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Volume 6 (2021) JOURNAL OF ASIAN HUMANITIES AT KYUSHU UNIVERSITY AT ASIAN HUMANITIES OF JOURNAL Journal of Asian VOLUME 6, SPRING 2021 Humanities at Kyushu University YOUNG-SIN PARK Reviews Making “Modern” Korean Subjects: The Chosŏn Industrial Exhibition of 1915 BOOK REVIEW BY EMILY B. SIMPSON Sujung Kim. Shinra Myōjin and Buddhist Networks of HIEN THI NGUYEN the East Asian “Mediterranean.” University of Hawai‘i The Sacred and Heritagization in the Safeguarding of Press, 2020 Traditional Village Festivals in Viet Nam: A Case Study BOOK REVIEW BY SIXIANG WANG GREGORY SATTLER Nanxiu Qian, Richard J. Smith, and Bowei Zhang, eds. The Ideological Underpinnings of Private Trade in East Rethinking the Sinosphere: Poetics, Aesthetics, and Asia, ca. 800–1127 Identity Formation. Amherst, NY: Cambria Press, 2020 NIELS VAN DER SALM Research Note Michizane’s Other Exile? Biographies of Sugawara no Michizane and the Praxis of Heian Sinitic Poetry YOKO HSUEH SHIRAI Research Note on the Amitābha Cult and Its Imagery in Early Japan Ryukyu and Asia CHIE KYAN AND YŪKI TAIRA Research Report on the Current Status and Prospects for Nineteenth-Century Ryukyuan Paintings on Wooden Doors in the Historic Miyara dunchi House Journal of Asian VOLUME 6, SPRING 2021 Humanities at Kyushu University VOLUME 6, SPRING 2021 ISSN 2433-4855 (PRINT) ISSN 2433-4391 (ONLINE) Journal of Asian Humanities at Kyushu University VOLUME 6, SPRING 2021 The Journal of Asian Humanities at Kyushu University (JAH-Q) is a peer-reviewed journal published by Kyushu University, School of Letters, Graduate School of Humanities, Faculty of Humanities 九州大学文学部 大学院人文科学府 大学院人文科学研究院. Copyright © 2021 Kyushu university Journal of Asian Humanities at Kyushu University Editorial Board Information about the journal and submissions editor Cynthea J. Bogel (Kyushu University) The Journal of Asian Humanities at Kyushu University (JAH-Q) is a non-subscription publication available Managing editor online and in print: as PDFs indexed by article on Kazuhiro Shimizu (Kyushu University) the Kyushu University Library website at https:// www.lib.kyushu-u.ac.jp/publications_kyushu/jahq; ConsuLting EDITORS as a single-volume PDF at http://www2.lit.kyushu-u Caleb Carter (Kyushu University) .ac.jp/en/impjh/jahq/; and as a free printed volume Anton Schweizer (Kyushu University) for contributors, libraries, and individuals (based on availability). advisory MeMbers Karl Friday (Saitama University) We consider for publication research articles, state- Seinosuke Ide (Kyushu University) of-the-field essays, research notes, and short reports Fabio Rambelli (University of California, Santa Barbara) on conferences and other events related to Asian James Robson (Harvard University) humanities subjects (broadly defined). We also seek Yasutoshi Sakaue (Kyushu University) articles or reports for the themed section, “Kyushu and Tansen Sen (NYU Shanghai) Asia,” and reviews (books, exhibitions, films) for the Takeshi Shizunaga (Kyushu University) “Reviews” section. Melanie Trede (Heidelberg University) Catherine Vance Yeh (Boston University) If you would like your book to be reviewed or have questions, contact jah_q_editor@lit.kyushu-u.ac.jp. Potential contributors should send an email to the editor after referring to the Submission Guidelines: http://www2.lit.kyushu-u.ac.jp/en/impjh/ Contents VOLUME 6, SPRING 2021 YOUNG-SIN PARK Reviews Making “Modern” Korean Subjects: The Chosŏn Industrial Exhibition of 1915 . 1 BOOK REVIEW BY EMILY B. SIMPSON Sujung Kim. Shinra Myōjin and Buddhist Networks of HIEN THI NGUYEN the East Asian “Mediterranean.” University of Hawai‘i The Sacred and Heritagization in the Safeguarding Press, 2020. 85 of Traditional Village Festivals in Viet Nam: A Case Study. 25 BOOK REVIEW BY SIXIANG WANG Nanxiu Qian, Richard J. Smith, and Bowei Zhang, eds. GREGORY SATTLER Rethinking the Sinosphere: Poetics, Aesthetics, and The Ideological Underpinnings of Private Trade in Identity Formation. Amherst, NY: Cambria Press, 2020 East Asia, ca. 800–1127. 41 . 91 NIELS VAN DER SALM Research Note Michizane’s Other Exile? Biographies of Sugawara no Michizane and the Praxis of Heian Sinitic Poetry YOKO HSUEH SHIRAI . 61 Research Note on the Amitābha Cult and Its Imagery in Early Japan. 93 Ryukyu and Asia CHIE KYAN AND YŪKI TAIRA Research Report on the Current Status and Prospects for Nineteenth-Century Ryukyuan Paintings on Wooden Doors in the Historic Miyara dunchi House . 113 Article Contributors and Summaries Making “Modern” Korean Subjects: The Chosŏn Industrial Exhibition of 1915 YOUNG-SIN PARK INDEPENDENT sChoLar This article explores the local development of The Sacred and Heritagization in the international expositions in modern Korea as a Safeguarding of Traditional Village Festivals cultural machinery for constructing “a new modern in Viet Nam: A Case Study nation,” through its focus on the Chosŏn Industrial HIEN THI NGUYEN Exhibition of 1915. It examines the exhibition not only as a means of Japanese colonial subjugation, but also VIET NAM NATIONAL INSTITUTE oF CuLture as a cultural spectacle whose meaning and effects and ARTS studies are not reducible to its manifest political purpose. ASSOCIATE PROFessor oF FoLKLore Drawing on the premise that the 1915 exhibition was an economic, political, and cultural battlefield In the past few decades the cultural practices of local across which different visions of industrialization, communities have been dominated by a heritagization modernization, and civilization fought for ascendancy that involves the participation of government and in the shaping of a new national identity, this study management structures, and affects the transformation seeks to show how the exhibition captured and of life and the dynamics of a custodian community. positioned visitors as new modern Korean subjects. Despite being under a government system when It examines in detail the actual structure and workings undergoing heritagization, different heritage elements of the exhibition and analyzes visitors’ experiences and are influenced in different ways depending on their responses to the exhibition, in particular focusing on nature and the custodian community. To demonstrate contradictions and conflicts in the interpellation of the the dynamics of heritagization, this article focuses on subject of the exhibition. how the notion of sacredness in a traditional village IV festival is maintained. The sacred is at the center of Michizane’s Other Exile? Biographies of the practice of folk beliefs that support the worship of Sugawara no Michizane and the Praxis of tutelary gods in Vietnamese villages. Through a case Heian Sinitic Poetry study of the Gióng Festival, which was inscribed by NIELS VAN DER SALM UNESCO on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in 2010, this article Leiden UNIVERSITY focuses on the relationship between the sacred and sKiLL LeCTURER in Japanese heritagization. The article suggests that the sacred endures and is maintained and adhered to as one of Long before his exile to Dazaifu, Heian scholar, poet, the measures safeguarding the viability of the her- and statesman Sugawara no Michizane (845–903) itage element through heritagization. It argues that spent a four-year sojourn as a provincial governor in heritagization is a dynamic process, highly dependent Sanuki. Although scholars and biographers have long on the governance of the state, the autonomy of local debated the significance of this period in Michizane’s communities, and, in particular, the substance of the life, virtually all narratives of his governorship share heritage element. the assumption that for Michizane himself it was a great personal setback. The article argues that this assumption relies on a skewed reading of the poetry The Ideological Underpinnings of Private Michizane wrote during this period, in which seem- Trade in East Asia, ca. 800–1127 ingly autobiographical outbursts are culled from his oeuvre to construct the poet’s supposed authentic GREGORY SATTLER voice. Relying on recent scholarship on the rhetoric UNIVERSITY oF CaLiFORNIA, Los angeLes and social praxis of Sinitic poetry at the Heian court PHD student, DEPARTMent oF HISTORY and applying these insights to a close reading of five poems Michizane wrote just before his departure, I This rticlea seeks to add greater depth to our under- show that their apparently deeply personal language standing of merchants in East Asia by examining their is clearly motivated by poetics, genre expectations, associations with state officials throughout much of and compositional setting. Rather than pressing the the region. In particular, this study demonstrates a poems into service to reconstruct a poet’s inner world, strong link between diplomacy and private trade in therefore, a proposition is made to instead approach Sino-Japanese relations from the late ninth to early occasional Sinitic verse in the role it played in the twelfth century, which challenges the narrative that negotiation of social ties, and to examine its use of Japan’s diplomatic initiatives had ceased by this time. emotionally charged language not as the representa- By offering an assessment of merchants and scholar- tion of an abstract inner self, but as a poetic means to officials in East Asia through the lens of intellectual, very concrete ends. social, and trade history, new perspectives are revealed that call for a reassessment of the relationship between Confucian ideology and commercial exchange, as well as our understanding of inter-regional interaction in
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