Haughley and Wetherden Parish News


2 February 2018

Places of Worship Local Voluntary Clubs & Organisations Parish Churches of Haughley and Wetherden Bellringers Haughley - practice 1st Mon evening in month, Priest in Charge: Rev Brin Singleton, 01449 770921, Richard Coe 01449-674229 [email protected] Bellringers Wetherden - practice Tues evening at church, Curate: Rev Chris Hood, 01449 677257 Basil Hart 01359-241954 [email protected] Bowls Club - at George V Playing Field Haughley, Haughley Ch Warden: Dr J Gibson, Reg Willsher Tony Offord 07766 216926 Wetherden Ch Wardens: Ann Cooke & Mike Tuffin Carpet Bowls – Weds evenings, Wetherden Village Hall, Wetherden Lay Elder: Mr R Elbourne 01359-245118 James Rand 01359-240397 The Baptist Church Wetherden Choir Haughley - practice Thurs evening, Minister: Hugh Davis 01359 242435 Janet Sheldrake 01449 737247 Secretary: J W Rushbrook 01359-240118 English Country Dance Group – Ron Coxall Hall 01449 United Reformed Church, Stowmarket 672658 - Thursday Haughley Village Hall nd Minister: Revd Chris Wood 01449 678173 Friday (except 2 Friday) Wetherden Village Roman Catholic Church of Our Lady, Stowmarket Hageneth Morris Men - practice Wed evening Oct to April, Father David Finegan 01449 612946 Dave Evans 01449-673518 Local: Mrs Joy Rowe 01449-673008 H.A.T.S. Haughley Amateur Theatrical Society - Lindsey Phil- Parish & District Councils pot 01449 675703 / Lynne Mahon 01449 674085 Haughley Parish Council Haughley in Bloom: Yvonne Hannan, 07531 774438 Chairman: Alf Hannan, [email protected] Haughley IT Squad: [email protected] Clerk: [email protected] Haughley Hoofers Clog Dancers - practice Sun eve Oct-Apr Wetherden Parish Council at Vill Hall, Gill Brett 01449-673518 Chairman: Sonia Jewers Haughley Parish Neighbourhood Plan - Alf Hannan 01359 Clerk: Jen Larner, 01284 705548 408008 [email protected] Haughley Royal British Legion – Branch Vice Chairman District Cllr: Rachel Eburne 01449-774647 Tim Hart 01449 613680 Member of Parliament Haughley Utd - at George V Playing Field, Lee Forsdyke Jo Churchill: 0207 2198487 01449-615579 Doctors, Schools, Essential Services Haughley and Wetherden Twinning Association: Haughley Post Office 01449-676789 Chairman, David Ward. 01359 241554. Health Centre, Stowmarket 01449-776000 Email: [email protected] Health Centre, Woolpit 01359-240298 Haughley Voluntary Service Co-ordinator, Reg Willsher Health Centre, Mendlesham(Chapel Rd) 01449-767722 01449 258846 [email protected] Office: 07594 Bacton Manor Farm Surgery 01449-781777 674009 Combs Ford Surgery, Stowmarket 01449-678333 1st Wetherden & Haughley Scout Group Haughley Crawfords VCP School 01449-673253 Group Scout Leader, Catherine Winter 01449 781372 Stowupland High School 01449-674827 [email protected] Haughley Pre School Playgroup 07880 738781 Beaver Scout Leader, David Smith 01359-242965 Anglian Water 08457-145-145 Cub Scout Leader, Jon Illingworth, 01449 673348, 07879 British Gas 0845-609-1122 661141, [email protected] UK Power Networks 0800 31 63 105 (power cuts) Acting Scout Leader, Colin Winter 01449 781372 Refuse Collection 0845 606 6067 [email protected] Police – Safer Neighbourhoods Team 01284-774100 or email Explorer Scouts, Adam Lee (leader) 07973 709121 or [email protected] or if urgent & you Robert Long (assistant leader) 07708 460998 need immediate assistance dial 999 Group Secretary: vacant Wetherden Street lighting 0800 591055 Wetherden FC - Jonathan Lewis (Manager) 01449-678234 or Hall Bookings Trudy Hooper (Secretary) 01842-754170 Haughley Village Hall - Lyn Allum 07837 953266 or email Wetherden History Group - Pat Tuffin 01359 240396. [email protected] Wetherden Table Tennis Club - Keith Watts 01359 240779, Maxwell Charnley Community Room – Dennis Smith 01359 241166 booking: 01449 676789. Wetherden Tennis Club - [email protected], Exhibition organiser: Mrs Devam Hendry 01449 615966. Tamara Hunt 07971 193433 or Sonia Jewers on 07900 Ron Crascall Pavilion - Dale Sanders 07731 536773 272877 email: [email protected] Wetherden Scrabble Club 2nd Tuesday of each month Haughley Scout Hut - Richard Stacy 01449 673311 Maypole Pub Wetherden at 12 noon. 07740 596162 Wetherden Village Hall - Keith Watts 07528 065250 Whist Drive - monthly, Wetherden Village Hall, James Rand [email protected] or 01359-240397 st www.wetherdenvillagehall.com WI Haughley - 1 Wed in month, 7.30pm, in Haughley Village Haughley Football Club - Ian Wilkinson 01449 773399 Hall, Mrs. Marian Adams 01449 674411

or Lee Forsdyke 01449 615579 Haughley & Wetherden Parish News Advertising – Marike Hart 01449-613680 Adverts must be received no later than one Editorial - Anne Ardley 01449 678040 calendar month before publication. or email [email protected] Please send copy for the next issue to The Editor, 3 Millfields, Haughley, or (preferably) by email as above, by 5 pm Wednesday 21st February 2018 Distribution & Delivery: We aim to delivery your copy to your door by the 1st of the month in all weathers. Occasionally we experience circumstances which delay printing and delivery. If you haven’t received your copy by the 2nd of the month, please contact David Bryant on 01449 774657 or email [email protected] Due to the nature of the Parish News we are unable to publish ‘letters to the Editor’ and whilst we take every care in ensuring that all the information supplied by the deadline is included, we take no responsibility for the content of articles and adverts supplied.


PARISH CHURCH SERVICES Benefice of Haughley with Wetherden and Stowupland

February 2018 Haughley Wetherden Stowupland

4th February 11.00am 11.00am 9.30am Second Sunday All Age Service Morning Worship Parish Communion before Lent 4.00pm 1st@4

11th February 9.30am Sunday next 11.00am 9.30am Morning Worship Before Lent Parish Communion Parish Communion With Trinity Starz Book of Common Prayer 6.30pm Evensong Wednesday 14th February Ash Wednesday Service ………………………….. 7.30pm at Stowupland Church………………………….. Ash Wednesday

18th February 11.00am 8.00am First Sunday URC Service 11.00am Parish Communion Of Lent All Age Service Book of Common 5.00pm Prayer Dwelling Place 9.30am Morning Prayer

20th February Compline First Tuesday …………………………..9.00pm at Wetherden Church………………………….. of Lent 9.30 am. 25th February 9.30am 11.00am. All Age Service Second Sunday Parish Communion Parish Communion Of Lent Book of Common Prayer 6.30pm Parish Communion

27 February Compline Second Tuesday …………………………..9.00pm at Wetherden Church………………………….. Of Lent Church Notices: Mere View And Thompson Court

The service in February will be on:

Monday, 12th February at 2.30pm:

Songs of Praise followed by Holy Communion


Your Curate writes

This will be my last letter in my role as curate in Haughley, Wetherden and Stowupland. Towards the end of February we will be moving down the A14 for me to take up the post as Vicar of Old Felixstowe. It has been a privilege and a joy to serve as your curate for the past two and a half years, getting to know so many of you and being a part of three wonderful worshipping communities.

Throughout December and the Christmas period it was lovely to see so many people gather in our churches to worship and celebrate the birth of Jesus. From the Christingle, to Carol Services, Nativities, Midnight Communion and celebration on Christmas Day we gathered to worship, to tell the amazing story of God’s love for the world. Thank you to all who attended and especially to all those who worked so hard to ensure services happened and the buildings were so welcoming.

Over this time, I thought about the journeys that were made as part of the Christmas narrative. Mary and Joseph journeyed to Bethlehem, into a place they were unsure of full of lots of challenges and changes. The shepherds journeyed from the hills overlooking Bethlehem to worship the one the angels told them about. The wise men, led by a star, journeyed from the East to pay homage to the infant Jesus bringing their gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh, and returned via a different route.

Yet perhaps the greatest journey of all was the journey God made to be with us in the person of Jesus. A journey that was motivated by love and revealed God’s desire to be alongside us on our journey.

As I wrote earlier my journey this year takes me to new places. I wonder where your journey will take you? It maybe that you will continue to live in the wonderful villages amidst friends and neighbours. Yet wherever you journey this year the message of Jesus is that God is with us. I pray that whilst I move to pastures new, you may know his presence richly wherever you are.



CATHOLIC PARISH OF OUR LADY, STOWMARKET Parish Priest: Father David Finegan, The Presbytery, 29 Lockington Road, Stowmarket IP14 1BQ Tel: 01449-612946 E-mail: mailto:[email protected]

MASS TIMES: Saturdays (First Mass of Sunday): St Mary’s C of E Church, Woolpit IP30 9QG - 6.00 pm Sundays Our Lady’s, Stricklands Road, Stowmarket IP14 1AW - 8.30 am & 10.15 am Holy Days Our Lady’s, Stricklands Road, Stowmarket - 8.00 am, 10.00 am and 7.30 pm Weekday services in the Parish are advertised outside the church, in the weekly Newsletter and on the Parish Website www.ourladys-stowmarket.co.uk


News from around the villages

Centenary Poppy Knit

Haughley Knitting Group are planning to Decorate the Parish Church on 11th November 2018 with knitted and crocheted poppies

We need your help to make 100 poppies Can’t knit? - No problem - We can teach you! Just bring £2 and a pair of size 8 (4mm) needles

Every Wednesday at The Maxwell Charnley Room (next to Haughley Post Office)

11.00 – 12.30 Starting on 14th February 2018

(please ring 01449 676933 for any further information)



We send love and sympathy to the family and friends of those whose funerals have been held recently:

2017 27 September Mary Gulliford 30 November Jean Bryson 28 December Sheila Wheaton

2018 9 January Robin Bonner- Morgan


Sling your Hook!

A popular artist of radio and television, in their latest book, makes reference to the native red squirrel which is an endangered species because of the introduction of the larger grey squirrel that in turn has created a more aggressive black variety. It brought back wonderful memories of walking around Formby on Merseyside, where there is a sanctuary for the protection of the native red squirrel, and the feeling of great excitement at spotting one in the trees.

This was the recollection of the author, who was brought up on the Wirral, and would often head to Formby in earlier days to gain a tan, with its secluded sand dunes and inevitable wind on any day of the year.

He was reminiscing because of having to chase a grey squirrel off his car one morning, by telling it to ‘sling its hook’ (clearly grey squirrels are very intelligent and understand scouse even when the person’s emigrated ‘down South’!). This incident turned into a prolonged conversation with someone who’d observed his actions. This lack of appreciation for these invaders was something they shared in common particularly for its killing off most of the native species.

Blame was directed towards the Victorians who’d brought them over here on boats from foreign places, not realising the consequences of their introduction, particularly as they breed so successfully creating an overpopulation. Warming to this theme the person insisted that they were taking over so their influence needed to be curtailed for the good of the country, particularly as he believed they had no right to be here in the first place. His piece de resistance was ‘And now there’s the blacks, they’ve started to multiply by the thousands, so if this carries on unabated it won’t be long before the native Brit is completely extinct’.

This would have proved an invaluable shared conversation, acknowledging the concern many feel towards the threatened red squirrel, except that another person happened on the conversa- tion and got the wrong end of the stick. This casual observer turned angrily upon the pair of them and accused them of blatant racism and having ignorant views. Warming to her theme she is quoted as saying: ‘As for these ‘boats’ you’re talking about – don’t you realise that these people have travelled in rubber dinghy’s that are nothing more than death traps but they’re desperate to escape and have no choice than to put their trust in the hands of traffickers who don’t care if they live or drown?’ (a)

They were stunned to silence, and it took a while to realise the root of the confusion – they were talking about grey and black squirrels, but she’d only heard part of the conversation and thought they were referring to immigrants. She was clearly embarrassed about the mistake, but it gave them a good laugh – and yet, sadly, it could easily have been a conversation based on a dislike for ‘immigrants’ that is often fuelled by popular press. So it’s good to know that there are people who are prepared to speak out against perceived injustice and prejudice within our society and seek to make a stand for those who come to our shores to make a valuable contribution within the rich diversity of our country.

I’m reminded of the charge given to the Israelites as they settle in the Land of Promise: ‘God secures justice for the fatherless and the widow, and He shows love towards the immigrant who lives among you, giving them food and clothing. You too must show love towards the immigrant, for you once lived as foreigners in Egypt. (Deuteronomy 10: 18 – 19). Our responsibility before God cannot be clearer – although I draw the line where grey and black squirrels are concerned!

God Bless.


(Rev’d Chris Wood – minister of Stowmarket, villages and Debenham URC’s)

Paul O’Grady’s ‘Country Life’ (Bantam Press © Paul O’Grady 2017)



Haughley Pre-School wishes to outsource some of its Accounts functions and as such is looking for suitably experienced / qualified people to provide the following services:-

Pay Roll & Pensions

 Run monthly payroll for 5 employees, ensuring

all PAYE requirements for HMRC are complied with. HUFC are looking for a  Process NEST pension contributions. chairperson for the  Complete all necessary record keeping for this 2018-19 season and role.


 Process income - monies, fees etc. received.  Preparation and reconciliation of invoices.  Make payments for goods and services.  Manage on-line banking  Manage petty cash  Reconcile monthly income and expenditure and produce reports for Committee meetings.  Produce year end income and expenditure accounts.

Remuneration is negotiable based on hours worked / hourly rate or fixed cost to provide the services.

There is also a requirement on our management committee for the role of Treasurer. This is a voluntary position.

Full details of the requirements for each of the above roles are available on request.

Contact the Chairperson via email [email protected]






Highways England (HE) have announced that from


Roadworks will be undertaken to repair the east and westbound carriageways of the A14 section between Junction 47a and Junction 49 Woolpit / Haughley.

The work will be done overnight Monday – Friday 8pm – 6am, and is scheduled to last three weeks.

Traffic will be diverted from the relevant carriageway as follows: Eastbound from Junction 47a via the old A14 and Haughley New Street and back onto the A14 at Tothill. Westbound from Junction 49 via Tothill, Stowmarket Road, Elmswell Road Wetherden Road, then through Elmswell and back onto the A14 at Junction 47.

A meeting was held with HE on January 12th at which members of Haughley and Wetherden Parish Councils (and others) argued strongly for HE to operate a contraflow on the A14 to avoid traffic having to come through our villages.

Sadly we did not win that argument, for a number of reasons.

We were however informed that HE liaise with the police with regard to trying to avoid traffic speeding through here at night, especially HGVs, which we know can shake some of the older houses on the diversion routes.

This work is NOT the long hoped for resurfacing of the concrete section. This is a “patch – up” of the current surface needed for safety.

It is regrettable that HE has given such short notice of these works, and we can only hope that they will not be too disruptive to those living right next to the diversions.


With regard to this long hoped for plan, it is acknowledged by HE that the need for it exists, and is on a list of proposed projects within HE’s Road Investment Strategy, second round 2020-2025. (RIS2 2020/25)

Late 2019 a decision will be taken as to which projects receive the go-ahead. If so, that work would take place within the time span of 2020/5 depending on the then prioritise. In time the objective is for the A14 to become an Expressway, the A14(M).

Your Parish Council, District Council, Parish Council and Member of Parliament are all keen to ensure that the project is chosen. Our MP Jo Churchill says she wants a full post bag (or inbox) of correspond- ence from villagers to support her in the lobbying for the go ahead for this project.

Her details are: [email protected], or write to: office of Jo Churchill MP (), House of Commons, London SW1A 0AA or Constituency Office: 10 Hatter Street, Bury St Edmunds, IP33 1LZ.

If you run a business, please also contact Nick Burfield at the Suffolk Chamber of Commerce, saying how important a good road is to your business. ([email protected]).

Alex Jarrett


Haughley & Haughley Green Open Gardens WETHERDEN 2018 Coffee Morning Spring is just round the corner and we are looking for gardens both large and small Veggie or Flowers Wednesday February 28th Formal or Informal At the home of To take place on the weekend of 23/24 June 2018 Linde Gulliford, 1 Crawford Close Why not join in the fun of showing your garden Wetherden and talking about your favourite subject “Your Garden” from

10.30 to 12.30

In aid of

If there is anybody who is willing to help with St. Mary's Church, Wetherden publicity we would love to hear from you If you would like transport or any oth- Please contact Eddie or Sheila on 01449 676933 or er details, please ring [email protected] Margaret Bowbrick 241788 or Thel- if you are interested ma Beck 240343

Dates for Your Diary

February Sat 10 Bingo, Bangers and Beans—Wetherden Village Hall (see advert for further details) Fri 16 & HATS—Alice in Cuckoo Land Panto—Haughley Village Hall Sat 17 (see advert for further details) Wed 28 Coffee morning, Wetherden (see advert for further details) March Sat 17 Spring Quiz & Chilli Supper—Haughley Village Hall April Sat 14 Sun of Elvis —Ron Crascall Pavilion, Haughley (see advert for further details) June Sat 9 British Legion “1918-2018” fundraiser—(more details to follow) Sat 23 & Haughley and Haughley Green Open Gardens Sun 24 (see advert for further details) September Sat 8 Suffolk Historic Churches Trust Sponsored Bike Ride Sat 15 Silent Auction in aid of St. Mary’s Haughley October Mon 8 St. Mary’s Haughley Harvest Supper

Van Slyke, Jane (formerly Richardson, passed suddenly on 12 January 2018 surrounded by her family. Loving Wife to Bill, Mother to Rebecca and Lewis, sister to Martin. Funeral service to be held at Ipswich Crematorium on Tuesday 30th January at 3:15 pm. Family flowers only but donations if desired for Cancer Research UK may be sent c/o Meredith Greengrass Funeral Services, 15 Ipswich Street, Stowmarket, IP14 1AH.



Notes from the Parish Council Meetings held in December 2017 and January 2018

Firstly, a Happy New Year to you all from your parish councillors

County Cllr Andrew Stringer updated us on SCC's signing of the new Woodland Trust Tree Charter, pilot studies being proposed on plastic recycling and retention of business rates, in- creased support for the CAB. He was asked about skid warning signs on the road by Aggmax. This was because their wheel wash had been out of action. They have now purchased a road sweeper for such eventualities.

District Cllr Rachel Eburne updated us on the Council's signing of the Woodland Trusts Tree charter and plastics recycling scheme, the rise in council tax (by 1/2%), the need to consider what the parish council wants to do with its CIL levy, and the ongoing consultation regarding the proposed merger with Babergh.

Speeding - the parish council has now taken delivery of a vehicle activated sign, which will not only let drivers know what speed they are driving, but also record information about volume and speed of traffic through the village. If you could spare a short amount of time to help move it around on a regular basis, charge the battery or download data, please let me know.

Updates on common/playing field – it was noted, with thanks, that £700 has been received from Cllr Rachel Eburne's locality budget, towards the costs of repairing the pavilion decking, floor and roof, and providing secure storage for the football club. The community payback team have been booked for 15 sessions this year, doing sterling work around the village and saving the parish council lots of money.

Discussion took place regarding the piles of vegetation left along the river following the Environ- ment Agency work and possible solutions for moving it, and options for planting along the riverbanks which now look a bit bare. The area will be strimmed regularly to prevent nettles.

A14 – Alex Jarrett has written a report from the meeting regarding the temporary repair of the A14 that will start on 12 February, with diversions through Haughley and Wetherden. The permanent resurfacing is very urgent. PLEASE, PLEASE TAKE ACTION and lobby Jo Churchill, MP, to ask for it to be included as a matter of priority in the 2020-25 budget for High- ways England. ALSO if you have concerns about potential damage to your property due to vol- ume, weight and speed of heavy lorries coming through the village, do take photos now before the work starts.

Minerals and waste consultation – a response strongly rejecting any expansion of the Lawn Farm Quarry site was sent in by the parish council.

Precept – the budget has now been agreed for 2018-19, at £12,475, and the precept for a band D equivalent house set at £52.37, an increase of 2.1% on last year.

Next meeting MONDAY 12 February 2018 at 7.30pm at the village hall.

Jen Larner, Clerk 01284 705548 [email protected]

Can you help? - Storage space needed Royal British Legion Haughley Branch urgently requires storage space for our fete/display equipment. If you can help please contact Tim Hart on 01449 613680


Enjoy a choice of soup with bread & cheese for £3.50 & help raise money for Famine Relief (through Christian Aid)


12.00 noon – 2.00 pm on the following Tuesdays in Lent:

February 20th, 27th, March 6th, 13th, 20th

in the Maxwell Charnley room (next to Haughley Post Office)


Invite you to the 2018 - THE ART SHOW and SALE RETURN

The United Reform Church AWARD Ipswich Street, Stowmarket WINNING ANDY

15th to 16th February 2018 OTTLEY Thursday 10.00am-5pm & Friday 10.00am-2.00pm

Admission £1.00 Under 16’s accompanied by an adult FREE.

Exclusive Cheese and Wine Preview Evening Wednesday 14th February 2018 from 7.30pm. Tickets £5.00

Available by request to:

[email protected] or by telephone to: 08458335114



A very big thank you to everyone who helped to raise £975 for the Society through various activities over the Christmas period:

The details are: £ 126 - November Coffee Morning £ 211 - Christingle services at Haughley and Wetherden £ 442 - Collections from Home Boxes £ 169 - Sale of Christmas Cards £ 27 - Donations

We have heard a lot in the past year about the financial pressures on household budgets so it is especially generous of supporters to have raised this amount.

I would especially like to thank the Haughley and Wetherden Cubs and Beavers who met at Wetherden Church to prepare Christingles, the box holders who contribute so generously on an ongoing basis throughout the year and those who bought Christmas cards from Wetherden church.

The Society protects, supports, and encourages vulnerable children and young people whose lives could otherwise be blighted by anger, violence, abuse and exploitation. On behalf of all the hundreds of children who benefited last year from the work of the Society and all those who will look to the Society for help next year, a very big “Thank You”

I add my own heartfelt thanks for all your help and support.

Elizabeth Elbourne Hon. Local Secretary of the Children’s Society

Haughley in Bloom

I am pleased to report a very kind and generous donation from Roger Brand, which will be a great help to enable the continuation of Haughley in Bloom during 2018.

The donation has been made in memory of Roger’s mother, Isabel Brand, who moved to Haughley in 1951, living in Duke Street and then Old Street until her passing in 2017.

Mrs Brand took great pleasure from the flowers in her own garden and admired the work done for the village by Haughley in Bloom, especially the tubs at the front of her house.

The donation will be used towards the purchase of plants for the summer display in both Duke Street and Old Street.

For more information about Haughley in Bloom, or to offer any help with maintaining the planters, please contact:

Yvonne Hannan, Lead for Haughley in Bloom by text 07531 774438, or by email [email protected]










£10 buys your membership for a WHOLE YEAR and your automatic entry into all 4 PRIZE DRAWS

Your questions answered

What is Haughley Playing Field 50/50 Club and how does it work?

This fund-raising scheme will support the upkeep of Haughley Playing Field and at the same time it will reward scheme supporters.

Membership of the 50/50 Club is by annual £10 subscription. Subscription buys a unique Membership number to be entered in public Prize Draws held in March, June, September and December. Winners not present at Draws will be notified.

Each £10 raised will be split 50/50: £5 towards upkeep of the Playing Field and £5 towards the 50/50 Club Prize Draw Fund.

What will the value of the cash prizes be?

This depends on how many numbers are sold, but we MUST sell 50 numbers to make the scheme viable:

50 Numbers sold = £500 raised: £250 for the Playing Field and £250 for Prizes: £50 prize in March, June and September. £100 prize in December.

60 Numbers sold = £600 raised: £300 for the Playing Field and £300 for Prizes: £50 prize and two £5 prizes in March, June and September £100 prize, £10 prize and two £5 prizes in December


Subscription by people and households may be for more than one number. Each additional number purchased costs £10: more numbers sold = more prizes.

For more information and/or to join The Club, contact: Yvonne Hannan, Administrator, Haughley Playing Field 50/50 Club Email: [email protected] Text: 07531 774438



Another Christmas and New Year over and done with. On the whole the club had a good Christmas with Santa making his regular visit Christmas Eve, handing out gifts to the children and members and guests alike enjoying a Caribbean themed New Year party, which was very colourful.

Sadly the festive season was marred by the passing of a committee member who will be missed by all, and our thoughts go out to her family.

Forthcoming events as follows:


Dancing to Memphis Index from 7.30 to 11.00 Tickets £7.50. Please note this is a fund raising event in aid of Cancer Campaign in Suffolk tickets are available from the bar.

Also any raffle donations would be greatly received. Please contact Debbie: 01449 722808


Raising funds for St Elizabeth Hospice, £5 entry fee, 6pm to 7pm registration with a 7.15 start.

This is the 2nd visit of EVOLUTION DARTS to the club. Come along and support this fantastic charity event and win some prize money at the same time. We will be running a singles k.o and also a ladies and random pairs if time allows.

The club is in very good shape. The treasurer reporting the club is maintaining quote, “record breaking profits”. This should put us in good stead when the annual price review is due next month.

That’s all for now.

Christopher Jones on behalf of Old Newton Sports and Social Club



Haughley Christmas Fayre – This was a thoroughly enjoyable social event made extra special by a visit from Father Christmas, with his sack of presents given to all the children who were lucky enough to see him. Thank you to all stallholders, to those who provided welcome refreshments and to all those who came along on the day to support the event. An excellent £364 was raised for St Mary’s Haughley Church funds and in addition £76 was raised for St Elizabeth Hospice from the sale of Christmas Cards and Meg Clarke made a further £30 on her stall raising funds for EACH.

Christmas Wreath Making Workshop – This was enjoyed by all who attended. Some beautiful wreaths were produced, the soup lunch was much appreciated and £160 was raised for church funds. A big thank you to all involved in organizing the event and those who provided the soup.



Dear Parishioner Here’s hoping your start to 2018 has been as happy and healthy as possible. We are delighted to report that the co-option of Ross Dawson brings our Parish Council up to full strength and a revised contacts list is on the Co-Op notice board and the Parish website: www.haughley.org.uk.

RETURN TO NORMAL SERVICE I am delighted to let you know that our clerk has recovered sufficiently from her bout of illness to return to work. Once again, correspondence to the Parish Council can be directed in the first instance via [email protected]. That said you may, of course, contact the Chair of the Council or any Parish Councilor direct by email.

NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN The Haughley Parish Neighbourhood Plan will help shape the Parish’s future. This key piece of work is about to enter its next critical stage: a six-week consultation period, which will start with a 2-day event on Friday 23rd and Saturday 24th March in the Village Hall, when Working Party Members will be on hand to answer your questions. The draft Neighbourhood Plan and supporting documents will be available for you to see along with forms to make your comments both at the event and at key Parish meeting points. Your help and participation is earnestly requested. For more information contact the Working Party administrator Marian Adams: [email protected].

LIGHTING Good News! 65 of the 72 new lights have been installed. Only 3 of the 65 installed are waiting to be energized and our lead on lighting is in contact with the contractor to support completion of the work and the energized installation of the final 7 lights. Also, a new power socket will be ready in time for the next Christmas lights switch-on and a new set of lights will be purchased.

A14 WORKS AND DIVERSION Work is due to commence on February 12th 2018 and is expected to last for 3 weeks on more repairs to the stretch of the A14 between junctions 47A and 49. Despite local protests, traffic will be diverted through Haughley New Street and Wetherden and Elmswell, so to monitor traffic flow, our two VAS signs will be re-positioned. We will also take before and after photographs of the affected highway and its surroundings in order to assess and follow-up on any adverse traffic generated impact.

PLANNING MATTERS We still await any final decision on the proposed development on the Green Street site. Other locally submitted planning was discussed and agreed considered responses made.

EMERGENCY PLAN The Emergency Plan will provide an initial framework of contacts and resources to be drawn on by the emergency services in the event of a major incident. The plan is in its final draft stage, awaits MSDC approval and the required kit to support the plan is being sourced.

FINANCIAL REVIEW 2017/18 AND PROPOSED BUDGET 2018/19 Initial work on this fundamental work has begun and more reports will follow. Parishioners are urged to attend advertised Parish Council meetings to observe our deliberations.

Next Parish Meeting - Tuesday 20th February at 7.30pm Yvonne Hannan on behalf of Haughley Parish Council


‘Shoulder to Shoulder with all who serve”

Vice Chairman: Tim Hart

January is usually a quiet month for the branch and this year has been no exception. Our January meeting wasn't held due to how close it fell to New Year.

This year we have some interesting speakers arranged from Trinity house to the last flight over Frankfurt by Clive Mees. We're always on the lookout for interesting speakers so if you or some- one you know fits that profile ask them to get in touch!

Plans are beginning to take place for our annual fundraiser "1918 - 2018" which will be taking place on the 9th June at King George V playing field in Haughley. More details to follow.

Roy’s monthly thought:

Question for you brains out there...'Why do our feet smell but our noses run?'

Our next meeting will be held on the 6th February at Wetherden and Haughley scout hut at 7.45pm.

To view our latest newsletter or our full calendar of events go to our website: www.britishlegion.org/branches/Haughley Or search Haughley Royal British Legion


We cancelled our Whist Drive to be held on Friday 12th January in memory of my father, Tom Rand, who sadly passed away on 29th December. My father had been chairman of the Village Hall for over 40 years, and he had always encouraged and supported me with running the monthly Whist Drives.

We still had to draw our Monthly Lottery for January though, and Maureen Davis very kindly stepped in to the limelight to draw the winning tickets for us, with the following names coming up trumps:-

1st Julia Norman £35

2nd Carol Neale £20

3rd Mike Tuffin £8.75

PLEASE NOTE:- Our next Whist Drive will be held at Wetherden Village Hall on FRIDAY 9th FEBRUARY commencing at 7.30pm - admission price only £1, Why not try your hand???? Whether you are a regular player, haven't played for years or have always wanted to play Whist, you will be made very welcome in a warm and friendly atmosphere! "


Haughley Playing Field and Pavilion News It may seem a bit late but as it is our first article of 2018 may I wish you all a Happy New Year. Thank you to all those who supported our Christmas raffle which was drawn at the Lights Switch on event Friday 1st December, your support is valued and appreciated. The prizes, donators and winners are as follows; Prize/Donated by Ticket Name Collected No 1 £75/Youth Football 603 Thane 3rd Dec 17 2 Hamper/Mr and Mrs Wells 027 E Turner Delivered 3rd Dec 17 3 King’s Arms voucher 351 Amos 1st Dec 17 4 Hamper/Playing Field Committee 615 Mobbsey 3rd Dec 17 5 Bowls club Hamper 858 Skinner Delivered 2nd Dec 17 6 Regal Vouchers/Stowmarket Town 812 R Eburne 1st Dec 17 Council 7 Co-op gift tins 820 L Williams 1st Dec 17 8 2 Swimming vouchers Everyone active 601 Thane 3rd Dec 17 9 Vanity case/Councillor donations 705 C Ellis Delivered 4th Dec 17

We also launched the 50/50 club. If you would like to join please contact myself or Yvonne Hannan for a subscription sheet (our contact info is below). Subscription will be £10 per year and there will be 4 draws per year. By the time you read this we will have had our Quiz night on 27/01/2018. This is usually a fun event which also helps to add to our fundraising efforts. As we head into spring we will be focusing on cleaning and tidying the Pavilion and surrounding edges as well as well as cleaning the play equipment. Over the years there have been many suggestions and requests for facilities and improvements to existing areas within the Pavilion, and this year we aim to set up a sub-group from our Committee and user groups to look into the desires and needs of the existing clubs as well as potential future needs of the building. With the large development planned on the adjacent land this is a good time to look at the bigger picture and the potential future needs, the cost and how to fund it.

Our next meeting is 6th February 2018.

There are three rooms for hire at the Pavilion – The contact details are;  Function room –Dale Sanders – 07731 536773 or [email protected],  Haughley Football Club – Ian Wilkinson 01449 773399,  Scouts Hut, table and chairs – Richard Stacy 01449 673311.

Regular activities in the function room –  Indoor Bowls Monday afternoons Sept to March.  Dance fitness Monday.  Salsa class Wednesday evenings,  Zumba class Thursday evenings,  Royal British Legion monthly meeting. Thirza Shaw - Chairman, Playing Field Committee. Email [email protected] Phone 01449 672295 Dave Walker [email protected] Yvonne Hannan [email protected]

Usual reminders – May I respectfully remind dog owners to clear up after their dogs. There are poo bins near each entrance to playing field. Also dogs should be kept on a lead on and around the playing field. Thankyou.



Planning: The application for outline planning permission for 98 homes in Haughley on Land east of King George’s Field (DC/17/04113) was approved but traffic calming measures are still to be resolved. The next stage will be for reserved matters. This will be the actual details (design, layout etc.) of the whole site. It is not known when this will come forward but residents will be able to see the proposals at this stage.

Merger: Babergh District Council have said they will carry out a referendum on whether to merge Mid Suffolk and Babergh District Councils. The Mid Suffolk leader has said that Mid Suffolk will not do this as they feel they already have a mandate from the poll in 2011 when Mid Suffolk residents voted in the majority to merge. We await further developments.

Budget: Mid Suffolk District Council is about to agree the budget for 2018/19. It is expected that a 0.5% increase in council tax will be approved. This provides an additional £29,000 in income. The net budget is approximately £10.5 million.

A14 Repairs and Resurfacing: As you will see elsewhere in the Parish News, the concrete section of the A14 between Woolpit and Haughley is being patched up. Work will be done at night (8pm to 6am) from 12th February to 4th March with diversions via Tothill, Haughley New Street and Wetherden.

At a recent meeting (attended by myself, your County Councillor Andrew Stringer, MP Jo Churchill and Haughley and Wetherden Parish Council representatives) resurfacing was also discussed. It is hoped that resurfacing of the entire concrete section will be done in the next round of strategic road infrastructure work between 2020 and 2025 but we have been advised that we still have to “make the case” for this. The road is maintained by Highways England and so is Government responsibility (not any local council’s) and only their say so will get the work done. Our view is that if the A14 is so vital it should be fixed any- way, and funds should be spent on maintenance rather than just building new roads. However, if we wish to see this definitely happen, we have all been urged to write to MP Jo Churchill (who has told me she’d welcome this!) [email protected] and that businesses should write to the Suffolk Chamber of Commerce to express their views [email protected] .

Rachel Eburne 01449 774647 [email protected] http:/racheleburne.com/


In the few days before Christmas a group from the parish Church in Wetherden braved the elements and went Carol Singing around the village.

A total of £156 was raised for St Nicholas Hospice.

A big thank you to all those who sang, rattled collection buckets, opened their front doors and provided post- singing refreshments.

Above all, a very sincere “Thank You” to everyone who gave so generously.


“Small Ads”

One complete sheet of plasterboard 1.2m x 2.4m—12.5mm thick, plus some cut-offs. Free for collection from Windgap—07900314595


Found in the vicinity of Wetherden on 11th January, a watch. All enquiries please telephone 07956 120042

The following Terms and Conditions apply to all ads in this section: The Parish News takes no responsibility for the quality, safety, condition or true value of the items placed in the Small Ads Section. The Parish News Editors maintain the power of veto on the suitability of the Adverts. Ads will be placed on a first come first served basis and held chronologically for space in the magazine.

All small Ads, max 20 words, should be sent to: Sally Green, 22 Old Street, Haughley IP14 3NX.

Please note that the ‘Small Ads’ service has been introduced for the benefit of Haughley and Wetherden residents. Commercial advertisers may advertise in this section on payment of a fee, only if there is no advertising space available elsewhere in the Parish News.



Would you like to advertise your business in the next issue?

From £6.50 a month you can. We have availability for all sizes.

Call Marike Hart for more details on 01449 613680 (evenings) or email [email protected]










This advert has been deliberately inserted sideways.



Business Directory

Animal Health Complimentary Therapies Mobility HaughleyVeterinary Centre 27 Haughley Feet & Balance 32 Mid Suffolk Mobility 30 Old Tea Room Veterinary Surgery 28 The Suffolk Foot Man 25 Out N About Dog Walking 35 Painting & Decorating Computer Services A P Bowman Decorators Ltd 27

Bathrooms/Bedrooms/Kitchens Gage Computer Services 26 David Kemp Quality Painting 35 Kevin Hollings 27 House to Home Decorating 35 Domestic Services Boilers/Heating/Oil Tanks The Iron Lady 23 Period Property Restoration Andy Keeble Boiler Service 32 Geoff Nicholls & Co 35 M A Heating Services 27 Education Tank Change Ltd. British Sign Language courses 24 Pest Management RSA Pest Management Services 25 Builders\Home Improvements Electricians & Supplies Clarkes of Walsham 31 APS domestic appliance repairs 35 Photocopying / Printing Keeble Building Maintenance 28 DK Appliances 30 Digital Copy Centre 22

Kevin Rodwell Building 33 G. Moore Electrical 23 N.P. Childs 30 Picture Framing Mark Buckle Electrician 30 Eastern Frames 35 Steven R Potkins Ltd 23 Pryke Electrical 33

Cakes R&Z Electrical 28 Plumbers Amazing Cakes by Jean 30 Andrew Snowling Plumbing 30 Exercise Gidney Plumbing & Heating 31 Car/trailer/Motorcycle Servicing/Sales Serenity yoga 22 The Clean Plumber 30 Autoperfection 29 SK Plumbing & Heating 25 John Bull Motors Ltd 33 Food & Drink Lamberts Service Station 36 Mere View Restaurant 22 Property Services/Estate Agents MOT Due? 22 The Maypole Inn 23 All Homes 36 Mototechniks 31 Sji Greengrocers 33 Ray Goudy Trailer repairs 29 Residential Care S&P Motacare 30 Fuels Westhorpe Hall 31 Firewood Logs 35 Carpets & Flooring Roofing Services Mill Carpets 32 Funeral Directors Allum roofing 26 Rich Carpets 28 Andrew Bingham Funerals 26

Gardening & Landscaping Services Travel/Taxi Childcare Anglia Garden Design 32 Superb Travel Suffolk 26 Jan Penfold 32 Brian Davison 33 Anglia Limousines 25 KH Garden Machinery Chimney Sweep Service & Repair 25 Tree Surgeons/Forestry Ecosweep 24 Michael’s Gardening 27 Tree Surgery Service 28 Suffolk Sweep 26 Narey’s Garden Centre 29 Windows Cleaning Services Shire Landscapes 28 Suffolk Agri Centre 32 Michael Brame 33 4 Cleanright 29

Hair & Beauty Cutz Unisex Salon 25

Holiday Accommodation Red House Farm 28

If you would like to advertise your business in this publication please get in touch with Marike on 01449 613680 or [email protected] for more information.