About the Contributors

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About the Contributors 358 About the Contributors Li-minn Ang received his Ph.D and Bachelor degrees from Edith Cowan University, Australia in 2001 and 1996 respectively. He is currently an Associate Professor at the University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus. His research interests are in the fields of visual information processing, intelligent processing techniques, hardware architectures, reconfigurable computing, and engineering education. He has authored or coauthored a number of journal and conference papers in these areas. Currently he leads the research activities at the Visual Information Engineering Research Group at the University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus. He has received research grants from the Malaysian government and industry for his research activities and has served as a reviewer and committee member for a number of journals and conferences. Dr. Ang is a Senior Member of the IEEE and a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (UK). Kah Phooi Seng received her Ph.D and Bachelor degrees from the University of Tasmania, Australia in 2001 and 1997 respectively. She is currently a Professor of Computer Science at Sunway University, Malaysia. Her research interests are in the fields of intelligent visual processing, biometrics and multi- biometrics, artificial intelligence, and signal processing. She has authored or coauthored a number of journal and conference papers in these areas. Dr. Seng has received research grants from the Malaysian government and industry for her research activities and has served as a reviewer for journals and con- ferences. * * * Ruth M. Aguilar-Ponce received a Bachelor degree in Computer Science from the Autonomous University of Puebla, Mexico in 1997. She obtained the M.S. in Electronics from the National Institute for Research in Optics, Astrophysics and Electronics, Mexico in 1999. She joined the Center for Advanced Computer Studies at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, where she obtained the M.S in Computer Engineering in 2004 and the Ph.D. in 2007. Currently, she is an assistant professor at the University of San Luis Potosi, Mexico. She is a junior member of the National Research System in Mexico since 2009. Her research interests include sensor networks, communication protocols, system on a chip, and signal and image processing. Alfonso Alba received the B.S. degree in Electronic Engineering (1999) and the M.Sc. in Applied Mathematics (2001) from the Autonomous University of San Luis Potosi (UASLP), Mexico. In 2001, he also became a full-time professor at the Faculty of Science, UASLP. In 2007, he obtained the Ph.D. About the Contributors degree in Computer Science from the Center for Research in Mathematics (CIMAT, Guanajuato) and became a member of the Academic Committee of the graduate program in Electronic Engineering at UASLP. Dr. Alba is currently a fellow member of the National Research System. His current research interests include biomedical signal analysis and visualization, pattern recognition, and computer vision. Samir Brahim Belhouari received a diploma in telecommunication from Institute of Telecommu- nications of Oran (ITO), Algeria. He received Master degree from School of Toulouse (ENSEEIHT), France, during which he has developed a new method of multiple accesses in mobile networks by clock change. He has received a Ph.D. degree in Mathematical Sciences with an emphasis on Stochastic Pro- cesses from Federal Polytechnic School of Lausanne, Switzerland. During which he has been working at the Laboratory of Stochastic Processes (IMA-PrSt) at (EPFL). He has worked at the Integrated Systems Laboratory (LSI) of EPFL with main responsibility of applying advanced techniques of routing for data transmission over the internet (IP packet-Internet Protocol). Currently he is working at the University of Technology PETRONAS, Electrical and Electronic Engineering Department as S. Lecturer and his research interest is in Image processing and Pattern Recognition. Li Wern Chew received her Master of Science and Bachelor degrees from the University of Not- tingham Malaysia Campus and the University of Adelaide, Australia in 2007 and 2004 respectively. She is currently pursuing her Ph.D at the University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus. Her research interests are in the fields of signal, image, vision processing, and hardware architectures. Wai Chong Chia received his Master of Science and Bachelor degrees from the University of Not- tingham Malaysia Campus and the University of Nottingham Trent in 2008 and 2006 respectively. He is currently pursuing his Ph.D at the University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus. His research interests are in the fields of image and vision processing, hardware architectures, and wireless sensor network. Mangesh Chitnis received his Bachelors of Engineering in Information Technology in 2003 from Mumbai University and later Masters in Information Technology in 2006 from Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Italy. In 2004 he was hired by Infosys Technologies, India to work on Enterprise based Applications using J2EE. Since January 2007, he has been pursuing his PhD on Wireless Sensor Networks at Retis Lab in Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Italy. His main research interest is in the area of deterministic and stochastic bandwidth estimation for multimedia wireless sensor networks. Shung Han Cho received B.E. (Summa Cum Laude) with specialization in Telecommunications from both the department of Electronics Engineering at Ajou University, Korea and the department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Stony Brook University - SUNY, NY in 2006. He was a recipi- ent of Award for Academic Excellence in Electrical Engineering by College of Engineering and Applied Sciences at Stony Brook University. He received M.S. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Stony Brook University with Award of Honor in recognition of outstanding achievement and dedication in 2008. He is currently pursuing his Ph.D. degree in the department of Electrical and Computer Engi- neering at Stony Brook University. He was a recipient for International Academic Exchange Program supported by Korea Research Foundation (KRF) in 2005. He was a member of Sensor Consortium for Security and Medical Sensor Systems sponsored by NSF Partnerships for Innovation from 2005 to 359 About the Contributors 2006. His research interests include collaborative heterogeneous signal processing, distributed digital image processing and communication, networked robot navigation and communication, heterogeneous system modeling and evaluation. Yinhao Ding received the B.Sc. degree in Electronic Information Science and Technology from Jilin University, Changchun, China, in 2006, and received the M.Eng. degree in telecommunications engineer- ing from the University of Adelaide, Adelaide, SA, Australia, 2009. He is currently working toward the Ph.D. degree in the School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, SA, Australia. His research interests include wireless sensor networks and compressive sensing technique. Abdelrahman Elamin received his first degree from university of Khartoum Sudan in electrical and electronic engineering. He has received a master degree from IT university of Copenhagen, Denmark in Multimedia technology in 2005, where he studied speech coding and recognition and also developed speech enhancement system. Currently he is doing PhD at University of Technology PETRONAS, Ma- laysia in distributed video coding. His research interests in multimedia communication and application. Karin Fahlquist is a Ph.D. student at Digital Media Lab, Umeå University, Sweden, since 2008. She is currently involved in the EU project “Digital Zoo”. Her research area is interaction design in media technology. Before her Ph.D studies she worked six years as a teacher in the media technology area in the Department of Applied Physics and Electronics (TFE), Umeå University, Sweden. Jesús García is currently an Associate Professor at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, member of the Computer Science Department since year 2000 and belonging to the Applied Artificial Intelli- gence research Group (GIAA). He received his B.S. in Telecommunications Engineering from Univer- sidad Politécnica de Madrid in 1996, and his Ph.D. degree from the same university in 2001. He has participated in several European projects related to sensor fusion (funded by EC and Eurocontrol) and participated and coordinated diverse national research projects. His main interests are computational intelligence, sensor and information fusion, surveillance systems, machine vision, traffic management and autonomous vehicles. Brahim Hadjou is a professor in the department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (Engineer- ing faculty) at Sherbrooke University. He obtained his Ph.D. from Sherbrooke University in 1996, and Bachelor degree from Constantine University (Algeria) in 1986. His research domain is mainly related to the application of mathematics in robotics and power-limited applications. Sangjin Hong received the B.S and M.S degrees in EECS from the University of California, Berkeley. He received his Ph.D in EECS from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. He is currently with the department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Stony Brook University. Before joining Stony Brook University, he has worked at Ford Aerospace Corp. Computer Systems Division as a systems engineer. He also worked at Samsung Electronics in Korea as a technical consultant. His current research interests are in the areas of multimedia wireless communications
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