Mpcp_11_4_Cover.qxp 11/13/07 12:37 PM Page 1 International Journal of Psychiatry in Clinical Practice 261–344 11 Number 4 December 2007 Pages Volume Volume 11 Number 4 December 2007 EDITORS CONTENTS David Baldwin Editorial Case Report Siegfried Kasper Original Articles Topiramate-induced psychotic exacerbation Evaluation of traumatic events EH Karsliogˇlu, H Karakiliç, E Taner BN Axelrod, J Grabowski and ASSOCIATE and B Cos¸ar EDITORS L Trewhella Screening for depression in a diabetic Short Report outpatient population Questionnaire on animal-assisted Robert Hirschfeld EJ Daly, MH Trivedi, P Raskin and therapy Shigeto Yamawaki BD Grannemann K Iwahashi, C Waga and M Ohta Risperidone in adolescent psychoses Book Review M Hrdlicka and I Dudova Abstracts Pilot of group intervention for bipolar disorder Volume Index D Castle, M Berk, L Berk, S Lauder, J Chamberlain and M Gilbert www.tandf.no/ijpcp ISSN 1365-1501 Mpcp_11_4_Cover.qxp 11/12/07 9:13 PM Page 2 INSTRUCTIONS FOR AUTHORS (www.tandf.no/ijpcp) SCOPE AND POLICY ILLUSTRATIONS International Journal of Psychiatry in Clinical Practice (IJPCP) is a high All illustrations should be uploaded as TIFF or high resolution quality quarterly journal targeted primarily at clinical psychiatrists (min.300 dpi) JPEG format. 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Neurobiological be quoted in all correspondence with the Editors and the Editorial and clinical consequences of stress: From normal adaptation to post- Offices. traumatic stress disorder. New York: Lippincott-Raven; 1995, p 469. If you have difficulties in submitting your manuscript electronically, Complete book contact site administrators via “Get Help Now” on upper right corner Judd FK, Burrows GD, Lipsitt DR, editors. Handbook of studies on of any screen. You can also contact editorial office via e-mail: general hospital psychiatry. Amsterdam: Elsevier; 1991. [email protected] STATEMENT OF INTEREST MANUSCRIPT SPECIFICATIONS Authors are requested to disclose any commercial or other associations Manuscript pages should be numbered and heading hierarchy should that might pose a conflict of interest in connection with the submitted be clearly differentiated. The number of heading levels used should be article. 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