
H^MBilBHWlPIMMM if PfUCE THREEPENCE | B ! ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ - I : - .;_ \. , .. - . v- \Mm \ ¦ ¦:, '-; | K 1¦ 1 t6e ^ CX^ ^s>s nBl j ¦ ¦ ¦GENERAL ¦ RECORD I • • -. i i ; ' of m: HT r ¦:\ < JltH ^ Bj 11 BRITISH akd FOREIGN LITER ATU RE 11 ^ ' ; Issuedlsstieu onuii thetiic 1stxa» t anditiiu. 1xutii5th ofui eaeht;ei.t?ii Monthluunui ;; r ! ? ^ "^^w<^H ': > - ' ; ^^^ ¦'i; ¦ ¦I i London 'i mm ; ' ¦ ' ¦— i ' J~m^ A i f V^« ^~V "K ¦ •- rf— ». K -»~t J— ..» v M. ^M —^_ ^vw A II I aw* ...^ A. iM"^. -W ^V >V 4b, ^ -» rf— <» J k. *W> . >^ ^ ' ••• ^ •• >^ ^» . '^ ^—" -^ ¦B^^^^^^^^^ B^ B ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ * \ mm ; | SAMPSON LOW , MARSTON , SEARLE , & RIVINGTON \ wM] } t ;i CROWN BUILDINGS, 188¦ FLEET STREET, £.C. ¦ L « ¦] li . * - (ft ii 1 ¦n7iiY t'ifynvvi ii^vt»..vnY i TyiTI)rinTiiVfi/fc 'i1^^^ ^<^ t ^»?!!!f^~^^ ...,.!l![?!^yi^^ ¦ mm ^ " ' - : • r ; \^r ^ . i : i i ; : . ¦ v ' " Tfi eMPilfeku £B^# ^^^s m ^mmmgSmmBm: ^ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ '• • - ¦ ¦> '- ¦ ~^~ * ' "*' ' • ¦ ' ' ' - ¦ ; " -- ¦ ¦ ' ¦- ¦¦ ¦ ~ ¦ ..¦. - ¦ I' ¦ ' ¦ > • ^ ^ : . : TH E DAILY: ¦ :Ff t M0: Pit l iS . LONB iOBf OFFICE , 62 I^IJ&ATB HILL- , E,a ' CONNECTED BY PRIVATE WIB * WITH T^B . ! ABEEDEEN. HEAD OFI"X€?lJ, ^ I rp HE FREE PRESS occupies a leadin g place amon g the journals of Scotland, and is one of the best Bally Morning News- JL papers. Its busines s connections , as regards both , circulation Ibid advertisinby g, far exceedstwo in extent andino portanceand that of any other newspaper published in the Korth , and is equalled ia ^cotland only journals published chiefly circulatin g in the South and West respectively. ^ 4 | * ,; THfi FREE PRESS has the Universit y City of Aberdeen as a (centre and the nort hern half o-f Scotland for its field pr oper. Special attention is devoted to Art , literatu re, Music, and toe.Drama. Its Publishers * Column is taken advant age of by the lead ing publishers , and for New Works and Business Announcements of all kinds the FREE PRESS Ha s no rival as an advertis ing medium in the wide and importa nt field in which it circulates.¦ - TJHC E JE"VJS IV j qSiaa* <3^JL.ZETF fX*3E2 Has a wide and ra pidly-increasin g circulation. It is a h&b-class paper for family readin g; containin g a complete synopsis of the news of the day and a literar y department giving the cream of Current Literature. It is an excellent advertising medium. Fou r Editions are published Daily, and Special Editions as required. Bank and Post Office Orders paya ble to Alex. Marr , the Publisher , Qaily\Fr ee Pressand Eteninrr Gnzpfte Offteft g . A*>er«1epn . THE I DBRRY IVtERCTTRY. T71 rTt A T=^T^T^t"F^TnT"^ ¦' ^ 1* 732. FBIOE 2d. ^ in _ r ^f) e tSLeabitiQ Qon£tvvative ^Lem&papc t p«rb »s^itre , / The DERBY MESB.CtTB .1T bas a more extensive cir culation , amon gst the Upper, Professional , Commercial , and Business Classes than any othe r pap er in the district. It contains specially-written Agricultural Articles, gives considerable #space -weekly to Reviews of New Books and Musics, and. is in every res pect a first-class Family Newspaper. In addition to its lar ge local circulation , the MERCTJ B-Y has an importan t and growi ng connection in all part s of the countr y, and may there fore oleim to be pecuHa^rly useful as an Advertising Medioan , , -^ > XS 2C T HE 3> XS X^S7ST l ^WL IS-»:I9 • FOTTB BDITIOIT S bAIXiTT. PBICE <>NB HAI ^FPBIT jj rY. ¦ ; ' * _ IBfy e onl© Igon&etvaiive. $x>eninQ 7§apev in Pcrl>gs|>i¥cr The JEXPBESS has a lar ge and steadi ly increasin g circulation amon gst all classes. , It contains the latest and fullest reports of Political , Foreign , Raci ng, Cricket , Football, acid oth»r Sportin g News up to the hour of going to press. Bac h day's Stocks and Markets are also fully report ed. As an Evenin g Newspaper the EXPRESS is unrivalled ia the distr ict. An excellent Advertising Med ium. * ' ^ I Head Offices—1 7 CORN MARKET , DERBY. Brahch Office— Bl^ON-ON-TRENT. THE ST. JAMES' S GAZETTE , AN EVENING REVIEW AND REOOHB OP 2STEWS. PRICE ONE PENNY. rPHE ST. JAMES' S GAZETTE contains the Late st News of the day, Special Fore ign and Home News, Special Sportin g 1 News, Money Market Repor t*, an Epitome of Opinion in all the London papers , <feo. &c. ; besides a-variety of carefull y written Articles on the topics of tb« day. Special attention is paid to Liter ar y Criticism ; every issue contain s Notices and Reviews of New Books ; and , circulating as it does so extensivel y anx6nK the best-educated classes of society, the St. James 's Gazette affords an exception al medium for Literary Advertisements *fit may be had of any newsvendor , or will be sent .post-free from the Office. Dor set Str bet J Whttbfb tar s, E.C., to any part of the United Kingdom , on the following therms, pay able in advance : .For Three Months , 9s. 9d. ; Six Months , 19s. 6d. ; Twelve Mon ths , 39s. THE ST, JAMES ES BUDGET , A WEEKLY EDITION OF THE ST. JAMES'S ' GAZETTE. FORTY PAGES. PRICE SIXPENCE. 1ML13 Edition of the St. J ames's Oazbtt b contains a collection of nearly all the Original Arti cles, political , literary , and . social , which have appeared in the St. James 's Gazette during the week , the latest news, <feo, &c. It . has a lar ge circulation , especially in India and the Colonies , and will be found for all readers a full, interestin g, and quite first-class weekly newspaper and review . Th« Subscri ption, payable in adva nce, including postage to any par t of the United Kingdom, is Is. per quarter. For the Forei gn Edition , specially printed on thi n paper, the subscription per quart er , including posta ge, is, for China and India , 8s. 2d. ; for all other parts of the world, 7*. Id. Post Office Orders to be made payable as above. 1 THE EUROPEAN MAIL. ESTABLISHED 1843. i (SE VEN DI8TIITCT PAPERS "UNDER. THIS TIT LE.) PTJBLISH1BID I IK * BN- O-LISK, P H B liT C H , .A. 3ST ID B DP .A. 1ST I S Ii- READ IN ALL. PART S OF THE WORtiD , J „ ASTD THB , BEST 3JCEI >IXJ rVi: ITOIfc v^O^^EJ TtTT ISEHt S. All iulonnation in rea pecb of Tariff for Adive i ti-emonts and other matters to be obtained on application to the MANAGER , 161 QUEE N VICTORIA STREET , [ LONDON , E.C. Postal Orders and Cheques to be metde\ payable to /£. GCO Trm and eroded 3fA f t TIN A CO. , THE COLONIES AND INDIA. ESTABLISHED OVER A QUARTER OF A CENTURY. READ BY ALL INTER ESTED IN THE COLONIES ADD INDIA. Tube Comjnik ^ and India ia read by the bulk of th e Merchants and other s doing business abroad. ¦ - Pu.blisb.od Weekly ; Subscri ption for 52 Issues a Year , post age paid , 1O». 6d. Posta l Oute rs and Cheque * to be mate payable to R. SCOTT , Offices , 161 Queen Victoria Street. » I :% ^Ym&m^MM*- ' -^ " r' ?: - ^'^'^-mmmmm^^MmM TH$ ^Hf ^XAR Ain> Genera l ftccorb of 2&riti £ft anb jp oreiffn aitccatuw CONTAINE R A COMPLE TE ALPHABETI CAL LI ST OF ALL NEW WORKS PUBLISH ED IN GRE AT BRITAIN AND EVER Y WOK K OF INTERE ST PUBLI SHED ABROAD [Issued on the 1st and 15tli of e*ch Month } Pbice 3cL February i, 1886 SSl S ^S OO1TTE1TTS LITERARY INTE LLIGENCE .97—109 RECEN T FOREIGN WORKS 114 ITALY AND HER INVADERS 100, 101 NEW BOOKS AND BOOKS LATELY PUB- A NATIONAL LIBRARY POR SCOTLAND .. 101101., 102 LISHED 115—127, 144 NOTES AND NEWS 102—104 MI SCELLAN EOUS 127—138 AMERICAN NEW S AND NOTE S 104, 105 BUSINESS CARDS 127, 128 SALESA.L.E JOTTINGS 105,. 106 BUSINESSES FOE SALE 129, 135—13713&—l«J 7 REVIEWS , &c 106—109 ASSISTANTS WANTED..* 137 INDEX TO BOOKS PUBLISHED IN GREAT WANT SITUATIONS 137 BRITAIN BETW EEN JANUARY 16 AND 30.. 109, 110 SCAL <\ OF CHABGES 138 BOOKS PUBLISHED IN_«_ .^h. .. 138—143 ¦ »& ¦ ~ GREAT BRITAIN BOOKS WANTED TO PURCHASE FROM"¦^**ar.*. ^*fc *VB a*» JANUARY^v a ** a * i «^^ah 16^ .^ TO 30—. — 111—114 1 I 3ST X>E32C TO -A.X>T7-:Ei :E& TIS:E3 :R/ S Allen (W.) «fe Co 128 Galpin (J. ) Bl^3 Marsh all Brothers 128 Allen (W. H.) & Co 116 Olaisher <W.) 138 Maxwell (J. & R.) 123 American Travelle r iv Glasgow Evenin g News iii Mitchell & O > 135 Andrews & Co. (Durham; 129 Glasgow Herald iii Montgomerie (J. C.) 135 Austing & Sous 127 Golding <G.) 128 Napper (J. W.) 127 Bacon (G. W.) 122 Guest & Co 128 Newman (G.) 135 Bartlett& Co 128 Gyles (A.), Nottingham 135 Olyett . 137 uvu T» ./ ^-vr»»^> uv J.UU jUWU. Ui/ KJW, .. XJdO JU Caf£t?Il ...•••«.....•••¦••>•••^ .w Bone & Son <•*.•>.....•..•••••>•* 133 Hall & Co • • • • •• •••¦••••.«• . .• 128 Pagen ^<W.) 135 Bell (M.) 127 Hall (J.) 122 Pa per Ma kers' Circular 126 Burgh es (A. M.) 136 Har e & Co 134 Paul (K.), Trench , & Co 129 Cassell & Co 135 , 144 Heywood & Son 128 Philli ps (S. O.) 120 ¦•• •• Chattovm*UDV &W WinduT» 1UU UO s ••••••.. 118XJ.O HeywoodJLJL .K3J W UUU (J.),^U. _/, ManchesterU1UUUUCSKCJ. 1381UO Religiousa.kOX« BlVrMO TractJL&C»V> «< Society(JWIV/ W^ •*•••• • • . 121• Child' s Pictorial iv Hod gson (H. H.) 129 Rock Brothers 130 Clark (T. & T.), Edi nbur gh 129 Hodges , Figgis, & Co. (Dublin) 129 St. James 's Gazette ii Clowes«^iuwes &on Sonsoons , Limitedjj imicea 122L&z HolmeJOLOimes s <&oc Sonoon 136joo SilverlockoiiveriooK (H.\tx.}) 127*¦** Culter Pape r Mills Company 134 Hurst & Blacke tt 124 Simpki n, Marshall , & Co 129 - Curtice (E.) 128 Hutt (C.) 143 Spalding & Hod ge 131 j ^ Dailyany Frx' ikzk}ee Pressjticdo ................iiti Kentjck.ouu &Ob Co\- j KJ.
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