3. ADOPTION OF MINUTES 3-5 1. Minutes of April 22, 2013 Regular Council Meeting 6 2. Minutes of May 2, 2013 Special Meeting

4. DELEGATIONS 7 1. Jessica Malone-Daniher re Community Farmer's Market Proposal

5. BUSINESS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES 1. KL Region Commemorative Plaque Committee request for Declaration 8-9 2. Region Commemorative Plaque Committee

6. CORRESPONDENCE 10 1. KDCDC Youth Enterprise Camp 11 2. Township of Killaloe-Hagarty-Richards seeking support for motion on Contraband Tobacco 12 3. FONOM re ONTC Divestment 13 4. Richard Pollock re Timiskaming Health Unit services in Englehart. 14-15 5. Teachers of English as a Second Language 16 6. 355 Polaris Squadron Royal Canadian Air Cadets 17-19 7. The College of Physicians and Surgeons of 20 8. Holy Family School re sun shelter for students. 21-24 9. Hydro One 25-26 10. Town of Latchford re MPAC 27 11. Temiskaming Detachment OPP 28 12. Chamber of Commece request for Hall 29-30 13. City of POA 31 14. Englehart High School graduation awards. 32 15. Municipality of re fireworks

7. FINANCE REPORT 33 1. Finance report May 8, 2013



8. BYLAWS 34 1. Appointment of Clerk Treasurer/Administrator 35 2. By-Law to appoint Clerk-Treasurer-Administrator 36 3. By-Law to appoint Deputy Clerk-Treasurer

9. COMMITTEE REPORTS 1. Airport 2. Environment/Public Works 3. Planning Board 4. Museum 5. Finance/General Government 6. Library 7. TMA 8. Fire 9. Recreation 10. Community Policing 37 11. Emergency Management 12. Economic Development 13. Chamber of Commerce 14. Hospital Retention & Recruitment 15. 701 Restoration 16. Elevator Committee 17. Future Policing Advisory Committee



12. NEXT MEETING May 27, 2013 at 6:30 PM 13. ADJOURNMENT

Page 2 of 37 ... Agenda Item # 31.

The minutes of the last regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Englehart, held in the council chambers of the Town Hall on Monday April 22, 2013

Mayor Nina Wallace chaired the meeting.

Councillors present: Doug Metson, Pauline Brassard, Twyla Wilson, Dianne Peplinski, Annette Wood-Wheeldon and Steph Palmateer Staff present: Susan Renaud, Ryan Vickery, Jackie Stewart and Arianna Coghlin Guests: Darlene Wroe

Agenda COU3-13-04-01- Brassard-Wilson- That the agenda be adopted as printed. “Carried”

Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest None noted

Minutes of last council meeting COU3-13-04-02-Wilson-Brassard- That the minutes of the last regular meeting be adopted as amended. “Carried”

Business Arising from Minutes


1. Englehart & District Horticultural Society request that the week of June9-16 be declared Horticulture Week in Englehart. COU3-13-04-03-Brassard-Wilson- That the Council of the Town of Englehart declares June 9th – June 16th, 2013 Horticulture Week in the Town of Englehart. “Carried”

2. James McDougall would like to be part of the Special Events committee. COU3-13-04-04- Peplinski-Wood-Wheeldon- That James McDougall be appointed to the Special Events Committee. “Carried”

7. Fred Dean Water liability Workshop- Council suggested that Sue and Ryan should attend if they can find the time to be away.

Finance Report

COU3-13-04-05-Metson-Brassard- That the report of the finance committee in the amount of $31,188.02 be adopted. “Carried”

Minutes of April 22, 2013 Regular Page 3 of 37 Council Meeting ... Agenda Item # 31.


Committee Reports

Airport Councillor Metson report that there were 205 flights in and out of the airport so far this year compared to 154 in 2012. The Town of Latchford has opted out of the airport board so there will be an increase in fees for the remaining municipalities.

Planning Board Councillor Metson reported that the application for the Planning Board to grant consents has still not been agreed to by the Township of . The Clerks are going to meet to further discuss this. The Township of Chamberlain will be assuming the secretarial duties of the Planning Board.

Recreation Arianna reported that Soccer will be run by Amy Loiselle and the T-Ball and baseball registration is being done by Renee that evening. Day in the park will take place July 27. Arianna will be attending an Aquatic Management course on May 7th in Toronto. Carolyn Verrier has expressed a serious interest in the operation of both the baseball concession and the arena concession stands. Sue will call her and discuss the options.

Emergency Management Ryan and Twyla will be attending the Basic Emergency Training course in Temiskaming Shores.

Economic Development The highway signs are almost ready. The extra land next to the 701 could perhaps be included in with the municipal requests when the ONTC is divested. The community members have set a date to travel to the partner community for the FICE program.

Elevator Committee Doug reported that Trans Canada Pipeline presented the committee with a cheque in the amount of $3,000.00 today. The final fundraiser is coming along well with many works of art coming in from local artist as well as items from business for the silent auction.

Future Policing Advisory Committee Councillor Palmateer reported that they committee is waiting on the final report to be compiled.

Minutes of April 22, 2013 Regular Page 4 of 37 Council Meeting ... Agenda Item # 31.


New Business Appraisals were done on the vacant properties on First Street and the amount they were appraised at was $20,000.00. Once all of the quotes have been received for the installation of services the lots will be advertised for sale. The Trillium Foundation Fund applications are due July 1, 2013 and are usually approved in November if the project qualifies. The project can not already be in progress to qualify. Only one project can be funded through this grant and council discussed the option of the lighting in the arena. Councillor Metson asked if Mayor Wallace could mention, at the next meeting with the Minister, the 175-200 million dollar short fall in the ONR pension fund. Councillor Palmateer inquired about the Gas Tax revenue and where it was being spent. It was applied to the water sewer replacement project. He mentioned that lighting is also an area where the Gas Tax money can be used. Councillor Wilson mentioned to council that Charlie Warner has been observing the amount of light the area to be planted at the arena receives so the appropriate plants can be planted there. He will meet with Ryan to discuss having the soil and edging ready.

Next Meeting

Next regular Council meeting will be held May 8, 2013.


COU3-13-04-06 -Brassard-That we do adjourn. “Carried”

______Clerk Mayor

Minutes of April 22, 2013 Regular Page 5 of 37 Council Meeting ... Agenda Item # 32.

The minutes of the last special meeting of the Council of the Town of Englehart, held in the council chambers of the Town Hall on Thursday May 2, 2013

Mayor Wallace chaired the meeting

Councillors present: Doug Metson, Twyla Wilson, Dianne Peplinski, Pauline Brassard and Steph Palmateer Staff present: Susan Renaud,

Agenda COU1-13-05-01- Palmateer-Peplinski- That the agenda be adopted as presented. “Carried”

Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest None noted

In Camera COU1-13-05-02-Wood-Wheeldon-Pepliniski- Whereas Section 239(2) of the Municipal Act,2001 allows for councils to move into closed session when the subject matter is personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees, labour relations or employee negotiations; Now therefore the council will move into closed session at 8:05 p.m. “Carried”

COU1-13-05-03-Peplinski-Wood-Wheeldon-That the council move out of closed session and return to regular meeting at 8:23 p.m. “Carried”

Staffing COU1-13-05-04-Wilson-Brassard-That the council of the Town of Englehart offers the position of Deputy Clerk Treasurer/Economic Development Officer to Jackie Stewart with a starting Salary of $40,000.00 on the condition that she agrees to complete the AMCTO MAP course with the next 3 years. – “Carried”- Opposed- Doug Metson, Steph Palmateer

COU1-13-05-05-Palmateer-Peplinski- that the council of the Town of Englehart offers the Administrative Assistant position to Brittany Ronald under a one year contract with an annual salary of $35000.00 which will not include benefits. “Carried”

COU1-13-05-06-Metson-Brassard- Be it resolved that the Clerk-Treasurer-Administrator be instructed to carry out the directions as established by Council regarding a personnel decision concerning an identifiable individual. “Carried” Insurance COU1-13-05-07-Brassard-Wilson-That we accept the insurance quote from R.J. Tench Insurance Brokers in the amount of $64,581.00. “Carried”


COU1-13-05-08 -Metson-Wilson: That we do adjourn. “Carried”

______Clerk Mayor

Minutes of May 2, 2013 Special Page 6 of 37 Meeting ... Agenda Item # 41.

Jessica Malone-Daniher PO Box 1161 Englehart, ONPOJ1HO (705) 544-7454

May 1,2013

Town of Englehart POBox Englehart, ON POJ1 HO (705) 544-2244

Attn: Mayor and Council

I would like to request 10 minutes of council time to present my proposal for a Community Farmers Market in Englehart during the 2013 growing season. I would also like to discuss the possibility of holding this market at the Englehart and Area Community Complex. This location would mesh well with the goals of a Community Farmers Market which include strengthening a sense of community by bringing residents together.

I look forward to meeting with you to discuss the other ways a market could benefit the residents of Englehart and surrounding areas and to share my passion for healthy, local foods. Thank you for giving me this opportunity!


Jessica Malone-Daniher BSc Agr

Jessica Malone-Daniher re Page 7 of 37 Community Farmer's Market ... Agenda Item # 52.


Kirkland Lake Region Commemorative Plaque

c/o: 3427 Greenbank Road Ottawa, Ontario K2J 4J1

April 15, 2013

Miners and Families Commemorative Day Saturday, June 29, 2013

Town of Englehart Box 399, 61 Fifth Avenue Englehart, Ontario POJ 1HO Clerk-Treasurer - Sue Renaud

Dear Mayor (Reeve) and Councilors,

On Saturday, June 29, 2013, a 7.0' x 3.5', multi-panel, plaque will be unveiled at the Toburn Historical Property in Kirkland Lake, Ontario. This plaque, illustration attached graphically depicts the significant activities of the 100 plus years in the development of the region of North-Eastern Ontario. It lists the 63 gold mines of the region together with the quantities of gold produced. It pays tribute to the individuals and families who came from far and wide to establish the communities of the region.

As part of this celebration of our history we request that you proclaim June 29, 2013 as:

Miners and Families Commemorative Day.

We hope to announce as part of the ceremony unveiling the plaque that all the communities of the

region have proclaimed June 29th as Minors and Families Commemorative Day.

We invite you and all the members of your community to attend the unveiling at 1:00 PM June 29th at the Toburn Historical Property.

Yours truly, Kirkland Lake Region Commemorative Plaque Committee Thomas O. Wright, Chairperson Lome Duke Carolyn O'Neil Jacques Roy Stanley J. Zima

Kirkland Lake Region Page 8 of 37 Commemorative Plaque ... Agenda Item # 52.

This panel graphically depicts the history of the region showing the arrival of the railway, the staking of claims, the rising of head frames, the arrival of families and the hard labour both above and below ground against the background of the coniferous forest which covers the region.

Kirkland Lake Region Page 9 of 37 Commemorative Plaque ... Agenda Item # 61.

RECEIVED APP;' 3 Socicte do developpement communautaire Kirkland & District ^% Community Development Corporation Une Societe d'alde an developpement des collectivites A Community Futures Development Corporation

April 12, 2013

Mayor Nina Wallace Englehart Town Council P.O. Box 399 Englehart, ON POJ 1HO

Dear Mayor Wallace,

The Kirkland & District Community Development Corporation is pleased to announce that we will be hosting our 12* annual" . This year's camp will be held at

Camp Cadanac in Moonbeam from July 8th to July 12th for youth ages 9 to 12.

This camp is an exclusive program, introducing youth to various facets of business through hands on workshops. Young Entrepreneurs will start with creating a business idea to developing the product, and finally selling their product during "Business for a Day"! Campers will learn great leadership skills, creative thinking, problem solving, working as a team player, as well as partaking in traditional camping experiences!

In an effort to provide an equal opportunity for all children to attend camp, regardless of financial well being, we are seeking your support in the form of sponsorship for one or more youth. The cost to send one child to camp is $425. In return for your sponsorship(s), we will promote the camp, the youth and your sponsorship through the local media.

Thank you for your consideration. Please feel free to contact me at (705) 567-3331 or [email protected].


'aula Mangotich Manager

23 Government Rood East, RO. Box 128, Kirkland Lake, ON P2N 3M6 • Telephone 705.567.3331 - 1.800.297.7347 • Fox 705.567.6565 Email [email protected] • 23, chemin Government Est, C.R 128, Kirkland Lake, (Ontario) P2N 3M6 • "telephone 705.567.3331 - 1.800.297.7347 • Telecopieur 705.567.6565 Courriel [email protected] •

KDCDC Youth Enterprise Camp Page 10 of 37 ... Agenda Item # 62.

1 John Street, P.O. Box 39 Killaloe, ON K0J 2A0 Telephone: (613)757-2300 – Fax: (613)757-3634 email: [email protected] Web Site: April 17, 2013

Dave Bryans CEO, Ontario Convenience Stores Association Suite 217-466 Speers Road Oakville, On L6K 3W9

Dear Mr. Bryans

Re: Proposed Motion on Contraband Tobacco

In reference to the above and further to your letter, please be advised that Council for the Township of Killaloe, Hagarty and Richards passed a resolution at its Regular Meeting on April 2, 2013 to support stopping the spread of contraband tobacco.

Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office.

Yours truly

Susan Sheridan, CMO Deputy CAO Clerk-Treasurer


cc: Ontario Minister of Finance Municipalities in Ontario


Township of Killaloe-Hagarty- Page 11 of 37 Richards seeking support for ... Agenda Item # 63.

April 17, 2013

ONTC Divestment Will Hurt Communication in

The Federation of Northern Ontario Municipalities (FONOM) is once again calling on the Wynne government to halt the divestment of the ONTC. FONOM is increasingly concerned that while the Wynne government is prepared to engage in a dialogue, no commitment to pausing the process during that dialogue has been made.

RFP submissions have been received for Ontera, the region’s telecommunications service, and many stakeholders are concerned that the government may not receive full market value through this RFP process.

The divestment of the provincially owned ONTC has been criticized by a number of stakeholders. The province continues to turn a deaf ear to pleas from private citizens, business owners, and community groups alike for a moratorium on the process and a fair assessment of the ONTC’s economic viability.

With a coverage area of more than 200,000 square kilometers and providing internet, cellular service, and telephone services to remote and hard to reach communities, Ontera is a vital resource for northeastern Ontarians.

A Ministerial Advisory Committee, including representation from northern leaders, has been established by Minister of Northern Development and Mines Michael Gravelle to provide input into the divestment process. FONOM believes that while this committee is a step in the right direction, divestment should be paused during this process.

“This Ministerial Advisory Committee is a positive move, but to be meaningful, the divestment process must be put on hold until after proper consultation has taken place,” Spacek said. “The ONTC is vitally important to Northerners, and privatizing it is not something that should be rushed. We need to be sure that all the key stakeholders have been consulted, before the government makes any decisions. It is our hope the government will listen.”

FONOM continues to reach Ontarians through Facebook, Twitter, and to garner and demonstrate public support for maintaining ONTC as a provincially owned resource.

For More Information:

Al Spacek, President, FONOM - 705 335 0001

North Claybelt Community Futures Development Corporation, South Temiskaming Sud Community Futures Development Corporation, Kirkland Lake and District Community Futures Development Corporation; Nordaski Regional Economic Development Corporation; The Venture Centre Community Futures Development Corporation; NECO Community Futures Development Corporation. [email protected]

FONOM re ONTC Divestment Page 12 of 37 ... Agenda Item # 64.

4/23/13 Gmail - clinic hours for Englehart office

''"':'1-' ne~.wA ElrM'ry EDn .. clinic hours for Englehart office

Dr. Marlene Spruyt Mon, Apr 22, 2013 at 3:30 PM To: "[email protected]"

Hello Richard,

My apologies for not getting this note out to you sooner but I was out of town at meetings most of fast week. You had requested information regarding service reduction in the Englehart office.

As you are aware there had been some office closures on occasional Wednesdays due to security concerns as the receptionist was sometimes the only person in the building. The individual who had been threatening our employee has since been placed in long term custody and so the risk to staff has diminished. However the events of the past few months created an opportunity to examine the actual numbers of visits for nursing clinic services and we realized the numbers on many days were quite low. The average number of client appointments per day during last quarter was 5 and on average one person or less will drop in without an appointment. Also it is important to be aware that the type of preventative public health service that we provide is rarely of an urgent nature. We operate on an appointment based system and will fit in walk in clients when time is available, ft is inefficient though to assign a public health nurse(PHN) to the clinic for an entire day if only a fiew appointments are scheduled as it is unlikely the day will be filled up with drop ins. As we move to more community based programming our PHNs also need to be able to travel to schools and other community events/meetings. Beginning in May 2013 we will only have nursing clinics 3 days per week. This provides sufficient hours to accommodate all the visits that would normally be scheduled during a week and still have capacity for more urgent appointments. If there are phone requests of an urgent nature and there is not a PHN in the building the receptionist will forward the call to the duty nurse at the New Liskeard office. We will continue to monitor the numbers and if demand increased staffing can be adjusted. We have made similar adjustments in staffing at our other offices. The Healthy Baby Healthy Children program in New Liskeard has reduced appointments to 4 days per week and Kirkland Lake clinics days have also been reduced to accommodate staffing for the School Health program expansion.

Hope this information is helpful and if you have further questions please call me.


Dr. Marlene E. Spruyt. BSc, MD, CCFP, FCFP, DPH

Medical Officer of Health(Actingy CEO

Timiskaming Health Unit

247 Whitewood Ave., Unit 43, PO Box 1090

New Liskeard, Ontario, POJ 1PO

=2&ite=5d38ad5a7e&yew=pt&search=inboxStti= 13e333a35383c2b3 1/2

Richard Pollock re Timiskaming Page 13 of 37 Health Unit services in Englehart. ... Agenda Item # 65. •'

TEACHERS OF ENGLISH 27 Carlton Street, Suite 405 AS A SECOND LANGUAGE Toronto, Ontario M5Bil_2 ASSOCIATION OF ONTARIO T 416-593-4243 F 416-593-0164 TF 1-800-327-4827

[email protected]

April 23, 2013

Her Worship Mayor Nina Wallace Town of Englehart 61 Fifth Avenue Englehart, ON POJ1HO

Your Worship,

I am writing on behalf of TESL Ontario (Teachers of English as a Second Language) to invite you to take part in our Ontario wide initiative and declare the week of October 20 - 26, 2013 as "English as a Second Language Week" in your region. Given the diversity of your population, we hope you will grant us this request. In 2012 45 municipalities declared English as a Second Language Week.

For 40 years, TESL Ontario has held its Annual Conference to provide professional development for educators, administrators, students and volunteers who work with immigrants, refugees, citizens, and visitors, all who wish to improve their ability to communicate in English. This year, our conference "Merging and Emerging Pathways through Language" will be held October 24 - 26, 2013 and we will be honoured if representatives of your council can participate.

Last year's TESL Ontario conference attracted 1500 registrants. Our members travel from across the province and beyond to attend workshops, research symposia, our technology fair and publishers' displays. For many of us, this annual journey to Toronto marks a time when we can share our experiences, expand our skills, and reaffirm the positive contribution that our province makes to diversity.

Through a set of criteria developed to ensure measurable qualifications among ESL professionals, TESL Ontario demands the best qualifications of our members, as well as the best in training from our teaching programs. As a result, we offer the finest in second language education to our students, who are capable of contributing a wealth of knowledge and experience to Ontario communities.

Attached, please find our suggested wording of the proclamation. If you have any suggestions or comments as to the content of this document, please contact our Executive Director, Renate Tilson, at 416-593-4243 ext. 203.

Thank you for your consideration,


Sheila Nicholas Chair

Teachers of English as a Second Page 14 of 37 Language ... Agenda Item # 65.


Ontario has been the destination of choice for many immigrants who have added to the diversity of the province by bringing their culture, customs and language, even as they endeavour to acquire the ability to communicate in English.

The community of English as a Second Language learners are represented in all aspects of society. They are students in elementary and secondary schools, universities, colleges, public and private schools, adult education students pursuing literacy and basic skills, participants in workplace-training programs, researchers and subjects, volunteers and workers, employees and business owners, labourers and professionals, neighbours and friends.

The professional organization Teachers of English as a Second Language (TESL) Ontario hosts a conference in Toronto each year consisting of workshops, research symposia and a technology fair to maintain and expand the skills and abilities of its members.

NOW THEREFORE, I, on behalf of of Council, do hereby proclaim October 20th to 26th, 2013 as "English as a Second Language Week" in the of

Teachers of English as a Second Page 15 of 37 Language ... Agenda Item # 66.


April, 252013

Dear Mayor Nina Wallace

You are cordially invited to the 29th Anniversary Inspection and Parade of 355 Polaris Squadron, Royal Canadian Air Cadets, Englehart. This year we will he joining 288 Red Fox Squadron in Kirkland Lake. The ceremonies will he held on May 30th 2013 at Ecole Catholique Jean Vanier, Kikland Lake, Ontario.

All members and guests are requested to he seated by ISOOhr (6:00 P.M.) for 1830hr (6:30 P.M.) parade.

The Reviewing Officer will be, Cornel Pratt GM, Director of Cadets and Junior Rangers of Canada.

Dress for military personnel will he S-3.

You are invited to attend the reception which will he held in the school's cafeteria following the parade.

Please reply your intentions by May 15th to the address above or to eji

Yours Truly, .—- ^^-~ ,--- <- c C Erin Charlton Captain Commanding Officer (705) 544-5471

355 Polaris Squadron Royal Page 16 of 37 Canadian Air Cadets ... Agenda Item # 67.

The College of Physicians and Page 17 of 37 Surgeons of Ontario ... Agenda Item # 67.

Honouring Outstanding Ontario Physicians Selection Criteria The criteria for selecting a physician for the Council Award are based on the eight "physician roles" identified by Edu- cating Future Physicians of Ontario in 1993. These roles reflect the many needs and expectations of our society, and outline an archetype of the "ideal physician." Those roles are:

1. Medical Expert/Clinical Decision Maker 5. Health Advocate

'Ihe physician is well-informed about the science and XX'ith an understanding of the many determinants of technology of mcdicinr and health care. 'Ihe physician's health, the physician advocates for more effective public knowledge and skill is used to collect and interpret daia, health interventions and policies. make appropriate clinical decisions and carry out diag- 6.Learner nostic ami therapeutic procedures. 'Jhe physician recogniycs thai the abilities to change and 2. Communicator to continue to learn are essential to the practice of good Ihe physician has effective, humane relationships with medicine. Die physician is a self-directed learner and patients and colleagues. The physician understands and keeps abreast of current treatments and philosophies. responds to patients' needs, fears, beliefs and expecta- 7. Scientist/Scholar tions ami effectively counsels and educates on health "Ihe physician understands the scientific method and care needs and puhlic health (.are issues. applies it to patient encounters, community health issues 3. Collaborator and to the critical assessment of literature related to the Ihe physician works in partnership with other health biological, psychological and sociological basis of illness. care professionals ami sees the patient and family mem- 'Ihe physician may be engaged in scientific research. bers as partners in health care decision-making. Jhe 8. Person & Professional physician appropriately uses community and health care Ihe physicKiii has developed strategies tor coping with resources. professional demands to provide maximum oppoiumiry

4. Gatekeeper/Resource Manager lor effective relationships with patients and colleagues

'Ihe physician reeogni/es the determinants of while at the same time providing excelleni medical care.

health and the implications of those determinants for 'Ihc physkian is committee! to the highest standards of

the practice of medicine. 'Ihe physician participates at ,1 cxLcllcnc e in clinical care and ethical conduct.

number of organisational levels to address issues SIR h as

quality of tare anil quality assmancc mechanisms.

The College of Physicians and Page 18 of 37 Surgeons of Ontario ... Agenda Item # 67.

Assessing the Criteria

Hit1 C .ollcge is set-king to recognize physicians performance in of these roles Ls outstanding, recogniyiii" that individual physicians will demonstrate more extensive in some roles than in others. Council Awards arc pre sented at Council meetings. Eligibility for Nomination

Anyone may nominate an eligible physician for the Council Award, 'lo be eligible lor nomination, ,1 physician musr hold an C )ntario certificate of registration and be in good standing with the College, hornier recipients of the Council Award or the Excellence in Quality Management or Medical Care Award are not eligible for nomination. The completed nomination form (on back) and required documentation must be submitted by August 16, 2013, lor consideration by the (Council Award Selection ('ommitice.

« 'Ihe nominator should complete the enclosed nomination form, providing as much information as possible about the physician nominee, lypc or print clearly in the- space provided. II additional space is required, attach additional pa>',c\s.

• 'Ihe nominator should provide a detailed nominator's statement. In this statement, describe, how the physician nomi- nee has demonstrated overall excellence using the eight physician roles outlined on previous page. It is recognl/.ed that individual physicians will demonstrate more extensive- expertise in some- roles than in others. Ibe nominator mav inc hide concisely presented pert inem support ing mate-rials (letters, reports, testimonials, press clippings, etc.). I'lease do not bind or Maple pages.

• '["he nominator is also responsible for finding a seconder loi the- nomina- tion. Jhe seconder should provide a seconder's statement, their own written testimonial about the nominee and his or her accomplishments, again using v.rltLl\Ll j I.

the eight physic ian roles. Nomination form complete LJ • Jhe nominator should obtain a tony of the nominees clinic ulum vitae, . , ,. . '' including: if possible. Nominator's statement LJ

Seconder's statement U

'[he completed Council Awaid nomination form (including nominator's Nominee's CV LJ statement, supporting material, seconder's statement ami nominee's Supporting documents (optional) U aiiikiihim vitae) can be' entailed, mailed or faxed to:

Ihe ( 'oimdl Award, Submitted papers are NOT bound U c/o Ms. Sharon 'Ihompson, Physician Advisory Service, ( 'ollej-e of Phvsii ians and Surgeons of Omar 10, Note: The deadline for nominations KO C 'ollegc Sirc-ci, is Friday, August 16, 2013 at 5pm. 'Ibronto, Ontario, MSC 2I;,2

'lei: (A 16) 967-2600 or 1 -800 268 7096, exlension ."S7

!:ax: (--il()J 967-2666

1,mail: sthompson(-/;Lpso.on.c a

Anv ciuesiions concetninL1, the nommaiion insnuctions should be' directed ro Sharon Ihompson, and no

lion forms can be1 obtained by comae, tmu, her. Nominal ion forms are also available- at:

The College of Physicians and Page 19 of 37 Surgeons of Ontario ... Agenda Item # 68. HOLY FAMILY SCHOOL P.O. Box 578, 80. 8th Avenue Englchart, Ontario RECEIVED POM HO Phone: (705) 544-2397 Fax: (705) 544-2466 Principal: Mr. Matthew Turner email: [email protected]

Dear Town of Englehart, April 24, 2013

I am writing this letter to you today to request your assistance in obtaining a shade shelter for placement in the school yard at Holy Family School. My hope is that there may be such a tent in storage and it can be lent to us for May-June, or that you can assist us financially in obtaining such a shelter. We need look only as far as the latest news regarding the need for increased sun safety, as various skin disorders are on the rise due to excess sun exposure. Through the summer months, our students have little shade in the school yard, so anything that the Town of F.nglehart can do to assist us in protecting our children would be very much appreciated!

Thanking you in advance.

Matt Turner


Holy Family School re sun shelter Page 20 of 37 for students. ... Agenda Item # 69.


Mayor Nina Wallace 61 Fifth Avenue P.O. Box 399 Englehart, ()N POJ 1HO

April 26, 2013

Dear Mayor Wallace,

Important information about changes to Hydro One's Customer Information System

Hydro One's customer information system is more than a decade old and needs to be replaced to continue to reliably and effectively meet customer needs and manage our business. At the end of May, Hydro One is upgrading its system and customers will see some changes on their bill. As an elected official we wanted to draw your attention to these changes as some of your constituents may have questions.

Changes as a result of the new Customer Information System include:

Closing the billing delay: Today on average, there's a delay of up to 18-days between when our customers' use electricity and when we issue their bill. The new system will close that gap and customers will sec up to 18 days of electricity consumption added to their monthly charges on their first bill. To make this change more manageable, we are issuing a credit for this amount on the May or June bill and automatically enrolling customers in a six-month interest-free, payment plan.

A new account number: All account numbers will change on the May or June bill but no action is required for our customers. We have worked with financial institutions to ensure that customers have a seamless transition. The new account number will stay the same for life, making it easy for our customers to transfer their service.

see over ->.

Hydro One Page 21 of 37 ... Agenda Item # 69.

Bill available online at My Account: Customers will now be able to view their bill online starting in May or June by registering for My Account online sendees at

More meter reading information on their bill: Customers on Time-of-l_Tsc pricing will see- the start and end meter readings for the billing period beginning with their |une or July bill.

Our customers deserve the best possible experience when they come to us for service and a new Customer Information System will improve our call centre, boost productivity of our held operations and provide value to our customers. Please direct any questions that come into your office to our Customer Information System hotline at 1-877-543-3797. Our office hours are Monday to 1'ridav, 7:30 a.m. to 8 p.m.


Myles D'Arccy Senior Vice-President, Customer Operations

Hydro One Page 22 of 37 ... Agenda Item # 69.



Today on average, there's a delay of up to 18 days between when you use electricity and when we issue your bill. The launch of our new Customer Information System (CIS) will close that 1 8-day gap.

As a result, on your May or June bill, you'll see 1 8 days of your electricity consumption added to your normal monthly charges. For some customers, an extra 1 8 days of electricity consumption on a single bill makes a big difference. So that's why you don't have to pay the full amount right away. Instead, we're crediting this amount on your Mav i -ii 77 or June bill.

Then for the next six months, to make this payment easier, we automatically enrolled you into an interest-free Real-Time Billing Payment Plan. The Payment Plan divides those 1 8 days of consumption into six equal monthly payments. There are no fees for this plan and it's interest-free.

You can pay off the Payment Plan amount any time you like. It's your choice. If you're on a Pre-Authorized Payment Plan with Hydro One, just pay the Payment Plan amount, online or in-person at the bank.

Here's what you'll see on your May or June bill: • "Your new charges" includes your normal monthly bill PLUS the cost of those 1 8 days of electricity consumption. • Next to "Adjustments" you'll notice a Credit (CR) for the 1 8 days. This is the amount of your Real-Time Billing Payment Plan which will start on your next bill.

To estimate the amount of your Payment Plan in advance, use our calculator: You'll need to know the amount of your average monthly bill and the calculator does the rest.

1. WHAT WILL MY MAY OR JUNE BILL LOOK LIKE? • Average amounts based on a typical residential customer who uses 800 kWh a month.


Customer service Here's what you owe

Hydro One Networks Inc. Balance forward SO.00 PO Box 5700 Your new charges $230.00 Markham, Ontario L3R 1C8 Adjustments : $80.00 CR Total amount you owe SI 50-00 View your electricity use at

Your new charges include both your normal monthly charges, in this case $ 150 AND the cost of the extra days of electricity consumption, $80. So $150 + $80 = $230.

The Adjustments line includes the amount of your Payment Plan. It's a credit (CR) for now because your Payment Plan doesn't start until your NEXT bill.


Adjustments Real-Time Billing Payment Plan $80.00 CR Total adjustments S80.00 CR

Your full payment amount will be listed as a Real-Time Billing Payment Plan credit within the Adjustments section on page two of your bill.

Read more

Hydro One Page 23 of 37 ... Agenda Item # 69.

2. WHAT WILL MY JUNE OR JULY BILL LOOK LIKE? * Average amounts based on a typical residential customer who uses 800 kWh a month.


Customer service Here's what you owe $0.00 Hydro One Networks Inc. Balance forward P15Q.QCL PO Box 5700 Your new charges S13.33,. Markham. Ontario L3R 1C8 Adjustments Total amount you owe S163.33 View your electricity use at www.

The Adjustments line on your June or July bill includes the amount of your Payment Plan. You'll pay this amount every month, for the next six months. There are no fees, no interest and you can pay the entire Payment Plan amount at any time.


Adjustments Real-Time Billing Payment Plan ($66.67 remaining) Total adjustments $13.33

Here's your Real-Time Billing Payment Plan monthly amount. Also on this line, you'll notice what's left to pay on your Payment Plan. |


VIEW YOUR BILL ONLINE Register for My Account online services at Starting with your May or June bill, you can view your bill online. If you aren't registered for My Account, you'll need a copy of your bill to get started. You can also sign up with epost™ to receive your bill electronically and eliminate paper.

NEW ACCOUNT NUMBER FOR LIFE Your account number will change on your May or June bill. No action is required on your part. You'll keep the same account number with us, no matter how many times you move. Even if you leave our service territory and come back, your account number will stay the same.

MORE METER READING INFORMATION ON YOUR BILL If you're on Time-of-Use (TOU) pricing, your June or July bill will start to show your meter reading for the start and end of the billing period in addition to your TOU consumption. To learn more about this and other TOU features, visit

Your electricity Your service type is Residential - Medium Density charges Electricity used this billing period We read your meter J1234567 on July 1. 2013 We read your meter on June 1, 2013 Difference in meter readings Meiered usage in kilowatt-hours (1,000.0000 x 1) = 1,000.0000 kWh Adjusted usage in kilowatt-hours (1.000.0000 x 1,085*) = 1,085.0000 kWh

You'll now see your meter reading for the start and end of the billing period. It can help you keep track of your electricity consumption.


Your billing and due date will not change. You still have 1 9 days to pay your bill before late fees apply.

Customer Communications Centre Tel: 1-877-543-3797 Fax: 1-888-625-4401 Monday to Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. EOT hyd Hydro One Networks Inc. one P.O. Box 5700, Markham, ON L3R 1C8 Partners in Powerful Communities Follow us on Twitter ^ @HydroOne -

Hydro One Page 24 of 37 ... Agenda Item # 610.


MOVED BY: P iAJi/ No.:

1 /' /? J-~- SECONDED BY: C Date: April 18th 2013 /7 '/ Whereas assessment services are provided in Ontario by the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) with no other option for this service being available to municipalities, And Whereas the cost for this service is non-negotiable but rather imposed on the municipalities, And Whereas various municipalities, primarily in Northern Ontario, are being forced into near bankruptcy due to the inability of MPAC to defend their assessment numbers, And Whereas the government of Ontario is resistant to staying these excessive awards to the appellant industries thereby driving the affected municipalities into a state of near and possible bankruptcy, Therefore Be It Resolved that the Council for the Corporation of the Town of Latchford will withhold payment of all future invoices from MPAC for their services until they demonstrate the ability to properly perform their services, and for which municipalities have no alternative for delivery of this service. And Further that this resolution be circulated to all members of the Federation of Northern Ontario Municipalities (FONOM) requesting a show of solidarity with this initiative as a means of conveying both to MPAC and the Government of Ontario the seriousness of what the incompetence of MPAC have forced a number of municipalities into.

Carried {/..._ Amended

Signmurc of Presiding Officer


Declaration of Pecuniary Interest/Conflict of Interest

declared interest, abstained from discussion and did not vote on the question.

C1 c rk-T r ca s u rer

Town of Latchford re MPAC Page 25 of 37 ... Agenda Item # 610.

Municipal Property Assessment Corporation

PO Box 3884, Commerce Court Postal Station

Toronto Ontario. M5L 1K1 P.O. Box 10 Latchford, ON April 29"'2013 POJ 1NO

Tel.: 705-676-2416 fax:705-676-2121 RE: Withholding payment to MPAC.

To whom it may concern:

Council for the Corporation of the Town of Latchford approved the attached resolution at their Council meeting of April 18, 2013. We have decided to resort to this as an expression of our very serious concern with the rulings that have been awarded to various industries, primarily forest related, by the Assessment Review Board as a reaction to their appeals.

Financial success such as has been realized through these rulings can only result in similar efforts by other industries and businesses with the result that we, the municipalities will be driven to recover our losses from residential and small business in our respective communities. While we are limited as to how we can collectively convey our concerns to the Ministries of Finance and Municipal Affairs & Housing, withholding payment of our MPAC billings is a way to begin.

We are circulating this effort to other municipalities so as to get additional support in the hopes of conveying to you the seriousness of the situation you are placing municipal governments in regardless of the size of the municipality. It is our hope that this action will convey to you our displeasure at the lack of effort imparted by MPAC in defending the service they provide municipal governments at considerable cost and with no option of other providers for assessment services.

Respectfully,/X / '^uut(. L C/c_ -George A.. Lefebv/e



Town of Latchford re MPAC Page 26 of 37 ... Agenda Item # 611.

Temiskaming Detachment Détachement du Temiskaming P.O. Box 6000 Case postale 6000 300 Armstrong Street North 300 rue Armstrong nord New Liskeard, ON P0J 1P0 New Liskeard, ON P0J 1P0

Tel: (705) 647-8400 Fax: (705) 647-9266 1-888-310-1122

Temiskaming Englehart Temagami Elk Lake

File Reference: 614

April 30, 2013

Town of Englehart P.O. Box 399 Englehart, Ontario P0J 1H0


Re: Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (Performance Measurement Program)

I have received the statistical information you requested for the above report. The following are statistics for the Town of Englehart for 2012:

Offence Type Actuals Cleared Rate Violent Crime 12 12 100% Property Crime 41 12 29.3% Other Criminal 11 10 90.9% Code Total 64 34 53.1%

In 2012 there were 10 Young Persons charged in the Town of Englehart.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have further questions about the above statistics.

Yours truly,

Inspector Dan T.R. DAWSON Detachment Commander, Temiskaming OPP Detachment

Temiskaming Detachment OPP Page 27 of 37 ... Agenda Item # 612.

Englehart & District Chamber of Commerce Box 171 Englehart, Ontario POJ 1HO

April 24, 2013

Englehart Mayor and Councillors, Box 399, Englehart, Ontario, POJ 1HO

Dear Mayor Wallace and Council Members,

The Englehart & District Chamber of Commerce would like to hold its Citizen of the Year/ Lifetime Achievement Award Dinner at the Englehart Arena Complex on Saturday, April 5, 2014. As this is an event to award Englehart & Area citizens for their contributions to life in the North and is not a fund raising event, we would ask that we have the banquet hall on the same basis as in 2013 with no charge being applied.

Thank you for your consideration in this matter. If you have any questions, please contact me.

Yours truly,

Bonnie Warner, Secretary Treasurer

705-544-8916 email [email protected]

Chamber of Commece request for Page 28 of 37 Hall ... Agenda Item # 613.

RECEIVED APR.'I •:•• 2013

Dymond Louise Regan Haileybury City of Temiskaming Shores Manager of Court Services New Liskeard 325 Farr Drive Tel: 705-672-3221 P.O. Box 2050 Fax: 705-672-2911 Teniiskammg Haileybury, Ontario Ireganlji' Shores POJ 1KO

Provincial Offences Office

April 29, 2013

TO: Participating Municipalities in the PGA Agreement

Please find enclosed a copy of the Income Statement for the last quarter of 2012 and a cheque representing your portion thereof.

Enclosed as well is a copy of the Audited Financial Statements for last year.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned.

Yours truly

Louise Regc inager of Court Services


City of Temiskaming Shores POA Page 29 of 37 ... Agenda Item # 613.

City of Temiskaming Shores Income Statement 01/01/2012 to 31/12/2012 Page 1 REVENUE

Revenues Fines - Highway Traffic Act 627,970.44 Fines - Liquor Licence Act 28,825.20 Fines - By-Law Parking 7,898.71 Fines - other provincial offences 295,010.69 Fines - Dedicated 29,245.23 Fines-Victim Surcharge 208,128.16 Payment Taken by Other POA Offices 159.036.85 Miscellaneous Revenue 0.00 Investment Income 3,845.32 Transcript Revenue 0.00 Total Revenues 1,359,960.60

TOTAL REVENUE 1,359,960.60


Administration Expenses Wages and Benefits 148,883.23 Materials and Supplies 3,254.52 Court Room Capitalize Expenses 0.00 Legal Fees 57,614.30 Accouting Fees 2,338.72 Form Supplies 10,283.26 Petty Cash 0.00 Telephone 7,270.28 Computer Services 0.00 Bank Charges 6,895.68 Advertising and Promotion 0.00 Travel and Conferences 3,257.40 Rent - Temiskaming Shores Court 13,500.00 Rent - Ontario Realty Corp 0.00 Rent -Kirkland Lake Court Room 2.100.00 Rent - Office Space 58,672.87 Total Rent 74,272.87 Moving Expenses 0.00 Haileybury Admin, fees 0.00 Prov. Government cost recovery 63,313.36 Witness fees 698.45 Interpreters Fees 4,865.99 Transcripts 447.25 Refund of Fines 1,435.00 Court Security 0.00 Restitution 165.89 Collection Fees _36,8_7_4,4_2 Total Administration Expenses 421,870.62

External Transfers Fines to Province 0.00 Dedicated fines 29,245.23 Victim fine Surcharge 208,128.16 Municipal By-law Fines 7,992.00 Other Provincial Offences Offices 43,944.00 Refund for Fed fines fees 0.00 Transfer to municipalities 648,780.59 Total External Trasfers 938,089.98

TOTAL EXPENSE 1,359,960.60


Printed On: 29/04/2013

City of Temiskaming Shores POA Page 30 of 37 ... Agenda Item # 614.

ENGLEHART HIGH SCHOOL Susi Johanson, H.B.A., B.Ed., Principal susan.johamon@dsb 1. edu. on. ca

61 Fourth Street, PO Box 130, Englehart, ON POJ IHO Angle Stinkowji, Student Services Tel. (705)544-2337 Fax (705)544-8577 angela,stinkowji@dsb I. edu. on. ca

May 6, 2013 HtCeiVfcO MAY 0 i 2013

Janna Van Oostcn Clerk Treasurer Administrator The Corporation of the Town of Englehart PO Box 399 Englehart ON POJ IHO

Dear Janna:

Englehart High School's 2012-2013 Graduation Ceremony is fast approaching and is scheduled for Wednesday, June 261'1, 2013, at 7:00 pm.

The awards presentation will again be a significant part of this event. Your generosity in providing the Mayor and Council of Englehart Award and the Town of Englehart Award for previous years' ceremonies is greatly appreciated. Recognition by the community for student academic achievement is very important to our students. We know Miranda Hayes and Jaime Roach was very pleased to be the recipients of these awards last year.

It would help us in planning our ceremony if you would kindly complete the enclosed forms, and return it to us in the self-addressed stamped envelope by Monday. June 3rd, as the Awards Committee meets in early June.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me at the school, 544-2337.

Thank you very much.


Annie Dorrcll-Nichol - Chairperson Awards Committee


District School Board Ontario North East

Englehart High School graduation Page 31 of 37 awards. ... Agenda Item # 615.

TEL: (705}-544-7525 & ''X 287237 Sprucegrove Rd FAX: (705)-544-2369 jj^^L^^\#2 EMAIL: [email protected] fl Englehart, Ontario www-charltonanddack'com MUNICIPALITY OF CHARLTON AND DACK

May 3rd, 2013

Ms. Sue Renaud Town of Englehart P.O. Box 399 Englehart Ontario POJ 1HO

RE: 2013 Canada Day Fireworks Celebration

Dear Sir or Madam,

The Municipality of Charlton and Dack wish to host a Fireworks Display for the July 1st Canada Day Celebration. Due to the high costs of such an event, bringing together the communities of Englehart, Chamberlain, Evanturel and Charlton and Dack will allow for a cost effective and great celebration. This event was a great community success last year and we are hoping we can bring together everyone again for a great night.

We have a group of volunteers who are working diligently to secure funding and organize the pyrotechnics display. The cost of putting on this community event is large and the more we are able to

raise the greater the show that can be put together. The Canada Day event on July 1st this year lands on a Monday which should allow for a great turnout and we are asking our local businesses for donations toward the cost of the display. As we need to allow time for the planning of the display and the ordering of the fireworks we hope to have any donations before the end of May 2013. Any amount you are able to donate will be greatly appreciated and receipts will be provided.

If we are successful in raising enough money, the event will be hosted at the Charlton Waterfront on Monday July 1st, 2013 at dark. Thank you for considering our request and if you have any questions please contact the Municipal Office at 705-544-7525.

Yours Truly,

Pamela Milks-Despres Chair of the Charlton and Dack Recreation Committee Councillor for the Municipality of Charlton and Dack

Municipality of Charlton and Dack Page 32 of 37 re fireworks ... Agenda Item # 71.

Report of the Finance Committee Wednesday May 8, 2013 We, your Finance Committee, having examined the following accounts find them correct and recommend payment of same. Cheque # Company Item Amount 21630 Acklands Grainger Supplies $ 290.00 21631 A&P Copy Systems Photocopier $ 82.21 21632 Jana Van Oosten Gift $ 500~bO 2i633]Englehart Flower Shop Flowers for Mrs. Charbonneau $ 87.01 21634 Englehart Public Library 50% 2013 Contribution $ 18,326.00 21635 Jerry Gareh Supplies $ 23.04 21636 Hydro One Networks Hydro $ 2,306.90 21637 Temiskaming Speaker Advertisement/ Business Cards $ 312.15 21638 TDSSAB Social Services $ "24,936.97 21639 Packard Plumbing & Heating Museum Furnace $ 9,328.15 21640 Orkin Canada Pest Control $ 201.14 21641 City of Temiskaming Shore BEM Course $ 120.00 21642 Laframboise Fuels OiL _.._„" ~_"I "__"._"' J $ 134.01 21643 Hydro One Networks Electricity $ 194.34 21644 Ontera __|Telephone $ 6.50 21645 Packard Plumbing Air Diffusers $ 84.30 21646 Spectrum Telecom Pager Maintenance Fire Dept $ 316.40 21647 UltraMar Fuel $ 481.87 21648;WSIB reconciliation interest $ 84.88 21649 Rooney welding Recycle Bin repair $ 210.00 21650 AECOM WTP/Water and Sewer project $ 3,573.44 21651 Boreal Human Resources CURE Negotiations $ 900.00 21652 SPI Health and Safety Brething App. Parts FD $ 324.66 21653 Town of Parry Sound FONOM Brittany Ronald Reg. $ 389.85 21654 CUMIS General Insurance bobcat claim $ 5,000^00 21655 John Warren refund for hall deposit $ "50700 21656 Kenogami Bridge Inn Dinner $ 1,059.23

TOTAL $ 69,323.05


Moved bv: Seconded bv:

That the report of the Finance Committee, in the amount of $69,323.05 be adopted.

Carried Mayor

Finance report May 8, 2013 Page 33 of 37 ... Agenda Item # 81.


BY-LAW NO. 2013-07


WHEREAS under the provisions of section 228(1) 286(1) and section 229 of the Municipal Act S.O. 2001,c25, as amended, The Council of a municipality shall appoint a clerk and treasurer and may appoint a chief executive officer whom shall have all the powers under the Municipal Act and any other act;

AND WHEREAS the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Town of Englehart deems it expedient to combine of offices of Clerk ,treasurer and chief executive officer;

NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Town of Englehart enacts as follows:

1. That Susan Renaud be appointed to the office of CLERK-TREASURER/ ADMINISTRATOR of the Town of Englehart

2. That the salary attached to said office shall be as determined from time to time by resolution of the Municipal Council

3. That this by-law shall take effect on the date of the final passing thereof

4. That all by-laws and resolutions, or parts thereof, contrary hereto or inconsistent herewith, be and the same are hereby repealed.





Appointment of Clerk Page 34 of 37 Treasurer/Administrator ... Agenda Item # 82.


BY-LAW NO. 2013-07


WHEREAS under the provisions of section 228(1) 286(1) and section 229 of the Municipal Act S.O. 2001,c25, as amended, The Council of a municipality shall appoint a clerk and treasurer and may appoint a chief executive officer who shall have all the powers under the Municipal Act and any other act;

AND WHEREAS the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Town of Englehart deems it expedient to combine of offices of Clerk, Treasurer and Chief Executive Officer;

NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Town of Englehart enacts as follows:

1. That Susan Renaud be appointed to the office of CLERK-TREASURER/ ADMINISTRATOR of the Town of Englehart

2. That the salary attached to said office shall be as determined from time to time by resolution of the Municipal Council

3. That this by-law shall take effect on the date of the final passing thereof

4. That all by-laws and resolutions, or parts thereof, contrary hereto or inconsistent herewith, be and the same are hereby repealed.





By-Law to appoint Clerk-Treasurer- Page 35 of 37 Administrator ... Agenda Item # 83.


BY-LAW NO. 2013-08


WHEREAS under the provisions of section 228(2) 286(2) of the Municipal Act S.O. 2001,c25, as amended, The Council of a municipality shall appoint a Deputy Clerk and a Deputy Treasurer who shall have all the powers and duties of the Clerk and or Treasurer under the Municipal Act and any other act;

AND WHEREAS the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Town of Englehart deems it expedient to combine the said offices of Deputy Clerk and Deputy Treasurer for the Town of Englehart;

NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Town of Englehart enacts as follows:

1. That Jackie Stewart be appointed to the office of DEPUTY CLERK- TREASURER of the Town of Englehart

2. That the salary attached to said office shall be as determined from time to time by resolution of the Municipal Council

3. That this by-law shall take effect on the date of the final passing thereof

4. That all by-laws and resolutions, or parts thereof, contrary hereto or inconsistent herewith, be and the same are hereby repealed.





By-Law to appoint Deputy Clerk- Page 36 of 37 Treasurer ... Agenda Item # 911.


Ryan & I attended this course in Temiskaming Shores Tues. & Wed. April 23rd& 24th. There was nothing BASIC about this course. I do not want to be in charge if there is a disaster & apparently that was the purpose of the course. Several qualified personnel attended this course & I was lost almost from the start. The course was very interesting & I did learn from it. Our experience with the Kirkland fire last year did help me understand a bit more.

After 1 ½ days we were given an open book test & even that did not help much when those who had finished took their lunch break & started to chat. It was all very disturbing.

I would like to see a special meeting called with Mayor & Council, Ryan, Sue& Jackie to go over our roles in case of an emergency, the things needed that we do not have, important names, contacts, telephone & internet numbers. All this needs to be updated & needs to be in a place where we all know it is in case someone of us is not available. From there we can assign jobs to those around us. Ryan could meet with the works Dept. so they would know what is expected & needed from them in case of a disaster. Then is not the time to try & get this all together.

I guess I did learn something from this after all. Thank you for sending me on this course, I do not expect to pass, I do not intend to retake the exam & please pass me over if there is an advanced course.

As a foot note : Pauline & I attended the VCARS dinner & who should sit at our reserved table but the Fire Chief who marked our test !! Wonder if he remembered me ??


Emergency Management Page 37 of 37