ENGLEHART MUNICIPAL COUNCIL AGENDA APRIL 25, 2018 AT 6:30PM HELD IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS Page 1. ADOPTION OF AGENDA 2. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST 3. ADOPTION OF MINUTES 3-6 1. Minutes regular council meeting March 28, 2018 4. DELEGATIONS 5. BUSINESS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES 6. CORRESPONDENCE 7 1. Friends of the Englehart Public Library-Request for donation Kid's Fun Day 8 2. Englehart High School-Bursaries 2018 graduation 9-11 3. Township of Baldwin-Resolution for support Bill C-71 Firearms legislation 12-14 4. Municipality of Halton-Motion for support Truck-Rail development in Milton 15 5. FONOM-2018 Conference May 10, 2018 16 6. Thank you - Charlton Englehart Lions Club 17 7. Stewardship Ontario-Industry funding for Municipal Blue Box Recycling 18-19 8. Ernie Hardeman M.P.P.-Resolution for Support Re: Right to Approve Landfill Developments 20 9. Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration-Champion of Diversity Award 7. FINANCE REPORT 21-23 1. Finance Report from March 23 to April 18, 2018 8. BYLAWS 24-25 1. By-Law 2018-07-By-Law to enter into an agreement with a planner of record 26 2. By-Law 2018-08-To Authorize the Delegation of Authority to the Clerk During "Lame Duck" Period 27 3. By-Law 2018-09-To Appoint a Clerk-Treasurer for the Town of Englehart 28 4. By-Law 2018-10-To Appoint a Chief Building Official 29-42 5. By-Law 2018-11-To Establish a Policy-Workplace Violence and Workplace Harassment under Bill 168 9. COMMITTEE REPORTS 1. Airport 2. Environment/Public Works Page 1 of 55 ENGLEHART MUNICIPAL COUNCIL AGENDA APRIL 25, 2018 AT 6:30PM Page 9. COMMITTEE REPORTS 43-45 3. Planning Board 46-55 4. Museum 5. Finance 6. General Government 7. Library 8. TMA 9. Fire 10. Parks and Recreation 11. Special Events 12. Community Policing 13. Emergency Management 14. Economic Development 15. Chamber of Commerce 16. Provincial Offences Act 10. NEW BUSINESS 11. IN CAMERA 12. NEXT MEETING MAY 23, 2018 AT 6:30PM 13. ADJOURNMENT Page 2 of 55 ... Agenda Item # 31. The Minutes of the last regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Englehart, held in the Council Chambers of the Town Hall on Wednesday March 28, 2018 @ 6:30pm Mayor Nina Wallace chaired the meeting. Councilors present: Doug Metson, Jason deLeeuw, Jerry Mikovitch and John Emrick. Regrets: Pauline Brassard, Twyla Wilson Staff Present: Shawn LaCarte and Therese Hall. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest None noted. Adoption of Agenda COU1-18-03-01-Emrick-deLeeuw-Be it resolved, that the agenda be adopted as amended to include the letter to Gary Sims under correspondence #1a and the letter from the winter carnival committee #10. “Carried” Minutes COU1-18-03-02- deLeeuw-Emrick-Be it resolved, that the minutes of the last regular meeting held on February 28, 2018 be adopted as printed. “Carried” Correspondence Englehart and Kirkland District Hospital – Almagation Letter was sent to Gary Sims, CEO and President Blanche River Health Minister of Senior Affairs – Annual nomination for Senior of the Year Submissions are due by April 30, 2018. We will post the notice for submission on the Town of Englehart website and facebook page. Northern Pride Real Estate Ltd. – Invitation Grand Opening – Englehart & Area Business Center Mayor Nina Wallace and councillors Jerry Mikovitch and Jason deLeeuw will attend on April 28, 2018. [1] Minutes regular council meeting Page 3 of 55 March 28, 2018 ... Agenda Item # 31. Municipal Public Works Week Proclamation COU1-18-03-03-Metson-Emrick-Whereas, the year 2018 marks the 58th annual National Public Works Association and Canadian Public Works Association be it now resolved, we, the Mayor and Council of the town of Englehart do hereby proclaim the week May 20-26, 2018 as National Public Works Week. World Autism Awareness Day April 2, 2018 COU1-18-03-04-Emrick-Metson-Be it resolved, that the Council of the Town of Englehart declare April 2, 2018 World Autism Awareness Day in Englehart; And Further that, the Autism Awareness flag be raised to recognize this campaign. “Carried” Finance COU1-18-03-05-Metson-Emrick-Be it resolved, that the report of the finance committee in the amount of $178,009.76 be approved. “Carried” By-Laws By-Law 2018-06-Agreement with Ontario Parks – Kap-Kig-Iwan Provincial Park COU1-18-03-06-deLeeuw-Emrick-Be it resolved, that the by-law for the Town of Englehart, being a by-law to authorize an agreement with Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Ontario, as represented by the Minister of Natural Resources (Ontario Parks) for the operation of Kap-Kig-Iwan Provincial Park, be given a first and second reading this 28th day of March, 2018. “Carried” COU1-18-03-07-Emrick-deLeeuw-Be it resolved, that the by-law for the Town of Englehart, being a by-law to authorize an agreement with Her majesty the Queen in right of Ontario, as represented by the Minister of Natural Resources (Ontario Parks) for the operation of Kap-Kig-Iwan Provincial Park, be given third and final reading, signed, sealed and numbered 2018-06 this 28th day of March, 2018. “Carried” Committee Reports Airport Councilor Metson reported regarding the current status of the association. [2] Minutes regular council meeting Page 4 of 55 March 28, 2018 ... Agenda Item # 31. Public Works/ Environment Town Clerk Shawn LaCarte expressed the need to purchase a new garbage truck. Ryan Vickery has been looking into different options. We will need to review the user fee for commercial garbage collection. Museum The Englehart and Area Historical Museum Board is looking for volunteers. We are still fundraising in efforts to refurbish or replace the existing elevator. Library Shawn LaCarte reported on the most recent meeting. The library raised $601.50 from their book sale. The Kid’s fun day will take place on April 28, 2018 at the Englehart Arena Complex upstairs in the community hall. TMA Councilor Metson mentioned that the Timiskaming Home Support are providing door to door local and long distance transportation services to and from hospitals in the area for a small fee. Fire There will be a board meeting in April and a new Deputy Chief will be appointed. Parks and Recreation Some of the user fees need to be reviewed specifically the rental of the arena floor. Special Events Councilor deLeeuw submitted the financial report for the 2018 winter carnival including Yuk Yuk’s evening. We had a successful carnival and very well attended again this year. The Special Events Committee discussed possible fund raising ideas such as a trade show/food home show. The committee is also looking at organizing some other events such as a “Mud Run” which could possibly take place in the industrial park. In Camera COU1-18-03-07-deLeeuw-Emrick-Whereas Section 239(2)(b) of the Municipal Act, 2001 allows for councils to move in closed session when the subject matter is an identifiable individual; Now therefore, the council will move into closed session at 7:04 PM. “Carried” COU1-18-03-08-Emrick-deLeeuw-Be it resolved, that Council move out of camera and return to the regular meeting @ 7:19 PM. “Carried” [3] Minutes regular council meeting Page 5 of 55 March 28, 2018 ... Agenda Item # 31. COU1-18-03-09-deLeeuw-Emrick-Whereas, the Town of Englehart hiring committee needs the ability to negotiate salaries for new employees, Now therefore be it resolved, that the council of the Town of Englehart authorizes the committee to negotiate the salaries for new hires within the current pay grids. “Carried” Next Meeting The next meeting will be held Wednesday April 25, 2018 at 6:30 P.M. COU1-18-03-10-Emrick Be it resolved that we do adjourn. “Carried” ___________________________________ _________________________________ Clerk Mayor [4] Minutes regular council meeting Page 6 of 55 March 28, 2018 ... Agenda Item # 61. B3f29/2018 12:07 17855442238 ENGLIBRARV PAGE algal ENGLEHART PUBLIC LIBRARY Box 809 - 71 Fourth Ave. Englehart, Ontario, POJ 1H0 Tel. 705-544-2100 Fax: 705-544-2238 wwwenglehartpubliclibrary.ca March 27,2018 Dear Mayor and Town Council- Town of Englehart, The Englehart Public Library and Friends of the Library are planning a Kids Fun Day, to take place Saturday April 28, 2018. This day will have many activities for children and their families, including interactive Lego table, colouring contest, face painting, pansy planting, OPP finger printing, visit from Sparky, and interactive maker spaces to name a few. Our community businesses and organizations have been very generous in making donations for this day that will be fun for the whole family. We are writing to ask the Town of Englehart if they would make a donation similar to last year (Rec. Bucks) to include in the "goody bags" to the children who participate on this day. We are hoping that there will be a wonderful turn out and are planning for between 100-150 kids. We hope you consider this request or share any suggestionsyou may have for this day. Thank you, Friends of the Englehart Public Library Friends of the Englehart Public Page 7 of 55 Library-Request for donation Kid's ... Agenda Item # 62. l-~4'—' v -i i 1 ¢..‘l3 ENGLEHARTHIGHSCHOOL .s~.,.i—.~M....,....,,._,u;_4..B.E.i..,»,;,.l.;,m, srm'.joImn.mn@dsbI .ca 6I I-‘nunli Street. l'.0, Box 130, Englclmrt, 0N P0] ll-I0 ,4,,g,',. 5“',,kU,,y',*'5,,,,[‘.,,, 5l.,,.,~“,_,. Tel: 705-544-2337 Fax: 705-544-61577 ,.,,gg(a_m‘,,k,,.,j;@,1‘],]_m April 9. 2018 The Corporation of the Town of Englehart PO Box 399 Englehart ON POJ 1H0 Attention: Shawn LaCarte, Clerk Treasurer Administrator Dear Shawn: Englehart High Schoo|’s 2017-2018 Graduation Ceremony is fast approaching and is scheduled for Wednesday, June 27"‘.2018, at 7:00 pm.
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