Haughley and Wetherden Parish News FEBRUARY 2018 2 February 2018 Places of Worship Local Voluntary Clubs & Organisations Parish Churches of Haughley and Wetherden Bellringers Haughley - practice 1st Mon evening in month, Priest in Charge: Rev Brin Singleton, 01449 770921, Richard Coe 01449-674229
[email protected] Bellringers Wetherden - practice Tues evening at church, Curate: Rev Chris Hood, 01449 677257 Basil Hart 01359-241954
[email protected] Bowls Club - at George V Playing Field Haughley, Haughley Ch Warden: Dr J Gibson, Reg Willsher Tony Offord 07766 216926 Wetherden Ch Wardens: Ann Cooke & Mike Tuffin Carpet Bowls – Weds evenings, Wetherden Village Hall, Wetherden Lay Elder: Mr R Elbourne 01359-245118 James Rand 01359-240397 The Baptist Church Wetherden Choir Haughley - practice Thurs evening, Minister: Hugh Davis 01359 242435 Janet Sheldrake 01449 737247 Secretary: J W Rushbrook 01359-240118 English Country Dance Group – Ron Coxall Hall 01449 United Reformed Church, Stowmarket 672658 - Thursday Haughley Village Hall nd Minister: Revd Chris Wood 01449 678173 Friday (except 2 Friday) Wetherden Village Roman Catholic Church of Our Lady, Stowmarket Hageneth Morris Men - practice Wed evening Oct to April, Father David Finegan 01449 612946 Dave Evans 01449-673518 Local: Mrs Joy Rowe 01449-673008 H.A.T.S. Haughley Amateur Theatrical Society - Lindsey Phil- Parish & District Councils pot 01449 675703 / Lynne Mahon 01449 674085 Haughley Parish Council Haughley in Bloom: Yvonne Hannan, 07531 774438 Chairman: Alf Hannan,