation and were Australian students from universities in all our And hearing that when it was his turn to cook not going to return to university until early to States and Territories have worked overseas a typical meal from his home country, he did mid-March. Again people were very patient (this includes 422 reserved offer students) not cook a stir-fry, but rather an Aussie BBQ with us and we eventually sent six Australian and 275 students from 39 countries have is wonderful. worked here for 44 different companies students away that year. And the biggest high for us at a personal level and research organisations in all States and We had also witnessed the night of fun and is having met so many committed, caring Territories. We have a National Committee camaraderie that is the National Party in our and fun people over the last eleven Annual with representatives from universities and fi rst year and came prepared the next year. Conferences. That has been wonderful. We industry from around the country and we After much wracking of our brains to fi nd an have had reinforced the idea that putting have a home. By the end of 1997 we had Australian costume and food, we had come people together from all around the world both retired as academics but our university, with hats worn by our “swaggies” decorated to work together to help others can be a Swinburne, has continued to house us as with hanging corks to keep the fl ies off their co-operative, harmonious and beneficial a hosted organisation. So we think we are faces in our hot summer and kangaroo experience done with a lot of goodwill and now established here and poised to move salami as an Australian food. We have kept good humour. That has been wonderful and forward. this theme since and it culminated this year we thank you all for it. But what are our outstanding memories? when we brought a blow up plastic kangaroo Well to start with, convincing our which was much more popular than we had university that applying for Membership as expected. It also had more stamina than we a Co-operating Institution was a good idea had expected and fi nished a night of dancing Geoff and Jacki Hill - no easy task, as we were to discover that in better shape than many of the rest of us President and National Secretary we suspect! IAESTE Australia

IAESTE ANNUAL REVIEW 2006 almost nobody had heard about IAESTE in 16 I A E S T E — A N N U A L R E V I E W 2 0 0 6

Welcome to New Co-operating Institutions in…


UNI GROUP – Bulgaria was accepted in we are promoting IAESTE through other 2006 is our first year of exchange with IAESTE in 2005 as a Co-operating Institution, Bulgarian organisations which deal with countries such as Austria, , Spain, but our fi rst real experience with IAESTE was international exchange programmes. Denmark, Portugal, UK, France, Belgium, our attendance at the Annual Conference in Sweden, Finland and Switzerland. We are currently negotiating with branches Malta in January 2006. of the Technical University in Sofi a, as well as Participating in the Annual Conference We are proud that UNI GROUP was given with quite a lot of Bulgarian companies which in Malta has helped us a lot in getting to the opportunity to represent this great we hope will receive students in 2007. know the structure of IAESTE. It gave us organisation in Bulgaria. the opportunity to meet in person the representatives of the other countries UNI GROUP is making every effort to make and to learn from their experiences. We IAESTE more popular in Bulgaria so that have received a lot of helpful advice from we can send and receive many participants Members who are experienced in the each year, following the example of already exchange process. developed Committees in such countries as UK, USA and Germany. We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has offered their During the last year UNI GROUP has constant support and patience in answering promoted IAESTE to all Bulgarian Universities Niya Koeva and Yordan Pashov all of our questions. which offer technical majors. Besides that from UNI GROUP Bulgaria

17 International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience


The Institute of Engineering Education Our fi rst Annual Conference was memorable bring many offers to the Conference, yet, Taiwan (IEET) was admitted as a new in nearly every aspect. Starting from the many countries were willing to trade and Co-operating Institution in IAESTE in 2005, hosting country, Malta, which is beautiful agreed to wait for our offers. I was moved which was a very exciting time in the history in its landscape and its people. None of us by this sense of trust and open-mindedness. of our organisation. IEET is the recognised in our delegation had ever been to Malta, And, of course, how could anyone forget the accreditor of college and university so that was a very sweet and exciting International Night! The experience of the programmes in engineering in Taiwan. The experience for us. In our observations, diverse food, music, costumes, languages… purpose of accreditation is to ensure the IAESTE is wonderful because of its people. that will stay with us for a very, very long quality of the education students receive. This is something we experienced fi rst hand time. for the first time at the Conference. Over IEET was attracted to two core elements We hope to see you again soon and thanks the course of the meetings, we had the of IAESTE, the practical experience and so much for the wonderful experience in opportunity to meet people from all over the the internationalisation of educational Malta and to be part of world and we learned so much information experience. These are the same principals the IAESTE family. and on top of everything else, many of them we promote through our accreditation work were very young! We were most amazed and that is why we joined the IAESTE family. by the amount of confi dence, knowledge and Through the IAESTE activities, we hope to the positive attitude of these young folks. In expand the knowledge horizon and world addition, the most unforgettable experience view of our students in Taiwan and we also to me has to be the amazing support that we hope that students from the world would received. Because of a late start, we did not Mandy Liu, IEET come here and see what we can offer. IAESTE ANNUAL REVIEW 2006 WELCOME 18 I A E S T E — A N N U A L R E V I E W 2 0 0 6



Bars is one of the most rapidly developing theoretical knowledge into practice and for Companies in Tajikistan. expanding the horizons of their knowledge of developing technologies. The Company Founded in April 1993 its activities were does its best to provide foreign students with originally focused on food wholesale and fruitful and meaningful internships. retail business but realising the importance of developing a spirit of entrepreneurship to Many foreign students with majors in Food create employment at a National level the Technology and Engineering Sciences have Company undertook in 1994 some very had their internships in associated firms important steps in the reorganisation and “MMK” and “Saykhun”. In addition, many development of its business structure. Tajik students who gained work experience abroad through IAESTE are now working in Currently, the Company provides the fi rms and the Companies appreciate the employment opportunities for over 1000 skills and experience former students bring employees who operate its six different Being a Board member of the National to their jobs. “daughter” Companies. Committee of IAESTE Tajikistan for the last 10 years I have a chance to constantly BARS associated firms are working observe the IAESTE role in developing the successfully and profitably. The firm and potential of the younger generation both in its employees and specialists put all of their the National and International context. This efforts into increasing the productivity and is the major thing that attracts me most in effi ciencies of their respective branches. this Association. With sincere aspiration we BARS highly appreciates the activity of will remain permanent partners with IAESTE IAESTE as it is providing students with to stay in the process of providing industries Mirzobakhtier Mirzobakhadurov good working opportunities to put their President of the Bars Company and businesses with well qualifi ed specialists. PERSPECTIVES 19 International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience


Since the start of my research group engineering students will go abroad for their “Cardiovascular Mechanics and Biofluid first international engineering experience. Mechanics” in 1996, we have received at The whole process involves 130 students least one IAESTE trainee each year. This and more than 100 professionals in Belgium summer, three students from Denmark, to guide them to their full potential. Croatia and Spain will receive training in The Local Committee in Gent, whose our laboratory. They will be integrated into administrative responsibility started in ongoing research projects and will be able 1995, has always been an active member. to realise a student-specific dedicated task Before that, there was some administrative under the supervision of an engineer and in support from National or Regional Employer collaboration with a medical doctor. The Societies. Annelies Vermeir, National Secretary and PR-offi cer current topics vary from modelling of cell of the Engineering Faculty of Ghent University (left) visits Professor Verdonck and two of his international behaviour in a bio-artifi cial liver, to modelling, Back in 1998, we convinced our Faculty students (right) simulating and programming software for Board to invest in a full-time professional non-invasive assessment of blood vessel for public relations, including administrative function using ultrasound-based technology. support for IAESTE Belgium. Thanks to this During their training, our IAESTE students vision, we have been able to start a well Our lab members are delighted to meet are thus provided with the opportunity structured organisation that guarantees a solid these young enthusiastic trainees. Even more to have a hands-on view on Biomedical framework with continuation, independent of exciting, is the fact that we still have contact Engineering research and prototyping rotating academics, administrators, students, with some of our former students who are which might lead to future clinical diagnosis etc. The headquarters are situated in the now working for an international biomedical modalities and therapeutic technology. This main building of the Engineering School at engineering company, or who are running level of exchange became available thanks to Ghent University and are managed by the their own small-sized company. We received IAESTE Belgium. Local Committee President, Tim Vanden students from as far as Lebanon, and our Berghe and by our public relations officer latest trainee, Paul, whom we trained in IAESTE Belgium was one of the Founding from the Engineering Faculty, Annelies 2005, is now making a Master thesis at the Members of the International Association Vermeir who is also the National Secretary TU Trondheim about heart valve modelling. back in 1948 and has been a loyal and of IAESTE Belgium. This topic came up by accident during one of active Member ever since. Although the many discussions in our lab and proves Ghent University and the Free University Besides the increasing interest from incoming his personal curiosity to look further than the of Brussels are currently the only two and outgoing students (a growth of more than scheduled tasks. actively participating universities, no less 60% during the last three years), we should than 70 visiting students will be trained in also highlight the organisation of the 10th Our staff is very motivated to yearly invest Belgium this year, while at least 60 Belgian JUMP “Training and Motivation Seminar” in some fascinating time in new potentials, to 2004 (29 September – 3 October) at Ghent share with them our laboratory life and of University, with 60 participating delegates course integrate them in the rich social and from 16 different countries. cultural life of our city.

In Belgium, IAESTE offers the opportunity This process started all by accident but is for students to be trained in an international now continued with a big heart. I can only environment, to experience new cultures recommend my academic and industrial and to gain a unique experience in an colleagues to support this non-governmental engineering lab. Each year, the incoming organisation IAESTE. Open your door and let trainees can count on a warm welcome and students share your professional experience the unforgettable hospitality of a local group so that they remain motivated to invest in a of enthusiastic students. better future and welfare in favour of all.

IAESTE ANNUAL REVIEW 2006 20 I A E S T E — A N N U A L R E V I E W 2 0 0 6


This story began when a couple of friends capital of Peru. This is when I realised how children showed us that hope is not a utopia told me to register for the IAESTE Selection important IAESTE is in my community: not but is living with kindness and tenderness. Process 2004-2005 and since that moment only getting skilled in technical experience but We spent the best morning ever sharing, my goals were focused through one also promoting international understanding dancing, singing and playing games with horizon: not only being a good student and goodwill between people and trying to them. While there we participated in a but also growing as a human being and create better life conditions. birthday party for a seventeen year-old girl professionally! so the chocolate cake and sodas we got Many candidates applied for IAESTE were special for this lovely and impressive Along with other students I took placements but in the end only seventeen day. It was really touching when all of us sang different examinations and participated succeeded in getting a traineeship. Since the Happy Birthday song and this cute girl in many interesting Conferences given by 2001 when IAESTE in Peru was established expressed her emotion by dropping innocent Professionals who worked in one of the most twenty fi ve students have benefi ted from an tears. It was the fi rst time in years that she prestigious Master Business Schools in Peru. IAESTE placement so each year we manage had had a party and we were lucky to be After being evaluated, I was selected by the to increase the number of traineeships. there with all of them. National Committee. My dream was coming true but ironically I could not go because Back in the city, a Swiss trainee had arrived the traineeship I was given clashed with my and he with the other trainees continued University exams so I decided not to go but their placements at Telefónica del Peru, a to fi nish my Mechanical Engineering Studies Communications Company in my country by the fi rst semester of 2006 and to prepare and during their time there were working on The ruins of Macchu Picchu, myself again to be part of this group and “The Lost City from the Incas” IP systems. At the end of their traineeships fi nally I achieved it. discovered by Hiram Bingham all of them were glad to have worked in this in 1911 big Company. By August 2005 the selection process was already completed. Now it was time to prepare the International Students Reception Committee which welcomed students from Finland, Serbia and Montenegro and Colombia. We spent a beautiful one-week IAESTE Process 2005-2006, Andrés, Eric, Antti, Marko and People Government Conference trip to Cusco, the main archeological city in Jose at the Cusco Main Square, Perú South America and the capital of the Inca The process 2005-2006 demanded hard Finally, I wish to express my gratitude to the Empire. We were able to appreciate a lot of work. Because I had already been through IAESTE Peru National Committee. They historical walls and ruins, green landscapes the selection process I wanted to help and were the ones who allowed me to meet full of the history of the Incas, the white participate in the activities of the National not only good friends but also helped me to splendour and magic from La Cordillera de Committee. I was asked to give some focus on the goals I have in life. My next step los Andes and the spectacular Lost City of Informative Conferences in my University is Austria, a great country where I am going Macchu Picchu. and did it with a lot of excitement and to work in August 2006 and I think this will responsibility. One of the most memorable times during be another “Great IAESTE Experience”. this seven day trip happened in a Children’s Furthermore, I had the chance to visit The Shelter called “La Esperanza” where young Lima Children’s Hospital every Sunday and did some social work there with other candidates. It was spectacular and shocking at the same time talking to the parents or relatives of the children who told us how hard is for them, not only to afford medicine, but also to leave their work from the La Esperanza Children’s Shelter, countryside to be with their children in the Cusco 2005 José Miguel Pariona Lártiga PERSPECTIVES 21 IAESTE Students at work

Brazil Austria Japan Poland Northern Ireland Sweden and at play

Germany Peru Thailand China Republic of Ireland Norway Serbia & Montenegro International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience Trainee of the Year Awards 2005

The 58 years of the IAESTE programme Institute of Technology walked away with have seen many thousands of students the top prize, after her presentation on her travel to gain work and cultural experience time with Bernard Ingenieure in Austria. abroad. The fact that IAESTE has gone from Orla’s genuine enthusiasm and appreciation strength to strength and grown in size from of the IAESTE Programme shone through its original 10 countries to more than 80 is during her presentation. evidence of the relevance and success of The University of Applied Science Winterthur the programme. However, the adventures, was the venue for IAESTE Switzerland’s the cultural insights, the friends made and Trainee of the Year event on 23 November the great times experienced by the IAESTE 2005. From the 10 participating trainees, trainees are often untold. The IAESTE Stefan Trenkle emerged triumphant after The winner of the eighth UK Trainee of the Trainee of the Year Award is an event which his presentation on his IAESTE experiences Year event, which was held at the British gives trainees an opportunity to tell the story in Iran. Over 60 people attended the event Council in London, was Ingrid Orme, an of their experiences whilst also showcasing which also had presentations from students architecture student from Edinburgh College the programme’s benefits to employers, who had been in the UK and Egypt amongst of Art. Ingrid did her IAESTE traineeship sponsors, parents, participating bodies and other countries. in an architecture firm in Brazil. Ingrid’s other students. In recent years the Trainee traineeship has inspired her to follow a of the Year award has been successfully held career in architecture and humanitarian in the Republic of Ireland, Switzerland and relief and plans, this year, to do an internship the UK amongst others. While each country in the UN’s Human Settlement division. brings its own particular twist to the event the basic format remains similar. Recent These trainees’ presentations, short though trainees give a short presentation, replete they are, bring the IAESTE Programme to with photos and anecdotes, on their host life. Enthusiasm, motivation, confidence country, their traineeship and their overall and inspiration are all evident benefi ts that both students and employers can gain from experience. The enthusiasm and regard IAESTE in Northern Ireland also showcased participation in the programme and which of students for IAESTE is evident in each their students’ experiences with a Trainee are visible at each Trainee of the Year different presentation and is an invaluable of the Year event. Held in Queen’s Award. source of motivation for employers, students University on 31 October 2005, the winning and also IAESTE itself. presentation was given by Kevin Quinn on his While the award events rely on the traineeship in Norway. As an added bonus, participation of the trainees, also essential to Kevin also qualifi ed to take part in the overall the proceedings are the judges, sponsors and UK Trainee of the Year event and went on hosts, who are too numerous to mention in to take third place in that event. this short space. Without their gracious and invaluable assistance, the Trainee of the Year events would not be the success that they have become. On 22 November 2005, the fourth IAESTE Ireland Trainee of the Year event was held Neil Maher in University College Dublin. Nine students National Secretary gave presentations on their experiences of IAESTE Ireland China, Austria, Switzerland, Canada, the USA, the UK and Germany. Orla McKeever, a Civil Engineering student from Dundalk IAESTE ANNUAL REVIEW 2006 24 I A E S T E — A N N U A L R E V I E W 2 0 0 6

Employers and Institutions


ARGENTINA Deakin University Municipality of Graz Participating Employers Ford Motor Company Australia OFI-QLAB CNEA - UNSAM Hawker de Havilland Österreichisches Forschungs- und CONICET: Honeywell Ltd Prüfungszentrum Arsenal GesmbH. Programa de Plantas Tóxicas y Medicinales, Ian Wark Research Institute Pamminger GmbH&CoKG Poettinger Metabolismo de Compuestos Sintéticos y Maddocks Naturales Polymer Competence Center Leoben GmbH RMIT University Robert Bosch AG FAVRA SAIC URS Australia, Brisbane Gema Biotech S.A Siemens AG Österreich URS Australia, Melbourne Stiwa Fertigungstechnik Sticht GmbH INTI: URS Australia, Sydney TERRA Umwelttechnik GmbH Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo Textil VISY Three United Mobile Solutions AG Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo en VISY Robotics Torrex Pharma GmbH. Química y Petroquímica Participating Institutions Treibacher Industrie AG Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo en Charles Darwin University Voest-Alpine Industrieanlagenbau Ges.m.b.H Mecánica & Co UBA - Facultad de Ingeniería Curtin University Deakin University WIENER LINIEN GmbH & Co KG UNC - Facultad de Ciencias Aplicadas a la Zeman & Co Ges.m.b.H Industria Flinders University Monash University Participating Institutions UNQUI - Arquitectura Naval University of Natural Resources and Applied UNSJ - Facultad de Arquitectura Murdoch University Life Sciences, Vienna UTN - Facultad Regional Haedo RMIT University Department for Biotechnology, Institute for UTN - Facultad Regional Delta Swinburne University of Technology Applied Microbiology JICEC S.A. University of Adelaide Institute for Applied Genetics and Cellular Kasiopea SRL University of Melbourne Biology Motomecánica University of New South Wales Johannes Kepler University, Linz TECPETROL S.A. University of Western Australia Institut für Technische Mechanik TULSA Oilfi eld Equipment SRL Institute for Polymer Science, University of Linz Participating Institutions AUSTRIA Montanistic University, Leoben Universidad de Buenos Aires Participating Employers Material Center Leoben (Institute for Mechanical Universidad Nacional de Cuyo ABIS - Softwareentwicklungs GesmbH Engineering) Universidad Nacional de Quilmes AC2T Research GmbH Institute for Metallurgy Universidad Nacional de San Martín Actronic International University of Technology, Graz Allianz elementar Versicherungs AG Universidad Nacional de San Juan Institute for Chemical Technology of Organic Amt der NÖ Landesregierung, Abteilung Materials Universidad Tecnológica Nacional: Bau- und Anlagentechnik Institute for Soil Mechanics and Foundation Facultad Regional Haedo Austrian Centre for Electron Microscopy and Work Facultad Regional Delta Nanoanalysis Institute for Timber Construction and Wood Bernhard+Partner ZT GesmbH Technologie ARMENIA Chemson Polymer-Additive AG Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and Water Participating Employers COMMARO mobile trading systems GmbH Resources Management Areximbank, JSC DI Otto Beurle u. DI Lukas Beurle Technical University, Vienna Arminco, LTD Ingenieurkonsulenten für Bauwesen Institut für Sensor und Aktuatorsysteme Engineering Center Steyr GmbH&CoKG GAPEX, LTD Institut für Verfahrenstechnik (E1662) Epcos OHG “Khayalyan Intermarket” LTD Flextronics Int. GmbH Institute of Chemical Engineering Technical Modeling Republican Center Forsttechnischer Dienst für Wildbach- u. Institut für Hochbau und technologie, Zentrum Participating Institutions Lawinenverbauung Steiermark für Allgem. Mechanik und Baudynamik Armenian National Academy FREQUENTIS GmbH Institut f. Verfahrenstechnik Armenian State Agrarian University Hydro Ingenieure Institut f. Verkehrsplanung und Verkehrstechnik Institute of Energetic, CJSC IKW Ingenieurkanzlei für Wasserwirtschaft State Engineering University of Armenia Voglauer, Mader & Schlögelhofer ZT-GmbH BELARUS Infi neon Technologies Austria AG Participating Employers Itact Consult LMS GmbH AUSTRALIA Belarusian National Technical University JOHANEUM RESEARCH Faculty of Architecture Participating Employers Forschungsgesellschaft mbH AgVic Faculty of Marketing Management and Knorr-Bremse GmbH Entrepreneurship Australian National University Kplus ECHEM Kompetenzzentrum für APPI angewadte Elektrochemie Belarusian State University BAT Australia Linz AG Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Computer Charles Darwin University MAGNA Steyer Fahrzeugtechnik AG & CoKG Science CRC Smartprint Material Center Leoben (Institute for Mechanical Faculty of Chemistry CSIRO Molecular Science Engineering) Faculty of Biology CSIRO QCAT MCE Stahl- und Maschinenbau GmbH&Co Faculty of Physics MIC Datenverarbeitung GmbH Faculty of Radiophysics and Electronics

Dairy Technical Services AND INSTITUTIONS EMPLOYERS 25 International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience

Scientifi c Research Institute of Applied Physics BRAZIL ESTRE - Empresa de Saneamento e Belarusian State University of Informatics and Participating Employers Tratamento de Resíduos Ltda. Radioelectronics A+U Escritório de Arquitetura Estrutural Projetos e Consultoria de Estruturas Scientifi c Center of Information and Innovative Accenture do Brasil Ltda. S/C Ltda. Developments ACD Representações Ltda. ESUP - Escola Superior Associada de Goiânia Scientifi c Research Laboratory ACTA Arquitetura Ltda. ETEG Internet Ltda. “Nanotechnology” ADELCO - Associação para o Desenvolvimento Exactus Software S/C Ltda. Grodno State University Local Co-produzido Expansão Comércio Internacional Ltda. Faculty of Mathematics Adolfo Sakaguti Arquitetos Associados FACENS - Faculdade de Engenharia de Faculty of Physics Alves Comercial Ltda. Sorocaba Board of Architects of the Republic of Belarus Anglo American do Brasil Ltda. Facuri Rio Claro Representações E Assessoria Ltda. Studio of Architectural Design Aracruz Celulose S.A Participating Institutions FEI - Fundação Educacional Inaciana Padre ARC Engenharia e Tecnologia Ltda. Sabóia de Mederiros Belarussian National Technical University Architectus S/C Ltda. (BNTU) FEMA - Fundação Educacional do Município Arno S.A Belarussian State University (BSU) de Assis Arpia Intelligence System Belarussian State University of Informatics and Ferriani Projetos Radioelectronics (BSUIR) Arquitetos Associados FINATEL - Fundação Instituto Nacional de Grodno State University (GSU) Associação do Pessoal da Caixa Econômina Telecomunicações Federal Fresenius Medical Care Ltda. Associação dos Fornecedores de Cana da Alta BELGIUM Frigorífi co Mabella Ltda. Noroeste Fundação Centro Tecnológico de Hidráulica Participating Employers AT Arquitetos Associados Agfa-Gevaert FUPAI - Fundação de Pesquisa e Atlas Indústria de Eletrodomésticos Ltda. Assesoriamento à Industria Aquafi n Austral Indústria e Comércio Ltda. Barco FURB - Universidade Regional de Blumenau BankBoston - Banco Múltiplo S.A Electrabel Galvasul Estamparia de Metais Ltda. Enfocus Barbosa & Andrade Engenharia e Serviços Gamem Empreendimentos Imobiliário Ltda. Ltda. Ghent University, Department of Applied General Electric do Brasil Ltda. Physics Barra Forte Corretora e Administradora de Geoexplore Consultoria e Serviços Ltda. Seguros Ghent University, Department of Architecture Global Mobilínea S/A Basf S/A and Urban Planning Grand Inform Comércio Importação Exportação Ghent University, Department of Electrical Best Services Ltda. de Equipamentos para Informática Ltda. Energy, Systems and Automation Bom Calor Ltda. Grau Arquitetura Ltda. Ghent University, Department of Information S/A Guarany Indústria e Comércio Ltda. Technology Bosch Rexroth Ltda. Ghent University, Department of Textiles H.Dantas, Comércio Navegação e Industrias Braspelco Indústria e Comércio Ltda. Ltda. Ghent University, Department of Civil Brombilla & Verissimo Arquitetos Associados Engineering Hacker Industrial Ltda. Cacau Show Ltda. Great Lakes Technology Hahn Technik Engenharia Ltda. IMEC Cadmus Soluções Web Ltda. HAK - Fábrica de Fusos e Passamanaria Ltda. LMS International Campilentes Comércio Atacadista de Artigos Hartmann Embalagens do Brasil Ltda. OCAS Ópticos Ltda. HECE - Máquinas e Acessórios Indústria e Picanol Capitolttour Câmbio, Turismo e Viagens Ltda. Comércio Ltda. Rousselot Caramuru Alimentos Ltda. Henfel - Indústria Metalúrgica Ltda. SCK.CEN, Belgian Nuclear Research Centre Carlos Henrique de Affonseca Hispabras Trader Importadora e Exportadora Von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics Casa Cultural Saber Ler Livraria Ltda. Ltda. Participating Institutions Casale Equipamentos Ltda. Horizontes Arquitetura Ghent University, Faculty of Engineering Celpe - Companhia Elétrica de Pernambuco Ideal Standard WABCO Trane Indústria e Vrije Universiteit Brussel CenPRA - Centro de Pesquisas Renato Archer Comércio Ltda. Centro Universitário do Instituto de Mauá de In Vitro Diagnóstica S/A BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA Tecnologia Incasa S/A Participating Employers Centro Universitário Ritter dos Reis Industrial Heating Apotekarska Ustanova, Banja Luka Cerâmica Stéfani S/A Ines Jeiss Arquitetos Associados Banjalucka Pivara, Banja Luka CERPCH - Centro Nacional de Referência em Innova Rio Engenharia Ltda. Byblos, Banja Luka Pequenas Centrais Hidrelétricas INOCENSE Comércio de Artigos do Vestuário Cambridge Centar, Banja Luka CESAR - Centro de Estudos e Sistemas Ltda. Avançados do Recife Elektrokrajina, Banja Luka INOVAMAT - Inovação em Materiais Ltda. Chimbo Ltda. Exit Centre, Banja Luka Insdústria de Máquinas Bruno Ltda. Ciatronics - Centro de Robótica, Inteligência e Glas Srpske, Banja Luka Integral Engenharia Ltda. Automação Ltda. Intercontinental Hoteleira Ltda. Grad Banja Luka, Gradska Uprava, Banja Luka Clínica de Repouso Indaiá Ltda. Integral Inzinjering, Banja Luka Invit Information Services Ltda. Companhia Vale do Rio Doce Itaipu Binacional IPP, Bana Luka Construtora Lara Azevedo Ltda. McMilan, Banja Luka ITAL - Instituto de Tecnologia de Alimentos Consultema - Consultoria Treinamento e Jabur Informática S/A Orange Solutions, Banja Luka Sistemas Ltda. João de Paula Arquitetura Projekt, Banja Luka Cooperativa Central Oeste Catarinense Ltda. John Deere Brasil Ltda. Siemens, Banja Luka CQGC Centro de Qualifi cação de Gestão do Sumarski Fakultet, Banja Luka Conhecimento - Construtora e Pavimentadora Junge Belli Arquitetura Telekom Srpske, Banja luka Crillon Palace Hotel KC Empreendimentos Associados Ltda. Tenzo, Banja Luka Destaque Informática KS Produtos Automotivos Ltda. Tropic, Banja Luka ECIL - Produtos e Sistemas de Medição e Laboratório de Análises Clínicas Doutor Tropic Ribarstvo, Banja Luka Controle Ltda. Rogério Burnier Urbanisticki Zavod Republike Srpske, Banja Luka Editora Alto Astral Ltda. Lam Isolantes Térmicos Ltda. Participating Institutions Editora COC Empreendimentos Culturais Ltda. Lanny Comércio, Importação e Exportação Ltda. Arhitektonsko-Gradjevinski fakultet, Banja Luka Eletroeste Materiais Elétricos Ltda. Lemasa Indústria e Comércio Ltda. Elektrotehnicki fakultet, Banja Luka ENECEL - Energia, Comercialização e Linklaters Consultores em Direito Estrangeiro Filozofski fakultet, Banja Luka Consultoria Energética Ltda. Linux Engenharia Ltda. Gradjevinski fakultet, Sarajevo Engefoto Engenharia e Aerolevantamento S/A LMR Sul Construtora Masinski fakultet, Banja Luka Engemaq Engenharia e Comércio Ltda. M & I Arte Floral Ltda. Medicinski fakultet, Banja Luka Engexplo Desmonte a Explosivos Ltda. Maeda S/A Agroindustrial Sumarski Fakultet, Banja Luka ESALQ - USP - Escola Superior de Agricultura Magahosch Escritótio de Arquitetura Tehnoloski Fakultet, Banja Luka “Luiz de Queiroz”- Universidade de São Paulo Espaço Arquitetura Ltda. Manofer Ferramentaria Ltda. IAESTE ANNUAL REVIEW 2006 26 I A E S T E — A N N U A L R E V I E W 2 0 0 6

Marcelo Melhado Arquitetura e Interiores UNIMEP - Universidade Metodista de Lallemand Inc. Marcia Ivale Arquitetura e Interiores SC Ltda. Piracicaba Maplesoft Engineering Marco Projetos e Construções Ltda. Universidade Federal de Uberlândia McGill University Marlene Ricci Fabrício Ronca Arquitetura e Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro Dept. of Mechanical Engineering Interiores URPLAN Dept. of Natural Resource Sciences MCAD Comércio e Consultoria em Informática USP - Universidade de São Paulo McMaster University Ltda. Vallée S/A Dept. of Mechanical Engineering MESA Eletrotécnica Ltda. VAZIO Arquitetura Urbanismo e Laboratório Brockhouse Institute for Materials Research Metalúrgica Sakaguchi Ltda. Multimídia Ltda. Memorial University Minas Máquinas Administradora de Consórcios Voest Alpine Industrial Services do Brasil Ltda. Ocean Engineering Research Centre Ltda. Wizard São Carlos Mills Corp. Multicel Telecom S/A Zaler Informática Ltda. Ministry of Transportation - Ontario NC & S Tecnologia Ltda. Zani Arquitetos Novelis Inc. Net Tec Equipamentos para Escritório Ltda. Zero Um Informática Engenharia e Ontario Cancer Institute Nova São José Comércio de Café Ltda. Representações Ltda. PowerStream Inc. Novo Nordisk Produção Farmacêutica do Brasil Zukauskas e Cia Ltda. Queen’s University Oracides Adriano Engenharia Especial Ltda. Participating Institutions Human Mobility Research Centre Organização Educacional Alicerce CenPRA - Centro de Pesquisas Renato Archer Dept. of Chemical Engineering Painatex Indústria Têxtil Ltda. Centro Universitário do Instituto de Mauá de Dept. of Civil Engineering Panda Engenharia e Construção Ltda. Tecnologia Dept. of Mechanical & Materials Engineering Pandurata Alimentos Ltda. Centro Universitário Ritter dos Reis Dept. of Physics Petroquímica Triunfo S/A ESALQ - USP - Escola Superior de Agricultura “Luiz de Queiroz”- Universidade de São Paulo SemBioSys Genetics Inc. PortoSul Construtora Ltda. ESUP - Escola Superior Associada de Goiânia Sensolutions Inc. Prefeitura Municipal de Mariana ETEG Internet Ltda. Stantec Architects Prógonos Consultoria e Comércio Ltda. FEI - Fundação Educacional Inaciana Padre Unitron Hearing Ltd. Programmeris Informática Ltda. Sabóia de Mederiros Université de Montréal PUCAMP - Pontifícia Universidade Católica de FEMA - Fundação Educacional do Município Campinas de Assis IRO - Research Institute PUCMG - Pontifi cia Universidade Católica de ITAL - Instituto de Tecnologia de Alimentos Université de Québec Minas Gerais PUCAMP - Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Dept. of Forestry PUCRS - Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Campinas University of Alberta Rio Grande do Sul PUCMG - Pontifi cia Universidade Católica de Dept. of Agriculture, Food & Nutritional Science Reason Tecnologia S.A Minas Gerais Dept. of Biochemistry Rebouças Indústria de Plásticos Ltda. PUCRS - Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Dept. of Biology Rio Grande do Sul RESSOCIAL - Negócios Sustentáveis S/C Ltda. Dept. of Mechanical Engineering UEM- Universidade Estadual de Maringá Dept. of Rural Economy Rigesa Celulose, Papel e Embalagens Ltda. UFBA - Universidade Federal da Bahia University of Guelph Rio Grande Engenharia e Construções Ltda. UFMG - Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais Rudolph Usinados de Precisão Ltda. UFOP - Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto Dept. of Plant Agriculture S.A. Stéfani Comercial - Concessionária UFRRJ - Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de University of Lethbridge DaimlerChrysler do Brasil Ltda. Janeiro Dept. of Biological Sciences Scatolin & Stéfani S/C Ltda. UFSC - Universidade Federal de Santa University of Manitoba Silvio Todeschi Arquitetura Catarina Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering Smarapd Informática Ltda. UFSCAR - Universidade Federal de São University of Saskatchewan Sociedade Cultural Britânica Ilha do Leite Ltda. Carlos Dept. of Soil Science Sousa Machado Arquitetura UFV - Universaidade Federal de Viçosa University of Waterloo UNICAMP - Universaidade Estadual de SPEL - Serviço de Pavimentaçao e Engenharia Dept. of Earth Sciences Ltda. Campinas UNIMEP - Universidade Metodista de University of Western Ontario St. Giles Brasil Piracicaba Applied Electrostatics Research Centre Sulnet Informática Ltda. Universidade Federal de Uberlândia University of Windsor Sun Port School Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro Dept. of Mechanical & Materials Engineering Sun Quartz Ltda. USP - Universidade de São Paulo Dept. of Physics Superintendência de Água e Esgoto de Vancouver Coast & Mountains Tourism Ituiutaba CANADA Western Forest Products Ltd. Tauil, Chequer & Mello Advogados Participating Employers Windfi elds Farm Ltd. TDI Elecrtronics do Brasil Ltda. Applied Research Associates Inc. Xerox Research Centre of Canada TEBA Arquitetura e Planejamento S/C Ltda. AREVA/Cogema Resources Participating Institutions Tecbus - Consultoria e Projetos Barrick Gold Corp. Carleton University Techconsult Scandiuzzi & Olivan Enegenheiros BJ Pipeline Inspection Services Concordia University Associados BMW Group Canada College of the North Atlantic TECON SUAPE S/A Canadian Space Agency Dahousie University Tedesco Tecnologia Canadian Pacifi c Railways Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal Tele Design Serviços e Comércio de Concrete Design Communications Telemunicações Ltda. McGill University Dalhousie University Temig Soluções Tecnológicas McMaster University School of Biomedical Engineering Timken do Brasil Comercio e Industria Ltda. Memorial University of NF Dana Corporation Torres Miranda Arquitetura Queen’s University Diamond Aircraft Industries Inc. Trends Idiomas e Treinamento Ltda. Ryerson Polytechnical Institute DiMaria Orchards Ltd. Tripbrasil Turismo Ltda. Simon Fraser University DiscStream Inc. UEM- Universidade Estadual de Maringá Sir Sandford Fleming College EBA Engineering Consultants Ltd. UFBA - Universidade Federal da Bahia Université de Montréal Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal UFMG - Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais Université de Sherbrooke Dept. of Chemical Engineering UFOP - Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto University of Alberta Environment Canada UFRRJ - Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de University of British Columbia Janeiro Espar Products Inc. University of Calgary UFSC - Universidade Federal de Santa Fraser Basin Council University of Guelph Catarina Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital University of Manitoba UFSCAR - Universidade Federal de São H. H. Angus & Associates Ltd. University of New Brunswick Carlos InvoDane Engineering Ltd. University of Ottawa UFV - Universaidade Federal de Viçosa J. D. Irving Ltd. University of Regina UNICAMP - Universaidade Estadual de Kelsan Technologies Corp. University of Saskatchewan Campinas Kinectrics Inc. University of Toronto AND INSTITUTIONS EMPLOYERS 27 International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience

University of Victoria K-Nilandia Djuro Djaković - Alatnica University of Waterloo Laboratiorios de ensayos Electricos Industriales Djuro Djaković - Termoenergetska postrojenja University of Western Ontario Universidad Nacional de Colombia ENCONET INTERNATIONAL University of Windsor Molino Florhuila S.A. ERICSSON Nikola Tesla d.d Open Card S.A. EUROLIFT d.o.o. CHINA ORBITEL S.A. Geodetski zavod (Institute for Geodesy) Participating Employers Politecnico Colombiano GISDATA d.o.o. APTECH Beida Jade Bird SEILA Ltda. Gradnja d.o.o. Bayer MaterialScience APAC Suramericana de Seguros S.A. Gravia d.o.o. Beijing Tingyi Braking Manufacturing Co. Ltd. Universidad Autonoma de Bucaramanga HEP Distribucija - Slavonski Brod Celestica (Shanghai) R&D Center Universidad Autonoma de Occidente HEP Distribucija - Vinkovci Crystal Digital Technology Co. Ltd. Universidad de Antioquia HEP Operater distribucijskog sustava d.o.o. East China University of Science and Universidad de Caldas Osijek Technology Universidad de Ciencias Aplicadas y HEP Prijenos Egret Pharma (Shanghai) Limited Ambientales HEP Toplinarstvo d.o.o. Etoom Global Solutions (Group) Ltd. Universidad de Ibagué CORUNIVERSITARIA HEP Toplinarstvo Fusion Systems Shanghai (FSS) Universidad de la Sabana Hrvatske vode G-Technologies Co. Ltd. Universidad de la Salle INA - Oil Industry d.d. Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT) Universidad de Medellin Ing - Plan d.o.o. Huaxin Post & Telecommunications Universidad del Magdalena Institute for Photogrammetry Inc Innovalue Design Co. Ltd. Universidad del Quindio Institute of Transportation and Communications JH Design and Consulting (Shanghai) Inc. Universidad del Rosario Investinženjering d.o.o. Jiangsu Guoguang Electronic Information Universidad del Tolima IPK Kandit d.d. Technology Co. Ltd. Universidad del Valle Ireks-aroma d.o.o. Jin Jiang Hotels Universidad Javeriana de Cali Ivanko Arhitekton d.o.o. K.F.STONE Design International Inc. Canada Universidad Minuto de Dios Jadran Galenski Laboratorij d.d MicroPort Medical (Shanghai) Co. Ltd. Universidad Nacional de Colombia KD Autotrolej d.o.o. Shanghai Education Centre for Administrators Universidad Pedagogica Nacional KD Vodovod i kanalizacija d.o.o. Shanghai Fasteners IMP/EXP Co. Ltd. Universidad Pontifi cia Bolivariana Leko - biro Shanghai Huizhong Automotive Manufacturing Universidad San Buenaventura Messer Croatia Plin d.o.o. Co. Ltd. Universidad Tecnologica de Bolivar MIO Shanghai Libao digital, technical Co. Ltd. Universidad Tecnologica de Pereira Naturaagro d.o.o. Shanghai Motor Vehicle Inspection Center Zorosa Ltda. Nature Park “Kopački Rit Shanghai Wicresoft Co. Ltd. Participating Institutions NET MEDIA d.o.o. Shanghai Yufeng Investment Consulting, Co. EAFIT Ltd. Njemačko-hrvatska industrijska i trgovinska EAN komora SOFTRAY Co. Ltd. Escuela de Ingenieria de Antioquia Opatija Projekt Atelier Suzhou Zoyo Elevator Co. Ltd. Politecnico PLIVA d.d. Wu Jiao Chang Hi-tech Park Universidad Autonoma de Bucaramanga Point d.o.o. Yantai Wanhua Polyurethane Co. Ltd. Beijing Universidad Autónoma de Occidente Research Institute Produkcija 004 d.o.o. Universidad de Antioquia Yantai Wanhua Polyurethane Co. Ltd. Shanghai Projektant - Brod d.o.o. offi ce Universidad de Caldas Public Offi ce for Urban Planning and Zhejiang Giant Elevator Co. Ltd. Universidad de Ciencias Aplicadas y Construction Ambientales Zhejiang SUNON Furniture Manufacturing Co. Randić - Turato Ltd. Universidad de Ibagué Rencon d.o.o. OSIJEK Zhejiang Supor Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. Universidad de la Sabana Reprograph Zhejiang University Universidad de la Salle Rijekaprojekt d.o.o. Universidad de Magdalena Participating Institutions ROTOPLAST China Jiliang University Universidad del Quindio Ruđer Bošković Institute East China Normal University Universidad del Rosario Shipyard 3. Maj East China University of Science and Universidad del Sinú Slavonija DI d.o.o. Technology Universidad del Tolima Split Airport d.o.o. Harbin Institute of Technology Universidad del Valle State Geodetic Administration Peking University Universidad Nacional de Colombia State Institute of Hydrometeorology Shanghai University Universidad Pontifi cia Bolivariana Studio 3LHD d.o.o. Southeast University Universidad San Buenaventura Svod d.o.o. Tsinghua University Universidad Tecnológica de Bolivar TEB Informatika d.o.o. Zhejiang University Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira Technological Research Center in Osijek Zhejiang Yuying College of Technology Tehnika d.d. Zagreb CROATIA TIS - korisnički informacijski sustavi COLOMBIA Participating Employers University of Osijek Biology Department Participating Employers ADG d.o.o. University of Osijek, Department of Mathematics ACTUAR Tolima Adriaoblik d.o.o. University of Osijek, Faculty of Civil Engineering ANDI Agencija za obnovu osječke Tvrđe University of Osijek, Faculty of Electrical Centro de Conciliacion Universidad de Ibagué Alstom Hrvatska d.o.o. Engineering Centro de Idiomas Universidad de Ibagué APZ Inženjering d.d. University of Osijek, Faculty of Mechanical CIENYTEC Ltda. BF studio d.o.o. Engineering CONENERGIA BGS d.o.o. University of Split, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture Confecciones Minuto de Dios BIPOST d.o.o. University of Split, Faculty of Electrical Corporacion Colegiatura Colombiana City Hall (Department of Urbanization, Construction and Ecology) Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Naval DISTRAVES S.A. Architecture City Hall (Economy Department EAFIT University of Split, Faculty of Natural Sciences Civil Engineering Institute Of Croatia Environmental Services E.U. University of Zagreb, Faculty of Architecture Civil Engineering Institute of Croatia Escuela de Administracion de Negocios University of Zagreb, Faculty of Civil Fondo de Garantias del Tolima ConAR d.o.o. Engineering FUNDAUNIBAN Croatia Airlines d.d. University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Geoingenieria Ltda. Croatian Academic and Research Network Engineering - CARNet Hugo y Marulanda B University of Zagreb, Faculty of Food Croatian Geodetic Institute Technology and Biotechnology


University of Zagreb, Faculty of Geodesy VIGOUR spol. s r.o Blaagaard Seminarium, Teachers College University of Zagreb, Faculty of Mechanical VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava Copenhagen Business School Engineering Brno University of Technology, Department of Royal Danish Academy of Arts University of Zagreb, Faculty of Natural Power Electrical and Electronic Engineering Technical University of Denmark Sciences, Department of Biology - Molecular WALTER a.s. The Danish University of Pharmaceutical Biology Participating Institutions Sciences University of Zagreb, University Computer Brno University of Technology The Royal Veterinary and Agriculture University, Centre (SRCE) Czech Technical University in Prague Denmark University or Zagreb, Faculty of Natural Czech University of Agriculture University College of Aarhus Sciences, Department of Biology - Zoology Charles University in Prague University of Copenhagen UPI-2M d.o.o. The Institute of Chemical Technology Prague University of Southern Denmark Viadukt d.d. Masaryk University in Brno Vibrobeton d.d Mendel University of Agriculture and Forestry ECUADOR VIPnet d.o.o. in Brno Participating Employers Viro d.o.o. Technical University of Liberec Agriculturala de la costa WERKOS d.o.o. Technical University of Ostrava Universidad Internacional del Ecuador Zagreb Brewery d.d. Tomas Bata University in Zlin Alfombras San Andrés Zavod za tlo (Institute for Soil) University of Veterinary Sciences in Brno Universidad Politécnica Nacional ZGOS d.o.o. DENMARK Alvaz Cons Participating Institutions Universidad San Francisco de Quito USFQ University of Osijek Participating Employers AQ Energy University of Rijeka AK 83 Architectural offi ce A/S Universidad Tecnológica Equinoccial University of Split AKV Langholt A.m.b.A. Astap University of Zagreb ARLA Foods amba Aalborg University, Dept. of Production Bayer Aarhus Municipality, City Road Division Bco Pichincha CYPRUS BioCentrum - DTU Biometrika Participaring Employers Blumedia British American Tobacco (Cyprus) Ltd. B-K Medical A/S BYCA Trading Cyprus Forest Industries Bureau Veritas Compuequip Cyprus Land Development Corporation Chr. Hansen A/S Constructiva Cyprus Telecommunications Authority Codan Gummi A/S Demaruri Publicidad Electricity Authority of Cyprus Coloplast A/S DIAF Forest Park Hotel COWI A/S EBC Coca Cola Company Joannou & Paraskevaides Ltd. Danisco Sugar and Sweeteners, Development Center Empresa del Centro Historico Municipality of Nicosia The Danish University of Pharmaceutical Seguro Equinoccial Sewerage Board of Nicosia Sciences Estrusa Water Board of Nicosia Danish Fishery Research Green Valley School Participating Institutions Danish Research Institute for Fishery Research Hotel Libertador Higher Technical Institute Danish Technological Institute Imocom University of Cyprus DSB Salg, Byggerådgivning INC Food Services Corp KFC Dyrup A/S Industrias OZZ CZECH REPUBLIC Elsam Kraft A/S inmobiliaria Santa Lucía Participating Employers Energi E2 JR Vallejo y Asociados ABB s.r.o. FLSmidth Automation A/S Kia Motors ABB s.r.o., BAU PTPM Gentofte Kommune, Technical Department Melrose Café AGA-Letiště s.r.o. GN ReSound A/S Movistar ALPS Electric Czech, s.r.o Grundfos International a/s Pronaca AZ Geo, s.r.o. Haldor Topsøe A/S Rose Almacenes Czech Technical University in Prague, House of Prince A/S Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Seguros Olympus H:S Pharmacy Czech Technical University in Prague, Semagro Faculty of Electrical Engineering Institute of Mechanical Engineering -AAU Serpin Publicidad Czech Technical University in Prague, KIRK telecom A/S Servicio abordo R&D Centre for Mobile Communication Knud E. Hansen A/S Servicios y Remadiación Czech University of Agriculture LBF (landsbyggifelagio P/F) -the Faroe Islands Software House ČSOB, a.s. LEO Pharma A/S Soho DATASOFT - Informační systémy, s.r.o. Microsoft Business Solutions Sun mountain DEKTRADE a.s. Mærsk Data Defence A/S Sysdata Deza, a.s. Nilfi sk-Advance A/S Textil San Pedro FCC Průmyslové systémy s.r.o. Niras Consultants & Planners Textiquim i - Age Cz, s.r.o. NNE A/S Tierra Volcán The Institute of Chemical Technology Prague NOKIA Danmark A/S, Networks Torres y Noboa Institute of Geonics Novo Nordisk A/S Participating Institutions Institute of Industrial Engineering Novozymes A/S Universidad Internacional del Ecuador Institute of Plasma Physics Novozymes A/S, IT Universidad Politécnica Nacional Jiran Kohout architekti s.r.o. Per Aarsleff A/S Universidad San Francisco de Quito USFQ Mikrotechna Praha, a.s. Ramboell Universidad Tecnológica Equinoccial Nuclear Physics Institute ASCR Scandinavian Micro Biodevices A/S REALdesign Scientifi c-Atlanta Arcodan A/S EGYPT RECOC, spol. s r.o. Seven Technologies A/S Participating Employers Silicon & Software Systems Česká republika TAC A/S Alexandria National Iron and Steel Co. s.r.o. Technical University of Denmark, Alexandria Skanska CZ a.s. (Divize Pozemní stavitelství Department of Chemistry Alexandria Petroelum Co. Alexandria Morava) UNI-C -DTU Aluminum Co. of Egypt, Naga Hammadi Skanska Facilities Management CZ, s.r.o. VELUX A/S Arab Contractors Co. Technical University of Liberec Zealand Pharma A/S Cairo Petroleum Refi ning Co. Cairo TEMAC a.s. Zgene A/S Egyptian Iron and Steel Co. Helwan Tomas Bata University in Zlin, Participating Institutions El-Ameraya Petroleum Refi ning Co. Alexandria Faculty of Technology Aalborg University El-Dahan and Farid Offi ce, Cairo Veterinary Research Institute Aalborg University, Esbjerg General Petroleum Co. Cairo EMPLOYERS AND INSTITUTIONS EMPLOYERS 29 International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience

German - Arab Arch. Offi ce, Cairo Silmak DOOEL - Tetovo HAHA Architecture Gulf Suez Petroleum Co. (GUPCO) Cairo Simens Pretstavnistvo - Skopje OPAC Vosges Misr Petroleum Co. Cairo Sneper Trejd - Skopje Résidence Ciel et Logis National Cement Co. Helwan Siskon - Skopje S.A BELIPA Private Arch. Offi ce of Prof. Dr. Amr. El- Sitel Televizija - Skopje SIS Halafawy, Cairo TGC Technicki gasovi AD - Skopje Participating Institutions Private Arch. Offi ce of Prof. Dr. Ahmed Abdeen, TD Konti Hidroplast - Gevgelija Ecole Centrale de Lyon Cairo. Toplifi kacija AD - Skopje Ecole Française de Papeterie et des Industries Participating Institutions USA- MAK kompjuteri - Skopje Graphiques Ain Shams University Vardar dolomit DOO - Skopje Ecole Internationale de Montpellier Alexandria University Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Participating Institutions Clermont Ferrand Arab Academy for Science and Technology “St. Cyril and Methodius” University, Skopje Assiut University Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de “St. Kliment Ohridski” University, Bitola Rennes Benha High Institute of Technology Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Hydraulique et de Cairo University FINLAND Mécanique de Grenoble Elmenya University Participating Employers Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Techniques Helwan University ABB Oy Industrielles et des Mines de Nantes High Institute of Technology, Tenth Ramadan Åbo Akademi University Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Tours Suez Canal University City of Helsinki, City Planning Department, Ecole Supérieure Nationale de Commerce Town Planning ESSEC Business School ESTONIA City of Helsinki, City Planning Department, Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon Participating Employers Traffi c Planning Université Technique de Compiègne AB Allan Strus Architects City of Kuopio, Technical division AB Luhse & Tuhal Consolis Technology Oy Ab As Teede Rev-2 Elektrobit Oy GERMANY Inrestauraator Project Ltd. Elomatic Oy Participating Employers 3 B Scientifi c GmbH , Hamburg KPME A&K Design Finnish Forest Research Institute METLA ABNOBA Heilmittel GmbH, Pforzheim Semetron Ltd. Finnish Road Association, Häme District Across Barriers GmbH, Intelligent Drug Skype Technologies Helsinki Energy Profi ling, Saarbrücken Participating Institutions Helsinki University of Technology ACTech GmbH, Freiberg Estonian University of Life Sciences Kalmar Industries Oy Ab Adam Opel AG, Rüsselsheim Tallinn Polytechnic School Kemira Pigments Oy AFT Atlas Fahrzeugtechnik GmbH, Werdohl Tallinn University of Technology Koskisen Oy AIDA Development GmbH, Hamburg Kumijaloste Oy Airbus Deutschland GmbH, Bremen F.Y.R. MACEDONIA Lappeenranta University of Technology AJZ Engineering GmbH, Jena Participating Employers Metso Paper Oy Jyväskylä Akkreditierungs-, Certifi zierungs-, A1 Televizija - Skopje Miilukangas Ky Qualitätssicherungsinstitut ACQUIN e.V., ADG Ilinden - Skopje Opus Capita Plc Bayreuth Algreta AD - Resen Outokumpu Pori Tube Oy Akkreditierungsagentur für Studiengänge der AMSM - Skopje Outokumpu Poricopper Oy Ingenieurwissenschaften, der Informatik, der ASUC “ Boro Petrusevski” - Skopje Pori Energy Naturwissenschaften und der Mathematik e.V., Avto Kuka - Skopje Pyhäsalmi Mine Oy Düsseldorf Bortas DOO - Skopje Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences ALSTOM Power Conversion GmbH, Berlin Cosmofon AD - Skopje Stora Enso Packing Oy Lahti angaris GmbH , Halle Dasto DOOEL - Skopje Sulzer Pumps Finland Oy, Mänttä Pump Architektengruppe, Schweitzer + Partner, Braunschweig Dijagnostika Pfarmahem - Skopje Factory AS Solar GmbH, Hannover Elektrorama - M AD - Skopje Tamfelt OYJ ABP Atlas Copco Construction Tools GmbH, Essen Elem AD HEC “Mavrovo” - Gostivar Tampere University of Technology ATZ-Entwicklungszentrum, Processes & Elmond elektro - Skopje University of Helsinki, Hyytiälä Forestry Field Station Materials for, Sulzbach-Rosenberg Ergoland DOO - Skopje Audi AG, Personalmarketing, Neckarsulm Evropa AD - Skopje University of Oulu UPM-Kymmene Wood Oy Lahti Balfour-Beatty Rail GmbH, Power Systems, Fabrika za kvasec i alkohol - Bitola München Vaasa Polytechnic Facom - Inzinering - Skopje Baltic GmbH, Rostock Wärtsilä Finland Oy Fersped AD - Skopje BASF Aktiengesellschaft, Rekrutierung FOD DOOEL AD Elem - Skopje Participating Institutions Naturwissenschaftler und Ingenieure, Geing - Skopje Åbo Akademi University Ludwigshafen Gisdata - Skopje Helsinki University of Business and Applied Bau Barth Holzbau GmbH, Owingen Sciences Helia Granit AD - Skopje Baufeld-Umwelt-Engineering GmbH, Chemnitz Helsinki University of Technology Hi- Tech corporation - Skopje Bauknecht Hausgeräte GmbH, Personal- und Lahti University of Applied Sciences IDEA PLUS DOO - Skopje Sozialwesen, Lappeenranta University of Technology IZIIS - Skopje Bayerische Flaschen-Glashüttenwerke, Satakunta Polytechnic Wiegand & Söhne GmbH & Co. KG, JP Strezevo - Bitola Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences Steinbach am Wald JP Vodovod i Kanalizacija - Skopje Tampere Polytechnic Bayerischer Rundfunk, München Lombardini TP - Skopje Tampere University of Technology Beak Consultants GmbH, Freiberg Lotarija na Makedonija AD - Skopje Turku University of Applied Sciences Biochemie-Zentrum Heidelberg, Mak Auto Star - Skopje University of Helsinki Prof. Felix T. Wieland, Heidelberg Makstil AD - Skopje University of Jyväskylä Bioprodukte Prof. Steinberg, Produktions- und Makedonija On - line - Skopje Vertriebs GmbH & Co KG, Klötze University of Oulu MIT Industrija - Skopje Biosphärenreservat, Schorfheide-Chorin, University of Tampere MEPSO - Skopje Angermünde University of Turku NETCETERA - Skopje BJB GmbH & Co. KG, Arnsberg (Neheim) OKTA - Skopje Björnsen Beratende Ingenieure GmbH, Koblenz Pecatnica “Kiro Dandaro” - Bitola FRANCE Blaupunkt GmbH, Personalabteilung, Peksim - Skopje Participating Employers Hildesheim Ateliers Jean Nouvel Pelister DOO - Bitola BMW AG , Werk Dingolfi ng , Dingolfi ng BEA Systems Porsche Macedonia DOOEL - Skopje Bosch Rexroth AG, Lohr am Main DORALAINE REK “ Bitola” - Bitola Brandt und Wangler, Kran- und Transport FAURECIA RZ Institut - Skopje GmbH, Magdeburg GTS Industries RZ Technicka kontrola AD - Skopje Brose Fahrzeugtechnik GmbH & Co. KG, IAESTE ANNUAL REVIEW 2006 30 I A E S T E — A N N U A L R E V I E W 2 0 0 6

Kommanditgesellschaft, Coburg FH Münster, Fachbereich Hahn-Meitner-Institut, Berlin Bühner & Schaible GmbH, Elektrotechnik Chemieingenieurwesen, Steinfurt Harman/Becker Automotive Systems GmbH, - Fördertechnik, Berglen FH Oldenburg/ Ostfriesland/ Wilhelmshaven, FB EDS, H. Klemm, Ulm Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung, und - Technik/Angew. Informatik, Emden Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG, HR-DO prüfung (BAM), Berlin FH Westküste, Heide Personalentwicklung, Wiesloch Bundesanstalt für Straßenwesen, FH Zittau, Fachbereich Mathematik/ Heinle, Wischer und Partner, Freie Architekten Bergisch Gladbach Naturwissenschaften, Zittau GbR, Bundesanstalt für Züchtungsforschung, FH Zittau, FB Bauwesen, Zittau Henkel KGaA, HRC/Corporate Recruitment an Kulturpfl anzen, Quedlinburg FH Zittau, Institut für Ökologie und Management, Düsseldorf Bundesdruckerei GmbH, Berlin Umweltschutz, Zittau Henn Architekten, München Bundesforschungsanstalt für Landwirtschaft FH Zittau, IPM, Zittau Hessisches Landesmuseum, (FAL), Institut für Betriebstechnik und FH Zwickau, FB Maschinenbau und Naturgeschichtliche Abteilung, Darmstadt Bauforschung, Braunschweig Kraftfahrzeugtechnik, Zwickau Hilmer & Sattler, und Albrecht, Berlin Busch-Jaeger, Lüdenscheider Metallwerk FH Zwickau, FB Physikalische Technik/ Hochschule für Fernsehen und Film / sagas, GmbH, Lüdenscheid Informatik, Zwickau München Celisca, Rostock FH Zwickau, Zentrum für neue Studienformen, Hochschule Harz, Fachbereich AI, Wernigerode Christoph Miethke GmbH & Co. KG, Potsdam Zwickau Hochschule Harz, Wernigerode Cognis Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG, FLABEG GmbH & CoKG, Furth im Wald Hochschule Magdeburg-Stendal, Fachbereich Düsseldorf Ford-Werke GmbH, Köln Wasserwirtschaft, Magdeburg Communology GmbH, Herzogenrath Forschungsgesellschaft, für Energie und, Berlin Hochschule Merseburg (FH), Fachbereich Conplaning GmbH, Ulm Forschungsinstitut für anorganische Werkstoffe, Ingenieur- und Naturwissenschaften, Merseburg, Laboratorium GmbH, Bensheim Glas/Keramik GmbH, Höhr-Grenzhausen Hochschule Niederrhein, FB Elektrotechnik und CUTEC-Institut GmbH, Clausthal-Zellerfeld Forschungsinstitut für Kinderernährung, Informatik, Krefeld DaimlerChrysler , Forschung und Technologie, Dortmund Hochschule Niederrhein, University of Applied Ulm Forschungsinstitut für, Pigmente und Lacke e. Science, Krefeld DaimlerChrysler AG, Abt. Füge- und V. Stuttgart Hochschule Wismar, Wismar Bearbeitungstechnik , Ulm Forschungszentrum Rossendorf e.V., Institut für HS Merseburg , Fachbereich IKS, Merseburg DaimlerChrysler AG, Abt. ITP/AP T151, Sicherheitsforschung, Dresden HSU Hamburg, Fachbereich Maschinenbau, Werk 10, Stuttgart-Untertürkheim Forschungszentrum Rossendorf e.V., Institute Hamburg DaimlerChrysler AG, HPC 265, Gaggenau of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research, htg, Electronic Systems for Measurement Degussa AG, Hanau-Wolfgang Dresden GmbH, Oberhaching Degussa AG, Marl Fraunhofer IIS, Fraunhofer Institut für Integrierte HTW Dresden, Fachbereich Elektrotechnik, Schaltungen, Dresden delta h, Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH, Dortmund Dresden Fraunhofer Institut für Angewandte Optik und HTW Dresden, Fachbereich Landbau/ DENSO AUTOMOTIVE, Deutschland GmbH, Feinmechanik, Jena Eching Landespfl ege, Dresden Fraunhofer Institut für Graphische HTW Dresden, FB Bauingenieurwesen/ Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswaertige Politik, Datenverarbeitung, Darmstadt Berlin Architektur, Dresden Fraunhofer Institut für Lasertechnik, Aachen Deutsche Telekom AG, T-Com, Bonn HTW Dresden, FB Vermessungswesen/ Fraunhofer Institut für Solare Energiesysteme Kartographie, Dresden Deutscher Wetterdienst, Agrarmeteorologische ISE, Labor- und Servicecenter, Gelsenkirchen Forschung, Braunschweig HTW Dresden, Lehrgebiet Hydraulik und Fraunhofer Institut für Systemtechnik, und Pneumatik, Dresden Deutsches Institut für Ernährungsforschung, Innovationsforschung, Karlsruhe Potsdam-Rehbrücke, Nuthetal HU Berlin, Institut für Mathematik, Berlin Fraunhofer Institut für Verfahrenstechnik, und HU Berlin, Institut für Physik, Berlin Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt Verpackung, Freising e.V., Institut für Flugführung, Braunschweig HU Berlin, Landwirtschaftlich-Gärtnerische Fraunhofer Institut für, Photonische Fakultät, Berlin Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Mikrosysteme, Dresden Raumfahrt, Institut für Bauweisen und Huhtamaki Alf, Zweigniederlassung der, Alf / Konstruktionsforschung, Stuttgart Fraunhofer Institut, Verfahrenstechnik und Mosel Verpackung, Freising Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, Huss Umwelttechnik GmbH, Nürnberg Institut für Luft- und Raumfahrtmedizin, Köln Fraunhofer-Insitut für Schicht- und Hydro-Ingenieure GmbH, Düsseldorf Oberfl ächentechnik, IST, Braunschweig Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, IAVF Antriebstechnik AG, Karlsruhe Institut für Verbrennungstechnik, Stuttgart Fraunhofer-Institut für Solare Energiesysteme, ISE, Freiburg IBB Becker + Becker, Ingenieurgesellschaft DLR Rheinpfalz, Dienstleistungszentrum mbH, Braunschweig Ländlicher Raum, Oppenheim Fraunhofer-Institut, Institut für zerstörungsfreie Prüfverfahren, Saarbrücken IBK - Ingenieurbüro Dr. Kretzschmar, Nürnberg DLR-Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Fresenius Medical Care Deutschland GmbH, IBM Deutschland GmbH, Studentenprogramme, Raumfahrt e.V., Institut für Raumfahrtantriebe, Herrenberg Hardthausen Bad Homburg Freudenberg Haushaltsprodukte KG, Mannheim IFU GmbH, Lichtenau Dr. Ecklebe GmbH, Reddeber IGV Institut für Getreideverarbeitung GmbH, Dresdner Ökotherm GmbH, Dresden FU Berlin, Fachbereich Mathematik und Informatik, Berlin Biotechnologie, Nuthetal DS Plan GmbH, Ingeniergesellschaft für FU Berlin, Fachbereich Physik, Berlin IIC, Berlin ganzheitliche Bauberatung und -planung, Infi neon Technologies AG, HR TS VM, Stuttgart Gamma-Service, Produktbestrahlung GmbH, Radeberg Neubiberg EAB Projektbau GmbH, Freiberg Ingenieurbüro für Bauwerkserhaltung Weimar EADS Deutschland GmbH, Friedrichshafen GATERMANN + SCHOSSIG, Architekten Generalplaner, Köln GmbH, Weimar ECE Europa Bau- und Projektmanagement GBF mbH, Braunschweig Ingenieurbüro T. Sauer, Gierstädt G.m.b.H., Hamburg Ingenieurbüro, Hintze & Koldrack GmbH, ECT Ökotoxikologie GmbH, Flörsheim GE Global Research, Zweigniederlassung der, Garching Rostock Ed. Züblin AG, Bauunternehmung, Stuttgart Gerber Architekten, Dortmund Ingenieurgesellschaft, Prof. Dr.-Ing. E. Macke EnOcean GmbH, Oberhaching mbH, Braunschweig Gesamtverband des deutschen equinux AG, München Steinkohlenbergbaus , Essen Ingenieursozietät, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Katzenbach GmbH, Darmstadt ESA Elektroschaltanlagen Grimma GmbH, Gesellschaft für Biotechnologische Forschung Grimma (GBF), German Research Centre for Institut für Agrartechnik Bornim e.V. ATB, EUCC, Die Küsten Union Deutschland e.V. Biotechnology, Braunschweig Potsdam Warnemünde Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung mbH, Institut für Angewandte Chemie, Berlin- Federal-Mogul Nürnberg GmbH, Nürnberg Darmstadt Adlershof e.V. Berlin FernUniversität in Hagen, Prozesssteuerung GfE Metalle und Materialien GmbH, Nürnberg Institut für angewandte, Gewässerökologie (IaGB) GmbH, Seddiner See und Regelungstechnik, Hagen GKSS Forschungszentrum Geesthacht GmbH, FH Brandenburg, Fachbereich Informatik und Geesthacht Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen, z.H. Frau Elke-Karina Rothbart, Stuttgart Medien, Brandenburg GreyLogix GmbH, Flensburg FH Jena, Fachbereich Elektrotechnik, Jena Institut für Energie- und Umwelttechnik e.V. GSF Forschungszentrum, für Umwelt und Duisburg FH Lippe und Höxter, Abt. Detmold / Gesundheit GmbH, Oberschleißheim- Fachbereich 1, Detmold Neuherberg Institut für Vogelforschung, Vogelwarte Helgoland, Wilhelmshaven FH Lübeck, Kompetenzzentrum Wasserstoff-, GTT Gesellschaft für Technologie Transfer Lübeck mbH, Hannover intermetric, Gesellschaft für

Ingenieurvermessung und, Stuttgart AND INSTITUTIONS EMPLOYERS 31 International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience

INVERS, Innovative Verkehrstelematiksysteme Procter&Gamble Manufacturing GmbH, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Fakultät 3 / Inst. für GmbH, Siegen Schwalbach a. Ts. Geologie, Freiberg iO Software GmbH, Freiburg proDERM, Institut für Angewandte TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Fakultät 4 IPH, Institut für Integrierte Produktion, Hannover Dermatologische Forschung, Schenefeld Maschinenbau, Verfahrens- u. Energietechnik, IPROPLAN Chemnitz , Planungsgesellschaft R. Wirth CNC-Präzisionsteile GmbH, Aurachtal Freiberg mbH, Chemnitz RapidSolution Software AG , Karlsruhe TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Inst. für IRIS, Infrared Innovation Systems GmbH, Rat für Formgebung, Frankfurt Energieverfahrenstechnik, Freiberg Lüneburg ratiopharm Gruppe, Ulm TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Institut für Aufbereitungsmaschinen, Freiberg ISM Global Dynamics, Kronberg Regierungspräsidium Stuttgart, Landesamt für iwb Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH, Braunschweig Flurneuordnung, Kornwestheim TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Institut für Energieverfahrenstechnik, Freiberg JENASENSORIC e.V., Jena Robert Bosch GmbH, Corporate Research & Development, Stuttgart TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Institut für Kali-Umwelttechnik GmbH, Sondershausen Geologie, Lehrstuhl Hydrogeologie, Freiberg KIST Europe Forschungsgesellschaft mbH, Robert Bosch GmbH, Geschäftsbereich Energie- u. Karosseriesysteme, Bühl TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Institut für Keramik, Human Engineering, Saarbrücken Glas- und Baustofftechnik, Freiberg Kister Scheithauer Gross, Architekten und Robert Bosch GmbH, GS-CP/ENG 6, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Institut für Stadtplaner, Köln Werkstoffwissenschaft, Freiberg Robert Bosch GmbH, Karlsruhe Köpf Ingenieur GmbH, Planegg bei München TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Lehrstuhl für Kraft Foods Deutschland GmbH , Bremen Robert Bosch GmbH, Personalabteilung Thermische und Umweltverfahrenstechnik, KSE GmbH, Division Trosifol, Troisdorf Schillerhöhe, Stuttgart Freiberg KUKA Schweissanlagen GmbH, Augsburg Robert Bosch GmbH, Personalabteilung TU Berlin, FG Informatik, Berlin Schwieberdingen, Stuttgart Landesamt für Vermessung und TU Berlin, FG Standortkunde und Bodenschutz, Geoinformation, München Robert Koch-Institut, Bereich Wernigerode, Berlin Wernigerode Landeswohlfahrtsverband Hessen, Der TU Berlin, Forschungsschwerpunkt Applied Verwaltungsausschuss, Kassel Rockwool, Deutsche Rockwool Mineralwoll Life Sciences and Technology Pool (ALSTEP), GmbH & Co. OHG, Gladbeck Landschaftgestaltung, Straßen-, Tief- und Berlin Wasserbau GmbH, Freiberg RSC Rohrbau und Sanierungs GmbH , Cottbus TU Braunschweig, Institut für Datentechnik , Landwirtschaftliche Untersuchungs-, und RWTH Aachen, Deutsches Braunschweig Forschungsanstalt, Karlsruhe Wollforschungsinstitut, Aachen TU Chemnitz, Institut für Fertigungstechnik/ Langhammer Maschinenbau GmbH, Freiberg RWTH Aachen, Institut für Textiltechnik, Aachen Schweißtechnik, Chemnitz LEFO-Institut, Ahrensburg RWTH Aachen, IWW - Wasserbaulabor und TU Chemnitz, Institut für Physik, Chemnitz Institut, Aachen Leibniz-Institut für Festkörper- und TU Clausthal , Institut für Werkstoffkunde, Werkstoffforschung, Dresden RWTH Aachen, Lehstuhl für Textilchemie, Clausthal-Zellerfeld Aachen Leibniz-Institut für Naturstoff-Forschung, und TU Clausthal, Institut für Bergbau, Clausthal- Infektionsbiologie e.V., Jena Sächsisches Landesamt , für Umwelt und Zellerfeld Geologie, Dresden Lenord, Bauer & Co. GmbH, Oberhausen TU Clausthal, Institut für Chemische Saint-Gobain Performance Plastics, Pampus Loos Deutschland GmbH, Gunzenhausen Verfahrenstechnik, Clausthal-Zellerfeld GmbH, Willich TU Clausthal, Institut für Elektrische Lufthansa Technik Aktiengesellschaft, SAMSON AG, Frankfurt Hochschulkontakte + Nachwuchsprogramme, Informationstechnik, Clausthal-Zellerfeld Hamburg SBI Spanheimer Bornemann Ingenieure, TU Clausthal, Institut für Geotechnik und Beratende Ingenieure für Bauwesen und LUK GmbH & Co. oHG, Bühl Markscheidewesen, Clausthal-Zellerfeld Vermessung, Hamburg TU Clausthal, Institut für Maschinenwesen, Mann + Hummel GmbH, Marklkofen Schlaich Bergermann und Partner, Beratende Marketing Mix International, Senden/ Ulm Clausthal-Zellerfeld Ingenieure im Bauwesen, Stuttgart TU Clausthal, Institut für Nicht Nichtmetallische Materialprüfungsanstalt (MPA), Universität Schupke Consulting AG, Gelsenkirchen Stuttgart, Stuttgart Werkstoffe, Clausthal-Zellerfeld Schüßler-Plan, Ingenieurgesellschaft für TU Clausthal, Institut für Physik und Max-Planck-Institut für Bioanorganische Bau- und, Düsseldorf Chemie, Mülheim Physikalische Technologien, Clausthal- Seeburger AG, Bretten Zellerfeld Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH, SF-Ausbau GmbH, Freiberg Düsseldorf TU Clausthal, Institut für Polymerwerkstoffe, Siemens AG , COM Personalabteilung, Clausthal-Zellerfeld Max-Planck-Institut für molekulare München Pfl anzenphysiologie, Potsdam OT Golm TU Cottbus, Institut für Informatik, Cottbus Siemens AG, Corporate Personnel, Erlangen Max-Planck-Institut, für evolutionäre TU Cottbus, Lehrstuhl für Vermessungskunde, Anthropologie, Leipzig Siemens AG, Power Generation, Offenbach Cottbus Mecadi GmbH - Chemicals/Processing, Siempelkamp, Nukleartechnik GmbH, Krefeld TU Cottbus, Lehrstuhl Tragwerkslehre, Cottbus Biomedizinisches Zentrum, Homburg SMS Demag Aktiengesellschaft, Hilchenbach- TU Cottbus, LS Anlagen - und Micronas GmbH, München Dahlbruch Sicherheitstechnik, Cottbus Mollmann Beratende Ingenieure, MBI, SMS Elotherm GmbH, Industriegebiet Bergisch TU Cottbus, LS Chemische Reaktionstechnik, Darmstadt Born, Remscheid Cottbus Montanes GmbH, Karlsruhe SMS Mevac GmbH, Essen TU Cottbus, LS Mechanische Verfahrenstechnik, Cottbus MTU Aero Engines GmbH, München Software AG, Darmstadt TU Darmstadt, Deutsches Kunststoff-Institut, nanoplus GmbH, Gerbrunn SSF-Verbindungsteile GmbH, Nürnberg Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Hamburg, Darmstadt Nationalpark Unteres Odertal, Schwedt/ OT TU Dresden, Fachrichtung Mathematik, Criewen Carl von Ossietzky, Hamburg Stadt Donauwörth, Donauwörth Dresden NEFF GmbH, Bretten TU Dresden, Fakultät Elektrotechnik und NEK, Beratende Ingenieure, Berlin-Mitte Stiftung Institut für Werkstofftechnik, Hauptabteilung Verfahrenstechnik, Bremen Informationstechnik, Dresden New Commercial Room TU Dresden, Fakultät Maschinenwesen, Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH, Hamburg Stiftung Tierärztliche Hochschule Hannover, Hannover Dresden Norddeutsche Seekabelwerke GmbH & Co KG, ST-oneline GmbH, Rheine TU Dresden, Institut für Energiemaschinen und Nordenham Maschinenlabor, Dresden Südwestrundfunk (SWR), Stuttgart ÖHMI Engineering GmbH, Magdeburg TU Dresden, Institut für Festkörpermechanik, ORGA GmbH, Karlsruhe SWIPe Software Engineering & Project Dresden Management GmbH, Nürnberg Panasonic Electronic, Devices Europe GmbH, TU Dresden, Institut für Kartographie, Dresden TCS TürControlSysteme AG, Genthin Lüneburg TU Dresden, Institut für Leichtbau und Peter und Lochner, Beratende Ingenieure für Technikzentrum Lübeck, Lübeck Kunststofftechnik, Dresden Bauwesen GmbH, Stuttgart telefi GmbH, Gl. E. Breitenfeld, Dachau TU Dresden, Institut für Nachrichtentechnik, Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Texas Instruments, Deutschland GmbH, Dresden Braunschweig Freising TU Dresden, Institut für Produktionstechnik, Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Thoma Architekten, Zeulenroda Dresden Institut Berlin, Berlin Topos, Stadtplanung, Landschaftsplanung, TU Dresden, Lehrstuhl Stadtbauwesen, PMB Projektmanagement u. Beratungs GmbH, Berlin Dresden Cottbus TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Chair for TU Dresden, Vodafone Stiftungslehrstuhl, ProCom Systemhaus und, Ingenieur- Geochemistry and Earth System Science, Dresden Unternehmen GmbH, Aachen Freiberg TU Hamburg-Harburg, Arbeitsbereich Mikrosystemtechnik, Hamburg IAESTE ANNUAL REVIEW 2006 32 I A E S T E — A N N U A L R E V I E W 2 0 0 6

TU Hamburg-Harburg, Bioprozess- und Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg, Institut Universität Hohenheim, Tropenzentrum (790), Bioverfahrenstechnik, Hamburg für Fahrzeugtechnik und Antriebsysteme, Stuttgart TU Hamburg-Harburg, Verfahrenstechnik 2, Hamburg Universität Hohenheim, Zentrale Hamburg Universität der Bundeswehr München, Fakultät Studienberatung, Stuttgart TU Ilmenau, Fachgebiet “Verteilte Systeme und für Informatik, Neubiberg Universität Jena, Fakultät für Mathematik und Betriebssysteme”, Ilmenau Universität der BW Hamburg, Fachbereich Informatik, Jena TU Ilmenau, Fachgebiet Kommunikationsnetze, Maschinenbau, Hamburg Universität Jena, Institut für Ilmenau Universität des Saarlandes, Fachrichtung Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnologie, TU Ilmenau, Fakultät für Maschinenbau, Biowissenschaften (FR 8.3) - Botanik, Jena Ilmenau Saarbrücken Universität Jena, Institut für Mikrobiologie/ TU Ilmenau, FG Telematik / Rechnernetze, Universität Dortmund, Fachbereich Bio- und Mikrobielle Phytopathologie, Jena Ilmenau Chemieingenieurwesen, Dortmund Universität Jena, Otto-Schott-Institut für TU Ilmenau, Insitut für Medientechnik, Ilmenau Universität Duisburg/Essen, Standort Essen, Glaschemie, Jena TU Ilmenau, Institut für Medien- und Essen Universität Kaiserslautern, Lehrstuhl für Kommunikationswissenschaft, Ilmenau Universität Duisburg-Essen, Institut für Laser- Technische Thermodynamik, Kaiserslautern TU Ilmenau, Institut für Medientechnik, Ilmenau und Plasmaphysik, Essen Universität Karlsruhe, Institut für TU Ilmenau, Institut für Physik, Ilmenau Universität Erlangen, Institut für Informatik 12, Biomedizinische Technik, Karlsruhe Erlangen TU Kaiserslautern, Fachgebiet Bodenmechanik Universität Karlsruhe, Institut für und Grundbau, Kaiserslautern Universität Erlangen, Institut für klassische Hydromechanik, Karlsruhe Archäologie, Erlangen TU Kaiserslautern, Lehrstuhl für Universität Karlsruhe, Institut für Technische Regelungssysteme, Kaiserslautern Universität Erlangen, Lehrstuhl für Feststoff- Mechanik, Karlsruhe und, Erlangen TU München, Energiesysteme, Garching Universität Kiel, Institut für Informatik und Universität Erlangen, Lehrstuhl für Thermische praktische Mathematik, Kiel TU München, Lehrstuhl für Fluidmechanik und, Verfahrenstechnik, Erlangen Freising Universität Kiel, Lehrstuhl für Nachrichten-und Universität Erlangen, Lehrstuhl Übertragungstechnik, Kiel TU München, Lehrstuhl für Fördertechnik, Konstruktionstechnik, Erlangen Materialfl uss Logistik, Garching Universität Konstanz, AG Cook, Dept. of Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Lehrstuhl für Biology, Konstanz TU München, Lehrstuhl für Gemüsebau, Mustererkennung, Erlangen Freising Universität Konstanz, Fachbereich Biologie, Universität Freiburg, Lehrstuhl für Konstanz TU München, Lehrstuhl für Geodäsie, München Mikroelektronik, Freiburg Universität Konstanz, Fachbereich Physik, TU München, Lehrstuhl für Hochspannungs- Universität Freiburg, Lehrstuhl Konstruktion von Konstanz und Anlagentechnik, München Mirkrosystemen, Freiburg i. Br. Universität Konstanz, FB Informatik & TU München, Lehrstuhl für Messsystem-, Universität Gießen, Institut für Phytopathologie Informationswissenschaft, Konstanz München und, Gießen Universität Konstanz, Limnologisches Institut, TU München, Lehrstuhl für Thermodynamik, Universität Gießen, Medizinische Klinik und Konstanz Garching Poliklinik III, Gießen Universität Leipzig, Abteilung Supraleitung und TU München, Lehrstuhl für Vegetationsökologie, Universität Göttingen, Institut für Magnetismus, Leipzig Freising Agrikulturchemie, Göttingen Universität Leipzig, Akademisches TU München, Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftslehre, Universität Göttingen, Institut für Forstgenetik Auslandsamt, Leipzig Freising-Weihenstephan und Forstpfl anzenzüchtung, Göttingen Universität Leipzig, Fakultät für Physik u. TU München, Lehrstuhl und Versuchsanstalt für Universität Göttingen, Institut für Humangenetik, Geowissenschaft, Leipzig Obernach/Walchensee Göttingen Universität Leipzig, Institut für Technische TU München, Zentralinstitut für Ernährungs- Universität Göttingen, Institut für Pfl anzenbau Chemie, Leipzig und Lebensmittelforschung, Freising- und Pfl anzenzüchtung, Göttingen Weihenstephan Universität Leipzig, Medizinische Tierklinik, Universität Greifswald, Institut für Chemie und Leipzig TU München-Freising/Weihenstephan, Institute Biochemie, Greifswald for Food Process Engineering, Freising- Universität Lüneburg, Automatisierungstechnik, Weihenstephan Universität Greifswald, Institut für Community Lüneburg Medicine, Greifswald TU München-Weihenstephan, Lehrstuhl für Universität Lüneburg, Centre for Sustainability Maschinen- und Apparatekunde, Freising Universität Greisfwald, Friedrich-Loeffl er-Institut, Management (CSM), Lüneburg Greifswald Tuchenhagen Dairy Systems GmbH, Büchen Universität Lüneburg, FB IV, Institut für Universität Halle, Fachbereich Chemie , Ökologie und Umweltchemie, Lüneburg TÜV Rheinland Group, TÜV Service GmbH, Halle/Saale Köln Universität Lüneburg, Institut für Universität Halle, Fachbereich Umweltkommunikation, Lüneburg Tyntec GmbH, Dortmund Geowissenschaften, Halle (Saale) Universität Magdeburg, Dezernat Technik und UFZ - Umweltforschungszentrum, Leipzig-Halle Universität Halle, Fachbereich Pharmazie, Halle Bauplanung, Magdeburg GmbH, Leipzig Universität Halle, Fachbereich Pharmazie, Halle Universität Magdeburg, Fakultät für Umicore AG & Co. KG, Hanau (Saale) Maschinenbau, Magdeburg umwelttechnik & ingenieure GmbH, Hannover Universität Halle, FB Ingenieurwissenschaften, Universität Magdeburg, Fakultät für Verfahrens- Universität Bayreuth, Lehrstuhl für Hydrologie, Halle und Systemtechnik, Magdeburg Bayreuth Universität Halle, Inst. für Geologische Universität Magdeburg, FEIT/IMOS, Magdeburg Universität Bochum, Fakultät für Chemie, Wissenschaften, Halle Universität Magdeburg, FIN / IWS, Magdeburg Bochum Universität Halle, Institut für Anatomie und Universität Magdeburg, Institut für Elektronik, Universität Bochum, Fakultät für Maschinenbau, Zellbiologie, Halle Signalverarbeitung, Magdeburg Bochum Universität Halle, Institut für Anorganische Universität Magdeburg, Institut für Universität Bochum, Insitut für Werkstoffe, Chemie, Halle Experimentelle Physik, Magdeburg Bochum Universität Halle, Institut für Anorganische Universität Magdeburg, Institut für Verteilte Universität Bochum, Lehrstuhl Angewandte Chemie, Halle Systeme, Magdeburg Geologie, Bochum Universität Halle, Landwirtschaftliche Fakultät, Universität Magdeburg, Institut für Wissens- und Universität Bochum, Lehrstuhl für elektrische Halle Sprachverarbeitung, Magdeburg Energietechnik, Bochum Universität Halle, Med. Fakultät, Halle Universität Magdeburg, Lehrstuhl für Universität Bochum, Lehrstuhl für Universität Hamburg, Institut für Anorganische Hochfrequenz-, Magdeburg Regelungssysteme und Steuerungstechnik, und, Hamburg Bochum Universität Mainz, Akademisches Auslandsamt, Universität Hannover, Institut für Abteilung Internationales, Mainz Universität Bochum, Lehrstuhl für Statik und Wasserwirtschaft, Hannover Dynamik, Bochum Universität Mainz, Fachbereich Chemie, Universität Hannover, Institut für Botanik, Pharmazie u. Geowissenschaften, Mainz Universität Bonn, Abt. Tropischer Pfl anzenbau, Hannover Wesseling Universität Mainz, Institut für Universität Hannover, Institut für Geowissenschaften, Mainz Universität Bonn, Institut für Landtechnik, Bonn Strömungsmaschinen, Hannover Universität Mainz, Institut für Kernchemie, Universität Bonn, Institut für Pfl anzenernährung, Universität Hohenheim, FG Weinbau (370 a), Mainz Bonn Stuttgart Universität Mainz, Institut für Kernphysik, Mainz Universität Bremen, FG Keramische Werkstoffe Universität Hohenheim, Institut für Bodenkunde Universität Mainz, Institut für Physik, Mainz und Bauteile, Bremen u. Standortslehre, Stuttgart Universität Bremen, IW 3, Bremen Universität Mannheim, Akademisches Universität Hohenheim, Osteuropazentrum Auslandsamt, Mannheim Universität Bremen, Zentrum für -770-, Stuttgart Technomathematik (ZeTeM), Bremen Universität Oldenburg, Fakultät V, Oldenburg EMPLOYERS AND INSTITUTIONS EMPLOYERS 33 International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience

Universität Oldenburg, Institut für Reine und Fachhochschule Köln Universität Siegen Angewandte Chemie, Oldenburg Fachhochschule Konstanz Universität Stuttgart Universität Osnabrück, Lehrstuhl Fachhochschule Lübeck Universität Ulm Pfl anzenphysiologie, Osnabrück Fachhochschule Mannheim für Technik und Universität Weimar Universität Paderborn, Akademisches Gestaltung Universität Wuppertal Auslandsamt, Paderborn Fachhochschule Mittweida Westsächsische Hochschule Zwickau Universität Paderborn, Fakultät EIM-E , Fachhochschule München Paderborn Fachhochschule Münster Universität Paderborn, Heinz Nixdorf Institut, GHANA Paderborn Fachhochschule Neubrandenburg Participating Employers Universität Rostock, Fachbereich Chemie, Fachhochschule Offenburg B Systems Ltd. Accra. Rostock Fachhochschule Potsdam Consortium (CIHSD), Accra. Universität Rostock, Institut für Angewandte Fachhochschule Schmalkalden Construction Cost Consultants Ltd. Accra. Mikroelektronik, Rostock Fachhochschule Soest Fundamental Construction Company Ltd. Accra Universität Rostock, Institut für Physik, Rostock Fachhochschule Stralsund Interact Afrika Company Ltd. Kumasi. Universität Rostock, Lehrstuhl für Informations- Fachhochschule Westküste Medilab Diagnostic Services Ltd. Kumasi. und Kommunikationsdienste, Rostock Fachhochschule Wiesbaden Paramount Distilleries Ltd. Kumasi. Universität Saarbrücken, Institute of Electrical Freie Universität Berlin Quink Architectural Services Ltd. Kumasi. Engineering Physics, Saarbrücken Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften Thonket Distribution Company Ltd. Kumasi. Universität Saarbrücken, Zentrum für Hamburg Bioinformatik, Saarbrücken Participating Institution Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Dresden Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Universität Siegen , Institut für Echtzeit- Hochschule für Wirtschaft, Technik und Kultur Technology (KNUST), Kumasi. Lernsysteme, Siegen Leipzig Universität Siegen, Analytische Chemie, Siegen Hochschule Harz GREECE Universität Siegen, Hochschulrechenzentrum, Hochschule Niederrhein Siegen Participating Employers Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz A.A. Associates Universität Siegen, Institut für RWTH Aachen Nachrichtenübermittlung, Siegen Afi Hatzivariti S.A. Technische Fachhochschule Berlin Universität Stuttgart, Biologisches Institut, Agricultural University of Athens - Laboratory of Stuttgart Technische Fachhochschule Wildau Animal Production Universität Stuttgart, Institut für Technische Universität Berlin Agricultural University of Athens - Laboratory of Luftfahrtsysteme, Stuttgart (Vaihingen) Technische Universität Braunschweig Biology Technische Universität Chemnitz Agricultural University of Athens - Laboratory of Universität Stuttgart, Institut für Physikalische Environmental Engineering Elektronik, Stuttgart Technische Universität Clausthal Agricultural University of Athens - Laboratory of Universität Stuttgart, Institut für Technische Universität Cottbus Food Technology Verfahrenstechnik, Stuttgart Technische Universität Darmstadt ALUMIL MILONAS S.A. Universität Trier, FB IV - Mathematik, Trier Technische Universität Dresden Aluminium of Greece Universität Tübingen, Fachsprachenzentrum, Technische Universität Freiberg American Farm School Tübingen Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg Aristotle University of Thessaloniki - Chemical Universität Würzburg, Lehrstuhl für Technische Universität Ilmenau Process Engineering Research Institute Pharmazeutische Biologie, Würzburg Technische Universität Kaiserslautern - Aerosol & Particle Technology Universität Würzburg, Neurologische Klinik, Technische Universität Karlsruhe Aristotle University of Thessaloniki - Chemical Würzburg Process Engineering Research Institute- Lab. of Technische Universität München Unternehmensgruppe Theo Müller GmbH & Co. Environmental Fuels and Hydrocarbons KG, Abt. ZFE, Aretsried Universität Bayreuth Aristotle University of Thessaloniki - Excavation VCM, Capital Management, München Universität Bochum Programme of Paliambela Vermögen und Bau Baden-Württemberg, Universität Bonn Aristotle University of Thessaloniki - Hydraulics Betriebsleitung, Stuttgart Universität Bremen & Environmental Engineering Volkswagen AG , Programm-Management Universität Cottbus Aristotle University of Thessaloniki - Laboratory IT-Vermarktung, Wolfsburg Universität Dortmund of Applied Thermodynamics Volkswagen AG , Personalwesen , Universität Duisburg/Essen Aristotle University of Thessaloniki - Laboratory Braunschweig of Architectural Technology Universität Düsseldorf Aristotle University of Thessaloniki - Laboratory Volkswagen AG, Personaleinsatzbetrieb , Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg of Polymer Reaction Enginnering Wolfsburg Universität Frankfurt/M. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Vorwerk Elektrowerke GmbH & Co. KG, Universität Freiburg - Laboratoryfor thin fi lms - nanosystems & Personalabteilung, Wuppertal Universität Gießen nanotechnology WBI GmbH, Beratende Ingenieure für , Aachen Universität Göttingen Asprofos Engineering S.A. Wenutec GmbH, Lünen Universität Greifswald Association of Local Authorities of Thessaloniki Wiessner Air Engineering GmbH, Universität Halle ATTI-KAT S.A. Personalabteilung , Bayreuth AXON Studies S.A. Universität Hamburg ZF Getriebe GmbH, Werk Brandenburg, Bougas George Technical Offi ce Brandenburg Universität Hannover CEDEFOP - European Centre for the Zwick GmbH & Co. KG, Materialprüfung, Ulm- Universität Heidelberg Development of Vocational Training Einsingen Universität Hildesheim Corinth pipeworks S.A. Participating Institutions Universität Hohenheim COTTONFIELDS MAKEDONIA S.A. Fachhochschule Aachen Universität Jena Cultural and Educational Technology Institute Fachhochschule Anhalt Universität Kiel DELPHI-DOSTOMON Min. Co. Fachhochschule Bingen Universität Koblenz-Landau Dionyssosmarble S.A. Fachhochschule Bochum Universität Köln Domorinthos Fachhochschule Bonn Rhein-Sieg Universität Konstanz Edrasis Ch Psallidas S.A. Egnatia odos S.A. Fachhochschule Brandenburg Universität Leipzig ELAIS S.A. Oil & Food Products Universität Lüneburg Fachhochschule Darmstadt Elefsis Shipbuilding & Industrial Enterprises Fachhochschule Eberswalde Universität Magdeburg S.A. Fachhochschule Esslingen Universität Mannheim Erlikon Wire Processing S.A. Fachhochschule Freising Universität Marburg FAGE S.A. Fachhochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Universität München FAMAR Berlin Universität Oldenburg Forest Research Institute Forest Ecophysiology Fachhochschule Furtwangen Universität Paderborn Laboratory Fachhochschule Gießen-Friedberg Universität Passau G.M.C. Co. Fachhochschule Jena Universität Potsdam Galanos Emm. - Zachopoulos An. S.A. Fachhochschule Kaiserslautern Universität Regensburg “BIEMEK S.A.” General Army Staff Fachhochschule Karlsruhe Universität Rostock General Mining & Metallurgical Company S.A. Fachhochschule Kiel Universität Saarbrücken


Geoconsultants Ltd. HUNGARY INDIA HALCOR S.A. Metal Works Participating Employers Participating Employers Halyvourgiki Inc. AAM Vezetői Informatikai Tanácsadó Rt. Kingsway Consultants, Chennai Hellenic Broadcasting Television S.A. Állami Autópálya Kezelő Rt. Net India Pvt Ltd. Hellenic Defence Systems S.A. ARCADOM Építőipari Rt. Sathyam Computer Services Ltd. Hellenic Fabrics S.A. ASA Építőipari Kft. Participating Institution Hellenic Petroleum S.A. Balatoni Hajózási Rt. Karunya Institute of Technology & Sciences. Hellenic Sugar Industry S.A. Hellenic Telecommunications Organisation S.A. Bálint Analitika Kft. School of Computer Science & Technology Hercules Cement Company S.A. Bálint és Társa Építészek Irodája Kft. School of Civil Eng Hydroexigiadiki L.S. Lazarides & Co. Betonplasztika Kft. School of Mech Eng HYDROMELETITIKI Katsonis-Asmeniadis & Betonút Szolgáltató és Építő Rt. School of Electrical Sciences Inc. Budapesti Műszaki Főiskola Iliopoulos Ioannis Technical offi ce Chemitechnik-Pharma Kft. IRAN INASCO HELLAS Chinoin Rt. Participating Employers IRIS A & G Presvelos - A. Kastis Consulting Dél-Dunántúli Gázszolgáltató Rt. Advanced Phase Transformation Lab. (APTL) Engineers Designsoft Kft. Asheianeh Helicopter Cooperative Co. J & P AVAX S.A. Dunaújvárosi Főiskola Tanárképző Intézet Centre of Excellence in Electrochemistry (CEE) KALPINIS - SIMOS S.A. EEA Budapest Kft. Construction Materials Institute (CMI) MELETITIKI - A.N. Tompazis &associates Architects EGÚT Egri Útépítő Rt. CVR Consulting Engineers MEL-Macedonian Papermills S.A. ENQUA Környezet és Minőség Szolgálat Kft. Darya Khak Pay Consultants (DKP) METEKO S.A. Épinform kft. Dena Rahsaz Co. MOTOR OIL HELLAS CORINTH REFINERIES ETIK Faculty of Geography S.A. E-Word On-Line Bt. Fars Regional Water Authority N.T.U.A. - Geotechnical Dept. Faculty of Civil Finta és Társai Építész Stúdió Kft. Geological Survey of Iran (GSI) engineering Fővárosi Közlekedési Felügyelet Graduate Faculty of Environment N.T.U.A. - Institute of Structural Analysis & Fővárosi Mérnöki Tervező Rt. Housing Bank Investment Co (HBIC) Aseismic Research N.T.U.A. - Knowledge and Database Systems FUX Rt. Institute of Archaeology Laboratory Hepenix Kft. Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics (IBB) N.T.U.A. - Laboratory of Heterogenous Mixtures Honeywell Szabályozástechnikai Kft. Iran Frame Co. & Combustion Systems Hungarocamion Rt. Iran Industrial Networks Development Co. N.T.U.A. - Laboratory of Intelligent Robotics and Huntraco Rt. (IIND) Automation INTER-CAD Kft. Iran University of Science and Technology N.T.U.A. - Laboratory of Material Science & Központi Élelmiszer-tudományi Kutatóintézet Iran Zob Casting Co. Engineering Közlekedés Fővárosi Tervező Iroda Kft. Isfahan Aktar-Bargh Co. N.T.U.A. - Laboratory of Metallurgy Isfahan steel Co. N.T.U.A. - Laboratory of Sanitary Technology Közlekedéstudományi Intézet Kht. Isfahan University of Technology N.T.U.A. - Mechanical Engineering Dept. Lear Corporation Hungary Kft. N.T.U.A. - Microwave &Fiber Optics Laboratory MacMaestro Kft. Kavoshgaran Consulting Engineers (KCE) National Centre for Scientifi c Research MAHART Container Center Kft. Kayson Co. “DEMOKRITOS” Magyar Állami Földtani Intézet Khak Massaleh Sazan O.T.M. S.A. Mediagnost Kft. Mahab Ghodss Consulting Engineers OTEnet S.A. Membrán Elektronikai Kft. Middle East Water and Environment (MEWE) Phosphoric Fertilizers Industry S.A. Minicomp Kft. Mobarakeh Steel Co. Pubic Gas Corporation of Greece (DEPA) S.A. MSc Kft. Natural History and Technology Museum Public Power Corporation MTA KFKI Részecske- és Magfi zikai New Towns Development Co. (NTDC) Regional Development Agency of west Kutatóintézet Passargad Travel Agency Macedonia - ANKO S.A. MTA Mezőgazdasági Kutatóintézete Perlite Construction Co. REUTERS HELLAS S.A. S & B Industrial Minerals S.A. NIVELCO Ipari Elektronika Rt. Petropars Ltd. Sani Resort S.A. Onlineweb Kft. Sarvestan Cultural Heritage Foundation (SCHF) SIDENOR S.A. Országos Gyógyszerészeti Intézet Soil Mechanics Lab SIEMENS TELEINDUSTRY S.A. Pannonpharma Kft. Tarbiat Modarres University SIMA S.A. Perpetuum Gépgyár Kft. Tehran Boston Engineering Co. SOVEL S.A. Pont-Terv Mérnöki Tervező és Tanácsadó Rt. University of Shiraz Spiridis A. - Koutalou V. L.L.P.-YETOS SALGGLAS Üvegipari Rt. University of Tehran STIXIS S.A. STRABAG Építő Rt. Urban Planning and Architecture Study and TECHNOMAT S.A. Tigra Kft. Research Center TELLAS S.A. TOTAL Környezetfejlesztési Tervező és Participating Institutions TITAN Cement Company S.A. Szolgáltató Kft. Advanced Phase Transformation Lab. (APTL) Unilever Hellas S.A. Transman Kft. Ahvaz Shahid Chamran University VERNILAC S.A. Unitef ‘83 Rt. Amir Kabir University of Technology VIOKEF N. Kakkos S.A. UTIBER Közúti Beruházó Kft. Centre of Excellence in Electrochemistry (CEE) Water Supply, Drainage & Distribution Municipal Co. Uvaterv Rt. Graduate Faculty of Environment Z & A P ANTONAROPOULOS & ASSOCIATES Villa International Rt. Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics (IBB) S.A. Visteon Hungary Kft. Iran University of Science and Technology Participating Institutions Participating Institutions Isfahan University of Technology Agricultural University of Athens Budapesti Műszaki Főiskola (Budapest Tech) Sharif University of Technology Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Corvinus Egyetem (Corvinus University) Tarbiat Modarres University Dimocritus University of Thrace Dunaújvárosi Főiskola (College of Dunaújváros) University of Shiraz National Technical University of Athens Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem University of Tehran University of Patra (ELTE University of Science) University of Western Macedonia Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi IRAQ Egyetem (Budapest University of Technology Participating Employers and Economics) Danish Chamber of Commerce HONG KONG Miskolci Egyetem (University of Miskolc) Participating Employers Ministry of High Education and Scientifi c Pécsi Tudományegyetem Research Excellent Smart Ltd. (Pécs University of Science) Genreral Dirocterate for Education in Erbil Ted Chan & Associates Ltd. Veszprémi Egyetem (University of Veszprém) The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Salahadin University Participating Institution Participating Institution ICELAND Salahadin University The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Participating Institution

University of Iceland AND INSTITUTIONS EMPLOYERS 35 International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience

IRELAND Participating Institution E-Dimension Participating Employers Università Politecnica delle Marche General Investments Company Applied Optics Group - NUI Galway Jordan Ice Aerated Company Aonghus McCann Architect ITALY - MILANO Jordan Cement Factories Architectural Construction Technology Ltd. Participating Employers Jordan Ceramic Industries Arup Consulting Engineers ABB SACE S.p.A. Jordan Phosphate Mines Company Boliden Tara Mines Ltd Boeri Studio Jordan Pipes Manufacturing Company Bord Na Mona Horticulture Ltd Federico Oliva Associati Jordan Electric Power Cavan County Council Politecnico di Milano, Dipartimento di Elettronica Jordan Steel PLC Central Fisheries Board e Informazione Mawshour Engineering Offi ce CODEMA - City of Dublin Energy Management Politecnico di Milano, Polo di Lecco Ministry of Education Agency Studio Architetto Francesco Angarano Mobilecom Cork City Council Studio Palterer Municipality of Greater Amman Douglas Wallace Architects Sytel Reply srl National Cables and Wires Manufacturing Dublin City Council Whirlpool Europe S.r.l. Company Dundalk Institute of Technology Participating Institution National Paints Factories Leargas The Exchange Bureau Politecnico di Milano - Technical University Offi ce for Modern Buildings Limerick County Council Petra Engineering Industries Lifetime Lab - Cork City Council JAPAN Sigma McCaul & Associates Participating Employers University of Jordan Mouchel Parkman Ireland Ltd ALPS ELECTRIC CO. LTD. Participating Institutions North West Shellfi sh Canon Inc. Princess Sumayya University of Technology Patrick Rooney Associates Central Japan Railway Company University of Jordan Paul Arnold Architects Central Research Institute of Electric Power University of Science and Technology Roscommon County Council Industry SDC Teo CTI ENGINEERING CO. LTD KAZAKHSTAN Sligo County Council Hitachi Metals Ltd. Participating Employers South Tipperary County Council Hitachi Works, Hitachi Ltd. Belcamit plant, Almaty Waterford County Council JAPAN PETROLEUM EXPLORATION CO. CJSC “Shik” Company, Almaty LTD Participating Institutions Center of Information Technology of Dublin City University JGC CORPORATION Engineering Academy of the Republic of Dublin Institute of Technology - Bolton Street KAWASAKI HEAVY INDUSTRIES LTD. Kazakhstan, Almaty Dublin Institute of Technology - Kevin Street KDDI R&D Laboratories Inc. Computer Company “Alternate” Dundalk Institute of Technology NEC Electronics Corporation Computer company “FAIR” Sligo Institute of Technology NIHON KOHDEN CORPORATION DASU (Automation Systems Company), Almaty NUI Galway Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corp. Design Company “Grado” NUI Maynooth Nishimatsu Construction Co. Ltd. Kazakhstan Science Research Institute of Non- ferrous Metals, Ust-Kamenogorsk Trinity College Dublin Nitto Kogyo Corporation Massaget Plus (Machine Construction University College Cork Olympus Corporation OMRON Corporation Company), Almaty UCD Dublin National Nuclear Center and Institute of Nuclear University of Limerick Ricoh Company Ltd. Sakurada Co. Ltd. Physics (Almaty) Sanyo Chemical Industries Ltd. Pepsi Cola Ltd ISRAEL Sanyo Electric Co. Ltd. Research Institute of Ionosphere Participating Employers Sanyo Special Steel Co. Ltd Research Institute of Transport and A.Y.G.L - Engineers & Consultant Communication Sharp Corporation A.L Hadas Technologies Participating Institutions TAKADAKIKO CO. LTD. Architect Giora Gur Almaty Institute of Energy and Communication Tanaka Kikinzoku Kogyo K.K. Architect Gideon Yeger Offi ce Almaty Technological University TEIKOKU OIL CO. LTD. Architect Zeev Baran Atyrau Oil and Gas Institute, Atyrau The Institute of Behavioral Sciences Architect Amnon Bar East Kazakh State Technical University, Ust- Architect Amnon Rechter The Takigami Steel Construction Co. Ltd. Kamenogorsk Architect Avi Toledano The University of Osaka Karaganda State technical University Architect Harry Brand The University of Tokyo Kazakh Academy of Transport and Architects Schwartz-Besnossof TOKYU CORPORATION Communications, Almaty Architect Margalit Suchoy - Landscape Participating Institutions Kazakh National Agrarian University, Almaty Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Chuo University Kazakh National Technical University, Almaty Doshisha University Carmel Olefi ns North-Kazakh State University, Petropavlovsk Hokkaido University Cohen @Prter Inc Pavlodar University, Pavlodar Keio University Rudny Industrial Institute, Rudny IEC Kobe University South Kazakhstan State University, Shimkent Israel Edible Products Ltd. Kyoto University Kolker, Kolker, Epstein Architects Kyusyu University Zhezkazgan Baikonurov University, Zhezkazgan Margalit Suchoy - Landscape Architecture Nagoya University Microsoft R&D Center Osaka Prefecture University KENYA Yair Gutman Architects & Town Osaka University Participating Employers Technion Israel Institute of Technology Tohoku University Bamburi Cement Ltd. Tel - Aviv University Tokyo Institute of Technology DAAD Regional Offi ce for Africa, Nairobi The Israel Electric Corporation Tokyo University Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and TNUVA- Eilon Tavor Dairy Tsukuba University Technology Waseda University Yoram Gadish - Engineering Ltd. Nampak Kenya Ltd. Unilever Kenya Ltd. Participating Institutions Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. JORDAN Participating Institution Technion Israel Institute of Technology Participating Employers Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Allied Planning and Engineering Corporation Technology Tel-Aviv University Arab Center for Engineering Studies Arab Potash Company LATVIA ITALY - ALFIA Arabtech Jardaneh Consulting Participating Employer Participating Employers Arab Concrete Supplies Company Siemens AdriaLab Consolidated Consultants for Engineering and AEA s.r.l. Participating Institution Environment Riga Technical University

IAESTE ANNUAL REVIEW 2006 Dar Al-Handasah 36 I A E S T E — A N N U A L R E V I E W 2 0 0 6

LEBANON Aura Arquitectos y Urbanistas Asociados Tequila Sauza - Servicio Corporativos Sauza, Participating Employers Aurica del Atlántico, S.A. de C.V. S.A. de C.V. Associated Consulting Engineers (ACE) Bachoco, S.A. de C.V. Transportes Ramón Losoya Bureau Technique D’urbanism Et De Travaux Baluff de México, S.A. de C.V. Turboreactores, S.A. de C.V. Publics (BTUTP) Bypasa, S.A. de C.V. Universidad Tecnológica del Sur Sonora Dar Al Handasah Consulatnts, Taleb& Partners Cadena Comercial Oxxo, S.A. de C.V. Vivienda y Construcción de Calidad, Dar Al Handasah Consultants, Shair & Partners Camara Mexicana de la Industria de la S.A. de C.V. Facilities Planning and Design Unit (FPDU), Construcción Participating Institutions American University of Beirut Campbell´s de México, S.A. de C.V. Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla TEAM International Cardanes, S. A. de C.V. - BUAP Participating Institution Cesues - Centro de Desarrollo Ambiental Instituto Politécnico Nacional - IPN American University of Beirut, Faculty of Ciatec , A.C. Instituto Tecnológico de Cajeme Engineering and Architecture Coca-Cola - Embotelladora Tampico, Instituto Tecnológico de Ciudad Juárez S.A. de C.V. Instituto Tecnológico de Ciudad Madero LITHUANIA Coca-Cola - Embotelladora Tuxpam, Instituto Tecnológico de Ciudad Victoria Participating Employers S.A. de C.V. Instituto Tecnológico de Durango AB “Jures medis” Conalep - Sonora Instituto Tecnológico de Poza Rica Actual City Media Constructora de Infraestructura de Durango, Instituto Tecnológico de Puebla KTU Europos institutas S.A. de C.V. Instituto Tecnológico de Veracruz KTU Dizaino ir technologiju fakultetas Construcciones Diez, S.A. de C.V. IEST - Instituto de Estudios Superiores de TUB “Salda” Constructora e Inmobiliaria Floper, S.A. de C.V. Tamaulipas UAB “Evekas”, Constructora Maemar, S.A. de C.V. Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores UAB “Girteka” Corporativo de Servicios Ambientales, de Monterrey - ITESM Campus Ciudad Juárez UAB “HNIT-BALTIC Geoinfoservisas” S.A. de C.V. Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores CH Constructora, S.A. de C.V. de Monterrey - ITESM Campus Ciudad de UAB “Iremas” México UAB “Kauno liftai” Desarrollo y Capacitación Organizacional, S. de R.L. de C.V. Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores Participating Institutions Desarrollos Mineros San Luis, S.A. de C.V. de Monterrey - ITESM Campus León Kaunas University of Technology Ecosistemas Industriales, S.A. de C.V. Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores Kaunas University of Technology Panevezys de Monterrey - ITESM Campus Monterrey Empresa Contratista Minera Jomargo Institute Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores Klaipeda University Equipos Interferenciales de México, de Monterrey - ITESM Campus Querétaro S.A. de C.V. Vilnius Gedimintas Technical University Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores Evolución e Inovación Empresaria - Kepler Vilnius University de Monterrey - ITESM Campus San Luis Potosí Fabricación, Asesoría y Mantenimiento Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores Industrial, S.A. de C.V. de Monterrey - ITESM Campus Tampico LUXEMBOURG Fabrica Calzado Rey Val, S.A. de C.V. Participating Employers Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores Fasst, S.A. de C.V. de Monterrey - ITESM Campus Toluca ARCELOR SA, Luxembourg Fluorita de México, S. A. de C.V. Cegedel SA, Luxembourg ITESO - Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Forestal Alfa, S.A. de C.V. Superiores de Occidente IEE SA, Echternach Geo Estratos, S.A. de C.V. UANL - Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León SNCFL, Luxembourg Global Comunicación en América, S. A. de C.V. UDEM - Universidad de Monterrey Participating Institutions Grupo Ciudad, S.A. de C.V. UNAM - Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Université du Luxembourg, Luxembourg Grupo Primex, S.A. de C.V. México Swiss Federal Institute of Technologie, Hussman Servicios, S. de R.L. de C.V. Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes Lausanne (CH) Hyl Technologies, S.A. de C.V. Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila Swiss Federal Institute of Technologie, Zurich (CH) Ideal Standard, S.A. de C.V. Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro Universität Kaiserslautern (D) Ingeniería Electrica Avanzada, S.A. de C.V. Universidad Anáhuac del Sur Universität Karlsruhe (D) Instituto Municipal de Planeación de Léon, Gto. Universidad de Guadalajara Instituto Tecnológico de Durango Universidad de las Américas - Campus Puebla Universidad de la Salle Bajio MACAO Instituto Tecnológico de Poza Rica Universidad de Xalapa Participating Employers Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Cajeme Companhia de Electricidade de Macau - CEM, Intacero del Norte, S.A. de C.V. Universidad Iberoamericana - Campus Golfo S.A. Inter Air, S.A. de C.V. Universidad Iberoamericana - Campus León The Macao Water Supply Co. Ltd. (SAAM) Laboratorios Senosiain, S.A. de C.V. Universidad Iberoamericana - Campus Santa University of Macau Leoplast, S.A. de C. V. Fé Universidad Regiomontana Participating Institution Licos Servicios, S. A. de C.V. University of Macau Mas Food, S.A. de C.V. Universidad Panamericana Motores y Aparatos Electricos de Durango, Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de S.A. de C.V. Puebla MALTA Universidad Veracruzana Participating Employers Mueblera Romasa, S.A. de C.V. Architect’s Studio Nucleo de Investigación y Diagnostico Clinico, S.A. Central Cigarettes Co. Ltd. MONGOLIA Parker Industrial, de R.L. de C.V. Datastream Participating Employers Producciones de Alta Tecnologia, S.A. de C.V. Arvissoft Ltd Dedicated Micros Ltd. Promotora Arkitos, S.A. de C.V. ANOD Bank Deeco Quimiproductos, S.A. de C.V. Altanalim Ltd Lino Bianco Radiocomunicación y Energia Solar del Golfo Belegerdene Ltd Architect Mannie Galea Rostec de México, S.A. de C.V. Blue Sky Ltd University of Malta Sadmex, S.A. de C.V. DATACOM Ltd VRP Surfax, S.A. de C.V. Erdenet Mining Corporation WasteServ Secretaría de Desarrollo Rural del Gobierno de Golomt Bank Works Division Puebla Health Science University of Mongolia Participating Institution Servicios Agropecuários Del Sur De Khuvsgul College University of Malta Tamaulipas, S.A. de C.V. Mongoljingoo University Servicios Industriales Peñoles, S.A. de C.V. Mongolian University of Science and MEXICO Servicios y Asesorias Alimentarias Technology Participating Employers Sistemas en Irrigación de Veracruz, National University of Mongolia Abastecedora de Perfi les y Aceros S.A. de C.V. Nomads Ltd Comerciales, S.A. de C.V. Taller & Diseño Arquitectos Print and Publishing Education Center Acero Tecnologia, S. A. de C.V. Tech Power, S. A. de C.V. School of Technology Erdenet

Arreglos y Montajes Técnicos, S.A. de C.V. AND INSTITUTIONS EMPLOYERS School of Technology Darkhan 37 International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience

Ulaanbaatar San NHH, Norges Handelshoegskole, Norwegian University of Engineering and Technology, Xas Bank School of Economics and Business Peshawar Zoglog Ltd Administration University of Engineering and Technology, Zoos Bank NTNU, The Norwegian University of Science Taxila and Technology, Trondheim Participating Institutions Norsk Hydro PANAMA Agricultural University of Mongolia Norwegian Centre for Telemedicine Participating Employers Health Science University of Mongolia Sandnes kommune Avicola Athenas National University of Mongolia Sintef Panama Ports Company Mongolian University of Science and Technological University of Panama Technology Skattedirektoratet UDELAS Mongolian International University Soer-Norge Aluminium Union Fenosa School of Technology Darkhan Statens Vegvesen School of Technology Erdenet Statoil Participating Institution Trondheim Bydrift Technological University of Panama UIB, University of Bergen NETHERLANDS PERU Participating Employers UIO, University of Oslo UIS, University of Stavanger Participating Employers 19 Hat Atelier Alicorp Architectenbureau Van den Broek en Bakema UIT, University of Tromsoe Via Nova Systems CONACS Atelier Pro architekten B.V. Telefónica del Peru Participating Institutions BNA Architektenburo Roeleveld-Sikkes B.V. Participating Institutions Champion Technologies Europe BV Hoegskolen in Bergen, Bergen College Hoegskolen in Trondheim, Trondheim College Pontifi cia Universidad Católica del Perú Corus RD&T Universidad de Piura De Architekten Cie. NTNU, The Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería Dravima BV UIB, University of Bergen Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands UIO, University of Oslo Universidad San Pablo, Arequipa Engineering Technology / University Twente UIS, University of Stavanger FOM - Instituut voor Plasmafysica Rijnhuizen UIT, University of Tromsoe POLAND ICN - Netherland Institute for Cultural Heritage UMB, Norwegian University of Life Sciences Participating Employers LIAG Architekten en Bouwadviseurs “ARHEAD” Sp.z.o.o. Warszawa Luchtvaart- en Ruimtevaarttechniek/Technical OMAN A.B.I. Szeliński Architekci, Warszawa University Delft A.K.I.-Projekt, Wrocław Mathematics / University Twente Participating Employers Bahwan Engineering Company LLC ABB Elta Ltd. Zakład Transformatorów Mocy, MIN 2 Łódź Galfar Engineering & Contracting LLC Molenaar & van Winden Adrem Software Sp.z.o.o. Krakow Halliburton Worldwide Ltd Naco BV AGH University of Science and Technology in Nationaal Lucht- en Ruimtevaartlab. NLR Mashhoor Al Asfoor Engineering Consultancy Krakow National Starch & Chemical B.V. Mohsin Haider Darwish LLC Agora SA, Warszawa, oddz. Łódź Procede Group BV Muscat Municipality AIUT Sp.z.o.o. Gliwice Sara Lee, Douwe Egberts - Department of National Engineering Offi ce Alcatel Polska S.A. Warszawa Engineering Oman Cement Company ALDEC-ADT Sp.z.o.o. POLSKA Katowice SVP Architectuur en Stedenbouw Oman Mobile Telecommunications Company AMI, Mikstat LLC TEAM 4 Architecten APA CAD Sp.z.o.o., Warszawa Oman Telecommunications Company Technische Natuurwetenschappen/ University APA Kuryłowicz & Associates Sp.z.o.o. Twente Parsons International & Company LLC Warszawa TNO Petroleum Development Oman LLC APA Wojciechowski Sp.z.o.o. Warszawa Participating Institutions Schlumberger Oilfi eld Services Apriso Sp.z.o.o. Krakow Erasmus University Rotterdam Shafari Engineering Company LLC ARCADIS Grabowski, Łódź Hanzehogeschool Groningen Sultan Qaboos University ARCHIGRAF Michał Brutkowski Warszawa HES Amsterdam The Zubair Corporation ARCHIPOL, Wroclaw Hoge Hotelschool Participating Institution ARKAT - Biuro Architektoniczne, Katowice Hogeschool van Amsterdam Sultan Qaboos University ARMATURA Ltd. Łódź Technische Universiteit Delft ARTA Sp.z.o.o. Łódź Technische Universiteit Eindhoven PAKISTAN ASKOM Sp.z.o.o. Gliwice Universiteit Groningen Participating Employers AUKETTFITZROYROBINSON Sp.z o.o. Universiteit Twente Al-Ghazi Tractors Warszawa Universiteit van Amsterdam Beacon House Informatics B&M Optik PLC Zaczernie Van Hall Instituut Engineering Consultants International Baps Architectural Design, Wrocław Vrije Universiteit van Amsterdam Global Villages Technologies Berlitz Poland, Wrocław Wageningen Universiteit Horizon Quetta Betacom S.A., Warszawa Micro-Systems BIPROKWAS ENGINEERING Sp.z.o.o. Gliwice NORWAY National Construction Biuro Architektoniczne NOW, Łódź Participating Employers Pearl Institute of Management and Information Biuro Budownictwa sp. z o.o. Łódź Amersham Health Technology Biuro Inżynierii Transportu Krych & Cejrowski Astec Helicopter Service Qadri Associates Sp.j. Poznań Brunvoll Sarwet Anver Medical Complex Biuro Urbanistyczno Architektoniczne, Łódź Det Norske Veritas Siddique Leather Works Brach Biuro Projektów i Inwestycji, Kraków Eltek Energy Techno-Consult International Bulanda i Mucha Architekci, Warszawa Fast Search & Transfer Wadood Woollen Mills Buro Happold Polska Sp.z o.o. Warszawa Hoegskolen in Bergen, Bergen College Participating Institutions Center for Molecular and Macromolecular Hoegskolen in Bodoe, Bodoe College GIK Institute of Sciences Studies PAS Department of Hetero organic Hoegskolen in Tromsoe, Tromsoe College Hamdard University Compounds, Łódź Istad Nett Karachi University Centralny Instytut Ochrony Pracy (CIOP), Warszawa Jernbaneverket National University of Sciences and Technology - PNEC Centrum Badań Kosmicznych PAN, Warszawa Justervesenet N.E.D. University of Engineering and Centrum Diagnostyki i Terapii Laserowej, Łódź Kongsberg Maritime Technology Centrum Komputerowe ZETO S.A., Łódź Laerdal Medical Sir Syed University of Engineering and CHOREŃ DESIGN & CONSULTING, Gdansk Maritime Well Service Technology CHRYSO POLSKA Sp.z.o.o., Warszawa Marintek University of Engineering and Technology, Civil Engineering Design Studio “Promost Lahore Consulting”, Rzeszow IAESTE ANNUAL REVIEW 2006 38 I A E S T E — A N N U A L R E V I E W 2 0 0 6

Clix Software Sp.z.o.o., Warszawa Horus Energia Sp.z.o.o., Warszawa Politechnika Warszawska Instytut Automatyki i Colex Ltd., Łódź HUTA “ŁABĘDY” S.A., Gliwice Robotyki, Warszawa Comarch S.A., Krakow Hydron Unipres Ltd., Łódź Politechnika Warszawska Instytut COMMON Ltd., Łódź IMPAQ Sp.z o.o., Warszawa Mikromechaniki i Fotoniki, Warszawa Computer Communication Systems S.A., Institute of Architecture and Urban Planning, Politechnika Warszawska Katedra Inżynierii Wrocław Szczecin Materiałów Budowlanych, Warszawa CONDIX S.A., Poznań Institute of Computer Science, Łódź Pracownia Architektoniczno-Urbanistyczna, Łódź Częstochowskie Przedsiębiorstwo Komunalne Institute of Material Science, Łódź Pracownia FORMART, Łódź Ltd., Częstochowa Instytu Automatyki - Politechnika Śląska, DACPOL Sp. z o.o., Warszawa Gliwice Pracownia Kluczyński Architekt, Warszawa Dantherm Filterion Sp. z o.o., Warszawa Instytu Chemicznej Przeróbki Węgla, Zabrze Pracownia Projektowania Konstrukcji Budowlanych Henryk Maćkowiak, Poznań DASTUDIO Pracowania Architektoniczno- Instytu Chemii Organicznej, Zakład Karbochemii Urbanistyczna, Wroclaw PAN, Gliwice Prebex, Wrocław Department of Applied Ecology, University of Instytut Chemii Ogólnej i Ekologicznej, Łódź PREXER PROJEKT Ltd., Łódź Łódź Instytut Chemii Organicznej, Łódź PROART, Warszawa Department of Chemical Didactics, University Instytut Chemii Organicznej PAN, Warszawa PROEXBUD Przedsiębiorstwo Budowlane, Wroclaw of Łódź Instytut Elektroniki, Politechnika Śląska, Gliwice Proidea, Kraków Department of Chemical Technology and Instytut Energetyki, Gdansk Engineering, Section of Instrumental Analysis PROJEKTA Sp.z.o.o., Poznań Instytut Informatyki, Politechnika Śląska, Gliwice Szczecin Projekty Bankowe POLSOFT Sp.z.o.o. Department of Chemical Technology and Instytut Łączności, Warszawa Wysogotowo k. Poznania Environmental Protection, University of Łódź Instytut Maszyn Przepływowych Politechnika PROJPRZEM S.A. - Gliwickie Biuro Projektów Department of Electrical Engineering, Institute Łódzka, Łódź Budownictwa Przemysłowego, Gliwice of Electronics, Telecommunication and Instytut Obrabiarek i Budowy Maszyn, Łódź Przedsiębiorstwo Informatyczne KAMSOFT, Computer Science Szczecin Instytut Podstaw Chemii Żywności, Łódź Katowice Department of General and Inorganic Instytut Pojazdów Politechnika Łódzka, Łódź Przedsiębiorstwo Projektowania i Realizacji Chemistry, University of Łódź Instytut Spawalnictwa, Gliwice Inwestycji, Łódź Department of Immunology and Infectious Instytut Techniki Cieplnej - Politechnika Śląska, Przemysłowy Instytut Automatyki i Pomiarów Biology, Łódź Gliwice PIAP, Warszawa Department of Organic Chemistry, University Instytut Technologii Elektronowej, Warszawa Przemysłowy Instytut Motoryzacji (PIMOT), of Łódź InterSoft Gmbh Sp.z.o.o., Łódź Warszawa Dephos Sp.z.o.o., Krakow Invest Centrostal Sp.z.o.o., Warszawa Przemysłowy Instytut Telekomunikacji, Gdansk Digital One, Łódź INWAT Zakład Badawczo-Projektowy, Łódź Przemysłówka -SKANSKA S.A., Łódź Dolnośląskie Zakłady Usługowo - Produkcyjne INWEST COMPLEX SP.Z.O.O. Gliwice Quantum software S.A., Krakow “DOZAMEL”, Wrocław IPOCHEM Sp.z.o.o., Warszawa R&M IZOMAR Sp.z.o.o., Warszawa DRQ Sp.z.o.o., Krakow JEMS Architekci Sp.z.o.o., Warszawa Reckitt Bensicker Poland, Warszawa DZ Bank Polska S.A., Warszawa JSK ARCHITEKCI Sp.z.o.o., Warszawa REINVEST Ltd., Łódź eBox Sp.z.o.o., Warszawa Katedra Geomechaniki, Budownictwa Resinex Sp.z.o.o., Warszawa ECM Group Polska Sp.z.o.o., Warszawa Podziemnego i Zarządzania Ochroną RM Projektanci, Poznań ECOLAND Biuro Urbanistyczne, Wroclaw Powierzchni, Politechnika Śląska, Gliwice ROMAG Gryziński Wieczorek Sp. j, Złotniki k. EDS - Poland, Gliwice Katedra Informatyki Stosowanej, Łódź Poznania Emerson Process Management and Water Katedra Mikroelektroniki i Tech. Informat., Łódź Rücker-Polska Sp. z o.o., Warszawa Solutions, Warszawa Katedra Technologii Materiałów i Maszyn, Rzeszow University of Technology Civil ENERGOPROJEKT Gliwice S.A. Uniwersytet Warmińsko- Mazurski, Olsztyn Engineering Technology Centre, Rzeszow ENERGOTEST - ENERGOPOMIAR Sp.z.o.o., KOSKISEN OY branch in Poland Krakow S&T Services Polska Sp.z.o.o., Warszawa Gliwice KPG Ltd., Krakow S.A.M.I. Architekci, Warszawa Engineering Works Company Ltd., Rzeszow Laboratorium Kosmetyczne Dr Irena Eris, S.E.R. Solutions Polska Sp.z.o.o., Warszawa ESA PROJEKT Sp.z.o.o., Katowice Warszawa SDA SZCZEŚNIAK DENIER ARCHITEKCI, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Lunar Logic Polska Sp.z.o.o., Kraków Warszawa Robotics, Krakow M. i K. Sopek, Ltd., Łódź SECURA B.C. Sp.z.o.o. Warszawa Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Automatics, M.S. GLIWICKIE BIURO PROJEKTÓW, Gliwice SEMICON Sp.z.o.o. Warszawa Computer Science and Electronics, Krakow MAAS S.C., Warszawa Sentivision Polska Sp.z.o.o. Warszawa Faculty of Foundry Engineering, Krakow MakoLab, Łódź SEO Wojciech Jakoniuk Warszawa Faculty of Management, Krakow MARTIFER POLSKA SP. Z O.O., Gliwice SFeRa modern media solutions, Łódź Faculty of Material Science and Ceramics, MC Bauchemie Sp.z.o.o. Środa, Wielkopolska Krakow SILESIA CONSULT Biuro Projektów Medical Biology Centre, Polish Academy of Komunikacji, Wroclaw Faculty of Mathematics, University of Łódź Sciences, Łódź Simens Sp.z.o.o., Wrocław Faculty of Metallurgy and Material Science, MEDIM Sp.z.o.o., Warszawa Krakow Solaris Bus & Coach S.A. Bolechowo k. MESTO AUTOMATION POLSKA Sp.z.o.o., Poznania Faculty of Mining and Geoengineering, Krakow Gliwice SOLARIS LASER S.A., Warszawa Faculty of Mining Surveing and Environmental Metal Forming Institute, Poznań Engineering, Krakow SOLETANCHE POLSKA Sp.z.o.o., Warszawa Miejskie Przedsiębiorstwo Energetyki Cieplnej Spółka Projektowania Architektonicznego Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer S.A., Krakow Science, Krakow Sadowski, Sadowska, Poznań Mobiteam Sp.z.o.o., Kraków FERRO-TERM Ltd., Łódź Spółka Wodna “Międzyodrze”, Szczecin MOTOR-NAUTA Sp.z.o.o., Gdansk FQS POLAND Sp.z.o.o., Krakow Stal - Inwest, Krakow NIBCO Ltd., Łódź Fundacja Rozwoju Kardiochirurgii- Instytu Studio A4, Szczecin Protez Serca Zabrze NUTRICIA Zakłady Produkcyjne, Opole Szaroszyk & Rycerski Architekci Sp.z.o.o., Gdansk University of Technology, Department OBRAM Ltd., Olsztyn Warszawa of Fat and Detergent Technology OBRI POLATOM, Warszawa Sztuka Użytkowa Ltd., Łódź Gdansk University of Technology, Department OEPD SP. Z O.O., Gliwice Śląskie Laboratoria Analityczne Sp.z.o.o., of Water and Waste-Water Technology Ofi cyna Wydawnicza „Read me”, Łódź Zabrze GEFCO POLSKA, Warszawa Orłowski, Szymański, architekci, Szczecin Teleca Sp.z.o.o., Łódź GEMIUS S.A., Warszawa Ove Arup & Partners International Limited TERMOCLIM S.A., Warszawa GENERAL ELECTRIC Sp.z.o.o., Łódź Sp.z.o.o., Warszawa TIBEX Ltd., Łódź GEODETA Buiro Geodezyjne, Wroclaw P.P.R. i N.B. NABUD Środa, Wielkopolska Tukaj Mapping Central Europe Sp.z.o.o., GESTRA Polonia Sp.z.o.o., Warszawa Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny, Warszawa Krakow GRUPA 5 Sp.z.o.o., Warszawa PBG S.A. Wysogotowo k. Poznania UNIPROJEKT Ltd., Łódź HENRYK BURY - MIELEC PLC, Mielec PERI Sp.z.o.o., Warszawa Unitex Sp.z.o.o., Gdansk Hewea Sp.z.o.o. Wrocław PHILIPS LIGHTING Pabianice SA, Łódź Usługi Geodezyjne, Łódź HOCHTIEF Polska Sp.z.o.o., Warszawa Philips Polska Sp.z.o.o. European Service WASKO Sp.z.o.o., Gliwice Spółka jawna, Szczecin Center, Łódź Whirpool Poland Ltd., POLAR, Wrocław

Politechnika Łódzka, Łódź Wiesław Gaweł’s Screw Factory Palikowka AND INSTITUTIONS EMPLOYERS 39 International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience

WILKOCKI PROJEKT, Łódź ZIP STUDIO S.R.L. DMV, Nis WMW Projekt Ltd., Łódź Participating Institutions Duvanska industrija, Nis WROKAR, Wrocław Ion Mincu University of Architecture and Urban EcoTeh - Kyocera, Beograd Serwisy Branżowe Sp.z.o.o., Kraków Planning - Bucharest Ekonomski institut, Beograd Zakład Elektroniki i Mechaniki Precyzyjnej, Łódź University of Bucharest Ekonomski biro - Zavod za inzenjering, Beograd Participating Institutions Energoprojekt - Arhitektura i urbanizam, Akademia Górniczo Hutnicza RUSSIA Novi Beograd Akademia Rolnicza Wrocław Participating Employers Energoprojekt - Hidroinzenjering, Novi Beograd Politechnika Częstochowska Arch 4 Studio EPS - Elektroistok, Beograd Politechnika Gdańska A.Asadov Architectural Studio Estetika Interprojekt, Beograd Politechnika Krakowska Architectural Studio - Manipulazione Energo-sistem a.d., Novi Sad Internazionale Politechnika Łódzka EPS - Elektrovojvodina projektni biro, Novi Sad “BTI-Service” Politechnika Poznańska EPS - Panonske elektrane, Novi Sad BN Ingineering Politechnika Rzeszowska Expres-servis, Subotica Centre - Architecture, Advertisement, Design Politechnika Szczecińska Exol, Nis Moscow Aviation Institute (State Technical Politechnika Śląska Elektroprivreda Crne Gore, Niksic University) Fox, Nis Politechnika Warszawska Moscow Student Center Politechnika Wrocławska GRAFIX, Beograd Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Galenika, Zemun Uniwersytet Łódzki Biophysics Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski Geoloski zavod “GEMINI”, Beograd Participating Institutions GP “Napred”, Novi Beograd Institute of Management, Marketing and PORTUGAL Finance GP “Rad”, Beograd Participating Employers Mendeleyev Russian University of Chemical GP “Neimar” - EPJ “ Inzenjering”, Novi Sad BAIXA, Atelier de Arquitectura, Lda. Technology GPP Grad-ing, Novi Sad BRISA - Auto-Estradas de Portugal, SA Moscow Aviation Institute (State Technical Gardi, Novi Sad Caixa Geral de Depósitos University) Graditelj, Novi Sad CIMPOR - Cimentos de Portugal, SA Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology Gradska toplana, Nis CPPE - EDP Produção, SA Moscow National Regional University Grafi ka Galeb, Nis EDP Distribuição de Energia, SA Moscow Power Engineering University Gradjevinar Projekt, Nis ERICSSON Telecomunicações, SA Moscow State Institute of Radioengineering, Gradjevinar, Podgorica GRID - Consulta, Estudos e Projectos de Electronics and Automation Gradjevinski fakultet, Subotica Engenharia, Lda. Moscow State Technical University n.a. Grejanje D.P., Zrenjanin HOVIONE FarmaCiencia, SA Bauman HIP - Azotara, Pancevo ICAT - Instituto de Ciência Aplicada e Moscow State University of Auto Mechanical HIP - Petrohemija, Pancevo Tecnologia Moscow State University by Lomonosov IHTM, Beograd ISQ - Instituto de Soldadura e Qualidade Orel State University INI, Beograd LNEC - Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Russian Plekhanov Academy of Economics ITNMS, Beograd Civil Russian State Oil and Gas University IBIS-SYS, Beograd Metropolitano de Lisboa, SA State Academy of Construction IMEL Group, Beograd NOK Tver Technical University INEP, Zemun OTIS Elevadores, Lda. Ugra State University Ikarbus, Zemun QUIMIGAL - Química de Portugal, SA Industrija boja i lakova “Duga”, Beograd RESIQUÍMICA - Resinas Químicas, SA SERBIA AND MONTENEGRO Institut “Nikola Tesla”, Beograd SECIL - Companhia Geral de Cal e Cimento, Participating Employers Institut “Mihajlo Pupin”, Beograd SA Arhitektonski biro “CUBUS”, Beograd Institut za nuklearne nauke “Vinca”, Beograd SOMINCOR - Sociedade Mineira de Neves Arhitrav, Beograd Institut za fi ziku, Zemun Corvo, SA AB&Co. Geosystems, Novi Sad Institut za molekularnu genetiku i genetsko Participating Institutions Atelje Kresovic, Novi Sad inzenjerstvo, Beograd Universidade de Aveiro Agrovojvodina Export-Import, Novi Sad Institut za puteve, Beograd Universidade da Beira Interior Agrovojvodina - Metalurgija, Novi Sad Institut za vodoprivredu “Jaroslav Cerni”, Universidade de Coimbra: Faculdade de Albus, Novi Sad Beograd Ciências e Tecnologia Ardi d.o.o., Novi Sad Industrija spirita i kvasca “Vrenje”, Beograd Universidade de Lisboa: Faculdade de Ciências Accordia Group - LLC Deleware, Nis Institut za zastitu na radu, Novi Sad Universidade Nova de Lisboa: Faculdade de AdverCity, Nis Institut za prevenciju, Novi Sad Ciências e Tecnologia Aerodrom, Nis Informatika, Novi Sad Universidade do Porto: Faculdade de Engenharia Arhitektonsko-gradjevinski fakultet, Nis Inter@ctive, Nis Universidade Técnica de Lisboa: Instituto Agroinstitut, Sombor Industrija lezajeva, Kotor Superior Técnico Agrounija A.D., Indjija IGP Fidija, Podgorica Instituto Superior de Ciências do Trabalho e da Agencija za radiodifuziju Crne Gore, Podgorica Internet-Crna Gora, Podgorica Empresa Agencija za telekomunikacije Crne Gore, “Janko Lisjak” - Ekoloski inzenjering, Beograd Podgorica Jadransko brodogradiliste, Bijela ROMANIA Biro 59, Beograd Jugopetrol, Kotor Participating Employers BIP Holding, Beograd Jugoinspekt, Novi Sad AEDIFICIA Carpati S.A. Beograd-put, Beograd Jugozapadna Backa a.d., Bac ARHITECTURAL S.R.L. Boox Computers, Kragujevac Jugoterm, Nis BIP Bucuresti International Proiect S.A. Buducnost a.d., Novi Sad Kapa Projekt, Nis DS Birou de arhitectura S.R.L. Banker Internet, Nis Kompanija “Voj-put”, Subotica F.C.I. “Capitel International” S.R.L. Belvit, Nis Lola Institut, Beograd GRAPHIC STUDIO S.R.L BOG&COM, Nis Luka Beograd, Beograd HIDROPROIECT S.A. CEP, Beograd Luka Bar, Bar “NEO BOS” Arhitectura S.R.L. Centar za puteve Vojvodine, Novi Sad MINEL - ELVO, Novi Beograd PRODOMUS S.A. CEMI, Centar za Monitoring, Podgorica MINEL - ELIP, Novi Beograd PROIECT BUCURESTI S.A. Cijevna komerc, Podgorica Mitri plus, Beograd S.C.”WESTFOURTH Architecture” S.A. Crnagora put, Podgorica Montaza, Beograd SILVAROM S.A. DOMAA, Beograd MB Projekt, Novi Sad STUDIO T94 Impex S.R.L. Danubijus, Novi Sad Matica Srpska - Biblioteka, Novi Sad “TRANSALPIN Industries” S.A. Digital Telekom, Novi Sad Metalo-plastika, Backa Palanka U.A.U.I.M. - C.C.P.E.C. DTD Kanal GDP, Novi Sad MicronasNIT, Novi Sad “WEST GROUP Architecture” S.R.L. (1999, Direkcija za urbanizam i izgradnju, Kragujevac Motins, Novi Sad IAESTE ANNUAL REVIEW 2006 2000) 40 I A E S T E — A N N U A L R E V I E W 2 0 0 6

Muzej grada Novog Sada, Petrovaradin University of Novi Sad: Participating Institutions MIN FITIP, Nis Fakultet za arhitekturu i gradjevinu Fourah Bay College MIN Inzenjering, Nis Fakultet tehnickih nauka Njala University MIN Holding, Nis Institut za automatsko upravljanje Morava - Krusce, Nis Institut za energetiku SLOVAKIA Monet, Podgorica Institut za grafi cki dizajn Participating Employers Montenegro Biznis Alijansa, Podgorica Institut za industrijsku gradnju Accenture, s.r.o. MI “Radoje Dakic”, Podgorica Institut za industrijske sisteme Ajilon Consulting Nacionalna laboratorija za ispitivanje semena, Institut za inzenjerstvo Alcatel Slovakia, spol. s r.o. Novi Sad Institut za mehaniku ALPS Electric Czech, s.r.o. Navip - Fruskogorac, Novi Sad Institut za menadzment AMI Semiconductor Czech, s.r.o. Neimar Projekt, Novi Sad Institut za proizvodno inzenjerstvo AUREX, spol. s r.o. Novosadska mlekara, Novi Sad Institut za telekomunikacije AVX Czech Republic, s.r.o. Novosadske toplane, Novi Sad Institut za RAM Baest, a.s. NIS - Naftagas, Novi Sad Poljoprivredni fakultet Bosch Diesel, s.r.o. NIS - Rafi nerija nafte, Novi Sad Prirodno-matematicki fakultet Cakov-Makara NIS - Gas, Novi Sad Institut za fi ziku Carmeuse Slovakia, s r.o. NIS - Gas, Merenje i regulacija, Novi Sad Institut za matematiku Celestica Czech Republic, s.r.o. NIS - Gas, Odrzavanje gasovoda, Zrenjanin University of Nis: Dell, s.r.o. Naftagas - Montaza a.d., Zrenjanin Elektronski fakultet FOXCONN CZ, s.r.o. Niska mlekara, Nis Laboratorija za TV FREQUENTIS spol. s r.o NisProjekt, Nis Laboratorija za MT Genesys s.r.o. NisInvest d.o.o., Nis Laboratorija za robotiku Globium, s.r.o. OVATION, Beograd Filozofski fakultet Hella Slovakia Front Lighting, s.r.o. Osnova Projekt, Beograd Gradjevinsko-arhitektonski fakultet INA Kysuce, a.s. Omniko, Nis JUNIS Institute of Construction and Architecture /SAV/ Panongrad, Subotica Masinski fakultet Institute of Chemistry /SAV/ “Pavle Beljanski”, Spomen Zbirka, Novi Sad Prirodno-matematicki fakultet Institute of Measurement Science /SAV/ “Petar Drapsin” a.d., Novi Sad Katedra za biologiju Lidl Slovenská republika, v.o.s. Plan d.d., Novi Sad Katedra za fi ziku MANPOWER Slovensko s.r.o. Poslovni prostor, Novi Sad Katedra za geografi ju Matador, a.s. Púchov Pro-Ing a.d., Novi Sad Katedra za informatiku McKinsey&Company Pivara “Nis”, Nis University of Montenegro: Molex Slovakia a.s. Positive IT&Media, Nis Centar informacionog sistema, Podgorica Nafta, a.s. Preduzece za puteve, Nis Elektrotehnicki fakultet, Podgorica Nemetschek Slovakia, s.r.o. Put Inzenjering, Nis Gradjevinski fakultet, Podgorica OSRAM Slovakia, a.s. Rafi nerija nafte “Beograd”, Beograd Institut za biologiju mora, Kotor Panasonic Electronic Devices Slovakia, s.r.o. Republicki geodetski zavod, Beograd Masinski fakultet, Podgorica Polymer Institute /SAV/ Rudarski institut, Zemun Vodovod i Kanalizacija, Novi Sad PosAm, s.r.o. Referent inc. d.o.o., Novi Sad Vojvodina Pro-Ing “46”, Novi Sad Procter & Gamble - Rakona, s.r.o. SANU - Institut tehnickih nauka, Beograd Vojvodina put, Novi Sad Profesia, s r.o.s Sigmaprojekt, Beograd Vodovod i Kanalizacija, Zrenjanin PSL, a.s. Povazska Bystrica Sinestezia, Beograd Vizus, Nis PricewaterhouseCoopers Sirius N.S., Novi Sad Zelenilo, Beograd RWE Systems Slovakia, s.r.o. Srbijagas, Novi Sad Zavod za izgradnju grada, Novi Sad S&T Slovakia, s.r.o. Stambena zadruga “Atrijum”, Novi Sad Zavod za puteve, mostove i saobracajnice Sauer Danfoss, a.s. Stambena zadruga “Profi t”, Novi Sad Vojvodine, Novi Sad Sibamac, a.s. Somboled, Sombor Zavod za zastitu spomenika kulture, Novi Sad Siemens Program and System Engineering Sunce a.d., Sombor Zavod za zastitu spomenika kulture, Nis s.r.o. Sinex, Nis Zavod za urbanizam, Nis Slovak Academy of Science /SAV/ - Institute of SM - Design, Nis Zitopek, Nis Electrical Engineering TehnicomNET, Beograd Zavod za gradjevinske materijale i geotehniku, Slovak Telekom, a.s. TEHNICOM Computers, Beograd Niksic Slovalco, a.s. TEHNICOM - Tehcom, Beograd Participating Institutions Softec, s.r.o. Termoelektrana “Nikola Tesla”, Obrenovac University of Belgrade - Univerzitet u Beogradu Soitron, a.s. Telekom Crne Gore, Podgorica University of Arts, Belgrade - Univerzitet Sony Trnava, s.r.o. Transped, Novi Sad umetnosti, Beograd Skoda Auto, a.s. Trebic - Sunce, Nis University of Novi Sad - Univerzitet u Novom Sun Microsystems Czech, s.r.o. Sadu Troxo d.o.o., Nis Unicorn Group spol. s r.o. University of Nis - Univerzitet u Nisu Urbanisticki zavod, Beograd Vỳchodoslovenská energetika, a.s. University of Montenegro - Univerzitet Crne Participating Institutions Urbanizam, Novi Sad Gore, Podgorica Alexander Dubcek University in Trencin Urbisprojekt, Novi Sad University of Kragujevac - Univerzitet u University of Belgrade: Kragujevcu Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava Arhitektonski fakultet University of Pristina - Univerzitet u Pristini Technical University in Kosice Elektrotehnicki fakultet Faculty of Technical Sciences in Bor - Fakultet Technical University in Zvolen Gradjevinski fakultet tehnickih nauka u Boru The University of Zilina Hemijski fakultet Faculty of Civil Engineering in Subotica Matematicki fakultet - Gradjevinski fakultet u Subotici SLOVENIA Masinski fakultet Faculty of Agriculture in Cacak - Poljoprivredni Participating Employers CENT fakultet u Cacku CAMTP - Center for Applied Mathematics and Centar za molekularne masine Faculty of Technical Sciences in Cacak Theoretical Physics Rudarsko-geoloski fakultet - Tehnicki fakultet, Cacak Dravske elektrarne Maribor d.o.o Sumarski fakultet Elea IC d.o.o. Tehnolosko-metalurski fakultet SIERRA LEONE Elti d.o.o Katedra za biohemijsko inzenjerstvo Participating Employers Genera-Lynx d.o.o. Katedra za OHT Bo-Kenema Power Station Gorenje d.d. Katedra za OTN National Power Authority Helios Tovarna barv, lakov in umetnih smol Katedra za organsku hemiju Ramsy Medical Laboratory IBE d.d. , Svetovanje, projektiranje in inženiring Sierra Leone Brewery Institute for metals and technology, Slovenia

Katedra za tekstilno inzenjerstvo AND INSTITUTIONS EMPLOYERS 41 International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience

Iskra Sistemi d.d. Ajuntament De La Roca Del Vallès Departamento De Ingenieria Cartografi ca- Jozef Stefan Institute Ajuntament De Terrassa U.P.V. Komunaprojekt d.d. Ajuntament D’ontinyent. Departamento De Ingenieria Hidraulica Y Medio National Institute of Chemistry, Slovenia Albalat Dels Sorells Townhall Ambiente- Universidad Politécnica PARSEK d.o.o Albert Pla Gispert Estudio De Arquitectura Departamento De Ingenieria Mecanica- C.P.S. PAUL HARTMANN ADRIATIC d.o.o. Alcon Cusí, S.A. Departamento De Ingenieria Quimica Y Nuclear-U.P.V. PRESS Clipping d.o.o. Allibert Manutención S.A. Departamento De Matematicas- Universidad De Rašica point d.o.o. Alser S.L Oviedo RTV Slovenija - OE RC RTV Maribor Anapa Estudio De Arquitectura Departamento De Mecanica De Los Medios Savatech d.o.o. Apia Xxi Sa Continuos Y Teoria De Estructuras- U.P.V. Slovenian National Building and Civil Aqualva Trade S.L. Departamento De Mecanización Agraria Y Engineering Institute Arespa Motors Girona S.A. Tecnologia- U.P.V. SMM d.o.o Arquitectura Mediterranea Contemporanea S.L Departamento De Organizacion De Empresas- Špica international d.o.o. Ascensors Serra S.A. U.P.V. TALUM d.d. Aseguramiento Técnico De Calidad S.A. Departamento De Tecnología Electrónica- TECOS Slovenian Tool and Die Development Asociación Nacional Ingenieros Icai U.P.M. Centre Aspen Playa S.A. Diacomar S.L. Trivium - Business-Information Solutions Augimar Obras Y Servicios Diputación De Barcelona University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty Automóviles La Vall S.L Dpto. Arquitectura De Computadores - E.T.S.I. University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Computer and Autoridad Portuaria De Gijón Informática Malaga Information Science Autoritat Portuària De Tarragona Dpto. Ciencias E Ingeniería Del Terreno Y Los University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Materiales Ayuntamiento De Albalat Del Sorells Engineering Universidad De Cantabria Ayuntamiento De Alcoy University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mechanical Dpto. Ingeniería Electrónica- U.P.M. Ayuntamiento De Amposta Engineering Dpto. Ingenieria Grafi ca Y Tecnicas De University of Maribor, Faculty of Chemistry and Ayuntamiento De Chilches Expresion Grafi ca- U.P.V. Chemical Engineering Ayuntamiento De Puzol Dpto. Lenguajes Y Ciencias De La University of Maribor, Faculty of Civil Ayuntamiento De Tavernes De La Valldigna Computación - U.M.A. Engineering Ayuntamiento De Torremolinos (Council) E.T.S. Arquitectura. Dep. Matematica Aplicada- University of Maribor, Faculty of Electrical Ayuntamiento Del Puig U.P.V. Engineering and Computer Science Beulas, S.A.U. E.U.I.T.I.Z., Universidad De Zaragoza University of Maribor, Faculty of Mechanical Bimbo S.A.U. Edifi caciones Castello S.A. Engineering Biomedical Image Technology Departamento Edifi cio Vannes S.A. Urban planning Institute of the Republic of De Ingeniería Electrónica Electronics Dept. Faculty Of Physics. University Slovenia Blaxxun Technologies Iberica, S.L. of Barcelona Participating Institutions Cartif Embutidos Y Jamones Noel, S.A. University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty Cediant Sa Emili Albert Justicia Segovia University of Ljubljana, Faculty for Natural and Centre Tecnológic De Transferencia De Calor- Emilio Albarracin Rapallo Tehnical Sciences Etseit Terrassa Enri 2000, S.A. University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Architecture Centro De Educacion Ambiental De La Entecsa University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Chemistry Comunidad Valenciana Erictel S.L. and Chemical Engineering Centro De Tecnologías Aeronaúticas (Cta) University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Civil and Erzia Technologies S.L. Centro Politécnico Superior.- Dpto. Química Escola Universitària Politècnica De Mataró Geodetic Engineering E Ingeniería Medioambiental- Universidad De University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Economics Zaragoza Escuela Técnica Superior De Ingenieros De Caminos- U.P.V. University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Chapman Taylor España Sl Engineering Escuela Tecnica Superior Del Medio Rural Y Chaqués-García, C.B. Enología- U.P.V. University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mathematics Chemistry Department- Girona University and Physics Estudio Arcadia Sc Cidaut University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mechanical Estudio Informatica Software S.L. Engineering Cobega, S.A. Estudio Taller 10 Cañizares S.L. University of Maribor, Faculty of Agronomy Coboros Arquitectos Asociados,S.L. Etsi Informática - Universidad De Málaga University of Maribor, Faculty of Chemistry and Collegi D’arquitectes De Catalunya, Demarcació Excma. Diputación Provincial De Alicante De L’ebre Chemical Engineering Excmo. Ayuntamiento De Cuenca Colegio Terrritorial De Arquitectos De Castellon University of Maribor, Faculty of Civil Facultad De Administración Y Dirección De Engineering Confederación Hidrográfi ca Del Júcar Empresas- U.P.V. University of Maribor, Faculty of Economy and Consell Comarcal Del Maresme Facultad De Medicina- Dpto. De Farmacología Buisness Conselleria De Agricultura Pesca Y Farmacia Juan Manuel Usero Vilchez. Alimentación-Servicio De Desarrollo University of Maribor, Faculty of Electrical Farmaclinic Engineering and Computer Science Tecnologico Agrario Fcc Construcción University of Maribor, Faculty of Mechanical Construcciones Iniesta S.L Engineering Construcciones Ker S.A. Feria Muestrario Internacional De Valencia Constructora Hispánica Fitosanitarios Manuel Gómez Rodriguez, S.L. Font Salem S.L. SOUTH AFRICA Consulting Ingenieria Tecas S.L. Francisco Catalá Pérez Participating Employers Consulting Tecnico Ditecsa, S.l. Tripsem Technologies (Pty) Ltd Coorporacion Uninser S.A. Francisco Manuel Uso Girona University of Pretoria Copcisa, S.A. Fritta S.L. Fundacion Barredo Participating Institutions Creu Roja (Red Cross) Northwestern University Cristian Cirici Associats S.A. Fundación Instituto Portuario De Estudios Y Cooperación De La Comunidad Valenciana University of Pretoria Crivillers I Arquitectes S.L. Fundacion Roig Alfonso De La C.V. Cropu, S.A. Gextech S.A. Cubic Arquitectura, S.L. SPAIN Gmk Associats S.L. Daimler Chrysler España S.A. Participating Employers Gpo, Ingenieria Acefhat, A.I.E. Dau Componentes S.A. Gran Logia Simbolica D’andorra A Catalunya Acieroid S.A. Departamento De Ciencias Sociales Y Economia- U.P.V. Grupo De Ingenieria Del Terreno (Git). Aeropuertos Españoles Y Navegacion Aerea E.T.S.I.Minas.- Universidad De Oviedo Departamento De Estructuras- U.P.V. Afo Department. Universidad Politécnica De Grupo Ormazabal Valencia Departamento De Física Teórica. Harvard Optometry, S.L. Aguas Del Júcar S.A Facultad De Ciencias- Universidad De Hermanos Vaquer Aidico Zaragoza Holcim Hormigones S.A. Ajuntament D’argentona Departamento De Informatica De Sitemas Y Hotel Guadalupe Ajuntament De Bonrepos I Mirambell. Computadores- U.P.V. IAESTE ANNUAL REVIEW 2006 42 I A E S T E — A N N U A L R E V I E W 2 0 0 6

Hotel Novotel Malaga (Accor Hoteles S.A.) Ssr- Etsi Telecomunicación- U.P.M. Higher Technical School of Telecommunication Iberica De Estudios E Ingenieria, S.A. (Iberinsa) Tacome, S.A. Engineering of Barcelona Idom, Ingenieria Y Arquitectura Taller Mec. Vega Lopez Hnos Higher Technical School of Telecommunication Indebe S.A. Telecor S.A. Engineering of Bilbao Industrias Químicas Del Ebro, S.A. Televisió De Catalunya Higher Technical School of Telecommunication Engineering of La Salle (Barcelona) Industrias Videca, S.A. Terraelvira, S.L. Higher Technical School of Telecommunication Ingecosur S.A. Tomas Curbelo Promociones Y Urbanismo S.L. Engineering of Madrid Ingenieria Del Suelo S.A. Transformados Muper S.L. Higher Technical School of Telecommunication Ingeniería Y Economía Del Transporte, S.A. Trias De Bes, Arquitectura S.L. Engineering of Valencia (INECO) Trimek S.A. Technical School of Architecture of Valencia Inha Turismo S.A. Higher Technical School of Engineering in Insbesa S.L. Union Española De Explosivos S.A. Geodesy, Cartography and Topography of Inselec Instalaciones Universidad De Granada Valencia Instituto Nacional De Tecnica Aeroespacial Universidad De Oviedo- Departamento De Technical School of Agriculture Engineering of Esteban Terradas Explotacion De Minas Valencia Instrumentos Testo, S.A. Universidad De Oviedo. Departamento De Technical School of Industrial Engineering of Jose Antonio Moreno Marquez Matematicas Valencia Juan Mercadé Estudio De Arquitectura Universidad Politecnica De Madrid. Higher Polytechnic School Alfonso X el Sabio Juan Vicente Vernia Dosda Departameno De Construccion, Proyectos, Aula of Madrid Juspe, S.A. Dragados Higher Polytechnic School of Burgos Kontrelmec S.L. Universitat Politècnica De València. Higher Polytechnic School of Girona Departamento De Ingeniería E Infrastructuras Higher Polytechnic School of Orihuela L.M.78 S.L. De Transportes Laboratorio De Cementos. Escuela De Minas Higher Polytechnic School of Alcoy Universitat Politècnica De València. Higher Polytechnic School of Gandia De Oviedo Departamento De Mecanización Y Tecnología Lear Automotive Spain Agraria Higher Polytechnic School of Lleida Lemona Industrial S.A. Valenciana De Aprovechamientos Energéticos Higher Polytechnic School of Málaga Leonor De Aquitania S.A. Y De Residuos S.A. (Vaersa) Higher Polytechnic School of Mataro Lidon Lara Agusti Valentin Trillo Martinez Valencia Localret, S.A. Vicente Castelló Vallés Faculty of Business Administration of Valencia Lucero De Levante, S.L. Viveros Palmer Faculty of Sciences of Alicante Luis Batalla, S.A.U. (Lubasa) Participating Institutions Faculty of Environmental Eng. of Granada M&M Infonet Associated, S.L. Higher Polytechnic School of Zaragoza Faculty of Physics of Barcelona Mancomunitat De Municipis De La Safor Higher School of Design “Elisava” Faculty of Computer Science of Barcelona Manuel Ramos Guerra Higher Technical School of Architecture of Faculty of Computer Science of Valencia Martínez Segovia, Fernández Pallas Y Barcelona Faculty of Naval Engineering of Barcelona Asociados. Ingeniería Y Arquitectura, S.A. Higher Technical School of Architecture of la Faculty of Chemistry of Barcelona Mas Terrats De Romanya, S.L. Salle Faculty of Chemistry of Granada Mcneel Europe, S.L. Higher Technical School of Architecture of Faculty of Chemistry of Málaga Miguel Del Ojo González Madrid Moisés Gallego Olmos Higher Technical School of Architecture of SRI LANKA Sevilla Mon Diplomatic, S.L. Participating Employers Monserrat Townhall Higher Technical School of Architecture of Valencia Central Engineering Consultancy Bureau Nacional Motor S.A.U. Higher Technical School of Architecture of Engineering Consultants (Pvt.) Ltd. Najarra Ingenieria De Gestión Ambiental, S.L. Vallés (Barcelona) Holcim Lanka (Pvt.) Ltd. Navarro Valles Arquitectes, S.L. Higher Technical School of Aeronautical Industrial & Financial Systems (Pvt.) Ltd. Neumac S.A. Engineering of Madrid Lanka Transformers Ltd. Novasoft Ingeniería S.L. Higher Technical School of Agricultural Linea Intimo (Pvt.) Ltd. Ofi cina De Projectes Integrals Arquitectura S.L. Engineering of Valencia Millennium Information Technologies (Pvt.) Ltd. Ofi cina Del Plan De Sevilla. Gerencia Municipal Higher Technical School of Civil Engineering of Open World Lanka (Pvt.) Ltd. De Urbanismo Barcelona Virtusa (Pvt.) Ltd. Omron Electronics S.A. Higher Technical School of Civil Engineering of Participating Institution Pavasal, Empresa Constructora S.A. Ciudad Real University of Moratuwa Pedro Janer Queraltó Higher Technical School of Civil Engineering of Granada Pentagraf Impresores, S.L. SWEDEN Pi Fx Interactive Factory Higher Technical School of Civil Engineering of Madrid Participating Employers Pikolinos Intercontinentales, S.A. ABB Pinturas Hempel S.A. Higher Technical School of Civil Engineering of Santander Atlas Copco Tools and Assembly Systems Proaudit Valencia S.L. Higher Technical School of Civil Engineering of Autoliv Development AB Projectes Comtech, S.L. Valencia Banverket Trafi k, Rail Traffi c Administration Radio Castilla, Sa (Master Cadena) Higher Technical School of Industrial Boliden Mineral AB, Rönnskär Smelter Rafael Gimeno Balaguer Engineering of Barcelona Eka Chemicals AB Ramos Y Ramos Arquitectos S.L. Higher Technical School of Industrial Glycorex AB Relleu Associats Engineering of Bilbao Göteborg Water and Wastewater Works Repsol Petroleo Higher Technical School of Industrial Holmen Paper AB, Hallsta Pappersbruk Research Group Hum-700- Heritage And Urban Engineering of ICAI-Madrid Iggesund Paperboard Develop In Andalucia Higher Technical School of Industrial ITT Flygt AB Engineering of Málaga Rls 28, S.L. IVF Industrial Research and Development Robert Bosch España Gasoline Systems S.A. Higher Technical School of Industrial Corporation Engineering of Terrassa (Barcelona) Safl oc, Floculantes Del Ebro, S.A. LKAB Sala Consultors,S.L. Higher Technical School of Industrial Engineering of Valencia Luleå University of Technology Sedesa Obras Y Servicios, S.A. Higher Technical School of Industrial Metso Screen Plates AB Sener Ingeniería Y Sistemas S.A. Engineering of Valladolid Royal Institute of Technology, Center of Serfruit Higher Technical School of Industrial and Molecular Devices, Department of Chemistry Sgs Tecnos S.A. Telecommunication Engineering of Santander Scania CV AB Siemens, S.A. Higher Technical School of Computer Science SKF Sverige AB Siemsa Este S.A. of Málaga St Jude Medical AB Sistemas Integrales De Proyectos. Higher Technical School of Mining Engineering STFI-Packforsk AB Sociedad General De Aguas De Barcelona, of Oviedo Swedish National Road Administration S.A. Higher Technical School of Naval Shipbuilding The LFV Group

Engineering of Madrid AND INSTITUTIONS EMPLOYERS 43 International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience

Torlarps Gård Fachhochschule Solothurn Nordwestschweiz, Waldhauser Haustechnik AG, Münchenstein Volvo Car Corporation Olten Wandfl uh AG, Frutigen Volvo Group F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG, Basel Wegmann Aaron J. Architekt, Oberrieden Participating Institutions Gigon & Guyer Architekten, Zürich Ypsomed AG, Burgdorf Blekinge Institute of Technology Hager Landschaftsarchitektur, Zürich Zach & Zünd Architekten, Zürich Chalmers University of Technology Heilpädagogisches Institut St. Michael, Adetswil Zeochem AG, Uetikon a.S. Karlstad University Herlach Hartmann Frommenwiler Architekten, Zürcher Hochschule Winterthur, Winterthur Karolinska Institutet Basel ZPA Zwimpfer Partner AG Architekturbüro, KTH - Royal Institute of Technology Herzog & de Meuron Architekten, Basel Basel Linköping University Hilti AG, Schaan Zweifel Pomy-Chips AG, Spreitenbach Luleå University of Technology Hochschule Rapperswil, Rapperswil Zwicky Stefan Architekt, Zürich Lund University - Institut für Internet Technologien und Participating Institutions Anwendungen Mid Sweden University Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne Hochschule Wädenswil, Wädenswil SLU - Swedish University of Agricultural Ecole d’Ingénieurs Arc Sciences Hochstrasser Joss Glaus Consulting AG, Zürich Ecole d’Ingénieurs de l’Etat de Vaud Södertörns University College Institut für angewandte Pfl anzenbiologie, Ecole d’Ingénieurs et d’architectes de Fribourg Schönenbuch Umeå University _Ecole Technique Supérieure de l’Etat Interstaatliche Hochschule für Technik, Buchs University College of Gotland Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich ipg ag, Winterthur University College of Gävle Fachhochschule Aargau, Fachhochschule Ivoclar Vivadent AG, Schaan University College of Halmstad Nordwestschweiz Jauslin & Stebler Ingenieure AG, Muttenz University College of Jönköping Fachhochschule beider Basel, Fachhochschule Ken Architekten AG, Baden Nordwestschweiz University College of Skövde Kerez Christian Architekt, Zürich Fachhochschule Solothurn, Fachhochschule Uppsala University Kernkraftwerk Leibstadt AG, Leibstadt Nordwestschweiz Leica Geosystems AG, Heerbrugg Haute Ecole Valaisanne SWITZERLAND Locher AG, Zürich Hochschule für Architektur Bau und Holz HSB Participating Employers Lonza AG, Visp Burgdorf/ Biel, Berner Fachhochschule ABB Schweiz AG Corporate Research, Baden- Medos Codmann J & J, Le Locle Hochschule für Technik Rapperswil, Dättwil Fachhochschule Ostschweiz Meili & Peter Architekten AG, Zürich ABB Schweiz AG High Voltage, Zürich Hochschule für Technik und Informatik Bern, ABB Schweiz AG Minerals & Papers, Baden meter2cash AG, Zug Berner Fachhochschule ABB Schweiz AG, Power Electronics, Turgi Metso Endress + Hauser Technology AG, Hochschule für Technik und Informatik HTI Biel, Reinach ABB Schweiz AG, Power Technology Systems, Berner Fachhochschule Baden Mettler-Toledo GmbH, Greifensee und Urdorf Hochschule für Technik und Informatik HTI ABB Schweiz AG, Semiconductors, Lenzburg Montena Emc SA, Rossens Burgdorf, Berner Fachhochschule ABB Turbo Systems AG, Baden MTS Machinery & Tools Services AG, Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Chur, Hombrechtikon Ad Novum Informatik AG, Zürich Fachhochschule Ostschweiz Müller Martini Electronic AG, Zofi ngen Alstom Schweiz AG, Baden Hochschule Liechtenstein Nestlé Product Technology Centre, Konolfi ngen Amt für Geoinformation des Kantons Thurgau, Hochschule Technik + Architektur Luzern, Frauenfeld Nestlé S.A., Vevey Fachhochschule Zentralschweiz Amt für Lebensmittelkontrolle und Neuronics AG, Zürich Hochschule Wädenswil, Zürcher Umweltschutz, Schaffhausen Nexus Telecom AG, Oetwil Fachhochschule Atelier ww & Partner AG Architekten, Zürich Nissen & Wentzlaff Architekten AG, Basel Interstaatliche Hochschule für Technik Buchs, Bachema AG, Schlieren Novartis Forschungsstiftung Friedrich Miescher- Fachhochschule Ostschweiz Bächtold AG Ingenieure, Bern Institut, Basel Interstaatliche Hochschule für Technik St. Gallen, NTB Baudepartement Basel-Stadt, Basel Novartis Pharma AG, Basel Novozymes Switzerland AG, Dittingen Schweizerische Hochschule für Landwirtschaft, Baumschule Zulauf AG, Schinznach-D Berner Fachhochschule Burckhardt + Partner AG Architekten, Basel Oetiker Heinz, Oetwil a.S. Open Systems AG, Zürich Scuola universitaria professionale della Burkard, Meyer Architekten, Baden Svizzera italiana Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen Bystronic Laser AG, Niederönz Universität Basel Philips AG Bereich Semiconductors, Zürich Centralschweizerische Kraftwerke, Luzern Universität Bern Rolic Technologies Ltd., Allschwil Ciba Spezialitätenchemie AG, Basel Université de Fribourg Rothpletz, Lienhard + Cie. AG, Aarau Clariant (Schweiz) AG, Muttenz Université de Genève SAM Architekten & Partner AG, Zürich Colenco Power Engineering, Baden-Dättwil Université de Lausanne Schenkel Vermessungen AG, Zürich Credit Suisse Financial Services, Zürich Université de Neuchâtel Schindler Aufzüge AG, Ebikon Diener + Diener Architekten AG, Basel Universität Zürich Scintilla AG, Solothurn EAWAG, Kastanienbaum Zürcher Hochschule Winterthur, Zürcher Eidg. Forschungsanstalt für Agrarökologie und Siemens Building Technologies, Männedorf Fachhochschule Landbau, Zürich SIG allCap AG, Neuhausen Sigpack Systems AG, Beringen Eidg. Forschungsanstalt für Agrarwirtschaft und SYRIA Landtechnik, Ettenhausen Sika Technology AG, Zürich Participating Employers Electrowatt Infra AG, Zürich Sintec HTM AG, Biel AL Furat Petroleum Co EM2N Architekten, Zürich SRT Architekten AG, Zürich Al Hafez Co for Refrigerator and Household EMPA, Dübendorf Stadtspital Waid, Zürich Banias Refi nery Co Endress+Hauser Process Solutions AG, Steiner Walter, Uster General Directorate of Coastal Basin Reinach Sulzer AG, Winterthur General Organisation of Remote Sensing Eidg. Technische Hochschule, Zürich Suter & Partner AG Architekten, Bern High Institute of Marine Research - Institut für Bildverarbeitung Swisstronics Contract Manufacturing AG, Homs Refi nery - Institut für biomedizinische Technik Bronschhofen Public Establishment for Generating & - Institut für elektrische Energieübertragung und Syngenta Crop Protection AG, Basel Transmission of Electrical Energy - Hochspannungstechnologie Sythes Bettlach GmbH, Bellach Syrian Arab Co for Electronic Ind - Institut für Mechanische Systeme Tele Atlas Schweiz AG, Neuenhof Syrian Company for Storage and Distribution of Petroleum Products - Institut für Pfl anzenwissenschaften Terra Vermessungen AG, Zürich The Arabian Medical Company Thamico - Institut für Pharmazeutische Wissenschaften The Wall, Will The General Company of Electricity/Aleppo - Institut für Quantenelektronik Theodor Wille Intertrade, Zug Governorate - Institut für Verkehrsplanung und Unique Flughafen AG, Zürich The General Company for Glass Ind Transportsysteme, Zürich Universität Bern Participating Institutions - Seminar für angewandte Mathematik - M.E. Müller-Institut für Biomechanik University of AL Baath Ernst & Young AG, Zürich Universitätsspital, Zürich University of Aleppo Fachhochschule Aargau, Windisch Vitaplant AG, Witterswil University of Damascus Fachhochschule Liechtenstein, Vaduz University of Tishreen

IAESTE ANNUAL REVIEW 2006 Waldabteilung 5, Riggisberg 44 I A E S T E — A N N U A L R E V I E W 2 0 0 6

TAJIKISTAN King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology North Hannibal Interactive Participating Employers Bangkok Hedyl Systems ACTED King Mongkut’s University of Technology IDEA Consult Group STUDI “Babilon - M” Thonburi I-Graphic Design Mahidol University “Babilon - T” INGEROP TUNISIE North Bangkok College “Isomatdinov”Ltd Prince of Songkla University Intermediatic Khujand Branch of the Technological University Silpakorn University International Computer Service (I.C.S) of Tajikistan Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology Invent Informatique Khujand Private High School Srinakharinwirot University ISO MOUSSE “MMK” Ltd. Thammasart University Khrystal Engineering Regional Sanitary and Epidemic Station LOGICA Research Institute of Architecture (Tajik TUNISIA LTS Tunisie Technical University) Participating Employers M2A Ingénierie “Saykhun” Abassi Mohamed MAGHREB ETUDES “Somoncom” ACE Engineering MAGHREB TRANSMISSIONS “Sugdgas” Agence d’architecure Zeineb Hedhili Ghedira MECA AUTO SERVICES Participating Institutions Agence LADHAR Mohamed, ADAPTA Media Graphic Khorog State University SQUARE Media Soft Khujand Branch of the Technological University ALPHA-CONSEIL METROPOLIS Architecture et Design of Tajikistan Archi Concept International Meubles Arif Khujand State University ARCHIDOC S.A MIRINIDHAL Research Institute of Labour and Social Archiprint Protection MKS SARL Atelier d’architecture d’intérieur et de décoration Navy Planet International Russian - Tajik (Slavonic) University Lajnef Tajik Technical University POINT COM 1 Bureau d’architecture ARCHITEK. Positif Tunisie Tajik Agrarian University Bureau d’Architecture Lyes ZAHAF Technological University of Tajikistan Profi nance Bureau d’études architecturales Pylon Decision Ware Bureau d’études Architecturales Rafaa Allani S.I.N.E.S THAILAND Bureau Tunisien des Etudes Sami MEFTEH Participating Employers Cabinet Ali CHETOUI Artith Machinery Co. Ltd. Siemens Tunisia Cabinet d’architecture A.Mimita Société Aries Bosco Machinery Co. Ltd Cabinet d’architecture et d’expertises judiciaires Cementhai Chemicals Co. Ltd Société commerciale d’équipements Audio- Cabinet d’Architecture et Pilotage Ouns Visuel Conveyor Co. Ltd. BAKLOUTI Société CONDAIR Plus Eastern College of Technoloty (E.TECH) Cabinet d’architecture Firass CHAARI Société d’architecture d’urbanisme et de Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand Cabinet d’architecture Mehdi DERBEL décoration (AUDA) Faculty of Agricultural Industry , KMITL Cabinet d’Architecture Mr Mohamed KARRAY Société de Construction et de Batiment Faculty of Architecture, Silpakorn University (Art de conception) (SOCOBAT) Faculty of Engineering, Naresuan University Cabinet d’Architecture Mustapha BENJENNET Société des travaux de réaménagement et de Faculty of Science and Fishery Technology Cabinet d’Architecture Mustapha BENJENNET fi nition (SOTREFIN) Rajamongala Institute Cabinet d’Architecture SRIHA Ayed Societé des travaux et de construcion Faculty of Science, King Mongkut’s Institute of Cabinet d’architecture Taoufi k BOUSLAMA (SOTRAC) Technology Ladkrabang Cabinet d’Etude d’Architecture et Technique Société ELTAIEF et FILS des travaux généraux Faculty of Science, Prince of Songkla University (CEAT) et VRD IT Techcom. Ltd. Cabinet Hadj Salah Fartouna Societé Imprimerie BETA Khon Kaen University CAMI Société Le Monde.Informatique-SMI King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology North CEFEB Société Maya de promotion immobilière Bangkok Centrale Laitiere du Cap-Bon Societé SINTEC Industrie Mae - Joh University Climat Service Société Tunisienne d’Electricité et de MAGPIE BLAZTHECH Co. Ltd. Compagnie Internationale d’Engineering pour la Régulation (S.T.E.R) Muban Chombung Rajabhat University Construction Société ZIN Décoration North Bangkok College Comunicando Tunisie Sarl SOGISET Pan Drives Co. Ltd. Conseil assistance informatique & ingénierie Solar Energy Systems Patai Udomsuksa school (CAII) SOLTECH Pullthana Technology Co. Ltd. Construction and Engineering Technology STUDIO S.A.R.L Rajabhat Institute Pibulsongkram (C.E.T) SYMBOLES MEDIA Rajabhat Institute Udonthani CREAPLUS Texacom SARL Rajamongala Institute of Technology, Debbabi Moncef TRIUM TECHNOLOGY Pathumthani Design Skillz Tunisie de la préforme et du packaging Research and Development Institute of Diffusion Informatique Unité de recherche LARA-Automatique ENIT Industrial Production Technology (RDiPT) Digital Syndrom UR Signal Image and Patern Recognition RIT (Northern Campus) DSI Developpement sytème industriel (National School of Engineering of Tunis) Siam University DZETA VADVEDT Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology Ecole Nationale d’Ingénieurs de Tunis Webmedia Site Preparation Management Co. Ltd. Eco-Ressources International (E.R.I) Participating Institutions Sripatum University Elmawassir ENAUT ( The National School of Architecture Sunfl ower School Entreprise Cabinet d’architecture et décoration and Urbanism of Tunis) Thai Central Mechanics Co. Ltd Entreprise de Batiment ENIT (The National Engineering School of Thai Development Machinery Ltd. Part Entreprise de construction et de réalisation Tunis) The Brexley Language Institute ENSI (The National School of Computer Entreprise Super Beton Sciences) The Siam Sement (Ta Luang) Co. Ltd Etudes Architectiurales Adel HAMZA INSAT (The National Institute of Applied THEDEVSHOP Co. Ltd EUREKA ingenierie Sciences of Tunis) Volvocars EUROMED AFRICAN FORMATION (EURAF) SUP’COM Wat kratumsuapla School FLOR’ALIA Participating Institutions General Telecom Services TURKEY Asian University GéoHydro Participating Employers Chiang mai University Geomatix AE Mimarlık Atölyesi Chulalongkorn University GESR Agdas Adapazarı Gaz Dağıtım AŞ. Kasetsart University GET WIRELESS Akemeklilik A.Ş. King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology

Ladkrabang Graphique Ingégnierie Service Alarge Araştırma ve Geliştirme AND INSTITUTIONS EMPLOYERS 45 International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience

Alcatel Teletaş - İzmit/Kocaeli Ormancılık Enstitüsü Yunakov’ Kiev Private architectural studio Alfa Mühendislik Makine Ltd. Şti. T.C.Bayındırlık ve İskan Bakanlığı, Zabolotny Institute of Microbiology and Virology Anadolu Hidrolik - Devlet Su İşleri Genel Müdürlüğü Zond’ Scientifi c production company Anadoluray Yapı Merkezi-Doğuş-Yüksel- - Karayolları Genel Müdürlüğü Participating Institutions Yenigün A.Ş. T.C. Sanayii Bakanlığı Icano-Frankovsk State Medical Academy Anka Bilgi teknolojileri Ar-Ge A.Ş. - Türkiye Şeker Fabrikaları A.Ş. Ivano-Frankovsk National University of Oil and Arbiogaz Çevre Teknolojileri T.C.Türkiye Kömür İşletmeleri Gas Arıtek Bilgi Teknolojileri - Garp Linyitleri İşletmesi Müessesesi Kharkiv Automobile and Highway University Artı Proje Ltd. Taka Yat Endüstrisi ve Ticaret Ticaret Ltd. Kiev Institute of Automation and Experimental Atatürk Univ. Tat Konserve Sanayi A.Ş. Research Beldeyama Motorlu Vasıtalar San. Ve Tic. A.Ş. Tekfen Üretim Mühendisliği Kiev Institute of Pharmacy Beşler Makarna Un İrmik Gıda San. Ve Tic. A.Ş. Tekno Polimer Müh. Plastikleri Sanayi Ve Tic. Kiev Medical Academy Beşsan Makarna Gıda Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. A.Ş. Kiev National Economy University Bizitek Software Geliştirme Telenity iletişim Sistemleri Kiev University of Construction and Architecture Cağla Mühendislik Mimarlık Tic. Ltd. Şti Tem Mühendislik Müşavirlik Ltd. šti. Kiev University of Economics Candeniz Elektronik San. Ve Tic. Ltd. Şti. Temeltaş İnş. San. Tic. A.Ş. National Technical University “Kharkov Casper Bilgisayar A.Ş. Thrace Basin Nat. Gas. Co. Polytechnic Institute” Çamsan Ahşap Endüstrisi Torlak Gemi İnşaa National Technical University of Ukraine - KPI Çelik Tekne San. Ve Tic. A.Ş. Trans Ticaret Odessa Polytechnic University Çetinler Elektrik Yapı Malzemeleri Tures Turizm Planlama Restorasyon San. Tic. Shevchenko University Çevre İnş San.Ltd.Şti. Ltd. Vasyl Stefanyk University Dimes Gıda San. Ve Tic. A.Ş. Türk Hava Yolları A.O. Eğitim Başkanlığı Vinnitsa Medical University Dizayn Grup Van Et Entegre Et Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. Vinnitsa State Pedagogical University Doğa Okulları Yapı Merkezi A.Ş. Zhaporizhje Engineering Academy Doğuş İnşaat ve Tic. A.Ş. Yardımcı Gemi İnšaat A.Ş. Eczacıbaşı Bilgi İletişim A.Ş. Yay Gemi Yapım San. Tic. A.Ş. UAE Ejder Netaş İnş. Ltd. Şti. Yıldız Teknik Univ.IT Center Participating Employers Ekol Lojistik A.Ş. Yüksel İnšaat (Anadolu Metro Ortaklığı) Al Habtoor Engineering Enterprises Co. (LLC) Ekşioğulları İnş. A.Ş. Zoom Mimarlık tpu ltd. šti. Al Hamad Contracting Company Elkotek Veri İletişim Sistemleri Tic. A.Ş. Participating Institutions Al Mada For Eng. Consulting Enka Santral İşletme ve Bakım AŞ. Akdeniz University AL Sadek Industrial & Training Company Entek Electrik A.Ş. Ankara University Beta Information Technology Erdemli Mühendislik ve Yapı A.Ş. Atatürk University Bin Dalmouk Consultants Form Endüstri Ürünleri Tic. A.Ş. Bilkent University Leaders Aluminum & Glass Industries Boðaziçi University Gaziosmanpaşa Univ. National Paints Çukurova University Participating Institutions Geoteknik Şirketi Dokuz Eylül University Gisan Tersanesi American University of Sharjah Ege University University of Sharjah Gülsan İnşaat A.Ş. Firat University Gümüşlük Belediye Bşk. Gaziantep University Hektaş İnşaat Gaziosmanpafla University UK Işık İnce Yapı Elemanları İnşaat ve Ticaret A.Ş. Hacettepe University Participating Employers İzmit Gaz Dağıtım San. Ve Tic AŞ. İstanbul Teknik University 20/20 Chartered Architects Kale Balata A.Ş. İstanbul University Aberdeenshire Council Kaledata Bilgi Sistemleri San. Ve Tic. A.Ş. Karaelmas University Alan Patterson Design Kaleseramik Çanakkale Kalebodur Seramik Kocaeli University AMEC Upstream Oil & Gas San. A.Ş. Marmara University Armagh Observatory Kalibre Boru Mimar Sinan Güzel Sanatlar University Ashdale Engineering Ltd Kamer İnşaat Mustafa Kemal University Avecia Orta Doğu Teknik University Kent Gıda AŞ. BBC Northern Ireland Osmangazi University Bennetts Architects Küçükçekmece Belediyesi Sabanci University British Council Northern Ireland Mak-Yol İnşaat San. Turz. Ve Tic. A.Ş. Süleyman Demirel University Mastaş Makina Kalıp San. ve Tic. A.Ş. Trakya University BT Exact Technologies Maxit A.C. Uludağ University Building Design Partnership Mercedes-Benz Türk A.Ş. Yildiz Teknik University Burke Morrison Mert Bilgi İşlem LTD. Yüzüncü Yil University Buro Happold Metal ve Yapı Sistemleri Tic. A.Ş. Caerphilly County Borough Council Nevzat Sayın Mimarlık Ofi si UKRAINE Capita Symonds Nexans İletişim ve Endüstri Tic. A.Ş. Participating Employers Cardiff University Nursan Electric Fireworks A.C. Architecture and Urban Planning Administration Centre for Ecology and Hydrology Orta Doğu Teknik Univ. of Ivano-Frankovsk Citigroup Global Markets Ltd Panel Endüstriyel Elk. San. Ve. Tic. A.Ş. Audit-Service Inc. Consarc Design Group Pasteur Veterinerlik Babuskin’ Kiev Architectural studio DARD NI Proje Mimarlık Müş. Ltd. šti. Cement Plant in Ivano-Frankovsk David Morley Architects Risk Turk Counsel of People’s Deputies DIZ Architects Sanal Mimarlık ve Planlama Gemmological Center of Ukraine DRD Roads Service Sanko Tekstil İşl. San. ve Tic. A.Ş. Ivano-Frankovsk Forestry EDAW Plc Sarkuysan A.Ş. Ivano-Frankovsk National University of Oil and Edinburgh University Seta Gemi Mühendislik Gas Estee Lauder Cosmetics Ltd Siemens Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. Kiev National University of Construction and Ferguson McIlveen LLP Arcitecture Si-Ma Mekanik-elektrik Endüstrisi FG Wilson Ltd Kiev Research Institute of Automation and Forestry Commission Soyak Yapı İnšaat A.Ş. Experimental Research Frost & Sullivan Soyaslan Marine Nadiy’ Joint-stock Company Gerry Hamill Chartered Architect Starçelik National Botanical Garden Graham Martin Statica Yapı Mühendisleri ve Mimarları National Technical University of Ukraine “KPI” Greenmount College of Agriculture Sunyo Elektrik Promel’ Company Griffi th Textile Machines Ltd Şile Belediyesi Başkanlığı PrycarpatTransGas’ Gas pipeline administration Hall Black Douglas T.C. Çevre ve Orman Bakanlığı Ukrnafta’ Research laboratory Heriot-Watt University - Antalya Ormancılık Enstitüsü Vasyl Stefanyk University - Ege Ormancılık Enstitüsü Hobart & Heron IAESTE ANNUAL REVIEW 2006 46 I A E S T E — A N N U A L R E V I E W 2 0 0 6

Hyder Consulting Limited University of Glasgow EDAW Inc Image Diagnostic Technology Ltd University of Hull EDSA Imex Systems Ltd University of Kent Electrolux Home Products Inc Imperial College University of Leeds Electrolux Professional Outdoor Products ING Baring Services Ltd University of Liverpool Ellsworth Corporation International Bar Association University of Manchester Energy Testing & Balance Inc. Institute of Grassland and Environmental University of Newcastle Farmersville Cheeses LLC & Valley Shepherd Research University of Oxford LLC JCP Consulting Ltd University of Sheffi eld Fast Search and Transfer Inc Jenkins & Potter University of Southampton Fickewirth & Associates John Innes Centre University of Strathclyde Field Paoli Architects J.P Morgan Europe Limited University of Ulster FinishMaster, Inc Kelman Ltd University of Wales Institute, Cardiff Finnish Granite Group Lagan Holdings Limited University of Wales, Aberystwyth Flint Ink, Corp. McCracken Farm University of Wales, Swansea Fx Palo Alto Laboratory, Inc. Morrow Charlton Partnership University of Warwick G7 Systems LLC Moy Park Ltd University of York Garden State Cancer Center Mulholland & Doherty Wolverhampton University GE Engine Services New Star Asset Management General Motors Corp. Northern Ireland Housing Executive USA General Motors Research & Development Offi ce of Communications (Ofcom) Participating Employers Golden Restaurants Ove Arup 3D-Eyetronics Graham Downes Architecture Pentan Partnership A Better Chance School Hellmuth, Obata, & Kassabaum, Inc. Polatis Ltd ABB INc. Hertco Kitchens L.L.C. Pollard, Thomas & Edwards Architects Active Power Hodgson, Russ, Andrews, Woods, & Goodyear, Queen Mary University of London Advance Global Communications LLP Queen’s University Belfast AEPA Architects, Engineers P.C. / Work Studio Hoover Quality Homes Schlumberger Oilfi eld UK Plc AIPT IDEO Product Development Seagoe Technologies Ltd Alcon Laboratories Ilmor Engineering Inc Sensustech Limited Alpla Inc. Intel Skanska Interceramic, USA St Brendans Irish Cream Liqueur Aon Re Inc. Investar Financial Corp. Star Instruments Apple Computer James Madison University Taylor & Boyd Arcelor International America, LLC Johns Hopkins University Todd Architects Architectual Engineers Collaborative Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceutical Research and Development LLC Translink Argonne National Laboratory Kansas State University Ulster Carpet Mills ARKEMA, Inc. Kekst and Company United Utilities plc Art and Design Studios Kumin Associates University of Aberdeen Ashland Chemical, Inc. Leica Geosystems University of Bath AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals LP Los Alamos National Laboratory University of Birmingham Asymptote Architecture Lynntech, Inc. University of Bristol ATI Research Silicon Valley Inc. Maria B Campbell Assoc. University of Durham Autocam Corporation Maryland Port Administration University of Glasgow Avnet Inc. Matson and Associates LLC University of Hertfordshire Avroko Design McLean Hospital University of Kent AWS Convergence Technologies Medallia, Inc. University of Manchester Banfi eld Pet Hospital Menlo Innovations LLC University of Newcastle Baumann Springs USA, Inc. Merrill Lynch University of Nottingham Baylor College of Medicine Michele Saee Studio University of Sheffi eld BEA Systems MicroFab Technologies, Inc. University of Strathclyde BHP-Petroleum Americas, Inc. Mission Critical Technologies, Inc. University of Wales, Aberystwyth Biogen, Idec Mission Foods University of Wales, Swansea Borland Software Corp Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories University of Warwick Boston Symphony Orchestra Murray State University University of Ulster Breckenridge Outdoor Educ. Ctr. NanoPore Incorporated Univeristy of Wales, Swansea Bristol Myers Squibb Company NEC Laboratories White Mountain Surfacing Ltd Cape Advisors Inc. North Carolina State University White Young Green Cargill, Inc. Novartis Institute for Functional Genomics William Clements Chemicals Ltd Carnegie Mellon University Ohio State University W S Westin Ltd Carrier Corporation Outokumpu Copper Franklin, Inc Well Time Ltd Caterpillar Paving Products P&H Mining WS Atkins PLC (Atkins Rail) Center for Molecular Imaging Research Papa’s Greenhouse and Pumpkin Patch Wyre Borough Council Centeris Corp. Pennsylvania State University Participating Institutions Central Place Realty Pernod Ricard USA Cardiff University Wales Childrens Hospital Philips Research Coventry University Chiron Corporation Pilatus Business Aircraft Ltd. Heriot-Watt University CIGNA Corporation Pinkerton Consulting Imperial College London Cleary, Gottlieb, Steen and Hamilton Pratt & Whitney Napier University Corning Inc. Primacy Relocation Queen Mary University London Crystal Dynamics Purdue University Queen’s University Belfast Cutera Inc. Qualcomm, Inc. University of Aberdeen Daimler Chrysler Renaissance Golf Design University of Bath Danisco USA Inc. Rice University University of Birmingham Deere & Company RNL Design University of Bradford Del Monte Foods Rockwell Automation University of Bristol Diller and Scofi dio Rohm & Haas Electronic Materials University of Cambridge DivXNetworks, Inc. Ronnette Riley Architects University of Durham DRW Holdings, Inc. RTKL Associates, Inc. University of Edinburgh Duke University AND INSTITUTIONS EMPLOYERS 47 International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience

Ruth Mott Foundation Vanderplaats R&D, Inc. Stanford University Sanofi -Synthelabo, Inc. VeriSign, Inc State University of New York-Buffalo Saris Cycling Group Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Texas A & M University-College Station SBM - IMODCO Inc. University Texas Christian University Schatter Foods Incorporated Vitro Packaging Tufts University Schieffelin & Co. WatchMark Union College University of California-Berkeley Schlumberger Weill Medical College William Blair & Company, LLC University of California-San Diego Schlumberger - Doll Research University of Chicago Schlumberger Information Systems Woodward Governor Co. Industrial Controls Group University of Cincinnati Schlumberger-Oilfi eld Services University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign Yale University Schlumberger-Princeton University of Kentucky Schlumberger-WesternGeco Zodiac Automotive US, Inc University of Maryland-College Park Skidmore Owings & Merrill LLP Participating Institutions University of Michigan-Ann Arbor Smart SoftKey, Inc. Boston Architectural Center University of Minnesota-Duluth Smashing Grandpa Brigham Young University University of Minnesota-Twin Cities Carnegie Mellon University Soitec USA, Inc. University of Nebraska-Lincoln Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science University of Pittsburgh-Pittsburgh Sony Ericsson and Art Spirol International Corp. University of Tennessee-Knoxville Drexel University University of Texas-Austin Steven Holl Architects Duke University University of Wisconsin-Madison Studio ABK Architects, LLC Georgetown University Vanderbilt University Sullivan Goulette Wilson Georgia Institute of Technology Virginia Polytechnic University Sun Microsystems, Inc. Hood College Yale University Swagelok Company Indiana University Iowa State University Synopsys URUGUAY Kansas State University Texas A&M University Participating Institution The Hay Group Kettering University Lafayette College Universidad de la República The Lincoln Electric Company Marietta College Timekeeper Productions Massachusetts Institute of Technology UZBEKISTAN T-Systems North America Inc. New York University Participating Employers UBS North Carolina State University Samarkand State Architectural-building Institute University of California-Berkeley Northeastern University Samarkand State University University of Georgia - Rock Eagle 4-H Center Northwestern University Technical Center “SIMUZ” University of Houston Ohio State University Tashkent State Technical University University of Illinois Ohio University Participating Institutions University of Maryland Oregon State University Institute of Genetics and Plant Experimental University of Michigan Pennsylvania State University-University Park Biology University of Minnesota Purdue University Namangan Engineering Economic Institute University of Nebraska-Lincoln Rice University Samarkand State University University of Wisconsin-Madison Rochester Institute of Technology Tashkent State Agrarian University Rollins College Vaccine Research Center Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology

for further information on IAESTE please visit our website IAESTE ANNUAL REVIEW 2006 48 Support Internet Development Team (IDT) The IDT, Internet Development Team, was founded in Copenhagen in 1998 by volunteers from fi ve different countries, with the goal to Services deliver IT services to IAESTE. Today 13 volunteers from 8 countries are involved in IDT. to IAESTE The services include anything which the organisation requests, such as web and e-mail services. The web services include a private website, the IAESTE IntraWeb and provide technical assistance for the Friends of Csaba Stoia IDT Co-ordinator IAESTE Network, FoIN. The IDT maintains the public Internet pages,, which provides information on IAESTE and links to all Members countries’ home pages and contact details.

Friends of IAESTE Network (FoIN) The International IAESTE Alumni organisation; Friends of IAESTE Network (FoIN) is now celebrating its 10th year of prosperous activity in IAESTE. Today we can count more than 10,000 members in our strong network which was fi rst organised on an international level in 1996. IAESTE has a distinguished tradition of keeping in touch with former trainees, as a result of which the Friends of IAESTE Network has successfully brought Alumni together from around the world. There is Maryam Farahani no doubt that many of our members feel a strong allegiance to IAESTE FoIN Co-ordinator as this organisation has infl uenced their personal life and careers to a great extent. The main purpose of FoIN is to make it easy for National IAESTE organisations to keep in touch with their alumni in order to support the concept of student exchange and international understanding. Members receive the FoIN quarterly Newsletter about FoIN activities, news from members and reports from trainees as well as IAESTE upcoming events. Members can also fi nd former friends they have made through IAESTE with a search function in the network. To become a member of the friends of IAESTE Network please visit our website and sign up:

Seminar on IAESTE Development (SID) SID serves IAESTE by bringing together IAESTE Members and Co- operating Institutions to discuss issues of best practice, administration, organisational advancement and the development of the organisation. Unlike the Annual Conference, which focuses on the exchange of traineeships, SID provides a structured forum for delegates to discuss ideas and actions to improve IAESTE as an International organisation. Work Groups on specifi c tasks requested by the General Conference, Thomas Faltner IAESTE Board and the Membership at large provide the topics to SID Co-ordinator be discussed at SID. In addition, a number of ongoing tasks such as Mentoring, General Conference Introductory sessions and updating of IAESTE forms and materials are tackled by SID. The results from the Work Groups are refi ned over the year into recommendations that go back to the Board and then to the General Conference for offi cial voting and implementation.

The IAESTE Ombudsman The post of Ombudsman was created by a decision of the 2001 General Conference of IAESTE held in Durban, South Africa. The Ombudsman is an independent person, to whom students can report complaints about unfair treatment, with the aim of arriving at a fair settlement. The Ombudsman reports to the General Conference each year about all incidents reported to him from students. He also proposes measures to prevent similar incidents in future. Bernardo J Herold, the former National Secretary of IAESTE Portugal, is the IAESTE Ombudsman. For further information on the Ombudsman please go to or contact him at [email protected] or write to: Offi ce of the Ombudsman, P.O Box 1066 2771-901 Paço de Arcos, Portugal IAESTE Worldwide Members and Co-operating Institutions

Full Members 23. Ireland 45. Switzerland 3. China IAESTE Ireland (1962)* Schweizerisches Nationalkomitee Edufun Management Group (2000) 1. Argentina der IAESTE (1948)** Comité Argentino del IAESTE 24. Israel 4. Chinese Taipei (1961)* Israel IAESTE Committee (1951)* 46. Syria Institute of Engineering Education 2. Armenia Syrian IAESTE National Taiwan (2005) 25. Japan Committee (1965)* IAESTE Armenia (1998)* IAESTE Japan (1964)* 5. Gambia 47. Tajikistan 3. Australia Trust Communication Training 26. Jordan IAESTE Tajikistan (1992)* Institute (2005) IAESTE Australia Inc. (1996)* IAESTE Jordan (1978)* 48. Thailand 6. Georgia 4. Austria 27. Kazakhstan IAESTE Thailand, King Mongkut’s NGO Prometheus –Amirani (2003) IAESTE Austria (1949)* IAESTE Kazakhstan (1995)* Institute of Technology, North 7. Hong Kong 5. Belgium Bangkok (1978) * 28. Lebanon The Hong Kong Polytechnic IAESTE Belgium (1948)** IAESTE Lebanon (1966)* 49. Tunisia University (1997) 6. Brazil IAESTE Tunisia (1959)* 29. Lithuania 8. India IAESTE Brazil Central de IAESTE Lithuania (1990)* 50. Turkey Karunya Institute of Technology Intercâmbio (1982)* IAESTE Türkiye (1955)* and Sciences (2001) 30. Luxembourg 7. Canada Comité Luxembourgeois pour 51. Ukraine 9. India IAESTE Canada (1953)* l’Organisation de Stages IAESTE Ukraine (1994)* Manipal Institute of Technology 8. Colombia Industriels (1961)* (2006) 52. United Kingdom IAESTE Colombia (1995)* 31. Malta IAESTE UK (1948)** 10. Iraq 9. Croatia IAESTE Malta (1984) * Danish Chamber of Commerce in 53. Uruguay IAESTE Croatia (1993)* Iraq (2004) 32. Mexico IAESTE Uruguay (1988)* 10. Cyprus IAESTE Mexico/AMIPP, A.C. 11. Italy ALFIA (1985)* 54. USA IAESTE Cyprus (1980)* Associazione Laureati Facoltà di IAESTE United States (1950)* Ingegneria Ancona (2001) 33. Netherlands 11. Czech Republic IAESTE Netherlands (1948)** 55. Uzbekistan 12. Italy IAESTE Czech Republic (1965)* IAESTE Uzbekistan (1997) * Politecnico di Milano (2001) 34. Norway 12. Denmark IAESTE Norway (1948)** 13. Kenya IAESTE Denmark, Polyteknisk Jomo Kenyatta University of Forening (1948) ** 35. Pakistan Associate Members Agriculture and Technology (2004) 13. Egypt IAESTE Pakistan (1990)* 1. Belarus 14. Korea, Republic of IAESTE Egypt – Faculty of 36. Poland IAESTE Belarus (2000) Engineering, Cairo University Korea Foundation for International Polski Komitet IAESTE c/o 2. Bosnia and Herzegovina Cooperation of Science and (1961)* Stowarzyszenie Almatur (1959)* IAESTE BiH (2000) Technology (KICOS) (2006) 14. Estonia 37. Portugal 3. Ecuador 15. Latvia IAESTE Estonia (1993)* IAESTE Portugal (1954)* IAESTE Ecuador Universidad San Riga Technical University (2002) 15. F.Y.R. Macedonia Francisco de Quito (1999) 38. Russia 16. Macao IAESTE (FYR) Macedonia (1994)* IAESTE Russia (1991)* 4. Iran University of Macau (2004) 16. Finland IAESTE Iran (2002) 39. Serbia and Montenegro 17. Panama IAESTE Finland (1948)** Jugoslovenski odbor za 5. Mongolia Technological University of medjunarodnu razmenu studenata 17. France IAESTE Mongolia (2001) Panama (2004) za strucnu praksu- IAESTE IAESTE France (1948)** (1952)* 6. Oman 18. Peru 18. Germany Universidad de Piura (2001) 40. Slovakia Sultan Qaboos University (2001) Deutscher Akademischer IAESTE Slovakia (1965)* 19. Philippines Austauschdienst Deutsches 7. Romania Allies International Internship Komitee der IAESTE (1950)* 41. Slovenia IAESTE Romania (1998) Programs, Inc. (2005) 19. Ghana IAESTE Slovenia (1993)* 8. Sierra Leone 20. Sri Lanka IAESTE Ghana (1970)* 42. South Africa IAESTE Sierra Leone (1991) University of Moratuwa (2000) 20. Greece IAESTE South Africa (1956)* 21. United Arab Emirates Greek National Committee, Athens 43. Spain Co-operating Institutions University of Sharjah (2000) Technical University (1958)* Comité Español para Intercambio 1. Botswana 21. Hungary de Estudiantes Técnicos IAESTE 22. Vietnam (1951)* University of Botswana (2002) IAESTE Hungary (1983)* Thai Nguyen University (2006) 44. Sweden 2. Bulgaria 22. Iceland 23. West Bank IAESTE Sweden (1948)** Uni-Group (2005) IAESTE Iceland (1951)* Palestine Polytechnic University (2005)

** Founding Member of IAESTE Ad Hoc (1948) and IAESTE A.s.b.l. (2005) * Founding Member of IAESTE A.s.b.l. (2005)

The International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience A.s.b.l. P.O.Box 102, Banbridge, BT32 4WY, Northern Ireland