Keshia Horbul From: Steph Palmateer Sent: Friday, June 19, 2020 8:46 AM To: Keshia Horbul Subject: FW: Blue Box Transition - Population under 5000 Attachments: Blue Box population under 5000 . docx City Clerk The Corporation of the City of Timmins Tel: ( 705) 360- 2602 Fax: ( 705) 360- 2674 From: FONOM Office/ Bureau de FONOM [ mailto:fonom. info@gmail. com] Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 2020 4: 46 PM To: Armour Township of <info@armourtownship. ca>; Armstrong-Thornloe <
[email protected]>; Assiginack Township of <assiginackinfo@amtelecom. net>; Baldwin Township of <karin@baldwin. ca>; Billings Township of <billingsadmin@billingstwp. ca>; Black River -Matheson Township - Donna Ethier < reception@blackriver- matheson. com>; Blind River - Town of <katie.
[email protected]>; Bonfield Township of webmaster@bonfieldtownship. org>; Brethour Twp of <brethour@parolink. net>; Bruce Mines Town of brucemines@bellnet. ca>; Burk' s Falls Village of <clerk@burksfalls. ca>; Burpee and Mills Twp of burpeemills@vianet. ca>; Callander Municipality of <info@callander. ca>; Calvin Municipality of administration@calvintownship. ca>; Carling Twp of <cao@carlingtownship. ca>; Central Manitoulin Township of centralm@amtelecom. net>; Chamberlain Township of <info@chamberlaintownship. com>; Charlton and Dack Municipality of< dthibeau lt@charltonanddack. com>; Cheryl Fort <fort. hpayne@bel Inet. ca>; Chisholm Township of info@chisholm. ca>; Cobalt Town of <cobalt@cobalt. ca>; Cochrane Town of <townhall@cochraneontario. com>; Coleman Township of <toc@ontera. net>; Dubreuiville Township of <township@dubreuilville. ca>; East Ferris Township of <jason. trottier@eastferris. ca>; Elliot Lake City of <info@city. elliotlake. on. ca>; Englehart Town of englehrt@ntl. sympatico. ca>; Espanola Town of <town@espanola. ca>; Evanturel Twp of <treasurer@evanturel.