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ee mm uu ll oo CONTENTS EJ Daly, MH Trivedi, P Raskin and Trivedi, MH EJ Daly, BD Grannemann Risperidone in adolescent psychoses and I Dudova M Hrdlicka for bipolar intervention Pilot of group disorder D Castle, M Berk, L Berk, S Lauder, J Chamberlain and M Gilbert Editorial Original Articles events of traumatic Evaluation and Axelrod, J Grabowski BN L Trewhella in a diabetic for depression Screening outpatient population VV Robert Hirschfeld Shigeto Yamawaki EDITORS David Baldwin Siegfried Kasper ASSOCIATE EDITORS

International Journal of Psychiatry in Clinical Practice Volume 11 Number 4 December 2007 Pages 261–344 www.tandf.no/ijpcp ISSN 1365-1501 Mpcp_11_4_Cover.qxp 11/13/07 12:37 PM Page 1 Page PM 12:37 11/13/07 Mpcp_11_4_Cover.qxp Mpcp_11_4_Cover.qxp 11/12/07 9:13 PM Page 2

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Volume 11 Number 4 December 2007


261 Editorial 279 Pilot of group intervention Book Review for bipolar disorder D Castle, M Berk, L Berk, 294 Mental Health Issues and the Original Articles S Lauder, J Chamberlain and Media, Gary Morris M Gilbert M Shooter 263 Evaluation of traumatic events as defined by the DSM-IV-TR Case Report Abstracts criteria 285 Topiramate-induced psychotic 296 Speaker Abstracts BN Axelrod, J Grabowski and exacerbation: case report and L Trewhella review of literature 311 IFMAD Poster Abstracts EH Karsliogˇlu, H Karakilic¸, 268 Screening for depression in a 341 Volume Index E Taner and B Cos¸ar diabetic outpatient population EJ Daly, MH Trivedi, P Raskin and BD Grannemann Short Report

273 Risperidone in adolescent 291 Questionnaire on animal- schizophrenic psychoses: A assisted therapy (AAT): The retrospective study expectation for AAT as a day- M Hrdlicka and I Dudova care program for Japanese schizophrenic patients K Iwahashi, C Waga and M Ohta PUBLICATION INFORMATION Copyright # 2007 Taylor & Francis. The International Journal of Psychiatry in Clinical Practice, All articles are protected by copyright, which covers the ISSN print 1365-1501, online 1471-1788, is published exclusive rights to reproduce and distribute the article. quarterly by Informa Healthcare/Taylor & Francis AS. No material in this journal may be reproduced photo- Visit our home page for more information: www.tandf. graphically or stored on microfilm, in electronic data- no/ijpcp bases, video or compact disks etc. without prior written permission from Taylor & Francis. Special regulation Correspondence concerning publishing matters, copy- for photocopies in the USA. Authorization to photo- right, permissions and reprints should be addressed to: copy items for external or personal use, or the internal Taylor & Francis, PO Box 12 Posthuset, NO-0051 Oslo, or personal use of specific clients, is granted by Norway. Tel: /47 23 10 34 60. Fax: /47 23 10 34 61. Taylor & Francis for libraries and other users registered E-mail: [email protected] with the Copyright Clearance Center (CCC), Transac- SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION tional Reporting Serivce, provided the fee of US$32 per Annual subscription rates for volume 11, 2007: Institu- article paid to CCC, 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA tions (print & online): US$485, institutions (online 01923, USA. This authorization does not include only): US$460, individuals (print & online) US$179. Air copying for general distribution, promotion, new works, speed postage and online access included. Supplements or resale. In these cases, specific written permission must are supplied free of charge to all subscribers. be obtained from Taylor & Francis. Orders for subscription, back issues and change of The options and statements appearing in articles and address should be sent to: Taylor & Francis Customer advertisements in this Journal are the responsibility of Services, T&F Informa Ltd, Sheepen Place, Colchester, the contributor or advertiser, and whilst every effort is

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A number of original articles as well as a short article resulted both in a reduction of relapse and improve- and a case report are presented in this issue together ment in functionality. Furthermore, it could be with the abstracts of the posters as well as symposia concluded that group intervention is a cost-effective of this year’s International Forum of Mood and way of delivering psychosocial treatments. Disorders (IFMAD) Meeting, to be held in The question of animal-assisted therapy (AAT) has Budapest, Hungary, from 5 to 7 December 2007. been studied by Iwahashi and his Japanese colleagues. Axelrod and colleagues addressed the important AAT is used a therapeutic tool to improve social, question of how to improve evaluation of the emotional as well as cognitive functioning in psychia- clinicians’ understanding of the quality of a trau- tric patients in Europe and America. It seems that this matic event. This understanding is a necessary first is a new concept for Asian countries. It emerged that step requirement for a diagnosis for post-traumatic Japanese patients liked dogs and horses and under- stress disorders (PTSD) as defined by DSM-IV-TR. stood that the contact with these animals helped them The seeming lack of clarity was evaluated by having in various psychiatrically important aspects. The fictional scenarios rated as traumatic or not by colleagues indicated that this study helps to develop mental health clinicians. It emerged that psychia- the AAT program in Japan. However, it does not seem trists and psychologists consistently rated events less that it needs to be developed in Japan only but also in a likely to be traumatic than did social workers. number of psychiatric facilities in Europe. Colleagues with less professional experience were Topiramate-induced psychotic exacerbation was more likely to indicate that an event was traumatic. discussed in a case-report and literature review from Research clearly indicates that criterion A1 for Karslioglu et al from Turkey. The colleagues used a PTSD that includes both the intensity of a stressful dosis of 100 mg/d of topiramate in an undiagnosed event and one’s emotional reaction to the stressor schizophrenia patient. The discontinuation of topir- needs to be refined to assist clinicians in objectively amate did not result in an improvement of the demarcating events consistent with the trauma and psychotic symptomatology so treatment with olan- those that are not considered traumatic according to zapine (10 mg/d) was initiated and titrated upwards the existing definition. to 30 mg/d. Topiramate is used for its weight-losing In the second article the topic of depression in properties as well as possible treatment of negative diabetic outpatient population is covered by Daly symptoms. Clinicians should be aware of this et al. Based on the results in 92 patients it emerged possible side effect that of course needs to be further that the Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) affects substantiated in controlled studies. one in every 4 patients with diabetes and that there is The 7th International Forum of Mood and Anxi- a association between depression and hyperglycemia, ety Disorders (IFMAD) Meeting will be held for the as well as impairment in disease self-management. first time in Budapest, Hungary, from 5 to 7 The authors emphasized that combination screening December 2007. IFMAD has become an important strategies for both diabetes and major depression forum for the exchange of ideas on the latest may facilitate prompt detection of depression as well development in psychiatric treatments where inter- as providing an ongoing measure to specific psychia- national experts can address some of the important tric symptoms. topics in the field of mood and anxiety disorders in Hrdlicka and Dudova studied 47 schizophrenic an informal atmosphere. The scientific contributions patients with an average age of 16.5 years and are grouped in main symposia as well as poster assessed the therapeutic effects and tolerability of presentations. The abstracts of this meeting are risperidone. It emerged that risperidone in doses presented in this issue and give the opportunity for between 2 and 6 mg has been found to be an a focused discussion of new data in a constructive effective and safe treatment for schizophrenia and and productive environment. The topics address other related psychotic disorders in adolescents in issues on how to improve signal detection in the sample obtained in a Czech population. More- placebo-controlled studies as well as problems un- over, it was suggested that the sensitivity of the derlying suicide attempts in psychopharmacological adolescent population to side effects seems generally trials and Treatment Resistant Depression (TRD). to be higher than in the adult population. The treatment of depression and anxiety in the Castle and colleagues from Australia investigated ‘‘post-SSRI’’ era and the importance of sleep and the effects of group intervention for bipolar dis- depression, everyday problems in treating depression orders. It emerged that a psychosocial group based with a focus on SNRIs as well defining the bound- on intervention for Bipolar I and II patients which aries for antidepressant treatment will be elaborated. was delivered as an adjunct to treatment as usual The topic of pain as a neglected symptom of affective

ISSN 1365-1501 print/ISSN 1471-1788 online # 2007 Taylor & Francis DOI: 10.1080/13651500701791067 262 Editorial disorders as well as treatment of the elderly and further evidence for a better understanding and diagnosis as well as receptor issues in the treatment treatment of psychiatric patients. of mood and anxiety disorders will be discussed. We do hope that this issue together with the abstracts of the 7th IFMAD meeting will provide Siegfried Kasper International Journal of Psychiatry in Clinical Practice, 2007; 11(4): 263Á267


Evaluation of traumatic events as defined by the DSM-IV-TR criteria


John D. Dingell Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center Detroit, MI, USA

Abstract Objective. We attempted to better evaluate clinicians’ understanding of Criterion A1 of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. Method. Approximately 50 mental health clinicians from the Department of Veterans Affairs evaluated 10 scenarios in which potentially traumatic events were described. Results. The results found psychiatrists and psychologists to be slightly more conservative in claiming an event was traumatic in comparison to social workers. In addition, events were deemed at a somewhat higher level of trauma for individuals who had less years of experience at the Department of Veterans Affairs. Conclusion. These data are presented as the initial step in better understanding the features included in determining whether an event is deemed traumatic according to the DSM-IV-TR criteria.

Key Words: Assessment, PTSD, Diagnosis, DSM-IV

Introduction Since the first definition of PTSD, clarification regarding what events should be considered trau- The psychiatric anxiety disorder named posttrau- matic has been sought. March [5] provided a matic stress disorder (PTSD) first appeared in the literature review of studies to better understand Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Dis- Criterion A. He concluded that an event be deemed orders (DSM-III) in 1980 [1]. The inclusion of this diagnosis was in response to veteran advocates who as stressful if it were life threatening or associated noted that the mental health symptoms following with physical injury. In addition, though, he opined military trauma occurred in survivors of non-military that an individual’s response to such an event must traumatic events [2,3]. In response to a trauma, a be a form of extreme fear or helplessness. This diagnosis of PTSD was observed in the emotional secondary feature was proposed to be particularly reactions to significant traumatic events that in- helpful in explaining events that are less than life- cluded the triad of symptom clusters that are still threatening but appeared to nonetheless serve as a used in the most recent version of the DSM (DSM- PTSD stressor. The DSM-IV PTSD task force [6] IV-Text Revision [4]). These symptoms include re- appeared to follow suit, adopting a two-part defini- experiencing events, avoidance or numbing, and tion for a stressor as outlined in Criterion A. The increased arousal. threat aspect of the definition was expanded to Although agreement generally exists regarding the include events in which not only death, but the primary symptoms of PTSD, clarification regarding threat of physical injury in self or in others was the types of events that might be considered as included. An empirical study found the number of stressors is needed. For the DSM-III, the criterion events considered traumatic that might occur in for an event to be considered traumatic was ‘‘a one’s life increased with the new criteria [7], includ- recognizable stressor that would evoke significant ing stressors that are less extreme (e.g., separation symptoms of distress in almost everyone’’ and that it from spouse) than earlier definitions [8]. was considered beyond the ‘‘usual human experi- The DSM-IV-TR maintains the two-part defini- ence’’ in terms of the intensity of the event ([1] p. tion of a stressor that includes exposure to an event 236). The intent of the definition of a trauma was and the psychological reaction to it. However, the aimed to identify events such as military combat, traumatic stressor can include not only experiencing rape, earthquakes, floods, confinement in prisoner of or witnessing an event, but also being ‘‘confronted’’ war camps, and similar events as being capable of with an event. The event can include actual death or causing PTSD [1]. injury, or can be related to a seemingly lesser

Correspondence: Bradley N. Axelrod, Ph.D., Psychology Section (11MH-PS); 4646 John R, Detroit, MI 48201-1916, USA. E-mail: [email protected]

(Received 19 September 2006; accepted 3 January 2007) ISSN 1365-1501 print/ISSN 1471-1788 online # 2007 Taylor & Francis DOI: 10.1080/13651500701247287 264 B. N. Axelrod et al. dangerous ‘‘threat to physical integrity to others’’. In the study and another 22 individuals subsequently selecting words from the definition of Criterion A1, a did so. stressor could be witnessing death or experiencing torture. However, it may also result from being told Participants about how someone else was threatened. Even being informed of someone who was in a motor vehicle In response to the requests, 47 clinicians completed accident or by simply being present in a war zone the study. An additional 25 individuals responded, regardless of the extent of combat exposure might but indicated that they were non-clinical staff. They meet Criterion A1 for a stressful event. The potential included social workers (n28), psychiatrists (n event exists for socially inappropriate jokes to be 10), and psychologists (n9). Relative to the total viewed by this definition as meeting the criteria for a number of individuals who are clinicians in each of traumatic event, according to some authors [9]. The these fields (social workers: n111; psychiatrists: implication of the broadened definition of PTSD n79; psychologists: n51), the percentage of stressors is that the intensity of the trauma no longer respondents was comparable between psychologists has to be as severe as initially proposed by DSM-III. and psychiatrists (z0.78, ns), as well as psychol- Dr. McNally refers to this dilution of the definition ogists and social workers (z1.07, ns). However, as ‘‘conceptual bracket creep’’ in which criteria have the response rate was significantly lower for psychia- been loosened over time [10]. trists relative to social workers (z2.13, P0.03). In the course of clinical work in the Department of For each of these groups, the years of service, time in Veterans Affairs (DVA), it is the responsibility of the the VA system, type of setting, and services provided clinicians to work with the definitions proposed by are indicated in Table I. The social workers repre- current versions of the DSM. Despite the apparently sented a group of individuals who had significantly clear criteria for what constitutes a traumatic event, fewer years in the profession and years at the VA. It clinical experience has demonstrated inconsistency should be noted that in our facility, social workers do across clinicians using the same definition. Disagree- not offer diagnoses, although they are involved in ment in the interpretation of Criterion 1A serves as a clinical case conferences where they are present with departure point for differences of opinion regarding other clinicians who use the criteria from the DSM- the meeting of diagnostic criteria for PTSD. Less IV-TR to reach diagnoses. problematic are differences in opinion relating to the re-experiencing, avoidance, or increased arousal Measures associated with the examinee’s claimed stressor. As a result of the lack of agreement across clinicians The 10 scenarios used were written along a spectrum regarding the definition of a stressor, unreliable of what the authors believed were definitively trau- diagnoses might be provided for patients seen for matic events (e.g., working in graves registration, evaluation. In addition, there is concern that the witnessing civilians being shelled) and definitively identification of an experience as being traumatic is not traumatic events (e.g., working for a hostile associated with a clinician’s level of training, years of supervisor, reporting casualties to the Department of experience, or type of service provided. Defense). The items are presented in the appendix. In this study, the ability and comparability of Each participant rated the extent to which the Department of Veterans Affairs mental health work- scenarios met Criterion A1. The rating was on a ers to evaluate fictitious traumatic scenarios was five-point Likert scale, ranging from reports that the evaluated. The reliability of the ratings as well as event was ‘‘definitely not traumatic’’ to ‘‘definitely other potential factors affecting agreement, were traumatic’’. A score of ‘‘3’’ could be considered that studied. an event ‘‘may or may not be’’ traumatic.

Method Statistical analyses Requests for participation were made via electronic The relative ratings were compared for each of the mail to 300 individuals associated with one of seven scenarios, as well as for the total of all 10 scenarios, Department of Veterans Affairs medical centers in via one-way analyses of variance (ANOVA). The the Midwest. The e-mail document included infor- inter-rater reliability was assessed via intraclass mation regarding the study and a link to an on-line correlation coefficients of agreement. website where the survey was posted. The first screen included an informed consent and partici- Results pants could exit the anonymous survey at any time during the process. Two weeks after the first e-mail The overall reliability for the ratings of 47 partici- was sent, a reminder was sent to the same 300 pants across the 10 items fell in the Good Range individuals, asking those who had not yet done so to both for agreement across individuals (ICC coeffi- participate. At that time 50 people had completed cient of agreement0.71) and within individuals Evaluation of traumatic events 265 Table I. Background information of participants.

Psychiatrists Psychologists Social workers

Years in profession 20.6 (4.2) 24.2 (7.2) 14.7 (9.8)* Years at the DVA 9.1 (6.4) 13.9 (9.2) 7.3 (8.8)* Urban (vs. suburban) setting 60% 77% 44% Facility is a teaching hospital 40% 88% 46% Services provided (percentage of respondents in each profession who reported performing each service) Assessment 90% 89% 64% Individual psychotherapy 10% 67% 54% Group psychotherapy 0% 67% 39% Medication management 100% 0% 0%

*Social worker was significantly lower than other two groups.

(ICC coefficient of consistency0.83). The scores, For informational purposes, an exploratory factor while wholly acceptable, demonstrate a stronger analysis was performed for informational purposes consistency within an individual in rating the 10 regarding the 10 scenarios included in the study. items as opposed to across raters. Such a finding When data from all 72 respondents were entered suggests that there is some ‘‘examiner bias’’ in which into an analysis with varimax rotation, three factors the participants tend to rate all scenarios at a similar emerged with eigenvalues greater than 1.0. The level, be it more conservative or more liberal in resulting three-factor solution accounted for 66% identifying an event as being traumatic according to of the variance among the items. Of interest, from the criterion. the perspective of understanding the definition of a The average rating scores for each of the scenarios, trauma, the three factors seemed to relate to: (1) as well as the total score, appear in Table II. Average experiencing a trauma first hand (items 1, 3, and 4); ratings were significantly higher for social workers in (2) having an emotional reaction to a trauma this comparison to psychologists and psychiatrists might have occurred (items 5, 6, and 10); and (3) (F(2, 45)6.85, PB.003; h2 0.242). Overall, the experiences unlikely to be considered traumatic power of this analysis reveals a large effect size [11]. (items 2, 7, 8, 9). Interestingly, it was two of the As far as individual items are concerned, this same items that fell in the range of ‘‘unlikely to be pattern was only seen for two of the items, while a considered traumatic’’ that were seen as more third item was significantly lower for psychologists in traumatic according to social workers in comparison comparison to psychiatrist and social work partici- to psychiatrists and psychologists. pants. An examination of moderating variables found no relationship between the overall rating of Discussion an event as traumatic and years of providing mental services. However, an inverse correlation (r The present study intended to assess the consistency 0.37, P0.01) was found relative to years at the among professionals in applying Criterion A1 to a DVA and rating scores, consistent with social work- variety of stressful events. Although the overall ers having higher ratings and fewer years in the DVA reliability indices indeed indicate comparability on a system. There was no association between level of five-point Likert scale, examination of the variance of rating and the type of setting of the DVA medical many of the items demonstrates the variability that center or in the services provided by the profes- nonetheless exists. Even in experienced clinicians sionals. who perform evaluations and treatment of psychiatric

Table II. Average five-point Likert ratings across professional group.

Item # Psychiatrists Psychologists Social workers

1 (helicopter) 3.7 (1.2) 2.8 (1.6) 3.6 (1.1) 2 (cook at base camp) 1.9 (0.6) 2.1 (1.4) 2.8 (1.2) 3 (shelling of civilians) 4.1 (0.9) 3.8 (1.3) 4.2 (0.8) 4 (graves registration) 4.7 (0.5) 3.9 (1.2) 4.7 (0.7)* 5 (concussion) 3.3 (1.4) 3.7 (1.6) 4.2 (1.2) 6 (noise of shells) 2.5 (1.2) 2.4 (1.5) 2.7 (1.3) 7 (hostile supervisor) 1.8 (1.0) 1.1 (0.4) 2.6 (1.5)** 8 (spit on in airport) 1.8 (1.0) 1.6 (1.0) 2.7 (1.4)** 9 (casualty reports) 1.5 (0.7) 1.4 (1.0) 2.7 (0.9) 10 (fear on first night) 3.7 (1.2) 3.1 (1.4) 3.6 (1.3) Average rating 2.9 (0.6) 2.4 (0.7) 3.3 (0.7)**

*Psychologists were significantly lower than other two groups. **Social worker was significantly higher than other two groups. 266 B. N. Axelrod et al. patients, there is variability among clinicians in in objectively demarcating events consistent with a accepting a stressor as a Criterion A1 traumatic event. trauma and those that are not considered traumatic An ancillary finding revealed that individuals who are according to the existing definition. prone to be more lenient in their definition are more lenient across the board, while those who are con- Key points servative in defining a PTSD trauma remain so regardless of the stressor. . The presence of a traumatic event is first-step The confounding effects of level of training (i.e. requirement for a diagnosis of PTSD, as social work versus psychology or psychiatry) and defined by the DSM-IV-TR years of experience (social workers were less ad- . The seeming lack of clarity was evaluated by vanced) were associated with more lenient interpre- having fictional scenarios rated as traumatic or tations of the definition of a trauma. As a result, not by mental health clinicians events that were deemed definitively not traumatic . Mental health clinicians were reliable over time by the psychologist (e.g., having a hostile work (within individual), but not necessarily in full supervisor), fell more in the range of ‘‘may or may agreement with each other (between indivi- not be’’ a traumatic event. It may be possible that duals) because the psychologists and psychiatrists had been . Psychiatrists and psychologists consistently practicing longer than the social workers, they rated events as less likely to be traumatic than incorporated a prior definition of trauma into the did social workers current definition. For example, the possibility of . Another moderating variable was that indivi- requiring an event to be ‘‘outside the realm of duals with less professional experience were normal human experience’’ might remain a core more likely to indicate that an event was theme for more senior clinicians, even if that DSM traumatic criterion no longer exists. In addition, social workers in the Department of Veterans Affairs offer clinical Statement of interest therapeutic services, but do not grant official diag- noses. Their familiarity with the DSM-IV-TR might The authors have no conflict of interest with any therefore be less developed. commercial or other associations in connection with There are certainly weaknesses in performing a the submitted article. survey study of clinicians. Our response rate was lower than we would have liked in our attempt to capture typical clinical practice. It is our hope that References future studies of this kind will be met with a greater number of respondents, thus providing evidence of a [1] American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders. 3rd ed. Washington, DC: more representative sampling. The higher rate of American Psychiatric Association; 1980. return among social workers compared to psychia- [2] Scott WJ. The politics of readjustment: Vietnam veterans trists might have also biased the conclusions. The since the war. New York: Aldine de Gruyter; 1993. confounding effect of years of professional experi- [3] Young A. The harmony of illusions: Inventing posttraumatic stress disorder. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press; ence is another obvious weakness of this study. With 1995. a larger sample, we would be able to control that [4] American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and statistical confound either through sample selection or through manual of mental disorders. 4th ed. Text revision. Washing- statistical control (e.g., analysis of covariance). ton, DC: American Psychiatric Association; 2000. Third, the authors do not suppose that reading a [5] March JS. What constitutes a stressor? ‘‘The Criterion A issue’’. In: Davidson JRT, Foa EB, editors. Posttraumatic brief scenario regarding traumatic events offers the stress disorder: DSM-IV and beyond. Washington, DC: same quality of information that one might obtain in American Psychiatric Press; 1993. p 36Á54. a clinical interview. Even so, the purpose was to [6] Kilpatrick DG, Resnick HS, Freedy JR, et al. The posttrau- assess Criterion A1 in the abstract, intentionally matic stress disorder field trial: Evaluation of the PTSD con- struct: Criteria A though E. In: Widiger TA, Frances AJ, disconnected from current symptoms. Pincus HA, First MB, Ross R, Davis W, editors. DSM-IV As currently written, criterion A for PTSD in- sourcebook. Vol. IV. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric cludes both the intensity of a stressor as well as one’s Press; 1994. emotional reaction to the stressor. The preliminary [7] Breslau N, Kesseer RC. The stressor criterion in DSM-IV factor analysis of the scenarios used in this study posttraumatic stress disorder: An empirical investigation.

Biol Psychiatry 2001;39:/ 699/ Á704. appears to capture aspects of the reaction and the [8] Breslau N. Epidemiologic studies of trauma, posttraumatic stressor as being separate entities. With continued stress disorder, and other psychiatric disorders. Can J refinements of the definition ongoing, further clar- Psychiatry 2002;47:/ 923/ Á9. ification regarding each of these features is indicated. [9] Avina C, O’Donohue WT. Sexual harassment and PTSD: Is In fact, specific examples that tap the different sexual harassment diagnosable trauma? J Trauma Stress

2002;15:/ 69/ Á75. aspects of Criterion A1 and A2 might also be [10] McNally RJ. Conceptual problems with the DSM-IV criteria provided. Such exemplars would also assist clinicians for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. In: Rosen GM, editor. Evaluation of traumatic events 267

Posttraumatic stress disorder: Issues and controversies. New were blown apart. My last memory is of loading York: John Wiley & Sons; 2004. p 1Á14. the convoy that morning and my next memory is [11] Cohen, J. Statistical power analysis for the behavioral sciences. New York: Academic Press. of awakening in a hospital bed a couple days later with my head bandaged. 6. Noise of shells: Shortly after getting to Vietnam, Appendix : Trauma scenarios presented to I heard the sound of a significant firefight in participants which the noise of the shells was deafening. Read each scenario and determine if it meets the Although I expected to be in combat, that sound definition for a traumatic event. was something I had never experienced. Definition of Trauma: ‘‘The person experienced, 7. Hostile supervisor: While working at HQ under a witnessed, or was confronted with an event or events hostile superior, I was constantly berated by him. that involved actual or threatened death or serious He sent me memos and email that were demean- injury, or a threat to the physical integrity of self or ing. He also harassed me by whispering insults others’’. and other verbal abuse that marginalized my work. He stated that I could not be trusted and 1. Helicopter: I was refueling a hovering helicopter that I should be reprimanded for poor work. onboard ship. The force from the blades blew me 8. Spat on at airport: After serving for one year in down and nearly pushed me overboard. Vietnam, I finally finished my tour and made it 2. Cook at base camp: When I was a cook at base back to the states. After thinking about returning camp, I befriended a lot of guys that came in to The World for 12 months, I couldn’t believe from the field for a few days. As my tour went on, that I was actually in an airport in California, I realized that many of them were not returning. ready to fly back home. While waiting for my Later in my tour, I discovered that a close friend flight, I smiled at this woman who was also was sent home in a body bag. After that time, I learned not to ask where people were if they did waiting for the plane to board. Rather than not return with their squad from the field. smiling back, she looked me up and down and 3. Shelling of civilians: My job in the Navy was to asked, ‘‘how many babies did you kill?’’ Before I watch the shelling through binoculars and direct knew it, she had spit on me and walked away. the big guns to hit the targets. As we were 9. Casualty reports: While serving during the Tet moored offshore once, I observed the shelling Offensive, I was responsible for typing and of a village in which civilians were running out of forwarding letters to the Department of Defense their homes, fleeing for their lives. regarding battle casualties. 4. Graves registration: For one afternoon, I was 10. Fear on first night: During my first night in stuck in a dark windowless room with a stack of Vietnam, I saw tracers streaking across the sky bodies and body parts. My job was to try to for much of the night. Charlie was letting us match the body parts to the right soldier and know that he could get us. All I felt throughout then put them in individualized body bags. that long night was fear, fear, fear. 5. Concussion: As a truck driver in a convoy, I was following a full personnel carrier that ran over a Note: The phrases prior to each scenario are landmine. I do not remember the event, but I provided for reference and were not present in the was told that the personnel carrier and my truck questionnaire. International Journal of Psychiatry in Clinical Practice, 2007; 11(4): 268Á272


Screening for depression in a diabetic outpatient population


Departments of 1Psychiatry and 2Endocrinology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical School, Dallas, TX, USA

Abstract Depression occurs twice as often in patients with diabetes and is associated with reduced compliance with exercise, diet, and medications. It is also associated with hyperglycemia and increased diabetic complications. Despite evidence that successful treatment is associated with improved glycemic control, many cases of depression are left untreated. Objectives. (1) Evaluate a combination screening strategy in an outpatient population; and (2) explore the association between glycemic control and depressive symptomatology. Methods. Ninety-two patients completed the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-2). Patients with a PHQ-2 score ]1 completed the 16-item Quick Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology (QIDS-SR16). Using the QIDS-SR16, a score of 55 corresponded to normal mood, with scores above 5 corresponding to increasing severity of depressive symptoms. Glycemic control was assessed by glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c). Results. Using a PHQ-2 cut-off score of ]3, 37% of the sample screened positive for major depressive disorder (MDD), with an additional 27% reporting sub-threshold symptoms. The depressed group reported significantly more difficulty with reduced interests, insomnia, concentration, self-criticism, energy/fatigue and depressed mood. In terms of glycemic control, there was a marginally significant effect for race and HbA1c. Conclusion. The combined PHQ-2 and QIDS-SR16 can facilitate prompt detection of MDD and provide a means of monitoring specific symptoms and progress once treatment commences.

Key Words: Depression, screening, diabetes

Introduction that patients with diabetes and co-morbid depression appear to experience more physical symptoms asso- Major depressive disorder (MDD) is a serious, ciated with their diabetes than their non-depressed debilitating illness that affects persons of all ages, counterparts [8]. races, and socioeconomic backgrounds. Depression Despite evidence suggesting that successful treat- also significantly increases the burden of functional ment of co-morbid depression is associated with impairment from chronic medical illness, while improved glycemic control [5,9,10], depression treatment of co-morbid depression reduces disability screening has not become routine and two-thirds of and healthcare costs. Evidence suggests that depres- cases remain untreated [11]. The aim of this study sive symptoms go unrecognized in around 30Á50% was to (1) evaluate a screening process combining of patients in primary care [1,2], and general two validated questionnaires that not only assess for hospital settings [3]. the presence of MDD, but also provide a measure of The prevalence of depression among patients with severity of symptoms. Secondary aims of the study diabetes is twice that of the general population [4]. were to (2) determine the prevalence of depression Depression is significantly associated with hypergly- in a diabetic outpatient population and (3) deter- cemia [5], which in turn is linked to the development mine if there was a significant difference in glycemic of diabetic complications [6]. Optimal outcomes in control between those who validated depressive diabetes require diligent attention to diet, exercise, symptomatology and those who did not. and regular glucose monitoring Á requiring motiva- tion, energy, and sustained effort, all of which are often lacking in individuals with depressive illness. Methods Studies show an association between depression and All consenting patients over 18 years old attending a impairments in behaviors such as exercise, diet and diabetic outpatient clinic were included. Subj- adherence to medication [7]. Evidence also suggests ects first completed the two-item Patient Health

Correspondence: Ella J. Daly, MD, Mood Disorders Research Program and Clinic Exchange Park, 6363 Forest Park Road, Dallas, TX 75235, USA. Tel: 1 214 6480158. E-mail: [email protected]

(Received 18 September 2006; accepted 9 January 2007) ISSN 1365-1501 print/ISSN 1471-1788 online # 2007 Taylor & Francis DOI: 10.1080/13651500701245981 Screening for depression in a diabetic outpatient population 269

Questionnaire (PHQ-2) [12]. Those validating the Table I. Demographics of sample. presence of depressive symptoms (i.e. a PHQ-2 score Percent Mean (SD) ]1) completed the self-rated, 16-item Quick Inven- tory of Depressive Symptomatolgy (QIDS- SR) [13]. Gender Using the QIDS-SR, a score of 55 corresponds to Male 33.7 normal (non-depressed) mood, and scores of 6Á10, Female 66.3 11Á15, 16Á20 and 21 correspond to a mild, Age moderate, severe, and very severe range of depressive 52.8 (11.8) symptomatology, respectively. Martial STATUS Married/cohabiting 26.9 Divorced 33.7 Study participants Separated 12.4 Single 23.6 Of 100 patients approached about the study, only Widowed 3.4 eight refused to participate. Of the 92 participants Race enrolled, 89 made up the analyzable sample (three African-American 46.1 were taking antidepressant medication at the time of Asian 1.1 White 52.8 screening and were excluded). Ethnicity Hispanic 22.5 The two-item Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-2) This questionnaire enquires about: (1) depressed screened had evidence of MDD, with 27% (24/89) mood and (2) decreased interest/pleasure within the reporting sub-threshold depressive symptoms not previous 2 weeks. Scoring ranges from 0 (‘‘not at reaching the cut-off score for MDD. In terms of all’’) to 3 (‘‘nearly everyday’’). Validity of the PHQ-2 gender, of those with scores indicating the likely has been assessed using an independent mental presence of MDD, 75.8% (25/33) were female, with health interview, with PHQ scores 3 reported to ] similar results (79.2% or 19/24) observed in those have a sensitivity of 83% and a specificity of 92% for reporting sub-threshold depressive symptoms (i.e. a MDD [12]. PHQ-2 score of 1 or 2), whereas only 46.9% (15/32) of those who did not report depressed mood at all The 16-item self-report Quick Inventory of Depressive (i.e. PHQ-2 score0) were female. Of those with Symptomatology (QIDS-SR) evidence of MDD, 21.2% (7/33) were in the mild range of depressive symptomatology, with 42.4% This rates symptoms within the past week [13] and is (14/33), 33.3% (11/33), and 3% (1/33) in the derived from the 30-item Inventory of Depressive moderate, severe and very severe range respectively Symptomatology (IDS) [14Á16] by selecting only based on QIDS-SR16 score. items that assess DSM-IV-TR criteria for MDD: (1) depressed mood; (2) concentration; (3) self-criti- cism; (4) suicidal ideation; (5) interest; (6) energy/ Race, depression and diabetic control fatigue; (7) sleep disturbance; (8) decrease/increase Seventy-two patients from the sample analyzed had a in appetite/weight; and (9) psychomotor retardation/ hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) level within 10 days of agitation. The QIDS has been compared to the their clinic visit; another 10 patients had a level Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HAM-D) [17] within the previous 3 months, while six had not had and shown to be an appropriate measure of symptom a level for over 3 months (longest interval since last severity [15]. level was 4 months). The mean HBA1c for the sample was 7.44 (1.52 SD), with the mean HbA1c for the Depressed and Sub-threshold depressed Results groups 7.42 (1.54 SD) and 7.68 (1.35 SD) respec- Sample characteristics tively, compared to 7.29 for those in the Non- Depressed group (i.e. PHQ-20, n32). Of the sample analyzed, 66.7% were female with a An ANOVA was conducted with both race and mean age of 52.7 years (range: 26Á74 years). The presence of depressive symptoms as independent sample consisted of 46.1% African-Americans, measures, and HbA1c as the dependent measure, in 52.8% White individuals, and 1.1% Asian indivi- order to test for difference in glycemic control duals, with 22.47% of the sample being of Hispanic between groups. In spite of a modest sample size, ethnicity (see Table I). the results of this analysis produced a marginally Of those with a PHQ-2 score ]1(n57); the significant effect for race (F(2,83)3.06, PB0.06), mean PHQ score was 3.16 (91.8) with a mean indicating, as reported previously, that there may be QIDS-SR score of 11.25 (94.92). Based on a PHQ- some difference in glycemic control for race/ethnicity 2 cut-off score of ]3, 37.1% (33/89) of those [18]. The data suggests that African-American 270 E. J. Daly et al.

Table II. Mean HbA1c by PHQ-2 group. [19Á21]. One review reported MDD in up to 20% of diabetic patients (both treatment and community HbA1c* Levels samples) [20]. A recent meta-analysis reports MDD No depressive Depressive in 11% of individuals with diabetes, with prevalence symptoms symptoms All of depression significantly higher in clinical (32%) than in community (20%) samples [4]. Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) As can be seen in Figure 1, patients in the sub- African- 6.67 (1.09) 7.29 (1.51) 7.11 (1.41) threshold group presented with a wide array of American depressive symptoms. Even though there are sig- Hispanic 8.05 (1.60) 7.98 (1.63) 8.00 (1.58) nificant differences between patients with depressive White 7.45 (1.93) 7.76 (1.08) 7.61 (1.54) All 7.29 (1.63) 7.57 (1.45) symptoms that are likely to have MDD and those that are unlikely to have MDD (i.e. the sub-thresh- *Hemoglobin A1c. old group), those differences may not be obvious. patients had the best glycemic control, with those of Awareness of specific symptom profiles may be Hispanic ethnicity having the worst control, and useful to clinicians in terms of identifying patients Caucasian patients falling somewhere between. Note more likely to develop MDD, even in the absence of the one Asian patient was not included in this reported depressed mood. analysis (see Table II). In terms of glycemic control, even though there was not a significant difference found between either the depressed or sub-threshold groups and the non- Difference in symptom distribution between depressed group (i.e. those with a PHQ-20), this PHQ-2 groups may be due to the small sample size. Looking As was expected, patients with a PHQ-2 score ]3 specifically at race and ethnicity, we did not see a validated more items on the QIDS-SR Á indicating significant difference based on presence of depres- more severe depressive symtomatology than their sive symptoms. However, in our sample there does counterparts with PHQ-2 scores of 1 or 2. In order appear to be an interesting pattern, with African- to test for difference in the rates of specific depres- Americans appearing to have better glycemic control sive symptoms between the two groups, a series of in the absence of depressive symptoms than with analyses were conducted using Fisher’s exact test. depressive symptoms present. In contrast, presence Presence of the symptom was defined as ]2 on the of depressive symptoms appears to have no effect on QIDS item. The Depressed group endorsed higher glycemic control in those of Hispanic ethnicity, rates for initial (P0.008) and late insomnia (P despite evidence of overall poor control. Despite 0.004), concentration (P0.01), self criticism (P similar reports [22], as this difference is not sig- 0.009), and energy (P0.002), as well as depressed nificant, no conclusions can be drawn, with a larger mood (P0.0000002) and interest (P0.0004) study needed to further explore this issue. (see Figure 1). Assessing for the presence depression in the presence of physical disorder can present a diagnos- challenge in the absence of routinely employed Discussion screening procedures. Patients with depression often The rates of depression found in the current analysis present with overlapping symptoms Á including freq- (37%) are similar to those reported previously uent body aches, pain, headaches, gastrointestinal

100 90 80 Sub Threshold 70 Depressed 60 50 of 2+ 40 30 20 10 Percent with QIDS item score Percent 0

Interest * Hypersomnia Weight LossWeight Gain ConcentrationSelf Criticism * * Initial InsomniaMiddle InsomniaLate * Insomnia * Suicidal IdeationEnergy/Fatigue * DepressedIncrease Mood Appetete * Decreased Appetite Psychomotor Agitation QIDS-SR Items Psychomotor Retardation

Figure 1. The Quick Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology Self-Report (QIDS-SR) symptom profiles for the depressed and sub- threshold depression group. *Significant difference between groups. Screening for depression in a diabetic outpatient population 271 disturbance, fatigue, and loss of energy [23]. The US ceuticals Inc.), Bristol-Myers Squibb, Cyberonics, Preventative Services Task Force recently recom- Inc., Eli Lilly and Company, Forest Pharmaceuti- mended screening for depression, concluding that cals, Inc., Janssen Pharmaceutica Products, LP, screening can improve outcomes [24,25]. Of the Johnson & Johnson, Organon, Pfizer, Pharmacia & instruments available, questionnaires asking one Upjohn, Sepracor, Solvay Pharmaceuticals, Inc., question each about (1) depressed mood and (2) and Wyeth Pharmaceuticals. He has also received anhedonia appear to perform as well as longer grant support from Abbott Laboratories, Inc., instruments [24,26]. Furthermore, a recent analysis Akzo (Organon) Pharmaceuticals Inc., Bayer, Bris- reports that good screening instruments for MDD tol-Myers Squibb, Cephalon, Inc. Corcept Thera- make good severity instruments, with the advantage peutics, Inc., Eli Lilly and Company, Forest of decreased patient burden [27]. Pharmaceuticals, Inc., GlaxoSmithKline, Janssen The novel combination of the PHQ-2 and QIDS- Pharmaceutica, Johnson and Johnson PRD, Meade SR in this study has the advantage of using the Johnson, the National Alliance for Research in former to screen for the presence of depression, Schizophrenia and Depression, the National Insti- while the QIDS-SR provides valuable information tute of Mental Health, Parke-Davis Pharmaceuti- about specific symptoms endorsed in terms of cals, Pfizer, Inc., Pharmacia & Upjohn, Predix severity, frequency and associated dysfunction. Pharmaceuticals, Solvay Pharmaceuticals, Inc., and However, given our small sample size and lack of Wyeth Pharmaceuticals. Dr Raskin has been a confirmatory diagnostic interview for MDD, larger consultant for the following phramaceutical compa- studies are indicated to ascertain whether this nies within the last 3 years: Aventis Pharmaceuticals, screening process is an effective strategy in real Bristol-Myers Squibb Company, MannKind Bio- world clinic settings. Pharmaceuticals, Novartis Pharmaceuticals, Novo In conclusion, the combined PHQ-2 and QIDS- Nordisk and Takeda Pharmaceuticals. He has re- SR can facilitate prompt detection of MDD as well ceived grants from the following: the National as providing an easy-to-use measure to monitor Institute of Health-National Institute of Diabetes specific symptoms and progress once treatment is and Digestive and Kidney diseases, Glaxo Smith initiated. Kline, Eli Lilly, Novartis Pharmaceutical, Novo Nordisk and Takeda Pharmaceuticals and is the current editor of The Journal of Diabetes and Its Key points Complications.

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Risperidone in adolescent schizophrenic psychoses: A retrospective study


Department of Child Psychiatry, Charles University, 2nd Medical School, Prague, Czech Republic

Abstract Objective. The aim of the study was to assess the therapeutic effect and tolerability of risperidone in patients with early-onset schizophrenia and other related psychotic disorders. Methods. Our retrospective study included 47 schizophrenic patients (27 boys, 20 girls) with an average age of 16.591.3 years. The patients were evaluated based on their medical records prior to being started on risperidone, and then after 1, 3 and 6 weeks of risperidone administration. Efficacy of treatment was evaluated using the first item on the CGI scale. Survivors analysis was used. Results. After week 6, the average dose of risperidone was 3.891.4 mg. Eighty-two percent of the patients were evaluated as responders, 64% as full responders and 18% as partial responders. There were eight patients who dropped out of the study during treatment. The initial inclusion score on the CGI was 5.890.7. This score showed a steady decrease at each evaluation point during the treatment. At week 1 the score was 4.591.1 (PB0.001), at week 3, 3.491.2 (PB0.001), and at week 6 it was 2.691.2 (PB0.001). The medication was well tolerated. Less than half of the patients (46%) reported any side effects, according to their medical records. Parkinsonism (19%), sedation (8.5%) and hypersalivation (8.5%) were the most commonly reported side effects. The mean weight of the participants increased from 61.2910.0 kg to 64.7910.0 kg between baseline and week 6 (P0.002). Conclusion. Our experience supports the use of risperidone in the treatment of schizophrenic disorders in adolescence.

Key Words: Schizophrenia, atypical antipsychotics, childhood, adolescence

Introduction developed neutropenia, and three patients EEG abnormalities while on clozapine. One-third of the Atypical antipsychotics became an important part of clozapine group had to be discontinued due to modern psychiatric treatment during the 1990s and adverse effects. they have been successfully used in early onset Published data on risperidone consists of the schizophrenia. However, the literature on the use of atypical antipsychotics in pediatric patients re- introductory case study [7], four open-label studies mains limited. There are remarkably few rando- [811] and one retrospective study [12]. The re- mized, controlled trials for adolescent schizophrenia sponse rate in patients treated with risperidone in the [1]. open-label studies ranged from 60 to 91%. Extra- The clinical trial experience with clozapine in pyramidal reactions, somnolence and weight gain adolescents with schizophrenia consists of one dou- were the most commonly reported side effects. ble-blind, short-term controlled study [2], three The pediatric experience with olanzapine includes open-label studies [35] and one retrospective ana- several small, open-label studies [1317] as well as lysis of long-term treatment [6]. In the only rando- two retrospective studies [18,19]. The response rate mized double-blind study, 21 treatment-resistant of non-resistant patients on olanzapine was reported children and adolescents were treated with clozapine to be in the range of 62100%. Increased appetite, and haloperidol [2]. Clozapine was superior to weight gain and sedation were the most frequently haloperidol on all measures of psychosis and reduced reported side effects. both positive and negative symptoms. Clozapine Two open-label studies with , in hetero- produced more drowsiness and salivation, whereas geneous populations of patients with schizophrenia haloperidol caused more insomnia. No cases of (schizoaffective disorder, bipolar disorder, psychotic agranulocytosis were observed, but five patients depression, or psychosis not otherwise specified),

Correspondence: Professor Michal Hrdlicka, M.D., Ph.D., Department of Child Psychiatry, Charles University, 2nd Medical School, V Uvalu 84, 150 06 Prague, Czech Republic. Tel.: 420 224 433 400. Fax: 420 224 433 420. E-mail: [email protected]

(Received 25 September 2006; accepted 9 January 2007) ISSN 1365-1501 print/ISSN 1471-1788 online # 2007 Taylor & Francis DOI: 10.1080/13651500701246054 274 M. Hrdlicka & I. Dudova have been published [20,21]. Improvement over been registered in the Czech Republic for the baseline was reported in both of the studies. Adverse treatment of schizophrenia in patients aged 15 years effects included somnolence, headache, postural and older, an informed consent for ‘‘off-label use’’ tachycardia, and weight gain. was obtained from the parents of participants There were two studies comparing risperidone younger than 15 years of age. and olanzapine with haloperidol, a typical neurolep- Records of the patients were examined to ascertain tic drug. The first study was an 8-week controlled, the psychiatric diagnosis, concurrent psychiatric or double-blind trial carried out in 50 children and somatic diagnoses, weight, prior medication trials adolescents with schizophrenia or other psychotic including evaluation of treatment-resistance, conco- illnesses [22]. At the endpoint, 74% of patients in mitant medication, dose and length of treatment, the risperidone group, 88% in the olanzapine group and response to risperidone. Inclusion criteria were: and 53% in the haloperidol group had achieved (1) schizophrenia diagnosis of F2029, (2) medical significant improvement. Exploratory comparisons record quality sufficient to evaluate the patient, and indicate that the magnitude of the antipsychotic (3) initiation of the risperidone treatment only after response with atypical agents was comparable to admission to the Department of Child Psychiatry, that observed with haloperidol. Common side i.e. not used in out-patient care prior to the admis- effects, somnolence, extrapyramidal side effects, sion). A history of treatment-resistance was defined and weight gain, occurred in all three treatment as a failure of two antipsychotic medications which groups. The second study was an 8-week, open-label had been administered over a period of at least study that included 43 patients. In this study, all 3 weeks. three medications appeared to be equally effective One of the authors (I.D.), who had not been one [23]. With regard to side effects, olanzapine and of the treating physicians in any of the cases, served haloperidol induced fatigability more often than did as an independent reviewer of clinical notes, to risperidone, while haloperidol was associated with a determine the effect of risperidone treatment on higher frequency of depression and more severe each of the patient’s schizophrenic symptoms. The extrapyramidal symptoms. patients were evaluated based to their medical Armenteros and Davies [24] performed a meta- records prior to starting risperidone and then after analysis of studies of antipsychotics on early onset weeks 1, 3 and 6 of risperidone treatment. The schizophrenia. The average response rate for the overall severity of the schizophrenic symptoms was eight studies employing atypical antipsychotics was assessed using the Clinical Global Impression (CGI) 55.7% compared with 72.3% for the 13 studies scale [27]. The CGI has been extensively used in employing typical antipsychotics. This difference psychopharmacology research on adults and juve- was significant at the trend level (PB0.10). Average niles and has been shown to be medication sensitive. weight gain in patients treated with typical antipsy- The study used the first item on the scale (CGI chotics was 1.4 kg, compared to 4.5 kg for those Severity) which ranges from 1 (not ill) to 7 (ex- treated with atypical antipsychotics. Surprisingly, the tremely ill). To determine the response to risper- rate of extrapyramidal side effects was similar idone, the baseline CGI Severity score was between the two groups. This contradicted previous compared to the scores at weeks 1, 3, and 6. We observation that had been in favor of atypical also made an endpoint evaluation (at week 6 or at neuroleptics [25]. discharge) regarding the general success of the Based on a Medline search (July 2006), we did not treatment regimen. A global assessment of (1) find any reports describing treatment with ziprasi- effective, (2) partially effective, or (3) not effective, done, zotepine, or in early onset schizo- was determined for each participant. phrenia. Two other facets were also measured, these included: frequency of risperidone augmentation with other antipsychotic drugs and the frequency Methods of use of acute sedative medication in cases of This was a systematic chart review of all patients agitation. Adverse experiences associated with the receiving routine clinical care at the Department of medication, including the use of Child Psychiatry who were being treated with drugs, were also recorded. risperidone for schizophrenia or related psychotic Statistical analysis was performed using the Sta- disorders between 1997 and 2001. These patients tistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS, received a 2-h intake diagnostic and treatment version 10.0). Descriptive statistics for the sample evaluation by a child psychiatrist. All diagnoses description was used. Changes in the first item of the were made by a treating child psychiatrist using CGI scale (CGI*Severity) and weight were ana- ICD-10 criteria [26] based on interviews with the lyzed using the paired T-test (baseline vs. risperidone parent(s) and child and after review of available treatment at weeks 1, 3, and 6). The McNemar test school and psychological testing reports. No formal was used for the analysis of risperidone augmenta- structured interview was used. Since risperidone had tion, use of acute sedative medication and for Risperidone in adolescent psychoses 275 anticholinergic drug use. Survivors analysis was pimozide, and flufenazine depot (one case each). performed. The use of antidepressants was less frequent. Flu- voxamine, sertraline, fluoxetine, moclobemide and amitriptyline were used each in one case, whereas Results only and dosulepin were used twice. Benzodiazepines (clonazepam, bromazepam) and Description of the sample mood stabilizers (carbamazepine) were given excep- In the period between 1997 and 2001, 66 patients tionally. Forty-two patients (89.5%) were evaluated were treated with risperidone for a schizophrenia as treatment-non-resistant, three patients (6.5%) as diagnosis of F2029 in the Department of Child treatment-resistant, and in two patients (4%) suffi- Psychiatry. Of this number, 16 patients had been cient information was not available. started on risperidone prior to admission and as such Twenty-one patients did not complete the 6-week did not meet criteria 3, while in another three hospitalization treatment period. Thirteen patients patients the quality of medical records was not were discharged sooner, because of an excellent considered satisfactory for the study and therefore therapeutic response. There were eight drop-outs: failed to meet criteria 2. five patients for lack of therapeutic effect, one patient The remaining 47 patients (27 boys, 20 girls) met for an acute dysphagic reaction, one patient for all the inclusion criteria for the study. The mean age severe parkinsonism, and one patient for hypersali- of the sample was 16.591.3 years (ages ranged from vation. 1319 years). Twenty-five patients (53%) had schi- The mean daily dose of risperidone was 3.29 zophrenia, eight patients (17%) had schizoaffective 1.1 mg at the end of week 1 (range 1.56.0 mg), disorder, and 14 patients (30%) had other schizo- 4.191.4 mg at the end of week 3 (range 2.58.0 mg), phrenic disorders. For a more detailed description of and 3.891.4 mg at the end of week 6 (range 1.0 the diagnoses see Table I. It was the first episode of 6.0 mg). illness for 32 patients (68%), 15 patients (32%) suffered from relapse. It was also the first psychiatric Treatment efficacy hospitalisation for 30 patients (65%), 16 patients (32%) had been hospitalized before, and in one case In the global assessment of the treatment, 44 patients the information was missing. Six patients also had a were evaluated. This number includes five drop-outs concurrent somatic diagnosis: there were two cases which were due to lack of efficacy but excludes three of juvenile hypertension and one case each of drop outs that were due to severe adverse events. asthma, multinodular goiter, hypothyroidism, and Thirty-six patients (82%) were rated as responders: dyspeptic syndrome. 28 patients (64%) as full responders, eight patients Twenty-five patients received psychopharmacolo- (18%) as partial responders. Eight patients (18%) gical treatment prior to the admission. Antipsycho- were evaluated as non-responders to the treatment. were the most used psychotropic drugs: The inclusion score on the CGI was 5.890.7 and haloperidol (six cases); thioridazine (four cases); decreased significantly during treatment with risper- perphenazine and olanzapine (three cases); chlor- idone (Figure 1). Augmentation of risperidone with other antipsychotic drugs was needed in 10 patients promazine, levomepromazine, chlorprothixene, and during week 1, in five patients during week 3, and in sulpiride (two cases); and trifluoperazine, tiapride, only one patient during week 6. Levomepromazine Table I. Diagnoses of patients included in the study. 6 No. of *** *** *** Diagnosis patients 5

Paranoid schizophrenia 13 4 Hebephrenic schizophrenia 2 Catatonic schizophrenia 1 3 Undifferentiated schizophrenia 4 CGI-S Simple schizophrenia 1 2 Other schizophrenia 2 Schizophrenia, unspecified 2 1 Acute polymorphic psychotic disorder without 2 symptoms of schizophrenia 0 Acute polymorphic psychotic disorder with 2 Baseline Week 1 Week 3 Week 6 symptoms of schizophrenia Acute schizophrenia-like psychotic disorder 10 CGI-S Schizoaffective disorder, manic type 3 Schizoaffective disorder, depressive type 2 Figure 1. Improvement of CGI-Severity scores during risperidone Schizoaffective disorder, mixed type 3 treatment. Week 1 vs. baseline: t8.445; df46; Week 3 vs. Total 47 baseline: t11.588; df38; Week 6 vs. baseline: t11.387; df25; ***PB0.001. 276 M. Hrdlicka & I. Dudova was the most frequently used drug for augmentation Table II. Adverse events in patients during risperidone treatment. (six cases), followed by haloperidol, thioridazine, Adverse event No. of patients Percentage sulpiride, pimozide, and zuclopenthixol. This de- creased need for augmentation between week 1 and Parkinsonism 9 19% week 6 did not reach statistical significance (P Sedation 4 8.5% 0.375). The need for acute use of sedative medication Hypersalivation 4 8.5% Acute dystonia 2 4% in cases of agitation was present in 15 patients at Akathisia 2 4% baseline; in six patients at week 1 (P0.004 vs. Galactorrhoea 2 4% baseline), in four patients at week 3 (P0.070 vs. Perioral dyskinesia 1 2% baseline), and in three patients at week 6 (P0.375 Tremor 1 2% Increased appetite 1 2% vs. baseline). The decrease was statistically significant Acute dysphagic reaction 1 2% only at week 1, and this might be due to the decreasing Gastrointestinal complaints 1 2% number of patients in the sample over the time period Hypotension 1 2% of the study, e.g., early discharge of patients with an excellent response or drop outs. The mean daily dose of risperidone was 3.8 mg at the endpoint of our study compared to 6.6 mg daily Side effects at the week 6 endpoint in the Armenteros et al. [8] Less than one half of the patients (22 patients, 46%) study. This reflects the current general tendency to reported any side effect according to their medical use lower doses of risperidone than were used when records. Sixteen patients, out of the initial 47 (34% risperidone therapy was initially tested. Sixty per of the sample) suffered from extrapyramidal side cent of patients in the Armenteros et al. study [8] effects. The most common adverse events were: suffered from extrapyramidal side effects in contrast parkinsonism (19%), sedation (8.5%) and hypersa- to 34% of the patients in our study. However, the livation (8.5%). For a more detailed description of sensitivity of the adolescent population to neurolep- tic side effects, generally, seems to be higher than in side effects, see Table II. No serious complications of the adult population. Forty-six percent of our the treatment program were observed. patients reported any side effect according to their Anticholinergic drugs were being used in medical records whereas in the RODOS study it was 13 patients at baseline, in six patients at weeks only 13% [28]. The mean daily dose of risperidone 1 and 3, and in seven patients at week 6. This in RODOS study through the treatment was 5.3 mg decrease in the use of during risper- [29]. idone treatment did not reach statistical significance The retrospective design of our study did not (P 0.09). allow us to analyse directly the relationship between The mean weight for the group was 61.2 10.0 kg 9 the dose of risperidone and frequency of extrapyr- at baseline, 61.7 9.8 kg at week 1 (t 1.761; df 41; 9 amidal side effects as no fixed dosing schedule and P0.086; compared to baseline), kg at no formal rating scale for extrapyramidal side effects week 3 (t3.226; df31; P0.003; compared to were used. Only indirect observation, expressed by baseline), and 64.7910.0 kg at week 6 (t3.674; the use of anticholinergics, was possible. However, df20; P0.002; compared to baseline). The aver- changes in the use of anticholinergics during risper- age weight increase between baseline and week 6 was idone treatment were not significant. 3.5 kg. Weight gain is one of the major concerns asso- ciated with therapy using atypical antipsychotics. Discussion The average weight gain described in our study was 3.5 kg over 6 weeks of treatment. This is similar to The response rate in our sample of patients reached the Sikich et al. study [22] where the average weight 82%. This is comparable to some open-label studies gain in risperidone treatment group was 4.6 kg over with risperidone in adolescent schizophrenia where 8 weeks of treatment. Other studies with risperidone the response rate was 75%, as in the Drtilkova study have not reported the average weight gain for the [10] and 74% in the Sikich et al. study [22]. The whole sample, instead, only reporting the weight response rate was almost the same as that described gain for patients who experienced a considerable for risperidone in the RODOS study (84%). The weight increase [8,11]; consequently, the data are RODOS study represents the largest retrospective not comparable. Comparing our data with the data study done with risperidone and olanzapine, with an for olanzapine, we see considerable variation in adult population consisting of 1901 patients [28,29]. weight gains. There were two olanzapine studies However, it is also well known that the response rates showing similar weight gains 3.4 kg over 6 weeks in retrospective and open-label studies are usually [13], 3.8 kg over 6 weeks [17] but there was also higher than in randomized, controlled, double-blind one study with a 7.1-kg increase over 8 weeks of studies. treatment [22]. Risperidone in adolescent psychoses 277

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cebo-controlled studies using risperidone for early- Psychopharmacol 1996;6:/ 251/ 7. onset schizophrenia are needed to better determine [13] Kumra S, Jacobsen LK, Lenane M, et al. Childhood-onset efficacy, optimal dosing, safety and tolerability in schizophrenia: an open-label study of olanzapine in adoles-

cents. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 1998;37:/ 377/ 85. this population. [14] Sholevar EH, Baron DA, Hardie TL. Treatment of child- hood-onset schizophrenia with olanzapine. J Child Adolesc

Psychopharmacol 2000;10:/ 69/ 78. Key points [15] Findling RL, McNamara N, Youngstrom EA, Branicky LA, Demeter CA, Schultz SC. A prospective, open-label trial of . Atypical antipsychotics have been successfully olanzapine in adolescents with schizophrenia. J Am Acad

used in early onset schizophrenia Child Adolesc Psychiatry 2003;42:/ 170/ 5. . Risperidone in doses between 2 and 6 mg has [16] Mozes T, Greenberg Y, Spivak B, Tyano S, Weizman A, been found to be an effective and safe treatment Mester R. Olanzapine treatment in chronic drug-resistant childhood-onset schizophrenia: open-label study. J Child for schizophrenia and other related psychotic Adolesc Psychopharmacol 2003;13:/ 311/ 7. disorders in adolescence [17] Ross RG, Novins D, Farley GK, Adler LE. A 1-year open- . The sensitivity of the adolescent population to label trial of olanzapine in school-age children with

the side effects seems, generally, to be higher schizophrenia. J Child Adolesc Psychopharmacol 2003;13:/ / than in the adult population. Extrapyramidal 3019. [18] Maagensen M, Aarkrog T. Treatment of adolescent psy- side effects and weight gain were major issues choses with olanzapine. Nord J Psychiatry 1999;53:/ 435/ 8. that we wanted to evaluate in our study. [19] Propper L, Hrdlicka M, Bares M. Olanzapine in the treatment of psychoses in adolescence [in Czech]. Cesk

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Pilot of group intervention for bipolar disorder


1St Vincent’s Hospital, Mental Health Research Institute, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia, 2Barwon Health, The Geelong Clinic, University of Melbourne, Orygen Youth Health, Mental Health Research Institute, Melbourne, Australia, and 3Mental Health Research Institute, Parkville, Victoria, Australia

Abstract Objective. This pilot study aimed to determine whether a group based psychosocial intervention reduced rates of relapse, improved function and quality of life in people with bipolar disorder. Method. Patients with a diagnosis of bipolar disorder, types I and II were recruited in the Geelong Region of Victoria. Patients were assessed at baseline for psychiatric status, mood episode, function, and medication adherence. They were randomly assigned to either the intervention arm, a 12-week, structured group-based therapy as an adjunct to treatment as usual or the control arm, which consisted of treatment as usual, plus weekly phone calls. Participants were then followed up for a period of 3 months and assessed by a researcher blinded to treatment and control interventions. Results. Functioning as measured by the Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF) was significantly improved in the intervention group (P0.008). The social relationships subscale on the (WHOQoL-BREF) showed significant results (PB0.05 level). There was also a positive trend in reduction of relapses in the intervention group. Conclusion. The use of a group intervention for bipolar disorder as an adjunct to usual treatment has potential benefits, both in reduction of relapse and improvement in functionality, and may be a cost effective way of delivering psychosocial treatments.

Key Words: Bipolar disorder, group, psychosocial, relapse, functionality

Introduction the higher the number of previous episodes, the higher the possibility of relapse [7]. Bipolar disorder is common, occurring in at least 1% Psychosocial interventions combined with phar- of the population. The World Health Organisation macological treatment may have the potential to ranks it as the sixth most disabling condition across interrupt this cycle. Some interventions have fo- physical and psychiatric disorders [1]. Bipolar dis- cussed primarily on medication adherence. Scott order is also the most lethal psychiatric disorder, and Pope [8] found that attitudes and beliefs about with high rates of suicide [2]. It is commonly bipolar disorder were important predictors of misdiagnosed, with delays to accurate diagnosis of adherence, and medication adherence has been over 10 years [2]. There is also a high incidence of targeted successfully in previous psychosocial inter- co-morbidity (particularly with substance abuse, ventions [9,10]. However, the benefits of psycho- anxiety disorders, and personality disorders), which social interventions have been suggested to ‘‘go is associated with greater treatment complexity and beyond compliance enhancement’’ [11]. Studies poorer therapeutic outcomes [3]. have found that people with bipolar disorder who Pharmacological agents play a primary role in are able to identify and respond to prodromes, mood stabilisation [4], but problems with adherence especially prodromes of mania, show improved to medication clearly contribute to the efficacyÁ outcomes [12]. In bipolar disorder, malleable vul- effectiveness gap of pharmacological treatment [5]. nerabilities include sensitivity to circadian rhythm Furthermore, rates of relapse even while on mood disruption, negative and positive life stressors, levels stabilisers are noted to be as high as 40% in the first of expressed emotion and negative affective style in year, 60% in the second year and 73% over 5 or the family, and dysfunctional cognitive styles and more years [6]. A recurring cycle emerges, indicating schemas [13].

Correspondence: Professor Michael Berk, Department of Clinical and Biomedical Sciences, University of Melbourne, P.O. Box 281, Geelong 3220, Australia. Tel: 61 3 5226 7450. Fax: 61 3 5246 5165. E-mail: [email protected]

(Received 9 May 2006; accepted 29 January 2007) ISSN 1365-1501 print/ISSN 1471-1788 online # 2007 Taylor & Francis DOI: 10.1080/13651500701246088 280 D. Castle et al.

While effectiveness of the varied psychological process encouraging social functioning and provid- interventions has yielded encouraging results, there ing the buffering effects of social support [20,21]. It is no definitive evidence regarding the superiority of is also a model of treatment which already has a any particular therapy [14]. In part this may be due place within existing service delivery frameworks, at to the overlapping elements of other paradigms least in part due to issues of efficiency and practi- evident in these interventions [15]. What appears cality. Van Gent et al. [22], in a small randomised to be most crucial in the efficacy of psychosocial controlled study (n34), confirmed the advantage interventions is that core components are addressed of a few sessions of group psycho-education on self- [14,16] and that this is done in a sequential and confidence, behaviour and social functioning but not structured framework that gives focus to the devel- on symptom reduction. A second study [23] con- opment and enhancement of skills in an ongoing way firmed these findings and recorded an added [14]. These key aspects include psycho-education, advantage in thinking and behaviour as measured compliance enhancement, early identification of on a symptom checklist in the group receiving the prodromes, stresses, and lifestyle stability. extended psycho-education plus psychotherapy in- Where success has been shown with other inter- tervention (10Á13 sessions). Colom et al. [11] ventions, sustainability, retention rates and cost- published the only large group-based intervention effectiveness may prove to be issues in their broader for bipolar disorder that has employed a randomized application within naturalistic settings (e.g., controlled design. These authors’ [11] 21-session [11,17]). While group interventions have a greater group based psycho-education intervention also cost effective advantage in general over individually incorporated a number of key approaches of other based programs, a challenge for all interventions is interventions, including stress management techni- the sustainability of improvement beyond the inter- ques, problem-solving, establishment of routines vention. The development of skills such as cognitive and strategies for managing warning signs. In restructuring, monitoring, stress reduction etc re- comparison with a befriending group (to control quires practice and reinforcement. To achieve this for the supportive effect of the group itself), the goal in a cost effective way, our group has incorpo- intervention group experienced a significant reduc- rated as an integral part of the learning structure, an tion in the number of participants who relapsed and interactive journal, ‘‘The Collaborative Therapy number of recurrences per person. The number and Journal’’ (CTJ). length of hospitalizations were also lower for those in The CTJ is held by the individual and provides the the intervention group. opportunity for the individual to practice skills The pilot study we report here evaluated the learned in the group setting. This is done between effectiveness of a ‘‘collaborative therapy manage- group sessions and as part of their long term ment package’’ for people with bipolar disorder maintenance, incorporating key partners, such as developed at the Mental Health Research Institute, health professionals and family members. Victoria. The specific aims were to reduce rates of It addresses three key areas in an individualised relapse; improve global functioning and quality of way that supports a person’s recovery. life; and evaluate satisfaction with the format of the 1. Treatment participation Á for example, medica- group as part of conducting a randomised control tion monitoring, side effects, education, self- trial. We report on 6-month follow-up data and efficacy. The CTJ as a collaborative tool relapse data over 10 months. between patient and service provider may be an additional way of realising the integration of skills and information gained from a psychoso- Methods cial intervention in real life settings [18]. This Subjects extends Essex et al.’s [19] approach of using shared record keeping to enhance long-term A total of 20 subjects were recruited in this pilot self-management of illness by including perso- study. Inclusion criteria were: a current DSM-IV nalised information and coping skills. diagnosis of bipolar affective disorder with symptom 2. Syndromal recovery Á for example, symptom severity that did not interfere with the ability to monitoring, relapse prevention plans, develop- participate in a group for an estimated 1.5-h session; ing relapse signatures. age 18 years or over; ability to converse in English 3. Functional recovery Á for example, cognitive without an interpreter; being under the care of a restructuring through identification of vulner- medical practitioner; and showing no evidence of an able situations and challenging associated ne- organic aetiology or significant developmental dis- gative thinking patterns and behaviours; and ability. action plans. Potential subjects were referred by service provi- ders at public and private treatment facilities, non- Group therapy is seen to have added benefits to governmental organizations and by self-referral. All individual intervention, with the context of group potential participants required a diagnosis of bipolar Pilot of group intervention for bipolar disorder 281 disorder (according to DSM-IV criteria) to be Table I. Content of group therapy sessions. confirmed by their treating doctor for entry to the trial. Following informed consent patients were Session 1 Introduction to group and bipolar illness Session 2 Stress and triggers associated with bipolar disorder assessed by one of the study Research Assistants Session 3 Monitoring of stress/triggers (RAs), before being randomized to the experimental Session 4 Assessment of stressors and coping skills or control condition, using a computerized rando- Session 5 Preventing relapse via problem solving, stress tolerance mization system to ensure true randomization. and goal setting Session 6 Medication management Session 7 Managing and monitoring prodromes of depression Study design Session 8 Assessment of prodromes of depression and helpful activity skills This was a randomised control trial comparing a Session 9 Preventing relapse: developing relapse prevention plans group-based intervention (experimental) to treat- for depression Session 10 Managing and monitoring prodromes of mania/ ment as usual (control). hypomania Session 11 Assessment of prodromes of manic/hypomania and cognitive skills Treatment Session 12 Preventing relapse: relapse prevention plans for mania/ All patients included in the study were under the hypomania Booster 1 Review of skills and supports including relapse plans management of a medical practitioner (GP or Booster 2 Problem solving skill integration psychiatrist). They received their usual pharmacolo- Booster 3 Consolidating skills into daily life gical treatment and were not enrolled in any other structured group therapy programs. information that reinforced the psycho-education Control condition (CP: Control-plus supportive phone material covered in the group. Each participant calls) also utilizes a Collaborative Therapy Journal (CTJ), a pocket sized journal with key personalized The control condition consisted of treatment as information such as charting of stressors, early usual, as described above, combined with weekly warning signs, coping strategies and other factors phone calls from the researchers to control for any that influence the course and management of a extra contact time with researchers outside of the person’s mental health. As part of the group process, structured intervention group. patients were taught to use the CTJ and encouraged to use it in conjunction with their regular service Experimental condition providers. Weekly follow-up phone checks were made over The experimental condition consisted of treatment the duration of the group intervention to remind as usual plus a group therapy program delivered in treatment participants of the next group session, and an outpatient setting once a week for 90 min over a to offer support for any homework tasks assigned. period of 12 weeks. In addition, three booster Weekly phone calls to the control group over this sessions were conducted at monthly intervals after period controlled for any extra contact time with conclusion of the 12-week program. The groups researchers outside of the structured intervention consisted of education, peer support, new coping group. strategies and the development and practicing of skills designed to enhance a person’s ability to manage their mental health and to maintain wellness Assessment procedures and instruments (i.e. relapse prevention). The group-based compo- Patients were assessed at baseline and 6 months nent included a manual to ensure treatment fidelity regarding psychiatric status, relapse rates, social and provides a number of structured tools to functioning, quality of life and level of functioning. reinforce and enhance skill development initiated Trained Research assistants ‘‘blind’’ to whether the within the group session. The groups were facilitated individual received the intervention or control con- by two research assistants with demonstrated clinical dition performed all assessments excluding the GAF experience and training in psychosocial interventions where raters (Research Assistants) who had more and group delivery (see Table I). extensive knowledge of the patient’s social, occupa- tional and psychological functioning were used. These raters were blind to earlier GAF scores. Tools of the group The group intervention included a participant work- Quantitative instruments and assessment protocol book for patients to note personal information such as prodromes, goals, and brainstorm information Demographic data included age, sex, marital and to practice skills such as problem solving. An and employment status. The Mini International information book was also provided. This gave Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI) [24] was used 282 D. Castle et al. as a structured interview to ascertain primary and Baseline characteristics of the groups comorbid DSM or ICD diagnoses, and in particu- The mean age of the 17 participants in the pilot was larly to classify the sample into type of illness 44 (standard deviation 10), with three males and (Bipolar I or II). 14 females. Eleven subjects were married, three had Symptom measures included: the Montogomery a partner but were not married, one was separated and Asberg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS) [25] and two were divorced. Ten subjects had a diagnosis for depressive symptoms and the Young Mania Scale of Bipolar I and seven had a diagnosis of Bipolar II. (YMRS) [26] for manic symptoms; the Global Nine subjects were unemployed, seven had part-time Assessment of Function scale (GAF) [27] measures work and one had full time work. Further details are level of function; and the WHOQoLBREF [28] shown in Table II. Fisher’s exact test on these assesses quality of life. Medication adherence was baseline characteristics gave no significant differ- assessed using the Medication Adherence Rating ences between the control and treatment groups. Scale (MARS) [29]. Two measures, the GAF and the social relation- ships subscale of the WHOQoL-BREF, gave signifi- Definition of relapse cance at the a0.05 level (unadjusted). For the ANCOVA analysis of the GAF the P value for the Participants were considered to have ‘‘relapsed’’ if treatment effect was 0.008 (adjusted P0.08) with they met the DSM-IV criteria for a manic or the mean improvement due to treatment equal to depressive episode, and/or required hospital admis- 12 with confidence interval (3Á21). Note that the full sion. range for the GAF is between 1 and 100. The corresponding analysis with the ordinal logistic re- Statistical methods gression gave P0.012 (unadjusted) and P0.12 (adjusted) for the treatment effect. The P value for the Two methods were used to analyse the outcome interaction between treatment and baseline score for measures in the quantitative instruments: ANCOVA WHOQol-BREF social relationships subscale was and ordinal logistic regression. In both cases the 0.008 (adjusted value 0.08). At 6 months, the dependent variable was the outcome measure at individual scores for the control group were close to 6 months and the two explanatory variables were the the corresponding baseline scores. In contrast, the measure at baseline and the variable indicating three subjects in the treatment group who had low treatment or control. These analyses take into baseline scores (less than 50) improved by an average account the differences between treatment and of 36 (SD 20). This is reflected in the means and control at baseline as well as investigating any standard deviations of the change scores for this treatment effect. measure as detailed in Table III. In the analysis of the outcome measures, P values Relapse data were collected for nine control sub- were adjusted using Bonferroni correction for jects and eight treatment subjects over 10 months. multiple tests (10 in total) as well as unadjusted P Four control subjects experienced relapse, whereas values. there was only one relapse in the treatment group, but this was not statistically significant (P0.3). The

Results Table II. Characteristics of study participants. Retention Control Treatment Total From an initial sample of 20, two patients withdrew prior to the commencement of the intervention, one Age in years, mean (SD) 44 (8) 44 (13) 44 (10) due to study commitments and another through Sex: disappointment at being randomised to the control Male 2 1 3 condition. One patient failed to meet criteria for Female 7 7 14 euthymia necessary for initial trial participation. Diagnostic Subtype: Once the intervention commenced, there were no Bipolar I 2 3 5 withdrawals, providing an overall retention rate of Bipolar I Á with psychotic 23 5 2 features 90%. Based on t-tests, MannÁWhitney and x -tests Bipolar II 4 3 7 and using a 0.05, there were no significant differ-  Marital status: ences at baseline between the control and treatment Married 6 5 11 groups for the 10 items comprising the quantitative With partner 1 2 3 instruments (see Table III). Note that while there is a Divorced 2 0 2 difference on the MADRS of 6 between the baseline, Separated 0 1 1 treatment and control mean scores this was not Usual medical practitioner: significant at a.05 because of the large standard Psychiatrist 7 6 13 GP 2 2 4 deviations. Pilot of group intervention for bipolar disorder 283 Table III. Means and standard deviations of outcome measures.

Control Treatment Change score*

Measure Baseline 6 months Baseline 6 months Control Treatment

MADRS 6.0 (7.0) 5.8 (8.0) 12.1 (8.7) 13.0 (7.3) 0.2 (6.2) 0.9 (10.5) MRS 3.8 (3.4) 3.5 (6.4) 5.8 (7.2) 5.3 (5.2) 0.3 (4.1) 0.5 (10.4) MARS 7.1 (2.7) 7.6 (2.4) 7.3 (2.1) 6.9 (2.7) 0.4 (1.7) 0.4 (2.0) GAF 61 (10) 62 (9) 56 (12) 72 (11) 1 (8) 15 (11) WHOQoL: Quality of life 3.7 (0.5) 4.2 (0.7) 4.1 (0.8) 3.8 (0.9) 0.6 (0.5) 0.4 (0.9) Satisfaction with health 3.6 (0.9) 3.8 (0.4) 3.6 (1.3) 3.8 (0.7) 0.2 (0.8) 0.1 (1.1) Physical health 68 (13) 69 (15) 60 (13) 66 (13) 0.4 (14) 7 (9) Psychological health 57 (17) 60 (17) 56 (17) 58 (19) 3 (12) 2 (14) Social relationships 68 (19) 66 (21) 52 (28) 60 (14) 2 (9) 8 (30) Environment 68 (19) 71 (15) 80 (10) 80 (13) 2 (14) 0.8 (9)

*Positive indicates improvement. proportion of subjects having one or more relapses addition, some of the skills covered in the manual, was analysed using Fisher’s exact test, giving a for example, problem solving may have been applied P value of 0.3 (see Table IV). to social relationships. Larger samples and an active While most subjects had zero or one relapse, two control group (e.g., befriending), would be needed subjects each had two relapses in the 10 months. to further examine this finding. Consequently, the number of relapses for each A strength of this pilot study was the application of subject was analysed using a MannÁWhitney rank a group-based format and the incorporation of the sum test, giving z1.5 (negative due to fewer CTJ. There have been few such studies undertaken relapses in the treatment group) (P value of 0.14). using a group format, almost all the trials in the literature being individual based. The manualised nature of the intervention enhanced fidelity, which Discussion may again facilitate its broader utility. The objective of this pilot was to determine the A potential weakness of the study is the lack of feasibility of a group-based intervention for people an active intervention for the control group. Be- with a diagnosis of bipolar affective disorder in friending groups have been noted by some authors reducing relapse and improving functionality. Pre- to be a useful control condition as it removes liminary data on two key measures, numbers of therapist contact as a variable between the inter- relapse and global assessment of function suggest vention group and the control group [30]. It also that the use of this type of intervention has merit as provides some control for the effects of being in a an adjunctive therapy to usual treatment. GAF supportive group environment. It is implicit in the scores showed a significant improvement in global nature of pilot data that the sample size needs to functioning. This early finding provides some cau- and will be increased. Trends, such as lower relapse tious optimism that such interventions may assist in rates that are non-significant in this report may reducing the impairment that is seen in this disorder. become significant. Future studies which focus on specific aspects of This model attempts to select out the key psy- functional indicators could also further enhance our chotherapeutic ‘‘active ingredients’’ from the pub- understanding by exploring individual functional lished literature, and incorporate them into a indicators to identify if there are particular areas manualised group-based format designed for simpli- that are more amenable to the intervention. city of roll out. It is augmented by the use of The interaction result on the WHOQOL indicates self-efficacy and self-monitoring and action plans, that low scores on the social relationship subscale are in the form of the hand held Collaborative Therapy more likely to improve in the intervention group Journal. The results of this pilot study suggest that than the control group. It may be that the collabora- this model may have utility in naturalistic settings. It tive process of relapse prevention plans and the is planned to further develop the model and increase group process, itself, played some role in this. In the sample size to one which will be powered to detect meaningful differences. Table IV. Analysis of relapse.

Treatment Control Total Key points

One or more relapses 1 4 5 . A psychosocial group based intervention for No relapse 7 5 12 bipolar disorder was delivered as an adjunct to Total 8 9 17 treatment as usual 284 D. Castle et al.

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Topiramate-induced psychotic exacerbation: case report and review of literature


1Psychiatry Clinic, Ankara Oncology Training and Research Hospital, Ankara, Turkey, 2Ministry of Interior, General Directorate of Security, Turkish National Police Organization, Department of Health Services, Centre of Mental Health, Ankara, and 3Department of Psychiatry, Gazi University School of Medicine, Turkey

Abstract Background. Topiramate (TPM) is a new antiepileptic drug that is used mainly in the treatment of refractory partial epileptic seizures. There are some studies reporting TPM’s effectiveness in the treatment and maintenance of some psychiatric illnesses such as acute mania, some other affective disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder and binge-eating disorder. On the other hand, it has been shown that TPM may cause mild to moderate cognitive impairment and is thought to be responsible for a series of neuro-psychiatric signs and symptoms. Some of the available articles that have mentioned the relationship of psychotic symptoms and topiramate usage are discussed. Objective. The present paper aims to discuss a case of psychotic exacerbation purported to occur after TPM administration and to review specifically the literature on TPM’s potential for inducing psychotic symptoms. The patient presented here is thought to be an undiagnosed schizophrenia patient until his admission to our clinic (Department of Psychiatry, Gazi University Medical School) with TPM-exacerbated psychotic symptoms. Conclusions. The current findings are still subject to controversy because of the presence of both individual case reports and case series on the association between appearance of psychotic symptoms and TPM usage.

Key Words: Topiramate (TPM), schizophrenia, psychiatric adverse effects, induced psychosis

Introduction having gained weight secondary to antipsychotic use [13,14]. Topiramate (TPM) is a highly efficient new anti- TPM may cause mild to moderate cognitive epileptic drug that is used as an enhancing agent in impairment. TPM is also thought to be responsible the treatment of refractory partial epileptic seizures for a series of neuropsychiatric signs and symptoms, [1,2]. TPM exert its antiepileptic action through such as headache, dizziness, fatigue, weakness, many mechanisms, it antagonises the neurotrans- ataxia, confusion, speech disturbances, delayed re- mitter glutamate at the AMPA (a-amino-3-hydroxy- sponse, disturbances of memory and sleep, crying 5-methyl-4-isoxazole propionic acid) and kainate spells and depression. However, these symptoms receptors and potentiates the effect of the neuro- usually recede upon cessation of TPM [15,16]. A transmitter GABA (g-aminobutyric acid). It, also limited number of case series report psychotic inhibits neuronal state-dependent sodium channels symptom development related to TPM use [15Á19]. and carbonic anhydrase isoenzymes II and IV [1,3]. The present report aims to discuss a case of In addition, it is claimed that TPM may have psychotic exacerbation purported to occur after antipsychotic effects mediated through its glutamate TPM administration and to review specifically the antagonism [4Á6]. There are studies reporting literature on TPM’s potential for inducing psychotic TPM’s effectiveness in the maintenance treatment effects. of acute mania and other affective disorders [7Á9], in the treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder and Case presentation binge-eating disorder and in migraine prophylaxis [4,10Á12], while there are case reports of trials of In October 2003, a 37-year-old married, college- TPM for the purpose of weight reduction in patients educated government official, applied for the first

Correspondence: Ersin Hatice Karslıog˘lu, M.D., T.C. S.B. Dr. A.Y. Onkoloji Eg˘itim ve Aras¸tırma Hastanesi, Ahmet Andic¸en Hastane Birimi, Bozkurt Cad. No: 1 06600 Kolej, Ankara, Tu¨rkiye. E-mail: [email protected]

(Received 13 January 2006; accepted 18 October 2006) ISSN 1365-1501 print/ISSN 1471-1788 online # 2007 Taylor & Francis DOI: 10.1080/13651500601117215 286 E. H. Karsliog˘lu et al. time to the out-patient unit of the Psychiatry Clinic, previously, he had inserted a glass in his anus as a Gazi University Medical Faculty Hospital, upon his result of which he had undergone a rectal opera- family’s coercion. He had no history of previous tion. During the previous year he had behaved in a psychiatric treatment. His main complaints were loss bizarre way, had sudden frights and startle reac- of the sensation of taste, inability to draw pleasure tions. His mystic tendencies and interest in religion, from anything and forgetfulness. Since the previous his belief in a ‘‘power’’ influencing him as well as year he had been followed with a diagnosis of his auditory hallucinations, predated the present ‘‘hereditary spastic paraplegia’’ at the Neurology presentation of the patient. When this information Clinic of another hospital. His therapeutic regimen about the patient’s premorbid status was integrated first consisted of only 4 mg/day dantrolene, p.o., with the initial anamnestic information, according which was later modified in April 2003 with the to DSM-IV criteria, the case was reformulated addition of 100 mg/day TPM, p.o., for ‘‘peripheric as ‘‘schizophrenia with TPM-induced psychotic neuropathy’’. The psychiatric complaints Á which exacerbation’’. the patient identified as side-effects he attributed to As there was no mention in the literature of TPM Á began immediately after initiation of TPM psychosis related to dantrolene use and, following treatment. The clinical symptoms were as follows: the opinion of the neurology consultant, it was somatic complaints such as: his body was wasting decided that there was no need to discontinue away and would disappear, his penis and head were dantrolene. So, only TPM was discontinued. For shrinking and his nails were becoming flattened. 1 week following TPM discontinuation, as no Besides, he had many bizarre thoughts such as: his change was observed in the symptom profile, olan- body was emitting light and producing electricity zapine treatment was initiated. The dose of olanza- and had special powers such as ability to absorb fats pine was started at 10 mg/day and titrated upwards through his hands which enabled him to make to 30 mg/day. Symptoms such as auditory hallucina- people lose weight. He felt he had the ability to tions, delusions and anxiety significantly improved in foresee the future and he believed that he could response to pharmacological treatment. Initial Brief influence other people’s brains, which happened Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS) score was 60 and it under the influence of an ‘‘external power’’. He decreased to 45 at the end of 6 weeks of olanzapine even thought of committing suicide to destroy ‘‘the treatment. The patient is now being regularly power’’ in his struggle against it. Starting around followed-up at the out-patient unit following his September 2003, he became highly interested in discharge from the hospital. mystic and religious subjects, and became extremely jealous. His functioning at work and interpersonal Discussion relations were diminished. His family reported increased irritability following TPM administration In studies performed before TPM was approved for as well as bizarre laughter and hand and arm clinical use, the incidence of psychosis with TPM gestures. was found to be the same as that of placebo [15]. The patient was hospitalized with a diagnosis of TPM-induced psychiatric adverse events in phase III TPM-induced psychosis. During his sessions at the double-blind placebo-controlled studies included in-patient unit, his introversion and difficulty with depression, irritability, behavioral problems and finding words were noticeable. He had a cautious lability of mood [20,21]. and distrustful countenance. As clinical use of TPM became widespread, cases The clinical picture consisted of visual and audi- displaying symptoms that were thought to be asso- tory hallucinations, experiences of depersonalization ciated with TPM were presented in case series or and derealization, blocking of thought processes, individual case reports. impoverished content of thought, somatic and nihi- While depression was observed in 25Á65% of listic delusions as well as delusions of grandeur, of patients with treatment-refractory epilepsy [22,23], jealousy, and of control. He displayed inappropriate the incidence of psychotic disorders in these patients and superficial affect and the prevailing mood was was 6Á12 times greater than that in non-epileptic dysphoric and anxious. patients [24]. ‘‘Forced normalization’’ is a concep- Electroencephalography (EEG) and magnetic re- tualization to explain the development of psychiatric sonance imaging (MRI) findings were normal. symptoms in epileptic patients [25]. This term Premorbid characterization of the patient by his covers the development of clinical behavioral anoma- relatives was that of an introvert, suspicious man lies in patients with previous EEG tracings demon- who did not converse much and who only ingested strating abnormal epileptiform activity and the food the preparation of which he had seen. His normalization of findings in recent EEG tracings of aggresive demeanour had been present for the past the same patients [26,27]. This phenomenon should 8 years. He had always complained of sleep be considered in the assessment of epileptic patients. disturbances: he used to say that he didn’t go to Some authors claim that psychiatric adverse sleep because he felt he would die. Four years events (PAEs) develop preferentially in patients Topiramate-induced psychotic exacerbation 287 Table I. Comparison of some psychiatric assessments before treatment and during follow-up.

Before treatment During follow-up (6th week)

Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS) Schizophrenia 34 25 Depression 26 20 Total 60 45 Calgary Depression Scale for Schizophrenia (CDSS) 13 5 Scale for the Assessment of Negative Symptoms (SANS) 21 19 Scale for the Assessment of Positive Symptoms (SAPS) 5 5 who are initiated on pharmacotherapy at a later stage actions since most of the patients were on of their illness and at higher doses. They support this polytherapy [29]. claim by the finding that patients who develop PAEs Aldenkamp et al. claimed that cognitive impair- have longer periods of drug use than patients who ment associated with TPM use was less frequent discontinue the drug for some reason or another than that seen to occur with valproate use. However, [23,28]. they also pointed out that TPM was responsible for Cabeza et al.’s case report mentioned a patient impairment in short-term verbal memory tests [30]. who developed schizophreniform disorder following Similarly, Reife et al. reported that TPM impaired TPM treatment [19]. cognitive functions, particularly those related to Khan et al. reported five cases with different memory function [31]. combinations of sudden onset paranoid delusions, When TPM was added to the treatment of a auditory hallucinations and depersonalization symp- schizophrenia patient with persistent negative symp- toms induced by TPM. They maintained that TPM- toms, improvement in these symptoms was observed induced psychosis was completely reversible upon in Drapalski’s case report [32]. The studies of decrease in dose or drug discontinuation, and that it Deutsch et al. indicated improvement, particularly fully responded to appropriate antipsychotic treat- in negative symptoms, when the drug was very ment. In the same paper, although it was recom- gradually titrated and a maximum dose of 100 mg/ mended that TPM administration be avoided in day was used [6]. Following these findings, it was patients with a history of psychosis, still it was stated suggested that TPM might be beneficial in targeting that similar adverse events may occur in patients cognitive dysfunction and negative symptoms [5,6]. without a history of psychiatric disorders [15]. However, worsening of psychosis after replacement Cognitive adverse events were not taken into account of adjunctive valproate with topiramate in a schizo- in this study. Three of the patients did not have a phrenic patient [33] makes this suggestion question- history of psychiatric disorders. Although the drug able. Besides, with respect to the present report, was slowly titrated upwards in all the patients, the topiramate use in patients with schizophrenia should time of onset of psychotic symptoms was variable. be handled with extreme caution. Symptoms rapidly resolved (within 24Á48 h) when As reported by Dursun and Deakin [34], lamo- the drug was discontinued in one patient, when the trigine, a glutamate excess release inhibitor, was dose was decreased in three patients and when an found to be superior to topiramate in augmentation antipsychotic medication was added in one patient. of clozapine resistant patients. Topiramate, besides Trimble et al. examined vigabatrine-, TPM- and being a glutamate antagonist at AMPA and kainate tiagabine-associated symptoms, which required im- receptors also potentiates GABA function, which mediate medical intervention and reported the may decrease functioning of glutamate decarboxy- development of affective disorders in 40 out of 89 lase which converts glutamate to GABA further patients (depression in 30 patients, affective psycho- increasing the imbalance in glutamate levels. This sis in eight patients and hypomania in two patients). may further increase the glutamatergic/GABAergic They also reported non-affective psychotic states deficit in schizophrenia [35]. The clinical effect of such as schizophrenia-like paranoid states in topiramate in provoking psychosis may be due to its 37 patients, organic delirium in 11 patients and effects on the glutamate system. one patient was left without any definitive diagnosis. Stella et al. reported two cases receiving TPM The authors suggested that the development of treatment for epilepsy who subsequently developed psychosis was dose dependent. Interestingly, 15% acute psychosis. The two cases had no history of of all psychotic patients had a history of psychiatric psychiatric disorders. In one case, psychotic symp- disorders. In the light of these data, they drew the toms developed immediately after TPM dose was conclusion that patients with a history of depression increased to 150 mg/day, while the other developed had a predisposition to develop affective disorders, such symptoms with 1 day delay after the dose was while those with a history of psychosis were prone to increased to 350 mg/day. In both patients, in the develop psychotic symptoms. However, they empha- first case a few days after the dose was decreased and sized the necessity of assessing possible drug inter- in the second when the drug was discontinued, 288 E. H. Karsliog˘lu et al. symptoms resolved completely without any further reports in literature (150Á350 mg/day) [16]. need for antipsychotic treatment [16]. Verhoeven et Although the psychotic exacerbation was reported al. reported three patients who developed psychotic to occur at higher doses, as seen in this report it can symptoms following administration of TPM and happen even at low doses. In the light of present whose symptoms disappeared completely upon literature, we may presume an association between drug discontinuation without any further need TPM use and exacerbation of both positive and for antipsychotic treatment [17]. These authors negative symptoms and of cognitive impairment. suggested that visual/auditory hallucinations and Since a diagnosis of epilepsy was excluded as a result delusions were the most common symptoms en- of appropriate clinical and laboratory evaluations, the countered in TPM-induced psychosis. Most of the episode of psychotic exacerbation cannot be ex- studies [16,17] report spontaneous resolution of plained by the concept of ‘‘forced normalization’’. psychotic symptoms after discontinuation of topir- Although a diagnosis of ‘‘hereditary spastic paraple- amate; however, some other studies point out the gia’’ could not be definitively confirmed, neurologists necessity of using antipsychotic medication to clear considering clinical findings to be consistent with the symptoms of psychosis secondary to topiramate use diagnosis, recommended continuation of dantrolene [36] as in our case. administration. Since there is no known reported Millson et al. reported three schizophrenia pathogenic association between ‘‘hereditary spastic patients on clozapine treatment whose illnesses paraplegia’’ and schizophrenia in the prevailing exacerbated upon addition of TPM [37]. literature, the two processes were interpreted as Although Kanner et al. reported PAEs in 13% and separate and coincidental entities. However, it is psychotic symptoms in 15% of 596 patients, in only not possible to exclude the possibility that having 3.4% of these patients was it necessary to discon- received a diagnosis of ‘‘hereditary spastic paraple- tinue the drug due to these events. Noticeably, 26% gia’’ might have acted as a precipitating stressor of these had a past history of psychiatric disorders, contributing to worsening of psychotic symptoms. hence the question arose whether these adverse The present case’s psychotic symptoms are consid- events were associated with TPM use or whether ered to be associated with TPM use principally these should be considered as recurrences of pre- because of a close temporal relationship between vious disorders [38]. significant worsening of symptoms and initiation of There is only limited data in the literature on TPM treatment. TPM administration for disorders other than epi- In the literature at large, studies indicate that lepsy. There are reports of cognitive adverse events, TPM might potentiate antipsychotic activity and whereas reports of PAEs are much less and this is contribute to improvement in negative symptoms assumed to be related to the administration of and cognitive deficits in schizophrenia patients. This TPM at lower doses (100Á200 mg/day) in these is at least theoretically supported by the glutamate- disorders [38]. mediated neuronal toxicity hypothesis. It is hypothe- Mula and Trimble conducted a study investigating sized that disinhibition of glutamate release at the psychopathology associated with TPM use. They AMPA/kainate receptors may result in excitotoxic evaluated 103 patients on TPM treatment for neuronal injury. This progressive neuronal injury epilepsy who developed a psychiatric disorder. may in turn be responsible for findings such as They reported affective disorders in 46, aggressive ventricular enlargement and psychosocial deteriora- behavior in 22, psychoses in 16, anxiety disorders in tion in at least a subgroup of schizophrenia patients 11 and personality changes (anger, agitation and [41]. NMDA receptor hypofunction and increased hostility) in eight of these patients [39]. and irregular AMPA/kainate receptor stimulation are The same group of authors published another well-documented phenomena in schizophrenia. study investigating the occurrence of PAEs in Therefore it is inferred that TPM antagonism at epileptic patients on TPM therapy. A total of the AMPA/kainate receptor may particularly im- 431 patients were evaluated and psychotic disorders prove negative symptoms [41]. As a clinical illustra- were observed in 16 of these. They drew the conclu- tion, Drapalski reports a case of TPM addition to the sion that PAEs were associated with high initial dose treatment of a schizophrenia patient which led to and rapid titration of the drug. In addition, they improvement in negative symptoms [32]. established that individual or family history of However, the findings in this direction are subject psychiatric disorders might be an important risk to controversy because of the presence of both factor for the development of psychosis [40]. individual case reports and case series on the The patient presented here is thought to have been association between appearance of psychotic symp- an undiagnosed schizophrenia patient until his ad- toms and TPM use. The present case report is also mission to the Gazi University Psychiatry clinic with along the same vein. Case reports in general TPM-exacerbated psychotic symptoms. Exacerba- emphasize TPM-associated increase in parameters tion of psychosis in this patient occurred at relatively such as positive symptoms, cognitive deficits, de- lower doses (100 mg/day) compared to similar pression, hostility and aggression. Topiramate-induced psychotic exacerbation 289

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Questionnaire on animal-assisted therapy (AAT): The expectation for AAT as a day-care program for Japanese schizophrenic patients


1Department of Neurophysiology, Graduate School of Environmental Health, Azabu University, Kanagawa, Japan, and 2School of Veterinary Medicine, Azabu University, Kanagawa, Japan

Abstract Animal-assisted therapy (AAT) was developed to promote human social and emotional functioning as a day-care program for psychiatric patients. In this study, we determined which animals 481 schizophrenic patients liked and what they thought about AAT, using an original questionnaire. It was found that more than 80% of the present patients liked animals and that they thought contact with animals was useful as a novel therapy. They had much interest in, and many hopes, for AAT.

Key Words: AAT, schizophrenia

Introduction subjects were 481 patients (273 male, 208 female; 170 out- and 311 inpatients), aged 14Á80 years old Animal-assisted therapy (AAT) has been used as a (average, 51.2912.1); diagnosis was F2 (schizo- therapeutic tool for various psychiatric patients, and phrenia, ICD-10; care periods, under 1 year, 74 developed to promote human physical, social, emo- (15.8%); 1Á3 years, 52 (11.1%); 3Á5 years, 40 tional and cognitive functioning, in Europe and (8.5%); 5Á10 years 76 (16.2%); and over 10 years, America [1,2]. To improve these functions in psy- 239 (48.3%). We determined their favorite animals chiatric patients, AAT, as an occupational therapy, and impression of hopes for AAT using a question- requires trained animals. There have been few naire, after obtaining informed consent. The ques- studies on the clinical practice of ATT for schizo- tionnaire was carried out in September to October phrenic patients, or research to determine which 2001. The data were assessed using the x2-test AAT mechanism is effective for schizophrenia in (df1). Japanese patients. Schizophrenia is one of the disorders in which an unfavorable outcome is associated with emotional Results withdrawal and a deficit in social functioning. In this The answers to the questionnaire are presented in study, we determined which animals Japanese schi- Table I 404 (85.2%) of the 481 patients had zophrenic patients liked and what they thought experience in keeping animals. about AAT. We used our original questionnaire for A total of 397 patients (82.7%) said they ‘‘like the patients in order to build an AAT program that animals’’, and that their favorite animals were dogs followed the European and American systems. (312 patients), cats (206), birds (150), horses (86), and dolphins (51). On the other hand, disliked animals mentioned were cats (113 people), dogs Method (86), horses (62), birds (58), and dolphins (51). Other favorite animals were rabbits, hamsters and Original questionnaire goldfish, while other disliked animals were snakes, A total of 481 schizophrenic in- and outpatients, which many patients said they disliked. diagnosed according to the ICD-10 criteria, in five Of the patients, 273 (57.6%) said that they wanted psychiatric hospitals in Kanagawa, Kagawa and contact with animals, and 236 (49.7%, ‘‘No idea’’ Tokushima prefectures in Japan were studied. The not included) thought that contact with animals was

Correspondence: K. Iwahashi, MD, PhD, Professor, Department of Neurophysiology, Graduate School of Environmental Health, Azabu University, 229-8501, Kanagawa, Japan. Tel./Fax: 81 427 69 1930. E-mail: [email protected]

(Received 16 August 2006; accepted 3 January 2007) ISSN 1365-1501 print/ISSN 1471-1788 online # 2007 Taylor & Francis DOI: 10.1080/13651500701245973 292 K. Iwahashi et al.

Table I. Patients’ answers to the main questions.

Question Yes No idea No No response

Have you kept animals? 404 (85.2%) 70 (14.8%) 7 Do you like animals? 397 (82.7%) 83 (17.3%) 1 Do you want to enjoy contact with animals for a change? 273 (57.6%) 201 (42.4%) 7 Do you think the contact with animals is useful as a therapy? 236 (49.7%) 157 (33.1%) 82 (17.2%) 6 Do you not mind my favorite animal coming into the hospital? 216 (46.4%) 250 (53.6%) 15 Do you like well-trained animals better? 316 (69.1%) 141 (30.9%) 24 Do you feel sorry if an animal is used for treatment? 169 (35.6%) 127 (26.7%) 179 (37.7%) 6 Do you know a pet-type robot AIBO? 191 (40.2%) 284 (59.8%) 6 Do you think that AIBO is useful for therapy? 196 (41.8%) 157 (33.5%) 116 (24.7%) 12 useful as a therapy for a change. A total of 250 protozoa, Rickettsia and Chlamydia. However, it is patients (53.6%) did not mind if their favorite possible to prevent such infection through treatment animals came into the hospital, while 216 (46.4%) of the animals by veterinarians. We thus have to did mind; 316 patients (69.1%) liked well-trained think about how to approach animal patients animals better, and 141 (30.9%) liked animals with a in the future. Unlike real animals, a pet-type robot wild and unrestrained character. A total of 169 does not involve the risk of bacterial infection. patients (36.5%) said they would feel sorry if Therefore, the AIBO may be useful in elderly long- animals were used as tools for therapy, while 179 term care facilities for elderly psychiatric patients. (37.7%) said ‘‘No problem’’, and 127 (26.7%) said Further study is needed. ‘‘I don’t know’’. It is important, as the first step, for patients who One hundred and ninety-one patients (40.2%) like animals, that AAT begins with well-trained and knew the pet-type robot AIBO, and 196 people well-treated animals which they have indicated to be (41.8%) thought that an AIBO was useful for a their favorites. Also, it is necessary to take good care change. of the animals in order to avoid stressful conditions. Based on this questionnaire survey, doctors, nurses and students in Azabu University and JAHA Discussion (Japanese Animal Hospital Association), will begin As a result of the questionnaire, it was found that therapy with AAT (light contact with a dog). more than 80% of the present psychiatric patients It has been reported that AAT might be asso- liked animals and that they thought contact with ciated with reductions in fear and anxiety [4]. animals was useful as a therapy for a change. They Actually, it has been reported that Version 3 of had much interest in, and many hopes for AAT. the UCLA Loneliness Scale (UCLA-LS) at termi- However, 83 (about 20%) patients did not like nation showed improvement compared with base- animals, and thus it may be difficult for them to line scores before AAT in psychiatric patients [5]. undergo AAT as a psychiatric therapy; 35.6% of Successful examples of AAT in the improvement in patients felt sorry if an animal was being used for domestic activity and negative schizophrenic symp- treatment but, on the other hand, 57.6% of patients toms have been reported in Hungary and Israel wanted to enjoy contact with animals. Thus, many [6,7]. It is reported that AAT seems to be helpful in patients ‘‘like animals’’, and it is possible that they the rehabilitation of schizophrenic patients and that may treat animals carefully during treatment. it may improve anhedonia. More practice is neces- On the other hand, outpatients tended to want sary in Japan. contact with animals (P0.02) and thought that AAT was useful for their therapy (P0.01) signifi- Conclusion cantly more than the inpatients. In particular, there were significant differences in the tendencies to There are few hospitals in which AAT is performed dislike animals (P0.03) and to mind animals as a psychiatric therapy in Japan. In this study, it was coming into the hospital (PB0.01) between the shown that many psychiatric patients who like schizophrenic patients and the non-schizophrenic animals, do not mind animals coming into the ones (mood disorders, neurosis, etc.). The schizo- hospital, and think AAT may be useful as a therapy phrenic patients tended to dislike animals and mind for a change. It is also necessary to take good care of animals coming into the hospital. the animals in order to avoid stressful conditions, Mysophobia (very afraid of dirt) and zoonosis and to prevent any infection between patients and (anxious about infection) were the reasons why the animals. We conclude that it is necessary to establish patients minded animals coming into the hospital AAT as a psychiatric therapy suitable for the [3]. It is known that zoonosis involves over 200 kinds Japanese culture, as it is in other countries where it of pathogens, for example, bacteria, fungi, viruses, is much more advanced. Questionnaire on animal-assisted therapy 293

Key points References

. Animal-assisted therapy (AAT) is a program for [1] Barak Y, Savorai O, Mavashev S, Beni A. Animal-assisted therapy for elderly schizophrenic patients: a one-year con- psychiatric daycare therapy

trolled trial. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry 2001;9:/ 439/ Á42. . AAT has been well studied in Europe and [2] Jorgenson J. Therapeutic use of companion animals in health

America, but has not yet been much developed care. Image J Nurs Scholarship 1997;29:/ 249/ Á54. in Japan [3] Khan MA, Farrag N. Animal-assisted activity and infection . We did questionnaire survey of what kind of control implications in a healthcare setting. J Hosp Infect animal was suitable for treatment of psychiatric 2000;46:/ 4/ Á11. [4] Barker SB, Pandurangi AK, Best AM. Effect of animal- patients and have developed a Japanese AAT assisted therapy on patients’ anxiety, fear, and depression . Japanese patients liked dogs and horses and before ECT. J ECT 2003;19:/ 38/ Á44. understood that they were to receive AAT as [5] Banks MR, Banks WA. The effects of animal-assisted therapy treatment on loneliness in an elderly population in long-term care

. We want to develop the AAT program which facilities. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci 2002;57:/ 428/ Á32. has proved suitable for Japanese patients [6] Nathans-Barel I, Feldman P, Berger B, Modai I, Silver H. Animal-assisted therapy ameliorates anhedonia in schizophre- nia patients. A controlled pilot study. Psychother Psychosom

Acknowledgements 2005;74:/ 31/ Á5. [7] Kovacs Z, Kis R, Rozsa S, Rozsa L. Animal-assisted therapy This study was supported by the members of Azabu for middle-aged schizophrenic patients living in a social

University and JAHA. institution. A pilot study. Clin Rehabil 2004;18:/ 483/ Á6.

Statement of interest The authors have no conflict of interest with any commercial or other associations in connection with the submitted article. International Journal of Psychiatry in Clinical Practice, 2007; 11(4): 294


Mental Health Issues and the Media, Gary surely we have to shoulder some of the blame too. Morris. Routledge. 2006. 259 pages. £19.99 The problem with negative stereotypes of care, he says, discussing films like One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s I have a confession to make: I am a slow reader and Nest yet again, is that it ‘‘may lead those seeking or dread doing book reviews. But this one should have receiving mental health care to expect that they will been different. The book is encouragingly slim, it has somehow also be violated and abused’’. No. The a topically racy subject, one that I am passionately problem is that all too often they are, as the recent interested in and, above all, one in which I have been survey showing how many female patients are raped on three sides of the fence Á as a newspaper reporter in an earlier life, as a psychiatrist for the last 30 years in our mixed-sex, violent, dirty, nineteenth-century and as someone with a mental health problem of my wards proved. And medicine itself is riddled with own throughout. So why did it take me so long? stigma towards the mentally ill, amongst staff and Firstly, presentation. This is a worthy book, chock patients alike. A hierarchy of acceptability exists full of information. Morris has a deep knowledge of between the neuroses, without which no celebrity his subject and is generous to others in the field. But it would be seen dead these days, and the chronic is just dull. He alludes to the tightropes that anyone psychotic disorders, unloved by other patients, too approaching the media must walk and especially that unresponsive for career-minded psychiatrists and between education and entertainment. He quotes a shunned by the public. Who is in denial here? Brookside producer who says that ‘‘there is no point in Mental Health services or the media who point out producing challenging storylines unless audiences their shortcomings? watch them’’. This book has some important mes- Finally, outlook. I suppose I found this book just sages to give that cried out for presentational pizzazz. too passively pessimistic. Now I hold no brief for Instead, they get lost in over-complicated explana- those tele-shrinks who hide personal aggrandizement tions of simple ideas, repetitious argument and end- under a cloak of missionary zeal. Nor am I as faint- less use of the same tired examples. I switched off hearted as the radio psychiatrist who told me we had pretty early. no hope of changing stigmatising language Á we Secondly, content. Like the media programmes it could take lessons from women, the black and complains about, the book is littered with sins minority ethnic communities, gays and lesbians of both commission and omission. My hackles were about that one. But somewhere in the middle is an raised right from the start by an extraordinarily active, practical pathway and not until the last few inaccurate representation of the arguments for and pages does Morris get around to it. against the government’s Draft Mental Health Bill. The media is here to stay. Let’s train patients and Even most of the newspapers seemed to grasp these! their carers to use it constructively. Yes, we have to And as for the things missed out, where is the fight stigma and that is a life-long struggle, not a cultural context? The furore over Frank Bruno 5-year campaign. But our natural allies in this are the (sorry, Frank) was not at all representative of patients who still turn up to hospital and clinic in attitudes to young, black, inner-city males who continue to be detained five times as often as their their overflowing numbers and who, by and large, white counterparts, by an institutionally racist enjoy careful and conscientious treatment. Let’s system, without a squeak from the public or a Sun repay them by recruiting the media in the fight for recantation. And what about the radio? I have to better housing, good healthcare, supportive social admit to personal bias here but surely this is the circles and worthwhile occupations for those with medium most sympathetic to mental health pro- mental health problems everywhere. The rest is just blems Á intimate and explorative, the media equiva- words, however hurtful they may be. lent of the laying on of hands. Hardly a mention. Thirdly, attitude. Morris rightly castigates the Mike Shooter media for its holier-than-thou defence of the ‘‘public Past President, good’’ when all it is after is good (i.e. lurid) copy. But The Royal College of Psychiatrists

ISSN 1365-1501 print/ISSN 1471-1788 online # 2007 Taylor & Francis DOI: 10.1080/13651500701559175 ABSTRACTS FROM THE 7TH INTERNATIONAL FORUM ON MOOD AND ANXIETY DISORDERS

3 Á 5 December, 2007 Budapest, Hungary International Journal of Psychiatry in Clinical Practice, 2007; 11(4): 296340

Speaker Abstracts

SO 01. Suicide Key words: suicide, suicide attempts, risk factors, long-term medication SO 0101. Suicide attempt and suicide risk in different depressive syndromes J. Angst, A. Gamma, R. Gerber-Werder, F. Angst References Zurich University Psychiatric Hospital, Switzerland Angst, J., Angst, F., Gerber-Werder, R., & Gamma, A. (2005). Suicide in 406 mood-disorder patients with and without long- Background: There is an ongoing debate about the term medication: a 40 to 44 years’ follow-up. Arch Suicide Res 9, positive and negative role of antidepressants in 279300. Angst, J., Battegay, R., & Poeldinger, W. (1964). Zur Methodik suicide attempts and suicides but little life-long der statistischen Bearbeitung des Therapieverlaufs depressiver data on the suicidality of patients with depressive Krankheitsbilder. Methods Inf Med 3, 5456. disorders. The present study analyses the impact of various depressive syndromes and long-term treat- SO 0102. Prediction and prevention of suicide ments on both suicide attempts and suicides. in mood disorders Method: The sample consists of 186 unipolar de- Z. Rihmer pressive and 220 bipolar depressive or manic National Institute for Psychiatry and Neurology, patients admitted to the Psychiatric Hospital of the Budapest and Semmelweis Medical University, University of Zurich between 1959 and 1963. Their Budapest, Hungary psychopathology on admission was assessed by a comprehensive rating scale for mood disorder Major mood disorders are quite prevalent, but (Angst, Battegay, & Poeldinger, 1964) and by a frequently underreferred, underdiganosed and un- syndrome check list thereafter. A follow-up of the dertreated illness. The early recognition and appro- clinical course occurred every five years from 1965 priate treatment of unipolar and bipolar mood to 1985. The mortality follow-up continued until disorders is particularly important, since untreated 2003, by which time 81.3% of the patients had died. mood disorders carry extremely high risk of both More methodological details were published in attempted and committed suicide. Recent studies Angst et al. (2005). Statistics: Survival analyses clearly show that suicidal behaviour in patients with (Kaplan-Meyer and Cox models) data were applied. major mood disorders is state and severity depen- The analyses of suicide attempts included multiple dent that means that suicidality markedly decreases events/failures. or vanishes after clinical recovery from major Results: depressive episode or from dysphoric mania. How- 1. Risk factors for suicide attempts: broken home, ever, since the majority of mood disorder patients number of previous attempts, time spent in never committ and more than half of them never illness, and aggressiveness (statistical trend). attempt suicide, special clinical characteristics of was found to be protective. the illness as well as some familial and psycho- No effects were found for gender, agitation, social factors should also play a contributory role in retardation, mixed states or psychotic features. the self-destructive behavuour. Considering the 2. Risk factors for suicide: unipolar depression, clinically explorable suicide risk factors in patients time spent in illness, number of previous with mood disorders (family and/or personal hisotry suicide attempts. An uncertain factor was of suicidal behaviour, early onset of the disorder, elevated aggressiveness. No effects were found severe depressive episode/hopelessness, agitated/ for gender, psychotic features, mixed states, mixed depression, bipolar II diagnosis, comorbid agitation, retardation, hypochondriasis or brok- Axis I and Axis II disorders, adverse life situations, en home. lack of social and medical support), in the majo- 3. In unipolar depression antidepressants were rity of cases, suicidal behaviour is predictable with protective against suicide but not against sui- a good chance. There are also several evidences cide attempts. In bipolar disorder lithium was that (succesfull) long-term treatment of unipolar protective against both suicide and suicide depressives (with antidepressants and/or lithium) attempts. and bipolar patients (with mood stabilizers and Conclusion: in hospitalised patients with mood dis- with antidepressants/antipsychotics) substantially re- orders, followed over life-time, suicide attempts and duces the risk of attempted and completed suicide, suicide differed partly in their risk factors and even in this high-risk population. Most recent response to long-term medication. studies also show that supplementary psycho-social

ISSN 1365-1501 print/ISSN 1471-1788 online # 2007 Taylor & Francis DOI: 10.1080/13651500701745584 IFMAD Speaker Abstracts 297 interventions (psychoeducation, and targeted psy- (Luvox), (Celexa), escitalo- chotherapies) further improve the results. pram (Lexapro), bupropion (Wellbutrin), (Effexor), (Serzone), and mirtazapine (Remeron). In February 2005, the agency extended References the warning to include all antidepressant drugs. This Angst J. et al., Arch Suic Res, 2005; 9: 279300. warning was prompted by analyses of data from Baldessarini RJ. et al, Bipol. Disord, 2006; 8: 625639. placebo-controlled trials of antidepressants suggest- Rihmer Z. Curr Opin Psychiat, 2007; 20: 1722. ing that the drugs were associated with an increased risk of suicidal behavior in children and adolescents. Suicide in youth is the third leading cause of death SO 0103. Suicide risk in primary care between the ages of 10 and 24 years, in the United JMA Sinclair, Psychiatry Division of Clinical Neu- States. It results in approximately 4600 lives lost rosciences, University of Southampton, UK each year according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Suicide affects all Suicide Prevention Strategies have been developed youth, but some groups are at higher risk than and implemented in many European Countries. others. Boys are more likely than girls to die from Such strategies adopt methods that aim to reduce suicide. Of the reported suicides in the 10 to 24 age suicide in high risk groups (particularly those known group, 82% of the deaths were males and 18% were to secondary psychiatric services) as well as broader females. CDC reported in Sept 2007 an increase in population strategies, primarily concerned with re- suicide rates by 8 percent from 2003 to 2004 which ducing access to means of suicide. is reason for concern. Understanding risk factors for suicide in primary If the FDA’s conclusion that there may be a causal care is vital to the success of any Suicide Prevention link between suicide and antidepressants -which was Programme. These include a diagnosis of depres- the basis for the black box warning- were correct, we sion, alcohol misuse and previous episodes of non- would have expected to see decreases in the suicide fatal suicidal behaviour. As the majority of people rate during the period of declining SSRI prescription who die by suicide are not known to secondary rates, but instead we saw an increase in suicide rates, psychiatric services, but have often seen their pri- and the increase was greatest in the age range most mary care physician in the month prior to death, affected by the decline in SSRI prescription rates. effective delivery of treatments for depression and This finding, which is consistent with results of our alcohol misuse (especially in patients with previous previous ecological studies of U.S. data suggests that episodes of suicidal behaviour) is likely to be an SSRIs confer a protective effect. (Gibbons 2005 & important component of suicide prevention. 2006) Inadequate recognition and treatment of depres- Given this concern, how should we modify our sion in primary care is well recognised as a major risk clinical approach to pediatric depression? Suicide factor for suicide. Recent studies have also shown and suicide attempts are affecting too many youth that educational programmes can be effective in and young adults. As physicians, we need to make improving this. However, although alcohol has long sure suicide prevention efforts and appropriate been identified as a significant risk factor for suicide, diagnosis, access to treatment and adequate follow- there is less evidence for the benefits of interventions up care are taking place. in this group. Over 50% of patients who engage in suicidal behaviour harmfully use alcohol, but they are less likely to access psychiatric services, and are SO 02. Improving signal detection in placebo- also at increased mortality from other causes. controlled studies SO 0201. Successful studies require the right SO 0104. Do antidepressants raise suicide or patients using the MINI to confirm diagnoses agitation in adolescence? D.V. Sheehan S. Tauscher-Wisniewski University of South Florida College of Medicine, Dept of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Medical USA University of Vienna, Austria Lilly Research Labs, Indianapolis, USA Background: Precise, reliable sampling methods that are easy to implement are central to the success of There is great concern that antidepressants used in all scientific research. Study outcomes are heavily children and adolescents may increase their risk influenced by the sample selected. Differences in of suicidal thoughts and behavior. In March 2004, research results are often due to sampling differ- the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued ences. With the globalization of medical research, a public health advisory regarding worsening of the need for diagnostic standardization and consis- depression, suicidal thoughts and behavior in tency has become a high priority. Relying on the patients treated with the antidepressant drugs fluox- individual skills of evaluating clinicians from a etine (Prozac), sertraline (Zoloft), (Paxil), variety of backgrounds and training is no longer a 298 IFMAD Speaker Abstracts reliable way to collect a homogeneous sample in Data is entered into the Tablet PC by both the clinical trials across a large number of sites in many clinician and by the patient at the time of the visit. regions or countries. The electronic data capture file in the PC tablet is The MINI (Mini International Neuropsychiatric the source document. Data is not first recorded on Interview) is the most widely used structured diag- paper and later transcribed. When electronic data nostic interview internationally in screening patients capture was first introduced into clinical research all into psychiatric clinical trials. It has been translated data continued to be collected onto paper case into 44 languages covering about 70% of the world’s report forms. This data was later transferred to population. It is made up of 17 disorders. It took a computer by site research coordinators. Such a median time of 15 minutes and a mean time of 18 double entry process added an additional layer of minutes to implement in the international validation error and data editing. It compounded the tradi- studies. Each module has two to three screening tional inefficiencies and costs and further burdened questions. If the responses to these screening ques- the research sites. tions are negative, branching tree logic is used to skip This eMINI electronic data capture program the over the remaining questions in that module and collects diagnostic data using the MINI structured to move on to the next module. Positive responses to diagnostic interview. Electronic notes can be added the screening questions calls for pursuing further to all items in the structured interview (MINI). questions to either confirm or disconfirm the pre- Time/date stamps and fingerprint recognition can be sence of the disorder. recorded on the MINI structured. The program Based on the recent concerns about increased permanently stores all data edits/corrections with a risk of suicide on antidepressants in children, time and data stamp and the name/password/signa- adolescents and adults, the Suicidality module of ture and fingerprint of the person either entering the MINI has been enhanced to collect information data or making later data corrections. This serves as and provide documentation to ensure that those at an audit trail on all modifications to data. risk are not included in clinical trials and to satisfy It recognizes and stores handwriting, has built in the concerns of regulatory agencies in this regard. edit checks at the time of data entry, prevents double One of the modules from the MINI Tracking (the entries, and eliminates missing data (it does not save Suicidality Tracking Module) is now increasingly data on an incomplete electronic case report). It can used repeatedly during the course of clinical trials be used seamlessly with any voice recognition soft- to monitor and track the emergence of suicidal ware to permit dictation of information into the behaviors. program. It bypasses the need for later keypunching. The MINI comes in several variants. These With a single command, it generates from its include the MINI, the MINI Plus, the MINI Screen, database a real-time enrollment log integrated with the MINI for bipolar studies, the MINI for psychotic an associated invoice to the sponsor for work done. It disorder studies, the MINI Kid, the MINI Kid also makes a subject information log report for parent version, the MINI Kid screen, the MINI auditors. Kid bipolar studies, the MINI Kid for psychotic At the end of each visit the captured data can be disorder studies, the MINI tracking. Modules from auto-printed on paper to an office printer via each of these can be mixed and matched based on the wireless card in the Tablet PC. These print the needs of the individual study. outs are then filed in a study ring binder. The The advantage of the MINI is that it is shorter and database file is backed up daily to a server and can be sent regularly to the sponsor for monitoring centrally easier to navigate and requires less training and and for the generation of any data queries. Monitor experience to use than the other widely used queries can be appended to all interview information structured diagnostic interviews in psychiatry. How- and their resolution tracked. Data can be exported ever it still requires judgment and skill on the part of directly in whole or in part to a column delimited file the clinician to accurately assess the patient’s re- that is readable directly by any statistics program or sponses. The clinician’s skill and input is used in MS Excel. recording the final response. Conclusion: Using a structured diagnostic interview like the MINI in screening patients into multi-center One Solution Using a Tablet PC or Laptop PC clinical trials standardizes the diagnostic screening Direct Entry Source-Data Real Time System across all the study sites, reduces diagnostic varia- bility across clinicians and countries and ensures This presentation reports on the use of a direct consistency in eliciting DSM IV and ICD 10 entry, source-data system onto any Tablet PC (com- diagnostic criteria. puter) touch screen to improve on the current pen Disclosure: Dr. Sheehan is a shareholder in and on paper system. The same program can be used on Consultant to Medical Outcome Systems which any Laptop PCs or Desktop PCs using Windows XP. markets the computerized versions of the MINI. IFMAD Speaker Abstracts 299

II. Educational Objectives: 2. Recognize the most common tactics used to 1. Understand approaches to improving diagnos- overplay the strength of evidence in clinical tic precision using a structured diagnostic inter- treatment studies and in meta-analyses and be view in accurately selecting the right patients in able to see through and beyond these tactics. clinical trials 3. Discuss the strength of the evidence for effective 2. Understand the advantages and capabilities of treatments for the spectrum of anxiety and the various structured diagnostic interviews mood disorders. 3. Appreciate the limitations of various structured 4. Evaluate evidence presented in clinical trials diagnostic interviews and assess the level of confidence they can attach to the evidence presented in lecture slides, handouts, research papers, posters and SO 0202. Do effectiveness studies tell us the real pharmaceutical company sales aids. truth? H-J. Moeller Department of Psychiatry, University of Munich, SO 0204. Increased severity of depression Germany increases the chances of a difference from placebo The results of so-called ?effectiveness studies‘ have S. Montgomery recently cast doubt on the superiority of the second Imperial College School of Medicine, London, UK generation antipsychotics (SGAs). For example, the CATIE study found no major differences between The chances of an antidepressant demonstrating a the SGAs and perphenazine, the chosen representa- difference from placebo is low. The proportion of tive of the first generation antipsychotics (FGAs). studies which are successful, even for an established The results of the CUtLASS study indicated that antidepressant such as imipramine, were estimated FGAs have no disadvantages in terms of quality of at 32% in the pivotal studies over a ten year period. life, symptoms or cost of care. A third effectiveness Recent experience suggests that this proportion is study, by McCue et al., even found that haloperidol dropping as the number of inconclusive studies rise. (together with olanzapine and risperidone) was more There are many factors involved but all point to effective than aripiprazole, quetiapine and ziprasi- the failure of current study diagnostic practices to done in improving patients’ mental status. select an assay sensitive population. An analysis of The methodological problems of effectiveness data from placebo-controlled studies shows a high studies will be presented, and accompanied by a placebo response rate in mild depression and a discussion of the discrepancy between the results of lower placebo response rate in severe depression. phase III efficacy studies and effectiveness studies. Increasing the severity of depression at baseline has Starting with the effectiveness studies on antipsy- produced better assay sensitivity provided that these chotics, the presentation will then proceed to discuss designs can control for potential rater exaggeration. such studies in the field of drug treatment of unipolar and bipolar depression, such as STAR*D and STEP-BD. SO 03. Treatment Resistant Depression

SO 0203. Interpreting Evidence in Clinical SO 0304. Patients with treatment resistant Papers and Lectures depression in my practice K.H. Sheehan I. Bitter University of South Florida College of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Sem- USA melweis University, Budapest, Hungary

Background: Clinicians are often bewildered by the Checking almost 30 years of history of my practice I vocabulary and methodology of clinical trials. When identified patients with treatment resistant depres- can you have confidence in a set of results? When sion. The majority of them have/had a diagnosis of should you suspect you are being hoodwinked or bipolar disorder, some of them had comorbidities tricked? This presentation is designed to help with anxiety disorders. In some cases the diagnosis of clinicians assess the quality of clinical trials We will bipolar disorder was rather difficult. also go over some of the tactics drug companies and The use of a mood stabilizer including the use of an academics sometimes use to overplay their results. resulted in improvement in a Educational Objectives: At the conclusion of this number of patients with bipolar disorder, however presentation, the participants should be able to: compliance with the long term treatment has been 1. Appreciate the many ways in which clinicians a major issue. In some cases electroconvulsive can be misled when information from clinical treatment (ECT) was used, not all patients re- studies is used to market a position and to sponded to this treatment either. Considering influence their prescribing practices. the history of convulsive treatment and the place 300 IFMAD Speaker Abstracts of the 7th International Forum on Mood and Anxiety decades. Winter type seasonal affective disorder Disorders a very short history of the origins of (SAD) is a subtype of a recurring mood disorder convulsive treatment will be presented. Laszlo Me- with regular onset of major depressive episodes duna-who discovered the treatment effect of convul- during fall or winter followed by remission or sions-worked in Budapest. hypomanic episodes during the successive spring/ Case vignettes of patients with treatment resistant summer period. Bright light therapy (BLT) is depression will be presented. considered to be the first choice of treatment for patients with SAD. However a substantial percen- tage of SAD patients does not show sufficient S0 04. Treatment of depression and anxiety in response to BLT or the use is limited due to logistic the ‘‘post SSRI era’’ problems or side effects. These patients require psychopharmacological treatment either in addition SO 0401. What are the future challenges in the to or instead of BLT. treatment of Mood Disorders is a SSRI with high affinity to the A. Wade serotonin transporter (5-HTT) and a unique inter- CPS Research, Glasgow, United Kingdom action with an affinity-modulating binding site of the 5-HTT, which has been shown to augment the The introduction of the Selective Serotonin Reup- efficiency of serotonin reuptake. Escitalopram take Inhibitors in the 1980s revolutionized the has shown to be efficacious and well-tolerated in treatment of mood disorders, by offering much randomized controlled trials in major depressive better tolerability than the previously used tri-and disorder and anxiety disorders. tetracyclic antidepressants. Twenty SAD patients were included in an 8-week However problems such as low compliance, de- drug surveillance (Pjrek et al 2007). Patients were layed onset of action, poor response rates and too treated with open-label escitalopram at a dosage of short treatment length persisted. The emergence of 10 to 20 mg per day. Efficacy assessments included newer, dual-acting antidepressants, such as SNRI or the Structured Interview Guide for the Hamilton NDRI in the 1990s still failed to address these issues Depression Rating Scale (SAD version; SIGH- adequately. SAD), the Clinical Global Impression (CGI) and Much of the data available to clinicians about the Social Adaptation Self Evaluation Scale (SASS). antidepressants is derived from the artificial environ- Side effects were monitored with the UKU Side ment of clinical trials designed to meet regulatory Effect Rating Scale. From week 2 onwards, escita- requirements and with clearly defined inclusion and lopram significantly reduced SIGH-SAD score and exclusion criteria. The practical relevance of these CGI severity score (pB0.001). From week 4 on- results to daily clinical practice is being increasingly wards, the SASS score was also significantly im- challenged. Mounting cost pressures within virtually proved (pB0.05). The response rate (SIGH-SADB all health-care systems however has emphasised 50% of baseline value) after treatment for 8 weeks the potential importance of these differences and was 95%, the rate of remission (SIGH-SAD 57) the pharmacoeconomic evaluations which can be was 85%. Side effects were mild to moderate and did derived from them. not lead to cessation of therapy. Patient focused evaluation parameters, such as Our study supports the evidence that antidepres- treatment satisfaction, quality of life, social integra- sants are a valuable treatment option for patients tion and ability to work or function are likely to suffering from SAD. become increasingly important in helping to evaluate the practical relevance of some traditionally mea- sured outcomes. They are also likely to lead towards a more patient focused approach to the treatment of References mood disorders. Pjrek E, Winkler D, Stastny J, Praschak-Rieder N, Willeit M, The presentation will discuss these issues and Kasper S (2007) Escitalopram in seasonal affective disorder: will present examples in which parameters such as results of an open trial. Pharmacopsychiatry 40: 2024. quality of life have been integrated into clinical study programmes. SO 0403. Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder a condition worth to treat? SO 0402. Seasonal Affective Disorder-nature’s E. Eriksson influence on mood Department of pharmacology, University of Gote- S. Kasper borg, Go¨teborg, Sweden Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Med- ical University Vienna, Wien, Austria Approximately 5% of all women of fertile age are afflicted by a sex hormone-dependent condition The influence of seasons and weather on mood characterised by severe symptoms appearing regu- has been known and described anecdotally for larly during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle, IFMAD Speaker Abstracts 301 i.e. premenstrual dysphoric disorder or severe premenstr- treatment of mood disorder largely owing to their ual syndrome. Irritability is the most prominent improved tolerability and safety profiles when com- symptom, but depressed mood, affect lability, ten- pared to the MAOIs and TCAs. sion and various somatic complaints are also parts of However, there is emerging evidence suggesting the syndrome. that newer agents may possess advantages in terms The fact that mild premenstrual symptoms are of efficacy and/or tolerability over the traditional present in a majority of women must not conceal the agents in the SSRI class. These newer agents include fact that the severe variant leads to a marked those than simultaneously influence reduction in life quality and warrant effective treat- and noradrenergic functioning including venlafax- ment. Many studies demonstrate that serotonin ine, milnacipran and mirtazapine, the norepinephr- reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) reduce premenstrual ine dopamine reuptake inhibitor bupropion, or symptoms, that they in this sense are superior to escitalopram, a highly selective SSRI which non-serotonergic antidepressants, and that this effect differs from the other SSRIs by an additional of SSRIs displays a short onset of action enabling allosteric mechanism of action at the serotonin intermittent treatment during luteal phases only. transporter, In this presentation, a number of yet unresolved This presentation will describe the evolution of issues related to this treatment will be discussed on antidepressant treatment and will present the cur- the basis of data from previous studies. It will hence rent knowledge on comparative efficacy and toler- be suggested a) that certain symptoms within ability of currently available treatments, helping the the premenstrual syndrome, such as irritability, are attending physician to chose medications, based on much more inclined to respond to treatment than scientific evidence. other symptoms within this syndrome, in particular when the treatment is administered intermittently, and b) that there is in fact no single SSRI-responsive References psychiatric condition displaying a higher response rate than premenstrual irritability. Montgomery SA, Andersen H. :Escitalopram versus venlafaxine These conclusions gain support also from a recent XR in the treatment of depression. Int Clin Psychopharmacol. study in which the effect of the allosteric SSRI 2006 Sep;21(5):297309. Kennedy SH, Andersen HF, Lam RW. Efficacy of escitalopram in escitalopram (10 or 20mg; fixed doses; intermittent the treatment of major depressive disorder compared with treatment) was assessed for three months in 158 conventional selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and venla- women with PMDD. Escitalopram hence was found faxine XR: a meta-analysis. J Psychiatry Neurosci. 2006 to exert a marked and dose-dependent effect, the Mar;31(2):12231. difference between the higher dose of escitalopram Papakostas GI, Thase ME, Fava M, Craig Nelson J, Shelton RC. Are Antidepressant Drugs That Combine Serotonergic and and placebo with respect to the primary effect Noradrenergic Mechanisms of Action More Effective Than variability (the sum of VAS-rated irritability, ten- the Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors in Treating Major sion, depressed mood and affect lability) being Depressive Disorder? A Meta-analysis of Studies of Newer Agents. significant on the p0.0000003 level. As predicted, Biol Psychiatry. (In Press). while irritability was the symptom displaying the Papakostas GI. Current limitations of antidepressant monother- apy: tolerability. J Clin Psychiatry. 2007; 68(s10): 1118. most clear-cut difference between active treatment and placebo, the somatic symptoms were those being least influenced. SO 05. The importance of sleep in depression

SO 0501. Importance of sleep disturbance in SO 0404. Are SSRI still ‘‘state of the art’’ or mood and anxiety disorders have we reached the ‘‘post SSRI era’’ in the D. S. Baldwin treatment of Major Depressive Disorder? Clinical Neuroscience Division, University of South- G. I. Papakostas ampton, United Kingdom Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA Disturbed sleep is so common a symptom in mood disorders, that is used to help support the diagnosis Systematic pharmacological treatment of mood dis- for major depressive episodes (in unipolar and orders commenced in the 1950s with the introduc- bipolar disorder) and dysthymia: disturbed sleep is tion of monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) and also listed within the diagnostic criteria for general- tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs). ized anxiety disorder (GAD) and post-traumatic While these compounds have been proven effec- stress disorder. Furthermore, longitudinal studies tive, side effects (including those that pertain to both indicate that complaints of disturbed sleep (in the tolerability as well as safety) were a major limiting absence of depression) at baseline are associated factor for the use of these compounds. with an increased risk of depression at follow-up. The introduction of Selective Serotonin Reuptake Insomnia is often considered one of the most Inhibitors (SSRI) in the 1980s revolutionized the distressing symptoms by people experiencing depres- 302 IFMAD Speaker Abstracts sion, and is known to be associated with reduced ble-blind, placebo controlled studies with approxi- quality of life, and increased risk of recurrence and mately 600 patients each. Patients received 10 weeks suicide. Insomnia can be a troublesome and persis- of SSRI (fluoxetine in the MDD study, escitalopram tent residual symptom following treatment with in the GAD study) and were randomized to nightly antidepressants or cognitive behaviour therapy, and eszopiclone 3mg or placebo for 8 weeks. For the last is often difficult to treat. 2 weeks, eszopiclone was replaced with single-blind Depressed patients show characteristic abnormal- placebo to evaluate rebound and withdrawal effects. ities on sleep EEG, including shorter total sleep Sleep, daytime function, measures of psychiatric time, longer sleep latency, less slow wave sleep, disease, and safety were measured throughout the reduced REM sleep latency and greater REM treatment period. sleep density, and most effective antidepressants In both studies eszopiclone/SSRI co-therapy was have been found to suppress REM sleep. There is well-tolerated and resulted in significantly improved a rather limited correlation between these ‘objective’ sleep and daytime function across the 8 weeks of EEG findings and ‘subjective’ complaints of insom- hypnotic/SSRI co-therapy. In addition to improving nia, and depressed patients tend to overestimate sleep, co-administration of eszopiclone with SSRI periods of wakefulness, this being more marked in resulted in a greater change in measures of mood patients with severe symptoms. Previous research (HAMD-17, HAM-A), an increase in the number of from our group has indicated that the first-degree responders, and an increase in the numbers of relatives of depressed patients show similar distor- subjects achieving remission. There was no evidence tions of the perception of sleep, this not being the of tolerance over the treatment period, and, follow- case in the relatives of controls. Insomnia is common ing abrupt discontinuation, there was no evidence of in patients with anxiety disorders, but has been the rebound or withdrawal effects. subject of relatively little research. However, reduced Interestingly, the pattern of sleep improvements in REM sleep latency is not consistently seen in GAD GAD patients cotreated with eszopiclone differed or obsessive-compulsive disorder, supporting the from the pattern observed in MDD patients. In contention that the neurobiology of these disorders GAD, the impact on sleep occurred immediately and differs from that in major depression. was then maintained, whereas in MDD, sleep A range of strategies have been employed to improved early and continued to gradually increase improve the sleep of depressed patients, either as a over the 8-week, double-blind treatment period. treatment for a troublesome residual symptom or as Additionally, the therapeutic advantage of eszopi- an attempt to enhance overall antidepressant effi- clone co-therapy over SSRI monotherapy in treating cacy. These studies will be reviewed and potential sleep during the double-blind period was maintained new treatment approaches will be discussed. during the single-blind run-out period in the depres- sion study, but not in the GAD study. The reasons for these differences are unclear. Evidence suggests SO 0502. Treating sleep with eszopiclone plus that insomnia has a different relationship to GAD SSRIs in MDD or GAD than to MDD when it occurs comorbidly with these S. Montgomery conditions. Imperial College School of Medicine, London, United Kingdom SO 0503. Effect of Agomelatine on sleep in Insomnia is one of the hallmark diagnostic criteria of depression major depressive disorder (MDD) and generalized M. Lader anxiety disorder (GAD). In fact, insomnia may be a Institute of Psychiatry, King’s College London, symptom of depression, a side effect of antidepres- London, United Kingdom sant treatment, a predictor for subsequent develop- ment of depression, or an indicator of depression Agomelatine is a novel antidepressant with agonist relapse. Insomnia and generalized anxiety disorder actions on melatonin1 and melatonin2 receptors, (GAD) are also highly prevalent conditions which together with antagonist properties on 5-HT2C commonly co-exist and have considerable sympto- receptors. Several studies have shown that it has matic overlap. Despite these findings, very few efficacy in depressed patients, both in the short- and studies have been conducted to determine the in the long-term. This efficacy extends to severely effectiveness of targeted insomnia treatment with a depressed patients, in whom it is equivalent to hypnotic in addition to targeted treatment of psy- venlafaxine. It lessens anxiety within the depressive chiatric disease with an SSRI in patients with syndrome, and is equivalent to paroxetine. insomnia comorbid with MDD or GAD. Depression and sleep disorders are intimately Two large studies have been conducted to address inter-related. Because of its melatoninergic proper- this: one in patients with insomnia comorbid with ties, particular interest has centred on agomelatine’s MDD and the other in patients with insomnia effect on sleep, especially as an important symptom comorbid with GAD. Both were randomized, dou- within depression. Comparisons with venlafaxine, IFMAD Speaker Abstracts 303 using the Leeds Sleep Evaluation Scale showed Chronotherapeutics offers then a benign alternat- that ease of getting to sleep was superior in the ive to more radical treatments for severe depression agomelatine than the venlafaxine group. Quality of on psychiatric wards, giving to the patients similar sleep showed a similar pattern. Visual analogue rates of response but with the advantage of rapidity scales showed superiority for agomelatine for day- of onset and lack of side effects. time sleepiness and feeling well at the 1-week point only. SO 06. Everyday problems in Treating Polysomnographic (PSG) studies demonstrated depression-Focus on SNRIs that the% Total Sleep Time increased significantly over 6 weeks of administration of agomelatine, as did awakenings after sleep onset. Sleep architecture in SO 0601. Recognising and effectively treating the depressed patients tended back towards the depression normal pattern. Y. Lecrubier Agomelatine has a low incidence of unwanted Hoˆpital la Salpetrie`re, INSERM, Paris, France effects. Furthermore, unlike benzodiazepine recep- tor agonists and SSRIs such as paroxetine, the More people die in Europe from suicide than from cessation of agomelatine is not attended by a signi- road accidents. The lifetime prevalence of major ficant increase in discontinuation-emergent effects. depression is 20% for women and 7% for men. It is concluded that agomelatine has an unusually Postpartum depression occurs following one preg- favourable risk/benefit ratio for an antidepressant. In nancy in 10. Depression is a leading cause of addition its beneficial effects on sleep measures and disability, workplace absenteeism, productivity loss, daytime functioning suggest a particular role for this as well as increased use of health care resources and compound in the treatment of depressive disorders decreased quality of life. Numerous studies have characterised by pronounced and distressing sleep shown that only about 50% of depressed patients are disturbance. recognized as such in primary care. A recent study suggested an improvement, since primary care SO 0504. Sleep deprivation: a forgotten tool? physicians recognized nearly 80% of cases of depres- F. Benedetti sion and prescribed antidepressants to half of them. Istituto Scientifico Universitario Ospedale San Raf- However, 45.0% of the patients classified as de- faele, Department of Neuropsychiatric Sciences, pressed were, in fact, not cases of depression Milano, Italy according to ICD-10 criteria. The use of a careful multi-level algorithmic approach to the treatment of Psychiatric chronotherapeutics is the controlled ex- depression was investigated by Sequenced Treat- posure to environmental stimuli that act on biologi- ment Alternatives to Relieve Depression (STAR*D) cal rhythms in order to achieve therapeutic effects in study. About half of the participants became diag- the treatment of psychiatric conditions. In recent nosis-free after two levels (treatment with first-line years some techniques (mainly light therapy and or second-line antidepressants). Over the course of sleep deprivation) have passed the experimental all four levels, about 70% of those who did not developmental phase and reached the status of withdraw from the study became diagnosis-free. In a powerful and affordable clinical interventions for recent international study of everyday management everyday clinical treatment of depressed patients. of depression, however, we observed that only about These techniques target the same brain neurotrans- 15% of patients became symptom free. In spite of mitter systems and the same brain areas as do this low level of remission primary care or psychia- antidepressant drugs, and should be administered trist only rarely increased the dose of antidepressant under careful medical supervision. Their effects are or switched to another medication as suggested by rapid and transient, but can be stabilised by combin- different guidelines and as tested by the STAR*D ing techniques among themselves or together with study. Current guidelines recommend a minimum common drug treatments. of 3 to 6 months antidepressant treatment and Antidepressant chronotherapeutics targets the population studies have confirmed the efficacy of broadly defined depressive syndrome, with response these guidelines in preventing recurrence. Several and relapse rates similar to those obtained with studies of real world usage have reported that 25 to antidepressant drugs, and good results are obtained 35% of all initial antidepressant prescriptions are not even in difficult-to-treat conditions such as bipolar renewed thus limiting treatment to about one depression. While disruption of sleep-wake and month. activity-rest rhythms is a known trigger of mood Depression is a common and frequently lethal episodes in bipolar disorder, specific combinations disease which must be sought actively by primary of extended wake and light during depression, and care and specialist health professionals. Antidepres- extended bedrest and dark during mania, can help to sant treatment can be very effective but only when rapidly restore euthymic conditions. used correctly at adequate doses and for a sufficient 304 IFMAD Speaker Abstracts duration. Although new improved antidepressants SO 0603. Initial effectiveness, partial and full are obviously desirable, the recognition of depression remission in depression focus on long-term and the correct use of currently available antidepres- treatment sant drugs could greatly improve the management of S. Dursun depression. Neuroscience and Psychiatry Unit, University of Manchester, United Kingdom SO 0602. Treating depression with SNRIs, who Full remission, the absence of all significant symp- will benefit most? toms of depression over six months, is the ultimate M. Isaac goal of the depressed patient and his physician. South London & Maudsley NHS Trust/Institute of Remission takes time and studies have shown that Psychiatry, London, United Kingdom remission rates continue to rise for at least three months after initial improvement. Increasing the SNRIs, venlafaxine, milnacipran and , dose of an antidepressant can increase and accelerate have been shown to have superior antidepressant the rate of recovery. Depression is a recurrent activity to SSRIs especially in more severe depres- condition with a cumulative probability of recur- sion. Some patients, however, respond better to rence of 40% by 2 years and 70% by 5 years after the SNRIs than others. Milnacipran has been well first depressive episode. In addition the risk of studied from this point of view. The presence of recurrence increases dramatically with each new the T allele of the NET-182C polymorphism of the depressive episode. It has been shown with many noradrenaline transporter is correlated with a greater antidepressants that continuing treatment beyond response to milnacipran, whereas the A/A genotype the acute response significantly decreases the risk of of the NET G1287A polymorphism is associated recurrence compared to placebo. For example, in a with a slower onset of response. The G/A genotype double-blind study, 214 patients in remission from a polymorphism of BDNF G196A is associated with a depressive episode following treatment with milna- better antidepressant response to milnacipran but cipran were randomized to continue milnacipran or also to the SSRI, fluvoxamine. This polymorphism is to switch to placebo for one year. Of the patients therefore likely to be involved in common down- switched to placebo, 27% had a new depressive stream pathway of antidepressant action rather than episode during the following year compared to only a pathway specific to certain antidepressants. Toler- 15% of those continuing on milnacipran (p 0.05). ability can also be influenced by polymorphic B In this study 45% of the original population of differences. Serotonin transporter VNTR poly- patients treated with milnacipran achieved remission morphism and the serotonin transporter-gene-linked after 6 weeks of treatment. Of these 82% were still in polymorphic region (HTTLPR) polymorphism in- remission after a total of 70 weeks of maintenance fluence tolerability of drugs acting primarily through treatment with milnacipran. In spite of the impor- the inhibition of 5-HT reuptake, such as SSRIs and tance of maintaining treatment in euthymic patients venlafaxine, which has a greater than 30 fold who have recovered from a depressive episode many selectivity for the serotonin transporter. In contrast, patients do not continue. Among the principal these gene polymorphisms have no effect on the reasons for this are side-effects and worries of antidepressant response or tolerability of milnaci- psychological or physical dependence. There is no pran which has similar affinity for both 5-HT evidence that milnacipran causes dependence and it and NA reuptake. Patients with low pretreatment is not associated with any discontinuation syndrome. levels of plasma 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylglycol Milnacipran is safe in overdose and no fatalities have (pMHPG) have a better response to milnacipran. been recorded. These recent genomic and neurochemical data Clearly treatment with an effective, well tolerated confirm that milnacipran, in contrast to SSRIs and antidepressant with few or no drug interactions, venlafaxine, has a major impact on the noradrenergic steady blood levels, no withdrawal effects and a system. Differences in metabolism determined by simple and regular dosing schedule is likely to have genetic variables in CYP2D6 activity are a major the best compliance and ultimately produce the determinant of venlafaxine levels to such an extent greatest long-term benefit for the patient. that genetically determined decreases in CYP2D6 activity have been associated with cardiovascular toxicity. Milnacipran, which is not metabolised SO 0604. Tolerability of SNRI antidepressants by the enzymes of the CYP450 system is not S. Montgomery influenced by polymorphism of these enzymes. Imperial College School of Medicine, London, UK These data suggest that pharmacogenetic data may become a precious aid to help clinicians chose the Although selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors most antidepressant medication for a particular (SSRI) are the principal first-line treatment of patient. depression, serotonin and noradrenaline reuptake IFMAD Speaker Abstracts 305 inhibitors (SNRI) are increasingly used where SSRIs ety fulfils a pivotal role in OCD: obsessions con- fail to provide sufficient antidepressant efficacy. tribute to anxiety and compulsions are performed to Although, by definition, all three SNRIs inhibit the avoid or reduce this anxiety. However, for many, reuptake of both serotonin and noradrenaline, they performance of compulsions has no effect or even do so with differing affinity ratios. Venlafaxine has a exacerbates anxiety. Comorbidity in OCD clusters 30 fold higher affinity for serotonin than noradrena- more with other compulsive disorders, such as line while duloxetine has a 10-fold selectivity for Tourette’s Syndome, body dysmorphic disorder, serotonin. Only milnacipran is balanced between the trichotillomania, etc, than with anxiety disorders. two neurotransmitters with an approximately equal The same is true for rates of co-segregation in family potency for the inhibition of reuptake of serotonin studies. OCD can be further differentiated by its and noradrenaline. This difference in selectivity is early age of onset, chronic course, gender ratio and possibly one of the reasons for the different toler- selective response to high-dose serotonin reuptake ability profiles of the three SNRIs. inhibitor drugs. ICD-10 recognised anxiety with and The most frequent adverse event with the SNRI is without autonomic arousal and separated OCD nausea with a globally similar frequency to the from anxiety disorders, categorising it with neurotic, SSRIs. As would be expected, adverse effects related stress-related and somatoform disorders. to a noradrenergic stimulation, such as dry mouth, Endophenotypes are heritable traits lying on the sweating and constipation, are found systematically pathway between genes and expressed symptoms, more frequently with the SNRIs than the SSRIs. considered to more closely represent genetic risk for At true SNRI doses, venlafaxine is associated with complex polygenic mental disorders than overt dose-dependent cardiovascular phenomena (princi- behaviours do. They may thus be a more sensitive pally increased blood pressure), an effect which is measure for differentiating OCD from overlapping less important with duloxetine and absent with psychiatric disorders. Using endophenotypes such as milnacipran. Hepatotoxity, which does not exist neurocognitive measures, imaging and molecular with the other SNRIs, is a serious potential adverse data as well as results from demographic, comorbid- effect of duloxetine which is aggravated by pre- ity, family and treatment studies, we may map the existing hepatic insufficiency and alcohol use. The nosological relationships of OCD to other putatively predominantly serotonergic profile of venlafaxine related mental disorders. In this way we have and, to a lesser extent, duloxetine is probably related identified failures in the inhibition of motor and to their frequent association with drug-related sex- cognitive behaviour, and cognitive inflexibility as ual dysfunction at a rate equivalent to the SSRIs. In candidate endophenotypes for OCD. These cogni- contrast, the prevalence with milnacipran appears to tive domains are thought to reflect functional inte- be considerably lower. Safety in overdose is a grity within neural circuits involving the frontal legitimate concern with all antidepressants and cortex and subcortical connections, including sub- fatalities have been reported due to overdose of thalamic nucleus, rather than the classical fear- venlafaxine alone or in combination with other circuitry underpinning anxiety. compounds often following a serotonin syndrome. These findings support the argument for separat- At the present time no cases of overdose with ing OCD from the anxiety disorders, however duloxetine have been published. Milnacipran is comparative data is lacking and an alternative safe in overdose and no fatalities have been position for OCD remains to be established. Despite recorded. Ingestion of doses equivalent to one high levels of comorbidity, endophenotypic differ- month’s supply at the recommended dose have ences also appear to separate OCD from depression been reported with no serious effects other than and schizophrenia. Although OCD and addictions sedation. share endophenotypic similarities, they show lower than expected comorbidity and familial relation- SO 07. OCD: defining new boundaries ships. Emerging evidence suggests stronger relation- ships between OCD, Tourette’s syndrome, body dysmorphic disorder, hypochondriasis, grooming SO 0701. Should OCD still be classified as an disorders, obsessive compulsive personality disorder anxiety disorder? and paediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disor- N.A. Fineberg1,2, S.R. Chamberlain1,2, K. Craig1,2 ders associated with streptococcus (PANDAS). 1National OCD Service, University of Hertford- Studies designed to delineate cause, consequence shire, Queen Elizabeth II Hospital, Welwyn Garden and common factors are a challenging but essential City, Herts, UK, 2Dept. of Psychiatry, University of goal for future research in this area. Cambridge School of Clinical Medicine, Adden- brooke’s Hospital, Cambridge, UK SO 0702. Is OCD a unitary disorder? Under the DSM-IV, OCD is categorized as an D.J. Stein anxiety disorder and the central role of anxiety in University of Stellenbosch, Tygerberg-Cape Town, mediating symptoms is emphasised. Arguably, anxi- South-Africa 306 IFMAD Speaker Abstracts

A number of different approaches to obsessive- sive’’ as a schizophrenia subtype will be presented compulsive disorder and to the obsessive-compulsive and discussed. spectrum of disorders have been taken over the years, with different authors emphasizing the SO 0704. OCD and cognitive function psychodynamic, cognitive-behavioral, and neurobio- S.R. Chamberlain, L. Menzies, N.A. Fineberg logical mechanisms thought to underlie various Department of Psychiatry, University of Cambridge, OCD subtypes and spectrums. There is growing- Cambs, United Kingdom evidence that the recognition of certain subtypes National OCD Treatment Service, Queen Elizabeth of OCD may be useful in clinical settings; these II Hospital, Herts, United Kingdom include early-onset OCD, OCD with tics, and OCD with predominant hoarding. Advances in Trichotillomania (TTM) and obsessive compulsive the cognitive-affective neuroscience of obsessive- disorder (OCD) are putative obsessive-compulsive compulsive disorder (OCD) may be useful in spectrum disorders characterised by difficulties sup- validating such subtypes. Furthermore, such ad- pressing pathological habits. OCD is currently vances may also suggest novel ways of delineating regarded as an archetypal disorder of compulsivity, the obsessive-compulsive spectrum of disorders in whereas TTM is classified as an control terms of cortico-striatally mediated control and disorder (DSM-IV). Cognitive deficits reported in reward mechanisms. The space defined by the patients with these disorders are thought to stem obsessive-compulsive spectrum of disorders is likely from underlying dysregulation of fronto-striatal best conceptualized as multidimensional in nature. circuitry. We compared OCD and TTM patients on objective tests of response inhibition (stop-signal SO 0703. OCD and schizophrenia: integral or task) and cognitive flexibility (set-shifting task). overlapping Both OCD and TTM showed impaired motor J. Zohar impulse control (pB0.05) whereas only OCD pa- Psychiatry A, Chaim Sheba Medical Centre, Israel tients showed additional impairment with cognitive flexibility (pB0.05) (Chamberlain et al., 2006). Phenomenologically, ‘‘schizo-obsessive’’ patients re- These data suggest different impairments in inhibi- present both typical presentation of schizophrenia tory functions underlie the manifestation of impul- and typical presentation of OC symptoms. Overall, sive and compulsive features of OCD and TTM. reports from research groups around the globe, In comparison to matched controls without a including more than 2000 patients altogether (with family history of OCD, unaffected first-degree OCD or OC symptoms in schizophrenic patients) relatives of OCD patients also showed impaired provide compelling evidence that the odds of OCD motor inhibitory control (pB0.01) and cognitive in schizophrenic patients are considerably higher flexibility (pB0.01). These deficits were comparable than expected. Since the comorbidity of schizophre- to those reported in patients (Chamberlain et al., nia and OCD is much higher than expected, it might 2007). The same individuals were also subjected to suggest a common underlying pathophysiological structural brain imaging using MRI. Large scale linkage between the two disorders. brain systems were identified in which anatomical The course of the illness in ‘‘schizo-obsessive’’ variation was associated with variation in inhibitory patients is distinctly different poorer to that of control (incorporating such regions as the right schizophrenia. When morbid risk for OCD, Obses- inferior frontal gyrus and ). sive compulsive personality disorder (OCPD) and Familial effects on variation of MRI markers of ‘‘schizo-obsessive’’ were grouped together, the sig- inhibitory control were found (Menzies et al., nificance of between-group differences became 2007). These results support the utility of objective stronger (p0.0002). These findings are in line neuropsychological and neuroimaging markers in with the hypothesis that ‘‘schizo-obsessive’’ disorders the search for endophenotypes. It is hoped that might be familial. such markers will be valuable for further exploring Brain circuitry suggests that there is a combination the aetiology and pathophysiology of OCD and of the relevant circuitry in individuals with ‘‘schizo- related spectrum disorders. obsessive’’ disorder. Neurocognitive tests carried out in ‘‘schizo-obsessive’’ and schizophrenic patients without OCD suggest that the best fit of the References ‘‘schizo-obsessive’’ patients’ results is of a simple Chamberlain SR, Fineberg NA, Blackwell AD, Robbins TW, combination of schizophrenia and OCD. Pharma- Sahakian BJ. Motor inhibition and cognitive flexibility in obses- cologic or psychological interventions are also in line sive-compulsive disorder and trichotillomania. Am J Psychiatry. with the above findings; probably a combination of 2006 Jul;163(7):12824. Chamberlain SR, Fineberg NA, Blackwell A, Robbins TW, antipsychotic and antiobsessional medications is Sahakian BJ. Impaired cognitive function and motor inhibition better than either alone. Looking at the emerging in first degree relatives of OCD patients: on the trail of data, the possibility of recognizing ‘‘schizo-obses- endophenotypes. Am J Psychiatry 2007;164 335338. IFMAD Speaker Abstracts 307

Menzies L, Achard S, Chamberlain SR, Fineberg N, Chen CH, syndromes or disorders such as GAD. Therefore, the Del Campo N, Sahakian BJ, Robbins TW, Bullmore E. Neuro- strong relationship between GAD and pain is of cognitive endophenotypes of obsessive-compulsive disorder. Brain. 2007 Sep 13; [Epub ahead of print]. particular interest in the psychiatric clinical practice and needs to be specifically considered in the phar- macological choice. A variety of pharmacological SO 08. Pain: a neglected symptom of affective agents have been shown to be effective in treating disorder GAD, with Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors and Serotonin Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors SO 0801. Prevalence of pain in depression such as Venlafaxine being considered first-line com- B. Bandelow pounds. Benzodiazepines, Buspirone and psycholo- Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Uni- gical interventions have demonstrated positive effects versity of Go¨ttingen, Germany in GAD patients as well. Nevertheless, there is a clinical need for alternative drug treatments, as many Painful physical symptoms are present in two thirds GAD patients do not achieve a complete response and of major depressive disorder patients. Pain can experience significant adverse effects. In addition, impair treatment outcome and obscure diagno- these pharmacological interventions do not seem to sis, and the severity of pain is a predictor of be specific on painful symptoms besides GAD. poor depression and health-related quality of life In the last years, antiepileptic drugs have been outcomes. Physical symptoms are more prevalent increasingly investigated as a potentially effective among women, elderly, and socially underprivileged pharmacological alternative in patients with GAD. persons. Relative to depression alone, depression Among these, agents like Gabapentin and Pregabalin plus pain is associated with significant functional present a specific efficacy over pain syndromes like limitations and economic burdens. neuropathic pain. Pregabalin, in particular, repre- There is also a high overlap between depression, sents a new anxiolytic recently licensed for the anxiety symptoms, and pain syndromes associated treatment of GAD in Europe as well as an effec- with somatization disorder or fibromyalgia. tive therapy in patients with diabetic peripheral Neurons descending from the raphe nucleus and neuropathy, postherpetic neuralgia, and adults with the locus coeruleus to the spinal cord serve to inhibit refractory partial-onset seizures. In addition it pre- input from the intestines, the skeletal muscles and sents a predictable and linear pharmacokinetic other sensory inputs. A dysfunction at the level of profile, a prevalent renal excretion and no interac- the serotonergic and noradrenergic neurons can thus tions with other anticonvulsants. Randomized, con- result in physical painful symptoms. Antidepressants trolled trials indicate that Pregabalin, in doses inhibiting serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake ranging between 150 and 600 mg/day, is superior (SNRI) have been shown to be effective in managing to placebo and as effective as Lorazepam, Alprazo- pain symptoms associated with depression. Dual lam and Venlafaxine for the treatment of patients action antidepressants also were used successfully with moderate-to-severe GAD [2]. Of note, the to treat fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia, neuropathic onset of anxiolytic activity for Pregabalin appears pain and central pain also respond to pregabalin, a within the first week of treatment, which is faster calcium channel modulator which was also effective than that obtained with Paroxetine and Venlafaxine. in treating generalized anxiety disorder. Pregabalin does not provoke a clinically significant Better recognition, assessment, and treatment of withdrawal response and has low potential for abuse painful physical symptoms may enhance outcomes and dependence, unlike other classes of medications of depression therapy. used for the treatment of GAD. Given the well established effect of Pregabalin on painful syn- SO 0802. GAD, Pain and Pregabalin dromes and the frequent comorbidity between C. Altamura, E. Mundo GAD and pain related conditions as well as the Dept. of Psychiatry, University of Milan, IRCCS possible presentation of GAD with somatizations Fondazione Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico Mangia- and painful symptoms, clinicians may consider the galli, Milano, Italy use of Pregabalin as a valid alternative therapy for their patients with GAD. Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) is a prevalent psychiatric condition with approximately 2% of the References adult population in the community affected (12- month prevalence) [1] and is associated with signifi- [1] Lieb R, Becker E, Altamura C. The epidemiology of cant impairment in quality of life and functional generalized anxiety disorder in Europe. Eur Neuropsycho- abilities. Core symptoms of GAD are often accom- pharmacol. 2005;15(4):44552. [2] Bech P. Dose-response Relationship of Pregabalin in Patients panied by somatizations and painful physical symp- with Generalized Anxiety Disorder. A Pooled Analysis of toms. On the other hand, patients with different Four Placebo-controlled Trials. Pharmacopsychiatry. 2007; painful syndromes show an increased risk of anxiety 40(4):1638. 308 IFMAD Speaker Abstracts

SO 0803. Treatment of co-morbid pain with (SSRI), however, are only weakly active. An over- venlafaxine or view of animal and clinical studies in chronic pain J.M. Germain has shown that dual-acting reuptake inhibitors were Wyeth Pharmaceuticals, Coeur De´fense, Paris- more active than selective NA reuptake inhibitors, la-De´fense, France which were, in turn, were more active than SSRIs. Similarly a meta-analysis of placebo-controlled stud- Painful physical symptoms are common features of ies of various antidepressants in the treatment of major depressive disorder [1,2]. It is also suggested chronic lower-back pain concluded that dual action that relapse into depressive episode are more com- antidepressants were effective in reducing pain, mon in patients with persistent chronic pain, making whereas SSRIs were not. full symptoms remission difficult to achieve [3]. Recently, a number of open and controlled clinical Although different neuroanatomical pathways are trials with the SNRIs, milnacipran and duloxetine, involved in the control of mood and pain, it is suggest that these compounds are effective in reliev- commonly accepted that deficiency in both seroto- ing a variety of chronic pain conditions. Although nin and norepinephrine would affect both mood these effects may be due, in part, to an antidepres- and pain [4]. Therefore the selective serotonin sant action they are principally the result of a true and noradrenaline reuptake inhibitor venlafaxine analgesic effect and can be seen whether depression is expected to improve both depressive symptoms is present or not. In addition, duloxetine and and painful physical symptoms. Main results with milnacipran may also play a role in modulating venlafaxine and recent therapeutic advances will be neurogenesis and other neuroplastic changes in the reviewed in this presentation. central nervous system, possibly leading to more complete recovery in patients suffering from the symptoms of depression and chronic pain. References

[1] Corruble E, Guelfi J-D. Pain complaints in depressed SO 09. Diagnosis, Treatment and Receptors are inpatients. Psychopathology 2000; 33: 307309. critical in patient recovery in mood and anxiety [2] Krimayer LJ, et al: Somatization and the recognition of disorders depression and anxiety in primary care. Am. J. Psychiatry 1993; 150: 734741. [3] Fava M. The role of the serotoninergic and noradrenergic SO 0901. Misdiagnosis in Mood Disorders neurotransmitter systems in the treatment of psychological D. V. Sheehan and physical symptoms of depression. J. Clin. Psychiatry University of South Florida College of Medicine, 2003; 64 (suppl. 13), 2629. USA [4] Stahl M, Briley M. Understanding pain and depression. Hum. Psychopharmacol. Clin. Exp. 2004; 19, S9S13. Major depressive disorder is the most common psychiatric disorder. The spectrum of bipolar dis- SO 0803. Treatment of co-morbid pain with orders is also common in psychiatric practice. Yet milnacipran or duloxetine these disorders are under-diagnosed, even in mental M. Briley health settings. When clinicians suspect that their NeuroBiz Consulting & Communication, Castres, patient has a mood disorder, they not infrequently France diagnose major depressive disorder, when the patient has a bipolar disorder. It is also not uncommon The overwhelming majority of depressed patients for patients to be diagnosed with schizophrenia, suffer from co-morbid chronic pain. In addition schizoaffective disorder or brief psychotic episode, chronic pain is a major risk factor for depression when they have a mood disorder with psychotic and suicidal behaviour. Not only do depression features. and chronic pain frequently co-exist but they prob- To some, these distinctions may appear to be an ably result from a common neurobiological dysfunc- idle academic exercise. In both research and clinical tion at the level of the monoaminergic cell bodies settings these distinctions are of central research and in the . Indeed it appears legitimate therapeutic importance. In general, patients with to consider chronic pain as an integral symp- major depressive disorder respond well to antide- tom of depression alongside sleep disturbances, pressants. However, the evidence suggests that appetite changes, sexual dysfunction and suicidal standard antidepressants have little significant ben- behaviour. efit in the long term management of bipolar disorder. Chronic pain, as modelled in animals, is signifi- Indeed in some patients with bipolar disorder, the cantly decreased by amitriptyline which inhibits both use of standard antidepressants can induce rapid serotonin and noradrenaline reuptake. Similar ef- cycling, perpetuate cycling behaviors and can even fects are obtained with the serotonin and noradrena- induce switches into mania and suicidal depression. line reuptake inhibitors (SNRI), milnacipran and In contrast, mood stabilizers are usually not helpful duloxetine. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors in the treatment of major depression, although they IFMAD Speaker Abstracts 309 may have some protective effect against future before an apparent onset of action, the relief of depressive episodes and suicidality. both psychological and physical symptoms of anxi- In selecting patients for clinical trials, accurately ety, the ability to achieve symptomatic remission and diagnosing the mood disorder is essential to ensure a to minimise symptom-related disability, efficacy in successful outcome. Diagnostic sloppiness in research sustaining response over the long-term, and the cost- studies can lead to bipolar patients being put into effectiveness of treatment. In addition, the nature of studies of major depression (because their symptoms treatment-emergent adverse events, the safety of may meet criteria for major depressive episode). Since treatment in physically ill patients (as GAD is often such patients do not respond well to standard anti- comorbid with general medical conditions) and the depressants, this miss-assignment can lead to a failed risks of developing tolerance or experiencing troub- study, even when the drug is an effective antidepres- lesome discontinuation symptoms will all affect sant. Similarly, in drug development with new treat- treatment choices. ments, it is important to strive for diagnostic accuracy This presentation will summarise current evi- in our patient population, so we can accurately dence base for the treatment of patients with GAD, identify the patients who benefit or get worse. highlighting those areas where there is room for The best way to achieve diagnostic accuracy in improvement in optimising clinical outcomes. selecting patients for mood disorder studies and in clinical practice settings is the use of structured Reference diagnostic interviews. Such structured diagnostic interviews can be implemented in less than 15 [1] Baldwin DS, Polkinghorn C. Int J Neuropsychopharmacol minutes. 2005; 8: 293302. With the existing diagnostic criteria for mood disorders there are several thousand permutations SO 0903. Treatments and their mechanisms of and combinations possible. It is difficult for the action in major depressive disorder human brain to consistency compute such a large S. Montgomery number of combinations with accuracy. This results Imperial College School of Medicine, London, UK in frequent misdiagnosis in mood disorders. It is likely in the future that there will be an increased use Conventional SSRIs excluding escitalopram have of computerized structured diagnostic interviews been shown to be effective in treating MDD but and laboratory tests to improve diagnostic accuracy have the disadvantage of working slowly and being in mood disorders. only modestly effective in treating severe depres- sion. The addition of noradrenaline reuptake to SO 0902. Room for improvement in the SSRIs (as in SNRIs) has produced some evidence treatment of generalized anxiety disorder of greater efficacy in severe depression with venlafax- D.S. Baldwin ine and milnacipran but does not result in fast action. Clinical Neuroscience Division, University of South- A more rapid response in depression than with ampton, United Kingdom SSRIs has been reported with amisulpiride and suggest that a dopaminergic approach may be useful. Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is a common The recent placebo-controlled results with quetia- and debilitating medical condition, associated with pine, where rapid response is observed in both significant social and occupational impairment, and bipolar depression and unipolar depression, rein- is traditionally thought to run a chronic course, force the need to consider different mechanisms of waxing and waning in severity. A range of pharma- action to maximise response and speed of action. cological treatments for patients with GAD are available, including certain selective serotonin reup- SO 10. Treatment of the elderly take inhibitors (SSRI), the serotonin-noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors (SNRI) venlafaxine and dulox- SO 1001. Treatment of insomnia in the elderly etine, some benzodiazepines, and the novel antic- J. Caron onvulsant and anxiolytic drug, pregabalin. The Sepracor, Massachusetts, USA conventional neuroleptic trifluoperazine has been found efficacious in acute treatment and the second Insomnia is a disorder of sleep initiation, sleep generation antipsychotic drugs risperidone and olan- maintenance, or nonrestorative sleep that impairs zapine have been found helpful in placebo-con- daily function and causes daytime distress. Sufferers trolled augmentation studies in patients responding often become accustomed to this impaired level of only poorly to initial treatment with an SSRI functioning and may not seek care or report it to (Baldwin & Polkinghorn, 2005). their healthcare provider. The elderly suffer dispro- When treating patients with GAD, important portionally from insomnia, with prevalence rates of considerations underlying treatment decisions in- 20 50% (vs 9% to15% in the general adult popula- clude the overall efficacy of treatment, the time tion). Sleep problems in elderly adults have been 310 IFMAD Speaker Abstracts linked to increased risk of accidents or falling (over Objective: The prevalence of generalized anxiety dis- and above the established risk between accidents/ order (GAD) among the elderly is 3.7% to 7.4%, falls and sedative-hypnotic use) and nursing home which is on par with prevalence estimates of this placement. In addition, the elderly have unique disorder in young adults. A Phase III clinical trial was treatment needs that pose challenges for clinicians, performed to evaluate the safety and efficacy of including the need to effectively treat sleep main- pregabalin in relieving the symptoms of GAD in tenance insomnia, which is the most frequently patients ]65 years of age. In several double-blind, reported sleep disturbance in the elderly; the in- placebo-controlled trials, pregabalin demonstrated crease in comorbidities (which are often the cause of efficacy in the treatment of GAD with a rapid onset or contribute to their insomnia); the increased use of of action (within the first week) and efficacy in im- concomitant medications (raising the risk of drug- proving both psychic and somatic anxiety symptoms. drug interactions); the increased sensitivity to the Methods: This was a multicenter, randomized, flex- adverse effects of some drugs, particularly those with ible-dose, placebo-controlled, double-blind, parallel- antihistaminic or anticholinergic properties. Data on group trial. Enrollees were male or female out- the use of sleep agents in elderly patients, however, patients ]65 years of age who met the DSM-IV are very limited, and very few polysomnography criteria for GAD as established by the Mini-Neu- (PSG) studies have been conducted. ropsychiatric Interview and a psychiatrist. Patients Eszopiclone is a novel, single-isomer, nonbenzodia- had a total Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HAM- zepine, cyclopyrrolone agent, which has demon- A) score ]20 at the screening and randomization, strated efficacy in non-elderly and elderly adults had a Mini-Mental State Examination of Folstein with primary insomnia and comorbid insomnia. Two total score ]24, and were otherwise in good general studies have been conducted in 460 patients 6585 health. Patients underwent an 8-week double-blind, years of age, each lasting 2 weeks. Sleep was flexible-dose (between 150 and 600 mg/d) treatment evaluated using patient reports of sleep, and one phase, including a 1-week titration period (50 to study also utilized PSG. The results indicated that 150 mg/d). The primary efficacy assessment was eszopiclone 2mg was well-tolerated and improved change from baseline (last observation carried for- measures of sleep using patient reports and PSG, ward) in HAM-A total score. including sleep onset, sleep maintenance, sleep Results: 273 patients were randomized and received duration, quality and depth of sleep compared with study treatment. 77% of patients were women. placebo. These improvements in sleep were accom- Mean age at GAD onset was 56 years; mean age panied by improvements in measures of daytime at enrollment was 72 years; mean duration of GAD function (daytime alertness, ability to function, and was 17 years. On the primary outcome, pregabalin sense of physical well-being), and a reduction in was significantly superior to placebo from week 2 daytime napping. When data were stratified by age through the end of double-blind treatment. There (6575 and 7585), similar results were seen for was also a significantly greater global improvement measures of safety and efficacy. as measured by the CGI-I total score with prega- These studies represent the largest placebo-con- balin versus placebo. The most common adverse trolled, double-blind clinical trials of a nightly events (AEs) among pregabalin-treated patients administration of a hypnotic in elderly patients were dizziness (20.3%), somnolence (13.0%), head- diagnosed with primary insomnia. Most relevant ache (10.2%), and nausea (9.0%). Most AEs were for this patient population, eszopiclone significantly mild-to-moderate and self-limiting. Discontinuation reduced measures of sleep maintenance symptoms rates due to AEs were 10.7% and 9.4% in the (including WASO, wake time during sleep, and pregabalin and placebo groups, respectively. hourly cumulative wake time during sleep) and Conclusions: Pregabalin, in doses of 150600 mg/day, daytime napping, the primary complaints among was effective in reducing the symptoms of GAD in elderly patients with sleep difficulties. These studies pa xtients aged 65 years and older, and was safe and were limited to generally healthy, community dwell- well tolerated in this population. Pregabalin signifi- ing elderly patients who received eszopiclone 2 mg cantly improved both psychic and somatic symptoms for 2 weeks. Future studies of long-term eszopiclone of anxiety. treatment in elderly patients with insomnia and Supported by Pfizer Inc. insomnia co-existing with other comorbid conditions are warranted. SO 1003. Treatment of Schizophrenia in the elderly SO 1002. Efficacy and Safety of Pregabalin for M. Eerdekens1, L. Ford2, C. Gassmann-Mayer2, the Treatment of Generalized Anxiety Disorder P. L im 2, M. Kramer2 in elderly patients 1Johnson and Johnson Pharmaceutical Research & T.K. Murphy, S. Montgomery, E. Whalen Development Turnhoutseweg, Beerse, Belgium Pfizer Global Pharmaceuticals, Pfizer Inc, New 2Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceutical Research & York, USA Development, L.L.C., Raritan, New Jersey, USA IFMAD Speaker Abstracts 311

Introduction: Older patients (]65 years) are under- SO 1004. Pharmacokinetic influences on represented in current research data relating to the treatment of the elderly management of schizophrenia. As this population is P. Baumann increasing [1], more information pertinent to this University Department of Psychiatry, CHUV, Prilly- population is required given the difficulty in extra- Lausanne, Switzerland polating data from a younger population to guide treatment decisions for geriatric patients. Elderly Many factors contribute to the increased risk patients are at increased risk of adverse effects, have for adverse effects in psychogeriatric patients treated high rates of additional comorbid illnesses, take more with antidepressants and/or antianxiety agents: concomitant medications and are affected by changes pharmacoepidemiological studies show that these in pharmacokinetic characteristics (resulting from patients are frequently comedicated with other psy- alterations of absorption, distribution, metabolism chotropic drugs such as antipsychotics, anticonvul- and elimination). Moreover elderly patients with sants used as mood stabilizers, but also with somatic schizophrenia experience more severe movement drugs. The presence of both somatic and psychiatric disorder symptoms, have higher rates of tardive comorbidities results in the implication of several dyskinesia [2] and are more prone to orthostatic prescribers. Unfortunately, coordination between the hypertension and anticholinergic adverse effects [3]. prescribers may not be optimal and this contributes to Methods: Data from a prospective double-blind increase the risk for adverse effects in a population, 6-weeks trial in which patients (age ]65 years) which is particularly sensitive to adverse effects were randomised to the new psychotropic (paliper- (Green, Am J Geriatr Pharmacother 5 (2007) 31). idone extended release (ER), flexibly dosed between Indeed, drug absorption, distribution, metabolism 3 and 12 mg/day starting at 6 mg/day) and placebo and elimination (ADME) may be altered in the elderly (2:1 ratio) followed by an open-label extension (Schwartz, Clin Pharmacol Ther 82 (2007) 87) and period of 6 months will be presented. pharmacokinetic interactions may have particularly Results: Patients (N114) were predominately fe- severe consequences (Spina and Scordo, Drugs Aging male (73%), mean age70 years (double-blind 19 (2002) 299). Most psychotropic drugs are sub- phase). During double-blind treatment, discontinua- strates and/or inhibitors of cytochrome P-450. The tion rates due to adverse events were similar between increased knowledge about this enzymatic system groups (paliperidone ER: 7%, placebo: 8%), as were allows a better understanding of underlying mechan- incidences of treatment-emergent adverse events isms responsible for pharmacokinetic interactions (paliperidone ER: 67%, placebo: 71%)whereas ser- responsible for adverse effects. In this context, ther- ious adverse events occurred in 3% of the paliper- apeutic drug monitoring represents a useful tool to idone ER- and 8% of the placebotreated patients. optimise treatment, as many generally admitted Safety and tolerability results in the extension were indications apply for elderly patients (Baumann et consistent with the shorter-term results. Paliperi- al., Pharmacopsychiatry 37 (2004) 243): Lack of done ER treatment resulted in clinically meaningful compliance, adverse effects despite the use of gen- improvements during double blind treatment: erally recommended doses, suspected drug interac- change in total positive and negative syndrome scale tions, combination treatment with a drug known for (PANSS) from baseline to endpoint was 14.6 (SD its interaction potential, patients with pharmacokine- 14.6; paliperidone ER) versus 9.9 (SD 15.0; tically relevant comorbidities (hepatic or renal insuf- placebo); difference of LS means (SE): 5.5 ficiency, cardiovascular disease). On the other hand, (2.20); 95% CI: 9.85;1.12. there is a lack of experimental evidence as clinical Conclusion: Paliperidone ER (312 mg/day) treat- pharmacological studies in elderly patients are rela- ment over a 30-week period was generally well tively rare. tolerated and improved symptoms in elderly patients with schizophrenia. IFMAD Poster Abstracts

P 01. Impulsivity in bipolar patients with and References without substance useA. Afkhamebrahimi1,2,B. Daneshamouz1,2,3, M. Shekarian1 [1] Jeste DV, Alexopoulos GS, Bartels SJ, et al: Consensus 1 2 statement on the upcoming crisis in geriatric mental health: Iran University Of Medical Sciences, Mental Research agenda for the next 2 decades. Arch Gen Psychia- Health Research Center, Tehran Institute of Psy- 3 try 1999; 56:848853. chiatry, Iran Psychiatry Centre, Iran [2] Woerner MG, Alvir JM, Saltz BL, et al: Prospective study of tardive dyskinesia in the elderly: rates and risk factors. Am J Background: Substance abuse is present in most Psychiatry 1998; 155:15211528. [3] Zarate CA, Jr., Baldessarini RJ, Siegel AJ, et al: Risperidone patients with bipolar disorder and associated with in the elderly: a pharmacoepidemiologic study. J Clin poor treatment outcome and increased risk of Psychiatry 1997; 58:311317. suicide and aggression. The objective of this study 312 IFMAD Speaker Abstracts is to compare the severity of impulsivity and its trigine (n31), other therapies (n57), quetiapine domains in bipolar patients with and without sub- plus lithium (n25), and quetiapine plus valproate stance abuse. (n23). Throughout the 4-year follow-up period, Method: A total of 154 bipolar manic patients patients were assessed monthly or whenever a (90 men and 64 women; 77 with substance use recurrence occurred by the administration of and 77 with no history of substance use) who were HAMD21 and of the YMRS, in order to assess attended a psychiatry centre consisted the sample. the presence/absence of the recurrence of any major The patients first screened for a diagnosis of BID or sub-threshold mood episode. Primary outcome manic phase by SCID and those who met the measures were the duration of euthymia (i.e., survi- inclusion criteria completed Barratt Impulsivity val time) and the cumulative proportion of subjects Scale (BIS11). BIS11 is a 30 item selfreport who maintained euthymia. Kaplan-Meier survival questionnaire designed to measure impulsivity in analyses were done to tabulate and compare the three domains: motor, nonplanning and attentional differences in survival distributions across the differ- impulsivity. A cut-off point of 66 indicates the ent treatment groups (Log-rank Mantel-Cox test). severity of impulsivity. Results: The combined treatment with quetiapine plus Results: the BIS total score and domains scores were lithium was more effective overall in maintaining significantly different among two groups. Within euthymia, with particular respect to the prevention bipolar-substance use group the heroin and cannabis of the recurrence of both major and sub-threshold users showed the highest scores in nonplanning and depressive episodes. In addition, quetiapine mono- attentional impulsivity domains. Conclusion: The therapy was effective in preventing the recurrence of increased predisposition to impulsivity in bipolar major depressive episodes. patients with substance use may contribute to the Conclusion: If the results from this study will be repli- decrement in treatment outcome and compliance cated, there will be important implications for the use and increased risk for suicide and aggression. Im- of quetiapine in the long-term treatment of BD. pulsivity may be a link between bipolar disorder and Keywords: Bipolar Disorder, mood stabilizers, long- substance use. term treatment, effectiveness, quetiapine, sub- Keywords: Impulsivity, Bipolar disorders, Substance threshold episodes. abuse, Barratt Impulsivity scale P 03. ADOKOT study: Safety of sodium divalproate (De´pakote†) in adolescents P 02. Quetiapine and classical mood stabilizers suffering from bipolar disorder in manic, in the long-term treatment of bipolar disorder: mixed or hypomanic phase a 4-year follow-up naturalistic study J.M. Azorin1, D. Cohen2, H. Caci3,R.P.Garay4, 1 1 1 A.C. Altamura , E. Mundo , B. Dell’Osso ,G. A. Hameg5 1 1 1 2 Tacchini , M. Buoli , M. Serati , J.R. Calabrese 1Hoˆpital Sainte-Marguerite, Marseille, 2School of 1 Dept. of Psychiatry, University of Milan, IRCCS Medicine, Hospital le Pitie´-Salpe´trie`re, 3Hoˆpital Fondazione Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico Mangia- Archet II, Nice, 4EA2381, University Paris 7, Paris, 2 galli, Milan, Italy; Mood Disorders Program, 5Sanofi-Aventis-France, Paris, France Department of Psychiatry, Case Western Reserve University, University Hospitals of Cleveland, Several studies have shown that thymoregulators Cleveland, Ohio, USA (lithium, sodium divalproate) and atypical antipsy- chotics (olanzapine) are efficient to treat manic Background: Evidence on the use of quetiapine in the episodes in adolescents with bipolar disorder, but long-term treatment of Bipolar Disorder (BD) is none of these compounds is still approved for this limited1 with no studies comparing the efficacy of therapeutical indication in Europe. The ADOKOT different mood stabilizers in preventing the recur- study was designed to evaluate the clinical and rence of both full-syndromal and sub-threshold mood biological safety of sodium divalproate (De´pakote†) episodes in BD. The primary aim of this naturalistic in adolescents suffering from bipolar disorder in study was to compare the effectiveness of quetiapine manic, mixed or hypomanic phase (DSM IV). Of and classical mood stabilizers, as mono- or combina- 200 programmed bipolar patients, 24 patients, aged tion therapy, in the long-term treatment of BD. 15.191.7 years old, were included in the study (10 Methods: 289 DSM-IV BD I (n119) or BD II females, 14 males). Patients were initially treated (n170) patients, treated and followed up between with sodium divalproate 500 mg/day, followed by a June 2001 and June 2005 were studied. Mood stepwise increase of 250 mg/day to reach an opti- stabilizers were chosen by the treating psychiatrists mum dose in about one week (not exceeding 30 mg/ on the basis of their clinical judgement. The sample kg/day), for a total treatment duration of 6 months. was sub-divided into 7 treatment groups: quetiapine Primary endpoint was safety, as assessed by clini- (n41), lithium (n39), valproate (n73), lamo- cal examination and biological data. Twenty-three IFMAD Poster Abstracts 313 patients exhibited at least one adverse event during group was 26.094.95 weeks. When the somatic the study (2 patients interrupted treatment). Of symptoms were classified by their frequency, palpita- these, 14 patients were considered as having a tion and headache were most frequent (n17, treatment-related undesirable event. Headaches 43.6%), and dyspeptic complaint, dizziness and and digestive disorders, commonly known side shortness of breath were following in their order. effects of sodium divalproate, were the most com- When the subjects were classified by the criteria of monly listed events. Six patients exhibited a serious multisomatoform disorder, there was no significant event: 2 patients attempted suicide and 4 patients difference between the two groups (log rank test presented symptoms related to their bipolar disorder p0.314). (depression n1, mania or hypomania n3). Of Conclusion: In the present study, the treatment with these latter, only one of the 6 serious adverse events venlafaxine ER was maintained longer in depressive was considered as treatment-related. Patients tended patients with somatic complaints, and it suggested to increase weight, without changes in cardiovascular the efficacy of venlafaxine ER on somatic symptoms parameters. Moderate hyperammonemia (without of depressive patients. To confirm our result, well alteration of biochemical markers of liver function) controlled trial are needed in the future. was the most common biochemical disorder (8 patients). Finally, one patient had a reduction in P 05. Relationship between predominant fibrinogen levels. In conclusion, the safety profile of episode and clinical features in Bipolar I sodium divalproate in adolescent bipolar patients Disorder seems not different from that previously observed in W. Bahk, H. Seo, Y. Woo, T. Jun, J. Chae adult patients, but, do to the small number of Department of Psychiatry, College of Medicine, the studied patients, further investigation is required to Catholic University of Korea, Seoul, South Korea confirm this point. Aims: In this study, we present a comparison of P 04. Survival rates of maintenance treatment bipolar patients with predominance of depressive with Venlafaxine ER in patients with somatic episodes and with predominance of manic episodes symptoms in clinical implication. W. Bahk, H. Seo, Y-S. Woo, T. Jun, J. Chae Methods: The recruitment was conducted within Department of Psychiatry, College of Medicine, the inpatients who had received psychiatric treatment Catholic University of Korea, Seoul, South Korea for bipolar I disorder. The number and polarity of past episodes were assessed, and subjects were Aim: Medically unexplained physical symptoms were divided to depressive or manic episode predominant predominant complaints of depressive patients in groups. These groups were defined as the number of clinical settings. The objective of this study was to one episode was greater than the other episode at evaluate the efficacy of venlafaxine ER, which also least by two. The patients who did not meet the have the effects on both serotonin and norepinephr- criteria for predominant group and who have shown ine, in depressive patients with somatic symptom. any mixed and ambiguous episodes were excluded. Method: The subjects were recruited from outpati- The data were analyses using Student’s t-tests and ents who had been treated for depression with chi-square test. venlafaxine ER. They were divided into two groups, Results: Forty nine subjects were classified as depres- whether they represented somatic symptoms as their sive episode predominant group (depressive episode chief complaints (somatic group) or not (non- group) and twenty eight subjects as manic episode somatic group). Addition to this, they also divided predominant group (manic episode group). Psycho- into two groups according as they met the criteria of tic symptoms were more prominent in depressive multisomatoform disorder (DSM-IV, Primary Care episode group significantly (X25.84, df1, Version) or not. The duration from the time initiate p0.016). 89.4%(n44) subjects of depressive venlafaxine ER to the point when medication was episode group showed depressive episode as first changed due to recurrence of any symptoms and side episode, and 92.9%(n26) of manic episode group effects was assessed and compared by survival experienced manic episode as first episode analysis in two groups. (X250.61, df1, pB0.001). In the comparison Results: Sixty four patients fulfilled the inclusion of past year highest GAF score and total number of criteria of this study, and 39 patients of them divided episodes, significant differences were found between to ‘somatic group’ and the other 25 patients to ‘non- two groups (t2.48, df75, p0.015; t 2.63, somatic group’. Survival rates of maintenance treat- df32.08, p0.040). ment in somatic group was significantly higher than Conclusion: The type of onset episode appears related non-somatic group (log rank test p0.033), and the to predominant episode in our study. And patients mean duration of maintenance treatment in somatic with predominant depressive episode related to group was 41.593.38 weeks and that of non-somatic psychotic symptoms and patients with predominant 314 IFMAD Poster Abstracts manic episode related to more recurrent episodes P 07. Results from a phase III study of once- and lower functioning. daily extended release quetiapine fumarate (quetiapine XR) monotherapy in patients with generalised anxiety disorder P 06. Resolution of sexual dysfunction during B. Bandelow1, J. Bobes2, A. Ahokas3, I. Eggens4, acute treatment of major depression with S. Liu5, M. Brecher5 Milnacipran 1Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, D. Baldwin1, R. Moreno2, M. Briley3 University of Goettingen, Goettingen, Germany, 1Clinical Neuroscience Division, School of Medi- 2Department of Psychiatry, University of Oviedo, cine, University of Southampton, Southampton, Asturias, Spain, 3Mehilainen Clinic, Helsinki, UK, 2Mood Disorders Unit-Department of Psychia- Finland, 4AstraZeneca R&D, So¨derta¨lje, Sweden, try, University of Sa˜o Paulo Medical School, Sao 5AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals, Wilmington, USA Paulo, Brazil, 3Neurobiz, Castres, France Background: To evaluate efficacy and tolerability of Depression is associated with impairment in sexual once-daily quetiapine XR (extended release) in function and satisfaction and most classes of patients with generalised anxiety disorder (GAD). antidepressant drugs can exert adverse effects on Methods: 10-week (8-week active treatment, rando- sexual function. The complex relationship between mised phase; 2-week post-treatment drug-disconti- depression and sexual function makes evaluation of nuation/tapering phase), multicentre, double-blind, the net outcome of antidepressant treatment difficult randomised, parallel-group, placebo- and active- (improved sexual function through a beneficial effect comparator study (D1448C00011). Patients were but sexual dysfunction through adverse effects). randomised to quetiapine XR 50mg/day, 150mg/ Cultural differences can also complicate assessment day, paroxetine 20mg/day or placebo. Primary effi- of sexual function. cacy outcome was change from baseline to Week 8 in The sexual function and enjoyment questionnaire HAM-A total score. Other key outcomes included: (SFEQ) was developed as an attempt to assess sexual change in HAM-A total score from baseline to function in men and women and to detect changes Day 4, HAM-A response (]50% decrease from due to altered clinical state and treatment emergent baseline) and remission (HAM-A total score 57) at side-effects. The SFEQ was employed to evaluate Week 8. Adverse events (AEs) were recorded the effects of the serotonin-noradrenaline reuptake throughout the study. inhibitor, milnacipran, in the treatment of major Results: 873 patients were randomised: 221 quetia- depression in two investigations: a 12-week open pine XR 50mg/day; 218 quetiapine XR 150mg/day; study in Brazil and a 6-week controlled study in 217 paroxetine; 217 placebo. Mean HAM-A total Europe (Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Nether- score (overall baseline mean, 26.98) was significantly lands, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, United King- reduced at Week 8 by quetiapine XR 50 mg/day dom). Data was analysed from all patients who (13.95, pB0.05), quetiapine XR 150 mg/day provided replies to all SFEQ questions at all time (15.96, pB0.001) and paroxetine (14.45, points (Brazilian study 64 women and 16 men; pB0.01) versus placebo (12.30). Statistically sig- European study 64 women and 33 men). nificant separation from placebo (2.90) in HAM-A In both studies mean Hamilton Depression Rating total score was observed at Day 4 for quetiapine XR (HAMD) scores decreased progressively. At end- 50mg/day (4.43, pB0.001) and 150 mg/day point 61% of patients (Brazil) and 78.4% (Europe) (3.86, pB0.05) but not paroxetine (2.69, were responders (i.e. 50% reduction of baseline p0.6). HAMD score), and 17.5% (Brazil) and 18.6% At Week 8, response rates were significantly higher (Europe) were in remission (i.e. HAMD B8 for at for quetiapine XR 50mg/day (62.6%, pB0.05), least 2 weeks). At study end-point all SFEQ items 150mg/day (70.8%, pB0.001) and paroxetine showed improvements in sexual function in both (65.9%, pB0.001) versus placebo (52.1%). Remis- studies: 60% of patients in the Brazilian study and sion rates were significantly higher for quetiapine XR 56% in the European said their sexual desire was as 150mg/day (42.6%, pB0.01) and paroxetine great as or better than it had been before their (38.8%, pB0.05) versus placebo (27.2%). depressive episode. During Weeks 18 the most common AEs (10%) Milnacipran appears to improve sexual function in were: dry mouth (15.9, 25.7, 9.8, 6.0%), somnolence parallel with other symptoms of depression with no (21.8, 25.2, 11.2, 4.6%), fatigue (15.0, 16.5, 9.3, lasting tendency to aggravate any aspects of sexual 3.7%), dizziness (11.8, 15.6, 13.5, 6.0%), headache dysfunction. The SFEQ is a sensitive instrument for (16.4, 12.4, 17.2, 18.0%) and nausea (7.7, 6.4, 20.5, measuring changes in sexual function and does not 7.4%) with quetiapine XR 50mg/day, 150mg/day, appear affected by cultural differences as shown by paroxetine and placebo, respectively. similar findings in Latin American and European Conclusions: Once-daily quetiapine XR at 50mg/day populations. and 150mg/day is effective and well tolerated in IFMAD Poster Abstracts 315

GAD, with onset of response as early as Day 4. P 09. Results from a phase III study of extended Paroxetine was also well tolerated and effective release quetiapine fumarate (quetiapine XR) as compared with placebo, although onset of response add-on to antidepressants in patients with was not observed by Day 4. major depressive disorder (MDD) M. Bauer1, H.W. Pretorius2, W. Earley3, P. Lindg- ren4, M. Brecher3 P 08. Duloxetine in depressed alcoholic patients 1Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Uni- E. Batlle1, T. Ferna´ndez1, V. Girone`s2, J. Martı´nez2, versity Hospital Carl Gustav Carus, Dresden, I. Rivas3, C. Romero3 Germany, 2Department of Psychiatry, University of 1Hospital Mataro´, Psychiatry Service, Mataro´, Pretoria & Weskoppies, Hospital Pretoria, South 2Hospital Calella, Drug Dependence Service, Ca- Africa, 3AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals, Wilmington, lella, 3Centre Delta, Badalona, Spain USA, 4AstraZeneca R&D, So¨derta¨lje, Sweden Alcoholic patients with dual pathology show a poorer Background: To evaluate the efficacy and tolerability course and a lower treatment adherence. Duloxetine of quetiapine XR (extended release) once-daily is a serotonin noradrenaline reuptake inhibitor that adjunctive to antidepressant therapy versus antide- differs from other antidepressants by virtue of its pressant alone in patients with MDD showing an balanced potency on both neurotransmitter systems. inadequate response to antidepressant treatment. This drug could therefore be effective for the treat- Methods: 6-week, multicentre, randomised, double- ment of patients showing both alcohol dependence blind, parallel-group study (D1448C00007). Pa- and depressive disorders with severe behavioural tients with an inadequate response to antidepressant clinical symptoms and who have difficulties to treatment (mainly SSRIs/SNRIs) were randomised comply with drug treatment and clinical follow-up. to receive quetiapine XR (150 or 300mg/day) or Objective: The purpose of this study is to assess the placebo as add-on therapy to existing treatment. efficacy and safety of duloxetine for the treatment of Primary endpoint: change from randomisation to depressed patients with comorbid alcohol depen- Week 6 in MADRS total score. Secondary variables dence. The effect of duloxetine treatment on alcohol included: MADRS response (]50% reduction in craving and use are also researched. score from randomisation) and remission (MADRS Methods: An observational outpatient multi-centre total score58) rates and change from randomisation study, was carried-out in 40 patients with criteria for to Week 6 in HAM-D and HAM-A. AEs were major depressive disorder, dysthymia or adaptative recorded throughout the study. disorder, and additionally diagnosed of alcohol de- Results: 493 patients were randomised: 167 quetia- pendence, that were attended in drug abuse specia- pine XR 150mg/day; 163 quetiapine XR 300mg/day; lized centres and received duloxetine for almost 12 163 placebo. Mean MADRS, HAM-D and HAM-A weeks. Demographic items, clinical scales and self- total scores at randomisation were 28.4, 24.6 and assessed levels of alcohol craving and frequency of 20.8, respectively. consumption were used to assess effectiveness. Mean change in MADRS total score from rando- Results: Information was collected on a total of 40 misation to Week 6 was statistically significant patients, 32,5% women and 67,5% men, with a (pB0.01) for quetiapine XR 150mg/day (15.26) mean age of 45,9 years. All patients had been and 300mg/day (14.94) vs placebo (12.21). diagnosed of alcohol dependence, and depressive Separation from placebo in MADRS total score was disorders (72,5% major depressive disorder, 20% apparent from Week 1 (pB0.001) for both quetia- dysthymia and 7,5% adaptative disorder). The mean pine doses. At Week 6, 55.4%, 57.8% (pB0.05) and daily dose of duloxetine was 60 mg at 4 weeks, 70,5 46.3% patients achieved MADRS response and mg at 8 weeks, and 74,2 mg at 12 weeks (range 60 to 36.1% (pB0.05), 31.1% and 23.8% achieved remis- 120 mg). A decrease was seen in the mean scores of sion with quetiapine XR 150, 300mg/day and pla- the Hamilton Depression Scale (from 19,5 at base- cebo, respectively. Quetiapine XR 150 and 300mg/ line to 8,1 at 12 weeks). The mean levels of craving day reduced HAM-D total scores from randomisa- showed a gradual decrease (from 6.9 at baseline to tion to Week 6 (13.81, pB0.001 and 13.56, 3.1at 12 weeks). The frequency of alcohol consump- pB0.01, respectively vs placebo [11.13]). HAM-A tion decreased and the percentage of abstainers total scores were reduced from randomisation with gradually increased (from 5% at baseline to 57,5% quetiapine XR 150mg/day (10.27, pB0.01) and at 12 weeks). quetiapine XR 300mg/day (9.70, pB0.05) vs Conclusion: These results suggest that duloxetine placebo (7.92). could be an safe and effective drug treatment The most common AEs overall (%) were dry mouth for depressed patients with comorbid alcohol depen- (20.4, 35.0, 6.8), somnolence (16.8, 23.3, 3.1), dence. fatigue (13.2, 14.7, 3.1), dizziness (11.4, 9.2, 7.5) 316 IFMAD Poster Abstracts and headache (9.0, 7.4, 9.9) for quetiapine XR 150, patients show only partial clinical improvement to 300mg/day and placebo, respectively. SD. In the light of recent findings about the role of Conclusion: In patients with MDD with an inade- the biological clock in mood disorders, we hypothe- quate response to antidepressant treatment, adjunc- sized that responders and non responders could tive quetiapine XR at 150mg/day and 300mg/day differ in some parameters of the sleep-wake rhythm was effective and well tolerated. during treatment. Methods: With actigraphic measurement here we P 10. Clock gene polymorphism RE1801260 studied sleep-wake parameters in twenty-seven in- biases response to light treatment after sleep patients (10 male/17 female) affected by bipolar deprivation depression and administered three consecutive SD F. Benedetti, L. Lietti, B. Barbini, C. Lorenzi, E. cycles associated with daily LT exposure. Marino, M. Cigala Fulgosi, A. Pontiggia, S. Dalla- Results: Non-Responder showed a sleep pattern that spezia, C. Colombo, E. Smeraldi could be indicative of a homeostatic response to Scientific Institute and University Vita-Salute San acute sleep loss, with a progressive sleep need and Raffaele, Department of NeuropsychiatricSciences, longer and deeper sleep after the SD nights in Milan, Italy respect to baseline and to responders, who showed only a modest increase in sleep duration after SD. Background: The rapid but transient effects of total Moreover, during the wake therapy non responders sleep deprivation (TSD) can be sustained over time showed an higher numbers of naps than respon- by combined and subsequent light therapy (LT). ders. recent findings suggest that timing of morning LT is Conclusions: A possible interpretation of these find- crucial to maximize response, with a 2-hours phase ings is that the allostatic load linked with SD had a advance of the natural exposure to morning light as direct effect on the sleep-wake regulatory system, the optimal time for treatment. CLOCK 3111 T/C with non responders showing a homeostatic reac- SNP (rs1801260) gene polymorphism is known to tion, and responders an allostatic adaptation to sleep influence the morningness/eveningness and the loss. These differences could be due to the individual phase and duration of night sleep in bipolar patients. characteristics of the biological clock, including Methods: Forty-six patients affected by bipolar de- allelic variants of the clock genes. pression were administered three consecutive TSD cycles followed by exposure to morning LT given P 12. Stressful life events bias neural early (in order to phase-advance exposure to morn- correlates of emotional processing in bipolar ing light) or at 11 a.m. CLOCK rs1801260 was disorder genotyped. F. Benedetti, D. Radaelli, A. Bernasconi, S. Dalla- Results: Timing of morning light after repeated spezia, V. Unterhofer, C. Colombo, A. Falini, G. TSD influenced the therapeutic effect of LT Scotti, E. Smeraldi depending on CLOCK rs1801260 genotype. The Scientific Institute and University Vita-Salute San C allele, which is known to be associated with Raffaele, San Raffaele Turro, Milan, Italy higher eveningness and later sleep onset and morning awakening, was here associated with a Aggressiveness and high levels of conflict in the better effect of early morning LT in responders to family environment are associated with a high risk TSD, while the T allele was not. of developing impulsiveness, antisocial behaviour, Conclusions: Results are consistent with previous depression and suicide. findings showing that phase advance of the activity- In early childhood, humans started to develop a rest rhythm is a correlate of response to combined specific ability to monitoring the environment and to TSD and LT, and suggest that individual character- detect potential threats. Neural networks, involving istics of the biological clock. amygdala are activated when a new or unexpected element is detected in the environment. P 11. Homeostatic and allostatic response to The development of this neural system is influenced sleep deprivation in bipolar depression by family environment. Different studies suggest that F. Benedetti, M. Cigala Fulgosi, C. Gavinelli, this network is abnormally activated in bipolar B. Barbini, C. Colombo, E. Smeraldi patients. Scientific Institute and University Vita-Salute San Aim: Studying influence of stressful life events on Raffaele, Department of Neuropsychiatric Sciences, neural responses to an emotional task in a sample of San Raffaele Turro, Milan, Italy depressed patients. Method: A 3.0 Tesla fMRI acquisition was used to Background: Sleep deprivation (SD) is a well con- study 13 bipolar depressed patients and 6 healthy firmed antidepressant treatment. Nevertheless, some controls. The cognitive activation paradigm was IFMAD Poster Abstracts 317 based on a go/no-go task. Images representing facial lower percentage of manic episods during the dura- expressions were randomly presented to the subjects. tion of illness (b 0.236; p0,042). Stressful life events were assessed using the Risky PER3, like other genes of the molecular clock, Families Questionnaire RFQ (Taylor, 2004). influences clinical characteristic of BD. This is Results: In bipolar depressed patients we find a direct ulterior evidence of the circadian system involve- correlation between neural activity and RFQ score in ment in the pathogenesis of BD. perigenual . In healthy controls a direct correlation between activity and RFQ was detected in dorsolateral P 14. Bipolar disorder and schizophrenia prefrontal cortex. influence neural responses in amygdala and Conclusions: In subgenual cingulate patients affected anterior cyngulate to emotional faces by mood disorder show volume reduction and F. Benedetti, S. Poletti, D. Radaelli, S. Dallaspezia, hyperactivity, in the same region higher activity A. Bernasconi, C. Colombo, R. Cavallaro, A. Falini, is associated with higher RFQ score. In healthy G. Scotti, E. Smeraldi subjects, stressful life events directly correlate with Scientific Institute and University Vita-Salute San dorsolateral prefrontal cortex activity, and our Raffaele, San Raffaele Turro, Milan, Italy results then suggest that the emotion manage- ment process after an higher stressful charge Bipolar disorder (BD) and schizophrenia are asso- needs an higher activation of dorsolateral-prefrontal ciated with abnormalities in the way emotional cortex. stimuli are perceived, responded to, and stored in memory. Both disorders show abnormalities in BOLD signal in the amygdala and in the anterior P 13. A VNTR Polymorphism in hPER3 Gene cyngulate during emotional tasks. The amygdala and Influences clinical characteristics of bipolar the anterior and posterior cingulate, forms part of an disorder F. Benedetti, S. Dallaspezia, C. Lorenzi, A. Piro- extended network involved in the regulation of vano, C. Colombo, Enrico Smeraldi emotions. Scientific Institute and University Vita-Salute San The aim of our study is to investigate whether Raffaele, Department of Neuropsychiatric Sciences, there is a common defict in amygdala and anterior San Raffaele Turro, Milan, Italy cyngulate in tho major disorders like BD and schizophrenia. A Philips Intera 3.0 Tesla was used Disregulation of circadian system is suspected to be to study 10 bipolar, 10 schizophrenic patients and 10 involved in the pathogenesis of Bipolar Disorder healthy controls. The cognitive activation paradigm (BD). was based on a go/no-go task. 12 different images Human period 3 gene (PER3) is a member of the representing facial expressions, 6 of each gender and circadian period gene family. A polymorphism in the affect (angry or afraid), were randomly presented to exon 18 of this gene, which consists in a domain the subjects during the fMRI acquisition. composed by 4 or 5 tandem repeats of 54 bp, was One way analysis of variance shows differences found to be associated in diurnal preference, sleep in the right amygdala (voxel coordinates 24, 10, structure and waking performance in healthy sub- 10) and in the bilateral anterior cyngulate. Schizo- jects. Moreover, it may be linked with circadian phrenic patients showed a greater activation in right rhythm disorders such as delayed sleep phase amygdala compared to both bipolar and healthy syndrome. Nievergelt and collegues found that subjects. Bipolar patients showed a smaller activa- haplotypes in PER3 were signiflicantly associated tion compared to the schizophrenic group but a with BD via single-gene premutation tests. greater one compared to the control group. In the In order to investigate the possible influence of the cyngulate the schizophrenic group showed a greater variable number tandem repeat (VNTR) exon 18 activation compared to the control and the bipolar PER3 polymorphism on clinical characteristic of group, the last one showed a smaller activation BD, we studied 84 consecutively admitted inpatients compared to both groups. affected by BD type I. Genotyping of exon 18 PER3 The results provide a possible neural correlate of a was performed for each patients. disturbance in core emotional processing common One-way analysis of variance with genotype as to major psychoses. independent variables showed the significant effect of genotype on the age of onset (F3.35; p0.039): PER5/5 individuals had an earlier onset than PER 4/ P 15. The effect of repetitive Transcranial 5 individuals and PER 4/5 subjects had an earlier Magnetic Stimulation onset than PER 4/4 carriers. J. Chae1, S. Lee2, K. Baek3, J. Jeong3 A multiple regression analysis showed that pa- 1The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul, 2Inje tients with PER35/5 genotype, compared to PER34/ University, Koyang, 3Korea Advanced Institute of 4, had significantly better predictability for having a Science and Technology, Daejon, South Korea 318 IFMAD Poster Abstracts

Fear memory extinction, a reduction in learned fear The aim of this study was to investigate the induced by repetitive exposure to conditioned fearful consumption of alcohol and to determine the causes stimuli, is thought to be mediated by synaptic of such behavior and the disturbances connected modifications in the medial prefrontal cortex with it. (mPFC) and the amygdala. Neuronal activity in In our investigation were included 64 patients the infralimbic region (ventral part of the mPFC) treated at the Department of General and Forensic markedly increased during recall of long-term ex- Psychiatry, Psychiatric Hospital Skopje, in the per- tinction memory, and electrical stimulation to these iod from 2000 to 2005 under the diagnosis of neurons reduced fear response in the extinction Alcoholism. phase and enhanced extinction learning. Transcra- All the patients were male and diagnosed accord- nial magnetic stimulation (TMS) paired with ing to DSM IV diagnostic criteria. trauma-related cues is suggested for treatment of The results show that patients also fulfilled, along exaggerated fear memory (i.e. post-traumatic stress the basic diagnosis of stress, the diagnostic criteria disorder, PTSD), yet modulation effect of TMS on for alcoholism (23,8%), depression (22,6%), perma- extinction memory is still unclear. This study aims at nent personality disorders (3%), psychotic disorder examining if TMS affect extinction learning of rats (1,8%), depression and alcoholism (1,2%). when paired or unpaired with conditioned tone (i.e. In the group of patients fulfilling the diagnostic trauma-related cue). 24 hours after fear condition- criteria for stress and alcoholism, 81,8% of them did ing, rats received 10-Hz repetitive TMS during not consume alcoholic drinks before the stress. extinction learning paired (n7) and unpaired The results of our investigation point to a high (n6) with conditioned tones, respectively. We correlation between stress and alcohol depandence. found that not only paired but also unpaired TMS In conclusion we can say that alcoholic depen- exhibited reduction in fear response after 15 trains of dence is one of the greatest and most untoward TMS (pB0.05), and that this enhanced extinction problems appearing in patients with stress. Namely, was still prominent on the next day (pB0.01), which addiction complicates the course of the disease, and is different from electrical stimulation. This ob- the negative effects upon treatment and rehabilita- served long-term effect of TMS on extinction tion. learning suggests that TMS may be able to augment synaptic potentiation possibly in the prefrontal cortex and/or the amygdala, possibly involved in P 17. Consultation-liaison psychiatry: extinction memory. This study suggests that TMS managing suicide attempters can be combined with the exposure therapy, a J. Del Rı´o Vega, R. Fernandez Garcia-Andrade therapeutic intervention inspired from fear extinc- Hospital Clı´nico Universitario San Carlos, Madrid, tion, to treat dysregulated fear memory related Spain condition such as PTSD. The present study examines the therapeutic ap- proach to patients who have been admitted to P 16. Stress and alcohol hospital with medical, traumatic or surgical injuries G. Danevski, P. Dimitrijevska due to a serious suicide attempt. Psychiatric Hospital Skopje, Skopje, Macedonia Method: A sample was taken of 48 suicide attempters (34 male,14 female) who were being treated as in- The term stress often is used to describe the subjective feeling of pressure or tension. Howevwr, patients in the Hospital Clı´nico Universitario San the stress response is a complex process, the Carlos in Madrid. The sample patients were assessed association between alcohol consumption and stress by means of a partly structured psychiatric interview. is more complicated still. Some studies of the For each one of the patients, the seriousness of correlation of stress and alcoholism show that attempt (according to the actual risk of diying and many factors affect the incidence of chronic drinking according to the Beck Suicidal Intent Scale), the and alcoholism as a response to stress, namely the comorbidity of mental disorders (CIE-10) and the genetic determinants of drinking, the individual therapeutic approach were all assessed. attitude towards drinking bifore the stressful events, Results: The majority of 32 patients who had made subjective expectations considering the effect of a high-risk attempt, presented emotional distur- alcohol on stress, the intensity and type of the stress bance of a depressive nature, had symptoms of factor, and the availability of social support in substance abuse or were diagnosed as suffering alleviating the consequences of stressful effect. from a personality disorder. Only 8 (25%) had to Furthermore, the studies show that the intense stress be referred to a psychiatric unit for further treat- can cause the increased drinking if the better ment. Out of the 16 patients who had made a not too solutions are missing, if alcohol is available and if serious or moderately serious attempt, 10 presented the person believes that alcohol would help reduce symptoms of depression and 8 of them (50%) the stress. required a transfer to psychiatric ward. IFMAD Poster Abstracts 319

Conclusion: the therapeutic approach to suicide Conclusions: Collectively study findings support that attempters is largely determined by the co-morbidity patients achieving only partial remission of a MDD of mental disorders rather than the seriousness of the episode have greater residual impairment in social attempt. and occupational functioning and an increase in total costs due to workplace absenteeism. P 18. Social and occupational functioning in patients with partial or complete remission of a P 19. Optimal cutoff point to define remission major depressive disorder episode by the Hamilton rating scale for depression H. Delgado-Cohen1, I. Romera1, V. Perez2, J.M. according to normal social and occupational Mencho´n3, P. Polavieja1, B. Yruretagoyena1, functioning I. Gilaberte1 H. Delgado-Cohen1, I. Romera1, V. Perez2, 1Clinical Research Department, Lilly Spain,2 De- J.M. Mencho´n3, P. Polavieja1, B. Yruretagoyena1, partment of Psychiatry, Hospital de Sant Pau i de la I. Gilaberte1 1 2 Santa Creu, Barcelona, 3Department of Psychiatry, Clinical Research Department, Lilly Spain, De- Hospital de Bellvitge, Barcelona, Spain partment of Psychiatry, Hospital de Sant Pau i de la Santa Creu, Barcelona, 3Department of Psychiatry, Objective: Evaluation of differences in social and Hospital de Bellvitge, Barcelona, Spain occupational functioning between patients in partial remission (PR) and patients in complete remission Background: Remission describes a state of minimal (CR) of a Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) epi- to no symptoms and the return to normal function- sode. ing and it is defined on the Hamilton Rating Scale Methods: This is a 6-month multi-center, prospec- for Depression (HAMD-17) as a cutoff score of 7 or tive, case-control study (N278). Patients in PR less. (HAMD-17 score 7 and 15 or less) of a MDD Objective: To explore the optimal cutoff point to episode (DSM IV-TR) were matched by age, gender define remission by the HAMD-17 according to and area with patients in CR (HAMD-17 score of 7 normal social and occupational functioning. or less). All patients had been on antidepressant Methods: This is a post-hoc analysis of a 6-month treatment for 12 weeks and no longer met criteria for multi-center, prospective study (N292). We ex- amined the sensitivity and specificity of the HAMD- MDD. Functioning was assessed by means of the 17 as a measure of normal functioning (SOFAS Social and Occupational Functioning Assessment score80 or more) to obtain the optimal cutoff Scale (SOFAS). point that predicts a normal functioning. Results: Mean (SD) patient age was 50.5 (14.5) Results: Mean (SD) patient age was 50.5 (14.5) years years and 77% were female. At baseline HAMD- and 77% were female. At baseline HAMD-17 mean 17 mean (SD) score was 12.0 (2.1) for PR group score was 8.21(4.34) and social and occupational and 4.2(1.8) for CR group; and partial remitters functioning score was 71.6(14.5). Functioning and showed greater impairment in social and occupa- depression severity were highly inversely correlated tional functioning than complete remitters (63.2 9 (Pearson r 0.62 at baseline and at 3 months; 12.4 vs. 80.7 10.5, respectively; p .0001) who 9 B r 0.64 at 6 months). A HAMD-17 cutoff of 5 or exhibited normal functioning (SOFAS mean less had the optimal combination of sensitivity score80 or more). After six months the differ- (74.5%) and specificity (74.3%). A significantly ence in functioning remain significant between higher percentage of patients scoring 05 on the groups (76.2912.3 PR vs. 84.699.3 CR; HAMD-17 exhibited normal functioning compared pB.0001) and a significantly lower percentage of with patients scoring 67 (85.2% vs. 53.3%; partial remitters exhibited normal functioning p0.006) and a significantly higher percentage of (46.8% PR vs. 76.9% CR; pB.001). Partial patients scoring 67 on the HAMD-17 exhibited remitters showed a greater improvement in normal functioning compared with patients scoring HAMD-17 score (mean change; 4.894.56 PR 7 (53.3% vs. 25.9%; p0.003). Predictive factors vs. 0.3193.36 CR; pB.001) of whom 59.4% for achieving normal functioning were: having a achieved remission. Social and occupational func- HAMD-17 score of 5 or less vs. 7 (Odds Ratio: tioning and depression severity were highly inver- 5.83) and 67 vs. 7 (Odds Ratio: 6.69); and sely correlated (Pearson r 0.62). Predictive exhibiting an improvement in HAMD-17 score factors for achieving normal functioning were: (Odds Ratio1.33). being in complete remission of a MDD episode Conclusions: A score of 5 or less on HAMD-17 (Odds Ratio6.25) and exhibiting an improve- improved the level of agreement between normal ment in HAMD-17 (Odds Ratio1.34). In addi- functioning and improvement in depressive symp- tion, partial remitters reported three times more toms, and it is a better indicator of normal func- workplace absenteeism than complete remitters (63 tioning compared with a score of 67. Our vs. 20 days; pB.001). results support a lower cutoff on the HAMD-17 320 IFMAD Poster Abstracts than the commonly used 7 o to define remission P 21. Efficacy and tolerability of Escitalopram according to normal social and occupational func- in patients with mild, moderate and severe tioning status. depression S. Stamouli1, A. Yfantis2, A. Zouganelli3, E. Lam- pousis4, D. Giailoglou5, I. Parashos5 P 20. Escitalopram in the treatment of 1Psychiatric Clinic, Eginition University Hospital, Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) 2 1 1 2 3 Athens, Center for Mental Health, General Hospi- E. Eriksson , A. Ekman , S. Sonclair ,K.So¨rvik , 3 4 4 1 tal, Kalamata, Psychiatric Clinic, Agia Barbara C. Ysander , U.B. Mattson , H. Nissbrandt 4 1 General Hospital, Athens, Psychiatric Clinic, Naval Department of Pharmacology, University of Go¨te- 5 2 3 and Veterans Hospital, Athens, Lundbeck Hellas borg, La¨karhuset, Kunga¨lv Hospital, University SA, Athens, Greece of Go¨teborg, 4Institute of Clinical Neuroscience, University of Go¨teborg, Go¨teborg, Sweden Purpose: The effect of escitalopram increases with increasing baseline severity of the patient’s depres- Purpose: PMDD is a chronic disease occurring in sion [1]. In the present study, we examine the 38% of menstruating women. The current study performance of escitalopram in patients with clinical was designed to evaluate the efficacy and tolerability diagnosis of depression and varying degrees of of intermittent dosing (luteal phase only) with 10 severity. and 20mg escitalopram. Methods: This was an open label 3-month surveil- Methods: A total of 158 patients with a diagnosis of lance study, conducted in 103 specialist investiga- PMDD, confirmed during two cycles of prospective tional sites. Efficacy assessment was based on the self-rating of their symptoms (baseline), were treated CGI-S scale. Tolerability was evaluated by sponta- for 3 cycles in this single-centre, randomised, neously reported adverse events and the treatment double-blind, placebo-controlled 3-arm fixed dose discontinuation rates. Statistical analysis was based study. The primary measure of efficacy was the on a modified intent-to-treat dataset (ITT-at least relative median change from baseline in the mean of one valid post-baseline CGI-S measurement) and the luteal VAS rating (0100 mm) for irritability, observed cases (OC-CGI-S measurements at all 3 tension, affective lability, and depressed mood. visits). Results: The patients had a baseline severity of Results: A total of 5175 patients were enrolled in the approximately 50 mm in the mean luteal VAS key study, 595 (11.5%) were diagnosed as clinically psychological symptom score. At endpoint, both suffering from mild disease (CGI-S2 or 3), 2261 escitalopram treatment groups showed superior im- (43.7%) from moderate (CGI-S4) and 2318 3 provements on the relative median change in the key (44.8%) from severe (CGI-S 5). Age and gender psychological symptom score versus the placebo distribution were similar in the three severity cate- group [86% decrease for the 10 mg escitalopram gories. Patients with more severe illness displayed group (pB0.01) and 94% decrease for the 20mg statistically significantly greater changes from base- escitalopram group (pB0.001) versus 69% decrease line (multiple linear regression pB0.001), in both for the placebo group], with escitalopram 20mg being LOCF and OC analysis. The change from baseline more efficacious than 10mg (pB0.01). Escitalopram to the 3-month time point in the CGI-S score was reached its maximal effect in the first treatment cycle, 1.05 for the mildly ill, 1.89 for the moderately and this effect was maintained during the following ill and 2.55 for the severely ill (ITT). No treatment cycles. The reduction of the key symptom statistically significant differences were observed between the mildly, moderately, and severely ill of PMDD, irritability, was 86% (escitalopram 10mg, patients with regard to both the total discontinuation pB0.01), 92% (escitalopram 20mg, pB0.001), and rate (9.1% vs. 9.6% vs. 10.9%, respectively) and the 56% (placebo). The percentage of subjects achieving frequency of adverse events (15.3% vs. 13.3% vs. remission (at least 80% reduction in the irritability 14.3%). score) was 30% (placebo), 60% (escitalopram 10mg) Conclusion: Escitalopram has greater effect in and 80% (escitalopram 20mg). The most frequent more severely ill patients and is equally well tolerated adverse event was nausea. Adaptation of patients to by all patients independently of the severity of the nausea from one treatment cycle to another was illness. marked. The withdrawal rates due to adverse events were 6% (placebo), 13% (escitalopram 10mg) and 6% (escitalopram 20mg). Reference Conclusions: Intermittent treatment with escitalo- pram 10 and 20mg/day was effective and well [1] Kennedy SH, Andersen HF, Lam RW. Efficacy of escitalo- pram in the treatment of major depressive disorder compared tolerated in the treatment of PMDD. with conventional selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and Disclosures: E. Eriksson has received consultancy venlafaxine XR: a meta-analysis. J Psychiatry Neurosci honoraria from H. Lundbeck A/S. 2006;31:122131. IFMAD Poster Abstracts 321

P 22. Effects of Escitalopram on disability P 23. Unique mechanism of action of caused by depression quetiapine in bipolar depression Yfantis1, S. Stamouli2, M Tzanakaki3, V. Lagari4, J. Goldstein1, G. Christoph1, M. Brecher1,R. D. Giailoglou5, I. Parashos5 McIntyre2 1Center for Mental Health, General Hospital, Kala- 1AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals LP Wilmington mata, !2Psychiatric Clinic, Eginition University Hos- USA, 2Mood Disorders Psychopharmacology Unit, pital, Athens, 3Psychiatric Clinic, General Hospital, University of Toronto Toronto Canada Chania, 4Psychiatric Hospital, Tripolis, 5Lundbeck Hellas SA, Athens, Greece Background: In addition to its well-characterized antipsychotic properties, quetiapine demonstrates Purpose: Escitalopram alleviates the disability caused significant antidepressant and mood-stabilizing by anxiety disorders [1]. The present study examines effects in clinical trials. The pharmacology of the effect of escitalopram in the disability of patients N-desalkyl quetiapine (norquetiapine), a major me- with clinical depression. tabolite of quetiapine, offers a plausible novel Methods: This was an open-label, 3-month surveil- mechanism of action for these benefits when com- lance study, conducted in 103 specialist sites. Dis- bined with the known properties of the parent ability was assessed using the Sheehan Disability molecule. Scale (SDS) and on ‘lost days’ and ‘non-productive Methods: In-vitro pharmacological investigation of days’ during the previous month. Statistical analysis noradrenergic, serotonergic, and dopaminergic re- was made on a modified intent-to-treat dataset ceptor and transporter targets for quetiapine and (ITT: at least valid one post-baseline SDS measure- norquetiapine performed on rat and human tissues ment) and observed cases (OC: SDS measurements using validated assay techniques. at all 3 visits). Results: Quetiapine and norquetiapine showed simi- Results: A total of 5175 patients were enrolled in the lar binding affinities for many binding targets but study and 1844 had disability evaluations (doctors’ also substantial differences for several targets. Re- standard practice). These patients were younger and levant to the antidepressant effects of quetiapine were more likely to suffer from comorbid anxiety and were previously unknown actions of norquetiapine depression (pB0.001). At baseline 38%, 41%, and on the norepinephrine transporter (NET), for which 37% of patients reported severe or very severe norquetiapine had high affinity (inhibition constant disability (SDS subscale score 37) for work, social [Ki]34.8 nM) and was a potent inhibitor life, and family life, respectively, with corresponding (IC5013 nM); quetiapine, in contrast, demon- mean scores 5.7 (91.8), 5.9 (91.8), and 5.6 strated a lack of affinity (Ki10000 nM). Addition- (91.9). Patients’ functioning improved on all SDS ally, norquetiapine showed high antagonist affinity subscales (Hotellings’ test, pB0.001, LOCF and for serotonin 5HT2A and 5HT2C receptors OC). At the end of the study, 80.6%, 79.5% and (Ki’s2.93 and 18.5 nM, respectively), whereas 83.5% of patients reported no or mild disability quetiapine had lower affinity (IC50148 and (SDS subscale score £3) for work, social life and Ki1041 nM, respectively). Norquetiapine also family life with mean scores 2.1 (91.8), 2.1 (91.8), had partial agonist activity at the 5HT1A receptor and 1.9 (91.7) (LOCF). ‘Lost days’ and ‘non- (Ki190 nM), and quetiapine somewhat weaker productive days’ per patient decreased from 7 and affinity (IC50717 nM). Quetiapine, like other 13.4 at baseline to 1.4 and 3.3 after 3 months of atypical antipsychotics, blocked dopamine D2 re- treatment (LOCF). Similar results were seen for the ceptors, but its binding kinetics suggested minimal OC dataset. motor and hormonal side effects. Conclusion: Escitalopram treatment produces signifi- Conclusions: High affinity and inhibitory actions on cant improvements in the functional ability of the NET are a characteristic of drugs used to treat patients with clinical depression, as measured by unimodal depression and are a major feature the Sheehan Disability Scale and by the number of differentiating quetiapine from other atypical anti- ‘lost ‘ and ‘non-productive days’. psychotics. Potent antagonist activity on 5HT2A receptors resulting in their down-regulation is another property shared by quetiapine and SSRIs. Quetiapine has the additional effect of dopamine Reference D2 antagonism, which may act to stabilize mood. The unique clinical profile of quetiapine may [1] Montgomery SA, Nil R, Durr-Pal N, Loft H, Boulenger JP. therefore potentially be explained by its multiple A 24-week randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of escitalopram for the prevention of generalized effects on central monoaminergic systems mediated . J Clin Psychiatry 2005;66:1270 by the parent molecule and its major active 1278. metabolite, norquetiapine. 322 IFMAD Poster Abstracts

Supported by funding from AstraZeneca Pharma- activity. A combination of D2 occupancy and high ceuticals LP. occupancy at the 5HT2A receptor and NET may provide a mechanistic explanation for the broad spectrum of efficacy demonstrated for quetiapine P 24. PET-measured D2, 5HT2A, and NET occupancy by quetiapine and n-desalkyl- in the treatment of psychiatric disorders. quetiapine (norquetiapine) in non-human Supported by funding from AstraZeneca Pharma- primates ceuticals LP. J. Goldstein1, S. Nyberg2, A. Takano3, S. Grimm1, B. Gulyas3, D. McCarthy1,C.Lee1, C. Halldin3, P 25. Natural killer cell in patients with major L. Farde2,3 depressive disorder 1AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals LP, Wilmington, S. Han, Y.W. Jeon, E.J. Park USA, 2AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals, So¨derta¨lje, Department of Psychiatry, Our Lady of Mercy Sweden, 3Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Hospital, the Catholic Universe of Korea, the Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden Catholic University of Korea, Incehon, South Korea

Background: Clinical studies have demonstrated that Objectives: In depressive illness, a wide variety of quetiapine is efficacious in schizophrenia, bipolar disturbances in immunologic parameters have been mania and bipolar depression, with indices for reported. In this study, to investigate immune system efficacy also in unipolar depression, bipolar main- in patients with unmedicated major depressive dis- tenance, and anxiety. Preclinical research shows that order (MDD) in acute state, we measured peripheral quetiapine and its major active human metabolite, lymphocyte subsets and natural killer cell activity norquetiapine, have moderate to high affinity in vitro (NKCA). for several central neuroreceptors, including D2 Methods: 41 patients met DSM-IV criteria for MDD dopamine and 5HT2A receptors, as well as the (male 7, female 34, mean age53.6 915.1 year- norepinephrine transporter (NET). The present s)and 14 hospital staffs (male 5, female 9, mean positron emission tomography (PET) study in non- age32.493.8 years) were recruited. Peripheral human primates measured occupancy at these drug lymphocyte subsets (CD3, CD4, CD8, CD 19 and targets after single-dose administration of quetiapine CD56) were assessed by flow cytometry and NKCA and norquetiapine. was measured using a standard chromium-releases Methods: PET measurements were performed in cytotoxicity assay. cynomolgus monkeys. Radioligands used to deter- Results: NKCA was decreased in patients with MDD mine occupancy were [11C]raclopride for the compared with normal controls (Effector:target D2 receptor, [11C]MDL100.907 for the 5HT2A ratio80:1, F4.1, p0.047) when covariated by receptor, and the recently developed (S,S)[18F] age. But there were no differences in other peripheral FMeNER-D2 for the NET. The compounds were lymphocyte measures including CD56 (NK T) cells. administered intravenously 30 min before adminis- Conclusion: NKCA was decreased in patients with tration of radioligand. Doses (0.159 mg/kg) were MDD without a significant change in NK cell chosen to produce clinically relevant plasma expo- number in patients with unmedicated MDD in acute sures of quetiapine or norquetiapine. state. In this study, a change of NKCA in patients Results: Plasma concentrations of quetiapine and with MDD might provide the evidence for specific norquetiapine were within the ranges seen during immune changes in patients with MDD. treatment with clinically recommended doses of quetiapine. After administration of quetiapine or norquetiapine, there was a dose-dependent occu- P 26. Recent 5-year trends of prescription pancy at both D2 and 5HT2A receptors. Occupancy patterns in inpatients with bipolar disorder in at D2 and 5HT2A was high for both compounds. Korea Norquetiapine, but not quetiapine, induced high D. Jon1,E.Kim2, H.S. Cho2, E. Lee3,S.Kim2, 1 2 occupancy (80%) at NET, even at low plasma J.H. Seok , T.S. Kim 1 concentrations (KiB1ı`mol/L). Hallym University Sacread Heart Hospital Anyang, Conclusions: The observation that both quetiapine 2Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul, and its major human metabolite, norquetiapine, 3National Health Insurance Corporation Ilsan Hos- occupy D2 and 5HT2A receptors at clinically pital, Koyang, South Korea relevant plasma exposures is consistent with previous PET studies of quetiapine in patients. Using a Background/aims: Recent studies have suggested that recently developed radioligand, we found high newer mood stabilizers (MSs) and atypical antipsy- NET occupancy by norquetiapine at clinically chotics (APs) have favorable efficacy and tolerability relevant plasma exposures. Inhibition of NET is and that the combination therapy is more effective generally accepted as a mechanism of antidepressant than monotherapy. The aim of this study was to IFMAD Poster Abstracts 323 investigate the changes in prescription patterns over were above 80% in score of Korean ADHD rating the course of the last 5 years. score. The correlations among the scores of K- Methods: Data of 601 patients admitted between MDQ, Korean ADHD rating scales and subscales January 2001 and December 2005 with a diagnosis of BASC-2 were calculated. of bipolar disorder was collected retrospectively from Results: One hundred seventeen mothers (16.4%) four training hospitals. Demographic variables, clin- were identified as risk group of bipolar disorder. ical characteristics and discharge medications over There were no differences in age and education the 5-year period were analyzed. between mothers with bipolarity and without bipo- Results: The use of valproate has increased and this larity. The offspring of mothers with high bipolarity trend became evident from 2004, whereas the showed higher scores of hyperactivity, aggression, prescription of lithium has decreased. The combina- conduct problems, anxiety, depression, somatiza- tion of valproate and lithium remained constant at tion, atypicality and withdrawal in clinical scales of 12% over study period. Most of the patients were on BASC-2. The risk of ADHD was higher in the more than two psychotropic agents, the most com- offspring of mothers with high bipolarity. Significant mon medication being a combination of an MS and correlation between manic symptoms of mother and an AP (79%). The use of typical APs has decreased symptoms of ADHD, hyperactivity, aggression, con- obviously from 19.5% in 2001 to 7.7% in 2005. On duct problems, anxiety, depression, somatization, the other hand, the use of atypical APs has increased atypicality and withdrawal of their offspring. from 71.4% to 92.3%. The most frequently used Conclusion: These findings support the hypothesis APs over 5 years were risperidone (38.5%), olanza- that the offspring of mother with high bipolarity are pine (30.8%) and quetiapine (17.8%), with quetia- at increased risk for developing a wide range of pine showing prominent preference since 2001 and psychopathologies including ADHD. ranking as the most frequently used AP in 2005. The mean daily dosages on discharge were 1036 316 9 P 28. Epidemiology of major depressive mg for lithium, 934 351mg for divalproex, 13.2 9 9 disorder in Korea 5.6 mg for olanzapine, 3.3 1.7 mg for risperidone, 9 H. Jung1, J-Y Lee1, S. Kim2, M. Cho1 and 3429231mg for quetiapine. 1Department of Psychiatry, Seoul National Univer- Conclusions: This study showed recent changes in the sity College of Medicine, 2Department of Psychiatry, prescription patterns and the preference for combi- Korea University, College of Medicine, Seoul, South nation therapy in bipolar disorder in Korea. The Korea preference of two MSs combination or newer MSs was much lesser, compared to the US and European Background/aims: Although the prevalence rate of countries. These results showed relatively good major depressive disorder (MDD) in Asia is sus- adherence to recent treatment guidelines. pected to be lower compared to western countries, little is known about the relationship between ethni- P 27. Psychopathology in the offspring of city and MDD. This study was intended to examine mothers with risk of bipolar disorder in the prevalence and correlates of MDD, its comor- community sample bidity with other mental and substance disorders D. Jon, H. Hong, J. Seok, N. Hong, Y. So among Korean adults via a structured clinical inter- Hallym University, Sacred Heart Hospital, Anyang, view. South Korea Methods: Data were derived from 6,275 household residents over 18 to 64 years of age who responded Background: The purpose of this study is to identify to Korean Epidemiologic Catchment Area (KECA) the mothers with high bipolarity of 1st grade survey in 2001. Prevalence, correlates, comorbidity, students in elementary school and to investigate and symptom profiles were estimated using Korean- psychopathologies in the offspring of mothers with Composite International Diagnostic Interview ver- bipolarity in community sample. sion 2.1 (K-CIDI). Methods: This study is a part of school mental health Results: The overall weighted prevalence of major project of Gunpo city in Korea. Subjects were 712 depressive disorder was 4.3%, 1.6%, and 1.1% mothers of 1st grade students of 5 elementary (lifetime/12 months/1 month, respectively). The schools in Gunpo city. Screening tool for bipolar significant correlates of major depressive disorder disorder was Korean version of Mood Disorder were female, being unemployed, 5059 years of age, Questionnaire (K-MDQ) and instruments of mea- disrupted marriage, rural habitats, and recent co- surements for psychopathologies in the offspring horts. Most cases of lifetime MDD (70.0%) had were Behavior Assessment System for Children- comorbid CIDI/DSM-IV disorders. They were an- 2(BASC-2) and Korean ADHD rating scale. Cri- xiety disorder (46.5%), alcohol use disorder teria of high bipolarity were above 7 in scores of K- (26.3%), and tobacco use disorder (18.4%). Fati- MDQ and criteria of high ADHD risk in offspring gue, insomnia, and concentration difficulties are 324 IFMAD Poster Abstracts common symptoms (80%) of MDD in Korean Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and schizo- sample. phrenia have not only been suggested to share Conclusions: The prevalence of MDD in Korean clinical symptoms in some patients but also to sample was lower than western countries. However, share dysfunctional frontal-subcortical circuitry. the correlates, comorbidity, and common symptoms This study was designed to clarify different patterns of MDD were not different from the results of of abnormalities of specific thalamic nuclei between western countries. OCD and schizophrenia compared with healthy comparison groups, although thalamic abnormality is implicated to the two illnesses in common at a P 29. Influence social factors on level of anxiety gross anatomical level. We performed 3 dimensional T. Kadyrova, N. Myrzamatova, Kyrgyz State Medi- shape deformation analyses of the thalamus in three cal Academy, Republic Centre of Mental Health, age- and sex-matched groups of 22 patients with Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan OCD, 22 patients with schizophrenia and 22 normal subjects. The most prominent surface deformities in Aim: Study level of parents’ anxiety in depending of OCD were outward deformities in the anterior, social status of family with the account ethnic lateral portion of the thalamus (rightleft) and in features. the posterior portion of the left thalamus. On the Methods: Psychological test ‘‘Integrative test of contrary, the most prominent surface deformities in anxiety’’ (Bizyuk, 2001) developed in Russia was schizophrenia were outward deformity in the dor- used. somedial portion of the left the thalamus and in the Results: During research in prestige school of posterolateral portion of the right thalamus. In terms Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan) two groups of the parents of the thalamic asymmetry, both OCD and schizo- aged of 3550 years were surveyed. The first group phrenia patients revealed loss of a leftward pattern of (n30) consisted parents of ethnic Kyrgyz nation- asymmetry on the posterior, medial surface of the ality (AP- Asian Parents), second group (n30) thalamus and exaggeration of rightward pattern of parents of Slavic origin (EP European Parents). asymmetry on the posterior, lateral surface of the In the group AP the high level of anxiety (7.490.5, thalamus. Our findings suggest that different pat- N4.590.4) was found out (p50.05), and the terns of abnormalities of specific thalamic nuclei result on a scale ‘‘anxious estimation of future’’ in may be related with the different phenomenology of the given group has made 53.3% (p5 0.05). In the OCD and schizophrenia. group EP the almost normal level of anxiety (4.690.4) was revealed, ‘‘anxious estimation of future’’ has made only 10.0%. The comparison of P 31. The use of quetiapine as an adjunct the social status of two groups has shown that in in the pharmacotherapy of generalised anxiety disorder: a flexible-dose, open-label group AP the parents occupy the high social status trial in official state institutions and in the greater degree M. Katzman1,2,3, M. Vermani1, L. Jacobs1,M. were concerned with instability in the country, as Marcus1,B.KongB1, S. Lessard4, W. Galarraga5, could be dismissed (AP 4991.2, EP 790.6 L. Struzik1, C. Iorio1, A. Gendron6 p 0.05). In the group EP the parents were 5 1START Clinic for Mood and Anxiety Disorders, engaged in private business, did not have fear to 2 3 University of4 Toronto, Northern Ontario School lose job and were sure in the future. of Medicine, University of Ottawa, Mont Fort Conclusion: The revealing of high level of anxiety in Hospital, 5Behavioural Science Program Mcmaster respondents should be considered as factor for University, 6Astrazeneca Canada inc., Mississauga, realization of medical measures, in particular of family Ontario, Canada therapy. Also it is important information at consulta- tion not only adults but also children. High level of Background: Generalised anxiety disorder (GAD) is anxiety at parents, as a rule, promotes the appearance a chronic disorder associated with significant mor- the emotional and behavioral disorders at children. bidity and disability. Traditional therapies are asso- ciated with poor levels of remission, and often result in troublesome side effects. P 30. Different pattern of surface shape Methods: This was a 12-week, open-label, flexible- deformity of thalamus between obsessive- dose study to assess the efficacy and tolerability of compulsive disorder and schizophrenia quetiapine as an adjunctive treatment to traditional D. Kang1, S. Kim2, C. Kim1, J. Choi1,J.Jang1, medication. A total of 40 outpatients with GAD who M. Jung1, J. Lee2, J. Kwon1 had not achieved remission following at least 8 weeks 1Department of Psychiatry, Seoul National Univer- of an adequate dose of traditional therapy were sity College of Medicine, Seoul, 2Department of enrolled. The primary endpoint was the mean change Biomedical Engineering, Hanyang University, from pre-treatment to Week 12 in Hamilton Anxiety Seoul, South Korea Rating Scale (HAM-A) total scores. Secondary end- IFMAD Poster Abstracts 325 points included: the proportion of patients achieving rectly and indirectly. Absenteeism and presenteeism remission (HAM-A total score I10 at Week 12), represents the lost productivity of employee, and Clinical Global Impressions-Severity of Illness (CGI- the impact of depression on productivity is consid- S), Clinical Global Impressions-Global Improvement ered substantial. Therefore, we tried to calculate (CGI-I), Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) the absenteeism and presenteeism in depressive and Penn State Worry Questionnaire (PSWQ). workers who visit psychiatric clinic and figure Results: Adjunctive quetiapine significantly reduced out the difference between depressive workers and HAM-A total scores from pre-treatment (29.899.0) controls. to Week 12 (9.0910.2) (20.6; pB0.001). The Methods: Patient group were recruited from workers HAM-A remission rate was 72.1% at Week 12. visiting psychiatric outpatient clinic who had depres- Augmentation of traditional therapies with quetia- sive disorders without physical illness and other pine resulted in a significant reduction in all efficacy mental disorders (N106). Age and sex matched measures by study end. Quetiapine was well toler- healthy control group were also recruited from adver- ated: the most common adverse event (AE) was tisement through website (N100). WHO Health sedation, with no incidence of serious AEs and no and Work performance Questionnaire (HPQ) was clinically significant changes in vital signs or labora- applied to measure lost productive time and HAM-D tory assessments. was rated. Statistical analysis was performed with independent t-test or }2 test as characteristics of P 32. Quality of Web based information on values (p0.05). social phobia Result: The number of absence (0.94-day/month vs. Y. Khazaal, A. Chatton, S. Cochand, D. Knobel, 0.10-day/month, p0.015) and the number of D. Zullino early leaving (2.56-day/month vs. 0.24-day/month, Division of substance abuse, Geneva University pB0.001) is significantly high in the depression Hospitals, Geneva, Switzerland group. The depression group evaluated their per- Objective: To evaluate the quality of web-based formance level lower than normal control group information on social phobia and to investigate with significant value (5.16 vs. 7.62, pB0.001). particular quality indicators. And, the depression group estimated their perfor- Methods: Two keywords, Social phobia and Social mance level during recent 4weeks much lower than Anxiety Disorder, were entered into five popular during past 1-year (5.16 vs 6.63, pB0.001). The world wide web search engines. Websites were estimated cost of absenteeism in depression group assessed with a standardized proforma designed to is higher than controls by 2,640 US dollars/year/ rate sites on the basis of accountability, presentation, person, and those of presenteeism in depres- interactivity, readability and content quality. ‘‘Health sion group is also higher by 5,140 US dollars/ On the Net’’ (HON) quality label, and DISCERN year/person. Therefore, the total cost of LPT scale scores aiding people without content expertise in depression group is higher than controls by to assess quality of written health publication, were 7,780 US dollars/year/person. This may be esti- used to verify their efficiency as quality indicators. mated as 26% of mean annual salary in the Results: About 200 identified links, 58 pertinent depression group. websites were evaluated. Based on outcome mea- Conclusion: Depression contributed to lost produc- sures used, overall quality of sites turned out poor. tive time among workers substantially in our study DISCERN and HON label are good quality indica- and this implies that depressive disorders in employ- tors. ees make a bad impact on organizational productiv- Conclusions: While patient social phobia education ity and international competitiveness. It is also Web sites are common, educational material is highly important that the presenteeism was prominent variable in quality and content. There is a need for than the absenteeism in the aspect of management. better evidence based information about Social For improving the productivity in work place, the phobia on the web, and a need to reconsider the monitoring and proper management of mental role of accountability criteria as indicators of site health is considered essential. quality whereas HON label and DISCERN may be useful indicators. P 34. Association study of A2a Adenosine P 33. Impact of depression on work receptor gene polymorphism productivity in employees who visit psychiatric W. Kim, J.M. Woo clinic Seoul Paik Hospital, Inje University, Seoul, South W. Kim, J.M. Woo Korea Seoul Paik Hospital, Inje University, Seoul, South Korea Objective: The adenosine A2a receptor (A2aAR) is thought to be implicated in the pathogenesis of panic Objective: Depressive disorder causes patients’ dis- disorder because caffeine, a potent antagonist for tress and makes socioeconomic burden both di- A2aAR, can precipitate panic attacks, and because 326 IFMAD Poster Abstracts disruption of the A2aAR gene increses anxiety- significant role in the pathogenesis of panic disorder. behaviors in mice. Recent studies demonstrated This is the first study to suggest a possible relation- that the A2aAR 1976CT genetic polymorphism ship between serotonin 2A receptor gene and panic confers susceptibility to panic disorder in Caucasian, symptom severity. More work is needed to further though not in Asian. The present study tested replicate these findings and further investigate the hypothesis that the A2aAR 1976CT genetic PD candidate genes associated with the serotonin variant confers susceptibility to panic disorder in system. Korean. Methods: 258 patients with panic disorder and 117 P 36. Temperament and character in subjects healthy controls participated in this study. Genotyp- with obsessive-compulsive disorder ing was performed by polymerase chain reaction- S. Kim, C-H. Kim based method. Department of Psychiatry and Institute of Beha- Results: Genotype (P0.389) and allele (P0.655) vioral Science in Medicine, Yonsei University Seoul distribution of adenosine A2a receptor (A2aAR) South Korea polymorphism patients with panic disorder was not significantly different from those of the controls. Background: The objective in this study was to However, panic disorder with major depressive evaluate the differences of personality traits between disorder showed significant association with 1976C OCD patients and normal populations using the allele (P0.008) and A2aAR 1976CT genotype Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI) and (P0.008). also to examine the relationship between personality Conclusion: This study suggested that the adenosine traits and the severity of OC symptoms in OCD 1976CT polymorphism may have a potential role for patients. Additionally, we wanted to assess the susceptibility to panic disorder with major depressive influence of particular personality traits on dimen- disorder in the Korean population. This calls for sional phenotypes of OCD. consecutive studies in order to understand the Methods: We recruited 130 OCD patients and 185 association of A2aAR polymorphism and various normal controls. All subjects completed the TCI. psychiatric disorders. We also assessed the OCD patients with Y-BOCS, Keywords: panic disorder, adenosine, polymorphism, Hamilton Depression Rating Scale and with factor- Korean analyzed symptom dimension scores using Y-BOCS checklist. P 35. Association between serotonin-related Results: There were significant differences in the TCI gene polymorphisms and panic disorder subscales between OCD patients and control sub- Y. K i m 1, H.K. Yoon1, J.C. Yang2, H.J. Lee1 jects (MANOVA, Hotelling’s Trace F25.94, 1Departement of Psychiatry, Korea University, Col- pB0.001). OCD subjects were characterized by lege of Medicine, Seoul, 2Departement of Psychia- higher Harm Avoidance (HA) (F127.4, try, Chunbuk National University, Chunju, South pB0.001) scores and lower Reward Dependence Korea (RD) (F12.7, pB0.001), Cooperativeness (C) (F91.3, pB0.001) and Self Directedness (SD) We investigated the 5-HT2A receptor (5HTR2A) (F53.9, pB0.001) scores than controls. The TCI and tryptophan hydroxylase (TPH) genes for asso- subscales of both OCD and control subjects are ciation with panic disorder (PD). All of the PD follows. OCD HA 25.195.6, NS 17.994.1, RD patients were given a diagnostic assessment based on 14.192.9, P 4.191.6, SD 20.197.1, C 24.097.2, clinical interviews using the Structured Clinical and Self Transcendent (ST) 10.094.3, and control- Interview for DSM-IV (SCID). The severity of their HA 16.597.4, Novelty Seeking (NS) 18.295.9, symptoms was measured using the Spielberger State- RD 15.593.8, P 4.191.8, SD 26.497.6, C Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI), Panic disorder 31.095.8, and ST 10.895.6. In multiple regres- severity scale (PDSS), Anxiety Sensitivity Index sion, higher HDRS (aˆ0.23, p0.006) and lower (ASI), Acute Panic Inventory (API), Beck Depres- SD (aˆ 0.40, pB0.001) and C (aˆ0.37, sion Inventory (BDI), Hamilton’s rating scale for pB0.001) scores significantly predicted higher Anxiety (HAMA), and Hamilton’s rating scale for Y-BOCS scores. In multiple regressions of factor- Depression (HAMD). However, we found a signifi- analyzed symptom dimensions, the SD was a pre- cant difference in symptom severity among the dictor of higher scores on all OC symptom dimen- genotypes of both the 5HTR2A 1438A/G and sions: symmetry/ordering (aˆ0.29, p0.001), 102T/C polymorphisms. Although there were no hoarding (aˆ 0.36, pB0.001), contamination/ significant differences in the genotype and allele cleaning (aˆ 0.28, p0.001), aggressive/checking distributions, we found a significant association ( 0.38, pB0.001), and sexual/religious obses- between panic symptom severity and the serotonin sions (aˆ 0.38, pB0.001) dimensions. 2A receptor gene. This result suggests that the Conclusions: In summary, our study showed that serotonin 2A receptor and serotonin may play a OCD subjects have higher HA scores and lower SD, IFMAD Poster Abstracts 327

RD and C scores than controls. The lower SD and C ism of 5-HT1Db, 48 bp VNTR, and MAOA VNTR scores are associated with the severity of OC of DRD4 only in males. symptoms measured by the Y-BOCS. Lower SD Keywords: scores also predict higher factor-analyzed symptom dimension scores from the Y-BOCS checklist. P 38. Life Quality of Depressed, Somatically Ill Keywords: and Average Child Populations E. Kiss, D. Skulte´ti, A. Vetro´ P 37. Gender dimorphic association between Child Psychiatry Unit, University of Szeged, Hun- obsessive-compulsive disorder and 5-HT1DB, gary DRD4, and MAOA gene C. Kim1, S-J. Kim Background and aim: Illnesses negatively influence Department of Psychiatry and Institute of Beha- subjective quality of life in children. Many studies vioral Science in Medicine, Seoul, South Korea examine the effect of somatic illnesses on QoL, less the influence of psychiatric disorders and very few com- Background: The serotonergic and dopaminergic paring the effect of different types of diseases to each dysregulation are most popular hypotheses for other and to a control population in children. Our OCD. The 5-HT1Db receptor is a terminal auto- hypotheses were the following: Chronic respiratory receptor involved in the regulation of 5-HT neuro- illness (CRI) and Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) transmission. Meanwhile, because of the phenomena negatively affect the quality of life (QoL); parents of ill of emerging OC symptoms after treatment with children rate the quality of life of their children lower clozapine, the dopamine receptor D4 (DRD4) gene than children themselves; most problematic area of has been the focus of genetic studies of OCD. Also, the quality of life for children with MDD is mental monoamine oxidase A (MAOA) gene has received health, for children suffering from CRI is physical attention because MAOA involves in metabolism of health and for the average population is school. serotonin and dopamine. However, there have Methods: The depressed sample consisted of children been significant inconsistencies in the results of with DSM IV Major Depressive Disorder (N100). relationship between these genes and OCD. One of The mean age of the sample was 11.22 years (sd: 2.84 years, range: 7 to 18 years). There were 55 boys major causes of these inconsistent findings is gender and 45 girls. The somatically ill sample contained dimorphism of OCD in genetic study. Therefore, we children with chronic respiratory illness (N74). have investigated the associations between 5- There were 41 boys (55.4%) and 33 girls. The mean HT1Db, DRD4, and MAOA gene and OCD in age of this sample was 10.99 years (sd: 3.46 years), both male and female separately. the age range was 6 to 19 years. Asthma bronchiale Methods: 120 male OCD patients and 101 normal was diagnosed in 73% of the sample. The control male controls were participated in this study. Gen- population consisted of 300 children tested in eris DNA was extracted from venous blood. elementary schools. Children were aged 6 to 16 Results: The genotype frequencies of G861C poly- years (mean: 10.76 years, sd: 2.92 years). There morphism of 5-HT1Db in OCD and control groups were 164 boys (54.7%) and 136 girls. were followings; In males, there were significant Measures: The Inventory of Life Quality in Children differences of genotype frequencies of HT1Db and Adolescents (ILK) was used to measure sub- between OCD and control groups. (}211.36, jective quality of life. Children completed the ques- p0.003). In females, there were no significant tionnaire about themselves, parents about their differences of genotype frequencies of HT1Db children. The sum of the individual items was between OCD and control groups. (}24.3, calculated to obtain an overall satisfaction. p0.1). The genotype frequencies of 48 bp VNTR Results: Children in the school-based population polymorphism of DRD4 in OCD and control groups were most satisfied, depressed children were least were followings; In males, there were significant diff- satisfied. Parents of depressed children rated quality erences of genotype frequencies of DRD4 between of life of their offsprings lower than children OCD and control groups. (}215.4, pB0.001). themselves. Parents in the respiratory problem group In females, there were no significant differences did not show significant difference with their kids, of genotype frequencies of DRD4 between OCD while parents in the control group rated better and control groups. (}20.0, p1.0). In males, quality of life for their kids, than the children. there were significant differences of allele frequen- Most problematic areas were mental health and cies of MAOA VNTR between OCD and control school for the depressed, physical and mental health groups. (}28.3, p0.004). In females, there were for the somatically ill and alone activities and school significant differences of genotype frequencies of for the school-based population. MAOA VNTR between OCD and control groups. Conclusion: Both somatic and mental illness influ- (}24.5, p0.10). Conclusions: We could find ence quality of life of children, but depression seems associations between OCD and G861C polymorph- to have a stronger negative effect. It is important to 328 IFMAD Poster Abstracts get information from both children and parents due inpatients received a neuroleptic, in 2005 51,24%. to differences in opinion. 21,89% of the schizophrenic inpatients received an antidepressant and 20,18% an anticonvulsant P 39. Poly- and Multipsychopharmacy in in 2003, in 2005 the rates raised to 22,71% and psychiatric inpatient populations of three 22,84%, respectively. European countries: Data from AMSP Conclusion: Polypsychopharmacy and especially (Arzneimittelsicherheit in der Psychiatrie), a multipsychopharmacy is still gaining ground de- European pharmacovigilance system spite the recommendations for monotherapy by international experts. Further studies should in- A. Konstantinidis1, U. Moser1, G. Pail1, R. Groh- 2 3 2 1 vestigate the combinations most commonly used mann , A. Horvath , R. Engel , S. Kasper introducing future studies, which should evaluate a 1Division of Biological Psychiatry, Medical Univer- 2 possible putative effect of psychotropic combina- sity of Vienna, Austria, Department of Psychiatry, tions. Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich, Germany, 3 Psychiatric Private Clinic Sanatorium Kilchberg/ References Zurich, Switzerland [1] Karow A., Lambert M. (2003). Polypharmacy in treatment Introduction: Although psychotropic polypharmacy with psychotropic drugs: the underestimated phenomenon. Current Opinion in Psychiatry. 16(6):713718, November is widely used in common practice, lacks sound 2003. clinical evidence of its putative effect [1]. Psychia- [2] Grohmann R., Engel R.R., Ru¨ther E., Hippius H. (2004) The tric textbooks and international guidelines advise AMSP Drug Safety Program: Methods and Global Results. monotherapy wherever possible and report a higher Pharmacopsych 37 Suppl 1: S4S11. risk of adverse drug reactions under polyphar- macy [2]. P 40. Mapping white matter alterations in Methods: The AMSP study [2] is a drug safety obsessive-compulsive disorder program that ensures the continuous assessment of J. Kwon1, D.H. Kang1, B.M. Gu2, W.H. Jung2, severe adverse drug reactions (ADR) in psychiatric J.Y. Park2, J.S. Choi1, M.H. Jung1 inpatients under the natural conditions of routine 1Department of Psychiatry, Seoul National Univer- clinical treatment. Furthermore, on two reference sity College of Medicine, 2Interdisciplinary Program days per hospital and per year, the following data are in Brain Science & Cognitive Science, Seoul, South recorded for all patients on the wards under AMSP Korea surveillance: all drugs applied on that day with the daily dosage for psychotropic drugs, ICD diagnosis, Recently, considerable evidence suggests that patho- age, and sex. Data is stored at the study center in logical changes in patients with OCD may be ex- Munich. Due to the increasing number of partici- pressed at the level of spatially distributed network pating clinics over the years only data of 33 hospitals that subsumes the multiple, densely interconnected (5 Austrian, 22 German and 6 Swiss institutions) cortical and subcortical cortex. The aim of the current who participated since 2003 were analyzed. In our study was to investigate the white matter abnormal- study we defined the use of two or more psycho- ities in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder tropics of the same class as polypsychopharmacy and (OCD) compared with healthy volunteers employing the use of two or more psychotropics from different diffusion tensor imaging. Twenty-six patients with classes as multipsychopharmacy. OCD and 26 healthy comparison subjects matched Results: Over 5000 inpatient-data were recorded per for age, sex, and handedness underwent diffusion year between 2003 and 2005 (2003 N5993; 2004 tensor imaging and structural magnetic resonance N6979; 2005 N6400). An increase in the mean imaging examinations. Fractional anisotropy (FA) number of psychotropic medication used from 2003 was compared between groups on a voxel-by-voxel to 2005 was found in all three countries; Germany basis. Compared with healthy volunteers, patients showing the lowest mean number of psychotropics with OCD showed significant increase in FA in the per inpatient with 2,48 on 2003 and 2,47 on 2005, parietal white matter. Our findings provide evidence followed by Switzerland with 2,62 and 2,77 and of an abnormality that involves the white matter Austria with 3,08 to 3,2. Although in all three integrity of frontal-parietal networks in the pathogen- countries the number of antidepressants or antipsy- esis of OCD. chotics prescribed per inpatient remained stable or increased slightly over the years, the use of more than P 41. Does a diagnosis of depression or the one class of psychotropics per inpatient could be prescription of an antidepressant influence hyp- identified as the cause for multipsychopharmacy. All notic use in primary care? participating countries showed a high percentage of M. Lader1, J. Donoghue2 neuroleptics in depressed inpatients and of antide- 1Institute of Psychiatry, Kings College, London, pressants and anticonvulsants in schizophrenic in- United Kingdom, 2School of Pharmacy & Chemis- patients. In detail, in 2003 47,45% of the depressed try, John Moores University, Liverpool IFMAD Poster Abstracts 329

In 1997, the commonest treatment for insomnia was Conclusions: In patients newly prescribed an hypnotic a prescription for a benzodiazepine: constraints on medicine, a diagnosis of depression or the prescrip- resources meant that these drugs were likely to tion of an antidepressant increases the length of remain the mainstay of treatment even though the hypnotic treatment, suggesting that disturbed sleep potential for the development of dependence limited is an intractable feature of depressive illness, and that the value of these medicines to the short term [1]. commonly prescribed antidepressants may not offer Despite this, a contemporary review of psychotropic effective treatment for this aspect of the illness. More medicines stated that insomnia was not a sufficient research is needed to determine the best ways of reason to prescribe a benzodiazepine [2]. The BNF managing disturbed sleep in depression. stated that hypnotics should be prescribed for severe insomnia only, for a maximum of 24 weeks. In 2004, The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence recommended that an hypnotic drug References could be considered appropriate in severe insomnia [1] Hale AS. ABC of mental health: Anxiety. BMJ 1997; only, when it should be prescribed for only a short 314:1886. period of time [3]. However, no recommendations [2] Pathare SR, Paton C. ABC of mental health: Psychotropic or surveys of hypnotic use have taken into account drug treatment. BMJ 1997;315:661664. the need to manage disturbed sleep in depression, a [3] National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence. Guidance on the use of zaleplon, zolpidem and zopiclone key symptom experienced by between 50% and 90% for the short-term management of insomnia. Technology of patients. This study investigated the impact of a Appraisal 77. London: National Institute for Health and diagnosis of depression or the prescription of an Clinical Excellence, April 2004. antidepressant on hypnotic treatment in patients newly prescribed an hypnotic in primary care in P 42. Therapeutics effects of pregabalin in the UK. anxiety disorders Method: Data relating to new hypnotic prescriptions A. Lera for 10 years (1996-2005) were obtained from the Operative Unit Psychiatry, Giulianova, Italy DIN-Link database which currently contains over 750,000 patients closely matching the socio-demo- We tried to take into consideration a possible positive graphic profile of the UK as a whole. Patients (18 function of the pharmacological treatment with years) were included if they received a new prescrip- Pregabalin, on the Anxiety reduction. Twenty sub- tion for an hypnotic medicine (they could not have jects, aged between 25 and 40, with Anxiety Dis- received a prescription for any anxiolytic or hypnotic order, were submitted, before the call up to the study, medicine in the previous 12 months) and followed to a Psycodiagnostic estimate evaluation through the up for 1 year. Data were obtained on gender, age, administration of the Hamilton-A test, which showed drug prescribed, dose, length of treatment, whether a point between 15 and 27. Afterwards, ten subjects, there had been a diagnosis of depression, and was submitted to Pregabalin at 150 mg/day, for six whether they had been prescribed an antidepressant. months. A check group, instead, containing the same Results: Throughout the study, the length of treat- number of people, didn’t carry any pharmacological ment with hypnotics in primary care in the UK did therapy. At the end, both the study group and the not conform to good practice as recommended in check group, that is all the twenty patients, were national guidelines, though the total number of submitted to another estimate. We have obtained a patients newly prescribed an hypnotic fell from decrease of anxiety in 70% of cases. The points, 6098 in 1996 to 4278 in 2005, a fall of 30%. The obtained comparing the first Hamilton-A test with proportion of patients newly prescribed an hypnotic the check one, have shown a decrease of 10 points in who also received a diagnosis of depression increased 15%, 8 points in 35%, 7 point in 20%, with an from 11.1% to 17.4%. For each year of the study, a immutable condition in 30% of cases. diagnosis of depression was associated with an Therefore the result has been achieved only for the increase in the length of treatment with hypnotics: patients submitted to pharmacological treatment in 2005, the average length of continuous treatment with Pregabalin at 150 mg/day. They should improve with an hypnotic in depressed patients was 80 days - life quality, reducing the frequency and the intensity 30% higher than non-depressed patients. The co- of anxiety disorders. prescription of an antidepressant with an hypnotic We can say, that in the study group, submitted to had similar results: in 2005, the proportion of pharmacological treatment with Pregabalin, life depressed patients prescribed an antidepressant quality, valued through the Hamilton-A, is improved who received an hypnotic for more than 3 months significantly. This is a noteworthy result for Prega- was 31% over 10 times greater than those not balin, in the reduction of the anxiety disorders and prescribed an antidepressant. the alleviation of their seriousness. 330 IFMAD Poster Abstracts

P 43. Perfect NERIT (Neuromuscular major depressive disorder. Other factors, which Emotional Relaxing Treatment Integrated): may influence time to rehospitalization, were also a new therapeutic methodic in anxiety examined. disorders Methods: Rehospitalization status was monitored for A. Lera all admitted inpatients with schizophrenic disorder Operative Unit Psychiatry, Giulianova, Italy (n336), bipolar disorder (n117), and major depressive disorder (n90), from January 1, 2002 Our hypothesis in this study is that, through the to December 31, 2002. Time to rehospitalization treatment with PERFECT NERIT, the related well within one year after discharge was measured by the being reduces cortisol level and both related anxiety. Kaplan-Meier method. Risk factors associated with We examined forty female patients suffering from rehospitalization were examined by the Cox propor- Anxiety Disorder, aged between 30 and 50. The half tional hazards regression model. of subjects was submitted to treatment with Perfect Results: The three groups were comparable for Shape, a new motor method, taking into considera- comorbid alcohol abuse/dependence, age, and years tion a possible positive function on the anxiety. The of education. No significant difference was observed remaining half acted as check group. Everybody was among three diagnoses for the time to rehospitaliza- submitted, before the call up to the study, to a tion (log rank0.570, df2, p0.752). The major preliminary salivary cortisol level and Psycodiagnos- depressive disorder diagnosis had shorter follow-up tic evaluation through the administration of the time (log rank10.21, df2, p0.006). Number Hamilton-A test which showed a point between 15 of previous admission (B0.087, hazard and 27, our patients weren’t also submitted to any ratio1.091, 95% CI1.0621.121, p0.000) therapy. Afterwards, the study group, including was associated with higher risks of rehospitalization. twenty subjects, was submitted to Perfect Nerit Conclusion: This study demonstrated that the three which lasted four months, with following prolonga- diagnoses had similar influences on time to rehospi- tion activities for further two months. A check group, instead, containing the same number of talization. Further research should be carried out to people, didn’t carry out any therapy. At the end of test risk factors in a prospective study, and to assess eight months, both the study group and the check the cost-effectiveness of interventions to prevent group, that is all the patients, were submitted to rehospitalization. another salivary cortisol level and Psycodiagnostic evaluation. We have obtained a decrease of cortisol P 45. Genetic bases of comorbidity between level in 54% of cases and of anxiety in 78% of cases. mood disorders and migraine: possible role of The points, obtained comparing the first Hamilton- Serotonin Transporter Gene A test with the check one, have shown a decrease of 9 C. Lorenzi, F. Buongiorno, E. Marino, A. Pirovano, points in 18%, 8 points in 25%, 10 point in 35%, L. Franchini, E. Smeraldi with an immutable condition in 22% of cases. Ospedale San Raffaele, Universita’ Vita-Salute, Mi- On the basis of the results, we can assert that in the lan, Italy study group, submitted to Perfect Shape, anxiety, valued directly through Hamilton-A test and indir- Migraine is a common neurological disorder that ectly through salivary cortisol level, is reduced, even affect up to 15% of the general population and it is though in the least way. This is a noteworthy result, related to sex. When some neurological symptoms above all in relation to the immutable cognitive ba- prelude migraine episodes, it is called ‘‘migraine with lance of the check group. The Perfect Nerit, seem to aura’’. have a positive function in the reduction of the an- Many studies demonstrated a relationship be- xiety dimension and in the improvement of life quality. tween migraine and mood disorders. Among many possible biological causes of mood disorders, P 44. Comparison of time to rehospitalization impairments in serotonergic system is one of the among patients with schizophrenic disorder, most validate. On the other hand, for decades, bipolar disorder, or major depressive disorder serotonin has been speculated to play a major role C. Lin, Y-S. Chen, M-C. Chen, L-S. Chou, in migraine pathophysiology. A recent study showed K-S. Lin, C-Y. Lin a significant increase of brainstem serotonin trans- Kai Suan Psychiatric Hospital, Kaohsiung, Taiwan porter (SERT) gene availability in migraineurs, suggesting a dysregulation of serotonergic system. Background and aims: A subpopulation of chronically So, we hypothesised that migraine and depression mentally ill patients, sometimes referred to as revol- could be due to an impairment of a common ving door patients, are frequently readmitted to biological pathway. psychiatric units. The purpose of this study was to Methods: The sample consisted of 96 patients compare the time to rehospitalization of patients affected by mood disorders in concomitant migraine with schizophrenic disorder, bipolar disorder, or (29 with aura, 67 without it). IFMAD Poster Abstracts 331

The sample was genotyped for SERTPR, a func- the hippocampic zone (vacuolizations and pinocyto- tional polymorphism located in the SERT promoter sis) and important vascular changes (neoformation region. It consists of a 44-bp insertion/deletion vessels, blood extravasation) were observed in causing the presence of long/short (l/s) alleles. N3 lot. Results: In our sample, 58.3% of subject had almost a The cytoarchitectural and vascular changes to the relative affected by mood diseases (PB0.02) and N4 lot were significantly reduced, trazodone not 55.2% of subjects had familiarity for migraine having an anticholinergic effect. (PB0.00001). Moreover, we found the comorbidity Conclusions: The presence of the anticholinergic between mood disorders and the existence of mi- mechanism to some of the antidepressive substances, graine (P0.0001). seems to potentiate both the cerebral structure and Then, we distinguished the subjects in unipolar the vascular factor which can be responsible for and bipolar and we detected the onset of mood therapeutical resistance of depression and the accel- disorder and the migraine: in both samples, we eration of cognitive decline. found that, onset of migraine is earlier than onset of mood disorder (PB0.0001). P 48. Role of serotonergic gene polymorphisms Genetic analysis showed a significantly on response to Transcranial Magnetic (P 0.0001) late onset of mood disorder, in subjects B Stimulation in depression carrying SERTPR l/l genotype, independently from E. Marino, D. Rossini, A. Malaguti, C. Lorenzi, age of onset of migraine. A. Pirovano, L. Polledri, R. Zanardi, A. Lucca, Conclusion: Our study confirmed the hereditability of E. Smeraldi mood disorders and migraine, also when in comor- Ospedale San Raffaele, Universita’ Vita-Salute, Mi- bidity each other. Moreover, we validated the role of lan, Italy SERTPR in modulating onset of mood disorders, while, probably because of the paucity of our sample, Background: Transcranial magnetic stimulation we didn’t elucidate a clear role of this polymorphism (TMS) is a non-invasive method used to stimulate in migraine. and modify the activity in target cortical areas of human brain. TMS has been extensively studied as P 47. The evaluation of the vascular risk factors an efficacious treatment for Major Depression. for Alzheimer disease in prodromal depressive However, no data are available, up to now, about syndrome associates with MCI the role of genetic variables on the response to this D. Marinescu, L. Mogoanta, T. Udristoiu treatment. University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Craiova, Methods: The sample consists of 99 bipolar or Craiova, Romania unipolar patients. It was genotyped for two polymorphisms of Background: The most frequent prodromal disorder serotonergic system. The first is a polymorphism in Alzheimer disease is depression, which precedes of the serotonin transporter promoter region the MCI phaze with aproximately 5 years, and the (SERTPR). It consist of a 44-bp insertion/dele- cerebral vascular disturbances constitute an impor- tion causing long/short (l/s) alleles. The basal acti- tant risk factor for rapid cognitive destructure. The vity of the long variant is more twice than the biochemical mechanisms implicated in the rapid short. cognitive decline have as a main target the hippo- The second is a polymorphism of the serotonergic camp, and they are: receptor promoter region (5-HT1A -1019C/G). The cholinergic blockage; Patients were randomly assigned to two different Dopamine and noradrenalin deficit; groups: active or sham rTMS. Glucocorticoid aggression. Results: There is a significant influence (P0.016) of For depression, on animal model, is accredited the SERTPR polymorphism on response, but the both anticholinergic blockage and the model of influence is not different between active and sham induction with dexamethasone. The use of tri- stimulation. On the other hand, there is a trend cyclic antidepressants with an important anticholi- toward significance for the influence of 5-HT1A nergic effect may modify the evolution of the polymorphism on the response of the whole sample, cognitive decline to the patients with depression and a statistically significant (P0.014) interaction and MCI. between 5-HT1A genotype and type of stimulation. Materials and method: We used four comparative C/C patients show a higher difference between active lots on rats (N1 control, N2 dexamethasone, and sham stimulation, indicating that these patients N3 dexamethasoneamitriptiline, N4 dexa- get more benefit from TMS than C/G and G/G methasonetrazodone). The study animals were subjects. sacrificed on the 14th day. Conclusion: About SERTPR, patients with s/s geno- Results: Important changes of the cytoarchitec- type have a worse response to SSRI than patients ture at the frontal cortex, dentate gyrus and with the l allele. However, there is no difference 332 IFMAD Poster Abstracts between active and sham stimulation, indi- as opportunities of application SSRI are limited cating that it don’t affect the response to active because of higher, than at adults of risk of suicide TMS. actions. Concerning 5-HT1A, C/C patients are best re- sponders to SSRI and, treated with active TMS, they have significantly better results than sham treated P 50. Impact of culture on male and female patients. patients coping with pain It is possible that the serotonergic neurotrans- Mahnoor Masood, K. S. Malik, Mahrukh Masood mission of those patients with a lower 5-HT1A Shalamar Hospital, Lahore, Pakistan function (C/C patients), is more affected by down- regulation of such function observed after TMS Aim: To investigate effects of culture on types of treatment. coping strategies employed by male and female This study proves a significant relationship be- patients. tween 5-HT1A and TMS. Method: 65 patients with a history of moderate to severe pain for more than a year were selected. Patients were screened out if they had any physical P 49. Topiromate efficacy and tolerabity at disability or were getting psychiatric treatment. Be- adolescents with posttraumatic disorder sides demographic data, McGill Pain Questionnaire, (PTSD) which have comorbid panic disorder Coping Strategies Questionnaire and Berlin Social- (PD) or depression Support Scales were employed to record the study I. Martsenkovsky, Y. Bikshaeva, Martsenkovska variables. Age range of patients varied from 2558 Ukrainian Research Institute of Social and Forensic years. All the patients were educated, working and Psychiatry and Drug Abuse, Kyiv, Ukraine belonged to middle class. Results: 65 patients (36 females: 29 males) were Background: Preliminary findings suggest that topir- recruited from the Pain Clinic in 18 months. 78% omate is effective in PTSD. However, as over 40% of patients had impaired physical functioning. Percep- adolescent with PTSD have comorbid PD and/or tion of pain depended upon the age, sex, amount of depression. Our purpose was the proof of influence perceived social support and contact with the treat- topiromate on anxiety and panic semiology in ing doctor. Females frequently employed religious comparison with placebo and SSRI. coping (95%) and used self statements (80%); as Methods: Inclusion criteria: primary DSM-IV diag- opposed to males who relied on ignoring the sensa- nosis of panic disorder, with or without agoraphobia, tions (88%) and increasing behavioural activities 4 or more panic attacks in the 4 weeks prior to screen (65%). evaluation; minimum score 18 on the HARM-D Conclusion: The study reflected the cultural differ- and/or HARM-A. Therapy was received by 86 ences in type of coping strategy employed by teenagers in the age of from 14 up to 21 years. a given patient. Female patients were somatically- The basic group received topiromate, the group of focused but only 35% met the criteria for comparison received SSRI (sertraline, citalopram). Somatization Disorder. Male patients employed Studies utilized a flexible dosing regimen (100150 techniques that allowed their control on the mg/day). Key efficacy measures included the change environment and illness whereas females patients from baseline in the CAPS-2 total score and CGI relied on techniques that were passive in nature. responder analyses. Presence of baseline comorbid Learning to live with a chronic pain is quite disorder was determined using the HARM-D and challenging for women who are feeling-oriented HARM-A. and look up to men not only to fulfil their needs Results: The reduction in the CAPS-2 total score but to get social approval in the context of observed with topiromate was statistically signifi- Pakistani society. cantly greater then that seen with SSRI at week 10 endpoint (treatment difference10.40; 95%; CL-13,4,-7.38; PB0,001). A statistically signifi- P 51. A randomised, placebo-controlled study cantly greater proportion of topiromate-treated of once-daily extended release quetiapine patients (50%) than placebo treated patients fumarate (quetiapine XR) monotherapy in (10%) were defined as treatment responder s based patients with major depressive disorder (MDD) on the CGI (much or very mach improved) [ad- S. Montgomery1, A. Cutler2, A. Lazarus3, justed odds ratio2.30; 95%; CI 1.77,-2.97; M. Schollin4, M. Brecher3 PB0,001]. 1Imperial College School of Medicine, University of Conclusions: Topiromate is effective and well toler- London, London, United Kingdom, 2Department ated [in treatment of PTSD, comorbid PD and/or of Psychiatry, University of Florida, Florida, USA, 3 4 depressive. The proved efficiency and good bear- AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals Wilmington, USA, Astra- ableness topiromate are very important for practice Zeneca R&D, So¨derta¨lje, Sweden IFMAD Poster Abstracts 333

Background: To evaluate the efficacy and tolerability Background/aims: The bipolar spectrum and its medi- of once-daily quetiapine XR (extended release) cal comorbidities are poorly studied in communities. monotherapy in patients with MDD (unipolar de- In the present study, the sample of the Sao Paulo pression) compared with placebo. Epidemiologic Catchment Area Study (ECA-SP) Methods: 8-week (6-week active treatment, rando- yielded a weighted lifetime prevalence of 8.3% for mised phase; 2-week post-treatment drug-disconti- the bipolar spectrum (CIDI 1.1/ DSMIIIR). Epide- nuation/tapering phase), multicentre, double-blind, miological studies point to a lack of search for mental randomised, parallel-group, placebo- and active- health treatment in bipolar disorders, but a high use of controlled study (D1448C00002). Patients were medical services. The aims of this study are to randomised to quetiapine XR 150mg/day, 300mg/ compare the lifetime association of bipolar spectrum day, duloxetine 60mg/day (active-control) or pla- subgroups and non-affective controls (NAC), and of cebo. Primary endpoint: change from baseline to classes of subjects yielded through latent class analysis Week 6 in MADRS total score. Secondary variables (LCA), with cardiovascular disorders (CVD), dia- included: change from baseline starting at Day 8 in betes, cancer, asthma, and somatoform disorder, and MADRS total score, MADRS response (]50% to determine differences in the rate of search for reduction in score from baseline) and remission medical help between these groups in the month prior (MADRS total score58) at Week 6. Adverse events to the interview. (AEs) were recorded throughout the study. Methods: Data from the ECA-SP sample (N1,464; Results: 612 patients were randomised: 152 quetia- 18 years old) were analyzed and self-reported pine XR 150mg/day, 152 quetiapine XR 300mg/day, medical comorbidities in the month prior to inter- 151 duloxetine, 157 placebo. view, somatoform disorder, and search for medical Mean MADRS total score (overall baseline mean, services of NAC compared to four BP spectrum 30.15) was significantly reduced at Week 6 by subgroups (N122), originated either from the quetiapine XR 150mg/day, 300mg/day and dulox- DSMIII-R (BP I and BP II), or from the CIDI 1.1 etine versus placebo (14.81, 15.29, 14.64, manic syndrome. Also, a LCA was applied to CIDI 11.18, respectively; p50.001). At Day 8, mean manic and depressive symptoms. Logistic regression MADRS total score was significantly reduced by models were adjusted to examine associations and quetiapine XR 150mg/day (8.36, pB0.01) and odds-ratios calculated. 300mg/day (8.19, pB0.01) versus placebo Results: Search for help and somatic/medical suffer- (6.01), but not duloxetine (6.81, p0.3). ing was significantly and increasingly more preva- At Week 6, response rate was significantly higher lent in more severe BP groups, mainly asthma for quetiapine XR 150mg/day (54.4%, pB0.01), (66% in BP IBPII) and CVD (59% of BPI 300mg/day (55.1%, pB0.01) and duloxetine BPII), whereas somatoform disorder occurred al- (49.6%, pB0.05) versus placebo (36.2%). Remis- most exclusively in BP groups. LCA showed sion rate was significantly higher for quetiapine XR greater frequency of CVD and somatoform dis- 300mg/day (32.0%, pB0.05) and duloxetine orders in more severe bipolar and depressive (31.9%, pB0.05) versus placebo (20.4%), but not classes, whereas asthma was more prevalent in quetiapine XR 150mg/day (26.5%, p0.3). bipolars. During Weeks 16 the most common AEs (10%) Conclusion: Somatic/medical suffering is prevalent were: dry mouth (33.6, 38.2, 18.8, 8.9%), sedation mainly in BPI and BPII, but also in bipolar spectrum (38.8, 36.8, 16.1, 5.1%), somnolence (24.3, 27.0, subjects, as well as in bipolar and depressive classes, 12.8, 7.0%), dizziness (14.5, 19.1, 16.8, 10.8%), leading to high medical costs and suffering, what are headache (10.5, 9.2, 18.1, 10.2%), constipation (5.9, in opposition to the lack of adequate psychiatric 8.6, 11.4, 6.4%), nausea (10.5, 5.3, 36.2, 9.6%), diagnosis and treatment. diarrhoea (4.6, 2.6, 10.7, 6.4%) and insomnia (1.3, 1.3, 14.8, 7.0%) with quetiapine XR 150mg/day, 300mg/day, duloxetine and placebo, respectively. P 54. Efficacy of Pregabalin and Venlafaxine- Conclusion: Quetiapine XR monotherapy at 150 and XR in Generalized Anxiety Disorder: Results of 300mg/day was effective and well tolerated in MDD, a Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled 8-Week with onset of response as early as Day 8. Trial (A0081012) T. K. Murphy, G. Nivoli, A. Petralia, F. Mandel, P 52. Search for medical treatment and co- T. Leon morbidity of chronic medical disorders and Pfizer Global Pharmaceuticals, Pfizer Inc, New somatoform disorder with bipolar spectrum York, NY, USA subgroups in a population-based sample of Sao Objective: Efficacy has been demonstrated for several Paul classes of drugs in the treatment of generalized D. Moreno1, L.H.S. Andrade2 anxiety disorder (GAD) based on double-blind, 1Mood Disorders Unit, School of Medicine, 2Psy- placebo-controlled trials. However relatively few chiatric Epidemiology Unit, School of Medicine, head-to-head comparator trials in GAD have been University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil reported. The objective of the current study was to 334 IFMAD Poster Abstracts evaluate the comparative speed of onset of anxiolytic restructuring, and social involvement as strategies activity, and the overall anxiolytic efficacy of prega- for managing negative emotional reactions. balin (PGB) and venlafaxine-XR (VXR) in patients Method: 144 adult psychiatric inpatients were eval- with GAD. uated using a structured diagnostic interview and Methods: This was a double-blind trial in which adult several established questionnaires. All patients outpatients, ages 1865 years old, who met DSM-IV were diagnosed with a mood disorder according criteria for GAD, with a HAM-A total score ]20, to DSM-IV criteria (American Psychiatric Associa- were randomized to 8-weeks of flexible-dose treat- tion, 2000), and the diagnosis was supported by ment with PGB (300600 mg/d), VXR (75225 mg/ SCID structured diagnostic interview (First, Spitzer, d), or placebo (PBO). The primary outcome was last Gibbon, & Williams, 1995). All patients completed observation carried forward (LOCF) endpoint measures of depression severity (Beck Depression change in HAM-A total score. Inventory, Beck et al., 1961), hopeless attitudes Results: The intent-to-treat sample consisted of 121 (Beck Hopelessness Scale, Beck et al., 1974), suicide patients on PGB (64% female; mean (9SD) age, risk (Beck Scale for Suicidal Ideation, Beck & Steer, 39.5911.9 years; mean (9SE) baseline HAM-A, 1991), and expectations regarding mood regulation 27.690.4; baseline CGI-Severity, 4.7490.7), 125 (Negative Mood Regulation Scale, Catanzaro, patients on VXR (58% female; age, 42.6911.8 1994). years; baseline HAM-A, 27.490.4; CGI-S, Results: Depressed psychiatric inpatients reported 4.7890.7), and 128 patients on PBO (61% female; weak expectations regarding their ability to regulate age, 40.2912.1 years; baseline HAM-A, 26.890.4; their negative moods. Patient expectations regard- CGI-S, 4.6690.7). Treatment with PGB was asso- ing behavioral activation strategies were strongly ciated with a significantly greater LS mean change in correlated with more severe depressive symptoms the HAM-A total score at LOCF-endpoint vs. PBO (r.498, pB.001) and higher levels of hopeless- (14.590.9 vs. 11.790.9; P0.028). Treat- ness (r.509, pB.001). Patient reliance on affect ment with VXR was not significant vs. PBO at regulation strategies was related to higher levels of endpoint (12.090.9; 11.790.9; P0.968). hopelessness (r.517, pB.001), and more fre- Treatment with PGB showed an early onset of quent suicidal thoughts (r.366). Few differences improvement, with significantly greater LS mean were found between suicidal and non-suicidal de- change in the HAM-A by day 4 vs. both PBO pressed inpatients on any measure. However, among (5.39.5 vs. 3.490.5, P0.008) and VXR patients diagnosed with chronic depression, negative (2.990.5; P0.0012). The CGI-Severity score mood was strongly correlated with poor social was significantly more reduced at LOCF-endpoint functioning (r.877, pB.001) and inadequate on PGB vs. PBO (2.0290.2 vs. 1.5290.2, cognitive attitudes (r.603, pB.001). P0.019). Endpoint change in CGI-S was not Conclusions: Depression severity, chronicity, and significantly different than PBO on VXR suicide risk are closely related to patients’ expecta- (1.6790.2; P0.36). The proportion of patients tions regarding the ability to control negative moods reporting any severe adverse event was similar for through affect, behavior, cognitive, and social ac- PGB (9.1%) and PBO (7.8%), but somewhat higher tions. Therapy may help to develop a range of coping for VXR (20.0%). Premature discontinuation due to options that patients can use to reduce their depres- adverse events was higher on both PGB (12.4%) and sive tendencies. It may be useful to assess patient VXR (17.6%) compared to PBO (5.5%). expectations in order to guide therapy toward affect Conclusions: Pregabalin was a safe and effective regulation, behavioral activation, cognitive restruc- treatment of GAD, with a significantly earlier onset turing, or social involvement strategies. of anxiolytic activity than venlafaxine-XR. The fail- ure of venlafaxine-XR to demonstrate significant P 57. An assessment of Drug-Drug interaction: efficacy versus placebo appears to be attributable to the effect of desvenlafaxine succinate and a relatively high placebo response in the current Duloxetine on the pharmacokinetics of study. desipramine in healthy subjects Supported by Pfizer Inc. A. Patroneva1, S. Connolly2, P. Fatato1, A. Nichols1, J. Paul1, C. Guico-Pabia1 P 55. Regulating negative moods through 1Wyeth Research Collegeville, PA, USA, 2Centra affect, behavior, cognitive, and social strategies State Medical Center Freehold, NJ, USA J. Overholser, A. Marquart, N. Peak Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Background: A number of antidepressants, including USA duloxetine, inhibit the cytochrome P450 (CYP) 2D6 Aim: The present study was designed to evaluate enzyme system, which can lead to drug-drug patient expectations regarding their ability to man- interactions (DDIs). However, desvenlafaxine succi- age their negative emotional reactions, examining nate (DVS) is not expected to inhibit CYP2D6 affect regulation, behavioral activation, cognitive activity. IFMAD Poster Abstracts 335

Methods: This single-center, randomized, open-la- susceptibility to mood disorders, in particular to bel, 4-period, crossover study was designed to bipolar ones. evaluate the effects of multiple doses of DVS In fact, thanks to a plenty of linkage studies, (100mg/d) and duloxetine (30mg twice-daily) on several candidate chromosomal regions were identi- the pharmacokinetics (PK) of single-dose CYP2D6 fied. Nevertheless, none of past genetic studies truly probe desipramine (50mg). Participants with genetic focuses on the genetic basis of mania, which is the polymorphisms that impact CYP2D6 metabolism ‘‘core’’ clinical constituent of bipolar disorders. were excluded. On study day 1 single dose desipra- The present research project aimed to localize mine was administered, followed by multiple daily molecular areas of human genome, responsible for doses of DVS or duloxetine (days 614). On day 11 susceptibility to manic facets of bipolar disorders. another single dose of desipramine was adminis- Methods: Our whole sample consisted of 177 Italian tered. Blood samples for PK analyses were collected sib pairs of subjects affected by mood disorders and, for up to 120 hours after the final dose of test article when available, their healthy sibs. for determination of desipramine and 2-hydroxyde- DNA samples were initially genotyped with 32 sipramine plasma concentrations. After a 5-day simple tandem repeat markers, on chromosome 12 washout phase, the alternate agent (either DVS or and 13, showing an average heterozygosity of 0.79 duloxetine) was administered in the same manner as and an average marker density of 10 centimorgans the previous phase. Cmax and AUC were compared (cM). We performed a non-parametric linkage between therapies using ANOVA. analysis by the program QTL express. Samples of Results: Of the 47 individuals initially screened, 20 two or more siblings can be analyzed for linkage were enrolled. Two subjects who were predicted using a variance approach, because siblings that not to be CYP2D6 extensive metabolizers were inherit more QTL alleles identical-by-descent excluded from the sensitivity analysis. Desipramine (IBD) tend to be more similar in phenotype. Hence plasma concentrations (AUC and Cmax) were the difference between their phenotypes tends to be significantly greater after duloxetine administration smaller the more QTL alleles they share IBD. than after receiving DVS (PB0.001). Conversely, Results: This approach allowed us to identify a region the Cmax for 2-hydroxydesipramine levels were of significant linkage (Approximate LOD: 5.215) significantly lower after duloxetine administration between the marker D12S85 (63cM from p-ter of than after DVS (PB0.001); differences in AUC chromosome 12) and manic manifestations of bipo- did not reach statistical significance (P0.054). lar disorder. Eleven adverse events were reported following Conclusions: Our finding suggested that specific duloxetine administration and 9 were reported genetic factors for mania exist. We could assume after administration of DVS. Headache, the most that manic facets, acting in synergy depressive ones, frequently reported treatment-emergent adverse could end in bipolar disorders. event, was reported by 40% of subjects overall, Our findings, even if very preliminary, could be by 35% of subjects receiving duloxetine and by useful in clinical practice; in fact, in relation to 23.5% receiving DVS. genetic pattern of the single subjects, we could Conclusions: Duloxetine significantly affected plasma presume the time course of bipolar disease. concentrations of desipramine and its active meta- bolite 2-hydroxydesipramine, suggesting a risk P 59. Desvenlafaxine succinate versus Placebo for CYP2D6 mediated DDIs. Conversely, DVS did for prevention of depressive relapse in adult not have a significant effect on the PK of desipra- outpatients with major depressive disorder mine, which indicates a lower risk for CYP2D6 B. Pitrosky1, K. Rickels2, S. Montgomery3,K. DDIs. Tourian4, J.D. Guelfi5, S.K. Padmanabhan4, J.M. Germain1, C. Leurent1, C. Brisard1 P 58. Searching Susceptibility LOCI for mania: 1Wyeth Research Paris, France, 2University of a Sib pairs pilot study Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 3Imperial A. Pirovano, C. Lorenzi, D. Dotoli. F. Buongiorno, College School of Medicine London, United King- E. Marino, M. Catalano, E. Smeraldi dom, 4Wyeth Research Collegeville, PA, USA, Ospedale San Raffaele, Universita’ Vita-Salute, Mi- 5CCME, Centr. Sainte-Anne, Univ. Paris V, Paris, lan, Italy France

Background: Mood disorders are one of the most Objectives: The majority of patients with major important cause of disability for human health and the depressive disorder (MDD) experience a recurrence second leading source of disease burden, going after recovery from an index episode of depression. beyond cardiovascular diseases, dementia, lung can- Risk of future depressive episodes increases over cer, and diabetes. Numerous reviews demonstrated time, and symptoms tend to worsen. This study to the main role of genetic factors, in determining compare the efficacy and safety of desvenlafaxine 336 IFMAD Poster Abstracts succinate (DVS) with placebo in preventing relapse SAD subjects before and during treatment with the of depression in adults with MDD. dual serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibi- Method: This was a phase 3, multicenter, placebo- tor duloxetine. controlled trial. Outpatients with MDD who had Methods: 26 patients (22 females, 4 males), satisfying responded (17-item Hamilton Rating Scale for the DSM-IV-TR criteria for SAD, were included in Depression [HAM-D17] total score orto 11) an 8 week observational study with open-label to 12-week, open-label DVS therapy (200- or 400 duloxetine 60 to 120 mg per day. Ratings with mg/d) were randomly assigned to double-blind (DB) the Social Adaptation Self-Evaluation Scale (SASS) treatment with either DVS (same dose received at were performed at week 0, 1, 2, 4, 6 and 8. Sub- the end of the open-label phase: 200- or 400 mg/d) jects completed the Sheehan Disability Scale (SDS) or placebo for 6 months. Patients taking DVS 400 and reported the number of days lost due to illness mg/d could have their dose decreased to 200 mg/d and days with reduction in productivity at week 0 for tolerability. The primary end point was time to (rating of the month before treatment), week 4 relapse, defined as a HAM-D17 total score orto (rating of the first month of treatment) and week 8 16, Clinical Global Impressions-Improvement score (rating of the second month of treatment). Data orto 6, or discontinuation due to unsatisfactory were analyzed by means of univariate repeated- response. Time to relapse, measured from DB measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) with Bon- baseline to first occurrence of relapse, was evaluated ferroni corrected post-hoc tests; the p50.05 level of using survival analysis (Kaplan-Meier method of significance (two-tailed) was adopted for all statis- estimation) and compared between treatment tical comparisons. groups using log-rank tests. Safety assessments Results: Baseline score on the SASS (32.795.9) included discontinuation rates, treatment-emergent improved during duloxetine treatment with signifi- adverse events (TEAEs), vital signs, electrocardio- cance from week 2 on (p0.004) and was as high as grams, and laboratory tests. 46.597.9 at week 8 (pB0.001). SDS total score Results: The intent-to-treat population included 374 decreased significantly from 20.396.1 in the month patients (n189 DVS; n185 placebo) and the before treatment to 14.195.6 during the first month safety population included 375 patients (n190 (pB0.001) and 6.096.6 during the second month DVS; n185 placebo). Rates of relapse were 42% of treatment (pB0.001). SDS subscores for work, and 24% in the placebo and DVS groups, respec- social life and family life had a similar course over tively. Time to relapse was significantly longer with time. At week 0 6.696.5 days lost due to illness and DVS than placebo (log rank: PB0.0001). Rates of 15.8910.9 days with reduction in productivity were discontinuation due to TEAEs were 11% and 18% reported for the month before treatment. Days lost for DVS and placebo, respectively. The most com- due to illness declined to 4.096.0 at week 4 mon TEAEs reported by DVS and placebo patients (p0.090) and 0.591.3 at week 8 (pB0.001), were headache (27% and 23%), dizziness (15% and whereas days with reduction in productivity de- 26%), and nausea (15% and 19%). creased to 9.298.5 (p0.002) and 3.097.5 Conclusions: Treatment with DVS was significantly (pB0.001) at the same time points. more effective than placebo in preventing relapse of Conclusions: Our results indicate that SAD is accom- MDD. DVS was generally safe and well tolerated. panied by relevant impairment of social functioning, which is in line with prior reports [2]. Treatment P 60. Social functioning in seasonal affective with duloxetine leads to improvements in important disorder before and after treatment with social domains such as work, social life and family duloxetine life. Further clinical trials comparing duloxetine with E. Pjrek, M. Willeit, N. Praschak-Rieder, A. other antidepressants or bright light therapy would Konstantinidis, S. Kasper, D. Winkler be needed to assess potential pharmacoeconomic Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Med- advantages in the treatment of SAD. ical University of Vienna, Austria

Background: It has been estimated that the seasonal subtype of depression (seasonal affective disorder, References SAD) represents about 10% of all subjects with [1] Levitt AJ, Boyle MH, Joffe RT, Baumal Z. Estimated major depression [1]. These figures suggest that prevalence of the seasonal subtype of major depression in a SAD is a significant concern for public health, Canadian community sample. Can J Psychiatry 2000; 45: because major depression represents a condition, 650654. which affects the patients’ ability to function socially [2] Pendse BP, Ojehagen A, Engstrom G, Traskman-Bendz L. Social characteristics of seasonal affective disorder patients: and occupationally and is associated with a sub- comparison with suicide attempters with non-seasonal major stantial economic burden. The aim of the present depression and other mood disorder patients. Eur Psychiatry study was to examine social functioning in depressed 2003; 18: 3639. IFMAD Poster Abstracts 337

P 61. Mood symptoms and disorders in tients with Parkinson’s disease. Respective impact of association with dietary intake pre operation mood state and deep brain stimulation R. Rintama¨ki, T. Partonen, J. Haukka, J. Virtamo, D. frequencies on post operative mood state hasn’t been Albanes, J. Lo¨nnqvist described at our knowledge. National Public Health Institute, Helsinki, Finland Method: We elaborate a one year prospective study to evaluate mood disorders of twenty Parkinson Objective: This study examines the association of the patients treated by bilateral STN stimulation. Pa- intake of omega-3 fatty acids, intake of amino acids tients were administrated pre and post opera- and intake of vitamins with mood disorders. Also we tive MADRS and Beck scales of depression assess- studied food consumption and nutrient intake in ment. Reliability analysis of the both depression subjects with mood symptoms. scales revealed a significant Cronbach alpha’s im- Methods: A total of 29, 133 men aged 50 to 69 years provement with suppression of several somatic participated in a population-based trial in Finland. items. We analyzed respective impact of stimulation At baseline men completed a diet history question- frequency used, D-0 mood state, and both the naire from which food and alcohol consumption and interaction on mood disorders evolution between nutrient intake were calculated. The questionnaire D-0 and D-360. on background and medical history included three Results: Beck scale revealed a sensible amelioration symptoms on mental wellbeing, anxiety, depression between D-0 and D-360 of five subjects mood and insomnia experienced in the past four months. disorders. MADRS appeared less sensible instru- Data on hospital treatments due to a major depres- ment assessing only two transitions from a depressive sive disorder and mania were derived from the state to an adapted mood balance. Mean variations National Hospital Discharge Register, and suicides of mood tone showed congruent results improving were identified from death certificates. depression means for the both scales. This mean Results: We did not find associations between the amelioration wasn’t significant. We created a delta intake of omega-3 fatty acids, fish consumption and score representing the depression evolution and intake of amino acids and depressed mood, major elaborated with Beck scale (witch is the most depressive episodes, or suicide. Subjects reporting sensible instrument we used). Linear regressions anxiety or depressed mood had higher intakes using delta score like dependant variable revealed of omega-3 fatty acids and omega-6 fatty acids as none impact of both the initial depression evaluation well as energy. There was no significant association and the brain stimulation frequency. On the other between the dietary intake of vitamins or homo- hand interaction of both the D-0 mood state with the cysteine and subsequent admission due to mood stimulation frequency used indicated a significant disorders. effect on the depression state evolution. Conclusions: Dietary intake of omega-3 fatty acids Conclusion: Our research illustrates the importance and amino acids showed no association with of specific Parkinson’s mood measurement instru- low mood. Our findings conflict with the previous ments. Results about combined effect of deep reports of beneficial effects of omega-3 fatty acids brain stimulation frequency and initial mood state on mood. Further studies are needed to clarify on depression evolution must be taken into complex associations between the diet and mental consideration and tested with a more important wellbeing. sample in the future researches.

P 62. Subthalamic nucleus deep brain P 63. Adverse effect from the combined stimulation impact on mood disorders in treatment of a manic patient with patients with Parkinson’s disease pharmacotherapy and rTMS I. Chereau-Boudet1, J. Rougier1, I. De Chazeron1,P. P. Sakkas, C. Theleritis, C. Psarros, T. Paparrigo- Derost2, M. Ulla2, J. Lemaire3, F. Durif2, P. Llorca1 poulos, G. Papadimitriou 1Psychiatry Department CHU Clermont-Ferrand, Athens University Medical School, 1st Dept. of 2Neurology Department CHU Clermont-Ferrand, Psychiatry, Eginition Hospital, Athens, Greece 3Neurosurgery Department CHU Clermont-Fer- rand, Clermont- Ferrand, France Background: This is a report of a jacksonian seizure in a manic patient who was treated at the same time Background: In every day practice, especially motor with right prefrontal high frequency rTMS and dimensions are assessed in order to evaluate Parkin- pharmacotherapy. son patient’s improvement. However, mood is a key Case report: We report the case of a 30-year old female concept in Parkinson’s recovery understanding. Caucasian patient suffering from type I bipolar dis- Several cases of transient acute depression or manic order (non-psychotic euphoric mania) who was under symptoms are reported in the literature after bilateral treatment with quetiapine 600 mg/day, diazepam subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation in pa- 20 mg/day and gabapentin 1500 mg/day. 338 IFMAD Poster Abstracts

Since the patient did not show any significant administered psychometric tool to effectively detect improvement with pharmacotherapy [Young Mania patients suffering with the Social Anxiety Disorder Rating Scale (YMRS) score: 28], high frequency (SAD), Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), rTMS as add-on therapy was performed. Panic Disorder (PD), Bipolar Disorder (BD) and During the second week of combined treatment Major Depressive Disorder (MDD). Subjects were the patient’s condition considerably improved assessed using screening questions from a variety of [YMRS score: 9]. Unfortunately, without informing scales in order to which questions most closely us beforehand, she abruptly discontinued diazepam associated with diagnoses made on the clinician because she was feeling sleepy. During the ninth administered Mini-International Neuropsychiatric session of rTMS she developed a Jacksonian clonic Interview (MINI), 840 primary care patients in seizure in her left arm and hand which lasted 60 sec. across the country agreed to participate in the There was no abnormal activity on the EEG both study, of whom 434 met criteria for SAD, GAD, before r-TMS sessions as well as several hours after PD, BD and MDD on the MINI and were the seizure. The patient had no history of epileptic administered the screening questions. Results re- seizures and her brain MRI was normal. She started flected the questions that best correlated with each taking diazepam once again and insisted on continu- of the diagnostic groups as a preliminary step in ing with the r-TMS treatment. Daily sessions were the development of the PCMAD screening tool. resumed two days later and completed within ten Potential value of this tool will be discussed in the days-time. poster. Conclusion: It is proposed that abrupt discontinuation of diazepam may have contributed to the occurrence P 65. Escitalopram and duloxetine in the of this seizure. Patients under treatment with rTMS treatment of major depression should never initiate or discontinue any concomitant A.G. Wade1, H.F. Andersen2, R.W. Lam3 medication, that could affect convulsive threshold, 1CPS Clinical Research Centre, Glasgow, United without notifying first their physicians. Kingdom, 2H. Lundbeck A/S, Copenhagen, Den- We declare that we have no conflict of interest. mark, 3University of British Columbia Vancouver, BC, Canada P 64. The PCMAD (Primary Care Mood & Purpose: The aim of these analyses was to compare Anxiety Diagnoser): the development of a the tolerability and efficacy of escitalopram and diagnostic tool to Detect SAD, GAD, panic duloxetine in the treatment of patients with major disorder, bipolar disorder and depression depressive disorder over 8 weeks. M. Vermani1, J. Westermeyer1, M. Stone1, Methods: Data from two randomised, multi-centre, M. Marcus2, M.A. Katzman3 double blind studies in specialist [1] or psychiatric 1Adler School of Professional Psychology, Chicago, and general practice settings [2] were used. The USA, 2York University, Toronto, Canada, 3Univer- primary efficacy measure in both studies was the sity of Toronto & Northern Ontario School of MADRS total score. Medicine, Toronto, Canada Results: Patients were randomised to either escitalo- pram (1020mg/day) (n280) or duloxetine (60mg/ Despite increasing awareness of the abundance of day) (n284). Escitalopram was statistically signifi- people affected by mood and anxiety disorders, cantly superior to duloxetine with respect to mean many people go years without receiving an accurate change from baseline in MADRS total score at diagnosis or appropriate treatment, resulting in Weeks 1, 2, 4, and 8 (LOCF). The mean treatment significant risks of morbidity, mortality and huge difference at Week 8 was 2.6 points (pB0.01). For socio-economic costs (cost of physicians, hospitali- severely depressed patients (baseline MADRS total zations, and welfare administration). Because access score at least 30), a mean treatment difference at to treatment is often initiated by the family physi- Week 8 of 3.7 points (pB0.01) was seen. Response cian, diagnostic tools to overcome limited time and to treatment at Week 8 was statistically significantly specialty skills may result in improved diagnosis and greater for patients treated with escitalopram, as was earlier treatment. remission when defined as MADRS 510 or 12, but Current structured clinical interviews while theo- not HAMD 57. The percentage of patients that retically helpful, are often not utilized as they require withdrew from the escitalopram group (12.9%, training and can be quite lengthy and time consum- n36) was significantly (pB0.001) less than in the ing to conduct. The challenge is therefore to develop duloxetine group (24.3%, n69). Significantly a brief, simple diagnostic tool that is easily self- fewer (pB0.001) patients withdrew from the escita- administered and is designed for general practi- lopram group due to adverse events (4.6%, n13) tioners to facilitate the process of screening out than from the duloxetine group (12.7%, n36). anxiety and depression. Conclusions: Escitalopram showed advantages in The PCMAD (Primary Care Mood & Anxiety efficacy and tolerability compared to duloxetine in Diagnoser) study was undertaken to create a self the acute treatment of patients with major depres- IFMAD Poster Abstracts 339 sion. There were additional benefits for escitalo- Disclosure: Dr Wade has received consultancy honor- pram-treated patients with severe depression. aria from H. Lundbeck A/S. K Gembert and I Florea Disclosure: Drs Lam and Wade have received con- are employees of H. Lundbeck A/S. sultancy honoraria from H. Lundbeck A/S and Forest Laboratories. HF Andersen is an employee P 67. The efficacy and tolerability of duloxetine of H. Lundbeck A/S. in fall-winter depression D. Winkler, E. Pjrek, N. Praschak-Rieder, M. Willeit, A. Konstantinidis, S. Kasper References Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Med- ical University of Vienna, Austria [1] Khan A, Bose A, Alexopoulos GS, Gommoll C, Li D, Gandhi C. Clin Drug Investig 2007;27:481492. [2] Wade A, Gembert K, Florea I. Curr Med Res Opin Background: Bright light therapy (BLT) has been 2007;23:16051614. considered to be the first choice of treatment for patients with seasonal affective disorder (SAD) [1]. P 66. A comparative study of the efficacy of However, antidepressant drug treatment is an alter- acute and continuation treatment with native for patients, who do not respond to BLT or escitalopram versus duloxetine in patients experience side effects [2]. The present study is the with major depressive disorder first to investigate the clinical usefulness of a dual A. Wade1, K. Gembert2, I. Florea2 action antidepressant in SAD. 1CPS Clinical Research Centre, Glasgow, United Methods: 26 outpatients (22 women, 4 men) with the Kingdom, 2H. Lundbeck A/S, Copenhagen, Den- fall-winter type of SAD according to the DSM-IV- mark TR criteria were included in an 8 week observational study. Subjects received open-label treatment with Purpose: This study evaluated the efficacy and the dual serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake in- tolerability of escitalopram and duloxetine in the hibitor duloxetine in a flexible dosage of 60 to 120 treatment of major depressive disorder (MDD). mg. The primary outcome variable was the Struc- Methods: Patients were randomised to 24 weeks of tured Interview Guide for the Hamilton Depression double-blind treatment with fixed doses of escitalo- Rating Scale (SAD version; SIGH-SAD); secondary pram (20mg) (n144) or duloxetine (60mg) outcome parameters included the Clinical Global (n151). The primary analysis of efficacy was an Impression of Severity (CGI-S), the Clinical Global analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) of change from Impression of Improvement (CGI-I), the CGI Effi- baseline to endpoint (Week 24) in MADRS total cacy Index and the UKU Side Effect Rating Scale. score (last observation carried forward). Ratings were carried out at week 0, 1, 2, 4, 6 and 8. Results: At week 8, the mean change from baseline in Results: SIGH-SAD score at baseline was total MADRS score was 19.5 for patients treated 33.597.4. Analysis by ANOVA displayed a sig- with escitalopram (n143) and 17.4 for patients nificant decline of SIGH-SAD from week 1 on with duloxetine (n151), a difference of 2.1 points (p0.007). At week 8 SIGH-SAD score had (p 0.05). At week 8, the proportion of responders B further improved to 9.0912.3 (pB0.001). CGI-S (at least 50% decrease in MADRS) was 69% score showed a statistically significant decrease (escitalopram) and 58% (duloxetine) (pB0.05) and from baseline from week 2 onwards (pB0.001). remission (MADRS 512) rates were 56% (escitalo- CGI-I and CGI Efficacy Index exhibited a similar pram) and 48% (duloxetine) (NS). For the primary course over time during the study with significance endpoint, the mean change from baseline in total from week 2 on (p0.001 for both variables). MADRS score at Week 24 was 23.4 for patients Duloxetine treatment yielded a response rate of treated with escitalopram and 21.7 for patients with duloxetine, a difference of 1.7 points (p0.055, 80.8% (SIGH-SADB50% of baseline value) and a one-sided). The difference in mean change from remission rate (SIGH-SADB8) of 76.9%. 45 baseline in MADRS total score favoured escitalo- adverse events (42.2% mild, 42.2% moderate, pram at Weeks 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, and 16 (pB0.05). The 15.6% severe) were documented with the UKU overall withdrawal rates were 22% (escitalopram) scale during this trial. Most side effects emerged at and 26% (duloxetine) (NS). The withdrawal rate the beginning of treatment and rapidly subsided due to adverse events was lower for escitalopram during the following weeks. The drop-out rate due (9%) compared to duloxetine (17%) (pB0.05) and to side-effects was 15.4%. significantly more patients treated with duloxetine Conclusions: These preliminary results indicate that reported insomnia (12.6% versus 4.9%) and con- duloxetine is effective and generally well-tolerated in stipation (8.6% versus 2.8%). the treatment of depressed SAD subjects. Further Conclusion: Escitalopram was superior to duloxetine double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trials in acute treatment and at least as efficacious and and controlled studies with active comparators are better tolerated in long-term treatment of MDD. warranted to replicate our results. 340 IFMAD Poster Abstracts

References therapy on subjective estimates of sleep in patients with acute bipolar disorder. [1] Winkler D, Pjrek E, Iwaki R, Kasper S. The treatment of seasonal affective disorder. Expert Rev Neurother 2006; 6: Method: In a Korean multi-center, open-label, 6- 10391048. week study, patients with bipolar I disorder were [2] Pjrek E, Winkler D, Stastny J, Konstantinidis A, Heiden A, included to treatment with olanzapine. Young Kasper S. Bright light therapy in seasonal affective disorder Mania Rating Scale (YMRS), Simpson-Angus Rat- does it suffice? Eur Neuropsychopharmacol 2004; 14: ing Scale (SARS) and Barnes Akathisia Rating Scale 347351. (BARS) were used to assess the efficacy and side effects. Modified version of Leeds Sleep Evaluation P 68. Changes on subjective estimates of sleep Questionnaire (LSEQ) was used to assess the sub- after 6 weeks treatment with olanzapine in jective measures of nighttime sleep and hangover, acute mania covering four areas of sleep: i) getting to sleep B. Yoon1, W-M. Bahk2, D-I. Jon3, S-Y. Lee4, J-G. (GTS), ii) quality of sleep (QOS), iii) awakening Lee5, S-H. Won6, J-S. Seo7, K-J. Min8 from sleep (AFS), and iv) behavior following wake- 1Department of Psychiatry, Naju National Hospi- fulness (BFW) or hangover during the next day. All talm Naju, 2Department of Psychiatry, College of assessments were done at baseline and days 7, 14, 21 Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul, and 42 after treatment with olanzapine. 3Department of Psychiatry, College of Medicine, Results: Forty-seven of total 76 patients were com- Hallym University Anyang, 4Department of Psy- pleted the study. Changes of YMRS showed sig- chiatry, College of Medicine, Won-Kwang Univer- nificant improvements through the study period. sity, Iksan,5 Department of Psychiatry, Dongsuh There were no significant differences from baseline Hospital, Masan, 6Department of Psychiatry, Col- in SARS and BARS. While mean changes of GTS, lege of Medicine, Daegu Catholic University, QOS and AFS from baseline were significantly Daegu, 7Department of Psychiatry, College of Med- improved at days 7, 14, 21 and 42, those of BFW icine, Konkuk University, Choongju,8 Department were not significantly differed between baseline and of Psychiatry, College of Medicine, Chung-Ang post-treatment assessments. University, Seoul, South Korea Conclusion: Data showed that olanzapine monother- Objective: Some atypical antipsychotics can easily apy had favorable effect on acute manic symptoms cause sedation and somnolence in the treatment of and well tolerable. The components affecting night- mania. Such effects sometimes may cause the sub- time sleep improved after olanzapine treatment, but jective discomfort of the patients. But there were few those related with hangover during the next day did studies on the relationship between the sedation and not influenced. This result suggests that olanzapine subjective aspects of sleep or daytime sleepiness in may improve the self-perceived quality of sleep bipolar disorder. The aim of this study was to without any impairment following sleep in acute investigate the effect of 6-week olanzapine mono- manic patients. International Journal of Psychiatry in Clinical Practice, 2007; 11(4): 341Á344 Index to International Journal of Pscyhiatry in Clinical Practice Vol 11, 2007 AUTHOR INDEX

Afkhamebrahimi, A P311 Celikel, FC 140 Eerdekens, M S310 Aguilera, H 129 Cˇ erma´kova´, E 246, 250 Eggens, I P314 Ahokas, A P314 Chae, J P313 Eisen, SV 36 Ajel, K 79, 253 Chamberlain, J 279 Eks¸i, A 190 Aksaray, G 21 Chamberlain, SR S305, S306 Ekman, A P320 Albanes, D P337 Chatton, A P325 Endogru, H 16 Alma´si, J 242 Chen, M-C P330 Engel, R P328 Altamura, AC P312 Chen, Y-S P330 Eriksson, E S299, P320 Altamura, C S307 Chereau-Boudet, I P337 Ertem-Vehid, H 190 Alyanak, B 190 Cheung, RTKF 200 Andersen, HF P338 Cho, HS P322 Falini, A P316, P317 Andrade, LHS P333 Cho, M P323 Farde, L P322 Angst, F S296 Choi, J P324 Fatato, P P334 Angst, J 2, S296 Choi, JS P328 Faulconbridge, GM 207 Annemans, L 44 Chou, L-S P330 Fekete, S 242 Arango, C 61 Christensen, TØ 89 Ferna´nerz, T P315 Axelrod, BN 263 Christoph, G P321 Fineberg, NA S305, S306 Ayranci, U 21 Chu, J 163 Florea, I P339 Aziron, JM P312 Cilli, AS 16 Ford, L S310 Cos¸ar, B 1, 285 Franchini, L P330 Bahk, W P313 Cochand, S P325 Franc¸ois, C 44 Baldwin, D 1, 85, 169, P314 Cohen, D P311 Fulgosi, MC P316 Baldwin, DS S301, S309 Colombo, C P316, P317 Ballesteros, J 146 Connolly, S P334 Galarraga, W P324 Bandelow, B S307, P314 Craig, K S305 Gamma, A 2, S296 Bandinelli, PL 61 Crawford, JR 36 Garay, RP P312 Barbini, B P316 Cuico-Pabia, C P334 Garcia-Andrade, RF P318 Batlle, E P315 Cunningham, L 36 Gassmann-Mayer, C S310 Bauer, M P315 Cutler, A P332 Gastpar, M 61 Baumann, P 123, S311 Gembert, K P339 Bech, P 146 Dallaspezia, S P316, P317 Gendron, A P324 Benedetti, F S303, P316, P317 Dal-Re, R 146 Gerber-Werder, 2, S296 Bera´nek, M 250 Daly, EJ 268 Germain, JM S308, P335 Berk, L 279 Daneshamouz, B P311 Giailoglou, D P320, P321 Berk, M 279 Danevski, G P318 Gibert, J 222 Bernasconi, A P316, P317 Davies, WC 207 Gilaberte, I P319 Bikshaeva, Y P332 De Chazeron, I P337 Gilbert, M 279 Bitter, I S299 Delgado-Cohen, H P319 Gillespie, CF 29 Bobes, J 146, 222, P314 Dell’Osso, B P312 Giner, J 222 Bouli, M P312 Demirci, S 212 Girone`s, V P315 Braun, KL 190 Derost, P P337 Goldstein, J P321, P322 Brecher, M P314, P315, P321, P332 Deslandes, PN 207 Grabowski, J 263 Briley, M S308, P314 Despiegel, N 44 Grannemann, BD 268 Brisard, C P335 Dimitrijevska, P P318 Grimm, S P322 Brnabic, AJM 129 Donoghue, J P328 Grohmann, R P328 Bulbena, A 146 Dotoli. D P335 Gu, BM P328 Buongiorno, F P330, P335 Dudova, I 273 Guelfi, JD P335 Duen˜as, HJ 129 Gulyas, B P322 Caci, H P312 Durif, F P337 Gundogar, D 212 Cai, Z-J 29 Dursun, R 16 Calabrese, JR P312 Dursun, S S304 Halldin, C P322 Cameron, IM 36 Dwight, T 129 Hameg, A P312 Carlton, P 9 Hamilton, RJ 36 Caron, J S309 Eagles, JM 36 Han, S P322 Castle, D 279 Eap, CB 123 Hansen, LK 239 Catalano, M P335 Earley, W P315 Haukka, J P337 Cavallaro, R P317 Ebrahimi, AA 218 Hellewell, JSE 112

ISSN 1365-1501 print/ISSN 1471-1788 online # 2007 Taylor & Francis DOI: 342 Index

Herranz, S 222 Lee, ACK 200 Montgomery, S P332, P335, S299, Holmgren, D 129 Lee, C P322 S302, S304, S309, S310 Hong, J P323 Lee, E P322 Moreno, D P333 Hong, N P323 Lee, HJ P326 Moreno, R P314 Hora´cˇek, J 250 Lee, J P324 Moser, U P328 Horvath, A P328 Lee, J-G P340 Mundo, C S307 Hosa´k, L 246, 250 Lee, J-Y P323 Mundo, E P312 Hranov, LG 171 Lee, S-Y P340 Murphy, TK S310, P333 Hrdlicka, M 273 Lemaire, J P337 Myrzamatova, N P324 Leon, T P333 Ibarra, N 146 Lera, A P329, P330 Naji, SA 36 Iorio, C P324 Lessard, S P324 Narasimhan, M 102 Isaac, M S304 Leurent, C P335 Nichols, A P334 Iwahashi, K 291 Lietti, L P316 Nissbrandt, H P320 Lin, C P330 Nivoli, G P333 Jacobs, L P324 Lin, C-Y P330 Norman, RMG 151 Jang, J P324 Lin, K-S P330 Nyberg, S P322 Jeon, YW P322 Lin, P S310 Jiang, F 29 Linden, M 53 O’Gara, C 157 Jon, D P322, P323 Lindgren, P P315 Ohta, M 291 Jon, D-I P340 Liu, S P314 Oral, T 61 Jun, T P313 Llorca, P P337 Osva´th, P 242 Jung, H P323 Lo¨nnqvist, J P337 Ovejero, C 222 Jung, M P324 Lorenzi, C P316, P317, P330, Overholser, J P334 Jung, MH P328 P331, P335 Jung, WH P328 Lucca, A P331 Padmanabhan, SK P335 Luque, A 146 Pae, CU 102 Kadyrova, T P324 Luty, J 157 Pail, G P328 Kang, D P324 Pallanti, S 233 Kang, DH P328 Mahnoor Masood P332 Papadimitriou, G P337 Kaptanoglu, C 21 Mahrukh Masood P332 Papakostas, GI S301 Karakilic¸, H 1, 285 Malaguti, A P331 Paparrigopoulos, T P337 Karsliog˘lu, E 1 Malik, KS P332 Parashos, I P320, P321 Karsliog˘lu, HE 285 Malla, AK 151 Park, EJ P322 Kasper, S 1, 85, 169 Maly´, R. 246 Park, JY P328 Kasper, S 61, S300, P328, P336, P339 Manchanda, R 151 Partonen, T P337 Katzman, M P324, P338 Mandel, F P333 Patroneva, A P334 Kaya, N 16 Manji, HK 2 Peak N P334 Keks, N 61 Manocha, R 151 Perez, V P318 Khazaal, Y P325 Mao, P-X 29 Petralia, A P333 Kim, C P327 Marazziti, D 87 Peuskens, J 61 Kim, C-H P326 Marcus, M P338 Peykerli, G 190 Kim, E P322 Marcusm M P324 Pirovano, A P317, P330, P331, P335 Kim, S P322, P323, P324, P326 Marinescu, D P331 Pitrosky, B P335 Kim, S-J P327 Marino, E P316, P330, P331, P335 Pjrek, E P336, P339 Kim, TS, P322 Marquart, A P334 Polavieja, P P319 Kim, W P325 Martinez, J P315 Poletti, S P317 Kim, Y P326 Martsenkovska P332 Polledri, L P331 Kiss, E P327 Martsenkovsky, I P332 Pontiggia, A P316 Knobel, D P325 Masand, N 102 Poul, J P334 Kong, B P324 Masand, P 102 Powell, AJ 239 Konstantinidis, A P328, P336, P339 Masopust, J 246 Praschak-Rieder, N P336, P339 Kramer, M S310 Mattson, UB P320 Pretorius, HW P315 Kwon, J P324, P328 McBride, ME 129 Psarros, C P337 McCarthy, D P322 Pyle, R 9 Lader, M S302, P328 McIntyre, R P321 Lagari, V P321 Mencho´n, JM P319 Radaelli, D P316, P317 Lam, RW P338 Menzies, L S306 Raskin, P 268 Lampousis, E P320 Meron, D 80 Rettig, K 53 Lanc¸on, C 44 Miller, KA 73 Rickels, K P335 Lauder, S 279 Min, K-J P340 Rico-Villademoros, F 222 Lawton, K 36 Miranda-Scippa, AMA 129 Rihmer, Z S296 Lazarus, A P332 Mitchell, S 61 Rinco´n, HG 129 Le Bloc’h, Y. 123 Moeller, H-J S299 Rintama¨ki, R P337 Lecrubier, Y S303 Mogoanta, L P331 Rivas, I P315 Index 343

Romera, C P315 Stein, DJ S305 Vieta, E 61 Romera, I P319 Stigler, M 123 Virtamo, J P337 Rossini, D P331 Stone, M P338 Vo¨ro¨s, V 242 Rougier, J P337 Struzik, L P324 Wade, A P339 Saatcioglu, O 140 Tacchini, G P312 Wade, AG P338 Sakkas, P P337 Tafalla, M 222 Wade, J S300 Salehi, M. 218 Tafti, AK 218 Waga, C 291 Sandner C 233 Takano, A P322 Wang, Z-M 29 Sansone, RA 73, 163 Taner, E 1, 285 Westermeyer, J P338 Sarkhel, A 157 Tang, SW 200 Whalen, E S310 Saydam, R 190 Tang, Y-L 29 Wiederman, MW 163 Scheel, T 53 Tauscher-Wisniewski, S S297 Willeit, M P336 Schollin, M P332 Theleritis, C P337 Willeit, M P339 Scotti, G P315, P317 Thomas, A 207 Winkler, D P336 Seber, G 21 Timdahl, K 61 Winkler, D P339 Semper, LA 129 Topal, S 21 W-M. Bahk, W-M P340 Seo, H P313 Toparlak, D 190 Won, S-H P339 Seo, J-S P340 Tourian, K P335 Woo, JM P325 Seok, J P323 Trewhella, L 263 Woo, Y-S P313 Seok, JH P322 Trivedi, MH 268 Serati, M P312 Tzanakaki, M P321 Yang, JC P326 Sheehan, DV S297, S308 Yenilmez, C 21 Sheehan, KH S299 Udristoiu, T P331 Yfantis, A P320, P321 Shekarian, M P311 Uguz, F 16 Yoon, B P340 Shooter, M 294 Ulla, M P337 Yoon, HK P326 Sinclair, JMA S297 Uluhan, F 212 Yruretagoyena, B P319 Skulte´ti, D P327 Umoh, O 157 Ysander, C P320 Smeraldi, E P316, P317, P330, Unterhofer, V P316 Yu, GKK 200 P331, P335 Urban, A 246 So, Y P323 Zanardi, R P331 Sonclair, S P320 Vargas, A 129 Zarate, Jr. CA 2 Songer, DA 73 Vega, JDR P318 Zohar, J S305 Soni, J 76 Vermani, M P324 Zouganelli, A P320 So¨rvik, K P320 Vermani, M P338 Zullino, D P325 Srivastava, A 76 Verpillat, P 44 Zullino, DF 123 Stamouli, S P320, P321 Vetro´, A P327


AAT 291 Bipolar disorder 2, 279 Depression after stroke 200 abstinence 250 bipolar disorder 61 dermatology 218 acute disease 61 Bipolar Disorder P312 diabetes 29, 268 acute treatment 146 Bipolar disorders 279, P312 diagnosis 171 adenosine P326 Diagnosis 73, 263 Adherence 102 child 190 domestic violence 163 adolescence 273 childhood 273 DSM-IV 263 adolescent 9 China 29 Alexithymia 140 citalopram 44 earthquake 190 antidepressants 129, 171, 233 clinical efficacy 44 Eating disorder 9 antipsychotic 29, 102 clozapine 29 effectiveness P312 Antipsychotic drugs 246 cluster B personality disorder 123 elderly 200 antipsychotics 76, 151, 222 coagulation 246 escitalopram 44 anxiety 16, 21, 140, 171 comorbidity 171 etiology 171 Anxiety 76 COMT Val158Met extrapyramidal symptoms 112 anxiety sensitivity 140 polymorphism 250 Assessment 263 concomitant medications 151 First episode psychosis 151 Attention deficit hyperactivity cost-effectiveness 44 fluvoxamine 233 disorder 157 function atypical antipsychotics 273 dementia 2 functionality 279 depression 16, 140, 146, 190, 200 Barratt Impulsivity scale P312 Depression 171, 212, 233, gender 21 Behc¸et’s disease 16 242, 268 Genetics 250 344 Index

Gilbert’s syndrome 239 neurocognition 89 risk-factors 190 group 279 neuroleptics 76 Risperidone 200 neuroplasticity 171 risperidone 29, 53 Hamilton Depression Rating Scale-6 neuroprotective 2 (HAM-D6) 146 Schizophrenia 29, 61, 89, 239, 273 hopelessness 21 obesity 246 schizophrenia 53, 102, 112, 207, 222, hyperhomocysteinemia 246 observational study 129 285, 291 OCD 218 screening 268 Immigration 21 opiate dependence 157 SDAS 123 Implusivity P312 Outcome measurement 36 selective-serotonin reuptake inhibitor incidence 200 outcomes 146 212 induced psychosis 285 outpatient 53, 146, 218, 222 selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors inpatient 9, 73 233 painful physical symptoms 129 self-harm behavior 73 job satisfaction 21 panic attacks 76 sexual dysfunction 242 panic disorder P326 short symptom inventory 21 Korean P326 parent support 9 somatoform 140 partial compliance 102 Substance abuse P312 life satisfaction 21 partner violence 163 subthreshold episodes P312 lithium 2 plasma concentrations 123 Suicide 163 long-acting intramuscular injection polymorphism P326 suicide S296 207 positive symptoms 53 suicide attempts 163, S296 long-term medication S296 predictors 200 symptoms 89 long-term treatment P312 prescribing patterns 151 major depression 2 prevalence 157 tolerability 112 prospective study 242 Topiramate (TPM) 285 Major depressive disorder 129 psychiatric adverse effects 285 treatment 171 major depressive disorder 44 psychiatric disorders 16 treatment-resistant schizophrenia 207 medication switchover 151 psychiatry 36 mental health 36 psychometric properties 146 venous thrombosis and embolism 246 metamphetamine dependence 250 psychosis 102 verbal information 212 methods 53 psychosocial 279 mirtazapine (Remeron SolTab†) 242 PTSD 190, 263 weight 123 molecular heterosis 250 work capacity 89 mood stabilizers P312 Quetiapine 112, 123, 222 work rehabilitation 89 multidisciplinary 9 quetiapine 61, P312 written information 212 naturalistic 222 relapse 279 YBOCS 218 negative symptoms 53, 239 reliability and validity 53 negative syndrome 239 risk factors S296 zuclopenthixol decanoate 76