Moritz & Jelinek: Association splitting AAssssoocciiaattiioonn SSpplliittttiinngg Self-Help Guide for Reducing Obsessive Thoughts Steffen Moritz Lena Jelinek Contact: Steffen Moritz, Ph.D. Department for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE) Martinistr. 52; 20246 Hamburg, Germany Status: 06.08.2009 Translation from the German by Jana Volkert VanHam Campus Press 1 Moritz & Jelinek: Association splitting Foreword This manual would not have been possible without the support of many people. First, we would like to express our gratitude to all our colleagues for their help during the development of this manual. In particular, we would like to thank Birgit Hottenrott and Ruth Veckenstedt for their critical review of this manual and the implementation of an efficiency study on the Internet. We are also indebted to Jana Volkert for a preliminary translation of the manual, which was burdened by the fact that many of the original German examples do not work in other languages. Special thanks go to the translator Kenneth Kronenberg who edited the manual and suggested several new examples ( Finally, we would like to thank participants in a pilot study, whose feedback, especially on comprehensibility and daily application of the technique, has led to significant improvement. We would be very grateful to receive feedback about your experiences with this method at
[email protected]. Suggestions for improvements, and criticism, are as welcome as plaudits. Request for donations and funding Considering the difficult financial situation of many people suffering from obsessive- compulsive disorder (OCD), we will continue to offer this manual and other self-developed treatment programs free of charge (see for example our metacognitive training program for schizophrenia patients at