Abbreviations A-8 Countries Eight countries that acceded to the CNDH Comisión Nacional de los Derechos European Union in 2004 on a transitional Humanos [[National Human Rights basis, the so-called 2-3-2 scheme (Czech Commission of Mexico] Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, CoC Certificate of (Good) Conduct Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia) CODENAF Cooperación al Desarrollo en el Norte de ACSUR- Asociación para la Cooperación con África [Development Cooperation in Las Segovias el Sur-Las Segovias [The Association for Northern Africa] Cooperation with the South] COMAR Comisión Mexicana de Ayuda a Refugiados ACVZ Adviescommissie voor Vreemdelingenzaken [Mexican Commission for Aid to Refugees] [Advisory Committee on Aliens' Affairs] COLEF El Colegio de la Frontera [del Norte/del AECID Agencia Española para la Cooperación Sur] [College of the Northern and Southern Internacional y el Desarrollo [Agency for Border, Mexico] International Development Cooperation] CPA Comprehensive Plan of Action for Indo- AIEC Australian International Education Chinese Refugees Conference CPSS Committee on Payment and Settlement AMC Asian Migration Centre Systems AMSED Association Marocaine de Solidarité et CQU Central Queensland University Développement [Moroccan Association for CRMGERG Chubu Region Multiculturalism and Gender Cooperation and Development] Equality Research Group ARENA Asian Research Exchange of New CRICOS Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Alternatives Courses for Overseas Students ASEAN Association of Southeast Asian Nations CRLAF California Rural Legal Assistance ASCIB Association Ibn Battuta Foundation ATIME Asociación Trabajadores Inmigrantes CSAO [SWAC] Club du Sahel et de l’Afrique de l’Ouest Marroquíes en España [Association of Sahel and West Africa Club Moroccan Immigrant Workers in Spain] CSS Commercial Sexual Services AVAR Valencian Refugee Aid Association CTR Currency Transaction Report AVCC Australian Vice-Chancellor's Committee DETYA Department of Education, Training and BRIC Brazil, Russia, India, and China Youth Affairs [Australia] BoP Balance of Payments DFID Department for International Development [UK] CAD Development Aid Committee DHS Department of Homeland Security [US] CAPP Centre for Asia Pacific Partnership DIF Desarrollo Integral de la Familia [National CBP Customs and Border Protection [US] Agency for Family Development, Mexico] CDHMAP Centro de Derechos Humanos Miguel Agustín Pro-Juárez [Miguel Agustin Pro- EADI European Association of Development Juarez Centre for Human Rights] Research and Training Institutes CEAR Comisión Española de Ayuda al Refugiado EC European Commission [Spanish Commission for Aid to Refugees] ECOWAS Economic Community of West African CEAS Common European Asylum System States CEDAW Conventions on Elimination of All Forms of ECPR European Consortium for Political Discrimination against Women Research CEEC Central and Eastern European Countries ECRE European Council on Refugees and Exiles CEN-SAD Community of Sahel-Saharan States EEA European Economic Area CFA Colonies Françaises d'Afrique [French EDM Early Day Motion [Westminster System] colonies of Africa] EMCMO Euro-Mediterranean Centrum Migratie & CFO Commission on Filipinos Overseas Ontwikkeling [Euro-Mediterranean Centre CISEN Centro de Investigación para la Seguridad for Migration and Development] Nacional [Research Centre for National EMIF Encuesta sobre Migración de la Frontera Security] Norte [Survey on Migration on the CMEA Council for Mutual Economic Assistance Northern Border] T.-D. Truong and D. Gasper (eds.), Transnational Migration and Human Security, Hexagon Series on Human and Environmental 311 Security and Peace 6, DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-12757-1, © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011 312 Abbreviations EMIF- Encuesta de Migración Fronteriza IELTS International English Language Testing GUAMEX Guatemala-México [Survey on Border System Migration Guatemala-México] IFHR International Federation of Human Rights EPAS Economic Partnership Agreements [Japan] IISG International Institute of Social History ESCAP Economic and Social Commission for Asia ILO International Labour Organization and the Pacific ILO-PATWA International Labour Organization - ESD Education for Sustainable Development Programme Against Forced Labour and ESOS Education Services for Overseas Students Trafficking in West Africa Act [Australia] ILPA Immigration Law Practitioners’ Association EU European Union IMA International Migrants’ Alliance IMADR International Movement Against All Forms FCNR Foreign Currency Non-Resident [India] of Discrimination and Racism FDI Foreign Direct Investment IMF International Monetary Fund FHS Friends of Human Security IND Immigratie en Naturalisatie Dienst FI Financial Institutions [Immigration and Naturalization FRA European Agency for Fundamental Rights Department] FRONTEX European Agency for the Management of INEF Institut für Entwicklung und Frieden Operational Cooperation at the External [Institute for Development and Peace] Borders of the Member States of the INM Instituto Nacional de Migración [National European Union Institute for Migration of Mexico] FTA Free Trade Agreement INS Immigration and Naturalization Service IOM International Organization for Migration GA General Assembly [United Nations] IVTS Informal Value Transfer Systems GASEF Grupo de Apoyo para la Seguridad Fronteriza [High Level Group for Border JHA Justice and Home Affairs Security] JICA Japan International Cooperation Agency GATS General Agreement on Trade in Services JITCO Japanese International Training [WTO] Cooperation Organization GDP Gross Domestic Product JRS Jesuit Refugee Service GATT General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade GFMD Global Forum on Migration and LAC Latin American Countries Development LDP Liberal Democratic Party GMG Global Migration Group LDW Legal Domestic Worker GRECO Programa Global de Regulación y LOS Landelijke Ongedocumenteerde Stichting Coordinación de la Extranjería e [National Organization for the Inmegración [Global Programme to Undocumented] Regulate and Coordinate Foreign LSW Legal Sex Worker Residents’ Affairs and Immigration, Spain] GSL Global Solutions Ltd MDG Millennium Development Goals G-24 The Intergovernmental Group of Twenty- MFA Migrant Forum in Asia Four on International Monetary Affairs and MFI Micro Finance Institution Development MNC Multinational Corporation MODL Migration Occupation in Demand List HRD Human Resource Development MPDL Movement for Peace, Disarmament and IASC Inter-Agency Standing Committee [United Freedom Nations] MS13 Mara Salvatrucha ICEM Intergovernmental Committee for MTIN Ministry of Labour and Immigration [Spain] European Migration MTO Money Transfer Operator ICHR Inter-American Court of Human Rights NAATI National Accreditation Authority for ICM Intergovernmental Committee for Translators and Interpreters [Australia] Migration NAFTA North American Free Trade Agreement ICRMW International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and NAPTIP National Agency for Prohibition of Traffic Members of their Families in Persons and Other Related Matters [Nigeria] IDC International Detention Centre NCADC National Coalition of Anti-Deportation IDP International Development Programme – Campaigns [UK] Education [Australia] NCSL National Conference of State Legislatures IDP Internally Displaced Person {UK] NDA National Democratic Alliance [UK] Abbreviations 313 NR(E)RA Non-resident External Rupee Account SNE Servicio Nacional de Empleo [National [India] Employment Service] NGO Non-Governmental Organization SOPEMI Systeme d'Observation Permanente des NIBUD Nationaal Instituut voor Budgetvoorlichting Migrations [Continuous Reporting System [National Institute of Budget Information] on Migration] NIE New Institutional Economics SPPNA Security and Prosperity Partnership of NLDW Non-Legal Domestic Worker North America NLSW Non-Legal Sex Worker SPV Special Purpose Vehicle NRI Non-Resident Indian SRE Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores [Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mexico] ODA Official Development Assistance SSP Sardar Sarovar Project ODA Overseas Development Assistance [UK] STPS Secretaría del Trabajo y Previsión Social OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation [Ministry of Labour of Mexico] and Development OHE Office of Higher Education [Australia] TAFE Technical and Further Education [Australia] OISCA Organization for Industrial, Spiritual and TCO Transnational Community Organizations Cultural Advancement [International] TFN Tax File Number [Australia] OSCE Organization for Security and Co-operation TICAD Tokyo International Conference on African in Europe Development OSSA Office of the Special Advisor on Africa TITP Technical Internship Training Programme OWWA Overseas Workers Welfare Association TMB Treaty Monitoring Bodies [Philippines] TRIPs Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights [WTO] PCS Private Care Services PE Polyethylene UA African Union PFP Federal Preventive Police [Mexico] UN United Nations PGA Peoples’ Global Action on Migration, UN-CRC United Nations Convention on the Rights Development and Human Rights of the Child POEA Philippine Overseas Employment UNCTAD United Nations Conference on Trade and Administration Development PR Permanent Residency [Australia] UNDP United Nations Development Programme PRD Partido de la Revolución Democrática UNHCR United Nations High Commissioner for [Party of the Democratic Revolution] Refugees PRIME Participating Refugees in Multicultural UNICEF United Nations Children's Fund Europe
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