3. ADOPTION OF MINUTES 3-6 1. Minutes regular council meeting March 28, 2018



6. CORRESPONDENCE 7 1. Friends of the Englehart Public Library-Request for donation Kid's Fun Day 8 2. Englehart High School-Bursaries 2018 graduation 9-11 3. Township of Baldwin-Resolution for support Bill C-71 Firearms legislation 12-14 4. Municipality of Halton-Motion for support Truck-Rail development in Milton 15 5. FONOM-2018 Conference May 10, 2018 16 6. Thank you - Charlton Englehart Lions Club 17 7. Stewardship -Industry funding for Municipal Blue Box Recycling 18-19 8. Ernie Hardeman M.P.P.-Resolution for Support Re: Right to Approve Landfill Developments 20 9. Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration-Champion of Diversity Award

7. FINANCE REPORT 21-23 1. Finance Report from March 23 to April 18, 2018

8. BYLAWS 24-25 1. By-Law 2018-07-By-Law to enter into an agreement with a planner of record 26 2. By-Law 2018-08-To Authorize the Delegation of Authority to the Clerk During "Lame Duck" Period 27 3. By-Law 2018-09-To Appoint a Clerk-Treasurer for the Town of Englehart 28 4. By-Law 2018-10-To Appoint a Chief Building Official 29-42 5. By-Law 2018-11-To Establish a Policy-Workplace Violence and Workplace Harassment under Bill 168

9. COMMITTEE REPORTS 1. Airport 2. Environment/Public Works


9. COMMITTEE REPORTS 43-45 3. Planning Board 46-55 4. Museum 5. Finance 6. General Government 7. Library 8. TMA 9. Fire 10. Parks and Recreation 11. Special Events 12. Community Policing 13. Emergency Management 14. Economic Development 15. Chamber of Commerce 16. Provincial Offences Act




Page 2 of 55 ... Agenda Item # 31.

The Minutes of the last regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Englehart, held in the Council Chambers of the Town Hall on Wednesday March 28, 2018 @ 6:30pm

Mayor Nina Wallace chaired the meeting.

Councilors present: Doug Metson, Jason deLeeuw, Jerry Mikovitch and John Emrick.

Regrets: Pauline Brassard, Twyla Wilson

Staff Present: Shawn LaCarte and Therese Hall.

Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest None noted.

Adoption of Agenda COU1-18-03-01-Emrick-deLeeuw-Be it resolved, that the agenda be adopted as amended to include the letter to Gary Sims under correspondence #1a and the letter from the winter carnival committee #10. “Carried”

Minutes COU1-18-03-02- deLeeuw-Emrick-Be it resolved, that the minutes of the last regular meeting held on February 28, 2018 be adopted as printed. “Carried”


Englehart and Kirkland District Hospital – Almagation Letter was sent to Gary Sims, CEO and President Blanche River Health

Minister of Senior Affairs – Annual nomination for Senior of the Year Submissions are due by April 30, 2018. We will post the notice for submission on the Town of Englehart website and facebook page.

Northern Pride Real Estate Ltd. – Invitation Grand Opening – Englehart & Area Business Center Mayor Nina Wallace and councillors Jerry Mikovitch and Jason deLeeuw will attend on April 28, 2018.


Minutes regular council meeting Page 3 of 55 March 28, 2018 ... Agenda Item # 31.

Municipal Public Works Week Proclamation

COU1-18-03-03-Metson-Emrick-Whereas, the year 2018 marks the 58th annual National Public Works Association and Canadian Public Works Association be it now resolved, we, the Mayor and Council of the town of Englehart do hereby proclaim the week May 20-26, 2018 as National Public Works Week.

World Autism Awareness Day April 2, 2018

COU1-18-03-04-Emrick-Metson-Be it resolved, that the Council of the Town of Englehart declare April 2, 2018 World Autism Awareness Day in Englehart;

And Further that, the Autism Awareness flag be raised to recognize this campaign. “Carried”


COU1-18-03-05-Metson-Emrick-Be it resolved, that the report of the finance committee in the amount of $178,009.76 be approved. “Carried”


By-Law 2018-06-Agreement with Ontario Parks – Kap-Kig-Iwan Provincial Park

COU1-18-03-06-deLeeuw-Emrick-Be it resolved, that the by-law for the Town of Englehart, being a by-law to authorize an agreement with Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Ontario, as represented by the Minister of Natural Resources (Ontario Parks) for the operation of Kap-Kig-Iwan Provincial Park, be given a first and second reading this 28th day of March, 2018. “Carried”

COU1-18-03-07-Emrick-deLeeuw-Be it resolved, that the by-law for the Town of Englehart, being a by-law to authorize an agreement with Her majesty the Queen in right of Ontario, as represented by the Minister of Natural Resources (Ontario Parks) for the operation of Kap-Kig-Iwan Provincial Park, be given third and final reading, signed, sealed and numbered 2018-06 this 28th day of March, 2018. “Carried”

Committee Reports

Airport Councilor Metson reported regarding the current status of the association.


Minutes regular council meeting Page 4 of 55 March 28, 2018 ... Agenda Item # 31.

Public Works/ Environment Town Clerk Shawn LaCarte expressed the need to purchase a new garbage truck. Ryan Vickery has been looking into different options. We will need to review the user fee for commercial garbage collection.

Museum The Englehart and Area Historical Museum Board is looking for volunteers. We are still fundraising in efforts to refurbish or replace the existing elevator.

Library Shawn LaCarte reported on the most recent meeting. The library raised $601.50 from their book sale. The Kid’s fun day will take place on April 28, 2018 at the Englehart Arena Complex upstairs in the community hall.

TMA Councilor Metson mentioned that the Timiskaming Home Support are providing door to door local and long distance transportation services to and from hospitals in the area for a small fee.

Fire There will be a board meeting in April and a new Deputy Chief will be appointed.

Parks and Recreation Some of the user fees need to be reviewed specifically the rental of the arena floor.

Special Events Councilor deLeeuw submitted the financial report for the 2018 winter carnival including Yuk Yuk’s evening. We had a successful carnival and very well attended again this year. The Special Events Committee discussed possible fund raising ideas such as a trade show/food home show. The committee is also looking at organizing some other events such as a “Mud Run” which could possibly take place in the industrial park.

In Camera

COU1-18-03-07-deLeeuw-Emrick-Whereas Section 239(2)(b) of the Municipal Act, 2001 allows for councils to move in closed session when the subject matter is an identifiable individual;

Now therefore, the council will move into closed session at 7:04 PM. “Carried”

COU1-18-03-08-Emrick-deLeeuw-Be it resolved, that Council move out of camera and return to the regular meeting @ 7:19 PM. “Carried”


Minutes regular council meeting Page 5 of 55 March 28, 2018 ... Agenda Item # 31.

COU1-18-03-09-deLeeuw-Emrick-Whereas, the Town of Englehart hiring committee needs the ability to negotiate salaries for new employees,

Now therefore be it resolved, that the council of the Town of Englehart authorizes the committee to negotiate the salaries for new hires within the current pay grids. “Carried”

Next Meeting The next meeting will be held Wednesday April 25, 2018 at 6:30 P.M.

COU1-18-03-10-Emrick Be it resolved that we do adjourn. “Carried”

______Clerk Mayor


Minutes regular council meeting Page 6 of 55 March 28, 2018 ... Agenda Item # 61.

B3f29/2018 12:07 17855442238 ENGLIBRARV PAGE algal


Box 809 - 71 Fourth Ave. Englehart, Ontario, POJ 1H0 Tel. 705-544-2100 Fax: 705-544-2238

March 27,2018

Dear Mayor and Town Council- Town of Englehart,

The Englehart Public Library and Friends of the Library are planning a Kids Fun Day, to take place Saturday April 28, 2018. This day will have many activities for children and their families, including interactive Lego table, colouring contest, face painting, pansy planting, OPP finger printing, visit from Sparky, and interactive maker spaces to name a few. Our community businesses and organizations have been very generous in making donations for this day that will be fun for the whole family.

We are writing to ask the Town of Englehart if they would make a donation similar to last year (Rec. Bucks) to include in the "goody bags" to the children who participate on this day. We are hoping that there will be a wonderful turn out and are planning for between 100-150 kids. We hope you consider this request or share any suggestionsyou may have for this day.

Thank you,

Friends of the Englehart Public Library

Friends of the Englehart Public Page 7 of 55 Library-Request for donation Kid's ... Agenda Item # 62.

l-~4'—' v -i i 1 ¢..‘l3

ENGLEHARTHIGHSCHOOL .s~.,.i—.~M....,....,,._,u;_4..B.E.i..,»,;,.l.;,m, srm' .ca

6I I-‘nunli Street. l'.0, Box 130, Englclmrt, 0N P0] ll-I0 ,4,,g,',. 5“',,kU,,y',*'5,,,,[‘.,,, 5l.,,.,~“,_,. Tel: 705-544-2337 Fax: 705-544-61577 ,.,,gg(a_m‘,,k,,.,j;@,1‘],]_m

April 9. 2018

The Corporation of the Town of Englehart PO Box 399 Englehart ON POJ 1H0 Attention: Shawn LaCarte, Clerk Treasurer Administrator

Dear Shawn:

Englehart High Schoo|’s 2017-2018 Graduation Ceremony is fast approaching and is scheduled for Wednesday, June 27"‘.2018, at 7:00 pm.

The awards presentation will again be a signi?cant part of this event. Your generosity in providing the Mayor and Council of Englehart Award and the Town of Englehart Award for previous years‘ ceremonies is greatly appreciated. Recognition by the community for student academic achievement is very important to our students. We thank you so much and know that Josie Hayes and Allison Bowes were very pleased to be the recipient of these awards last year.

It would help us in planning our ceremony if you would kindly complete the enclosed form, and return it with your cheque (payable to The Englehart High School Fund) to us by Friday, May 4"‘,2018.

We realize many contributors need to meet to discuss their award(s) and we hope this date provides sufficient time to do so. More and more of our contributors prefer to receive this letter earlier because they have a speci?c timeline in place. If, for some reason you are unable to respond by May 4"‘, it would be appreciated if you would call me and advise as to whether or not you will be providing the award so that we will have the infonnation available when the Awards Committee meets at the end of May.

Ifyou have any questions. please do not hesitate to call me at the school, 544-2337.

Thank you very much.


Annie Dorrell—NichoI— Chairperson Awards Committee. Englehan High School Fund Enclosure % District School Board Ontario North East

Englehart High School-Bursaries Page 8 of 55 2018 graduation ... Agenda Item # 63.


TIIBC0flI0l'ilIi0ll0iIIIIB TOWNSlllP0FBALD P.O. Box 7095, 11 SpooneWINr Stree t CKERROW,ON AR 0 P0P 1M0

TEL:(705) 869-0225 FAX:(705) 869-5049

Dear Members of Parliament, House of Commons,

In our absence from being able to speak in person on this matter of Bill C-71, I request that our esteemed colleagues from the Canadian Shooting Sports Association (CSSA) be allowed to speak on our behalf. These folks are well versed in the existing ?rearms legislation and licensing requirements in Canada and can easily explain to non-firearm’s owners current legislation already in place and the rigorous criteria needed to obtain a Fireamls License or PAL that is required before any person can purchase any ?rearm or any ammunition.

We have listened to both sides of the debate concerning bill C-71 and have also done extensive reading on the matter, reviewed the ?awed statistics charts that single out the lowest year of crime in 40 years and use it as a base point for increase or decrease. Its unfortunate that the Federal Government and News Media do not realize what's contained in the currant legislation that is already in place and has been since the mid 1990's. Rather than create new legislation, why not spend the time and money in enforcing the laws that are on the books today that never really seems to matter as a deterrent to the criminal and gang element?

The RCMP daily checks all Firearms License holders (Commonly called Firearms License or PAL) in Canada for any wrong doing and that is more than sufficient without putting additional or duplicate checks in place.

Simply enforce the laws that are in place now without putting new ones in place.

Township of Baldwin-Resolution for Page 9 of 55 support Bill C-71 Firearms ... Agenda Item # 63.

Township of Baldwin-Resolution for Page 10 of 55 support Bill C-71 Firearms ... Agenda Item # 63.


NOW THEREFOREBEIT RESOLVEDTHAT: The Township of Baldwin send the attached explanatory letter to all Munic'pal't'es in Ontario for their support via e-mail as well as by Canada Post to all MP'S and Senators that represent our Province of Ontario. We don't need b’ C-71 and it shou clbe quashed without further ado.


David Fairbairn

Texas MacDona d

Ray Maltais

Township of Baldwin-Resolution for Page 11 of 55 support Bill C-71 Firearms ... Agenda Item # 64.

Legislative & Planning Services Department Office of the Regional Clerk VIA EMAIL 1151 Bronte Road Oakville ON L6M 3L1

April 11, 2018

Federation of Canadian Municipalities, Brock Carlton Association of Municipalities of Ontario, Pat Vanini Large Urban Municipal Caucus of Ontario (LUMCO), Mayor Jeffrey Mayors and Regional Chairs Caucus of Ontario (MARCO), Ken Seiling Rural Ontario Municipal Association (ROMA), Mayor Ronald Holman Northwestern Ontario Municipal Association (NOMA), Mayor Wendy Landry Federation of Municipalities (FNOM), Mayor Alan Spacek Conservation Authority of Ontario, Richard Hibma all Ontario municipalities

Please be advised that at its meeting held Wednesday, March 28, 2018, the Council of the Regional Municipality of Halton adopted the following resolution:

RESOLUTION: Seeking Support on the Court Application Involving the CN Truck-Rail Development in the Town of Milton

WHEREAS under the Municipal Act, Ontario municipalities have the authority and responsibility to advance and protect the “economic, social and environmental well- being of the municipality” and the “health, safety and well-being of persons”;

WHEREAS the Provincial Government has designated Ontario municipalities to have responsibility to establish official plans that meet or exceed provincial standards for managing and directing physical change and effects on the social, economic, built and natural environment;

WHEREAS Halton Region and its area municipalities (“Halton Municipalities”), in partnership with Conservation Halton, have carried out multi-year, multi-phase planning processes to update their applicable official plans to address all relevant provincial plans and policy and foster healthy communities;

WHEREAS the most recent Halton Region official plan process engaged railways, including CN Rail, and was amended to accommodate stated railway plans for rail- supported development;

Municipality of Halton-Motion for Page 12 of 55 support Truck-Rail development in ... Agenda Item # 64.

WHEREAS contrary to its own stated plans, CN Rail has declared its intention to proceed with a new stand-alone, truck-rail development in the Town of Milton that would operate 7 days a week, 24 hours a day and add at least 1,600 truck trips a day on regional roads located in close proximity to existing and planned residential communities;

WHEREAS CN Rail has declared that Ontario and the Halton Municipalities have no regulatory role whatsoever with respect to the truck-rail development;

WHEREAS the Halton Municipalities, Conservation Halton, and Halton residents have concerns about the impacts of CN’s proposed development on traffic congestion, community growth, health and safety, and the local environment;

WHEREAS the Halton Municipalities and Conservation Halton recognize that railways are a matter of federal jurisdiction, but assert that truck-rail developments have non-rail aspects that engage multiple areas of provincial and municipal government regulatory responsibility;

WHEREAS CN’s truck-rail development engages numerous provincial and municipal by-laws, policies and plans that govern growth in the Halton Municipalities, including but not limited to, policies in Ontario’s Growth Plan, Greenbelt Plan, the Provincial Policy Statement, and the provincially approved Official Plan for Halton Region and the Town of Milton;

WHEREAS CN’s position that its proposed truck-rail development falls exclusively under federal jurisdiction, if upheld, would create a regulatory gap that would prevent the Province of Ontario, the Halton Municipalities and Conservation Halton from discharging their statutory responsibilities, and leave CN Rail, a for-profit company, to self-regulate on matters that engage provincial and municipal responsibilities;

WHEREAS the Halton Municipalities and Conservation Halton have commenced a Court Application (the “Application”) to confirm their legitimate regulatory role in respect of the proposed CN development; and

WHEREAS irrespective of the merits of CN’s proposed development, CN’s interpretation of jurisdiction over this development, if upheld, would be detrimental to all provinces and municipalities that contain existing or proposed developments that engage matters of federal, provincial and municipal regulatory interest.


1. THAT Regional Council endorse the principles that:

a. there must be a cooperative approach to all developments that engage federal, provincial and municipal regulatory matters.

Municipality of Halton-Motion for Page 13 of 55 support Truck-Rail development in ... Agenda Item # 64.

b. the existence of federal regulation over a development does not preclude and may require provincial and municipal regulation of the proposed development to avoid regulatory gaps.

2. THAT Halton Region calls on the Government of Ontario to join the Court Application of the Halton Municipalities.

3. THAT a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Honourable Kathleen Wynne, Premier of Ontario; the Honourable Bill Mauro, Minister of Municipal Affairs; the Honourable Yasir Naqvi, Attorney General of Ontario; Halton’s Members of Parliament (MPs), Members of Provincial Parliament(MPPs), and Leaders of the Opposition Parties.

4. THAT a copy of the attached resolution be forwarded to the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM), the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO), the Large Urban Municipal Caucus of Ontario (LUMCO), the Mayors and Regional Chairs Caucus of Ontario (MARCO), the Rural Ontario Municipal Association (ROMA), the Northwestern Ontario Municipal Association (NOMA), Federation of Northern Ontario Municipalities (FNOM), the Conservation Authority of Ontario, and to all Ontario municipalities for their endorsement.

As per the above resolution, please accept this correspondence and attached resolution for your information and consideration.

If you have any questions please contact me at extension 7110 or the e-mail address below.


Graham Milne Regional Clerk [email protected]

Municipality of Halton-Motion for Page 14 of 55 support Truck-Rail development in ... Agenda Item # 65.

2018 FONOM-MMA Northeastern Municipal Conference Hosted by the Town of Parry Sound

Leading the Way Through Innovation

Dates: May 9th - 11th, 2018 Location: Charles W. Stockey Centre for the Performing Arts 2 Bay Street, Parry Sound, Ontario

Wednesday, May 10th • Registration Opens (11:00am) • Keynote Address: Ken Coates - Leading Thinker on Canada’s Future and Canada Research Chair in Regional Innovation • Afternoon sessions include a Municipal Showcase for leading practices from the Town of Smooth Rock Falls and the Town of • Welcome Reception (5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.)

Thursday, May 11th • Updates from Ontario Northland, Ontario Forest Industries Association, Canada Wood Council and AMO President Lynn Dollin • Attend plenary sessions on topics like Wood Heating Opportunities and Municipal Roads—Liabilities and Risks • Attend concurrent sessions on topics such as: • Human Resource Management and Harassment • Community Hubs • Asset Management and Municipal Decision Making • Codes of Conduct • Community Improvement Plans • Financial Statements and Questions to Ask your Treasurer • Leveraging Shared Services • Reception and Banquet Dinner

Friday, May 12th • FONOM Business Meeting • Special presentations from Dr. Roger Strasser, Founding Dean and Sec- retary for the Northern Ontario School of Medicine and Allan Coutts, President and CEO of NORONT on The Ring of Fire • Adjournment (1:00 p.m.)

For additional details regarding venues, registration, accommodations and other local information, please visit:

FONOM-2018 Conference May 10, Page 15 of 55 2018 ... Agenda Item # 66.

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Thank you - Charlton Englehart Page 16 of 55 Lions Club ... Agenda Item # 67.

Thinking beyond the box _ Zmb I '7.‘: 7 Stewardship Ontario * "

ENGLEHART,TOWN OF 61 Fifth Avenue Englehart ON POJ 1H0

RE: Industry funding for Municipal Blue Box Recycling for the fourth quarter of the 2017 Program Year

March 31, 2018

Dear Mayor and Members of Council:

Packaging and printed paper companies, represented by Stewardship Ontario, ful?ll their responsibilities to fund 50% of the net cost of the Blue Box Program by making cash payments to municipalities and First Nations on a quarterly basis.

The Resource Productivity and Recovery Authority (RPRA)determined that payments to municipalities will be based on a 2017 funding obligation of $123,669,745. This represents an increase of 1.74% over 2016. RPRAprovided further details with respect to the RPRABoard's determination of the 2017 obligation in a report on their website (

Stewardship Ontario is pleased to provide payments to municipalities in accordance with the RPRABoard's decision.

On behalf of Stewardship Ontario, I want to thank you for your ongoing dedication to waste diversion and resource recovery.

Sincerely, / / £,__

David Pearce Supply Chain Officer Stewardship Ontario

I St. Clair Avenue west T. 4l6.323.0Io1 www.stewardsh| 7th Floor E 416.323.3185 Toronto. Ontario Inlo@stewardshlpontarloca M4V 1K6

Stewardship Ontario-Industry Page 17 of 55 funding for Municipal Blue Box ... Agenda Item # 68.

Ernie Hardeman M.P.P.- Page 18 of 55 Resolution for Support Re: Right ... Agenda Item # 68.

Ernie Hardeman M.P.P.- Page 19 of 55 Resolution for Support Re: Right ... Agenda Item # 69.

_ _ _ . Ministry of Citizenship and Ministére des Affaires civlques et Immigration de l'ImmigratIon u ‘i Minister._.«‘.| Ministre "ICC."/EDAPR 6"‘Floor 6‘ élage 1 920 400 University Avenue 400.avenue University Toronto ON M7A2R9 Toronto ON M7A2R9 Ontario

Te|.: (416) 325-6200 Té|.: (416) 325-6200 Fax: (416) 325-6195 Té|éc.: (416) 325-6195

Ma£ch 2018

Dear Friends, ..

Throughout.-u.—...—-4—1«_——-‘a—-’,~.'\;-_J-|---the year, Ontarians from allwalks of lifeplay—'a vital' roleJin championing diversity the brings to the province. v~ nand «. ‘ .- —. '--.-o-‘W Today. I am writing to encourage you to submit a nomination for the Champion of Diversity Award so that outstanding individuals, groups and employers receive the .=._..- _.- recognition they deserve for activelyV promoting diversity and inclusionand immigrant kn-\.—,-._—._ — Fw- -<'economicsuccess in Ontario., You can submit a nominationunder the followingawar categories: _ H _.u :_m- : d _..,.'__,?a..._g— mm. m — —n - Inclusion and Diversity - Cross-Cultural Understanding

o Business Leadership in Immigrant Employment ' _ H__m.__ .‘...,, .7 ..H" To submit a nomination for this award: Illwlll II:< H H H I a) Visit ontario.calhonoursandawards. b) Select the Inclusion category. ‘“'— " Diversity Award. c) Click on Champion of . "".'..:.ii ~. H ; d) Downloadthe PDF. ._fonn. he-6.2mm o e) Read the eligibilitycriteria and instructions carefully. I f) Fillout the fonn, then submit it no later than MayIt-In-~_5?15, 2018. Instructions for submitting your nomination package can be foundIf”-.on the website. Ifyou have any questions please call 416-314-7526, toll free 1-877-832-8622 or I IY 416-327-2391, or email [email protected].

Thank you for your support of this important recognition program.

Sincerely, O/g,wu2,3%/zlaleése Laura Albanese

Ministry of Citizenship and Page 20 of 55 Immigration-Champion of Diversity ... Agenda Item # 71.

Finance Report from March 23 to Page 21 of 55 April 18, 2018 ... Agenda Item # 71.

Finance Report from March 23 to Page 22 of 55 April 18, 2018 ... Agenda Item # 71.

Finance Report from March 23 to Page 23 of 55 April 18, 2018 ... Agenda Item # 81.

By-Law 2018-07-By-Law to enter Page 24 of 55 into an agreement with a planner ... Agenda Item # 81.

By-Law 2018-07-By-Law to enter Page 25 of 55 into an agreement with a planner ... Agenda Item # 82.

By-Law 2018-08-To Authorize the Page 26 of 55 Delegation of Authority to the ... Agenda Item # 83.

By-Law 2018-09-To Appoint a Page 27 of 55 Clerk-Treasurer for the Town of ... Agenda Item # 84.

By-Law 2018-10-To Appoint a Page 28 of 55 Chief Building Official ... Agenda Item # 85.

By-Law 2018-11-To Establish a Page 29 of 55 Policy-Workplace Violence and ... Agenda Item # 85.

By-Law 2018-11-To Establish a Page 30 of 55 Policy-Workplace Violence and ... Agenda Item # 85.

By-Law 2018-11-To Establish a Page 31 of 55 Policy-Workplace Violence and ... Agenda Item # 85.

By-Law 2018-11-To Establish a Page 32 of 55 Policy-Workplace Violence and ... Agenda Item # 85.

By-Law 2018-11-To Establish a Page 33 of 55 Policy-Workplace Violence and ... Agenda Item # 85.

By-Law 2018-11-To Establish a Page 34 of 55 Policy-Workplace Violence and ... Agenda Item # 85.

2. Appropriate perfonnance reviews, counselling. uriscipline. or constructive and criticis recommendations to improve job performance by a department headmor the employer are not considered harassment. Where harassment happens:

Work-related harassment can take place in the workplace itself or outside of the workplace in a situation that is in some way connected to work:

- For example, employees must be protected from harassment during delivery trips. off-site meetings. business trips, after regular working hours in his/her own private residence and any other event or place related to employment or when the employee is present in the course of employment.

Responsibility of Employee:


1. Are responsible to treat each other with respect and act in an ethical and respectful manner. 2. Are responsible to speak up ifthey or someone else is being harassed. 3. Are responsible to report harassment to the appropriate person. 4. Are responsible for respecting the con?dentiality of anyone involved in a harassment complaint.

Responsibllig of the Supervisor 8. Employer: Each: 1. Is responsible for fostering a safe working of harassmentand sexual harassment. 2. Must set an example for appropriate workplace behaviour 3. Must deal with situations of harassmentimmediately on becoming aware of them. whether or not there has been a complaint. Courts may impose penalties on the employer and the supervisor. even ifneither of them was actually involved in or aware of the harassment but should have known about it. supervisor A that did nothing to prevent harassment or to mitigate its effects may ?nd her or himself lacing linancialand legal consequences. False Accusations

\?clims of workplace harassment or violence are encouraged to come forward. However, employees are cautioned against false accusations. False accusations can destroy a person's reputation and credibility. An employee guilty of making false accusations will be disciplined and may be suspended or dismissed in accordance with the Town of Engleharfs Discipline Policy.

Domestic Violence

The Ontario Occupational Health & Safety Act, requires employers who are aware, or should be reasonably aware, that Domestic \?olence may occur in the workplace to take every precaution reasonable, in the circumstances to protect a worker at risk to physical injury. Employees in compromising domestic situations are encouraged to come fonuard. Effects of Domestic Violence in the workplace include the following; - Reduced Employee Productivity - Increased Absenteeism - Decreased employee moral - High company health expenses - Strained relations with co-workers - Potential ham to employee, co-workers and I or customers when violent abusers enter the workplace - Potential liabilitycosts if someone at the workplace is hanned - Replacement, recruitment and training costs when victimsare injured or released

By-Law 2018-11-To Establish a Page 35 of 55 Policy-Workplace Violence and ... Agenda Item # 85.

By-Law 2018-11-To Establish a Page 36 of 55 Policy-Workplace Violence and ... Agenda Item # 85.

By-Law 2018-11-To Establish a Page 37 of 55 Policy-Workplace Violence and ... Agenda Item # 85.

b) a record of the invesliga ion Including notes; c) a copy of the investigation repoMIf any ); d) a summary of the results of the rnvestiga tion that was provided to the worker wh allegedly experienced the workplace harassment and the alleged, it a worker ooi the employer; e) a copy of any corrective action taken to address the complaint or incident of workplace harassment.

Allrecords of the investigation willbe kept con?dential. The investigation documents, including the report should not be disclosed unless necessary to investigate an incident or complaint of workplace harassment, take corrective aclion or otherwise as required by law


Someone who has harassed another person will be subject to one or more of the following toms of discipline, depending on the severity of the harassment and i accordance with the Town of Englehart Discipline Policy. n

Verbal reprimand and discussion A written reprimand A suspension Dismissal

it an incidentof Harassment or Violence takes place please complete the appropriate forms in Appendix A.

Attachments; APPENDIXA — FORMS

Workplace Violenceand Harassment incident Report

Workplace Violence and Harassment Investigation Report IndividualWorkplace Safety Plan P!-°.'°."‘


By-Law 2018-11-To Establish a Page 38 of 55 Policy-Workplace Violence and ... Agenda Item # 85.

By-Law 2018-11-To Establish a Page 39 of 55 Policy-Workplace Violence and ... Agenda Item # 85.

Form 2 Workplace Violence and Harassment Investigation Regort REPORTED DATE OF PREPARED BY REPORT









RELEVANTDOCUMENTSIEVIDENCE Allach any supporting documents.such as emails, handwrillennoles. or ph l . , personal vandalized belongings. can also be submitled. I! you are not able lo attach documenls and lhey are your relevanl lo complaint. please list the documents below If someoneelse has relevant documenls, please nole lhal



By-Law 2018-11-To Establish a Page 40 of 55 Policy-Workplace Violence and ... Agenda Item # 85.


Individual Workplace Safety Plan






By-Law 2018-11-To Establish a Page 41 of 55 Policy-Workplace Violence and ... Agenda Item # 85.



By-Law 2018-11-To Establish a Page 42 of 55 Policy-Workplace Violence and ... Agenda Item # 93.



PRESENT Chair (): Debbie Veerrnan Deputy Chair (Chamberlain) Kerry Stewan Charlton and Dack Representative: Merrill Bond Englehan Representative: Doug Metson Chamberlain Representative: Gerry Guenerte Representative Barb Beachey

Secretary—Treasurer: Dan Thibeault

REGRETS Evanturel Representative Wayne Stratton Evanturel Representative: Derek Mundle Englchart Representative: John Emrick

There was an audience (4).


1801 Moved by: Doug Metson Seconded by: Barbara Beachey

THAT the Central Timiskaming Planning Board meeting of February 13"‘,2018 be called to order at 6:00 pm.


l8—O2 Moved by: Doug Metson Seconded by: Barbara Beachey

THAT Debbie Veerman be appointed as Chair of the Central Timiskaming Planning Board for 2018.


18-03 Moved by: Merrill Bond Seconded by: Doug Metson

THAT Kerry Stewart be appointed as Deputy Chair of the Central Timiskaming Planning Board for 2018.



18-04 Moved by: Doug Metson Seconded by: Merrill Bond

THAT the a enda for the Central Timiskaming Planning Board meeting of February l3‘ , 20l8 be approved as presented.


Planning Board Page 43 of 55 ... Agenda Item # 93.





l8—05 Moved by: Merrill Bond Seconded by: Doug Metson

THAT the minutes of the Board meeting of December 12"".2017 be approved as presented. CARRIED




9 (b) — S454 — Consent-20l8~0l and 9(c) — 5454-Consent«20l8~O2

Chair Debbie Veerman asked ifthere were any comments from the audience regarding the proposed consents.

Bruce Jewitt Charlie Codd Tom Shoebottom and Trevor Blackburnspoke regarding the proposed consents. They objected to the consents as they were concerned that the additional lots would result in trespassing and debris on their neighbouring properties.


l8—06 Moved By: Merrill Bond Seconded By: Gerry Guenette

THAT the severance application 5454-Conscnt—20l8-01 is approved with a last date of appeal of March 5"‘,2018 subject to such standard conditions and other speci?c conditions as identi?ed under the Central Timiskaming Planning Board Notice of Decision.

FURTHER THAT the reasons for approval include: o The municipality suppons the application; 0 The application conforms with the Official Plan for the Planning Area; I The application complies with the Zoning By-Law in effect for the municipality. 0 Additional provisions added due to public comments. CARRIED

1807 Moved By: Gerry Guenettc Seconded By: Merrill Bond

THAT the severance application 5454-Consent-2018-02 is approved with a last date of appeal of March 5"‘,2018 subject to such standard conditions and other speci?c conditions as identi?ed under the Central Timiskaming Planning Board Notice of Decision.

FURTHER THAT the reasons for approval include: I The municipality supports the application; 0 The application conforms with the Official Plan for the Planning Area;

Planning Board Page 44 of 55 ... Agenda Item # 93.


0 The application complies with the Zoning By~Law in effect for the municipality. 0 Additional provisions added due to public comments. CARRIED

18-08 Moved by; Doug Metson Seconded by: Kerry Stewart

THAT the meeting time of the Central Timiskaming Planning Board meetings be changed from 6:00pm to 5:30pm. CARRIED


I8-09 Moved by: Doug Metson Seconded by: Kerry Stewart

THAT By-Law 2018-01 being a by-law to provide for the adoption of the 2018 budget be read a first, second and ?nal time this 13"’day of February, 20l8, CARRIED

18-10 Moved by: Kerry Stewart Seconded by: Merrill Bond

THAT By-Law 20l8~O2 being a byelaw to amend by—law201601 a by-law to authorize an agreement with a Planner of Record for the Board be read a first, second, and ?nal time this 13"‘day of February, 2018. CARRIED


18-l l Moved by: Merrill Bond Seconded by: Doug Metson

TIIAT this Board meeting of February l3"',2018 be 3U]0l.I|‘l'l€dat 7: l5 pm until March 13"‘.2013 or at the call of the Chair. CARRIED


Planning Board Page 45 of 55 ... Agenda Item # 94.

Agenda Englehart & Area Historical Museum Board Meeting 4:00 p.m. Thursday, February 1”‘,2018

. Motion to accept the Agenda

. Motion to accept the minutes of the January 11”‘meeting . Business arising from the minutes updates a) Calendar 2018 b) True North Strong Communities c) Board Position (1) Winter Carnival e) Museum Lift/ Elevator Update

. Committee Reports a) Membership b) Fundraising

. Correspondence

. Finance report

. New Business :1) Dates To Remember h) Post Card Show- Update c) Calendar 2019 d) Policies & Procedures—Update

. Next meeting on March 8"‘at 4:00 p.m. at the Town Hall

. Adjournment


Museum Page 46 of 55 ... Agenda Item # 94.

Englehart & Area Historical Museum Board Meeting Minutes on January II‘'‘, 2018 Call to order:

/\ Board meeting ol‘ the F/ngleliurt & Area Historical Museum “:15 held at 4:00 pm at ilkmn Hall on lhursday January 1I. 2018.

Attendance: Chair: Bonnie Warner Barbara Beaehey Pauline Brassard John limriek Sharell Poster llelene King Candace Pritehard Jackie Stewart Bruce Wilson

Absent: Karen l’ileh

1. Motion to accept lheAgenda. Moved by Bruce Wilson and Seeondeldby Sharell Foster as amended to change no. 4 Committee Reports to Chair Appointments. “Carried”.

2. Motion to adopt the minutes of December 1-1th‘ Mo\ ed by Bruce Wilson and Seeonded by Pauline Brassard. “Carried “

llusiness arising lrom the minutes. a) # of Visitors at Museum llelene informed the Board Irom October 12 to ()etober 29. there \\ ere 155 \isitm‘s who eame to the Museum - S3 visitorsjust came for the li,\'hibition. plus 100 Visitors tor the Autumn l~'estand 2 visitors paid to see the lVluseum itsell‘. b) Calendar 2018 lleleiie inlbrmed the Board that there are still 22 calendars lelt. We have sold 77 for a total ol'Sl.l55. We made a prolit ol"S4o5. e) True North Strong Communities Jackie Stewart informed the Board that we liuve received S-l.25() as ot'the end o1‘No\’ember. She also said that the game will be opened till May 31. d) Board Position \\i|l fo1‘tl1elloz1I‘(l Jackie advertise position in the new spapers. \\ater bill. and eommtmil) t\. llelene \\ ill make a poster advertising the position.

4. Committee Chair /\ppoint1nents a) Memhersliip Bonnie Warner is ('ommiltee Chair Appointed. b) Volunteer List llelene is Committee (‘hair Appointed.


Museum Page 47 of 55 ... Agenda Item # 94.

C) Fundraising Candace Pritehard is Committee Chair Appointed. d) Helene is Committee Chair Appointed c) Gift Shop Bonnie is Committee Chair Appointed 0 Art Show Karen l’ileh is Committee Chair Appointed

Autumn Fest . Pauline Brassard is Committee Chair Appointed

. Correspondence

. Finance Report a) Treasurer Report Motion to accept Treasurer Report. Moved by Barbara Beachey and Seconded b_vBruce Wilson. “Carried” b) Museum Lift The Board \v uld like to lind out the total amount they would ne‘d to repair the hit. Motion to have Jackie Stewart contact elevator company to gain quote for repairing/replacing elevator at the museum. Mo\ ed by Barbara Beachcy and Seconded by Bruce Wilson. “Carried” C) Budget Jackie reported to the Board the different per capita contribution scenario to the To“ nships. Motion that the Board requests a per eapita contribution ot‘$S.25 for 2018 operating season from Chamberlain, Evanturel and Charlton-l)ack. ln event otithe $5.25 contribution level not being accepted, a contribution ot‘$5.00 will be requested. Moved by Barbara Beaehey and Seconded by Pauline Brassard. “Carried”

. New Business a) Next meeting on Februarv 1“ instead of the 8th The Board is in agreement to have the next meeting on February 1*‘. b) Projects/Fundraisingv Ideas Bonnie asked the Board to think about projects and tundt‘aising ideas tor the next meeting. C) Winter Carnival llelene informed the Board that we need someone to take care of the l-‘islt Pond tor the vvinter carnival on Saturday. March-3"‘. d) Staff Wages Motion that the Museum Brd approves an increase ol‘S2.0() per hr. tor Helene King Museum manager for the yr. 2018, being as llelene has not received an increase for at least 3 _vears. Moved by Pauline Brassard and Seconded by Barbara Beachey. “Carried”

Museum Page 48 of 55 ... Agenda Item # 94.

Next Inecting Ylulrsdzly.Fchruuryl“ 2018 :11-1:00 pm at the 'I‘0\\n Hall. Hélénc \\ ill contact buurd l1k‘l]]l7<.‘I‘S lo remind1l1c1noflin1cuml dulc.

9. Adjournment The mccling \\'us adjourned at 4:55 pm. .'V1oIiunto Adjourn Mmcd bx‘Burbzlru Bcuchcx. ' . “Carried”

Museum Page 49 of 55 ... Agenda Item # 94.

—. — . \_ ' 1 W-‘ Per cab}E"' __L_(T ‘ 5-25‘Am¥9.fDercapita i _T ‘ Reve?ues jTTT;§Tcc9_gTr1_tT#TTT12018TBudg§§ iCuTrrent|VT[o_r1£l1YTDATctua|?T;Ba|an

SaleiC_gm§rT1?ent tgig-O0i34g _ $1,(T)OO.OOT T? $1,00g.90 if Ti Regrves ; $0.00 T T 16-791-%o952__#____T(___#T_T i_TTi’«_ 1 1 ’ 1 T6fai‘Revénue $31,065.00? $3,660.00] $125.00 $30,940.00 Expenses :___.,_.__

___,_i, _. ._ . -77 T wafjes $37.02 37.021 $16,462§§ T_G;791—0gT1120_k$16,5O0:Qg_TTT T” EHT G-791-00-_1T153 _ T T$2T,23T0g;T_TTT T $0.72; T T $§g2.28_ g;n_ers 7 T__ $50.00; i 9191-00—1_15T4;T TkT$46.§s_3_ El .G—791—00-1155 $325.00 ”T$3.17‘TT_$0.76 $324.24 :_G_-791-OO—_11&T':T6$817.00.” c3P T $1.72 j315.28 } $500_._0o VQITB__ T_ TG-791-00:115T6T $1.241 T$T496'f76 ?1Titoria1supp1gTe_s T.G-7_91-0_0_-g58OTT?TTg0o.T00_ TT_‘

T T f$100.00 Office Sgplies ji—_791-QC|;261Q/Ti_;$2,,Q9?_ i , TT $0.00, T (T ' 1 $200.90 generalMi§cejIaneous‘G—791—Q0—262QT $§00.00‘T

T 7 TT_ $5QO_.O0 T T ga_tTo_ypispIay_ $0.00 $150.00 T _ TT __ TG-791-00f2T6303T $150.00. W !8/‘Eh’-Fi.aLS_ _,, _ E-791-E’-.27.1£.. _$100»0°l 1 i. ‘$199-93. Q_

G-7TT91—0Q—2650 T_ T $2QQ.00T T: T T _ $2OO.TOO

_. Iravelamicczmeren?zw-99§11L» . - . 1.. E-00 TC;ourseT&Sem_inarTTTGT791-Q9-§129TTTT T_T T_ ._T_T ; TTTWT TT $9.00 Mnb?ip _T<_3T~791-00-3170 _T ; $1Too_.oo_~ _T T___L_T $;o_.00 WV _i_ A.§Ye'Ti§i_n9 J§.7.9J:9°'§§.0 /. 3._..$5_90_-Q0. . $0-0°... $500-00 Ielephene §:791;00—3260 T_ 1 $04001 sg?oo T$1,5g0T.0T0‘ TTT T TTET3|dg.lV_|_aT_intena_nTceT,G-7241500734270TT$3,00_0.00 T$7T§T.00TT 76.00‘ T TTT_T;_s2,924T.00 T T f T §|ectriia|_Pow_eT( TT_;G—7g1T;0o-3;6T1_0T$2,000.00 $0.001 $2,000.00 T 1 T __ _I\JaTt1N_al(5_ag_ T__4G-79_1_—00—66,30

T T T___ "$3,209.90, $9,901 T_i__ ii$3,2o0%00 1nsu_rg_n_ce %G—79_1_5T0o-3sT1_0 T_TT $0.00, T _$1,o00.00T 1 TT_( $1000.13 costgfGo

"' ‘ ' ' 1 .7- T20T1_7bonTaTt13nTTsto060312017”$10’,7T20.o0: ff§g1Tr_§\E?uT T f _;"T$41,9TsTa0.g }_TTT Expenses * $31,799.52 ’ T ' 0' ;Total Tota1EIeva1ErDk?onéto date $15,770.00 ;movétc5'rese‘rR}éé $10,198.81

_. .. 2. 2 _ . _ ’" 1 . ‘. " 0 1 Totél in reserves afDec 31,20167( ‘7$10’,()95.00L 1 V W

Museum Page 50 of 55 ... Agenda Item # 94.

Englehart & Area Historical Museum

2018 Exhibition Room Dates

Date / Person (lruup Rk‘L'C]7ll0l1Dute tl pu1»‘s pm;

l\l;1y2~2() N()AA Juried lixliilwition .\lu_\'(> May 23- .\'luy 27 l-‘.m__vlel1z1rtlligl1School May 27 .\'luy 30- June I7 Post Card Slum’ June 3 June 20- July 8 EAA June 24 July 11- August 5 Cliristian Puquette July 15 August 8- September 2 Linda Mustard August 12 September 5» September 23 NOI'Il'lCl’I‘1Ontario September 9 Fiber Artists Scpte1uber2()— ()etobn:r 27 EAA JuriedShow October 15

Dates To Remember

May () ()penin<__vRecepliunfor the Museum June ‘J Yurtl Sale Jul)‘ 14 Day In lhe l’11rk July 20 Kids Du)‘ Augtlst 17 Kids Day

Septe1nhcr2‘)& 30 Studio lburs ()etober 13 Autumnfest l\'m'eml>er 16 l ’n\'eiling ot‘(‘lu‘istm:1s

Board Meetings ( tentative)

l"clvrt1uryl July I2 .\1urcl1 8 August ‘) April 12 September I3 May l() Octnlwerl l June 14 ?\'m ember 8 December I3

Museum Page 51 of 55 ... Agenda Item # 94.

Agenda Englehart & Area Historical Museum Board Meeting 4:00 p.m. Thursday, March 8"‘,2018

. Motion to accept the Agenda . Motion to accept the minutes ofthe February 1”‘meeting . Business arising from the minutes updates a) Calendar 2018/2019 b) True North Strong Communities c) Board Position d) Winter Carnival e) Museum Lil‘t/ Elevator Update 1) Post Card Show—Update g) Admission h) Youth Showcase i) Policies & Procedures

Committee Reports a) Membership b) Fundraising

. Correspondence

6. Finance report

. New Business :1) Meter Board for Donations b) llighway Signs C) d)

. Next meeting on April 12"‘at 4:00 p.m. at the Town Hall



Museum Page 52 of 55 ... Agenda Item # 94.

Englehart & Area Historical Museum Board Meeting Minutes on February 1"‘,2(l18 Call to order:

A Board meeting ol‘ tl1e liiigleliart & Area llistorieal Museum \\ as held at 4:00 pm at lo\\ 11 Hall o11 lll|.I1‘S(lil)'l’eb1't1a1‘_\'l. 2018.

Attendance: (fliair: Bonnie Warner l3(1Fl‘>1lI‘LlBeaeliey l’a11li11eBrassard John l€m1'iek Sharell Foster llélene King Candace l’1‘itel1a1‘d Jackie Ste\\'a1‘t Bruce Wilson

Absent: Karen Pileh

1. Motion to accept the Agetttla. 1’Vlo\ed by Bruce Wilson and Seconded by l".1t1li11eBrztssard as 11111e11detlto add New Business no. e) /\(lI11lSSl()ll. 1) Yard Sale and g) Youth Showezise. “Carried”.

2. Motion to adopt the 111i11t1tcsofJ-.111t1:1ry11"‘.Moved by Bruce Wilso11and Secontletl by B111‘b;11'aBeaeliey. “(‘,arrictl “

lltisiness arisiiig from tl1e minutes. a) Calendar 2018 llelene i11l111‘1netlthe lloartl that there are still 22 e11le111't1eeWilson \\ill do the l"ish l’o11dlrom 10-1 antl Bonnie Wariier 1-4. 1\luseu111 Lift/l£lc\‘ator U xlate Jackie is \\’t1iti11gl'o1‘11e\\'quotes 110111Kyle 110111Bay lilexzitor.

4. Committee Chair /\ppoint111e11ts :1) lVlCl1Il)L‘l‘SlIlQ llelene i11Yor111edthe lloartl that there is 5 l7z1milyand 6 Singles‘ It was suggested that the email address be put o11 l‘U1lll'Cmembership eztrds.


Museum Page 53 of 55 ... Agenda Item # 94.

b) Fundraising Sharell Foster offered the Legion Hall to host a Dart Tournament and a Sip & Paint Night. John Emrick suggested a Bumper Bubble.

. Correspondence No correspondence

Finance Report a) Treasurer Report Motion to accept Treasurer Report. Moved by Barbara Beaehey and Seconded by Bruce Wilson as amended to take out the amount of$945 from Donation Current column. “Carriet ”

New Business a) Dates to Remember See Overview. b) Post Card Show-Update llelene informed the Board that we have raised $950 for the Post Card Show. Karen Pileh has sent an application form to all the different Art Clubs. e) Calendar 2019 The Board have decided that the calendar 2019 will pictures oflocal businesses and buildings in the present d) Policies Procedures-Updates llelene is still working on the updates. e) Admission l)il‘t‘erent Tundraising ete.. at reception was discussed. No decision was made. 0 The dates for the yard sale were changed from June 9‘“to 16"‘.It was suggested that the sale be held indoors on the 16"‘. g) Youth Showcase Candace Pritehard informed the Board that they might have a sponsor for the Youth Showcase. She will know more for the next meeting.

Next meeting Thursday, March 8"‘2018 at 4:00 pm at the Town Hall. llelene will contact board members to remind them oftime and date.

Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 4:55 pm. Motion to Adjourn Moved by Bruce Wilson. “Carried”


Museum Page 54 of 55 ... Agenda Item # 94.

Financial Report - Museum as of February 28, 2018 Per Capita 5 25 Amt of per capita

Revenues Account # 2018 Budget Current Month YTD Actual Balance of Budget Grants G~791»00~0531 Operating Grant G—791—00—0537 $0 00 $000 Chamberlain Twp G-791-00-0561 $1,743 00 $1,743 00 Town of Englehart G-791-00-0563 $7,764.75 $7,764.75 Evanturel Twp. G—791-00-0564 $2,357.25 Research Fees G—791—O0—0565 $2,357 25 Membership S0 00 G791—O0~0722 $1,500.00 $155 00 280.00 $1220 00 Admission Fees G—791~00—0723 $800 00 Donations $800 00 G~791~00~0724 $9,000.00 $500 00 500.00 88,500 00 Fund Raising G—791~00—0729 $6,500.00 $2,400 00 4,990 00 $1,510.00 Gift Shop G—791—00-0741 5400 00 $400 00 Sales/Comm/Rent G~791»00-0942 $1,000.00 $1.000 00 Reserves G»791-000952 $0 00 .T,°‘3',&Y§'1‘iE’- $31,065.00 . $3,055.00 $5,770.00 $25,295.00 Expenses Wages G~791—00—1120 $16,500.00 512 34 49 36 $16,450 64 EHT G—791—00—1153 $323.00 $0.24 0 96 $322.04 Omers G-791-00-1154 $50 00 $101 418 $45.82 El G-791~00—1155 $325 00 S0 22 0 98 $324.02 CPP G-791-00-1156 381700 $0 58 2 30 381470 WSlB G-791—O0-1158 $500.00 30 41 1 65 $498 35 Janitorial Supplies G—791-00~2580 $100.00 $100.00 Office Supplies G-791—0O~2610 $200.00 $200.00 General Miscellaneous G—791~00—262O $500.00 $500 00 Curator Display G~791—00—2630 $150.00 $150 00 Materials G~791-00-2710 $100 00 $100 00 Consen/ation Supplies G-791—00~2650 $200 00 $200 00 Travel and Conference G—791~00-3110 S0 00 Course & Seminar (3791 -00~3120 $0 00 Membership G-791—00~3170 $100 00 $100.00 Advertising G-791-00-3240 8500 00 $500.00 Telephone G~791-00~3260 $1,500.00 126 09 $1,373.91 Bldg Maintenance G—791A00~3420 $3,000.00 $332.40 408 40 $2,591 60 Electrical Power G-791—00-3610 8200000 817136 171.36 51,828 64 Natural Gas G-791—O0—3630 $3,200 00 8922 45 922 45 $2,277 55 Insurance G-791—00—3810 $1,000 00 $1,000.00 Cost of Goods Sold G—791—00—2710 $0.00 Capital Expense G—791-00-5110 $0.00 Reserves G—791—00—5390 Total Expenditures $0.00 $31,065.00 $1,441.01 $1,687.73 $29,377.27

2017 Donations to Dec 31, 2017 $10,720 00 Total Revenue Total Expenses Total Elevator Donations to date $15,770.00 move to reserves 50 00 $26,490.00 as.5

Total in reserves at Dec 31. 2016 $10,095 00

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