

Wisner Law Firm of Geneva, Illinois, USA is deeply saddened to learn of the crash on January 9, 2021 of Flight SJ 182 into the Java Sea in . Wisner Law Firm sends its sincere condolences to the families of the victims of the crash for the loss of their loved ones.

The crash of SJ 182 follows closely after the October 29, 2018 the crash of Flight JT 610 which claimed the lives of all 189 Indonesian citizens on board. Both the Lion Air aircraft and the Sriwijaya aircraft were 737's, though the Lion Air crash involved the Max-8 version.

It has been reported that the Sriwijaya aircraft rapidly plummeted into the Java Sea. This suggests a mechanical malfunction of the aircraft. However, it is much too early to determine a definite cause of this tragic crash.

Wisner Law Firm was one of the leading law firms representing victims' families of the Lion Air Flight JT 610 crash and was the first U.S. law firm to obtain settlement payments from Boeing for its clients. Wisner Law Firm is currently a member of the Plaintiffs' Executive Committee leading the prosecution of claims against Boeing and others arising from the crash of Ethiopian Flight ET 302, the second crash of the Boeing 737 Max-8.

Wisner Law Firm represented the families of victims of Indonesian air crashes over the last three decades, including Garuda 152 near on September 26, 1997, Silk Air 185 near on December 19, 1997, Garuda Air 421 into the Solo River on January 16, 2002, Garuda Air 200 on March 7, 2007 at , Lion Air JT 583 at Solo in 2004, the Sukhoi Superjet crash at Mt. Seleh in 2012, and Air Asia 8501 on December 28, 2014 into the Java Sea.

Wisner Law Firm has its offices near Chicago, Illinois, USA which is the home of The Boeing Company. For further information, interested persons can contact Floyd Wisner at faw@wisner- law.com or via telephone or WhatsApp (630) 262-9434 or Alexandra Wisner at awisner@wisner- law.com or via telephone or WhatsApp (708) 837-5749.

514 W State St, Suite 200 Phone—(630) 262-9434 Floyd Wisner—[email protected] Geneva, IL 60134 Fascimile—(630) 262-1066 Alexandra Wisner—[email protected]