
A-8 Countries Eight countries that acceded to the CNDH Comisión Nacional de los Derechos European Union in 2004 on a transitional Humanos [[National Human Rights basis, the so-called 2-3-2 scheme (Czech Commission of Mexico] Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, CoC Certificate of (Good) Conduct Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia) CODENAF Cooperación al Desarrollo en el Norte de ACSUR- Asociación para la Cooperación con África [Development Cooperation in Las Segovias el Sur-Las Segovias [The Association for Northern Africa] Cooperation with the South] COMAR Comisión Mexicana de Ayuda a Refugiados ACVZ Adviescommissie voor Vreemdelingenzaken [Mexican Commission for Aid to Refugees] [Advisory Committee on Aliens' Affairs] COLEF El Colegio de la Frontera [del Norte/del AECID Agencia Española para la Cooperación Sur] [College of the Northern and Southern Internacional y el Desarrollo [Agency for Border, Mexico] International Development Cooperation] CPA Comprehensive Plan of Action for Indo- AIEC Australian International Education Chinese Refugees Conference CPSS Committee on Payment and Settlement AMC Asian Migration Centre Systems AMSED Association Marocaine de Solidarité et CQU Central Queensland University Développement [Moroccan Association for CRMGERG Chubu Region Multiculturalism and Gender Cooperation and Development] Equality Research Group ARENA Asian Research Exchange of New CRICOS Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Alternatives Courses for Overseas Students ASEAN Association of Southeast Asian Nations CRLAF California Rural Legal Assistance ASCIB Association Ibn Battuta Foundation ATIME Asociación Trabajadores Inmigrantes CSAO [SWAC] Club du Sahel et de l’Afrique de l’Ouest Marroquíes en España [Association of Sahel and West Africa Club Moroccan Immigrant Workers in Spain] CSS Commercial Sexual Services AVAR Valencian Refugee Aid Association CTR Currency Transaction Report AVCC Australian Vice-Chancellor's Committee DETYA Department of Education, Training and BRIC Brazil, Russia, India, and China Youth Affairs [Australia] BoP Balance of Payments DFID Department for International Development [UK] CAD Development Aid Committee DHS Department of Homeland Security [US] CAPP Centre for Asia Pacific Partnership DIF Desarrollo Integral de la Familia [National CBP Customs and Border Protection [US] Agency for Family Development, Mexico] CDHMAP Centro de Derechos Humanos Miguel Agustín Pro-Juárez [Miguel Agustin Pro- EADI European Association of Development Juarez Centre for Human Rights] Research and Training Institutes CEAR Comisión Española de Ayuda al Refugiado EC European Commission [Spanish Commission for Aid to Refugees] ECOWAS Economic Community of West African CEAS Common European Asylum System States CEDAW Conventions on Elimination of All Forms of ECPR European Consortium for Political Discrimination against Women Research CEEC Central and Eastern European Countries ECRE European Council on Refugees and Exiles CEN-SAD Community of Sahel-Saharan States EEA European Economic Area CFA Colonies Françaises d'Afrique [French EDM Early Day Motion [Westminster System] colonies of Africa] EMCMO Euro-Mediterranean Centrum Migratie & CFO Commission on Filipinos Overseas Ontwikkeling [Euro-Mediterranean Centre CISEN Centro de Investigación para la Seguridad for Migration and Development] Nacional [Research Centre for National EMIF Encuesta sobre Migración de la Frontera Security] Norte [Survey on Migration on the CMEA Council for Mutual Economic Assistance Northern Border]

T.-D. Truong and D. Gasper (eds.), Transnational Migration and Human Security, Hexagon Series on Human and Environmental 311 Security and Peace 6, DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-12757-1, © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011 312 Abbreviations

EMIF- Encuesta de Migración Fronteriza IELTS International English Language Testing GUAMEX Guatemala-México [Survey on Border System Migration Guatemala-México] IFHR International Federation of Human Rights EPAS Economic Partnership Agreements [Japan] IISG International Institute of Social History ESCAP Economic and Social Commission for Asia ILO International Labour Organization and the Pacific ILO-PATWA International Labour Organization - ESD Education for Sustainable Development Programme Against Forced Labour and ESOS Education Services for Overseas Students Trafficking in West Africa Act [Australia] ILPA Immigration Law Practitioners’ Association EU European Union IMA International Migrants’ Alliance IMADR International Movement Against All Forms FCNR Foreign Currency Non-Resident [India] of Discrimination and Racism FDI Foreign Direct Investment IMF International Monetary Fund FHS Friends of Human Security IND Immigratie en Naturalisatie Dienst FI Financial Institutions [Immigration and Naturalization FRA European Agency for Fundamental Rights Department] FRONTEX European Agency for the Management of INEF Institut für Entwicklung und Frieden Operational Cooperation at the External [Institute for Development and Peace] Borders of the Member States of the INM Instituto Nacional de Migración [National European Union Institute for Migration of Mexico] FTA Free Trade Agreement INS Immigration and Naturalization Service IOM International Organization for Migration GA General Assembly [United Nations] IVTS Informal Value Transfer Systems GASEF Grupo de Apoyo para la Seguridad Fronteriza [High Level Group for Border JHA Justice and Home Affairs Security] JICA Japan International Cooperation Agency GATS General Agreement on Trade in Services JITCO Japanese International Training [WTO] Cooperation Organization GDP Gross Domestic Product JRS Jesuit Refugee Service GATT General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade GFMD Global Forum on Migration and LAC Latin American Countries Development LDP Liberal Democratic Party GMG Global Migration Group LDW Legal Domestic Worker GRECO Programa Global de Regulación y LOS Landelijke Ongedocumenteerde Stichting Coordinación de la Extranjería e [National Organization for the Inmegración [Global Programme to Undocumented] Regulate and Coordinate Foreign LSW Legal Sex Worker Residents’ Affairs and Immigration, Spain] GSL Global Solutions Ltd MDG Millennium Development Goals G-24 The Intergovernmental Group of Twenty- MFA Migrant Forum in Asia Four on International Monetary Affairs and MFI Micro Finance Institution Development MNC Multinational Corporation MODL Migration Occupation in Demand List HRD Human Resource Development MPDL Movement for Peace, Disarmament and IASC Inter-Agency Standing Committee [United Freedom Nations] MS13 Mara Salvatrucha ICEM Intergovernmental Committee for MTIN Ministry of Labour and Immigration [Spain] European Migration MTO Money Transfer Operator ICHR Inter-American Court of Human Rights NAATI National Accreditation Authority for ICM Intergovernmental Committee for Translators and Interpreters [Australia] Migration NAFTA North American Free Trade Agreement ICRMW International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and NAPTIP National Agency for Prohibition of Traffic Members of their Families in Persons and Other Related Matters [Nigeria] IDC International Detention Centre NCADC National Coalition of Anti-Deportation IDP International Development Programme – Campaigns [UK] Education [Australia] NCSL National Conference of State Legislatures IDP Internally Displaced Person {UK] NDA National Democratic Alliance [UK] Abbreviations 313

NR(E)RA Non-resident External Rupee Account SNE Servicio Nacional de Empleo [National [India] Employment Service] NGO Non-Governmental Organization SOPEMI Systeme d'Observation Permanente des NIBUD Nationaal Instituut voor Budgetvoorlichting Migrations [Continuous Reporting System [National Institute of Budget Information] on Migration] NIE New Institutional Economics SPPNA Security and Prosperity Partnership of NLDW Non-Legal Domestic Worker North America NLSW Non-Legal Sex Worker SPV Special Purpose Vehicle NRI Non-Resident Indian SRE Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores [Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mexico] ODA Official Development Assistance SSP Sardar Sarovar Project ODA Overseas Development Assistance [UK] STPS Secretaría del Trabajo y Previsión Social OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation [Ministry of Labour of Mexico] and Development OHE Office of Higher Education [Australia] TAFE Technical and Further Education [Australia] OISCA Organization for Industrial, Spiritual and TCO Transnational Community Organizations Cultural Advancement [International] TFN Tax File Number [Australia] OSCE Organization for Security and Co-operation TICAD Tokyo International Conference on African in Europe Development OSSA Office of the Special Advisor on Africa TITP Technical Internship Training Programme OWWA Overseas Workers Welfare Association TMB Treaty Monitoring Bodies [Philippines] TRIPs Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights [WTO] PCS Private Care Services PE Polyethylene UA African Union PFP Federal Preventive Police [Mexico] UN United Nations PGA Peoples’ Global Action on Migration, UN-CRC United Nations Convention on the Rights Development and Human Rights of the Child POEA Philippine Overseas Employment UNCTAD United Nations Conference on Trade and Administration Development PR Permanent Residency [Australia] UNDP United Nations Development Programme PRD Partido de la Revolución Democrática UNHCR United Nations High Commissioner for [Party of the Democratic Revolution] Refugees PRIME Participating Refugees in Multicultural UNICEF United Nations Children's Fund Europe UNICRI United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute QMV Qualified Majority Voting [EU] UNODC United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime UNTFHS United Nations Trust Fund for Human RABIT Rapid Border Intervention Teams Security [FRONTEX] USITC United States International Trade RCI Rational Choice Institutionalism Commission RedCo Red Codesarrollo [Codesarrollo Network, Spain] VIS Visa Information System REMCODE Red Euromediterránea de Cooperación al VKN Vereniging van Kumpulans [Union of Desarrollo [Euro-Mediterranean Network Kumpulans] of Cooperation and Development, Spain] RMIT Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology WAV Wet Arbeid Vreemdelingen [Aliens ROSA Re-establishment, Organizing safe places to Employment Act] stay, Security, Assistance [Norway] WCAR World Conference Against Racism RSP Remittance Service Provider WMR World Migration Report RTD Roundtable Discussion WRR Wetenschappelijke Raad voor het Regeringsbeleid [Scientific Council for SAR Suspicious Activity Report Government Policy] SIOD Sociale Inlichtingen - en Opsporingsdienst WTO World Trade Organization [Social Intelligence and Investigation Service] YMCA Young Men’s Christian Association SIS Schengen Information System SLBFE Sri Lanka Bureau of Foreign Employment YWCA Young Women’s Christian Association SMR South Moluccan Republic Bibliography

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sions and Recommendations”, in: Van Kalmthout, An- Vesta, Ellie, 2008: “The Paper Market: ‘Borrowing’ and ton; Hofstee van der Meulen, Femeke; Dünkel, Frieder ‘Renting’ of Identity Documents”, Working Paper No. 3, (Eds.): Foreigners in European Prisons, vol. 1 (Nijmegen: Centre on Migration, Policy and Society (Oxford: Univer- Wolf Legal Publishers): 7-88. sity of Oxford). Van Leeuwen, Lizzy, 2008: Ons Indisch Erfgoed. Zestig Jaar Villalba, Maria Angela, 2002: Philippines: Good Practices Strijd om Cultuur en Identiteit [Indisch Heritage. Sixty for the Protection of Filipino Women Migrant Workers Years of Struggle for Culture and Identity] (Amsterdam: in Vulnerable Jobs (Geneva: International Labour Of- Bert Bakker). fice). 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Zureik, Elia, 2001: “Constructing Palestine through Surveil- lance Practices”, in: British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, 28, 2: 205-227. Biographies of Contributors

Michiel Baas (The Netherlands) is affiliated with the Am- (co-edited with Gary Dymski): Capture and Exclude: Devel- sterdam Institute for Social Science Research of the Univer- oping Economies and the Poor in Global Finance (New sity of Amsterdam. His research master’s dissertation dealt Delhi: Tulika Books, 2007). with Indian IT professionals who live and work in Banga- Address: Prof. Dr. Amiya Kumar Bagchi, Calcutta Univer- lore, and explored how the local and global, traditional and sity, Alipore Campus, 5th floor, 1 Reformatory Street, Kolk- modern, and the national and transnational interact and in- ata 700027, India. tersect in the fast-moving world of information technology. Email: . This study led to his PhD research, which looked into the Website: . lives of Indian overseas students in Australia, resulting in a dissertation titled Imagined Mobility: Migration and Tran- Alejandra Boni (Spain) holds a PhD in Human Rights from snationalism among Indian Students in Australia (2009), the University of Valencia. She is an Associate Professor at to appear in 2010 from Anthem Press, London. He has the Department of Projects Engineering and team leader of published on the lives of Indian students in Australia, their the Group for Studies on Development, International Co- migration decisions, the intersection of migration and gen- operation and Ethics. She has been a visiting fellow at the der, love and arranged marriages in the IT industry, and re- International Institute of Social Studies of Erasmus Univer- lated topics. He is currently working on a number of differ- sity of Rotterdam and the Institute of Development Studies ent topics related to the male middle class Indian in local/ at the University of Sussex. She is special lecturer of the national/global/transnational settings. University of Nottingham. Currently, she is researching hu- man development, capabilities and education. She has pub- Address: Dr. Michiel Baas, Amsterdam School for Social lished in journals such as (2009), Science Research (ASSR), Universiteit van Amsterdam, Power and Education (2007), Kloveniersburgwal 48, 1012 CX Amsterdam, The Nether- Higher Education Science and Engineering Ethics (2008) and lands. European Journal of Engineering Education (2008, 2009). She has also co-authored with Joan Lacomba, Email: . “The Role of Emigration in Foreign Aid Policies: The Case Website: . of Spain and Morocco”, in: International Migration, 46, 1 Amiya Kumar Bagchi (India) is Professor of Economics (2008): 123-150. and Director/Founder of the Institute of Development Address: Dr. Alejandra Boni, Escuela Técnica Superior de Studies Kolkata, a multidisciplinary centre of excellence in Ingenieros Industriales, Universidad Politecnica de Valen- the social sciences, which is affiliated with the University of cia, Camino de Vera, s/n 46022 Valencia, Spain. Calcutta and promoted by the government of West Bengal. Email: . His research interests include finance, human development Website: . issues and other aspects of development, and the prospects of democracy in a globalizing world. He has been Visiting Julien Brachet (France) is researcher at the Institut de Re- Professor at international academic institutions such as cherche pour le Développement (IRD) and at the Universi- Cambridge University, Maison des Sciences de l’Homme té Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. He is currently Visiting Re- (Paris), Cornell University, Curtin University (Perth, West- search Fellow at the International Migration Institute ern Australia), Naples University, and University of Bristol. (University of Oxford). He obtained his PhD in geography Professional awards and honours include: First Chancellor at the University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne in 2007. His re- of the newly reconstituted Tripura University (March search focuses on mobility to and through the Central Saha- 2008); D.Sc. honoris causa from North Bengal University ra, particularly in northern Niger, where he studies migra- (March 2008); Padma Shri from the Government of India tion networks, transport systems and trade between sub- (2005); Muzaffar Ahmad award for his book Capital and Saharan and northern Africa. His current research focuses Labour Redefined (2004); honorary D.Litt. from the Uni- on shifting spatial boundaries and strategies that allow local versity of Kalyani (December 2002); doctorate honoris cau- people to adapt to a general context characterized by the sa from Roskilde University, Denmark (2001). growing severity of international policies regarding move- He has authored/edited more than 250 academic articles ment and migration. He has published several articles in and books (edited and monographs). Two of his most re- French and English on these topics and a book: Migrations cent books are Perilous Passage: Mankind and the Global transsahariennes. Vers un désert cosmopolite et morcelé Ascendancy of Capital (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Little- (Niger) (Paris: Éditions du Croquant, 2009). field, 2005; Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006); and 348

Address: Dr. Julien Brachet, Institut de Recherche pour le conflict. She has co-published (with Michael D. Layton, Ire- Développement, UMR 201 “Développement & Sociétés”, ri Ablanedo and Ana María Sánchez): “Mexico Case Study: Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, 45 bis avenue de la Civil Society and the Struggle to Reduce Maternal Mortali- Belle Gabrielle, 94736 Nogent sur Marne, France. ty”, in: Gaventa, J.; McGee, R. (Eds.): Citizen Action and Email: . National Policy Reform, (New York: Palgrave McMillan, Website: . 2010); and edited “Conflicto y Cooperacion” [Conflict and Cooperation], in: ESPOL; et al. (Eds.): Prevención de Dennis Broeders (The Netherlands) is a postdoctoral re- Conflictos y Cooperación en la Gestión de los Recursos searcher at the Department of Sociology of the Erasmus Hídricos en América Latina [Conflict Prevention and University Rotterdam and a senior research fellow at the Cooperation in Water Management in Latin America] Dutch Scientific Council for Government Policy (WRR). (Course Book, PCCP series, Montevideo: UNESCO-IHP The WRR is an independent strategic think tank for the LAC, 2006). Dutch government located under the Prime Minister’s de- partment. At the council he worked on reports to the Gov- Email: . ernment on immigration and integration (“Netherlands as Godfried Engbersen (The Netherlands) is professor of 2001 an Immigration Society”, ), on decision-making proce- General Sociology at the Erasmus University of Rotterdam, dures in an enlarged European Union (Slagvaardigheid in The Netherlands. He studied sociology at the University of 2003 de Europabrede Unie, ) and on the working of social Leiden and has worked at the Universities of Leiden, norms and values (Waarden, normen en de last van het ge- Utrecht and Amsterdam. In spring 1996, he was a visiting 2003 drag, ). As a senior research fellow and project leader, professor at the Centre of Western European Studies at the he was responsible for the report “Media Policy in the Dig- University of California, Berkeley. He has written extensive- 2005 ital Age” ( ) and “Identification with the Netherlands” ly on new forms of social inequality and urban marginality 2007 (Identificatie met Nederland, ). He is currently coordi- in advanced welfare states. He is the author of more than nator of the Policy, Information and Technology project 15 books on social inequality, immigration, urban problems 2005 group. In , he joined the department of Sociology at and the welfare state, including (with others): Cultures of the Erasmus University of Rotterdam as a researcher (part- Unemployment: A Comparative Look at Long-term Unem- time) to work on his PhD thesis on the development of in- ployment and Urban Poverty (Amsterdam: Amsterdam ternal surveillance on irregular migrants in the Netherlands University Press (AUP), 2006). From 1997-2000, he was ed- and Germany and the EU-dimension of these policy devel- itor of the Annual Dutch Report on Poverty and Social Ex- 2009 opments. He obtained his doctorate in and remains clusion (AUP). He is a member of the Amsterdam School affiliated with the Rotterdam department of Sociology as a for Social Science Research (ASSR) and the IMISCOE-net- postdoctoral researcher. Some of his publications include: work, Dutch correspondent for the continuous Reporting “The Fight Against Illegal Migration”, in: American Behav- System on Migration (SOPEMI) of the OECD, an elected 50 12 1592 1609 2007 ioral Scientist, , : - ( ); “The New Digital member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences 22 1 71 92 Borders of Europe” in: International Sociology, , : - (KNAW) (since 2007) and of the Royal Holland Society of 2007 ( ); “The State versus the Alien: Immigration Control Sciences and Humanities (since 2002). From 2001-2009, he and Strategies of Irregular Immigrants”, with Godfried Eng- was an elected member of the Dutch Advisory Commission 32 5 2009 867 885 bersen, in: West European Politics, , ( ): - ; on Alien Affairs. From 2003-2006, he chaired the KNAW- Breaking Down Anonymity: Digital Surveillance of Irregu- committee on the Future of Dutch Sociology. He is current- lar Migrants in Germany and the Netherlands (Amster- ly working on the relationship between restrictive migration dam: Amsterdam University Press). regimes and crime; local and transnational citizenship; and Address: Dr. Dennis Broeders, Wetenschappelijke Raad liquid migration from Central and Eastern Europe. He re- voor het Regeringsbeleid (WRR), Lange Vijverberg 4-5, cently published Fatale Remedies: De onbedoelde gevolgen 2500 EA The Hague, The Netherlands. van beleid en kennis [Fatal Remedies. The Unintended Email: . Consequences of Social Policy and Knowledge] (Amster- Website: . dam: AUP, 2009); and (with Richard Black and others): A Continent Moving West? EU Enlargement and Labour Mi- Beatriz Campillo Carrete (México) has higher education gration from Central and Eastern Europe (Amsterdam: qualifications in Public Administration and in Economics AUP, 2010). and received an MA in Development Studies from the In- ternational Institute of Social Studies of Erasmus University Address: Prof. Dr. Godfried Engbersen, Erasmus Univer- Rotterdam (ISS-EUR), The Netherlands. She has worked siteit Rotterdam, Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen, 7 44 1738 3000 for the Mexican government; a research and capacity-build- kamer M - Postbus DR Rotterdam, The Neth- ing NGO in Mexico City; the Academic Program on Con- erlands. flict Prevention and Negotiation of the National Autono- Email: . mous University of Mexico (PAPCN-UNAM in Spanish), Website: . and collaborated with the Latin American Hydrologic In- Des Gasper (United Kingdom) is Professor of Human De- ternational Program (IHP-LAC) of UNESCO. She has re- velopment, Development Ethics and Public Policy, at the searched on Mexican NGO policy advocacy initiatives, re- International Institute of Social Studies of Erasmus Univer- turn migration, Mexican labour institutions, and water and sity Rotterdam (ISS-EUR), The Netherlands. Previous work Biographies of Contributors 349 includes: Arguing Development Policy – Frames and Dis- Email: . courses, with Raymond Apthorpe (London: Frank Cass, Website: . 1996); The Ethics of Development – From Economism to Helen Hintjens (United Kingdom) is Senior Lecturer in De- Human Development (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2004; New Delhi: Sage India, 2005); “Living In Com- velopment and Social Justice at the International Institute mon and Deliberating In Common - Foundational Issues in of Social Studies of Erasmus University Rotterdam (ISS- Sustainable Human Development and Human Security”, a EUR), The Netherlands. As well as working on immigra- tion issues since the 1980’s, and having published a number special issue of International Journal of Social Economics, of articles on the subject, she has published on genocide 2007, 34, 1&2: 5-126 (co-editor with P.B. Anand); Trans-Lo- and post-genocide politics and identities in Rwanda, as well cal Livelihoods and Connections: Embedding a Gender as conflict and environment in the Great Lakes region. She Perspective into Migration Studies, a special issue of Gen- is presently engaged in research on pro-asylum advocacy der, Technology and Development 12, 3: 285-537 (2008) (co- editor with Thanh-Dam Truong); “Human Rights, Human and on Roma and Traveller minority human rights issues in Needs, Human Development, Human Security”, in: Hayden, South Wales in an EU context. She is also conducting re- search on surveillance and exclusion of undocumented peo- Patrick (Ed.): Ashgate Research Companion to Ethics and ple, within the EU-funded COST network International Relations (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2009): 329-355; , Living in Sur- “How can Power Discourses be Changed?” (with M. Sin- veillance Societies (LISS). Among her publications are: “Rwanda and Burundi” in: Herb, G.H.; Kaplan, D.H. ha), in: Critical Policy Studies, 3, 3-4 (2009): 290-308; De- (Eds.): velopment Ethics (2010) (co-edited with Asuncion Lera St. Nations and Nationalism: a Global Historical Overview (vol. 4: 1989 to present, Santa Barbara: ABC- Clair), (Aldershot: Ashgate, International Library of Essays 2008 1668 1682 in Public and Professional Ethics; “Movements of The ‘We’: CLIO, ): - ; “Free Movement Activism”, in An- International and Transnational Migration and the Capabili- derson, G.L.; Herr, K. (Eds.): Encyclopaedia of Activism (London: Sage, 2007): 585-587; “Citizen- ties Approach”, co-author with Thanh-Dam Truong, Journal and Social Justice ship under Siege in the Brave New Europe”, in: European of Human Development and Capabilities, a special issue on 10 3 409 414 2007 human mobility, 11, 2 (2010): 339-357. Journal of Cultural Studies, , : - ( ). 29776 Address: Dr. Helen Hintjens, ISS, P.O. Box 29776, The Address: Prof. Des Gasper, ISS, P.O. Box , The 2502 Hague 2502 LT, The Netherlands. Hague LT, The Netherlands. . Email: . Email:>. Website: . Website: < (The Netherlands) has worked in the edu- Tatsuo Harada (Japan): Professor of International Political Roy Huijsmans Economy at the College of International Studies, Chubu cation field in the Lao PDR, Malawi, Nepal, the Nether- University; research associate at the York Centre for Inter- lands and Surinam. His research on children and young national and Security Studies (YCISS), York University people’s involvement in various forms of work in the Euro- (2003); project director at the Chubu Centre for Human pean and South-East Asian context now extends to include Security Studies (CHS) (2006-2008); head of Department migration and human trafficking. He is currently enrolled of International Relations, Chubu University (2009). He as a full-time PhD candidate at the Department of Geogra- phy, Durham University (United Kingdom) finalizing a the- won the second NIRA Okita Commemorative Award for sis entitled: “Migrating Children, Households, and the Policy Research by the National Institute of Research Ad- vancement as a contributor to the book: Yoichi, Mine; Post-Socialist State: An Ethnographic Study of Migration and Non-migration by Children and Youth in an Ethnic Lao Sachiko, Hatanaka (Eds.): Zouo kara Wakai he [From Ha- Village”. Other projects include “Listening to Working tred to Accommodation] (Kyoto: Kyoto University Press, 2000). He focuses on post-development studies, human se- School-Youth: A Child-centred Case-study of Employment curity and migration. Major publications in English include: Experiences of HAVO-students in Rural Eastern Nether- lands”, MA research paper, Institute of Social Studies: The “The Limits to Catching-up: OEM, Market Structure and 2004 Production Networks in East Asia”, in: Hozumi, Toshihiko; Hague ( ); “Approaches to Lao Minors Working in Thailand”, in: 8 Wohlmuth, Karl (Eds.): Schumpeter and the Dynamics of Lao Development Journal: Juth Pakai 2000 (2007): 18-33; “Children Working Beyond their Localities: Asian Development (Hamburg: LIT, ); “Human Inse- 15 3 curity and Informalization: A Conceptual Sketch”, in: How- Lao Children Working in Thailand”, in: Childhood, , (2008): 331-353. He completed an exchange programme in ell, Alison (Ed.): Governance and Global (Dis)orders: higher education (2005): “Gender, Development and Public Trends, Transformations, and Impasses (Toronto: YCISS, 2004); (with Mushakoji, Kinhide): “Human Insecurity of Policy in Asia” funded by the EU-Asialink programme of Migrants in Japan”, in: Mushakoji, Kinhide; Pasha, Mus- the European Commission; and co-organized a European Alliance for Asian Studies international workshop on “Per- tapha Kamal (Eds.): Human (In)Security in the Networks spectives on Children’s Active Engagement with Migration of Global Cities: the Final Report (Kasugai: CHS, 2009). in South-East Asia” (Bangkok, 19-20 February 2009, togeth- Address: Prof. Tatsuo Harada, College of International er with the Institute of Population and Social Research of 1200 Studies, Chubu University, Matsumoto, Kasugai, Aichi Mahidol University, Bangkok). 487-8501, Japan. Address: Mr. Roy Huijsmans, Durham University, Depart- ment of Geography, Science Laboratories South Road, Dur- 350 Biographies of Contributors

ham, DH1 3LE, UK. Email: . Email: and . gmail. com>. (Japan) acquired her PhD degree in Develop- Website: . Yu Kojima ment Studies from the International Institute of Social Stud- Kimura (Japan): Researcher for the Ministry of For- ies of Erasmus University Rotterdam (ISS-EUR), The Neth- eign Affairs of Japan based in Jakarta, Indonesia. Research- erlands. Her doctoral research was about trafficking in er for the Centre for Human Security Studies, Chubu Uni- women and girls for domestic work and prostitution in versity, Japan (CHS) (2006-2008). His fields of Asia (Thailand, Cambodia, Laos and Sri Lanka). Prior to specialization are International Relations, Southeast Asian her PhD research, she served in the UNIFEM and UNDP Studies, Human Security and Migration. His major works South Pacific Regional Office based in Fiji. Her main re- in English are “Human Trafficking in Indonesia: Rethink- sponsibility was gender mainstreaming, CEDAW and VAW ing the New Order’s Impact on Exploitative Migration of (violence against women) related projects in the region. Indonesian Women” (M.A. thesis, Ohio University); “Edu- Presently, she has been carrying out development-related re- cation and Human Insecurity of Brazilian Immigrant Chil- search for human rights advocacy groups and development dren in Japan: The Case of Komaki City” (paper to ISS agencies on issues related to human trafficking and exploit- conference on International migration, multi-local liveli- ative migration in Asia. Her most recent work and interest hoods and human security). include trafficking/smuggling of Burmese migrant families Address: Mr. Kenji Kimura, Setiabudi Residence unit 2511, into the fishery sector in southern Thailand, with particular Tower B, Jalan Setiabudi Selatan Raya Kav 1, Kuningan, HR focus on the agency of child migrants. Her main publica- Rasuna Said, Jakarta Selatan 12920, Indonesia. tions include Women in Trafficking-Migration Continu- Email: . um: From Perspective of Human Rights and Social Justice (Maastricht: Shaker, 2007); “In the Business of Cultural Re- Karim Knio (Lebanon) is Lecturer in Politics, International production: Theoretical Implication of the Mail-Order Institute of Social Studies of Erasmus University Rotterdam Bride Phenomenon”, 2001: Women’s Studies International (ISS-EUR), The Netherlands. He received his PhD from the Forum, 24, 2: 199-210. She is also the co-author of Priceless: University of Birmingham, UK. His research focuses on the Dynamics of Human Trafficking-Exploitative Migration in political economy of governance, regionalism and trade Asia (Tokyo: Godo-Shupan, forthcoming) - the book series with a focus on the Euro-Mediterranean region. He also for development education purposes for schoolchildren in has interests in Industrial Relations, EU democracy promo- Japan. tion programmes and Lebanese politics. Some of his recent Email: . publications include: “Investigating the Two Faces of Gov- ernance: The Case of the Euro-Mediterranean Develop- Richa Kumar (India) trained as a lawyer at NALSAR, Uni- ment Bank”, in: Third World Quarterly, 31,1 (2010): 105-121; versity of Law, India, and recently completed a Masters “Conceptualizing Hezbollah's Transformation in Lebanon’s programme at the International Institute of Social Studies Post-Cedar Revolution: Proxy Client or Structural Path De- of Erasmus University Rotterdam (ISS-EUR), The Nether- pendency?”, in: Salih, M. (Ed.): Interpreting Islamic Politi- lands, specializing in population, poverty and social deve- cal Parties (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009): 259- lopment. Her dissertation on: New Mobilities within Old 268; “Social Forces and the Effects of (Post) –Washington Paradigms: Globalization, Citizenship and Migration Consensus Policy in Africa: Comparing Tunisia and South Beyond the Nation State, was nominated for the ISS Re- Africa” (with Hurt, S.; Ryner, M.), in: The Roundtable: The search Paper award for 2008. It focused on the case of the Commonwealth Journal of International Affairs, 98,402 Morecambe Bay Cockle Pickers. She has worked on socio- (2009): 301-317; “Governance, Politics and the European legal issues including women and law, prison reform, law Mediterranean Partnership (EMP): Problems of Implemen- and gay rights, bonded labour and refugee rights (with UN- tation or Policy Design?”, in: Hout, W.; Robison, R. (Eds.): HCR). She has also written a column for The Hindu, a se- Governance and the Depoliticisation of Development cular Indian newspaper, as well as worked for Price Water- (London: Routledge, 2009): 77-91; “Is Political Stability Sus- house Coopers. She has a special interest in refugee rights; tainable in Post ‘Cedar Revolution’ Lebanon?”, in: Mediter- and recently joined a number of NGOs in The Hague, in- ranean Politics, 13,3 (2008): 445-451; “Leiden Economische cluding The Hague Process on Refugees and Migration. Hervormingen tot meer Democratie?” (with De Vries, A.), Email: . in: Idee, 29,6: 40-43 (2008); “Theorising the State of Affairs in the Lebanese State: Is Lebanon a Failed State?”, in: De- María Isabel de Lozano (México) is a sociologist who did velopment Issues, 8,2 (2006): 4-6; “Lebanon: Cedar Revolu- graduate studies at the National Autonomous University of tion or Neo Sectarian Partition?”, in: Mediterranean Poli- Mexico (UNAM), and the Leadership for Environment and tics, 10,2 (2005): 225-231; The EU Mediterranean Policy: Development Programme. She has worked in research Model or Muddle? (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010- projects related to migration, labour markets, workers’ forthcoming). rights, childhood and public investment, rural development and environment, at El Colegio de Michoacán, El Colegio Address: Dr. Karim Knio ISS, P.O. Box 29776, The Hague 2502 LT, The Netherlands. de México, the Mexican Institute of Social Studies, Centre for Research and Advanced Studies of the National Poly- Biographies of Contributors 351 technic Institute and as an independent researcher. She has the International Studies Association (ISA, 15-18 February evaluated some governmental social programmes in Mexi- 2009, New York); “Fleeing to Europe: Europeanization co. From 1996-1997, she worked at the International Labour and the Right to Seek Refugee Status’, (ISS Working Paper Rights Fund, a non-governmental organization based in No. 454, 2008); at: . with the Structural Adjustment Policies Participatory Re- Address: Ms. Wies Maas, P.O. Box 13074 2501 EB The view International Networking, on an appraisal of the im- Hague, The Netherlands. pact of the Structural Adjustment Policies in Mexico. She Email: . was the coordinator of Civicus Index of Civil Society Website: . Projects in Mexico, an initiative launched by Civicus World Alliance for Citizen Participation. Since September 2008, Yoichi Mine (Japan): Professor of Human Security, Devel- she serves as the coordinator of Public Policies to Promote opment Studies and African Area Studies at Graduate Civil Society Organizations with Alternativas y Capacidades, School of Global Studies, Doshisha University, Kyoto; Visit- an NGO based in Mexico City. ing Professor at the Centre for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University; and Visiting Fellow at JICA (Japan Inter- Email: . national Cooperation Agency) Research Institute, Tokyo. Joan Lacomba (Spain) holds a PhD in Sociology; he is Pro- He studied at the Graduate School of Economics, Kyoto fessor of Social Work at the University of Valencia (Spain). University, was Associate Professor at the Department of His main research themes are migration and development, Political Science, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa, especially in Morocco. Some of his publications include: and has worked for Chubu and Osaka Universities in Japan. Emergencia del islamismo en el Magreb: Las raíces He has authored and edited several academic books in Jap- sociopolíticas de los movimientos islamista, (Madrid: anese on development economics, African history and con- Catarata, 2000); El Islam inmigrado: Transformaciones y flict resolution: South Africa: The Road to a “Rainbow Na- adaptaciones de las prácticas culturales y religiosas, tion”, (Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten, 1996); Development (Madrid: Ministerio de EducacioÏn, Cultura y Deporte, Economics and Modern Africa, Tokyo: Nihon Hyoron Sha, Secretaria General TeÏcnica, 2001); 1999 (awarded the 4th Okita Memorial Prize for Interna- Address: Prof. Dr. Joan Lacomba Facultat de Ciències tional Development Research by FASID: Foundation for Socials Universitat de València Edifici Departamental Occi- Advanced Studies on International Development, Tokyo); dental Av. Tarongers S/N 46022 València, Espanya. From Hatred to Reconciliation: A Study of Regional Con- 2000 Email: . flicts (Kyoto: Kyoto University Press, ) for which he 2nd Website: . icy Research by NIRA: National Institute for Research Ad- vancement, Tokyo); Sixty Chapters to Know South Africa Wies Maas (The Netherlands) is a policy officer at The (Tokyo: Akashi Shoten, 2010); and Learning from Africa Hague Process on Refugees and Migration (THP) and free- (Tokyo: Yuhikaku, 2010). His recent English publications lance consultant on refugees, migration and development include: “The Political Element in the Works of W. Arthur issues. Before working at THP, Maas worked as policy of- Lewis”, in: Developing Economies 44, 3 (2006). He has ficer at the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the inter- also written extensively on human security issues and chairs national migration cluster (CIM). She worked on migration the Japan Consortium for Human Security Education and and development, circular migration, labour migration, di- Research. aspora organizations, brain drain and maintaining contacts Address: Prof. Dr. Yoichi Mine, Graduate School of Global with the academic world. Previously, Maas studied at the Studies, Doshisha University, Hakuenkan bld., Karasuma- International Institute of Social Studies of Erasmus Univer- Hiagashi-iru, Imadegawa-dori, Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto, 602- sity Rotterdam (ISS-EUR), The Netherlands, where she ob- 8580, Japan. tained her Master’s degree in Development Studies (Gov- Email: . ernance and Democracy). Her research paper (with Website: . gration policies and refugee protection, won an ISS MA Re- search Paper Award. She was the founder and director of Kinhide Mushakoji (Japan) is Director, Centre for Asia Pa- the foundation “Night of the Tips” (), a development organization that aims to raise (since 2003); he was Professor, Department of Internation- awareness and means within the Netherlands for develop- al Relations, Chubu University and Chubu Institute of Ad- ment aid projects in developing countries. She also set up vanced Studies (2001-2004); Professor, Department of Glo- the Dutch branch of the European Youth Parliament. Some bal and Inter-cultural Studies, Ferris University (Yokohama) of her recent reports and publications include: “Policy Op- (1998-2000); Professor, Department of International Stud- tions regarding Brain Drain”, A report written for the Min- ies, Meiji-Gakuin University (1989-1998); Vice-Rector for istry of Foreign Affairs (The Netherlands: The Hague, Programmes, the United Nations University (1976-1989). 2009); “Does Europeanization undermine the Right to Other areas of participation include Vice-President, Interna- Seek Refugee Status? The Case of Frontex”, (with Karim tional Movement Against All Forms of Discrimination and Knio), paper presented at the 50th Annual Convention of Racism (IMADR); Member of the Board: Asian Cultural 352 Biographies of Contributors

Forum on Development (ACFOD); President: Asia-Pacific re on Dutch Parliamentarians to amend immigration and Human Rights Information Centre (Human Rights Osaka); asylum policies to make them more just. Most recently, the President: Osaka International Peace Centre (Peace Osaka). priority has been to struggle against the growth of racism Among his many publications are “The Phenomenon of in The Netherlands, and across Europe. PRIME has con- Xenophobia: in Relation to Racism and Racial Discrimina- ducted research on the growing numbers of refugees im- tion”, UNESCO (Ed.): Struggle against Discrimination prisoned and detained in The Netherlands, and on the im- (Studies on Human Rights, 2004): 19-41; “Social Reproduc- portance of rape being a potential basis for asylum claims. tion of Exclusion: Exploitative Migration and Human Inse- Ahmed has also sought to encourage the Dutch govern- curity”, in: Bakker, Isabella; Gill, Stephen (Eds.): Power, ment to amend its policies towards Iran. PRIME has strong Production and Social Reproduction (New York/UK: Mc- contacts with other similar organizations working across Millan, 2003); “Engendering the Japanese ‘Double Stand- the EU, and is an affiliate of LOS, the Landelijke Ongedo- ard’ Patriarchal Democracy: The Case of the ‘Comfort cumenteerde Stichting (National Association for the Undo- Women’ and Military Sexual Slavery”, in: Kelly, Rita Mae; cumented). Ahmed Pouri has taken part in numerous initia- Bayes, Jane H.; Hawkesworth, Mary E.; Young, Brigitte tives to confront racism in the wider context of (Eds.): Gender, Globalization and Democratization (Boul- globalization, presenting a paper on this, for example, at der, CO: Rowman & Littlefield, 2001): 205-222. the Netherlands Social Forum in 2004. Address: Prof. Dr. Kinhide Mushakoji, 5-34-14, Yoyogi, Address: Mr. Ahmed Pouri, Repelaerstraat 84, 2515 NA, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 151-0053 Japan. The Hague, The Netherlands. Email: . Email: . Website: . html>. Bernadette P. Resurreccion (Philippines) has PhD and MA Ton van Naerssen (The Netherlands) is Senior Research degrees in Development Studies from the International In- Fellow in Development Geography at the Faculty of Man- stitute of Social Studies of Erasmus University Rotterdam agement Sciences, Radboud University Nijmegen, and free- (ISS-EUR), The Netherlands. She is an Associate Professor lance consultant. His major fields of interest include glo- of Gender and Development Studies (GDS) at the Asian In- balization processes, urban environment, international stitute of Technology in Thailand. Her teaching and re- migration and civil society engagement in development. search addressed the themes of gender, livelihoods, natural His research experiences are in Southeast Asia, but he also resource management and migration and their consequent gained experience in Africa and Latin America. Among oth- policy processes in Southeast Asia, notably in the Philip- ers, he co-edited books on: Healthy Cities in Developing pines and the Mekong Region countries – Cambodia, Thai- Countries (Verlag fur Entwicklungspolitik Saarbrücken Gm- land and Vietnam. Selected publications include: (Ed.): bH, 2002), Asian Migrants and European Labour Markets Gender and Natural Resource Management. Livelihoods, (London, Routledge: 2005), and Global Migration and De- Interventions and Mobility (UK: Earthscan); “Keeping the velopment (London: Routledge, 2008). He is member of Peace is Not Enough: Human Security and Gender-based the Nijmegen Urban Health Group (NUHG), the Migra- Violence During the Transitional Period in Timor Leste”, tion and Development Research Group, the project adviso- in: Sojourn (2009); “Gender, Migration and Social Repro- ry Committee of Oxfam/Novib and Board member of the duction in the Mekong Region”, in: Asian and Pacific Mi- Global Society Foundation (SMS), a migrant organization gration Journal (2009); “Reproducing Gender. Female Ru- with its main office in The Netherlands. ral-Urban Migration in the Red River Delta”, in: 2008 Address: Mr. Ton van Naerssen, Department of Human Population, Space and Place ( ); “Edging Women Out? Geography, Radboud University Nijmegen, Thomas van Gender, Agency and Identity in Philippine Upland Develop- 2006 Aquinostraat 3, P.O. Box 9108, NL-6500 HK Nijmegen, ment”, in: Development and Change ( ); “Women in- The Netherlands. between: Transnational and Rural-Urban Migration in the Email: . Mekong Region”, in: Gender, Technology and Develop- 2005 Website: . gion”: in: the UNDP Asian Human Development Report (in press). Ahmed Pouri (The Netherlands) is Coordinator of Partici- Address: Dr. Bernadette P. Resurreccion, Asian Institute of pating Refugees in Multicultural Europe (PRIME), a Ha- Technology, P.O. Box 4, Klong Luang, Pathumthani 12120, gue-based NGO, which he helped establish in 1995 and Thailand. which works to support refugees and undocumented peop- Email: . le in The Netherlands. Originally a computer engineer and Website: . mathematician, Ahmed left Iran and has lived in the Netherlands since 1985. His vision of PRIME is to help re- Bernice Roldan (Philippines) received her MA in Develop- fugees organize themselves. To facilitate this, PRIME regu- ment Studies from the International Institute of Social Stud- larly facilitates social events, special meetings for women, ies of Erasmus University Rotterdam (ISS-EUR), The Neth- public debates, demonstrations and campaigns. PRIME erlands. She currently works at Aflatoun (Child Savings aims to press for a more humane refugee policy in The International) in Amsterdam, and was previously at the Netherlands, and Ahmed consistently works to put pressu- Commission for Filipino Migrant Workers in Amsterdam, Biographies of Contributors 353 which coordinates RESPECT, a Europe-wide network of there for three years (2004-07). Her key research interests migrant domestic workers’ organizations and support include seasonal and internal migration within India, and groups campaigning for the rights and welfare of migrants international migration management norms and policies. working in private households. In November 2009, she was She has also published work on the changing agricultural a workshop facilitator at the Peoples’ Global Action on Mi- demography of India. At present, she is working as a con- gration, Development and Human Rights, the civil society sultant for a constituency management team of a member parallel process to the Global Forum on Migration and De- of parliament in Delhi and for Aajeevika, an NGO working velopment in Athens. In 2007 and 2009, she facilitated on seasonal migration management in western India. training and action research among Filipino migrant com- Email: . munities in Taiwan and the Netherlands on financial litera- cy and social entrepreneurship in the homeland. Her most May-Len Skilbrei (Norway) is a senior researcher and re- recent published work is “One Size Doesn’t Fit All: Tailor- search director at the Fafo Institute for Applied Internation- ing Credit Programs along the Logic of the Poor”, in: An al Studies, Oslo. Before joining Fafo, she was a PhD re- Exercise in Worldmaking: The Institute of Social Studies search fellow at NOVA (Norwegian Social Research) and Best Student Essays of 2008/09 (The Hague: Institute of post-doctoral fellow at the Department of Criminology and Social Studies, 2009). Sociology of Law at the University of Oslo. She has also been a visiting scholar at Lancaster University, UK. She re- Email: . ceived her Dr. Polit. degree in sociology at the University of Edsel E. Sajor (Philippines) is Associate Professor at the Oslo, and has worked on issues such as gender and un- School of Environment, Resources and Development at the skilled labour, migration and gender, transnational prostitu- Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) in Bangkok, Thailand, tion and human trafficking, and published extensively on where he teaches Urban Environment Management. He has those issues in Norwegian. Her English publications in- PhD and MA degrees in Development Studies from the In- clude the articles “The Rise and Fall of the Norwegian ternational Institute of Social Studies of Erasmus University Massage Parlours: Changes in the Norwegian Prostitution Rotterdam (ISS-EUR), The Netherlands. His research and Setting in the 1990s”, in: Feminist Review, 67: 63-77 (2001); teaching interests include urban governance, peri-urban (with M. Tveit): “Defining Trafficking Through Empirical studies, land and water management, and environmental Work. Blurred Boundaries and their Consequences”, in: conflict resolution. In recent years, his range of research in- Gender, Technology and Development 12,1: 9-30 (2008); terests has expanded into the areas of biotechnology devel- “Taking Trafficking to Court”, in: Bernat, Frances (Ed.): opment and public policy in Asia. He has also managed a Human Sex Trafficking (New York: Routledge, 2010); number of development action research studies and (with M. Tveit): Facing Return. Perceptions of Repatriation projects in Southeast Asia on environment, technology in- among Nigerian Women in Prostitution in Norway, Fafo- novation and poverty alleviation, as part of AIT’s outreach report 2007: 01 (Oslo: Fafo, 2007). programme. Selected publications include: “Institutional Address: Ms. May-Len Skilbrei, Fafo, P.O. Box 2947 Tøyen, and Development Issues in Integrated Water Resource N-0608 Oslo, Norway. Management of Saigon River”, in: Journal of Environment Email: 2009 and Development ( ); “Mixed Land Use and Equity in Website: . Water Governance in Peri-Urban Bangkok”, in: Internation- al Journal of Urban and Regional Research (2007); “Pro- Thanh-Dam Truong (The Netherlands) received her PhD moting Waste Separation for Recycling and Local Govern- from the University of Amsterdam. She is currently Associ- ance in Thailand”, in: Habitat International (2006); ate Professor in Women, Gender and Development at the “Professionalization or Hybridization? Real Estate Brokers International Institute of Social Studies of the Erasmus Uni- in Metro Cebu, Philippines during the Boom of the 90s”, versity of Rotterdam (ISS-EUR). Her work has been trans- in: Urban Studies (2005). lated into Dutch, French, Japanese, Indonesian, Thai and Spanish. Her book, Address: Dr. Edsel E. Sajor, P.O. Box 4, Klong Luang, Sex, Money and Morality: Prostitution Pathumthani 12120, Thailand. and Tourism in Southeast Asia (published by Zed Books/ St. Martin Press, 1990), continues to be widely cited for its Email: . relevance and impacts. Her recent publications address the Website: . nexus of gender, migration and human security: Poverty, Amrita Sharma (India) has a Masters in Development Stud- Gender and Human Trafficking in Sub-Saharan Africa: ies with a specialization in Governance and Democracy Rethinking Best Practices in Migration Management from the International Institute of Social Studies of the Er- (UNESCO, Paris, 2006, translated into French in 2007); asmus University of Rotterdam (ISS-EUR), The Nether- her contributions in the field of development ethics in- lands, and a Masters in Public Policy from Central Europe- clude: “One Humanity, Many Consciousnesses: Unresolved an University, Budapest, with a specialization in Issues in Nussbaum’s Frontiers of Justice”, in: Development international policy practice. She also has a postgraduate and Change (2006); “Gender, Human Security and Global diploma in Rural Management from the Institute of Rural Connectivity”, in: Encyclopaedia on Globalisation and Hu- Management, Anand, Gujarat. She started her career with man Security (Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger, 2009); “Human the International Water Management Institute – Tata water Security and the Governmentality of Neo-liberal Mobility: policy programme (ITP) in Anand, Gujarat and worked A Feminist Perspective”, in: Brauch, H.G.; et al. (Eds.): Fac- 354 Biographies of Contributors

ing Global Environmental Change: Environmental, Hu- major in demography. He is Professor and Researcher at the man, Energy, Food, Health and Water Security, (Berlin/ Center for Sociological Studies, El Colegio de México. One Heidelberg, Germany: Springer, 2009); “Feminist knowl- of his main areas of expertise is the migration of Mexican edge and human security: bridging rifts through the episte- workers to the United States and Canada. He is also expert mology of care” in: Young, B; Scherrer, C. (Eds.): Gender in Civil Society Organizations. Some of his affiliations in- Knowledge and Knowledge Networks in International Po- clude: Mexican representative and member of the Executive litical Economy (Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2010); co-edited Committee of the Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias So- volumes include: Engendering Human Security (London: ciales (CLACSO) (2006-2009); Director of the Center for So- Zed, 2006) (co-editors Amrita Chhachhi and Saskia Wierin- ciological Studies at El Colegio de México (2000-2006); ga); Trans-local Livelihoods and Connections: Embedding Member of the Mexican Academy of Sciences (since 1987); a Gender Perspective into Migration Studies, a special issue Member of the National Researchers System in Mexico, level of Gender, Technology and Development 12, 3 (2008): 285- III. He was invited to be a core member of the research 537 (co-editor Des Gasper); “Gender, Poverty and Social team for the Binational Study on Migration between Mexi- Justice”, in: Denemark, R.A (Ed.) Compendium of the In- co and the United States (1995-97), a commission created ternational Studies Association, Section: Feminist Theory following a mandate of the presidents of the two countries. and Gender Studies, co-author Amrita Chhachhi (Hobo- He has also conducted research on the Seasonal Agricultur- ken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell, 2010); “Development Ethics al Workers Programme that Mexico has with Canada since through the Lens of Caring, Gender and Human Security” 1973. His publications include more than 70 articles or book (co-author Des Gasper), in: Esquith, S.L.; Gifford, F. (Eds.): chapters in Spanish (mainly), English and French. His most The Capabilities Approach: A Constructive Critique (Penn- recent contribution is (with co-authors Jacqueline Butcher sylvania: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2010); “Move- and Guadalupe Serna), “Findings, Challenges and Implica- ments of The ‘We’: International and Transnational Migra- tions”, in: Butcher, J. (Ed.): Mexican Solidarity: Citizen Par- tion and the Capabilities Approach”, co-author Des Gasper, ticipation and Volunteering (New York: Springer Books, Journal of Human Development and Capabilities, a special 2010). 11 2 2010 339 357 issue on human mobility, , ( ): - . Address: Prof. Dr. Gustavo Verduzco Igartúa, El Colegio de Address: Dr. Thanh-Dam Truong, P.O. Box 29776, 2502 LT México, A.C. Centro de Estudios Sociológicos (CES), The Hague, The Netherlands Camino al Ajusco #20 Pedregal de Santa Teresa, Tlalpan, Email: . C.P. 10740 México, D.F. Website: . Email: . Website: . Marianne Tveit (Norway) is a researcher at the Fafo Insti- tute for Applied International Studies, Oslo. She has a Cand. polit. degree in Media and Communication from the University of Oslo. Before joining Fafo, she worked as a journalist in the Norwegian National Broadcasting Com- pany (NRK). As a researcher, she has worked mainly on is- sues related to female migration, transnational marriages, human trafficking and prostitution, and has published re- ports on those issues in both Norwegian and English. Her English publications include the reports: (with G. Tyldum and A. Brunovskis): Taking Stock. A Review on Existing Research on Trafficking for Sexual Exploitation, (Fafo-re- port 493); (with M-L. Skilbrei): Facing Return. Perceptions of Repatriation among Nigerian Women in Prostitution in Norway, (Fafo-report 2007): 01; (with G. Hasselknippe): Against the Odds. How Palestinians Cope through Fiscal Crisis, Closure and Boycott, (Fafo-report 2007):41; (with G. Tyldum): Someone who Cares. A Study of Vulnerability and Risk in Marriage Migration from Russia and Thailand to Norway, (Fafo-report 2008): 26; (with M-L Skilbrei): “Defining Trafficking Through Empirical Work. Blurred Boundaries and their Consequences”, in: Gender, Technol- ogy and Development, 12,1: (2008): 9-30. Address: Ms. Marianne Tveit, Fafo, P.O. Box 2947 Tøyen, N-0608 Oslo, Norway. Email: . Website: . Gustavo Verduzco Igartúa (México) received his PhD in so- ciology (1980) from the University of Texas, Austin, with a Index

3-Ds (destitution, detention and Association of Moroccan Immigrants production and processing of inter- deportation) 209, 210, 214, 220, in the Balearic Islands 97 national student-migrants 176–179 222, 223 asylum policy question of liminality and in- European Union (EU) 209–216, betweenness 178, 179 A 221–223 Australian International Education Abe, Shinzo 299 Netherlands 209–211, 214, 215, 218– Conference (AIEC), 2005 174 Accra 198 222 Australian Permanent Residency Afghanistan 92, 216, 217, 219 process of Europeanization 67–79 (PR) 169–171, 174–179 African Union (AU) 60 United Kingdom (UK) 209–212, autochtonen (Netherlands) 199, 200 Afriqiyah Airways (Libyan 214–222 company) 64 asylum-seekers 67, 71, 72, 87, 284, 286, B Agadez 57, 59, 61, 64, 66 290 Bandung Principle of peaceful Agamben, Giorgio 209, 211–214, 219, Australia 176, 285 coexistence 22, 308 222 Centre for Population and Urban Bangalore 261 Agencia Española para la Cooperación Research (Monash University) 176 Bangkok 150, 153, 155, 190 Internacional y el Desarrollo Commonwealth Register of Institu- Bangladesh 172 (AECID) 98 tions and Courses for Overseas Stu- Barcelona Declaration, 1995 91 Albania 92, 104 dents (CRICOS) 173 Barrio 18 (criminal gang) 51 Algeria 98 Education Services for Overseas Stu- BBC 217 international migration/illegal dents (ESOS) 173, 175 be-ing 260, 261 migrants 57, 58, 61–65 export education industry 169, 170 philosophical term 259 allochtones (Netherlands) 199 Gupte Education Agency 173–175 ill-being/well-being and Al-Qâ'ida 63 Indian students and the education migration 259 Amsterdam 85, 202 industry 169–179 Belize 44, 45 Annan, Kofi 240–253 International Development Program Benghazi 64 apartheid (IDP) 172, 173 Beta Group 48, 49, 53 South Africa 222, 287–291, 294 International English Language Test- bicultural 205 Argentina 56, 199, 281 ing System (IELTS) 169 bifurcation (theory of) 288, 290, 294 Aristotelian logic 309, 310 Migration Occupation in Demand biotechnology 183, 185 Arizona 43, 50 List (MODL) 169, 176 bipolarity (international system/ Aso, Taro 304 National Accreditation Authority for order) 27 Asociación para la Cooperación con el Translators and Interpreter Black-Merton-Scholes formula 281 Sur - Las Segovias (ACSUR-Las (NAATI) 176 border control 41–44, 47, 48, 52, 67– Segovias) 98 National Code 173, 174 70, 77, 78 Asociación Trabajadores Inmigrantes Planet Education 173 border guards 71, 72 Marroquíes en España pro-asylum advocacy 219 Bourdieu, Pierre 23, 24 (ATIME) 97 Royal Melbourne Institute of Tech- brain drain 30, 93, 95, 122, 124, 125, Assamaka 58 nology (RMIT) 176 170, 239, 265, 283, 284 assimilation 7, 8, 23, 30, 198, 200, 202, Tax File Number (TFN) 172 brain waste 283, 284 227, 291, 294, 301, 306, 308 Australia, migration policy BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India, Association Al-Amal of Moroccan Im- in-between legality and and China) 232 migrants in the Autonomous Com- illegality 177, 178 Bush, George W. 44 munity of Valencia 97 Indian students and the education Association Amazon for Development industry 171–176 C and Socio-Cultural Promotion in marketing people on the fine line be- California 50, 51, 53 175, Catalonia 97 tween education and migration California Rural Legal Assistance 176 Association Ibn Batuta (ASCIB) 97 Foundation (CRLAF) 48 Association Marocaine de Solidarité et operators in a permanent residency Cambodia 150, 154 176, 177 Développement (AMSED) 98 factory migrants in Thailand 185–187, 189 Canada 26, 44, 45, 209, 279, 280, 286 356 Index

Cape Verde 199 common human security 21, 310 centres/camps 13, 18, 87, 88, 150, capitalist system 4 common security 20, 22, 29, 266, 269, 176, 210–212, 218, 220–222, 285 Castro, Fidel 210 303, 304, 307– 309 development Central America 284 Commonwealth Register of Institu- international migration and human migration to the United States 41, tions and Courses for Overseas security links 4 43– 49, 51–53, 56 Students (CRICOS), Australia 173 migration impacts 7–11 Central and Eastern European Coun- Community of Sahel-Saharan States securitization 36 tries (CEEC) 73 (CEN-SAD) 60–62, 64 ethics 300, 302, 303 Centre for Migrants’ Human Rights in Conejos, Jr., Esteban 247, 248, 250, deviancy 34 Ciudad Juárez, Mexico 49 253 diasporic flows 198 Centre for Population and Urban Re- Confucian ethics 298, 299 Diene, Doudou 301 search (Monash University), Convention on the Rights of the Child, Dirkou 58 Australia 176 1994 233 drug trafficking 12, 44, 51, 150, 221, 229 Certificate of (Good) Conduct Cooperación al Desarrollo en el Norte Dublin Convention (Convention deter- (CoC) 188 de África (CODENAF) 97 mining the State responsible for Charter of Fundamental Rights of the Cooperazione Internazionale (Interna examining applications for asylum European Union 75 tional Cooperation) 96 lodged in one of the Member Chiapas 44, 47, 48, 51– 53, 55 Copenhagen school 23, 24 States of the European Communi- child migration cosmopolitan egalitarianism 265, 267, ties), 1997 68, 69, 74, 136, 215 European Union policy 159–168 268, 285, 286 Durban Declaration, 2001 307 China 153, 169, 176, 177, 232, 281, 287, cosmopolitan morality 285 Dutch Tax and Customs 302 Council for Mutual Economic Assist- Administration 163 internal migration 274, 275, 277, 279 ance (CMEA) 28 Chubu Region Multiculturalism and COWI (consulting firm) 72 E Gender Equality Research (CRM- criminal gang Economic Community of West African GER) study, Japan 298, 301, 302, Barrio 18 51 States (ECOWAS) 60, 61 304, 305, 308 Maras 51 economic partnership agreements Ciudad Juárez 41, 43, 49, 55 cultural colonialism 21, 309 (EPA) 236 civil ethics 298 cultural diversity 7 economic theory civil society 36, 48, 55, 95, 97, 100, 101, cultural violence 24 neoclassical 127, 148 239, 240, 251, 253, 297, 310 Cyprus 162 remittance management 107, 108 climate change 3, 119, 126, 129, 131, 132 Ecuador 95 co-development policy D Ederveen, Rian 219 concept/definition 91, 92 Danish Immigration Service 142, 144 Education Services for Overseas Stu- European Union 91–93, 99, 100 Darah Ketiga (Third Blood) dents (ESOS), Australia 173, 175 evaluation and outlook 100, 101 organization 203 Egypt 74 Morocco 96–99 database Ekker 58 role of NGOs 96, 97, 99, 100 Eurodac 84, 88 El Salvador 178 Spain 94–97, 100, 101 Postcolonial Migrant Organisations migration to the United States 43, cognitive injustice 35 (Netherlands) 204, 206 44, 47, 50, 51, 53 Cold War 29, 67, 76, 108 decent work 274 Eliot, T.S. 280 collective identity 7, 23, 297, 306 decolonization 27, 29, 203 Enlightenment 298, 299, 306, 309 Colombia 104 Delhi 173, 261 Ethiopia 284 Colombo 150 democracy ethnic identity 200, 204, 206, 207, 294 colonialism 21, 288, 302, 308, 309 crisis of 27, 33 Eurodac database 84, 88 Comisión Española de Ayuda al Refu- forms/model of deliberative 33, 35 Euro-Mediterranean Centre on Migra- giado (CEAR) 98 governability of 27 tion and Development Comisión Nacional de los Derechos human rights 34 (EMCEMO) 96 Humanos (National Human trilateral 28 Euro-Mediterranean Centrum Migratie Rights Commission of Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) & Ontwikkeling (EMCEMO) 97 Mexico) 48, 49, 54 Charter 210, 216–218, 221 Euro-Mediterranean Civil Forum 92 commercial sexual services (CSS) 147, Denmark 78, 82, 141, 162 Euro-Mediterranean Conference, Bar- 149–152, 155, 156, 158 destitution, detention and deportation celona, 1995 91 Commission on Human Security (3-Ds) 209, 210, 214, 220, 222, 223 Euro-Mediterranean partnership (CHS) 231, 232 detention/deportation 12, 16, 18, 29, Common Strategy of the European Common European Asylum System 32, 34, 43, 45, 46, 49, 52, 64, 81, 83, Union 92 (CEAS), European Union 68, 71, 87, 141, 142, 213, 215, 216, 230 European Commission 67, 69, 72–74, 73, 79 boats 88 78, 79, 84 Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP), European Union 69 Index 357

European Committee for Training and youth mobility programmes 166– intersectional discrimination and Agriculture 96 168 operation of structural and subjec- European Convention on Action youth working abroad 165, 166 tive variables 152–156, 158 Against Trafficking in Human Be- European Union (EU), asylum policy Laos 150, 154, 157 ings, 2008 136, 137 Europeanization and a theoretical Mexican and Central American mi- European Convention on Human reflection 75–78 grants to the United States 41–43, Rights 67, 73, 222 evaluation and outlook 78, 79 47, 50, 51, 55, 56 European Council 67, 69, 70, 72 FRONTEX 67, 68, 71– 75, 79 migration process as a series of Santa Maria da Feira meeting in pro-asylum advocay 209–216, 221– decisions 151, 152 2000 92 223 research sites and methodology 150, Tampere meeting in 1999 92, 93 process of Europeanization 67–79 151 European Court of Justice 69, 71, 72, Rapid Border Intervention Teams shifting self-image (case studies in 74, 79 (RABIT) 72, 75 Asia) 157, 158 European Economic and Social Com- right to seek refugee status 68–72 Sri Lanka 150, 154, 156 mittee and the Committee of the European Union (EU), migration/im- Thailand 150–157 Regions 93 migration policy 61, 62, 64, 65 vulnerability of women and youth European Parliament 69, 71–75, 79, Action Plans 92, 93 (case studies in Asia) 151–156, 158 93, 215 combating irregular migrants 81, 82, feminist anthropology 148 European Union (EU) 84, 88 feminist studies 184 A Secure Europe in a Better World databases to enable states to moni- feminist Marxism 148 paper, 2003 92 tor migrant movements 81, 82, 84, Fichte, Johann Gottlieb 298, 299 Ad Hoc Working Group on 88 financial capitalism 104 Immigration 68 Europeanization and a theoretical Financial Stability Forum 103 Charter of Fundamental Rights 75 reflection 75–78 financialization co-development policy 91–93, 99, evaluation and outlook 78, 79 globalization 104 100 free movement of workers provi- migrants’ remittances in the new in- Common European Asylum System sions/principle and the application ternational political economy 103– (CEAS) 68, 71, 73, 79 to underage migrant workers 159– 107 Common Foreign and Security 163 forced migration 7, 24, 30, 119, 126, Policy 69 FRONTEX and the Europeanization 201, 276 Constitutional Treaty 79 of 72–75, 211 Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) 103, Directive and Framework Gradual Abolition of Checks at the 104 Decision 213, 222 Common Borders of signatory formalization Directive on the Protection of countries 68 migrants’ remittance 103, 104, 106– Young People at Work, 1994 160, legal framework endorsing underage 108, 110–115 161, 165, 167 migrants’ work 166–168 Fortress Europe 81, 82, 84, 211, 221 Dublin Convention, 1997 68, 69, 74, Migration and Development. Some Foucault, Michel 3–5, 24, 25, 34, 35 136, 215 Concrete Orientations 93 Fox, Vicente 44 enlargement of 67, 162 minors involved in work 163–166 France 65, 85, 91, 97, 279, 280 European Neighbourhood Morocco Report by Spain 92, 93 migration policy 73, 74, 78, 232 Policy 92 process of Europeanization 67–79 freedom from fear and want 232, 237 High Level Working Group on Asy- Return Action Plan, 2002 84 Friends of Human Security (FHS) 231 lum and Migration 92 use of administrative detention 88 Frontera con Justicia (Justice at the intra student mobility 166 Visa-Regulation (EC) 539/2001 69 Border) in Saltillo, Mexico 49 Justice and Home Affairs (JHA) 69, European Youth Portal website 165 FRONTEX (EU) 71– 75, 211 84 Europeanization Atlantic (Hera) 67 Lisbon Treaty, 2009 75 asylum/immigration policy of central Mediterranean region Qualified Majority Voting EU 67–79 (Nautilus) 67 (QMV) 73, 74, 77, 78 Eurostat data 161 creation 67 Schengen Information System (SIS)/ Western Mediterranean area Agreement 67– 70, 77, 84, 88, 136 F (Poseidon) 67 state of exception 211–213, 221–223 farm technology 188 Fundación Pagesos Solidaris (Farmer Tampere Programme, 1999 69 female migration/trafficking 239 Solidarity Foundation) 97 Treaty of Amsterdam, 1997 68, 69, agency and coping strategies (case 78 studies in Asia) 156, 157 G Treaty of Maastricht, 1992 69 analytical approaches 148–150 G-7283 Treaty of Rome, 1957 160 explanations of decision-making G-8 Youth in Action Programme, 2007- process 184 summit in Sea Island (United 2013 165 States), 2004 103 358 Index

G-20 103 earlier phase of finance-led (1846- human resource development (HRD) Galtung, Johan 24 1924) and international framework 128, 130 Gandhi, Mohandas Karamchand migration 279, 280 human rights 6, 29, 41, 46, 49, 53, 55, (Mahatma) 309 financialization 104 67, 69, 72, 73, 79, 117, 118, 120, 122, Gastarbeiter 293 gender studies 183, 184 123, 125, 131, 211, 213, 216, 239, 248, Gehlen, Arnold 237 international migration and the 251, 253, 285, 300, 306, 309 gender theories of justice 280–285 concept of universal 298, 299, 305, concept of 183 second age and international 306, 309 identity/work and Surat Thani’s migration 23, 273, 274 democracy 34 shrimp farms (Thailand) 185–195 World Migration Report 2008 129, epistemological space 309 migrant identities 184, 185 130 international migration, transnation- gender discrimination 278 Gold Coast Exhibition Centre in al ethics and social contract 266, gender studies Queensland, Australia 174 267, 270, 271 globalization 183, 184 governability 27, 33 international movement 268 migration 10 governance Japan and social reproduction of General Agreement on Trade in Servic- archipelago of 34 identity 297–300 es (GATS) 24, 28, 122, 125 global/international migration 28– metabolic syndrome 297 international legislation of 34 system of nation-states 27 migration 30, 31 medieval concept 33 types of doctrine 269 Geneva Convention. see United Na- remittances 103, 108 human security tions Convention Relating to the governmentality (concept of) 25 concept/definition of 237, 307 Status of Refugees of 1951 Gramsci, Antonio 35, 41 feminist knowledge 238 Germany 82, 84, 85, 279, 280 GRECO Plan (Programa Global de international migration and develop- homeland politics of Kurds 199 Regulación y Coordinación de la ment links 4 migration policy 77, 78, 163 Extranjería e Inmigración) 94 international migration, transnation- Ghaddafi, Muammar al 60, 61, 64 Gross Domestic Product (GDP) al ethics, compassion and plural Ghana 198, 261, 263 India 112 identity 268–271 Giddens, Anthony 109 Philippines 111 Japan 225, 297, 305, 307–310 global apartheid 209–211, 214, 215, Guatemala Official Development Assistance 221–223 Federal Attorney General’s Office (ODA) reports, Japan 225, 226, global capitalism 23, 149, 184, 185, 286, for Human Rights 49 230–232, 236–238 288 migration to the United States 43– orthodox approach of international Global Commission on International 51, 53, 55, 56 security 6 Migration (GCIM) 284 Guatemala City 55 human smuggling 29, 32, 34, 64, 71, 87, global ethic 259, 265–267, 270, 271 Guezzam 63 139 global financial crisis since 2008 103 Gupte Education Agency, human trafficking 8, 16, 29, 32, 45, 57, Global Forum on Migration and De- Australia 173–175 147, 152, 159, 166–168, 229, 251, 283, velopment (GFMD) 32, 122, 244 293 analysis of the report ‘Continuing H Hundred Villages Plan of the TCO the Journey’ and ‘Harvesting the Habermas, Jürgen 33 TitanE 206 Fruits’, Manila Conference, Hawala system of remittance Hurricane Katrina 282 2008 247–253 transfer 113 creation of 239, 240 Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich 298, I global governance 7, 23, 31 299 identity global migration, see international mi- history of systems of thought formation among migrants from In- gration (Foucault) 24 donesia in the Netherlands 199– Global Nation concept 199 HIV/AIDS 284 207 global remittance market 110 home gender and migration 184, 185 Global Solutions Ltd (GSL) 218 meaning 260 gender/work and Surat Thani’s global warming 267 homeland security 7 shrimp farms (Thailand) 185–195 globalization 6, 76, 148, 150, 266, 297, Honduras Indisch Dutch 199–204, 207 299, 309 migration to the United States 43, liminal 260, 270, 271 acceleration of 3 44, 47, 48, 50, 53 migrants and transnational contradiction between unregulated Hong Kong 156 connections 197–199 movements of capital and restric- horticulture 85, 86 non-state communities 307 tions on labour migration 279, 280 human dignity 23, 29, 32, 158, 267, 269 passport and the creation of a created new service activities, novel human mobility 11, 15, 23, 24, 27, 34, national 5 technologies and consumption 36, 121–125, 127, 131 social reproduction of and human preferences 41 human nature 25, 35, 36 rights in Japan 298–300 Index 359

social reproduction of diaspora in International Centre on Migration Pol- private care services (PCS)/commer- Japan 300–305 icy Development 285 cial sexual services (CSS) 147, 149– ill-being 259, 260 International Convention on the Pro- 152, 155, 156, 158 illegal migrants 71, 81, 88, 93, 119, 140, tection of the Rights of All Mi- research 8, 9 157, 172, 219, 259, 261, 273, 284, grant Workers and Members of routes to and through the Sahara 59 290, 291, 295 their Families (ICRMW) 32 second age of globalization 273, 274 Immigration and Naturalization Serv- Treaty Monitoring Bodies (TMB) social contract theory (Rawls) 265– ice (INS), USA 42 report 32 268, 270 immigration policy, see migration International Cooperation Law 94 state obligations and the right of re- policy International Covenants on Human turn/safety of victims of Immigration, Development and De- Rights, 1979 226 trafficking 135, 137 mocracy Network 96 International Detention Centre (IDC), stateless, irregular migrants and imperialism 26 Bangkok 150, 153 trafficking 283–285 theory of 289 International Development Program theories of justice and morality and in-betweenness (concept of) 177–179 (IDP), Australia 172, 173 the ethics of treatment India 199, 276 International English Language Test- migrants 276–283 balance of payment (BoP) crisis, ing System (IELTS), Australia 169 total number of migrants 6 1991 112 International Federation of Human vulnerability of women and youth Foreign Currency Non-Resident Rights (IFHR) 45, 46, 48–50, 53 (case studies in Asia) 151–156, 158 (FCNR) 112, 113 international financial system 104 international migration/migrants, formalization of migrants’ remittanc- International Institute of Social Histo- Mexican and Central American to es experience 104, 110–114 ry (IISG), Amsterdam 204, 207 the United States GDP 112 International Labour Organization abuse by state agents and third India Shining campaign 112 (ILO) 26, 161, 274 parties 48–50 National Democratic Alliance international legislation civic organizations 54, 55 (NDA) 112 migration 28–34 Collaboration Agreement on the Non-resident External Rupee Ac- international migration/migrants Problem of Minors at the Border, count (NR (E) RA 112, 113 5 plus 5 dialogue’ between Africa 1993 52 Pravasi Bharatiya Divas (Non-resi- and Europe in Lisbon, 2001 57 crime impact 51, 52 dent Indian Day) 112 analytical approaches 148 evaluation and outlook 56 Reserve Bank of India 112 basic rights/capabilities theory 267 government programmes 52–54 Sardar Sarovar Project 268 being, well-being and distributive Mexico’s policies and in-transit world’s largest labour exporters 113 equity 260–265 migrants 44–46 Indisch Dutch brain drain/brain waste 30, 283–285 risks and migrants’ vulnerability 46– ethnicity 200 contradiction between unregulated 52 identity 199–204, 207 movements of capital and restric- risky routes and death 47, 48 Indisch Monument, The Hague 202 tions on labour migration 279, 280 support for in-transit migrants 52– Indonesia 156, 200, 202, 281 cosmopolitan egalitarianism 285 55 formalization of migrants’ remittanc- development and human security United States immigration policy es experience 104, 110, 113, 114 links 4 and migratory flows 42–44 interethnic conflict, 1999–2002 206 earlier phase of finance-led globali- women and minors 50, 51 information technology (IT) 301 zation (1846–1924) 279, 280 international migration/migrants, Inspraakorgaan Welzijn Molukkers Euro-African meetings on migration transnational ethics (Netherlands) 205 and development in Rabat and alternatives to injustice and re-inter- Instituto Nacional de Migración (Na- Tripoli, 2006 61 pretations of self and of tional Institute for Migration of Filipino and Nigerian migrants 262 interests 265, 266 Mexico) 43–49, 51–55 finance-led globalization and the ethics of compassion, plural identity Inter-American Court of Human theories of justice 280–285 and human security 268–271 Rights (ICHR) 48 geographical mobility and illegality/ social contract and global market inter-ethnic difference 183 protected by law 41 contract 268 Intergovernmental Committee for Eu- governance of a contested social contract and human ropean Migration (ICEM) 117, 118 order 28–34 rights 266, 267, 270, 271 Intergovernmental Committee for Mi- Indian students in Australia 169– synthesizing discussion and gration (ICM) 32 179 evaluation 270, 271 internal migration international legislation of 7, 28–34 International Monetary Fund China 274, 275, 277 international studentship 170, 171 (IMF) 111, 274, 280 roles of the state and the joined-up thinking/feeling 271 market 274–276 legal space is hierarchical 7 legislation and policies analysis 59– 62 360 Index

International Organization for Migra- Council for Cities of Non-Japanese discrimination against minorities/ tion (IOM) 49, 218, 240 Residents 234 migrants and the difficulty of social acquired its current structure and demographic trends 227 reproduction of diaspora 300–305 profile in 1989 117 developmentalist state ethics 269, East and West Japan Immigration creation/establishment 32, 117 298, 299, 302, 303, 307 Centres 230 Nigeria 142 discrimination against minorities/ Filipino immigrants 233, 301, 303, tasks, activities, operations and migrants 300–305 305, 308 sponsoring organisations 118, 119 Economic Partnership Agreements human faces and security in the Chu- World Migration Report (WMR), (EPAs) 293 bu region 232–235, 298, 301, 302, 2088 117–132 (17th and 18th 304, 305, 308 international relations/security centuries) 302 human security and the ODA Copenhagen school 23, 24 foreign policy and human security reports 230–238 human security 6 concept 232 Immigration Control Act, 1990 292, social constructivist theories 8, 75 framework of civil ethics of its 293 international studentship own 298 Immigration Control Act, 2004 294 form of migration 170, 171 homogeneity hypothesis of Immigration Control Act, 2007 229 international system/order society 287 Indonesian immigrants 301–303, bipolarity to trilateralism change 27, human rights and social reproduc- 305, 308 28 tion of identity 297–300 industrial training and technical intersectional discrimination human security 225, 297, 305, 307– internship 228 concept of 151 310 jus sanguinis 19, 227, 292, 304 operation of structural and subjec- human security concept and Kimin (rejected people) 304 tive variables 152–156, 158 ODA 230–232, 237, 238 Koreans and Chinese in-transit migrants 42, 44, 46, 48, 52, 55 Justice Ministry 294 immigrants 226, 227, 229, 233, 291– Iraq 92, 212, 216, 217 Kyoiku Chokugo (Imperial Edict on 296, 301, 302, 305, 307 Ireland 78 Education), 1890 298, 305 labour shortage 226, 227, 291–295 underage migrant workers 162, 163 Large Scale Retail Stores Law, multicultural development irregular migrants 13, 24, 34, 137, 139, 2000 236 ethics 305–310 194, 283 Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) 227 neoliberal framework of definition 81 Meiji Imperial Edict on governance 230 Netherlands 81–88 Education 299 Nikkeijin/Latinos 227, 230, 236, Ishihara, Shintaro 294 Meiji Reform 287 292, 296, 304, 306, 308 Italy Meiji state developmentalist overstayers 229, 233–235 migration policy 12, 61, 65, 74, 96, ethics 298, 301 Peruvian immigrants 233, 303, 304 136, 279 Ministry of Education and protecting national identity and cop- The Comprehensive ‘Immigration’ Science 302 ing with a demographic crisis 225– Enactment Law of 6 March National Council of Social 230 1998 136, 139 Welfare 237 Thais immigrants 233 North Korea relations 302 transformation of the local public J Official Development Assistance sphere 236, 237 Japan (ODA) reports 225, 226, 230–232, trends in the post-war period 225– Act on Assurance of Sound Finan- 236–238 227 cial Status of Local Governments, Red Cross 226 U.S. Trafficking in Persons Report 2007 236 social reproduction of diaspora 2004 229 Basic Laws on Education, 1947 and identity 300–305 Japanese International Training Coop- 2006 298–301, 305 state’s ideal of a culturally homoge- eration Organization bubble economy period (so-called neous nation 266 (JITCO) 226, 227 Kaikoku- Ronsou) 228 Technical Internship Training Pro- Java 114 Christian churches 302 gram (TITP) 226 Johannesburg 290, 295 Chubu Region 232–235 Tokyo Immigration Bureau 294 joined-up thinking/feeling 271 Chubu Region Multiculturalism and Treaty on Basic Relations with the jus sanguinis 19, 227, 292, 304 Gender Equality Research (CRM- Republic of Korea, 1965 226 justice (theory of) GER) study 298, 301, 302, 304, 305, United States Occupation facts of finance-led globalization and 308 Authorities 298 international migration 280–285 civil society 297 Yasukuni Shrine 302 morality and the ethics of treatment Confucian Meiji state ethics 298, Japan, migration/immigration policy of international migrants 276–283 299 Brazilian immigrants 233, 234, 301, liberal theory and migration 273 constitution and the limits of the 303–305 military role to self-defence 230 Index 361

K Medical Justice, United Kingdom Sealing the Borders’ programme 44 218 Kenya 199 (UK) Survey on Migration along the Gua- 46 Kerala 113 Mediterranean region temala-Mexico Border kerusuhan (riots at the Moluccan) 206 Common Strategy of the European Survey on Migration along the Keynes, John Maynard 281 Union on the Mediterranean Northern Border (Encuesta sobre 92 Kinshasa 216, 217 Region Migración de la Frontera Norte, or 43 knowledge economy 6, 170 migration from the Central Sahara EMIF) 57 41–56 Koizumi, Junichiro 231 region United States 169, 172–174, 176 55 Kuwait 285 Melbourne Women Migrants Home mestizo culture 200 Micro Finance Institutions (MFIs) 105 L Mexico micro-finance 115 Advisory Board of the Inter-Institu- migrant, see also migration/immigra- labour markets 66, 85, 119, 122, 129, 130, 147, 163, 184, 191, 238 tional Programme for Attention to tion policy 54 6, 8, 9, 12, Border Minor identities and transnational labour migration/migrants 198, 199 15, 28, 30, 47, 64, 65, 83, 119, 129, Centre for Migrants’ Human Rights, connections 49 197–199 131, 291, 295 Ciudad Juárez intergenerational identities Chamber of Deputies 46 migrant smuggling 147, 255 Asia 151 Comisión Nacional de los Derechos migrants’ remittance 10, 239 internationalization of 184 Humanos (National Human Rights cost of transfer 105 migration/immigration studies 149 Commission of Mexico) 48, 49, 54 development and economic growth mobility 120–126 Commission for Aid to Refugees impact 103, 114, 115 second era of finance-led (COMAR) 44, 55 emergence of new architecture 104 globalization 279, 280 debt crisis, 1982 283 formal vs. informal methods of labour rights 119, 125, 131 Desarrollo Integral de la Familia transfer 106 Lampedusa 74 (DIF) 53–55 formalization 103, 104, 106–108, Laos 110–115 150, Federal Attorney General’s female migration/trafficking 54 113 154, 157 Office Hawala system 45 104, 110–114 183, 185–187, Federal Preventive Police (PFP) India migrants in Thailand 104, 110, 113, 114 189, 190, 193, 194 formalization of migrants’ remittanc- Indonesia es experience 104, 105, 108, 111, 112 international political League of Nations 26 Frontera con Justicia (Justice at the economy 103–110 Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, Border) in Saltillo 49 Mexico 104, 105, 108, 111, 112 National University of General Population Law (Ley Gen- Philippines 104, 110–114 Singapore 271 eral de la Población) 45, 46 Turkey 104, 108, 112 Libya 74 geopolitical situation 44 migration international migration/illegal human rights organizations 49 architecture of global migrants 57–62, 64, 65 Instituto Nacional de Migración governance 23 UN embargo 60 (National Institute for Migration of definition 4, 23 liminal identity 260, 270, 271 Mexico) 43–49, 51–55 development impacts 4–11 liminality (concept of) 178, 179 militarization of southern region 44 disciplinary dimension 4 Long Term Capital Management Ministry of Labour and Social distributive justice 263 (hedge fund) 281 Welfare 54 ethical analyses 259 Lubbers, Ruud 202 Ministry of the Interior 54 feminist scholarship 10 Luxemburg, Rosa 289 National Employment Service 54 hegemonic dimension 4 177–179 M Sin Fronteras (No Border) in-betweenness concept organization 55 institutional dimension 4 58, 60, 63, 98 Maghreb Mexico City 41, 50, 52, 55 interpersonal and inter-group 271 Mahbubani, Kishore Mexico, migration/immigration policy dimension 4 284 Malawi Agricultural Visitor’s Migration liberal theory of justice 273 31, 113, 119, 155, 176, 297 Malaysia Form, 1997 47 liminality concept/liminal identities 74, 162 Malta Father Ricardo Zapata’s Migrants’ building 178, 179, 260 290, 294 Mandela, Nelson Home in Río Blanco 47 modern state system and the treat- maquiladora (concept of High-Level Group for Border Securi- ment of migrants 273, 274 108 manufacturing) ty (GASEF) 45 new transnational forms 3 13 13 , Mara Salvatrucha (MS ) crimimal Human Repatriation programme 54 post-structuralist approach 183 51 gang in-transit migrants 44–46 redistribution 264 111, 283 Marcos, Ferdinand NAFTA 44, 45 roles of the state and the 5, 278 Marx, Karl Proposal for a Comprehensive Mi- market 274–276 219 Matheu, Lia gration Policy regarding Mexico’s search for well-being and 210, 290 Mbeki, Thabo Southern Border of INM 46 security 259 362 Index

migration migration-trafficking continuum National Coalition for Anti-Deporta- security impacts 4–7 private care services (PCS) and com- tion Campaigns (NCADC), social identities 8, 9 mercial sexual services (CSS) 147, UK 209, 210, 214–218, 220, 222 structuralist approach 184 149–152, 155, 156, 158 national identity 5, 21, 225, 266, 297– systems approach 10 vulnerability of women and youth 299, 305, 310 subject of scientific interest 7, 8 (case studies in Asia) 151–156, 158 national security 3, 6, 30, 44, 45, 51, 52, traditional understanding 8 militarization 34, 44, 217 67, 101, 307 transitivity concept 8 Millennium Development Goals nation-state 3–6, 8, 9, 21, 23, 36, 37, 78, trans-Mediterranean 57 (MDGs) 93, 104, 206 118, 130, 197, 215, 266, 268, 299 types of home 260 minor migration 12, 26, 27, 29, 32, 50, ontology of 24–27, 33, 34 migration industry 10, 177 51, 95, 98, 159, 160, 176, 211, 290 natural persons brokerage 9 European Union 163–168 definition of 30 studies of 9 Mexican and Central American mi- free movement 30, 31 Migration Occupation in Demand List grants to the United States 41–44, Nauru 285 (MODL), Australia 169, 176 49, 50–55 neoclassical economic theories 127, migration/immigration policy/regime Missionaries of San Carlos 148 Central American migrants to the Scalabriniani 54 neoliberal development paradigm 106 United States 41, 43–53, 56 Mobutu, Sese Seko 283 neo-Malthusian 280 Central Sahara region 57–66 modernization model 27 Netherlands 96, 163 co-development policy 91–101 Moluccan History Museum 206 Darah Ketiga (Third Blood) comparison of experiences in Japan Moluccan Islands 197 organization 203 and South Africa 294–296 Moluccans (Netherlands) 197, 200, Dutch East Indies 199–201 decisions process 151, 152 204–207 Dutch Guyana 202 El Salvadoran migrants to the Unit- money transfer operators (MTOs) 105 employment of non-Dutch children ed States 43 morality (theories of) 276–279, 280– and adolescents with European Guatemalan migrants to the United 283 nationality 163, 164 States 43–51, 53, 55, 56 Mori, Yoshiro 301 Gemeentelijke Basis Honduran migrants to the United Morocco 92–95, 198, 199 Administratie 161 States 43, 44, 47, 48, 50, 53 co-development policy 96–99 Het Gebaar (‘The Gesture’) Japan 225–238, 287, 291–296, 300– international migration/illegal foundation 202 310 migrants 61, 64 Immigration and Nationality De- Mexico 41–56 NGOs 96 partment (IND) 219 multicultural development Sidi Yamani project 97 Indisch House 202 ethics 305–310 Movement for Peace, Disarmament Inspraakorgaan Welzijn recruitment practices 9 and Freedom (MPDL) 98 Molukkers 205 security policy impact on 81, 88, 89 Mozambique 295 Ministry of Home Affairs 202 South Africa 287–291, 294–296 multicultural development ethics 305– Nasi Idjo (‘Green Rice’) youth Thailand 185–195 310 organization 203 underage workers between member- multiculturalism 300, 303, 304, 306 Participating Refugees in Multicul- states of the European Union 159– multinational corporations tural Europe (PRIME) 210, 214, 215, 168 (MNCs) 280 218–220, 222 migration/immigration research/stud- Mumbai 261 Postcolonial Migrant ies Murcia 98 Organisations 204, 206 analytical approaches 148 Myanmar Social-Fiscal number 83 labour migration perspective 149 migrants in Thailand 183, 185–187, Netherlands, migration/immigration macro/micro approaches 148 189, 190–194 policy problem-solving/instrumental Act on Chain Liability, 1994 85 knowledge approach 23 N Aliens Act 83 theories of gender 149 Nagoya 233, 294 allochtones 199 transnational migration Nasi Idjo (‘Green Rice’) youth asylum seekers 87 approach 23 organization 203 autochtonen 199, 200 migration-development nexus 198 National Accreditation Authority for Clothing Intervention Team 85 migration-development-security 3–11, Translators and Interpreter detention, expulsion and the impor- 22 (NAATI) 176 tance of not being earnest 87, 88 migration-development-trade National Agency for Prohibition of Foreign Nationals Employment Act triangle 124, 125 Traffic in Persons and Other Relat- (Wet Arbeid Vreemdelingen or Migrations et Développement (Migra- ed Matters (NAPTIP), WAV) 85 tion and Development) Nigeria 137, 141, 142 formal to informal work 85, 86 network 96, 97 General Pardon 219 Index 363

Ghanaian migrants 263 North American Free Trade Agree- institutional arrangement for the Identification Act, 1994 83 ment (NAFTA) 44, 45, 56 management of migration 111 identity formation among migrants North Korea Overseas Workers Welfare Associa- from Indonesia 199–207 juche ideology (self-management) tion (OWWA) 111 Indisch Dutch 199–204, 207 302 Philippine Overseas Employment irregular migrants combating 81–88 Norway Administration (POEA) 111 Labour Inspectorate 86 Nigerian women as victims of traf- Phnom Penh 150 labour market access 85, 86 ficking and their repatriation 135– place (concept of) 183 Latin American immigrants 263, 145 Planet Education, Australia 173 264 Re-establishment, Organizing safe pluralist cosmopolitanism 265 Linkage Act, 1998 83 places to stay, Security, Assistance pollero (person that smuggles Mexi- Marriages of Convenience Act, (ROSA) 136 cans into the United States)50 1994 83 state obligations and the right of re- Postcolonial Migrant Organisations Moluccans immigrants 197, 200, turn/safety of victims of (Netherlands) 204, 206 204–207 trafficking 135–137 private care services (PCS) 147, 149– pro-asylum advocacy 209–211, 214, 152, 155, 156, 158 215, 218–222 O prostitution 10, 26, 149, 150, 153, 154, Public Prosecutors office 86 O’Loan, Nuala 218 157 security and internal migration Obuchi, Keizo 231 increased internationalization of 135 control 88, 89 Office of the Special Advisor on Africa Nigerian women in Norway 135– Social Security Inspectorate (Sociale (OSSA), United Nations 231 144 Inlichtingen en Opsporingsdienst or Official Development Assistance Province of Drenthe 205 SIOD) 85 (ODA) 28, 93, 103, 104 strategies of exclusion 82–84 Japan 225, 226, 230–232, 236–238 Q subsistence crime rise 86, 87 Ogata, Sadako 231, 232 Qualified Majority Voting (QMV), Eu- Surinamese immigrants 202 ontology 11, 24, 25, 34 ropean Union 73, 74, 77, 78 underage migrant workers 161– 163 relational 238 Quintana Roo 47 Westland Intervention Team 85 Oran 63 White Paper on Irregular Migrants, Organization of American States R 2004 83 (OAS) 48 racism 13, 67, 210, 278, 288, 302, 305 Network of Scalabrinian Migrants’ Osaka 232 developmental 300 55 Homes Oslo 135, 138, 140 Rapid Border Intervention Teams New Institutional Economics other-ing 260, 264, 270 (RABIT), European Union 72, 75 109, 110 (NIE) Ouneine in Taroudant (rural Rational Choice Institutionalism 282 New Orleans community) 97 (RCI) 109, 110 244, 281 New York City Ravenstein, Ernest Georg 7, 10 285 New Zealand P Rawls, John 265–268, 270, 277–280 Niger Palestine 284 Red Euromediterránea de Cooper- international migration/illegal Pangloss’s Law 270 ación al Desarrollo 57–66 migrants Paris Declaration, 2005 96 (REMCODE) 97 283, 295 Nigeria parrhesia (concept of) 24, 35, 36 Re-establishment, Organizing safe plac- migration of women and their cur- Participating Refugees in Multicultural es to stay, Security, Assistance rent situation in prostitution in Europe (PRIME), (ROSA), Norway 136 135–145 Norway Netherlands 210, 214, 215, 218– refoulement (principle of) 67, 68, 70, National Agency for Prohibition of 220, 222 74 Traffic in Persons and Other Relat- Pasar Malam Besar (the Great Night refugee 137, 141, 142 ed Matters (NAPTIP) Market) in The Hague 201 concept of (Geneva Convention) 29 state obligations and the right of re- passport status 67, 68, 70–72, 79 turn/safety of victims of creation of stateness and national Reggane 58 135–137 trafficking identity 5 regional/European integration 227, 230, 236, 292, Nikkeijin (Japan) invention of 5 liberal inter-governmentalism and ra- 296, 304, 306, 308 peace-building 231 tional choice institutionalism 41, 43, 52, 53, 55 Nogales Philippines 156, 199 approaches 75, 76 Non-Governmental Organization Commission on Filipino Overseas theories/debate 75–78 ) 58, 96–99, 103, 104, 108, (NGOs (CFO) 111 transformative and reproductive 115, 150, 209, 213, 216 formalization of migrants’ remittanc- approaches 75, 78 307 non-state identity es experience 104, 110–114 remittance, see also migrants’ remit- North Africa GDP 111 tance international migration/illegal migrants 57, 58, 65, 66 364 Index

remittance management 105 migration/immigration policy im- separation, integration and orderly governance 103, 108 pact on 4–7, 81, 88, 89 disorder 289–291 orthodox economic theory 107, 108 reframing and the parrhesia of the South Moluccan Republic (Republik political insularity of the formaliza- subaltern 24, 35, 36 Maluku Selatan, RMS) 200, 204– tion discourse 108–110 social order 26 206 science behind 106–110 Security and Prosperity Partnership of Soviet Union 27, 28, 76 remittance service providers North America (SPPNA) 45 Spain 74, 94, 136 (RSPs) 105, 110–113 security communities 307, 308, 310 Agency for International Develop- Rotterdam 86 segmented assimilation process 198 ment Cooperation (AECID) 95 Royal Melbourne Institute of Technol- Sen, Amartya 231, 232 Autonomous Community of ogy (RMIT), Australia 176 sex industry/trade 147, 149–151, 153– Valencia 95 Royal Society for the Protection of 155, 157, 229, 261, 265, 270, 285 Basque Country’s Strategic and Mas- Birds, United Kingdom (UK) 222 international 149 ter Plan on Development Coopera- Rwanda 261, 284 sexual violence 50, 216 tion 2008–2011 96 shared injustice frame 209, 213, 214, Catalonian Autonomous Coopera- S 216, 221 tion Law 95 Sabon Gari 59 shrimp industry (Surat Thani co-development policy 94–97, 100, Sahara (central region), migration Province) 183, 185–195 101 economic development as an impor- Sin Fronteras (No Border) organiza- Cooperation Plans with Morocco tant factor 58, 59 tion, Mexico 55 and Ecuador 95 European Union position 62, 64, 65 slavery 300 General Plan for Development Co- evaluation and outlook 65, 66 Slavery Convention, 1926 26 operation 2001–2004 for the Auton- institutional/legal frameworks and Smith, Jacqui 218 omous Region of Madrid 95 migrants’ rights 59–62 social constructivist theories 8, 75 GRECO Plan (Programa Global de international migration routes 59 social contract theory Regulación y Coordinación de la Ex- limited efficiency of international critique of the tradition of 265 tranjería e Inmegración) 94 commitments 60–62 Rawls 265–268, 270 Master Plan 2001/04 94 long-standing history 57, 58 Social Darwinism 280 Master Plan for Spanish Coopera- national legal frameworks and bilat- social field (concept of) 23 tion 2005–2008 94 eral links with EU member states 62 social identity 8, 9, 266 Master Plan for Spanish Coopera- state control, migrants’ movements socialism tion 2009–2012 95 and spatial transformation (Niger model of Eastern European Master Plans for Development Co- into Algeria) 62, 63 states 274 operation 2003–2006 and 2007– variations on the theme of illegality societal control 2010 95 (Niger to Libya) 64, 65 mechanisms of 3, 4 Master Plans for Valencian Develop- Sahara desert 285 societal knowledge 25 ment Cooperation 2004–2007 and Sakanaka, Hidenori 294 societal security 7, 23 2008–2011 96 Sardar Sarovar Project (SSP), Somalia 92, 295 migration policy 94–96 India 268, 276 Soumokil, Chris 205 Ministry of Labour and Social Scalabrinian Missionaries 54 South Africa 222, 295 Affairs 94 Schengen Information System (SIS)/ Apartheid regime 210, 287–291, 294 Moroccans migrants 94– 98 Agreement 67– 70, 77, 84, 88, 136 Black Diamonds class 291 NGOs 97, 98 Schumpeter, Joseph 278, 279 Fagan Commission Report, State Council on Development scientific discourses 1948 290 Cooperation 94 delimitation of 3, 4 megacities 290 Strategic Plan for Citizenship and In- Sebha 64 Mfecane process 295 tegration, 2007–2010 94 securitization Ministry of Home Affairs 290 Task Force on Co-development 94 Copenhagen school 23, 24 National Party 290 Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) 105 development 36 Native Land Act, 1913 289 Sri Lanka 92 immigration and asylum issues 77 Riekert Commission Report, female migration/trafficking 150, migrants’ remittances in the new in- 1978 290, 291 154, 156 ternational political economy 103– Tomlinson Commission Report, state of exception 209–214, 220– 223 107 1955 290 European Union (EU) 211–213, 221– security (concept/policy) 259 Zulu militant traditionalists 288 223 aspiration for order and well-being South Africa, migration/immigration state security (concept of) 5, 23–25, 231 through justice 37 policy state sovereignty 59, 68, 79 holistic view 37 experience (exceptionism and unno- stateless persons 69, 70, 284 inter-related meanings of 25 ticed commonality) 287–289 stateness 5 migrants from other neighbouring Stavanger 138 African countries 290, 295 Stichting LOS (Dutch foundation) 219 Index 365 structural adjustment programmes Tokyo International Conference on Medical Justice 218 (SAPs) 281 African Development (TICAD), migration policy 78, 215 structural discrimination 150 1993 231 National Coalition for Anti-Deporta- structural injustice 280 Tong Tong (periodical) 201 tion Campaigns (NCADC) 209, sub-Saharan Africa 57, 58, 60, 61, 64, Toyota 235 210, 214–216 65, 91, 261, 274, 283, 284, 287, 289 Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual pro-asylum advocacy 209–212, 214– suburbanization 236 Property Rights (TRIPs), 222 Suharto, Haji Mohamed 206 WTO 284 Royal Society for the Protection of Surat Thani Province 183 trafficking of women 26, 142, 274, 285 Birds 222 sustainable development 239, 310 transitivity 8, 29 underage migrant workers 162, 163 swadesh, swaraj, sarvodaya and antyo- trans-Mediterranean migration 57 United Nations (UN) 6, 198 daya (concept of Gandhi) 309 Transnational Centre for Rifian Special Rapporteurs 48, 301 Sweden Initiatives 98 United Nations Children’s Fund underage migrant workers 162, 163 transnational community organiza- (UNICEF) 53 Sydney 169 tions (TCOs) 199, 207 United Nations Conference on Trade symbolic violence 24 TitanE 206 and Development system of knowledge 25 Women for Peace 206 (UNCTAD) 281 transnational migration 23, 170–172 United Nations Convention Against T influences a variety of domains in so- Transnational Organized Crime Tamanrasset 58 cial lives 10 (Palermo Protocols) 24, 28, 31, 32, Technical Internship Training Pro- occurs in cross-cultural contexts 9 229 gram (TITP), Japan 226 research 8–10 Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Tempo Doeloe (The Good Old transnational relations 207 Punish Trafficking in Persons, Espe- Times) 201 transnational social space (concept cially Women and Children 31, 135, temporality 8, 36 of) 8, 9 136, 137 territorial sovereignty 23 transnational/politcal ethics The Protocol against the Smuggling terrorism 18, 51, 63, 77, 114, 219, 274, international migration 265–271, of Migrants by Land, Air, and 308 285, 286 Sea 31, 135 9/11 attack 7, 42, 52, 81, 92, 106, 286, transnationalism 8, 19, 27, 28, 198, United Nations Convention on the 303 204, 207, 261 Right of the Child (UN-CRC) 165 War on Terror 7 trans-Saharan migration 57, 59, 65 United Nations Convention Relating Thailand 119 Treaty of Versailles, 1919 26 to the Status of Refugees, 1951 (Ge- Burmese migrants 183, 185– 187, Trilateral Commission 28 neva Convention) 24, 28, 67, 68, 189– 194 trilateralism (international system/ 70, 71, 73–75, 216, 221 Cambodian migrants 185–187, 189 order) 27, 28 Comprehensive Plan of Action economic growth in the 1980s 185 Tripoli 64 (CPA) for Indo-Chinese Refugees, female migration/trafficking 150, Trust Fund for Human Security, Unit- 1989 29 152– 157 ed Nations 231 Protocol of 1967 29 Kitchen of the World 183, 187, 195 Tunisia 64 United Nations Development Pro- Laotian migrants 183, 185–187, 189, Turkey 184, 199, 271 gramme (UNDP) 231, 237 190, 193, 194 formalization of migrants’ remittanc- United Nations General Assembly migration/immigration policy 185– es experience 104, 108, 112 (UNGA), high-level multilateral di- 195 alogue on international migration Ministry of the Interior 186 U and development, 2006 32, 239, The Hague 201, 202, 219, 220, 264 Uganda 288 240 theory of basic rights/capabilities 267 Unió de Pagesos (Catalonian Agricul- analysis of opening address by Kofi theory of justice tural Union) 97 Annan 240–247, 251, 252, 253 Rawls 266, 267, 277–279 Union of Kumpulans (Vereniging van United Nations High Commissioner ethics of treatment of international Kumpulans, VKN) 206 for Refugees (UNHCR) 6, 71, 72, migrants 276–279, 280–283 United Arab Emirates (UAE) 285 118, 143, 285 Third World 27, 28, 114, 275 United Kingdom (UK) United Nations International Conven- debt crisis 283 Border Agency 211, 215 tion on the Rights of All Migrant movement 199 Early Day Motion (EDM), Westmin- Workers and Members of their Tijuana 43, 52–55 ster System 217 Families 239 TitanE (TCO organization) 206 Home Office 215, 217 United Nations Office on Drugs and Todgha Oasis Valley (Morocco) 198 Immigration and Nationality De- Crime (UNODOC) 142 Tokyo 232, 294 partment of the Home Office 215 report of 2006 147 Immigration and Nationality United Nations Trust Fund for Hu- Directorate 215 man Security (UNTFHS) 231 366 Index

United States of America (USA) World Bank 108, 109, 111, 280, 283 Border Patrol 42, 43, 46, 52, 53 Committee on Payment and Settle- Congress 42 ment Systems (CPSS) 103 Customs and Border Protection East Asia Social Development (CBP) 42 Unit 113 Department of Homeland Financial Market Integrity Unit 113 Security 42, 43 World Development Report 117 homeland security 7 World Migration Report 2008 Homeland Security Act, 2002 and evaluation 131, 132 2007 42 genre and style 126, 127 Immigration and Naturalization labour/human and the priority to Service (INS) 42 economic concerns 121, 122 Patriot Act of 2001 106 language of flows 127, 128, 129 War on Terror 7 language of needs as determined in United States of America (USA), mi- the market 128, 129 gration/immigration policy macrostructures of the text 122–124 history of immigrants 282 migration-development-trade trian- Latinos 198, 202 gle and cooperation 124, 125 Mexican and Central American naturalness of labour movements migrants 41–56 and of other migration 125, 126 migratory flows from Mexico im- necessary implications of pact/reaction 42–44 globalization 129, 130 Universal Declaration of Human overview 119, 120 Rights 23, 61 policy consensus and manoeuvring universal human rights 20, 265, 268, (via) the international 298, 299, 305, 306, 309 community 130, 131 Uzbekistan 154, 155 rhetorical analysis and local meanings 126–131 V themes/structure and the logic of le- Valencia 96, 97 gitimacy accorded to labour Valencian Refugee Aid Association mobility 120–126 (AVAR) 98 world order, see international system/ Vientiane 150 order 34 Vietnam 199, 295 World Trade Organization (WTO) 28, Vietnamese ‘Boat People’ in Hong 274, 276 Kong 29 international legislation of Vis, Rudi 216 migration 30 Visa Information System (VIS) 84, 88 Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectu- vulnerability 24, 26, 30, 35, 36, 147– al Property Rights (TRIPs) 284 149, 151, 152, 155 –158, 219, 259, 269 X W xenophobia 57, 77, 294, 300, 303–306 Weber, Max 4, 5 violence 63 well-being 36, 37, 259, 260, 262, 263, (company) 217, 218 265, 269–271 Westphalian system/Treaty, 1648 22, Y 25, 27, 33, 299, 307 Young Men’s/Women’s Christian As- Women for Peace (TCO organization) sociation (YM/WCA) 55 206 work Z concept/definition of place 183 Zaire 295 gender/identity and Surat Thani’s Zimbabwe 261, 280, 290, 295 shrimp farms (Thailand) 185–195 Zulu 288 intersecting subjectivities in the con- military kingdom 295 stitution of 183–185 Hexagon Series on Human and Environmental Security and Peace (HESP)

This book series includes monographs and edited volumes that cross scientific disciplines and develop common ground among scientists from the natural and social sciences, as well as from North and South, addressing common challenges and risks for humankind in the 21st century. The ‘hexagon’ represents six key factors contributing to global environmental change – three nature-induced or supply factors: soil, water and air (atmosphere and climate), and three human-induced or demand factors: population (growth), urban systems (habitat, pollution) and rural systems (agriculture, food). Throughout the history of the earth and of homo sapiens these six factors have interacted. The supply factors have created the pre- conditions for life while human behaviour and economic consumption patterns have also contributed to its challenges (increase in extreme weather events) and fatal outcomes for human beings and society. The series covers the complex interactions among these six fac- tors and their often extreme and in a few cases fatal outcomes (hazards/disasters, internal displacement and migrations, crises and conflicts), as well as crucial social science con- cepts relevant for their analysis. Further issues related to three basic areas of research: approaches and schools of environ- ment, security, and peace, especially in the environmental security realm and from a human security perspective, will be addressed. The goal of this book series is to contribute to a fourth phase of research on environmental security from a normative peace research and/ or human security perspective. In this series, the editor welcomes books by natural and so- cial scientists, as well as by multidisciplinary teams of authors. The material should address issues of global change (including climate change, desertification, deforestation), and its impacts on humankind (natural hazards and disasters), on environmentally-induced migra- tion, on crises and conflicts, as well as for cooperative strategies to cope with these chal- lenges either locally or in the framework of international organizations and regimes. From a human-centred perspective, this book series offers a platform for scientific commu- nities dealing with global environmental and climate change, disaster reduction, human, en- vironmental and gender security, peace and conflict research, as well as for the humanitar- ian aid and the policy community in national governments and international organizations. The series editor welcomes brief concept outlines and original manuscripts as proposals. If they are considered of relevance, these proposals will be peer-reviewed by specialists in the field from the natural and the social sciences. Inclusion in this series will also require a pos- itive decision by the publisher’s international editorial conference. Prior to publication, the manuscripts will be assessed by the series editor and external peer reviewers. Mosbach, Germany, August 2010 Hans Günter Brauch, Free University of Berlin and AFES-PRESS Hexagon Series on Human and Environmental Security and Peace (HESP) Edited by Hans Günter Brauch, Free University of Berlin, UNU-EHS and AFES-PRESS

Vol. 1: Hans Günter Brauch, P. H. Liotta, Antonio Marquina, Paul Rogers, Mohammad El-Sayed Selim (Eds.): Security and Environment in the Mediterranean - Concep- tualising Security and Environmental Conflicts. With Forewords by the Hon. Lord Robertson, Secretary General of NATO, and the Hon. Amre Moussa, Secre- tary General of the League of Arab States (Berlin – Heidelberg – New York: Sprin- ger, 2003).

ISBN: 978-3-540-40107-0

Vol. 2: Hillel Shuval, Hassan Dweik (Eds.): Water Resources in the Middle East: Israel- Palestinian Water Issues – from Conflict to Cooperation (Berlin – Heidelberg – New York: Springer-Verlag, 2007).

ISBN: 978-3-540-69508-0 (Print) ISBN: 978-3-540-69509-7 (Online) DOI 10.1007/978-3-540-69509-7

Vol. 3: Hans Günter Brauch, Úrsula Oswald Spring, Czeslaw Mesjasz, John Grin, Pál Dunay, Navnita Chadha Behera, Béchir Chourou, Patricia Kameri-Mbote, P.H. Liotta (Eds.): Globalization and Environmental Challenges: Reconceptualizing Security in the 21st Century (Berlin – Heidelberg – New York: Springer-Verlag, 2008).

ISBN : 978-3-540-75976-8 (Print) ISBN : 978-3-540-75977-5 (Online) DOI 10.1007/978-3-540-75977-5

Vol. 4: Hans Günter Brauch, Úrsula Oswald Spring, John Grin, Czeslaw Mesjasz, Patricia Kameri-Mbote, Navnita Chadha Behera, Béchir Chourou, Heinz Krummenacher (Eds.): Facing Global Environmental Change: Environmental, Human, Energy, Food, Health and Water Security Concepts (Berlin – Heidelberg – New York: Sprin- ger-Verlag, 2009).

ISBN: 978-3-540-68487-9 (Print) ISBN: 978-3-540-68488-6 (Online) DOI 10.1007/978-3-540-68488-6

Vol. 5: Hans Günter Brauch, Úrsula Oswald Spring, Czeslaw Mesjasz, John Grin, Patricia Kameri-Mbote, Béchir Chourou, Pal Dunay, Jörn Birkmann (Eds.): Coping with Global Environmental Change, Disasters and Security - Threats, Challenges, Vul- nerabilities and Risks (Berlin - Heidelberg - New York: Springer-Verlag, 2011).

ISBN: 978-3-642-17775-0 (Print) ISBN: 978-3-642-17776-7 (Online) DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-17776-7 Vol. 6: Thanh-Dam Truong, Des Gasper (Eds.): Transnational Migration and Human Security: The Migration - Development - Security Nexus. Hexagon Series on Human and Environmental Security and Peace, vol. 6 ( Berlin - Heidelberg - New York: Springer-Verlag, 2011).

ISBN: 978-3-642-12756-4

Vol. 7: Úrsula Oswald Spring (Ed.): Water Resources in Mexico. Scarcity, Degradation, Stress, Conflicts, Management, and Policy. Hexagon Series on Human and Envi- ronmental Security and Peace, vol. 7 (Berlin - Heidelberg - New York: Springer-Ver- lag, 2011).

ISBN: 978-3-642-05431-0

Vol. 8: Jürgen Scheffran; Michael Brzoska; Hans Günter Brauch; Peter Michael Link; Janpeter Schilling (Eds.): Climate Change, Human Security and Violent Conflict: Challenges for Societal Stability. Hexagon Series on Human and Environmental Security and Peace, vol. 8 Berlin - Heidelberg - New York: Springer-Verlag, 2011).

Vol. 9: Czeslaw Mesjasz: Stability, Turbulence or Chaos? Systems Thinking and Security. Hexagon Series on Human and Environmental Security and Peace, vol. 9 (Berlin - Heidelberg - New York: Springer-Verlag, 2012).

Authors or editors who would like to have their publication project considered for inclu- sion in this series should contact both the series editor: PD Dr. phil. habil. Hans Günter Brauch, Alte Bergsteige 47, 74821 Mosbach, Germany Phone: 49-6261-12912 FAX: 49-6261-15695 Email [email protected] and and the publisher: Dr. Christian Witschel, Editorial Director, Earth Sciences, Geosciences Editorial, Springer-Verlag Tiergartenstraße 17, 69121 Heidelberg, Germany Email [email protected]