David Quéré



David Quéré is senior scientist at CNRS and joint professor at the École Poytechnique. His research field is interfacial hydrodynamics, ranging from surface coating to wetting of textured surfaces, self-propulsion or biomimetism. His work is motivated by scientific curiosity (superhydrophobic leaves, bird feeding or underwater spiders), but it is also strongly influenced by industrial applications (glass manufacturing, food processing, anti-adhesive coatings). His approach is based on elegant experimental setups and a description of physical phenomena through scaling law arguments. He received the CNRS silver medal in 2014 for his worldwide impact in the development of interfacial hydrodynamics.

Piotr Garstecki

Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland


Piotr Garstecki is an Associate Professor at the Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Science, in Warsaw, Poland. He obtained MSc in Theoretical Physics from the College of Science of the Polish Academy in 1998 and PhD in Chemistry from the Institute of Physical Chemistry PAS. He later conducted research as a postdoctoral fellow in the group of Prof. George Whitesides at the Chemistry and Chemical Biology Department at Harvard University. He currently leads the Research Group of Microfluidics and Complex Fluids at the Institute of Physical Chemistry in Warsaw. The group conducts research on fundamental aspects of the physics of soft matter systems and develops microfluidic tools for chemistry and biology. He coauthored close to a hundred scientific publications and multiple patent applications and cofounded two spin-out companies: Scope Fluidics and Curiosity Diagnostics, both working on the use of microfluidic technologies in medical diagnostics.

Metin Sitti

Max Planck Insitute for Intelligent Systems, Physical Intelligence Department, Stuttgart, Germany


Metin Sitti received the BSc and MSc degrees in electrical and electronics engineering from Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey, in 1992 and 1994, respectively, and the PhD degree in electrical engineering from the University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, in 1999. He was a research scientist at UC Berkeley during 1999-2002. He is currently a director in Max-Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, Stuttgart, and a professor in Department of Mechanical Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. His research interests include small-scale physical intelligence, mobile milli/microrobots, bio-inspiration, and advanced materials. He is an IEEE Fellow. He received the SPIE Nanoengineering Pioneer Award in 2011 and NSF CAREER Award in 2005. He received many best paper and best video awards in major robotics conferences and journals. He is the editor-in-chief of Journal of Micro- Bio Robotics.

Stéphane Régnier

Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France


Stéphane Régnier is the head of the Microrobotics research group at ISIR. His research is focused on micro-robotics, micro/nano-manipulation and haptics for the micro and nanoscales. He is associate editor of IEEE Transactions on Robotics, IEEE Transaction on Robotics Letter and the International Journal of Bio-Micro-Mechatronics. He was leader of several scientific projects in France (e.g. MITEMA, PACMAN, LEMA). He was also involved in several national and European projects (e.g. NANORAC, GOLEM, REMIQUA). He is author of seven books, seven chapters of book, 80 scientific articles, seven international patents and 110 international conference papers. In 2015, he became Senior Member of the IUF (The Institut Universitaire de France).

Lydéric Bocquet

École Normale Supérieure, Paris, France


Lydéric Bocquet is director of research at CNRS and joint professor at the Ecole Normale Supérieure. His research interests are mainly curiosity driven and extend to domains at the interface between soft condensed matter, fluid dynamics and nanoscience. He combines theory, experiments and simulations to explore the intimate mechanisms of fluid interfaces from the macroscopic down to the molecular level. His scientific objective is to harvest the unexpected fluid transport behaviors occurring at the nanoscales in order to propose new routes for energy harvesting and desalination. Beyond academically oriented topics, he also has a strong interest in every-day life science.

Manu Prakash

Stanford, California, USA


Manu Prakash is an assistant professor of bioengineering at Stanford University. His approach brings together experimental and theoretical techniques from soft-condensed matter physics, fluid dynamics, theory of computation and unconventional micro and nano-fabrication to open problems in biology: from organismal to cellular and molecular scale. With his group, he design and build precision instrumentation including droplet microfluidic tools to probe and perturb biological machines and their synthetic analogues. Along the way, he invents novel technologies in global health context with clinical applications in extreme resource poor settings.

Valeria Garbin

Imperial College, London, UK


Valeria Garbin is a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in the Department of Chemical Engineering at Imperial College London. Her research group investigates the flow and dynamics of soft matter, using a unique combination of experimental techniques for high-precision dynamic measurements on the microscale. Her strongly collaborative research program will help address challenges including more sustainable and healthier formulated products, targeted drug delivery to cancer cells, and improved bioprocesses for energy and biopharmaceuticals production. Valeria did a postdoc in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at the University of Pennsylvania, and has held a Rubicon Fellowship in the group of Physics of Fluids at the University of Twente. She has a PhD in Nanotechnology from the Department of Physics of the University of Trieste, and a first degree in Physics from the University of Padova. In 2014 she was awarded an ERC Starting Grant.

Hans-Jürgen Butt

Max-Planck-Institute for Polymer Research, Mainz, Germany


Hans-Jürgen Butt studied physics at the Universities of Hamburg and Göttingen. He received his Diploma in 1986. Then he moved to Frankfurt to work in Ernst Bamberg’s group at the Max Planck Institute for Biophysics on light induced proton transport of bacteriorhodopsin. After his PhD in 1989 as a postdoc in Santa Barbara with Paul Hansma he got into contact with the newly developed atomic force microscope. From 1990-96 back in Frankfurt as a researcher he studied biological objects with the atomic force microscope. In this period the work on surfaces in particular on surface forces became a central issue. In 1996 he went to the institute for physical chemistry at the Johannes Gutenberg-University in Mainz as associate professor. There he focussed on the physics and chemistry of interfaces. Three years later he joined the University of Siegen as full professor for physical chemistry. In 2002 he followed a call to the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research in Mainz, where he is a director. His work focuses on the experimental physics of interfaces.


Soft gel can repel liquid jet with low and high surface tension D. Daniel, X. Yao, M. Brenner, J. Aizenberg John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University

Partial wetting of thin liquid film in polymer tubing P. Hayoun, A. Letailleur, J. Teisseire, E. Verneuil, F. Lequeux, E. Barthel PhD Student - SIMM ESPCI Soft Matter Science and Engineering

Off-equilibrium surface tension in driven colloidal and polymer suspensions D. Truzzolillo, L. Cipelletti, C. Dupas, S. Mora Laboratoire Charles Coulomb (L2C), UMR 5221 CNRS-University of Montpellier 2, Montpellier

Stability of an air-water interface in presence of micro-particles I. Bihi, M. Baudoin, J. E. Butler, C. Faille, F. Zoueshtiagh Univ. , CNRS, ECLille, ISEN, Univ. Valenciennes, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida

Silica wetting by polybutadiene melts M. Yonger, E. Verneuil, H. Montes, F. Lequeux, A. Papon, L. Guy Epsci

Emulsions with ultralow interfacial tension under shear- experimental and phase field simulations R. H. Tromp, S. Samin NIZO food research/Utrecht University

Properties of thin liquid films revealed by the thermal capillary waves of their free surfaces B. Pottier, C. Frétigny, L. Talini Laboratoire Sciences et Ingénierie de la Matière Molle (SIMM) Unité Mixte de Recherche 7615 CNRS/UPMC/ESPCI

Self-rolled microsystems: A promising route toward fully functionalized and low cost micro-capillaries. R. Brossard, F. Malloggi LIONS, CEA, CNRS, Université Paris-Saclay

Dynamics of inertial Lagrangian coherent structures in oscillatory flows driven by surface tension gradients D. E. Melkinov, M. Gotoda, I. Ueno, V. Shevtsova ULB

Predicting slip by measuring contact angles T. D. Blake, J-C. Fernandez-Toledano, J. De Coninck Laboratory of Surface and Interfacial Physics,

Formation of Carbon Nanotube Honeycombs by Elasto-Capillary Aggregation S. Jessl, D. Copic, M. De Volder PhD Student NanoManufacturing University of Cambridge

Contact angle hysteresis over well-characterized defects R. Lhermerout, K. Davitt Laboratoire de Physique Statistique de l'ENS, Paris

Heat-driven flows and motion of a hot particle at the water-air interface A. Girot, N. Danné, A. Würger, T. Bickel, Fang Ren, J-C. Loudet, B. Pouligny, Université de - Centre de recherche Paul-Pascal, CNRS Pessac, France

Coupled dynamics of liquid film assemblies: emergence vs. enslaving M. Dietzel, M. Vécsei, I. Nejati, S. Hardt Institute for Nano- and Microfluidics, Center of Smart Interfaces, TU Darmstadt

How a laser-pulse impact deforms and fragments a liquid drop H. Gelderblom, A. L. Klein, W. Bouwhuis, H. Lhuissier, E. Villermaux, D. Lohse, J. H. Snoeijer Physics of Fluids, Faculty of Science & Technology, University of Twente, Enschede

Towards Multiscale Modelling of Interfacial Rheology A. M. Luo, P. Ilg, H. C. Öttinger, L. M. C. Sagis Polymer Physics, Department of Materials, ETH Z¨urich

Multi-scale patterns formed by Sodium Sulphate in a drying droplet of Gelatin: Experiment and simulation T. Dutta, B. Roy, M. Dutta Choudhurri, S. Tarafdar Department of Physics, Associate Professor and Dean of Science, St.Xavier's College, Kolkata, India

Liquid Dielectrophoresis Induced Wetting and Dewetting G. McHale, A. M.J. Edwards, R. Ledesma-Aguilar, G. G. Wells, M. I. Newton, C.V. Brown Professor of Applied & Materials Physics and Executive Dean, Engineering & Environment Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne

A dynamic view of contact angle hysteresis H. Perrin, R. Lhermerout, K. Davitt, E. Rolley, B. Andreotti PMMH Lab - ESPCI-CNRS

Role of natural convection in the dissolution of sessile droplets D. Lohse, E. Dietrich, S. Wildeman, C. W. Visser, K. Hofhuis, E.S. Kooij, H. J. W. Zandvliet Physics of Fluids, Faculty of Science & Technology, University of Twente

The break-up of free films pulled out of a pure liquid bath L. Champougny, E. Rio, F. Restagno, B. Scheid aLaboratoire de Physique des Solides, CNRS & Université Paris-Sud

Semi-flexible microtensiometers for accurate and fast local surface pressure measurement P. Gijsenbergh, M. Pepicelli, C. L. Wirth, J. Vermant, R. Puers Esat KUL

Microfoams: a model to investigate surface rheology V. Miralles, E. Rio, I. Cantat, M.-C. Jullien CNRS-ESPCI

Surface nanodroplet formation through controlled solvent exchange Xuehua Zhang, Ziyang Lu, Huanshu Tan, Haitao Yu, Lei Bao, Ynghe He, Chao Sun, D. Lohse School of Engineering University Melbourne, Australia; University of Twente

Composite liquid fibers - highly stretchable functional fibers P. Grandgeorge, A. Antkowiak, R. Wunenburger, S. Neukirch Sorbonne Universités

Wettability of metal droplets on solid particles in liquid slags I. Bellemans, E. De Wilde, N. Moelans, K. Verbeken Ugent

Self-assembly of capillary multipoles M. Poty, G. Lagubeau, G. Lumay, N. Vandewalle Ulg

Dewetting of superhydrophobic surfaces S. Meloni, M. Amabili, A. Giacomello, C. M. Casciola Université de Roma

Direct numerical simulation of the self-assembly of colloidal particles in a micro-channel Zhouyang Ge, L. Brandt Linn´e FLOW Centre and SeRC (Swedish e-Science Research Centre),

Bio-inspired and robust superhydrophobic polymer coatings C. J. Ocando Cordero, M. Amin Ali, J. De Conninck UMons

Numerical investigation of sliding and spreading drops D. Legendre Institut de Mécanique des Fluides de Toulouse (IMFT)

Direct measurements of surface stress and surface energy of stretched soft solids Qin Xu, K. E. Jensen, R. Boltyanskiy, R. W. Style, E. R. Dufresne Yale University

Toward a robotic non-contact micromanipulation platform based on Thermocapillary Flows Actuation J. E. Quispe, E. M. Muñoz, E. Vela Department of Mechanical Engineering, Universidad de Ingenier´ıa y Technolog´ıa - UTEC

Liquid wheelbarrows D. Beilharz, E. Spruijt, C. Clanet, D. Quéré Espci

Surfactant spreading at an oil-water interface: From surfactant amphiphilicity to macroscopic flows I. Cantat, S. Leroux, M. Roché, A. Saint-Jalmes Institut de Physique de Rennes CNRS-Université Rennes 1

Surface tension and deformation in soft adhesion K. E. Jensen, E. R. Dufresne Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science, Yale University

Jumping on water Eunjin Yang, Je-Sung Koh, Sang-Im Lee, P. G. Jablonski, Kyu-Jin Cho, Ho-Young Kim Seoul National University

Submerged thermocapillary microswimmer G. J. Amador, Wenqi Hu, A. F. Tabak, M. Sitti Max Planck Institute

Dripping transition in falling film flows along a rotating cylinder W. Rohlfs, M. Rietz, R. Kneer, B. Scheid Aachen University

Surface viscosity and surface elasticity in soap films dynamics under large deformation rates. P. Petit, M. Le merrer, A.-L. Biance Université de

Dynamics of drops and bubbles in a confined space Ko Okumura Tokyo University

Analysis of a Mobile Capillary Microgripper J. Giltinan, E. Diller, M. Sitti Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh - Max Planck Institute

Spreading of a Viscoplastic Fluid: an Experimental Analysis M. Jalaal, B. Stoeber, N. Balmforth The University of British Columbia, Vancouver

Wetting properties of partially supported graphene monolayers T. Ondarçuhu, V. Thomas, M. nuñez, E. Dujardin, A. Rahman, C. T. Black, A. Checco Cemes-CNRS Toulouse

Early dew shedding on a grooved surface P.-B. Bintein, H. Lhuissier, A. Mongruel, L. Royon, D. Beysens Université Paris Diderot - Espci

An accurate numerical method for computing surface tension forces in CFD codes M. Coquerelle, S. Glockner ENSEIRB-MATMECA, Bordeaux

Transport Velocity of Vibrated Sessile Drops on Ratchet Conveyors H. R. Holmes, K. F. Böhringer University of Washington

Adventures of Fluids meeting a Solid A. Marmur Israel

Drop impact: effect of surface friction on spreading dynamics A.-L. Biance, Choongyeop Lee, H. Lastakowski, C. Pirat, C. Ybert Universite Lyon

Surface cooling under a Leidenfrost drop: comparison between interferometric measurements and numerical simulations M. A. J. van Limbeek, B. Sobac, M. Klein-Schaarsberg, Chao Sun, A. Rednikov, P. Colinet, D. Lohse University of Twente

Self-propelled motion of oil droplet and camphor boat on an aqueous phase M. Fujinami Chiba University

The Stick–Jump Mode of Droplet Evaporation S. K. Wilson, J. M. Stauber, B. R. Duffy University of Strathclyde


Towards an electrowetting-driven Ph.D in Fluid Mechanics micro-conveyor: An investigation of Assocoiate Professor new electrode design. Department of aeromechanics and gas L. Geukens, D. Reynaerts, R. Puers dynamics Faculty of Mechanics and mathematics Lomonosov Moscow State KUL University

A diffuse interface approach for cavitating bubbles Diminution of dew impact on optical F. Magaletti, M. Gallo, L. MarinoC. M. Casiola properties of transparent Department of Mechanical and Aerospace polycarbonate by surface texturing Engineering, Sapienza Universit`a di N. Pionnier, E. Contraires, R. BergerM. Roma, Rome, Italy GuibertS. BenayounS. Valette

Yield-stress fluid foam formation in PhD student - Mechanical engineer confined geometry Laboratory of Tribology and Systems B. Laborie, F. Rouyer, D. E. AngelescuE. Dynamics (LTDS) - UMR 5513 Building D4 Lorenceau Centrale Graduate School of Lyon

École Normale Supérieure Laboratoire de Physique Statistique - UMR BOILING HEAT TRANSFER: 8550 Institut Pierre-Gilles de Gennes CONVECTION CONTROLLED BY Paris, NUCLEATION

I.G. Shekriladze Capillarity induced deformation of Professor slender structures: beams, plates and Georgian Technical University tubes J. Liu, J. Sun, P. Zuo Tuning shapes of drying suspensions Department of Engineering Mechanics, droplets China University of Petroleum, Qingdao playing with physico-chemistry China E. Lintingre, F. Lequeux, L. TaliniG. DucouretT. Parametric excitation of capillary Perié Epsci waves in falling films by alternating electric field E. I. Mogilevskiy, V. Ya. Shkadov,

Continuum and atomistic approaches Axisymmetric spreading of droplets to wetting of structured into films using liquid surfaces dielectrophoresis A. Giacomello, M. Amabili, E. LisiS. MeloniC. M. Z. Brabcova, G. McHale, G. G. WellsC. V. Casciola BrownM. I. NewtonA. M.J. Edwards Sapienza University of Rome Smart Surfaces & Materials Laboratory, Pinch-off of a viscous particulate Department of Physics & Electrical suspension Engineering, Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK J. Château, E. Guazzelli, H. Lhuissier Aix- Université Study of sessile droplets on low

Growth and Departure of friction surfaces with highly mobile Condensation Microdroplets on contact lines Jian H. Guan, Ben Xu, D. WoodJ. MartinS. Superhydrophobic Surfaces Stuart-ColeG. McHaleR. Ledesma-AguilaG. G. P. Hao, C. Lv, Z. YaoF. He Wells Department of Engineering Mechanics, Department of Physics and Electrical Tsinghua University, Beijing, China Engineering

Northumbria University Yield stress and elasticity influence on Faculty of Engineering and Environment, surface tension Newcastle-Upon-Tyne measurements L. Jørgensen, M. Le Merrer, H. Delanoë-AyariC. Capillary rise of yield-stress fluids Barentin G. Baudouin, L. Jørgensen, C. Barentin Institut Lumière Matière, CNRS-Univ. Lyon Institut Lumière Matière Université Claude Bernard - Lyon 1 - CNRS, A Numerical Study of Funicular Water Bridge Effect based on Three Spheres Accelerating 3D printing for surface Ji-Peng Wang, P. Lambert, B. FrançoisE. GalloF. wettability research Gabrieli J. D. Fernández-Rodríguez, J. De Conninck, ULB Umons

“Tears of Wine” in Capillary Tubes Unraveling the Salvinia Paradox: Cunjing Lv, T. Homolla, S. N. VaranakkottuS. Hardt Design Principles for Submerged Superhydrophobicity Center of Smart Interfaces, TU Darmstadt, M. Amabili, A. Giacomello, S. MeloniC. M. 64287 Darmstadt, Germany Casciola Micro-spectroscopy of medicines Sapienza University of Rome solutions in pendant droplets Chemically-driven Marangoni flows M. L. Pascu, T. Tozar, M. BoniA. DinacheV. NastasaI. R. Andrei across A + B! C reaction Prof at National Institute for Laser, Plasma fronts and Radiation Physics R. Tiani, L. Rongy, ULB Nonlinear Physical Chemistry Unit Judetul Ilfov, Romania

Near-post meniscus-induced Jianlin Liu, Pingcheng Zuo, migration and assembly of bubbles College of Pipeline and Civil Engineering, Shanpeng Li, Jianlin Liu, Jian Hou China University of Petroleum, Qingdao

College of Petroleum Engineering, China The dynamics of liquid plugs in University of Petroleum, Qingdao, China capillary tubes under periodic forcing Prediction of surface tensions of S. S. Mamba, M. Baudoin, F. Zoueshtiagh emollients using the COSMO-RS 2nd year Phd Student at the Institut of sigma-moments Electronics, Microelectronics and Nanotechnologies (IEMN) of Lille V. Goussard, V. Rataj, E. Van HeckeI. PezronJ- M. Aubry Beam profile alters drop Doctorant et Ingénieur Formulation fragmentation after laser impact diplômé de l'ENSCL A. L. Klein, H. Lhuissier, E. VillermauxD. LohseH. Unité de Catalyse et de Chimie du Solide Gelderblom Université de Lille Physics of Fluids Group, Faculty of Science

and Technology, MESA+ Institute, University of Twente Viscoelectric effect on an electro- osmotic flow in a cylindrical micro- Spreading dynamics of PVDF drops capillary Y. Zhang, C. A. Fuentes, A. W. Van VuureJ. De J. Marroquín-Desentis, F. Méndez, O. Bautista ConninckD. Seveno Facultad de Ingenierıa, Universidad Department of Materials Engineering, KU Nacional Aut´onoma de M´exico, Ciudad Leuven, Leuven, Laboratory of Surface Universitaria, Ciudad de Mexico and Interfacial Physics, Umons

Lattice Boltzmann Simulations of Thermocapillary micromanipulation: Multiphase Flows in Complex principle and Geometries proof-of-concept É. Ruiz-Gutiérrez, R. Ledesma-Aguilar, R. Terrazas Mallea, A. Bolopion, P. LambertM. Department of Physics & Electrical Gauthier Engineering, Northumbria University, BEAMS, Ecole Polytechnique de Bruxelles, Newcastle upon Tyne ULB - FEMTO-ST Institute Besançon

STUDIES ON THE EVAPORATION OF A Estimating the Surface Tension of LIQUID DROPLET Ionic liquid nano-drops under the IN THE PRESENCE OF A influence of an Electric field NANOPARTICLE. R. Rajegowda, S. P. Sathian, V. Arun Kumar, S. P. Sathian, Associate Professor Department of Associate Professor Department of Applied Mechanics Indian Institute of Applied Mechanics Indian Institute of Technology Madras Technology Madras Chennai . India

Chennai . India

Stability and breakup of liquid nano- Wetting and elasto-plasticity based threads in the presence of electric sculpture of liquid marbles field.

D. K. Bhuptani, S. P. Sathian, University of Amsterdam

Associate Professor Department of Shape and motion of evaporation of Applied Mechanics Indian Institute of ultra-thin polar drops in the presence Technology Madras of a soluble surfactant Chennai . India V. Y. Gordeeva, A. V. Lyushnin,

Dr. Andrey V.Lyushnin A computational study on the role of Department of Theoretical Physics fluctuations in the Perm State Humanitarian-Pedagogical thermodynamics of nanodrop-vapor University interfac Perm, Russia A. R. Nair, S. P. Sathian,

Associate Professor, Department of Capillary Penetration into Inclined Applied Mechanics, IIT Madras, Tamil Circular Glass Tubes Nadu, India C. L. Trabi, F. Ouali, G. McHaleH. JavedR. H. Design of an agricultural nozzle: MorrisM. I. Newton Experimental investigation of a round School of Science and Technology, jet impacting vertically a horizontal Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham U.K. disk Wettability of target surfaces by laser S. O. T. Salah, N. De Cock, M. MassinonA. modified DuchesneF. LebeauS. Dorbolo medicine droplets under hypergravity Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech conditions University of Liege

A. Simon, A. Stoicu, I. R. AndreiT. TozarV. Magnetocapillary self-assemblies : DamianM. L. Pascu swimming and Prof at National Institute for Laser, Plasma micromanipulation. and Radiation Physics G. Grosjean, M. Hubert, G. LagubeauG. Judetul Ilfov, Romania

LumayN. Vandewalle Ph.D. Student - GRASP - Physics Oil extraction from model rough Department, ULg surfaces L. Keiser, A. Gas, D. QuéréJ. BicoE. Reyssat

Espci Dilational Surface Rheology of DNA/Surfactant Solutions Electrically charged droplet : B. A. Noskov, V.V. Lyadinskaya, Sh-Yow LinA. V. Displacement induced by electric Mikhailov charges Institute of Chemistry, St.Petersburg State M. Brandenbourger, H. Caps, S. Dorbolo University, Russia ULg

Surfactant action at solid surfaces Composite states of wetting O. Carrier, B. Bera, N. ShahidzadehE. BackusM. J. De Conninck, F. Dunlop, T. Huillet BonnD. Bonn Universite de Cergy-Pontoise 2

Espci Droplets on crossed fibers F. Weyer, Zhao Pan, M. LismontL. DreesenT. T Multiscale Modeling of Elastocapillary TruscottN. Vandewalle Aggregation ULg M. De Volder, A. van Duin, D. Seveno Optimization of hydrogen peroxide KUL separation from ternary mixture in Transferring interfacial rheology data microfluidics from lab tests to practical midstream I. Ziemecka, B. Haut, B. Scheid processing: Optimizing demulsifier ULB performance to reduce corrosion and A new pure capillary instability pipeline pressure peaks L. Biancofiore, F. Gallaire, E. HeifetzJ. Hoepffner R. Mingazov, I. Kogut, R. MinchT. WillersD. Bilkent University Frese

KRUSS GmbH Evaporation-triggered microdroplet nucleation and the four life phases of Dewetting on lubricant impragnated an evaporating Ouzo drop surfaces Huanshu Tau, C. Diddens, Pengyu LvJ. G. M. A. Gas, K. Varanasi, C. ClanetD. Quéré KuertenXuehua ZhangD. Lohse Espci

University of Twente Wetting air Direct numerical simulation of the H. de Maleprade, C. Clanet, D. Quéré self-assembly of colloidal Espci particles in a micro-channel Wetting of polymers by their solvents Zhouyang Ge, L. Brandt, E. Verneuil, L. Talini, F. Lequeux Linn´e FLOW Centre and SeRC (Swedish e- Espci Science Research Centre), Differential wetting of water and Dynamics of drop evaporation on silicone oil textured surfaces M. Borocco, C. Clanet, J.-R. AuthelinC. PelletD. L. Mekhitarian, B. Sobac, S. DehaeckB. HautP. Quéré Colinet Espci ULB Elastic superhydrophobic surfaces Role of a liquid interface to M. Coux, D. Quéré, C. Clanet prevent bacterial adhesion on silicone Espci gels N. Lavielle, D. Asker, B. D. HattonD. Quéré Controlled oil adhesion on smart Espci polymer surface toward on-demand self-cleaning Superhydrophobic grains Wei Xu, Jian Xu, A. PalumboChang-Hwan M. Amin Ali, S. Place, A. PortierJ. De Conninck ChoiEui-Hyeok Yang UMons Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, New Jersey Shaping water with macrotextures P. Chantelot, A. Gauthier, C. ClanetD. Quéré

Activity-controlled surface tension: and anomalous diffusion Marangoni flow, colloidal A. Dominguez Universidad de Sevilla absorption and self-assembly P. Malgaretti Phase-filed modelling of interface aMax-Planck-Institut f ¨ur Intelligente between slowly miscible liquids Système Ruilin Xie, A. Vorobev, Study of the wetting behavior of University of Southampton micrometric natural and 3D printed How triple line pinning affects wetting natural-like fibers on textured surfaces C. A. Fuentes, S. Smukste, Y. VitryP. LambertB. E. Barthel, J. Teisseire, M. RivettiE. Contraires ScheidD. SevenoA. W. Van Vuure Espci KUL Flow enhancement in pulsatile Capillary force on a tilted cylinder: electroosmotic flow in a circular AFM measurements S. Kosgodagan Acharige, J. Laurent, A. microchannel with slippage effect Steinberger G. Rojas, O. Bautista, F. Méndez ENS de Lyon Instituto Polit´ecnico Nacional, Mexico Dynamic and Static Self-assembly Platform of Spinning Magnetic Rafts On the dynamic boundary condition at Air-water Interface for tangential stresses Wendong Wang, M. Sitti, at a gas-liquid interface in the Max Planck Institute presence of insoluble surfactant D. A. Bratsun, V. A. Demin, M. I. PetukhovA. I. Measurement of Superficial / MizevA. V. Shmyrov Interfacial tension and contact Perm National Research Polytechnical angles using drops without apex University A. Cagna, G. Esposito, J.-F. ArgillierA. Salonen Capillary hydraulic jump in a liquid Teclis Scientific, Tassin foam microchannel Capillary Origami as a New Method A. Cohen, N. Fraysse, Y. BouretM. ArgentinaC. for Printing Nanoparticles on 3D Raufaste Surfaces Université Nice

G. Özkazanç, E. Yegân Erdem, Stability of Marangoni-buoyant flows Bilkent University in liquid-gas system with Theoretical study of contact line account for weak evaporation dynamics in a chemically V. Yasnou, D. Melkinov, Y. GaponenkoA. heterogeneous microchannel MialdunV. Shevtsova M. Hatipogullari, C. Wylock, M. PradasS. ULB Microgravity Research Centre

KalliadasisP. Colinet ULB Tips Instability of interfacial patterns in miscible fluids induced by vibrations Capillary collapse in colloidal Y. Gaponenko, V. Yasnou, A. MialdunV. monolayers Shevtsova

ULB Institut de Science des Matériaux de

Mulhouse Leidenfrost Effect on a liquid pool L. Maquet, B. Sobac, B. Darbois-TexierA. Droplet formation in microfluidic DuchesneM. BrandengourberA. RednikovP. cross-junctions ColinetS. Dorbolo S. Van Loo, S. Stoukatch, T. Gilet ULg ULg

Capillary action of water in hydrogels Effect of salts on the adsorption J. Andersson, A. Strön, A. Larsson characteristics of ionic surfactants Chalmers University of Technology M. J. Qazi, D. Bonn, N. Shahidzadeh Göteborg Institute of Physics,

University of Amsterdam Investigation of the two-layer fluid flows with evaporation on the basis of Transition between catastrophic the exact solutions V. B. Bekezhanova, O. N. Goncharova, acceleration and deceleration of liquid plugs in prewetted capillary Department of Differential Equations, Altai State University, Barnaul, Russia tubes J. Carmelo Magniez, M. Baudoin, Chang LiuF. Droplet velocity in a micrometric Zoueshtiagh Hele-Shaw Cell Université de Lille B. Reichert, A. Huerre, O. TheodolyM.-P. ValignatI. CantatM.-C. Jullien Dynamic wetting of textured vibrating Espci surfaces E. Contraires, M. Guibert, S. ValetteA. Le BotS. Self-propulsion of a Leidenfrost drop Benyaoun on a substrate with a Ecole Centrale de Lyon thermal gradient Sliding bubbles on a hot horizontal B. Sobac, A. Rednikov, S. DorboloP. Colinet wire in a subcooled bath ULB A. Duchesne, C. Dubois, H. Caps Atomic Force Microscopy ULg investigation of menisci at the Interfacial rheology of a drop of crude nanometer scale: hydrodynamics and oil oscillating at high interface elasticity. frequency in water C. Mortagne, J. Dupré de Baubigny, M. A. Piedfert, N. Abi Chebel, B. LalanneO. BenzaquenM. LegrosJ.-P. AiméT. Ondarçuhu MasbernatF. Risso Cemes-CNRS Toulouse Universit´e de Toulouse Tensiometric characterization of Spreading and solidification of hot superhydrophobic surfaces, drops on cold substrates as compared to the sessile and R. de Ruiter, P. Colinet, D. LohseJ. SnoeijerH. bouncing drop methods Gelderblom L. Vonna, H. Haidara, University of Twente

Instability of a subsurface vortex ring

M. Labousse, B. El-Hadj Maïga, I. CantatA. Control of wetting and hybrid Saint-JalmesM. Roché microassembly Université Paris Diderot Quan Zhou Nanoparticle capillary layer for improving thermosyphon Spreading dynamics of evaporating A. Lavrikov, Y. Kuzma-Kichta, A. Ustinov and perfectly wetting liquids Skolkovo Institute of Science and S. Dehaeck, A. Rednikov, D. SevenoJ. De Technology ConninckP. Colinet

ULB Tips Surface-tension Driven Convection in a Chemical Reaction Wetting effect on Torricelli’s law S. C. Müller, T. Sakurai, H. Miike J. Ferrand, L. Favreau, V. VidalE. Freyssingeas University Magdeburg Laboratoire de Physique de l'ENS de Lyon

Foam flow in model porous media Interfacial tension of a lipid A. Mauray, M. Chabert, H. Bodiguel membrane formed at the liquid-liquid Univ. Grenoble-Alpes interface upon DNA complex Transport Velocity of Vibrated Sessile formation Drops on Ratchet Conveyors K. Suzuki, M. Ohno, T. NomotoT. ToyotaM. H. R. Holmes, K. F. Böhringer, Fujinami University of Washington Chiba University

Parameters that influence the lifetime Membrane tension of free standing of antibubble lipid bilayers by laser-induced surface Y. VITRY, S. Dorbolo, J. VermantB. Scheid deformation spectroscopy M. Takahashi, T. Fuiji, T. TakeiT. NomotoT. ULB ToyotaM. Fujinami A finite element contact model for Chiba University liquid droplets R. A. Sauer Role of interfacial tension of spontaneous chemical oscillation in RWTH Aachen University donor/membrane/acceptor systems Confined sliding drops S. Iko, K. Goto, T. NomotoT. ToyotaM. Fujinami R. Kennedy, P. Donnel, M. YahashiE. Reyssat Chiba University Espci Two components droplet Water Droplet Transport on evaporation: experiments and modelli Asymmetric Ratchet Conveyors under J. Charlier, S. Dehaeck, P. ColinetD. Terwagne High Frequency Orthogonal Vibrations ULB Di Sun, K. F. Böhringer, University of Washington Elastocapillarity in Dock Beetle

Adhesion Let’s twist S. Gernay, W. Federle, P. LambertT. Gilet A. Legrain, E. J. W. Berenschot, L. AbelmannJ. ULg BicoN. R. Tas University of Twente, Grenoble

On the cohesion of fluids: Young’s Self-Removal of Micro-droplets on equation at the molecular scale Hydrophobic Surfaces J. C. Fernandez Toledano, T. D. Blake, P. Lin-Yu Zhong, Zhao-Hui Yao, LambertJ. De Conninck Tsinghua University

UMons Surface Tension Relaxation in Parametric study of contact angles Reactive-Wetting at Room induced by diffusion-limited Temperature evaporation within a de Gennes– H. Taitelbaum Kelvin paradigm Bar-Ilan University Israel A. Rednikov, P. Colinet, ULB