H^MBilBHWlPIMMM if PfUCE THREEPENCE | B ! ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ - I : - .;_ \. , .. . . - . v- \Mm \

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j ¦ ¦ ¦GENERAL ¦ RECORD I • • -. i i ; ' of m: HT r ¦:\ < JltH ^ Bj 11 BRITISH akd FOREIGN LITER ATU RE 11

^ ' ; Issuedlsstieu onuii thetiic 1stxa» t anditiiu. 1xutii5th ofui eaeht;ei.t?ii Monthluunui ;; r ! ? ^ "^^w<^H

': > - ' ; ^^^ ¦'i; ¦ ¦I i London 'i mm ; ' ¦ ' ¦— i ' J~m^ A i f V^« ^~V "K ¦ •- rf— ». K -»~t J— ..» v M. ^M —^_ ^vw A II I aw* ...^ A. iM"^. -W ^V >V 4b, ^ -» rf— <» J k. *W> . >^ ^ ' ••• ^ •• >^ ^» . '^ ^—" -^ ¦B^^^^^^^^^ B^ B ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ * \ mm ; | SAMPSON LOW , MARSTON , SEARLE , & RIVINGTON \ wM] } t ;i CROWN BUILDINGS, 188¦ FLEET STREET, £.C. ¦ L « ¦] li . * - (ft ii 1 ¦n7iiY t'ifynvvi ii^vt»..vnY i TyiTI)rinTiiVfi/fc 'i1^^^ ^<^ t ^»?!!!f^~^^ ...,.!l![?!^yi^^ ¦ mm ^ " ' - : • r ; \^r ^ . i : i i ; : . ¦ v ' " Tfi eMPilfeku £B^# ^^^s m ^mmmgSmmBm: ^ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ '• • - ¦ ¦> '- ¦ ~^~ * ' "*' ' • ¦ ' ' ' - ¦ ; " -- ¦ ¦ ' ¦- ¦¦ ¦ ~ ¦ ..¦. - ¦ I' ¦ ' ¦ > • ^ ^ : . : TH E DAILY: ¦ :Ff t M0: Pit l iS . LONB iOBf OFFICE , 62 I^IJ&ATB HILL- , E,a ' CONNECTED BY PRIVATE WIB * WITH T^B . ! ABEEDEEN. HEAD OFI"X€?lJ, ^ I rp HE FREE PRESS occupies a leadin g place amon g the journals of Scotland, and is one of the best Bally Morning News- JL papers. Its busines s connections , as regards both , circulation Ibid advertisinby g, far exceedstwo in extent andino portanceand that of any other newspaper published in the Korth , and is equalled ia ^cotland only journals published chiefly circulatin g in the South and West respectively. . ^ 4 | * ,; THfi FREE PRESS has the Universit y City of Aberdeen as a (centre and the nort hern half o-f Scotland for its field pr oper. Special attention is devoted to Art , literatu re, Music, and toe.Drama. Its Publishers * Column is taken advant age of by the lead ing publishers , and for New Works and Business Announcements of all kinds the FREE PRESS Ha s no rival as an advertis ing medium in the wide and importa nt field in which it circulates.¦ - TJHC E JE"VJS IV j qSiaa* <3^JL.ZETF fX*3E2 Has a wide and ra pidly-increasin g circulation. It is a h&b-class paper for family readin g; containin g a complete synopsis of the news of the day and a literar y department giving the cream of Current Literature. It is an excellent advertising medium. Fou r Editions are published Daily, and Special Editions as required. Bank and Post Office Orders paya ble to Alex. Marr , the Publisher , Qaily\Fr ee Pressand Eteninrr Gnzpfte Offteft g . A*>er«1epn . THE I DBRRY IVtERCTTRY. T71 rTt A T=^T^T^t"F^TnT"^ ¦' ^ 1* 732. FBIOE 2d. ^ in _ r ^f) e tSLeabitiQ Qon£tvvative ^Lem&papc t p«rb »s^itre , / The DERBY MESB.CtTB .1T bas a more extensive cir culation , amon gst the Upper, Professional , Commercial , and Business Classes than any othe r pap er in the district. It contains specially-written Agricultural Articles, gives considerable #space -weekly to Reviews of New Books and Musics, and. is in every res pect a first-class Family Newspaper. In addition to its lar ge local circulation , the MERCTJ B-Y has an importan t and growi ng connection in all part s of the countr y, and may there fore oleim to be pecuHa^rly useful as an Advertising Medioan , , -^ > XS 2C T HE 3> XS X^S7ST l ^WL IS-»:I9 • FOTTB BDITIOIT S bAIXiTT. PBICE <>NB HAI ^FPBIT jj rY. ¦ ; ' * _ IBfy e onl© Igon&etvaiive. $x>eninQ 7§apev in Pcrl>gs|>i¥cr The JEXPBESS has a lar ge and steadi ly increasin g circulation amon gst all classes. , It contains the latest and fullest reports of Political , Foreign , Raci ng, Cricket , Football, acid oth»r Sportin g News up to the hour of going to press. Bac h day's Stocks and Markets are also fully report ed. As an Evenin g Newspaper the EXPRESS is unrivalled ia the distr ict. An excellent Advertising Med ium. * ' ^ I Head Offices—1 7 CORN MARKET , DERBY. Brahch Office— Bl^ON-ON-TRENT. THE ST. JAMES' S GAZETTE , AN EVENING REVIEW AND REOOHB OP 2STEWS. PRICE ONE PENNY. rPHE ST. JAMES' S GAZETTE contains the Late st News of the day, Special Fore ign and Home News, Special Sportin g 1 News, Money Market Repor t*, an Epitome of Opinion in all the London papers , IXJ rVi: ITOIfc v^O^^EJ TtTT ISEHt S. All iulonnation in rea pecb of Tariff for Adive i ti-emonts and other matters to be obtained on application to the MANAGER , 161 QUEE N VICTORIA STREET , [ LONDON , E.C. Postal Orders and Cheques to be metde\ payable to /£. GCO Trm and eroded 3fA f t TIN A CO. , THE COLONIES AND INDIA. ESTABLISHED OVER A QUARTER OF A CENTURY. READ BY ALL INTER ESTED IN THE COLONIES ADD INDIA. Tube Comjnik ^ and India ia read by the bulk of th e Merchants and other s doing business abroad. ¦ - Pu.blisb.od Weekly ; Subscri ption for 52 Issues a Year , post age paid , 1O». 6d. Posta l Oute rs and Cheque * to be mate payable to R. SCOTT , Offices , 161 Queen Victoria Street. » I :% ^Ym&m^MM*- ' -^ " r' ?: - ^'^'^-mmmmm^^MmM

TH$ ^Hf ^XAR

Ain> Genera l ftccorb of 2&riti £ft anb jp oreiffn aitccatuw CONTAINE R A COMPLE TE ALPHABETI CAL LI ST OF ALL NEW WORKS PUBLISH ED IN GRE AT BRITAIN AND EVER Y WOK K OF INTERE ST PUBLI SHED ABROAD [Issued on the 1st and 15tli of e*ch Month }

Pbice 3cL February i, 1886 SSl S ^S

OO1TTE1TTS LITERARY INTE LLIGENCE .97—109 RECEN T FOREIGN WORKS 114 ITALY AND HER INVADERS 100, 101 NEW BOOKS AND BOOKS LATELY PUB- A NATIONAL LIBRARY POR SCOTLAND .. 101101., 102 LISHED 115—127, 144 NOTES AND NEWS 102—104 MI SCELLAN EOUS 127—138 AMERICAN NEW S AND NOTE S 104, 105 BUSINESS CARDS 127, 128 SALESA.L.E JOTTINGS 105,. 106 BUSINESSES FOE SALE 129, 135—13713&—l«J 7 REVIEWS , &c 106—109 ASSISTANTS WANTED..* 137 INDEX TO BOOKS PUBLISHED IN GREAT WANT SITUATIONS 137 BRITAIN BETW EEN JANUARY 16 AND 30.. 109, 110 SCAL <\ OF CHABGES 138 BOOKS PUBLISHED IN_«_ .^h. .. 138—143 ¦ »& ¦ ~ GREAT BRITAIN BOOKS WANTED TO PURCHASE FROM"¦^**ar.*. ^*fc *VB a*» JANUARY^v a ** a * i «^^ah 16^ .^ TO 30—. — 111—114 1 I 3ST X>E32C TO -A.X>T7-:Ei :E& TIS:E3 :R/ S Allen (W.) «fe Co 128 Galpin (J. ) Bl^3 Marsh all Brothers 128 Allen (W. H.) & Co 116 Olaisher 135 Andrews & Co. (Durham; 129 Glasgow Herald iii Montgomerie (J. C.) 135 Austing & Sous 127 Golding uv J.UU jUWU. Ui/ KJW, .. XJdO JU Caf£t?Il ...•••«.....•••¦••>•••^ .w Bone & Son <•*.•>.....•..•••••>•* 133 Hall & Co • • • • •• •••¦••••.«• . .• 128 Pagen ^ «< Society(JWIV/ W^ •*•••• • • . . 121• Child' s Pictorial iv Hod gson (H. H.) 129 Rock Brothers 130 Clark (T. & T.), Edi nbur gh 129 Hodges , Figgis, & Co. (Dublin) 129 St. James 's Gazette ii Clowes«^iuwes &on Sonsoons , Limitedjj imicea 122L&z HolmeJOLOimes s <&oc Sonoon 136joo SilverlockoiiveriooK (H.\tx.}) 127*¦** Culter Pape r Mills Company 134 Hurst & Blacke tt 124 Simpki n, Marshall , & Co 129 - Curtice (E.) 128 Hutt (C.) 143 Spalding & Hod ge 131 j ^ Dailyany Frx' ikzk}ee Pressjticdo ...... iiti Kentjck.ouu &Ob Co\- j KJ...... • • •• 128XJio Spoc(n ;uuitti swoode q nuuvio &u« Cov>vf. ..•*...¦.«....129*.f > * Dawson & Sons 128 Kitcat (G. & J.) 127 Stoneham (W. G.) 134 Der by Mercury ii Lac hlan

188 Fleet Street, February 1, 1885. ence to the draft convention which is proposed

the results of to be signedt^JB at Berne next SeptemberJ *. ,/ it is IT is to be hoped that one of the fall of Lord Salisbury's Government imperative that a new Act be passed removing will the intricacies attaching to existing British be the shelving of the proposedA- not *. *—* new charter on the Copyright laws. All who law. France, Germany, Italy, Spain, and—

have an interest in the welfare of the book let us sincerelyV hope—thea. United States, are world were glad to see the announcement expected to become parties to the new inter- in the Queen's Speech to the effect that the national scheme. was to receive legislative attention—at . Lord Salisbury's Government took up this importance ; no distant date,/ it was* presumed-JL The reason subject with a wise conception of its for Ttfee intention of dealing with the question immediate_ action is that before ap#Sjr#fcvj « ...... ** »J j lr ¦ ¦ ¦ • . ¦ ¦• -' 'M i_ . „ $S8tj *gt* • : ' , \ KAWm 8 Tbe ^ PiiMiHIrs* Cfecular *Ffeb. i ¦ r886 ' ¦¦ • f 9 j- . ' '. -^j ' ' '* i : . 1—- -1 / ------—- — ^- i -^ 1— , - , - ^ ^ . ¦ - ___.^ ______- 1 _1 ______. . ,__ ¦ - __ _. . 11. ^^^^^^^^^^.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^B^BB • ¦ * i * : _ 7? . = - mendati ons of the Royal Cojaimissioii of 1878 present , nor so influentiall y supported , Ne- at the same time. Wfyat effect the change of gotiati ons wtH therefo re become far more diffi- administra tion may have , it is impossible to cult and complex. say. Pre sent appearances seem to indicate The pro ceedingsw before Senate .. _ the .- ^ * ^** Com- - . j that the Government will be so long over mitte 'e, which met at Philadel phia on the 28th its difficulty in dealing with new men and old ultimo give an urgent reason for immediat e acres , that there may neithe r be time nor actioiL being taken by the Government of this oppor tunity for the consideration of such country. The Bill which Senator Hawley has trivialities as the complicated affairs—home or introduced seems to meet the exigencies of th e internat ional—of authors , publishers , and the American question admirabl y, and its vital reading pub lic. I measures could hardl y be objected to by this Fortunatel y, we have Mr. Gladstone 's de^ country , which is the most interested -of any. clared assurance of his interest in the subje ct. The princi ple of Senator Hawley ^s Bill, as ex- As an author as well as a statesman , he lias on plained by Mr. Howard Crosb y, representing the niore than one obcasion given vent to' his American Copyrig ht League , are as folloiv :— views upon questions relating to the legislat ion ' This Bill does not propose to treat the forei gn of copyri ght. Only the other day, in the author as clothed with tlie. same rights as his own debate on the Queen 's Speech , he said :— country gives him. Some mistake the main point on * One word only I wislr ^o say the subject of of the Bill, and suppose that is its object. That the treaty of Inte rnational Copyri ght. I was in my would be injustice. , Suppose a forei gn author —an youth a zealous follower of Mr. Serjeant Talfourd English author , for example^eould be allowed in his attempts to extend the range of copyright 100 years for his copyright to run , and we allow privi lege. I must own ithat reflection and experience only two years , it would be 'manifestl y unjust for us to allow the forei gn author here in America 'to hav e hare led me to entertain in some degree *¦* doubts as ¦ . . . . . to the particular form in , which an author is to be such a decided advantag e over our own authors , ' The object of the Bill, therefore , is not to give secured that.... to . which. he ...has the besI t possibl.» e claim —namely, a reasonable shara of the fruits of his the forei gn author the same ri ghts as his own coun- intellectual labours. All I have to say at present try gives him. It is to give the forei gn author the is tljtat the question is of enormous importance, same right as We give the Ameri can authoT here . especially in consequence of the almost imrneasur- We wish the fore ign author and the American able market which America offers for the,,sale of author to stand on the same platfor m here , pro - English boots, and the rapfd extensionvof that videdviiacu. thatLiiat - foreilwreigugn nationsiiatiuuu act>auu * iniu likeiij_ .u manneruia.iiuec .withwiuu , ¦• market thrp_ugft the growth of population, and.of the ourselves., ; v v . .,. .,, . X1.UUUU W1. ^/V/ll ^ U JL. IT U UXVt 111 «U.IVV AO UlJ-tUU 1/ l « importance of having our copyright law on such a * Another point , I would make* is,J that; theJ. f V s>Jub-M basis as. to make it possible for the American, ject is to be entirely separ ated from ' the great subject of ' Government to give us the benefit of something like protection and free trade. It hasWe really a community of market in that vast country for our uotJ unfif {whatevor to do with th^t matter. who kerejb ¦ ¦ ¦ are ¦ ¦ efbre you to-day are some of us in politics literary« -w productions.m* •• - \ v on]y,-i .,... t My m mt* reason for referring ^^ -¦« to this subject at the present- mdmetf t is to express free-traderst» . _ -1 , otha llers ofn us are stron_ g prote_. ctioni. _ •. st_ s, the hop e tbat when the internati onal copyri ght and this show? th at the subject of free trade and treaty is concluded it may not be in any man ner protectio n has nothing to do with our claims- . Pro-

tectio n •mm « goods*¦«¦ ¦ ; the stoppingj* of a certain of bound down to one particular form of copyright law is ™^ •^ JL. S-" now existing in this country, but that it•* may be but the hon-copyri ght system which we now have left free as far as possible for Parliament to consider, in our country is not simply the stopping of goods, -when the proper time and opportunity arrive, the but , after stopping them , the seizing them purselve s basis of that copyright 1 law, and whether the nature and selling them , for our own benefit. Henc e ther e of the protection and benefit givei) to the is no connexion at all between the two subjects. ¦ author . can with advantage be modifier^.' , . . . . " c Anoth er point which it is well to notice is that aj l proper protecti on ^which oiip nianufabturers need The * proper time and opportunity has will be continued by our regular tariff regulatio ns. arrived.' Are we prepared to take advantage ; The expenses now of packin g and frei ght and the of if? There may never be an. occasion more contingent expenses are> 15 per cent. , which., adde d favourable than the present for coming to a to the 25 per cent, tari ff, makes the , protection 40 proper understanding, at least with regard to per cent, so long as this shall conti nue. Americ an our relations with our great customer on the manufacturer ^ will be abundantl y protected, if this other side of the Atlantic. The progress that law be enacted. ' is being made iii America seems to Tbe so The support givon to this Bill is very spirited and well directed, as well as earnest, strong, and the opinions of the representat ive that advantage should at once be taken of authors , publisliers , and oth ers who' signified the chance of working together so as to come approval of its aims are well wort h, lisiiennig to. , , , • > / 1 • to an amicable arrangement. In a little time ' Mr. Clemens said that he had for years the prevailing demand for reform in Copyright received a larger royalty Jin England ; j tha n in I l may!, .! toot be ao vigorous in the States as it is at land on (Gener al ... America. The royalty paid in Eng • , , ..., ' ,.^ , ' ' ¦¦ m) ; ^ ¦ ; ; _ f _ i. ui ., ..¦. , .,....,. . ... : . . ' ¦ " Vr " ' " ¦ ¦ ; - ; , . ¦;>-¦¦;¦ ¦ • , - ¦ ¦ ¦¦ .¦:¦ ¦ . " . l W* • - . - ¦; ¦' ' ¦ ?¦ ;- .r rr - :V. - ' :: . -v- V- -v:;- -;;- ;. ;,;.- . .; -V,, -:. -; v ,r . . ? . =- . ' . A ' .. . 1 ! ,:! ;.„: ,. lL "J i . C, - } . . \., v :. .:../!,!. ;/; :. . ., , 1 . -. v.:: L K 4J gwft|HB ' . - . ^ ;v ¦ x ' ¦ ^. . ^ ' ^, ' ¦ ¦ P¦ - ,¦ • ¦ ¦ ' • ¦ • ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ' ' ¦ " ' - ? ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ; ¦ - ' ¦ • . " > - ¦ • 'V ¦ - ¦ . )< ' r .? .t f ' > ^ jl u. Fe u. I , l oop ^mhuc& - jluxbuv ^xo'^ 'vuvuiaL ghf - j 1^~" Grafitfs book! Ws the laigest paid on airjr book in In our opinion, the best modes of getting

¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ " - w ¦• v * *# ' ¦ ¦ wor ld, . royaltie s any -i country- In any sge the ^ ^» ^^** )^» W ^ ^ ^^ ^^ Mi ^^ ^ h ^B V^lft^h the old fabric^ . The exterior is faced on the^^ ' Mr. Dan a Estes , publisher of Boston , advocated ground an di* first floors with red Mansfield ; the passing of the UBill, as any Bill was better than stone and polished granite pilasters , and the nolle. He said that' he would not now undertake superstructure with white Portland ^ ihe whole the publishing of works of American authors , beiiig surmounted by a carvin g in stone of tl^e whatever their merit , who were unknown. He old sign of the house of John Newbdry , The Bible was often compelled to return manuscri pts ,iuir ._ and Sun , wfth the motto , ' Fiat Lux / On the opened because the> existing arr angements made it capitals of the pilasters of the ground floor are carve d, oii stone medallions , the heads of John impossibl e to publish them with profit , owing to ISTewberyy the founder of the firm ; Oliver ! the competition of pirated fore ign works .' G-oldsmith , who rendered hiiu immortal by Mr. Estes' remarks point to a highly hia descri pt ion of him in *The Vicar of Wak e- significant , influence of defective Copyri gnt field .' Dr. Johnson , whb was intimatel y asso- ciated wit!n both Newbery and Goldsmith ; and Laws, namel y, the restraint imposed upon the "Bewick , the father of modern wood engraving , ! rising talent of the country. who embellislied many of the book s issued by Every question has a comical side, and in the house at the end of the last and the be- this case a good deal of amusement has been ginn ing of the present century. The interior fittings dre of oak throughout ; a handsome caused bymr a propMb <¦• osal which appeared«¦ A> the other day in the Pall Mall Gazette under the staircase , with a dado of marble , called gial lo antico , from the ancient quarries of Numidia , startling heading, 'Is the Black Flag to be with a capp ing ^ df ancient JPio di Persico, as hauhauledled downdown ?« ' It appearsatynears that , >» *i an eminentfimin«nt. found in the ruins of Rome , leads from the American , who at present desires to be retail shop to the magnificent show-room anonymous ,' has, conceived the idea of employ- and book-saloon , on the first floor (both ing stamp s, such as those used by the Revenue , lighted by the new Cromartie lamp), where is a complete assortment of book s in all depart- to prevent the infringement of copyrig ht. ments of literature , and in all varieties of ' The author might then, for a price agreed binding. In thi $ room , which is intended to upon , issue so many hundred or th ousand form a reading-parlour , will be found news- stamps to any publisher in America who pap ers and writing material s for the Use of tho ught it worth while to reprint his work . the clergy, and others of the friends of the firm , This would leave untou ched the present Fre e to whom they would be a convenience. On the second floor is the bound s stock department , Tra de system. ' Publishers are unfortunatel y counting-house , &c , ahd the floors above are too Well acquainted with the sangu ine tempera- devoted to stock and packing. Two lifts run ment of inglorious Miltons and latent Spotts from the top to the tottom of the house, to have any confidence in the stam p theory. which is also fitted throughout with hot-water Besides it is an old idea,, which was rejected as apparatus and every modern app liance. Re- being impracticable many years ago and at turning to the ground floor , we hav e the , entrance to the trad e departm ent in Lud gate best is only another form of the royal ty system. Hill, which is entirel y separated from the A great difficulty connecte d with this other part of the house. The basements , which a,r« for stock ¦ ¦ fiTttfmsivft - arfi a.lar > rftc ^entarJfes subjw ect , r especialmm lymr inexperi - are extensive are also receptacles tor stock . is that authors , ^ , - enced authors , do not recognise that there In excavating these , traces of a road of chalk is a business aspect of the question which formation were found , at about six or seven considerabl y allows of no variati on. The views of the feet below the pavement ; and at a greaterCj > depJL th were, the remains of. an old, •. cause- maj orit y of young authors upon such points ; nvay^ , with a foundation which had the appear- are usually unpractical. They recognise nothing ance of having been constru cted of reedsi It was 11 I between themselves and the general public. only after figging down a distance of U5 feet || ¦ - - • ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ . " ¦ ¦ -¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦' ¦ ¦ . . ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦--¦¦¦ ¦ ! - '"" :- . . . . . - - - - ¦¦:¦" ¦ ¦ " ,. . - ¦ • ¦ ^ T , ¦ • -;' V u :vv | , ; . ;> -^-> ;r'; , : ,; . 5 I !po Tlak Publishers Circular iFe^. i, 1886 ¦ ¦ —r ; n . from the ! pavemen t that a solid bed of gravel you sew the book without .the illustrations and was found on which to erect the massive iro n have them { placed afterwa rds, which operatio n less secure than it renders their retentio n *V ht of _^ ^m . a. * " IB > > a ^ B * * A A- the enormous weig ^^_ P^ h stanchion s which carr y ^ ^^

pjpj ^ ¦. ^" . •^r p^ pp^ ^^ ^» *p"^pW ^^p' ^»^w^» p ^ « * »p"^^ p" ^ p^"^» ^^» ^.^ ^ p ' » ^^ ^^™' » " ^ ~ — ^^ —" ^ ^ " — ^ — the buildi ng^»^» W^M .» The^¦p'* ^^"* ^^ earth^^p remove d was of a soft,y should be, the illustration must be shorn with

pf ^^ t.rt ^^^ r .m^fc "^ pp1- ^ i.» .^ .* .. **^ » ' ¦¦ m ^^ '^ ~^r ^-- ^— ^— -—- — — — — — -—^ ^r^ peaty character , and embedde d in it were the bookW*^ ^^^ ^^ .9 Whenv » ^»^ ^¦p **b>*w books- ^»r are ^ sent to be "bound

tfv ^ p^ «p>^fc » Hpr .v^ p/^v ^^ r ^ »^^^"^^ '^ p* pv ¦ ^—- —— —' Op* ^WOv^V ^^*^v ^ p* ^^^ P^ p' ^ a^ ^ ^4 ^^ ^^ r '^v ^p' ^ r^» ^ »^™ ^ " —™ "^ "^^ v or calf the case is found the bones of some animals , of which ,^ for the library in morocco however , there were but few per fect frag - different.rliflfor pnt, OtherOth er "bindersbinders are gerenerallvenerally em- ments . ployed to th ose employed by the publishers lor

¦^ ¦

^ r^ ~ — - Books.P^^^^^"^ ^^P^ ^^ P^^ ^^*^^^ V W^^^ ^w —The^^^^^ m W^V ^^" ^^^* controversy^PP^ ^^P^ ^^»^^» ^^P^ ^HpP ^^p^ V ^^^ "^^ p *^^r ^V which^ * ^*^^ ^^P'"^^ ^P ^ ^ ¦ ™ ^^pr has^^—' ^^pr ™ ^^ ~~^^ been« *»~ i ^^^ ^—~ ™ pro- value of book s entrusted to them to deal with ceeding in connection with the revival of this them kindly. This sort of bindi ng rises to subj ect has , we think rightly, ended ih. favour the dignity of an art. Bopks and dogs deserve of adhering to the present custom. What we humanTiimn an eft treatment.treatTnent. ThThevey solace us m.in this conside r the most effective answer to arguments unresting age which has taken to digging up

¦ apV^ k^ ~ fl ~ W b^ pi ^ B ^ p^ ^ » ^ p^"^ p» ^ b -^ p" '*> v -^ — -w^-^ ¦ . — which were advanced against uncut books was foundationsa^ ^ »T ^ ^^ W^p >V ^*»^ ^^ fi _ . Let us leave— our friends the supp lied by Mr. George Bentley, from whose writing ^b ^A • ^M ^ta. ^n a ^k - ^h I — ^ books all their marg in. Maricon da,

&4V ~ ^^ ¦ excellent paper w'e take the libert y of quoting ind^ h^ Notes^V*> » ^^^ *^ ^ p*^ ^^ and^^ * r * ^ F ^p*«^ Queries^Wr* ^^ ^^ ™ ^^ ^^ ^^ inp^c^^^^ f the^p* ^" "• ^^p^ yearw ^^ ^"^ ~~*~ 1852^ ^~^ ^^ ^ ,j with the following extract : ' I do not know whether m^ny other good suggestions , pleads for this I am r^ght , but I believe that a genuine lbyer marg in, and contends also for toned pape r

^ ¦ ^ ^^^ p ^» -^ -^ p- m ¦ w -^— ^^^» ^^- i i -— — — — — —~ ^ w h K Vv ^^ M ¦* ^^ ^p *^p * *^^ ^^ ^ p^^p^^ » • of books keenly enjoys the operation of cutting against a graciousJ*% ^^ white, whiclr last to my^j up his own books. I know I do. The opera- thinking does greater justice to a fine type.

r ¦¦' m ¦ ^ p^ 1 -^w-^ ^^ -—— -^ — — —- h— — — tion gives one a foreta ste of what is to come, Whilew w ^^ mw* ^^^^ on^^** ^t^fc the^^^^ » ^^ subjectP** ^^^ p* ^^^ ¦ ^>p ' ^"^ ^^ of^" ^ *^ the^^ ^^^^ ^^ mechanical^"^"^^ ^ r pro- an expectancy of gooa things , often maybe duction of books, I should like to pr otest

» - -^p F- ¦ *» ¦ pp »^— >- ^pi^»— • — — — i— K » ¦- — — not realised. " I have not time one says, . %V^ >VWi*»'*PW »p V-*^»^^ ^» p» ^ i^ ^i* ^.^ «fc • • ^B^ ^k ^ ^ B ^>^v p^p t ^ p ," bookbin ding.^^ It is C against the use of wire in ^ to read this book to-ni ght , but I cann ot inelastic , and if at all irreg ular , so as to deviate

¦—- »«»» -% ^- »•»¦ resist ascertaining [what is the nature of the inward^*^ m * w • ^•vrmm ^* ^ ,m the^tf m>m^^r attem•" « ^* *»* ^^ ^^to^ pt^m to^m open-^^ - -^ ^— ^» the^~^ Book— — — leads— treat in stor e for me." As you cut up the frequentl y to a rent . It is also glaring ly con- book , names and things will appear wjiich set spicuous , and in the presen t uncertain compo- your imagination at work , and you may put sition of some so-calle d papers may possibly be the book down , too, after the operation with liabl e to set up chemical action. Mr. Quari tch what frequentl y turns out to be a very correct or Mr. Bain , or any leading London booksell er ,

r^ r ^^ p. ^^^ ¦—- ¦"" idea of the whole work . Sometimes I am wouldM » ^^ ^ p^^^b » ,v I-n think^#^fc ¦ ^h^« p>^ha> ,h bearp«p^ «r **¦v ^ testim^r ^ .r ony-p— ^— _ y to— ^^ the™" — ~— effect"—~ — , — tempted to think this is how critics get throug h that uncut books are greatl y preferred by the

V^ b ^p » P" pi ^^ pkP t^ip p« ^ ^^^ b ^ p^ v w ^p^ H I ^ r ^ ^^ ^ ¦ •« ^ -^ f ^ "—~^ -^ -^™ ^p^ "— -~ —^ so much work. Novels we have abandoned to genuine^ p^ J% ^^p^^*»^» ^ipr book-buyer.V^^ ^^ p* ^^p " * ^V^^ m ^> ^ ^- If we adopt , therefore ,y the lovers of cut books. The novel-reader is the moder n test of wha t is desirable—the test

¦ ^^ ¦ '^ P' a class b ^» P^F^™ ^v^p> *^ «p*^ p. «^ pT ^^ p^ ^ pa» ^ pr ^ pv^v ^^^ ^^^^ ¦ ¦* ^^P^ p^ ^^^ p^ p^ ^p- ^^ " ^ ^ "^ '^^^ -^»- ¦¦ - — ——' '^ --- —^ —— ^ —^ — y himself , and numb ers nowadays a of number —the publishersW^^ are consultin g the mass of readers , a prop ortion of whom may be interest of the maj ori ty in not cutting the styled hal f educated. To these to talk about ¦ ¦ 41 . .A ^ A A A _ M ^K ^ ^ leaves of any books except novels. ' loving a book , or caring for the excellence of

r 1 ¦¦¦¦¦•¦¦¦ — " — — ~ — ™ "¦— —' -¦- ¦ ^^" ¦ "^ ¦ ^ ^^ ^fc^^ ^^r»^ -^ "™ "^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^ v "^^^^^^^ ^^ i« ~^mr ^b^b a^r .^^^ -^ ^r ^ its mechanical production ,^ p ^ is waste of time. Cassell 's National Librar y.—This ven- They want a stor y, and as people who go to ture seems to be advancing with prosperous the play do not care so much for a one-act steps. Silvio Pellico's ' My Ten Years ' Im-

.p^ p plP^^ ^p^ ^piW^^^^^ P p-^^ p ^^^ p ¦ h ¦ ¦ ¦ -^^ r- ^V i ¦VF ¦ ¦ piece as for one in thre e or four acts , so this prisonmentP^K ^ ^pB P^^ P "^^ ^I^P ^^^ P' ^^ p> ^^ T ' hasP^^ ^i^ ^P^^^ v"^^ been^^^ ^^ ^^^^ publishedHV ^v~-^H v^ ^v v^^ ^^— ^^P^^ ;^P also" '^^ ' TheBB^^^P ^^^ " ^^k^a. _ ^M ^ ^^ — ^^^^^^ ^H ^P^ » ^^ ^^ ^^ -^fc.. ^^ ^^ ^h ^ ^ _ ^M

¦ ¦ r ? class"^ "^^ ' of'^ ^^ reader^ ™ ^^ ™ ^ *^ - ^ " *^P* insists^» .^ ^BW ^W«BV ^ ¦ on^^ ^i^ ^^ thre^|PT^^^V^^» ^^ e^*P »" volumes^ ^*^ ^^ ^W^ «K^v*aK ^f »" »^* ,V and^ /VI9 ^B ^f '^b Rivals ' and * The School for Scandal (both

^p p ^ p^ p^" w '^ p- ^ ^ p 1 » M ¦- ^-' ¦ ¦ —' ^^ "~ ^^-^f^^ v^pp ^b^^ h — ^— ^^ ^m ^ ^ .*^ ^^ ^^ ^pr^^ ^p»^ » ^— ^^ ^^ — ^ ^^^^ -^^»« -^ -^^ ^^ ^ ^^ ^^ likes them cut. Here , then , is the field in in 1 vol.),^ atid ' The Autobiograpfl H^^ hyW of Benja-

- - —-~ -—- —' ^** ^— —• ^pr - ¦ ~*<^ ^ »- ^»— r^Fr - -^h p -^i p -- v which the book•* binder^^flk^pa v^ * ^^ mayi«a ^ ^mm* ^ w chop- .^a ^ -^ p* v p to^ r '^p *' his.^a* ^ p"^ heart'tfv 4k ^^p t ^^f ^ »^^ sp^^ min Franklin .' The littl e volumes are pro- content, but I think in no other field , nor duced in better style than many books at six

~ - ~ ^ —^ -^^^ — —• *pr ^ p» » ^ .P1 » *¦¦ P^ T « «P*^ B » M'Tf would I' giver^ B ^^ ^^ him^v up^p~ all^ " • "• ^^ the*^ ^B ^»p novels."^ ^p ^"JP" ^ ¦^.'^ p' W There*"^ h ^^ p ^fc ^fc ^ are^ lt ^ if times the pr ice. A great attraction is formed novelists—fewer and ever fewer , I fear—who by the admirabl y condensed introductory

^ — — --— —- -~ -^f- ^ p- p-w -^ »- ¦ ¦ «p* *p^ ^ p« «pm deserve~—" " the'^ — ^ except^^ m-^ ^ r *H* ional -^ p^ *m^ honour^*w ^b«v« ^p*^ *^ of^v** uncut^ ip ^ db. ^ ^fc *» ^ pi ^ v pp* leaves.ppff ^ ^j €.'^ V ^^ *^* • notices supp lied by Professor Henry Morley, Who would not put Thackeray first in this the editor of the library . list ? I love to cut " Esmond " for myself , i and leave him every inch of his marg in. Every ; I

jp» wwm vm »»^ — — —- —— t — — «¦" ¦ ^ ™™w w *¦• -^^ ¦•j.v J-. book that is valuable enough^* ^"'^ - ^^ to^ ^^ require^ ^"^^^ B ^"^ * ^^ an»-*** i index should be published with leaves uncut. ITAL Y AND HER INVADERS. * If a page has been carefull y selected by pub-

—~ '— ^ " ¦" " ™ ^ r ^ —— w -m*- 0m- V B'tf Jk« -W. >H. ^ »V.«T rV* '«¦ »P p>WWJ> •> ^ka ^ ¦p ' Jfc W In 1880 Mr. Hod kin gave to the public lisher or prin ter , and its balance* dul^» * ** » ^X ^^ J^ A g 1 • P* Ok I* pk ^y ^ con-_ aidered , how long it^ shalvIK ^ l^k be^ , how^*. widea ^ it shall the first two volumes of his expansive work , be.be, it isi» oolwiniiflbvious thatfchaf, what\vlm.i ; maymav lookInr-lr vervptv y well-mt-aII of which Vols. III. and IV, are now issued. as an uncut book will look less shapel y when Ori^*^P * ^^ BPIBPHg inall^^ ^*^^ ^p -^P1 VPHPVy h meantp«P^^ ^PJp— ^^'^ P^^^PI ^ Pp* to^pP -^^ satisf(IP* ^H^^ V ^P^ ^^v^^r^^H yW the~^V tfPV^^ ^P£^ re|Pp^ ^p^ quirements^1 ¦ ^p^^V fP^P. ^P.p ' fl. .P J P1V ^^^ plPB ^PH ^T ¦ ^ tthene shears havehave bef*nbeen applied.annliW] . TheTh« advocatearlvn^pffi of the general reader who possessed little specia l for cut books would ask us to make allowance knowled^^ ^^" -^~ — " ~ ~^m" ~W ~— ge^p^pp ^ ^^^-^ of^^r ^*^^ Roman"^ ^" ^ ^^^ ^ mm m "^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ history,^^^ ^ — ™ ^ ^^P^ ^^» -^^ ^ * B ^ Pl t^^H h^ "" ^i«B e^p ^ b^^p^ oo^p^ ^p^P kV^P^B was^ » ^^ ^ — ^ for this beforehan d , but the shaving pr ocess is also in a measure d esigned to command the not a certacertain in oneone., aandnd 1I comenoni fi acrossa^roaa bookshnnkk attention of mature historical scholars . The sometimes so indifferentl y cut that it goes latter class of readers will find most interes t

-^_- « ¦¦ > »¦»•-« ¦¦¦ " ¦ •—• ^ p1* ^^ ^^^ pi ^ ^m b^ - ^* - ^ p- «p - v^ pp t t ^ ip» p^ mr ¦ * pa ** » _____™. ^ p^ ^m * « ^a pV««*^^ f «¦ "^^ '.»• p« ^ ^1 '^r ^ p* ^p ^ t ^ m *^ —^ --^ _ -»^ jfc h. 'wm. *Ai «^^^ *\«, -%^ a v..pVV(ajik. m/ ¦ ^y JL VV/M in the amp le notes which A \7JL author has ^^ the against the grain to offer them the* rites of hospitalit y. Then look at illustrated works . sup plied. Possibl y the book may , be con-

—¦ ¦- ¦•* - -^^ p^* » — ^^ ^^ -—^ » p^*vw ¦* »•¦. ¦%»» «mi «w*tt ^** - — — — ^b , w as the. ^M metropolis of^^ Scotland. P^ ^^M latestV ~~- ^ —~ ™ ^ -*— result™ ~^— ~ ~— ^ ^^ s- " of^^F- f ¦ thef ^^— hf ^^ pFr stud^f ^^ ^^ F" ^^^"^f F ^^» ^B y^g of^^^ ^^^ classical^^^ Fr ^^V F^F^^ ^F ^^ I ^^^f ^F^ ^^F^^ ^^ p^ p» geograp^^^ p ^ H ^^^p - ^ ^ pv^ ^^^^^ k ^^f^ ^»^"^^ W^B^ hF^» ^^^ y.¦ ^^ and the seat of a University , has long held a The notes , references , and indexes are copious prominent position in the annals of literature and useful , while authoritie s are carefu lly and science ; and it is of the utmost im- given . portance to Scotland that the mean s of main- The first volum e of the w ork is occupied taining and increasing the reputation of its by a review of the Visigothic Invasion. ancient capital as a centre of education and After the introduc tory porti on, which includes seat of learnin g should be duly provided for. a survey of the history of Imperial Rome , The British Museum is British only in nam e.; also accounts of th e dynasty of Valentinian , as for all practical purposes , so far as the and the early history of the Goths , Mr. people df Scotland are concerned , it might as

— - — — — — — — — — ^^ ^— ¦ » ^ — ¦ —~ -~ —~- ~- — — — — — — — — — - t™ ~- ¦ the North Pole. That ^^ ^ ¦ ^ ~^^ ~^r — well occupy the site of HodgJ^^^% kin enters upoM ^ ^# n his actual narrative by a treatment of the last years of Valens, and Scotland has not succeede d in obtaining such the story of Theodosius ; the succeeding a( library is due to two causes : first , the chapters in the volume includi ng examinations backwardness in coming forward ' of the of the intern al organisation of the empire , the - Members of Parli ament for Scotland , who «r ^r v^b^pv -f»^ affairs of Honorius , Stilicho, and Alaric , the willV y flfa **** devote^*^* ^ f v ^^ ^" ^*^ anyw ^"b^bj w amount^»«Kp ^ ^^ ^w^ ^v ofw troublv ^v ^tr ^v^ v^r w ew tob^ ^^ the^r ^* ^v ^^^

— F- FF -^ -^ -F ^ «^» ^^^ B- ^ ^ 1 ^ VV^F-T ¦ ^ B ¦ » ¦ » " ¦¦ Englan d and Ireland ec "F *^ - »^^ " I cinders of negl ting latterm^^ 's'^^ first ^^ W^^ ^^ invasion^F^^B^^ ^ W^^^^ *^ V «^ of^^ ^ Italy, _ the"^ ^" ^ ^^B" fall^^ "^ of» , Stilicho , Alari c's thre e sieges of Rome , the the ashes of their ' ain fireside ' •; and second , lovers of Placidia Placidia Augusta , and an the liberality of the owners of the various , ______account of Salvian on the Divine government . —libraries — inr— the— city— - in— affording"% r — <~*» . to all literary. . - men access to the volumes contained in their^ ¦ ¦ ¦ ^^•m b^^ ^mr ^*r ^^ ^^^— ^^^^ ^t^r^^ «Vf*^-v ^f^ fWV -fw- f^ ^^ b ^v ^ v ^« ^ v » ^^-^^^ ^^ ^^ These^ ^ general^F *% headingsj^ k will gJ* ^ ^^iye ¦- ¦ a fair h, althoug ¦ it is well known that collections pn , . ' ah a i ^ ai a idea of the amplitude of the author 's examina- .^ - ^k a • ^m — «m tion of his subject. The second volume, in a the accommo dation which they can afford is similar takes up the history of the of a very imperfe ct kind, and that their way, ; pr ivate funds are altogether inadequate to ^— ^ ^^ ^^ ^^ F^^" ^iV ^^ ^^^^ r ^F^ ^B^P ^^ H -W ^FF* ^^ ^^^ "^ ^f -^f 1 ^B^ ¦ ^—^^~ ^^^ ¦ ^ ^^ ~— ^"^^» ^ < ¦- ~— ^^ ^— — ^ — Hunnis ji^ ^ ^F^F" Invasion^-^^^ ™ ^^W ^F ^^ B^^^ W^^^ »F^ ^^F , the^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ~^^^ Vandal^^f Invasion ,^ p and the Herulian Mutiny , Together , the two maintai n the libraries in an efficient stat e volumes treat of events of the century and to keep them up to the requirements of *»¦ fbp ^ f^^ f f ^^ B r ^p ^v^ppi ^^ f- ^ p» ^ppf~ -f^f 1 ^p^ p»~ ™ »^f^~ ^pp " ^^m F~-^ppr ~^r ¦ ™ ¦ ^^— ^^p^ i^p ^p | °"^f ^"~ ™^^» — ¦ ~— i ^—^— ^p° ^f 1 ^—^~ ^^— — — - 37G-47C. the0^ .^ ^ Fjt ^ p day.g ^p Of course , so long as literary g men get what they want for nothing it is -net

-^ pr sf^^h ^FF 1 ^F> Mr.^^^*^ ^VFIF^ ^BFFI ^^ Hod^^PF^V^^^^V ^1_f ' ^^P^B> g^ HB ^. kinBBPW ^^B> ^^^ ^PBB inFF™B^M» ^B^. his^^^ ^B^^B^F^^ newF^^ VB^^ ^^^F ^ T volume^ ^^^ ^*FF -^^F^^FF ^^m ^^^^1^ ^^^* sW^^F (III^ h ^"^^^ ^^^"^^ ^f^-^ ^ .^ and-^^ likely they will Agitate in the matter ; but

IV. ) intimates that in deference to the sug- pfjpi pppppf B"^^B"^B» f ^MP ^^ h ^^^v^w ^^^» ^^^» ^^ ^f* ¦ ¦ ¦ *^pf~ »^^p^ ^pf ^-^ ~~ ~"r !¦ p»^pf~ ~ ^-^ — ~— ^ r wereW *^ ^^ ^^ F p^pBW ^pB^B^ the^^B^ "*™ ^^B ^ B^^ Edinburg^ ^^P ^p^^^f» ^^ ^^™" T^^^ ^^"^ ^p» ^pppp* h libraries to stop their gestions of some of the reviewers of the generosity, a storm would ensue which would

earlier instalment of his work , whose r an d H ^H ^K " ^^'^ ^^»^^w -^» ¦¦ »^^ "^^ ¦ - -^^ r ~-^ — -— - — -^ — - — veryy ^ ^^ ^^^ soonv ^^ '^^ ^1^ ^^B^^ forceV^B "^^ ^^~ ^^ ^^^ a^^^ grant from Government. A

¦ ¦ — f ¦ r^ ^^m ^h ^ F w ^^ f-f ^f- ^^ v ^ f ^vf v ^^^^^ b f-^BB' i ^ k^ r opinion s he values^^ F'^ ^v^^^P ^^ P ,^H he^V ^^BP ^^ V hasB^^ ^ffp ^^f fht B^Bf^ paid^ P>^^ ^B^^^f^ ^^^ ^^ f a^^ f^ goodf ^j ^^^ ^^^ ^ -^v deal^^V^^ ^^^ ^^*^^r ~^**ff sum of ,000 a year would be sufficient for nior o attention than he did formerl y to the ^2 the^^^^^^ ^^^ purpose|i r ^**^ » ^^ m^r ^m^ w^r ^*^ of^^ ^*~ opening^^ w^ ^^^ ^ " ^^^^ ^^^ ~ ^»^k up^"* m m to^^ ^^ the^ ~ ' ^"^ publicr^ ~^ ~ '^^^ "^ ^^ the— ^^ aifai rs of the Church and the Eastern Emp ire . Advocates' Library with its 300,000 volum es, This additi on, although ifc increases the bulk sum £1 000 could be contribu ted and __ of. this . , f»nn its . ^ ^K k ^ ^^^ ~^ ^b^ ^K ^ ^1 K d otof thethfi hbookook., considerably«i fifiraKlv enhancesftnli an ^fiR its value.vaiiift. by Government , and ^1,000 by the city—not

¦¦ ¦¦ The ¦¦ ¦ ¦ Ostro-Gothic Invasion forms the subj ect ** ¦¦ ~- —^ — ~ a^^^^ farthin^^ ^WriVta ^" ^^^^^^ ^g ^ ^ fc perU ^^^ ^^ poundH^ ^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^^ on^^ ^^ the^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^ rates.^^^ ^^ ^^ "^^ ^ It^^ is—~— " " to a

PF^V ^^V FT V ^ ¦^^^¦PBT 1 of the^^^ ^F^ f^p ^^^ thi*^~ ^^^ V>fFIrdVW ^^^^^^ volumeV ^B^F^ ^^ BB ^ B1^^ B^^ ^^WIV ^^ ^^^ ,^^ B in^^^ V^B which^BV ^BB v.^^ weV ^ ^^^F noteB.^^ ^B^ ^^^ *F^ ^^^* F great extent owing to the aid of th is library, especially a chapter on * -King and People , * admin istered as it has hitherto been , that

¦¦.¦¦L ¦¦.¦¦L which™ ^F^ F^ Fi^ is^>^ F^^^ a^f^ thoroug«^pp FF|Bf^F^B ^B^F ^F| ^BJfF^ F|fP^.1 V*F*fMhl^^^ ^ B^ ^^^ y¦ good^ *^F ^Fj^T ^^WMB pieceH^V ^^ ^ ^ ¦.T ^^^ ^^^ F of^*l ^^ ^W literary^^^" ^Bl^ ^.B* ^..P Vl^HV ^B^^^ *.F^ BJ Scotland has been enabled to contrib ute

workmanshi JR± ^ ¦^ ¦ '^^ f-^^^^ h -^«- -_> p. The fourth volume is devoted ^m m ^ ~^ wr4^ iters ^f ^^ F ^^fc W^^ in^^ b^M 4k every^ ^^ » ^^~ ^^" W department^'^^^ W^ ^^ .^^ ^^ ^^^^^^ ^ ^r ^^ ^ ^ '^^ of^^ m literature^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^^ ~^~ ^^ ^"^ ^^ and

r ^ pT ¦ ^ ¦ tBfe ^ "^¦T "BBB B.T «>« ^ BFB ^B^ "— ^ MM-" ^1^ ^»" ^ ^BV« ^B.B r ^V ¦» V ^^ *W B«— W ^B> ^> Bl..» ^ ^ ^% ^^^ ^^ to the Imperial-~ Restoration , bringingJ^^ *^ ^^ the science from without , as well as from with in, liistory up to thp year 553. the Bar , who have had no small share in We have no doubt that Mr. Hodgkin's stimulating the progress of our age , intellec-

-——.—. v 4^ ^ appreciated*rW W*r r~r ¦*• ^a- -h> ^b'V, ^ w ^b* ^ by_ w generalf^% ^"^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ W+m tual ly and social ly. Within the present century

J «>»« mi ^» ^f^ V -» «« ^»* » ¦^••^r '^ » -^ If » W+^ ~*T ^»^ ^^ ¦ ""- ¦ ^»» ^fT" ^^ p^f-f i ^ •— i b —^ -— —"^ read ers who deaire to stud y the subj ect of even^ ^ ^^^ i%^ W the^^^ «» ^ ^^ Fa culty have sent into the field of ancient Italian history, as well as by scholars literature such men as Walter Scott , Henry who alone can adequatel y recognise the extent Brougham , Francis Jeffrey, John Gibson otof thetlm autJin.iitlnvror ' sF. llabourabour , and giveo-ivft duedii fi creditnrftd if. for liockhartT*o

f|# r ^ k .»¦* ( ^ tf« ««¦ ¦«« ^ t >^^ J« «^ ^ pT ¦-> Jm* —• v » ¦ i i i m~~~ —- w ^ ^ ^^ ^i^ m M ^^ 4^ MB 4fc T^ .r m ^t/«F ••* w m ^f-^» f^ -^ ^w ^f- ^ »^ w-*r ^ ~—m — ^ ^—— — — pit ^ ^^ ^ ^^ d ^ ^ * ^j y, however , that Mr. Hod gkin has not of the library, ^ and in the works of many of avoided the necessity for lists of additions the greatest write rs of our country , from his

vc ,.— -^s - B^ Bt ^ - B - 1 ¦¦ -- ¦¦ ¦* an d ** -* -^^ "-ta- Vb* •>* ^ b^- .»«F»»Bf _ W V #K «»4b -^^ f*«» ^ ,^ *•• I «'*•• "fc * •» ¦•% Vb ' « V ** * ¦ ^ ¦••^ _ corrections , which happ ily are now rarel y time up to ofthe present , will be found acknow-

^ F> ^^FIFB FBBMW ^fF » ™ the^" Fi PFW "^¦F' ~-*~ T ^— ¦— ¦ ¦PVH -^ " -¦- » ^ ° * • ^f- • m - — seen in new books. l| ^ t e^gnlents^0 P* ^^ ^ ^F V^ P«^h *^ T ^^ V '^^ P» ^ obligations they were under *to the Advbcates ' Library . There can be no doubt that any reasona ble \ H0« proposal made^^ to the^^ Facult^^^V^B^B ^BA y would^Bft ^fel bem* favouf-^BB -- ¦¦- , ¦ .i. .,: ' m ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ' ' ' ' ¦ ' ' ¦ ¦'¦ ¦ ' ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦• •¦ ¦ - ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ' ¦ " ¦ ' ' ' ' ¦ > /i - • ¦ ¦ • " ¦ ' ' ' " ' - :- ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' • ¦ - ¦ • - . • " ¦ ;¦; • •- • '&?- : - / -""- . . - . ?; - . , i . . ; sr ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦ •ii . . ' !.,' .: ¦ i62 Tbet ^u^li^ier s- Girc»ilalr f>w 1*1836 ¦ ¦ p—• ¦ I ¦ 1 ' '. ' ' ¦ " I . I —— ¦— ' ¦ " ——-I— . I"

— — - — —^ w — — — — — — — —¦ —- — —' -~ —• ¦ -^r ¦j w^ ~^~^m • »- ^^ v^^ w^vmv ^^ -^^ p w^ v^v » ¦ ^mm *— -^ Mprtoer . lctte ably entert ained. The^^^^ publi shers ^pulct^ »-T7 ^^^r^ ^^ ^^^^ fc also^ The poems of i^ie CqlJii ns, BB ^^ (M m ^B A A fl M - . ^m ^h ^b ^K lend their aid to secur e the desirabl^ e end.^K announced by Messrs. Bentley & Son as being

-»- -^»- ¦ b^h ¦ —— ~— — -w ¦ v H Bfc Sjr ^VBBt *m Six:v leading^Bh firms^"—-^v^ ^v M^v^^ r ^v (notv ^v^H »f v^ toV ^^ mention^Bff^^B* ^^ ^MBBI ^^^ Bb ^^^ ^BP4* many^B ^m B^ BI ^" 1 V others^^^ ^ f v^^ in the press , ha-ve been collected and edited ^Bb ^Bi — ^ ^ ^k^B ^^^ A -^m. *^^m. A ~>^_ ^^~ i^K ^H of less note), viz., Messrs . A. & C. Black , by Mr. F. Percy Cotton , a kinsman of the MessrsxTxcopj-o.. Blackwoodxjj.»i;jv vv uuu. . &

— — — m — -^— — ^ ~~^^ ^--^ ^w^v w H ^fc ^ v v extentr , to their\ having• ^F* * ' free^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^ usev^ ^v ^i^ of^^ the^^ ^B«v ^i^ storesP^^ ^^ ^>^ ^IV ^^ ^fc ¦ ^fl A ^M a Bk ^^ B. A ^A a ~^k> a ^^m ^B ^n a of the Advocates ' Library. As Sir^ William^B* ^^^ ^ Mr. GL Hedford has issued proposals for pub lication to subscribers of a very once put it : ' It jcannot be overlooked ^hat the v literature , in its/ relation to printing and comprehensive work entitled ' Art Sales,' publishing, is very closely connected with ifctoe being a histo ry of the sales of pictures and materia l interests of the city. Pu blishi ng othfer works of art in Eng land , with accounts may be almost termed the u staple trade " of of the auctions , descriptions of the pictures , pr ices, purchase rs , and present possessors . • - — — ¦ ¦ i ^« ^ ^mr ^k^^ B^M vvivwvvv Edinburgh.m^^m Fntil^^ ^^^^ now^^^^ ^^ * *rfO» it^^ ^has^^ ^— ^^ *^ been assisted^^ ^^ ^»^» by the liberali ty of the Facul ty of Advocat es, , ' Fencing / in the Badminton Libr ar y, will and if that has to be withdrawn , a heavy loss be writt en by Mr. Walte r Herries Pplloek. will be entailed on the community. I niay Under the ausp ices of the Huguenot Society, just say, on behalf of the publishing business Mr. Kirk is going to transcribe the reg ister of with which I am \ connect ed, that if the the Walloon Chu rch at Norwich , commencing Advocate s' Library is shut to public investi- in 1695. gati pn, we s^aall probabl y have to remov e to

B«VV^ «#^ RV ¦ » ¦ » 1 London ,, and an expenditure of about M«BiV ^ . e^^^ ssrsr^^ .W J.^i^ ¦» &W^i ^ R.^^^ "^ ^ M^^" ^ a• xwell'• ^^» ^^ s»^ forthcoihing^— ^ — — ; g—-J ^20,000 pet annum amongst a miscellaneous publicati ons include several new and enter- -—- ¦¦ • ¦ - — body of persons will be abstracted fro m tainingW IIJB) H — ¦¦ — "* J—_ works¦ * ^^ ^*""" » * of^^ ^ ^~ fi™ ction^^ ^^ ¦ ¦ - . .b —— yW various- — ~ — —-— —»-—- airtliy — ; ors. ,j Edinb urgh. ' among them being a novel in three volumes ,

w-m~- «_¦¦ ^ i /AJk VJ> VAWh ¦« * «fc ^«l ^ W ^fc»-*Ni ^^ » ' ^ "^ ^^ •^••• ¦¦¦ F f~ - —^ -w — y entitl ed 'Tr ust Me,' b^^yMM Mrs' . • J. K. Spen der , — — — — —— —- bitantsr ^ ^ wm'W* ^^ ^^^ r\ ^ ^^ ^^ V4>VV*AV* of Scotland e novel by - Ifcita ,' entitled , that the only great librar y to which the and a three-vo lum -~- ¦¦ B/BJJi W ^^B^ ¦ i ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ^mrmr - *r ^m ^ w ~^nm m B ^— .^^— . — , i. B^Bj Legislatur e of the thre e kingdo nls * DafbV1^^ f^^ aridMF Bk* J^^ ^ oan^i^ 1 ;« ' also nbvelis in single-^ M —"- affords State entitled * If Love be Love : a assistance should be in London % All that is Volume form , ^ B ^ "~ r p ^^^— w V ^»- —¦ ¦— — • — »—' *^ » — — ^ -— _-^_-_ ^_ -^ - — ^ -^T* ^B^ ^h^ «l^ ^i^ ^v«» W «B».*» B| Pl# D. Cecil^^ Gibbs ;J ' Hau nted ,' Forest Idyll 'by "~ B) , * wanted is ,000 per annum—under 10 per ^> ^^^^ ^^ .v ^^ B ^ A ^*^M & ^BL ^ ^B^^ k . a^ 4B ^2 by Dora Vere ; * A Secret of the Past ,' by %^ - — — - — — — — —-___¦_.. -ww^. ^ ^ r»»«»«» ^» ~ ~ ^ b a, if ja _ i# in cent , of the an nual grant2* 3 to^ the«^^^^^ Briti sh 6 w^— V ^BH B^ ^B^^ .BB ^^i^^ ^m^^^ BP V^M V » w "^^ w^mm h w^v "—' "^ ^-™ r -^^^ ^-- ^m m ~— —¦ ' — '^ ^^ .b>Charles "Victor O'D. Powe r ; ¦ Amoret ,' by Museum . No one will maintain th at all ^_ . _ _ . . * — ^ m ^ ^ ^^ j ^ ^ ^M ' Gibb on ; ' Innocent or Guilty / by Gabrielle ; • — — —— ¦— —-»—-^— - r»- — -vf ^ -^r ^ ¦¦¦ P **' >.^ •V^W^Pt ^ JIA Scotsmen ,-y ambitious of—» distinction^^^ 4>r ^^ WAV''* J * inJk theV** ^^ t IBb^Bb w^—^ »^^^^ w ^p^ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦' ¦¦—. WvV^b ^^m ^^ By W HK ^B>tflAwV ^* ^»^iw '^ B' ^^ ^^ ^^ -^^ I ¦ -^ ^^^ m ^ Edwarde^^— - » p m m ^r^ -mr s,w field of litera ry exertion , should find it and Virginia the American / by C. the last two being new authdrs ; ari d a humou r- — — •^ " ¦» ^ .rf w^_ Mh^ k necessary—/ to^ ^ mi^^ ^^^ ^grat ™» e^^ to^"^ London^^ » ^^ Wi *,^^ 4»«k .^ The^^ ^W^ litera-%# ^^ 4k \. fW ^Bir ^ ^t ^B» «T ^^ . ^ M^ ^T ^H HW "^ ^^ "" ^ ^»-^ ^p—^ ^^- " -^^^— h^- r-^ m ^ -—^ — ^^^ ^** *^ ^^ holidayBi# tri ^ by^ Edith ture of Scotland has ever possessed a character ous descri ption of a p, Rhodes , entitled / The Adventures of Five —— :- — — —— —w -^ mmm— w -^r -v ri- ^ J and an* influence of^ its^^ W own.^"^ » » *•*• V AsF> ~ I** all1 Tf H theVA A^^ worldf f X^ ^ Jk ^^ fc knows , it has more than once held an illus- Spinsters iniNorway .' trious position in with all other Miss Brad don's recent novel , * Wyllard 's literarvliterary schools.scnools. JNNotot only,onlv. thereforeth«rfifor p>,_ isia it Weird ' —one of the most ingenious and sue- unj ust to Scotsmen themselves , but it injures cessfulr»RHsfiil otof thethft manymanv works of notionfiction bvby tinsthis the empire at larg e by depressing a character- popular auth or—is about to be issued in cheap

r .. 1— — — —-—— ¦"" . i ~~ •¦^ l" itw»1 ^a^ '*• ^»^W>fc ^^ 4fc A A X_r Jk JL T* Bi W ^^ H ^^^^ HM p^ ^t .iV*^ ^ * ^ ^ ^B^^ Jk Jk ^* tJki *r A f f | fc ^Bi B*' ^ ¦ V ^ . ^ p^v ^m ¦ V r ^v r ^ .. BP ^^ ^ - ' - istic and distin guished element of Bri tish formrfBs ^ ^^ ^ MB. ^B> ^B| byV^^ Bf her*Bb ^^ ^BB publishers^*^ v^^ , Messrs.^^T B^ J. &'^^' I ^ r ' R. literature—to deny to Scotland a share in Maxwel l, who have also in the press cheap

tfb rfv^B^ v^ |4V^nvB fcliose institution s ^.^Wk ^B. V^^ Bv ^ . ^ ^4hPa# ^^ ^^ ^h. B^^ Bf ^vr ^B. V^BF^n. ^w^ r Bj^ ^fc^F B^ ^^ ^ ^h^P ? v ^'^ ^^^ ^^^^^ b^^^ v ^^^ V which the ^^ ^^^^ wisdom of th e age editions of .^ several other popular works by^ has devised for men of letters . ' well-known authors , including ' Both in th e Wrong / by Mrs . J. K. Spender ; * A Sinless

* W ^ "^ W • • -«^- IBB W HB| » ¦ —.— II 11^ ^ ^— ^ .— Secret^^ by ' Rita ; ' * Worth Winning^ / by^j 4^^^^ .. .Bl ^» ^ta / ^^ m k . ^*^^ . ^ m^—^m *^ ^BL A ^B Mrs. H. Lovett-Carneron ; * Kingsford , J by E. Spender ; ' Lester ^s Secret / by M. C. Hay ;

rfk ^# ^^^ V^F^ "BT Ifnr ^i^BB W V Bh^lBh ^^ V> ^^v ^M ^I.. ^ ^ .^ ^i^ « V r ¦ v.^a^M Bi W BV ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ^v ~~ V B^^ T *^ ^ ** ^^ ^^ " * ;^ otc^ nnb ef. * Baptised with a Curse / by E. S. Ihrewry^ ^ j ^ctD ' Man Proposes / by Mrs. S. A. Philli ps; Bk ^« bbbw ^ W» ^»«^^^^^^ m iBfc at * ^— ' %» fl!aV ^/*A V rfkWV B^«^Jha» m "^ •mtm " T*m> . *«,m ^ 1 ¦> » w ~^v — . — - * ^W ' # In our list of telegrap hic addr esses, * Current Repentance ,' by A. Bnlnmn , A.B. O. S.;^ • thatrnaD of01 Messrslvxessrs. jSimDkin. ^impK m, Marshall ,. & Uo.Co. ' Dawn,' by H. Rider Haggard ; ' Beggar s on

|W ^ i ¦hi«k« ¦ ¦ " »^ p^ -^ H .. ^ .^ p.i» bt *v« .M. -*^ - » w w -^^ - i i b ^ ^^ - ••ai -wiak^ n ww ^^ na -—^- should be ' Simpkin Marshall London ^ ^ ^ ^^^^ * Mrs . Power O'Donog hue ; and not Horseback by^ I 4 ' / fe — BW* / . l^k ' «' ^BT A 1 E. Owens V The Love that Loves Always/ by Blackb urne. The second volume of Mr. H. W. Lucy 's ' Diary of Two Parliament s,' embracin g the At a sale of Bro nte relics which took Gladstone Parl iament, is now in a forward place at Saltaire last week, a pa ir of boots stat e of preparation , and will be publish ed which had belonged to Charlotte Bront e was

HhW .B* *HM ¦ I by Me ssrs . Cassell & Co. during the course of solnr ^^ IBh d^^Bh for*^ ^^ «^^ 27«.BB| S ^^ V ,BB aB> Bi pairm^ ^B^fhflk of^^ scissorsW*W ^^ ^^ F ^^ Bt^ for^^ '^^ ^^ 10»." ^^ — ^ ,W » nextA1DAU month.1UVUUX1.. print dress for 16s. r her wedding shaw l for ff : "3&j p^^ Feb. 1 1886 : T^e* !*! ^ ^ IOjt I • ' *' ' ' .— . ..¦ .. . . ,, . . . i . , l n , - , ^ L '* I -¦¦ -¦¦


^ £4. 15s., and a portion of a silk Paisle y shawl Under the title of * A Time and Times ;: I

mmm — — - — — - ¦— -w » w ^^ h mm—^r' -^mr «^ - p^v A ^r ^^ ^ m^^mt^ nr wmwmmmm*» ^a^ ^to h ^ ^ r M ^ v ^^ M * ^^M* a^MB ^ B«W>«^ for 6s. The Rev. P. Bronte 's silver spect^^ acles Ballads——— ™ mw ~mr^r^ andv«SBI ¦ mm Lmmvmmm*yrics w ^ ^B^^ ^ ^a r of^^ ^ » East^V andW ^^ > »H West» • ^^ W^ ^ ,V ' M^^»-"^^»^^ r,^ I¦ br ought 33s. Th e noiice of the books sold T. Fisher Unwin will shortl y publish a volume ' will ba found in our * Sal e ^ Jottings/ of poems by A. Werne r consisting mostly of €bU Xil UOA XlcXi^ S3UL j Messrs. Wilson gow, the authori sed publisher s in this country vals in various periodicals during the last ¦:

m» -- -—¦ mm -^^ r « - — j i ¦ ¦ mmm » • -mm- mmm m — ~ - ^ ^^^ » w^ ^y ^Jm^ m ^ mrmm ^ mwmmw ^^ mt^mr^mu m* m ^^w ^i^i^ ^«^ ^^ ^ ^^^ Bt ^^^^ vv w ^ ^^ ^b^ ^pr-v.v ^™ ^ ^^ ^^^ » ^ ¦ v of_^ Walt Wh itman ' s works^ n ^n^a , contemplatemmr -%^^ ammm w -mmmr ¦^,^m>mm>»^ mm*m *Mj me m^^ the^* mmmmrmmw four years.^j Political and social verses form^^ a < issue in a cheap yet handsome form of a considera ble part of the book . The subj ects selection from the writi ngs, in prose and of th e poems are of a varied character , being ., verse, of the c Good Gray Poet .' taken both from the Old and I^ew World. Mr. Adolph Witt emann , of New York ,- In 1885 Leipzig export ed to the Unit ed publishes a remark ably fine series f ^^ of Souvenir _

¦ ^^^^^^ r- mmmmmm* Wittv ~" ~™~ — e™ mann— ' " -~ ^— —^_—w Br^^^ o^^r th^m^^^m^^ e-^mr rs.m^^ ^^v V Th^ ¦^ ¦* e^*^ y¦ c^^F ontV^b^^B V a^f^h4k^in a^^^^F dmir^^^^B ^v ^^to^M ^^b^^H ammmwbl V^^r ^^V e^^^^ * Granvill e Heading Books,' Messrs . Burns photograp hic views of the scenery of cities i &^~^ — Oates— ^^^^ ^^ ^^^ m writew w ^mm* ^^v ^m* ^mw :—mf Thisv^ ^tf ^^.vv ^B Wmw series^ mw ^mw mmto mw* ^mm* W9w iswm* .^^ r designed^B^^v ^^F Wmw ^ ^ pk ^^ ^^^ ^^^v to^^~ ^^^ anda,nd oro>f placesolaces where the heaiiHaabeauties of naturenat,nrfl arerta meet the requi rements of the Code , and not conspicu ous throug g ea -% ^- e ca ¦• mmwrnt hout the r t Am - ¦ - ri n ¦ — —— — — ^— ^m< mr mm r mr - ¦¦ ™ » " — _ m mm* -*^ ^m ~^mw m^mmt * mmwmmm*~\mT parti cul arl y for Catholicm* ^ ^ mm* Schools.W^mm ^^ ^^^^ .m* .mr Nearly^^™ a | contin ent . The chi ef a o e * Souvenirs ' m> m. cl im f th ^ ^B M * m ^ . ^ __ -^ — _- all hav e been adopted by the London and to public notic e i s that they can be relied other School Board s, who order largel y/

¦¦ • ~- -^— ¦ -mmw mm upr—' o— n f-—— or f-^— a™ • it— ^^^™ hful»^^ ^ ^ portra»*^ ^^ ^™ ^^^» *vw^ iture^. *^ ^^ v^ ^ of- *u mm* them^mmt ^^^ scenesP^^^v ^^ ^ » ^* ^^^» represented. The new volume of ' Zoological Record ,' -^m~ ¦ ¦ ¦» bein" — ^~' ^ g ^ hh Vr ol.^ ^ mr XXI.^^mt ^mmai^^mw ^mm ^^^ mmtw of^^ r .^ b thew^^^^ ^mw * Recordmm^mr mmw' mm * ^mw mmM ^^v of**^ 9m9 Zoologm^***mm^tmr •mm' ^^ ^^r v^ k i^^ c^^ al^ The-*• •• ' -' otherv w**v«. day^ .ui j r aM»- comp%^V^AAJL ^TJLJJIXJ,V/XJ.UC«Xlimentary V dinnerM.XAU.AVJ. Literatur e/ has just been published by Mr. was given by his' employe's o r / , t M . J. W. wrnmr "Van~" ^ —" ' "Voorst.• ^ *^r ^^ w^^ mw mr Itmmmm mmr contains^mr ^m' mm *^^ mj mmmwmmtm^mm the^P^B ^w mmr literaturemmr ^h* ^m> ^mr -^^ ^r^m ^w ^^-^ p ^^ ^^ of^v ^^m AArrowsmithrrowsmith ,. of .Bristol.Bristol. The -company-ennrvnanv met zoology for 1884,i ftnd is edited by F. Jeffrey at the Montagu e Hotel , Kingsdown , for the B~— e— ll,^B - M.A"~ ^ ^^^ —^^ .,^^ ^« Pr^^^^ " ^^^ o"^^ f^^^ e^^^" sw^mr sB^m" or^mr ^^m> o^mw^ fmMw C^mmw o^^w mpar^mM^mmmmM ^ *m\ wrmw ^ ^. ^^^^ ative ^w ^^" » ^m^ An^^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^ a^^ ^ t^^^ o^^^ my^^^^^^^ » ¦ ¦ purposm-*r ¦- ^ -— e— of— —— prM^ ^ T^ esen-^ — -^^ *^^ ting-^^^k^ B ^v^ ^K Mr.^^ T ^^ q. ^^ mw Arrowsmith^mm^^mimfmt ^mm ^^ -^ m w*m ^ ^B^ v^» V^^ B^V ¦ w m^ ^r «p» witlL. and Zoology in ' an address in acknowled gment of his kindness King s Colleg e. in presenting them with a yearly bonu s on -No. 1 of Illus trations, the new publi catio n

¦ ¦ ~^ Br a v ^^ b^^^^ ^^ ib mimm^w the profits of his busin ess. The address edited^^ ^ ^~ ^^ ^~ by~"^ Mr.^^^ ^ Fr^^^^^ ancis^^^ v ^^^^ k ^^v George^^^ w ^^ ^b ^^ ^^v ^l^ h ^m^F Heath^m^^^^mw ^mr ^m^^f ^pmh ,mm has^^^^^^r^^'^mr a^*^^ VV JJLM _MJ. \(which wasvr <*0 printed|;AIUUCU inXXX coloursV/UIU UJ. 8 and

-^»^^^— 6 — — -~- ^^^ ^^ i — ¦ ^^" r ¦'^f- -^^ f- ^^ -^ ^^^ v w '^^ f' w w mmmt ^mrmMmmmm, ¦ >¦ framed) was as follows :— 11 Quay Stre et, of contemporar^^^ y kn^^.^^^i^^^ owled^mw ge^mw itsWMw mw w*^^ cont^^^ ^^"^ ^^^*^ ^^ ent^^*^ ^"^^^ ^^ s are— Bristol , Janu ary 12, 1886. To J. W. Arrow- most interestin g. Those who becom e sub- —¦ Mt a ^M riHf ^^ M ^m ^^^^ m * ^^ a ^ ^m _ smith , Esq. Dear Sir ,—We, the undersigned , scribers to the new an d novel ventur e have wishWish to expreGXTYTfiRH ss ournilT sincere»!TI P.fiTA thanksf.lia.Tl l^ ft tofh youT7TVI1 for every chance of getti ng satisfactio n. your generosit y in maki ng us parti cipators of The i Girls ' Fr iendl y Society ; is asking help

¦ ¦ — - — - — ¦ your success.. —~ » ¦ ¦ -^ In-»^^— ^^ ^^ doing'^^^ ^^r ^^^»— ^^m ^^^ m- som~^ ^^ ,h we^ ^ -^^ hopea^r^.^ ^h^ ^ ^ p^ ^^^ thatv^.^V ^ ^^ the^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ to establish homes for young women engaged business of the future will be even greater in City workshop s, and some of the leading than the past , and the good feeling existing binders are aiding the work , thus hoping

~^v >a>^ between you and us will stimulate one ^v ^V^i ¦ "^ ¦^V ^>B »H ^ npvr —| |— ¦ ^ ¦ ¦ v ^ and all V^>* r v ^r V^va ^ p >^>V ^i^ V fr^ p^ "^ ^ ~~~ * ^^ ^^^ —— -^— to assist^W ^ ^V their^t^ tiVM^BB ^^P ^*^*>^*f female^>H v^V *^F ^>^ emp^W •** l oye^^^' s by^ pr ovidin^^ g >^v> to use their utmost endeavours to ensure the comfortable homes for them at a low rate .

W'm— -mr mmw prosperity which '^» r mr> m^-mr ¦¦ you deserve as pioneer of • - ^»» »^ m w ¦ mm »^—^»»^f — '^ ^^-^ ^-—-^^ -—. w — '-^r — — — . We hav e^m^ the^mr ^mr ^mm ^^ appealm ^mw 'ii ^^ befor^mr m^ e^mr us^r^ • *• ,h which» » is issued good movements in the printing trade of this under the ausp ices of the Hon. Lady Grey ,

-— ^ » w m> - » n/ —«r .^HdaB ^k « m*+¦ ¦< ** w «¦•» ^•m-~r^ ^'mm^mm%mm± ^m.* •mt* ^» v ^^ * «^^dk ^.^r^^ % i« ^^ «¦ mt^ -^^mm^^ ¦« ¦¦ cit t F mm ¦* mm ¦ y. Wishing ^ ¦ " ¦ ^ ^ p -»-ifc ^v ^fc*» ¦^4*^ »^ -b r K v h .^HB.WF -^r r ^ mr w w ^m- ^m ^^p-^-» ^^v ' ^^ Mrs. Arrowsmith and -^ yours elf v» ^ .r ^ ^ w *«>w^^k ^kvf ^^ ^^ j»- i^» I^m ^ • Lad yY Romill y, Lad y Helen Stewart^r , the wif e long life and happiness , we remain , dear sir , of the Bishop of London , and others . Mr.

W ^* ^^^^ib ~^r w ^ l ^ ^v^v ^ h ^ h ^ li>» WIV b^» * ^»av ^«^ w r^^ ^i^ ^^ V A* ^ ^«^ 4^4* ^P h ^^ ^^db ^i^ y V '^ ^^ ^^ ^^ V iiv^ your obedient servants .' Then — mmr wt ~ mmt ^ ¦^ ¦v «w*« r «t wmw ^«v ¦« ¦ ™-^ ¦ ¦ ¦ . va v v ^^-^ i -^-^ follow forty T~ i i mM-m *mat pr wmmw _ #BV* -^ Simpsonj i ^m* mm mm , of^ 12 Paternoster^^ v^ ^^ ^f^ ^m ^m* v ^i>r ^H. Square>t ^b^ , who is names . In responding to the toast of his also on the committee , will be pleased to

' -^mr health - r ^T -m,^- >»^ loye •mmr ¦ Mr. Arrowsmith thanke d his emp s m, *mt mirmm mm m^m~ mirmmt A»n# -»^ — • — -«- , «-* ^»* ^ i^ m* V mirmmimtr r m^ w**w m , mm, *~ ^ -^ ^^ ^ «- ^ " —^— receive^^ them^ subscri ptions of those who are in hi gh terms for the help which he considere d interested in promoting this deserving scheme.

¦¦¦ * ¦¦ ¦¦¦ they~" *^^~ " ^^ ¦ had. ^ «^v^^ ~«*^B gvffK iv^>^ T e^i^ n*m*mm hi¦* ^ *^^ mp«^b«^ ,mm and^ iir ^^ ^i* -v^^h hoped^^ i^ mf^ ^t ^ ^r ^v that^^ b^m ^— ^^ m ^r the^rimmmtm ^^^ goodV^\ ^^^ ^^ ^^ feelingJ & MM ^ ^^ * MM ^ ^^ ^A ^^ would^ ^^ The new number of the Antiquary con- which existed between them * long continue. tains papers on ' Stories from Noodledom, W. A. Clouston ; ' Black Assize at Oxford , W,, by Mr. A. Ackermann , of Regent Street , 15*77 ' by Dr. Pollard ; < XiDwisham Wells,' is at , present showing some exceeding ly attractive bhvy GeorgeClp-nr cm ClinchCJlinrVh ;? *4 .PersonalPerHnnal OrnaOrnaments. ments ,' sample books of Prang 's American cards , by Mr. Wheatley ; ' Anti quity of Surnames ' ; inclu—¦ -^*^ ^^ *^ ^^^ dingv^**»k. birthdayT^ ' •••^^ ^**».^ -^^mm^&v w cards^ i^ ^^ ^^ ^r^v*^ mm valentinesw m mf mm ^ i^ i. **^ *mr ^mm^^m -* ^ r^r « .and-^^^ -^p-^ - ^^ aa , , m^Mi a dk ^ H IB 1 ^m^ ^^^^^^ ^^ ^^ ^ Quaint Conceits in Pottery ,' by Mr. Llewellyn includes Easter cards . The new disp lay Jewitt.Tftwi f.f. f ro. TheThft note-booknotfi-book will givefirive some sure to , &c. some exquisite novelties , which are curious items in old pr ices of bookbinding, ate ¦ •¦ -' "*•» •**• T*r Jkmm, *m. ^^ m ,+mim^mmijmm ¦—-^^ My ^t ^ "»-* *»i »«¦-» ^ *fc dBbH«,»i Uk become*mmW W~~ **^ m^ m ^^ " ^^ goods7* ^ ^^ ^* ^ ^ of^^ popular. Before ordering and a record of events in January 1*786. this descri ption , members of the trade should commu nicate with Mr. Ackerm ann. * The Model , and other Poems and Sonnets '

W J ¦ " ¦• " ¦ mr « mmnm mm mm> mmi ^mr ^^ mm w ^~- — »-^ -w »¦— Mr. Henry King-Parks has recentl y isJJ_ J .J the^^ i*i JL mS title\Jm\, VA ^.. i of* ' "* a***** new^^ • W volume• ^ of vers e by_ J brou ght out a littl e pam phlet entitled * Memoirs Cotsfo rd Dick , announced by Mr. Elliot The same firm will shortl y publish a j ¦¦ ¦» ¦ ¦—¦ Stock. ¦—' ^" •• ¦¦ w rr i f«^ f-r »-^ ^a ^^m v v a »^ k«^« " > * ¦ ^ ' ^- ^»s-^ »*-^ ^-^ ^^» j»jb. -%-^. «^h^^« t ^ ^^ \ of a Dyspepticy ^^ / which g>*\ ives sound advice to new volume of poems by Rober t Stiggall , < those who sujffier from the troublesome and , 4 ^ ^ ~ ~ ¦ r ^^ i ¦ !¦¦ ^"- "~» ^^ ^^ — — — — ^^^^ ^^^^ ^j ^ A #B. mm* mn*^^^* ^ ^^ ^ ^^ ^ ^» A Heart 's if neglected , dangerous complaint. As an author of ' Evensong / entitled : j advocacyadvrtnanv of the dietdiat curecure., puret)um and simplesimDle., Obsession. ' Mr. Jam QS Spicer , the well-known paper- ' its advice should be of great value to sufferers . ^ \ Mr. E. J , Davey, Boy Court , JUudgate Mill , maker , has present ed to the firm of whicii he !; is the publ isher. is the head a sum of ^6,000, to be used for the J | - ' g ¦ ' •> .j» ^^^ i^*^ i^ i^^ ifc ^^^^— JfcM ^M ^M ^^ B^M ^BMMBM ^ fc ^BWBWMI ^^^ W ^^^^^^ ||>-| . '. — * .—*>- — ——^— ^——^^-^i^^t^M*M^^ ta —B B || | —'¦¦•¦¦^'' •' B""" 1 11 11 11 1 ... ¦ * "' ™ "' **''^'*** **• ¦ ( ^ ' ' ' •WkiW£^ «W fe- . ' - , ^^ *' * ' '' '^ "' . ' ' > ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦;¦ ¦• ¦/ 7 ¦ ¦" ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ; «:- • .' : • ' ' " - r : - v - . . . 7v .;W ^ C' iP • ! 104.- The Pub lishers ' Circ ular l4b. i; iSS6

%i i miji .i i ii ¦ !¦ j ii i ., _ i ., _ . _j _...... i I - ' benefit of those employed by it. It has been month a volume on * The Life and .Genius j. determinedUt/UQJ,11UI1U.U. to\i\J found1.KJ LA.XXKX withW 1UU itJ.U an V^UVilubenefit fund»^»*.v*. for*w> of Goethe / containing fifteen of the lectures providing for fche old age of the employe's, and concerning Groethe , which were read at the forXVTA. theirUAJIV/J.X. widowsW XVLV/ nr O andCIlXXVL childrenW il * U.i VU afterHI * «v* the«u.V ir*» death-c*xyp-« »/»«. ;, Concord School of Philosop hy, Mass. , last and the firm , besides paying 5 per cent , on the. , summer. Mr. F. B. Sanborn , of Concor d, is

4pff^ -— ^ ¦ ^ PafcaT^ r Pp» ^ ^'^p^' «a^- aBBV ^bf- ^ir p^v V »w pv^ ^p^ j ppp- ^b p- ^—' ¦ — — — — ——' pditrrr ^ V^PI W .Tta*^ p« W «pff«.a H t.Tifl of thft volume. Which will Vift money*W Ji ^^ given^ bVp ^ 'bW » ^^* ^ by^^ Mr. Spicer , propo ses to make the editor or the volume , whicn will be contributions to its increase from time to time. embellished witli two portraits. '

P^ pV ¦ * ¦¦

^^V M ^^^ P ^ ^. W ^Bi^ P ^^B ^ ^^^F "^^ PfB^ pP ^P^P ^^^V ^BPP^ ^^^*^^^ ~^P°^»^^P» *^^» -^^pp ppp^pr VBB..V W •^b-aflBK ^ W «^ p»W ^^ a.»J».», ¦ _^ k>-^ '^ - »^ ¦ ^ > bb»« ^ ^^ ^^ ^^ y ^ ^^ ^ 3 poli-A The first volume of Professor Charles F. Mr. Henry Romill ^ is engaged on two y ^ ^k ^k . ¦ — Pun^^^^^- _ ishment^ ^^ _ of^ Death«V^bV b^b> pi ppM 'A andm Richardson 's promised ' History of American tical essays— * The 9 «¦» »»i»aBB, -par -¦ ¦ —p»" - — ' Public<^ip» » ^k^ <^ Besponsibilixy«^ bb ^ Bt>pr k .^ ^ p^ - t»^ ma* ^ ^i^^ •¦•^aM " » J and*•»"• the^ "™^ ^^ Vote" —- ^ -^ by-» Bal - Litera ture is almos t read y for publication. lot.' Mr. John Murray is to be the publis her. The work will comprise three octav o volumes : Vol . I., under some such title -as * The American

BBBV. P1 'Pjp F" PKBP. ^ a^B^BV flbB BpW P^ B "P ^P' P^*P» P^P » "P ^^ -» ^ ^^ ¦ ~ ^— ^- — ~ ^ BB.B ^B " W IP Ib ^P* ^ ^ "^ *' ¦ W ^^ PpT P^ a^ ^ ^ pr ^- J>dV.B *^P » ™ "^^ ^f issue aaV earl y b» mm^~ p ^ w.^ Mr. John Murray announces for pwpv fc - ..w mm*v ^^p» .h «¦ * a^ « ¦ v ^^ v ^ ^ r- m* ^ mm m Mb- * v Vp*^ «*4P ¦ * » v b|p -pp ^ ^ bpp -p ^ b*- ^w ^~^~ ^m - ^r av^v ^r Hpr w Mind ,' with general9* ^ ^^ ^^ chapters^r ^ on ^r race elements , Maj or E. A. De Cosson 's record of his military environments , &c. , accounts of theological,

"»» ^¦•WW ^B-^ — — P^ BT —' —P^ B ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^"^ ^"^ ^ 1 V^P»» ^ "^ ^" ^"^ *^ ^^ ^ ^ ^^^^ ^ , experiences duringif "'! the recent EgyptianC^ ^ «V t cam - political , philosop hical , historical , and scientifi c pai gn. The volume will appear under the titl e wri tings , and criticisms of the prose works of

¦^~^^"~ *^*"^ M ¦ PB ^^r^PP B*B.£V «^PP-.^ * ^.P^b V ^^ ^^^ I > pr 'P^P' ^^pr^^B ^^F ¦> H « —" V * Days and Nights*^*tMbB ^ ^^ ^"^ *>^ ^^^ of' ^^ Service^^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^ with Sir Gera ld Emerson Irving, and a few miscellaneous , .^^ ¦•¦^^tf ^_ G raham 's Field Forc e at Souakim. ' ' authors^A ; Vol.^M II.^^^B «^^h wil* ^A lArt trace the. ^A history^B ^ - of

American- - — poetryj — 1/ ; and— — Vol.— III. that— of the Mr. Andrew Liang is busy over his * l*ettefcs t ' j American novel and romance . to Dead Authors . ' It will be issued by Messrs. V-

~" pp pi p^p»^^ ^^^ p» Longman.™— -^^ p^ ^"^ Hpm ^p— ^^ ^^ PBr »^ ^P^ W The^^^^ ^^ -^B ^^^ p' sameP"kl^ PppPV «B ^pb P^" ^pB ^ publishers¦ pP ^.P^V "^p^P^ p^^ "^ ^Pp^ ^*" ^^ ^P.* .^P" »^^ promi^ ^^^ ^1^ p se-m — -p ^ p' a— — * Tried by Fire ' is the title of a rich ly- I new novel by Miss IE. C. Shaw , entitled illustrated volume on the art of decorating

B*BB ' Colonel^P^^ ^P^ ^^^^ *^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^B^P ^P" Cheswick'^.^^ ^^^ P*P^ ^P^ B P>4^ P V B ^b ^V B^ ^^ sPh^^ Caihp^B^pP ^^V^^F ^pp ^ppr^P^ Vi^ aiP^ pP^BV ^^^ gnHBB ^p^ P^B :V a^^P^PV Homance^^"^^^ ^P^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^P^ ^" ^^ ^^V ^^ m ^ ^^ ^^^ china and pottery, prepared by Mrs . S. S. in Thr ee Volumes. ' Frackelton , of Milwaukee , to be publis hed by ;

wr « v»W .^ PB» r ™ ' ^ ™ ^ « ^^ ^*i«V aM^ T^ V V - ^^ pTb ^ P W ^ p^ W p^» -^ p^ JV\ ^ *^* ^^ ' ¦ ^ Co. ,

r lineal representative of the Black Douglas, third"^^ a^v^v ¦¦• HP ^ ^P' volume^ ^¦'^ ^^"^ ^i^^" ^^^¦¦•^» -^i^ of-^i^ ¦¦¦¦ Prof.¦ ^ ¦¦¦ ^ «b« ^ ^^a p' ¦» v Bolles•»i"b»p»^"~ '^nb^ ¦¦¦¦ •^^ ¦ ^ ¦ ^ w^ ar 's»^*^ * Financial¦¦ ^' ¦ ^ ^^ ^" ^^— —¦ ¦ ' ^^^^ '^pp' ^ '^ ^ ^

1 —— -~- ¦ -— - ^ ^B ^ - ^^ bp^ P^^ p*^bT ¦ » p Sir Geor^^ ^ ge ^ K BrisbaneB^ bVApP^ bp* p Pftp -W^a^ ScottV^^r ^p p* ^^ "Ap* TIT Dougpp ^ k^^^ ^p.^ «a pB Sp lK las*^ *" ¦ ^* of^^^ ^ ^^» Spring-r^N^ ^ BF ^mt MpV pB | k History of the United States ' is nearl y wood Park , Keleo, is a writer of fiction. He is read y for issue by the same publishers . tnethe autauthor hor otof ata.t least two novelsnovels-, 'The Adven- Messrs . Appleton hav e also in the press

PBW T «^ H tures of William Jermyn ? and ' A Love' s a^- «T new^B*1 ^^^ ^"^ ™ novel^"» ^*™ ^"^ ^ ^•"' '^^ l>y*^ ^ » Mr.^*^ w ^P^^PPP^PBI P^ Keen«1P"»1*^B^F» '^¦^^ ^PJ^ ^^ P»PJ anP»P ^ B/ ,^BJ the^BW ^^ P^» ^«B ^ author^^^ "T ^^^^ ^^ ^^ "^^ ^^ ¦ I

^ pp ^ — ^ — ^ pb a* ^ phk ^ B« ^ r ^b i*p«r *^p^ ^b ^ p7 pp ^ p>tpb p*^v aiv p> .^* *¦.»- ^^ ^kpf p^v p^b **Br Gamut ;j ' and also of v¦ ariousn ^b. *v ^^r ^ " articles¦* ' ina^ ^^ the*^ ^* of ' Trajan ' aixd the ' Moneymakers/ It is magazin es and reviews. entitled ' The Aliens. ' A ' public dem onstration ' will take place * Studies in Greek Thoug ht/ by the late at Kilma rnock in August next , under the+.V» Prof. L. R. Packard , of Yale Coll ege, will be auspiceaiiSTlieett s ofnf the+.li ft feder-f pi^ «r5*.f.iai^ ated BurnT^ iitii sm ClubsPJInVkH , onc\n thep». published at once by Messrs . Grinn & Co., occasion of the centenary of the publication Boston¦ ¦ ¦ — ^ »"^P^ — ^~ .^ The- ~~ - ^ — ¦¦ sam^^ -^ -^^- ~^ — i -^^ e^^^ firm^^^P^»^ " ¦ «P" ^^ w announce^ ^ P^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^P*^^ ^^» ^^ ^P" ^^^ ^^P^ ^^^^ for"P^" ^ PPP^V early^^^-^ ^ip ^^ "" ¦ of the first edition of the poems of Robert publication ' The Philosop hy of Wealt h,

pj p/ pp^ Burns. 4 Every man 's, and boy 's and girl' s economic-^^r ^^pr ^^ ^ ' ¦ ^ — ^— ¦ ^ ^^" pp princi^ r-^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ™ ™ ^^r^ ^ ¦ p¦¦ ^ les^^^v ^^p^ ^-^^ v newlp>^b ^ p^ ^ pr y^m formulated^pppv ^a^p r ap^^ ^BH p^^ ^v^ ^V P^ *^> ^^a 1^^ ^PF ^^P F ^^PT VPB/ byv^^^^ H p. , neaclhead./' saysavas Ji.nEmf- ierson.rftr.ri ,_ ' carri^n.rri ess snatchesanji.fcp.hpsi ofnf his Professor John B. Clark , of Amherst College , songs, and can say them by heart , and , what and— ^ —¦ »»— ^pr -«*— ' Mediaev-¦ - —¦¦ - — ^ -» al— — —¦ and— -^ — p^ —— ^ Modern^p^™- ap^^^ ¦' ^p| 'pp^ ^^m ^^ aa.B Historya*"^^ r" ^^¦p-'p.p' -^^ 'p"^ pppf ¦ /w by' pp m is stran gest of all , never learned them from a Prof. P. V. !NT . Myers , author of ' Remains book , but from mouth to mouth. They are of Lost Emp ires. ' the pr opert y and solace of mankind. ' Messrs . Houghton , Mifflin , & Co., Boston ,

¦— ¦— ^^ pp ^ -p. ^^pt aai ^ ^ pb ^ We are glad to find that the magnificent are™- -^ ™ pv to issue"»™ ^^ — ^"^ " ~the "^ "^ '^^ ' Narrative^^ B p^ ^ ^r^r ^a r » "Ppia » andVp*^> .^ a1^ ^i^.«v Critical^*^» ^^" papa> ^ar a™ -^ ^ —"

» ~^ ^ ^-"~ ¦"¦" ™»" ppw p» ». vv *p p«-. a *h-w R-^ » 1 warehouse that has beenT^.^ ^ b^ ^- * ^ ••¦ erected^W •¦• ^ p** ^- »V ^p' ^s% on^*r ^ ^ the\J & A ^ ^ 0 * site"ij p-U "fc- ^ mf of^i* r Jtr History of America / edited by Justin Winsor ,

¦ ¦ ¦¦ -¦ — bH ff .Pj» the old Oxford Bible Warehouse has been librarian¦™ ~^ " -^ P» ' '^ ' " -^ ™" ^ » ^^ of-^ Harvard^ ^— » -B^" -^ B^ -^^ ^ ,IBM which» BF a^» P^ PB^ PP^ ^p* wasB^ ^jyf>,T announceBB'^ V fB «P^ ^^ #1. ^P^ *' ^ .F^ B» ^B> ^ B^ ^^ d~^^ ^ taken by Messrs. Stacy

pBBH -BBlBr «pf .a. ^BV W ^B -^ ¦ V ^BT Bp ^ ^ ^^^ a.* P^BB ~^0 * «^h ^ Pfll ^ ^ plBF ~ | ~ .^bl ^ptt ^B^^pt ¦¦ ^B" aVBl ^^ ^feX .¦ ^** ^*B •¦ ^^» *^V ^P^B — — — -— ¦—¦— —"»» — -v p-» » w «^- •> - as, j », _r -»• h d» ¦>> «- -w p^^ - •¦ * their usual enterprj^ *- ise«h , havev transforme«. v ¦- » *- ^ .^ Jk J* A ** ^^ dV« theVA ,Jfc ^ b ^ Osgood & Co. The second and third various floors into show-r ooms, which can volumes , dealing respectivel y with Spanish

—^' ~— --- I ¦ ^ - ¦ ' — ^ — ^^ — —» ^^ ^ —^ ¦ — "^^ ^vr ^B ^ T ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ i P fairl y hold their own against any in the tra de, discoveries and conquestsB P^^ BPBp ^P* ^! ^B"P J* ^Bj^ ^^.^^ ^B^ p ^ p ,^ H and^B ^]B^ pP^BI ^ n ^P^^^. Eng.BBBBB^^BRr B^IBB f^V B^ k lish¦*• ^^ "i

Pfc^^. — — pbp-^pp— — ppi ¦ and will" " —- — -^^- am nl' H v| rfinnvp0B« ^i^ V pp' p&p ^4 m n. visit,.aj ^^s^ flk a-^ « ' discoveries and settleme nts A p-1 X %J , are now nearly

plBb ¦ ¦ ^^v - ¦ ¦ ^v ¦¦ V ^»^ BPp read™ ^p* V^ ^ ^^ y.^V ^ The~ — ^ - — ^-~ firs^^^^ ^ t volume^*b^ * *^^ V Bm *i^ ^B^' H B^ PB^B ^V^^ ^Bp*P.P ^^^ * ¦¦ ^^ ^pV^pVA ^^*^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^ '^^ IB.V ^*^> ^PP^ ^^ '^ ab , treatingam of America before^ J * Columbus.jff ^J p^ ^ , wilA l« app ear later ; and^ the«ta

-~^— -^^ ^^ - ^^ ^W —— - — ' — — — - ~^ —— ^P*B ^ B «¦ » ^PP^ p ¦ ^PV^H " i B "WB ^P.P PT^P' V pr BPPH BPPPB BHBBI ^^ ^^ ¦*¦• remaining^ r five volumes will probabl^V^ F' 0^^ ^^"^ "^^^^ ^^"^^ ^ "^^ ^^* yV appear'^ ^^^ H^^^ ¦W^" *^ ^^^ in numerical order. The bibliograp hical details

•* al-fc ~WW ¦ W f^ B»fc tuft PP" »"• ^-" -PI -^P - ' ^^ V ^P^ -^ ^^ - —~- 'P ^ ^^T" -^ W ™ ^*J — ^ B^bb* ^^p^ B^, «- ' ^^ ^ Bpt ^ ^^^ pP^. Jfc ^pb ^#f^F •¦• *"* ¦• ¦• Ti , F "^^ ^BB^ *1 «|Bl ^BT *. ^^ P* Stmcrican 3^etu£ $2ore£. and the critical anal yses of ori^^g inal historical sources are , a8 is well known , significant We are g lad to record ¦¦ tha t r~ the Americ an pp -v SB -PB — — — -»- - — — -— — ' -— - - - -^ ^ ¦ V ^ 'bP«l "B»^ ^B^ P^^ ^.# *PPJ *» »BbW feature s of this work , and are being^ prepared¦ ^^ I*" ^ ^^ ^^ holiday trad e has been conspicu ously good , with the utmost care. Volume I., when ______-^j. especiall— ¦— — - — — -_ -_. , , _ . - ... , _ »^, ^, a >k t«.* k ¦¦« ¦». %¦» ¦ *vv «, ji w mj%*JKA y^ in the way of books , near ly all ¦¦* m — ' — -- ' -—- -— - — —- —• —~- — — -m * ' — — -¦» - ¦— p-» -^ ^ r— '^ ^.^ m wr v ^ a^^ ^ a^ gm p%- *ppr ^p ^af ^ «¦¦ ^p> ¦«> ¦ ^ p ' ^^^ published , will aim to presentH *» a compx* ^^ lete^ ^»^ publishers and booksellers reporting a hand- summary of American archaeol ogy. some increase of sales over those of last year. Mr. W. Hamilton Messrs . Ticknor «& Co. , Boston , have in Gibson , autho r of ¦- --— — —- — -•-— — —— » «»#«^ ' — ^^ m-^f <^ .^ >j -»fc p*a-^ a *-• P>« ¦ fw i H "tii press, for ear l ' Pastora l Days/7 is writingf ^ and illustrating^-••^ *^ y publication , a new wor k by anot her book ojf matMaturinurin M. BallonBallou , entitledentitl ed ' .EdgeTCri crft-TY.nl«-Tools ofr»f nature , to be called ' The Speech/ in which are pres erved the choicest Harvest of a Quiet Eye/ which will be published by Messrs . Har per & Bros . ¦ ¦ — —*™ ^^ — b-^pm - — ^ * pp* p"^ ~pbpp*ib . p. pp~ v^ a"* «¦• <*k pPfc ¦ ppp ' n «*b^b#* ~ i i" «pfe pjw *Bh tfM *V #h *«h expressions1 and opinions of thep»r greatHMh p^" ^^^ ^v ^v thi?^* ^ K«pV nkers^pI p^pVpb ^-p * *HN P^£ and writ ers of all ages, from Confucius to Messrs. J . .B. Lipp incott & Co., Phila- I RiiBkm . The same firm will publish this delpdelr>hia.ma , navhav e in the pressnrena Mr.'Mr. HoracelrTnriLo^ 'ffnvtrarA |ioward » ¦ '"'¦¦ ¦¦ » ¦ ¦ ¦ * " & —r ^ r « -r- ^ - - —• • ' i""v ^ t ' ' .. ' . . '¦-¦i i .. ¦ \ + \ i I . i i " "Anq ¦ -¦ ¦ - ¦ • ¦ • ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ • -¦' • ¦ • ¦ ¦'¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ •¦ - . ¦ ' ' ¦ ' ' ' ¦ ' ' ¦ • ¦ ¦¦ ¦ :•!¦ . - r . - . ' ¦ - ¦ • ' ' - • ' . . ,. . . ¦ • . - • » ' > • ¦ . , : - . > - : - . I ' \ _; . . i . \ .vhjb « v Feb. t; i8S6 ytfee P ublislL ^ p^™^ pi fp^^^» orm^pppF pbpp app^^p^— ^^ p the^^ p^ ^^p^ ^^^ ^^^^ fifth^^^^^ ^*^ ^^^ ^^^ and^ ^^ — ^^ ^^ " sixith— — &c, £515 (Quaritch) ; anothe r , on 246 leaves, I volume s of his series. • of the same period , from Dr. Ask ew's libr ary, l Mr. Andrew Carneg ie, the auth or of 'An .€18 (Train ) ; Brey denbach , ctarum Pere - AmeriA mericancan "Fnour-ur-m-HiLTin-llandd uvUreatiixCrr pat "Britain , ' will grinationum in Montem Syon,' &c , fine ^opy, ^ i Jbritain ; xno sam publish , th rough Messrs. Charles Scribner 's 1486.I4:oo ,. £V7£L( {(Ellis3SjU\& ap -pata- Bp aBB.at am B^aB BB»«aB ^ pbT f r Bajp a- praB i PaapaaB ¦¦ a* aaaBaappa" -pbb- p— ^v ar ar aaaf -^ -^ rar ^par ap ^r *"""* a| which , will be Sons ' , New York , a new¦ work , at - aBk aBl aaBaaaBI al ^ - aa 4BBP Am ^ ^^^^ ^ H ^h ^ h r^ p»«9 mm^ ^^ - h t — ^ — — — — — — w V ^ p K^^ -^ ^w r^^ -^^^ t ^ p^B ^k^ .**- ¦spt* t- «^ T ¦¦ ^^ entitled * Tr iumph of Democracy t Fifty Years ' with pM lates on copper ,. £48 (Quaritch)% ^ ^ v ^ ;*^ also March of the Repu blic. ' It will pre sent in a * Tr ansmir a, Peregrinatio ad Sepulchrum Do-

¦ ^ p^4^p> ^ B^pTp4Bp^dH| ^|pr ^iP*^ B^ p^pl^pv H » "-^P^ P^V p> P.VB. ff ^ ¦ ^- > ^PP ' ^^ ^ ^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^ — ^^ £11. 15s. (Jones\ O*V ;3 a folio volume minicum , '* novel and attrac tive light the growth of the ._- ^ a >_ ^M-ta. 4^ ^ All .^-t~^ ^^k ^^ ^^. United State s during the past hal f-century, con- of sixty curious and ra re Broadsides , £13. 10*.

1 ^^ ^— ^ - — -»~ "^ — — —~ ~ — ¦ T| H» ¦ «« *» W » ^ p- ^ f « ^--p '^ ^" ^p^ ^p» *W V •» -» *^ p^ " P" ^^-^ p- ^ " ^ p ™ ^ ^ *"—~ trasting it with the progress of other countries , (Mayor)^ , ; * Giordano Bruno ,^ Cabala del Cavallo especiall y Great Britain. Frank R. Stockton , Pegaseo

P^^ PPBP.P) V ^B ^ pT 7 p^ ^PP^P> r ¦¦ ^ ppl^pp. ¦ ^^^ ^P~ V H— ^ — — — — — Al^p V ^^P> Hp^p * habeti.I^P^pV^^-^^ P^p P^ p p^ pV Effictio^^ ^ P* ^^ PB , 'fineP^|P^. B> ^^p V impressionsP^ ^^ P^— ^P— M*^ ^—* ^^- ^ " ~ '^^ ^^ — ^B ^^P of a pictor ial p J|k a new novel, whiclv wiH soon t>e published by ^k ^H p^K _ ^^ — ^ P^B pl ^h. ^H^ ppab ^ _ ^ — ^^.^ ^V the same firm . alphabet by the De Brys , 1595, red morocco , —' ™»p* p»p— -p»' p» p^ pv ^ ^ pIpp p ^^^ ^p^ '^pr w » " ^ g j ^ ppp^ ^r Ppf*- p^v ^t* ^ p1 p^ p^» ¦ v ^^ p ^-^ ^»^ " » ^ pB^k p» ¦ ^ p» - ¦ — —— — —^ ^ ^ — ^ — c £18. ' ^ 10s. (Quari tch)^^ ; ' Burgainei Gymnasmata^ j ¦ ¦ r ppppp ^ -~ p^^^ ^^p^^p^ '^p" -^^ — ^^pb—^p^^ ^^^ 'pap f aaj ^ P"» ^' ^a— p^ p1 ^p " aap* ^a p- "^ p^ "^b- ^"^^ ^^ ^ p^ p- ^p^ ^^ ^ p"^^™ 'p^ p- Mr . Alfre d Ayresj ^^p author of^^ the Ortho- ¦1 a 4% bb PBBp , ' ^ *aaBp l b aB ^ — am ^ai al ^ ak Grseca / an autograp h MS. with cur ious draw-

-^P^ , pb^ pp ^ ¦ » ist' p ^ w ep and * Verbalist » » ¦ ¦ ^ — ~~ —~ M ' has in preparation »" , pp ^ r V ^^» ^p' "^^ 9 ^p — — ^ p- V ^^-^ "^ ^*^ H^^ ings, 1687-9 ,^ £10. 15s. (B. F. Stevens) ;^ p a hand y and practical little treatise on * Tlie ' Burley, De Vita Philosop horu m,' 1472 , rare ,


pBPk p^ h ^ p» PBpk ^ .prVV * ^ppPPB- ^ pb—p« ^p- pw -^ pv ^ h ph ¦ —^ ™-^ "-^ "^ tfc ^*mm^ ^« p ^ ^p T ^B » ^^ ^ p- -** ^ P»^^ ^PP" ^» F^pP ^ ^*p*^ ^p»^P^ pp-B^ «p «¦¦¦> V^ ^^ ^^ ' first edition ^ »- _^^^ _ Punica , It alici .^h. , Harper Bucol ica and Silii •¦¦&p B form throug _ _ ^ , . ^^^ ^^^ pa— ^Bl pBV , h Messrs ^ Brothers , a ^ ^ ^^

tp>> aajr B^ta» ^ ¦T •avaaai •*,»• •¦_¦> aaa ->aar -» p' 4BBI B ^ By r •¦¦>•¦> 7 BaT collection^ "^ al * of_ the•>•'¦¦>¦¦ ( ~a* ' old-fashioned* •* •¦* • ^^ * BI « ^ a(* ^ B> V*** ^ p«B> versesV ^f •¦¦> ^B> * B»ap * and^>V -»*-¦> ^p p*> £21. 10s. (Quariteh ) ; ' Cent Nouvelles Nou-

PBB>BBB1 PJ *^ ¦ ¦ i ¦ V ^^ ¦B ^BBBF PB> Pjpjp Bf ^^ BBBB ^^^ BB BVPt^ P>^— ^BV^^P Pa* ^BBP p—BbP" P^ P^ ¦ B*P*P^ ^^ — ^^ ^^ — ^-^ ; ' ' PBJ ' ^^^ ^^— ^^ ^^^ — ; de Hooge^^ ^m ¦> Roraeyn , velles 2 voU. plates¦ ¦ b y BBMBBBBW , ' stories , . ^, aBaBBBP^Bt ^Bh ^B> ^ .a^^* Afl with quaint illustrations , which he — * _ _ ^ ^_ .^ ^^^^_ ^^^^^^^ ^

p«p BtpBT BP"P'»»Ppa- pbhp- ^ pp- - paaPBBBP ^paaT- -P paar P p^ bbb Bpajp BF bpbj ^ bp- ppb ibbpbp B^ T aj ap ^^^ a- m has been^ Bp contributingpaB" ^ ^ p JB aBh forBBB> '•p ' BB the^m aWpVaHt^ pT past<¦ Bp ap two- years^p T VaVPBpfaBat pV 1701, £40 (B. F. Stevens) ; ' Tullius , De Sene- to Harper ' s Fovng People. The volume JLs_ tate ,' translated by W. Caxton , slightly

-^r bbbbbs^ ^bbb^p ^^ ¦—^ ¦"- ¦ ¦»— entitled ' Pepper and Salt : a Seasonin g for wormed¦ f ^tair ^mt <->>*••» ^b** n_ im ,m 1481*mm JBk.-.^*' .,•»_•¦, £250•'• r bbbi -»™^ (Ellis» &^bp-akr Scrutt«-^" — — on)— —— m ;y Young Folk. ' i M^moire s Histori ques sur Raoul de Coucy,'

H ¦ PPBBB Bf ^ PpP* *B——BB i Bpfff P^'^ ^ ^ « ^Br VPP-^P-^Br —B) ^^ "Jf ^pBpr ^pB> p—BT V P^pP^pPf ^^ ^^P 1 P^^PP>^— Bj v ^^ ^^^ ^—^ ^^ ^ ^ — ^^ — ' 1781 \ £97^ (Quaritch)^ ^^V h^f ; an importan t and Mr. George^^^^ W. Cable s new novel of a\ ^a\ al ^^ ^B ^^ ^ - .^^^ ^ a *~ ^ ^i -» ^ ^p> totuiti ,. Arcadian life in Louisi ana will be called valuable MS. , ' Commeiitum supe r 4 Librump-MpVpVIPBAB. *- ^BP ^BPB» P^BBhBSt Danti»PaBpfeSPV VVBftaB)^B- ^ pPBjp-* BJ i 1416-17BBBBBB --¦)¦ ¦->^B^ ->J % f% (Quaritch ) ; VHomeri Opera Gr iaece,' a fine Mr. Theodore Roosevelt has for some time copy of the first edition , bound by Derome ,

Br aI ¦ been ¦•ar »»¦» ^ P^Wfc ¦> •> W v *P«> •• )¦ >•¦> •*•¦^ pr^lBk » ¦ ^n " ¦ .- ¦• •" -^v — • -—— — engage ^ d on a ' History of the War with ' ^ ^^ ^T * ^fj bro^^ ught £200 (Quaritch) ; * Guy^f de War- Mexico,* to be published in three volumes "by wick Chevalier Dagleterre ' (s ic), 1525, £130

ppm> ajar BpVbv -pap-- —^p^^^ ' m pb bb* ^m ^m/ m V «¦¦»**¦"¦-' ^b» p -^ ¦¦aaiBh pPBpr ^taP pat ^pP ^ ¦' ^p *' ^^^bb ^pbbp- pbbbbbpB* ^ap- ^p- -p»—' ¦ -— - —- — - — Messrs . G. P. Pu tnam s Sons, New York . (Quaritch^ " ^^ TJ ^^^" ) ; * Meliadus de Leonnoys ses < , ^ ^~ ^ a .^^ _~ _^^. _^ ^aak a The nrstfirst volumeVoliimt=s willwill appearftT.r >«ar min abouta.hmit. a year.vear. Cobles Faictz Armes ,' large paper , 1765, £136

* ¦pav —^ pvppBi m ¦ i ¦> p^pb ppb> p^—^p^ ~^p-p»- '— ^p^ — — - — w Humorous Master p ™ ^p" p^bb p ap ^^ r ^^* ^^ ^^™" - ^r ^-~ ^"^^ ^—P ^pP' -^ ^^ "-^ ^^ — ^ p— ~^ * ^^ — -™ ^'^ p' B" ieces from American j (Ellis) ; the first edition of Teurdanuckh , 1517,^

Literature— — ^^ ™ ^^ ^^ ^-^ ^ « ^ » in^^^ - p three^p^ ^" pi ¦ ^^^ wp^ ^^^^ volume?p^ ^^^ ^^^ -^^ ™p» ^^» ^^— p ¦ pa* p aB edited^^^ ^ B—» ^^^ ^^ Pa*1 -p--^ "byp^ pr^ —^ ¦__¦ , _ "^ --a ""* . «¦ mm m bb»/ .._• • «_. ^ . . bound by Boger Payne , £64 (B. F. Stevens) ;

1 ¦« Edw ard T. Mason , is al3o one of the more ' Thomasppbb aa> pra* ^pjp T aap aBpt * pap p^ bb* Apa—p> bbbbj quinatis^ ^ bb pappb ^ bb) bbb> ^pB>atp^ bbp aaa p^ppT Secundav^aa** ^*^ ajp * "pfer^a a> ap vp^pap ^a> Secundsep ^« ^ ^aa p ^^~ b — p^^ ^^ ~^p-^v ^^ ^pv /"p> first—™ * — - ¦ ¦ ~7t ^ • • « • • 4 *»-^ "¦" * /HbTb a# ^^^ p> interesting— — ^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^ p^ ^ ^^ ^^ ^ ~" ' ^ BBPaB works* *r ^^^ ^^^ ^^^i^^ 1^ p ^^ to^^^ "^ bepr^^p r ^ap' issuedpbp^* ^"^^p pp^^p* ^^-^— ^pp^ ^apr bya'Php ' ar theap ^^— ^^a ^^aa' samea*^p>~ ^b ppbt ^— ^bb ^bp* edition , in russia ,- by Roger Payne , £34

firm , whoso other announceinents includ e : (Quaritch» -PBBaa~ j ^ ^ ^a wr ^p^ p^p— p^ -^r '^^ ppp» ^^ )g ;h the"p^ pp~ ^^ ^p^p" first^— ^^ ^p^ p^bp— ^p^ dated~— "p^ ^—^^ -^r -^^ -** p^ edition-^^ p» ^ -^ "^™ ' ^^ — ' - ¦ of—" 1467,— — a> ^ar ' Poetry as a Representative Art,' by Prof. £35 (Quaritch) ; a 15th century MS. of

"™ * pBPBPBP ^^ P^— ^-'^ ^P ^ W -P^ P^PP ^PBl ^P "^» — ¦ H p^P^ ^^ r^P— —^ H -P—' BJ ^ pP' ¦ - 'PP^ B ^ — '^^ — —^ » "^B _ J ^^ ^ ^ ^^ M George Z. Raymond ; Problems in Philo- ^J B^ ' Thucy didis ' Hist. Grsecit? ,' £47 (Quaritch) ;^ g

BB - ~ — PPP-PBP-^^ ¦ B« PB B Bl ^B- *— BBP BBPBBBP B-BH pB pBP r BBB ^ B (B-BBlpB «¦•> M ^ M J W ^^ ^^ ^hp * ^^ at | ^ sophy, ' by^ John Basconi ; *Th e Ori gin of ' "Valhirius , De Re Militari , ' 1472, first edition , the Republican Form of Government in the £52 (Quaritch ) ; 160 jwrtraits by Van

ppP^ ^ ^ ¦ i^ ¦ -^r ^P—r ^—^^^^ PF -^^m ^B* ^r ^^ ^^*^ ^P—r P/^pr ^^pr " ^ P^—PH^aBPV P^PP<^P Bl ^^P" *P1^B P*^P> ^^pB* ^B ^^p * >BJ V^ppp pp p B1 BBPPBP PBB P Bf United States of Ameri ca ' BJ ^h^ p ^Bb ^ B ^ p aaaaw aaaax ,' by Oscar S. ^^^A a _ bb ^ d^^ ^^^^^^^ a ^ ^^ _ b _^^ ^ Dyck , published in roy al folio at Antwer p, Str aus ; ' Mechan ics and Fa ith : a Stud y of £52 (Quaritch). The whole sal e realised

*P- "B" S~ p^H— iritual' — P " ^ -^^ "^— Truth¦ •—" ¦' ™ ^» ~^" •"" in—¦ ^— ™ NatureBBPBBl ^ BP BB ^— BpBB ^PPB ^BB- ,PJ ' b¦ IB yW Charles^ ¦ "' BftBa VjpPB/ BJ. aBBB PBT pMP T.BBB BB £11,973. 4s. 6c/ . Por ter ; a new novel , called * The Mystery of the Mill,' , by Miss Anna Katha rine This week Messrs . Puttick & Simpson will Green ; sell several hundred ill ustrated Japanese and ' The Political Hist ory of Cana da/ by 1 Prof . Gold win Smith . hooks , Hakluy t Society's publications , also those of the Hunterian Society, Aubrey 's * Wiltshire / Ashmole's i Berkshire ,' and other topograp hical books ; also included are some

autograp^Ba -- •¦* h letters . <&ale Sfottin g^ On the 25th and following days of this The Wodhuix Sale .—We continue the month Messrs . Puttick will be selling a account^ ^^P^ ^P^ *^^"^P P^P 1 V^B ^^"^ of*PBP» ^^^ this ¦ P*^ ^"P ^^* P^^^P* salP~p^» "" " P^^^ e-^BJP* ,^P— whichp P— ^^"^ "P^ W ^BP» ^^^ —P^ sinceB^^P^ ^^ B^— W ^PB* -PPBP" ourP^^^ ^ p BB BBB< lastpBpB ^B ^ PBJPB ^p pB ^^ T library of British and forei gn books removed issue has been concluded by Messrs. Sotheb y. fro m Ireland. The attendance th roug hout has been good,

bp- bp- This week Mr. Hod pppp —ppp- gson will sell the —•¦ -¦b-' -•bp' pj^pjppp -pbp- -pbp- pp and- — - —— i ¦ atb pp "»~ the^b p- *pp» ^i a-- conclusionb- p i ¦ h pp^ of»p^ thepb» ™- p— -^^ lastppbb pap-pap- p ppp' «i ^ day^p 'bjp^-wb' pr 'spmr saleapa*" BBv PaB , aB | ^b# p^ the auctioneer remarked that prices had fully miscellaneous stationery, &c , of Messrs . Letts & Co. (Limited) under an order made ~— — *w *> p "^^ p»—-pp- ^PP- -^ -^* " ¦ »^"~ ~^^ ^^—^^wm Br^v ^^ pf ^pw ^p* ^PF -^P" p^h ^PB" p PJ p h ^^v ^v » — ^ pr n"ppp" r *P^ p-^« ^^^Pi BPB* ^PBBP P^ ^PBB PPBjBP VBJp

-B P" ¦— -^bp" will be sold the entire surplus stock of m- — -^pp- »^p- ^bbp - ™ p i — pbj ^—p^»^— pp ^» " -pp> pp p i - pn ¦ v v -—' -pp— — ¦" -p^p—pp gBJ ^ paper - i p i v ^bbb- vhv ^ psp ^Bflr ^ pr vaj ^t ipV ^fcp f^ ¦Kpffa pres ent , the totals would^ have exceeded in man y cases thos e at which they at present It consists of about 500 ream s, including

pap * —' ~ ¦— ¦ pp- — ^m ^—^— ¦ p ' p» -— ^^ ^aa- *p^ ¦ » pp w p^p ^ ¦ —^ —r H pma aa ¦ bb>-pb-» ^ p-paw bbbb -ajap- 'Paap- aaap^^BP- ^ bb- aappaa- royal- _ g ,^ p demy,-^^ ^g double-p ^ •- crown ap post^v £par v VP B r •PJp>PIP» and foolscap ; ^rw^^p ^ pp^p"^ ^^— - p^pt ^HpP & ^^ — ¦— w ii ^^— ¦ — p ^ "»P p^^ - ^ , , — ^— ^ ^— — ^ ^^ v ^pp- ^«n stand. Among the most interesting" ^^~ ^^ ^^^ p ' ^"^ ^^ ^^^^ m lots^^^ ^**^ ^B^^p P^ p" wereW f ^^VlT ^B M ^p ^p"" the following : ^ Br eviariu m Romanum cum also surface , envelope, and plate pa per. Oalen dario. 9 a beautiful MS. on vellum of the At Clough , a near Harecast le Station | • ¦¦ ¦ ' H ll, ¦¦ ¦¦ ' ' -• x ¦'- ; . . ' '•yd C" i ll I iii jii i « n I ii i » i i i ¦ |.. n ,i i il. ,. i.,. i. . ...' .' ¦ ¦ i i i n I. m ¦ ¦ - . -• ¦ ..¦. . ¦ •. -. - . - . ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ! .i,.v, . , . . . ¦" • ¦> - ¦- ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ;¦¦ ^ p ^^^ , - ^ . : . . • . ' * ;; -^^ry '^my^ . . . . :y ; - ^ ^ - ^ i! , I : ; (N.S. Rail. ), Messrs . Edwards will hold a sale

¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ : ' 1 of books, commencing on the 8th inst. The i . m, '. - , • _ ' . 'II y library is a valuab le one. Fro m Mr. J. W. Arrswsmitn. —-Stories which are intended to awaken the curiosit y of yotuig I d» -if —-^ i—¦ — ~r r <¦ m^ i -^ ¦• ¦ -»¦ As^ j,Fi T announcedt4fAjt^>V^V* **^^^^ ^ » in• ^ ^ theseW *» ^^ «*« ^^ columns^^ ^^ some•** ^^ time^^ petjple in regard to the marvel s of natti re are ago, Messrs . Sotheby will sell the concluding erer wel come , especially i f they are sensibly : portion of the late Rev. J. Fuller-R ussell' s chosen and happ ily written. A recommenda tion of .library. --this descri ption maj r prop erly be bestowed upon * ' Buz ; or , the Life and Adventures of a Hon ey At the end of thei r coin sale on the 18th B

¦ ¦ " •- h -^^ ¦ ™ - ^^ - ^r — m ^^—-^v ~^m- —^m — * —- - — —- ^ which^ ^ ^m*mWmmi ^^^ ^^.^ includes^^V^V^M ^^ ^^^ ^*^* ^ ^P ^^^ a collection of work s on From the same.—The story that Mrs. J. Comy o s o topograp hs Car r tobacbo , bo k f hical interest re- ..has to tell in ' Kate Percival ,' the tenth volume lating to the county of Warwi ck, besides $carc e the now well-known Bristol Li brary , of \_ is ^h ¦ A a_ r* . ^ n ^ ^& ' ^K ^M ^K A ^ ^^ -^rama/Hdramatic works-wrvrlca -, i1 a Kev.R.pv F.T*. BronteT^ rnn f.A , asn.» ' mementosmftiYi t.oft more successful than are found as a xule in works of of his famous daug hter. They consisted chiefly this descri ption. The portraiture of Mr. Perciva l of copies of the novels of the sisters presen ted ia particular is extremel y good, and scarce ly less to Martha "Brown "by the Hev. P. Bronte and inferior is that of Count Smoienski , the villain of by Charlotte Bronte , with the inscri ption of the story. The women of the book , too, are far above the average. "We would warm ly advise the giver ; a number of pencil dr awings , ' nci "b the perusal of Mrs. Carr s little volume to all pri pally y Charlott e ; and a few othe r lovers of health y and interesting fiction , and feel relics of a miscellaneous charac ter. After the confident that our recommendation \i ill not be pictorial mementos the most interesting relics , disputed. perhaps , were a num ber of auto grap h letters orof tlithee i5ronteBronte ifainilv.ainily . One tromfrom CharlotteCharlotte From Messrs. Samuel Bagster & 80ns (Li mited).

¦ ¦ ¦ —» • • v -- - ^ -*^- ¦¦ mm ¦ wr Br onte to Martha Brown was sold at ^5: 5s., —' IlowI we goth^m ^ our^^ ^ Bible/«^^^ ^ ^ v^ r ^ «^ V byW^ r J.^ ^ W Paterson^l»» w m^ ^r mm* r ^ ^r ^ , W" and a brief note , om ac e o Smytli A. h. t LL .B. e here have an extre mely fr W. M. Th k ray t P. interesting brochure , forming an answer to Bronte und at ed and referri n , , g to arr angement s questions suggested by the new revision ,. Un- for the delivery in Bradford by the novelist pretending thou gh it be, the book is a fine study of his lecture on Georges III. an d IV. , at of the history ofV our Bible, and shou ld be read £2. 4s. The ' Life of Cha rlotte Bronte ' (by attentively and with profit both "by Churchm en Mrs. Gaskell), two volumes , presentation copy and l aymen . The subjects which Mr. Smyth to Ma rth a Brown , 1857, wit h the authoress ' s explains in regular order are the sources of our autogra ph, was disposed of at 24s. ; and ' Jane Bible , ancient manus cri pts , anci ent versions and Eyr e,' pr esente d by Charlotte Bronte to Martha quota tions , earl y English versions , Wyeliffe's Br own , May 1850, and also with an inscri p- versio n , Tyndale 's version , the Bible after Tyn- tion by the autho ress , at 36*. Copies of dale 's days , and the Eevised Version. * Villette/ * Shirle y ,' * The Tenant of Wildfell Fron Messrs. Geor ge Bell & Sons.—Th6 edition

¦¦ ¦¦ -- Hall/ and ' Wutherin g - - ^^- ¦—• — -^ -^» ¦ v w >^ » ¦ » ¥ ^m ^a ^ ^.B.1 ^^ ¦ Hei — — "^ — -^ 1* . " ^v^- a> V V T ^ ^ —" hts ^^ ^* g , ' * Agnes of * The Merry Wives of Wind sor^^ *** ,* edited^^ ^^ ^"^ , with Grey , ' and biogra phy by Currer Bell, pre- notes from the collections of the late Joh n sented to Martha Brown by the Kev. P. Frederick Stanford , M^A., F.R.S., by Henry B. -»- v-»**.»j\j un i M n u uu v^vvj C4iOl.vrjiJLO V^Jl UUC1 Bronte'* on various occasions , werev» ^ alsoft lOf offeredCU.. W heatloy, F.Sj.A., has been issued in a form tha t " < Villette ' was sold at 25s. ; 4 Shirley , ' at 26's. will gladden the hearts of bibliopoles. It is 4 ; ¦——-¦¦ > — -^^ *— — — —- ^—- — 1 m m mm » rf ^^^ .v. Jfc c earl ^ ^ v^^ -^^ tf^ ^L K l and ^ ^ ^*^ ^ ^^ y printed on The Tenant of Wildfell Hall (firs t edition^^ , hand-made paper , gilt top , in 3 volumes) at 25s. per volume ; and ' Wuther- p lainl y but taste fully bound io. parchment. Mr. ing Heights ,' ' Agnes Grey ,' and the biograp hy Whoatley (who is responsible for the text) thu s mtm * ¦w —- — wr- —-m ' — — — -^ **r V -•» "—¦ -*+ *m, m- -* m) n r r ft ^»« ^» • ¦ in one volume at 19s . The sale was largely explains the ori gf ^in•* o£*r the. ^ *~ notesV#" *^ ^rf :—• ' Mr.^.TJl . ¦ 9 Stanf_ f/m«W^>^ ord^^ ^ for attended , and the bidding was brisk . Among was a loving student of Shakspeare , and many years had collected materials in . illus- wiethe principalprinci pal purcnaserspurchasers werewer e JVxr.Mr. Jas.Jas . milesMiles., HmT *m+ ¦" tration— —— — — -"» — — of•** —- his^ m, m m*r works» V ^ mT m^ m mm *^ ,m Hemf^-^k^mT tookm**^J an^tmtM,^ especial^*Wmr J-" ^* ^^ Leeds ; Mr. T. T. J Smpsal l, Bradf ord ; Mr. interest in such questi ons as relate to the foods Gledhill , Kqighley ; and Mr. Waterhou$e , mentioned , in the dijfFerent plays, and also in

Brad ford . Blr. ¦v — Woolier -was >"v^ ^^^ ^^ w «^ .«^ ^.^ ^ « w m» ^^* w^ ¦> vv *¦* ^ I Jennings ^^ ^^ ** f^ W& m**m ^m* mt* ^r' "^^ ^^ the points^^ connected with the soci^^^ ^^ al^V positionw^ ^^^ %f Jk W* ^ of the auct ioneer. author. After a time, however , Jfcie devoted 1 JLJ A IAJOD.1 JL \j\J %jyiK7 KJi.UX*l\JLn.ljl\JLX VI KfllU UXOtV 1U /f** himself to the elucidation of one play in Jpar- ^ ticular , viz,, «• The Merry Wives of Wind sor. " He was drawn : to th is by several reasbns , ono - ' , ' • ^r t ^j — ¦¦¦¦ .; ¦ ) ' .-—.. • ¦ -¦ • *:izsfm H -^ p^ j ae •? F0Fab.b. rrrtj ^ 886ipi&i Th ^ EiiMlsSij q itoiisf ieis ^i^? uiTGuiarCSrmilar tcuwil ~ f ' • ' ¦ : ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ^ ^ pf-H' ¦- ¦ •¦ ¦ . . - — - v * - . • - --—- ..., -. - - \ .:. -. .. :.. : a ;.. :;: . . . i_ ^ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦• —' *¦-- --.- .--- . - , . . > ^ - - ¦ : . .•; : ; ; , ' . r % ; beicg that he was % resident of Windsor in his this title Mr. Gliark Bussell has collected twenty- ;j

* ______„ _ -__ __- -_ earl yU years t ,w and knew the locality -wtll. ''He six. . papers on the life of a sailor , and stories n ^ ^ A ' t .^ collected much material , y and made many in- about the sea. Among the subject s are tuga , : quiri es ; but at the time of his death his pap ers lights at sea, a shi p's wheel , t)eal puntmen , the

¦ ¦ .v ^^- ¦ ^^p^p- : ^™. — • » — V ^ ^ ^ ^^» I ¦ B ^^v ^M ^B^ ^P^.^p> » were not in afty «ay read y for publicat ion. He nautical~~ ' —'—" ~~ drama , alarm , at^^^^ sea-^^ ^^^ ,J a^ ^ close.^^ ^^ ^^ V^p shave^^^ ^^^^ ^ -^^ , the (^ bequeathed all his materials to me with the direst of all sea perils , ships' names , entrance • expressed desire that I should prepare the play at sea, a wild night , &c. One of the papers is '} for publication , but th ere was no other sti pula- entitled * Sea Stories ,' and deals with the pr o- tion. I found on making use of the collections i ductions of various writers who have described " that it would be " necessary to refer more pa r- life as experienced on board a vessel. It ii ' ticularl y to the work of former editors , and I pleasant to find our greatest limner of the sea . have th erefore made- the notes as full as possible , doing justice to his brethren of the craft . using other material s t han those -collected by Herman Melville , eminently the poet of the sea ; • ~~ Mr. Stanford .' . Shaks pearean scholars , as well Dana ,m the scholar of the deepj ^ ;j George~ ~ Cupp— — les— ,y , ^^ ^ j^ \ as lovers of choice volumes * should give a warm a great painter of it and of vessels' ways ; and reception to the book . Tie notes are of great Michael Scott , who handled a coarser br ush, are ; interest. ^ most highlyhierhlv prizedDrized bvby Mr. UlarkClark iiussell.Ttus&all. TheTha :' inimitable fun , too , and genuine seamanshi Fr om Messrs. Burns & Oates. —The scheme for p of ¦ Marryat are , also warm. l j recognised%^y ;™ and . , ^ y amateur— — — ; ^ the publica tion of a ' Bibliograp hical Dictionary - writers abou t seafaring life are shown up. of the English Catholics / from the breach with i Altogether this is a paper of rare literary in- > Rome, in 1534, to the pres ent time, by Josep h terest , proceeding, as it does, from the pen of one [ ^p ¦ ^v^ ^ ir -w^^^» ¦¦ Grillow^ ¦^" ^» •* ^^ w * ,v> is» "^^ undoubtedl^^ *^^ * ^^ ^ r ^v yv aw^» good^^ ^^ ^*v .„ one.^^ 1^4* ^^ v _ The^^** «^ ^^* other^^^ %* ^»^» ^* ^b whose delineations of the sea in its various ti tle of the book , namely, * A Li terary and Bio- moods form a gallery of ictures which ' p , for their grap hi cal History of the English Catholics vari ety, vividn ess, and truth , (are probabl y conveys perh aps armore comprehensi ble idea of unequalle 4. the scope of the work , of whi ch the second volume has just been published. Alphabeti cally tbe From. Mr. Davi d Douglas,1 Edinbur gh.— Thi ! new volume extends . from Dacre to Gradwell. deli ghtful little story ' Prudence Palfre y,' by The personal histo ry of the English Catholic ^ it Thomas Bailey Aldrich , has been added to Mr. [ properl y tre ated, ought to form , a subject of no Douglas's popular series of pocket edition s of? importance to students of the nation ' ordinary th at s American , authors. > history. Mr. Gillow ri ghtl y say^ the ' lives of eminent and even of obscure men not infrequentl y From Tbe ' Garden ers' Magazine * Offlce. — \ thr ow conside rable light on the great controversie s, Mr - Shirley Hibberd , the editor of the Gardeners' and without them the mere descri ption of a work Maga zine, has just issued the • G ard en Orac le

¦ ¦ could give no tru e idea of its purp ort/ As the and» ^ ^^"* ^ — Illustrated^^^ ^— — -»^^ -^ -^ — — — — ^ FlbriculturalM^ ^— ^r ^^ ^^ ^^ ™ ^^ ^» ^P^B "^ «^ ^» Year-BookV^^ ^^ ^ n^r ^IV ^.^i^ ^^^ ^^ .«^^ for^^ ^^ r^P9 unaided work of Mr. Gillow , tli H dictionar y is 1886.' The little handbook is thorou ghly prac- ;

• — — tical. It contains a complete reg very4/ credita ble*, nil the more so when we note ister of the that , in the present insta lment ,.the re are about plants , flowers , &c , introduced du ri ng the past three hundred and thirty biograp hical notices , year , also a selection of herbaceou s and Alpine and seventeen hun dred biblicgrap hicil notices . plants , and a treatise on their culti vation . The Perhaps it would be well if the author got more almanack contains a complet e list of the members extensive aid from the clerical members of the of the new Parliament. Church ; the work would then proceed with more rap idity , and become more comprehensive From. Messr s. Griffit h, Farran , Okeden , & in its character. Welsh. ^—Th e pleasant poesy of Mr. Douglas : B. W. Sladen well deserves the lively appre- ;

_ - _ ^— ^^~ ~^w •^—^^r—^^ ^^^^ « ^ ^™ — —r^ -^ ^v ^—^ ^— ^ — -^ — - - | From Messrs.^p^^^n^^^ pv\ ^"^^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^ Ch.a^^^ ^ ^^^^ pm.an ^ & Hall.— Georgeg Mere ,- ciation which has saluted its appearance ' in ' dith *s . novels, new edition , ' The Adventures qf print. New editions of two of the poet 's volumes: <

V As M. VWM A Vv* JL A. Illlvl JkA ^W V Uwv 1-fc Harry Bichmond. ' About twenty years ago i/Lr. have4-AC* recentl yJ been*~^ ^** calledV^**A forV^ ,f and hav eV* been ' * _w *~—^~^^ ; -^_ ^h^^k ~r— -^tr —¦¦ ¦ »~ T • .^^ -^^ w^t, PT T— ^^ ' ^ — ' ^1 ~^ ^^ ^ — — ^ ^B M in a choice form by George Meredith published a volume of poems^ , publish ed Messrs. Griffith ,; which is now scarce. We mention it here , be- Farra n , & Co. Thfli volumes are ¦ ' Australian - cause the title ' Poems of Modern Life and the Lyrics * and ' Poetry of Exiles.' In both there ; English Koadside ' sums up, as it were , two will be ' found many exquisite verses, showing a] } of the most charming charac teristics of Mr. ra re depthL of poeticalM, feelingLJ and often a Meredith 's prose works—the loving delineation cf spri ghtliness of fancy, which gives a zest to i the beauties of Eng lish landsca pe and of the their perusa l. Quits separabit (being, an answer ^ humours and vicissitudes of tbe road , and to those who . consider colonia l indepen dence .

-m^ ~ — ---^ -^ — ^ ._ — -_^ ,_ ._ amatory—"~w — ^^^^m ^w *^v ^^ m scenes^^» ^^ ~^r ^*^~ — *— ,y which' * for refinem ent and subtlety^j desirab le) closes with these beautif ul lines : are trul y admirable. Of tire latter , the sylvan ' Dear land of my adoption , Fever not - t scene in * Ha r ry Richmond ,' between the hero and Tbo rigbt band from thy parent, nor despoil

— ^—^* v^ ^^^« "^^ *^ ** ^^ ^^ ^.*^^ ^~^ i" ¦ ^.— ~ ¦— — — — — — — the German princess ,9 is a notable examp¦ le. In Thy mother of ber youngest, fairest, child ; the novel now before us the reader is taken from But ratlier be united in thypelf , "W ith all thy members knit in close communion, ¦ English groun d to ori e of the pre t ty German And strivo to draw thy sisters, east and west,

¦ ¦ states»** ^ ^UW V^fc U whichV W ^1* ** ^^ • ^ haverf»* ^ ^^ p » ^ "^ now^-* ^ ^ vv almost«^*^«»^ -** r*^ - *r disappear-^^— ^ ^m ^^ ^- w^^ »^ ^ — — ed— -^» ,-m and*- w -~ More closely round her, till , in after years, , The children—older, wiser, mightier— , finds himself there in the sdciety of hi ghly bred ; ladies and gentlemen , whos o elegant amusemen ts, Shall be foufld worthy to assert their 3ieside their mother, in a Parliament ' as described , are a striking featu re of the book. deplete from every corner of the realm. j The statue scene, which comes in here , will dwell in the memory. In * Harry Richmond / as in From the same,—'Siegfried' s Crown / by Mrs. ' O. Hunt er Hodgsou , author of *A Holdier 's' ; » -^ . -. ¦ * Ilicliard^^ ^w ^»-M ^ ^^ «^ V I Fe^^^^ ^"^ verel» ~— ^ ,¦ ' the- ~ -^- relation- of fath er and son w». iJ 1. <¦ i^vr 4«ijk ti uu i i\t «-/« *-> *J" *-> & t «/iUia.j Daught* »• i ^ er/9 is a 6tory of artist lifeA&&v^ ,y tenderl> vwA J yy gives occasion for ma.ny a. pussage of humour and ' of tenderne ss. 4syinpathetic in tone. Tho scene is laid in -i • . . .r^G 6rnmny, so tb»t an opportunity is given for! ! Fr om Messrs. Ckatto A "Windtas. — 'In the sonn e giood delineations of tho loving home-life df] j Middle Watch / by -W. Chirk Mussel U Under the Fatherlands ' '^ ¦ ¦ ¦¦¦¦ ^ ¦ - ¦ jafc des The Publishers' CJircular W ».ji^6

, , .1 . . r i ! - "From Messrs. J. Hetze l et Cie., Paris. — * Wass ili heart , and continued , as the auth or says, to !

¦¦ ¦¦ r- j— —' ««^ ¦ ' ¦ wk^ — — w s ^bv a »•- wv ^ h . —¦— — — — ; — —# l. This story * wri te home coura geously for more¦ - I ^ money/ ^ Dary , Samaria ,' par Phi lippe v ! «^^ » «« • i « n 1 • l « V . " describes the simple manage of an old clockmaker Finall y, however, he found himself^ in a com- in a quiet little town on the Fr anco-Swiss fronti er . parativel y settled Btate among the Shadow ed

** ¦ • j m& v*« ¦« ^. ¦& ^^ pr ^* <»«r w «>v w» »^ ~ «B».B»^y mbbv <«,«¦¦ ~^BT ^^^^ » —~ ¦" — — -~ ¦ ¦ m*m^~^r TT"" « ^* b« ^^^ The^ B0Bt * St^V ^B^ househo^ Bl ^ ^^ V^P ^^^ B^BBf -^B™ ld^ ~^B^ ^ consists" ^^ ^ "~~" ^^ ™^» of"^^ * himsel™ —^^ ^^ ~ f,» his^ ^ motherless valleys of^ the Rock y^ Mountains , and there^^ it^ ^ daug hter , a widowed sister and her son, who , was that the * Amateur Angler ' found him at his it is understood , ' wj 11 marry his cousin. The ra nche. We cannot do better than gi ve > the

^m pp BHB^h 1 ^B ^ ^^ ^^ ^™ ^ ^^^^ ^^ ^*^ — ^ w W — ^^ ^^ ^P™^Bfc w ¦ young^ ^B^^B * ^»^BF man^^ " ^^B ^" ^"^^^" , who is stud ying medicine at Bern* e,J author 's descri ption of the position of affair s:— makes the acqu aintance of the hero of the ta le, ¦ • ¦ , I have tiuken yoa so com;:letely into my confidence by ,a liussian fellow-student. Althoug h the latter telling von of Frank's disasters and misfortunes, that it is ] frankl y ackno wledges that he has thrown off all biit faT.r to him tbat I • should now describe to yota his I

*bb^ ——~ —— —— «¦¦¦ pjBh bb " ^b- ¦™" ¦ —¦ ; b> ^b» bbi - ^ ^«bb> ¦ ¦ f^bt - —¦ — — — ™ H — —— fuiall successes uot that be has very much to B A ^b^ b^ » " ^ »*^ ^ ^ w^ ^ " ( ^^ show the^ ^ trammels^ ^^ ^ of relig ion and family^j life, Pierre at preeentj ;i crciiV ,| butij\j.u beu\j seemsoucimm.b tov\* meuiv tou\j bekiu on«-»ii theuuu iiguwlit trackbi. CM/Jx, JH6 I Tissier at once form s a friendsh ip with him , and dy righ 160ri^ acre He a're^ pot-se^pes b^ homestead t s of very invites him to spend the vacation at father 's , bfs good 1lan d which will be absolutely his freehold in two *¦»¦ ¦ ¦ *¦»¦ ' ~>~ — ^m ^ — — ^~ ^^^ ^m ^BB* r ^^"^^ ^^^ ^B^ ¦ ^^"^ ™ — f cats time ; he also owns a hundred acres Louse. Of cou^ rse , Mademoiselle Helene soon > of good railroad IVV , who feeding*J V^ IJllU g landJC»1*U onVII , theVU.\^ foot-hillsV-i UllO ;9 he11U hasX^C«O fencedAV-JJIV^VV* roundAVFLiAlVi theVL1%J I conceives an affection for the clever youth whole of this with strong posts, rails, and "barbed wire; says, * In philosop hy I am Schopenhauer ^ in he las built himself a log hut ; he Las purchased a fair

^ a^ — ^ »^ » h ¦ - —¦ -~— —— — — — - - - - — —r- -^ — , ^BPB ^ ^— ^^ r^~ -^ p~ ^ BB^BBl ^BJ implements: pai nting I love Burne Jo nes,^ , in sculpture the set rf agricultural , including waggons and a ' . handsome buggie ; he has a pair of strong hbrBes, a Greeks , the early Italians , in music Berl io^, and v/t numii uiuuber ^ t of pigsi*xj f,o ,t someouuic poultry,ij vuivlj ' i andctuu acv few»c»T cowsuu f i o andauu vnivrocalves :, I who introduces her to the writings of John Stuart he a well-stocked garden, which produces haf he T all the —— — - — %j %f MilL7 -y Hence arise s .a feelingw^r of jealousy *, although* *—* vegetable^ require", and lie has la d down about half in the mind of Pierre. What be- ' an acre of land with tstrawbebriesstrawberries : n«xt summer¦ this will of a p i Id type , produce a large crop. \, ¦ '' ; ' , comes of the Nihili st student and how mat ters When I remind you that he has acquired«_/aj^ thiss^«ji%« little pro- c«w3u^u vrnuw/ a-ixc«^j. i p^ aT B^ Bk BBV^ BL tiiiiiu ^ are^^h flVfl Bfe ~^p^ broug¦¦> ^BB^ V ¦ ht«B«^ to"B B» ^^^ a^^^» satisfactory~~~ ~W^ ^ ^ ^ ™^^ ^^ ^ ^^ ^^^ ^ ^BT ~^ W conclusion"^^ r "^^ ^ — ^-^ — ™~ will— — ^^ be— —^ perty2^*^a +>J with," j-«i-*- onlyvr***^ trifling assistance froma a - menib )t and mainlyt y i found in th ^ book itSf^lf, which serves to, while by the labour of his own hands, in the space of three years, • you \yill understand that I am inspired with some hopes away a few hours . for his future. .

Fro¦^ B ^ Bf BBB ^^^ m^^^^^^^^ Mr.^BBB^r^^P^B* ^^^^ ^B M.^^^^"^^^^^^B' B^ Tm.^^^^^^^^ ^ ^ HutcWn^^^^"^^i^^^ ^^ ^" ^^^ ^^B^ ¦ ^^^^"^ s—^^^ onV ^^"—^^ (Melbourne)^» i — — ^M .~~ —We This quotation will give some idea of the1 per- have latel y had opportunities of seeing severa l sonal interest of the ' Amateur AngS3 ler *s ' story." 1/ ¦ Tolumes of Austra jisan poet ry which have , almost It likewise contains som e rem arkabl y telling bits , exceptionJL ,w given^^ us much pA leasure. t without ^ ^^ of icturesque d escri , • p ption. H ere for example, Chi rps ,' by ah Aust ralian Sparrow (first series), are some admirable lines of descriptive writing : contains som e remarkabl y spirited verses , re- pr inted fro m, the North Melbourne Advertiser. A-fter lunching in a temporary hotel, consisting of seve- "We presume the author is Mr. Joh n Rae , whose ral tents, we drove on till we canie to * The Fairy Ifalls,' UU TT li which" UWll ca^si*>Jkn * only**J *.%.%.J beKSW seen«\-»VH by**J followingAVL1V W lUj ^ aUDVUUp steep pathl/AVU down theI^Ll. ^ I portr ait appears in the broch ure . The work is side of th« caiion—a difficul t path, but quite worth talcing. thoroug hly colonial , being printed by Messrs . Shortly afterwards we came upon a scene wjiich probably cannotVy&*4.A&*Wy beKf\J paralleled|n«tUAAV4Vl& onUU thisUU1O eaVC*>Vllfrth. TheyJL. UUJT call\*4JbXX itAV), notUV/V in-1A±~ I Hae Brothers , of Melbourne. A 1 * _* 4B* ^ IBI BBi ^ flB. «*^ Bi ^ flk ^B. ^^ m. I appropriately, * Hell's Ha^f-acre.' Here our coachman turned out of the road on to a wide -expanse of 'white, From Messrs. B. & S. Livingstone , Edinburg h — chalky formation, wliich seemed to me like the upper crust JUil pre lim.' in "*^«. %mM. + A*Jk«u 4Vi«vjv M.m\ra.A **i vviaiv •) VU w Vi. VHJO weightVlgUU of a«* coachVVTCV\^ edgevvi gv ofvx thisvuao place,j uuvc) andni».\Jk. youj rv/L» lookJiv yvak. downuv >* ** I upon a great roaring, boiling cauldron , at Ieaat half an class for whom it has been issued. acre in sizev sending up great rolls of sulphurous eteam hundrediiuuuiv«u sn oful feetx\ terror%*\s±l\JM. ofvta itau isto quitev |uj ivw in-*»*- ¦ Fro m Messrs. Sampson Low, Marston , Sc Co.— desoribable. I wa3 glad when the coach got back on the Frank 's Ranche ; or , My Holiday in the Rock ies,' hard road a?ain. The boiling water is of a most brilliant ' transparent green, and ic boils up great globes of various- by the Author of • An Amateur Angler's Days in coloured gems, like potatoes in a pot. Dovedaie .' ' Of varied interest ' is a phrase too often used by reviewers when it is somewhat difficult "We would fain quote more largel y from , this

BB BBB^BI«BB> flBBiBBBh "*^ BBBT BHBBBk ^BT BB^~« ~^ I- v^ ^BBP ^H *| BV ^v ^^ ^ ^BB^ BB ^BP ^ ^ 1^ ¦ ¦ ^ W BB> « ^ ^BB^ ^ *^ ^ ^V ^^ ^^ V*BBk » *m ^BBBBkf ^ Bf ^ BBV ^BT V ~ M m to distinguish the vari ety. In speaking, however , genial little volume , wliich abounds with lively^

WBBBI BB1V VVdBB ¦ ^^ -¦ -"^ "¦— ¦— of^BV theW ^^^ new"^B^ ^ book^^^ "^^ ~ ~^» ^^^^BT froBB" ^^^ ~^» m^» the^™^ penB»^ ~^^ ^^^^ of— ^ the—^ ' • Amateur' " ~ '^ incident , &ure to win for it a welcome wherev er it Angler ' there can be no such difficult y ; for it goes. The volume, it should be stated in con- not only appeal s to all who like to read a clusion , is produced in the choice style which best charming ly-wri tte n volume of the experiences of pleases the fancy of connoisseurs in the book travel , but also to those who have ft more practical world. , in view, namel y, to gai n a knowled ge of i I . purpo se oaa.

BJf BBi ¦ ¦ BJb Bl BBBi juv iA.* v^« b.«»»— V^ ^^ BB. T V Ikl ^P" ^ BF' ^ "^ «BBP^B> '^¦^ BB» .^^ T-^ w • ^— -^F' ^—r~ — - — VI W — "1 - -^ -»- ^ ^ ^— J. i uiii ^JUkA» ca J-u> ^ r _> xjiuivu ^"^ ^^ p^^ ^ ^^ affai rs with regard to the From Mr. Boau.fov^ vr^ y A. Moore.• ' Tr aits and ¦ ¦ ¦ — the true state of rf~ BAA rf«h- A ^B> ~ ^BBB* BBBI < ^*k B^ BflB ^ * Bk .V^A * AA A ^PBbI bb. .^V I prospects of ' our boys ' in the lands of the Far Stories of4t Ye Olde Chesh ire Cheese." * This^41 littl e

t^ kB ¦¦» •W V^ ^** b»b^» »r ^^ «k«k ¦k*^ ««F cx ^ ' »^ JB ^ b» ^hb» al k_»bM)«J *AK ¦»b t- _ y -^ — West. A sub-title of tho book describes it as a book , which* was** comp^v iled* ori'V^ * ginallyV by the I con tribution to the inquiry int o what we are to do Lite Mr. T. W. Reid , has been reissued in an with our boys. Paren ts as well as the boys enlarged form. It contains some inte resting 1/U(A VAVUAUA «Jb*I«^< MVMVVA* I I themselves will find much valu able information particulars U regardingD W ^ 4 b the«-*»*^* ancient• ^-'«^ »* hostelry "in in tho book . The author describes with gentle "Wine Office Cour t, which has a notable degr ee of

«¦ ¦ V -BBKBBBt >!¦ ¦ • W ¦¦ 1 ¦¦¦bI •» ^»» « * ¦¦ ¦ M 'W ¦ B« ¦ " ¦ W B>> B«B> "^B* «« ~V ^BBBB- -BB> — > humour the ups and downs in the life of his e^n literary^ _ renown^^ ^V*>4* ^Bf W* .* The™ arra ngement|M| ** ^ ^ of the book Frank , who, far from pleased with life in a City ini^ht ha re been better , for the matter is wort hy

^^f- ^^ ^ w p^ ^ ^^ V ^B ^ BH BB»» ^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^B^ T^r ™» ¦ -^r *^"™ " ^— ~-" ¦ ¦ ¦ »» ™ ¦! — ^-^ ^ " -w ^ -^r- — ~~r ^ ' ¦ ^ — ¦ — ^J - —^ » ~ , office , start s for i the dista^^ r nt West in the hope of proper literary 'treatment . AVe notice, at least Ending moro congenial surrounding s, withou t for- one paragraph repeated : it is a quotati on from get ting the great purpose of life—Work * At Cyrus Bedding 's ' Recollection *,* givqn in page the outset Frank 's experiences in Yankeedo m . 17,17. while in pagedaita 105 tho same auoquotatitatioa on >&w Were far from encourag ing, lint he never lost attributed to, Cjrus Jay. . 11 ! J ¦ ¦¦ ¦¦ ¦] <• irg^yp^'M^-V - - ' yji mrTTi nif t-'^ -';^ -^' ^vvaw.^jm-ar;» xs:;.;p/;w.yupft ^ ^^ V^ " ^ - • Publi shers ' '' visis THe ¦ Circul ¦ . ¦ Feb ¦ ; ¦ A ¦ ' ar • • I ' tSS? » , r % ! ^ ~- ^ ~- i i H . - — \; ,- From The Beligious Tr act Society.—There has splendid descri ption —far better fhan ordinar y j iv beenuouji publiv# »», ~r,».w».w«»shed a*« newu^ andciiijvi. revised¦c;vLi < ovt editioncuii/icu ofui books dealing with the time can give us —of the * Encrlish Pict ures draw n with Pen and Pencil ,' by earlflftW yv dayHav s ofnf thet.H ft SocietySoniAt.v of FriendsP'rienrla. , borneSome of the Rev.Samuel Manning, LL.D., and the Rev. S. G. the passages in the latter volume, from their very '. Oreen , D.D. The work is about the finest of the simplicity, are rather amusing. ., fine series of books of pen and penci l pictu res which have been pro duced by the Society with so From Messrs. Swan Sonnenschein , Le Bas, ran ch care and taste. Those who wander far from & Lo wre y.—In the form of a single volume, home in sear ch of the Jbeauties of dearl y printed , we have a new edition of * J obson's nature , forgetful " or ignor ant of the sylva n pictnresqueness, romance , EnemiesRnAnnifla., ' thet he* veryvai»v successfulHiir»r>A««fiil novennirfll bbvy MrT\Tr. ilidwardKd ^ard and history of so maiiy localities in Merri e Jenkins , author of ' Ginx's Baby.' Illustr ations England , are sure to be imbued with a stronger are supp lied by Mr. F. Barnard . love of countr y by a perusal of the rolume. _ . ¦ The_ author^m s say that^B _ thes book^h ^k is^ intended^ ^ ^^— to recall , Fro m Messrs . Spott is woode & Co.-— The Church issue by the aid of pen and pencil , some English scen es Quarterl y Review^ January 1886. The new in which refreshing influen ces ha re in the past of this publication contains some very important been enjoyed. ' And , as . every wande rer over contributions. We remark especially, • The English ground finds himsel f in the footsteps of Church in the UnitecJ States of America / * Edu ca* the great and good, ample use has been made of tion and Eton College ,' ' Free Schools/ ' Evolution an d Desi and The Church and the Electi ons,' » — ¦ gn/ ' the^^^ ™^ biograp ^"^ ^^^ ^^ ^ ^fc ¦ hical^.^ and—"^ "— ^^ liter^^ ^^ ~ ^~^ ^. ary ^^ association^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^V » ^^ ^^ » ^^^ ^^^ s^.^ which» W JM^^ ^B ^ ^f ^^^^ these scenes continually awaken. ' The book is profusel y illustrated with charm ing pictures , and From Mr. William Stevens. — The fifty-fifth voliimft of the Fainilv Herald. Thi s contains., its genera l appearance otherwise is beyond all volume of the Family Herald. This contains pr aise. as Usual, a large number of wholesome and interesting stories , both of a serial and shorter From the same.—-• The Histo ry of Israel and Judah .' nature . IVIing led with th ese are excellent essays, from the reign of Ahab to the Decline of the T\ro scientific and stat istical varieties , humorous Kingdom s, by Alfred Ederbhei m, M.A., D.D. anecdotes , and last , thoug h certainl y not least , a The author 's former wor ks are so well known most interesti ng corresponden ce column , which that any new book'from his pen is sure to attract rema ins, as hereto fore , one of the most fascinati ng notice * The present volume is the sixth of , his feature s of this periodical . The Fam ily Herald well-known ' Bible History ' ser ies, to which it is nia# well take a place above far more preten tious a wel come addit ion , bei ng thro ughout very publicat ions. readable , besides being* an intelligibl e contribution to the stud y of the Scri pt ures. Fro m Messrs. !Frederi

Index to the Books published between Janua ry 16 and 30.

The Wards in Italics are those under which the Titles are given Alphabetica lly in full , with the Publisher ' s Name,

J«^» mm Abou'* —* tv Our^^ %. ^ ^ Father*¦« ^^ v * i» ,M Luff-i i vti^ (Vf.)m * f la.*^ it^p 6>., 4s.4s.,. & 38.3s. 6d.6d, Algebra , Elementar y, Laurie, new edit. 9d. Burmese Waw and Burmah , Laurie ( W. F., B.) n. e. 10a. 6d. Al gebra , Elementar y , Potts (Robert ) 4a. 6d. Calendar , Dublin Universit y for 1886, 4?. Algebra , Elementar y, Sm/ th (Ch arlen ) 4s. 6d . Captain Dan gero us, Sala (G. A.) new edit. 23. 61. Anecdote, Wb rld of , Hood (E. P.) now edit . Cs. Card iac Conditions , Morbid , Runs ell (W.) 5s. Angler , Wa lton (I.) Cd. Si 3d. Cardinal Sin , Conway (Hugh) 3 vols. 31a. 6d. Apostolical Records , Giles (J. A.) 10a. 61. Ca rlos the Little Span iard , 6d. Arithm etic, Steward Civil Service , 4b. Cd. Charities , Metropolitan , Howe, Director y for 1880, Is. habyland , No. 1, 3d. Chemica l Notes, Willton (A. R ) 2nd edit. 3s. 6d.

¦» 6d. Barb ara — - m Wlngjleld•nr (Hon. L.)r 3 vola. 81a. 6J. Chemistr y, Rudiments , Orm? , 2s. Flillpot* , Bar ker's gardens , Page (Jessie) 6 ¦ • ?'/ • . ¦ ¦ • • - . . . . ^ . - ,. ; •;> , , . ff ' ¦ : - •. f i • ' ¦ " • I . 1 !i£o . H^lie "Publishers * Circular f^.i^iS86

^¦^HavBiaiiaB ^a^i^ B^BW ^B^i aB^i^^p^^a^aa^Bipaa ^^^^ H^^^ v^Hw^a^M^BaHiB^^HMiaaMOM v^^^H^I^MI ^—,

1 Christianity, Divine Origin, Storrs (R. S.) new edit. 6s. Logic, Deductive, Rap (P. K.) 2nd edit. 4s. 6d. ? Christianity. First Century, Cox (Homeraham) 12s. Marriage of Love, Halevy (L.) 1^ . \\ Church of England, Maiden (ff. E.) Lecture, 3d. Martyrs of Angus, Scott (J. M.) 5s. ; i Civil Service, Sliding Scale, Munrc (B. C.) la. Martyrdom, Her, Is. 6d. and Is. Cooper (T.) Poetical Works, 2nd edit. 7s. 6d. r Miedieine, Practica.1, Carter (A. H.) 4th edit. l>a. ' County Families, fTa^orrf (B.) new edit. 50s. Merchants, English, Bourne (H. R. Pox) ne^v edit. 7s. 6d. Dead, Birthday Book of Oar, 3s. 6d.' Merry Wives of Windsor, Sfiakspmrel by Wneatley, 7s. 6d. Dead Past, Cameron.( Mrs.) 3s. 6d. Moment of Madness, Mamyat (Florence) Is. , Diagnosis, Medical, Students' Guide, Fenwick (S. W. B.) n e. 7s. Moorish Knife, Story, Henderson (G. R.) 2s. Dictionary, EncyclopcediCiVol . 5, Part 1, 10a. 6d. Muriel, Edwards (Adeline) 5s. Dietetics, Lectures, Roberts (W.) new edit. 3a. National Churcb, Mathews (W. A.) 2s. 6d. Dividends, Mathieson' s Prfces, 1880-85, 2a. 6d. Needlework as Art, Atford (Lady Marian) 42s. Divine Sovereignty, Thomas (D. ) 5s. lf el*on, Southey's Life, new edit. Is. Divided House. Swan (Annie S.) Is. 6d. \ New Life, How to Begin, Wilkinson (Bp.) 6d. Dottle3 and Carrie, Page (Jessie) 6d. North Country Maid , Cameron (Mrs.) new edit. ;2s. Drama for the Drawing Room, Debenham, (L.) 33. Norway, Five Spinsters in, Rhodes (Edith) Is. 63. and Is. Earth, Reclus (E.) 21s. Ocean Work, ,) la. John, Gospel, Cyril, Commentary, 10s. 6d. Treasure of the Abbey, Navery (R. de) 3s. 6d. Joseph Andrews, Fielding (H.) 5s. Trust, Lire, and Duty, Hopkins (T.) 6a. ' Kalendar, Winchester Diocesan, 1886 , lri. Until the Day Breaks, Spender (Emily) 3 vols. 31s. 6fl. Land Improvers' Pocket-Book, Ewart (J.) 2nd edit. 4s. Up the Rhine and Over the Alps, Hocking (Silas K.) 2a. 6d. I Laryngoscope, Use, Gar rod (A. B.) 3s. 6d. Valentino, Astor (W. W.) 6s. La9t of the Mohicans, Cooper (J. F.) 2s. So, Is. Voltaire, Morley (John) new edit. 5a. Lawyer, People' s, Vol. 1, 5s. v We and the World, Etcing (J. H.) Is. Lester's Secret, If ay (Mary O.) 2s. 6d.

" ' ' ¦ ' ¦¦ ' ^ 1*'*! *" ^ '"' ' " ' ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ,. . ¦ ¦¦ ¦;¦ , , , ^MK y* . . !' .' . » . . " ' ' .i ' m ' . • , . ,. :: ;: ,i ^ ¦ ¦ , . i The ¦ i%m ¦ ¦ ¦ I^bli^r^ - ¦-¦ ' Feb ' • ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ . ¦ ¦ nt¦ -¦ H — ,. . . - - , . . >¦ - . ¦> -,- -. : M1 L X^ , , \ - _^__ ¦ —-—~^ j : I HEW WO RKS I I PM3LI SHED FROM JANUARY 16 TO 30. ¦ ¦ ' ~ ¦ • ' ' * ' ' ¦I1 » The occasional otMu* ^* Notes t« italics aftet* the titles are only given in cases of short or re titles appearin g for the f irst time ¦ ¦ They are not intended to be general, or to express any opinion on the literary "**' *'6 of the books; the sole object teing to ' H explain tlue title-page, or to give such additional inf ormation concernin g the nature of the work as mby appear to be ¦ | ¦ | required. All books are in cloth when not otherwise described.

If A-flam s CW. EC. I>.)—^upland on the Sea ; or, the Story of Christo pher 's Hints on the Reading and Study of Holy ¦ ¦ the British Navy. JTew edit, post 8vo. pp. 518, 6s. Scripture. New edit. 18mo. pp. 74, Is .Nisbet [290 ¦ ¦ White [262 ¦ ¦ Con -way (H.)— A Cardinal Sin i a Story. 3 vols. post 8vo. Alexander (Bp. of Dewy)—The Great Question, and 31s. ..Reming-^pn [291 ¦ ¦ other Sermons. Post 8vo. pp. 322, 6s« .Paul £263 6d. i ; I Alford (Lady ^N eedlework as Art. 8vo. pp. Cooke (J. P.)—Elements of Chemical Physics. 4th edit. ' MO— 444, 42s. II Low [264 roy.rov. 8vo. pp.r»D. 74874R, 21s MacmiJlMacmiUanan [1292 | ! | | ! | Allen (GO—Flowers and their Pedigrees. 2nd edit, vont Post 8vo. pp. 8vo. pp. 270 5s Cooper (J. F.)—The Last of the Mohicans. II , " Longmans [265 382, 2s. ; sewed, Is. (Red Library) Cassell [293 II Allen CM. &,)—Savoury Dishes for Breakfast, r,unch«»on, and Dinner. I2mo. 2s. 6d. Virtue [266 Cooper (T.)—Poetical Works. 2nd edit, post 8vo. pp. 466, HI • 7e. 6d Hodder [2S4 HI Anglican Pulpit of To-day. Forty ab ort BiogrrupbieM | | and Forty Sermons of Distinguished Preachers of the Cox (H.) —The First Century of Christianity. 8vo. pp. 4S0, | | Churcb of England. Post 8vo. pp. 474, 7s. 6d- 12s Longmans (295 } Hodder [267 A popular and concise account of the Church , founded I | | almost entirely upon the writers of the first and second I Arn old (E.)—The Light of Asia. 28th edit, post Rvo-. pp. centuries. I 302, 7s. 6d Triibnef [268 Cyril (Abp. of Alexan dria )—Commentary on the Gospel I Astor fW. W.)—-Valentino: an Historical Romance of according' to St. John. "Vol . 2 : St. John, ix.-xxi. 8vo. pp. I the 16th Century in Italy. Post 8vo. pp. 326, 6s. TJnwin [269 690, 103. 6d. (Library of the Fathtrs ) ...,.. W.Smith [296 A continuation of' Translation of St. Cyril, publish ed ; I Avelin g (E. B.)—Chemistry of the Non-Metallics. Post eleven years ,ago edited by Philip Pusey the present vol. I 8 vo." pp. 216, ' , 4 4s. -6d. QBughes* Matriculat ion Man uals ) __._ is translated bp Mr. Randall r and contains a Pref ace by * Hughes [270 2>/*. Liddon. Bab yland. No. 1. 4to. sewed, 3d. (published monthly) - Debentiata (I..)—Drama for the Drawing-Room : a Gift Everett [271 Book for the Season. Post 8vo. pp. 130,/3a. Banner of Temperance: a Collection of Original "Verses. London Literary Society [297 By a Member of the Dresden * Victory * Lodge, I.O.&.T. 12mo. pp. 84 Dormer

Biblical Treasury : Old Testament Series, Vol . 5. 8vo. •» A/1V 1/ V^^ A v »««--v» «*-»fc»— i »-» — EncyclopaediJJUV/ \/A\JLf Vw VI* c^* Dictionarl ^J * * y :• a* New and Original^- ^ *«f "Work* pp. 250, 2s Simpkin [275 ^ oe Beference to all the Words i\ \: the English Language. pp. , 10s. 6d Cassell [301 Birthday Book of our Dead. 12mo. (Dublin , Gill ) pp. Vol. 5, Part 1, Roy. 8vo. 384 388, 3s. 6d .Simpkin [276 Enson (F. E.>—Our Town ; or, Life at Slowborough; Post [302 Blackie (J. S.)—Wh at does History Teach. ? Two Edin- 88vvo.o. r>D.pp. ,200.200, 3a.3a. 6d. 3A. BevinfftonBevington [302 ..Macmillan [277 burgh Lectures. 12mo. pp. 122, 2s. 6d... Euri pides— Alcestis. Literal Translation. With Intro- —Hymna of Faith and Hope. N"ew edit. 3 vola. duction, Analysis, and Short Notes on the Translation, Bonar (H.) Gram mar , and Parsing . By a First-Class Man of Balltol. 111 UV1 AUg ** ¦ 10s. 6d Nisbet [278 Xk J. IV/i VT1I/ V1JV( l €Mtl Iglv^l AV.14I V U \S t •*.**. *.» JU t. '^ » v ¦*" -*^"- # "^ ^(Arranged for interleaving: wi th the Oxf ord Text.* )/ Post Memoirs In illus- 8vo. (Oxford, Slmmpton ) pp. 6f», sewed, Is. ( Oxford Trans- Bourne (H. K. F.)—English Merchants' la tions of Classics) Simpkin £303 trationi/ratii >ii ofoi "thevue Progressjl rogress ofol BritishJ3ni>iBii Commerce.vj ummerue. Newi.>ew edit.em u. With Illustrations. Post^vo. pp. 490, 7s. 6d. Chatto [279 Ewart (J.)—Land Improver's Pocket Book. 2nd edit, Bowen (F.)—A Layman's Study of the English Bible con - revisedrevised., 32rao.32mo. bound,. 4s i. Lockwood 1304[304 pp. sidered in its Literary and Secular Aspect. Post 8vo. Boys. 140 4s. 6d Unwin [280 Ewing" (S. H.)—We aud the World : a Book for , With 7 Illustrations by W. L. Jones. 4=to. pp. 110, sewed, Cameron (Mrs. H. Lu)—A Dead Past : a Novel. Post Is Bell [305 8vo. pp. 324, 3s. 6d White [281 Famil y Herald Supplements - Vol. 20. 4to. 2s. 6d. .«._.. W. Stevens [306 Came ron , CMrs. H. !••)—A Life's Mistake. 2 rols. cr. - \*l/ i_«*v*^s »- A^v ^y M*.w»w 8vo. 21s White [282 Fen-wick|H ^^ j ^jj fir A VA (S.\ kl| *»»ji ^a^-j-A**j si^ Guidev ^ tow^.^ Medical^—-• ^**» v«^»* Diagnosis..^^ 6th edit, reyised and eailarged . 12mo, pp. 348, 7a. Cameron (Mrs. H» I».) — A North Country M aid : a Churchill [307 Novel pp. 820 board s, 2b. .. White [283 . New edit. 12mo. , Fieldin g: (EC.) — The Adventures of Joseph Androws. Candlien (J. S.)—-Th e Work of tbe Holy Spirit. Post 8vo. Library edit. 8vo. pp. 344, 5s Boutledge [808 (Edinburgh, Clark) pp. 120, Is. 6d. (Handbooks for Bible Classen) Hamilton [284 Franklin (Benjamin )—Autobiography. I8mo. pp. 192, 6d. ; sewed, 3d. (CasselVs National Library) .. ..Cassell [809 Car lQS—Th e Little Spaniard, and What tbe Flowers did. Fraaer (Bp.)—The Spirit of a Public School : a Sermon 18moJ pp. 62, 6d Partridge [285 w& preachedp i ca vueu atnu thevuu Publicj l Ln/,iiv> Openingw Lnj mu ^ ot ttieuuu New^»vn BA>iMtu«»guuildings ofv. Cart er (A. H«)—Elements of Practical Medicine. 4th edit. Shrewsbury Sch&ol, July 28, 1882. 8vo. (Shrewsbury, Post 8vo. pp. 440, 9a 4 Lewis [28G Adnit & N.) pp. 26, aewed, 6d Simpkin [310 Fronde (J. A.)—Oceana ; or, England and her Colonies. Char lton ¦' ¦ i ' ¦' " . i . _ ' ".vr - " . " !¦ : ¦:" " .'. i .. " . """ ." •r .' . " ? ' i;. "" :.' " ? " !. ' ¦ '¦ '.. " " ' " . ... ' '.'.*>*.H'

I* f Giles (J. A.)—Apostolical Records of Early Christianity, Jcuxiestl lUIloB (P.)—SoreV•r«J~*"cut ** ThroatJ- UIUHt :, itsli»i. Nature^»bui c, Varietiesi-oi rei/iW|, and»uu Treat-& fvno> - f K>ni the date of the Crucifixion to the Middle of the Second meat . 5th edit, illustrated with hand-colonred' Plates. Century. pp. 440, 10s 6d Beeves & T. [31* Post 8vo. pp.! 3G2, 6s. 6d ,¦ ... .Churdhill [343 J *?8yo. T WM >»y<»»B jw« *v m w ^ n v- iv gr m ¦ ¦ ¦ v .• ¦» from Humorous « *•••• Readings m ^ | V^^r Authors. ^ (J. flJB ^ m ^ g ^ lf A.) ^3 •i^^' A ^W Jennin gs Gladstone^^^ 9^9 ^V 'sW9 Blunders. EmCellisbed with 35 pungent^ ^ — Pictures. 4to. sewed, (Jd Jvdy Office [315 Po3t €ro. (Dublin, Carson) pp. 566, 2b.; boards. Is. - r Simpkin [344 Ckmcourt (E. de)—Zemganno Brothers. 12mo. pp. 158, Is. 6d-6d. ;: sewedsewed,, la J.S. & B. Maxwell T316[316 Key "Words of Christia n Teaching-: an Explanation, A tale of a circus, on Principles of Etymology, of certain Scriptural and Theological Terms. Post ^vo. Pp. 210, 3s.,6a, . .Stott [345 Electricity. Post 8ro. pp. 268, Gordon (J. E. T£.)—School Labberton (R. H.)—An Historical Atlas; comprising 141 5s Low [317 Maps; To which is added, besides an Explanatory Text on **• ¦» Gordon (W.)—Guides and Markers ' Duties : being the the%Jl*\j PeriodJL V**> 1\^*A delineatedUVUUV ivvvu on^Jl-m each^%a/^sm.m Map,^^ ^w*wj^ y a«-v carefw> ully«***^ selectedwvawwu Duties of Guides and Markers in Company Dri ll. 32mo. Bibliogra phy of the English Books and Ma pazitte Articles I (Chatham , Gale & P.) sewed , 6d Simpkin [318 bearin g: on that Per iod. Roy. Svo. 12s. 6d. Macmillan [:s46 Gordon (W.)—Guides and Mark er *' Put ies (illustrated): I»am artine CA. . de)~Jeanne d'Arc. Edited , with Notes What to do and How to do it: being the Duties of G uides and a Vocabul ar y, by "Victor Oger. With Ma p of France and Marker s in Company, Batta lion, and Bri gade Move* and Illustrations. 12mo. pp. ISO, Is. 6d.. . ..Haqhette [S47 ments in Accordance witn the New Pield Exercise. 32mo. ta tiri e (W. F. B.)—Onr Burwepe Wa rs and Relation s (Chatham , Gale h and the Hereaft er, Hen derson (GK R.)—The Story of a Moorish Knife. Po *t Things Unseen , the Way of Salvation. 8vo. pp. 164, 2s. London Literary Society [328 MacColl (W.)—Arguments for innd agaicst Home Bute. pp. , Iloutled ge [859 Her Mart yr dom. Post 8vo. rp. 210, Is. 6d. ; sewed, 1b. 8vo. 70, sewed is. " { Family Story- Telle r) . W. Stevens [329 Ma cdufF (J. R.)—Fer pus Morton : a Stor y of a. Scottish Hobbes. By Georee Croo m Bobcitson. 12mo. pp. 24fi, Boy. Sew edit. 18mo. pp. 82, Dd Nisbet [36D 3s. 6d. {Philosophical Cla ssics) Blackwoods [330 Mai d en (H. E.)—The Cturch of England : a Lecture , de- Hockin g: (9. K".)—Up t!ie Rhin e ard Over the Alps. With livered at Dork ing on Novem ber 6, 1885. 8vo {Dorkin g, Illustr ations. Post 8vo. pp. 1J>2 , 2s. 61 Cr omLie [331 Clarfc) pp. 20, sewed, 3d * Skefftngton [361 Hood ; or , Our Little 'Do ' s. By One [8^6 who Knows them. Pos t 8vo. »d.pp. 100,. sewedsewed., Is. Mor ley (J.)—Voltaire . New edit, post 8vo. pp. 3«0t 5s. Wym an [337 Macmillan [367 A criticism on our habits avd customs, showing how toe M -3 -_ft « Shi 1AA B w « A ^_ Morris (E. E.)—T » o Farl y iranoverinna. With Map s and are * done * in Business, Music, Law, AuthorsJtip , the Plans. 18mo. pp. 252, 2s. fid . ( Epochs of Modern /Itstorp y Stage, the Chur ch, d;c. ¦ Longmans [3<>8 Howe T m •#* VI ^*^^ Maga zine. No. 1. 8vo. pp. 122, sewed, 52s. Cdi. Improvementsw in EnglishQ and American Cupolas^^ ; together"1^3 ^^ White fS4 1 with a lar ge collection of original and carefully selected Consists of short notices of living men. Rules and Tables for every-day use in tho Drawing Office, Pattern Shop, and Foundry. With 166 Illustrations. Post Xmpoy (F.)—Thr ee Acres and a Cow ; Successful Small 8vo. pp. 266, 12s. 6d , .Low [&70 Holdings and Peas ant Propri etors. With Prefatory Note by the Righ t Hon. J. Chamber lain , and Appendix by the Munro (J. E. C.)—Slidin g Qca' o In the Coal Industr y : a DukeJJ ufce of Arffvll.Argyll. 12mo. pp. 80.80, sewed ,. 6d. - Paper read before the British Associat ion, 1880. 8vo. pp. , ^ Sonnenscheia [342 66, sewed, 3s. J , HeyWQod (8* 1 '"" ¦ ¦ '¦ ¦ ¦¦ ' ¦ ¦¦¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦¦ ' "" - ' " ' ¦' - " ¦' - . ' ¦ qy ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ; ¦ - : ' ¦ . - - ¦ ¦ • ¦ ¦ ' :! " :< ¦ :: ¦ ; ': ¦ " ' ;:¦ ¦-; - . v • . • • ' •;• . •? .; - ? ;V • -^ - " > " , - ' - ' "V '- . . _ w> .; > ;;.;.. ;; > ^ : 'S ^ W W F-eb/ i/ i^86 The PubKsl terS * Ciradlar . r ii3p ———— :— : nr?: National (^ew) Reading Books. Revised edit. Primer, Roe iv*t ediD. 12mo. pp. a70, 2a. t>d.; boards , 2s. Sketch of I rish Parties from 18 18. 8 /o. pp. 570, 18p. J. & R. Maxwel l [408 . - Paul [378 3alara.in (C. K.)—Jew3 as they are . New edit, post 8vo. Odersfeld (Mrs. H.^—Elise Duval. 12mo (Bristo l, Arro w- V, > 33U, 3s. tid Simpki n [409 smith) pp. 100, sewed, (id, .. .. Simpkin [379 Samn olson ( Sir B.)--A Report to C. M. Norwood , Esq., A tale of France in the days of Louis Philippe. . Presented to the Associatio n of tbe Cha mbers of Commerce One Thousand Practical Receipts. New edit. 12mn. at tbe United Kingdom on the Rai lwa y Goods tar iffs of pp. 180, sewed, Is. Houlstbn [380 Germany, Belgium, and Holland , compare d with those of this Countr y. 8vo. (Birmingham , white & P.) pp. 36, O'Neill fLord)~Essavs and Addresses on the Truths of the sewed , Gd. Harris [410 Christian Religion. Post 8vo. pp. 330, 5s Paul [381 • pp. , Sand (GL) — Letter s, Translated and ed ited * by Raphae l Orme (T.)—Rudiments of Chemistry. Post 8vo. 124 Ledos de Beaufort . With. Preface and Biogra.1 phic al tt **r mm Sketch 6d Sonnenschein £382 ^ * * * M m * m . « *.A ^ i A , - ^ - 2s. by the Tranelator. -Illustrate d , witli 6 Portraits of George (J.)—B Sand at various periods of her liie. 3 vols. 8vo. pp. 1,144, Pa^e arker's G ardens : a Story of God's Providence. 3Ga 18mo. pp.- 64, Gd. .- Partridge [383 W ard & D. [411 (R.)—£i£e and Works . Page (J.)—Dottles and Carrie : a London Story of Humble Schumann By August Iteissmann. .Partridge [384 TiauHiated from t»ne 3rd edit, ot ti.e German by Abby Life. 18ino. pp. 62, 6d * Langdon Alger. 12mo. pp. 260, 3s. 6d. (Bohn ' s Standard Page (T. E.) -The Acts of the A postles : being the Greek Libra ry) Bell & S. [4 12 revised by Drs. Westcott and Hort. W ith Ex- Text _ as >. »^i ^ ^ ^12mo. .-^ pp. 222m ^^ *^ , 4s.m Qd.S% * .. Macmillan^fc ^P- ^ [385^P ^» *»^ ^m Scatt (J. M.)—The iiartyrs of Angus and Mearns : Sketches [ planatory Notes. in the History of the¦ Scottish Reformation. Post 8vo. pp. Passion Flowers ; or. Solace for the Sufferin g. By the 2i>6, 5s. •... .*.•& .^. Gardner [413 . Autaor of * Bi'»le For get-rn e«nots.' 64mo. Is. M. Ward [386 Scripture tcxts with f loral borders. Scott (Sir W.)—Podins. New edit. (2 vols.) Vol. 1. ^ 32mo. ls...... i. \, Ca3sell [414 Fegler (H. S. H.)—The Book of the Goat : containing full Particulars of th.e various Breeds of Goats, and their pro- Scott (Sir W.) — Waverley Novels. Vol. 4: Rob Roy. fc»ew monthly issue Post bvo. 2a Longmans [4is " fi table Mana gement.~ 3rd Pdit. rewritten arid jsrreatly en- ^ pp. 220, 4s. Gd Ii. U. G ill [387 lar ged. Post 8vo. Scott (Sir W.)—AVaverley Novels. New.edit. Woodstock. Pellissier (EJ—French Hoots and their Families : a Syn- 2 vols. 12mo. 3s. each Longmans [416 thetic Vocabular y based upon Derivations. For Schools and Candidates for Public Examinations. 12mo. pp. 450, S em pie , 6d.; seAtd , 3d. (Cassell 's A 'Utional Library) ¦ \ Cassell [421 Proctor (R. A.)—Ligh t Science for Leisur e Houra . Thrf e Series. New edit, post 8vo. 5a. each Longmans [3S4 Slam and the Siamese , as de scribed by American Mis- sionaries. Post 8vo. pp. 16»> , Is. 6d Woolmer [42^ Proctor (R* A.)—Other World * than Our p. New edit- post 8vo. 5s Longmans 1395 Slmcox (Wi A.)~A Plea for ' These Little Ones ' ; being V-/ UVO VA. *i-»«*^^ ».*^- »i^«_»~* « «^«> an«^V«.« Appeal^. *.JLJ LS^>(>» M. toVV the*JKA\J Churches***** VJ of ChristendomV^ »* » for the«#a- *^^ Religious.-^m^ '* H» ^ | A«^ ^% *tf Pr octor (R. A.)—The Orb s Around Va. Now edifc. po°t Jtights of Children. With Introduc tor y Preface by Eev. Svo. 5s » Longmans [396 Pay son Hammo nd . 12mo. pp. 64, (id Partridge [423 Pyo (W.)—Sur gical Handicra ft. 2nd edit. 8vo. pp. 54fi , Smit h (C.)—Elementary Algebra. 12moi pp. 348, 4s. 6d. 10s. 6d Kiiupton 1397 Macmillan [424 r Rny (P. K.)—A Textbook of Deductive Lopio, for ufst 8vo. 81s. Cfcl Hu rs t & B. [427 Reyno lds (G. W. M.)—Jo seph Wilmot ; or , the Adven- tures of a Man Serv ant. Pa rts 3

¦—-¦ ' ' ' ' ' . ¦ - " " ' ' " '"" * --. i»>. . :? . iiv. ; . ;.._...... , , " ¦ '¦ , V . Storrs (R- 8,)—Divine Origin of Christianity indicated by West (Mrs. TO—Owen's Fortune ; or, ' Durable Riches.* . its Historical Aspects. New edit. xoy. 8vo. 6s. Hodder [430 18mo. pp. 62,6d...... *> •. -; .Partjidge , [443 ;¦ BtinbeainB ; or. Hays of Light for Mornin g or Night. Wide Awake: an Illustrated Magazine. No. 1. 4to, ^ 64ino. 6d. ....M. Ward [431 sewed, Is. (published montlly) Everett [444 Scripture texts, with illustrated borders . Wilkinson (Bp.)—How to Begin a New Life. l-2mo. Button (M. J.)—Permanent and Temporary Pastures. sewed, 6d Wells Gardner [445 With Descriptions and Coloured Illustrations of Heading Willich 's Tithe Commutation Tables, 1886 , 8ro. sewed, Is. Natural Q-rasses and Clovers. Based on an Essay published Longmans [446 in the Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society. Vol. 22, Part 2. By Martin Hope Button. Roy. 8vo. 21s. Willson (A- R.) — Chemical Noies for Pharmaceutical Hamilton [432 Students. 2nd edit, post 8vo. pp. 84, 3s. 6d. Bailliere [447 I

M|JU *iy ^m^j ^^ ~ ¦ .¦-•»». ««¦ Swan|^^ TV (Annie\MbUbMA V S.)W^' ¦ / —Aa * t)ividedim^ ^ * *i«v«« House.* :• a«« Study«w v ™*^^ J from**- " n Life. "Witichester Diocesan Calendar and Clergy JAsb, 1886. I Cheap edit, post 8vo. (Edinburgh, Oliphant) pp. 250, Is. 6d. 12mo. ( Winchester, Jacob & J.) sewed, Is. ..Simpkin [448 I Hamilton [433 Wingfield (Hon. !••) — Barbara Philpot : a Study of I Taylor (Q.) — Trthe Commutation Tables, ! 1886. 8vo. Manners and Morals. 3 vols. Cr. 8vo. 31s. 6d. I sewed, Is Sbi-w 3 J. Clarke [435 Bevington [450 I i A novel. . I Thorn (Isma y)—Spi n and Podgie : What they did, What mimj ¦»•» ¦#« •*»• Poems, By B,ue Melca. w* m^^* w v* ^» y v A4V* »*»- *^' _7 ^* » •»• •** ^-^*j>^.y d» *¦ m ¥ » •¦¦ »»»' w» •— "Work of the Ocean , and other I they learnt*^^ «^ , inhere^^ they went'* , in *¦»One Day. r^TWith 1.lllustra- am ma ' ¦% _ i _ i i • . • _ * * • ' a *^ *^ » «. ^ ^. _ .^ ^ J .s* Longmans [451 1 tions by T. Pym. 4to. pp. 48, 2s. 6d. : Hatcha^rds [436 ^Posfc 8vo. pp. 102, 2s. 6d Times Register of Events in 1885. 8vo. Is. Wyles (B.)—Instructions for BeginneTs in. Photography. ! Times Offioe~[437 With Preface by J. Harris * Ston4. Post 8yo. pp. 152, .s..sewedewed., Is.. Scientific Publishing Co. T452[452 Waif or d (E.) — Shilling Baronetage, 1886 ; Shilling Kniglitage, 1886 ; Shilling House of Commons, 1886 ; Shil- Year ' s Sport : a Review of British Sports and 'Pastimes . ling Peerage, 1886. 32mo. Is. each. ; 1 vol. 5s. Chatto [438 for the Year 1885. Edited by Alfred E. T. Watson. 8vo. [ pp. 546, 21s. .., .Longmans [453 "Walford (E.) — The County Families of the United Kingdom. New edit. roy. 8Vo. 50s Chatto [439 Walsh (Bp. of Ossor y)-—The Forty Days of the Bible, BOOKS REDUCED IN PRICE. j and their Teachings. New edit, post 8vo. (Dublin, Her- Baylee (J.)-— Christ on Earth. Post 8vo. 6s.... .Hunt [4c4 bert) pp. 144, 2s. «. • Simpkin [440 Cul inar y Jottin gs : a Treatise on Eeformed Cookery for Walton (I.)—The Complete Angler ; or, the Contempla- Anglo-Indian Exiles. Post 8vo. 12s. ....Richardson [455 tive Man's Becreation . 32mo. pp. 192, 6d. ; sewed, 3d. Drexelius (J.)—The Heliotropium. ; or, Conformity of the ( CasselVsNational Library )" Cassell [441 Human Will. Translated from the Original iAtin by Kev. i B.KT. Shutte. With Profacse by the Bishop of Moray and Warter (J. W.) — An Old Shropshire Oak. Edited by t, Richard G-arnett. 2 vols. 8vo. pp. 750, 28s.'. ...Paul [442 Boss. 4th edi post 8vo. 2s. 6d. Hall [456 Reminiscences of six hundred years, supposed to be told Schmitz (L.)—Introductory Grammar of the Latin Lan- or suggested by an old oak, historical, archaeological , dec. guage. 12mo. Is. 3d Collins [457


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Imp. 16mo. 6*. cloth, bevelled boards, gilt edges. New Edition. Just published. THE KING'S WINDOW S ; or , Glimpses of the ENGLISH PICTURES. Drawn with Pen and Wonderful* Works of God. By the Eev. B. Paxton Pencil. By Samuel G. Gkeen, D.D., Author of * Scot- Hood, Author of * V ignettes of the Great Bevival,' &c. tish Pictures ' &c. Revised and Improved Bdition. With 44 Illustrations. Profusely Illustrated. 8*., h andsome cloth, gilt. 'The volume d iscourses of tli e winds, and trees, und • Many a one who is doomed to begin and , end his day a flowers, the wonders of the h eaveue, and the glory and within a " cri obed, cabined, and conflued " circle, can roam , gloom of the mountains. A charming book, well illus- guided by such a book; at the will of fancy, throu gh sunny trated, nicely printed, attractively bound ; altogether a glades, by babbling streams, or over the breezy moor- really sumptuous-production.'—Christian Chronicle. lands.'—The Timeb. 4 « The book is admirable in for m and matter.'—Scotsman . H> is illustrated by a large number of the very best wood engravings.'-—Aut Jouuna^.

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EDITED BY^ ALFRED EMDEN , of the Inner Temple, Esquire , Barrister-at-Law , Author of ' The Prac tice in Winding-up Companies ; ' ' Practice Statutes ; ' ' The law relating to Building Leases , Building Contrac ts, and Building ; ' * The Shareholder 's Legal Guide ,' &c.

COMPILED BY HERBERT THOMPSON , Esq., M.A., Barris ter-at-Law.

London : WILLIAM CLOWES & SOXS (Limited), 27 Fleet Str eet.

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CHE AP ErUTIOINTSS of I»O3PTJIL.AJR 3VO"VEIL angre roiis Ground. By B. S. Dilewr y. HUe Witch, 9 s Head. By H. Rider Ha ggard. Unfairly Won, , By Mrs. Power O'Dono ghue. IMTEIW BOOK8 (Recentl y Issued } IN OTSTES VOLUME . Pri ce 2s. boards ; 2*. 6d. cloth ; 3^. Gd. half-mo rocco. Jtespiee Finern; or, Love in Exile. A New Star of Empi re * A Romantic Anglo-JtaliaiT Russian Society Novel. By a. Bianca Habv^ey. Love Story. By Oapt. Maykb Ebid, Author of * The Headless Horseman,' &c. &c. Captain Dangerous. By George Augustus Britain' s Slaves. By G-borge CHAtxis. »ala , Author of ' Twice Round the Clock,' &c. &c. ~'A smartly-written novel with a purpose.'—Society. ^ 1 POPULAR ONE-SHILLINa BOOKS. > A. Ha iny June. By ' OuiDA.' Five Spinsters in Nor way? "By -Edi ** At What Cost ? By Kvqu Conwat. Rhodes. • . .- . , Ij icJcshingle . By B. W. db Damages * By Vincent M. Holt. Goncottrt. j Arnor etm By Charles Gibbon. Tales of Australia. By Chaexes Bowcboft. Aad many othera (cloth , Is . Qd.) 1 London : J. & B. MAXWELL, 33 & 35 St. Bride Street, Ludgate Circus, E.C., and 13, 14, & 15 ,. Shoe Lane, Fleet Street, £.C. ; and at all Libraries', Bookstalls, &c.



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; ' 13 Great MABi^BOBOtrGH Stb bist , London , "W. HUEST & BLACEETT'S NtfW WORKS. EEMIKISCENCES OF THE COUET AND TIME S OF KING ERNES T OP HANOVER. By the Rev. C. A. Wilkinson, M.A., His Majesty 's Resident Domestic Chaplain. 2 vols. crown 8vo. With Portrait of the King. 21 j. THE EGYPTIAN CAMPAI GNS, 1882-1885, AND THE EVENT S - WHICH LED TO THEM. By Charles Royle, Barrister-at-law. 2 vols. with Maps and Plans. 30/. LOD GE'S PEEBAGE AND BARONETAGE FOR 1886. Under the especial Patronage of Her Majesty. Corrected by the / Nobility. Fifty-fifth Edition. 1 vol. royal 8vo. With the Arms beautifully engraved. 31*. 6d. bound, gilt edges. Nfi W AND POPULAR NO VEL S. VENGEAN CE I IS MINE. By ExJZA Pollabd, Author of ' Hope Deferred ,' * Ladw Superior.* 3 vols. ' - UNTII/ THE DAY BREAKS. By Emily Spender, Author of ' Restored/ • Son and Heir/ 3 vols. A FAIR MAID. B$r F. W. Robinson, Author of ' Grandmother's Money ' &c. 3 vols. ' By the Anthor of ' Anne Dysart,' ' Sir John,' MARION S MARRIED LIFE. • ' ' &c. 3 vols,. « THE KING CAN DO NO WRONG. W Pamela Snetp, Author of" Jack TJrquhart's Daughter.' 2 vols. THRO ' LOVE AND WAR . By VroLET Fane, Author of < Sophy; or, The Adventures of a Savage.' 3 vols. , ' Uniform Editions, 1 Vol. Gs. each. IN THE GOLDEN DAYS. By Edna .Lyall. DONOVAN : a Modern Englishman. By Edna Ltall. WE TWO. By Edna Ltall.

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Price 25. 6d. cloth gilt, gilt edges, 55. The ART ANNUAL, ready early in November, consists of ' The Li fe and Work of Sir J. E. MrLLAis , Bart., R. A.' Thre e large Etchings or Engravi ngs and over . 40 other Illustrations.

Cloth gilt, gilt edges, 21s. The RIVIERA, both Eastern and Western. By Hugh Mac- millan , D.D., with 24 page Illustrations and near ly 150 Woodcuts in the text.

Cloth gilt , gilt edges, 15^. ITALY : its Rivers, its Lakes, its Cities, its Art. With nearly 170 Illustrations. Cloth gilt, gilt edges, 21 #. LACROIX 'S ART S in the MIDDL E AGE S. By Pau l Lacb oix. Kdited and revised by Waltkb Armstron g, M.A. Illustr ated with 12 Ohromo-lithogra phic Engravin gs by J. Kellerhovbn , and upwa rd s of 400 Engravings on Wood .

Cloth gilt, gilt edges, 21s. The EARTH : a descriptive History of the Physical Phenomena of the Life of our OHobe. By Elis/je R kcxus. Author of ' The Univers al Geography. ' Translated from the Author 's last Editi on , and edited by Pro fessor A. H. Keane , of Unire rsi ty College, London . Illustrated with nearl y 250 Engravings and 24 Coloured Mapa.

J. S. VIRTUE & CO., Limited, 26 Ivy Lane, Paternoster Row, London, W^rp ^r ^^ FeK i, 1886 The Publi shers ' Circular »5 mmm aMMH ^^ ^ MVB ^ ^ WMM« ¦¦¦ « ¦¦I MaAMMMMM ^^ M ¦«¦ ¦i ^ WM ^ MMM ^ i ^^ M ^ « ^ ^"^^^ « ^^^* »»M» "^* » ^ M ^ P ^^ »M ^* M»» ^^ ii ^ «M ^ « ^ » ^ P»Mi ^ M ^ (W ^^ BB» ' "' ^ ^^ M^ MARION A CO'.S NOVELTIES. »1

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H. J^itv e^Toqll , j THE EpCTR OTYP ER AND STEREO TYPER , j ADVERTISERS ' 79 NIGHTRIDER ST., O0CT0 R8' COMMONS, E.C. ', GUARDIAN. AND 92 BLACKFRIAR8 ROAD, 8.E. : ¦ AAAA A^A. Ss. ea. ¦ *¦ ^^ ¦AA A A A AAA.J , , ^- -^ ^ ^ **. ~L *> + *<* *> +** > , 0>+*¦ Louis Coixms Wine Office Court E.C . ; ** 1 ¦ y 1 , j 1 ijAkih ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ "" ¦ ¦ ' '" ' ' • '¦ ¦ • • ¦ • ¦•- -¦ ¦ : ¦:¦ • ¦y ;¦ ¦» .,. .. . ¦ :. , : . •! ; 5 «:«« Thfe. Fiiblishers Circular Feb; i ' ' ' ' ' ' ,^6' ' -•*" -¦¦ . ' ¦ - - - ' ' - . I ¦ I .. II , ¦!!> l

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EDWARD CURTICE, GUEST , HAYWORTH , & CO. WRlpksnh gjcoftsdkr nuir |lrte papcr ^gtjrf, Wholesal e Booksellers & Publishers , CA THERINE ST., LOND ON, W.C. 12 & 14 29 PATERNOS ER ROW Establishe d 1852. T , E.C. Books, Magazines, and Weekly Periodicals THE TRADE SUPPLIED WITH LONDON MORNING AND EVENING NEWSPAPERS, MAGAZINES, & BOOKS. upon the lowest terms. All Works upon the Identit y of the Lost Ten Tribes Special attention to Odds and the Posting of Singles. with British Nation . ESTABIJSHED 1846. HALL, & CO. Wm txltsnH ^axtlc$^tbr $ l&^ttJ tIi$^r$. The Country Trade supplied with all Books, Perio dicals, and Weekly Papers on. the best terms. Miscellaneous and Magazine Orders ixecuted with care and despatch. Newspapers supplied. 13 PATERN OSTER ROW , L ONDON . G. GOLDING, anb HENRY YICKERS, ¦g&fcolesctle ^Soofe ^lcn>sa^ctt i, 317 SrUJElJ ^lSrjD, I 18 HO UGHTON STREET , gxtppl ics iSccfel© ^crio&icafe i NEWCASTLE STREET , STRAND, W.C. anb , The Country Trade are respectfully informed that they can ^{lonfljlp ^agaames be supplied early and punctually with all goods required in their business FOR CASH. ON THE LOWEST TERM S. TERMS ON APPLICATION. ' ESTAHLI8IIED I860. MISCELLANEOUS GOODS COLL ECTED . WM. DAWSON & SONS, C. A. BARTLETT & CO. I WHOLESALE AND EXPORT BOOKSELLERS 1O PATERNOSTER SQUARE, AND NEWSVENDORS, 121 CANNO N STREET , LOND ON, E. C. "g& lxplesale & (fteport ^oo&selJere Established 1809. ANDREWS AGENTS. , Daily Newspa pers by Early MorniD jf trains. Weekly News- Miscellaneous Orders carefully attended to and Despatched. paper **, PerioflicalB , and Magazines inclosed, with Dailies or rent direct by first train afte r publicatio n , or per usual ENCLOSURES BECEIV ED AND PACKED. Keceivin g Houaen . ^ Terms on application. . Terms, wit h Lists, free on application. ESTABLISHED 5O TEAR 8. ¦ • • , 11 , ., . ' - - (ggb ' ' • . ¦¦ , r$> ¦- - ¦ ¦ ¦ - ¦ ¦ - ¦ - ¦ ¦ • ¦ •- ¦ - ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ " • • ¦ • ' ¦ <¦ • ¦ • - ¦'/- ¦ >- • ¦ ¦ ;¦-----. , • t- - ¦;. ¦«- — .,- - -^¦¦¦¦ - ^ ¦¦w- - ¦ ¦ »w . . -:- ' ...... , : , . : . • , :- . ¦/¦ <¦ ¦ • „ ' :^- . . , , , . ., . . -;- • - . ; .„ . . . . . :- . ; . . . .; : ; ' ^ « p iv : i x . ; ¦ , ¦ -- . . ; ; ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ • - ¦ " ¦ ¦ ¦ • ¦ ' ' • - ' :; " . . . . ; .. !, r ; ; , , % ' Feh.i,, i$86 The Publi shers Cir cular iag? * f

la the High Court of Jus tice, Chancery Division (Mr. Justic e Pe arson). —Re Companies Acts 1862 anil ?: 1867.—Re Letts , Son, & Co., Limited. —Drake v. Letts , Son, & Co., Limited. —Clearance S*le.—i-To be Sold , pursuant to an order made in the above matter and action , with tli e approbation of the Jud ge, the entire remaining Stock of Miscellaneous Stati onery, Leather Goods, and Fancy Articles of Letts, Son , & Co., Limited. , : lUFR. HENEY HELL HODGSON (the person appointed by the said JJ J- Judge) will SELL by AUCTION , on the Premises , No. 33 King William Street , City, on Wednes- day, February 3, and two following days , at 1 o'clock, the entire remaining STOCK of MISCEL - LANEOUS STATIONER Y and FANCY aOODS of Letts , Son, & Co. , Limited , in Liquidation , compri sing a large assortment of useful account books, note paper , and envelopes , morooco and russi a. leather portemonnaies , card cases, pocket -books , note and memorandu m books , ladies' reticules , travelling- bags and dressi ng-cas es, steel pens, pencils , inkstands , letter files, stationery cases, japanned cash boxes, copying-presses , and a great variet y of fan cy and useful articles. May be viewed two d ays prior and on the mornings of Sale , and Catalo gues had on application to the Auctioneer ; ot to Mr. Alfred Augustus James , 66 Col eman Street , London , E.C., Chartered Accountant; and to Messrs. Drake , Son , & Parton , 24 Rood Lane , London , E.C., Solicitors.—Dated this 21st of January, 18S6.—Alfred Raw- linson, Chief Clerk .

¦ ¦ - ¦ " i i - m ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦¦ — I ¦ ' ' t "• •¦ •• —¦ ^^ m ^^^^^mm^^ Bm^^m-^ In the Hi gh Court of Justi ce, Chancer y Division (Mr - Justice Pearson) .—Ee Companies Acts 1862 and 1867.—Re Letts , Son, & Co., Limited .—Dr ake v. Letts , Son , & Co., Li mite I. —To be sold pursuant to an ord er made in the above matter and action , with the appr jbation of the Jud ge, the entire Surp lus Stock of Paper of Letts , Son, & Co., Limited , consisting of about 500 reams , partl y lyiifg at the printing offices at New Cross. MR. HENRY HILL HODGSON , (the person appointed by the said Jud ge) will SELL by AUCTION , at his Rooms , 115 Chancery Lane , W.C., on Tuesday, Feb - ruary 9, at 1 o'clock , the enti re SURPLUS STOCK of PAPE R of Letts , Son , & Co., Limited , in Liquidat ion, consisting of about 500 reams of printi ng and other .pap er by first-rat e makers , including royals , demy, doubl e crow n, post , and foolscap , blotting, enamelled surface , envelope , and plate paper , and a quantity of useful remnants of various sizes and qualities. Catalogues aro preparing , and may be obtained on and after the 5th day of February, 1886, on app lication to the Aucti oneer;. , or to Mr. Alfred Augustu s James, 66 Coleman Street , London , E.C. , Chartere d Accountant ; and to Messrs. Drake , Son, & Parto n, 24 Rood Lan e, Londo n, E.C., Solicitors. Dated tills 21st of Jan uary , 1886.—Alfred Raw- linson , Chief Clerk * No. XLIT. Price 6s. This Day is Ptblis&eh , in Gne Vol., price 4.?. THE CHURCH QUARTE RLY REVIEW THE for Janxt aut 1886. I. The Chronology of the Kings of Israel and Judah DUBLIN UNIVERSI TY CALENDAR compar ed with the Monuments . 2. The New Man and the Eternal Li fe . For 1886. 3. The Church in the United State s of America. Also, pr ice 4s. . __ * 4. Edu cation and Eton Collegw . DUBLIN EXAMINATION PAPERS ; 5. Dr. Ed ersheim 's * Warburton Lectures/ ITOINO 6. Evolution and Design. A Supplement to the University Calendar for 1S86. 7. Free Schools. 8. The Epistles of S. Ignatius. Hod ges, Pi ggip , & Co., Dublin. 9. Hades and Gehenna. Longmans & Co., London. 10. Mr. St. G eorge Mivart and Papal Infallibility. II . The Threefold Ministry. Just published . 12. Her bert Spencer 's ' Ecclesiastical Institutions. ' 13. The Church and the Elections . DURHAM UNIVERSITY CALENDAR In Memoriam the Rev. Benjamin "Webb. For 1886. Short Notices. $d. Spottiswo ode & Co. New-stroet Square , London . Price Is. 6<£. ; prst free , Is. London : AVhittalcer & Co., 2 White Hart Street. Now read y, for FEBRUARY , price Is. Durham : Andrews & Co. THE MONTHLY INTERPRETER. ¦*- Edit ( d by Rev. Jos . S. Exhxl , M.A. Now read y, 56th Edition , price 2s. THE CHILD' S GUIDE to KNOWLED GE. Contents :—A Stud y of St. Paul' s Doctrine of inal Authorised Ed i tion , the By a Ladv. The Ori g Churc h, No. II., by Rev. Gr . G. Findlav , frA. brou ght down to the Presen t Time. Anti-Christian Systems of the Nineteenth Century, London : Simpkin , Marshal l, & Co. No. II. Pessimism , by Itov. Prof. J. .H. Thomson , Ca M.A. The Groundwork of the Apocal ypse, No. IV. , talogu es by .T^RANCIS EDWARDS' of Rev. Prebendary Gibson , M.A. The Kingdom J- Litera - of God , b Rev. Prof. A. B. Brucb , Classical , Theological, or Miscellaneous y D.D. The any address. —83 High Street , Resui-rection of the Dead , No. III., by Rev. Prof. ture , sent gratis to Wm. Mnxi aAN, D.D. Studios in the Minor Pro- Mary lebone , London , W. phets —Joel , by Rev. Prof. R. A. Bedford , M.A.. Librarie s pu rchased. LL.B. DAKLIAMENTARY REPORTS : an " Edinburg h: T. & T. Clark. - *- assorted Stock of all interes ting subjects. . ] Lond on : Kegan Pxirt , Tbbnch , & Co. Olyett , 5 EndeH Street , Long Acre , London , W.C. ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ - m I' . . . r, - ]^; T&C ' Publishers Circular ' * * ,¦ ¦ ¦ Feb. ¦ - $$& j , * ¦¦ ¦ ¦ i ¦ ¦ . i ¦ i ,i i . ¦ i i ¦ ¦ ' '¦ ' * ¦; ' «¦ ¦ ' " ' ' ¦ ..' . ' " - * . , , -. . . * . ' ' ' ' * ' " ' " '' ' ¦ ¦ : 1. * j PBI2E MEDAL awarded for aBNBBAL STATIOITBBY and ACCOUN T BOOKS at the CALCUTTA EXHIBITION ", 1884. • ^^_^^_»^xJH _^ _^'u ^v^v^L^^ _rv ^\J ^\J H_rxJ ~u^\J~\_^^

ROCKf) BROT HERS, LIMIT ED, ^& ole$ale Export an& ^ian nfactxttin Q stationers , 11 TFALBR OOK,; nLoTVI >OIV , IE.O. ^ ROMANESQUE 4- THE MO ST SUCCESSFUL PAPER OF THE SEASON. HIGHLY SPOKEN OF BY ALL THE LEADING JOURNALS . Head y for Deliver y.—Retai l price , Albert and Octavo , 5 Quire s, Is. Large Octavo , Is. 6d. £ai,ace sha pe envelopes to match each size. 100 Octavo Court Envelopes, in splendid crimson and gold box , to reta il, Is., 9s. per doz., 102s. per gross. Also Cobeespondekcb Tablets , in boxes containing Cards and Envelopes , to reta il Is., 8s. per doz., 93s. per gross. OPINIONS OF TITE PMJESS. sjjng "ROlVf ANVQOTTP' * This new stationery is called "Romanesque, and is likely to become popular/—Mor ¦I and of T> CYTJi A KT17 QO TTP ' Those who like a perfectly smooth paper, free from the Slipp^riness greasiness most \ . Xm\JOm.M%.VI- Ka£j \\Vl Mmd» smooth-papers, will find the Komanesqueof very pleasant to use.'—Saturday Review. Have the two good beauty and T^OTVI 'y^ 'NrP'^IOTTP' ' recommendations cheapness/—Illustrated London The is so the l^niVr A WTT QftTT17 ' quality good that price appears exceedingly low/—Ii^lustratbd Sporting XWlTJLxl.i.i JUi KJ ^WXi* and Dramatic News. 'A "O fl iVr A "N T^QOTTTT smooth, pleasant writing paper, and if the " Imperial Caesars " used it they made a good A»vlix^VXlJ^>J^UJ^« choice/—Athbnjbum. ;

¦ i ¦ i ...... ' — —THE EGYPTIAN PAPYRUS. — "With the hard , rou gh surface of the ancient Papyru s leaf. ' The Pure Paper of Past Ages/ • Get me ink and paper ; he shall have every day A several greeting, or I'll unpeople Egypt/—Antony ani> Cleopatra . To reta il, Is. Fire Quires. Envelopes to match , Is. per 100. Also in Large Octavo. ¦ ' ^oeiri V royal ? ^abidgc «^ ALBiim ? ofTVieiHsT^ Rock Brothers , Limited , ca ll special attentio n to their Ur gent Departme nt for the execution of all Orders requiring prompt despatch .

NEW CATALOGUE Now Ready.—The most Compact and Complete Stationers' Book op Reference. Post-free on receipt of Trade Card. TAYLOB BEOTHEES, PUBLISHERS OF CHROMO SHEET ALMANACS, AS USED BY GROCERS , ' Fifty Choice Designs. Sample Set 5s. a llowed off £5 order. OFFICE CALENDARS FOR STATIONERS , to., ON SUPERFINE ENAMELLED CARDBOAR D. Sample Set Is. 6d, post-free. EXAMINATION CERTIFICAT ES FpR SCHOOLS. Samples now ready.

¦ ¦ i ¦ »i ¦¦¦¦ ¦ i. . ¦¦¦ - ¦ ¦ ¦ - ¦ ¦ i ""* ' ' — i i - ., • -i- < 0&" Chrom o Lithographers and Letterpress Printers to the Wholesale Trade , THE STEAM COLOUR-PRINTING WORKS, LEEDS. 17^ » ^«»? r TheJ- ^ie Publishersi"uunsne re ' uircxuarOiiwilaj ^ r ^r r ¦ ¦ i, t886 l ¦ ¦ FeTi. . * . s ¦ i^p i i_ J - J --- —— — —) — £-. ; ' ^— — - i - i - ~ - _ . -__ . - _J._ ___ !_¦ ^ a^_

* ; ; ¦ 1 .

I \ 1

^ ¦ ^^ H^^^ m^^^^ bk ^E ^^ m^^ B^ j ^^ b^^ Te5 ^B^W^^^^ b^ M^P^5^JI8 ^^^ ^^^^^ ?*^M^t'^t '- ^^ B ^ ^ ^^if ^ jJ ^vjji ^P/ ^^ ^^^^^^ ^^ S ^0^ f ** ? ' ^ ^?^U^^^ # ~ ^^^ ^^ ^^ X^^ aI ^^ H ^^^ I

m^^ ^ b^^ t j ^^ B^^^^ h^^^^ H^^^ 9^^ l?*^^^^^^ H^^^^^^^^^^^ K^^^ M^ 0^ B^ E'^^^^ D^^^^^^ bB^ B^^^ B^^^ M?^?^^ r^ ^^^^^^ u^V^^ lBvi ^^ *^c^ B^^ iiB * ^^ 97^^ EHfli ^^ 9^ 9 ^^ r ^ ^^^^ m ^S^Bt ^^^^vflEp ^^^ s^^^^^^ S^^^ MM^^^^^^ V^^ D^^^^^^^^ J^^^^ ^Sv ^^^^ B^^^^^^ l Wi^^^ H^^^ l ^ fci ^ ^y IK^^^ ^ Ei JIBIbB ^j - ^ ^ |^ O£^^»». ^flS» jflyW Kl SS^ft ^^Cpjjr ^ • jWfc fQjK fl ^ PJ B^ ^ ^ HMMHfc^^ w JR mBi n?^ H^ ppf ^* ^ m^ ^^^ ^ B^SS^^ VWa^ r ^ * , l ^ B aH ^ N'Sn . ¦ ^^ ¦ tl ^ ^ ¦¦^ S&syal^W ~ ¦^^ ¦^^ P' )^ Bff/iHfll ^ ^^^^ «' ifrrfj v

"^ J @fpalbittg anti Kotjge, ?v Manufa Slurers of Fine Pri ntin gs & Plate Pa pers,

ALSO Hand -made Pr intings and Writings y i i GLAZED OR UNGLAZED, i * TE OK TO *BANK SS^p & CHEQUE-BO

* * * ? LONDON,

Warehouses , 145-6-7, Dru ry Lane. (Telephone No. 2520.) City Office, 34, Cann on Stree t, E.G. ( „- „ 1572.) PARIS , 2O, Avenue Victor ia.

¦ ¦ ? . . ~ v 1355 The Publishers * Cir cular f&, 1, 18ft I JAMES WRIGL EY & SON, Xj I IMI IO7 IE ID . . I BEIDGE HALL MILLS, BW, LANCASHIRE. I Loinfox Warehouse: %1 BUDGE KOW, E.G. I Manchester Warehouse : 29 JOHN DALTON STREET. I *ga -Me Wap ev tunnf¦ actuxexs¦ . $<- I ' 1 _ ; ^ . - " " :'r * * " * " , ¦"--— ------^--«" ,, --- r . *-** .T r. . I PRINTINGS AND NEWS OF ALL QUALITIES. MUSIC, PLATE, AND LITHO PAPERS. WRITINGS, CA RTRIDGES, AND CARD BOARDS. ACCOUNT BOOK AND CHEQUE PAPERS. WHITE AND COLOURED CARDS. NOTE PAPERS, TINTED WRITINGS, AND BOARDS. ANTIQUE ETCHING PAPER. JO HN DICKINSO N & CO. MILLS 400, 401, 402, 403, 614, 693.

Whol esale and Export Manufac turers op Printing, Plat e, and Litho Papers ; Ha nd and Ma chine-made Writin gs & Print ings; ; Tinted Writing s, Cart rid ge, & Blottin gs ; I Tissues and Copying Papers ; Enamel Pa pers ; Cards , White and Coloure d ; Envelopes and Note Pa pers.

LONDON WAREHOUSE : 65 OLD BAILEY, E.G. E ^£ff ^ff ^^ [SS^Smf:tt lmfmSmSmSli ^SSSSSSImmSlS ¦ ¦¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦• ¦ ¦ • ¦ ¦ ¦ ~ " ¦ . . • . . » - •¦- ! • ¦ ¦ • ¦ ¦ . - ¦ • ¦ ; ¦ ¦ ««r , .: ¦ ' - • • • - ' ¦ ¦ •¦' : , > . ;-. . . ' ; ¦ ;: ¦ . . ,; • -' . . . v ? ¦ " * ¦ ¦'¦ ¦ : ' ' ¦ • ¦ ^ - ?! . 1 : Feb. i, is«6 The Publisher s ' Circul ar *33 LEIGHTON, SON, & HODGE, I TE,LnS lc WHOLESALE BOOK BINDERS , telephone I , ADDRESS : ) ' niim rfr I LE H E i6 »EW-STR EET SQUARE, FLEET STREET , E.G. 2737 T i ' ' (¦ london? • - ¦ , 1 " ' ~ " v * ^ • - ' ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ^- L., S., & H. beg to intimate to PUBLISttERS , PRINTERS , AUTHORS , &c , that they execute ' in the best style and on the most reasonable term s every descri ption of Wholesale Bookbindin g, eith er in Clotli or Leather. Their Stock of Engra ved Brass l)ies is inost extensive and varied , and their powerful Machinery and Steam- power give them unrivalled a dvantages iii the rap id execution of r larg e orders . j L., S., & H. have a separate Department for Acoount-B QOk Bindin g, an d are prepared to under- I tak e every descri ption of work , including the supp ly of Pa per , Billing, Pri ntin g, Perforatin g and I Pa ging of Books for Comme rcial purposes. g Applications for Estimates will meet with prompt attention. I n^aro t rrn p t ksW /^^ vTV T l^loHhK ,

tt ~^ — -r T~\ y^~\ " /" —¦ ;f weh ^ _^^ _ TV T T ^ C*) C \ TV T ^— ^ BOOKBIND ^^^^^BWHOL ESALE ERS, 18 i 862 5L 75 Fleet Street, LONDON, 76 Fleet Street.^^^^^^ - Publishers, Booksellers, and Trade in town and country are herewith informed that this f irmexecute rapidly> p unctually, and in f irst style, all orders for j Plai/t> Elegant and Ornamental Binding; original designs by good a rtists. Additional steam power and new machinery enable them to compete successfully with other f irms, in taste, speed, and price. Estimates and samples by return post when practicable.

—^— ¦ 1 ...... -. . 1 _.. ,. _ _. 1 . . . ¦ 1 . . . 1 . - JOHN GALPIN, l^ofes ale &tationex , 3 AM EN CORNER , PATERNOSTER ROW , LONDON , E.C. EVERY DESCRIPTION OF NEW S, PRI Bra WG^a^WBITI NOS.

SAMPLES AND PRICES ON l | APPLICATION. J ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦: ¦ ~ :¦ • > : . ; ¦ /^* --—

' "' ¦ ''" * ' ¦ i . ¦ ¦- • - .. -> I /^g5vS^5v5J ?^Sv5v5vSv2^



NOTICE TO THE BOOK TRADE. —Re FIRE IN CHARTERH OUSE BUILDINGS , E.C. IVI ^ITILLIiLcm& O- o STOMEIXA. 3ME , §xpoxt anb I ! ^^ olcsalc "gfrounb ^ook^cllcv l&ookbinbcr, HAVIN G OBTAINED SUITABLE TIIEMISEP ,, PEAR TREE COURT (adjoining : 58), PARRINGDON ROAD, E.C *, ! Will be glad to receive any Orders the Trade are kind enough to favour him with ; the same shall have his best attention. 3ST ZN\E"W O -A^T-A^ IiOGhXTIE O APPLICA-TIOIsr. I

mm ' ^ • ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ mmmtmmmm^mmmmm0^mtmmmm^mmmmmmmmmmmimt^0mmmmmmm0mm^^^ t/^^ '^l^^l^^^ ll^l'''' ^^^^^^ t #W Jr '^^^ ^wlSM ^BIl i—-U^ir • ^^ < ^p\^™S j

Qf i^^^H •m^ ^^v i m * ^h ^n^SL * bhh nljy ^H ^f^ ^K \ vi in ¦fflsHr ? ^^^BH i^^ l^.^hh^H np^^jj ^^^^H ^^^ H ^^ v ^a VI ^Bl «h ^^^ ^HHL ^^ ^^ HA H^^^IB^^^^ B H ^^^ B

¦ ¦ ^^ hv^^^^ k ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ H^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ P ^^^ h^^^^^^ I^^^^^^^ h * ^^^^^^^^^^ h^^^^^^^^^^^ |^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 9^^^^^^^^^^^ R^^^^^^^^^ b^^ Hm ^^^^ bH ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ B^^^^^^ H ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |^^^^^ | ^ ^^ k ^^_ ^^ ^^^^^^^' r ^^^ B ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ r ^^^^^^^^ K^^^^^^ R ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ B ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ K^^^ K^^^^^^^^^ B ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ KI ^^^^^ uB ^^^^^ u0u ^rw3^FW ^^^ B ^^/U ^B ^^^ KKtF ^^^^^ K^^^^^^ Km^^^^^^^^ KEBB ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ & i ^^l ^^^ l^^^^^^^^^ r flH^^^ ^^^^ E^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^ ^0^^k ^^^^^^^^^^^ K ^^^ b^^^^^ t ^^^^ h ^^^^^^^^^^^^ i^^^^^^^ sk^^^ k^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^v^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Qt ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ b 1 jK^S^^^ ^fcfcJii y^B^i^lB^yy ^fi B?s^EH£ jRt pbhp imp 11 '* ¦ ¦ Wj¦ jtj > |k^ 7N\3Efl ^^ B^sB ^ H^ B58p^ r «i3» w ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ~ —^ » «¦ ¦¦ -——¦—«a | ¦•^ ^* &^ IB *W»TPI j— ffa "" Sfc^Jl I ' ^ > ^ ^BbbA «^K ^Vm9«a. jff -a .M £. M . mL ^^ l^/r __ T " ^V T**^.T*T ^ » ^ 11 ' P^ ^^^ 'V IP^ ^^^^^ L ^4hflL _KE ^^ k ^ ^^^ tf ^^ tErC ^J ^ ^" ^ ^ l "lfc ^ J^*"**'" ^k. %'"' ^if ^b I

' " r - " i; ' '" * . _ m ¦ ¦ - • ¦ ~ ¦ - • - ¦- .vr • - - ¦: _ - . -v '- ¦ --¦ • ¦ — - ¦ ¦ - ¦ . . - ¦ - •¦ ./, ¦•.- . - " ¦¦ ¦ -: ¦ - ¦». - - . , . .^ " " •' . - ; . •>•; -. 7.7. 3 • -<• r-j ,:- ! . -- . -— . i . ,^-(; . - .; . - ,- .. ;• .. -— -'- . .I .- . ¦-;,, — - , ; - . .. _ . , - . -X - :./• V .^|- I ;. . . . . : » •/ J" -i»7^ * !" J - -V 7=^*0, . . . ' ¦»Y V'V *-'' J ' l "'* -" ' l P XJ N -^, ryy- !. ; ' ; -»l* S !" ' * ! !S JH | , The Publishers' Circular -i 1886 ¦ ** ' F«b. ' • ...... _ issll_ r *\ * • ¦ -* ¦ - ~ ¦ ¦- l ' - - ...... -. . j TO SEGOND-HAN D BOOKSELLERS. SHALL "be much obliged if all Second-hand Booksellers who have received my Circular 1 | I of the 14th of January respecting Ctje SDlTCCtOCp Of ^CCOllD £ f}attfc on ^OOrt j SClI CIT ^ , and have not as yet returned the form as requested , will kindl y do ^o or before the. 5th of Februa ry. Also, will all Second-han d Booksellers who have not received my Circular send me their Names and Addresse s by re turn of post for insertion in ^U lJ C £Dlt£Ct OE£l ? ABTH. GYLBS , "W aterloo Crescent , NOTTI3S "GhHAM.

¦ ... i - R. T. TANNER , "W IHI OI-iIE S-AJILi IE]

IMPORTANT^. . —.. i— .CHANGE. _ .-.—.— - - . - -. . . .. - ¦. - . OP NAME. rpHB NAME of tbe Celebrated Qualities of HONE STONE produced from the Water of Ayr Stone Quarry, and JL esteemed and known in. trie Market aa * Water oE Ayr Stone,1 and * Snake Stone,' and ' Scotch Hone,' and exclusively( supplied by me and mv predecessors for about one hundred years pa3t is now changed to tbe distinctive name . TAM O' SHA.NTER V STONE. Every Stone win bear a label or stamp^1 with this name, and the public are earnestly requested to ask for it as 'TAM 0' SHANTER' STONE, as only the very inferior sort and those hitherto rejected at the Quarry will now be sent out by me aa Water of Ayr Stone or Snake Stone. JOHN C. IVIONTGOMER IE. The Water of Ayr Stone Quarry and Hone Works, Dalmore, Stair, Ayrshire, July 1884.

¦ ¦ ¦ i - «• TO PEOPEIETOE S OP ILLUSTRATED l PERI ODICALS , BOOKS , &c. ** " ¦**"" * *— i ______i For Sale.—El ectrot ypes of upwar ds of 180,000 Wood Engravin gs. Specimens and Terms upon app lication to CASSELL & COMPANY (Limited), La Belle Sauvage Yard , Lud gate Hill, London , E.C. | N.B.--Examine this Stock before orderin g new subjects. i ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ " - , . r i i . . i ¦ • , v ¦ - i . i ... . | | | *^^ m m • MM RINTING — CHARLES WHITTINGHAM AND CO., OF THE Usf^^|j ClIIS WICK - PRESS I li^ {Established 1789), 21, Tooks Court, Chancery Zane, ^ W YJ» IgwfljSra London, have plea surein offering tJieir services as Ge7ieral Letterpress Printe rs. t}iBT£&>Jb/b *% Havinga lar «e and experienced staff ', and also a unique and beautifu l collection of initial ', letters\ hea d arid tail pieces, an d ornamenta l borders, in addition,to large J ounts of type, both modern and old style, and an assortment of foreign, and English hand and mach ine-made paper s at their command, they are a ble to underta ke the best class of bookzvork and editions de luxe. Special faciliti es are offered for Ca talogues ( illustra ted or otherwise), legal, and other work. Samples of types, initials, and ornaments are available for inspection at their office , and advice is respectfully offered as to the prin ting of catalogues of libraries or private collections. Telephone No. 2704 / telegram, " Wh ittingham , London ."

MR. W ILH EkM FRICK , Bookseller to MR. GEO. NEWMAN , fSADE VALUER the I. and R. Court , Viknna , Gra ben 27, will and AUCTIONEER of over 30 years ' experience , thank Eng lish Publishers and Booksellers to forward offers his services in alL matters of Sal e, Transfer , Prospectuses and Catalo gues of N eiv Books as well or Partnershi p. His intimate knowled ge of the as of Old and Rare Works. variou s branches enables him to render very valuable assistance to either Vendor or Purchaser : Fleet Street , London , lE.C. Wanted and for Sale, inquiries invited . . • ' »36 The Publishers ' Circular Ffeb., , tsss — ¦ * $ - • 1 ~ •W avowHiasa ^ w «MMwHM «a ^ ^ I Messrs . HOLME S & SO3ST, Mr. A. M. BTTRGhH BS, VALUER & ACCOUNTANT ff lf xluztB $ QetountnntB To Publishers , Booksel 'ers, Stationers, Printer s, <$• and FANCY BUSINESS.—In most attractive pfelNTJNG , &c.—Old-establish ed fi rst -class Seaside ijown (Devon Coast). Established over 30 -»- London business. Fine premises in good repai r. years. Rent £55 ; excellent premi ses. Returns nearl y Rent only £165. Lon g lease. Modern plantr Hetur ns £1,100, at full profits. Business open to considerabl e £4,000. Profitab le and steady . For sale on conditions increase. All at valuation. \Abdut £500. favourable to purchaser. About £1,800 required . STATIONERY and FANCY BUSINESS. Easy terms. *J In splendid Business Town , about 1£ hour 's ride STATIONE RY, &c — Centra l old-estab - from London. A genuine concern. Heturns about +3 f or lished busines s. Rent only £60. High-class £700, at good profits. To be sold & Valuation of trade. Good profits. Returns the Stock and Fixtures. £300 to £400. £14 a-week . Ill-health cause of selling. About £350 required. A thoroughl y sound business. Good premises . W.C. district. T>OOKSELLING , STATIONER Y, ^d Recommended. J-* FANCY TRADE. —A very attractive countr y business in pleasan t district. In same hands several "DAZAAR. —Very pleasan t and fashiona ble years. Rent £44: (Very low). Return s about £1,300, town in Kent. Best and open to much increase. Abo ut £500 required. -*-* shop in the town . Good dwelling-house. Rent £70* Long leas~. Net pro fits Q over £500 a-year , increasin g. A valuabl e connection . TAT1ONERY BUSINESS in the City .— About £1,200 required for the w hole property. Worth ^ An old-established and t horoug hly genuine con- prom pt attenti on. cern. Open to the strictest investi gation . Net profits , | afte r paymen t of every expense , over £600 a year. STATIONERY , FANCY This business can be stroimly recommended. , &c—High-class ^ Sussex coast town. Magn ificent premises in best position . Rent re luced to £80. Bates and taxes £18. STATIONERY & FANCY TRADE , with Net profi t £5(>0 a-year. £750 required for all. A ^ Small PRINTING attached .—In one of the finest favour ible openin g. Flourishing locality. business towns , South of England. Best position in the town. Profi ts about £400 a year ; these can without "DRINTIN G.—Prosperous town in Midl ands. doubt be great)y increased. A bout £600 required . JL Good modern plant. Rent £40 (£26 let off). Profits quite £lf 0 a-year , and increasing. About £200 STATIONERY BUSINESS with MIS- required f^r all. Sieady con nection. Special reasons ^ CELLANEOUS FANCY DEPA RTMENT at- for desiring am ear ly sale. tached. —A well-known London Business , nearl y all read y-money trad e. Returns about £5,000 a year. PRINTING , Ac—Old established thr iving Very low rent ; excellent prem ises ; busy main thorough - -L busines s in famous English city. Present net fare. About £1,500 required. pro fits quite £200 a-year ( proof). Value of plant about £500 ; a goodwill not cnar ged for. Very superior T)OOKSE LLING , STATIONERY , and prem ises. Rent only £25 a-year. Centra l position . J-> PRINTING BUSINESS. —An old-establishe d Favourable opportunity for a p ra ctical printer. and thoroug hly reliab le Coun try Business. In same hands man y year 3. Returns nearl y £4,000 a year at STATIONERY , FANCY, & c full profits. About £2,000 required ". The leading busi- —Fashionable ^ South coas t town. Splendid shop in best position . ness in the district. Rent £110. Excellent , h rat-class. Stan ding profits £700 a-ycar. About £1,300 required. Highly recom- PARTNERSHIP ( Hal f-share). —In one of mended. Worth seeing at once. -1- the best-known Bookselling, Stationery, Library, and Fancy Businesses in London . Magnificent West STATIONERY , BOOKSELLI NG End position. Returns nea rl y £10,000 a year at full , Ac. , ^ ( Post-office attached). Genteel London tuburb - profits . Half-share about .£3 000. Such an opportunity Fin,e house and shop. Rent £55. Return s £ 10 a-week- is seldom to be met with. Very high profits. Agency to £50 a-yea r net. About BOOKSELLING , STATIONERY , and £350 requ ired. A good business . i-> PRINTING BUSINESS in splendid Market O TA/TIONERY , FANCY TRADE S.—Wanted by a young QTATIONERY, LIBRARY, and FANCY man , aged 27, SITUATION as ASSISTANT to ^ BUSINESS for Sal e, situat ed, in the Subur bs of above. Good testimonials. —Apply, D. L., care of Liverpool (Princes Park) . Excellent position. J. C. Chapm an , 36 Coney Street , York. Rent , including large dwelling-house , .£47. Profit s A Gentleman, who £250 a year. About :£450 required. A l TO PUBLISHERS.— pp y to has had 18 years ' experience in two of the best Townshend & Son, 23 South Castle Street , Liver pool. London Hou ses, is open to an ENGAGEMENT; either in the Counti ng-houBe , or as town or country BOOKBINDING. —To be SOLD, an ex- trav eller. He knows the whole of the trad e well, -*-* cellent and increasing BUSINESS , as a going and has had sole charge of the Led gers in one House concern , requiring more capital to execute large for twelve year s. Testimonia ls unexceptionable. — order s in hand and promised . If desire d , a Partner Addres s, H., 6 Southwick Terrace , Church End , with 4?2,000 to £3,000, could secure a half-s hare. Willesden , N.W^ No. 100, Office of the Publi shers * Circular. TO BOOKSELLERS and FANCY STA~ ¦*•VO AdvertBOOKSE iser , LLERSaged 26 years&.. STATIONERS., seeks KE-EN- -*- TIONE RS.—For disposal , a Busines s in the GAGEME NT, 11 years ' experi ence in first-class ab ove lines, well situated in the mos t fashionabl e trade , unexcep t ionab le references. —Address , A. B., Waterin g-Place in the West of England. Double- 5 Exeter Street , Ardwick , Manchester. fronted shop , handsomel y fitted up. Returns about £1,650 per annum. Bring ing in about ^900. STATIONERY , NEW and SECOND- Pa rticulars of George A. Townsend , Accou n tant , &c , £5 HAND BOOK SELLER , PRINTING , &c— Deanery Square , Exeter ; or of Messrs . Franci s A thoro ug hly compet ent man , of long exper ience Nicholls & Co., Chartered Accountants , 14 Old Jewry and good administrati ve ability, desires a superior Chambers , London , E.C. engagemen t as man ager , or otherwise , in a high- business. No. 001 , Publishe rs' Circular Office . TO BE SOLD.—A GREAT SACRIFICE. class 1 The Plant of a JOBBING OFFICE , consisting JUNIOR ASSISTANT (aged 22), seeks of abou t 90 useful founts from Nonpareil to 4-line, 0 BE-ENGAGrEM ENT. Seven years ' experience and 40 founts of Bill Type , from 4-line to 45-line , in hi gh-class Fan cy Goods , Bookselling, and lUiles, Leads , Furniture , Sidesticks , Chases , &c , Statione ry ; well up in each depart ment , good with Racks, Shelves, &c, complete ; Double Crow n salesman and window-dresser ; good references. — Machine , Double Demy and Crown Folio ' Albion ' Addre ss, Junior , 47 Richmond Rpad, Montp elier , Pres ses, and Cutting Ma chine , ail by Harrild . Bristol. 30 in. 24in., 12 in., an d 6 in. Rollers , with tables , &c A great portion has never been used . Must 1 ASSISTANTS WANTING bo removed at once. Price £'350.—App ly, * G a-zrette ' PRINTERS Office , Ilfracombe , Devon . SITUATIONS. WAREHOUSE TO LET in Paternoster PRINTER wishes to recommend a " Row.—Four floors and basement ; rent mo- A young man for permanency ; good jobbing han d, derat e.—Apply to Mr . Blackwood , Lovell' s Court. pract i cal at machi ne , good referenc es. — Lyon, Pr inter , Olney. . BOOKSELLERS WANTINB ASSISTANTS. MASTER PRINTERS.—WANTED, WANTED JUNIOR ASSISTANT (in- TO by Good Compositor , a Perm anent Situation , " doors ) with good knowled ge of Books , on Jobbing or News and Jobbing. Gould manage Stat ioner y and Fancy Goods. —Apply, stating age , Small office , and mak e up. small weekly newspaper - sala ry and experience , to G. Goulden f bookseller , Unexceptionable references. —V. L. , 16 Dover Street , Dover. Coley, Kea dim^. wa ' u ' lg ' 1 ' ' ' M Hi 1 i«ii -(i ' 1 iil r ^-' ^ '-- " ' ' W^ ' . .ft 'W. HW. \: . . ' ...-. ' . ; 4 ,, itfi. . ,.WJ* . iflrfJii?' - 1 - "f'-' i ' ^ M f1fr ~" .Mli *irnm r i r ^P "' 1 \3 & 138 Tir e Publishers' Gurca lar Fei>, i ' " . ¦ » " - T . ' ' *' - - - - 1 . ! ,^^ ^ ¦Hi M ^ pM ^M ^ ^ iWMi ^NaMMHMMHaM ^HMHMMM ^^ rfMiMWMaMMMMWHMaMMMaMMHaMiMMBaaWWHBHnaMMMaMH ^ ^ • TO SEOWD-HAND BpOKS EI-l-^ S. fTIHE Ad Ferti»er , now ill business , with a continuous experience of nearl y 23 - year s of -t SECOND -HAND (and New) BOOKSE LLIN G, is desirous of arranging a TAHTNE R- SHIP in a sound concern or of Buying a Business ; in either case in a large Town ^ . I Unexceptionable references . Replies will be accepted in the stric test confidence. Add ress, 'Alpha,' care of Messrs . Simpkin , Marshall , &l3o.

¦ ¦ ' ' . , . 1 . ¦ I . . ] . . . . . - . ' 'Pr o PRINTERS.

EXTRASupplied atHARD 25 pen Cent, METALbelow the ' Ming TYPES9 IAsfr. SPECIMEN SHEETS ON APPLICATION. JOHN HE ^WOOD, Type founder , Deansgate, MANCHES TER. . :: : ' " ...... THE V PUBLISHBE-S' OI RQ-criiAR. . ;•• • ' ¦ ^ m \ m • SCALE OF CHARGES FOR ADVERTISEMENT S. One Pa ge (Royal 8vp. size 10 x 6 inches)...... £3 3 0 fl cXt^JL cif iTiJvKvy • • • ••• . .*¦• ••• ••• •¦• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• X Imi w jL jl Iq£ UcisC v(7.F Jk HifB ^wi ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• «•¦ V/ An inch acros s Pagre ... • ...... 010 6 Four Lines in Column ...... -...... 0 2 6 jf ©JT AiiXXw J *X vCV • •• ...... ••¦ • •» • •» ••• .*• ... \J V/ O

1 A reduction is made for a series according to the number of insertions, Special positions by arra ngement.

The PUBLISHERS ' CIRCXJLAR Office , Crown Buildings , 188 Fleet Steet, London , REMAINDER S. WHOLESALE , RETAIL , AND EXPORT. NEW GENER AL CATAL OG UE now read y. Post-free 'up on app lication. W. GLAISHER , WholesaTe^^ok ^ MepT^Sf High Hoi born , London.

BOOKS WANTED TO PURCHASE. 1 Books in Print are not Advertised f or, tut must app ear in the ordinary Column Advertisements, and at the same rate.

A. B.f Publishers 1 Circular OJtce, 188 Fleet Street, B.C. Baity & Son, Ciren^ester \/Jl »t A AW^WVV M »•• *• Pk ^«^»#* VMR/tAlWV ,IL *dK IXM. Har per's Ma gazine . May , June , and Aug. 1881. Several Preacott' fl Works.*-»* Bet. Cabinet or Library*JM. J edit.V»VJL -&V« copies of each !Pownes * Or ganic Chemistr y Ackermann, A., 191 Regent Street, W. Lingard' s Histor y of England Radcliffe's (Delme) Noble Science BakerBaker. J..J,, Jcdc Son.Son, Clifton Acock, J. A., 21 Broad Street, Oaoford Cair*n es' Political Econom y. (Macmillan) May*- *+- +^J 'sW*f HistorJLAAUWVAJ y of^-^* . theW-**, ^* LongA^iV^JUt g^ : Parliament.*. WA A1MU4VA1V Hogg's lal e of Shelley Newland on Confirmatio n Baker, T., 1 Soho Square, W, Vyner's Notitfa V^natioa IColyneux's Sermons at Look Cha pel. 18G0 Cook on Hunting ; Howat on Elijah ' Gabriel' s Sermons , translated by Malan Coofce 's Qhea s Openings Nowman'a Lives of the Saints. Parts 3, 4, 13; 14 B. C. Lt> 188 Fleet Street, E.C. Ingram 'a Memorials of Oxford , 4to. Vol. 3 Bamicott A JSon, Fore Street, Taunton Sowerb y's Mineral Oon cholpgy of Great Britain. Vola. 5, 6 David Oopperfleld . 1st edit. Boaweira Johnson . Vol. J . (Talbo ys) 1326 Clarendon 's Rebellion, 6 vola . 1732 juu nriv u a »w nnoi o->jli, uo viv jj lj u iu ^ nj. Be-wick' B Water Birds, demy,jr , royal, imperialiAiA jp u ^ *«•*, 8yo.uyu. Amor ya (Dr.) Works. Any , —w Select Fat )le8, imperial 8vo. *182d , Q-rove^s (EC.> Works , ', Any Vernon Galler y. Vol. 4. 1854 Waters of Marah Sweetened, a Sermon , by T. B. lftf 7 , Tb Publishers * Circul ar Feb. i i886 ^ 13^ |! BOOKS WANTED TO PUR CHASE—coiitipued.

\ ^ell & Bradf ute, Edinbur gh Cornish, J. E., 33 Piccadilly,Manchester ¦%*+ J,l CavU&Wf w V** 25,m *W) AMM «AHJM4WftW| partsfsm^mmm-W£ v imWAxm Bamfo rd' "Life of a Radical Vol. in mmnumbers 4m mm , , or vol. a Nat ure. ' Ray SocietyMmm m m Pu^H ^ a blications ^M for 1870mMLmmV*t± Jefteries * Greene Fern Farm Trem enheere 's Political Wit and Wisdom of Ancients Thorp 's Letter on Cotton and Silk Manufacture , 8vo. 1807 »WW * " ~"" " *^m-m\^mrmmmm \m++m ^^.^ Wri ght's Anelo-Saxon Vocabularies , by Welcher . 2nd ed. Parson 's Diar y of Sir H. Slingsby "WTiitmee- a a 'M s Comparativem*^ k m\ GrammarM*^ ' •• and « Dictionary^M ^ ¦ » m ofmm Fairley 's Epitaphiana . Polynesian Lan guages L'OUXUAVA U W -fc JLJbVS V AXs&WW j, *wvw *«AVU Cornish , J. E., 16 St. Ann' s Square , Mancheste r Sandford'mi s The Great Rebellion _ ^m MW± ^^^ ^HA A ^k. ^B ^mtM m Morle y's Miscellanies. 3rd Series Alpine«L ^& L'AA4 V/ JournalIff ^f%il I, llCTfct . Vol.W *Jm\ * 2m Jew itt' s Handb ook of En glish Coins from Conquest. New Mor gan's Phrenology edit. Hack' s Winter Evenings AshenbirrsfsAshenhirrsf a Textile CalculationsCalcula tions in Eneland.England. Vols. 3.3, 3,3. 4 Bennett, IT. P., 3 Bull Street, Birmincrham Ash worth 's Recollections of Cobden and the League Tyndall' s Hours of Exer cise in the Alps. 1871 Jfc. ^.V«Racinet'^W ***^ S V s*^ PolychV*|J VU&romatic UfcUMfAV Ornamen^. r > ili'ill*! MIVt f1 EnglishAJi4 f^ CAOAA/ ), • IVilV Cornish, J. A Sons, 297 Sigh Jff olborn , London m\ folio DickensMm ¦ a * ^ * Christmas^m ^^m M ¦ CarolMm^ M . Imperfectmmm Jh j copy or colourm ed^ Scott 's Novels, 48 vols. Black (1877) plates Jowett 's Plato , 5 vols. Friendsh ip's Offerin g. 1844 Leader 's Captivity of Mar y Queen of Scots Dickens' Uncommercial Traveller. 1861 Hecker 's Epidemics of the Middle Ages Burton 's Histor y of Scotland. Cheap edit . Bickers Kv ge paperL/Cv L/wJL Burdon s Materials for W-m ~m . _ • _ » *~* _ _ • _ ¦ • «W^ _ ^ • « m _ A _ ml ** Zoological Society's Proceedin gs, coloured . 185IK BiggJ.W4 ^£} onWU, theVUW Steam- -If '111 f 1 Engine-" Mm - fj John Morley 's Works, 8vo. Aay Patmore ' s Victories of Love Macaulay 's England. Vol. 2, 8vo. 1860 Newman 's Sermons. Vol. 3, 8vo. Zta y, JT,

MS f lA>ffl,VHp KJ+ f %JU KJ\ *l*.Oy 201AJXJjt. HighM.JL. %>\j9W StreetM»f CW), A/M/Vl Dulau f e Co., 87 8oho Square, W. Natu re. Volumes 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 25, 2« Btark' s Mosses. (Reeve) ^ Cornish Brothers , 37 New Street, Birmingham Dunn, 7. F., 47 Ludgate Hill, E.C. Todde ' Parliamentar yGoverament ia Br itish. Colonies Matthew Wald ? by J . G. Lockhart ¦ ¦ <^^^^____^__ „ * ...... }.. ' ¦ - ' , m I4o The Pub lishers ' Circular f*u i, 1886 |i

¦ ¦ / BOOKS WANTED TO PURCHAS E—continue d.

Eaton <& Son, Worcester Harrison & Sons, 59 Pall Mall, 3.W . 45 and 49 Bagwell's Ireland under the Tadors, 2 role. Sporting (Old) Magazine. Vols. 1 to 29, , ^^^^ ^ ^ ^ ^u .. ^ ^^ ^^m^^^m ^h ^^ ^B ^ Robinson's Castles of Herefordshire Edward *, F., 83 High Street, Marglebone, W. Mansions of Herefordshire Alpine Journal. No. 67 Shaw'g Ancient Furniture, 4to. Published at £1.10 *. 1836 Finn's (Mrs.) Byways of Palestine Supplement to Ogilvie*s Imperial Dictionary Bankes* Story of Corfe Castle. 1853 (Murray) Beckford on Hunting- Drury's Exotic' Insects, 3 vols., 4to. Imperfect copy Tyndall's Use and limit of tbe Imagination in Science would do f Herbert Cof Oherbury) De Verifcate, 4to. 1645; or l2mo. 1656 Ha tchards, 187 Piccadilly, W. Burke's Commoners. Early edit. Elan d, H. 8., 23ff High Street, Exeter Exeter Butterflies (Naturalist's Library) Tilbury Fox's Skin Diseases Mercer*s "Waterloo Campaign Ranke's Popes, 8vo. C Murray) Engelcke, 24 Rue de TUn iversity Ghent { Belgium) Merivale's Rome, 7 vols. 8vo. ¦ -¦-^ *^« r »* ¦ ^^^^ vj ^ • r v« -*-»-*•» w <•• 4i *"^ ^*" *-* * ¦i « l»* (^ ^^ y ^^ y ^. ^ mily Prayers»7 . Large type^ Quarterl Journal of Microscopical Science, 1853 to 1860 Blomfield'* Fa ^ and 1873 to 1879 Simeon's Worts. Complete Brace's Manual of Ethnology. 2nd edit. 1869 Hooker, by Kcble, 3 vols. Mackennan's Studies on Ancient History. 1875 Tait's Thoughts for the Thoughtful i Queen of the Moon, 3 vols. Emm, J. R.. 14 Magdalen Street. Oxford Pepys' r>iary. Vols. 1 and 3. Bickers' edit. Peshall's (Sir John) iHistory of the City of Oxford , 4Jjo. Knigbt's Critical Essays and Notes on Shakspeare Bradl ey's (P. H.) Ethical Studies Sibthorp's Daily Bread ~ _ r t_ ~ t~ i _ r ¦ f-m «^ ^r ^-b ^^ ^b^w t ^» v ^w ^ ^^ «-^ * vi Taylor^s Golden Grove. Old edit. Bobson^>>^ ^^ w 's^ ^ Sign of^^ ^^ the Lyr^ e.^ 1st^ edit. Coin's (Bishop) Devotions. Old edit. "Whitcside'8 Irish Parliament \ yildridge's Hull Letters Horace, Odes and Eppdes, by Lord Lytton

' 'JLt Gait's Entail. Best edit. Symonds' Trinmph of Christ's Kingdom Fa nnin is Co., 41 Oraft on Street, Dublin Barnes' Genesis Neligan's Medicines, by Macnamara. 7th edit. Huxley's Man's Place in Nature Hunting at all Ages, or Recollections of Hunting Field Fooks, Shorlan d, 96 Fulham Road, 8. Wm Birks' Victory of Divine Goodnes? Bellett's Dialogue on Irvingism Statutes Relating to Ecclesiastical Institutions since Blunt's Dictionary of Sects, Irvingfem Stephens' Collection in 1840

Apostolic Lordship ^ i v v ~fc ¦ Grant's ^ m^ ^^ V wvav« ^.^ »^ r « Abbotsford Waverley. ¦!• Primary Truths of Christianity Badminton Hunting. Large paper Fleming (W.) life of Ed. Irving. 1823 Gleanings.from Graveyards Baxter (Robert). Any Books on Irvingism Punch. Any vols. cheap Layard's Nineveh ani its Remains, 2 vols. 8vo. Field A Tuer , 50 Leadenhatt Street, E.C. Nineveh and Babylon, 1 vol. 8 vo. Unbound old illustrated Mag-azines in original numbers, Fane's Denzil Place published between 1790 and 1840 Proteus and Amadeus Todhunter's Calculus of Variations Fmwklin, W. E., 42 Mo&hy Street, Neiccatflt-nn-Ttrne Vaughan's Sermons. Vols. 13 to 25 TTrnnaantionaransactions,. DDevonshireevonshire Association,Apsociatfou. ExeterExeter.. A norug*. 1862 1) < ily Devotions for Closet, about 1750. Any of first three Hibbert 9 Bros., 117 Norfolk Street, Sheffield rrt its.. by S. Merivalo Barnard's Character Sketches from Dickens. 1st Series Moinhokl'fl Fxperimental Pliysirs Engcl'8 Introduction to the Study of National Music Higham * C, 27a. Farrin gdon Street, E.C. | Lecky's (W. B. H.) Rationalism in Europe, 2 vols. 1873. Georqe, E., 2H1 Whitechnpel Rond % E. Vol. 1 Tyerrm n's TJfe of John Wesley, 8vo. Vol. 2, cloth Church Sunday School Magazine. 18C5-1872. Vols. 1 to 8 .l errold'» Shilling Magazine. Part 40 SikUIAIOes on%/ll ParoA. €»l\.r\SchMJL iA. al«*A CommunionVUUIUlllUlVli Crowd's History of France. "Vol. 3, 8\ro. Kadcliff e's (Sir Geo.) Letters, by Whittaker. 1810 Pyer's Modern Europe. Vol. 4, 8vo. Beeston's (is.) Practical Sermons. 1839 Mommpen's History ol Rome. Vol«a. 2 and 3 Green's Priucesses. Vol. 1, 10s. (given) Hirsc hfeld brothers , 18 Paternoster Row, London , E.C. Abbott's Law of Merchant Ships. 12th edit. Gilbert & Field, 67 Moorgate Street\ E.C. Wright's Arabic Grammar. 2nd edit. Tomli naon's Usefu l.Axts and Manufactures Brvan T wyn'e, Antiquitates Acad. Oxoniensis -A pologia, 4to. j Beaconsfield's Speeches 1608 (6xon ) Curry and Rice Cooper's Report to the Record Commission. A ppendix 33. SwRker's Commentory, O'd Teptament 1836 ElHcott's Commentary . Old Testament Transactions of Geological Society. Complete set Joh nson's Hebrides. 1810 Gladstone, Two Letters bv. 1851 Stewart's A thens English Catalogue, 1814-3*, and previous Hosack's Mary Queen of Scots, 2 vols. 2nd edit. Glahher , H ., 95 Strand Ophthalmic Hospital Reports. Vol. 1, Nof.2, 5, 6*, or whole Clement Scott's Drawing Boom Plays and Parlour vol. Pantomime Swift's Works, edited by Sir Walter Scott Ilakluyt'8 Principal Navigations, Voyages, &c. Americanisms, any Works on Brooke, Memoirs of Rajah Sir James Brooke, 3 vols. 1853 f a Goo r A. H.s& Co., Rampant Home Street * Norwich Register of the Privy Council of Scotland , 3 vol *. Bepr»Kinpf in Jesus, by G. W. Mylne (Macintosh) Kennedy's Influence of Christianity upon International The Mighty Mystery, by G. W. Myluo. 1866 (Macintosh) Law. 1856 Bentbam's Works, 11 vols.

>^ M.MM ^JMM «^_ ¦ «. VtU ¦ 1 ^^ »\- '»« X^ KJi M- + *y V* Vl*^ M~T %*U*JWW£, **' \ ' • • JL-A.V. *« J ft.*V • Jl • */ ** ^- )/ Qr anf . R.. <(: Son, 107 Prince * Street. Edinburgh Chronicon Pxioratus de Dustaple, fd. Hearne. 1733 (Oxon S^ cufinmore's Notit ia Bncharipf ica But he's Roll of Battle A.bber. 1848 Presbyterian Clergyman Looking for the Church Proceedings of tlio Royal Society of Literature. Vol. 1 Mackcnzto'8 Ten Years North of Orange River to (set) JSeloua' Travels in Africa Tra•*.¦•*nsactions» tv'MVVtviiu of"w*. thev*4VP RoyalAvvj Wl SocietyUVVAVVJf of'/* Literature.-< J *l.\> a «• VMI \->m 1stJIUV series^j *-/# *"*--' (innne i n Africa Lenke's Asia Minor Oatea' Matabele Laud and Victoria Falls Luid, De fluvium Hontium et Urbiuni in Britnnnia Nomi- nibus Haviblen , 7\ , 16 The Parade, Leamington Canmoens, translated by Fansliaw MaTcot' R rlbe 8ea«on R Kemp's (Dixon) Yach t Desi gning Stevens' H istory of Methodism HiscoJte ^ ¦¦-¦IT' —- » « V • «| — V^*» «-^ * v r v-^-v rv-»" ' * ** ¦" % *-* **r ¦ V/ ¦ » •^ ** J) •• m V m ¦<* V^V M etcalfe s Engl Ha rding,^^ G., 6 Sardinia Street Lincoln*' 's Inn Fields** ,• W.V r • C.V-* • ' ishmen and Scandinavians Shnttleworth's (8ir T. K.) Four* Periods of Public Educa- Rhepard's Over the Dovre Fjeld tion, 8vo. Peel's (L.) Our Trip to Norway Shuttloworth's (Sir T. K.) Remarks on Public Education Phy thian's Scenes of Travel in Norway : Letter to GranvilJe on Educa- Letters from High Latitudes. Best edit. tion, or any of hi» other Works on Education Sorart's Poems, 4to. with 2 plates Hu rworth, H., High Roto, Richmond} Yorkshire Whyte Melville's Market Harborough, 2 vols. 1st edit. Walpole's Hietory of England, 3 vols. . L ^ 1 Feb. i, i886 The Publishers Circular i4t - - . ' BOOKS WANTED TO PURCHASE —continued. **— - . Bodges, Figgis , A Co., 104 Graflen Street, Dublin Jarvit t J. W, % & Son, 28 King William Street, Strand , W.C.

Forlon g*8 Bivers of life mb Ranke s House of Bra ndenburg _l^__ ' -_-__. * «• «_-m * * •¦» a a - -_M W s -» « <* Bert rand' a Difference and Infinite Calculus. Yol. 1 Melree's History of Ireland i( Pearson 's Calculus of Finite Diff e ren ces Dowell's Histor y of Taxation in En gland , 4 vola. -¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ mmrnrn ^ «__ ._Englishman_¦_--K^-¦*¦—¦ w -.__. ^s ^ . _» «_* If VfVf«AW* ««W««VV Corres pondence with William IV. and H. Tay lor ______^^^^B 's Hebrew_f .__. Concordance______. ___ __~ ___ Gre y's Brown' s Forest er. 2nd edit. 1882 s Dalhousi e's Administration in Ind ia Arnold'_ Pre ndergaat' s Cromwellian Settlement. 2nd edit. Btapleto— - . m n'm s LifeM. MM ofd* C^^< anning• _ ¦» Dasej *rv^,r+*m+nt'w s¦«* Tales«ab> *v*«*»9 fromaavu * Norse._-_. ^ r * KJV/ Dicey's Cavour. 1861 Sala's Tri p to Barbar y Parkman 's Montcalm and Wolf e Temple Bar. 1883, 1884, and 1885 Letters of Mr. Gh Lewis Life of Joh n Ph ilpot Ourran , 2 vols. 1815 ff oldieh, C. W, } & Son, 14 Queen Street, Hull Coxe's Wal pole's Memoirs and Administration ¦ ¦ -_-___« '• Histor«rwa y ___> —^ * Kaye'a Life and Corres pondence of Lord Metcal fe, 2 vois. Thom pson s of Swine 1858 Histor y of Ravens purn France. 1770 ¦¦¦ ¦¦¦ Youn g's (A.) Travel s in ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ - «-». m ¦- ¦> w -w _-^m ¦ ~" ^~1 » _™ -j -w -- -ar v -v « -v s^ -^~i-^-» WW ¦ ^^ »• ™^ • " ¦ ^^ ^ ^» (Longman)^^™ ^r " (~-y ————— —-~f Hume's England , 8vo. 8 vol. edit. Vol. 3. 1864 ^ CasselTs Popular Educator McGregor's Holland and Dutch Colonies Doyle's English in America Dickens' Speeches. Any separate

-———¦ — — ~i ~ - ••• 53 Ctemenfs "Tiiii TT~r »» »w* -^ . w»*j goodf> ^^ *^ ^* copyt^ m *_fc Gateway, _ , , Inn Stran d , Hutt_ A _ft ^_i _h__ —BH_k __. ¦ A A ¦ Ohuzzlewit. Parts C ^4 _l ^ ___ _^ Brownin g's Men and Women , 2 vols. 1st edit., and other Pickwick. Par ts, good copy works Lever. Any In parts , good copies Dobson's Bewick and Pupils Thacke ra y. Ajay in part s, and 1st edits., uncut Swinburne 1st edit . Payno s original edit. ___—* _ _. ___» . l_^_^'s _aBlake. A ' ^_h _* ^ _a m . " Villon's Poems. ' Ros?etti'8 Ballads. 1st edit. Poor Travelle r, Mrs . Gamp, &c. 1858

_f -• vA4 v^vv h ^_p ^^ ~~^^ ^-p--p -_^ ^ p ^_r -*^ ¦ -__v -l ^ m- . v - —¦¦ -^__^ ^^^ V^ ^ -h^^ lw ^^4 ^¦V^ ^^ rf ^ ^v~i ^^ ^ -^_ r v ^^ »^_ ^^^ - ™ ^ ) His__k Letters._a^ ___¦ 1878 (C. & M. Clark ^ Tennyson ____ _ and s Poems. Uncut. 3827 _ ____ ' Ch arles Dickens. _l a__» 1830 London Society. J uly,^ 1873 1833 Best Thoughts of Charles Dickens. 1 «73 (New York ) 1827. Lar ge paper Sonnets of Three Centuries , by T. Hal l Caine

. ______Cricket^______i __¦ _*^ ^_i Old Works_^__ on ^k ~ ^ _^ I redale , A., Torquay Cooke's Lif e, by Dunlop, 2 vols. 1813 ¦ ¦ BTV T^^WW»r^ i Bird•«u^ •* >M* Worldv ^* ^«fc Av^ ,V bym^ J Davenport-"-^ ** v WM * v Adams.* ¦ 18804M -«r -»*¦ v edit.-^---f • -r « Devonshire Association Tran sactions. 1867, 186S, 1869 Jeffe ries , C. T., & ^ «#»--^fc* Toulmin *s Taunt on. 1791 Jackson , A., 224 Great Portland Street. W. Continuation , by Ravage. 1822 Alpine Journal . Vol. 3 and No. 77 Mam by's Tour in Monm outh -¦ paper (Nimmo) ¦> Lar ge -¦ Sterne s Sentimental Journey, r f-» ->m ' I .1 B * ^ "-' -. ^ ^ Bninton's Self-Control. Cheap edit. Hutchinaon, 1832 ; Chapman, , and any^ Reports on Discipline. Cheap edit. Cholera va« ^r «>^^ Jh — — — -^^ at-m , ^rm «r ¦ ¦ ywi ^(.^ Pre—~ —• f ermi entv^, o»^ r^ mymmm ^J Uncl^r MJ+ e^^ the Earl.— M^ #t« Cheapv_^ *-«¦ ^^ exHfc,^. * w The Banker 's Wife. Cheap edit. Lach lan , F. C , 14 Canonhui ^y Terrace., London , N. Greville, or a Season in Paris, Cheap edit. Jesse's London Celebrities. Vol. 1 The Dowager. Cheap edit. Richard III, The Heir of Belwood. Cheap edit. Walpole*B Last Journal, 2 vol«. Maraden's Malay Dictionary Hood'a Own. Odd pnrbs ( Bailoy) Earl's Eastern Seas, 8vo. 1837 Roacoe 's Don Quixote. Vol. 1 Jaunts , WW Jorrocks 8vo. 1838, -v nm or imperfect ~ x> K^ A^ | «^ » w Jk Ma«W» AJ.AVM^Af/ u ¦ Vr ' Blckmore*»*^^ * 's East IndianA' ArchipelagoP> " ,9 8vo.^^ ^* * 1868 Max well's Malay Conquests. 18 78 Uillingdon Hall, 3 vole. Lines addressed to H.R.H. the Prince of Wales on his beibg appointed Regent, by Philopntrin Junior (a thin Langley, E., Kl & 39 London Street , Readin g 8vo, May 's England. Vol. 2, 8vo. pamphlet). 1811 (London). A liberal price given ~"*Holt_zap:flfer8 Turning Ju bb , A., Huddersfleld Lazarus, S. II., H , 88,


Lockwood (Crosby) A Co., 7 Stationers*-Hall Court, E.C Midland Educational Co. (Ltd.), Corporation St., Birmingham Brown's Symbolism Knowledge. No. 3, Nov. 18, 1881, and Index and Title to Ca¦^ 0 m^m^-*^nonica^ ¦?^ ^ mem Ecclesdastica«^#v^^* »V» * m w ^^» »y, 16^Mwa>mo. ^b^^^ W Vol. 1 Creighton's Mental Derangement Friendly Leaves. Jnlv, 1880 ;~ Dec 1884 ; Jan. 1885 Prescott's Charles V., 8vo. Original edit. London's Book of Pets Miscellaneous. Original edit. Family Classical Library. Complete Milne, A.& R., Aberdeen Gervinus on Shakspeare Longmans & Co. (Foreign Dept.), 39 Paternoster Row* E.C. Godet on Lake and John The Meisterschafts System fc German,' by Rosen thai. All Hodge's Theology* 5 vols. or any parts Key to Crombie's Gymnasium Deli tzsch on Isaiah, 2 vols. Lovell, W., 14 Alexandra Street , Cambridge Suckling's Suffolk. Vol. 1 Mur ray, F., Moray House, Derby Neat's Westminster Abbey. Part 12 Cobbetfs Spelling Book. 1831 Dickens. Odd parts Twelve Sermons. 1821-2 Trivial Poems and Triolets, by Patrick Gary. 1819 Low, Mars ton, Searl *, A Rivington (Foreign Department) Engraved Plates of Celebrated Race Horses, plain or coloured 188 Fleet Street, E.C. Hochelaga Depicta. 1839 or 1816 (Montreal) Denton's Sanitkry Engineering Gait's (John) Life, 2 vols. Talbert's Exaniples of Furniture, 2 vols. VWVVAUGU 4JUbCM *WJL V Vl» 41 Cabinet Makerf* Vol. 2 ^ Noble, CT., 312 Strand, W.C. Day's Accessory Art Thackeray's Comic Tales and Sketches, 2 vols. Transactions of the Geological Society. 12 vols. HHumourist.umourist, 4 vols.-vols., 1212mo.mo. Etoare's Metrical English. Measures and "Weights Compared Voyage of the Rattlesnake, 2 vols. Fre8hfleld on the Caucasus Borrow's "Wild Wales, 3 vols. Jack ShSheppaePDard.rd, 3 vols. Lupto n, J. & A., Burnley, Lancashire Hortus Eystetheiisis, 16- tfbrton . W., Cheltenha m Flora Londinensis, Plates 6 vols. 1777 Art Journal. 1862 to 1884 Froude's Carlyle^s Early Life* , 2 vols. Shuttleworth's Novels, Ribblesdale or Scarsdale, 3 vols. Britton's English Cathedrals Bubble Family . - St. Clement of Borne, by Lightfoot (Macmillan) EUicott' Burton's Arabian Nights, 2 sets s New Testament. Part 29 i Fleming 6n Fallen Angels

*f-v A^ b n_irv« 4^V*W WVI • T -" ¦ ¦ ^ k war > ^ ifi ^ «r« J * ^^ • v *^'^^ • v1 • Luyster,^ A. L., 10^^ Silver^^^ Street, Louden"•, W.C.* * Morris's Earthly Paradife. 1st edit., cloth Olyelt , 5 Endell Street, Long Acre , London, W.C. G-retter the Strong, cloth. 1869 Statistical Society's Journal, The first three vols. or either JEneid of VirgU, cloth. 1876 of them Sigurd the Volsung, cloth. 1877 Orion , Mr. S. W., 29 Lloyd Square, W. C. Greville's Diary, 3 vols., cloth. 1st edit. ' "Wharton's Wits, Queens, and Literature, 2 vols. Ellis' Pronunciation. Part 1 (Early English Text Society) Macmillan & Bowes, Cambridge Parsons, E., 45 Bromp ton Road , S. TF. Gulton's Heredit ary Genius. 1869 Voyage of the Rattlesnake Royal Astronomical Society's MonthlyNotices. Yols. 3, 4, Lesaing's Laocoon (Phillimore) 5, 7, 25, 27 Graesse, Orbis Latinus. 18GI (Dresden) Plautus, Pseud., Rud., True. 1840. Bothe Vidale on the Violin Bayle's Dictionary, folio. 1734. Vol. 3 Thackeray's Vanity Fair. Part 8 Langmead*8 (Taswell) Constitutional History of En gland Dionyai Halicarnensis Ajatiq. Eoin., ed. Kiessling, 4 vols. Pa inson & Brailsf ord , High Street. Sheff ield (Teubner) Dalby's Parochial Valuer's Assistant Macmillan A Co., 29 (Dixon)\XS i.J±\JlA J History of Sussex, 2 vols. ( Horsfield) Mark s Brothers * 107 High Stre et, Barnsta p le Historv of Lewes (Horafield) McCombie's Cattle and Cattle Breeders Sussex Archaeological Collections. A set, or any odd vol . Holt Beaver's Daily Life of Our Farm A Manual of Actinology and Zoophytology, with or without ' Notes on Fields and Cattle plates. English edit. Successful Farming Mantell's Fossils of the South Downs Maggs, TJ., 159 Church Street. Paddington * W, Percy Anecdotes, Part ' Woman ' Pickerin g, W.& E., Bath Stewart's Highlanders, 2 vols. Vlaoho's Grammar. (Thimm ") Peacham's Complete Grentleman All the Year Round. Vol. 5, 1870, pp. 1 to 120 Braithwaite's English Gentlewoman Part 32, July, 1871 Shorthand Books. Any Fleming's Select Headings. Vol. 2 Austen's (Jane) Novels, Early edits. Roberts' (A.) Sermons on the Parables M orst on, E., 188 Fleet Street, E.C. (Pigou) Pink , J. W., Bookseller , Cheltenham Narrative of the Loss of ' The Catherine,' ' Venus,1 and AlAlmanachmanach de Gotlia. 18411841., 1842., andand 1843 ' Piedmont' Transports nea r Weymouth, Nov. 1$, 1795. The Battle of the Two Philosophies 1796 (Sampson Low) Kaye's Sepoy War, Svo. Vol. 3 Bentley's Miscellany. Parts 24, 20, and 30 Mathews, C. E., 16 Cathedral Yard , Exeter Antiquities of Westminster Abbey, 8vo. Vol. 1- 1722 Ponsonby, E., 116 Graf ton Street, Dublin Lottie's Memorials of the Savoy Balfour's Defence of Philosophic Doubt Walton's Lives, 4to., 17 Philobiblon, by B. De Bury. 1832 Read & Barrett , Ipswich

Crosse s Essay on Inversio Uteri. 1849 »-J» ' m.r a •» ¦» jut «# «h> ^ JP^ fcJ ^V «. •/ ¦ ¦ ^ k *-^ v«AX^ Blunt's**w Righ• t^f Use*¦* ofX^ the^^ FathersJk ^ Maskelyne's Marlborough Gems McCarthy's Our Own Time Stead man'a Victorian Poets Afeehan, B. tt J. F. 9 32 Gay Street , Bath Hazlitt's History of Venice Stones of Venice. Vol. 2. 1858 Life of Raphael Smith Humphrey's Clock. In Nos. The Poor Traveller. 1858 Great Expectations, 3 vola. 1861 Redway, G., 15 York Street, Covent Ga rden , W.C Byron 's Works, Any early edits. Bradshaw^t-r m m*w\j*m*m J»if» w w 's~*r Guide^-^ **m » V--»v^ ,* 1843•¦>- >-' ^ "-^ and«^» ¦ • ^« 1838* >—• ^^ *>^ ,% or^^ » any™^ ^~^J earl-****-^mn iem-^srah Byronlaaa. Any Hennell's Origin of Christianity. 1838 Bath Books. Any Cbabrlan's Novels, English Translations. (Hotten) Grayso n's Letters Sowerby's Botany, 11 vola. Syme'a edit. 18«3-1872 Mitchell, J., Royal Library, 33 Ota #

G. 83 Robbers, J ^ . Haringvliet, Rotterdam Button, R. IT., Bookseller, 25 PrincessStreet * Manchester Systems of Land Tenure in Various Countries (Cobde n Club ) Gay's Hospital Reports. 2nd Series. Vol. 8 »» -\^^ ¦ T" m M ' ' A•» Jk ViewV A^ of theUUV Lancashireif ITT 1^—" f ^* Dialect.^ 1 ^ •««*WV •'# 1746"^ • ^^^ !| Salisbury, J., 4 Paternoster Row, E.C * Notes and Queries , Third Index to Catalogue of Scientific Pa pers, 8 vols. (Royal Society) Kane 's Grinnell Expedition Cunningham 's Archaeological Surv ey of India. After vol. 11 Macgillivray 's Birds. Vols. 4 and 5 Pharmaceutical Journal . 1872 to Jun e, 1885 Mac donalds ' Coptic Grammar. 1856 Tilfor , J.j 14 Burton Crescent , W.C. ¦ Hansard' s, Parliamentary Histor y. 1066-1803 Harr y Lorrequer. Part 9 Law 's Catalogue of Books. 1872-1881. Charles O'Malle y. Part 1 Lnttrell of Arran . Part 14 Satchell, R. W. % Kington, Herefordshire Ainsworth' s Magazine. Parts 85, 92, 132 to 137, or Vols. Parr 's The Path of the Just 15, 16, 23. Uncut ScoH. W., 7 BriJtto Place, Edinburgh Teal, J., \§ Souihgate, Halifax r v w# Hogrff-^-*-^ C»F^ 's*-» J acobite^•*-v^»-^ * BeliesjLfv ^&AVh,/*?*. Vol.t VI* 2.at* 182JLw« 1X Begistrum Malme sburiense. Vol. 2 English Rogue. Vote, l~and 2 (rep rint ) Jennin gs' Cur ious Thin gs Chambers ' Ancient Sea Marg ins Bettors Origin of Freemasonry Jacob' s Letters to a Lad y Shaw, J u jun., Bookseller, Leeds Alford' a Visit to the Riviera Wake, ff . T. % Fritchley, Derby Stewart' s (D.) Ara bic Grammar , prin ted by J. W. Parker HalliwelTs Archaic Dictionar y TTnit«d Irishmen. 1st Seri es, 2 vols. •'— Nurser y Rhymes Old Travels in America. Any Jos. Smith' s Catalo gue of Quaker Books, 2 vols. 1 867 , i AntiauakerianaAntiquakeriana Stegle, Aug., 30 Lime Street. E.C. S. Watson 's (Quaker ) Life. 1712 Wyatt 's Algae Danetno nienseg i Gordon 's Poems pn Sorses . (Melbourne) Waterlow & Sons, Limited, London, E.C. Charteris ' Canoni city Baker 's Strength of Beams, Columns , and Arche3 , published ««¦ ^ .w v v--a %jmm. kmaq ^tjl j. - r Lettersn^ and"x* Journal** * * s of Fieldjvi\i -Marshal" l*l. Tl "!At *l Sirkjll Wm.TV 4X&4 Maynard-* ¦•*-•-• .» ***»<,. V.A by Spon " . < " , Anderson 's Scotland in Earty Chr istian Times, 2 vols. Memoirs of Burne y, Dr. 3 vols. 1832 (London ) Weir, J., 283 Regent Street, W. Moschel 's Beethoven's Li fe and Corresponden ce, 2 vols* Rossetti' s Dante and his Circle Freytag 's Lost Man uscript The Antiquary. Nos. 9 to 45 Sime. W. 8.. Sauchf chall Street * Glasgow Valpy's Classical Library . Vol. i6. (Theophraatus ) Wesley , W, % & Son, 28 Essex Street , Stran d, W.C. D'Orsey 's Colloquial Portu guese Memoirs of the Astronomical Society, 4to. Complete aet Stimpson 's Oper ative Surger y Rudbec k, Cam pi Elysii, folio. 1701 Borlandi—i^ *^^k ~ m,m* m ^*m Hall^^jm^v« A Persian Art ,"Works on Cassell' s Modern Portrait Gallery. Vols. 1 and 2 Philoso phical Transactions , Abridged Leverian Museum , Catalo gues Simmon *, T.. 164 Tfte Parnde, Leamin gton British Museum , Catalo: gues, before 1800 Illustrated London News, in publisher 's cloth. 1878 to Intellectual Observer. Vol. 1 1881, or any Edmonston 'a Flora of Shetland , 12mo. Hasted' s Kent , folio. Vol. Wheelwri ght's Spr ing and Summer in Lapland , 8vo. 4 Seebohm' s Siberia in Asia, 8vo. Shaw 's Ancient FurnituTe , 4to., plain plates Balfour 's Botanist' s Vade Mecum Simms, 8. W., 12 George Street Bath , Queen Street 1 Wheldon, ./. 58 Great ¦ , Lincoln s Inn Fields, W.C. Barton 's Arabian Nights. Now out of print Land^^ta. ^a and^^ Watera^^^ .^^^ & . 1885^a ^^ ^^ — Burckb ard t' s Travels in Persia Meld. 1885 Dore 's Bible. Cheap edit . Racin g Calendar. l«60, 1861, 1862, 1868 to 1873 Smith, TT., 97 London Street, Reading Gray's Birds of West of Scotland Dillon47A1AVU' sfc7 Fatea. ' l«tV ofVfA. LaJ-«C« Pe^ . V>" rouse& V^ «4.OV Ross* Antarctic Voyage Whit*, T., 44 Booksellers ' Row, W.C. Atlas for Cook' s and La Perouse 'a Voyages Kemble 's Saxons in England. Vol. 2. 1 876 Proceedin gs. Archaeolo gical Institute nt Oxford Pinla y'a G reek Revolution . Vol. 1. 1861 Le Keux's Mem ori als of Cambrid ge. Vol. 2 Works of William Brown , by W. O. Hazlitt. Vol. 1. 1869 Tench & Oxley' e Voyages to N. S. Wales Williams & Norgate , 14 Henrietta Street, Covent Garden. W C. Bentham & Hooker 's Genera ^Plantarum. Vol. 1, or Part 1, Smith, W. J., 41 ForthJ.JL 8'reet, Brighton KJV4. fc» JUkJU f^ LUlllAX LU\/* Vol. 1 LA-*\s£^Ksegends of^^ Jt. King Arthur ,f 12mo..A *- « "by'^'J' J." * K.iA.* Browne's Histor y of Sketch of the Lffo of the lat e Lord Stanho pe, by L. Reeve Thomson's History of Chemistry, 2 vols. 12mo. Priced Infinitesimal Calculus. Vols. 3 and 4

IJ \yvUlAAlVU^I «3 Ad ley's Stor y of the Telegra ph in India BurkeJ- JIA.*. K^V*' s Commoners Mede's (Joseph ) Works Brown 's Magnetic Observations at Trevandrum , &c. Water Babies. 1st edit. Not Sambourn e's Vol. 1, 4to. Atkin son's Lucknow Brown's Report from the above, separat ely Mercer ' a Waterloo Cam paign TurnbuU' a Electro-Ma gnetic Telegra phy Burke 's Royal Descents Burnaby 's Ride to Khiva WiUon, A.y 1R Qracechurch Street, E.C. Mall ock 's New Republic , 2 vols. 21*. Stanesby A Co., 179 Sloan *.Street , S. W. Sanday'B Authorshi p and Historical Character of 4th Gospel WylUe , D., A Son, Aberdeen Lacroix 's Arts of the Middle Ages Steel A Jones, 4 Sprin g Gardens , S.W. • Science and Literature in the Middle Ages Hillebrand' s Lectures on German Thou ght . The Eighteenth Centur y Lacorda ire' fl Letters to Youn g Men Stevens, B. F., 4 Trafalgar Square , W.C. Grub 's Ecclesiastica l History Nnpoleon and his Marshals Can y good work on) Philoso phical Ma gazine. 4th Series Young, H., 12 South Castle Street, Liverpool Jacoby' a Psalraodia Gerrnania Reynolds ' John th e Baptist Ru eseil's (A. R.) Psalms and Hynona Jame son's Monasti c Order s, let edit. Uncut Mills (H .) H orse Germanlcaa Life of Oui- Lord , 2 vola. 1st edit. Uncut Bort hwick's (J.) Translation of German Hymns. 1883 Muir ' s Luoretius, 2 vols. WANTED : ODD NUMBER S of Lever 's WANTED : FIRST EDIT IONS , clean and '' ' Works , Piclr wick, and Vanit y Fai r : also Imperfect '' uncut , of Lever, Thaoke ra y, Aineworth , M arr yat, Geor ge Copi es of Books illustrat ed by Cruikshan lr , Rowlandson , an . The Complete Angler ...... vCLTi .' >-v By Isaac Walton. [ Ready. ^ S ' 6. Childe Harold / "... • ^ \ By Lord Byron. [Fe b. 3. ' J .SE sg B 7. The Man of Feeling I # .j y H. Mackknzik . [ Feb. 10. B 8. Sermons on the Car d ... ''^L&<*j?X$r y Bishop Latimkk. [Feb. 17. 9. Lives of Alexander the Groat armS^ emr By Plutarch. [.Feb. 24. CASSELL & COMPANY, Limited, Ludgate Hill , London.

Printed ov fcifO rTiaWOUDIfi &. Uo., of 6 Mow-si-reot aquaro, In the City ot Lmuiou ; ana Publiuheil for the Proprietors, SAMPHON LOW , MARSTON, SBARLB3, A RIVINGTON\ at tho Office , Orown JBuiidiuga , 188 Fleet Street , in the Pariah ot at . Dunstan in the \Veat. —Monday> February 1, 1836. ¦¦ ¦ <™^ | b I l8!^Wf t *ilK iS^ i^ i« ciii---: , " * ..... _ _ . . , . , . _ ___ .___ I F«£ GREA TEST ADVER TISING MEDIUM IN SCOTLAND. bum GLASGOW ¦ HERALD , I ESTABLISHED IN 1782, ' I Publishes many Thousand Advertisements more than any other Newspaper in Scotland, ¦ ¦ . WHI LE ITS j ^jstid ZEUXZ l^lR'OTrX j-A-a?XOi ]5r , xisr O DE3I-A-K»-A-OIXIIE3 ^^ TZEHEnT T, W ^ - IS O»R OF THE MOST IMPORTANT OUT OF LONDON. I London Office , 65 Fleet Street.

¦ ¦ evening Fhe HAS TBB times I :l a. r c* e ® t circulation ¦ ¦ OF ANY EVENING PAPER IN SCOTLAND, OR NORTH OF MANCHESTER. I Head Office , Glasgow, 69 Buchanan Street.

mhe Glasgow Evening News publishes four editions The Proprietors of The Glasgow Evening News beg ¦ ¦ (foi/y. ' to intimate that amongst other arrangemen ts recen tly I made by themfor the purpos e of maintain ing the character m ant icip ates the other Evening Pap ers with the latest and extending the influence of the paper, they have in- Maud most complete Home and Foreign In telligence. stituted a Weekly Literary, Column, devoted to the review I ¦ ¦ of current Hooks and Maga zines,,and the discussion oj m is a recognised auth ority on Commercial, Sporting, subj ects specially connected with Literature and the Fine ¦ ¦ Dramatic , Musical, Literary, and Athletic Matters, Arts. It is their intention to mak e this column one of I • -• - • . lhe~ leading featur es of the paper, and to effectuate this, He Evening News contains ' * THE LORGNETTE * the efforts of the conductors are particularl y directed to B—a most interesting, popular, and well-informe d secure that reviews of new books and maga zines app ear M coliwm of hea l and district Gossip. «* soon a *possible after these have been received. I Books, #•< F ^ . - ¦ ¦ THE 'EMPIRE * possesses a large circulation throughou t the Cape Colony, Natal , Oran ge Free State , and the ¦aiiBvaal . It thus offers special: advan ta ges to th e English manuf acturer , who, by advertisin g in its pages , will secure an ¦rodacti on to the Home Shipper , the Colonial Merchant , and the Colonia l Consumer. H ( Scale of Char ges for „ Advertisements (Single Column) :—For 1 Year, U. 6d. per inch , per insertion ; for 6 Months ¦ ¦ J<1. ditto, ditt o ; for 3 Months , 2s. ditto, ditto.

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